#pretend this takes place separate from current plot events
hexavexen · 2 years
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It seems Hex has found his way into Vulcan’s potion stash. He’s been overcome with a devious idea...
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You reply or interact on this post with your OC or RP blog. Say your character name, then pick a number OR say “random.”
If you have any preferences of character or blog (or run from a mod blog) send an ask or comment so.
I send this guy to your inbox with a potion in hand to bash it over their head!
Do whatever you please with the ask! Keep it, delete it, or have your OC drink milk immediately.
The potion effects are predetermined and NONE of them are particularly harmful, though they ARE very varied! Think of them like magic anons. 
I’m just throwing an ask your way, not drawing. Have fun, but this doesn’t have to be an interaction!
Ask/OC/Character blogs only, 
One potion per OC, but I can send up to 2 asks per blog.
If you don’t specify a potion number, I’ll hit you with a random one.
YES, YOU CAN GET DUPLICATES. There’s no limit to how many there are total.
Thank you to everyone for your interest and support! <3
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sawyersorbet · 4 months
Just remembered that my previous post about my Obey Me Madoka Magica AU won’t show up in the tags cause its a reblog . So I'm copy pasting it here so it shows up.
Total Word Count: 702
SPOILERS for Madoka Magica and Rebellion
Notes; I'm not really a writer so this isn't worded great, My MC uses primarily he/him so that's how I will be referring to him. This will be expanded on more later.
This AU somewhat follows the story beats of Madoka Magica and Rebellion, with some changes. Theres also a few elements taken from Magia Record.
The demon brothers (And Lilith but we’ll get to that) take the role of Madoka. In every timeline they either die fighting Walpurgisnacht, or some other way.
MC takes the role of Homura, giving up his soul to wish for the ability to go back in time to try and save everyone over and over.
Lilith also technically takes the role of Madoka, however in a different way. After around 144 or so timelines of reliving the same time frame over and over, MC attempts to go back even further to try and convince Lilith not to try and save her lover. This back fires when she wishes to save them with Kyubey, turning them into a magical duo. In the final timeline; Lilith wishes to become the Law of Cycles, erasing her from everyone’s memory except MC’s.
(I have some ocs that take the role of the rest of the Holy quintet and Nagisa, but i’ll save them for later since they’re a little underdeveloped.)
Story Things;
The main plot is mostly the same. Walpurgisnacht is discovered in the devildom and causes havoc; Diavolo, Barbatos, the brothers, Solomon, and MC try to scope out what’s happening and help the residents of the area. The Brothers attempt to fight Walpurgisnacht directly and lose, ending with their deaths and the reason MC makes his wish.
Kyubey shows up and turns MC into a magical boy via MC (unknowingly) trading his soul for his wish. As mentioned above MC goes through a lot of timelines to try and save them, failing everytime. Normal Madoka Magica stuff really.
I sort of have the story separated into 4 main sections, with a Pre-Canon story and a Post-Canon story.
Phase 1 - The Beginning
Phase 2 - The Mid Point
Phase 3 - Witch (MC realizes that he’s a witch and the resulting consequences of that.)
Phase 4 - Labyrinth (After MC pulls Lilith (Law of Cycles) back into existence and becomes the Concept of Evil, he traps the world in a Labyrinth where he no longer exists to make sure everyone is happy.)
As for the Pre and Post canon stories, i have those labeled currently as Scene 0 and Scene END.
Scene 0 takes place in between seasons 1 and 2 of the OG game, but with the focus on MC’s teammates and what they were up to prior to his wish.
Scene END takes place after the end of Phase 4, when MC is “defeated” and everyone is free of the labyrinth. (Obviously the movie Walpurgisnacht Rising isn’t out at the time of this post, so i will probably add another phase to the story for the events in that.) Scene END follows Lilith as the protagonist as she begins to fade from existence (as she is the law of cycles and shouldn’t exist to anyone else) so she seeks out help from MC to be able to stay with her brothers and everyone else.
Other Notes;
In reference to the “MC being beheaded” thing, to signify the (sort of) destruction of his labyrinth he’s put to the guillotine by his familiars. This doesn’t kill him obviously, at this point in the story he would be a literal Concept. However; that doesn’t mean he can’t feel pain. (no matter how hard he tries to pretend nothing affects him anymore.)
For the Kyubey thing; MC forces Kyubey into a human ish form when Kyubey is in the labyrinth. While MC cannot be seen or heard by anyone (minus Lilith but only occasionally) Kyubey essentially acts as MC’s way of making sure people don’t mess with his plans, although Kyubey is doing this against his will.
One smaller thing about concept MC; he can physically never stop smiling. Ever. He’s forced to smile through everything after becoming a concept. Mainly cause i felt like it and i thought it would be even more fun to play around with his expressions this way.
Okay that's everything for now. Again once I flesh out MC’s teammates more I'll make another post for them.
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dani-halfa · 1 year
General predictions for Danny Phantom A Glitch on Time graphic novel
Because Danny Phantom A Glitch on Time graphic novel date release is about a month and a half away and i’m being perfectly normal about it, i want to share some theories and predictions i have for the novel story and character arcs.
So, let’s start:
1) Danny and Vlad may be the main protagonists of  ¨A Glitch on Time¨
There has been multiple hints so far that indicate that these two are going to be getting the main focus of the plot. To start with, the main antagonist of this story is Dan/Dark Danny, who we know it was created by Danny and Vlad in an alternative timeline. This alone already ties these two characters together because they can’t be separated from Dan’s creation even if it was avoided in the current timeline.
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Another important hint is the cover of the graphic novel: Danny and Vlad are huge in size in comparison to Sam and Tucker who are way smaller, indicating they could have a more secondary or supportive role. I’m not an expert in graphic design but i’m sure that the size of the characters more or less points out how important a character is going to be in a story.
What’s more, Gabriela, the author from the novel, has made a few artworks to hype the graphic novel up. What is interesting about these artworks is the order of the characters she has drawn:
1) Danny Fenton/Phantom 2) Vlad Plasmius 3) Dan Phantom/Dark Danny
Gabriela didn’t draw Sam nor Tucker after drawing Danny despite Sam and Tucker appearing more often in the show. She drew Vlad Plasmius and Dark Danny after that. This could further support the idea that the focus is going to be on Danny, Vlad and Dan Phantom (as main antagonist).
2) Why Vlad does know about Dan Phantom?
One of the most interesting things about the premise of ¨A Glitch In Time¨ is how Masters knows about Dark Danny when he never learned about him on canon from the series (as far as we know).
Danny Phantom takes readers on a time traveling adventure that takes place directly after the series finale with the original ghost gang: Danny Fenton and his best friends Sam Manson and Tucker Foley! When the gang starts experiences time travel glitches, Danny’s archnemesis Vlad Masters arrives on his doorstep with terrifying news: Dark Danny has escaped his prison!
How does he knows about this? Dan Phantom is from an alternative timeline and the only few that know about the event are Jazz, Sam and Tucker (you could count Jack and Maddie if Danny told them about it).
One explanation i have is that Vlad might have been involved with Dan escaping from the thermos, either intentionally or by accident. I would like to think that the second option is more likely to be true since he woke up the Ghost King in ¨Reign Storm¨ without fully thinking things through.
From there two things could have happened: 1) Vlad is working for or with Dan for unspecified reasons. He is pretending to be Danny’s ally while he is working for Dan. It isn’t out of place for Vlad to do this since he tried asking the Fright Knight a favor a few times in ¨Reign Storm¨. It would make sense to him to work out some kind of deal with Dan.
2) Dark Danny beat Vlad up and in desperation to save himself he went to Danny’s to ask for his help. Vlad has teamed up with Danny a few times in the show when facing a stronger opponent. In the episode ¨Reign Storm¨ against the Ghost King’s army and the Fright Knight and in ¨Torrent of Terror¨ against Vortex.
Both options fit with his character and would explain why he knows about who Dark Danny is.
3) Dan Phantom’s goal in the story
Based on the other part of ¨A Glitch in Time¨ premise Dan may be the reason of why the time travel glitches are happening:
Danny must then get his friends together and partner with Vlad to jump through time and space and unlock secrets of the Ghost Zone! But can they make it back to Amity Park before Dark Danny destroys the ghost gang’s entire world?
So apparently Dan Phantom’s goal in the plot is to destroy and hurt people just like he was doing in his alternative timeline, except he also appears that he is trying to mess with time and space itself because the premise mentions how the entire world could get destroyed.
Gabriela’s artwork of Dan hints that Dan could be suffering from some sort of ¨time power corruption¨. It’s possible that he absorbed part of Clockwork’ time powers. Gabriela mentions in the same tweet that ¨Dark Danny is back and worse than ever¨, meaning that something must had happened to him that made him become more dangerous than he was. If he is in this ¨corrupted¨ state, he couldn’t be aware of his own actions and be a lot more violent and unpredictable.
4) Jazz and Valerie’s role in the story
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The ¨A Glitch in Time¨ book back cover has Jazz and Valerie going to what would be Clockwork’s tower. I have talked about how Danny and Vlad being the main protagonists of this story makes sense since Dan is the main antagonist. Because Valerie had some importance in The Ultimate Enemy as Dark Danny’s rival in the alternative timeline, it wouldn’t be surprising if she played some supporting role in the plot.
It could be that Jazz and Valerie take part in the ¨B plot¨ of the story while Danny and the team participate in the main plot. Maybe Jazz and Valerie go to Clockwork’s tower to check out what is causing the time glitches and find Clockwork while the rest are elsewhere ¨unlocking secrets of the Ghost Zone¨.
In my personal opinion, it would be nice for Valerie to have some important character moment since her arc didn’t have a proper conclusion in the original series. Jazz could have a role helping Valerie with working with her issues since Jazz often emotionally supports other characters. It could also be interesting to see how their dynamic works considering it wasn’t explored in the original show.
So, there you have some of my predictions. While it is rather uncertain where the story could go, these are the things that i consider that are going to happen in ¨A Glitch in Time¨. If more information comes out, i could write a follow up to this and change some things if necessary.
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
domus - pt. 3 (final)
a/n: it’s done. oh god it’s done. it’s like 2AM so it’s unedited for now, but i’ll make edits in the morning. i also apologize in advance for the slightly rushed ending fas;elifjac you will need to read parts 1 and 2 (linked below) for context!
plot: when kuroo tetsuro drops the hard-hitting truth that he’s fallen out of love with you, your first thought is to escape. but you find comfort in the least likely person: akaashi keiji, a boy you had grown up with out of forced family interactions, who always seemed so distant from you. yet you probably knew more about him than anyone else.
characters: fem!reader, ex-bf!kuroo, & family friend!akaashi
wc: ~8k
genre/warnings: angst with teaspoons of fluff; mentions of alcohol and getting drunk
pt. 1 | pt. 2
The grey sheets fail to startle you this time around, granted that it’s been about four days since you first arrived. It’s the constriction of cotton around your body that wakes you up on this Tuesday morning, and your brain can’t fathom why your loose pajamas have suddenly become so uncomfortable. But then the threads tickle the skin of your arms, your legs feel the slight scrape of denim, and your toes have trouble wiggling around due to the constraint of…socks.
Why are you wearing socks to sleep?
Much to your body’s protest, you stumble out of Keiji’s comfortable sheets (note to self: ask him where he got them from) and into the reflection of the body-length mirror in his room. Your vision blurs when all the colors of the rainbow come into place, exploding into a million stars as you lose a bit of your balance. Thankfully, your hand finds purchase against the wall and allows you to regain some stability. It only takes a few seconds, overwhelmingly agonizing as they are, before you can properly assess your current state.
Yesterday’s outfit glares back at you, though much more mussed and wrinkled than you last saw it. Similarly, your hair is in a disarray, hands subconsciously trying to take out any tangles while you can. Knowing the state of cleanliness that Keiji keeps his space in, you feel a wave of regret wash over you for having slept in his bed in air-polluted clothes that must have caught who knows how many germs. Immediately, you move to your suitcase to find something to change into, discarding your current outfit into a large plastic bag that acted as your nomadic hamper. As soon as you’re done, you begin to gather up all the layers of Keiji’s bed, fitted sheet and all, and leaving them on top of the mattress in separate piles by how they should be washed. But while you gather the first bundle into your arms, you take a quick look at the clock, slightly flabbergasted that it’s only a little past 6AM.
In your somewhat frantic attempt to atone for your sins against Keiji’s abode, you failed to notice the lack of sun rays peeking from behind the curtains. And much like you’ve done every day since you showed up, you pull the material back and greet the nostalgic view of Tokyo once more.
But serenity doesn’t come to you. In fact, your heart seems to be weighed down by an unknown anchor. Instinctively, your arms come up to hug yourself slightly, knowing that it’s a feeble attempt at best. The weight gradually mixes with a grasp of suffocation and the feeling closes around your throat. Immediately, you seek a source of fresh air, eyes catching a handle on the window that you somehow missed all these days. This means that Keiji has two separate doors to the balcony, including the one in the living room, and you do your best to quickly yet quietly slide the pane open. As soon as there’s enough space for you to slide through, you practically bound out and lean yourself over the rail of the balcony, lungs taking in deep breaths of oxygen.
Below you, the city has already begun to awaken, pedestrians the size of ants seemingly crawling their away down the street. Faint car honks echo through the city, the occasional train horn blaring louder than the rest. These are sights and sounds you find familiar, and somehow, the unease in your chest settles. Everything seems okay again, and you wonder why it crept up on you so suddenly.
The realization creeps through your veins as you drink in the sight of the SkyTree: you’re not quite ready to leave yet. You don’t think you’re ready to hop on a plane back to Sapporo and back to the apartment that you and Tetsuro spent the last few years building together. Every corner, every nook and cranny of that unit was filled with memories upon memories, mostly good and some bad. And even if you want to think back on them, to be able to look at them and recall the moments fondly, you know that Tetsuro’s unfortunate confession would immediately overshadow all of it. They would just leave you in the same pool of broken bitterness that you originally escaped from.
You still haven’t texted him.
He must be worried sick, you think as your feet drag you back inside and grab your device from the nightstand. You check through your notifications as you step out onto the balcony again, and after a few minutes, your thumb hovers over his conversation thread. A stinging pain courses through your system at the nickname you have set for his contact, and you hate it. You hate how fresh it still feels, completely and utterly frustrated at yourself that part of you still hasn’t let go of him. Why couldn’t you be stronger than this?
But despite your distress, you tap on it and hesitate above the keyboard, trying to think of the right words. Only a few come to your mind, and before you can convince yourself to back out (because you owed him at least this much), your thumbs type out two words and hit the send button, immediately locking it afterwards and sliding it into the pocket of your gym shorts. Out of sight, out of mind, right? He wanted a text of confirmation, you give him a text. That’s all you would allow yourself without crumbling again, and you were trying to put all the Band-aids you could on it.
Undoubtedly, Keiji’s presence helps. It’s easy to not think about Tetsuro when you’re around him, busying yourself with either work emails or recipes that you want to try out. The former doesn’t mind being a guinea pig, as he so kindly put it on Sunday. In fact, he handed you a cookbook from his shelf that had some recipes tabbed with sticky notes, pointing out the ones he thought you might enjoy. Surprisingly, they were all very appealing and to your taste, and part of you wonders if it’s just a mild coincidence. So far, you haven’t messed anything up, and Keiji always finishes his portion with slightly veiled enthusiasm. He knew how much you enjoyed cooking and baking for others, evidence presented by the years of instances when you stopped at their house to drop off your newest creations – so whether or not his compliments were genuine, you took it.
What you don’t know is the number of knowing glances throughout middle and high school that Keiji’s mother would give him as he munched on your edible gifts, pretending to seem unfazed though his eyes adopted a slight twinkle as he ate his fair share. If she could see him now, she’d notice the same shine in them.
Part of you itches to see if Tetsuro read your text message, if he will bother responding. The phone burns in your pocket, but you decide against it, letting it scorch against your thigh as you lean against the rail and watch the sky grow brighter. You miss the carefree mornings like these when you aren’t in a rush to leave the apartment. All that’s really on your mind now is what to make for breakfast, mentally running through all the ingredients that Keiji has.
Today seems like a good day for pancakes.
Keiji’s eyes snap open when his phone goes off, mentally groaning when he realized he forgot to turn off the daily alarm he usually sets for going into work. Now that he’s spending a few days at home, there’s been no need to get up so early. He left it on yesterday since they had that early ride on the bullet train, but with all the events that happened last night, he simply forgot.
Keiji sees that his bedroom door remains closed and believes you’re still asleep. But when he stands up to stretch and looks out his balcony windows, he catches a glimpse of your figure through the gap in the curtains. The breeze from the AC slightly causes them to flutter, giving him a better view as he steps around the couch to get a better angle. You look pensive and somewhat defeated, staring out into the open space as the wind from the heights tousles your hair. He wonders if you’ve taken the initiative to let Tetsuro know if you were okay.
At this thought, his eyes are drawn the phone on his coffee table, staring for a few seconds and calculating to see if this is a good idea. Unable to find any issues with it, he steps back to reach for the device. On the off-chance that you did text him, he doubts that you told your boyfriend where you’re staying. Keiji knows that Tetsuro would be worried regardless and perhaps might gain some comfort from knowing that you were staying with a friend. So before he can chicken out, he taps a short text, ignoring the fact that it’s been months since the two had last spoken outside of the group chat Koutaro created for the three of them and Tsukishima.      
The lack of an immediate reply indicates that the former Nekoma captain is either still asleep or busy with his residency. Keiji casts one last look at you, noticing that you haven’t moved in the last few minutes. It seems that you’ll be there for a while and lost in your thoughts. There were only a few times in his life when he had witnessed this faraway look of yours, knowing it was better to leave you alone than to try and rip you out of the reverie. Perhaps he’ll take a chance with breakfast today, a small repayment for the onigiri and juice boxes you bought him on the train.
He thinks you might enjoy having some pancakes.
The deafening creak and slide of plastic ripping away from its rubber suction startles you. Much like you did when Keiji first scared you on Saturday morning, you turn to the source of fright with a hand over your pounding heart, staring in disbelief as said man walks out with a tray of food. Though this time, much to your amusement, he looks rather apologetic. The humor quickly morphs into guilt as you notice the two plates of pancakes – just how long had you been standing out here?
In a few steps, you meet him and silently take the tray from his hands, allowing him to close the balcony door. There’s no good place to put it besides the ground, and when Keiji sits next to it – legs stretched out – with his back against the plexiglass, you demurely mimic his movements on the other side of the tray. Without a word, Keiji places his portion onto his lap and grabs his own set of fork and knife. You simply stare at him until he gestures for you to do the same, returning the small smile he gives you. Both of you say your thanks before digging in, and you can’t help but notice how Keiji has drizzled just the right amount of syrup and in the way that you like it.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help you,” you apologize after a few bites in. Despite how fluffy and soft they are, the pancakes have a hard time going down your throat. Keiji had also gone through the trouble of making some freshly squeezed orange juice, yet the sip of the beverage doesn’t help much.
“It���s the least I could do after yesterday,” he says softly, and his eyes let you know he really didn’t mind. “Really, you’ve been cooking everything else. I saw a chance and took it.”
“But still—”
“I was more than happy to do it,” Keiji interjects. “It’s my way of saying thanks.”
“…has anyone ever told you that you’re too kind sometimes?” It’s easier to swallow now.
“Bokuto-san has mentioned it a few times,” he replies quickly, staring at you before you both burst out laughing.
From there, conversation flows more smoothly, topics ranging from the MSBY practice session yesterday to what mangas he’s been editing. The pancakes quickly disappear as the sun beams through the clouds, gradually heating up the earth until it was becoming somewhat unbearable in the heat. Keiji sports a light sheen of sweat by the time you two decide it’s wise to go back inside. He takes the tray before you can even think of grabbing it, ushering you to go ahead and shower first while he washes the dishes. As a sign of thanks, you give an affectionate squeeze around his upper arm as you walk past him.
Keiji pretends that his skin isn’t burning from the touch.
Right as he’s placing everything onto the drying rack, his phone rings from the pocket of his sweatpants. He’s not entirely surprised when Kuroo’s name flashes on the screen – after his text, he figured your boyfriend would either message back with lots of question marks or simply call to demand answers. A quick exhale leaves his lungs as he hits the green button and brings the device to his ear.
“Hi Kuroo-san.”
“What do you mean ‘she’s staying with me’?”
Keiji glances in the direction of the bathroom and hears the shower still running. Chances of you eavesdropping or overhearing would be low.
“It’s exactly what I mean. She’s staying with me for the time being.”
“Why you?”
“Honestly, that’s a good question.”
“…wait, so you didn’t know she was coming?”
“She called me when she was at the airport,” Keiji sighs, leaning back against the sink to keep a lookout on the bathroom. “I was just as surprised as you are.”
“You’ve been treating her okay?”
“Of course, what do you take me for?”
“Sorry, that’s not what I meant,” Kuroo groans. “I only have about 10 minutes left in my break. How’s she doing?”
“As well as someone can do when their significant other suddenly tells them they’re not in love with them anymore.”
The silence is deafening over the phone. Keiji didn’t really mean to slip up right then and there, but he couldn’t help the simmering anger rising in his stomach.
“…I’m guessing she told you then.”
“Just last night. I asked when she got here, but she wasn’t in the mood to talk about it. We went to see Bokuto-san yesterday.”
“That would explain the weird text I got from him last night. Did it help?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“That’s good then,” Kuroo sighs into the speaker, rubbing his temple with his free hand. “Thank you for taking care of her.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Keiji replies. “Though if you don’t mind me asking…how did it happen?”
“I don’t have a lot of time left so I’ll make it quick. It just – I don’t know, it kinda hit me one morning. I was wondering why I stopped feeling like I needed to get home as soon as possible. Stopped asking for details about her day, or at least nothing more than how it was. I’d forget half the things she was telling me whenever she talked about her job. It was nice coming home to someone after a long shift, but I just…it didn’t feel all that special knowing she was the one waiting for me. I love her like a best friend, just not romantically anymore. She doesn’t deserve to get dragged along because I can’t speak up about my feelings, so I told her. You understand, right?”
Immediately, Keiji wants to say no. No, he doesn’t get it. It’s nearly unfathomable to him that Tetsuro can just slowly stop caring about the things that were important to you. He imagines your figure curled up in bed, anxiously waiting for your boyfriend to come home safely. He imagines you greeting Tetsuro happily, blissfully unaware that the man only kissed your cheek in greeting as a force of habit.
He imagines your face falling little by little as Tetsuro explains himself, your guard failing to mask the anguish you were feeling, and it pains him. Yet his torment at the thought could only be a small fraction of what you experienced – neither was this the time to be heavily biased.
“I don’t have any say in the matter,” Keiji begins and tries to keep his voice as level as possible. “But you know she’s not going to give in to your terms, right?”
“I know it’s not exactly sensible, but I’m trying—”
“Do you really think she’d be happy knowing that?” He nearly hisses into the phone, simply fed up with Kuroo’s stubbornness. “You’ve just told her you don’t love her anymore, insinuating that you’d be happier without her – knowing how much she loves you, do you really think she’d let you force yourself to try for her sake? You know how selfless she is!”
“And I’m trying to give her a chance to be selfish for once – this is on me, and I could at least try! I loved her once, who says I couldn’t love her again? I’ll give her all the time she needs and—"
“If you really cared about her, you would let her go!”
“It’s not that simple!”
Keiji has never wanted to punch someone so bad in his life. “Don’t you understand it’d be nothing but torture for her? Every day, hanging onto some flimsy hope that everything will go back to the way it used to be? There’s a high chance that you’d never feel that way again, so you’re going to let her waste all that time on you? That’s bullshit, and you know it.”
Tetsuro knows Keiji’s right. He knows, and he loathes it. His own fear of drastic change caused him to spill all those empty promises to you, simply refusing to acknowledge that his own selfish desires were the demons speaking.
“…I’m glad you’re the one she’s staying with. It’s better than being alone in a hotel for a week.”
“You’re digressing.”
“Let her go, huh?”
“Like I said, if you really cared, then yes. Anything she asks of you, go with it. It’s the least you could do.”
“…I gotta go, my break’s up. Thanks, Akaashi.”
Keiji isn’t doing it for him. “Bye, Kuroo-san.”
“You cannot leave your room until I let you!”
