ddejavvu · 1 year
are any of you folks interested in some pred/prey dynamic remus smut...?
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
OC POLL (The First)
Like I've said in the past, I want to start bringing some of the Pred OCs I've made on FurAffinity over to this site. Problem is, I can't decide which ones of mine to start with. So, I'm going to name just a few of them here (I have way, WAY too many OCs), and you guys can tell me...
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ao3feed-janeausten · 7 months
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shamenaess · 4 years
Because the thought of it won't leave me alone, I've decided to curse the rest of you with it
So, as you may or probably don't know, I'm a sucker for unintentional fearplay in vore ....With that said
"Naess get to the point pls"
Yeah, I'm getting there, I'm still awkward with talking about this shiz but I'm trying alright? Cool
Let me set the scene for you
One thing leads to another and someone, let's go Virgil, ends up going into the woods late at night because his friend's gone missing and he's worried. He wouldn't be /super/ worried considering this friend is Remus, but he also disappeared for no reason during the evening and Virgil managed to catch a glimpse of him running into the woods. So obviously, after a while of trying to convince himself it was all fine, he relents and goes into the forest to try to find Remus because it's super late now and who knows what might have happened.
After a while of walking, he starts to hear howls in the distance, but they're not close enough to really do anything but unsettle him. Not even a couple minutes later however, he hears something in the bushes not too far away. Panicking, Virgil runs. Whatever it was chases after him until he makes a mistake in his rush and trips. Scrambling to turn around, he sets eyes on a wolf. And then several more wolves. He stares with wide eyes, and the one that chased him lunges, biting down into his leg. He squeezes his eyes shut and screams in pain, but there's a sudden yelp and the teeth embedded in his leg come loose.
Cracking an eye open, the biggest wolf he's ever seen is standing in front of him, facing down the other wolves. It snarls and swipes at them until they eventually back down and leave, and it's only then that the massive wolf turns its attention onto him. It approaches him slowly, sniffing the air around him before lowering its head to nudge his injured leg. He hisses in pain, trying to scoot away as best he can. The wolf watches him, before pinning him to the ground with one of its paws. Virgil tries to push it off, freaking out as the wolf's head gets closer to his face. It's then that he finally notices the oddly human proportions of the wolf, and the streak of silver in it's fur near the top of its head.
Although it seems impossible, it looks like the wolf grins. Virgil feels a flicker of hope break through his panic, despite all of the questions he has. That hope is crushed as the wolf- the werewolf, apparently, opens its maw. Before he has time to say anything, Remus brings his jaws over Virgil's head, dragging him in without any hesitation. Virgil tries to struggle, to get away, to do anything, but it's too late. It's hot and damp as he's pulled further and further down and he screams for help but Remus doesn't seem to slow in the slightest.
When he's finally squished into Remus' stomach, he goes into full panic mode, shouting to be let out a pushing out against the squishy walls as much as he's able to with how cramped it is. Remus just shakes it off and runs off, feeling pleasantly full and proud of having protected his friend, even if he didn't know it yet. Virgil eventually wears himself out, adrenaline gone and completely exhausted from everything that had happened. He curls up tightly and prays he'll get out of this somehow but the betrayal curdling in his guts won't let him believe it. He passes out, fear still clear on his face even in sleep.
When he wakes up, Virgil feels the warmth from the sun on his face. Squinting, he finds himself on a bed and inside. He would've believed it was all just a very odd dream if not for two things: the blood seeping slowly through the fresh bandages on his leg, and Remus' arms around his waist. He tries to keep from freaking out and waking him up, to little avail as Remus wakes up not long after him. He doesn't say anything at first, just sleepily grins that same wolfish grin at Virgil like nothing completely bizarre happened the night before. He promises to explain later, but for now, they both need more sleep. It had been a long night.
....I probably should've just written an actual fic huh? Oops lmao
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brainr0tcntrl · 4 years
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Dukexiety for Vore day!!
