NASA Mission Gets Its First Snapshot of Polar Heat Emissions
The PREFIRE mission will help develop a more detailed understanding of how much heat the Arctic and Antarctica radiate into space and how this influences global climate.
NASA’s newest climate mission has started collecting data on the amount of heat in the form of far-infrared radiation that the Arctic and Antarctic environments emit to space. These measurements by the Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-Infrared Experiment (PREFIRE) are key to better predicting how climate change will affect Earth’s ice, seas, and weather — information that will help humanity better prepare for a changing world.
One of PREFIRE’s two shoebox-size cube satellites, or CubeSats, launched on May 25 from New Zealand, followed by its twin on June 5. The first CubeSat started sending back science data on July 1. The second CubeSat began collecting science data on July 25, and the mission will release the data after an issue with the GPS system on this CubeSat is resolved.
The PREFIRE mission will help researchers gain a clearer understanding of when and where the Arctic and Antarctica emit far-infrared radiation (wavelengths greater than 15 micrometers) to space. This includes how atmospheric water vapor and clouds influence the amount of heat that escapes Earth. Since clouds and water vapor can trap far-infrared radiation near Earth’s surface, they can increase global temperatures as part of a process known as the greenhouse effect. This is where gases in Earth’s atmosphere — such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor — act as insulators, preventing heat emitted by the planet from escaping to space.
“We are constantly looking for new ways to observe the planet and fill in critical gaps in our knowledge. With CubeSats like PREFIRE, we are doing both,” said Karen St. Germain, director of the Earth Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “The mission, part of our competitively-selected Earth Venture program, is a great example of the innovative science we can achieve through collaboration with university and industry partners.”
Earth absorbs much of the Sun’s energy in the tropics; weather and ocean currents transport that heat toward the Arctic and Antarctica, which receive much less sunlight. The polar environment — including ice, snow, and clouds — emits a lot of that heat into space, much of which is in the form of far-infrared radiation. But those emissions have never been systematically measured, which is where PREFIRE comes in.
“It’s so exciting to see the data coming in,” said Tristan L’Ecuyer, PREFIRE’s principal investigator and a climate scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. “With the addition of the far-infrared measurements from PREFIRE, we’re seeing for the first time the full energy spectrum that Earth radiates into space, which is critical to understanding climate change.”
This visualization of PREFIRE data (above) shows brightness temperatures — or the intensity of radiation emitted from Earth at several wavelengths, including the far-infrared. Yellow and red indicate more intense emissions originating from Earth’s surface, while blue and green represent lower emission intensities coinciding with colder areas on the surface or in the atmosphere.
The visualization starts by showing data on mid-infrared emissions (wavelengths between 4 to 15 micrometers) taken in early July during several polar orbits by the first CubeSat to launch. It then zooms in on two passes over Greenland. The orbital tracks expand vertically to show how far-infrared emissions vary through the atmosphere. The visualization ends by focusing on an area where the two passes intersect, showing how the intensity of far-infrared emissions changed over the nine hours between these two orbits.
The two PREFIRE CubeSats are in asynchronous, near-polar orbits, which means they pass over the same spots in the Arctic and Antarctic within hours of each other, collecting the same kind of data. This gives researchers a time series of measurements that they can use to study relatively short-lived phenomena like ice sheet melting or cloud formation and how they affect far-infrared emissions over time.
More About PREFIRE
The PREFIRE mission was jointly developed by NASA and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and provided the spectrometers. Blue Canyon Technologies built and now operates the CubeSats, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison is processing and analyzing the data collected by the instruments.
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greenfue · 4 months
NASA Advances Climate Research with Second Polar Satellite Launch
In a significant step toward enhancing our understanding of climate dynamics, NASA has successfully launched the second PREFIRE (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment) satellite. This launch, which took place at 3:15 p.m. NZST on June 4, marks a critical phase in NASA’s mission to monitor the Earth’s poles and their role in the global climate system. Deployed via Rocket Lab’s…
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thetimemoves · 29 days
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Recent adventures in fused glass.
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waterwindow · 6 months
I recently did a jump where i had to do 5x2 tik-perfect inputs in a row and im so proud of it so i clipped it but i just realized it can't put it in a compilation cause nobody is gonna know why its cool
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geroya · 11 months
i just got lotion on my shirt.....it looks like someone splooged on batman's chest.....
