iamappiagyei · 11 days
New Music: OT n Aiges Deliver Hard-Hitting Hiplife with ‘Preman’
OT n Aiges – Preman Ghanaian musicians OT n Aiges just dropped their latest single, Preman, and it’s a banger! This high-energy, mid-tempo hiplife jam mixes local vibes with some exotic percussions and instruments, giving it a unique sound. Known for their killer rap skills, OT n Aiges go hard on Preman, delivering some of the best commercial rap verses we’ve heard in a while. They stay on…
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hanjuang-id · 2 years
BOS CANDU Aku menghentikan motorku karena ada sesuatu yang menempel di roda belakang. Ternyata benda itu adalah selembar plastik yang ada lakbannya. Aku ingat, aku memang melindasnya beberapa ratus meter di belakangku. Bapakku yang tidak turun dari jok belakang bertanya, “Apa itu?”. “Ga pa-pa. Cuma plastik.” Jawabku sambil bersiap menyalakan motorku kembali. Sekonyong-konyong, seorang…
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handsome-kakigori · 2 years
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BLEACH will air next week, I’M NOT READY—
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the-marron · 3 months
Hong Yizhou/ Ma Fei [Weilan Derivatives]
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Guess who forgot to give links on tumblr agaaaaaain (it's me, hi, I am the problem it's me). More than a year late, jfc.
Behold, the beautiful art by @baiyubai!!! Thank you once again, my dear 🙏 Apologies for tardiness.
This is an illustration she generously made for a fic of mine: I can see that you are lonesome just like me, which is a pairing of Hong Yizhou (The Cloudy Mountain) and Ma Fei (Looking Up). Why them? Because it's slice of life, resolving family troubles, the fallout from heroic feats, as well as dying and growing relationships. Also secret pining since childhood.
A fic excerpt under the cut
“I don’t think Xiaojin should marry me. I left her.”
“You came back, it was an unusual situation –“ Ma Fei argues, but Yizhou waves at him with the hand holding the bottle, his eyes drawing closed.
“Not then. Now. I left her again. All alone. And didn’t even think about coming back.” The admission feels both liberating and damning.
“You are too hard on yourself,” Ma Fei states with force. ”A good man shouldn’t be so hard on himself,” he says gently, sounding absolutely sober all of a sudden.
Hong Yizhou’s heart skips a beat.
Silence falls over them and Hong Yizhou feels himself drifting away, lulled to sleep by Ma Fei’s warmth and care.
He is almost asleep when he hears the whisper, right next to his ear:
“I don’t want you to go back either.”
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sealedterror · 5 months
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legobiwan · 10 months
Whumptober Salvage: Episode 3
Well, I'm back. Finally. More life happened in the past week-and-a-half than I had planned for, but here we are!
Today's theme: Restraints
Today's author commentary: The concept of Luigi [redacted due to story spoilers] is something I got from a fic I read a while ago on fanfiction.net whose name I absolutely cannot recall at the moment. But I love fallout fics like this and it's not an impossible consequence of the events of SPM if things had gone in a certain direction.
Warnings: No real warnings here, I'm just excited about this one :D
Index: Episode 1; Episode 2
It’s good hardware. Great hardware, even. 
Tensile strength? Check. Double check that, he corrects himself with a grimace, pulling at the twin sets of heavy shackles around his wrists and ankles.
The yield strength was high. High enough, he couldn’t even begin to calculate an exact number. (Liar, the voice in the back of his mind corrects. You can’t concentrate on calculating an exact number.)
To reach the malleability threshold must have required something beyond simple fire. Lava would have been his first guess, but he doubts these restraints are a product of the Darklands. Use of an electric current was a feasible concept - maybe - but it would have necessitated one hell of a resistor to produce the heat required to bend this kind of metal into a proper restraint. 
This leaves a few less palatable options. 
The temperature inside a star would certainly get the job done. But he only knew of one person with even the slightest hope of developing a technology to harness the cosmos in that manner, and Luigi has to believe, for his own sanity, that E. Gadd has no involvement with his current predicament. 
Unfortunately, this leaves magic as the only other viable option.
Luigi grits his teeth, absently running his fingers over the cool, smooth surface of the heavy cuffs. No. They couldn’t. They wouldn’t. It had been outlawed years ago, far before he had landed in this strange world. They would have had to strike some kind of deal with the enemy, or spend more coins than he could imagine to acquire this level of restraint. And why did they even have these on hand in the first place? How could they have possibly known - 
After everything. Everything he’s done for them. 
He’s been kidnapped. Tied up and thrown in a dungeon. Has been bruised, burned, cut, and broken in seventeen different ways. Has been manacled, trussed, bound, caged, buried, boxed, restrained, surrounded.
And it was supposed to be that way, alright? It was all part of being a hero.