I swear I’m trying to post more frequently on here, but it’ll probably be more of this sketchy style as it only takes around an hour-
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percimmonhellyeah · 4 years
Curiosity and Its Answer - Intrulogical Vore
Some strange thoughts itch at Logan as he studies the digestive system, but one side in particular knows his answers to them and is willing to show them to him.  
Ship: Pred!Remus x Prey!Logan
Word Count: 1.7k
tw: detailed vore, foodplay, chewing mention, interacting with stomach acids
Moonlight shone around the small blue room as the clock struck twelve. There was a murmur downstairs in the living and, one by one, all the sides started to retire for the night. The mind palace was now much more peaceful and was quiet. Logan looked up from his book as he saw the sides head inside their rooms. He’d cooped himself up in his room all day, most of the time studying human anatomy, something Thomas took interest in. It was always fun learning something new and it could potentially help with Thomas’ health. He always encouraged them to make sure their health was in good condition and helped them form good habits. 
Logan happily continued to study, almost losing track of time. The sound of the other sides’ footsteps telling him it was time to sleep, though, he really wanted to continue to study. Perhaps he could stay up just another hour, at least to get through the chapter he was currently reading. It was about the digestive system and all its intricate organs that made it up. One part that was particularly interesting to him was, of course, the stomach. It was able to hold up to a maximum of 4 liters of food which was a massive amount compared to the actual size of a stomach. 
Once the noise from the footsteps started to die down, Logan looked out of his room, an idea popping into his head. Maybe he should read downstairs. Perhaps some toast and crofters would be nice. He hadn't eaten dinner yet anyway. And, as if on queue, his stomach grumbled, grumbling for something to eat. Well, now he had an excuse to read more past his bedtime. Gently, he bookmarked the page he was at, closed it, and headed downstairs into the living room with the book. 
A soft thump was heard as Logan placed the book onto the kitchen table. He looked through the cabinets, grabbing some bread and crofters. A toaster sat near the microwave on the counter and soon, he placed some bread in. He went back over into the living room, finding Remus sitting on the couch with a book in hand.
"Whatcha doing, nerdy wolverine?" Remus asked. 
"I'm studying the digestive system. It's quite fascinating. And you?" Logan asked, a bit surprised to see Remus reading at all.
"Oh, I'm just reading Fifty Shades of Grey. I really wonder how I've never read this book before!" They said, an excitedness in their voice.
When Logan looked more closely to the book, it indeed was Fifty Shades of Grey. It was quite appropriate for the side, even though they weren’t in his taste. He looked back over to the book he brought down on the table, and soon opened it back up to the page he stopped on. There was a diagram of the digestive system which listed all the parts of it. He traced a finger from the mouth down to the stomach. Suddenly, a disturbing thought came to his head. He imagined being swallowed down, able to see and feel the organ for himself, but he simply shook the thoughts away. Certainly, he didn’t want to act on the thoughts, right?
A ding from the toaster rang in the kitchen, getting Logan out of his sea of thoughts. Quickly, he retrieved the two toast from the toaster and started to spread some crofters onto them. He walked back over to the table where his book lay, and sat down. A crunch was heard when he ate one of the pieces of toast. Once again, he opened his book back up, reading through the chapter as he ate. Soon, though, the thoughts of being eaten came back to him. He tried to shake the thoughts out of his head once more, trying not to get distracted, but suddenly, it was the only thing on his mind. Desperately, he tried to focus on reading until Remus’ voice cut through his thoughts.
“You know, I can certainly smell your intrusive thoughts,” Remus started, “In fact, they sound delicious… But I certainly won’t play out those fantasies if you don’t want me to.”
Logan froze, his heart beating fast as he heard what Remus said.
“You- You can?” Logan asked.
“Why of course, teach! Actually, I’ve been wanting to try it for quite some time,” Remus said as he placed his book down.