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juikbox · 1 year
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Creating creatures [clay(meat) (moss n dirt)] in tha basement :]
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mememanufactorum · 9 months
Badger’s Best of 2023 sentence starters
All lines are from this video created by TheRussianBadger.
"Those noises that were coming out of you were inhuman."
"You ever had a hotdog burger before?"
"You did NOT just come up with that word."
"I need to know if this was a riff or if this was an actual meal."
"I heard the word 'hotdurger' unprovoked."
"Dudes with nut allergies when I hit them in the head with a brick."
"I don't misinform. I just lie."
"Did you just punch someone for all their coins?"
"I don't know, just blow 'em all up, I don't care."
"I just fucken hate you."
"To the charge of wire fraud, you are pleading 'nuh-uh'?"
"Your honor, shut the fuck up. You wasn't even there."
"This conversation sounds like four raccoons with internet access."
"You wanna know how I got these GAINS?"
"I was driving through upstate New York and I saw a Tesla with the license plate 'I'M HIM'."
"That license plate made me laugh so hard that I walked up to his window and put a 12-gauge slug in his chest."
"You got me fucked up bro, I can't believe you would question if I'm real."
"Here's a picture of my nuts."
"Those are gonna be my dying words to my wife: I just want you to know… PS3 has no games."
"Chimichangas are a CIA psyop."
"If you put me in the cockpit of an apache I will Kevin Gates, put my hand on the dashboard, and start it."
"Boy I love having something with none of the same consistency as anything else in my sandwich in my sandwich."
"Dude I definitely love biting into my sandwich and then leaving with an entire pickle slice in my mouth."
"Own a musket for home defense since that's what the founding fathers intended."
"I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grapeshot. Tally ho, lads!"
"Well it's just straight up racism, and it's not even like an occasional racism, it's like, this is full blast firehose racism."
"It's the floodgate of racism! The Big Gulp of racism!"
"This shit will turn your pacemaker off."
"I point blanked that shit with a panzerfaust."
"Me going to Arby's after losing a $50,000 Marvel vs Capcom tournament."
"Me walking to the fridge to get my five day old caesar salad."
"Fresh caesar salad, already not a good start. Five days, dog."
"How does that predator missile work? Oh, you just go NYOOOOOOM."
"This Nyquil beatin' my ass, that is not THAT funny but, like, I can't stop laughing!"
"Y'all just verbally buzzered that man."
"I stole your girl, I stole your whip, I stole your shoes."
"You cannot land a KC-135 in a Kroger parking lot."
"As someone who lives in Tennessee, you can land a KC-135 in a Kroger parking lot."
"That's how I'm going to describe the size of our parking lots to Europeans without internet connections. We can land that in our parking lots."
"I call that my main menu tax."
"Bro, I can't hail a cab in Detroit for shit, bro."
"First bullet, Toyota Tacoma be like 'I ain't hear NOTHING. Y'all hear something?' Second bullet? Legalize nuclear bombs."
"Your voice literally has to wait in line to be heard."
"I'm gonna bomb your trailer park."
"Don't take advice from the dead guys."
"Smoking on that diabolical arch-necromancer pack. Those who don't ball would do well to steer clear."
"Do you know the word 'whermst'?"
"It's like where and for what purpose and why. Location, reason, background context in one word: Whermst."
"Did he just prefire me? Bro, go to jail."
"That's your first option for recourse?"
"Alcatraz, we ain't talking county jail. You're getting in there with the dementors."
"Stop calling the 3D avatar mommy."
"How do they fit this many flares in an airplane? It makes no sense. It's like a clown car but for fireworks."
"Hey what's up guys? I just bought a 1911 at a Red Lobster parking lot, AMA."
"Just kill me. Just take me to heaven. Just… Take me out of this reality."
"Hey, fuckin' imagine getting friendly fired by a .50 BMG. Imagine."
"My client pleads oopsie-daisy."
"I'm sorry that your dog is not going to college now."
"Ay you ain't on your grind, son. You ain't on your bag."
"No one's Batman impression is bad."
"You sound like you're in an alley with a trench coat, what the fuck?"
"Oh my God, his Scooby-Doo villain is coming out again."
"Are you repairing our conversation?"
"Why is 'slime' such a funny yet affectionate nickname?"
"Get the fuck out of our shower."
"Why can't we just share the shower?"
"Enemy. Man. 300 meters. North. Fast. Fast. Fast."
"Fun fact: The TSA allows you to bring a live lobster through security."
