#preserum Steve x reader
crazyunsexycool · 2 years
Love in times of war
Pairing: 40s!Steve Rogers x 40s!Reader
word count: 16.1k
Summary: you meet Steve Rogers while working with Dr. Erskine.
warnings: Steve being adorable, preserum Steve, angst, fluff, badly written smut, talks of blood, needles, gunshots, Bucky being a little shit, Peggy is a bitch (if you like Peggy this is not the blog for you)
A/N: this was a wild ride. Was it necessary to write 16k not at all but I had so much fun writing it. I used some scenes from Captain America the first avenger but I don’t own the characters or marvel. Please let me know what you think and as always I appreciate the comments, likes and reblogs.
master list
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Excitement was thick in the air, the expo was in full swing and men were lining up at the recruitment center in order to serve their country. You had almost been out the door after a long day of work when you were called back. It was rare that Dr. Erskine would ask you to come in if you were done for the night but the moment you stepped into his office you knew. His eyes were bright and hopeful.
“You found him.” you exclaimed once the door was shut. Leaning back against the door you looked at the older man, excited at the possibility.
“Perhaps I have. I need you now more than ever.”
“Of course, anything you need.”
“Good.” He says as he hands you a file. 
“Steven Grant Rogers.” you murmur as your eyes scan the page. “Hmm, he has a long list of health issues Doc.” You look back up at him to find Erskine studying your reaction. “But you didn’t choose him because of that did you?”
“You are correct. This world needs more than good soldiers Y/N.”
“It needs good men. He seems to fit the bill, he’s tried to sign up multiple times to fight for his country. Seems like Mr. Rogers only wants to do what's right.”
“You get it and that is why I need you by my side. Go home and pack your things. We have a lot to prepare for in the coming weeks.”
The next morning you had been one of the first people into Erskine’s lab. The good doctor had left you with a list of things to do the night before so you began at the top of the list. By the time you had organized the equipment he needed and redid Steve’s chart it was time to start with the regular work day. 
You made your way to the exam room that had been set up and knocked on the door. When you heard the faint come in you opened the door to find Steve unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes were the prettiest blue you had ever seen but they were filled with embarrassment at his state of undress. If that wasn’t enough, the hint of pink that dusted his cheeks made him even cuter.
“Hi Mr. Rogers my name is Y/N and I’m going to be assisting Dr. Erskine. He needs me to take your vitals and some blood samples too. Is it ok if I come in now?” 
“Yes, it’s alright.” 
You open the door wider and close it behind you, offering him a smile before making your way to the small cabinet area in the room. Steve’s chart sits on the counter while you gather the things you’ll need to take his vitals. 
“You don’t have to be nervous. Everything will turn out alright.” You say over your shoulder when you notice him fidgeting. 
“What if Dr. Erskine chose the wrong person for this?”
You placed everything you needed on the small cart that was nestled in the corner of the room and dragged it closer as you thought about how to answer the question.
“I’ve been working with him for almost a year now and this is the first time he’s selected anyone.” 
“So no pressure.”
You smile as you put the cuff on his arm to take his blood pressure.
“I know his story but that is for him to tell you. I can say that for the first time in a long time he feels hopeful and that is something you gave him. Which means that you’re the only choice for this project.”
After taking his pressure you make a note on his chart. As you pull on the stethoscope that was hanging around your neck to listen to his heart and then his lungs you feel his eyes on you. Steve is taking in your beauty and he’s sure you heard how his breath hitches when you move closer. But he’s almost in a trance by the beautiful color of your eyes, a color he’ll have to remember so that he can try and recreate it later. You move away from him before grabbing what you need to take blood samples and labeling them. 
“How can you be so sure of that?” He asked in a hush tone.
“You’re humble for starters. With anyone else they would have puffed out their chest, proud that they’re the only one that fit the bill but you still question it. From what I read in your file you find yourself in fights quite a bit?” 
“I don’t like bullies.” 
“Exactly, you’re willing to fight for what’s right. You stand up against those that abuse their power and you don’t do it for the glory or anything.You know what it means to be powerless and it’s safe to say you’re compassionate. I think that’s more important than just passing all these tests. And like I said I know Erskine’s story, one you will understand with time.” you offer Steve a small smile which he returns. Before he’s able to reply another knock echoes into the small room before the door opens. 
“There you are Y/N, thank you for getting the lab ready.” 
“You’re welcome doc. I’m done with his vitals and blood samples.” 
“Good, take them back to my lab. I have some other things to go over with Steve.”  Dr. Erskine pats your shoulder.
“See you later Steve and remember what I said.” You send a wink his way as you walk out of the room. Dr. Erskine watched as you walked out and the blush that appeared on Steve’s cheeks with a smirk.
“If you hurt her I will make you disappear.” 
“What- no I would never… She wouldn’t even like someone like me.” 
“You don’t know that. Y/N is one of the few people I trust. She is kind, smart and selfless and are you going to deny that she is beautiful? She wants what we do, for this world to be better and the war to be over. I think she’s the only one that can choose who she likes.”
A few weeks have passed since you first met Steve. Now you had traveled to New Jersey to the base that was being used for basic training. They had given you a small room to set up as a makeshift office so that you could take more blood samples from Steve and some other recruits that Colonel Phillips had picked himself. 
“Private Hodge.” You called out from the doorway. 
“Hello sugar.” Hodge said as he walked in. You saw him look you up and down with a smirk on his lips. 
“Please have a seat.” 
“You like being bossy, sugar? I could get used to that.” he winks as he takes a seat on the exam table.
“Private Hodge my name isn’t sugar it’s Y/N so I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me that.” 
“Oh come on I’m just teasing. I’m sure a pretty little thing like you is used to the attention.”
“I’d really prefer it if you stopped talking now. I need to take your blood pressure.” 
You went down the mental list you had created, making sure to gather all of the information Dr. Erskine required. Although physically Hodge was in the running to be the first test subject, the fact that he was making you uncomfortable with not only his comments but he wouldn’t take his eyes off you was bothersome. Dr. Erskine had told you early on that he was looking for someone that was more than physically capable, he needed to find someone that was good and would stand up for what was right. The more time you worked with the doctor the more it made sense as to why Steve was the only choice. 
“You’re all done, you can leave.”  You informed him as you rushed to the door and opened it. 
“Don’t I get a reward for being such a good patient?” Hodge had walked up to you and put a hand on your waist with the purpose of pulling you closer. 
“Let me go.” 
“Just a little sugar, sugar.”  
Hodge pulled you closer forcing you to place your hands on his chest to try to push him away. When that didn’t work you stomped on his boot, the heel of your shoe digging into the top of his foot causing him to take a few steps back.
“You little-”
“Back off.” Steve appeared by the door and quickly stood in front of you to keep Hodge away.
“What are you going to do about it?” 
Hodge was much taller and muscular then Steve. He stocked over to the blond, using his height to try and intimidate the shorter man but it didn’t work. 
“No fighting allowed. If you do, you're disqualified.” 
Hodge backed away from Steve with a huff and some curses under his breath. He looked over at you with a scowl on his face before heading down the hallway. You looked down before looking at Steve and moving into the room to let him in. 
“Thank you, for that.” you said in a hushed voice. His hand found yours and he tugged so that you would turn towards him.
“Did he hurt you?”
“No, you got here just in time.”
“If he tries anything else you tell me, I don’t care about being disqualified.” 
You smile at him before squeezing his hand lightly.
“And you doubt why you are the perfect person for this.” you motioned toward the exam table. “Let me get some items together and then we can start.” 
The room sat in comfortable silence as you moved around the exam table. You could feel Steve’s eyes on you and when you looked over your shoulders your eyes would meet causing his cheeks to redden with the embarrassment of being caught. It was cute to say the least and since the first meeting you hadn’t really been able to stop thinking about him. Still in the moment you pushed your thoughts of what dating Steve would be like and focused on the task at hand. Unfortunately everything was completed quickly and there was no reason for him to stay and talk. 
“Were you done for the night then?” Steve cut the silence. 
“Yeah, I just need to put these things away.” 
“Are you staying on base? I could walk you to your room if you’d like.” 
“I would like that, thank you.” You looked up from his chart and smiled. “Let me just finish this up.” 
He gave you a quick nod and walked out to wait for you in the hallway. A few minutes later you walked out, locking the door before turning to the blond that was leaning against the wall. 
“Ready?” you nod at him and he starts walking with you down the long corridor. 
“So what do you do for fun?” 
“Oh you know the usual, get in fights in the alley, try to join the army, but mostly I like drawing and painting too.” 
“So you’re an artist?” 
“Something like that. How about you, what does the world’s best nurse do for fun?”
“Well I love finding good hearted men that fight bullies in alleys and then run tests on him to make sure he qualifies for super secret government experiments. Also I have a knack for befriending older scientists with accents.” You smile at Steve. “I do enjoy a good book too.” 
“So what made you want to be a nurse?” Steve asked as you walked toward your room.
“My parents both worked and I had a younger brother that was sick a lot. I used to take care of him most of the time. What I really wanted to do was work in research to find a cure for one or some of his illnesses. We just didn’t have the money for school and my dad didn’t think a woman should be worrying about things like that anyways. Nursing was the next best thing and I would take what I could get. Erskine has given me a once in a lifetime opportunity by letting me work alongside him.” 
“I think you’d be great at it. My ma was a nurse, I think if she had the chance she would have been a doctor.”
“What did you do before joining the army?” 
“I just found work where I could get it. Not many people were willing to hire someone like me.” 
You frowned slightly. The army you could understand, they needed healthy men to fill the ranks but that didn’t mean Steve wasn’t able to work. 
“It’s not a big deal. I’m here now and that’s all that matters.” 
“And you’ll go on to do great things, don't forget that.” You replied as you stopped in front of the room you had been given for your stay. Leaning forward you kiss Steve on the cheek causing him to once again turn a bright red. “Thank you for walking me over.” 
“S’no problem. Goodnight.” He said as you walked in a grin broke out on his face as he touched the cheek you had kissed. 
The next morning had gone how every morning went while working with Erskine. Going over lab results and him teaching you a few things along the way. You cared for the older man as if he were a father and with a few little words he let you know you were like the daughter he never had. He always gave you a chance to review what he did and let you tell him your findings while correcting any mistakes you made.
 As the day went on you met with Colonel Phillips out on the field. He was arguing with Dr. Erskine about who should be chosen as the first test subject. Talking about how Hodge was the best choice while putting Steve down, something you didn’t like one bit.
“Look at that, he’s making me cry.” He states as you three stop by a truck and watch the recruits doing jumping jacks, Steve doing his best to keep up.
“I am looking for qualities beyond the physical.” Erskine stated. 
Phillips argued how long it took to get this project set up and how he had to basically beg some senator. You couldn’t be bothered to listen to him whining, your focus was on Steve and silently cheering him on. It’s also when you noticed a brunette who also had her eyes on Steve. She had a uniform on and you remembered that Erskine had told you about some agent from England that was also involved, maybe it was her. But you are brought back to the conversation at hand.
“He’s a bully.” 
“You don’t win wars with niceness, doctor.” He moves around to the back of the truck and picks up a grenade. “You win wars with guts.” Phillip says as he pulls the pin and tosses the explosive toward the group of men. 
“Move, move, move.” Hodges yells out. The men panic and run to hide behind whatever they can find. Steve however dives to cover the grenade with his body, shielding as many people as he can from the explosion. 
“Get away! Get back.” he tosses the grenade away from himself. Hodge and the rest of the recruits get up again once they don’t hear it going off. A confused Steve starts looking around to see what’s going on.
“It’s a dummy grenade.” someone says. 
“Is this a test?” Steve asks, first looking at the brunette before turning and finding you. A smile on your lips when your eyes meet, you give him a thumbs up. 
“He’s still skinny.” you hear Phillips say. But it doesn’t matter as your attention changes from Steve to Erksine who is also smiling. 
“Let’s go get everything ready, we have our candidate.” He tells you softly. 
The day everyone had been waiting for finally arrived. The lab was already full, some government officials were taking their seats in the viewing room while Howard Stark was reviewing the capsule Steve would have to get into. You on the other hand were getting the serum ready as well as some other things for Dr. Erskine. 
“Ready to make some history?” Howard asked as he rounded the capsule. 
“Absolutely, are you?”
“Don’t tell anyone but I am a bit terrified.”
“Don’t worry Mr. Stark.”
“Please call me Howard.”
“Well don’t worry Howard, this isn’t your flying car.” you tease.
He points at you, “I’ll remember that.” he says before smiling back.
Before you could reply the double doors opened revealing Steve in his uniform and the agent from the base, Peggy Carter. Erskine walked up to them and pointed at the viewing room, Peggy left the men and headed up the stairs. Next he turned to find you and waved you over.
“Will you get him ready?” He asked once you joined them. You nod and he leaves.
“How are you feeling?” you asked Steve, who honestly looked a little terrified.
“I’m good. How are you?” 
“Excited.” you beamed as you motioned for him to follow you. Once you were on the platform you turned back to him. “You’ll have to take your shirt off.”
“Oh, ok.” He unbuttons his shirt and hands it to you before removing his undershirt. 
“This is Howard Stark, he’ll get you settled in.” 
“Come over this way.” Howard gets Steve strapped on the table and makes sure Steve is comfortable. After getting the ok from Steve he turns to make some final checks on the capsule.
“How are your levels Mr. Stark?” 
“Levels are at 100%. We may dim half the lights in brooklyn, but we are ready… as we’ll ever be.”
Erskine reassures Steve one last time before turning to the crowd watching above and giving some kind of speech. You moved to take the serum from the case they were in and place them in their in the machine Steve was in. Once you were done Steve grabbed your hand, sending a worried look your way. 
“Everything will be fine. You’re the right choice Steve.” you squeeze his hand and smile at him before stepping away to grab a syringe. With a cotton swab and alcohol you clean a spot in his arm. “You’ll just feel a pinch.” you say before giving him the shot.
“Oh, that wasn’t so bad.” 
“That was penicillin.” Erskine informs him, making you giggle. “Serum infusion beginning in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.” The sound of the tubes draining can be heard and Steve grimaces. “Now Mr. Stark.”
The capsule closes and moves to an upright position, the doctor checks on Steve one more time before Howard begins to turn up the power on it. The anticipation builds slowly and you feel your heart pounding in your chest as you watch. The light from inside gets brighter but Steve starts to scream as Howard announces that power is at 70%.
“Steven!” Erskine shouts as he tries to look into the small window. “Steven!” 
From above you can also hear Peggy yell. “Shut it down!’ 
Erskine moves and starts shouting instructions at Howard. But you’re still stuck in your spot until you hear him say to shut it off.
“No. He can do it.” 
“No, don’t. I can do this.” 
Both you and Steve yell at the same time. Causing Howard to move back to the dial and keep going. The light gets even brighter as Howard announces 80%, 90% and finally 100%. His circuit board lights up, everything around short circuits. Erskine stands next to you in front of the pod waiting with bated breath as the doors finally open revealing a much taller and muscular Steve. He slumps forward and you and Erskine quickly move forward to catch him.
“How do you feel?” You ask as he stands up, taking a few deep breaths. 
“Taller.” you smile up at him while another nurse passes him a t-shirt. 
Everyone from the viewing room comes down, all of them talking over each other and exchanging congratulations. Peggy heads toward Steve and begins to talk with him when someone shouts and a gun is fired, taking Erskine down. You rush over and put pressure on the wound but from where it hit you know it’s fatal. Steve is there in an instant as you try to hold back the tears. The older man looks at you and points to your head and then looks at Steve and points to his heart before taking his last breath. 
“No no no.” Your bottom lip trembles as you take the older man’s hand in your own.
Steve runs out of the room chasing the man that had killed your friend and mentor. Howard moved towards you to try and move you away from Erskine’s body when an explosion rocked the building filling the room with fire and smoke. Howard pulls you as everyone begins to run out of the lab. 
There was a huge commotion out in the hallway. Everyone ran around frantically trying to figure out how they were going to deal with the loss of the formula for the serum. No one cared for the life that paid the price, there was no grieving the great man that was Abraham Erskine. Even with his flaws and mistakes of the past weighing him down he still dreamt of a better future. It was a shame that he wouldn’t be there to watch it happen. 
You sat in his office, where Howard led you to as he tried to talk with the colonel and the other government officials that were demanding he replicate the formula immediately. The noise grew louder for a moment before it was muffled once again behind the closed door. Your once white nurses uniform was now stained with blood, ash and tears while your hair fell out of the updo you had. The ringing in your ears gradually stopped the longer you sat there. None of it mattered because you had witnessed the worst thing imaginable, the loss of a friend at the hands of someone else. Too lost in thought you missed the footsteps getting closer to you, only when Steve crouched down in front of you did you realize you weren’t alone anymore. He was soaking wet and the white t-shirt he wore clung to his now muscular frame. One of his hands came up to your face gingerly and wiped away the tears that still fell while the other grabbed one of yours that was on your lap. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N.” He said, his voice soft and comforting.
“Did you get him?”
“I did but he didn’t make it.”
You nodded but you barely looked at him, instead you stood and began to organize the files on Erskine’s desk. He had so much research and he’d let you go over all of it. He even gave you your own projects to work on so that you could gain the experience necessary for the field. Now being in his office those memories washed over you causing the ache in your chest to expand. It was all consuming and you didn’t know how to handle it. Sure you’ve lost people you cared about but they passed from natural causes. This was different, he had supported you more than your own father and now it was over. You tried to put your focus on the papers that were  everywhere and chalkboards filled with his ideas and formulas and you began to get angry. 
“Why does he have to be so messy?” You say as you slam a file down. “I was here yesterday and organized all of this, couldn’t he keep things in order for one damn day.” You complained as you sniffled. Steve stood there watching you for a moment before reaching out and stopping your movements.
He turned you around and pulled you into his chest, letting you cry as much as you wanted. In this moment Steve wished more than anything that he could turn back time and stop what happened. Once you calmed down enough the recently turned super soldier pulled back to look down at you. He reaches up to wipe away the tears.
“We’ll find the others that were involved and we’ll make them pay, I promise”. 
“I’m sorry for… this.” You gestured at yourself vaguely.
“No need to be sorry sweetheart.” He gave you a chaste kiss on the forehead. Something he’s wanted to do since that night at the base. You look up at him with red rimmed eyes and give him a sad smile. The door opens and in walks Colonel Phillips and at least a dozen men. They begin to pack all of Erskine’s things.
“Hey, you can’t take that.” You argue as you pull some files away from one of them.
“Of course he can, this is government property. I’m sorry Miss but you’ll have to leave you no longer have any business being here, and you.” He points at Steve. “We have a special mission for you.” With that he walks out leaving you both frozen in place as the men work around both of you.
