sadslay · 5 months
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- SNOOKER ⋆☆ 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings - pre-apocalypse daryl <3, kinda light nsfw, mentions of smoking and alcohol, merle dixon 💀
typically you declined going out on a week night, but you’re best friend - josephine - was freshly single and needed distracting, and the perfect distraction just walked over. merle dixon.
“couple’a dolls like yourselves know how to play snooker?” a man asked and his hand snaked around your friends shoulder.
josey smiled as you both recognized the man. “yes sir.” she grinned, leaning into his touch. “you got a partner or we playin’ trios?” she asked, looking up into his dilated eyes.
personally you have only interacted with merle dixon a handful of times and all of then involved him dealing some sort of drug or pill to a friend if yours. he was well known around your small town but someone who was a little lesser known was his little brother daryl who was sitting across the pub waiting by the snooker tables.
“see my little brother over there?” merle questioned, his voice drawn out and slurred as he peered over to daryl before looking at your near by friend, giving her a once over. “he’ll be our fourth.” he added.
you gave daryl a little wave only to be met with a almost unnoticeable smile. daryl didn’t look too much older then you and your friend, maybe only by a couple of years, but daryl had always been the quiet brother. he was always the one to pull merle away from a fight or bail him out of the cells. daryl seemed so vastly different to merle, yet freakishly similar.
“he can be your partner sweetheart.” merle chuckled noticing the prolonged eye contact between the two of us.
you looked up at the older man, flashing him a honeyed smile before sliding off your chair. there maybe an inch or two height difference between you and merle making the man step back. letting out a soft giggle you walked towards daryl as he sorted the balls into a wooden triangle.
you leant up again the pool table, your hands on the wooden trim as you asked, “is it alright if i’m your partner?”
daryl looked up at you. he had taken notice of your short pleated skirt. his mouth slightly gaped open in awe as you waited for his response. “yeah.” he stammered. “why wouldn’t it be?”
“s’just i’ve never played pool before.” you shrugged. “not properly anyways, not since i was a kid.” you shyly admitted as a soft smile crept onto your lips from the fond memory of playing pool with your siblings.
it was like he almost forgot how to breath as you played with the rings on your fingers. these gorgeous rings that held colourful gemstones that matched your eyes and freshly painted nails. “i can teach you.” he stuttered, barely able to look at you.
“y’all done? or can we play?” merle snickered from the other end of the table causing your cheeks to blush and daryl’s brows to furrow.
“piss of.” he grumbled, removing the wooden triangle allowing merle to break.
merle let out a bellowing laugh as he made his shot, sending the brightly coloured balls flying across the table. “we’re solids darlin’.” merle murmured, his southern drawl more prominent the more he drank.
once the balls stilled, daryl looked at you, extending the cue stick out. “you wanna go first?” he asked, his eyes barely meeting yours.
“you can go first.” you smiled, entirely too nervous you’d mess up the shot. daryl nodded before looking back at the table. “how do you know which ones to go for?” you asked quietly, just loud enough for only daryls ears to hear.
daryl let out a soft laugh, making your cheeks glow red as he pointed towards the table. “we're tryin’ to hit the ones with the coloured strip.”
you slowly nodded, showing daryl that you understood before he spun back around towards the table. he lined up his shot and with one powerful push the balls scattered across the table, one of them landing in a corner pocket. you let out a squeal of excitement, making daryl's cheeks to blush.
“good shot!” you exclaimed, as daryl turned back to look at you. but your smile quickly faded to a worried frown as daryl handed you the cue stick. “oh no i can’t, i don’t know how.” you stuttered.
he forced the stick into your hand, the brief skin to skin contact with each other making your stomach flutter. you shuffled closer to the table, trying to find a shot that would be easy enough for you to not mess up.
"as long as ya hit that white ball, yer did good." he encouraged, watching you as you leant over the table to begin lining up your shot. for a moment daryl watched you, trying his hardest to keep his eyes on the table. "here." he mumbled.
daryl moved closer to you, his body caging yours against the table while one hand adjusted far end of the cue stick and the other pointed to the ten ball on the far end of the table.
"there's no way i'll hit that." you whispered, unintentionally leaning a little further back into daryl.
he let out a stiff laugh before mumbling, "yes you will. just give it a soft tap."
when the warmth of daryl's body left yours, you took in a deep breath and lined up your shot. you hit the cue ball the best you could but just grazed the ten ball, moving it further a away from the pocket.
"shit." you huffed, your eyebrows furrowing as you stepped back from the table. you heard a snicker from the other end of the table. josey clung to merle like her life depended on it while he laughed at your inability to hit the ball. "somethin' funny?" you snapped.
merle's hands flung up in defense as you handed the cue stick to daryl. "nah, nothin' darlin'." he let out a bellowing laugh causing your friend to giggle.
"don't worry about him." daryl spoke, his southern drawl more apparent then ever as you leant on the wall beside him. "he's even more of an asshole when he drinks." he chuckled.
apparently the more you drank the better at the game you got, and now with the game coming to an end, you were starting to get confused by the rules surrounding the eight ball.
