#premium ebooks for premium people
feypact · 1 year
public libraries in the usa offering free digital library cards to people not in their areas (as of october 2023):
brooklyn (13-21yo us residents)
seattle (13-26yo us residents)
boston (13-26yo us residents, EDIT: just commonly banned books)
los angeles (13-18yo california residents)
san diego (12-26yo us residents, not the whole collection just commonly banned books)
these books unbanned cards (unless otherwise stated) get you access to each library's complete libby/cloud library collection, no hoopla/kanopy/physical copies included.
ebook collections are expensive to maintain (many american libraries have annual fees for non-residents because of this) but because of an uptick in book banning (particularly brutal in mississippi last summer) larger libraries have opened their doors more, which is very kind of them!
i've used my seattle card for the last several months and their libby collection has about three times the books that my local library does, which is wonderful for accessing more niche titles or skipping a waiting list. would love to hear of similar ebook initiatives internationally!
i use library extension (firefox/chrome/edge compatible) to check all my collections (+ the internet archive) at once, works for several different countries highly recommend it.
spotify seems to be offering 15hrs/month of audiobook listening to premium subscribers and while that does seem useful if you're already paying and are after a new release with a long library waitlist, libraries are better for everything else.
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sanityshorror · 5 months
Attention Hellcrew fandom!
I've been thinking about doing a Free Giveaway Contest in regards my work. Im not quite sure of the specifics yet, but it would involve drawing one (or more) of my Hellcrew characters, creating Hellcrew fanworks, sharing/promoting the Hellcrew project, my books and premium pages, etc -basically the normal type of stuff that's part of a Free Giveaway Contest. Donating/Tipping on buymeacoffe or Kofi would automatically boost you to the top likely winners but wouldn't be required to participate. I do not the details or prizes close to finalized but before I spend time doing it, I want to know if this is something people would be interested in. There would be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner. The likely prizes would be:
1st place: free $5/month tier membership on buymeacoffe+ free ebook copy of MWTSN + discord access(18+ only)
2nd place: free $3/month tier membership on buymeacoffe+ free ebook copy of MWTSN + discord access (18+only)
3rd place: free ebook copy of MWTSN
Everyone who donated/tipped me [that is 18+] during the competition: discord access
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
How do you start a blog on a website of its own?
What to write in the about and what to publish as the first article?
1. First you pick a niche for your blog.
2. Choose a blogging platform. I recommend Wordpress.org / Wordpress.com. You can also use Blogger.
3. Choose a domain name for your blog and web hosting provider.
4. Download a blog template and design your layout. You can use Envato market place (I use this one but there are loads)
5. You want to start off with about 5 posts. Here are some things you can do to figure out what to write about:
a. Look at your audience. What are their pain points, concerns, and obsessions when it comes to your products?
b. Use sites like Quora where there are millions of people asking questions to get the best answers.
c. Use blog directories to search by topic.
d. Research competing blogs. Other blogs’ ideas for content in your niche can be a valuable source of inspiration.
e. Use Semrush’s Topic Research tool. With the Topic Research tool, you can enter any blog topic to get a list of related topics and questions that people are searching for.
f. Ask your readers. You can get feedback from your readers on what they want to read about by asking them directly or through surveys.
6. You can use your existing platforms, as well as Pinterest, or other social media platforms to promote your blog and drive traffic to it. It can be under your name or you can make an anonymous account.
7. There are several ways you can monetize your blog:
a. Sell a product or service. You can sell your own products or services on your blog, such as ebooks, courses, or coaching services.
b. Create gated content. You can create premium content that is only available to subscribers or members who pay a fee.
c. Promote external brands. You can promote other brands’ products or services on your blog and earn a commission for each sale made through your affiliate link.
d. Offer sponsored content opportunities to other brands. You can offer sponsored content opportunities to other brands that are relevant to your niche.
e. Provide coaching services. You can offer coaching services related to your niche.
f. Market your freelance writing skills. You can market your freelance writing skills and offer writing services to other blogs or websites.
g. Participate in affiliate marketing. You can participate in affiliate marketing programs and earn a commission for each sale made through your affiliate link.
8. You can use a free image website like: unsplash, pixabay, pexels or canva to create content.
hope this helps!
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p1aylist · 5 days
i fucken hate when people ask where to watch/read smth and people are like :) viki subscription :) amazon ebook :) whateverthefuck premium :) i rotate between subscriptions to equally support all my shows :) okay well i'm not asking about that. pussy.
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whatmathgodwrought · 7 months
Salad Bar Theory of Popular Culture
This is going to be a long post. It will discuss "The Salad Bar Theory of Popular Culture," and why Tumblr dot com is the ideal, overgrown petri dish on the web for this phenomenon.
It's a bit of lark, but I do hope you'll laugh at least once if you read to the end.
Imagine you're dining at an all-you-can-eat restaurant. The restaurant is massive. The self-serve food bar has every kind of dish imaginable, and what's more, there is a construction crew adding more space, and new chefs are constantly adding new entrees, remaking old favorites, and sometimes they even invent new cuisines altogether. All of your friends and acquaintances are there. Sometimes you eat together, sometimes you talk about what you ate, sometimes someone excitedly comes to your table raving and telling you to try something new or an old favorite. There is more than you could ever possibly eat in several lifetimes, and it only keeps growing.