“Give them hell.” You tell him. 
“I intend to.” 
You gave Steve a final hug and a request to keep in touch before you watched him walk out of the door. He looked at you one final time before he disappeared. It would be months before you would see him again.
Colonel Phillips screwed you over big time, he made sure you wouldn’t be able to sign up with the nurse corp. He stated that since you worked with Erskine it made you a target if anyone found out so really he was saving your life. Without much to do in New York you had decided to visit your aunt in Chicago to try and get away for a little bit. It ended up being a wasted trip as your aunt and new husband were headed to California a few days after you arrived but still they offered you to stay and house sit for them. 
While walking down the city streets one day you saw a flier with a very familiar looking man on it. It had your blood boiling at the thought that this was Steve’s mission. Phillips really was an idiot in your opinion, you ripped the flier from the wall and headed in the direction of this supposed show. Although you were angry that Erskine’s work was being wasted you couldn’t help but be a little relieved that Steve was safe. It’s not that you had spent so much time together but you adored him. The few times you did spend together he was a gentleman and kind. You still regret not inviting him into your room that night at the base but it was too late for that now. The little hopes you had to see him were dashed by the time you got there it was over. You had tried to ask where the performers were staying but no one would give you an answer so feeling defeated you headed out of the theater. You took off in the direction of your aunt’s home, your eyes still on the flier when you ran into someone.
“I’m sorry.” You both said at the same time. 
“Steve?” You say when you look up. Your eyes were wide and your mouth agape. 
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” He asked as he wrapped you in a hug which you returned.
“I came to see you but I missed the show.” 
“You came to Chicago to see me?” He looked down at you, it was still fascinating to you how much the serum had changed him physically. That was something else you are angry about, Phillips didn’t give you a chance to take notes after the serum had been administered to have information before and after.
“No, I came to Chicago to see an aunt, I saw the flier and thought it was you so I wanted to see it for myself.” 
He nodded as he scratched the back of his neck, you saw the embarrassment in his face but you needed to know what happened.
“Steve, why are you doing this?” 
He sighed as he looked around and then at you. Steve felt like a failure every time he had to get up on that stage. He thought of Erskine and you and all of the work you had done. Mostly he thought about how much you believed in him and how he had let you down. 
“Would you like to get some coffee or something and we can talk?”
He offered you his arm before leading you down the block. If the world wasn’t in the middle of a war and you didn’t feel at least slightly lost you would say that this was nice. Being on Steve’s arm felt natural and in all honesty you had missed him. 
Once you found a diner a few blocks down from the theater you took a booth toward the back. The waitress came by and took your drink orders and left.
“So…” you said as you looked at him. You couldn’t help yourself and you studied his face, taking mental notes of the changes in his appearance. His hair, although combed up and back so that it was out of his face, seemed healthier and his cheeks held a healthy rosy tint along with his eyes which sparkled brighter. 
“So.” He looked at you bracing himself for the disappointment he was sure to see on your face. “After that day I left with Phillips thinking he would send me overseas but he said he needed an army of super soldiers not just one man. He thought it would be more useful if I did the show to sell war bonds. It’s honestly embarrassing, I could be doing so much more if he would just let me go over there. I feel I’m back at square one except I don’t have asthma anymore.” 
“He basically blacklisted me from the nurse corp. said that by helping Erskine I put a target on my back and if they found out and I was taken, he wouldn't bother to send anyone to get me.” 
The waitress set Steve’s coffee down and your milkshake before leaving your table again.
“It seems he doesn’t really like either of us.”
“I’m going to reach out again, someone will listen. I didn’t volunteer for this to be stuck fake punching Hitler.” 
You laughed at the image and then he started laughing too. When you quieted down you sighed and looked out the window. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
“How upset Erskine would be if he knew. How much I want to make those bastards pay and how much I missed you.”
Steve reached out and gently grabbed your hand, his thumb moving back and forth over your knuckles. “I’ve thought about you every single day.” He gives you a coy smile. “Come on, let’s enjoy the city while we can.” 
Steve stood up and dropped a couple of bills before offering you his hand, which you took happily. 
You walk around the city, sometimes in silence and taking it all in but mostly getting to know each other. He tells you more about his childhood and his best friend Bucky. You tell him more about your younger brother and your own best friend. But as it gets darker you know you have to part and the thought of not seeing him again saddens you. Before you realize it you’re standing on the front porch of your aunt’s house, the key in your hand while Steve stands behind you waiting for you to open the door and go in. Neither of you really want this night to end but he’s leaving for another city in the morning and you’ll have to start packing to return back home. 
The soft click of the lock echoes in the silence between you and you push the door open before turning to look at Steve. He gave you a half smile, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“So.” You both said at the same time making you both smile. 
“I guess this is it.” He said.
“I guess so.” 
Steve walked closer and placed a hand on your waist while the other cupped your cheek. Your own rested against his chest as you looked up at him.
“I’d really like to kiss you.” 
“I’d really like it if you did.” 
Steve moved until his lips were barely touching, still giving you the chance to back away. Instead you closed the small distance as your lips crashed against his. They were soft as they moved against yours, a sweet dance that turned passionate. You felt Steve’s hand move from your cheek to your neck so that he could deepen the kiss. His tongue explored your mouth as you moaned. But all too quickly he pulled back and cleared his throat. There was a blush creeping up on his cheeks and you smiled at him. 
“Would you like a drink?”
“I should head back, we leave early.”  His hands in his pocket.
“Of course.” You say. “Take care of yourself Steve.”
“You too. Maybe I can come find you back in New York once this is all over?” 
“I’d like that.” You smile at him again. “Bye Steve.” You say before walking into the house and closing the door. 
“Goodbye sweetheart.” He said to himself when he saw the light turn on.
You leaned against the door and wished he’d come in. The thought of him leaving again was going to hurt so much more the second time around. Turning back around you opened the door hoping that he wasn’t too far. Instead you find him walking up toward the porch. Steve stops in front of the steps and looks up at you. Your body, perfectly silhouetted against the light in of the living room. Slowly you walked out and down two of the three steps and found yourself eye level with Steve. 
“Is that drink still on the table?” 
“For you it is.” You grabbed his hand and led him inside. 
Once the door was closed Steve pulled you close and turned you around to push you against the door. His lips crashed into yours, it was messy and hurried and perfect. Your arms found their way around his broad shoulders. Steve left a myriad of kisses on your cheek and jaw and onto your neck, he nipped and kissed his way down to the collar of your dress. You grabbed his face and pulled him in for another kiss, this one slow but just as needy. Once you pulled back you patted Steve on the chest twice so that he would move back. 
“We should maybe move away from the living room.” You smiled as you grabbed his hand and pulled him toward your room.
Steve stands in the doorway, wanting to get closer to you again but still giving you a chance to stop. But you don’t want to stop, instead your hands reach for the belt that sits at your waist, made of the same fabric as your dress, and you pull on it. Then you start to undo the first button, your hands moving slowly as you keep your eyes on Steve. Arching one eyebrow at him.
“Are you going to stand there all night?” 
Your question seemed to have pulled him back into the moment as he closed the gap between the both of you. His hands fall to your waist before pulling you closer. 
“Are you sure?” 
“You’re the only thing I’m sure about Steve.” 
His lips are on yours in a flash and he swallows the small gasp you let out in surprise. Steve’s hands move from your waist to the front of your dress to undo a few more buttons before he pushes it off your shoulders. Once the dress hits the floor you step out of it, Steve’s hands are on your hips.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers as he picks you up, walks over to the bed and sets you down. Steve’s eyes drag from top to bottom making your cheeks heat up and you realize how exposed you are to him at the moment.
You push the leather jacket he’s wearing off his shoulders before starting to unbutton his shirt. Once he’s shirtless Steve hovers over you, slightly unsure of what to do next. The feel of your hands on his bare skin makes him shudder. He would never admit at how many times he fantasized of this exact moment, or if you would ever even look at him as more than some science experiment. Steve could question your affection as much as he wanted but he knew you cared way before he ever received the serum. It was always there in the way you looked at him and the way you believed in him unconditionally. No one other than his ma and Bucky looked past the physical limitations but you did. Even now when your lips found their way to his jaw and your hands explored his body you showed him how much you wanted him. So he moved to make sure you felt how much you mean to him.
Steve’s touch was gentle but lit your skin aflame as he moved from your waist to your back to undo your bra. Your lips met his, moving in sync as your tongues fight for dominance. The feel of his hands on your breasts and the way his mouth moved down to explore your exposed chest. Steve kept his lust blown eyes on your face as his tongue swirled around your nipple. A small gasp escapes you as your hips buck against him. Your breath hitches as you feel Steve move down leaving kisses in his wake, for a moment he stops on the band of your panties. 
Those piercing blue eyes meet yours, his hands on your hips as he asks, “Can I taste you?” He hoped you didn’t hear the nervousness he felt, this was all new to him. Anything he knew was from when Bucky talked about it he just hoped that he remembered enough to make you feel good. 
“Yes.” The thought of him between your legs alone was enough to make you wet but this would be so much better. Steve slowly pulls down your panties and tosses them to the side. He leaves a trail of kisses up your calves then your thighs until he’s settled comfortably between them. He didn’t hesitate to swipe his tongue through your folds, an action that had him groaning and you bucking your hips. Steve took his time, finding what made your breath hitch just from him using his mouth so that he could do it over and over again. His tongue flicks against your clit causing you to mewl. Your hands find their way to his hair, pulling it as you begin to feel your orgasm build. 
“Steve,” You say as you feel him carefully slide a finger into your heat. Slowly he builds his pace before adding a second finger. The moan that leaves your lips when he curls his fingers is like music to his ears, and he wants to hear more. The feeling of you clenching around his fingers urges him to keep going. Steve works tongue over your clit before sealing his lips around the bundle of nerves. Your legs tremble and that coil in your belly tightens until it snaps. “I’m gonna-” you cut yourself off with a moan, your head thrown back and your eyes closed as your orgasm washes over you. 
You feel Steve move some hair out of your face and you smile as you open your eyes. 
“Was that ok?” 
You nod before pulling him down for a kiss and tasting yourself on his lips. Your hands travel down his body until you reach his trousers where you feel his hardened length. You’ve never been with a man before but you’re a nurse so that body part isn’t as foreign for you as it is for most women and one thing you know is that he’s big. But you don’t waste your time thinking about if he’ll fit, your fingers working quickly to undo the button but before you get to the zipper he stops you.
“We don’t have to do anything else if you don’t want to.”
You smile up at him, of course he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. “Of course I want to be with you Steve, I want everything with you.” 
He smiles down at you, his eyes bright and full of adoration and lust and his kiss swollen lips meet yours again as he lets go of your hand. The zipper is pulled down and you push down his pants before Steve kicks them off. The blonde begins to settle between your legs again before he pulls back and turns around asking for you to give him a second. You’re about to ask him if he’s ok before he bends down to grab his pants, pulling something out of his pocket. He holds it between two fingers, a condom. You sit up and move towards him, your chest pressed against his back as you kneel behind him you look over his shoulder. Grabbing it you rip open the condom, Steve turns his head to look at you confused at what you’re doing before he feels your hand on his cock. The tip already has a bead of precum as you move your thumb over it before you move up and down slowly. His breath gets caught in his throat as you move slightly faster. He wraps his hand around your wrist.
“Sweetheart, I don’t think I’ll last if you keep going.” He whispers before letting your wrist go. You kiss his cheek before moving to put the condom on and then moving back to the bed letting him settle back down between your spread legs. “Are you sure?” He asks one more time. His breath fanning across your lips as he hovers over you.
“Yes Steve, I’m sure. Please, I need to feel you.” 
You share a tender kiss as Steve lines himself up with your entrance and pushes in slowly. Once he bottoms out he rests his forehead against yours as he gives you time to adjust to his size. You feel so full with him even though there’s a little bit of pain. But you manage as you stare into those cerulean eyes that had burned themselves into your memory.
“Did you mean it?” 
“What?” You ask as you hold on to his biceps. 
“That you want everything with me. Because I’ll give you everything and anything you ask for.”
“I did, I want you.” 
His lips capture yours again as he begins to move languidly. The pain quickly morphed into pleasure the more you relaxed . Your back arches into him before you start to move against him. Steve picks up the pace as the pretty little sounds you make spur him on. He hides his face in the crook of your neck while his hands find yours, fingers intertwined above your head.
“So good Steve.” You moan as you throw your head back in pleasure. You’re on the edge again and Steve groans when you clench around him. 
Steve never thought he’d get a chance to be this intimate with a woman but now he’s glad it’s you. He’ll memorize the sounds you make, the blissed out look on your face, the way you chant his name like a prayer and the way you hold him close. Remembering how you came undone with his mouth on your clit, one of his hands snakes between both your bodies as he begins to circle where you want him most. The added stimulation has you falling off the edge with his name on your lips and your eyes closed. 
“Fuck you feel so good sweetheart.” He mutters as his pace becomes uneven. A few more thrusts has him spilling into the condom. 
Giving your hand a squeeze, Steve let’s go before shifting slightly and pulling out slowly. 
He peppers your face with kisses before moving to lay down beside you. After a few minutes you sit up and start to move towards the edge of the bed.
“Hey where are you going?” He asks, concerned.
“I’m going to Um- clean up.” 
“Don’t, stay here.” He gets up and removes the condom he used. Steve comes back with a hand towel soaked in warm water. He places a kiss on your forehead as the towel disappears under the blanket you were now covering yourself with. 
At the sensation of the towel between your legs you hiss and he stops. 
“Did I hurt you?” 
“No, I’m just a bit sensitive right now.” You move your hand to his and guide him on what to do. He discards the towel in the small laundry basket you have in the corner and gets back into bed holding his arms open for you to snuggle into him. 
Neither of you get much sleep, instead you enjoy each other’s company in comfortable silence. Time betrayed you, before you knew it Steve had to leave so that he could head to the next city on the U.S.O tour.
“I wish you didn’t have to go.” You tell him when he gets up and starts getting dressed. 
“I wish I didn’t either.” He sits at the edge of the bed with his trousers and shoes on turning to look at you. It was a mistake because Steve finds a little pout and big doe eyes looking at him. “I’ll find you back in New York alright?”
“You promise?” You mentally curse yourself for sounding so insecure but you were in a very vulnerable position at the moment. Steve had been your first and you had been his. Now you wouldn’t be sure how long it would be before you saw him again. 
“Of course I promise. I can’t leave my best girl waiting.” 
He pulls a small smile from you with that. Steve leans in to steal a quick kiss and then proceeds to put on his shoes and his shirt followed by his jacket. 
“Promise me you’ll be careful on your way back home.” 
“I will.” You had grabbed your robe and tied it around your waist so that you could walk Steve out. 
His hands sit on your hips as he looks at you fondly. 
“I’ll see you soon, I swear.”
“I know.” You stand on your toes to reach his lips, kissing him passionately before pulling away from both the kiss and him. Already missing his warmth you unlock the door and open it for him. Steve leaves a chaste kiss on your forehead before stepping out onto the porch. 
“I’ll see you soon sweetheart.”
“Take care of yourself.” You wave him off and watch him disappear before closing the door. Little did you know you would see him sooner than you would think.
Even with the limited times you’ve been on a plane you could definitely say this was the worst flight of your life. The turbulence was awful and you were sure that your grip on the armrests would break them if you had any real strength. But when Howard found you at the hospital you worked at and offered you a job that would take you overseas you jumped at the chance. Now here you sat getting ready to land in the worst plane ever made just so that you could help in the war efforts. 
“How was the trip?” You’re greeted by a smiling Howard once you were able to get out of the plane. 
“I’m never getting on one of your planes again Howard.” you glared at him before smiling. 
“Oh come on it couldn’t have been so bad if you’re standing here.” 
He moved around and grabbed your suitcase as some of the other cargo was pulled out of the plane. 
“It really was. But I’m here in one piece and that’s all that matters. Now are you going to tell me what I’m meant to be doing? I know Colonel Phillips couldn’t have agreed to have me here.”
“He doesn’t really know, but that doesn’t matter because you are here as my assistant.” He offers you his arm considering the ground was uneven before leading you into the building. Howard dropped off your suitcase in his office before leading you into the main room of the building. The tension in the room was palpable as military personnel worked with urgency setting up maps and rearranging desks. Orders were being barked at the other end of the room by an all too familiar voice. There was a group of men huddled over one particular map which is where Howard was walking before he stopped. You looked at him to find him scanning the room, he stopped a pretty blond and asked for the captain. She directed him toward a corner of the room that had some shelves filled with boxes and documents. 
“This way.” Howard said with childlike glee. It was slightly contagious and you found yourself smiling at whatever it was you were being led to. A smile that slipped when you saw Steve walking from behind one of the shelves in his uniform, but that’s not what upset you, it was the red lipstick on his lips and the woman that walked out beside him. You made eye contact with Peggy first, a smirk on her face as her hand found Steve’s. He hadn’t seen you yet, instead he was wiping away the lipstick and when he felt Peggy grab his hand he pulled away. 
“What was that for?” He questioned her but he didn’t wait for an answer as he looked up at her and followed her line of sight, to find you standing next to Howard. He cursed under his breath when he saw the way your eyes shone with unshed tears. Howard whispered something in your ear and you turned to walk away. “Y/N?” Steve moved to follow you to explain what happened but he was stopped by the man that brought you here.
“Give her a minute.” 
“What is she even doing here Stark?”
“I need an assistant, the Commandos need a nurse and this division needs someone that can figure out what Hydra is doing. She was the person closest to Erskine and his research. If anyone can figure out what they’re doing it’s her.”
“If she gets hurt because of you I’ll end you.” 
“If you must.” 
Steve shakes his head as he walks past Howard to try and find you. 
“My office, Rogers.”  Howard says over his shoulder before he turns back to look at the Brunette across from him. A scowl on her face when their eyes meet. “What the hell was that Carter?” 
“None of your business.”
“You know how much she means to him and that I was bringing her into this. Did you do that just because he refused your advances?” 
Peggy squared her shoulders and she started to walk away. “Who cares that she was there when he was small and weak, he isn’t anymore. He doesn’t realize that he can do so much better.” 
Howard shakes his head before moving to his lab and where he told you to meet him at. He knew Steve would look for you so he told him to go to his private office to at least give you a few extra minutes. When he walked through the double doors he found you looking over some of Erskine’s documents, the ones that had been taken the day he was murdered. The saddened expression on your face warns him to give you some time alone, not only because of what you saw involving Steve and Peggy but because of what you were going over currently. It was like holding onto the last piece of the man that had given you a chance, one you thought had died with him that day, but here you are and you’re going to make it count. 