Luigi plays at the long chains falling from his wrists, a line of solid, squarish links extending back to a thick, leather belt secured around his waist. 
He hadn’t wanted to be a hero. Swooping in and saving the day, getting the pretty girl, marching in parades and receive=ing accolades from a grateful population. It wasn't...him.
No, he had never wanted to be that person.
But was it so wrong to want to be seen as an equal?
He sags against a cold, stone wall with a hoarse sigh, rubbing at the bridge of his nose, his fingers digging into the soft collagen of his eyeballs. The movement produces a percussive, dullen ripple as the chains linked to his wrists fall over another, doubled lines of looping metal drooping from his midline to his shackled ankles.
I guess it was. He huffs out a hollow laugh at the thought, picking up one of the chains, inspecting the dense links at eye level.
There was an art to welding. Not the same kind of art those kids over at LaGuardia used to pump out at all hours of the night - weird, insectile sculptures whose disjointed end result of legs and limbs and tentacles mashed onto a misshapen thorax resembled a creature out of Dr. Frankenstein’s laboratory. 
No, the art in welding came from the marriage of form and purpose, in the perfectly rounded curve of a plate face, in the smooth aerodynamics that resulted from a nearly seamless, but unbreakable fusion of two disparate materials.
The art was in the flight of a machine never meant to fly, in a silohoutte never meant to be replicated in such vicious form.
Luigi pulls at either end of the metal links. Whoever had forged these chains knew what they were doing.
The only thing he can’t quite wrap his head around is the belt. Not that a belt in itself was a confusing item. He’s worn belts almost his entire life, a constant war with drooping pants and scolding family. You should eat more. You’re too skinny. You look like a girl. You’re going to get your ass kicked one of these days if you’re not careful.
Sure, he knows about belts. He’s a plumber, right?
And there's nothing too odd about the one he wears now, save the enormous engraved buckle sitting right below his belly button, the nexus point of the chained tentacles unfurling to the four endpoints of his wrists and ankles.
He was told it was meant to bind his magic.
A dark chuckle vibrates beneath his sternum.
Magic. A ludicrous thought.
Magic isn't real. 
And I couldn’t pull a rabbit out of a hat if I tried.
A heavy door squeals open on the opposite side of the dark chamber. A short, robed figure enters first, followed by two familiar beings of similar height. The guards, who he’s nicknamed “Click and Clack,” (a memory of slow, sultry summer days, his too-long legs dangling off the rusted metal of a fire escape, the crackling static of his little radio fighting against the tortured grumbles of the nearby D train) take their usual places on either side of him, their domed heads only reaching as far as his mid-tricep, their pointed, well-honed spears towering tall above Luigi’s own head.
The third visitor is one he’s not seen before, his long, embroidered robes pooling in eddies of velvet at his feet. He spares a single, disgusted look in Luigi’s direction as he pushes a pair of little, round glasses up his nose.
“It’s time,” he says.
Click and Clack take him roughly by either arm, their odd little entourage an awkward three-legged race in slow motion, the trio limping behind the robed being, who has turned back towards the open door, his steps solemn, measured.
This is it, Luigi thinks, his gut churning.
There will be an audience, for certain. Beings who will be all but salivating to witness him dragged into the light, shackled and accused. 
He used to think he knew where the line was, that unshakable boundary between enemy and ally. 
He realizes now that perhaps that line never existed at all, or if it did, it only served to separate him from everyone else.
The light of the interior chamber is harsh, too bright to be natural. Luigi squints his eyes, letting his head drop towards the floor as he’s led through a deluge of camera shutter clicks that sound like the wings of a thousand frenetic cicadas, past the murmuring tributaries of whispered accusation and barely-shrouded invective. 
He can feel their eyes on him, all of them. As Luigi approaches a bare, wooden seat, he senses his gaze, a thousand unspoken words in an unmet, silent question. Luigi tenses his shoulders, making for the stripped down chair that is both the source of his salvation and damnation. There’s no threat, no promise in this universe or any other which could convince him to answer back, to meet that too-familiar pair of azure eyes.
You let this happen.
The next moments pass in a blur. He sits, then stands again at the prompting of Clack (or is it Click?), who remains steadfast at his flank. Finally, he sits one last time as a low, sonorous voice to his left produces a slurry river of speech.
“...your duty today…”
“...beyond a reasonable doubt…”
“...the defendant must be found…”
Reality crystallizes around him in one horrifying, frozen moment.
This is really happening.
“Ms. Shiitake, what is today’s case?” the severe-looking Toad judge asks.
A stout, female Toad in a drab olive uniform steps forward, clipboard in hand. For a brief moment, her image is overlaid by another, beige skin darkening into a periwinkle shadow crowned in a bun-topped fuschia. 
Luigi shakes his head, trying to bring his focus back to the room. 