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This metaphor is the current state of entertainment in the 21st century for all forms of media: music, movies, books, TV shows, ebooks, audiobooks, podcasts, talk radio, art, comics, graphic novels, manga, webcomics, cartoons, anime, newspapers, infotainment, online journalism, live-streaming, plays/dramas, console gaming, PC gaming, smartphone gaming and more. Thanks to the internet, streaming, global-shipping, viral-meme-culture, commodification-of-the-invidivual-via-the-social-media-grind, (and let's be honest, piracy and archival culture), people have access to and are exposed to more entertainment than they could ever hope to consume in several lifetimes.
So, where does leave the typical diner at this restaurant? Well, as the next paragraphs will show, there is no such thing as a "typical diner." There are no gourmets, no gourmands. There is just the Cornucopia and groups of people wandering the endless salad bar. You can be first in line and pay a premium to experience the brand new dish. You can go back to the same section and reload your plate with the same thing as many times as you want, and people will ask if you don't ever get tired of the same thing. You can be a vegetarian. You can eat only meat. You can eat a bit of everything. You can brave the sneers and jeers of the gatekeepers as you sample something--with tastebuds aglow--for the first time and rave about it to all your friends.
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So what kind of dining experiences are there in this cultural canteen, this pop-culture pizzeria, this taverna theatre? What do you see there?
Popularity is the Objective Word Here
When something is popular, it spreads like wildfire. This has always been true of popular culture even before the internet. Humans are social, they tell stories and they share. This may seem obvious, but it's also bedrock for the other observations.
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Originality is Dead: Long Live Reboots and Remixes.
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Show of hands to three questions:
How many people recognize the reference of a gorilla carrying a woman, climbing the Empire State Building while bi-planes shoot at it?
King Kong right? A cultural icon for many years.
How many people have actually seen the original King Kong (1933) starring Fay Wray and directed by Cooper and Schoedsack?
Not as many right? Maybe you only saw one of the many remakes in 2021, 2017, 2005, 1986, 1976, 1967 or 1962.
How many people are alive today that saw King Kong (1933) in the cinema?
Not many I'll bet.
I'd wager the number of hands goes down with each question. And yet the staying power of the original story remains burned into film history and memory. The point is this. Humans retell stories. This is not a bug. It's a feature. "Tell me the story again of…" There is joy (and profit) in the retelling.
Derivative Reference is Often the Primary Way of Experiencing Pop Culture
OK, so people are sharing things left and right. They're retelling, remixing, rebooting, writing fan-fics, etc. All of this creative effort means that your first-time encountering something new may be a reference, rather than experiencing the original. People rarely experience the true original firsthand anymore. They're going to experience things second-hand.
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This is especially true with older media. A first experience with something will often be a derivative reference. An example: Back in the day, in school, we watched Planet of the Apes in class. (I don't know, probably the teacher was hung over.) Want to know how I figured out before the big reveal that the Planet of the Apes was really Earth?
Troy McClure spoiled it for me. In Season 7 Episode 9 of the Simpsons, "A Fish Called Selma," McClure takes an acting gig in a musical adaptation of Planet of the Apes, and he sings the following lines:
Oh my God, I was wrong It was earth all along Yes you finally made a monkey out of me.
So there I am, watching Planet of the Apes for the first time, and Troy McClure's big number starts playing in my head. I sit there in disbelief, remembering the Simpsons, and then practically crying into my desk with laughter.
Probably the teacher thought that "kids these days" don't appreciate cinema, but it was just so absurd to have the movie spoiled by a bit in the Simpsons.
Want to know something else? In doing research for this essay, I discovered that Planet of the Apes film isn't even the original. The original story was a French language novel "La Planète des Singes" by Pierre Boulle. So again, people love retelling, often in different forms of media.
Point is, the longer something has been out, the more it tends to be referenced in other forms. TV talk shows will make jokes referencing the new popular thing. Popular phrases quickly become part of the everyday lexicon. People talk at the water cooler. A tech mogul names their new software after one iconic word in Heinlein's 1961 sci-fi novel.
Any piece of popular culture could be "spoiled" for you at any moment, which brings us to....
Spoilers are Everywhere but Do They Just Act as Adverts?
King Kong dies in the end. Dumbledore Dies. Both of these are spoiler memes (and I'm not sorry), but consider the amount of time passed between the original release of both. How long is the statute of limitations on spoilers? How long before a popular piece of media saturates public awareness so much that it becomes unavoidable? Is this ultimately unavoidable because of the viral nature of advertising, marketing and sharing?
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In the modern day, it's increasingly hard to avoid spoilers. I've heard of people going off social media for weeks before a major film release so it doesn't get spoiled for them.
People seem divided on the topic of spoilers, but it's a very good question: Would you still enjoy a story if it was spoiled for you? Shakespeare spoils Romeo & Juliet in the first 14 lines:
Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
Do you still want to see the rest of the play? What if it had Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo, Claire Danes as Juliet and Harold Perrineau as Mercutio? There is something to be said for knowing where the story goes, yet still enjoying the teling of the tale.
I'll go on record and say I don't really care about spoilers. They've become adverts to me, hooks of interest into things I might not have discovered otherwise. I have to encounter new media somehow, and I try to take a positive outlook on it, saying, "I was meant to discover this." If I like something, I'm going to like it unabashedly and still find a way to enjoy it.
Delayed Gratification
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If you are PC gamer, let me ask a question: How many unplayed games do you have in your Steam library? Games you haven't even downloaded and opened for the first time. What about unfinished games? Played-once-and-dropped-it games? Now ask yourself: Did you buy this game when it first came out? Did you pay for early access? Would you have still enjoyed it, even if you had to wait a while? Consider the Reddit community r/PatientGamers. They don't care to line up and pay a premium for a brand new release. They know it will still be the same game (often less buggy), and they will even be able to get it on sale. They know the salad bar is vast. There's lots of content, and there's no hurry. They let it come to them when the time is right.