“(Y/n), what—”
“I need to get groceries and what I’m making is gonna take a really long time, but I’ve been dying to try it and this is the perfect time! I wanna surprise you though.”
“You don’t need to surprise me—”
Keiji’s feet are planted in the entrance of his bedroom door, heels digging into the hardwood as much as they can. After he came out of his shower and grabbed a cup of coffee from the kitchen, you were pushing him towards his room, words spilling from your lips a mile a minute.
“Please?” You nearly pout when Keiji turns to get a good look at your face. “You said you need to work anyways, right? I’d be much less of a bother if I was doing something else.”
“You know I don’t mind you being in the same room,” he says gently, hoping that he never said anything that could’ve insinuated your presence wasn’t welcome wherever he was. “Company is nice.”
“We have tomorrow for that, it’s just this one time. Plus, I’m washing the bed and the sheets are still in the dryer.”
“You didn’t have to do that – hey, what if I need to go to the bathroom?”
“You have to promise not to peek!”
“Pinky promise, right now!” You demand, sticking out a pinky in between the two of you. Keiji pretends to be annoyed at your antics, but he can’t help but smile as your two pinkies link together and thumbs come up for a stamp.    
“What if I need to get something to drink?”
“Just let me know and I’ll bring it to you. And no peeking!”
“As I promised, yes.”
“Don’t miss me too much,” you tease, and Keiji can only watch a little despondently as you disappear out the front door. He isn’t looking forward to the same sight that’ll occur in three days, though that time you’ll be lugging a suitcase behind you and potentially leaving for good.
Instantly, the apartment feels too empty. Everything is too quiet again, reminding him why he has a difficult relationship with working from home. Part of him is so used to the hustle and bustle of the manga company that the silence in an empty home somehow feels wrong. And now that some liveliness has been thrown into the mix, painting his abode with splashes of gentle hues, the void feels even more foreign.
You’ll be back within an hour. He just has to bear with it for that short time frame – there’s a decent pile of work waiting for him anyways.
It might be a good time to start practicing being alone again as well.
With determination, Keiji throws himself into his work, only stopping every couple of hours to lean back into his chair and rub his eyes. His little energy bursts come in various forms: when you first came back and greeted, “I’m home!” through his bedroom door, whenever you come in to refill his cup of water, when you come in with two plates of sandwiches          during lunch time, and when you bring him some tea as a change of pace in the afternoon. Every gesture is strongly appreciated, and he wishes he could help you in the kitchen.
(He tries to ignore how domestic everything feels. It’s a sensation he finds himself getting drunk on, the bliss encasing his nerves with a pleasant numbness.)
Keiji broadcasts a bit of his work to you, talking you through his process and the things he looks out for when editing. With you, he doesn’t have to worry about leaking spoilers – in fact, you look more enraptured with his set-up than anything. He enjoys the awe and childlike wonder that cloud your face. It’s a far cry from the ruminative expression from this morning, and Keiji hopes that he’ll never have to see that face again.
Always a man of his word, he stays in his bedroom while you finish making dinner. Based on the smell and distinct sound of something being seared in a hot pan, Keiji gathers there’s meat involved. Earlier, his food processor had been going as well, though he couldn’t exactly place why it sounded like you were beating something against the counter. You might have been butchering something, meaning there was meat involved. But he knows his curiosity will be pleasantly sated and bides his time with mindless YouTube videos.
There’s a quiet knock on his door before it opens, revealing your slightly exhausted frame. Concern washes over him as his eyes frantically assess your current state, flitting around until he spots where your hand seems to be cradling the other. It could only mean one of two possible scenarios, and without a word, he grabs the medicine box from his closet in search of the burn ointment. You begin to try and explain what happened, but before you can even say that you accidentally touched one of racks in the oven with the back of your wrist, you spot the little tube between Keiji’s fingers and fall silent. His eyebrows furrow as he approaches you, standing no more than a couple of centimeters away from you as he finds the burn and begins to apply the balm.
“You should’ve let me help,” he says quietly, regret laced through the words. His lithe fingers hesitate over the mark, hoping that the salve was applied quickly enough to prevent any potential blistering.
“This is nothing,” you try to soothe him. “I was just lost in thought and didn’t realize that my arm was getting a little too close. What matters most is that I still saved the dinner.”
Keiji shakes his head and releases his hold. “That’s not the most important at all. Are you sure there isn’t anything I can help you with?”
“You can help me by waiting here for another 15 minutes until I tell you to come out.”
“You know that’s not—”
“Keiji,” you firmly interject. Your hands grasp one of his, clenching around them to let him know it was okay. The small burn was no one’s fault but yours, and there was no need for him to feel guilty. “I’m okay, really. All the hard parts are over now, I just need to let something cool down and set up the table.”
The man before you releases a defeated sigh and you let go of his hand. Instantly, he misses the warmth and subconsciously flexes his hand in some strange attempt to retain the heat running through his fingers. “Call for me if you need any help, okay?”
“Of course.”
Once more, you exit his room and close the door behind you. He takes this time to stand by and stare out his balcony doors, watching the sun slowly sink below the horizon. A warm, orange glow fills his room as Keiji turns to look at his freshly washed bed, remembering the way you had scuttled in with an armful of linen and batted him away repeatedly from trying to help. He pictures the way you would curl up in sleep, imagining once again just how nice it would be to wake up together with the Tokyo sunrise.
“Dinner���s ready,” your voice calls out from behind him, stealing him away from his daydream. He makes his way around the bed to meet you where you demand him to close his eyes. The skeptical look causes you to laugh as you continue to goad him.
“I’ll make sure you don’t bump into anything, promise.”
“If I so much as nudge a table with my big toe, I will kick you out.”
“So dramatic,” you scoff and roll your eyes. “Come on, please?”
Giving in to your requests seems second nature now, he realizes as his eyes slip shut, relying on nothing but the gentle hold you have on his hands and the sound of your voice. You do well in warning him about any possibility he might bump into something and Keiji’s trust in you solidifies – hell, they could be on the outskirts of an exploding volcano and he’d let you drag him around with a blindfold on. He can feel the nervousness rolling off you as you sit him down in his chair, hurriedly taking the seat across from him and adjusting yourself. “Okay, you can open your eyes.”
Keiji has to blink a few times to refocus his vision and chooses to ignore the way your teeth gnaw on your bottom lip for the plate in front of him. Two slices of beef wellington sit elegantly on the white porcelain, a glass of red wine in the top corner, and a set of a knife and fork on opposite sides. It looks straight out of a cookbook and he loves that you were right – he would be pleasantly surprised, and your hard work would certainly pay off.
But what makes the smile on his face form is the memory of you two discussing different cooking shows on the walk home from school one evening. You had asked him out of the blue if he watched anything cooking-related, and when he had listed some of the channels he watched from time to time, you rattled off a list of things you wanted to try making some day but never could with time constraints. Beef wellington had been one of those items, as well as a croquembouche, Totoro macarons, and others.
“Did you finally get to live out your Great British Bake Off dreams with the puff pastry?” Keiji jokes, lifting his utensils and beginning to cut through the meat. At his question, he realizes you must’ve been pounding out the slab of butter to be used when making puff pastry from scratch.
“That, and try to channel Gordon Ramsay for everything else,” you chuckle and watch him carefully as he chews on his first bite.
“This is really good, holy shit,” he murmurs and relief floods your system. “Are you sure this is your first time making it?”
“I’m gonna have to get seconds later,” Keiji says, still slightly suspended in disbelief. You’re practically shaking in your seat from how well received the dish is.
“Try to save some room for the dessert wine later.”
“Oh, you bought some?”
“Yeah, they had the brand we like at the supermarket.”
“What’s the occasion?”
You ponder on that for a bit, trying to find the right words for it. What he didn’t know was that you caught the last half of his conversation on the phone with Tetsuro. At first, you felt a flare of anger when you put the pieces together and realized that Keiji had ratted out your location, almost storming out of the bathroom to give him a piece of your mind. But when you heard him defend and stand up for you, you faltered, hand hovering over the doorknob. Once again, he was holding your best interests at heart and risking potentially fraying his friendship with Tetsuro for you. It was exactly the kind of support you needed in that moment.
So you do what you’ve always done to show gratitude when it comes to Keiji: make something edible for him. In middle and high school, you felt that food was the least awkward thing you could give to him if he did something for you, considering that you felt you two weren’t very close. Permanent gifts were a touch too intimate, and you could always hide the fact that you were gifting him something under the pretense of wanting to give it to his mother instead. Any batch of cookies, muffins, palmiers, or pastries were mainly meant for him, saying thanks for walking home with you, driving you home, entertaining you during get-togethers, letting you win in Monopoly for once, and many more. That was something you originally planned to take to your grave since you figured that Keiji would find it weird or disturbing, but now…now seemed okay.
Just not this exact moment.
“To a new beginning,” you decide and lift up your glass, angling it towards him for cheers.
“To a new beginning,” he echoes. Keiji clinks his glass against you and you both take a sip, his eyes glimmering over the rim.
You are very tipsy. Borderline drunk. You honestly can’t remember the last time you got wine drunk, but somehow you just couldn’t stop drinking. If you had to give your best estimate, about 70% of the red wine had been consumed by you. And now that the dessert wine was open, you were nearing 60% of that as well.
Keiji sits on the opposite side of the couch from you, indulging you by letting you watch Ouran High School Host Club through some streaming service on his TV. It had been ages since he last saw anything from it, though he mainly focuses on your how far your inebriation is getting ahead of you. An hour ago, he had placed a cup of water by your side, though there was still half of it left. He wonders if he should be cutting you off soon, but you look too carefree and happy. And from experience, he knows that you could easily walk in a straight line if told to. It was an uncanny ability that you possessed, one that was somewhat showcased when you and Tetsuro showed up at a house party in college he just happened to also attend. Smashed overexaggerated your drunken state at the time, but the glossy look in your eyes now was very similar to that incident all those years ago.
The laugh that erupts from your chest as a result of Haruhi’s deadpan humor is slurred and lasts a little too long to be considered normal. Keiji feels his chest ease up when you reach for the water this time instead of the alcohol and chug it all down. He freezes when you turn towards him with a lazy smile spread across your face, but it turns into a pout when you hand him the now empty mug.
“Keiji-kun,” you mumble. “Please gimme more water?”
“You can’t get it yourself?” He taunts, chuckling when your pout intensifies.
“I don’t wanna acci-acc-accid-accidentally break the mug. You brought it from your parents’, right? I used this one all the time back then.”
“Mmm,” he hums, prying the porcelain from your hands and standing to comply with your request.
Not even a minute passes after he returns when you clumsily shift closer to him. He doesn’t even have to time to internally gasp when you lay down on your back and plop your head onto his thighs, his arms now slightly suspended in the air because he honestly has no idea what to do with them. The best he can come up with is resting one arm on the back of the couch, the other tentatively placed on top of your head. He fights the need to run his fingers through your hair, although knowing it would bring you some comfort as the world begins to blur. It takes everything in him to not look down, but he’s not absorbing anything from the anime. The sounds fall short to the pounding in his ears, and the only time he can remember being this nervous was their last volleyball match during Nationals.
“Thank you, Keiji.”
“Hm? For what?”
“…sticking up for me to Tetsu.”
“…didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop?” Keiji attempts to digress, pinching the shell of your ear.
“It hurts!” You cry out, overstating the pain you felt. In his defense, he barely put any force behind it. “I just wanted to say thank you, ‘s all.”
“It was nothing, I—”
“You really think we’re friends?”
Keiji frowns. “I said that before, didn’t I? Did you ever think we weren’t?”
“Honestly…no, I didn’t,” you confess. It’ll be a miracle if you remember any of this tomorrow morning. “You always seemed so far away…there were a few times when I thought you maybe hated me, only tolerated me because you’d never hear the end of it from your mom if she ever caught you being mean to me. I mean, if you ever think about it…you never talked about yourself, y’know?”
Keiji pauses the TV, throwing the apartment into complete silence. He only hears your shaky breathing and the AC running.
“Anything I ever heard about you was from your mom because she’d tell my mom, and then my mom would gossip,” you continue, chuckling bitterly at the end. “I knew you, but did I really know you? It felt so weird, walking by you in school and knowing what you were struggling with. But then you’d just smile at me like nothing was wrong and that hurt.”
He’s been staring at the same frame for the last minute or so and feels more and more awful with every word that leaves your lips. Somehow it’s everything he’s wanted to hear for years, but it’s also so bittersweet and tragic. But the more important matter currently at hand is the sound of your sniffles. Oh god, are you crying? Keiji finally has a reason to look at you now, studying how a forearm is strewn across your eyes – but he can see the tear tracks and feel the dampness on his sweatpants as they slide down your face. He attempts to move the limb away but you resist as much as you can, though it doesn’t take much. Keiji reaches over and plucks out a tissue to help clean you up, trying to placate both you and the semblance of a heartbreak.
“I was always worried that you were just – hic – hiding your emotions, bottling them up inside until it’d burst one day. But then I had to – hic -- remind myself that you had other close friends to confide in. With how much you got along with your teammates, I figured they’d keep an eye on you…but I still worried a lot. I hoped that you’d finally open up during our family dinners someday. Instead, it took a break-up and me getting drunk.”
He’s frozen when you lift your hand to his face, the tips of your fingers barely ghosting over his jawline. The anguish in your eyes is palpable; he can’t help but broaden the contact, leaning into your palm until it’s cradling his cheek while maintaining eye contact with you.
“You were okay, right?” You whisper. “You could talk to Koutaro? Or Akinori?”
Keiji’s gaze softens considerably. He analyzes the drooping of your eyelids, how they fight to stay open until you receive a desirable answer from him. It’s incredibly touching how much you wanted to reach out to him during all those years, waiting, wishing, hoping. You were right – he did expose some of his more vulnerable moments to his teammates. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t have days where he ached to call you and spill every negative emotion he was feeling.
“I was okay, I promise,” Keiji reassures you, giving in to comb through your hair. “Thank you, (y/n), for caring about me.”
Your arm slowly drops from its hold and curls up against your chest. Even in your drunken state, you feel at peace, like the world has finally been lifted from your shoulders. It’s the answer that you’ve been silently searching for all this time, the unknown stewing and festering in the back of your mind.  
Keiji observes as you fall asleep and your breaths even out. With a heavy sigh, he gathers you into his arms bridal-style, hoping that the jostling doesn’t wake you up. Just like last night, he tucks you into bed, though not without leaving a gentle press of his lips against your temple.
The futon is cold and lonely. He’s really starting to not like it very much.
Wednesday and Thursday fly by so fast that he wonders if he accidentally time-traveled into Friday. Before he knows it, you’re rolling your suitcase out of his bedroom and towards his front door. As you slip on your shoes, your mind rattles off the locations of your important things: phone, wallet, keys, passport, driver’s license, and more. You turn back to look at your gracious host, shooting him your most appreciative smile.
“Thank you for everything this past week, Keiji. You don’t know how much it means to me, and I promise I’ll pay you back somehow.”
“I was happy to have you, and you’ve done more than you needed to in trying to pay me back. Are you sure you don’t need me to drop you off at the airport?”
“I couldn’t impose on you any longer,” you wave off. “An Uber will do just fine.”
“You’ll let me know when you’re there? When you get back to your apartment?”
“Yes, mother,” you poke fun at him, laughing at the way he rolls his eyes.
“I’ll let that one pass for now. Remember, you can call me anytime, okay? About anything, it doesn’t matter. Just don’t be a stranger.”
“I’ll remember that. See you around then?”
“See you around. Be safe.”
Neither of you make a move, not until Keiji steps forward to wrap you in a tight embrace. You do your best to return it ounce of ounce, bundling the back of his shirt in your fists. The last seven days have been pivotal to your friendship and you’ll never forget everything he’s done for you. Minutes pass, neither wanting to pull back until you can’t anymore, needing to meet the Uber outside. Keiji doesn’t have the heart to walk you all the way to the main entrance of the apartment complex, and you don’t force him.
Sitting in the airplane back to Sapporo is much less nerve-wracking than you originally predicted. You already have a list in mind of how to clear things out with Tetsuro, what steps you two need to take to make this split as seamless as possible. Various apartment listings had been bookmarked over the last couple of days, units big enough for just one person rather than two. The wound is still somewhat fresh, but scabs have already begun to form. You have Keiji to thank for in this process of healing.
As promised, you update him whenever you can, the final notice sent when you stand outside the door of your and Teturo’s apartment. It’s impossible for the nerves to not strike you now, even more so as you slowly unlock the door. The work shoes to the side of the doorway indicates that he is home, probably passed out in bed after a long shift. You quietly pad around the unit while putting some of your stuff away, though leaving the suitcase in the living room for now. When you step into the bedroom, Tetsuro is curled up on your side of the mattress, breathing deeply and soundly.
Two months ago, you would have peppered his face with kisses, demanding that he give you enough room to cuddle next to him. He would have opened his arms willingly, trapping you effectively in his new cage and you would’ve never thought of wanting to escape from him. So much has changed now, you think as you sit on the edge. You believe your action was subtle, but he stirs from his asleep, addressing the fact that you have returned. There is no screaming or crying, no tears or pleading. Instead, he shifts closer to give you an awkward hug around your waist while still laying on his side. It’s not the kind of hug that says, “Welcome home,” or “I miss you”, though.
It says, “I’m sorry,” and the placement of your hand on his embrace replies, “It’s okay.”
2 years later
Keiji likes this new routine with you.
For the last year and a half, you two schedule a weekly video call to catch up with each other. He likes this because he can watch you pull yourself together, adjust to the new life without Tetsuro. He gets to hear all the work stories that the other stopped bothering to pay attention to, no longer waiting for your next Snapchat or Instagram story update. Keiji’s at the friendship level now where he knows something has happened before you even post the photo. Sometimes you both cook together, finding a recipe that you’ll want to try. Other times you might just want to watch an episode or two of a show that’s caught both of your interests, swearing to each other that you’ll avoid spoilers or watching ahead.
It’s not the kind of relationship he truly wants with you, but it’s close enough and he’d be a fool to not take it.
Last week, you had to miss the video call, saying that your boss dropped a massive project onto your desk. You were going to be pulling overtime, and Keiji reminds you to take the necessary breaks. Texting is sparse and he feels the worry exponentially grow – were you pushing yourself too hard? Were you eating foods other than convenience store bentos and onigiris? Were you getting enough sleep at night?
His phone blares your custom ringtone from his kitchen counter and Keiji practically lunges for it, quickly picking up and holding the phone to his ear.
“Have you had dinner yet?”
What is this feeling of déjà vu?  “I was about to start cooking something up just now, why? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I was so busy, I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk last week. What about you?”
“I’m good, everything’s normal. Where are you?”
“I’m on my way home. By the way, I bought you a gift. They said it got delivered not a few minutes ago.”
“Really? That’s weird, the front desk usually notifies me as soon as they get it. But you shouldn’t have.”
“Consider it an early birthday present,” he hears and relishes in the warmth your words bring. “Why don’t you go downstairs and check?”
“I guess I can. Stay on the phone with me?”
“Of course.”
“What’d you get me?”
“What’s the point in me telling you when you’re about to open it in a few minutes?”
“Well,” Keiji starts and wrenches open the door. “I—”
He stops in his tracks, voice caught in his throat. You stand sheepishly before him, phone still at your ear as you drink in his stunned expression. Keiji doesn’t get taken by surprise very often, and you wish you had a camera for this moment. Koutaro would’ve loved it.
“Hey there,” he hears from you and through the speaker, a slight delay between the two phrases as his mind grasps at the situation.
“Why are you here?” He asks, hanging up and letting you in. Keiji hopes it doesn’t sound as rude as it might’ve come across. Like a gentleman, he takes your jacket and allows you enough space to take off your shoes.
“They’re doing renovations at my new apartment so I can’t really move in yet…I was wondering if I could stay here for a few days?”
Wait, new apartment? “Are you moving back to Tokyo?”
Excitement isn’t enough to describe the pure feeling of joy that runs through his veins when you nod. This is what you must have been so busy dealing with, packing everything up and scheduling a small moving van. All you have is your purse and a large suitcase, meaning that the rest of your belongings must still be en route.
“You can stay for as long as you need to. Take the bed, I can—”
“Actually, I lied. Not about moving to Tokyo,” you quickly defend when he seems to bristle at your words. “There aren’t any renovations and the rest of my stuff is coming tomorrow…but I purposely booked a ticket to get here today. You’re the first person I wanted to see.”
Not your parents, not some of your other friends. Him. You wanted to come and see him first before anyone else. The tone in your confession holds so much weight, a fondness in them that’s too intimate for someone who was just a friend. This was your way of trying to let him know that there was something more going on, but you were afraid that he would reject you. The ball was in his court now, and it was entirely up to him to decide how to proceed.
No one knows you better than him. No one is in tune or in sync with you as much as he is. It’s terrifyingly thrilling, but you want this. You want him.
So he takes one stride forward, cradles your face between his hands, and crashes his lips onto yours with a searing passion that’s been kept under lock and key for far, far too long. It’s perfect, you smile to yourself. But most of all…
It feels like home.
Bonus (a week later):
[Konoha]: hey, kou, is keiji dating anyone????
[Bokuto]: not that I know of??? why???
[Konoha]: apparently he just rsvp’d to my wedding and said he’s bringing a plus one??? i’m so confused, why wouldn’t he tell us??
[Bokuto]: did your fiancée see a name anywhere?
[Konoha]: hang on, she’s checking.
[Konoha]: oh shit.
[Konoha]: OH SHIT.
[Konoha]: YOU OWE ME 5000 YEN, PAY UP
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Season 2 Summary (Volume 3: Ch 6 - 9)
🍒 Warning: Detailed spoilers from S2 🍒
Along with the update on 3 June 2021, the CN server released a “Plot Review” which contains bullet-point summaries of S2 :>
Volume 2 Summary: here
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You and Shaw are in the middle of the railway tracks. Watching as the train gets closer and closer, Shaw shields you, leaving the tracks
All of a sudden, two more people make an entrance. Shaw hides you, then confronts the two of them by himself. They appear to be investigating something. It’s a pity that before they can ask about anything, the entire passage collapses abruptly
Fortunately, Shaw brings you out safely. The misunderstanding between the both of you is cleared up
With your deliberately designed “trick” during the conversation, Shaw tells you that he came here to investigate a historical ruins. Since you’re also investigating it, you hope that Shaw can share and exchange resources
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“Fine, I promise you.”
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You head to the Black Swan building to attend a board meeting. During the meeting, the members of the organisation once again use the “Small Syringes” incident to criticise you. The BOSS, Victor, doesn’t say a word
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“Without my permission, you’re not allowed to do investigations in private.”
Knowing that Victor is worried about your safety, inexplicable emotions occupy your heart
Afterwards, you realise that Victor met with a second shooting incident at the roof of LFG last week! Very quickly, you discover that the weapons were purchased by Gray Rhino. But these overt clues seem to be part of a scheme, making you recall the Evolver assassination incidents from before
In the evening, you’re held under duress by Set, an ex-member of Black Swan. He is seeking to find experimental records related to CORE from 17 years ago
According to information he somehow acquired from Gray Rhino, these records will appear in an auction this evening. At this moment, Victor appears, and willingly follows along
At the venue of the auction, the surroundings suddenly turn pitch-black following a loud cracking sound. In the chaos, you decide to seize this opportunity to search for that document. Unexpectedly, someone got to it first. Based on the memories you read, the document should have been entrusted to a bank, and placed in a safe vault
However, when the safe is opened up, there’s nothing inside. It turns out that this incident was a trap
Pretending to have the documents, you plan to flee with Victor while tossing them to Set. However, Victor brings you to a lift in the depths of the safe vault. What’s above is actually a building of a bank
In a small room, Victor stands before the window, looking at the quiet and pitch-black street. For now, the both of you are safe
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“We need to find a way to leave.”
Victor heads outside. While you’re pondering over the incident in the room alone, the surveillance monitor outside the door shows that someone’s coming. After a moment of contemplation, you leap off the balcony, planning to use the balcony underneath the window as a buffer
While falling, you can feel time pausing for an instant
Because Victor was worried about your safety, he used his Evol
The car meant for the evacuation has been prepared. After having a change of clothes, Victor takes you out of this place. Perhaps furious at how you acted presumptuously without considering your own safety, Victor remains silent during the journey
You understand that he’s worried about you, and try to show that you’ve reflected upon yourself
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“At all times, you have to take care of yourself for me.”