You saw Steve out of the corner of your eye cautiously approach the desk you were sitting at. He cleared his throat in order to get your attention but you ignored him. It hurt to have missed him so much only to see him with someone else. Whatever excuse he had ready could wait, you weren’t here for romance, you were here to help end a war. It seemed however that Steve didn’t get the memo as he hovered beside you with his hands behind his back. You kept stealing glances at him and your resolve was slowly crumbling as you saw how handsome he looked in his uniform and how upset he looked at the fact that you were ignoring him.
Steve had enough of being ignored so he crouched down and swiveled your chair around so you had no choice but to look at him. Your eyes met his for a moment before you looked away, trying not to imagine him and Peggy kissing. 
“Don’t call me that.” you huff.
“What else am I supposed to call my best girl?” 
“Am I?” you fidget with a piece of thread that had been pulled from your shirt to try and keep your hands busy.
“Of course you are. Peggy just grabbed me and the moment she kissed me I pulled away.” His large hands envelope yours as he tilts his head to get a better look at you. “You gotta believe me Sweetheart. There’s no one I wanna kiss except you.”
“I guess, I could think about forgiving you.” 
“Yeah, but only because I missed you.” His eyes sparkle even against the ill lit room when you look back at him. Leaning forward your lips grace his before you ask, “It didn’t mean anything right?”
“Absolutely not.” His lips capture yours, reminding you of the softness of not only his lips but of the man that’s before you. Steve could be rough if he wanted to but instead he was gentle and sweet and this kiss was proof. He smirked when you pulled back, trying to catch your breath. Now his lips were stained with your own lipstick and his hands remained on yours, neither of you aware of the woman that watched it unfold. 
“What about this one?” Steve grabbed a circular shield discarded by Howard as he was showing Steve the design for his Captain America uniform. He looked at you and held it in front of him and asked, “What do you think?” 
“Let’s see.” Peggy, who had been walking by stopped, grabbed a gun that was on the table. To your horror she pointed the gun at Steve and fired it three times, all three bullets hitting the shield and then the floor. “Seems like it works.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” You fumed behind her, she only shrugged in your direction.
“I was only testing the quality of the shield.”
“You don’t do that while someone is holding it.”
“He’ll live.” she scoffs and walks away. 
Steve handed the shield to Howard confirming that it was the one he wanted to use. Making his way over to you, Steve grabs your chin so that you can see that he’s ok. 
“Hey, I’m fine. Really.” 
“That’s not the point. She’s been nothing but a bitch since I got here. And now she’s being reckless.” You scowl.
“It’s only for a couple of more days. We’ll be heading out soon enough. Now do you have a few minutes there’s someone I want you to meet.” 
“Yeah, lead the way my Captain.” 
Steve led you down the main corridor toward what everyone referred to as the war room. It’s where the higher ups meet to make plans on where to go next. He opened the door to let you in first before walking in behind you. You found a group of men sitting around a map, none of them bothered to look up since someone was always coming and going from the room. There was a mixture of laughter and loud conversation happening amongst them.
“Hey fellas, there’s someone I would like you to meet.” The room fell quiet as all eyes fell on you and Steve, but mostly you. “This is Y/N, she’s going to be with us on the field. She’ll be acting as our nurse but also working with Stark to figure out what hydra is trying to do.” 
Steve introduces each of the men. Dugan, Jones, Morita, Falsworth and Dernier all were part of the Howling Commandos. 
“And this is Sergeant Barnes.” Steve beams at the brunette who has a smirk on his face. “My second in command and my best friend.” 
“You’re Bucky?”  Your eyes light up. 
“I sure am darling. It’s nice to finally meet you in person, thought for a minute this punk was making you up.” 
You giggle when you look back at Steve, finding him as red as a tomato due to his friend’s words. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you too. I demand you tell me all of Steve’s embarrassing stories.” 
“Oh I’ve got plenty.” he gives Steve a shit eating grin. “I like her already.” 
Steve grumbles under his breath something about being ganged up on by his girl and his friend before he starts ushering you out of the room. 
“Oh before I forget.” you stop and turn around to look at the men. “I’ll need you to come by Howard’s office first thing tomorrow, I would like to complete a check up on all of you so that I can have a baseline of where you are health wise.” 
“Yes ma’am.” they reply before waving you off. 
You’d spent the day in your corner of the lab going over test results for the commandos. They were healthy enough considering they were in the middle of a war and about to head into dangerous missions. But right now you were looking for one person in particular. After searching the base you finally head outside to find Bucky lying down and hiding  behind some bushes. 
“What are you doing?” He jumps at the sound of your voice. 
“You shouldn’t go scaring someone that’s holding a gun darling.” He said as he rolled on to his side. At the look of concern on your face he sits up. “What’s wrong?” 
“I need to take your blood again.”
“Is something wrong? Am I sick? I don’t feel sick.” 
“No nothing like that but I’d rather double check with a newer sample before I say anything.”
“Alright well let’s go I guess.” 
He stands up, grabbing his gun and starts to follow you.
“So what were you doing?” 
“Target practice. Just trying to stay sharp, you know.” 
You hum in understanding. Stopping once in a while to let other people walk by the large field. 
“Steve’s crazy about you, ya know.” Bucky says after a beat of silence. “I don’t think I’ve seen him this happy before.” 
“I’m crazy about him too.” Warmth creeps up to your cheeks at the thought of Steve. 
“Good, just please don’t hurt him. He’s a good man and an even better friend. Also he’s talked my ear off because he’s so smitten by you. I really wouldn’t want to deal with a heartbroken Steve.” 
You laugh just as you spot Steve in the distance, walking toward both of you. “I don’t plan on hurting him one bit.” You say before the blond stops in front of you. 
“Is everything ok?” He asks with his hands on his hips. 
“Yeah I’m just going to rerun some tests on Bucky. I’ll meet you at the lab.” You tell Bucky before stealing a kiss from Steve. 
He watches you leave with a dusting of pink on his cheek. 
“Jesus, could you at least not make it so obvious you’re ogling her.” 
“I’m not. Just making sure she gets in the building safely.”
“Yeah sure. Nothing to do with imagining all the dirty things you’d -“ Steve’s hand clamps over Bucky’s mouth to shut him up.
“Don’t talk about my girl like that jerk.” 
“Sir, yes sir.” He gives a quick salute before laughing. “You hurt her though and I'll kick your ass punk.” 
“I’m not planning on it.” 
After running some tests again you confirmed your suspicions. Quickly you went back to find Buck and Steve. Fortunately you find them with Howard this time. With as much as you trusted Stark this was a sensitive matter so you pulled both men into an office so that the conversation was private. 
“Bucky, do you remember what they did to you when you were held?” You ask seriously.
“It’s a bit fuzzy but I remember being on an operating table or something. That’s where Steve found me.”
“Anything other than that. No needles or syringes or medicine?” 
“Sweetheart what’s going on?”
“I do remember being strapped to a chair and someone putting a needle in my arm but I couldn’t really see what they were doing.” 
It’s what you feared and the panicked look on Bucky’s face wasn’t helping. 
“I know what Hydra is doing, or partially anyways. They’re trying to recreate Erskine’s serum.” You look between both of them. 
“Wait, so what you’re saying is that Bucky also has the serum?”
You take a deep breath as you try to gather your thoughts. 
“Yes and no. He has a version of the serum but not the same one as you. It’s missing components. So while Bucky is now stronger and more agile it’s not at the same level as you are.” 
“Is that why I can’t get drunk?” Bucky asked, stunned at the news. 
“Most likely. Now I can fix it but it will take a bit of time.”
“You can get rid of the serum?” Steve frowned at the possibility.
“No but I can create an altered version with the missing components so that you have the full effects. What do you say?” You anxiously wait for his answer. It’s a bit of a shot in the dark but why not have two super soldiers instead of one. 
“Do it.” 
“Ok, I’ll let you know when I have it ready. Also it’s better if we keep this between ourselves for now.”
Both men nod as you leave the office. Steve eyes Bucky worriedly.
“Stop staring, didn’t your Ma teach you it’s rude.” Bucky huffs. “I’m fine, I have been for weeks now. Besides, I'm in your girl’s very capable hands.” 
“You’re right. Let's finish prepping for the first mission.” 
The first mission had been a success. The commandos managed to clear out another weapons manufacturing factory for hydra. While most of them helped Stark look over some of the weapons, you had worked your way through the offices trying to find any information that might give you more insight as to how far along they are with the serum.  You knew they had something already based on Bucky’s lab results but it wasn’t the full picture. 
There were abandoned desks everywhere but you focused on offices. The higher ups in the organization would be the ones to have any important information. Time slipped away from you as you found some interesting leads but nothing on the serum. 
“There you are.” Steve’s voice broke the silence. You only hummed in acknowledgment. “What are you up to?” He asked as he rounded the corner and began to look over your shoulder. “This is all in German. Can you read it?” 
“Yeah, when I was younger my neighbor used to watch me and my brother  and she barely spoke English. We were young enough to learn German without realizing it.” 
“Ok, well we’re moving out in 5.” Steve smiles as he places a chaste kiss at the top of your head. 
“I’m done here anyways. Nothing for me but I did find some leads for you.” You stood as you handed him a notebook with a map tucked into it.
“I’ll take all the help I can get.”
“Really?” You asked, giving him a mischievous look. With every step you took forward he took one back until he was pressed between your body and the wall. An amused look gracing his face.
“Have I told you how good you look in this uniform?” 
He shakes his head, the hint of pink disappearing under the cowl he was wearing.
“Well you do. Very handsome… maybe I can take it off sometime.” Your hands found their place on Steve’s chest as you reached up to kiss him. 
“Whenever you two are done in there we’re ready to leave.” Bucky’s voice rang out. Immediately you went to the door and stuck your head out glaring at him.
“You love me!” He winks at you before heading back outside. 
“No I don’t.” You shout after him. 
Steve stood at the door watching the interaction with a smile on his face.
“We should go,” he lowers his head so that he can whisper in your ear. “But trust me that I’ll let you take anything you want off of me sweetheart.” 
As the night went on the commandos found shelter in an abandoned cabin. Dugan and Morita were first to take watch as the rest settled inside. The fireplace was being used and everyone took a corner so that they could rest. You sat on the floor by a window, writing in your notebook as you worked on a modified version of the serum for Bucky. 
“What are you working on?” Steve asked as he sat next to you.
“Research.” You looked from him to Bucky who was adding some logs to the fire. A silent understanding passed between you. 
After a few more minutes of writing you put your notebook away in the pack you carried with you. You laid your head on Steve’s shoulder and sighed, tired from the day’s events.
“Go to sleep sweetheart. I’m right here.” 
“What about you?” A yawn escapes you. 
“I’ll be fine, I’ll nap in a little bit.” 
“Ok.” You said with your eyes already closed. You felt Steve place a kiss on the top of your head before drifting off to sleep. 
The next few months were the same. Bring down a hydra base, research and move on. It was a uniquely devastating situation to be in. There were many times in which you were close to losing one or several of the commandos during those missions. Fortunately your medical pack was always stocked and if it wasn’t hydra bases had the medical supplies you needed. 
On one occasion, which caused yours and Steve’s first fight, you almost lost Falsworth after a group of hydra soldiers cornered him. He had been shot twice and although you were supposed to wait until you got the all clear from Steve to come down, you knew he wouldn’t hold on that long. So you move from your hiding spot, running for cover in between tanks and crates until you get to the fallen commando. You open your bag immediately and begin to look for what you’ll need. 
“Ok Falsworth I’m going to move your shirt.” You say as you grab the hem and pull up. He winces between ragged breaths. 
“Yo-you shouldn’t.” He groans as you touch the entry points to clean the area. “Be here. Rogers, he-he’ll be mad.” 
“And that will be my problem when the time comes, but I’m not gonna let you die out here.” 
There’s an explosion somewhere behind you and gunfire picks up. 
“Behind you.” Falsworth warns and you turn in time to see hydra soldiers, guns drawn and headed towards you. 
You jump over Falsworth and grab his gun. Turning, you aim and fire, taking down one soldier. Another one falls as you shoot the third. Dropping the gun you turn back to your patient and work quickly, removing the bullets before stitching him up. 
“Well look at that, it seems like you’ll live another day.” Dugan said as he approached. It’s when you realized the gunfire had ceased. Dugan helps Falsworth up. 
“He’ll need rest for a couple of days but he should be good.” You tell Dugan, “I’ll keep an eye on the healing to make sure you don't get an infection.” 
Dugan pulled Falsworth with him and you kneeled to grab your medical bag from the floor. Two sets of footsteps approached as you finished grabbing your tools and putting them back in your bag. 
“What were you thinking? You can’t just run down into the field like that.” Steve said sternly when he stopped in front of you. 
“I was thinking that I was going to help someone that was hurt. A fellow soldier and a friend.” You looked at him, he was staring at you with a mixture of worry and anger. Bucky, who was standing beside him, was slightly amused although you could tell he had also been worried. “Thank you for the back up Buck.”
“You’re welcome darling.” 
“That was dangerous and reckless.” 
Bucky took a few steps back until he was able to sneak away from the impending lover’s quarrel. You moved around Steve to head towards the now abandoned building. 
“That’s rich coming from you.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means.” You stopped and turned around to find Steve right behind you. “You’re reckless all the time.”
“It’s my job.”
“And it’s mine too. We’re in the middle of the war. It's dangerous all the time and I wasn’t going to let someone die if I can help them.” 
Steve put his hands on his hips and sighed. He knew you were right but just the thought of losing you scared him. You gave him hope for a future he thought he would never have and as long as you were both in the middle of this war there was a chance that he could lose it. Ever since you came into his life, especially after Chicago, he began to dream of settling down and having a family. Steve wanted everything with you but he also knew that you wanted more than to just be a housewife. It was something he admired deeply and he would be there to support you all the way. Still he cared about you so much that his instinct was to protect you more than anything else. 
“I’m going inside.” You said before turning back and walking towards the building. 
“I’ll keep an eye on her Cap.” 
“Thanks Jones.” Steve said as Jones walked by. He turned to the other commandos to find them watching him, talking amongst themselves. Joking as they shook their heads at the blond super soldier. “What?”
They liked to tease him, it was very obvious the way he looked at you with heart eyes. They didn’t dare tease you though. You were like a little sister to them but you were fierce and you weren’t scared to put them in their place if needed. 
“Hey Cap, she said she needs you and Barnes in there.” Jones had walked out about half an hour later. 
“Thanks Jones.” 
Bucky and Steve made their way into the building. All that was there was scattered papers and fallen hydra soldiers but they passed by everything and headed towards the lab where Jones said you would be at. They found you hunched over some documents and your notebook as you wrote quickly. 
“Is everything ok?” Steve asked as they walked in.
“I finished it.” You looked up with a smile. “I found what I needed to complete the formula and I have everything I need here I can finish the serum. What do you say?” 
“Let’s do this.” Bucky nodded, he was terrified but ever since Steve found him he hadn’t felt quite himself. He hoped this would be what was missing. 
Both men watched as you moved around the room as if you’d always worked there. You turned when you were ready and you motioned for Bucky to sit on an exam table. He removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeve and watched as you cleaned an area on his forearm. Steve stood just behind you and watched as you injected Bucky with the modified serum, waiting for something to happen. 
“That should be it.” You say as you step back and look at Bucky.
“Is something supposed to happen?”
“No-“ you’re interrupted by Bucky’s quick and shallow breathing. His hand comes to his chest and his eyes go wide. “Bucky tell me what’s wrong.” You say as you rush back to him but he falls to his side with eyes closed. He’s not breathing anymore and you try not to panic. 
“Buck!” Steve called out but he felt stuck where he stood. 
You moved to lay bucky flat on his back to figure out what was wrong when he sits back up causing you to scream.
“I’m just playing darling.” He says before he starts laughing at your startled expression. Steve has his head thrown back and his hand on his chest laughing at what happened.
“That’s not funny!” You cross your arms over your chest and glare at the brunette.
“Oh come on, you should have seen your face.” 
Bucky jumps off the table and throws an arm around your shoulder, as he continues to laugh. You fail miserably to hide your smile before elbowing him in the ribs and walking away from his grasp.
“I’m sorry darling. I just couldn’t help it.”
“You’re not sorry at all.” 
“You’re right I’m not.” He gives you a shit eating grin.
“Come on, I need to take your blood.” 
Bucky sits back up on the table and lets you do what you need to do before you dismiss him. You move towards the microscope with your notebook and the blood sample in hand, aware that Steve is still in the room.
“Everything looks good.” You say after a few minutes. 
“That’s good.” 
“Yeah.” You say as you look back up at Steve. 
“I’m sorry.”
“So am I Steve.”
He walks closer to you with a hand stretched out and you take it. Steve pulls you towards him.
“I just want to keep you safe. So that we can go back home and I can take you on a proper date.” 
“What are we doing on this proper date?” You say as your arms wrap around his neck.
“I have it all planned out but it’s a surprise.”
“I like surprises.” 
“Me too sweetheart.” Steve leans down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. 
“Come on, let's stop these assholes so we can go home.” 
You smile over your shoulder as you pull him out of the lab.
Howard had managed to take the commandos from their last location in the middle of nowhere back to France. The commanding officers Colonel Philips included wanted an update from Steve so that they could figure out the next steps. The end of the war was near and everyone knew it. And as the holidays happened to be near you were given a small reprieve from being out chasing down hydra. The commandos had been given a few bedrooms at a hotel that was abandoned and then turned into a command center. Everyone enjoyed being able to shower properly and have some privacy. 
Before you’re able to walk into the bathroom there’s a knock on your door and you’re not surprised to find Steve on the other side. When you open the door he rushes inside already dressed in his formal uniform looking as handsome as ever. His arms wrap around your waist as he kicks the door closed and pushes you against it. His lips find yours in a heated kiss and when he pulls away you’re gasping for air.
“Hi.” You giggle. 
“I feel like we’ve been here before.” He teases.
“Mm-Hmm. Chicago was very special.” 
“It was. But I’m only here for a few minutes. I know you’re going to get ready for tonight. I just wanted to give you something.” He pulls a slim box out of his pocket and presents it to you. “I got this back home, after Chicago. Thought I was going back to New York instead of heading to war.”
You reach out and open it to find a gold necklace with a heart shaped locket. “Steve, it’s beautiful.” When you open the locket you find a picture of Steve tucked inside and you smile. 
“Since I have your picture in my compass I thought that you could, I don’t know, have mine here.” 
“It’s perfect, I love it. I’ll never take it off.” 