I Don't Want to Hear It
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Similar to r/PatientGamers, there is also the phenomona when it seems like everyone is raving about something, to the point where you begin to actively block it out. It doesn't seem to matter what it is; even if it's something good that you would ultimately enjoy. Something about the repetition or the messaging rubs you wrong, and you innoculate yourself against it. You avoid that part of the salad bar at all costs, even if you might like it.
Interpreting the Rules: Remixing as Fan Behavior.
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How dooes your social circle play the game Uno? Fandom has a tendency to take what's been created and modify it, remix it according to their own rules, according to fanon's own internal logic. Sometimes it's seen as an act of repair, sometimes a love letter to canon. Sometimes it's shipping characters. Sometimes it is a what-if. What if all these different characters from different properties got together in a story?
Dismay at Media Conglomerate Strip Mining
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Has one of the five mega media conglomerates "ruined your childhood" by making a live-adaptation of your favorite childhood cartoon? Well, buckle up, because they aren't going to stop. The big five are hungry for content, and they are actively strip-mining your childhood favorites. It doesn't matter if it's a live action remake of Avatar the Last Airbender or CATS the musical, eventually some studio exec is going to see dollar signs, and your favorite thing is going to get a bad remake. It's best to just accept this.
Further Dismay at AI Strip Mining
If you don't like what the big five are doing, you will hate what AI is doing, and if you're an artist you probably already know you are getting robbed by AI companies. Large language models (also known as Plausible Sentence Generators) and text-to-artwork tools like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney are getting more sophisticated.
They're still scraping the web, and more sites seem to be selling user-generated content to these places, prompting artists to use Glaze and Nightshade to protect their work and poison AI data-models.
People are selling their likeness for permanent use in perpetuity for use in crowds. Lord of the Rings used AI-enabled CGI units in some of the battles, and that was over 20 years ago. How long before they don't hire extras for movies anymore?
The year is 2100. You put on a vid. It is the usual cast, starring: Tu-Pac Shakur's avatar, Hatsune Miku, the latest Disney princess avatar, and the disembodied voice of James Earl Jones. All of the original flesh and blood actors are long dead, but their AI avatars and copyright ramain. Some were never were alive in the first place. It's all necrotainment. You turn off the TV.
Back to the present year, James Earl Jones's voice is now in an AI model, so Disney can give us the same Darth Vader forever. The year 2100 seems not so far away.
On the plus side, there seems to be a growing backlack against AI-generated content. People consider it cheap, shoddily-made and flimsy, and the quickest way to associate a brand as cheap garbage. At the Glasgow Willy Wonka's Chocolate experience event, the organizer used AI generated visuals for the marketing, and people arrived disappointed at the "dirty old warehouse." According to Paul Connell, the actor who played Wonka, the script was "15 pages of AI-generated gibberish."
"I never knew I would have liked this"
OK this is getting a bit grim, so here's something fun: People are getting exposed to other cultures' entertainment, and they like it! Netflix reports that 60% of their users have watched a Korean drama, and they plan to invest USD $2.5 billion in future Korean drama for the platform. Like anime booming outside of Japan in the 80s and 90s, or the British Invasion in the 1960s, people try out other parts of the salad bar, and discover they quite like it.
Archival Behavior
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Abraham Lincoln once said, "You can't believe everything you read on the Internet." This is why screencapping and archiving things has become more important. Tweets get deleted, accounts get banned, and users deactivate. Capturing and archiving things here at least preserves some of the conversation.
In the Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote, "If you know yourself and you know your enemy -- and let's be clear the enemy are techbros, who are fundamentally lazy and want to cut corners for the sake of a quick buck and flashy, fake-innovation. Even their own mothers don't love them. They stole this content from Tumblr username whatmathgodwrought, original posting date 2024/03/03, and this should be used as evidence in the lawsuit against the responsible parties -- you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."
If the internet is just 4 websites containing screenshots of the other ones, many are doing the good work of archiving for posterity.
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Wasn't this Post also about Tumblr?
Yeah, yeah, we're taking the scenic route. (If you actually read this far, thank you. Send whatmathgodwrought a message and I'll read your blog, maybe reblog some of your stuff, maybe even follow you.)
Let's recap: pop culture spreads like wildfire. It gets retold/remixed/rebooted. Reference and spoilers are everywhere. You can delay and still enjoy a thing anytime, or you can resolutely choose to avoid a thing completely. You can remix, recreate, and fan-theorize canon ideas to their natural conclusion. The big five entertainment corps and AIs are strip-mining the heck out of it. People loves to try out things they never would have had access to before. So, after having some of these kind of experiences, you can post your fandom thoughts on Tumblr, add tags and watch it blow up (or not) or don't add tags (and watch it somehow blow up anyway?). Posts with "10k note energy" have slept for years before someone fired a reblog chain heard round the world. So what makes this environment the Galapagos Island or Cambrian period of websites for this Salad Bar idea?
Repeat and Resurgence
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So the thing about a recurring joke is that it keep recurring. People will often write: "I will always reblog this." There are also seasonal examples. King Taejong falls from his horse, Feb 8, 1404. Julius Casear's assassaination on the Ides of March. Voyager's "Threshold" season-2, episode 15, Jan 29th. The clay tablet to Ea-nāṣir complaining about inferior quality copper. People like retelling, and reblogging with scheduling or queue contributes to the seasonal nature of repeat themes.