In the Black Swan building, the two of you analyse that the dangers from yesterday seemed to be a test. Victor gives you a document - in the capacity of a punter, he has entered the Hunter Game
His trust, a sense of security, and the motivation to get things done - you know that these are things Victor has given to you
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"All you have to focus on is taking large strides and continue running forward.”
After parting ways with Victor, you return to your usual work
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“Miracle Finder” has been receiving extensive attention recently due to the past spate of incidents
You discover that Lucien has expressed his support for the show on the internet
After expressing your gratitude to Lucien, you invite him to a hospital which exclusively admits Evolvers for treatments. There, you interview people who have used the “Small Syringes”, gathering materials for a show
In the middle of an interview, the director of the hospital tells the both of you that a few Evolvers who used the “Small Syringes” experienced pathological changes. However, Lucien points out that the pathological changes may not have a causal relation with the “Small Syringes”
You and Lucien delve further into the topic of Evol. When the topic of Evol and evolution crops up, he invites you to attend an external class he’s conducting at a museum which has “evolution” as its theme
The next day, you head there as agreed
While having a look around, Lucien engages his students in a scientific debate related to “evolution” and “sacrifice”
His thoughts have never changed. However, your way of thinking has changed from before, back when you had no idea about anything
You notice that there’s a stone tablet in the museum with the symbol “8″ engraved on it
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“The beginning and ending of a civilisation is akin to this symbol - its start and end are linked together.”
After sending the students back on the bus, you and Lucien take a stroll along the seaside. All of a sudden, you hear an inexplicable electronic sound announcing that the both of you are currently in the Hunter Game
While discussing with Lucien whether the game could be an imitation of the experiment from 17 years ago, you ask him to hide in a police box that you can “see”. At this moment, you suddenly find yourself falling back into the museum from earlier. But when you take a careful look, the surroundings turn into a patch of empty space
Only now do you realise that everything you “saw” earlier could have been an illusion
On the other side, Lucien never actually saw that police box you mentioned. Right now, he can see that you’re in an open and spacious room, feeling around the walls
Lucien realises that there seems to be a glass separating the both of you. Neither of you can hear the other party
Lucien places his hand on the glass. At this moment, you happen to press your hand there too, covering his palm which is separated by the glass
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“Why... why exactly are you...”
You finally locate the “hidden button” separating illusion from reality, leaving this strange space and joining Lucien
The abrupt electronic sound rings again. Before you, the scene instantly morphs into an abandoned building. Other players chase after the both of you, engaging in close combat
You and Lucien discuss your current situations in the game, and how to escape
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“We have a simpler way.”
Making use of the folding space, Lucien instantly brings you back to the seaside during the stroll earlier
You ask Lucien if he believes that the world can go backwards while making forward progress
Lucien says that if civilisation exists in a cycle, it is possible for the world to reflect the past. But the further one walks forward, the more opportunities one has to seize one’s own destiny
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“Being able to persist in your dreams is already very good.”
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A few days later, Shaw takes you to the antique store to exchange leads as promised
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“Returning to the main point, get that painted scroll, and be gentle.”
Faced with your series of questions, Shaw says that these symbols are merely totems. No one knows what’s within the ruins, and wanting to get in poses great difficulty
While speaking, a man clothed in black barges in, demanding leads from Shaw
Naturally unwilling to give in obediently, Shaw and the man are embroiled in a fight. In order to assist Shaw, you work together with him. By overturning a gigantic water jar, the water guides the electricity, successfully striking the man clothed in black
Not wanting the man to leave, Shaw sends you away in a hurry
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“I’m tired. I’ll leave the investigation to you.”
Behind you, a wounded Shaw sits in the antique store by himself, his body temperature abnormally high
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You and Savin are at the airport to pick Kiro up from his overseas trip where he “took a breather”. In actual fact, his location was unknown. While you’re feeling uneasy, and didn’t expect him to actually appear
When you and Kiro return to the rehearsal room, he quickly pulls you into an embrace
You repeatedly ask Kiro why he had to remain in the arena the last time, what happened afterwards, and why he had to hide it from you
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“But when you’re with me, I always can’t help but worry about you, and hope you can be as far away from this place as possible.”
You suddenly receive an anonymous phone call which tells you to put a stop to today’s news conference. However, you ignore it
When the event is about to begin, Savin can’t be found. While you’re feeling confused, you and Kiro receive a disjointed call from him. Locating his position, the two of you realise that he’s on an empty train which should have ceased operations, but is moving forward
Ah Liu, who has the ability to transfer objects, sends you and Kiro onto the train to find Savin. Aside from that, you spot a youth
This youth is called Xiao Nan, and he has an Evol related to magnetic fields. He’s the one who made the train move, and plans to cause the train to go off the rails, crashing into the civilians who have gathered to attend Kiro’s conference for his new song. He had warned you about cancelling the conference, but you had failed to note just how critical the situation was back then
Through sieving through Xiao Nan’s memories, you discover that Gray Rhino had instigated him into doing work for the organisation as he was bullied and humiliated since young for having Evol
The youth wants to leave this extreme organisation, but he’s afraid because he has done wrong things. Kiro reassures him by talking about his own experiences in youth, which are similar to Xiao Nan’s. He also tells the youth that he has to face his difficulties with courage, and find his place in the world
The youth is finally swayed, and he does his best to stop the train
Unfortunately, the train continues to travel due to inertia. Kiro tells you to leave first and evacuate the crowd in the plaza. Meanwhile, he will stay behind to think of a way to stop the train
In order to draw the crowd away, you change into a teddy bear mascot costume, announcing that this is one phase of Kiro’s announcement of his new song
The fans are successfully drawn away, but you end up being chased by them. When you’re at your wit’s end, someone suddenly grabs your hand. He removes your headgear - it’s Kiro
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“Not a minute or second late. I’m punctual for the appointment.”
Kiro brings you through small corners to leave the crowd, then returns to the stage at the conference, bringing the event to a perfect end
During the celebratory banquet, Kiro sees that you have a worried expression on your face. He reassures you earnestly that as long as you’re by his side, he’s happy
The night grows dark, and a dash of silver flashes on the roof of the Black Swan building - it’s Helios
He appears to be talking to someone
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I’m not helping you to do anything. You have no right to give me orders.
Not long after you leave the building, Helios hops back in, and he sees the experiment report you left behind
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“I command the both of you - forget everything that happened earlier.”
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You receive a call from Gavin - he needs your help
In the STF, Gavin mentions that he has a unique witness, and he needs the help of your Evol to read his memories
It turns out that someone was shot at the train station, and the witness happens to be an elderly man who is blind. You do your best, concentrating to sense what you can. Unfortunately, you aren’t of much help
While Gavin sends you back, the both of you pass by a stall. You make the impulsive decision to pull him along to play a shooting game
While leaving, the sky suddenly begins to pour. Gavin removes his jacket and covers the roof of your heads
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“Let’s go. The journey isn’t long. I’ll send you home.”
You suddenly recall that in high school, Gavin coursed through the curtain of rain just like this. Everything seems to a certain miraculous overlap
Not long after, another Evolver dies an unnatural death, and you realise that the victim is Xiao Nan
Faced with the death of this youth, you’re unwilling to sit by and do nothing. While investigating the scene of the crime, you spot a suspicious man. Chasing after him, you arrive at an unfinished building. Unexpectedly, you meet Gavin in the building
You explain why you've appeared in the building to Gavin, and he tells you that he’s currently on a mission, and suggests that the both of you look around for leads
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“Right now, staying by my side is the safest.”
When you step on a protruding object, a gigantic explosion causes the ground to turn into an artificial precipice. The man who lured you here reveals himself
During this confrontation, the ceiling above you explodes and collapses. It seems that this was a trap to lure the STF over
You toss out a mini flash bomb, then pull Gavin along to escape. After conjecturing that there are many automatic explosives in this building, Gavin holds onto you, using his Evol to send the both of you to the 30th floor
After finding the main device and wanting to dismantle it, the man appears again, lifting his gun and taking aim at the device
The man is extremely enraged with the STF, as though the STF has concealed an important truth
You confront the man while Gavin focuses on dismantling the device. At a crucial point, you shoot the man in the lower leg to stop him from taking action. As expected, Gavin successfully dismantles the device
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“Only when you're alive can you find the truth that you seek.”
Likely moved by Gavin’s determination, the man chooses to trust Gavin, and asks him about something before he leaves
You and Gavin finally leave the building. He carries you as he flies into the city. Feeling his warmth, you feel incomparably at ease
Right after reaching the ground, a young man dressed in uniform requests for you to cooperate with him in an investigation, as you’ve become a suspect for the Evolver assassination incidents. He also provides evidence that are stacked against you
Even though all the evidence is unfavourable to you, Gavin says that he will investigate the truth of the case, and will definitely protect you
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“Regardless of position, I’ll never let you get caught up in danger.”
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Volume 4 (Ch 10 - 13): here
More S2 content: here
A detailed translation of Gavin’s part is available here! 
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smokedstorybara · 3 years
I have so many bnha fanfic ideas, they’ve just been popping into my head every few days for weeks now
So I’m just gonna share them all on this one post instead of making a million new fandom posts out of nowhere (ok, it’s closer to, like, ten - but still!)
If any of y’all want me to actually write any of them, don’t hesitate to say so - or if you just want to ask questions and talk about the ideas I’d be totally down for that too
Also, if any of them inspire you to write or draw something, please send me a link when you’re done!
(under a readmore cause it’s long and also there’s spoilers)
Fae courts AU
Nedzu - Spring King
U.A. / The Spring Court - also known as the Court of Lost Children, all members of the Court were once human children or children of one of the other Courts and they view it as their duty to care for the lost, neglected, and abused children of the world (one of two child stealing Courts)
All Might - Summer King
All For One - Winter King
Objectively, the Summer and Winter Courts are not as different as they like to believe - a Summer fae is just as likely to trick or turn on you as a Winter fae, they just prefer to play at benevolence while Winter fae make no secret of their nature
Shie Hassaikai / The Autumn Court - used to be more like a lesser version of the Summer and Winter Courts, until Overhaul put the King to sleep and made his research into humanity the Court’s focus - they’re now the second child stealing Court
Eraserhead was once human but has made enough deals over the years - most notably with Nezu himself - that he’s practically fae now
Deku and Kachan are human children who were taken in by the Spring Court, though Deku only after catching the attention of All Might
Endeavor - High Fae in the Summer Court - wants to become Summer King but knows he’s not powerful enough to overthrow All Might, married a High Winter Fae in hopes that combining their powers would make one of their kids powerful enough
Dabi fakes his death and eventually becomes a High Fae in the Winter Court
Shouto seeks sanctuary in the Spring Court’s halls
(I don’t actually have a plot for it, but I’m enjoying figuring out the world and stuff)
Evil All Might AU
The underworld knows that young Yagi Toshinori is a con-artist, and a very good one
The kid’s quirkless, and from a bad neighborhood, so of course he gets involved in shady dealings to get by
But he never ever gets caught
See, he’s mastered the eager, innocent, “I know I’m quirkless, but it’s my dream to be a hero! To fight crime! To be someone people can look up to, put their faith in! To be a… a symbol!” act, he’s been running that con any time he’s found in the wrong place at the wrong time since he first started walking - no one with even a single good bone in their body ever questions it
He gets involved with AFO, who’s like “I could give you one of my lesser quirks in exchange for your loyalty, or you could do a long undercover mission for me and get one of the most powerful quirks in existence out of it”
His mission: pulling his signature con on Shimura Nana, being given One for All, becoming a hero, becoming the Number One Hero and Symbol of Peace and the singular pillar holding up hero society, maintaining that status for long enough that everyone grows a little complacent, finding a weak and manipulable child to pass One for All on to, setting them up to fail, and then retiring
(I’d either have this one be All Might-focused and end with the reveal, or have it be Izuku-focused and give it a happy ending where All Might totally chose the wrong kid, cause nothing about Izuku is weak)
Commission analyst Izuku au
Member of the commission overhears him muttering/catches a glance at his notebook while watching a hero fight, strikes up a conversation
The commission tracks him down, shows up at his home with a similar offer to the one they gave Hawks - but instead of a hero they want him to be an analyst for them
Like Hawks, they take away his name, only calling him something like Eagle Eye or something (I’d go with Hawkeye but Hawks already exists so it might be weird?)
(Basically this fic idea is just an excuse to have Izuku and Hawks as the ultimate team, and helping each other get out from under the commission’s thumb - maybe revolutionizing hero society along the way)
Canon rewrite w/ Monoma as main character, somehow
All I have for this one so far is just:
Monoma copies afo, uses copied afo to steal afo, AFO is now defeated
After getting better at controlling her quirk, Eri rewinds Kurogiri back into Shirakumo Oboro
But he’s the age he was when he died
So he joins the current class 2-A
As in Izuku’s class
Basically it’s just his old best friends having to teach him and him making friends with all Aizawa’s problem children
Time travel
(I have multiple cause I really like time travel)
Aizawa-centric time loop fic
Loop stretching from day before Oboro’s death to towards the end of the liberation war (diverging from canon in at least the first loop cause he fucking dies during the fight)
At first he thinks maybe he just, like, dreamt up those 14(?) years
But then things are happening the same way and so he starts changing things and he dies and wakes up the day before Oboro’s death again
He experiments a lot with the loops, figuring out that they’re definitely not time based - unless it’d loop back at the end of the liberation war even if he survives? Requires further testing
Details he changes throughout the loops (culminating in a loop in which he successfully changes all of them):
Oboro’s death
Shimura Tenko being taken in by All for One, All Might’s injury(?), Izuku accepting One for All, and more I haven’t fully decided on
Time travel fic where Pro Hero Deku accidentally time travels back to just before Aizawa’s first year as a student at ua and somehow gets hired as a teacher
Gonna be a two-parter
Part one: Izuku has to teach teen versions of his old high school teachers, channels their future selves a little
Part two: Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama have to teach the teen version of their old favorite high school teacher, and end up channeling his future self - in different ways
(I’ve come across a couple different “Izuku gets accidentally sent back in time to when his teachers were students” fanfics and they keep making me think about how Aizawa & co would react to meeting him in canon timeline after meeting him in high school and then I took the natural step forward from there to “let’s parallel their nostalgia, make him their high school teacher so it can really hit hard”)
Izuku is related to rooftop trio aus
(I’ve come across a bunch of “Izuku is the biological son of at least one member of the rooftop trio” aus but only one acknowledges that in canon he’s only 15 years younger than them and that one has a very angsty explanation, so I wanted some that fit with canon and also aren’t too heavy - cause like, sure you could go with the complex extremely angsty trauma reason or you could go with the “these 13-16-year-olds(idk Inko’s canon age and as long as I never look it up I can pretend I’m not going against canon by making her only 2-ish years older than them) did what teenagers do and went to a party and made some relatively innocent mistakes and ended up with a pregnancy”)
Oboro and Inko have been neighbors and best friends their whole childhood, despite being a couple years separated in age
The fall before Oboro starts high school, Inko takes him along to a party with her high school friends
They get drunk and sleep together
Inko gets pregnant
They talk it through with each other and their families and agree to keep the baby (they’re both actually pretty excited to be parents) and raise it together platonically
Some months into first year (maybe second), Oboro tells his friends about his kid
Spends the rest of his life gushing about Izuku to all his friends (sorry for the word choice fjdhshshx)
Oboro dies and his friends make pact to help Inko take care of Izuku once they have steady income and stuff
But Inko’s family has moved and she’s married and they can’t find her
They keep searching, for roughly 14 years
And then Midoriya Izuku enrolls in UA’s hero course and his big green eyes and curly green hair match the pictures Oboro used to show them and his smile is identical to their old friend’s
And his mom’s name is Inko
But they’re not sure (His quirk doesn’t match Oboro’s nor his Inko’s after all)
Not until after the first term and the summer training disaster camp and Kamino, when All Might and Aizawa go house to house talking to parents about the dorms and All Might tries to insist on visiting the Midoriyas alone but Aizawa insists right back cause this is the closest he’s come to confirmation
and then he’s face to face with a woman he’s only ever seen in photographs
And then they talk about everything or something idk I haven’t got that far
Dadzawa and Dadmic (trans!aizawa)
A year and a half before he starts high school(I know I changed the timeline a whole year here but shush, how’s he supposed to get into U.A.’s hero course while pregnant?), Aizawa’s middle school and one or two others have a Joint Event, at which he meets a loud but cute blonde who keeps flirting with him
They hook up
He gets pregnant
His dad insists he get an abortion but he doesn’t want to and his mom supports his decision, they convince his dad to let him go through with the pregnancy on the condition that he gives the baby up for adoption immediately
He has twins, both boys (one with green eyes like the blonde’s(but darker) and the other with purple like Shouta’s mother’s)(that’s right, Shinsou is also their son in this, you’re welcome), and he gives them up for adoption to separate families
But with conditions
No one from his blood family is allowed to initiate contact with either boy without the kid’s knowing consent (he’s terrified of his father changing his mind, tracking them down, and hurting them)
With the one exception being that he’s allowed to send each one a birthday present and card every year
Which he does
Then he starts at UA and then gets into the hero course and there he is… the blonde… the father of Shouta’s children… who does not recognize him now that he’s started transitioning
This time Shouta’s the one who flirts - or tries to, the kid’s a little too oblivious
Of course they do eventually get together, and even end up married! (Haven’t decided if they get together during high school or after they start teaching there or what(probably the latter, for plot reasons))
The first time Midoriya Inko contacts Shouta is after Izuku is diagnosed quirkless - she knows the young man loves her son as much as she does and might be able to reassure him where she already failed
His next birthday, Izuku’s mystery card says he can be a hero even without a quirk; it makes Izuku’s year
Hitoshi’s parents also contact Shouta that year, the boy struggling to make and keep friends ever since his quirk came in; Shouta’s birthday card to him isn’t much different from Izuku’s, really
The Shinsous get in an accident and Hitoshi is placed in foster care and suddenly Shouta can’t send him his yearly gift and card anymore cause nobody will tell him where the boy is now because of the contact portion of the adoption contract
They also won’t tell Hitoshi that he was adopted and his birth father is out there looking for him, so Shouta’s pretty sure they’re trying to hide that he’s being mistreated wherever he is
Inko continues to contact Shouta now and then whenever she thinks Izuku will need extra encouragement come his birthday (she never tells Izuku about being adopted - even after he enters his teen years - cause after his diagnosis, everyone but her left him and she doesn’t want him to internalize the idea that his birth parents didn’t want him - Shouta’s not happy with the decision, but he understands)
Then one year he sends Izuku a Present Mic figurine and she writes him to share how excited the boy was and how Present Mic is one of his favorite heroes and he listens to his radio show all the time and Shouta simultaneously melts and has a minor breakdown at the realization that he hasn’t told his husband that they have sons, he can’t tell Hizashi that their son listens to his radio show regularly when Hizashi doesn’t know Izuku even exists
So of course, being the rational man he is, he finally tells Hizashi about Izuku and Hitoshi
Hizashi freaks, of course (in a good way(mostly))
And then, one of the worst days of Shouta’s life
He’s on patrol and sees a figure on a rooftop and rushes to get there - just in case it’s a jumper - and it’s his son, his Izuku
They talk(it doesn’t breach the adoption contract, he didn’t know it was Izuku when he approached and the kid spoke first) and Izuku tells him “everything” about his encounter with All Might, Shouta tells him to tell his parents - they’re there to support him - and also that All Might’s full of shit and a quirkless hero is totally possible with the right training and enough willpower
Then after they leave the rooftop his kid gets in trouble again, rushing in to save a classmate from the same sludge villain that attacked him earlier that day
Of course Shouta swoops in and pulls the kids out of danger before All Might arrives to “save the day”
This time Shouta insists on walking Izuku home to make sure he actually gets there safely
But then All Might shows up again wanting to talk to his kid privately and he wants to tell the man to fuck off but he’s not legally allowed, really, so when Izuku says it’s fine he reluctantly leaves
Inko asks to meet him just days later
She tells him that Izuku told her everything about what happened that day - including what Shouta told him - and she tells him that she’s realized she needs to properly support her son in pursuing his dream
She understands that Shouta wouldn’t feel comfortable training him one-on-one with the kid not knowing who they are to each other, and she’s still not ready to tell him yet, so she asks for a list, for him to help her get in touch with people who can train Izuku or ways for Izuku to train on his own, ways for her to help
He puts her in contact with seven pro heroes (Midnight, Gunhead, the Wild Wild Pussycats, and - somehow - Sir Nighteye) and a vigilante team (the Naruhata Crawler and his team), all of whom he talks into helping - and has to tell about his connection to this boy they’ll be teaching
(Each have something important to teach him: Midnight - using words and body language to throw off opponents, Gunhead - martial arts, Wild Wild Pussycats - stamina, teamwork and use of your environment when out in nature, Sir Nighteye - analysis and planning, the Naruhata Vigilantes - use of gadgets and weapons, use of your environment when in the city, having the heart of a hero, and - most importantly - that quirkless people can be fucking strong and skilled and terrifying and certainly aren’t weak or useless (they were trained by a quirkless vigilante after all, they’re bound to have a different perspective on the idea of a quirkless hero than anyone else, a perspective Izuku could really benefit from))
Ten months later, Izuku passes UA’s entrance exam and is placed in Shouta’s class (he’s pretty sure Nezu did that on purpose)
When the school year starts, he and Hizashi discover that Izuku isn’t the only one in one of their classes - Hitoshi is in Hizashi’s homeroom
They are, of course, fucking extatic
They just need to, y’know, figure out how to tell him that they’re his parents and maybe possibly would love custody of him if he wants
(Again I haven’t gotten any further than that yet)
(Also, if you can’t tell, in this au Izuku turns down All Might’s offer of One for All, cause Eraserhead said he could be a hero without a quirk and was honestly a lot kinder and more responsible (like, making sure the kid got home safely instead of leaving him on a roof) and stuff than All Might and honestly might be his new favorite hero)
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saphirered · 3 years
Hi there! You writings are wonderful. Please could you do an EssekXreader where the reader is from another high ranking den and is betrothed to Essek for political reasons. Both Essek and Reader aren't keen on the idea but eventually after spending time together realise they actually have feelings for each other, I'm thinking a bit like The Swan Princess. Please and thank you.
This is gonna be a two parter as the current draft already exceeds my usual word count limit 🙈 so stay tuned for part two in the next few days! Hope you enjoy 😘
Denial. It must be a cruel joke. Your family, your den they would never use you as a pawn in a bigger plot. This was all just a cruel joke or a move to assure their political advancement without the need to go through with this.
Anger. No. This is real. How dare they? How could they? They would use you like that? Without having the decency to let you know before the deal was made no less! Were it anyone else you’d crush them beneath your boot like the vermin they are for condemning you to a fate not of your own choosing. Perhaps you still might…
Bargain. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe you could just play your part and go your separate ways. A betrothal doesn’t have to end in a marriage. Even if it does, all that counts is appearances. Beyond that you could still have your own life right? You’d always be able to make the ‘me’ decision and wouldn’t have to take in account the ‘we’. Yes that should be right.
Depression. Your life is ruined! You’ll forever be tied to someone else without your consent. Your decisions will reflect on the many now. You’ll have to watch your every move and every choice or it may reflect terribly on your legacy. There’ll be expectations and can you ever live up to them while still being content with your own life or will you be sacrificing your happiness for something so stupid?
Acceptance. Acceptance…. Hell no!
Time for the first official meeting with Essek Thelyss in the context of your arrangement. You’d met many times before given both of your stations and reputations but now, you couldn’t help but feel a coldness towards the man regardless of what cordial or friendly dynamic you might have had in your limited social interactions.
Your respective families meet. You on your side, Essek on his. Both of you portray the facial expressions excepted of you; indifferent content. Nothing over excited nor anything remotely negative either but you’ve been raised a reader of the people and you could see through the cracks in Essek’s appearance. He’s just as happy with this arrangement as you are; not at all.
“It is a pleasure to meet you here today.” Essek speaks. The rules of engagement have not forgone any of you despite your discontent with this whole situation but for the sake of your watching families you’d play your parts. You’d put on a damn good show.