Logan looked blankly into his book as he thought. He could simply keep pushing away the thoughts, but, in all honesty, he truly wanted to get a personal view and he’d be able to take notes and study the digestive system more closely. Plus, he knew simply ignoring the thoughts wouldn't get rid of them anyway.
"Well?" Remus said, "Let's try this?"
"Alright…" Logan said hesitantly, "But I need adequate time to take notes."
"Fine, but I want to eat you with some toast and crofters."
Remus soon walked over to Logan, and shrank him down to about two inches. Logan now sat in Remus' palms and looked up at him, surprised at just how tall they now were. He felt very small in comparison, his body barely bigger than their fingers. Suddenly, he felt himself roll onto the toast he hadn't eaten yet, his shirt now covered with jam. He licked some off his arm, humming at the taste. Looking up, he watched as Remus scooped up some crofters and spread it on his small body. The ground shook as the piece of toast was lifted up in the air up to their mouth. 
As Remus opened their mouth, Logan stared in awe at it. He took some mental notes on the way their tongue laid in their mouth and counted how many teeth they had. Their canines were much more fang-like as well. His heart raced as they suddenly bit down on the giant piece of toast and watched as they chewed and swallowed it down. The lump in their neck traveled down until it disappeared. Remus continued to eat the toast until all that was left was a jam smeared Logan. 
Remus' mouth watered in delight as he stared at Logan. They licked their lips and gently placed him in their mouth. As soon as Logan entered, he felt a warm breath wash him over. It felt almost cozy, despite being in Remus’ mouth. Gently, he pressed on their tongue, the pink muscle incredibly squishy. He squeaked when he was suddenly pressed up against the roof of their mouth, feeling the tongue lick him all over. It made him let out a chuckle or two, tickling him. Soon, he felt the tongue bring him down, all the jam now clean from his body. 
Logan looked around in awe at the sight, now that Remus was still. Nothing in their mouth seemed abnormal. Their tongue was the right length, the roof of their mouth in the right spot, but their teeth were sharp like a shark’s. They could certainly cause some damage if they bit on him, though he doubt they’d try. He crawled over down their mouth and looked down into the gaping hole that was their throat. Something about it was so captivating… Just being able to slide down into such a warm place. And it looked like he didn’t have to wait any longer as he was suddenly swallowed down head head first. 
Logan grumbled in annoyance but he simply just tried to take some more mental notes. He could feel a pressure from outside, squishing his tiny form into the flesh of the throat. The sensation of it moving him down was almost soothing. It massaged his entire body as he went down further and further. After a while, he felt the pressure go away. Remus’ heart pulsed nearby, shaking his body somewhat. Their breathing was rather loud too, but somehow sounded more chaotic and erratic. Suddenly, his head entered into a much larger space, what he assumed was their stomach. With one final push, he flopped down onto the soft floor.
There wasn’t much to see, the stomach covered in darkness, so instead, Logan opted to feel his way around. Gently, he pressed a hand into the stomach walls, feeling his hands push into the folds. Suddenly, the stomach rumbled all around him, making him tumble and sit down. Though, as he was about to get back up, a small pool of liquid touched his feet. Slowly, he slid down a bit more finally touching the piece of toast Remus ate. He blinked in surprise, now backing up. He knew it would probably be in here but finally seeing it was quite fascinating. Curiosity filled his mind with all sorts of ideas. The liquid, which he assumed was the acid, didn’t hurt him all that much. Plus, they were figments of Thomas’ imagination. He doubt something as imaginary as himself could physically get hurt, so he slowly eased himself back into the acid. 
Not a single ounce of it hurt Logan’s skin as he submerged half of his body into the liquid. Though the chewed up piece of toast floating by was a bit annoying, the warmth from the liquid was very calming for him. Suddenly, his eyes grew heavy as he listened to the stomach gurgle and groan. The folds embraced him, making him hum in delight at the feeling.
“Doing okay in there, teach?” Remus’ voice echoed through the stomach.