Tag You're It
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Tags kind of help with the spreads-like-wildfire aspect. I've always liked tags as a general concept, because they're a flat, non-hierarchical, multi-category way of organizing information. In the Dewey Decimal system, your number is the category, and that's it; no nuance, no second-guessing, no argument. With tags, you add as many as you want, and then off it goes--haphazardly careening about the Tumblr ecosystem. Tagging is also broken, but whatever.
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my favourite thing about the goncharov nonsense is that it relies on the tumblr culture of watching ur mutual posting about something but not really paying attention to it. the reason it slips so easily under the radar is we’re all used to seeing people’s random sudden fixations on our dashes and then just letting them do their thing - you don’t unfollow, you often don’t even filter it out, you just think ‘hey, glad they’re having fun’ and scroll past. i went like two days before realising it was a mass joke because i assumed one of my mutuals was just Really Into some old mafia film from the 70s all of a sudden. because why wouldn’t they be
User @watchmakermori hits the nail on the head. Tumblr's ecosystem exposes the user to random fandoms, which they might like, might look at later, or might actively avoid. It is within that space of ambiguity that the Goncharov phenomena thrived.
Trending By Organic Pollination
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On this hellsite, it's possible to completely overwhelm the tags and get something trending, but at least this is mostly driven by human interest. In this case, Tumblr's lack of an algorithm is actually a feature. When a mutual reblogs something, at least I know that a human did it, unlike algorithm-based, auto-served content. We've seen what algorithms have done to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube and even Google search. Algorithms drive "engagement", endless scrolling, and are likely contributing to Dead Internet Theory. At least Tumblr users are continuously blocking bots, trying to inoculate against AI-generated content, and are reblogging human content.
Parallel Play
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Tumblr users' tendency to engage in parallel play also contributes to the remix factor as users reblog, retag and recontextulize. A shitpost becomes educational. Two isolated fandoms collide accidentally because of a poll. Someone makes a spelling error and it goes viral. Users play with JPEGs like dolls. Everyone is just out there doing their own thing in the big sandbox, and emergent behaviors result.
In Conclusion?
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This post ended up more Tumblr-positive than I intended, even though that wasn't the original idea. The idea was to be more dispassionate, more objective, a casual observer. But like any participant-observer, I've gotten a bit caught up in the phenomenon.
So let's call this a Love Letter (academically aggravated) to Tumblr. Suffice it to say, I hope y'all keep blocking bots, reblogging humans, spiting the great AI content harvest, and keep enjoying the Salad Bar.
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aloeveraherballyuse · 5 months
Aloe Vera: The Versatile Wonder Plant Revolutionising Domestic and Commercial Sectors
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Succulent plants like Aloe Vera have long been used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes, and in recent years, their use has grown significantly in popularity. This herb, which comes from the Arabian Peninsula, has long been valued for its therapeutic qualities. Aloe Vera continues to find many uses because of its many health benefits and adaptability, from the archives of traditional medicine to the shelves of contemporary homes and businesses.
Domestic Use of Aloe Vera
Because of its many advantages, aloe vera has become a household staple in skincare and hair care regimens. Aloe Vera gel is a natural sunburn treatment that acts as a calming salve against the damaging effects of UV rays. Because of its moisturising qualities, it’s a great moisturiser that gives skin hydration and renewal. Similar to this, aloe vera’s antibacterial qualities make it a powerful weapon against dandruff in hair care. It provides a healthy substitute for chemical-laden conditioners, leaving hair manageable, lustrous, and silky. Aloe Vera’s digestive advantages also extend to the domestic sphere, as its juice is praised for its effectiveness in relieving constipation and enhancing gut health.
A highly informative eBook with over 200 pages find out in this eBook how you can use Aloe Vera helpfully for people and animals Click Here
Commercial Applications of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has made a name for itself in the business world by specialising in a number of industries. Because of its hydrating, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial qualities, it is frequently used in skincare and hair care products in the cosmetics industry. Aloe Vera has also been welcomed by the food and beverage industry due to its health benefits, and it is now used in smoothies, health drinks, desserts, and snacks. Using its ability to enhance immunity and aid in digestion, aloe vera is used in over-the-counter drugs and nutritional supplements in the pharmaceutical industry.
Cultivation and Harvesting of Aloe Vera
Aloe vera requires careful attention to detail and particular environmental conditions for cultivation. Dry climates with well-draining soil are good for agriculture; they include sections of Africa, the Mediterranean, and Mexico. Both seed and branch propagation are forms of propagation, and each has advantages of its own. Careful leaf extraction is required during harvesting in order to maintain the integrity of the gel. Sustainability measures are becoming more and more crucial in guaranteeing the long-term sustainability of aloe vera farming.
Processing Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel is extracted using a variety of techniques, from mechanical procedures to manual extraction. Freshness and effectiveness of the gel are dependent on preservation methods, which can include chemical additions or natural preservatives. Delivering premium aloe vera products to customers requires careful packaging, including clear containers that highlight freshness and sealable containers that promote hygiene.
Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has many health advantages, including support for the immune system, digestive health, and skincare. It is a powerful ally in the fight against skin conditions like eczema and acne because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Due to its calming effects on the gastrointestinal tract, aloe vera helps to promote regularity and lessen stomach symptoms. Its antioxidant qualities also strengthen the immune system, preventing oxidative stress and improving general health.
Risks and Precautions
Aloe Vera has many advantages, but it also has certain hazards. Although they are uncommon, allergic reactions can happen and require sensitivity patch testing. In order to prevent negative consequences, interactions with medications — especially blood thinners — also need to be handled carefully and in conjunction with medical professionals.