“You as well Shadowhand. Light be blessed we get to spend it in such magnificent company.” You can feel the approving look burn into the back of your head from your Denmother. They’d be none the wiser.
And so the negotiations began. All be damned if you did not at the very least were able to set some of your own terms in this arrangement. Fundings to sustain your lifestyle or a dowry were the least of your worries. You were more concerned with a place you could call your own, time to spend for yourself, security and stability and the ability to continue your life as is regardless of possible marriage. You would never give up your seat at the Bright Queen’s council and you’re very sure Essek wouldn’t give up his either.
Essek had to admit you played the game well. You’re a killer negotiator. Your persuasive side had shone at the Bastion more than once but those circumstances are wholly different than these. Your ability to make it sound like these ideas came from your den and not yourself, and have them think these suggestions were their ideas in the first place is simply remarkable. Remarkable and dangerous. Respect. But no matter how good of a talker you are, or he is for that matter, neither of you could get out of this.
Afternoon tea, a few lunches and dinners here and there and even a few events you were forced to attend with Essek as your escort under the careful watch of your dens. Whenever you were sure they were out of earshot you did not make it unknown neither of you wanted to be here and would prefer to be as far away from each other as possible.
Then there were the times you swore you might actually be able to like the Shadowhand. Councils held lead to many arguments, the Bright Queen watching the court fight among themselves for a next course of action, fundings to be divided and efforts to be pursued. You always kept a level head not allowing yourself to get worked up, or at least appear you weren’t but sometimes you could strangle the life out of some of these fools.
To your surprise in some of these occasions Essek would take your side and support your arguments, concerns and points brought up in debates. So he does know what’s good for him after all? Those moments were quickly ruined by the next point on the schedule where you’d be at opposing sides again. Usually you’d be able to work up an opponent in debate until their credibility would be questioned but Essek had caught onto your games and was no fool. If you could keep your cool, so could he. You had learned how to push his buttons as he had yours.
After a particularly heated debate the Bright Queen dismissed the dens, done with the bickering and infighting for the day. You couldn’t blame her even though there were still many things unspoken. You and Essek were at odds once more and you couldn’t be happier to be done for the day and head somewhere you wouldn’t be forced to interact with the asshole.
Conferring with your allies, trying to gain support of others, you grabbed your things ready to leave the Bastion. There he floated in the anti-chamber eyes cold focussed on you, waiting. You pretend you don’t notice and keep walking for the exit. Essek calls your name as you’re about to pass him. You don’t respond and keep going. He calls again. No response. He grabs your arm stopping you in your tracks. How you’d hoped to escape this confrontation.
“A moment of your time please.” The words leave his lips with an artificial, well-practiced warmth. Oh you’re fighting so hard to contain yourself but you too had a facade to keep up.
“Another time perhaps. I’ve grown quite exhausted after the day’s events. If you will excuse me.” You smile innocently placing your hand over his secured around your wrist. You pry your fingers beneath forcing him to release his grasp on you.
“Then allow me to escort you back home. Should you be able to muster up the strength to converse on our path I’d love nothing more than to just hear your voice.” Essek encases your hands between his. Eyes of the dens fall upon the two of you in the middle of the anti-chamber. Essek is known to be a reserved individual and these advances definitely stand out.
Oh so that’s the game we’re playing. Asshole move, Shadowhand. Two can play this game. If it’s the company you’re currently in he’s using against you you can do the same. You take a step closer to him standing on your tiptoes and lean in to press your lips to his cheek. You linger just a little and whisper into his ear.
“I have nothing to say to you.” You allow the distaste to bleed through your barely audible words before you pull away and take a step back. You couldn’t refuse his ‘generous offer’. It might make you look bad so you smile bright and nod even managing to call on a fake blush like some lovesick fool. From the corners of your eyes you notice the court members whisper among each other. Good. Let them talk. You link your arm through Essek’s still carrying your things.
“I believe I might have forgotten my transcripts of the day. Would you mind joining me in retrieving them?” So whatever the wizard needed to discuss with you he couldn’t say in public… Oh Essek what a mistake you made… That certainly offers you some opportunities to use to your advantage.
“Nonsense! I have my transcripts. You’re free to borrow them, or perhaps you’d like to study them with me? It might give us the opportunity to come to a compromise without wasting the Council’s time. After all, there’s much more pressing matters.” His expression might be a thankful one but if looks could kill… you’d be introduced into your next life this very second.
You begin leading Essek out of the building not allowing him any response or comeback for your previous statement. You walk head held high catching onto the praises of others. ‘A great match’? If only they knew…
Your walk continued in seething silence from Essek. Until you reached your home. Opening the door and leaning against the doorframe making sure no one else is in sight, you smirk at him.
“I’m curious. If I refused to part with these,” You hold up the transcripts. “What would you do? Would you go back and receive your own copies or would you go without them?” You leaf through the pages. It’s not like you needed them. You already had all you needed memorised so if anything they’d go into your archives for future reference and case study if necessary. Essek doesn’t dignify you with an answer yet so you continue to press his buttons.
“Would you be able to discredit my every word or counter them without the direct word for word reference? Would your arguments hold any weight against my own? Or would you be forced to depend on the vote or Light’s mercy, the Bright Queen’s verdict because if the latter, you’ve already lost, my dear.” You can’t hold back the smugness in your achievements. The look of defeat brought you satisfaction.
Essek bites his tongue. Even he knows that in theoretics you have the upper hand now. Recalling your words from memory alone wouldn’t be enough. He’d needed to cite them exactly providing the transcript in your possession. He couldn’t go back or it might arise questions, questions he couldn’t afford at this moment. What caught him off guard was you offering him the transcript still. He takes it before you can change your mind, the pages disappearing beneath his cloak.
“Luckily for you I’m not your enemy. Yes we might disagree on matters of state but at the end of the day we’re going to be stuck together and there’s nothing either of us can do about it.”
“What are you suggesting?” Essek doesn’t know wether he should be wary, outright suspicious, or glad you’ve come up with a plan amidst the chaos.
“A truce. If we keep these antics going it will lead to a war between the two of us. Are you really prepared to be expected to spend the rest of your life with someone you’ve grown to hate? Because I’m not. I’d rather sleep in my bed withe the comfort of knowing my partner will not stab me in the back or sabotage me at every opportunity he gets.” Partner. He. Not they. He. So not even you had a way out of this betrothal.
“Resentment grows much faster than affection.” Essek deadpans. Yes he sees your reasonings and you make some solid arguments but that doesn’t mean he has to trust your motives. He’s aware you in your position are much more dangerous than any spy, assassin or foreign force.
“Light be with me.” You’re exasperated. You’re offering an olive branch and this is his response? You pull him inside and close the door dropping the act entirely within the confines of your own home knowing no one will be watching you here.
“I am not offering you an epic enemies to lovers tale! I’m offering to make the best out of a situation neither of us actually want to be in! Marriage is just another contract. We do what is expected of us by following it to the letter and nothing more, nothing less. Love or affection is not part of that contract but respect is.” Essek takes in your words and considers them making sure you’re not twisting things in such a way you could later use against him or to your advantage.
“Your logic is sound and your arguments persuasive.” You raise your hand in an exasperated ‘thank you’ as he straightens your back and looks down at you.
“Very well. We have an agreement.” You’re on the verge of letting out a breath of relief at Essek agreeing to your terms and suggestions. You’d rather be sure this man isn’t going to drop you on a different plane in your sleep once you’ll be forced to share a home. You’d rather know you can trust him to have your back despite your grievances. At the end of the day, you both want to survive.
“Match made in Elysium.” Sarcasm is clear in your voice and the both of you cannot help but smile. More like match made in hell with the ‘letter of the law’ approach to navigating your predicament.
Pacing back and forth fingers pressed to your lips in thought of Essek’s sitting room you ponder the terms of your agreement. Essek himself is seated on the couch leaning over a two sheets of paper, a long list of demands from both sides written on each.
“Next up housing.” You announce. Essek fiddles with the pen looking over the lists.
“I’m not willing to part with my towers unless something of equal or greater value is returned. I need space for my practices, experiments and studies.”
“I’ll agree to part with my own home under the terms you will share your personal resources with me and I will have amicable space for my own pursuits be this here or at another place of our mutual choosing.” Essek considers your terms on this matter. They are agreeable but this is a negotiation and neither of you are refraining from pushing for an outcome to suit yourself best.
“We will share my home then but we will both share our resources unless they pertain to exclusively personal matters or those of state when we inevitably find ourselves on opposing sides in the Bastion.” You stop pacing and turn to face Essek. He watches for your responses.
“I get my own tower.” You counter.
“That’s preposterous. I have need for certain rooms and areas for my studies and cannot relocate them.”
“Fine. Then I’ll get all unoccupied or unnecessary rooms.”
“You’ll get your own private bedchambers, study and sitting room just as I’ll have mine. These chambers will be exclusive and privacy to be respected. Other spaces save for my laboratory, for your own safety, are communal.” By the expression on your face Essek knows you’ve caught him in a loophole.
“Agreed. We’re entitled to our private spaces and will share the unspecified ones. Kitchen, dining room, living area… library…” You caught hime there… Essek’s expression turns sour. He’d have preferred to keep that one to himself but the agreement is fair.
“I wish to make an amendment.”
“Name your terms.”
“Some shelves will belong to my private collection. You will refrain from touching these tomes and scrolls without my explicit permission.” You ponder not entirely convinced. There’s nothing in there for you and Essek knows it. You raise an eyebrow for him to continue and concede on a previously negotiated term for this amendment to go through.
“And in return, you get to redecorate our communal spaces how you see fit, within the realms of reason.” Essek empathises the latter part of his statement.
“Agreeable.” You nod. “Next up; social engagements.”
The two of you go back and forth agreeing, adjusting, and conceding to come to an equal understanding and finalise your arrangement. Over all, it went surprisingly well. It certainly was a nice change of scene to have somewhat friendly negotiations without the added pressure of the dens and the Bright Queen herself watching you.
Essek makes for a good conversationalist and you might even dare say you enjoyed your afternoon setting the terms and conditions. Maybe you could be friends after all. That would be nice.
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cuefog · 4 years
tog/khunbam fic rec
this is for @cannottranslate​ because you asked for it and i am grateful for the excuse to make a fic rec post
i expect this will be a long post so i’ll put it under read ↓ 
i’ll be leaving my own thoughts and comments under each fic (im sorry in advance for rambling too much)!! if you want the full summary and other info please click on the link provided lol
!!webtoon spoilers beware!!
♡ = one of my favourites
canon timeline
(these will be the ones that are set in the canon world and follow major plot events, even if there some changes in the details and relationships)
♡ deep sea blue by Feyren ♡
please read everything written by feyren!!!! lovely prose, wonderfully written khunbam emotional tension. khun braiding his beautiful hair accompanied by symbolism and perfectly crafted metaphor. bonus earrings.
♡ hollow moons by NoteInABottle ♡
please also read everything by noteinabottle!! equally lovely prose, wonderfully written khunbam emotional tension. khun wearing earrings and giving them to bam, accompanied by lots of symbolism and perfectly crafted metaphor. you could probably consider this a companion fic to feyren’s deep sea blue. both of these fics gave me a Thing for khun’s earrings (>_<;)``
take my hand (take my whole life too) by RadiantAshe
our dear ashe has written lots of great stuff but i think this is my favourite!! so much khunbam softness, very classic s3 vibes <33
Chestnuts at Nighttime by khunfounded (ongoing)
khun with a cat who loves him very much, and vice versa. that’s all the explanation you need. this fic overloads my heart with cute soft fluffy feelings!!! (bonus khun and bam dolls with little hands made of velcro so they can hold each other’s hands (ʘ‿ʘ✿) please i can’t take any more of this, somebody help my heart is gonna explode)
a thousand paths to you by LiannaAila
set during the time of khun’s coma. bam travels to a parallel universe and meets an alive and awake khun. this fic is exactly what it says it is and it’s so lovely <3
oh no he’s hot (and other earth-shattering revelations) by Bird_of_Dreams
tldr; bam being thirsty over khun
khun aguero agnis and his growing competency kink by chuuyaya
tldr; khun being thirsty over bam
motion by smokeandwaves (rated Explicit)
set during hell train, khunbam focused. this one is really popular in the fandom!! it’s well written, and if you consider smut a genre i would say this is the best one in the tog tag. lots of emotions, and a wonderful flow of feeling!! also it has a few sequel fics in the series, ‘obedience’ in particular being all about sub!khun,, which is,, (*ノωノ)
sometimes when i look into your eyes i pretend you're mine by agueros (minamis)
residents of the tower ship jue viole grace and khun aguero agnis and write fanfiction about them (i love these types of fics lmao)
From: Khun by AngrySheepProject  and To you who lies with my heart under the sea by Strawbellie666 (ongoing)
khun messaging bam’s pocket when he thought he was dead in s2
canon divergence + future canonverse
(future fics means it’s set in the future of the current canon, which at the nest arc rn)
♡ A World Without You by Breaking_Formation ♡
this one might be my favourite out of all of them. i know it says major character death but it happens in the beginning and there’s a promised happy ending so don’t worry!!! this one is a beautiful 20k word masterpiece.... seriously..... this fic is set after the nest arc, it has lots of Plot and plays around with the world and the lore of the Tower, so it’s already fascinating that way, but the real heart of the story is in the emotions!! if you love witnessing khun’s endless devotion to bam, this is the fic that shows you that devotion reflected right back at khun. it might bring you to tears :’)
♡ Our Hearts Are Made of Stars by Ruinous ♡ (ongoing)
out of the 5 or so other time travel au fics in the tog fandom, this one is definitely my favourite!! time travel aus are all super fun to read, but this one stood out to me especially because it hits all the right spots!! it’s written well and i love the level of foresight, and the emotions detailed into this, it really feels like the friendships and bonds are at the heart of this story and all the fighting stuff will turn out just fine, and everything will be ok :)
♡ enough by Feyren ♡
future fic, set in a cocktail party on the 87th floor. this is so well written!!!!! again, please just read everything written by feyren. the prose is wonderful and everything going on in this fic feels so well-crafted and carefully executed with just the right amount of subtlety in all the emotions. i think it’s gorgeous.
fire and ice by soundscape (ongoing)
set vaguely in the future. still ongoing, and the story feels like it’s just started, but very intriguing plot!! premise is people trying to separate khun from bam + the team trying to deal with shady fug plots
dig down deep by milkywxy (ongoing)
this one is a plotty one!! diverges from canon at the hidden floor arc. bam decides not to let rachel go with them. im super interested to see where this story goes!!
where the current leaves us by macrauchenia (ongoing)
this one is a Plotty one, still in the early stages of plot development but the premise is super interesting!! basically khun takes bam’s place in the bubble with rachel, during the administrator’s test on the 2nd floor. i’m excited to see where this story goes :D
special mentions for “bam climbs the tower” remix concept fics that you might like to check out (this is for you dango, since you said you like togverse canon divergence :D)
Moonlight by Shadow_to_rant (ongoing, khun meets bam in cave instead of rachel)
Timeless Existence by Jazebeth (Barrattiel) (ongoing, time travel au series)
Second Chance by Shadow_to_rant (ongoing, time travel au)
Never Let You Go by eternus (ongoing, time travel au)
Il Principe by euludey (ongoing, bam with different backstory/origins)
Night Never Falls by TripleTurtles (ongoing, au where rachel doesn’t succeed at pushing bam off the bubble on the 2nd floor)
Child of Arlene by MoodleNoodle (ongoing, bam is adopted by jahad before canon timeline)
♡ the king and his lionheart by chuuyaya ♡
khunbam royalty au with bam as king, khun as a genius war strategist. bonus pda in front of a whole courtroom. what more could you want?? this was soooo satisfying to read, i enjoyed it a lot :D (please also check out chuuyaya’s other fics if you like khunbam aus!!)
if there's anything in this life ive been waiting for (its you) by trueaguero (ongoing)
fascinating au where everyone is outside the tower and the tower is part of history. perhaps you could call this a “post-tower au” ?
if my heart was a house by The_Winged_Warrior
very cute magical fantasy au!! khun runs a potion shop and bam is an adventurer
aus are pretty self explanatory so i’ll put the rest in a list:
you are the magic in me by silverinerivers (ongoing, hogwarts au)
hope and legacy by chuuyaya (figure skating au)
♡ jump then fall (i'll catch you) by agueros (minamis) ♡ (figure skating au, consider it a prequel to ‘hope and legacy’, this is a beautiful 13k-word love letter to figure skating <3)
of social media and turtles by chuuyaya (celeb au with social media bits)
i am the last olympian by argenteas (percy jackson au)
who else is there to love but you? by khuns (college au, very soft pining!!)
Lucky coin by bothersomepotato (ongoing, college business majors au)
Greedy Turtles by Alien_ships (ongoing, on the surface it seems like just a pet shop au but there’s a lot of care and attention paid to the characters and relationship dynamics :D)
and i will come to you at every first snow by aguerobaam (khun is a magical doll in a toy store)
the heart heist by paused (ongoing, cyberpunk au)
khun special category
(it’s all about khun here)
♡ all the blue in the world won’t do, without you by NoteInABottle ♡ (ongoing)
multichapter fic set on khun eduan’s 111th floor!! if you’re too impatient to wait for the khun family arc, you should just read this fic. it’s still ongoing as of the time i made this post but it’s already looking to have all the elements i want out of a khun family arc. it’s written so so well too!! noteinabottle is one of my favourite tog authors :D
Brothers and sisters, I'm an atomic bomb by gleek_runner (ongoing series)
a wonderfully well written series of fics focusing on interactions between members of the khun family!!!! im just a sucker for the khun kids and im always starving for khun family content
He Wonders if He Still Breathes by Chocolatesandblood
khun and ran interactions!!
putting his resolve to the test. by soundscape
khun and hachuling interactions!!
Autumn Angel by XprincessxofxspadesX
khunbam meets maria and a series of complicated and fascinating interactions occurs. this was very nice to read ;w;
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isshuns · 3 years
the progression of things - discarded scenes
this is a dump post for scenes that were in the original draft, but never made it to final version of the fic. they bear no connection to the final version of "the progression of things”, but i liked them enough that i couldn’t bear just deleting these scenes (TPOT underwent a lot of editing and rewrites) ;_; they were part of the original premise where I wrote Miyano as ace/demisexual, but in the end it didn’t work out ;_;
click on the “read more” link if you’d like to read them, but take note, they’re were part of the rough draft, hence are extremely unpolished. 
Miyano remembers being fifteen, his school bag heavy on his shoulders, but his heart heavier in his chest. Every day he looks at the mirror in his bathroom and wonders why he was cursed with such feminine features, a smaller build than the rest of the boys in his school; everything on his face seemed wrong as though nature forgot to switch its genetic code back to “MASCULINE, MALE” when constructing his face.
He couldn’t blame his parents, they never had any say in what he’d look like when he was born, and his mother would be heartbroken to hear that her son, bearing such resemblance to her looks, actually hated his own.
But as slightly estranged as he was from his middle school classmates when his looks came up as a topic of conversation, Miyano still heard Things whispered amongst his peers, seen Things even, when his classmates included him in their weekly get-together to ogle at printed materials meant for a demographic way beyond their age.
In the flush of youth, where the boys in his class pondered over their body anatomy, fascinated with nature, and looked to adult magazines (stolen from their older sibling’s stash) for enjoyment, Miyano pondered over the harsh reality of his feminine features, upset but resigned with nature, and looked to fashion magazines (taken with permission from his mother’s collection) for pointers on how Not to appear even more like a girl.
(His father’s copies of Business Weekly helped a little too, even if only to remind Miyano how top businessmen in the country dressed for a business photoshoot with the press – suit, tie and expensive watch peeking from the cuffs.)
When the passage of time came and went and Miyano entered high school, he discovered the world of Boys Love manga and dedicated his free time to understanding the intricacies of this fascinating genre. Being a minor, the type of print he could obtain were fairly sweet and innocent, nothing too explicit save for some scenes that took place on a bed, the protagonists’ modesty preserved with a flimsily drawn blanket over their nude bodies.
Occasionally, a book or two with explicit content would make their way to his collection. The internet was also a place full of wonders and possibility, and once or twice Miyano would (secretly) look up the famous series promised with rave reviews, but somehow, Porn Without Plot never really stuck to his repertoire.
Even after becoming of age, Miyano still finds himself gravitating towards the safety that comes with the PG-13 books. There is a strange sort of comfort in consuming fiction that depicts love as something simple and uncomplicated, straightforward and representation that love– intimacy did not necessarily come hand in hand with sexual acts. Intimacy could exist with or without sexual acts and vice versa, whatever floats your boat, really.
For Miyano, it was always the build up leading to that ultimate confession scene (at the rooftop, under the cherry blossom tree by the school yard, the back of the school gym, endless options) that grabbed him by the feels and punted him into the sun. That’s where the highlight is!! He once told Sasaki, unable to hold back on his excitement that twinkled in his eyes.
And identifying all the event flags leading up to that very moment of their first kiss? Unparalleled. Truly the best of all scenes there is. Peak romance. The bedroom scenes (few and rare in his possession) are really just a bonus.
So, while his peers continued to chat about going through the motions in bed, the closest miyano could ever try to relate to during those conversations was the intimacy that came along with the idea of sexual intercourse.
The moment Miyano is done with the last of his midterms and bids his notes goodbye (for now), Sasaki magically appears beside him and whisks him away to the nearby izakaya for a celebratory dinner.
“For getting through the first midterm week of your life~” His giant baby boyfriend coos, ever so sweet like the cakes he bakes.
Miyano pretends to be exasperated, shoulders dramatically slumping over the sticky izakaya table, but his heart knows better. It’s been one month since he’s started college (the one Sasaki also so happens to attend, not a coincidence at all), and the privilege of having more time to spend with one another makes Miyano giddy with happiness.
Gone are the days Miyano can only meet his favourite senpai for a handful of hours after club activities until the reality of their courseload slaps them in the face; gone are the days they have to rely on telephone calls and text messages, where the minutes and seconds flashing across the screen serve as an unforgiving reminder of the time they have left before they have to part ways.
It’s all gone now. Sasaki sits before him, in the flesh, and Miyano has always felt that seeing Sasaki’s smile in person would always be different from seeing it on screen. The grainy pixels on his phone can never do those handsome features justice, nor can it the warmth blooming behind his breastbone whenever Sasaki threads their fingers together and walks him all the way back to his dorm.
The freshmen all share a common dormitory block separate from the rest of the college students, something about building connections and getting to know each other better, so Sasaki insists on walking Miyano back to his room before he makes the trek all the way back to his own. The night is young, the dorms are peacefully quiet, and everyone is probably still out in town having a good time.
Loathe as he is to do so, Miyano makes the executive decision to drop by the bookstore one afternoon to try and consult a few adult BL manga. It’s the worst idea he could ever come up with, he hates comparing his own relationship to silly BL manga tropes, but nothing short of an apocalypse would push him to ask the people around him whether it’s normal to… not think about sex in a romantic relationship. While the internet is a wondrous place full of answers and possibilities, Miyano figures it probably wouldn’t hurt to take a peek at how society tackles his questions through the lens of BL manga.
Hurriedly, just before his date with Sasaki, he randomly picks up one of the highly rated R-18 series, heads over to the payment counter quickly, and bolts out of the store the moment the cashier bags his purchases. He makes sure to stuff the damned volumes deep beneath his bag, out of sight, before he heads over to the café to meet Sasaki for lunch.
And when he’s finally back in his own dorm later that night, his roommate blissfully unaware and asleep, Miyano retrieves the book from his bag, cautiously peels away the plastic wrap before he settles down for the night to take notes.
His efforts are all for naught. Halfway through the series – one Junjou Romantica –, it takes Miyano all but 3 volumes before he calls it quits and and promptly closes the book. Guess there’s no way he can redeem his money now, unless Sasaki is into dubcon…? Well, that’s a thought for future Miyano to ponder on. Current Miyano just wants to sleep and wash the images out of his mind with bleach.
he has no care for sex, but nothing compares to the tender happiness that comes along with partaking in something sasaki enjoys and yearns for. sasaki’s language of love has always been touch and spending time partaking in activities of common interest.
today, sasaki has picked a soothing lo-fi playlist as their background music. they’re seated on the bed, warmly nestled against each other as they browse through their respective manga
his eyes may be on inked pages, but his heart is long gone. he discreetly observes his boyfriend, the curve of his jaw, long lashes almost curling against the high of his cheekbones as his honey-gold eyes flit across pages and pages of content.
the fingers flipping through each page is steady, long, and miyano suddenly wonders how it would feel to have them splayed across his body, touching him in places his own hands have never ventured before.