"I myself have brought 432 lobsters through security."
"All units, be advised: My stummy hurt."
"Homie got the dog in him with that one."
"Pulled pork? Yeah I cranked my hog today too."
"How blessed are we that I can just log on to YouTube and the first video I see is 'Master Chief teaches you how to change the oil on your 2006 Nissan Murano'?"
"That went from 'funny' to 'demonitized'."
"If your state has 90 degree corners, you probably eat corn syrup on your pancakes."
"Why do you always say 'theoretically' and it's not at all theoretical?"
"You have the world's WORST EVERYTHING."
"My boy got the object permanence of a frog."
"That boy cooked the most rare steak."
"I gotta use the bathroom or something, bro. I gotta go to college or something. I can't be with these motherfuckers."
"He went behind the tree and my brain was like 'WHERE'D HE GO?'"
"Somebody buy me a stat reset, PLEASE!"
"You should not be legally allowed to commit crimes if you're listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd."
"I'm on my Super Mario Sunshine shit."
"Are you barking at me?"
"You might wanna be a LITTLE shidded right now."
"I'd trust Gengar with my kid."
"I didn't know he was chill like that."
"No. We are not putting a controller around somebody's neck and twisting it. It's a wireless controller, you can't even do that."
"And 45 is just a caliber."
"Ranch was made by California to keep the Midwest fat because they're scared of our power."
"I refuse to believe that Kranch is real."
"Alignment charts are for the governable. I grow corn in my yard."
"Tell me the name of God you fungal piece of shit."
"I'm pretty sure that was the most sacrilegious shit I've heard in my life."
"I will pass that to the higher ups – parentheses: I do not give a shit."
"This is getting a little too fast for my brain."
"You fuckers are at a pie eating contest and I'm just like, nah son. Free pie."
"I'm about to hit 'em with the Glock-no-jutsu, on God, bro."
"Regretting a free purchase is crazy."
"I've had people call me things that I wouldn't even dare say to myself."
"Take five 5-Hour Energies and enter the forbidden hour of the day."
"Those responses do not surprise me at all. I definitely expected that kind of language."
"Bro, it's goof-a-clock right now."
"The moon already isn't real."
"You think I can't kill a fuckin' banana?"
"That was a little too much rage for a potassium transportation device. I didn't mean it. You full of electrolytes."
"I'm gonna eat pizza because I like the sauce on the pizza with the cheese on the pizza."
"I could not have killed him any harder."
"Don't make me make you say some out of pocket shit."
"I've been saying out of pocket shit all day."
"By sheer artillery alone, we should have tunneled our way to Atlantis by now."
"Yo, I don't know the Tom & Jerry lore, fuck you!"
"What if you wanted to go to heaven but God said to you, 'WE'RE GONNA TRY THIS WEEK'S CRUMBL COOKIE MENU'?"
"Is this like punching someone in the dark? Is it like a legal loophole?"
"There's only one of me in all the world. I am one in a krillion."
"If you're a chest sleeper, you're just a fuckin' psychopath, alright?"
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prohaloplayer · 8 months
L + smoked off + full flashed + molotoved + prefired + teabagged
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anne-souza · 6 months
Caminhadas matinais tem me ganhado, bem mais do que o vizinho irritante que as meninas do bairro vivem no portão. A musica que eu mais estava amando, era uma sobre amor próprio. Boto meu fone de ouvido que é bem mais eficiente do que a maioria das pessoas da minha rua e sigo meu caminho. Eu estava completamente apaixonada por mim, e era confortante a minha paz. Não há desvios nem inquietação. Sigo contente comigo mesma. Eu me sinto plena e haja suor pra tentar chegar aqui. Nem tente querido, deseje algo que possa conseguir um dia. Nem perca seu tempo amor, olhe para o outro lado. Nao adianta assobiar igual um imbecil ou tentar chamar minha atenção numa moto tão barulhenta e nojenta, quanto quem anda nela. Nao tenho espaço para meninos mimadinhos. Nem para homens afundados. Nao to afim de me enfiar em um buraco cheio de gente que fede a cigarro e alcool, pra tentar conhecer alguem legal, ou tentar me aparecer em uma foto com um vestido que mostra a bunda, ou um cropped que mostra o peito. Como um cardápio online. E nem aparecer em um bar cheio de homens mal resolvidos que nao amam nem a si mesmos, e dizem amar a cachaca. E nunca cogitei derrubar minha dignidade pedindo pra um ex insuportável voltar, ja que rompi com ele por nao suportar tanta chatice. Nao existe um passado que eu queira no meu presente. No meu presente só penso no meu futuro; eu cada dia mais linda e mais feliz. E a carencia de