You placed the locket in the box before wrapping your arms around him again and kissing him deeply. 
“I’ll-uh I’ll let you get ready I’ll see you down there ok.” 
“Ok.” You smile up at him before taking the necklace from him.
The pub is full of soldiers, laughter and music. All eyes are on you as you walk in. You had to remember to thank Howard before the night was done for convincing you to bring a dress with you. Your hair was up and out of your face and your make up was minimal and you wore the locket Steve had given you happily. The commandos were sitting towards the back and close to the bar. From the sound of their lively conversation it seemed like most of them were already drunk and the sight of several empty glasses confirmed it. 
“There she is!” Dugan pointed as you walked toward their table. The other men whistled and whooped as you got closer. “Well don’t you clean up nice.” 
“Well thank you Dum Dum, I could say the same for you. Even Barnes looks presentable.” 
“Darling you wound me.” Bucky places a hand over his heart with a pout on his face. 
“Yeah well it’s what you deserve.” You feel a hand on your lower back and turn to see Steve standing next to you.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart.” 
“You look quite dashing yourself.” 
This causes the others to tease as you both stare at each other with heart eyes and matching dopey grins. 
“Dance with me?” He says with an outstretched hand.
“Of course.” 
“We want a dance too.” You hear Falsworth call out.
“I’m sure Steve will be more than happy to dance with all of you once we’re done.” You wink at them before turning and walking towards the makeshift dance floor.
The small band made up of soldiers started playing a slow song. One of Steve’s hands went to your waist while the other held your hand, leaving you to put your free hand on his shoulder. 
“I have to be honest, I'm not really good at dancing.” he confessed, almost as if it were an actual sun.
“You’ve never danced before?” 
“Not really, no girls wanted to dance with me before.”
“Idiots.” You scoff.
“Would you?” He asked as he swayed with you.
“Would I what?”
“Have danced with me, you know before the serum.” 
“Of course I would have. Pre Serum you has a very special place in my heart.” You smile up at him. 
“I love you.” Steve said it so easily it was like he had said it a thousand times before and not for the first time ever. 
“I love you too.” 
Both his hands are on your waist as he pulls you in and kisses you, passionately and deep. The hoop and hollering from the commandos have you pulling back sooner than you would have liked. 
“Well this is a nice first date.”
“Absolutely not. I want a proper first date and I have it all planned out.”
“So what is this plan?”
“Nuh-uh, it’s a surprise.” He smiles before giving you another kiss. “I will tell you that it will be the start of the rest of our lives.”
“I like the sound of that.”
When the music stops Bucky walks up and asks for a dance which you happily accept. The song is slightly more up beat and you can tell that he is definitely the more experienced dancer. You laugh with Bucky as he spins you around and he tells you stories of his and Steve’s adventures. Half way through the dance you see Howard and Peggy walk in. She makes her way to Steve quickly which earns an eye roll from you. 
This time when the music stops Howard walks over, without asking he takes your hand and leads you in a dance. But your eyes are on Steve who reluctantly accepts Peggy’s invitation for a dance. 
“With the look on your face someone might think I’m a terrible dance partner.” Howard’s voice cuts through your thoughts. 
“Sorry, it’s just…” you motion with your head towards them.
“Ah yes, well you shouldn’t worry. Steve only had eyes for you, no matter how much Peggy throws herself at him.” 
“Well she looks pathetic, and desperate.” 
Howard chuckles at your words. 
“How is the research going?” 
“It’s going well. Did you get the information I sent you?”
“Yes I did very interesting but something is missing.”
“I agree, but I’m close to the last part of the serum’s breakdown. I think we’ll have a new version out soon. Hydra isn’t even close to it from what I’ve found.” 
“Well at least that’s good news.” 
You look over to see Steve stepping away and leaving Peggy in the middle of the dance floor. He looks furious and he heads out the door. 
“Howard, if you'll excuse me.” 
“Of course. It was good seeing you stay safe.” 
“You too.” You head out the door and look for Steve, finding him around the corner from the building. 
“Hey what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. I just left before I said something I would regret to Peggy.” 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“She wanted to go back to my room. I told her that I wasn’t interested. I love you but she won’t accept that. And- you know what it doesn’t matter because I’m here with you.”
“So would you be willing to go back to my room with me?” You say with a bit of a smirk.
“I’d go to the ends of the earth with you, sweetheart.” 
“Come on then, the end of the earth is this way.” 
He chuckles as he lets you grab his hand and pull him down the street toward the hotel you’re staying at. Not even halfway through the walk some soldiers get into a fight and Steve stops.
“Why don’t you go on ahead, I’ll take care of them.” 
“Ok.” You kiss his cheek. “I love you.” You whisper before you keep walking down the street. 
Right as you’re about to walk into your room you feel hands around your waist and you turn your head to look at Steve and panic sets in. You fight to try and free yourself from the hold whoever it is has on you but it’s not working. The hotel is practically empty and no one hears your pleas for help.
In that moment you knew that the last time you ever saw Steve was down in that street.
You take a deep breath as your eyes flutter open. The cold from the chamber you’re in seeps into your bones. You feel disoriented as the chamber door opens and you wait for whoever is going to drag you into the lab but no one comes. On shaky legs you step out, holding on to the edge of the cryogenic chamber and you look around. The room is empty which is unusual. It’s usually full of hydra soldiers and technicians but you finally think it’s your chance to escape. You aren’t even sure how long it’s been since they put you in there but it doesn’t matter. If you can escape and find anyone you can hopefully get back to Steve and that’s all you want. Knowing him, he’s probably blaming himself for what hydra did. You open the metal door slowly, listening for anyone that might be wandering in the corridor. When you’re satisfied that it’s empty you walk out. The silence is good you think, it might mean that Steve and the commandos found you and they’re just working their way down to this level. 
After a few more steps you see someone turn a corner and you’re stuck where you stand. Not sure if they’re friend or foe you panic thinking they might be the latter.
You recognize that voice. It’s a friendly voice and you’re flooded with relief. They walk closer and the light from the window illuminates Bucky’s face.
“Y/N, is that really you?” 
“Bucky!” You choke out before you take a few steps towards him. Bucky bridges the gap as he drops his weapons. His arms wrap around you in a comforting hug.
“Oh darling, I didn’t think I’d see you again.” 
You can’t even respond as you cry into his chest. 
“We have a friendly I’ll be right up.” 
You look up at him confused as to who he might be talking to but he ignored the look you gave him.
“Can you walk?”
“Barely. I’m not sure how long I’ve been in that thing.” Your throat is dry and your voice comes out raspy.
“It's ok, I’ve got you. Just give me a sec.” 
He grabs the gun he had dropped and he holsters it before scooping you up bridal style. He moves fast up the hallways and climbs the stairs two or three at a time. Bucky held on tight to you, he was shocked that he’d found you well and he was sure that the news of you being ok. You blinked a few times trying to adjust to the bright rays of the sun, it made you wonder how long had hydra kept you in those labs. 
“Can you open your eyes for me darling?” 
You blink slowly as you look up at Bucky. He gives you a lopsided smile before moving around you. You were currently strapped down in a seat but Bucky was there so you weren’t scared.
“You’re most likely dehydrated so we’re going to give you an IV ok.” 
“Did you replace me as the team nurse?” 
You hear him chuckle beside you. It is when you first look around and you’re again confused by your surroundings and then wherever you’re in moves. 
“It’s ok, You’re on a jet.” Bucky reassures you. “Clint is flying the jet.” Bucky pointed toward the front of the plane. “And this is my friend Nat, she’s going to help with the IV.” 
You look over to find a redhead walking towards you. She nods and gives you a small smile. She’s wearing a black suit that’s very form fitting and you look at her confused. Nat works quickly and sets up the IV, only doing so because Bucky’s hands were shaking so much.
“When did they change the nurses uniform? Have I been out that long?” You ask and you notice the way Nat looks at Bucky, concern written on her face and you turn to look at Bucky. He won’t meet your eyes. “Bucky, what’s going on? And where’s Steve and the others?” 
“Darling…” his voice cracks and a tear slips down his cheek. 
“Buck please, how long has it been since the night at the pub?” 
“It’s been 72 years.” He whispers and you gasp. 
“That’s not possible. Where are the others? Howard and Dum Dum, the rest of the commandos?” 
He looks at you with tears in his eyes before he looks away. Bucky shakes his head. They’re gone, all of them and it breaks your heart. How is it possible you had seen them a few weeks ago, they were supposed to find you and everything was going to be ok. You cry for all of your friends.
“Steve’s alive.” Nat offers.
“Did he live a good life?” 
“Barely, he’s missed you too much. He blames himself.” 
“Will you take me to see him?” 
“As soon as we land. I promise. Why don’t you get some rest.”
“I still don’t understand how you look so young.”
“I’ll tell you later.”
“Ok.” You say before your eyes close.
“Darling, wake up.” Bucky says. “Y/N are you with me?” 
“I am.” 
“Let’s get you up.” You open your eyes to see him stand and move around to undo the IV. “We’re going to land in about 5 minutes.”
You look down as you prepare yourself for whatever is going to happen next. If it really had been so long since you were taken that means you have no one left and you weren’t sure how you were going to survive now. Bucky was there and of course he would help you, you know that but your family is gone and you never had a chance to say goodbye. The life you wanted next to Steve is gone too. The thought of seeing him is turning your stomach into knots and you can’t even picture him looking much older. You try to picture him with graying hair but it hurts too much that you didn’t get to grow old together. 
“Alright darling let’s go.” Bucky offers you his arm as he leads you down the ramp of the jet. 
There’s two men waiting by the landing pad. One of them was shorter with glasses while the other was taller and he was vaguely familiar. Nat and who you assume is Clint walk by you and into the building.
“Y/N this is Dr. Bruce Banner and this is Tony Stark, Howard’s son.” Bucky introduces you and you stare at Tony wide eyed. 
“Hi, I-uh I worked with your father.” 
“I know, he talked about you all the time.” 
“And I’m a fan of your work.” Bruce offered his hand and you gladly accepted it. 
“My work?”
“Yes, your notebook that was recovered in your room. It had a lot of great work in it. I’d love to go over it with you and show what scientists were able to do with your information.”
“I would like that very much.” You gave both men a small smile.
“I know that you must be feeling confused about all of this.” Tony waved his hand around. “But just know that we have a place for you here and if you need anything you just let me know.” 
“Thank you Tony.” 
“Alright we have one more stop before we get you settled.” Bucky says as he guides you towards the entrance. You follow him down a hallway and go up a few floors, having to stop a few times because you’re just tired. Bucky tries to explain the different floors but you can’t keep up. As you turn a corner Bucky explains that you're in the housing section of the compound and that most of the avengers, which he also explained on the way to this floor, lived at. Nat was already standing at a specific floor with another man. 
“You must be Y/N, it’s great to finally meet you. I'm Sam.” He walks over to you and offers you his hand which you shake.
“Hi Sam.” 
“The door is locked.” Nat informs Bucky, causing him to sigh.
“Friday, unlock the door.” 
“Sergeant James Barnes access granted.” You hear someone say and you look around for the source.
“That was the building talking.” 
“I’ll explain later. Come in.” Bucky opens the door and you look at Sam and Nat as they both take a black square out of their pockets.
“What are those?” You ask them.
“Later.” They say in unison. 
You walk in behind Bucky into an apartment. Although everything you’ve seen so far is new and you don’t understand half of it, this place feels like home. It has many of the things you do recognize and you think it belongs to Bucky but then you hear him call out. 
“Hey punk, get out here.” 
Your heart starts racing at the thought of seeing Steve so soon. There’s no going back now. Before you can escape you hear a door open and you brace yourself to see the love of your life. Then your breath hitches because he’s standing across the living room and he looks upset. Bucky  and Sam are blocking you from his view but you can see him clearly. He’s still the Steve you left behind. 
“What is it?” He asks as he plays with something in his hand.
“I have a surprise for you.” 
“Buck I’m not in the mood fo-“ his words are caught in his throat when Bucky moves to the side. Steve’s mouth was slightly parted and his eyes were open wide as he stared at you.
“Steve.” You say softly, your voice still slightly raspy but it’s music to his ears. 
Steve is stuck, frozen in place and he feels as if the wind’s been knocked out of him. You stood in front of him looking exactly how you did the night he lost you. He wanted to touch you, to hold you in his arms so that he knew it wasn’t another dream but he swore his feet were glued down. It didn’t matter because you moved towards him, in fact you ran and his arms opened just in time to catch you. And suddenly it wasn’t a dream anymore because you were there and he felt your tears on his shirt. When you pulled back he looked into those bright eyes he adored so much. 
“Sweetheart. Please tell me I’m not dreaming.” He whispered. 
“I’m here. This is real.” 
You cupped his face with both your hands and he put his forehead against yours. As his tears fell you wiped them away. 
“I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry I didn’t find you. I should have tried harder.”
You pulled him in with a kiss to quiet his apology. He kissed you back with everything he had. 
“It’s not your fault. Hydra knew I worked with Erskine, they wanted the formula. I know you did everything you could to find me.” 
“It wasn’t enough.” 
“I’m here now and so are you. That’s all that matters.”
“They’re so cute. I’m gonna send this to everyone.” You heard behind you and you turned to find Sam, Nat and Bucky watching you, each of them with a smile on their face. 
“Ok that’s enough.” Steve tells them.
“Oh come on, she’s my friend and I did find her.” 
“But she’s my girl, now get out.” 
“I’ll see you later though right Bucky?” 
“Of course darling.” He walked towards you and wrapped you in another hug and as he pulled away you noticed his left arm. “It’s a long story and I’m sure I’ll explain everything later.” He kissed your forehead and left, taking Nat and Sam with him.
“Sweetheart, are you ok?” 
“No, yes, maybe. I just can’t believe it’s been 72 years.” You turn to look at him. “How do you still look the same age?” 
Steve sat you down and explained everything that happened after you disappeared. He told you about everything they did to try and find you and Bucky’s fall from the train. His fight against Red Skull and how he said you were dead. The plane full of bombs that he crashed and how he himself woke up in the future.  
“Steve, I can't imagine how that must have been for you.” 
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” He cupped your cheek, his thumb swiping back and forth while he looked at you. Steve studied your face and you did the same. “I have something for you.” 
He pulls out what he was playing with when he first walked out from his pocket.
“My locket!” 
“I found it on the floor that night.” You turned so he could put it on.
“I know there’s a lot for you to figure out, so what do you want to do first? Are you tired, do you want to rest?”
You shake your head. “I want what you promised me.” 
“What I promised?” He tilts his head slightly confused.
“Yes, a date. A proper one.”
Steve smiled and pulled you into his lap so that you could straddle him. You yelped in surprise as your hands landed on his chest. One hand was on your waist while the other cupped your cheek.
“A proper date it is.” He said before pulling you in to kiss you. 
Part 2
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marie-swriting · 1 year
Un Homme Respectable - Steve Rogers
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Marvel Masterlist
Résumé : Tu es en train de rentrer chez toi tout en essayant de te débarrasser d'un homme qui t'embête depuis quelques minutes. Heureusement, proche de toi, il y a un homme qui déteste les brutes
Warnings : pre-serum Steve, se passe dans les années 40, harcèlement de rue, bagarre, policier qui n'écoute pas la reader, fin fluffy, dites-moi si j'en ai oubliés d'autres !
Nombre de mots : 3.2k
Version anglaise
Tu marches en direction de chez toi tout en essayant de ne pas montrer ton agacement à l’homme avançant à tes côtés. Il ne te laisse pas tranquille depuis une dizaine de minutes même si tu ne montres aucun intérêt à son monologue. D'abord, tu avais répondu à son bonjour par politesse, mais tu n'avais pas prévu de lui parler, à lui ou à une autre personne. Tu veux juste rentrer chez toi tranquillement. Toutefois, selon lui, ton mutisme indique que tu es intéressée par ses histoires. Depuis son arrivée, tu essayes de ne pas montrer ton malaise, cependant si on regarde attentivement, on devine que tu voudrais être loin de lui.
Tu n'oses pas dire qu'il te dérange, appréhendant sa réaction jusqu'à ce que l’inconnu pose son bras autour de tes épaules. À ce moment-là, ta patience atteint officiellement ses limites. Tu tentes de te détacher de lui alors qu’il te tient un peu plus fermement.
-Excusez-moi, mais pourriez vous me lâcher, s’il vous plaît ? Nous ne nous connaissons pas.
-On peut vite changer ça, poupée, affirme-t-il avec un sourire en coin. Faisons plus ample connaissance, allons danser ce soir ! 
-Non, merci, refuses-tu, catégoriquement, espérant qu'il te laisse seule.
-Et pourquoi ?
En entendant sa protestation, tu te retiens de soupirer de frustration. Pourquoi est-ce que tu as besoin de lui justifier ton "non" ? Ne peut-il pas voir qu’il t’embête ?
-Je ne peux pas.
-Oh, tu te laisses désirer, j’aime ça, murmure-t-il avec un regard prétentieux. Allez, poupée, tu ne vas pas le regretter. Laisse-moi une chance, tu vas voir que je suis l’homme de tes rêves.
Cette fois, tu roules légèrement tes yeux, assez visible pour exprimer ton agacement, mais pas assez pour qu'il le remarque, apparemment. De plus, son surnom "poupée" commence de plus en plus à te taper sur les nerfs. Il ne te connaît pas et agit comme s'il pouvait tout se permettre avec toi. Comprenant qu'il n'est pas prêt d'abandonner, tu penses à un mensonge et pris pour qu'il fonctionne.
-Malheureusement pour vous, j’ai déjà trouvé l’homme de mes rêves. Je suis fiancée.
-C’est étrange, je ne vois pas de bague sur ton doigt, rétorque l'homme en pointant ta main gauche.
-C’est, commences-tu en réfléchissant, c’est parce que la bague que m’a offert mon fiancé n’est pas à ma taille. C’est une bague de sa famille. Nous devons l’amener chez le bijoutier pour la régler. Par ailleurs, je suis en route pour retrouver mon fiancé pour le faire. Si vous voulez bien m’excuser, finis-tu avant de tenter de partir, mais il se met face à toi.
-Laisse-moi au moins t’accompagner, poupée. Ainsi, je pourrai également vérifier s’il existe vraiment, "ton fiancé". 
-Je dis la vérité, répliques-tu sèchement. 
-Faut pas t'énerver, souris un peu ! Allez, une dame comme toi a besoin d’un homme, tu peux l’avouer, t'as besoin d'être protégée.
-Je n’ai pas besoin de protection, merci. Laissez-moi tranquille maintenant, déclares-tu et tu tente de t'échapper à nouveau quand il t'agrippe le bras.