“Yes, it’s quite soothing being in here,” Logan started, “And the acids aren’t hurting me in the slightest.”
“I thought I’d be a bit more gentle this time,” they said. “Did you at least learn something? Take any juicy notes?”
At that, Logan’s face went red. He enjoyed this quite a bit. Or actually… a lot. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, something about this place was so calming and it made him want to stay, at least for the night. 
“Well…” Logan started, “It is quite comforting in here… Could… I stay here for the night? Just so I can take more notes.”
There was a silence between the two until Remus finally spoke.
“Of course you nerd, knock yourself out…” Remus said with a soft voice.
“Thank you… Remus,” Logan said with a yawn. 
He looked around again one last time and snuggled into the folds as his eyes closed, finally getting an answer to his itching thoughts and curiosity. 
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Remus has an idea and Roman should probably think his wording over before he dares his brother to do something next time.
Safe, soft, and perfectly platonic vore. Unwilling prey but only for a little bit. Mentions of death but nothing happens.
When you dare your brother to eat you then he actually does it:
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your-fave-is-a-pred · 4 years
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Remus Sanders from Sanders Sides is a pred!
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baka-monarch · 4 years
Borrower/Pred Sander Sides AU!!!
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(From left to right, top to bottom)
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Hii Mei, I was just going through your poly!marauders tag and i was wondering where the hocus pocus fic was. I could only find the preview but not the actual fic, is it not posted or got the content warning or something?
Oh and also the prey/predator remus one, I wanted to reread it but can't find it!
Anyways, have a great day, my love <3
the hocus pocus one was never posted, but the pred/prey one was, it's just age-restricted because it's 18+! please don't engage in any of my 18+ content as a minor, thank you!
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s1desn4cks · 2 years
Sanders Sides Vóre headcannons
*Always willing to snuggle in a tum to help out another side
*Likes to give belly rubs inside tums
*is mainly a prey but will swallow another side to help them feel better
*Tastes like the last thing he cooked or baked
*His stomach is very plush and feels like you’re surrounded by a warm blanket
*Most often a pred, and when he is a prey it’s either to Virgil or Remus.
*His stomach is a dark blue with white dots that look like stars
*Logan’s stomach blocks out most noises and is rather quiet so it’s a good place to relax
*He tastes like Crofters Jam
*Roman is almost always a pred. The only one who’s ever managed to actually swallow him was Remus.
*He squirms and complains if you even try to nom him.
*Roman usually noms the others if he feels like they’re in danger, or if his brother is having a fit.
*Roman doesn’t enjoy nomming, and especially hates releasing prey afterwards as he finds it ‘undignified’.
*He’s both a pred and prey, often asking the others to swallow him or be swallowed themselves.
*He loves having his prey squirm and will often toy with them or scare them before swallowing them down.
*Remus loves having more than one prey in his stomach, and often goes after Janus and Patton for their willingness to be swallowed.
*He has a higher urge to swallow others because of his role as intrusive thoughts
*Remus has a dark green stomach that is constantly making noise. His stomach has light green glowing veins in it that makes it look almost like it’s made of plants.
*He has fits where he looses control of his urge to swallow other sides. This usually ends in a lot of fearplay and chasing with most of the sides in his stomach by the end of it.
*His stomach is a light purple and glows slightly.
*When he is having a panic attack or on the verge of one, he will find either Patton, Janus, or Logan and request to be nommed so h can calm down.
*He is usually nommed rather than being a pred, but when he does nom someone it’s usually because he needs reassurance that they’re safe.
*He gets the urge to nom the others almost as much as Remus so he can know that they’re safe, however it’s not as intense and he tends to ig or it until he can no longer stand it anymore.
*His stomach is a light yellow and tends to be cooler in temperature because he is cold blooded.
*He is open about enjoying nomming someone because the warmth from his stomach will spread throughout his body, however he secretly enjoys being nommed.