alguns dias eu prefiro suprir com meu gatinho, que é uma fofura e fica quieto quando eu explodo. Nao adianta me chamar pra almoçar, voce nao sabe? Eu sigo de dieta. Pior ainda é me chamar pra ir a sua igreja, achando que ganhara alguma moral por seguir Deus. Nao estou disponível, chame uma menininha mais imatura. Talvez eu prefire acender um incenso, colocar um blues e uma taca de vinho. Mais sozinha. Não é convite. É que minha compania só basta. E pra acabar com mensagens inesperadas, homens sem senso, e mulheres que odeiam mulheres, eu nao uso mais apps sociais. Sem Instagram, sem whatsapp, sem facebook ou toda essa idiotice que o povo tem pra se aparecer de alguma maneira diferente. Não faço parte da maioria. Estou vivendo. Vivendo pra mim. Eu posso ir a praia ler um livro depois da caminhada, e cozinhar meu frango com salada a hora que eu sentir fome. Posso tomar meu café sem açúcar e forte, sem me lamentar por ser amargo. Alias o amargo tem sido algo bom pra mim. Tenho gostado mais que o doce. Minhas escolhas são impróprias para alguns. Eu nao preciso de ninguem. Mais tantos por ai precisam de alguem igual a mim..
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aztr0punk · 2 months
watching neon genesis evangelion, shinji got prefired and spawn camped against that evil ass bipyramid
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amazepixels-blog · 4 months
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gonturan0 · 5 months
Yesterday in rocket jumping-
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Got back to this ramp on Easy Pogo. I think I should try to get here more often so I can practice adjusting my speed and adapting to changes in the pogo surface.
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Got to the longer left wall jump section in Quattro. got tantalizingly close to the end but not far enough.
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Went back to Porridge. I have decided that I like Porridge and I want to perfect this map at some point. I keep overshooting across the end of jumps... I could fly through this thing if I got good.
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I tried Easy Mixed for the first time. A few jumpers helped me out with one of the jumps where you jump forward into a wallclimb(the secret is shooting more horizontal on the first jump). However, I got stumped by the dreaded sync at jump 11. Never got enough height.
My syncs are bad. I usually can't get to where I want for a few minutes. I wasn't sure why, so I asked Waterwindow for some help. We got past Easy Sync jump 3, where I wasn't climbing high enough before the first sync, and not shooting as I passed the wall marker.
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I did not get this jump, but I did learn things about jump 4, and some of my assumptions were debunked.
Strafe to the left while facing the wall for the first rocket. This helps you get more speed. Shoot the floor while holding A.
You do not have to turn for the second rocket. It's easier to face the wall for the walljump, and then face forward. I assumed that I was always supposed to turn forward towards where I was going, but this is unnecessary here.
If you hit the back wall consistently, you don't have to predict where you land. (i already knew this, but it's worth jotting down).
I undershoot. I undershoot a lot, and my prefire (the rocket I fire before I touch the ground) tends to hit behind where I land.
Feel free to experiment. Try new things and find what works.
Like last time, Waterwindow was pretty helpful and I learned things I definitely wouldn't have on my own. (thank you for the 4th time waterwindow)
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NASA Mission Gets Its First Snapshot of Polar Heat Emissions
The PREFIRE mission will help develop a more detailed understanding of how much heat the Arctic and Antarctica radiate into space and how this influences global climate.
NASA’s newest climate mission has started collecting data on the amount of heat in the form of far-infrared radiation that the Arctic and Antarctic environments emit to space. These measurements by the Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-Infrared Experiment (PREFIRE) are key to better predicting how climate change will affect Earth’s ice, seas, and weather — information that will help humanity better prepare for a changing world.
One of PREFIRE’s two shoebox-size cube satellites, or CubeSats, launched on May 25 from New Zealand, followed by its twin on June 5. The first CubeSat started sending back science data on July 1. The second CubeSat began collecting science data on July 25, and the mission will release the data after an issue with the GPS system on this CubeSat is resolved.