"can't i just hit it into any pocket?" you asked, earning a throaty chuckle from merle and a snicker from your friend. “whats so funny?.” you asked as you looked at daryl who had a soft smile creeping onto his lips.
"ya gotta call it." he chuckled softly, stepping a little bit closer to look at the best pocket for you to aim for. "otherwise we loose the game." he spoke in a low whisper, his hand rising at it pointed to pocket to the left of the eight ball. "call that one."
you let out a sign, now feeling like an idiot at you began to line up your shot. at the other end of the table you saw merle all over josey and she adored his attention. your attention was quickly pulled away when you felt daryl behind you as his arms reached around you to adjust your cue stick.
“jus’ focus on hittin’ that white ball straight.” he whispered, his breath by your ear and cheek making your skin crawl with goosebumps.
you were now ten times for nervous as daryl had himself pressed up against you. “i don’t think i’ll get it in.” you admitted, turning your head to look at the man.
he smiled shyly. “you’ll get it,” before pulling away, giving you the room you needed.
taking in a deep breath you lined up your shot like daryl had taught you and as you exhaled the ball shot straight into the corner pocket. after a brief moment of shock, daryl’s words of encouragement caused you to jump up and down as your celebrated your shot.
“i can’t believe i got it in!” you sang, jumping towards daryl to give him a high five. "does that mean we won?" you questioned in disbelief, looking at merle and your friend as they wallowed in their defeat. looking at daryl you saw him smiling as he nodded his head. “we won!” you squealed running to daryl before pulling him into a hug as you spun around.
as you settled down you looked across at josephine as she dug through her bag. you let out a breath of air before getting a pack of cigarettes from the waistband of your skirt. “lookin’ for these?” you smirked shaking the packet to grab her attention. she smiled before walking towards you, trying to snatch the packet from your hands. “play nice.” you giggled.
wrapping her hand around your waist, josey smiled, “come on sweets,” she slurred before beginning to pull you towards the smoking pit.
“y’all runnin’ out on us?” merle snickered from the booth he had sat down in.
“we’ll be back!” you both sang.
as the pair of you sat in the dimly lit smoke pit, you giggled about your encounter with the dixon brothers, josephine sharing her new found infatuation with merle. as you sat down on the weathered wooden benches you pulled the lighter out from the paper packet before lighting a single cigarette. you took in a few breathes before handing the cigarette to josey.
taking in a deep breath, joseu leant back against the cool concrete wall. “you ‘nd daryl were gettin’ close.” she smirked.
“he’s nice.” you shrugged, taking the cigarette from josey’s hand. “could say the same for you ‘nd merle.” you giggled.
before she could snap back with a comment the heavy glass door swung open. daryl walked out alone with a cigarette hanging between his lips. his eyes instantly drawn to you, you were even more beautiful under the moonlight he thought.
“you’re brother comin’ out?” josey asked him as he stood a few feet away, looking through his pockets for a lighter.
daryl shrugged, “dunno.” he mumbled. “think he’s gettin’ more drinks.” daryl added.
abruptly, josephine stood up with a smug grin plastered on her face. "i'll leave you to it." she sang, skipping towards the door, only to stop as she pulled the door open. "be a good girl sweets!" she let out a laugh that came from her stomach before disappearing inside.
a silence hung between you and daryl. it wasn't awkward or necessarily comfortable but it a much needed moment of stillness. your eyes were drawn back to daryl who was still calmly searching for a lighter. you took the cigarette from between your lips and extended your hand, offering it to daryl.
"yer sure?" only now you had noticed how low and horse his voice was. you nodded as daryl stepped forward and took the cigarette. "thanks." he mumbled, sitting down beside you. “how’d you get the name sweets?” he asked, taking in a deep breath of smoke.
his southern drawl made your heart flutter. you let out a soft giggle as your cheeks warmed. "when josey and i were kids, i always had sweets on me." you explained, noticing the soft smile creeping onto daryls lips. "and i guess the name just stuck." you shrugged.
daryl handed back the cigarette as he spoke in a hushed manner. "s'cute."
while you took in another breath of smoke, daryl admired you up close. she was beautiful, one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen, but her beauty was not like those girls in merles magazines, she was beautiful for that sparkle in her eye whenever she managed to hit a ball while playing snooker. she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her look, daryl thought, she was beautiful deep down to her soul. her hair sat on her shoulders, so close to touching his shoulders he had to fight every urge to lean in closer. your hair smelt like a mix of vanilla and tobacco and it drove daryl crazy.