*When he starts to get too cold he will go to Remus or Virgil and ask to be nommed so he can warm up.
*His favorite person to nom is Patton because of the belly rubs.
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just-a-karla · 4 years
I don’t know how good this will be but I want to try this like writing!! Still really new to G/T and soft vore and I’m curious and ready to explore a little, especially if I can make it cute and make someone smile X3!! Please feel free to leave asks or prompts for my music or writing I’d love to see them! ^-^
Warnings: Hypothermia, Frostbite, references to genocide.
Word count: 1661 words
Pairing: Moxiety
Virgil ran quick his eyes narrowing as he did, it was raining and he could feel his body straining up. His eyes that were once narrowing was now blurring as he felt himself start freezing. He let out a small cry in pain. “Is someone out there please please I have got Hypothermia please help please,” he pleaded out and looked down at his fingertips which were going a sickly blue and he felt nauseous, he tried to scream out for help again but being so small only 5 inches the chances of him being heard especially in the rain was small.
But that was not the case someone did hear him, a young man who worked as a club singer at a friend's bar had just gotten off work and was walking home and that would be Patton Thornheart who talked in his softest voice. “Hey is someone there, that’s not some good words and noises I heard, where are you and can I help?”
Virgil fell limp his body was fighting with his mind as he now could see he had hoped there was hope, “Yes please down here near the wall.”
Patton looked over there and he saw the tiny and how badly they needed help as his skin was turning his favorite color but it didn’t suit him and made Patton feel sick seeing the sight, it took Patton five seconds of shock before he scooped up the tiny in his hands gently. He shifted Virgil to be in one hand and placed his hand over the other hand to help keep Virgil warmer and safer from the still pouring rain, he then started walking as quickly as he could to his cottage on the edge of the city closer to the forest, but Patton didn’t want to run in fear of hurting Virgil. He made it to his cottage and quickly went in. “Well, I am home and your safe it’s all okay kiddo it’s okay. Do you have a name and are you hungry?”
Virgil poked out of Patton’s fingers cutely which made Patton’s heart melt. Slowly but surely he talked cautiously still though, “No I ate well-finding scraps of a restaurant and my name is Virgil Storm, what about you I need your name too so?”
Patton blushed at Virgil he was just so small and sweet but also sassy. He went to his couch and laid down and carefully paced Virgil on his chest in which he snuggled up to straight (ha) away. “Patton Thornheart…” Virgil smiled and snuggled up to his chest again. “This is nice… Won’t lie this reminds me of the stories of the others. You know the witches, the vampires, the ghosts, you know the preds that would take care of burrowers and tinies and sometimes willing fae prey but all the preds all got wiped out by those mean beans that call themselves humans beans and then prey get helpless and die, I was born after all the obvious but I’ve heard stories about them and I wish they weren’t all gone. Sorry I don’t mean to offend you if anything I’m trying to compliment you because you remind me of them, it’s like this feeling of safety and warmness and you feel like that with you like an aura.”
“You sure about that whole ‘all got wiped out’ part?” Patton smirked a little and giggled a little and lifted one hand where a light blue light wispy light he traced that light with his hand down his body softly as he shut his deep brown eyes in bliss and as he did his illusion or a normal bean went down and his soft blue swirl markings appeared all over his body again and he opened his eyes again and his REAL light blue glowing eyes were there instead. Virgil’s jaw hit the ground seeing this and it suddenly made sense, he went to talk but couldn’t find the words at all and Patton giggled a little and helped him out, “Yes I’m a Witch pred and before you ask I got through because I have some REALLY good friendships and that’s all, and you aren’t the first prey I’ve seen. My pred ghost friend named Logan as a prey tiny named Remus, oh oh then my friend who is a vampire pred named Roman has a fae prey named Dee, well that isn’t his name but only Roman knows his real name because you know the whole thing with Fae and names and he is our little firecracker of a prey if he thinks something is wrong, trust me oh you’ll know oh and lastly Remy who is a demon pred has a little prey named Emile who is a forest nymph, sorry sorry that was like a rant kiddo but no matter what I mean is you are not alone here.”