-Vous, les femmes, vous…
-Hé ! Elle t’a dit de la laisser tranquille. 
En entendant la voix derrière toi, avec l'homme, vous regardez au-dessus de ton épaule et découvrez le corps frêle de Steve, te rendant heureuse en un instant. Tu ne connais peut-être pas Steve, mais s’il peut t’aider à te débarrasser de cet homme alors, tu acceptes son aide avec plaisir.  
-Et t’es qui, toi ? Ne me dis pas que c’est ça, ton fiancé, demande l'homme en montrant Steve et en t'offensant par la même occasion. 
-Si, c’est mon fiancé. Cela vous cause un problème ?
-Poupée, se moque-t-il, ton fiancé fait vingt kilos tout mouillé. Un coup de vent et il s’envole tellement qu’il n’a pas de muscle. Il ne pourra jamais être assez bien pour toi, ce n’est pas un vrai homme.
-La force physique m’importe peu, rétorques-tu, complètement énervée. Je suis avec mon fiancé, qui existe comme vous pouvez le voir, alors laissez-moi tranquille maintenant.
-Elle t’a répété plusieurs fois de la lâcher, alors tu devrais partir, insiste Steve en se mettant à tes côtés.
-Ecoute, minus, c’est une discussion entre moi et elle. Elle est attirée par moi, elle ne veut pas l’avouer par pitié pour toi.
-Pourtant, j’ai l’impression que ça fait plus de cinq minutes qu’elle essaye de se débarrasser de toi, si ce n’est plus. 
-Les femmes sont toutes comme ça, à faire semblant de pas te vouloir alors qu’elles te veulent, justifie l'homme comme si c'était évident. Enfin, comment pourrais-tu savoir ? Au vu de ton apparence, les femmes ne doivent pas te regarder. 
-Je vous interdis de lui dire ce genre de chose ! vocifères-tu.
-J’expose un fait, poupée.
-Arrête de l’appeler comme ça, elle n’est pas un objet. Tu devrais partir. 
En parlant, Steve se positionne face à l'homme, devenant comme ton bouclier personnel. Malgré la différence de taille, Steve ne montre pas une hésitation dans sa gestuelle. L'homme roule ses yeux avant de les reposer sur Steve avec un air agacé.
-Toi, le minus, tu commences à me saouler. 
Sans avoir le temps de réagir, l’homme frappe Steve au visage. Tu lâches un cri en le voyant tomber à terre. Avec difficulté, Steve se relève et positionne ses poings, prêt à répondre à l’attaque de l’homme. Il tente de le cogner, mais l’homme le prend par le col et le jette contre le mur d’une boutique. Quelques passants s’arrêtent, regardant la scène sans réagir. Paniquée, tu regardes aux alentours, cherchant de l’aide quand tu vois un officier de police en train de marcher un peu plus loin, ignorant ce qu'il se passe. Tu cours vers lui en l’interpellant. Le policier se retourne et fronce les sourcils en entendant la peur dans ta voix. Tu lui expliques brièvement qu’il y a une bagarre en pointant du doigt le lieu. L’officier ne te répond pas et court vers Steve et l’agresseur. Il arrive à les séparer en retenant l’homme pendant que tu t’accroupis en face de Steve. Tes mains se placent sur son visage blessé. Tu regardes les différentes coupures et bleus naissants de Steve. Ce dernier essaye de sourire pour te rassurer, cependant tes yeux sont encore remplis d’inquiétude. Tu aides Steve à se relever en te confondant en excuses. 
-Mais qu’est-ce qu’il se passe ici ? Expliquez-vous tout de suite, messieurs ! exige l'officier.
-Ce n’est pas de sa faute, réponds-tu en pointant en direction de Steve. Il est venu m’aider car cet homme, ajoutes-tu en montrant l'individu qu'il retient, ne voulait pas me laisser tranquille, malgré mes complaintes. Il est celui qui a frappé en premier.
-Alors, comment ça s’est passé ? 
Tu es stupéfaite quand tu entends le policier répéter sa question alors que tu viens de lui résumer la situation.
-Comme elle vient de le dire, commence Steve, elle avait besoin d’aide et je suis intervenu. 
-Tout de suite les grands mots, “elle avait besoin d’aide”. Elle flirtait avec moi aussi ! Il a ruiné mon coup, contredit l'homme.
-Je crois pas que dire “non” à maintes reprises signifiait qu’elle répondait à ton flirt.
-Assez ! interrompt l'officier. Jeune homme, vous allez venir avec moi au poste, ajoute-t-il en resserrant son emprise sur l’homme. Vous deux, vous pouvez partir. Le spectacle est fini.
Les spectateurs improvisés de la scène retournent à leurs occupations tout en regardant l’officier traîner l’homme en arrière, ce dernier continue à déverser son agacement envers toi et Steve. Tu essayes de ne pas y prêter attention, surtout lorsque tu entends les différentes insultes à votre égard. Il te faut une minute pour te remettre de tes émotions, encore sous le choc que la situation ait dégénéré aussi vite. Quand tu arrives à respirer normalement de nouveau, tu poses tes yeux sur Steve et le vois en train d’essuyer du sang coulant de son nez. Tu récupères ton mouchoir de ton sac et le lui tends. Il l’accepte et s'essuie du mieux qu’il peut.
-Vous allez bien ? te demande Steve et tu le regardes avec de gros yeux.
-Je devrais être celle qui vous le demande ! Vous avez le visage tout amoché. 
-Ne vous inquiétez pas, te rassure-t-il. Vous vous sentez de rentrer chez vous seule ou vous voulez que je vous accompagne ?
-Ça ira, merci. 
-Très bien, alors je ne vais pas vous déranger plus longtemps. Bonne fin de journée, mademoiselle, te salue-t-il en commençant à marcher. 
-Attendez ! Vous ne comptez pas rentrer tout seul chez vous ? le retiens-tu en venant à sa hauteur. Dieu seul sait à quel point cet homme vous a blessé, je ne voudrais pas que vous perdiez connaissance sur le chemin. Je vous accompagne.
-Vous n'êtes pas obligée.
-J’insiste. Après tout, c’est à cause de moi que vous êtes blessée. C’est la moindre des choses que je puisse faire pour vous remercier…, justifies-tu en laissant ta phrase en suspens pour qu'il te dise son nom.
-Steve Rogers.
-Y/N Y/L/N. Ravie de vous rencontrer, malgré les circonstances.
Vous marchez d’abord en silence. Tu ignores comment débuter la conversation, embarrassée d’être la cause des blessures de Steve. Quant à lui, il ne sait pas quoi dire, n’ayant pas beaucoup, pour ne pas dire pas du tout, d’expérience avec les femmes. Il tente de se mettre à la place de Bucky, espérant trouver les mots justes sans te donner l’impression de faire comme l’autre homme. Finalement, tu es celle qui ose briser le silence quelques minutes plus tard.
-Je suis désolée de lui avoir dit que vous étiez mon fiancé. J’avais juste besoin de prouver mon mensonge.
-Il n’y a pas de problème.
-J’espère que vous ne donnez pas d’importance à ce qu’il vous a dit, par ailleurs.
-Vous voulez dire quand il a dit que je n’ai pas de muscle ? Il disait la vérité.
-Quand il a dit que vous n’étiez pas un vrai homme, précises-tu. C’est ce genre d’homme qui n’en n’est pas. Ils n’arrêtent pas de jouer les gros bras, à agir comme s’ils savaient mieux que nous ce que nous voulions alors qu’ils ne sont même pas capable de comprendre quelque chose d’aussi simple qu’un “non”. Contrairement à lui, vous le comprenez, ça devrait être le strict minimum des choses à faire, mais je ne connais pas beaucoup d’hommes qui font attention à ce qu’on dit. De plus, vous êtes venu m’aider alors que d’autres auraient détourné les yeux.
-Je suis sûr que, si ça n’avait pas été moi, quelqu’un d’autre serait intervenu, te contredit Steve.
-J’en doute. Ce genre de situation m’est arrivé quelques fois et à chaque fois, j’ai dû me débrouiller toute seule. Et comme vous avez pu le voir, certains policiers ne nous prennent pas au sérieux avant qu’un autre ne confirme notre histoire. Alors, sincèrement, merci d’être venu, même si vous devez sûrement le regretter maintenant. 
-Je serais venu dans tous les cas. Je déteste les brutes. Je ne pouvais pas rester sans rien faire, affirme-t-il, honnêtement. 
-On aurait besoin de plus d’hommes comme vous, Steve.
Quand tu finis ta phrase, vous arrivez chez lui. Vous restez en bas de son immeuble, un silence gênant prenant de nouveau place. Steve ignore si tu veux rentrer avec lui ou repartir tout de suite. Quant à toi, tu ne sais pas si tu peux le laisser ici ou si tu peux l’accompagner jusqu’à sa porte, sans donner l’impression d’agir comme une mère poule. En observant avec plus d’attention Steve, tu te rends compte que tu le trouves plutôt mignon. Tu aimerais pouvoir faire plus ample connaissance avec lui. Tu t’apprêtes à lui dire quelque chose quand une voix inconnue te devance. 
-Hey, imbécile ! 
Instantanément, tu te tends, craignant l’apparition d’un autre homme cherchant les problèmes. En remarquant le changement dans ta posture, Steve te rassure : 
-Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’est seulement mon meilleur ami.
-Oh, d’accord.
-Qu’est-ce qu’il y a, crétin ? 
Bucky est sur le point de lui répliquer quelque chose quand il voit le visage de Steve. Il soupire de frustration et roule ses yeux.
-Ne me dis pas que t’as encore provoqué une bagarre ? 
-C’est de ma faute, en fait, interviens-tu. Un homme ne voulait pas me laisser tranquille et Steve s’est interposé.
En te voyant, Bucky ne peut s’empêcher de sortir son sourire le plus charmeur. 
-Pour une fois, c’est pour une bonne raison. Bucky Barnes, mademoiselle, se présente-t-il en embrassant le dos de ta main.
-Y/N Y/L/N, enchantée. Que voulez-vous dire par “pour une fois” ? le questionnes-tu, ne comprenant pas.
-Steve, ici présent, a la mauvaise habitude de toujours chercher la bagarre.
-Vous ne devriez pas, Steve. Vous valez bien mieux que ça.
-Merci ! s’exclame Bucky avec un regard insistant vers Steve. J’espère qu’il écoutera enfin.
-Avez-vous besoin d’aide pour nettoyer vos plaies ? demandes-tu à Steve avec un regard inquiet.
-Non merci, je peux m’en occuper. Vous devriez rentrer, vous avez fait un détour pour me ramener.
-Très bien. Encore merci, Steve. S’il y a quoique ce soit que je puisse faire pour vous rendre la pareille, n’hésitez pas, annonces-tu avec un sourire. Passez une bonne soirée et faites attention à vous. 
Tu fais un signe de tête à Bucky pour le saluer et quittes les deux hommes. Steve te regarde partir pendant que Bucky analyse le visage de son meilleur ami. Un sourire entendu prend plus sur son visage en comprenant que tu as tapé dans l'œil de Steve. Quand ce dernier ne te voit plus, il repose son attention sur Bucky. Il fronce les sourcils en voyant l’expression de son ami.
-Quoi ?
-Tu es complètement épris d’elle.
-Pas du tout, contredit Steve en détournant le regard. Je l’ai aidée comme je l’aurais fait avec n’importe qui.
-Ça, je veux bien le croire, tu provoquerais une bagarre parce que quelqu’un respirait trop fort, mais je ne t’avais jamais vu regarder une femme de cette façon.
-Elle est belle, je ne peux pas le nier, mais ça s’arrête là. Et puis, je pourrais la regarder de cette façon, comme tu dis, le fait est que ce n’est sûrement pas son cas, affirme-t-il, les mots résonnant dans sa tête malgré lui.
-Tu n’as clairement pas fait attention à ses yeux. Je suis sûr que si je n’étais pas arrivée, tu aurais même eu le droit à un bisou sur la joue avant qu’elle parte. Elle n’a presque même pas fait attention à moi.
-Bien sûr, rigole Steve, ne le croyant pas. Bon, on rentre ? Je dois m’occuper de tout ça, finit-il en pointant son visage.
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Une semaine plus tard, tu es devant la porte de chez Steve. Tu tiens une tarte aux pommes que tu as faite un peu plus tôt. Tu t’assures que ton gâteau et ta tenue soient parfaits avant de frapper à la porte. Tu resserres ton emprise sur ta tarte, appréhendant la réaction de Steve. Quand il apparaît devant toi, il est d’abord surpris de te voir avant de te sourire tendrement. Quant à toi, tu ne peux t’empêcher de regarder rapidement l’évolution de ses blessures sur son visage. Son oeil au beurre noir est presque guéri alors que ses autres coupures sont encore plus ou moins visibles. Tu te racles la gorge avant de prendre la parole.
-Bonjour, Steve. Désolée de vous déranger, je souhaitais venir vous remercier comme il faut, pour la dernière fois, alors je vous ai fait ceci, informes-tu en tendant ton gâteau. Je ne suis pas une pâtissière hors pair, mais je réussis plutôt bien les tartes aux pommes.
-Vous n’aviez pas à vous casser la tête, ‘merci’ était amplement suffisant.
-Peut-être, mais je voulais le faire. J’espère que vous allez aimer.
-Je n’en doute pas, t’assure-t-il.
-Je dois y aller. J’espère que j’aurais l’occasion de vous revoir pour avoir votre avis, souris-tu.
-Je l’espère également.
Sans réfléchir, tu fais un pas dans sa direction et poses tes lèvres sur sa joue gauche. Pris de court, il ne réagit pas. Tu lui souris une dernière fois avant de partir en lui faisant un geste de la main pendant que Steve reste sur le pas de la porte. Il ne bouge pas pendant une minute jusqu’à ce que Bucky apparaisse derrière lui, un sourire nargueur au visage. 
-Tu l’avais, ton occasion parfaite pour lui proposer un rendez-vous, précise-t-il en faisant référence à une ancienne discussion. Bon, en attendant que tu reviennes sur Terre, je vais prendre ça, moi, ajoute Bucky en prenant la tarte des mains de Steve, et le goûter.
Étonnement, Steve ne réagit pas, pensant encore à tes lèvres sur sa joue. Bucky a le temps de retourner dans la cuisine et prendre un couteau avant que Steve reprenne ses esprits et interdise son meilleur ami de toucher à sa tarte. 
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Tu es venue donner ta tarte à Steve il y a deux semaines. Depuis, tu ne l’as pas revu. Tu ne te fais pas d’illusion. Tu as rencontré Steve par hasard la première fois et il ne connait pas ton adresse donc, ta seule option pour le voir à nouveau serait de retourner chez lui, mais tu ne veux pas passer pour la fille collante. Par conséquent, tu es à peu près sûre que tu n’auras jamais la chance de le recroiser.
Tu es en train de marcher en direction de la librairie proche de chez toi quand tu entends quelqu’un attirer ton attention. T’imaginant que c’est encore un homme lambda, tu roules seulement des yeux et continues de marcher. Toutefois, quand Steve est devant toi, haletant, tu t’arrêtes. Steve reprend doucement sa respiration alors que tu le regardes avec inquiétude et remarques qu’il y a encore seulement une ou deux blessures que tu peux voir au premier abord. Quand tu es sûre qu’il va bien, après qu’il se soit redressé en face de toi, tu as les yeux pétillants de joie. 
-Steve, je ne t’avais pas vu !
-Ce n’est pas grave. J’aurais dû me douter que tu ne te serais pas retournée en entendant ma voix. Je voulais juste te dire que ta tarte était délicieuse, te confesse-t-il et tu souris. J’ai même dû la cacher à mon meilleur ami pour être sûr de la manger entièrement. 
-S’il veut, je peux très bien lui en faire une. Contente qu’elle vous ait plus.
En regardant Steve avec plus d’attention, tu vois qu’il a quelque chose en tête, mais qu’il n’ose pas te le partager.
-Est-ce tout ce que tu veux me dire ? interroges-tu avec une voix douce.
-Non, en fait, répond-il avant de faire une pause d’une seconde. Écoute, je sais qu’on ne se connait pas réellement, mais je voulais savoir si tu aimerais aller au cinéma avec moi, un de ces jours. Bien évidemment, tu peux refuser ! Ne te sens pas obligée de dire “oui”.
-Ça serait avec plaisir, déclares-tu, le faisant sourire. Il y a une séance demain, dans la soirée, ça te conviendrait ? 
Rapidement, tu ouvres ton sac et prends un crayon et un bout de papier. Dès que tu as terminé d’écrire, tu le tends à Steve. 
-C’est mon adresse, expliques-tu alors qu’il prend le papier. Tu peux venir me chercher à dix-huit heures ? Ainsi nous pourrons parler dans un café avant d’aller au cinéma, proposes-tu avec espoir.
-Je serai là. 
Tu veux lui embrasser la joue à nouveau, mais tu ne fais rien, la présence des passants te retenant. Tu fais seulement un sourire chaleureux à Steve avant de t'éloigner de lui, la joie au ventre, car en plus de le revoir, tu as un rendez-vous avec un homme respectable.
Marvel Masterlist
{Ceci est mon blog secondaire donc je répondrai aux commentaires sous le pseudo @marie-sworld}
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Body Worship/Praise + "Are you gonna cry for me? Tastes so much fuckin sweeter when you cry." with subby bottom preserum Steve 🥰
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Shining Star
Warnings: BDSM relationship, mentions of past scenes that are a different tone, modern AU, body worship, dracaphilia but make it sweet, tough babies need soft love too 😤
Relationship: Sub!Preserum!Steve Rogers x Dom!Reader
"Are you going to cry for me, baby?" You whisper against his hip bone. Steve's breath hitches again as you kissed more of his flesh.
"No," he lies even as his eyes burning with tears. His hands shake next to him. You told him to lay back, not move and to relax. You wanted to try something outside of your usual scenes. Steve is used to you using him, playing with him, taunting him while his arousal only got higher and higher, until he was on the verge of cumming or having an asthma attack.
Your lips are barely touching him and feels wrung out already. Every part of him shakes as you keep kissing his skin with a feather light touch. Steve is so used to your firm hand, grabbing his nape or his hips. He loves that you aren't scared to manhandle him around to fit your needs. But the gentleness of your lips on his skin is breaking him into a million pieces.
When the first tear slips down his cheek, he chokes on a sob. He didn't want to cry, but there was no stopping it.
"I love you," you murmur into his knee as you start making your way back up his body. "You are a shining star, Steve Rogers, and I am hopelessly lost without you in my life. You make me selfish, keeping you all to myself like, hiding away your light. But you give so much of it up to everyone, everyday. You care so much. I am in awe of your beautiful soul."