Sustainability and Ethical Considerations
The increasing demand for Aloe Vera necessitates the adoption of sustainable farming methods and ethical sourcing. Ensuring the long-term viability of Aloe Vera farming requires addressing environmental factors like water usage and land use patterns. Comparably, fair trade methods — such as paying labourers fairly and obtaining aloe vera ethically — are crucial to encouraging social responsibility in the sector.
Regulatory Framework
The safety and effectiveness of goods containing aloe vera are significantly enhanced by regulatory control. The FDA sets safety guidelines and labelling requirements for the consumption of aloe vera in the United States. Region-specific rules are in place internationally, with the European Union and other authorities enforcing their own set of guidelines to safeguard consumers.
Future Trends in Aloe Vera Use
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Aloe Vera has a bright future ahead of it because to rising demand for natural beauty products that are spurring innovation and growth in the sector. Untapped markets exist for goods containing aloe vera, and ongoing research into new uses for the plant is continuing to reveal its promise in a variety of disciplines. Aloe Vera’s transformation from an age-old cure to a contemporary marvel is evidence of its continuing allure and indisputable effectiveness. Because of its adaptability and health advantages, it may be used both at home and in professional settings, which makes it a useful tool for enhancing general wellbeing. As we persist in investigating its possibilities and adopting eco-friendly methods, aloe vera’s future is bright, indicating a world of well-being for future generations.
A highly informative eBook with over 200 pages find out in this eBook how you can use Aloe Vera helpfully for people and animals Click Here
Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in the link given above and if you buy something, I'll get a commission to meet my educational expenses at no extra cost to you.
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bumblebeeappletree · 9 months
Sam Van Aken is the creator of the Tree of 40 Fruit and he is the guest on Episode 65 of The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast with Susan Poizner of the fruit tree care training website orchardpeople.com. #fruittrees #grafting #organicgardening
Learn more about Sam Van Aken here:
And if you are ready to learn more about fruit tree care, read on!
🌳 Learn specialist fruit tree pruning, pest and disease management, young tree care and more in one of Orchard People’s premium online courses: https://learn.orchardpeople.com/
😀 For a 10% discount on any course, use the discount code: VIDEO.
🍑 To purchase recommended fruit tree care products and books visit Orchard People's online store: https://orchardpeople.com/shop/
🍐 For monthly fruit tree care content updates sign up for Orchard People's free monthly newsletter and to receive a free 11-page eBook "Growing Fruit Trees That Thrive" visit:
🍎 For more videos, eBooks and podcasts about fruit tree care, visit https://orchardpeople.com/.
Orchard People has made fruit tree care easier for thousands of home growers, gardeners and arborists in North America and beyond since 2013.
Visit our website for more in depth information on fruit tree care and maintenance!
00:00 Introduction
03:32 How did the Tree of 40 Fruit Project Start
04:26 The mix of blossom colors
05:25 Grafted branch placement
06:05 The first Tree of 40 Fruit Exhibition
07:56 Number of varieties grafted onto each tree
08:41 How interstock grafting works
09:30 Best rootstock for multi-graft stone fruit trees
10:13 Santa Rosa plum rootstock history
10:57 Types of fruit on a Tree of 40 Fruit
11:53 Myrobalan rootstock compatibility
12:22 Interstock as a "highway" between cultivars
14:16 New Tree of 40 Fruit projects
16:21 Multi graft apple trees
18:05 Downside of multi-graft trees
20:35 Examples of multi-graft trees
23:12 Grafting apple with stone fruit trees
24:39 Multi-graft tree maintenance
29:10 Commercials
34:00 Mid show topic reminder
36:27 Why grafting works
38:13 Relationship between rootstock diameter and tree health
40:45 Cultivar choices for Tree of 40 Fruits
41:50 Client requests for Tree of 40 Fruits
43:18 Growing multi-fruit trees indoors
44:07 Cooling hours necessary for fruit trees
45:00 Working with artists from communist regimes
47:48 Tree of 40 Fruits in Canada
48:34 Map of Trees of 40 Fruits
49:05 Sam's website address
49:43 Viruses in tree cuttings (scions)
51:52 Sam's family's view of his work
53:25 Sam's art for sale
54:10 Show contest
55:40 Show wrap up
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Tumblr Veterans, please, tell me how to mute tags. I keep seeing spoilers for the new Sanderson secret project book. Sure, i have access to the ebook and audiobook, but I'm stubborn and waiting for the premium hardcover my dad got me, so im either going to wonder what the actual heck people are talking about or frantically scrolling party half my dashboard.
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Sanderson Unboxing
01 - Secret Project 1 January 2023
The first month's shipment from A Year of Sanderson finally arrived three months behind schedule. I've already read the book here, and it's probably my least favourite full length novel from Sanderson so far.
This was advertised as a "premium" hardcover. And... it's nice, but I certainly wouldn't call it premium.
Before the year started I made a list of things I expected from these premium books. I wanted them to match as a set. I wanted artwork endpapers, foiling, ribbon bookmarks, gilded edges, and slipcases.
I got like, one and a half of those.
The cover is really nice - it’s a naked hardback, with a debossed design and foiling, and it’s lovely to the touch. I don't know yet if the books will match each other.
But there is no ribbon, no gilded edges, no slipcase. None of the features I would consider "premium".
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This came with "freebies" which people seem to be over the moon with on the forum - but honestly they're just.... nothing worth having? Like, this is the sort of stuff I've received free with shop orders from small businesses. Nice to get, but barely worth mentioning from a huge project like this. There were two bookmarks, and a sticker.
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These are the endpapers. They're nice, sure, but like, the absolute minimum I'd expect. I was hoping for full artwork, or at the very least, a bit of foiling. The design is sort of reflective of the story, with two different cups. But I'm not sure about the rest... green vines are a big part of the story, but not flower vines?