“what’s wrong, myaa-chan?” sasaki smiles at him, eyes impossibly fond and kind.
well, fuck it, there’s no going back now.
“senpai, what do you think… about… BL with explicit content?”
sasaki blinks. miyano tampers down the urge to kiss those parted lips.
“you mean books with sex scenes in them?”
“oh.” sasaki turns away, the hand that’s not rested on miyano’s shoulder has found a place on top of sasaki’s mouth. he’s embarrassed, miyano realizes, and somehow that makes him feel ten times more endearing than usual.
sensing that this was a topic his boyfriend wasn’t going to let go any time soon, sasaki clears his throat and returns miyano’s gaze head on.
“i’m fine with it. why do you ask?”
“i… well.” while miyano struggles for words, sasaki hand starts moving up and down his arm, soothing him.
“are you starting to read rated manga? it’s normal, at least, ogasawara’s girlfriend says so. so there’s no need to be shy, myaa-chan! if you want to recommend any, you know I’ll read anything you lend me. no judgment here.”
it should have been reassuring, but the thought that ogasawara’s girlfriend discussed with sasaki about explicit BL manga like it’s the fucking weather has miyano choking on his spit. what the actual fuck.
do people actually talk about these things? is miyano the abnormal one instead for never entertaining the thought of doing things with his significant other?! has he been missing out on some code of relationship couples ought to follow?! the BL mangas he read never said so!
“myaa-chan? are you okay?”
“you- you talk with ogasawara senpai about these things?”
sasaki’s cheeks colour a lovely shade of red. from his looks, he’s starting to catch up with where miyano wants the conversation to go. that’s a relief, because miyano honestly doesn’t know how to tactfully broach the topic without sounding like a dumb dumb about these things.
“yeah, i do.” sasaki admits, “but only once or twice, because ogasawara needed to vent about things. sorry, does that weird you out? i can stop. i don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“no, no, it’s fine. totally fine, senpai.” it must be a common boys topic that somehow eluded miyano and friends during high school. at this point, miyano’s face must be burning with the hot flames of embarrassment and shame, he’s pretty sure sasaki’s fingers can feel the heat all the way from where they are, stroking his cheek absently.
“what brought this on, if you don’t mind me asking?” sasaki asks a moment later, when the weight of silence in the room gets a little too much to bear.
“just… some friends talking about it the other day.”
“yeah… fine, classmates.”
“are you… thinking about it?”
at miyano’s surprised expression, sasaki backtracks immediately.
“forget i asked.”
“to be honest, i don’t know what to feel about it.”
“it’s okay, we don’t have to do what you don’t want to do.”
it’s so painfully awkward yet endearing at the same time.
“do you think about it, senpai? about us… doing those things?”
sasaki’s lack of an answer is extremely telling. the shade of red coloring his cheeks is probably bright enough to rival miyano’s own face.
“does it matter? i am happy with doing whatever myaa-chan wants to do.” sasaki finally says, but his eyes have shied away from miyano’s gaze, and something within miyano snaps.
“of course it matters. it’s you, sasaki-senpai. i want you to be happy too. i want to do things that you want to do too.”
something akin to hope blooms across sasaki’s eyes (surprisingly moist).
“thank you, myaa-chan. that thought alone makes me happy enough. let’s leave it here for now and let things progress as they naturally would, how about that? we don’t need to rush into anything. i’m really happy with where we are now.”
he knows that sasaki has caught on to his sexual orientation, no doubt. it’s been a year since he became of age, and yet the BL manga he still buys have never ventured into the explicit genre. briefly, he wonders if sasaki actually keeps his own stash of porn somewhere below his bed, like normal boys would do.
they aren’t in high school anymore. it’s been years, and yet until this point, the thought of doing something more than kissing and cuddling has never crossed miyano’s mind. he wants to cry at how respectful his boyfriend has been all this while.
“myaa-chan? myaa-chan? oh no, yoshikazu, don’t cry. i’m sorry if i said something wrong-”
oh fuck.
miyano has always been uncomfortable with displays of affection and attention, preferring to bask in the comforting arms of his daydreams and fantasies, but his love for sasaki burns greater and he will do anything he can to ensure that sasaki receives equal, if not more, affection and care than the amount his boyfriend showers him in.
scene ends with sasaki hugging miyano tightly, reassuring him and planting a kiss at the side of miyano’s temple. but it does nothing to seep away the frustration gnawing at his bones.
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: hidden side 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: chigasaki itaru/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 3.4k words
𝐚𝐧: Thank you for the request ♡ Lowkey based off similar experiences from school lol ~♪ I had so many different ideas, but I wanted to write this one for a while so here we go! P.S, happy belated birthday @starryneve​ :> ♡
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Normally he’d be able to withstand not opening his phone every few minutes— he’d always make sure to clear all his AP, LP, SP, BP, whatever P before heading to work. Stamina bonuses were never a problem too, either he’d head to the comfort room or log-in during lunch break.
However, events were simultaneously running right now and he’d be damned if he wasn’t gonna rank in the top 1%, no, 0.1%.
Itaru discreetly looked around the office, and as soon as the coast was clear he opened up his desk drawer. His phone was stored inside, his team of expensive waifus auto-battling against the enemies for this event.
They weren’t doing bad at all, but he trusted himself a little more than the AI.
As he went over the best skills to use on the final boss, he heard a knock against the divider separating his desk from his co-workers.
“Code red, Chigasaki-san.” You muttered, volume low enough so only he’d be able to hear you.
Yikes, a red so early in the day? His boss must want something done immediately.
He hastily shut the drawer, sighing in relief that the metal filing cabinet barely made any noise.
“Thank you,” he said gratefully as he watched his boss approach from the corner of his eye, already looking agitated with a word yet to be spoken.
“Chigasaki, I need you to work on a new project,” his boss drawled on with the details; Itaru’s ears somehow being able to pick up on the necessary information despite all the words blurring in his head. Something about a presentation being needed and closing a deal— he’ll just check his email for specifics.
He continued to nod, pretending to absorb everything when in reality he was just looking forward to finishing the battle and getting his rewards.
However, hearing your name halted his movements. As you peaked over from your desk, Itaru could tell even you looked a little caught off-guard at the sudden mention.
“Yes, sir?” you questioned, swiveling your chair to face the two men.
“Since you’ve dealt with GeneSys before, I’m assigning both you and Chigasaki as the heads,” he explained, “there shouldn’t be a problem with this arrangement, right?”
“No, sir,” you replied.
“Not at all. We’ll start on the project as soon as possible,” he sent off his boss with a polite smile as the both of you watched his back disappear.
The silence restored in the room, you let out a quiet laugh to break the tension. “Honestly, thank god I’m partnered with you,” you sighed in relief, before humming thoughtfully “although I might get some envious stares for a couple of days.”
He pursed his lips.
“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” he said, but by the twinkle in your eyes, he could tell you knew he wasn’t being truthful.
Not that he minded. It would be an understatement to say he was pleased you were the one assigned to help him; if he could set a favourite co-worker, it’d probably be you. Not only were you dependable with work, but you didn’t bother him needlessly either. Even so, the two of you weren’t exactly friends, at least not until a month ago.
“Thanks for saving me. If he found out I was using my phone…” he trailed off as you shook your head understandingly.
“It’s fine, Chigasaki-san. After all, you’ve saved me a bunch of times as well,” you reminded him, “so what were you doing this time?”
Oh crap, he probably should get back to the game. He shouldn’t keep his waifus waiting, right?
“Oh, just messaging my troupe mates. They wanted to know what time I’d be home for practice,” he lied, pulling the drawer open and quickly selecting the skills and moves to beat up the final boss.
After collecting his rewards, he saw the little red exclamation point by the bento box icon. Lunchtime stamina bonus time~
“I didn’t realise it was 12 already,” he mentioned off-handedly, missing the way you jolted up for a second before pulling open your file drawer as well.
“Should probably have lunch in a while,” you said, unknowingly opening the same game Itaru was playing. “Want to eat lunch together? I’ll go over my previous experience with GeneSys Tech Corp.”
“Sure. The faster we get this over with, the better.”
‘So I could get back to my games in peace,’ the both of you thought.
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Corporate slaves needed more rights. The project wasn’t so difficult that he’d collapse in exhaustion, but he was definitely frustrated with all the demands that needed fulfilling.
Should he game to destress? Ah, but he once he starts he might not be able to stop-
Itaru’s phone screen lit up, and he would have thought it was a game notification if it wasn’t for the ringtone blaring. As soon as he saw your name, he wondered if you somehow picked up on the fact that he was planning on slacking off taking a break.
“Good evening,” you greeted him, voice calm and not at all angry— right, he can strike off the ‘my co-worker has a 6th sense?’ theory. “Sorry to disturb you, just felt like checking in. How’s work going from your side?”
He looked at the graph currently shown on his desktop, already feeling a headache incoming. “Not too bad, could be better,” Itaru answered vaguely, not wanting to give you a bad impression.
He couldn’t figure out whether you believed him or not, the only tell being the hum you let out.
“Same boat, then. Seriously, for a company whose most relevant success is a video game in the 90s…”
Itaru immediately perked up, pressed at the mention of the game. “Right? Then again, what do you expect from them after that total disappointment of a sequel that-“ he suddenly stopped.
If he said any more he totally could’ve been in trouble just there.
“Oh, how’d you know about the video game? GeneSys rebranded themselves a couple years ago, so I didn’t think you’d know about it,” you questioned him, leaving Itaru to scramble for the best excuse he could think of.
Yeah, he’s not about to take the risk and assume you knew the game because you’ve played it before.
“Did some research on the company’s past endeavours,” he began, sounding as nonchalant as he possibly could, “I suppose I got a bit invested.”
That was one way to put it. He still remembered being upset as a teenager that the long-awaited sequel was a total cash-grab.
“Pfft,” you let out a small laugh, and for a moment Itaru felt frantic— did you somehow figure him out? He wouldn’t put it past the you who caught him using his phone, when no one else had, a month ago.
“This oddly passionate side to the princely Chigasaki Itaru-san is really nice.”
He was eternally grateful to whatever higher being (beings?) there was that this conversation was taking place over the phone. Despite the air conditioning, his face began to warm like his phone would overheat after playing for too long.
Seriously, all you said was that side of him was nice— not that you knew the full extent— so why did he feel like a cliche otome MC? Wasn’t he past the stage of getting flustered over stuff like this?
“Chigasaki-san, are you still there?” you called out, and Itaru calmed himself down to the best of his abilities before answering.
“Yeah, sorry. Connection got cut for a bit. You were saying?”
If a smile had a sound, he was definitely hearing it right now. “Oh nothing~ I was just thinking that your fans would be so jealous if I told them I got to see a hidden side of their prince just now,” you teased.
Probably not. It’s not exactly the definition of charming, not even urban dictionary worthy, but he’ll indulge you.
He didn’t even bother covering up the huff that escaped him. “And who knew my dependable and quiet project partner was so chatty? Keeping a guy up this late and distracting him from work?”
It was your turn to be silent, and before he could apologise you beat him to it.
“I didn’t realise it was so late! Sorry, I wanted to chat away the stress,” you explained, “should probably stop disturbing you, right?”
He looked at the time. He’s not sure what he’s doing exactly, but he doesn’t need to go in-game until the reset at midnight— might as well refill his irl stamina too, right? Well, if he could be the bento box that helped you refill your energy, why not?
… Yeah, that sounded better in his head.
“I mean, we could probably talk about work on call… or,” he paused for dramatic effect, “we could just talk.”
Itaru’s equally as relieved as you when you breathe a sigh of relief. Oh thank god, he didn’t want to actually talk about work. It was only the first day of the project, both of you had time to kill. Probably.
“Why do I have a feeling you’re gonna end up sniffing out my secrets?”
He snickered at your suggestion. “Then I’m not the co-worker you should be worried about then,” before you could question who he possibly meant, he continued, “though since you got to see a quote, hidden side of me, unquote, shouldn’t I know more about you?”
“Hmmm? Like what?” you asked.
“Like what you even do on your phone anyway? You’re on your phone just as much as me,” as he uttered those words you were voiceless for a split second, not unlike the momentary silence committed by Itaru minutes ago.
You tittered, your awkwardness not going unnoticed. “Mostly reading e-books, nothing too special.”
Okay, but the way you made it sound gave off the impression of it being fan fiction or something. Not that he’d judge, just a little surprising for you he guessed.
“Oh? What’s it about?”
His suspicion died down quickly enough as soon as you went off about the plot and characters of the story you were reading. He made a noise every now and then to let you know he was still listening, moving to his bed as he slipped on his headphones.
As you ranted about some complicated love triangle he figured would be popular in TV dramas and reverse harem routes, the more he found it undeniable that he enjoyed seeing this side of you, too.
He felt the tension of the workday slip off his system, your voice washing it away. Who knows? Maybe you’d consider a career in streaming or ASMR or something.
A couple of minutes pass by, and Itaru’s wordless responses died down after a while.
“Chigasaki-san?” you asked gently, not wanting to disrupt him should your suspicions be correct. When he didn’t respond, you smiled to yourself. Well, midnight just struck after all.
“Good night, sweet dreams,” you whispered before ending the call.
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Imagine finding out from a 17-year old brat that his ranking dipped because he fell asleep listening to his co-worker’s voice while waiting for the reset. He was a little upset at having to spend diamonds just to climb back up the leaderboard, but at least he’s in the top 0.1% again. It was nothing a bunch of grinding couldn’t fix.
What he was mortified about, however, was falling asleep in call. He was the one who suggested staying in the call in the first place, yet he dozed off on you. You didn’t send him an angry text or anything, but he was still prepared to press an f in the chat for himself.
Itaru found that you were already sat at your desk by the time he arrived, prodding at the phone inside your drawer. While it was mostly hidden, if he looked close enough he’d probably be able to see what you were doing.
… Not that he was going to, of course. You were mutuals in this we-secretly-use-our-phones-at-work tendency, he wasn’t going to betray you now! Still, he was a little curious. A peek over the shoulder wouldn’t hurt, right?
“Chigasaki-san, good morning! You looked like you rested well~”
Mission failed. We’ll get ‘em next time.
“Aha, my apologies. I suppose I was more tired than usual,” he paused, feeling something off— by the way you narrowed your eyes slightly at something behind him he could tell people were probably eavesdropping.
“Don’t worry! It was getting too late to discuss the upcoming project anyway,” you replied, putting emphasis to deter any rumours. Though you weren’t shouting by any means, the sudden volume definitely got you the response you wanted by the upwards pull of your lips. “We can continue working on it now that you’re here.”
As he sat down, turning his chair to face you, Itaru was unable to mask the small grin he sported on his face. “Very cool of you. So you have this side to you as well?”
“I’ve always wanted to try out a scene like that! Though I always imagined myself more on the MC’s side than the ML’s.”
“Hm? MC? ML?” he asked, feigning ignorance to the terms used. Not that those terms were limited to use in games, but still it was a teensy bit suspicious.
“Oh? Uh, MC for main character and ML for male lead,” you explained to him, not knowing that he already knew what they stood for. “Reviews for novels use those terms a lot, so I guess I picked up on them.”
… damn you right, though.
“Didn’t peg you for an office romance lover,” Itaru said, watching you shrug your shoulders.
“What can I say? I’m a versatile person with many interests~” you grinned, the sudden flash of your teeth a little blinding.
Unexpectedly all it took was one late-night phone call for you to be more comfortable around him; he finds himself feeling much of the same. Still, weren’t you getting a little bolder with your vague responses?
Well, if his dating simulators taught him anything, it was clear that you were begging for a response. For an unathletic man, his heart rate increased steadily like a man on a morning jog— the anticipation similar to what he felt when a game continued to throw him pleasant surprises.
“Really? What else are you interested in, then?” he asked, keeping his voice low so that only the two of you could hear each other. On the outside, the two of you probably (hopefully) looked like you were discussing work; at worst, conspiring a business scheme together— the glint in both of your eyes said otherwise.
“Wouldn’t you like to find out?” you laughed quietly, almost tricking Itaru into believing you wouldn’t say any more. “For starters, I’m interested in you,”
He’s, well, more than a little dumbfounded. Shellshocked might be the appropriate word for it. Seriously, who told you it was okay to be so direct? Illegal, absolutely illegal. Someone arrest you already.
Still, his face is as calm and relaxed as ever; you wouldn’t have noticed anything was wrong if not for the colour beginning to dust his cheeks.
“What specifically about me?” He could be digging himself a deeper hole, but all the same, he could use this to turn things around.
You rolled your eyes at him, as though the answer was obvious. “Everything, pretty much— though especially your, let’s call it the non-princely persona. I’m onto you, Chigasaki-san~”
He resisted the urge to laugh, pushing down the bubbling feelings of excitement that threatened to leave him.
“Not if I expose you first, sweetheart~” he threatened jokingly.
Thus began a game that would end sooner than both of you expected.
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“Chigasaki-san, is it alright if we end our planning session early today?” you asked him, picking up your mug and placing it between your lips. He found himself mirroring you, drinking his coffee as well before responding.
“Sure. You have something you need to do?” He asked curiously, the dip in his smile showing the slightest disappointment on his features.
Work was still stressful as always but your presence, especially over the past week, had made things bearable if not enjoyable at points.
“Yeah. I have to pick up something from a store and I don’t wanna rush before closing time,” you explained, setting the now-empty ceramic down. “Thank you for the drink, Chigasaki-san. It’s easier to work with no one to bother us, you know?”
“Don’t mention it. You treated me yesterday, so it’s my turn now,” he waved off, shutting his laptop to begin packing up his things. “Need me to drive you to… wherever?”
The two of you exited the coffee shop, the cool breeze hitting your faces as the two of you descended the stairs. As you turned to greet him farewell he fought to keep his hand still as he looked at your wind-blown hair, slightly unruly but endearing at the same time.
“If I didn’t know you better I’d say you just wanted to be around me a little longer,” a soft, airy laugh escaping your throat. A smile touched the corners of his mouth and played in the laugh lines beside his eyes.
“Who’s to say you’re wrong, though?” he watched the red creep from your cheeks to your neck, half reveling in his success and half wondering if it went any further. He’s only a little dismayed that you hastily wished him goodbye and ran off to who knows where, but there was always tomorrow.
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By the time you enter the game shop you’ve calmed down, for the most part, hair still a little disheveled but otherwise alright. Did playing around and teasing him finally come to bite you in the ass?
Ugh, that felt like a moment in otome games where the MC decides to tease the ML and the comeback has them all flustered and they run away.
Okay, that’s exactly what happened.
Seriously, you were an adult, what were you doing acting like a teenager? Did the dating simulators infect your brain or something?
You browsed through the new figurines to distract yourself, waiting for the inventory manager to retrieve the game you pre-ordered a while back. Once you and Itaru Chigasaki finished this deal with GeneSys you were going to immediately put in all your free hours into playing the game.
From the corner of your eye, you could see a familiar character, his figurine hidden a couple rows back.
“Damn, haven’t seen you in a while,” you muttered to yourself, grabbing the figurine. Shitty sequels aside, the OG game was totally fun. Maybe it was due for a replay of the game? You could probably dig up the cartridge somewhere in your room.
Distracted by your nostalgia, you wouldn’t have noticed him if it wasn’t for the narrow space causing you two to bump into each other.
“Ah, sorry…” you apologized for blocking the way, about to put back the figurine and move on until you heard your name.
Shit, you knew that voice all too well.
“Chigasaki-san?!” you exclaimed, taking in his widened eyes and knowing your expression wasn’t too far off from his own.
Once the initial wore off, rationality and relief took place. To think you were hiding the extent of your, uh, gaming obsession when in reality he wasn’t too far off, as far as you could tell by the sleek, limited-edition controller he was holding.
Yeah, he might even be worse than you.
“When I implied wanting to spend more time with you, I didn’t think it’d be like this,” he said, a good-natured laugh leaving him. Despite your original embarrassment, you followed suit soon enough.
“I guess we both ended up seeing each other’s secret pastimes at the same time, huh?” you replied, shaking your head at the ridiculousness of it all.
“I was right though,” you began, watching Itaru’s eyebrow quirk upwards.
“Right about what?”
“Liking this hidden side of you,” you smiled in delight as he looked at you uncontrollably fond, finally getting to fix your hair with his free hand.
He’ll ask you out properly some other time, but for now…
“Just the hidden side of me?” he teased, his hand sliding from the top of your head to poke your cheek. “Meanwhile here I am, liking all of you.”
You huffed, rolling your eyes in faux exasperation. “I like all of you, too.”
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want to order again?
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thetypedwriter · 4 years
The Captive Prince Trilogy
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The Captive Prince Trilogy Book Review by C.S. Pacat 
Now, one of my absolute favorite things to do is to re-read. 
Many people find this strange. 
How do you enjoy a book you’ve already read? They say. You already know what happens, isn’t it boring?
In short, the very simple, very concise answer is: no. 
I adore re-reading my favorite books for several reasons. 
One, it’s comfortable. I love slipping back into a world flush full of characters I cherish. It’s like slipping back into a warm bed on a cold morning. Re-reading the Harry Potter series for me, for example, is the same sort of reasoning people watch Friends over and over again or whatever amenable show of their choice. 
It’s easy, it's familiar, and it’s beloved. 
Second, often with re-reads you are able to pick up on things that you missed the first time you read through, or even the second. There is symbolism, foreshadowing, and minute details that become glaringly obvious in retrospect and whenever I discover one of these tidbits I become overwhelmingly jubilant. 
Third, sometimes nothing else sounds good. If I’m having a book lull and nothing seems to catch my attention, I know I can return to a treasured novel or series and that it’ll satiate whatever reading needs I have at the time. 
This happened to me very recently. As my to-read pile dwindled down to books given to me by others that I held trivial interest in, I resorted to re-reading a book series that I love to death: All for the Game trilogy. You can find my review of this series here. 
More commonly known as the first book in the series, The Foxhole Court, these books have continually given me merriment and joy every time I’ve read them, including this time. I read all three novels in about four days and I enjoyed every single second of it, even though this is the third time I’ve read the series start to finish. 
After finishing The King’s Men, I was once again bereft of reading material and woefully bored. Hence, as any normal person does, I resorted to fanfiction and to looking up books that people found were similar to The Foxhole Court. 
To my surprise, on every list was a trilogy I had never heard of called The Captive Prince. Scoffing in skepticism-how could something even compare to my beloved foxes? I decided with circumspect that I would “try” out this series. 
I was very much right. The Captive Prince trilogy almost had nothing in common with Nora Sakavics’s The Foxhole Court other than the hate-to-love trope (but it’s not like Nora invented that by any means) and slow-burn romance. 
That being said, I very much enjoyed the series. 
The trilogy was first self-published by author C.S. Pacat in 2013, the same year that Nora Sakavic self-published The Foxhole Court. What a good year for literature. In all candor, the authors and their backgrounds seem to have more in common then their series do. 
The Captive Prince revolves around Damen, the true and rightful heir to the throne of Akielos, being sold as a slave to the prince of Vere, Laurent, by his own brother who has usurped the throne after the untimely death of their father. 
Thus unfolds a truly complex and intriguing series involving intricate world-building, political machinations, Damen’s lofty goal of trying to go back home and take his rightful place on the throne, Laurent’s ongoing war with his uncle, the current Regent of Vere until Laurent comes of age, and some truly surprising twists and turns. 
This trilogy took me blissfully by surprise. 
Is this trilogy a romance? Yes, it is. Very slow burn and with the aforementioned enemies-to friends-to lovers trope that we’re all enamored with (don’t even pretend otherwise). I saw the synopsis, caught wind of the word “slave” and almost gave in and tossed this book away permanently. 
I don’t like relationships with unbalanced hierarchies of power. In truth, it makes me uncomfortable because I truly think the relationship can’t be mutual, equal, or consensual when one person in the relationship inherently has more influence and control over the other. 