He draws in an uneven breath that rattles his chest, not one that has him reach for his inhaler, but one that has him reaching for you. His fingers fumble for your hands at his waist. He weaves them together, needs to be grounded before he sinks into the depth of your praise.
Steve doesn't know what he feels when you kiss his chest, right over his rampantly beating heart. It's all too much and not enough.
"Please," he squeezed your fingers, the tears still falling. "Can't- I need-"
One of your hands breaks away from his grip to swipe away the tears. Steve watches through blurry eyes as you bring the wetness to your lips and taste him. Another sob hitches in his throat as you hum, lower yourself until your face is right next his. Your nose brushes against his and his eyes cross you're so close, but he needs you closer.
"Tastes so much sweeter when you cry." Your lips bump against with every word you say before you slip your tongue into his mouth. You move the hand his still holding up above his head, pinning him just like you like. He can feel the weight of you against him. It sinks into him, brings a warmth to his body that settles in his bones.
Your tongue moves in and out of his mouth lazily, fucking it like the world has stopped turning. The slow, repeated action heats his blood, makes his cock strain against your hip. He'd been somewhere between soft and half hard for most of the afternoon and now he is finally going to get his release. You break the kiss with a gasp, lifting up your hips just enough to reach for his cock.
The first touch of your palm against his heated flesh brings a fresh wave of tears. Once the gates have been opened, there is no stopping them. Steve cries as you stroke his cock, as you mumble praise into his lips and moan into his mouth like his pleasure is yours.
"Love you," he whimpers. "Love you, please, love, you-you, love."
It doesn't make sense and his voice sounds wet and slurred from crying, but he needs you to know that he loves you too. Before everything slips away and he can't think, Steve needs you to know he loves you with his whole being. His cock is steadily leaking precum and his balls feel tight and he tries to stay relaxed but his muscles are drawing tight, ready to sink into the deep depths of nothingness.
"Let go for me, baby, I've got you."
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Teacher's pet pt.2
Pairings | Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (platonic), Bucky Barnes x reader, Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings | 18+, fingering, oral (f!receiving), mmf!threesome (kinda)
Word count | 716
Summary | teaching Stevie how to pleasure a woman
Masterlist | part one
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"Okay." Steve nodded, and jotted something down.
"Okay." Steve nodded, and jotted something down.
"Buck? I'm home!" Your voice rang through the small apartment, your kitten heels clicking softly against the wood floor as you strode towards Bucky and Steve. "What'cha doing?" You hummed, dropping down next to Bucky. 
Steve went scarlet, the whole way down beneath his shirt and Bucky held back a chuckle. 
"What? What's goin' on?" You asked, looking between the two friends. 
"I'm teaching Stevie how to pleasure a woman." Bucky said, a proud smirk plastered over his lips. 
"Is that so?" You raised a brow at Steve, who nodded sheepishly. 
"Sure is." Bucky chirped. 
"Why don't you show me how you'd do it?" You ask, leaning in to press a short kiss to his jugular. 
"Of course, doll. You get yourself nice and comfortable and I'll be with you in a minute." 
"Should I leave?" Steve asked timidly, and you and Bucky shared an amused look. 
"No silly, he's gonna show both of us how to do it." You grinned, and Steve gulped. You leant into him more, "I might even let you have a play if you're good." 
You had to hold back a laugh at Steve's shocked face, your breath hot on his skin as you'd winked at him before pulling away. 
"Don't be too long." You simpered, pushing yourself up and strolling into the bedroom. 
You wouldn't be surprised if Steve had heard you and Bucky going at it before, as there was only one bedroom in the boys' small apartment. 
He'd never mentioned hearing it before though, so you could understand Steve's nervous and flustered state. 
You sighed, draping yourself over Bucky's twin bed before letting your hands trail over your stomach, over your breasts. 
"Start in' without us, pretty girl?" Bucky smirked, arms folded over his chest as he leant in the doorway. 
You grinned at him as a very red Steve stumbled into the room. 
"G'wan, have a go." Bucky encouraged, patting Steve on the shoulder. Steve gulped before walking over to you and dropping to his knees at the foot of your bed. 
Bucky sat himself down on Steve's bed, which ran parallel to his own to make it easy to push the two tighter together if the nights got too cold and they needed to share body heat.
You gave Steve a reassuring nod as he leant towards you, and he returned a small smile before diving forwards. 
"Shit, Steve! You sure you haven't done this before?" You breathed as he lapped over your clit. 
He hummed against you, and before long you felt a slim finger push into your entrance. You shuddered, back arching as he curled upwards.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You exclaimed as Steve nipped at your clit, his finger finding that one spot that always made you see stars.
You had stopped paying attention to anything but Steve's mouth and fingers, so barely noticed Bucky stand up and crouch down next to the bed you were spread across. 
With one arm braced on the mattress, Bucky reached over and cupped your cheek in his hand. His thumb traced your lips before slipping between them. 
"Such a dirty mouth, doll." He chuckled, and your eyes rolled back into your skull. 
Your legs flayed, and one of your heels dug into Steve's back as you neared your climax. Steve groaned into your folds and Bucky grinned. 
"She's nearly there, pal. Keep goin'." Bucky mumbled, pressing down on your tongue with his thumb as you keened. 
"Oh my god! Steve you feel so good!" You dried out as you came, thighs shaking around Steve's head as he brought you your release. 
"Good girl." Bucky hummed, pulling away at the same time as Steve. 
Breathing hard, you looked down to see Steve eyeing you with dark eyes, a satisfied grin on his lips. You chuckled, running a hand through his hair. 
"You are trouble." You mumbled, and Bucky laughed along with you.
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nana1000night · 2 years
Sub alpha skinny Steve rogers x beta chubby female reader
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Okay but now all I could think is sub! Skinny Steve
He is an alpha but his nature is want someone could snuggle with just like a small orange cat
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And not everyone believe he is an alpha because his appearance is smaller than even beta.
He's desperate need to find someone could be his destiny. But most of women all want Bucky.
He loves Bucky, but that also upset him.
Until he met you, you are plus size yes. But you are so soft and beautiful, you are so smart and so sweet.
You knew people all love good appearance, and you knew you are not the cup of their tea. So you accept the 'fact' and learned how to protect yourself :no expectation.
You bite with those people who dare to disrespect you. And defended him with your other alpha friends.
You smiled to him and praised him for standing up for an omega who was suffering from domestic abuse.
He couldn't find another one more pretty than you. He doesn't care if you're a beta or omega, he want to court you, cherish you and protect you.
When you started dating, he would pick you some flowers in turn: white rose, Gypsophila, Jasmine
You love those flowers, but one day, you told him won't need to but any flowers. He thought you just be posted so far.
He's so anxious and panicked, until you brought him to a flower shop
You bought some gardenia and sunflower seed
"When these flowers blossom, I wish I could see them with you. "
He almost cry from those pure joy swelled in his heart.
When you first sleep over in his house. He didn't want to pressure you to do anything.
But when your eyes locked with each other, your bodies moved faster then your brains.
So now that's what going on...
"Ah... Ah! Please... Angel... My sweet doll. Please... " Steve's hands are tied up with ropes above his head, he's naked and his body is covered with a thin layer of sweat.
He lifts his head and looks down between his legs.
You lick his sensitive tips and his thighs tremble slightly, your hands stroke him and he hold his head back against the pillow.
Pleasure piled up in the corners of the eyes, Steve moves his hips uncontrollable and apologize while his tears falling.
"I am so sorry, honey. I can't take it anymore. I would be good, I would be good... "
He moans when you give small Steve a french kiss and your tongue collect his pre-cum and lap his slit.
"Oh oh!... Fuck!... I am so sorry, sweetheart!"
"You are a bad boy, Stevie. A very. bad one. "
You said when you stroke him more intense and he could feel you start grinding on his thighs.
Steve takes a deep breath before he start babbling
"Yes... Yes please use me, I am so sorry I would be a good boy, your good boy so please queen bee. I need you, I want you so bad... "
"I need to taste your sweet little honeypot, I need to cum... Oh I'm so close... "
You mewl while you down your body, missing and sucking bruises on his body, from the abs to his neck. His breath becomes shallow and haste.
"Agh yes! mark me baby, made me yours... I am yours and yours only. Let me kiss you my sweet beta." You share a sweet and sloppy kiss.
Steve nearly jump when you sink down on him, he shakes his head and body wild, you even stop when you thought your weight might hurt him.
He cries out and he tried to struggle his strained hands to out the ropes.
"No no no no, let me feel your warm pussy. She made me like home, you and her are my home, don't leave me! "
"But I might crash you, Steve. I don't want to hurt you. "
"You won't hurt me, my pumpkin. As I said, use me. I can do this—! "
His scream fall silence but his lips parted, you lean forward and untie the ropes.
His hands land on your hips and move you up and down slowly. When you bottom out, he picks up the pace and he started sobbing because he can't take those pleasure.
"You did so good for me, Stevie. You're my good boy, I am so happy to have you. You are my alpha... ugh! "
His tips brush your sweet spot fatally and your waist suddenly lose its strength, your hands place on his plain chest and you slowly move to the two sides of his head, your hairs swiping wild with the pace of freshes against.
"Princess, I'm gonna... I can't... "
"Let go for me, come with me, Stevie. "
You never knew Steve could roared l ike a beast, but he does it and you glad you are on the pill. When you feel his warm seeds shoot into your womb and you finally let go your climax.
Lay on him and kiss his soft skin, his arms embraces you and he kisses your sweet forehead.
"You're doing so good for me, Marshmellow. Come on, we need to clear up. "
"But I'm tired, just more 5 minutes... "
He chuckles and give you one more kiss on your cheek.
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delicatebarness · 8 months
delicatebarness | masterlist
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This post includes the links to the individual masterlists. | Support: Ko-Fi | Socials: Instagram | Personal Blog | Pinterest
Key: Series | Stand Alone |
B. Barnes
Barnes’ Girl [CEO!Bucky Barnes x Florist!Reader]
Bring Him Home [Bucky Barnes x Romanoff!Reader]
Bridges to Burn [Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader]
But Daddy I Love Him
I Can't Read Your Mind [TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader]
If Walls Could Talk [Drummer!Bucky Barnes x Bassist!Reader]
Cry Baby [CryBaby!Bucky Barnes x CryBaby!Rogers!Reader] (Currently being edited)
The Avengers Bunch [The Avengers x Avenger!Reader]
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures [CG!Stucky x Little!Reader x Little!Peter Parker]
The Manuscript [Professor!Bucky Barnes x Student!Reader]
The Prophecy of Earth and Moon [Werewolf!Bucky Barnes x Fairy Reader]
Until I Found You [40s!PreSerum!Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader]
Winter’s Widow [Lord James Barnes x Lady Romanoff Reader]
the hard launch [Actor!Bucky Barnes x Singer!Reader]
S. Rogers
Good Graces: A Cry Baby Story [CryBaby!Steve x Detective!Reader] (Preciously Badge & Blood)
B. Barnes & S. Rogers
The Red Rooms [BrothelOwner!Bucky Barnes x Reader. BrothelOwner!Steve Rogers x Reader]
P. Brenner
Caught In The Storm [Husband!Pete Brenner x Wife!Reader]
Previously on... I Think He Knows
Previously on... Safe & Sound
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coltrainbat · 2 years
✨Masterlist ✨
Please note I don’t write anything that is illegal or borderline inappropriate. This includes sibling smut, adult baby kink (I dont even know what its called), teacherxstudent relationships and anything else I deem off. I also havent been to high school for many years so even if it’s innocent fluff I do not write HS AUs. If you’re unsure just ask! Can even be anon and if you don’t get a reply to your request then it’s a no. I’m fine with Daddy kink and most sex stuff as long as it doesn't cross lines into over infantilising, acting like an actual baby. 
As much as I’d love to sit in my bed all day and write fics... I have a big girl job and answer my requests in order I receive them (lol OCD tings) and I cant start one until the other is done (again sorry OCD tings). So please note there is a 3 week ish turn around for requests at max. And sometimes if I get a good idea I’ll write my own first cause I have to get it out of my head. But if you want updates feel free to message me or I’ll post an update if I get caught up in life! 
I’m always up for a chat and am pretty active on here so you’re welcome to talk to me about whatever, ask questions or just chat! Please note it’s an 18+ account and if you don’t specify that I won’t reply. 
Ty x
Clover ☘️
Dividers from the brilliant @firefly-graphics 💕
Gifs and images are not mine! 
☁️ - Fluff 🔥 - Smut/NSFW 🌤 - Platonic 
🌧  - Tear Jerker / Sad
🌪 - Angst
COMING SOON: Third Times A Charm | A Chris Evans X RDJ Sister!Reader (description here)
Take Me Home | Nick Vaughan X Reader:
Part 1 -  Meet Cute ☁️
Yes, No, Maybe | Chris Evans X Curvy!Reader:
Part 1 - Chris meets you and has to have you. ☁️🌪
Part 2 - your first date. ☁️
Part 3 (Virgin!Reader) - Chris takes your virginity 🔥☁️
Bubba | Dad!Chris Evans X Pregant/Mom!Reader):
Part 1 - You tell Chris he’s going to be a dad for the first time. ☁️🌧
Part 2 - Protective!DadChris ☁️
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Chris Evans
You’re Mine (Curvy!Reader) - You’re Chris’s FWB and you wonder if you’re the only one 🔥☁️
All Worth It (Curvy!Reader) - You and Chris go public with your relationship. ☁️
Chris Evans Alphabet (Curvy!Reader) - smut implied but mainly fluff. ☁️
Chris Evans Alphabet NSFW - 🔥
What A Girl Wants - You’re a str!pper and Chris wants you for the night. 🔥
Happiest Man Alive - You’re a florist and Chris proposes at the Oscars ☁️
No One Disrespects Chris’s Girl - A journalist insults you to Chris’s face. 🌪
Best Birthday Ever (Curvy!Reader) - You usually dread your birthday but Chris has a surprise in stall. ☁️
Bed. Now. - Finals week has hit but Chris wants you to sleep. ☁️
Boston Boy Documentary - Your segment in Chris’s documentary. ☁️
Can’t Believe They’re Real - Chris is an ass guy but with tits like yours he cant help be obsessed.  🔥
Favourite Pillows - Chris’s favourite pillows are conveniently on your chest. ☁️
My Angel (Model!Reader) - You’re a Victoria Secret Angel ☁️
Because I Want You - Your bestie, Chris gets a bit jealous...  ☁️🌪
Cookie - Baking cookies doesnt go as planned.  ☁️🔥
High On You - You and Chris enjoy a joint together. ☁️
I’m in Chwarge (Blurb) - No one tells you whhat to do besides Chris ☁️🔥
Tik Tok Leggings - You could say Chris likes your new leggings… 🔥☁️
Eat Shit Ransom - You’ve got a huge crush on Ransom 🌪☁️
Pork or Pasta? - You meet Chris for the first time but arent so sure about him... 🌪☁️
Mint Condition - Captain America Roleplay  🔥
Sexiest Girl Alive (Curvy!Reader) - You get hate for your body and Chris comes to your defence. 🌪☁️
Headcanon!Chris Evans - Chris start to cheer his gf up. How? With stupid cheesy pick up lines ☁️
Steve Rogers 
I’m The Captain Now - Taking Steve’s virginity 🔥
Off to College - You & Steve send your little girl off to College ☁️🌧
Family Matters - Steve’s sister dies 🌧🌤 
Roped Up - Steve ties you up 🔥
Soxs - You get Steve a cat to help with his nightmares. ☁️
Prettiest Girl In The World (PreSerum!Steve X Plussize!Reader) - Steve thinks you’re the best even if you don’t. 🔥☁️🌧
Get A Life - Shortsized!Reader working for Bruce Banner as a lab assistant and Steve has a total crush on her. ☁️
Frank Adler 
Disneyland - You and Frank take Mary to Disney ☁️
Put It On My Tab - Frank introduces Female Bartender!Reader and introduces her to his niece. ☁️
Andy Barber
What To Wear (Curvy!Reader) - Andy helps you find a shirt that fits for your date night. ☁️
Sparks Fly - Soulmate AU ☁️
You’re Sick (Blurb) ☁️
Our Home - Laurie shows up unannounced. 🌪☁️
Knock Knock - You surprise Andy at work. 🔥
Lloyd Hansen
You’re Not Sorry - You act like a brat but Lloyd is going to make you pay for it. 🔥🌪
Ari Levinson
I’ll Take Care of You - Ari is married to your sister but he has you on on his mind. 🔥
Neighbours - You get very friendly with your neighbour, Ari.  🔥
Ransom Drysdale
Good Bunny - Ransom wants to explore the hole God can’t see... 🔥
Liam Hemsworth
Nostalgia - You and Liam reunite but its a little different now. ☁️🌪
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themorningsunshine · 2 years
Old School Love
Moodboard Masterlist
Pairing - Pre serum!Steve Rogers x reader
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This is for @the-slumberparty​ ‘s Week four :What’s your aesthetic challenger
The aesthetic generated for me was Old Academia (Lucky me) and so I chose PreSerum Steve Rogers, to give our boy the love he deserves. 
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buckybarnesevents · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞-𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
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𝐎𝐍𝐄  |  𝐓𝐖𝐎  |  𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄  |  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑  |  𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄  |  𝐒𝐈𝐗  |  𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍
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C4041 ⋆。°✩ ANDREA1717
⭑⋆⭑   The Perfect Day
C1   |   Fantasy AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Stucky At Six
C2   |   Fake Dating AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   The Last Days | The First Days
C3   |   Singer AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   The Cure
C4   |   First Responder AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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C4042 ⋆。°✩ DRABBLES-MC
⭑⋆⭑   On My Own
C1   |   20s - 40s AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
TUMBLR   |   AO3
⭑⋆⭑   You Shouldn't Be Here
C2   |   Prison/Jail AU   |   Modern!Bucky Barnes x Modern!PreSerum!Steve
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⭑⋆⭑   Won't Leave You Behind
C3   |   Search & Rescue AU   |   Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers
TUMBLR   |   AO3
⭑⋆⭑   Do You Need Someone?