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I was really looking forward to seeing the artwork in the hardbacks - the low quality, black-and-white versions in the eBook looked really promising, so I was expecting them to be pretty spectacular in print. They're ok. Some of the full colour ones are really nice, but a lot of them are single colour pictures, and rather than being striking, they just look like a cost-saving method. I'm not sure why they didn't just do them all in full colour.
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The chapter headers are a feature that I really appreciate. It's nice to see colour printing on text pages - and this is a great design, it ties in really well with the plot. The patterns grown with each chapter, and as she travels, the colour changes to match the place she's in. It's a brilliant feature, and shows real thought. If only they had put this sort of thought into the rest of the features.
I really love the cover, but the rest of the features are lacking, so I just don't think this is worth the cost. They were definitely exaggerating when they called these premium hardcovers.
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collinwinters18 · 2 years
If I am paying $10 per month to have Spotify Premium, then I should be allowed to listen to audiobooks for no extra cost. I’ve seen audiobooks go as high as $70 on the new audiobook platform. This was, of course, back when Spotify allowed people to purchace audiobooks on the app. But seriously, $70 for an audiobook??? I can get a physical copy of that book for *maybe* $20 if not slightly more or slightly less. I can get an audiobook on CD for anywhere between $13-$18. And I can get an eBook for maybe even less than that. You have services like Audible that will charge $10 a month to listen to any audiobook you want. I mean, with a competitor like Audible, I can get behind Spotify making audiobooks a completely separate service; like they could make a separate app called Spotify Books (or Spotify Audiobooks) and charge $10 a month for that. That way, they could be making equal revenue with Spotify for music/podcasts and Spotify Books for audiobooks. But to pay for the entire book despite already paying $10 a month for ad-free music is completely asinine.
[NOTE: This post was written on Monday, November 28th, 2022 at 4:07PM PST. If anyone at Spotify reads this post and goes along with the idea, I would at the very least like credit. My email is the same thing as my username but with @gmail.com added at the end of it. We can talk business there.]
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robbieisbatgirl · 2 days
Optimizing Your Online Service along with PLR and also Owner Resell Rights: A Comprehensive Resource
** Maximizing Your Online Service along with PLR as well as Owner Resell Civil Rights: A Comprehensive Resource **.
In today's electronic economic condition, business owners are regularly looking for ways to increase their internet organizations. Some of the very best methods for raising your item offerings as well as profits is actually through leveraging PLR (Private Label Rights) and ** owner resell rights **. If you've ever before considered beginning a ** PLR store ** or even reselling digital items, this short article is going to help you with the essentials.
### What is Master Resell Rights?
To know the potential of PLR and ** professional resell legal rights **, it is actually critical to comprehend their definitions. ** Master resell legal rights ** allow you to certainly not just sell a product yet additionally pass along the rights to your shoppers to resell it. This may put on ** ebooks **, ** videos **, and ** software program **, producing a number of layers of earnings ability.
### Digital Products with Master Resell Rights.
Coming from ** mrr ebooks ** to ** professional resell liberties software program **, these digital items could be marketed continuously without requiring to produce your very own content. You can utilize all of them to grow your company quickly while giving valuable resources to your reader.
### Top PLR and also MRR Sites for 2024.
If you're looking for ** top quality PLR items ** or ** owner resell civil rights ebooks downloads **, there are a number of wonderful web sites to discover. Let's assess several of the greatest:.
- ** IDPLR Review **: Known for its own extensive collection of e-books, online videos, and also program, ** IDPLR ** is actually a leading system for PLR and MRR items. Whether you're appearing for ** PLR traveling manuals ** or even ** plr video recordings along with resell civil rights **, IDPLR gives a large range of products. The platform also delivers a ** complimentary PLR products with giveaway rights ** segment, best for producing leads.
- ** Indigitalworks Review **: Another prominent system for PLR, ** Indigitalworks ** gives items like ** plr ebooks with giveaway civil rights **, ** PLR autoresponder email series **, as well as a lot more. They additionally possess an ** Indigitalworks partner program **, creating it an excellent possibility for business people appearing to earn payments by ensuring top notch PLR items.
- ** Resell Rights Weekly **: ** Resell Rights Weekly ** delivers an on-going supply of ** resell civil liberties products **. After your ** Resell Rights Weekly login **, you can easily access an extensive library of ** professional resell civil liberties once a week ** items, coming from software to ebooks, along with an encouraging community on their ** Resell Rights Weekly online forum **.
- ** PLR Assassin Review **: This site supplies a variety of ** very popular PLR ebooks **, ** PLR video registration ** options, and various other digital products that may enhance your service. Their interface makes it very easy to accessibility ** lead magnet PLR ** material and ** mrr ebooks ** for your outlet.
### Amazon PLR: Can You Sell PLR on Amazon?
One frequently asked concern is whether you can market ** Amazon PLR ** products. The response is indeed-- along with some restrictions. While Amazon enables books, it is actually vital to ensure that your information is special and also observes their standards. For that reason, when making use of ** PLR books 2017 ** or even much older products, make certain to rewrite and rebrand them before posting on Amazon.
### Best PLR Sites 2018: Where to Buy PLR Products.
Though we're effectively previous 2018, a lot of the ** greatest PLR websites 2018 ** still stick out today for giving premium, time tested items. Systems like IDPLR, Indigitalworks, as well as Resell Rights Weekly are still a number of the very best sources for ** buying PLR software ** and also digital books.