"what?" you laughed softly, putting the cigarette out in a near by ashtray. "s'my lipstick smeared?" your voice was riddled with concern making daryl chuckle.
something about him had you entirely infatuated with him. it made you want to know every little secret of his and know the little things that make him happy. the music from inside was now a distant echo as the tension between you was palpable. you inched a little closer, now you could feel his body heat radiating off him. it might have been to copious amounts of alcohol talking but-
"i really want to kiss you right now."
you were drunk, you weren’t thinking clearly daryl thought, there was no way-
“m’sorry, i shouldn’t have said,”
“s’okay.” daryl quickly cut in, now realizing he had made you embarrassed which was the last thing he wanted to do right now.
daryl then did something you hadn’t expected. he leant forward, the space between you close to nonexistent as he placed a gentle kiss on the corner of your lips. he couldn’t scare you away, not after everything that had happened tonight, but something about the small amount of contact had ignited something within him. the space between you was quickly closed again as his lips met your again, this time with more depth and erotism then before.
your hands snaked their way up to the base of daryls neck as you pulled him impossibly closer. your breathing had become desperate just like your lust for daryl as his hand connected with your bare thigh. his hand inched up your thigh, his fingers digging into your skin making your back arch.
in a desperate attempt for air you pulled your lips away from his, to your surprise hearing a groan of impatience. “wanna get outta here?” you whispered into his heard, planting a tantalizingly slow kiss behind his ear.
yes! yes! yes! "uh huh." he smiled, trying to manage his breathing as he began to search for his keys.
you pressed another kiss onto the side of his neck before noticing what he was doing. "are you okay to drive?" you asked in a low whisper as he finally fished out his keys.
daryl nodded, standing up and extending his hand. "i've only have one drink." he spoke quietly, taking your hand to help you stand before beginning to pull you towards the door back into the bar. "'nd i had it a few hours ago." daryl added holding the door open as you walked inside.
as you walked by the bar you gave josey a wink before following daryl dixon out the bar door into the dimly lit carpark. your hand held onto daryl's tightly as he led you to his triumph bonneville motorcycle.
"i've never been on a motorcycle before." you admitted as daryl began to mount his bike.
your cheeks warmed as daryl let out a grumbled laugh. "did yer need help gettin' on?" he asked, looking down at your pleather pumps. he stuck out his arm, letting you use him as support as you mounted his bike. "ya good?" he asked as your body molded against his.
you hummed in response and seconds later daryl put the key in the ignition and started the engine. as he began to roll the bike forward your arms quickly wrapped around his waist. you could heard daryls chuckle as he sped up while turning onto the highway that neighbored the bar. the cool night air felt sobering and euphoric. for the first few minutes of the ride your hands were tightly hugging daryls torso but as you grew more comfortable your grip loosened.
sooner then you had wished, daryl began to slow down before turning into the trailer park on the outside of town. the roar of the engine grew quiet as he parked out the front of a trailer on the far end of the park before turning off the ignition. you combed your hair out of your face and just as you went to get off the bike, daryl held out his arm again so you could steady yourself. you grinned as you dismounted the warm humming bike.
"have fun?" he asked, pushing himself off the bike, your hand still holding onto his his as he led you towards the door.
as he fiddled around with his house keys, the jangling of the nickle and silver being the only noise in the cool night air, you stepped a little closer to daryl. "i bet i can have more fun inside." you whispered in his ear, making the man freeze in his tracks.
your breaths filled the air, the quiet night air and it was taking every morsel in his body not to push you up against the cool tin exterior of his trailer. he pushed the door open and placed both his hands on the sides of your hips, guiding you inside while the door swung shut. daryl spun you around making you giggle but you were quickly met with his lips. his breath was warm and bitter, tasting of tobacco.
the intoxication of it all made your head spin. your hands gripped onto the back of his neck to not only keep you close but also upright. daryls hands hoisted you up around his waist making you gasp for air. daryl knew his trailer like the back of his hand, so with no problem he lowered you both onto the small two person couch, letting your legs drape on the sides of his waist. his hands were all over your body, running painfully slow from the tops of your thighs all the way up to your chest.
your lips slowly drifted from his as your body began to slide down until your knees connected with the lino flooring. daryl was in a dazed state of euphoria and he had only noticed your distance once he heard the clattering of his belt. looking up at daryl through your eyelashes made his breathing quicken, and suddenly it all felt so real.
“yer don’t have to.” he breathed, his hands grasping onto the couch.
slowly you peeled open his jeans, looking at daryl as he squirmed under your touch. “do you want me to stop?” you asked, your hands resting on his thighs.
“i should,” daryl began to mumble, finally making you understand.
“i want to.” you cut him off, smiling as you continued to peel away the denim. “i want you daryl.” you leant up and gave him a soft open mouth kiss.
as your lips parted once again, daryls head fell back. the state of euphoria had once again consumed him and his head began to spin. he took a fist full of your hair and gave it a weak tug. the noises alone drove him crazy and there was no way he could last much longer.
“come ‘ere.” he grunted, finally looking down at you.
smiling at his urgency, you stood up and make quick work of removing your skirt, and slowly you sat down on daryls lap. your hands wrapped around daryls neck as your lips pressed together again. daryls hands gripped onto your thighs, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
“you’re s’beautiful.” daryl mumbled, one of his hands moving from your thigh to your back to support you as you began to roll you hips. “such a good girl.”
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