“Your Honor,” she begins in a bored monotone, “today’s case is The Mushroom Kingdom versus Luigi Marionetti.”
“And what are the charges?”
Nothing. I didn’t do anything!
“High treason and crimes against the state as they relate to the events of the appearance of the Void, the Chaos Heart, and Mr. Marionetti’s actions taken against representatives of the Mushroom Kingdom, which include, but are not limited to, attempted murder of our head of state.”
A wave of discontented grumbling washes over the packed courtroom, a young Toad in the back climbing onto his chair, pointing at Luigi with a fiery gesture.
“Traitor!” he yells before being pulled back into his seat by a small gang of nearby onlookers.
“Order!” The judge raps his gavel three times in sharp succession. 
Luigi swallows over a swollen lump in his throat. Please. I didn’t do it. It wasn’t me. I didn’t want to hurt anybody.
“Is the prosecution ready?” the judge asks. 
“Yes, your Honor,” a sharp-suited Toad in red replies as she stands.
Are you so sure of that, the other gravelly voice in his head retorts, an inverted mirror of his own.
The judge turns to the other side of the room. “And is the defense ready?”
Another Toad in a black suit and purple tie stands, fixing Luigi with an inscrutable look before answering, “Yes, your Honor.”
I don’t…I can’t…I don’t know what happened.
“Then the prosecution may proceed.”
Yes, the dark voice chuckles. Yes, you do.
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nightfal1n · 3 months
Hasegawa when he realizes the best way to support Narumi in the battle is to let the man does whatever he want while he covers everything Narumi doesn't
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@ #122, thats cruel but kinda valid. My brother and i spent our childhood (4-16) trying to legit murder eachother. We're best friends now and have funny stories for scars. He still doesnt 100% trust my Honedge though 😅
Confession #208
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aahsoka · 2 years
i think john gaius is the kind of fucked up dude who made alectos hair always perfectly coiffured like the doll and she also has permanently blue eyelids and kind of a fucked up body shape and he doesnt change it no matter how much she dislikes it bc he doesnt respect other peoples opinions and loves his little perfectly preserved corpses and this is why she hates her body even more so than it being unnatural for a planet to have a human body but also that its not even very human to begin with. I have drawings of this concept but none have really achieved my vision yet so im not posting them.
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emiradamalief · 1 month
Draw draw draw aneh banget mbakku nggak akan pakai ilustrator lain kecuali samaku tapi kelihatannya sudah move on baru ini kutolak
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bantennewscoid-blog · 5 months
Kang Mus Preman Pensiun Ditangkap Polisi Kasus Narkoba
JAKARTA – Artis Epy Kusnandar alias Kang Mus yang bermain dalam sinetron “Preman Pensiun” ditangkap polisi lantaran diduga terlibat kasus penyalahgunaan narkotika. Kapolres Metro Jakarta Barat Kombes Polisi M Syahduddi membenarkan adanya penangkapan artis kondang tersebut. “Iya benar, yang bersangkutan sudah kita amankan terkait penyalahgunaan narkoba,” kata Syahduddi saat dikonfirmasi di Jakarta…
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findq · 5 months
permanent recruitment vs contract recruitment
In the ever-evolving landscape of human resource management, the choice between permanent and contract recruitment stands as a pivotal decision for organizations aiming to harness the best talent. This article delves into the nuances of both recruitment strategies, shedding light on their advantages and disadvantages, and explores the factors influencing these recruitment choices. By understanding these dynamics, companies can align their hiring strategies with their long-term business objectives and operational needs.
Pros and Cons of Permanent Recruitment
Permanent recruitment offers a myriad of benefits, chief among them being the fostering of loyalty and continuity within the organization. Employees secured on a permanent basis are more likely to develop a deep-seated allegiance to the company, motivated by long-term career prospects and stability. This sense of security often translates into enhanced productivity and a commitment to the company’s success. Additionally, permanent employees contribute to a stable corporate culture, which is instrumental in driving organizational coherence and a unified strategic direction.
Conversely, permanent recruitment also presents certain challenges. The process is often lengthy and costly, requiring substantial resources for both the recruitment and the ongoing development of employees. Moreover, it imposes a rigidity that might hinder an organization's ability to adapt swiftly to market changes or technological advancements. The commitment to long-term employment contracts can also reduce operational flexibility, making it difficult to scale labor needs in response to fluctuating economic conditions.
Pros and Cons of Contract Recruitment
Contract recruitment is distinguished by its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Organizations can tap into specialized skills on an as-needed basis without the long-term financial commitment associated with permanent staffing. This modality is particularly advantageous in industries that experience seasonal fluctuations or require specialized expertise for short-term projects. Contract recruitment allows companies to adjust more fluidly to workload variations and business cycles, thereby optimizing labor costs and enhancing competitiveness.