I thought Captive Prince was going to be another smutty, cheesy, poorly written rendition of a “slave” being given to a prince and low and behold, they fall in love anyway despite the numerous and lengthy immoral implications within that framework. 
Much to my surprise, the Captive Prince took its own turn. 
Number one, while Damen is sold as a slave to Laurent, there is nothing explicitly sexual in nature that occurs between them (much) until further later on in the series. This is mostly because of Laurent himself, who loathes Damen for reasons that I won’t get into. 
The society they live in, however, does not have the same chaste control that the Prince of Vere does, but instead of coming across as lascivious and self-serving, the gratuitous display of sex and sex slaves in the novel actually serves more of a commentary of being toxic and something that Laurent wants to change once he is properly king. I appreciated this commentary. 
Secondly, Damen and Laurent’s relationship was genuinely good to me. Often with books of this romantic and superfluous nature, the relationship seems fake, forced, or like I said before, inherently unbalanced and therefore coerced. 
However, Pacat does a very good job of insisting that while Damen is technically Laurent’s slave in status, he is never actually Laurent’s slave in action, belief, or treatment. It was very refreshing to see how much power Damen amassed, even with his slave status, and the control he was able to wield and hone. 
Laurent and Damen also authentically compliment each other. Where Laurent is cold and calculating, Damen is warm and trusting. Where one is manipulative with mind games another is strategic on the battlefield. They meshed well together. A fact that Pacat showed time and time again. They made each other better. And in the end, they both realized this as well. 
Thirdly, this series was truly well written and didn’t focus solely on the romance. For a trilogy found under the romance section at Barnes & Noble, I was chagrined to find that for the most part, politics, war, scheming, and an overall plot heavy series dominated most of the pages. 
While Laurent and Damen’s relationship does have focus, it wasn’t the only focus, and if anything, their relationship played well and clearly into the events that were going on around them. 
That being said, similar to The Foxhole Court, please be warned that there are triggering aspects of this book. Namely rape, slavery, prostitution, drugs, violence, torture, etc. If this is something that is concerning to you, please research the warnings and risks attributed to this novel before diving head first. 
Lastly, people, the sheer vocabulary of this series was astonishing. I had to look up so many words that I didn’t know. Instead of being annoying, I loved this. I love learning new words. 
However, reading YA most of the time does not stretch my vocabulary limits. This book certainly did and I wholeheartedly appreciated it. Some words included: chamois, dishabille, chicanery, sobriquet, nascent and damascened. I will be very impressed if you know all these words without having to google them like I did. 
I know I should have probably written separate reviews for all three books in the trilogy, but because I read them one after another and in such a short amount of time, the whole series kind of blended together for me in one gargantuan novel. 
I can’t say that I hated that. Lengthy books are an absolute prize when you’re enjoying them. In addition, Pacat released short stories with differing material, one is an epilogue type of deal and most of the others show insights into side characters from throughout the series. They’re all very fun to read if you needed something more like I did once I was finished. 
Recommendation: The trilogy as a whole was really fun and surprisingly well-written. Damen, Laurent and other characters were continuously fleshed out and the writing itself was nuanced, symbolic, and just fun to read. The world-building, while not the most incredibly original thing that’s ever surfaced, was still gripping and entertaining. 
It was almost like a fantasy take on Ancient Rome or Greece, which is very much up my alley anyway. The romance wasn’t cheesy, but was instead fluid, dynamic, and situated well within the plot as a whole. It wasn’t the Foxhole Court, but that’s okay, because what can be? Better off to be something new and distinct than trying to copy something or someone else. 
As Oscar Wilde once said, “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”
Indeed, Mr. Wilde. 
Score: 8/10
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treeni · 4 years
Say My Name
Day 1 of Soulmate September
Summary: When people turn 16, the name of their soulmate appears on their palms in black. When a person meets their soulmate and introduces themselves, the mark changes to a color reflecting that person. However, when Janus turned 16 all that appeared was a big black smudge.
Words:  5229
TW: swearing, mentions of traumatic childhood event, fire
Archive Link
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Taglist: @tsshipmonth2020
It was rude to ask, but that hardly ever stopped people from inquiring why Janus didn’t know the name of his soulmate. Everyone knew the name of their soulmates. When you reached the age of 16, it would literally appear across your palm. Janus remembered that year, all of his class mates, one by one coming in with names written across their palms, some in fancy script, some in large bubbly fonts, some in absolute chicken scratch. He remembered one person’s walked in with gloves on because it turned out the name was written in comic sans of all things. Yet, when he walked in with countless people waiting in anticipation for his big birthday reveal, all Janus had to show them was a large, seemingly meaningless black blob on his hand.
It seemed like no one around him had ever seen anything like it before. The doctors had said it might somehow be linked to his scars, the fire that he barely survived as a kid if not for his father’s near-suicidal rescue mission. They both made it out alive, but Janus was barely holding on. Weeks of hospitalization, monitoring, skin-grafts, and a lot of grief, left a child with scar tissue on the whole left side of his body. He wasn’t teased as much as you’d expect. When he finally returned to school a big, school-wide assembly was held about happened that left him being treated like some hero for some reason. Janus didn’t like the attention at the time, but it had its advantages in the long run. When he didn’t want to participate in gym, he could blame sensitivity and the other students were quick to defend him on it even against the teachers. When his work was late because he took a self-care day, he was never docked the extra time.
However, there were disadvantages too. The sensitivity was something he did deal with, especially against the cold or direct sunlight, the scar tissue didn’t handle the exposure well. It seemed that never knowing the identity of his soulmates, if he even had one, was one of them. Just another way he was different than everyone else.
Then again, the black spot might have been the universe sending another a big karmic “fuck you” his way for all of the times he used his scars to play innocent and garner sympathy. After all, it couldn’t have been Janus who pushed the bully jock down the stairs, not Janus. He was practically crippled after all!
That was how people treated him at least, even his parents. Especially his parents. It was a frustratingly fruitless endeavor to try and prove he wasn’t absolutely useless. So he let people think what they were going to think. If everyone wanted to believe he was a fragile snowflake that would fall apart at the slightest touch? Well, it just made easier to get away with things because general perception became his permanent alibi.
Still, when college rolled around, he took the first ticket out to the farthest, decent university that would take him and a distance he went. Between his high grades and essays he didn’t receive one rejection letter. Universities really ate up sob stories of grievances that had to be overcome and he certainly had a grievance. Still, he liked to think at least part of it was his own merit, even if it felt like a lie.
Though there were a lot of things he had already given up on in life by age 18, when he had first attended the university he had let himself be a little bit excited about it. It was a new place with new people, people who didn’t see the kid who almost burned in a house fire, the kid who would never find a soulmate. He had a chance to start over and be more than his circumstances.
Except, he quickly realized it was more of the same. He tried layering fabrics, covering up as much of his scars as possible so people wouldn’t notice as much. He already kept them mostly covered anyway to protect against sensitivity, so it wasn’t a huge change. He started wearing gloves, one to hide the scars and the other to hide the mockery of a soul mark. It seemed no matter what he tried though, it made no difference. He couldn’t hide the scars on his face.
So there he was, nearly finished his freshman year of college, sitting in the library by himself because he refused to repeat his past experiences. If people didn’t want to treat him like an actual person, then he resolved that he didn’t need them. He had settled on the path of becoming a lawyer and honestly it wasn’t like he needed anyone slowing him down anyway. Truly. Friends would just hold him back by taking up valuable studying time anyway.
Janus took a sip of bitter coffee to refocus himself as he stared blankly at the computer screen in front of him. He knew that his course load would most definitely keep him too busy for friends in the future, but the now was a bit of a struggle. He had actually... run out of assignments to complete and was nearly a month ahead. The professors had laid everything out in the syllabus so it was easy to just work his way through. Sure, when the library started to crowd with procrastinating students scrambling to make the grade, he’d be able to just relax because he’d all but finished his work for the semester. Still, it felt a little hollow. Nearly a month of... basically nothing to do, no one to see, just mindlessly attending classes to be assigned work he’d already completed.
It wasn’t the first time it happened either, Janus had been miserable toward the end of the previous semester as well after finishing early then too. The last few weeks were basically miserable stagnation that continued through the holidays because he refused to go home over the break. He only started to feel like himself again when the new term started and he had a whole new set of work to complete.
With a huff, he angrily clicked the e-learning program closed and was left unsatisfied by finality of it. He needed something, like an old school corded phone or maybe he’d just go key some poor sods car. The university’s president had a dedicated spot and he’d heard she was a real piece of work. He’d never met her himself, but he’d heard some stories that she was a real Jekyll and Hyde, except the Hyde was her default. Somehow her transition only seemed to magically take place when a camera was pointed in her direction. Speaking of cameras, if he redirected the security camera he could probably get away with it too. At least it’d be something to do. Plotting through how best to get away with it, he took a long sip of coffee. It was hot and burned his tongue, but taste-wise it as bitter as his current mood and felt appropriate somehow.
While contemplating if he should raid the library’s staff lounge for sugar (it’s not like they’d do anything about it anyway) a loud noise sounded from his left, immediately grabbing his attention. He realized the almost ‘harump’ like sound was a book hitting the floor. He didn’t think too much of it as he involuntarily looked in the direction of the sound’s source. Occasionally falling books were an inevitability in a place that housed so many. The person closest to the fallen book though caught his attention for more than just a passing glance.
He was tall, lean and muscular and Janus found himself immediately trying to swallow down the gay. It didn’t help that the guy wore low hanging cargo pants with ripped muscle shirt that showed off his midriff. His face was tucked in another book, but Janus could see an odd tuft of silver hair sticking out against a full head of soft dark curls. As he inspected further, he noticed the guy was covered in red splatters of some sort that he sincerely hoped was the ink of a red pen. He had a large smudge of whatever it was up his left bicep. He continued to flip through pages, seemingly at random before haplessly tossing the book onto the floor next to the first and pulling another off the shelf and doing the same.
This guy was a bastard.
Well, at least that meant Janus’ guilt over staring immediately evaporated.
In fact, Janus just let himself lean back in his chair, coffee in hand and legs crossed as he openly watched the antics taking place in front of him. Other library patrons started to look toward the bastard as well as the sound of random books hitting the floor continued. Though, while Janus stared in amusement, the others mainly threw looks of annoyance. Not everyone had the leniency of being weeks ahead in their coursework he supposed. As the pile seemed to grow almost endlessly the sound seemed to pause as the bastard took longer with the current book in his hands, sifting through it slower than the others until he shut it with a reverberating ‘bang’ no quieter than any of the books falling to the ground and stuffed it into a backpack that was leaned against the shelves. Now without a blockade in front of the bastards face, Janus could see that he was unfortunately handsome. Even from his position a few feet away Janus could see the high cheekbones of an almost sculpted face. It was only ruined slightly by a nearly cartoonish mustache sitting atop a perfect cupids bow. It was almost as if a generic Greek artist carved the guy from straight marble and some teenager vandalized the statue with ratty clothes, an exploding pen, and god-awful facial hair. The lips he was focusing on stretched in a wide grin as Janus looked up to see the bastard wiggling his eyebrows at him. He scoffed in reply and pretended to gag, like he was uninterested.
You know, like a liar.
The bastard still had the audacity to stare his way with a big, wolfish grin and winked as he walked away... and straight into the banister separating the open concept from the lower floor. Tall, dark, and handsome fell across it, bending at the hips like a rag doll. He let out a yelp as the wind was knocked out of him from the railing pushing hard into his stomach and then he started to slide. Janus was running to his aid before he had even realized he had gotten up, his coffee a forgotten puddle on the floor as his cup was still rolling from the impact. The guy had managed to grab hold of the banister with one hand on his way down, but he was left dangling and it wasn’t clear how long he could hold himself there. Janus reached down and secured his grip by wrapping his forearms around the one gripping the banister. There was no way Janus would be able to pull him up on his own, but he could probably hold the position.
“Can you swing?” Janus asked, putting all of his focus and energy in his grip. Don’t let go, don’t let go, don’t let him slip, don’t let go.
Without answering, the guy did a small test swing that had Janus clenching his teeth and tightening his grip to make sure as hell this guy didn’t fall.
“Oh three then, one, two-” Janus counted and reached further down to lock their elbows straight to make sure this worked. “Three!”
With a strong swing of the hips the dangling stranger arched upward, with Janus using leverage principles from his position above to add the extra oomph needed for the guy to lock his foot underneath the rail and grab hold of the bars with his other hand. Janus let himself be used as a handhold as the stranger crawled over the banister and back onto solid ground. He was reminded of just how unfortunately attractive the guy was a strong hands gripped his shoulders and bright emerald eyes stared down at his own mismatched pair.
“My hero!” The guy yelled and then suddenly foreign lips were pressed against Janus’ own.
The kiss was over as soon as it began, but that didn’t stop Janus from noticing the tongue that had traced over his lips before he pulled away.
“Oh! Sorry! Pattoncake’s always reminding me to work on my boundaries. I’m supposta try askin’ before I start mackin’ ya know?”
Janus knew... some of those words. To be fair, he wasn’t even sure he was processing the ones he did know, still a little dazed between the guy in front of him nearly falling off the indoor balcony and then the sudden kiss. His first kiss.
“I’ve always wanted to do that though and it was just nice to be saved for once by someone who wasn’t Roman. No one wants to kiss that ugly mug anyway,” the stranger said before holding out a hand to him. “I’m Remus by the way!”
Janus was about to take his hand and shake it, the way normal people do. He really was. It’s just suddenly he felt something tingling against the skin of his right hand. It felt... intense, but didn’t hurt, like friction without the burn. Automatically glancing at his hand, he could see something glowing through the fabric of his glove. He immediately ripped it off without a second thought and stared down at the bright light carving out a name on his hand in big, electric green letters.
Remus apparently found it appropriate to disregard the boundaries advice and stepped into Janus’ personal space, taking the green glowing hand in both of his own, staring down hard at the name that had appeared for a moment. Without warning Remus dropped the hand to move both of his own to Janus’ shoulders, squeezing.
“What’s your name?!” Remus demanded, his hands trembling as if he was holding back a deep will to shake the boy in his grip.
Janus didn’t answer immediately, he just stared back at the emerald eyes in shock while it felt like his stomach was trying to crawl out of his own throat. Taking a couple hurried breaths through his nose as he tried to push back the sheer panic that had overtaken him in this big what the fuck of a situation, he managed to whisper out in more breath than noise, ��Janus.”
They both watched in equal astoundment as Remus’ own hand began to glow as a name that was previously scrawled out in inky black redesigned itself into a bright golden yellow. Janus could see that unlike his own hand that now had green letters against a large blob of black, Remus’ was a rainbow of letters in different colors overlapping each other.
Suddenly Remus’ strong hands had scooped him up into a twirl as he yelled, “It’s you!”
Some poor bastard with a cart at the edge of Janus’ vision had the audacity shush them and Janus flipped them the bird. If it were any other situation, he would have taken note of exactly who they were and plotted how best to ruin their lives in the most intricate way possible, but he was a little preoccupied at the moment. The fact that they were in the midst of picking up the pile of books Remus left behind didn’t buy them any mercy points either.
“Oh they’re going to love you!”
With that, they were off with Remus’ backpack bouncing with each long stride. Janus wrapped his arms tightly around Remus’ neck, holding on for dear life as the man ran like a bullet out of the library, artfully sidestepping anyone in his way. He was clearly practiced at being a general menace. Why not add kidnapping to the list? Not that Janus really minded the feeling of Remus’ chest pressed against his own.
His soulmate’s chest, Janus had to remind himself as he looked back down at the green letters branded against his hand. He felt tears well up in the corners of his eyes.
He had a soulmate.
Janus choked back a sudden sob, and gave into the absurdity of the situation by letting his head rest against Remus shoulder as he was carted off to who-the-fuck-knows-where. He was half certain this was some surreal dream.
He was half terrified that he would wake up.
Before Janus had really caught up with what was happening or even where he was, he found himself being deposited in a lap of someone who looked just as confused as he felt. At least it was comfortable as arms covered in the fabric of a plush hoodie caught him as Remus dropped him while announcing “Lo, I got your book!”
“What the fuck Rem?” voiced the person he was now being held by.
Janus looked up to survey the area. He began internally panicking to find five very attractive boys suddenly looking in his direction. This had to be a dream. He’d wake up and there would be no harem and definitely no soulmate mark beyond the black blob he’s known since he got the damn thing. The check he was pressed against let out a huff and Janus had to lean backwards a bit to see a scowl aimed in Remus’ direction. Scowl or no, he was beautiful. Dark eye shadow and long bangs that couldn’t quite obscure the stunning amethyst eyes.
“I see you checked out more than just a textbook from the library Remus,” said the one apparently called Lo. Even from his strange position Janus could tell that Lo was sat with straight posture, but somehow seemed relaxed. He had sharp, angular features, a pointy nose, and a strong jawline. Thick, black framed glasses did nothing to obscure the picturesque looks of a truly symmetrical face. Lo looked unphased by Janus’ sudden presance, especially compared to the others as he accepted the textbook Remus offered him without so much as a frown.
“Cute right?” He asked, tossing his arms around another boy in the group who was staring at Remus with a frown. He was in a cyan polo with extra floofy hair and a splattering of freckles across his nose and cheekbones. “He saved me from falling off the banister Patty!”
“Again Remus?” Groaned the last boy of the group and glancing in his direction left Janus wondering if he’d even be able to speak if he wanted to. He looked like Remus. He was a little less lanky, a little more top heavy with more defined arms and shoulders especially. There was no cartoonish mustache on this one.
Janus’ mouth had gone dry. There was too much attractive surrounding him.
He couldn’t swallow down the gay anymore.
The unnamed one who looked like Remus and apparently had the same lack of personal space suddenly took his hand and pulled him into a standing position before dropping to his knee and bowing deeply like a god damn fairy tale prince, without letting go of Janus’ gloveless hand.
“You have my deepest gratitude for saving my brother. I, Roman Royal, am in your debt.”
Janus was going to tell him to get the fuck off the groud and stop being so god damn cliche and charming and adorable because guys like that didn’t exist in the real world, but then both he and prince charming were left awestruck as they watched Janus’ hand start to glow again. Because of course it did.
“Whoops! Did I forget to mention my last soulmate mark changed?” Remus asked before cackling as he sprawled his legs across the lap that Janus had vacated.
“Wait, he’s-!” The hooded one exclaimed underneath Remus’ legs.
“Yep!” Remus said cheerfully, popping the ‘p’ sound.
Janus didn’t even realize he was crying until the goddamn prince charming, his soulmate Roman reached out and gently wiped the tears away with a softness that matched every fucking YA novel love interest ever.
His chin was titled up to stare into ruby eyes, only to find that Roman was crying too and how dare he still be so beautiful crying?! Who sanctioned this?
“-please, my dear, please, please, please tell me your name,” Roman whispered, cradling his cheeks on both sides as he wiped away Janus’ tears with his thumbs. Janus wasn’t sure how Roman could stand touching the scars on his face, but Roman didn’t seem phased at all. He didn’t hesitate in the slightest or treat the scarred skin any differently than the unmarred side.
“I’m... I’m Janus.”
Janus wasn’t sure where to look as four lights suddenly appeared, surrounding him from all directions. As the lights faded he found himself swept up for a second time, but now in Roman’s arms as he too twirled Janus in the opposite direction of his brother.
“It’s finally you!” He cried and kissed Janus on the top of the head before setting him down.
Janus swayed on his feet, dizzy from spinning and just very overwhelmed. This was a lot. This day was a lot.
“I’m so sorry!” Roman exclaimed, taking Janus’ hand in between both of his own and looking down at Janus with eyes full of remorse. “I should have asked before kissing you! Or even grabbing you at all, I was just so happy-”
“I-it’s okay... I’m just... this is just a lot,” Janus admitted, trying to push down his strong sense of panic. He had never had this much one on one social interaction... ever. Much less with his soulmates!
“Hey,” said the smooth voice of the one in the hood as he reached across Remus’ legs to grab ahold of Janus’ sleeve. “Breathe okay? In for four.”
Janus turned his attention to the soothing quiet voice, focusing on it and only it as it slowly grounded him. Lo pulled Remus’ legs away, as the hooded boy scooted forward in his seat, taking each of Janus’ hands in his own and rubbing soothing circles into both the bare skin of his right hand and the fabric of his still-gloved left hand.
“Hold it for seven,” he said, keeping strong and intent eye-contact. Janus wasn’t sure he could look away if he wanted to. He felt entranced. “Breathe out for eight. You’re doing great.”
“If it helps you feel any better Ro, I already macked on him without asking first too so-” Remus said with a big grin, like the cat that got the cream.
“That’s not something you should be proud of Rem!” Roman said and swatted his brother on the shoulder.
“Remus, what have we said about personal space?” The floofy that was called Patty said.
“Uggggh,” Remus groaned dramatically and let himself fall backwards. as if the two laps he occupied were a fainting couch. “Roman did it tooooo!”
“I didn’t try to make out with him without permission! Plus, I apologized!”
“So did I!”
Their conversation continued on from there. It was always so strange to be talked about, as if you weren’t there. Still, a deep gentle voice was guiding him away from their squabble, refocusing him on the moment, on hands within his own and the sound of exaggerated breathing that was demonstrated for him to match.
It took a few minutes, but he started to feel as if he was regaining his bearings. Janus looked down at their joined hands and saw colors peaking out at the edges of the palm holding his. More importantly, he saw yellow, the same yellow he saw appear on Remus’ hand with his own eyes.
He had to know.
He wanted to know.
“What’s your name?” Janus asked, tugging gently at the hand that had his name inscribed against it.
“We don’t have to do this now, we can do it later. It’s okay to wait, I promise.”
Janus was almost convinced, almost let it go, but he couldn’t. He had gone years believing he’d spend his life alone and now his own name apparently was written across the palms of five people.
Five soulmates.
He wanted to know.
“Please- I just... never expected this. I thought... I thought-”
“That you’d be alone,” the purple eyed stranger muttered sympathetically and in that moment he knew. They must have been like him, waking up one birthday expecting a name only to find an illegible smudge of ink instead. “I’m Virgil.”
His palm shined as bright purple letters defined themselves against against the black and it was finally enough to be able to decipher the remaining two names still in black.
He could read Patton and Logan.
“It’s so nice to meet you Virgil,” Janus said, squeezing the hand still holding his. “Before today I didn’t believe you were real.”
He heard various laughs around him as Virgil snorted. He even heard a “mood!” somewhere behind him.
Janus glanced back down at his own palm again. He was determined to never see black on it ever again. He squeezed Virgil’s hand once before relinquishing it and squared his shoulders, walking over to the last two he had yet to officially met. Roman scooped his brother out of their collective grasps and deposited him against the currently unoccupied metal bench to the side of the C shape the three formed.
“Hey!” Remus yelled as he was dropped.
“Stay still for once you absolute delinquent,” Roman said, and sat on his brothers back pretzel-style, effectively pinning him in place.
One sat stark still, his hands folded in his lap, but bowed his head slightly with the barest smile touching the corners of his mouth as Janus approached. The other was shaking his leg, drumming his fingers and chewing on his lip with big nervous eyes and he looked toward Janus, like he couldn’t’ sit still if he wanted to. Janus fell to his knees, cautiously putting one hand on each of their legs and looking up at two curious gazes.
“Before today I thought I would spend the rest of my life alone, that there was no one out there for me. I didn’t have a name and now-” Janus said, cutting himself off as his voice cracked.
“And now you have five,” said the one in the dark blue tie.
Janus could only nod in return, trying to will away the need to cry again. He was never this emotional, today was just... an extra bitch on the feelings meter.
“I need to know.”
The one who had been shaking’s hands flow up and covered his mouth as he cooed out an appreciative noise. Janus waited, trying to give him time to gather his bearings.
“Can I hug you?” he squeaked out and Janus couldn’t hold back the smile as he nodded.
Immediately, hands were thrown around his neck as the life was squeezed out of him. After a few seconds though, it relaxed and he was led into a rocking motion that was reminiscent of a boat, swaying listlessly against a gentle river. After hesitating, Janus’ own arms found their way to a waist and then around a back as he pulled the humming boy closer to himself.
They stayed like that for several minutes and Janus wasn’t sure if it was for the his own sake or for the sake of the boy in his arms. Maybe both.