The PREFIRE mission will help researchers gain a clearer understanding of when and where the Arctic and Antarctica emit far-infrared radiation (wavelengths greater than 15 micrometers) to space. This includes how atmospheric water vapor and clouds influence the amount of heat that escapes Earth. Since clouds and water vapor can trap far-infrared radiation near Earth’s surface, they can increase global temperatures as part of a process known as the greenhouse effect. This is where gases in Earth’s atmosphere — such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor — act as insulators, preventing heat emitted by the planet from escaping to space.
“We are constantly looking for new ways to observe the planet and fill in critical gaps in our knowledge. With CubeSats like PREFIRE, we are doing both,” said Karen St. Germain, director of the Earth Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “The mission, part of our competitively-selected Earth Venture program, is a great example of the innovative science we can achieve through collaboration with university and industry partners.”
Earth absorbs much of the Sun’s energy in the tropics; weather and ocean currents transport that heat toward the Arctic and Antarctica, which receive much less sunlight. The polar environment — including ice, snow, and clouds — emits a lot of that heat into space, much of which is in the form of far-infrared radiation. But those emissions have never been systematically measured, which is where PREFIRE comes in.
“It’s so exciting to see the data coming in,” said Tristan L’Ecuyer, PREFIRE’s principal investigator and a climate scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. “With the addition of the far-infrared measurements from PREFIRE, we’re seeing for the first time the full energy spectrum that Earth radiates into space, which is critical to understanding climate change.”
This visualization of PREFIRE data (above) shows brightness temperatures — or the intensity of radiation emitted from Earth at several wavelengths, including the far-infrared. Yellow and red indicate more intense emissions originating from Earth’s surface, while blue and green represent lower emission intensities coinciding with colder areas on the surface or in the atmosphere.
The visualization starts by showing data on mid-infrared emissions (wavelengths between 4 to 15 micrometers) taken in early July during several polar orbits by the first CubeSat to launch. It then zooms in on two passes over Greenland. The orbital tracks expand vertically to show how far-infrared emissions vary through the atmosphere. The visualization ends by focusing on an area where the two passes intersect, showing how the intensity of far-infrared emissions changed over the nine hours between these two orbits.
The two PREFIRE CubeSats are in asynchronous, near-polar orbits, which means they pass over the same spots in the Arctic and Antarctic within hours of each other, collecting the same kind of data. This gives researchers a time series of measurements that they can use to study relatively short-lived phenomena like ice sheet melting or cloud formation and how they affect far-infrared emissions over time.
More About PREFIRE
The PREFIRE mission was jointly developed by NASA and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and provided the spectrometers. Blue Canyon Technologies built and now operates the CubeSats, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison is processing and analyzing the data collected by the instruments.
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nsomniacsdream · 1 year
So my wife's car can be unlocked and started with an app, it uses Bluetooth. I wish I could find an app that has that functionality, but you have a bunch of switches on the screen that you have to press in a certain order to start the car. Like "engines" "turboboost" "missiles prefire sequence" then "start"
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tonyfm · 10 months
FM2024 - Save online - Serie A
Dps d fracasso di save online na Bundesliga na FM23, nu sta na mas um investida pa FM24, si nu consigui finda 1º volta é um vitória @navinh-fm: Napoli @brabuehnadiskontra: AC Milan Micae: Juventus Mi pa segundo vez na nha percurso na FM nsta trena Inter, último vez foi na FM 2008, 1º ano de Mourinho na Itália undi ki eh sa usaba um 433 ku Mancini, Quaresma i Zlatan, ka da certo i eh bem muda pa se tatica d maior sucesso 4312, frente ku Zlatan + (Adriano, Crespo ou Balotelli).
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Jogadores d nha plantel atual ta da pa tenta replica kel tatica la mah pa ses caracteristica nta prefire um abordagem tática diferente N'adiciona alguns instruson individual pa alguns posizon
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blogwelberfotos-blog · 5 months
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[NASA HQ News] NASA discutirá nova missão climática polar durante teleconferência de mídia N Comunicados de imprensa da NASA para NASA há 1 horaDetalhes NASA discutirá nova missão climática polar durante teleconferência de mídia 13 DE MAIO DE 2024
A missão PREFIRE lançará o primeiro de dois CubeSats – representados neste conceito artístico orbitando a Terra – ao espaço na quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2024, para estudar quanto calor o planeta absorve e emite de suas regiões polares. Essas medições informarão os modelos climáticos e de gelo.
Créditos: NASA/JPL-
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