However, the transient nature of contract employment can also be a drawback. The frequent turnover of contract workers may disrupt team dynamics and undermine the development of a cohesive work culture. Furthermore, reliance on contract labor might lead to a deficit in company-specific knowledge if not managed carefully, as contractors may not have the same commitment to the organization’s long-term goals as their permanent counterparts.
Factors Influencing Recruitment Choices
Several factors play a crucial role in determining whether an organization should lean towards permanent or contract recruitment. These include the industry sector, project duration, budget constraints, and strategic objectives. For instance, tech startups might prefer contract recruitment to scale labor rapidly during growth spurts or when pioneering new projects. In contrast, established financial institutions may prioritize permanent hires to ensure compliance and continuity in their operations. Understanding these factors helps organizations tailor their recruitment strategies to better meet their specific needs and circumstances.
Best Practices for Permanent Recruitment
To optimize permanent recruitment efforts, companies should focus on building a robust employer brand that attracts top talent. Implementing transparent and fair hiring practices and providing clear career progression paths are also vital. Moreover, leveraging advanced analytics can improve the selection process by identifying candidates who not only have the required skills but also fit the organizational culture and share the company's values.
Best Practices for Contract Recruitment
When engaging in contract recruitment, it is essential for organizations to maintain a pool of pre-vetted candidates to expedite the hiring process. Establishing clear expectations and communication channels from the outset ensures that both parties are aligned with the project’s objectives and deliverables. Regular performance evaluations and integrating contractors into team activities can also enhance their productivity and involvement in the company’s goals.
Choosing between permanent and contract recruitment strategies is more than a mere operational decision; it is a strategic one that impacts the organization's agility, culture, and bottom line. By carefully assessing the pros and cons of each approach and considering the factors influencing recruitment choices, companies can adopt recruitment practices that not only meet immediate staffing needs but also support their long-term vision and growth trajectory. Implementing best practices tailored to each recruitment method further ensures that organizations not only attract but also retain the right talent to achieve sustained success.
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classic0701 · 6 months
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TOP permanent income!
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handsome-kakigori · 2 years
I love your art very much!
(begal motor Bekasi itu inspirasi dari mana? :'D )
I’m glad you like my art!!
Liat dah komuknya, begal motor bekasi core banget ga sih
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Biasakanlah dg panggilan2 kesayangnku ke bbrp karakter wkwkwk, Aizen pun kupanggil badut kroco 👁🫦👁💅✨
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virtualdreamscape · 10 months
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Dari Kejar Setoran ke Kejar Harapan: Mantan Preman Jakarta Berjuang Keras Keluar dari Bayang-Bayang Kriminalitas
Jakarta, kota yang selalu memeluk kompleksitasnya, kini menjadi saksi dari pertarungan seorang mantan preman. Dahulu, namanya melambangkan keganasan dan darah yang tumpah. Namun, kini, ia sedang mengejar sesuatu yang lebih besar.
Kota ini, yang seringkali dipandang sebagai lautan kejahatan, agaknya sedang mengarah pada kebaikan.
Dalam perjalanan gelapnya, pemimpin kegelapan yang dulu haus darah berubah. Empati merasuk ke dalam lubuk hatinya yang sebelumnya terkubur dalam kekejaman. Jakarta bukan lagi medan berdarah baginya; ia melihatnya sebagai panggung di mana dia bisa mengubah takdirnya.
Tapi, seperti semua perubahan besar, keraguan menyelinap masuk. Bagaimana masyarakat Jakarta menerima perubahan ini? Apakah mereka bersedia melepaskan bayang-bayang masa lalu atau tetap mengukurnya dengan dosa-dosanya yang dahulu?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini membentuk bayangan ketidakpastian. Dalam kegelapan yang telah dihadapinya, pemimpin kriminal yang beralih ke jalan yang benar ini menemukan sinar harapan. Dia menyadari bahwa perubahan bukanlah perjalanan soliter. Masyarakat perlu merangkulnya, memberikan dukungan, dan bersama-sama bergerak maju.
Bagi Jakarta, ini bukan hanya soal apakah mereka siap menerima perubahan, tetapi apakah mereka bersedia membantu membangun cerita baru ini. Sang 'pemimpin kegelapan' bisa saja berubah menjadi pelopor perubahan positif, tetapi peran masyarakat tetaplah sangat penting.
Jadi, Jakarta, pertanyaannya bukan hanya tentang seberapa terang sinar harapan di masa depan. Ini tentang apakah kita bersedia mengejar harapan bersama-sama dan memberikan peluang kepada mereka yang berusaha mencari jalan keluar dari kegelapan masa lalu.
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nyehhh-hh · 11 months
Me, on the inside: mehh i'm pretty chill
Also me, when people being stoopid on the road: GOBLOOOOOKKKK ANJ-
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