C4   |   Therapist AU   |   Bucky Barnes x F!Soldier!Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   Perfectionists
C1   |   Gamer AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
⭑⋆⭑   Talk
C2   |   BDSM   |   Pleasure Dom!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader 
⭑⋆⭑   Out of These Waters
C3   |   Genderbend AU   |   Mer!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader
⭑⋆⭑   Buck’s Eleven
C4   |   Thief/Con Artist AU   |   Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers, mentions of Bucky Barnes x Ex Wife!Reader
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C4044 ⋆。°✩ SUNRISEROSE1023
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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⭑⋆⭑   Winter Records
C1   |   Record Store AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Tony Stark
⭑⋆⭑   What Comes With The Job
C2   |   Celebrity AU
⭑⋆⭑   Come Play Your Cards
C3   |   Dance/Theatre AU
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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Graphics & Masterlist made by @rookthorne / @rookthornesartistry
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angelbaby-fics · 2 years
half written fics & ideas in my mind i wanna get out & published in november:
lloyd x little!reader
ransom x little!reader done!
lee bodecker x little!reader
bucky x little!reader
preserum!steve x little!reader
little!bucky x little!reader
loki x little!reader (something related to the series)
eddie x cheerleader!reader (perhaps non agere 🤔)
hopper x little!reader
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barnesmurdock · 3 years
You go to my head.
Pairing: Pre-serum!Steve x tall!fem!reader
Summary: Bucky can't stop flirting with Becca's best friend's sister but, turns out she has her mind set on someone else.
Word count: 3890
Warnings: Fluff, insecure Steve, mentions of Steve being colorblind and not hearing well, flirty Bucky but he's actually a good bro, alcohol consumption.
A/N: The title references a Billie Holiday song that I think fits with this fic, if you wanna give it a listen. Sorry if this is too self indulgent, I'm just a tall girl in love with Steve Rogers 🥴
Please consider reblogging and leaving a comment if you enjoyed it <3
“Whaddya think, green or blue?” Bucky asked a bored Steve, showing him two ties. He was dragging his best friend to a dancehall again and this time they didn’t even have dates.
“Buck ya know I’m colorblind, right? I’m no help with that." Steve sighed, resting his elbow on the dining table to rest his head on his hand.
"Right, sorry…" The brunette sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "I'll go ask ma."
"Ma will say the blue one, she always picks that one, James." Rebecca commented as she passed by the two boys, carrying some games in her hands.
"Well, then. Which one would ya choose, Bex?" Bucky raised his voice so it would reach his little sister.
"I don't care!"
"Y'know, if you can't decide, we could just stay here." Steve suggested, well aware Bucky wasn't going to agree to that, but hopeful nonetheless. He wasn't in the mood for another night of nursing a coke while Bucky flirted with someone.
The doorbell interrupted their conversation and, before Bucky could reply, his mom's voice asked him from the kitchen to open the door.
"Well, if it isn't the most beautiful dame in New York…" Bucky flashed a smile at the eldest of the two girls in front of him." … And you're here too. Becca's in her room." He informed your sister.
"Hi, Bucky." You responded to the brunette with a polite smile, unphased by his comment. "I just came to drop this bug, Becca invited her for a sleepover."
"In that case, please come in." He moved to the side to let you in, your sister simply passing by him, then Steve, who she waved politely before running off to her friend's room.
"She didn't even say goodbye." You huffed and rolled your eyes, making Bucky chuckle.
"Hey, you can come in too." He gestured with his hand. He knew you were about to decline, so he rushed to say, "I need someone with taste to help me pick a tie. No one in this house is being helpful."
You sighed and made a face, but you ultimately agreed and came in, your breath hitching after finding Bucky's best friend sitting right in front of you.
You'd always found Steve Rogers handsome, with his big bright blue eyes and his beautiful lips, his permanently rosy cheeks. Ugh, you couldn't help but steal every glance you could at him every time you encountered Bucky with him attached to the hip.
Steve rushed to sit straight when he saw you coming in, nervously flattening his tie. Bucky was right, you were the most beautiful dame in New York. If you asked Steve, you probably were the most beautiful dame in the whole damn country. The two of you never actually had a conversation, most of your interactions were with Bucky, since your sisters were best friends. He relentlessly tried to flirt with you and you dismissed him every time, which was certainly amusing for Steve to watch. Refreshing, almost.
"Hi, Steve!" You offered him a genuine smile, approaching the table where he was seated to inspect the ties.
"H-hi." He managed to reply looking up to your face, brushing his hair out of his face.
"Couldn't you help him with the ties?" You eyed the blushing blonde sitting to your left.
"I'm colorblind, so… nope." He sighed self deprecatingly, giving you an awkward tight lipped smile.
"Oh, that's fine." You leaned towards him to get closer to his ear. "It's always this one, though." You whispered before stepping back, showing him the blue tie and winking at him before turning to hand it to Bucky.
"Would you be a doll and do the knot for me?" Bucky asked, pouting at you half flirting, half trying to piss you off, which he knew was easier than his flirting working.
You rolled for eyes at him but did the stupid knot, just to shut him up.
"So… where are you two headed?" You asked, looking at Steve and ignoring Bucky's beaming smile. Yes, Bucky was handsome, really handsome. Like, almost painful to watch. But you he just didn't do it for you. You didn't like the arrogance, the overconfidence he had. And you were well aware he didn't want anything actually serious. He was just a flirt. So, you weren't interested.
Instead, his beautiful, shy, respectful friend Steve, with his nervous smile and his ticks. That's what you liked.
"Bucky wants to go dancing." The blonde responded, since you directed your attention to him.
"You could join us, if ya want. I'll buy you a drink if you dance with me." Bucky interfered with a cocky smile. Steve's gaze shifted to Bucky and sighed, making you chuckle.
"You know what? I'll come. But I'll pass on the dance." Your eyes lingered on Steve for a second, who softly smiled at you, before looking back at Bucky, patting his chest once your work was done.
"Oh, c'mon! Just a friendly dance!"
"Let it go, James, it's not gonna work."
Since you had agreed to go out with them, Steve and Bucky walked you home and waited outside while you changed clothes and dolled up.
"Y'know? It's funny to see someone reject you for once." Steve commented with amusement, his hands inside the pockets of his jacket.
Bucky made a bit of a face, but ended up smiling at his friend. "Yeah, she keeps me humble, I guess. But hey, I got her to come to the dancehall, didn't I?" Bucky shrugged, content with you simply agreeing to spend some time with them.
Yes, Bucky tried to butter you up every single time he saw you because you were truly beautiful and he loved your snark and he… Well, he was a flirt. He couldn't help it. But in all honesty, he was just playing and ultimately, he was okay with just befriending you.
"You're unbelievable." Steve huffed, looking at the door as if that would make you come out faster.
Bucky regarded him for a moment before a smirk appeared on his face. "Hey, why don't ya try flirting with her? Perhaps she likes blondes. That's the only explanation for why she doesn't like me." He said pointing at his gelled brown hair.
Steve sighed and shook his head, moving his hair out of his face again. "Stop trying to set me up, Buck. It never works."
You came out of your apartment just as Steve was checking the door again, your eyes locking as you shut the door. The blonde stared at you, his mouth slightly agape. You smiled shyly at him, making him blush when he realized he was just staring like a dumbass.
Bucky turned around when he heard the door, wolf-whistling at the sight of you.
"Okay, okay. Let's not make a big deal out of it, Barnes, let's go." You said as you chuckled, gently pushing Bucky's shoulder to make him move.
He started moving without objection with a chuckle of his own, leaving you and Steve to walk behind him.
You looked down to your side, where you found Steve looking back up at you. His eyes widened when you caught him staring, but he relaxed when you smiled at him, offering you a shy smile in return.
On the way to the dancehall, Bucky ended up convincing you to dance with him. But you demanded some ground rules. No slow songs and no touching more than necessary. Fair enough.
Steve watched you two dance and talk and laugh with resignation. Perhaps you did like Bucky and you were just playing hard to get. Even if you weren't, he didn't stand a chance. Regular women didn't even look his way as it was, but a gal like you, so tall and confident, who didn't even indulge Bucky's advances? Yeah… no chance.
But Steve did not know what you were telling his flirty friend.
"Y'know, you really have to stop flirting with me." You said, your attention still on your steps as you danced with Bucky, not wanting to step on his toes.
"Oh, c'mon! You know it's just a bit of fun." The brunette protested while he guided you.
"I know, I know… I have to admit it, it's amusing sometimes. Flattering. But, I'm already interested in someone else." You let him know,your gaze leaving Bucky's to look past him towards the scrawny, frowning blonde waiting for the both of you on a table, nursing a bottle of coke. He felt you looking, so he glanced up at you and offered one of his small shy smiles. You discreetly smiled back before turning your attention back to Bucky.
"Oh, I see. I'll behave, then. Someone I know?" Bucky asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Nosy." You chuckled as he twirled you around for the last time, since the song was coming to an end.
"You're choosing another man over me, of course I wanna know who that lucky fella is." Bucky sighed dramatically once the song ended, draping his arm around your shoulders. "I think you earned that drink, doll."
"Buy me two and I'll tell ya who it is." You said cheekily, allowing the friendly close contact as he guided you towards the bar.
As promised, Bucky bought you two drinks of your choice for the dance and the gossip and then left you alone to go mingle with the ladies. Steve saw you walking towards the table he was sitting on, lazily swirling your drink in it's glass, grinning and glowing after your dance. He gulped and combed his fingers through his hair again, his eyes following your movements as you sat in front of him.
"Hello, handsome." You greeted with a cheeky grin, sipping on your drink. You had already downed the first one with Bucky before making your way to the table and you were definitely feeling it.
Steve's eyebrows flew up at your comment before breaking eye contact, looking down at his coke bottle with a nervous chuckle.
"Hello… So, you finally gave in to Bucky's charm." He commented, twirling the bottle on his fingers.
"Not at all." You laughed. "Just wanted that free drink." You nudged at his foot with yours under the table so he would stop staring down. Once he did, you wiggled your brows and sipped on the cocktail again. "Want some?" You offered your glass and Steve hesitated for a moment, but he remembered he wasn't sick at the moment, so you should be fine.
He nodded with another smile as he carefully took the glass from your cold hand, his fingers inevitably brushing against yours making the corners of your lips tug up.
Holding his gaze to yours, Steve took a sip and smiled after putting the glass down.
"S'good." Steve approved, nodding with a smile.
"Right?" You exclaimed before picking up the glass to drink, leaving it in front of him again, inviting him to continue drinking.
You ended up sharing your whole drink with Steve as you looked around the dancehall and commented on everything worth commenting and shared stories.
It turned out Steve was snarky and funny and amazing and your cheeks ended up hurting from alll the smiling and laughing. You were fairly sure the alcohol helped Steve loosen up a bit with you and you couldn't thank Bucky enough for buying you two drinks instead of one.
You looked around at all the people dancing a fast paced song, just like the one you had been dancing before. You even spotted Bucky having fun with a pretty redhead. Then, you looked back at Steve, who was doing the same thing, and regarded him for a moment.
"Hey, would you like to dance?" You asked, resting your head on your hand on the table.
"I…" Steve sighed before continuing. "I don't know. I don't usually dance." He said instead of the truth that he'd never danced with a girl before, lowering his voice and looking down at his fidgeting hands. He had practiced before, forced by Bucky, before he arranged some double date for them. But it never happened.
"What? Why?" You frowned a bit as you asked with genuine curiosity. You weren't dumb. You knew how people thought about someone like Steve and you'd guess he probably wasn't very lucky with the ladies. Just like you didn't interest many guys due to your height. But still, there must've been someone who had seen in Steve what you saw.
Steve looked at you, opening his mouth as he thought how to respond, but nothing came out of it, making him look away in embarrassment.
"We could wait until they play a slow one to dance. Easier than swing, in my opinion." You shrugged, trying to salvage it. You noticed he didn't want to talk about it. In the end, it didn't really matter. You did want to dance with him.
"Wouldn't want to step on your feet." He side glanced at you with what looked like a sad smile. Hell no.
"Ugh, don't worry about that. I'll definitely step on you too." You rolled your eyes and then chuckled, making him laugh too.
It died down as he thought about it. You seemed genuine in your intentions of dancing with him but he couldn't help but think about what people would think. He was so… scrawny. And you were so tall. Way taller than him. People already gave him weird looks by simply existing and he thought perhaps you experienced that too. But you were absolutely beautiful and he… well. You looked better with someone like Bucky.
"Hey. I don't know what's going on inside that head of yours, but stop it. Don't overthink it." You said as you put your hand on top of his on the table, with that big perfect smile you had been flashing at him all night. He had to look at you again, then what your hand just did. You grazed the pads of your fingers up and down the back of his hand and he felt his heart start beating erratically. "We don't have to dance if you don't want to, just know I'd love to dance with you."
He missed your touch the moment your fingers retreated from his hand. Damn, he was so not ready for this. You were not only a dame who was interested in him, which was already rare, but you were the girl he had been interested in for a long time. And you wanted to dance. With him. A slow one. Suddenly, he had forgotten everything Bucky had taught him. He was afraid he was gonna embarrass you in front of everyone and then, they announced they were gonna play something slow. He had to do something now.
You could see Steve freak out inside his head as he had his eyes fixed on the hand you'd touched and decided to give him his time.
Steve finally came out of his thoughts and looked back up at you. He got up clumsily and brushed his hair out of the way before offering you his hand.
"Yeah?" You said, unable to contain the wide smile growing on your face, reaching for his hand and standing up to go to the dancefloor.
You were giddy and excited and you were sure anyone could hear your heart pounding in your chest as he gently took your hand and put his other one tentatively on your waist. You looked down to Steve, squeezing his hand for reassurance and placing your free hand on his shoulder.
This close, he had to tilt his head back to look up at you but he decided he didn't care. Not when you were beaming at him like that as you started to sway to the music, your gaze fixed on him and nothing else.
Steve was so entranced with you he didn't notice and ended up stepping on you. Mortified, he looked down and then back at you with wide eyes, his cheeks rapidly turning a bright red.
You started laughing, shaking your head and not allowing him to pull away after that, the hand you had on his shoulder going to the back of his neck as he apologized profusely.
"Steve, I thought we talked about this. It's fine." You leaned a bit closer to his face to whisper at him, your fingers gently brushing the hair at the nape.
Steve's breath hitched at the feeling, his eyes threatening to close in delight.
"I apologize…"
You giggled and lightly stepped on his foot on purpose, making Steve's eyes go wide again.
"There you go. It's only fair." You said with a wink, making him smile.
You ended up dancing for a couple more songs, Steve confidence building back up as the songs went by.
You two ended up getting closer until your bodies were flush against each other, which you thought perhaps was somewhat uncomfortable for Steve, having to crane his neck so he wouldn't have his face almost on your chest. In that moment, Steve was sure he died and went to heaven and this wasn't even real so it didn't matter if his neck ended up aching or not.
You decided to go back to the table once a faster paced song came up, satisfied with how much you had danced for the night.
After a while, the place started to empty and you saw Bucky coming towards the table with an amused smirk on his face, his hair slightly mussed.
"You're not leaving with that pretty blonde you've been dancing all night?" You asked the brunette as he approached the two of you, cocking a brow at him.
Bucky's smirk grew bigger at your words as he glanced at Steve. He could ask the same thing, apparently. "Your ma will kill me if I don't walk you home. She doesn't know Steve."
"That's true." You sighed, smiling apologetically at the blonde who you had been dancing and flirting with all evening. Your mom only trusted Bucky (because he was an absolute gem every time he came home to bring or pick up Becca). She even mentioned how handsome he was from time to time, in hopes you'd tell her you liked him.
Bucky had been keeping an eye on his two friends while he danced and flirted around and he decided to walk a couple of steps in front of you so you and Steve could have some space, walking with an amused smile on his face and his hands inside the pockets of his pants.
Behind him, Steve seemed to get shy again. You didn't mind walking in silence, having talked for hours, but you knew by now you had to reassure him of your interest or he wouldn't dare to make a move. So, after the back of his hand grazed yours a couple of times, you decided to take his hand, interlocking your fingers with his.
Steve's eyes went straight to look down at your joined hands, then up to your face, where he found you already staring down at him with a smile. He huffed and smiled back before looking away.
Bucky made some small talk along the way, unable to just walk, while trying not to look back. God, he was so obvious. You giggled as you thought about how he had been flirting with you for years and yet, the moment he learned you liked Steve he stopped did everything in his hand to make it happen.
Once you got home, he made sure to speak loud enough your ma would know he got you home and stepped back a few feet, casually looking away and turning his back to wait for Steve to do his thing.
"Thanks for tonight, I had a great time." You said, not letting go of Steve's hand just yet, both of you half way up the entrance stairs.
"Me too. I…" He huffed and chuckled, looking down at his feet. "I honestly never had a night like this." Steve confessed, still not believing it happened.
"We could do it again. Without Bucky." You whispered, tilting his head up with your finger curled under his chin.
Steve gulped and went to brush his fingers through his hair again but you beat him to it, doing it for him as you smiled softly and got down one step so you could be at similar heights, your eyes never leaving his.
"I'd love to." Steve smiled just as softly, silent for a moment as his eyes dropped to your lips, then went back to your eyes. Perhaps kissing you would be too forward, but he would love to do it.
You were now with your back towards Bucky and Steve could see him from his peripheral vision mouth something to him. Having hearing problems, he got pretty good at reading lips but it was dark, so he couldn't see shit.
"Just kiss her already, ya punk!" Bucky whispered-shouted at his friend when he realized he wasn't getting the message, making you start giggling.
"Sorry about him." Steve giggled nervously, glancing back at you.
"He's right, though." You said, trailing the fingers from your free hand down his tie and then going back up.
Steve's giggle died down instantly, his big blue eyes taking you in for a moment. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." You nodded, your hand wrapping around his tie to pull him in, your lips pressing softly against his slightly chapped ones.
It was brief, both of you would've kept kissing but you knew it wasn't appropriate.
You smiled against his lips and gave him another one before pulling away.
Steve's lips followed yours for a second, and you couldn't help but kiss him again, the sight too cute to ignore.
"Okay, you have to go now. Ma will worry if I don't go inside soon." You explained with a smile, letting his tie go and making sure it was in place.
"When can I see you again?" Steve asked still holding your hand, even though his hold loosened, knowing he would have to let it go soon.
"Would you mind if it was sooner?" He asked sheepishly, a shy smile on his face. He was embarrassed to sound desperate, but he couldn't help it.
"Wednesday afternoon. Final offer." You joked with a chuckle.
"Wednesday. I-I'll think of something nice for you." He confirmed with a nod, letting go of your hand to put his hands back on his pockets, dropping to the step you were on.
"Alright. Don't overthink too much, though. I'm a simple gal. I'll like whatever you plan." You said, trailing your finger across his jaw down to his chin in a tender gesture. "I'll go pick up my sister from Bucky's house tomorrow. Be there?"