 “That all sounds so amazing and so you can do the thingy? You have the safe pouch-like stomach, could I go in there for a while then maybe please it could help with me being nice and warm like I heard it is in there and I’m warm enough now that it would be safe,” Virgil asked nervously and shifting anxious, still not sure if he could trust Patton but he also felt so safe and warm. His heart was beating for the first time in what has felt like forever.
“Oh yeah I can do that and I’m a little hungry myself so that would be a good idea, and it’s perfectly safe I promise. Besides, I can get you out anytime you want anyway! Logan has helped me be able to do this with Remus’ help too, but now I’m an expert so it will be all good and safe.”
 Virgil smiled brighter at that, “Then yes please I would love that please do that my witch.”

“Awwwwww!” Patton cooed a little, scooping Virgil up to the tip of his lips again at that, “So do you want to walk in or want me to put you in myself, I’m okay either way.”
He giggled again at how sweet Patton was, and he left the smallest little kiss on Patton’s lips, “So-sorry it just felt right, I don’t know if that is normal or Pred and you can put me in that would be nice.”

“It’s all okay verge, it was very very cute, I’ve seen Dee, Remus and Rem all do it but they are also dating their Preds… Oh we can talk about that another time but maybe we could try sometime in the future, but right now I’m worried about you being nice and warm and getting a night of good sleep!”
“A smaller boyfriend that would be nice, also you ready soon?” Virgil giggles and teases.
“Yes! Let’s go,” Patton said with a giggle themselves.
Patton lifted his hand slightly and opened his mouth, and then tilted them so Virgil would slide into his mouth almost like a water slide. As soon as Virgil hit his tongue he melted a little as he tasted like a sour patch kid almost, his sourness but then also the hints of sweetness, his eyes shined brighter happily at just all of this. His tongue started to swirl Virgil around softly, and Virgil giggled happily ready to be swallowed but also enjoying this part too, and wiggle a little happy at the feeling.
His body continued to be swirled in Patton’s mouth with soft sucking and licking. The feeling was damp but strangely nice to Virgil There were soft vibrations as Patton said, “You ‘aste so so good ‘irgil.”
Before long Patton finally tilted his head back to start swallowing Virgil. It was slow and gentle as Virgil was the first to start to go down. Then, in one quick moment, the rest of him went in, it was tight but he still could move a little so that helped his nerves. His descend was really like a really fast water ride and he couldn’t help but giggle a little again, the muscles working to keep him safe still insured him that he would be safe through this ride until he plopped into the pouch softly with a little bounce.
Patton giggled softly at the feeling making small vibrations in it and then Virgil talked amazed. “It’s… glowy and bouncy and soft and warm like a pillow pile almost…”
Virgil snuggled up to one of the stomaches walls and the soft cuddly floor, and Patton smiled a little at that. “Yeah, it is.”
Patton used his magic to bring a blanket over to him as he snuggled up in it on the couch. They both felt safe and warm and loved and just so so happy. He hadn’t done this for real until this other than Remus helping him practice or when any of the other prey missed their prey or afraid and just needed to be eaten so they can be safe or feel not alone but Virgil was the first real genuine time. The warm in the stomach made the frostbite and Hypothermia completely forgotten in his mind and he just knew this warmth, it was warm now, and despite just meeting Patton he knew now and felt like he would protect him no matter what. Virgil smiled softly at that thought, but then quickly decided to voice those thoughts. “Patt, you are so so good and amazing you know that right?”
“Awwwww thank you so so much kiddo!” He cooed softly, settling on the couch and under the blanket, which kept him warm himself, “You feeling better and no longer hurt or cold?”
“Yeah no longer hurt and now nice and warm, I’m better,” Virgil said with a smile and nuzzled up to Patton’s stomach wall, he cuddled up and fell asleep snuggled up close to his witches stomach walls just as Patton himself fell asleep with a soft smile.