“I’m Patton,” he finally whispered and Janus didn’t even bother to look down at the glow. He preferred to stay with his eyes closed, his ear leaning close enough to the pulse point of Patton’s neck to hear the beat of his heart. Still, as nimble fingers eventually tapped his shoulder, he looked up to find he still had one more person left to meet.
Before pulling away, Janus made sure to take a good look at the cyan that had found itself on his hand. Patton squeezed him tightly one last time before finally letting go of his grasp. Maybe it was revenge for the impromptu kisses he’s already received or maybe like the others he’d simply been lost in the moment but before pulling away completely, Janus leaned down and ghosted a kiss against Patton’s neck, causing the cute sky-eyed boy beneath him to shiver. It only made him more endearing.
Then he turned for he had one last person to meet. Standing up Janus found he was tall and sturdy looking. He wasn’t as broad shouldered as Roman, but he still looked strong and proportionally so. It was like every part of him was carefully curated.
This time, Janus knew his name.
The only name left on his palm in perfect typed Arial.
“It is ironic that after struggling to read the names at all, the last of my soulmate’s names becomes more difficult to read upon its reveal,” Logan said, holding up his palm, yet it still took him a moment to understand.
His name would have been in black before and the yellow would most definitely be more difficult to read.
“Do not misunderstand. I am not displeased in the slightest, I just find it a bit humors. The black was always a glaring and ugly reminder of what I did not have.”
“Tell me about it,” Janus muttered in return.
Logan’s smile grew slightly as he reached down to take Janus’ hand within his own and gently held it up as he traced over the letters he recognized as his own still in black.
“Would you tell me your name?” Logan asked in a murmur before leaning down and leaving a kiss on Janus’ palm unapologetically.
Janus’s cheeks flushed at the care, but blinked as his mind went blank in confusion.
“But... you already...”
“You gave your name to Roman,” Logan whispered and tilted his head gently. “I want you to give it to me intentionally.”
Janus gulped, staring up at the sapphire eyes that were so intently focused on his own. “Janus. My name is Janus.”
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you Janus,” Logan said and bowed just slightly at the shoulders. “My name is Logan.”
The light shined between them as Logan still held Janus’ palm up and Janus watched the various streaks of blue in Logan’s eyes dance like light reflected through crystalline. With the deep blue lettering now situated on his hand, every trace of that ulgy black smudge was finally gone from his hands.
He had soulmates.
He wouldn’t be alone.
“Damn, Lolo’s got more game then you Ro,” Remus snarked despite being squished underneath Roman.
“Shut up Rem!” Roman declared with an indignant huff.
“No, he’s got a point Ro,” Virgil said, chin in palm and a blush across his cheeks as he watched Logan seduce the newest member of their unit.
“Awww, I think you’re Romantic Ro!” Patton declared reaching for Roman’s hand from his current place next to Virgil.
“Patton and Janus are currently my favorites and to hell with the rest of you,” Roman declared, as Remus cackled underneath him. Virgil stuck out his tongue and Logan just shot Roman a smug smirk.
Janus thought he was going to like it here but....
He would have the rest of his life to make absolutely sure.
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taki118 · 4 years
List of Reincarnated into the Villainess of an Otome/Romance Novel Series I Like
Soooooo I’ve gotten sucked into the very specific isekai subgenre?trope? Of girl gets reincarnated into an otome game or romance novel she loves but is the villainess. It’s kind funny how similar these all are but at the same time so different. Now these arent all the titles just the ones I’ve read for at least a volume and like. (if asked i might make a list of the ones that failed for me). I’m gonna separate by types. and if you know of any other titles please do tell me.
Received Past Memories during Childhood
(The story starts with the MC remembering her past life as a child and growing up with the knowledge)
I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags...
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So this one has a good deal of traction since it has an anime adaption currently running, but I’ll be honest it’s not one of favs. This series is primarily a harem comedy and most of the jokes deal with the MC’s expectations from the game not matching her new reality and not realizing why, which can be very fun, if one note. The characters are likeable which is why I keep reading but I think some other titles on this list use the concept far better.  There is also a spin off version where the MC doesnt get her old memories until later in life and has to deal with the actions of the game character, but it’s fairly the same you arent missing much if you dont read it. 
The Villainess Want to Marry a Commoner
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So in this one the MC isn’t trying to avoid a bad end rather she’s very excited to be able to romance her favorite NPC whom she wished was romance-able. (which honestly mood) I’m not very far in but it really takes the whole this is a game the furthest as there are stat checks and the MC basically carried over all the items and skills acquired in her past playthroughs.
Survive as the Hero’s Wife
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A web series, this one takes place in a book and the main pair are married as children and the MC plays double agent for the series antagonist to keep her and the LI safe. It’s fairly involved with a larger cast of characters but I’ll be honest this is one of the titles I feel would be stronger if it was just a straight fantasy series, the whole Isekai aspect feels like it’s there just to make the plot move quicker. But all around a good read. 
Fiancée’s Observation Log of the Self-proclaimed Villainess
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Now this one has a fun twist on the formula in that it’s told from the perspective of the love interest. Some of the faults other titles are plague with are avoided here as the main character himself has no knowledge of the world being a game, his fiance does but while she’s happy to tell him she’ll be a great villainess and get him a happy ending with the heroine she never tells him why thats so important so he’s left in the dark and thereby so are we. I will give a warning there is  bit of fat shaming in this as the original games villainous was chubby  but this version is skinny, like its not awful but its not the best implication that bad is chubby and good is skinny.
The Evil Lady's Hero
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Another webseries set in a novel while we dont see the MC in childhood (save for some flashbacks) it’s stated she’s had her old memories since then. What I really like about this series is the MC’s personality and set up. So she died well into her 20s  and as such she is a bit more mature and levelheaded than most MC’s, her plan was to avoid the main cast of the books as much as possible but ends up drunkenly sleeping with the male lead leading to them dating. Her thought being I’ll just enjoy this for now and let him break up with me when he meets the heroine, all good. The pair play well off each other and I’m curious to see where the story goes.
The Result of Being Reincarnated is Having a Master-Servant Relationship with the Yandere Love Interest
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Now this one has a lot of fun with this concept as there are two other characters who were reincarnated like the MC. Because this game had only yandere love interests even the “good” endings arent that good, the MC also has limited knowledge as she didnt get to play all the way through so she feels less omnipotent than other protagonists, and along with not being the only person displaced it gives the series a nice refreshing feel.  
Received Past Memories as Young Adult (The story starts with the MC remembering her past life after/during the events of the game/book)
I’m a Villainous Daughter, so I’m going to keep the Last Boss
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So I actually really love this series and wanna read the light novel version. The MC regains her memories during the beginning of the bad end for the villainess and thinking quickly saves face to run off and find the main antagonist of the  game the demon king who happens to be a secret route on the second play through. Its a very fun read but gets a little dark in later chapters I wont spoil cause its good but there is an attempted rape scene. 
Simply Good Sense for a Duke’s Daughter
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This one kills me cause the world building and characters are so strong and dense it’s actually weakened by the fact that the MC was reincarnated is really just kinda brushed off most the time. As you get more and more invested the only real purpose her being reincarnated into an otome has is like some ideas for products to sell and how to make things that dont exist in this world yet. Like I wont say I don’t enjoy it but I think I’d enjoy it more if it was just a fantasy story. 
Beware the Villainess
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God I love this webseries. The MC is just a delight as she decides she wont be evil but she wont be good either. What I like about this series is it kinda plays with the fact that the setting is a trashy romance novel cause as the MC learns more about the main characters of the novel she finds that the descriptions in the book dont match up because it’s very surface level. Example a merchant whos said to be very smart and savvy in the books is actually rather easy to outsmart, MC realizes it’s cause the writer only ever wrote he was smart never HOW he was smart. I would def give this one a read its a lot of fun. 
For Certain Reasons, The Villainess Noble Lady Will Live Her Post-Engagement Annulment Life Freely
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This is again another series I think would be stronger if it was straight fantasy. The MC of this story actually has no idea the world is an otome game, she was  nurse in her past life and uses that knowledge for the betterment of the land, (though actually its hard to tell if she was really reincarnated or just has the memories of this person) The story could have moved just as well if the MC was given like a medical textbook from a mysterious other world. But the characters are fun so its not awful just not one of my favorites. 
Reincarnated but not as Villainess 
I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is a Villain
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The MC is reincarnated into an otome game with her memories as a child but as a side character, she ends up endearing herself and becoming engaged to the games villain character. Its very cute because she doesnt have to worry about a bad end she doesnt try to interfere much just keep those around her safe. 
Seduce The Villain's Father
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Web series MC gets reincarnated into a novel as a minor character, as the story takes place prior to the events of the book she changes things to keep her new sister safe and uses the opportunity to try and avoid more tragic events. Its not bad I’d say the idea itself is interesting though its a little uncomfortable she calls the male lead “father” 
A Villain Is A Good Match For A Tyrant
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Ok so this web series is kinda hilarious and I do have to spoil a little cause the person reincarnated is NOT our lead, its our villain. So this person was actually the author of the story, she had written a novel about a girl being reincarnated into the bastard daughter of a lord who gets engaged to a tyrant and has to pretend to be evil to stay safe from his enemies, and the author is so PISSED she reincarnated into a random priestess. Its so weirdly meta. The MC is the lord’s bastards and the events play out just like story only she doesnt get her body taken over. This series is very fun, cant wait to see how it goes. 
Anyway this is my list if you have suggestions for me I’ll check them out. Will probably make another list later. 
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Out Of Character Questions
Tagged by: @hedonistschambers
Tagging: @ask-skeksa-the-mariner, @allpowerfulemperor, @asktheornamentalist, @askurva-thearcher, and anyone else who wants to :)
OOC About Your Character(s)
1.     What do you want to get out of playing this character(s)?
I used to RP on Tumblr a lot in the Megamind fandom, and seeing other Dark Crystal RPers on here made me want to try getting back into RP a little. Since I don’t have any Dark Crystal OCs who lend themselves well to RP, I decided to go with a canon character, and skekZok was a prominent one who hadn’t gotten a blog yet. I’ve always liked looking at characters and thinking about what makes them tick, so this gives me a fun chance to do that for him.  
2.     Describe your character(s) with three words.
Cultured | Sadistic | Hypocritical 
3.     What made you decide to write this muse?
I’d been following the blogs of a few other Skeksis RPers, and the absence of Zok had been remarked on. Since he’s one of my favorites, I decided to make a blog for him and join in the fun.
4.     If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
That’s a tough one, because Zok really doesn’t suffer that much in canon compared to other characters. I might stop ZokZah from trying to burn out part of his soul, but skekZok wouldn’t exist and there wouldn’t be much of a story if I did that. (If we include the JM Lee novels, I’d change it so he doesn’t throw skekSa under the bus.)
5.     If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
“Don’t stab the blonde Gelfling girl. It won’t prevent the prophecy, and she’ll just come back to life anyway.”
6.     If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
I’d love to see his reaction to a Swiss Army knife.
7.     If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
I’m not sure how positive this is, but I’d take away his ability to believe his own lies. It would be interesting to see how he tries to juggle all the conflicting rules and stories he’s come up with over the centuries. 
8.     If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
His talent for speaking in public. I wish I could command an audience like he does.
9.     Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
Considering the kind of things that tend to make Zok happy? Maybe. As for what would make him happiest, he believes it would be achieving immortality and remaining one of the highest-ranked of the court and having skekSa as his permanent mate, but that still won’t heal the spiritual emptiness inside him. Much as I enjoy Zok and Zah as separate beings, I do think reunification was the best thing for them. If he and SaSan could have been together after that, that would have been even better.
10. Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
I don’t mind angst in small doses, as long as I plot it out with the other player(s) beforehand and we agree how it will turn out in the end. Zok doesn’t lend himself easily to angst, but losing his place in the court hierarchy or having one of his allies turn on him would do it. He’s also come to genuinely believe the mythology he’s invented over the centuries -- anything that seriously challenged that worldview would be hard for him to deal with. 
11. What do you love about your muse?
A lot of things. His charisma, his striking blue eyes, the way his voice is deeper and smoother than most of the other Skeksis, how over-the-top his gold outfit is, how he’s so attached to his headdress that he doesn’t even take it off in the spa, how unrepentantly creepy and sadistic he is -- he’s a very enjoyable character, even if he is a horrible birb.
12. What do you hate about your muse?
He's not an easy character to have interact with everyone. He can pretend to be nice when it suits him, and he’s not totally incapable of caring about people, but he’s still nasty enough that I can tell in advance a lot of interactions wouldn’t go well. 
13. What about your muse amuses you?
The contrast between the austere image he tries to keep up, and how frazzled he gets when something upsets that image (”MY CARRIAGE!”). Also when he gets sarcastic or looks down on the others when they act in a less-than-civilized way. 
14. What about your muse makes you sad?
All the people he’s hurt, and how unwilling he is to see that his way of life isn’t sustainable and won’t truly make him happy in the end.
15. How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
“This guy is a creep, but he believes in good manners. Tread lightly, and you should be okay.”
16. Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
LOL no. He’s an awful person who is best left in the realm of fiction.
17. In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
I like to think I’m a much nicer person than he is. I can be blunt and a bit of a troll sometimes, but I really don’t like hurting anyone, or trying to force people to do stuff they don’t like. As for Zok, he’s much more confident and well-spoken than I am, and he’s had the determination to stick with one job for a thousand years. 
18. Why do you think you connect to your muse?
We’re both interested in culture, myth, and history, and feel better when we can assign some order to the world around us. 
19. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
As I see it, the core of Zok’s character is that he wants to bring order to the world; that’s why his job title is ‘Ritual Master’ rather than ‘High Priest’ or something more overtly religious. If he can’t see an obvious reason why things are the way they are, he’ll invent one that makes sense to him (and serves his needs). 
I think this is what Zok sees as his most important trait too -- in his mind, he took a bunch of feral newborn creatures who (by all rights) were never meant to have existed in the first place, and helped turn them into a civilized, godlike people who rule an entire planet. But that feral nature is always under the surface, and they still need ritual and order (and yes, punishment) to keep it in check. 
20. Has your character(s) changed over the time that you have been playing them? How have they changed?
I haven’t been playing Zok for very long, but I’ve recently had a chance to write how he feels about deeper questions, like what it would mean for Skeksis to have children, and what happens to Skeksis and urRu souls after they die. I think it’s made him a bit more three-dimensional. 
About You!
1.     What is your name?
Kate, a.k.a. Crow or Lady Stormcrow
2.     What is your profession?
Social worker, currently working in substance abuse treatment.
3.     What do you do to relax?
Watch favorite TV shows, play video games, listen to music, hang out outdoors, chat online. 
4.     What is your favorite treat (desert)?
I have a big weakness for flan and other custard desserts. Also caramel.
5.     Favorite movie
Amadeus (1984).
6.     Favorite book
Good Omens (and yes I loved the series too). 
7.     Favorite vacation spot
Grand Cayman. We were supposed to visit again this spring, but COVID happened.
8.     Favorite Disney movie
I’m not sure I have one favorite, but I love Fantasia and The Rescuers.
9.     How did you first get into role playing?
Almost 20 years ago, lol. When I first started going online in high school, I made an online friend ( @ksclaw ) who introduced me to the concept. We played interactions with our SWAT Kats fan characters, and she helped me get the hang of it.
10. What was your first platform? If it was something other than Tumblr, what made you get into Tumblr?
It was Livejournal. I discovered Tumblr in late 2011 after my friends in the Megamind fandom introduced me to it, and most of us migrated here from our old LJ community. I loved being able to reblog whatever struck my fancy, and while my interest has waxed and waned, as you can see I’m still here.
11. What’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
I like to think I have pretty good grammar. I know I’m guilty of run-on sentences, though, and I overuse ellipses and mix up ; and -- far too much. 
12. Are there any languages besides English in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
Not really. I can speak and understand a little Spanish and French, but not enough to write anything meaningful, and I’m wary of translation software for anything beyond a short sentence. Sorry!
13. Do you listen to music while your write?
Sometimes. Usually not when I’m doing the actual writing (that’s distracting, and I like to hear the words in my head), but I’ll listen to it beforehand to get myself in a mood or get some inspiration.
14. Are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
Late morning after I’ve had my coffee is usually my best time. Unfortunately I’m usually at work during that time, but on slow days and weekends I try to take advantage of it.
15. How does tiredness affect your writing?
It turns me into a zombie who can dream but cannot actually write.
16. What is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
Lack of motivation. I daydream and imagine stuff easily enough, but putting it down into writing is much harder, especially when I’m braindead from work.
17. How many drafts is a paralyzing amount?
More than 5 is daunting, though fortunately Zok hasn’t gotten that many yet.
18. Is there anything character-wise or writing style-wise that you can’t stand?
Players who are unwilling to have their characters be in the wrong, or who get upset if my character doesn’t react the way they wanted. Not all interactions are going to be smooth and happy, and I’m fine with that. Your character is not you, just like mine is not me.
19. What kind of anonymous questions are your favorite?
Weird ones. I like having my muses react to them.
20. What is your weakest point in writing? Angst, fluff, dialogue, etc.?
Fluff is kind of tricky. I don’t have trouble imagining it, but I get paralyzed thinking “this is too indulgent, I shouldn’t publish it, no one but me will like it, etc.” Maybe that’s part of why Zok appeals to me, because he’s not the fluffy type. 
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Hi! I love your youtube channel & I think you're super cool! I'm a newer follower and was wondering if you could give a summary of the concept of Fostered---it sounds like a really interesting series!
Aww thank you!
Yes I can!! Fostered is too thicc for me to give extensive summaries (unless y’all want this) and there is very little you need to know from the earlier books to understand the current ones! That’s because as myself and the series have aged, its genre, age category, and plot points have changed!
Here’s a small outline of the main characters:
Protagonist + narrator for all “main” Fostered books
Sister of Lonan
Will write salty breakup songs about people she was never in a relationship with
Bi as fuck!
Was once Reeve’s boyfriend?? no??
Best friend of Harrison
Will write love songs about tofu
Ace as fuck!!!
Best friend of Foster
Also Reeve’s best friend!
Sort of love-interest of Lonan (we’re getting there lol)
Will write love songs about waffles
Gay! as! fuck!
Protagonist of Moth Work
Reeve’s brother!
An antagonist for a good chunk of this series
Will not write love songs he has no heart (he does I am just mean)
Also bi as fuck!! Everyone is bi in that family lol we love it
Here’s a breakdown (CW: there’s a lot of violence/convo about mental illness/potentially triggering content in these summaries, so tread with caution):
Fostered (book 1) to Resisted (book 3):
These books (Fostered, Hunted, Resisted) are probably the most harmonious out of the 6 (7 including Moth Work) so far! That’s because for a long time, I believed Fostered would end at three books (initially a standalone, then duology). They’re all closely linked through the “foster homes” plot (hence the name of the series) and are obviously the most dystopian of the books (all three are also YA). You can feel the 2014 dystopian vibes in this book lol. I wrote this summary 5 years ago for my first ask ever and it sums up that idea:
The book takes place in the not-too-distant future where children who’ve committed crimes, are neglected, or have chosen to, are sent to behavioural detention centres – what everyone else that’s not the government like to call ‘foster homes’. The story revolves around a fifteen-year-old girl named Reeve who’s lived two years in a ‘foster home’ after being accused of her sister’s murder. Following an accident that she caused which subsequently led to her escape of her foster home, she stumbles across a group of kids, who like her, have gone through the lifestyle and also have escaped. She makes an alliance with them and everything seems in its place until she finds out that a team of hunters are searching for her because of the same accident. Unable to remember anything that happened from the event, she then learns that maybe all things don’t point to her – what really happened on the day she escaped? 
(props to 14-year-old me for writing this)
I wrote these three books so quickly (though at the time, as a thirteen-year-old, it felt like drafting took forever). I started Fostered in October of 2014, and by May of 2015, I was halfway through Resisted :))))). How?? These books are all above 85k??? I could never!!!
FOSTERED (book 1 - YA dystopian):
Follows the above plot. What isn’t mentioned above is how this book starts. We start with Reeve (15 at the time–a baby!!!) chillin in an abandoned storage unit she was hoping to use as shelter. HOWEVER, plot twist of the season–there are already people there!
She’s semi-ambushed by these people who she later learns are our good ol’ pals Foster and Harrison. The boys are also taking care of a 6-year-old girl named Essie who they love fiercely!! They’re sketched out by Reeve, which we later find out is because–they! know! her! 
Foster, Harrison, and Reeve were actually all the closest pals in a ‘foster home’ they called WAFFLE. Reeve forgets that during the disastrous accident she causes that separates them (she blows up the foster home lmaooo) but lookie here–the squad is reunited! Eventually everyone comes to love each other (though it ain’t like that in the beginning) + Foster and Reeve have a romance which I find so bizarre now?? They would never.
The squad is being “hunted” by a group of “chasers” (I LOVE dystopian lool) headed by a woman named Red who is actually?? a badass? She tries to kill them a bunch of times, Reeve kills Lonan’s sister by using her as a human shield, Essie dies, I’m awful!
HUNTED (book 2 - YA dystopian):
After Essie’s death, the group is shook! Harrison especially as he is *soft* and the “leader” of the group. To protect his other ducklings who are now the most sought after people in America lmao (Foster and Reeve), he does something SCANDALOUS and joins the *government* AKA all the evil people putting innocent children in these awful detention centres. What a 180! Essentially, he does this to purposefully manipulate investigations into Foster and Reeve away from them, but Reeve doesn’t know this so she’s cheesed when she finds out (she feels #betrayed)!
Harrison’s departure of the group triggers the group’s breakup. Harrison joins an *elite* section of the government that *I believe* tries to wrangle runaway foster kids?? This group is lead by our other good pal Lonan and this is the first book he appears in! He takes Red’s place as antagonist in this book.
The group also includes Holly, a badass who is also Foster’s older sister (and also Lonan’s first serious girlfriend)! She’s scary! She also dies by hanging in a blood-drinking cult mid-way through this book! don’t! ask! Margo is this group’s tech analyst, and she’s a mentally distant hippie (and Harrison’s first and last serious girlfriend which obvi didn’t work out lol he’s gay!) Idk what Harrison’s job was here, but he learns techy stuff from Margo!
This book is important because it establishes Lonan, who continues to be a pivotal character as the series progresses. It also establishes Lonan and Harrison’s relationship. Obvi Lonan is the antagonist in this book and won’t make his redemption arc for another 1book lol, but him and Harrison have a bit of a bizarre relationship. Though they’re almost rivals, they almost adore being each other’s rivals (but don’t tell them that)? After Harrison leaves Lonan’s team, the squad essentially is *hunted* by them, hence the book title lol. 
By the end of this book, a few important things happen! Lonan kills Margo (remember, Harrison’s first and last girlfriend lol, we could say Lonan was killing his competition lol is that too much), this obviously reinforces his role as bad guy! After the book’s events, Lonan eventually overtakes the group and they’re all imprisoned! Love it!
RESISTED (book 3 - YA dystopian):
This is my favourite Fostered book because there’s just so much tea! We start in “headquarters” AKA Lonan’s pride and joy! After he kills off his old boss so he can be Ultimate Antagonist (actually because she essentially killed his girlfriend ahaha), he’s the Man in Charge and power trippin like crazy. 
Reeve is separated from Foster and Harrison who are also in HQ because she’s mentally unwell. Lonan has given her the job of executing people (because he is evil) which she ain’t diggin! so Lonan takes it upon himself to address her mental health concerns (which obviously isn’t helping because they mutually hate each other). 
Eventually, Reeve barters with Lonan for what she wants by using Holly’s death (which only she and Foster witnessed) as leverage. As I mentioned above, Lonan essentially kills/drives away his entire *elite government squad* which means! He needs another one! Reeve uses this as an opportunity and says WELL you COULD hire Foster and Harrison. Lonan does and VOILA we suddenly have a new squad!
This is really where we build a relationship between Lonan and Reeve who have previously done nothing but try to kill each other! They actually bond in this bizarre kind of way. While they still don’t like each other, they mutually understand each other more than Foster and Harrison do as in many ways, Lonan and Reeve have both done the same awful things (lots of killing people :))). 