Steve nodded with a soft smile in response. You then smiled back and leaned down, tilting his head up again to kiss him one last time, your fingers caressing his soft cheek.
Once you pulled away, you looked at Bucky, who was giving you a thumbs up behind Steve with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.
You shook your head and rolled your eyes at him, making Steve turn around to see what was going on.
"Jerk." He whispered to himself as he went down the steps to join Bucky.
"Bye James!" You waved at him as he waved you back.
Steve walked backwards, unable to peel his eyes from you and you waved at him too, throwing him a wink that made him smile again. You mouthed a goodnight at him, getting the same response from the blonde before he finally turned back and walked away with Bucky.
Your cheeks hurt like hell from smiling and you knew you had to shake it off before getting inside. You pulled your key out and took a deep breath before stepping in.
"Hello, ma! Yeah, yeah, that was Bucky…"
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Sloth's Kinktober 2.0 Masterlist
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Ah, the weather is finally getting cooler. The nights are longer. It's officially spooky season. And with it, my second attempt at kinktober! Thank you everyone who submitted a request! There were so many delicious and devious thots that I can't wait to share with you all!
These works have Adult Content. By clicking “Keep Reading” you have agreed that you are over the age of 18 and are willing to view such content. My work is not to be copied or translated onto any other platform. I have discontinued my taglist - follow @slothspaghettilibrary to be notified of when I post.
Food Play - Dark!Lee Bodecker x Fem!Reader
Pet Play - Bucky Barnes x Trans!Male!Puppy!Reader
Knife Play - Robert Pronge x Reader
Pegging - Sub!Loki Laufeyson x afab!Reader
Body Worship - Sub!Preserum!Steve Rogers x Reader
Size Kink - Frat boy!Chris Evans x SHORT!Fem!Reader
Shibari - Bruce Banner x Reader
CG/l - Tony Stark x Reader
Yandere - Ari Levinson x Reader
Cheating - Lee Bodecker x Reader
Impact Play (Spanking) - Daddy!Lee Bodecker x Babyboy
Primal Play - Alpha!Andy Barber x Alpha!Lloyd Hansen x Omega!Reader
Double Penetration - Andy Barber x August Walker x Fem!Reader
Biting - Werewolf!Lee Bodecker x Plus Size!Reader
Group Sex - Orgyverse Gang
Ovipositing - Venom x Eddie Brock x Reader
Somnophila - Dark!Andy Barber x Male!Reader
Threesome - Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Vampire!Steve Rogers x Succubus!Reader
Cum Play - Jake Jensen x Ghost!Reader
Overstimulation- Tentacle!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Blood Play - Vampire!Tony Stark x Reader
Praise Kink - Curtis Everett x Short!Reader
Knotting - Werewolf!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Sex Toys - Steve Rogers x Reader
Gagging - Orc!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Innocence Kink - Dark!Andy Barber x Reader
Chase Kink - Lee Bodecker x Reader
Fear Play - Andy Barber x Reader
Holding - Sugar Baby!Ransom Drysdale x Daddy!Reader
Daddy Kink - Gabe Kapler x Fem!Reader
Surprise fic for us all
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lucky-bucky-boy · 4 years
Pairing: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve’s little art hobby wasn’t necessarily a secret, but how good he was at it? That part was.
Word Count: 1552
Warnings: Fluff, eluded angst and insecurity from Steve
A/N: This is for a writing challenge by @jbbuckybarnes​. I truly tried my best to make this my absolute most inclusive piece of writing, so if you have any constructive criticism on how I can do that better please message me.
I do not own these characters. Do NOT repost my writing and/or fics anywhere without my written permission. Reblogs welcome and highly appreciated. 
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Bright sunlight pranced throughout the small Brooklyn apartment, flittering and flickering through the air. A few tea light candles were strewn around on flat surfaces, emanating a soft vanilla scent that enhanced the sweetness that lingered from the nights dessert, a rare thing but a necessity with what was bound to happen in the next few weeks. Soft blankets and a peaceful quiet, comfortable silence that only made the warmth of the moment stronger. 
Your eyes flickered from the book in your hand to your sweet boyfriend sitting opposite of the room in his favorite chair. A colorful pallete and a dirty cup of water sat on the table next to him, his hand moving in thoughtful flicks as his teeth nibbled at his lip in concentration. A few pieces of his blonde hair had fallen into his face, occasionally shaking his head to move it from his view and causing a smile to spread across your lips.
Steve has always painted. A fun little hobby to fill the time. Sometimes it'd just be a drawing, a simple sketch with charcoal. But lately, since meeting Dr.Eskrine late last week he's been specifically painting more and more. The colors on his pallete have even become brighter and move varied, but he never showed you the pictures. You assumed they were just personal little doodles, nothing big and extravagant, maybe something that would be somehow embarrassing for him. 
However, you did know why he had been painting more. Steve had been recruited, kind of. He'd be the subject of an experiment called Project Rebirth. Neither of you knew too much about it, but you did know that within the next week or to Steve would be receiving his letter for him to be wisped away. 
At first, Steve was excited. He finally had managed to find a way to get what he wanted, a way to serve his country. And you were excited for him as well, how couldn't you be? His blue eyes lit up so bright when he told you, so excited and talking so fast he was practically reminiscent of a puppy. He nearly gave himself an asthma attack with how much energy was coursing through him. 
But the reality quickly set in for the both of you. He'd be leaving. Your Stevie, your perfect gentleman of a boyfriend, your number one supporter would have to leave you, and there was a good chance he may not come home. You two cried that night, a whirlwind of emotions laying catastrophy to your bliss, and vowed that every moment between then and him leaving would be the most special time you could imagine. 
Some would argue that there wasn't anything special about this; About sitting feet apart, in the most peaceful quiet only slightly disturbed by the sounds of people going home after a long days work outside, doing your own thing. But you couldn't have this with anyone else, this comfort and feeling of home was something you never felt until Steve. Everyone was shocked when the two of you moved in together, but you hadn't wanted to let this feeling slip through your fingers, and you were even more grateful now that you had made the decision to do so. 
Without thinking much of it, you sat your book down and stood up, moving to Steve. After pressing a kiss to his forehead you grabbed the dirty cup of water and moved to the kitchen just feet away to refresh it for him. 
You felt his gaze follow you, as it always did when you moved about. He tried not to admit it but he was truly shocked as to how he got so lucky to be with you. Someone so caring, driven, and open minded. Someone who's inner beauty matched their appearance, who was definitely way out of his league in his opinion and didn't have a care in the world for how small he was. A girl who was almost too ambitious and too determined for her own good. You inspired him, way more than you knew at this point. 
"Whatcha painting, dear?" Your voice cut through his thoughts as you came back with the fresh water, only trying to peak at the pad of paint paper a little. 
The flush that covered his skin was far too obvious for him to play off, and he tripped over his words as he talked, "it's uh, nothing - really - I mean it's not nothing but-"
The light laugh that fell from your lips caused him to blush even darker. Steve watched as you leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before kneeling beside him. The look you gave him was too pure and sweet and he knew he wouldn't be able to resist whatever you requested of him next. 
"Can you please show me some of your paintings, Stevie? You paint so much and I feel like this is a piece of you I don't know much about." The sweetness and curiosity had him cliff diving head first into falling in love with you all over again. 
"Uh, s-sure." Steve did well of hiding the one he had been working on, sitting it aside and out of view as he flipped through a few pages of his painting paper and showed you a picture he painted of a garden. 
Your breath was practically stolen as your gaze danced across the intricate detail of the picture he was showing you. Variants of almost every shade in the rainbow were whisped across the paper, creating a beautiful scene of blooming flowers and bushes, caged in by a white picket. 
"You can paint? Like, really paint?" The statement came as more of a question, almost in disbelief with what you were seeing. You had sworn painting was just a pass-time type of hobbie for Steve, but you were wrong, way wrong. It wasn't a hobbie, it was a talent. 
"A little bit, yeah, I guess," he mumbled, bashful and still not use to any type of praise. "I had- I had painted that one night after we had talked about buying a house one day. You said you wanted a little cottage with a white picket fence and a huge garden. I figured, if I couldn't give the real thing to you, I could at least paint you something close to it."
Your heart practically broke and swelled all at once. The sincerity of this man never ceased to baffle you. "Stevie! You call this a little bit?" You exclaimed. "This is beautiful. Can you show me another?"
He smiled, shy but hopeful and nodded. Steve moved down to sit on the floor with you, pulling a few of the papers out to lay across the floor, all different scenes of things you had talked about wanting to do together. A little bakery, a blue cottage, a cabin and lake. Your eyes scanned across every one, seeing every little detail and color, feeling like you were seeing a scene out of a movie, feeling like you could have actually been there. 
"Steve, love, these are amazing," you breathed out, voice soft and quiet. 
"I painted them for you," he admitted, voice just as hushed. He avoided looking at you, but you couldn't help but look at him after that admittance. "When I found out about getting recruited I starting painting everything we ever wanted to do together so you could hang them up or keep them to remember me, so you wouldn't forget me."
"Forget you?" The little pang of hurt was evident in your voice. "Stevie," you leaned over, cupping his face with your hand and making him look at you. A quiet exchange of sad smiles before you pressed a kiss to his lips, a promise, "I'll never forget you. I love you."
Steve smiled a little more brightly. "I love you too, doll."
"But," you voice had a tease, trying to keep the mood light and happy. It wasn't time for tears, not yet. You wanted as many happy moments with him as possible before he left, "you have to promise not to forget me."
Steve chuckled softly, shaking his head, "I couldn't if I tried."
And little did you know, the painting he set aside was his way of making sure he didn't forget you. That he wouldn't forget the way your hair sat against your skin, or the bridge of your nose, or any freckle and smile line. The warmth that emanated from you or the curve of your lips in a resting smile.
No picture could do any of that, any piece of you justice. So, Steve didn't rely on a picture, instead he just painted his favorite muse. After a moment of hesitation he moved to grab it. It wasn't quite finished, but almost there and done enough to show you. 
"I painted those for you, but I'm painting this one for me, to keep with me while I'm away."
Steve sat back down, showing you the all too realistic portrait of you reading a book, in the position you'd taken comfort in over the last week. Your breath had truly caught in your throat this time, times welling as emotions bubble in you. "See, doll, I can't forget something I've painted."
Tags: @lokilvrr​ @hurricanerin​ @kcd15​
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Series Summary:  Throughout your relationship, Steve remembers and cherishes five kisses.  All of them were different, but all of them were from you, that’s what makes it special
A/N: I’m going to be focusing on GOOD writing, rather than pumping out content, so these chapters will be a bit father apart than normal, but they’ll be better quality!
preserum!Steve x reader
Word count: 950-ish
Summary: Work is hard, especially now.  But, coming home to Steve always makes you feel better.
Warnings: talk of financial struggle and the great depression... that’s it?
(GIF not mine!)
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Money was tight, as it was for most of America. Dollars turned to cents, full fridges turned to empty ice boxes, 40 hours plus a bonus turned into 3 different jobs and living on the street. Because of this stock market crash and the president refusing to do anything, you were forced to get a job.  Even though Bucky was already working full time, he had to take the late shift to make ends meet.
Bucky was working two shifts at the docks, loading crates on and off ships, inspecting the cargo, making deliveries, etcetera. Because of this, he was gone for around sixteen hours a day, leaving Steve at home, unsupervised.
Normally you’d be home at least half a day to supervise Steve even with you working.  But you decided to get a second job once you moved in with the boys. It was more financially sound to share one apartment with two, technically three, incomes, rather than struggle separately.
  You worked in a factory assembly line, manufacturing automobiles. You were in charge of placing the car bodies properly over the car’s frame, making them look pretty instead of just having a bunch of exposed gears and rods. It was a very sophisticated job. It paid decently too, but, not enough to keep three adults alive.
Your second job was not so sophisticated.  Working in a food warehouse, specializing in flour. It was messy, and the powder made the whole building foggy and dry, you’d come home looking like a ghost with a hoarse voice because you were so thirsty.  But, at least the packages you dealt with had pretty patterns with flowers and colors on them, ready to be sewn into dresses for little girls by their loving mothers.  So, there was still a little ray of hope in the gray factory.
  You drugged up the stairs, covered in white powder, the dust making your hair crusty and your eyes dry.  Your legs and feet ached from standing all day and from walking two miles home.
Since Bucky worked longer hours and his work was further away, he was the one who had the car most of the time.  You were very willing to let such a diligently working man use the car, but that didn’t make your aching toes feel any better.
  You creaked the door open and unceremoniously kicked off your shoes.  You flexed your squished toes to relive some of the ache.  Working in heels was never fun; stupid dress code.  A tired huff of air escaped your lungs as you unclenched your jaw and stretched your shoulders, taking a moment to regroup before switching from work mode to home mode.  As you relaxed your tense muscles, the beautiful smell of dinner wafted through the air.
You took a deep breath through the nose, savoring the beautiful scent of food.  “What’s for dinner Jam- Steven?” you smiled, pleasantly surprised.  Normally Steve wasn’t one to cook, considering most of the Irish cuisine he would make was disgusting. “What are you making? It smells amazing,” you sighed, hugging him from behind, leaning into his back.
“Shepard's pie,” he hummed, very proud of himself, “well sort of… we didn’t have lamb…”.  He put a lid over the simmering pan, turning around to return your hug properly.
“Sorry, I’m all… ghostly,” you chuckled, patting your dress as clouds of flour puffed up from it. Steve covered his mouth and nose so it didn’t trigger an asthma attack.
“Don’t worry doll,” he coughed, fanning the powder away, “you go shower, I’ll call when dinner is ready,”. He opened the cabinet and got out one of the class dishes so he could stick the pie into the oven. “Buck should be home soon,” he said softly, "said he was bringing home more groceries,".
  Steve hummed quietly as he set the table.  Bucky had returned and was now changing out of his sweaty work clothes and taking a short nap.
You slowly snuck up behind Steve to give him a little thank you, leaning from behind him to kiss his neck softly.  Steve jumped a little as he felt your touch, not expecting you.
"oh, sorry," you hummed, rubbing his back softly, "didn't mean to startle you,".
He chuckled, blushing slightly.  "No, no, it's okay... I... could you do that again?" he asked, biting his lip timidly.
You grinned, leaning back in to kiss his vulnerable flesh.
  He wouldn't know until later, but that was the second kiss he would never forget.  It was so trusting and kind, your arms wrapped around his middle as you nuzzled him affectionately.  It made his cold, pale body feel all warm and fuzzy inside, his blood buzzing in a weird, but good way.
You pressed feather-light kisses up and down his neck and shoulder, humming with each one, letting yourself enjoy this as well.
Steve loved you so much, and with how you were holding him, he could tell the feeling was mutual.  You showed it more than any "I love you" could say.
  "Get a room!" Bucky laughed, sitting at the table, shirtless and still smelling like ocean muck.
You smirked, sticking your tongue out at him.  "We'll do that once you cover up your nipples!" you taunted.
Buck crossed his arms over his chest, pouting like a toddler.  "You should be grateful, only special people are privileged enough to see my nipples!" he whined.
"If either of you say 'nipple' one more time, you're not getting dinner," Steve said, taking the dish out of the oven.
@httpmcrvel​ @ayatimascd​ @blairu​  @blackcatwithablackbackpack  @shirukitsune​
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delicatebarness · 3 months
As you all know, I love writing stories about Bucky x Reader, and most of them are the same, just in different settings. However, I have once again been thinking...
Actually, this was thought about before even I Think He Knows was, and ITHK was roughly based on this idea...
So, here we go:
Based in the 40s
Bucky x Reader
The idea was kinda, Reader was Steve's little sister (Wow B? Really? Another Reader that's Steve's little sister... so original of you) anyway... and Bucky's always had a soft spot for her and looks out for her just as much as he does Steve.
While at an Expo one year, you're on a date and don't realize that Steve and Bucky are also there on dates... until Steve notices you and makes a comment to Bucky like "Oh great, she's dating him again," and then Bucky's attention is 100% on you for the rest of the night. And, he's just tense while staring at you and the way this guy is touching you and making you laugh. And then, you lock eyes with Bucky. Meanwhile, Steve is still making comments like, "Why couldn't you two just make it work."
And, it turns out that you and Bucky have been on and off for years since you were kids and neither of you has ever been able to move on from it fully. And so it seems, neither has Steve.
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the-canary · 6 years
Careful son you got dreamers plans But it gets hard to stand - Soldier by Fleurie for the song Drabble!
Summary: That kid had big dreams and they were contagious, but sometimes they aren’t meant to last forever. (Implied!Reader/Pre-serum!Steve) 
A/N: More atmosphere than lyrics, sorry! 
You enjoy hearing the stories from the boy with the blond hair and bright blue eyes, as the two sickest children in the infirmary – the two of you are often together in the same wards and taking the same tests due too your weak heart and his weak everything. Nevertheless, you keep smiling as he draws pictures of soldiers and pretty things –like stars because Bucky loves the constellation and birds because you love watching them on the windowsill– that you can’t help but keep close to your heart. 
“One day, when we were all better, I’ll be a solider and fight,” he murmurs distracted by his latest drawing, his father if you remember correctly, “And you’ll be a–” 
“A nurse, like ya man. She’s my favorite,” you giggle out as Steve can’t help but nod in agreement because mother was the best in all the world,”Then maybe a bride.” 
“I bet you’ll be a prettiest bride ever,” he grins as you end up kissing him on the cheek in gratitude, only to have him start coughing so hard the nurses have to come in.
Eventually you get sent home, the doctors telling your parents they have done all they can, it is just a matter of time and while your parents want to take things slow, enjoy the time your have with them – you rush forward with schooling and learning everything you can about being a nurse.  
Being in loved, getting married is for another time especially when all you could think about is blond hair and blue eyes. 
It’s years later, of setbacks and drawbacks, when you and the rest of the nurses at the military hospital listen to the rumors that the Captain America is being brought to where you work to heal from the dangerous stunt he had pulled earlier – to end the world. 
You pause when you hear his real name, unsure of what to think when it could be him and it couldn’t. You stop completely when you see the beautiful British woman from his room. 
You were almost gonna run away when it was your shift to look over him, but you were a professional – just like Sarah Rogers. You walk in with your head held high and a bright, polite smile. 
“And how are we feeling today, Mr. Rogers?” you ask the tall, blond man who gives you a timid smile as you check all his vitals like clockwork. 
“I’ve been better, ma’am,” he nods, “Just a little stir crazy, Nurse—”
You state your name and there’s no flicker of recognition in his eyes. Your already weakened heart drops a bit more, as you nod and leave the room.
You were a fighter, you would get over this too --- a younger Steve thought you that too well. 
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