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shamenaess · 4 years
More Concepts
A continuation of this post because I don't have a life
- Remus's insides didn't used to glow, but the first time he ate Virgil the darkness of it all seriously freaked him out. Not wanting to give up his snack, but also not wanting Virgil to be panicking the whole time, he changed it so that his whole digestive tract was glowing. After that, he never really changed it back.
- Unsurprisingly, Remus started the whole thing, and was the first person to ever eat the others. Well, all of them but Logan anyway. The first person to eat Logan was Janus, because Logan requested to science his guts and figure out exactly how snakelike he is.
- The first person to eat Remus was Roman, and it was solely out of spite for Remus eating him and messing up a perfectly good hair day.
- Remus and Virgil both have claustrophobia. The less Virgil trusts the pred, the more uncomfortable he is. Remus, however, can be completely fine with it somedays and have a breakdown other days. The others have taken to asking beforehand.
- If someone is being particularly annoying, Janus eats them. No holds barred.
- Virgil is a very scrawny boy, and when any of the others are a tiny size they're comfortable with, they always make a decently noticable bump. He's very embarrassed about it, and absolutely hides in his hoodie to avoid getting any questions or looks.
This one's shorter but hey, it's been a while since I posted so yeet
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brainr0tcntrl · 4 years
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Art from an rp with @shamenaess
Unwilling prey Remus and unwilling pred Janus
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percimmonhellyeah · 4 years
Breakfast - Intruality Vore
This is a continuation of Comfort. Part 1
Ship: Intruality
Word Count: 367
tw: mentions vore
A ray of light had hit Remus in the face. His eyes fluttered open, confused, but soon realized he had fell asleep on the porch the night before. He rubbed his eyes as he tried to remember what exactly happened, though soon the movement in his stomach told him that. A genuine smile crossed his face, a rush of memories coming back to him. He could feel Patton start to squirm and stretch and thought he must’ve been walking up as well. The dark side started to get up until he felt the tiny rubbing Patton gave to his squishy stomach walls. Laughing and blushing quite a bit from the rubs, he poked the smaller side.
“Alright, you want out now, Patton?” Remus asked as a he stood up.
“Yep, I wanna eat breakfast!”
Soon, Remus gently let him out and laid Patton onto his cupped hands. Without thinking, he went inside the house with a slobbering, wet Patton in his hands. All he thought of was what exactly would he like for breakfast today. Pig’s feet? Fish heads? Who knows!
“There you are Remus! Why were you outside?” Janus hissed at him.
“Yeah, what exactly took you so long to get here?” Roman chimed in.
“And why is Patton smaller?” Virgil asked, suspicion in his voice.
“And… wet,” Logan added begrudgingly.
Remus stopped in his footsteps momentarily from all the questions bombarded but soon spoke.
“Oh, I just vored him!” Remus happily chirped at them.
Virgil was completely fuming at Remus, angry that he could’ve hurt Patton. Janus simply shrugged it off and went back to eating breakfast.  
“What exactly is this ‘vore’ you speak of?” Logan asked as he grabbed out a notecard and pen.
“Wha- actually I’m not that surprised,” Roman said to his brother.
“You fucking bastard!” Vigil screamed from the top of his lungs. “Patton, are you okay?”
“Of course I’m okay, kiddo! In fact, I really like being eaten!” Patton happily chirped to the concerned side.
As soon as Roman heard that, he fainted right onto his breakfast from complete surprise, the last thing he ever expected to hear from pure, little Patton.
Ah, just a normal fucking morning with Remus.
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I uploaded this a few days ago but HOPEFULLY this will make it show up in the search system
Safe Inside
Remus has an idea and Roman should probably think his wording over before he dares his brother to do something next time.
(Safe, soft, and perfectly platonic vore!)
(NSFW and 18+ and fatal dni please)
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