This all builds up to the epic reveal that they are actually half siblings (they share a mother) and oh DOES THE TEA START BOILING. This news causes major tension in the OG squad (Reeve, Foster, Harrison) as Foster and Harrison think Lonan has done too many irredeemable things to be forgiven, despite the fact that he and Reeve are related. They are right! However, Reeve isn’t so quick to decide. 
She and Lonan go through a lot together (including kidnapping! attempted murder! An explosion! Reeve pretending to be a corpse!) which are still some of my favourite things to re-read and the reason I love this book the most out of all the books I’ve written. This is where #redemption arc occurs!
This book is too long for me to cover everything, but essentially their relationship is the most important! The book ends when the squad (now joined by Lonan) is forced out of hiding because Reeve is injured and actually needs real medical attention! This leads to ANOTHER separation, with Reeve heading back to a foster home for the first time in a few years!
Hollowed (book 4) to Rewired (book 6)
HOLLOWED (book 4 - YA (?) dystopian (?))
Book four is my least favourite book of the 6 and that’s because it’s melodramatic and I was finding my writing style! It’s not quite appropriate for YA because of its violent subject matter, but wouldn’t appeal to adults, so it’s a bit category-less. Dystopian elements still exist, but are less relevant, so it’s also a bit muddled in term of genre.
All you need to know in terms of events are that Reeve meets someone named Lincoln in the foster home she’s put in (see previous) who ends up being a horrifically abusive person. He sort of shifts into the role as antagonist, though from this book on, the lines between good guys and bad guys blur. Hollowed also introduces a new character–Glenne! Glenne is Lonan’s second serious girlfriend and remnants of this relationship still show up in current Fostered spinoffs (tho she will be irrelevant in Houses With Teeth most likely). 
SPLINTERED (book 5 - YA?????)
The genre and category of this book are impossible to define. We continue almost where we left off in book four, and this book is pretty unremarkable in terms of events lol. The squad remains the same, except toward the end, we’re introduced to Darren, a dude from California who hears about Lonan’s *elite government squad* (before the government disowned him) and hopes they can help him locate his missing brother (tho he don’t reveal this until book six). 
This book is mostly about Lonan’s declining mental health that still has not gotten better. Some hints of Lonan and Harrison’s relationship getting closer are also dropped in this book.
REWIRED (book 6 - Adult (???) literary fiction sometimes???)
The category of this book is bizarre. It begins as weirdly maybe almost YA, but dips into adult literary fiction at some points. This book is where I really grasped my style and so the genre and category reflect that transition. 
What you need to know about Rewired is the progression of Darren and Reeve’s relationship as it goes from acquaintances to PALS to MORE THAN PALS to I don’t! want to be! your! pal! This book is so weird and disjointed because of this transition away from YA dystopian and into adult literary fiction. We also get even more Lonan and Harrison relationship development as Reeve meddles her way into business that is not hers!
MOTH WORK (spinoff - no categories anymore I have no idea)
The most recent Fostered book! We finally get to see Lonan and Harrison’s relationship on the page and oh boy! Is there tea! As Lonan struggles to grasp trauma from childhood, and Harrison struggles to help him, their relationship goes to places it ain’t never been before! This eventually leads to a much needed separation where Lonan explores a new relationship with Eliza (his father’s ex oooooof) and Harrison figures out what he needs in order to live a healthier, happier life. MW is a bridge between book six and seven.
HOUSES WITH TEETH (book 7 - adult literary fiction *I’m hoping*)
I have yet to write this book, but we’re back in Reeve’s head! Here’s a synopsis I’ve shared before:
After escaping a toxic relationship, twenty-year-old Reeve disappears for the second time in one year. She’s drawn to Wicker, a mealy town outside New York City, whose disappearances of affluent girls has caught her attention. The day she arrives, a sinkhole buries one of them in the front yard of her new home, a fixer-upper she shares with estranged friend, Foster. Quickly she falls prey to speculation by herself and others, who try to connect her to the tragedy. And even stranger, false recognitions as the girl in the ground, and the many other missing Wicker girls make her feel more and more like one of them–these alluring, unknown women. 
This book is very much my vibe now as a writer, however, it’s been difficult to re-integrate back into Reeve’s head with all Fostered’s dystopian elements removed! I don’t have much else to share about this book since I know so little about it, but it is essentially my current project.
So I hope that was helpful! There’s a lot of unexplored territory that I worry might be impossible to get into because I legitimately do not remember a lot @sarahkelsiwrites calls me a fake fan lol (I genuinely am), but if y’all ever want to know more, I am 100% down to share whatever! This was also a lot of info so if y’all have questions, send ‘em in!
Enjoy this abridged version of Fostered!
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Silver Age Tony Stark: A Summary
So, I thought it would be nice if I went back and condensed the stuff I read into a single post so that it might be a helpful resource later. This will cover Tales of Suspense Vol 1 #39-#99 (the Iron Man part of it - Captain America has his own post here), Iron Man Vol 1 #1-#20, and some additional plot-relevant comics. I chose Iron Man #20 as a stopping point, as that takes us up to December 1969.
Issue-by-Issue Synopsis
Significant events are in bold. Note that a lot of the earlier issues were kind of just silly fluff, so there isn’t much to say about them.
[ToS #39] Tony makes his first appearance, is caught by Wong-Chu in the Vietnamese jungle, and builds a gray metal suit to escape with Ho Yinsen’s help.
[ToS #40] Tony starts carrying his armor around in a briefcase. He gets the idea from the woman he’s currently dating to paint his armor gold.
[ToS #41] Tony fights a bad guy.
[ToS #42] Tony fights a bad guy.
[ToS #43] Iron Man is established as a crime fighter who sometimes visits Tony.
[ToS #44] First dramatic socket plugging. Iron Man is upgraded to be a “close friend” of Tony’s.
[ToS #45] First appearance of Happy Hogan and Pepper Potts. Happy saves his life and is hired as his chauffeur. Pepper is a modest-looking secretary who is in love with Tony.
[ToS #46] Tony fights the Crimson Dynamo/Anton Vanko but gives him a second chance and hires him.
[ToS #47] Tony fights a bad guy.
[ToS #48] Tony upgrades his armor to the Model 2.
[ToS #49] Tony fights a bad guy.
[ToS #50] First appearance of the Mandarin.
[ToS #51] Iron Man is upgraded again to be Tony’s bodyguard.
[ToS #52] First appearance of Natasha Romanova/the Black Widow, who has been sent by Russia to dispose of Vanko and Stark. Vanko is killed and Natasha escapes.
[ToS #53] Tony fights a bad guy.
[ToS #54] Tony is established to have feelings for Pepper for the first time.
[ToS #55] Tony fights the Mandarin.
[ToS #56] First appearance of the nickname “Shellhead” (though here, it’s two words). Tony decides to stop being Iron Man.
[ToS #57] First appearance of Clint Barton/Hawkeye, who teams up with Natasha to fight Iron Man. They get away. Tony takes Pepper out on a date by accident.
[ToS #58] The Chameleon disguises himself as Captain America and fights Iron Man.
[ToS #59] Tony fights the Black Knight. Tales of Suspense goes from being ½ Iron Man issue and ½ random non-superhero issue to ½ Iron Man issue and ½ Captain America issue.
[ToS #60] Tony realizes he needs to stay in his armor full time to provide his heart with enough power to keep beating, resulting in everyone thinking Iron Man’s done something terrible to Tony.
[ToS #61] The Mandarin attacks Tony’s home and he is presumed dead. Tony flies to China to fight him.
[ToS #62] Tony fights the Mandarin.
[ToS #63] Tony figures out his power problems and makes his return as himself. He realizes Happy loves Pepper too and claims he’s engaged so Pepper will forget about him and go for Happy.
[ToS #64] Natasha and Clint strike at Iron Man again, but Clint’s love for Natasha ruins their plans and they are forced to retreat from the fight.
[ToS #65] Tony fights a bad guy.
[ToS #66] Tony fights a bad guy while doing a weapons demo and chooses to blame the resulting damage (that no one but him and the bad guy witnessed) on himself rather than the bad guy. Happy goes missing.
[ToS #67] Happy has left because he’s unhappy, so Tony finds him as Iron Man and tries to convince him to return. He fails, but Pepper ends up succeeding. Pepper gets increasingly annoyed with Iron Man’s shady behavior.
[ToS #68] First appearance of Morgan Stark, who Count Nefaria tries to use to destroy Tony, though the attempt fails.
[ToS #69] Iron Man is challenged by Titanium Man in a one-on-one televised battle.
[ToS #70] Titanium Man plays dirty during the battle and almost wins, but Happy is able to come in with an assist, though he gets badly injured in the process. Before he passes out, he expresses relief that Pepper loves him. He also reveals that he knows Tony is Iron Man.
[ToS #71] Tony finally defeats Titanium Man. Pepper expresses disgust with Tony for being gone while both Iron Man and Happy were risking their lives.
[ToS #72] Tony fights a bad guy and mopes at how Pepper hates Tony but likes Iron Man.
[ToS #73] The Black Knight kidnaps a still-injured Happy from the hospital to lure Iron Man into battle. Tony defeats him and Happy is rescued, but Tony is left trapped in the Black Knight’s castle.
[ToS #74] Pepper rescues Iron Man from the castle, who then has to rush off to stop doctors from using experimental tech on Happy to save his life. But it’s too late and Happy gets mutated and runs off.
[ToS #75] Tony goes after Happy and manages to capture him.
[ToS #76] Tony manages to unmutate Happy, though Happy now has amnesia. Senator Byrd forces Tony to come to Washington so he can testify on Iron Man, but the Mandarin kidnaps him en route.
[ToS #77] The Mandarin summons a giant android called Ultimo, which Tony fights after secretly suiting up.
[ToS #78] Tony defeats Ultimo and comes back to find that his factory has been shut down and that there’s a warrant for his arrest for not appearing before the Senate.
[ToS #79] Tony feels that Iron Man is almost a separate entity. He fights a random Atlantean who attacked him. Then Namor shows up.
[ToS #80] Namor fights Tony because Namor wanted to be the one fighting the random Atlantean instead (even though the Atlantean was the one who attacked Tony in the first place).
[TtA #82] Tony and Namor fight. The random Atlantean then resurfaces, and Namor leaves to fight him instead.
[ToS #81] Tony decides to testify to the Senate, but is intercepted by the Titanium Man en route.
[ToS #82] Pepper appears at the battle between Iron Man and Titanium Man to try and help Tony, but Titanium Man starts attacking her instead. “Shellhead” appears again as a nickname, but hyphenated.
[ToS #83] Tony defeats Titanium Man. Pepper is relieved to see him and seems into him again. Happy regains his memories.
[ToS #84] Tony is about to testify to the Senate about Iron Man when he passes out. His chestplate is discovered, his heart issues become public knowledge, and suspicions begin to rise that he is actually Iron Man. Happy dons the suit with Tony’s blessing to throw everyone off, but then gets kidnapped by the Mandarin.
[ToS #85] Tony rushes off to build a new suit, then flies to China on a rocket to save Happy.
[ToS #86] Tony fights the Mandarin in hand-to-hand combat for some reason and wins. He and Happy head back to the States.
[ToS #87] Tony builds an “earth-borer” machine. While testing, random buildings, including his own factory, get sucked into the earth.
[ToS #88] Tony fights the Mole Man, who was responsible for sucking buildings in, and then says he’ll tell the public that the earth-borer was responsible rather than scare them with the truth.
[ToS #89] Tony realizes Pepper actually loves Happy. To cope, he goes on a bunch of dates. Then the Melter comes to demand tech from him.
[ToS #90] Tony defeats the Melter.
[ToS #91] Tony fights the Crusher. Happy and Pepper have eloped and are now married.
[ToS #92] Tony does a weapons demo in Vietnam and is then asked to defeat someone named Half-Face.
[ToS #93] Tony fights Half-Face and the Titanium Man, who is working with him.
[ToS #94] Tony defeats Titanium Man. Half-Face renounces his evil ways.
[ToS #95] First appearance of Jasper Sitwell, who has been stationed at Tony’s factory by Nick Fury. The Grey Gargoyle attacks, turns Iron Man to stone, and throws him off a building.
[ToS #96] Sitwell saves Iron Man. Iron Man defeats Grey Gargoyle, but passes out due to the strain on his heart.
[ToS #97] Morgan sleazes his way in and pretends he’s here to help Iron Man, but he really plans on taking him to the Maggia (currently on a ship) to help pay off his gambling debts. Iron Man and the Maggia fight, and then the Maggia bring in Whiplash.
[ToS #98] First appearance of Whitney Frost. Tony fights Whiplash.
[ToS #99] Tony defeats Whiplash and passes out. He gets re-captured by the Maggia when their ship is shot at by A.I.M. They evacuate, leaving Tony trapped.
[IM&SM #1] Tony frees himself, fights Whiplash again, and is then captured by A.I.M.
[IM #1] Whitney seduces Sitwell in order to hopefully learn company secrets from him. Tony fights and defeats A.I.M.
[IM #2] A man obsessed with Tony called Drexel Cord sends a robot after him to defeat him, but it eventually tries to harm his daughter, Janice, and turns on Drexel before Tony finally defeats it. Tony feels guilty.
[IM #3] Happy and Pepper, who no longer work for Tony, hear that Tony is in seclusion and go to him. This is because he must now stay plugged in 24/7 to keep his heart beating. However, he allows Happy to help since Happy knows his secret, but this results in Happy being mutated again. He gets better, but Tony feels guilty.
[IM #4] Tony grapples with the price of being Iron Man and fights the Unicorn.
[IM #5] Tony gets teleported into the future and is almost executed, but he escapes and goes back to his time after a fight.
[IM #6] Tony develops feelings for Janice. The Crusher attacks the factory and threatens Whitney, who was hanging around. Sitwell is ready to do something very foolish to save her, forcing Iron Man to knock him out and defeat the Crusher on his own.
[IM #7] Tony, Janice, and her lawyer (who has been encouraging Janice to sell her late father’s company to Tony) are kidnapped by the Maggia and the Gladiator. Tony escapes just long enough to come back as Iron Man, which makes him look very cowardly to Janice.
[IM #8] Whitney’s backstory as a socialite who didn’t know she had an evil father is revealed. Back in the present, she leads a raid on the Stark factory that Sitwell manages to stop, but she nonetheless saves him when the Gladiator attacks him. When she flees, Sitwell is unable to bring himself to stop her.
[IM #9] The Mandarin ships a Hulk android from China to kidnap Janice and prove that Tony Stark and Iron Man are the same. Tony defeats the android.
[IM #10] Tony and Janice go on a nice date. The Mandarin tries to ruin Tony by releasing photoshopped images of him partaking in secret communist meetings, then lures him to his new hideout in the States.
[IM #11] The Mandarin unmasks Iron Man only to find that it’s some blond dude and that Tony is elsewhere (unknown to him, Tony is wearing prosthetics, and the other Tony is an LMD). The Mandarin goes after the LMD Tony. After a televised fight, the Mandarin is defeated but it looks like Tony died because the LMD shut down.
[IM #12] Tony gets the LMD working again, then shuts it down himself and puts it away. He and Janice go to visit her lawyer but are attacked by the Controller.
[IM #13] Tony defeats the Controller, but starts distancing himself from Janice due to fears that his feelings will interfere with his duties as Iron Man.
[IM #14] Tony and Janice go on a break due to Tony’s inner turmoil. Tony fights the Night Phantom.
[IM #15] Tony and Sitwell are attacked by the Unicorn and the Red Ghost while on a plane. Tony gets off but fears Sitwell has perished when he sees the plane explode.
[IM #16] Tony and the Unicorn have a “handcuffed together” episode and bring down the Red Ghost. The Unicorn then escapes with the Red Ghost. Sitwell is fine.
[IM #17] Midas and Madame Masque attack the Stark factory while Tony is away, which reactivates the Tony LMD. The LMD decides to take over Tony’s life, so when Tony returns, he’s treated as an impostor and thrown out. Tony is moping in the rain when Madame Masque kidnaps him.
[IM #18] Thinking that the real Tony is a very good impostor, Midas “forces” him to be part of their plot to take over Tony’s company, which involves fighting the LMD so Tony is actually for it. He flirts with Madame Masque as she trains him. When they break in and the LMD confronts them, he protects her and fights and defeats the LMD himself, but his heart stops beating. Madame Masque gets away while the Avengers find him and try to save him.
[IM #19] Tony has heart surgery, which removes the need for his chestplate and replaces the damaged parts of his heart with synthetic tissue. He is cautioned to avoid unusual stress, which will make it more likely that his body rejects the synthetics. Midas and Madame Masque kidnap him again. Madame Masque is revealed to be Whitney Frost, and they kiss without her mask on. They escape Midas, and Whitney goes her own way.
[IM #20] Tony fights one of his security guards, who is being possessed by Lucifer, and defeats him.
Silver Age Tony essentially has no flaws aside from the issues he runs into from either his double life as Iron Man, or the knowledge that he might drop dead due to his damaged heart at any second. Said issues result in him having a lot of monologues in his head about the irony of seemingly having it all even though he is so troubled. He has also felt like Iron Man was a separate entity from Tony Stark. There is no mention of alcoholism or his abusive father at this point in canon. In fact, we know more about Whitney Frost’s backstory than we do Tony’s.
When it comes to his love life, he is 100% a flirt, and he also has a playboy reputation. (However, it’s unclear how many people he actually sleeps with, given that for most of the decade he had to keep his chestplate a secret.) When he develops romantic feelings for someone, though, he will eventually distance himself from them due to his fears that his life will endanger them and/or the fact that he might die at any moment will be an unfair burden to them. He also tends to not date other people when he has feelings, unless it’s explicitly an attempt to forget the person - he’s seen dating women until feelings for Pepper develop, and then he dates no one even though he’s not pursuing Pepper (due to his bad heart), and then he starts dating again to distract himself once he realizes Pepper loves Happy. After Pepper and Happy marry, he seems at peace with their relationship and eventually pursues Janice Cord, but then again has to draw away due to his personal issues, which leaves him open to developing feelings for Whitney Frost, despite her scarred face and the knowledge that she’s a long-time criminal.
Despite the trouble that his double life brings him, he does find joy in being Iron Man and believes Iron Man is a necessary force. It’s not until he gets heart surgery when he starts to feel doubt, and that’s only because being Iron Man makes it more likely he will die due to the chance his heart will reject the synthetic tissue it now has.
Here’s some of the things he’s done:
Extremely willing to sacrifice himself if it will defeat a bad guy
Donates to charitable causes, such as children’s hospitals
Gives people second chances
Makes it a point of being non-lethal even when it’s an inconvenience
Fights enemies, but then occasionally blames any disturbances resulting from those fights on himself so that the public doesn’t know what kind of terrors he actually faced
Here’s a list of the important supporting characters in Tony’s life!
Pepper Potts is Tony’s secretary. She starts out as kind of average-looking and in love with Tony, then eventually starts to dress up more (and covers up her freckles!), which apparently prompts Tony to fall in love with her. However, Tony’s own inner turmoil over his double life and his bad heart stop him from actively pursuing her, and he makes attempts to both remove himself from the picture as well as push her toward Happy. Over the course of the run, her romantic feelings shift between Tony, Iron Man, and Happy (for a while, she despises Tony because she thinks he’s a coward due to him always disappearing when danger happens), but eventually she and Happy get married. By the end of the decade, she is no longer working for Tony but they’re on good terms.
Happy Hogan is Tony’s chauffeur, hired by Tony after Happy saves his life. For a while, Happy is unhappy because he doesn’t do anything (due to Tony not actually needing a chauffeur because he can fly). Despite this, and despite the fact that he understands Tony is a major competitor for Pepper’s affections, he cares deeply about Tony and will risk his life to save his boss. He is also the only person to know Iron Man’s identity, having figured it out for himself, and has even donned the suit. Like Pepper, he is no longer working for Tony, but they’re on good terms.
Morgan Stark is Tony’s cowardly cousin and a prominent gambler. His life and Tony’s usually only intersect when Morgan has gambling debts and tries to offer up Tony as a means to pay off the debts.
Natasha Romanova is a Russian spy who Tony immediately flirts with, though they become at odds once he realizes her real purpose. She only appears in a few issues and is mostly here because we all know she’ll come back later!
Clint Barton is a performer who turns to petty crime because he becomes jealous of Iron Man. He and Natasha team up to fight Tony more than once. Later, he joins the Avengers, but this is never brought up in the Iron Man run.
The Avengers are the superhero team Tony is part of, but his involvement as both Iron Man and as Tony Stark is rarely mentioned. Similarly, the other Avengers make occasional cameos but rarely come up in the narrative. The most notable mentions are 1) when the Chameleon disguises himself as Steve Rogers, causing Tony to fight the real Steve, 2) when the Mandarin sends a Hulk android after Tony, resulting in Tony telling it (without knowing it’s an android) that he always thought Bruce was misunderstood, and 3) when Tony nearly dies after his battle with the LMD, resulting in the Avengers coming to save him and helping him get the heart surgery he needs to survive.
Janice Cord is a woman whose father developed an obsession with Tony and tried to kill him, perishing in the process. Tony develops feelings for her and they eventually start going out. He encourages her to continue with her father’s company, despite the fact that that means he’ll have another competitor. However, Tony then starts distancing himself from her after realizing his work as Iron Man may conflict with his feelings for her. Currently, they are broken up and another man is pursuing her, but she still has feelings for him.
Jasper Sitwell is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent stationed at Tony’s factory and is a teacher’s pet sort of fellow who rubs Tony the wrong way at first, though this soon changes. The relationship between Sitwell and Iron Man becomes strained, however, after Iron Man is forced to knock him out to stop him from doing something dumb, which embarrasses Sitwell. Sitwell dates Whitney Frost for a while - she’s using him to get to Tony’s weapons, but he knows she’s using him. Nonetheless, they develop actual feelings and both save each other when the time comes.
Whitney Frost is the head of the Maggia who uses Sitwell to get to Tony’s weapons, though she develops feelings for him along the way. However, he realizes she’s using him and stops her when she raids the factory, though he allows her to later flee. As part of the escape, her face becomes badly scarred and she returns as Madame Masque with a new plot involving capturing Tony, except this results in them kissing each other (with Tony undeterred by her scarred face). However, she then runs away, not wanting to burden him with her status as a wanted woman.
There’s a lot of random stuff I tagged as trivia (which can be found on the #tony stark trivia tag), so I’ll only mention the stuff that might be helpful for a fic writer to know.
[TtA #82] Tony knows judo.
[ToS #81] Tony enjoys flying.
[ToS #91] Tony occasionally wears flame-retardant coveralls in the lab.
[ToS #92] Tony had a governess and wasn’t allowed on roller coasters as a child.
[ToS #94] Iron Man is internationally known.
[IM #3] Tony’s new secretary, after Pepper leaves, is a woman named Ms. Greer.
[IM #10] Tony likes bogie and W. C. Fields.
[IM #10] Tony develops tech for S.H.I.E.L.D. as well (not just the U.S. government).
[IM #15] Tony read a lot of Edgar Rice Burroughs as a child.
[IM #17] Tony has an electronic memory bank where he’s recorded all his activities in the event of his death. He also wears lab coats when working.
[IM #19] A summary on how the Model 2 armor is assembled.
Noteworthy Panels
These are mostly panels that are noteworthy for meme reasons, since actual noteworthy events are highlighted in the synopsis.
[ToS #40] Tony outfits the U.S. military with roller skates.
[ToS #45] Tony keeps a humongous framed image of his good friend Iron Man on his wall.
[ToS #48] Tony has eyeholes in his face mask because he thinks that allowing his expression to show will instill fear in the hearts of his enemies.
[ToS #53] Tony throws things together literally at random and produces an anti-gravity device, because that’s how science works.
[ToS #57] Clint declares that Natasha is the only one he’s ever loved, despite not knowing anything about her except for her looks and her dislike for Iron Man.
[ToS #58] “Well, partner, I’m glad it all came out in the wash! No hard feelings?” - this scene between Captain America and Iron Man is referenced in Civil War: Casualties of War.
[ToS #82] Tony can spin his ear discs to reveal ROLLER SKATES.
[ToS #93] More roller skates!
[IM #5] It’s time-traveling Tony!
[IM #11] Tony needs a disguise? Time to go blond and get rid of the facial hair!
[IM #13] Yes, I will point out all the roller skates I can.
[IM #17] Sad Tony in the rain.
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