### Using PLR to Build Your Marketing Strategy.
Digital business owners may use PLR web content to produce ** lead magnets **, create email checklists, and also engage customers. Using ** PLR free offer records ** is an amazing technique to capture tops and also increase your e-mail checklist. PLR information may additionally be actually repurposed for your blog, video clips, as well as social media.
### Resell Rights Products: Exploring Business Opportunities.
Selling ** reselling liberties items ** is a financially rewarding organization style along with low overhead. Whether it's ** master reselling legal rights books downloads ** or software, this technique allows you to sell digital products that require little beforehand assets. By supplying beneficial content like ** PLR e-books **, ** lead magnet PLR **, or ** PLR auto responder email collection **, you may produce a passive earnings flow.
### Expanding Your Reach along with Internet Marketing and also PLR.
To market your new digital items, using strategies like ** web advertising Zoom ** sessions can easily assist boost your presence. Holding online webinars or even videotaped Zoom appointments focused on the value of ** PLR travel manuals **, ** expert resell liberties software program **, or any type of various other product can easily steer interest as well as sales. If you want to maximize your marketing scope, think about authorizing up for partner systems like ** Indigitalworks associate course ** to make compensations while expanding your viewers.
### Conclusion.
Developing a company around ** PLR ** and ** expert resell civil rights ** is actually a smart and scalable way to create a rewarding internet outlet. By making use of systems like IDPLR, Resell Rights Weekly, as well as Indigitalworks, you get to a variety of ** premium PLR items ** such as ** PLR books **, software program, and video clips. Whether you're only beginning or are actually an established entrepreneur, this company model delivers awesome options to increase your electronic item portfolio. Study the planet of ** PLR items ** today and also unlock the total ability of your online service!
Plr ebook supplier
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indiatravelpackage · 2 days
Discover Agra at Your Own Pace with Premium Car Rental Services
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Agra, the city known for the superb Taj Mahal, is a treasure trove of historical and cultural attractions. However, exploring this bustling city may be a challenge without handy transportation. A car rental in Agra gives an appropriate solution for those looking to find out the city effortlessly and on their own agenda. With bendy alternatives, lower-priced costs, and dependable offerings, renting a car in Agra enhances your travel experience.
Let's delve into why vehicle apartment services in Agra are a tremendous choice for vacationers.
Why Choose a Car Rental Service in Agra?
Whether you're travelling solo, with family, or in a collection, a car service gives you the liberty to discover Agra’s iconic landmarks at your very own tempo. Here's why it's the preferred preference for plenty of tourists:
Freedom and Flexibility
Unlike guided tours or public transport, renting a car gives unequalled flexibility. You can create your own itinerary, decide whilst and where to prevent, and even make remaining-minute modifications to your plans. From the Taj Mahal to the Agra Fort and beyond, you can explore the town’s historic sites without being stressed about strict schedules.
Affordable and Customizable Packages
Car rental services in Agra cater to a huge variety of budgets. Whether you're searching for a simple economy car or a luxurious ride, you will locate low-cost options to fit your desires.
Many car rental agencies offer customizable packages, such as hourly rentals, complete-day bookings, and multi-day leases. This lets you tailor your experience based on how long you plan to explore the town and its surroundings.
Comfort and Convenience
Renting a car in Agra ensures you tour in comfort, specifically in the course of the recent summertime months when air-conditioned cars are a must. Modern rental vehicles come with smooth interiors, enough luggage space, and crucial amenities to make your journey as snug as feasible. Having a personal car also eliminates the need to navigate through crowded public transportation, making your ride strain-unfastened.
Types of Vehicles Available for Car Rental in Agra
Agra’s car rental services provide a lot of car types to house one-of-a-kind journey desires. Depending on your options and institution size, you can pick out from the subsequent:
Economy Cars
For price range-aware tourists, economic system automobiles are a perfect option. These compact vehicles are ideal for solo tourists or couples who need to get across the city quick and cost effectively. Despite their small length, economic system vehicles offer sufficient comfort for brief town rides and are smooth to navigate via Agra’s slim streets.
Sedans provide a private and inexpensive choice for small families or groups of up to 4 people. With more legroom and boot space, those cars are perfect for day-length sightseeing excursions across Agra’s landmarks. Sedans also are best for longer journeys in case you're planning to go to nearby towns like Fatehpur Sikri or Mathura.
SUVs and MUVs
For large organizations or families with greater bags, SUVs and MUVs are the best choice. These vehicles are spacious, providing enough room for up to seven passengers. They are perfect for all-day tours and offer a easy journey even on Agra’s once in a while bumpy roads. Their effective engines and strong suspension systems lead them to great for longer excursions.
Luxury Cars
For tourists seeking out a top-class experience, Agra’s vehicle rental services provide luxurious automobiles. These motors, inclusive of top-emblem sedans and SUVs, come with plush interiors, high-cease functions, and extra comforts like chauffeurs. Ideal for unique activities or business journeys, luxurious cars offer a complicated way to discover Agra.
Easy Booking Options
Booking a car apartment in Agra is easy and straightforward. You can either pre-ebook your rental on-line or arrange for a vehicle upon arrival. Here’s how:
Online Booking
Many automobile condominium groups in Agra provide consumer-pleasant websites or mobile apps that will let you ebook a car in advance. This ensures which you have the vehicle of your choice equipped and ready upon arrival. Online booking platforms additionally allow you to compare charges, choose extra offerings, and make secure payments.
Walk-in Rentals
If you decide on a extra spontaneous method, maximum apartment agencies have workplaces located near key spots inclusive of Agra's railway station, bus terminals, and lodges. You can without a doubt stroll in and lease a vehicle of your choice immediate. Some vehicle rental offerings even provide pick-up and drop-off options for added comfort.
Safety and Reliability
When deciding on a car rental service in Agra, safety and reliability need to be a pinnacle priority. Reputable condo corporations ensure their motors are well-maintained, and their drivers, if requested, are skilled and authorized. Many services provide 24/7 customer service, roadside assistance, and GPS monitoring for an added layer of security during your ride. Be sure to select an agency that has a solid reputation for retaining excessive safety requirements.
Conclusion: Explore Agra with Ease
Agra's splendor and historic importance demand extra than only a short visit. Car rental service agra offerings, you may explore this extraordinary metropolis in your private car, comfortably and simply. Whether you are touring the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, or taking a day's journey to Fatehpur Sikri, having a private car at your disposal makes your experience more exciting.
From economy cars to luxurious rides, Agra’s car rental offerings provide something for each traveller. So, the next time you are in this mesmerizing city, rent a car to unlock the high quality it has to offer.
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faruk999043 · 1 month
Best Selling ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ratings
    ✅Click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DBQ8FSXB 
About 100 YEARS OLD book, someone said:
"This book should be the true story of each person. It should represent a simple guideline to follow from start to finish of our long and happy life."
People spend a lot of time seeking the essence of a fulfilling life, often forgetting that the solution lies in the simplest and closest things.
Many of us find ourselves "halfway there," burdened with regrets and doubts.
100 YEARS OLD - Elixir For A Long And Happy Life offers a moment of clarity and simplicity, steering clear of complex texts and editions.
In this book, the elements are essential:
Real stories
Research findings
Practical advice
QR code links to real places
Numerous recipes
Illustrated yoga exercises
Humorous stories
With humility, Stefano Tosti, in collaboration with Hermann Meyer, embarks on a profound and compelling journey to rediscover and reanalyze secrets already known and truths perhaps told by our grandparents.
Download the eBook edition on Amazon or order the light and easy-to-carry paperback version, available at reduced price for a limited time. For a unique and thoughtful gift for someone special, consider the hardcover premium edition, enriched with premium creamy paper and beautiful photographs.
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mohammadismail1 · 1 month
Best Selling ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ratings
    ✅Click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DBQ8FSXB 
About 100 YEARS OLD book, someone said:
"This book should be the true story of each person. It should represent a simple guideline to follow from start to finish of our long and happy life."
People spend a lot of time seeking the essence of a fulfilling life, often forgetting that the solution lies in the simplest and closest things.
Many of us find ourselves "halfway there," burdened with regrets and doubts.
100 YEARS OLD - Elixir For A Long And Happy Life offers a moment of clarity and simplicity, steering clear of complex texts and editions.
In this book, the elements are essential:
Real stories
Research findings
Practical advice
QR code links to real places
Numerous recipes
Illustrated yoga exercises
Humorous stories
With humility, Stefano Tosti, in collaboration with Hermann Meyer, embarks on a profound and compelling journey to rediscover and reanalyze secrets already known and truths perhaps told by our grandparents.
Download the eBook edition on Amazon or order the light and easy-to-carry paperback version, available at reduced price for a limited time. For a unique and thoughtful gift for someone special, consider the hardcover premium edition, enriched with premium creamy paper and beautiful photographs.
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0 notes
kamaluddin1 · 1 month
Best Selling ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ratings
    ✅Click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DBQ8FSXB 
About 100 YEARS OLD book, someone said:
"This book should be the true story of each person. It should represent a simple guideline to follow from start to finish of our long and happy life."
People spend a lot of time seeking the essence of a fulfilling life, often forgetting that the solution lies in the simplest and closest things.
Many of us find ourselves "halfway there," burdened with regrets and doubts.
100 YEARS OLD - Elixir For A Long And Happy Life offers a moment of clarity and simplicity, steering clear of complex texts and editions.
In this book, the elements are essential:
Real stories
Research findings
Practical advice
QR code links to real places
Numerous recipes
Illustrated yoga exercises
Humorous stories
With humility, Stefano Tosti, in collaboration with Hermann Meyer, embarks on a profound and compelling journey to rediscover and reanalyze secrets already known and truths perhaps told by our grandparents.
Download the eBook edition on Amazon or order the light and easy-to-carry paperback version, available at reduced price for a limited time. For a unique and thoughtful gift for someone special, consider the hardcover premium edition, enriched with premium creamy paper and beautiful photographs.
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0 notes
outsourcingctg24 · 1 month
Best Selling ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ratings
    ✅Click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DBQ8FSXB 
About 100 YEARS OLD book, someone said:
"This book should be the true story of each person. It should represent a simple guideline to follow from start to finish of our long and happy life."
People spend a lot of time seeking the essence of a fulfilling life, often forgetting that the solution lies in the simplest and closest things.
Many of us find ourselves "halfway there," burdened with regrets and doubts.
100 YEARS OLD - Elixir For A Long And Happy Life offers a moment of clarity and simplicity, steering clear of complex texts and editions.
In this book, the elements are essential:
Real stories
Research findings
Practical advice
QR code links to real places
Numerous recipes
Illustrated yoga exercises
Humorous stories
With humility, Stefano Tosti, in collaboration with Hermann Meyer, embarks on a profound and compelling journey to rediscover and reanalyze secrets already known and truths perhaps told by our grandparents.
Download the eBook edition on Amazon or order the light and easy-to-carry paperback version, available at reduced price for a limited time. For a unique and thoughtful gift for someone special, consider the hardcover premium edition, enriched with premium creamy paper and beautiful photographs.
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