#prettiest captain i ever did see <3
muppetjohntavares · 7 months
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Only got eyes for the captain 👁
(Picture credit to Kevin Sousa)
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matttgirlies · 5 months
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Matt & Me 🎀
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a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - age gap,, i think thats all
all of the songs and celebrities mentioned in here are from the time periods this was written if you are confused🩷
Chapter 1
It was 1956. I was living with my family at the Bergstrom Air Force Base in Austin, Texas, where my father, then Captain, Joseph Paul y/ln, a career officer, was stationed. He came home late for dinner one evening and handed me a record album.
“I don’t know what this Matt guy is all about,” he said, “but he must be something special. I stood in line with half the Air Force at the PX to get this for you; everybody wants it.”
I put the record on the hi-fi and heard the rocking music of “Blue Suede Shoes.” The album was titled Matt Sturniolo. It was his first.
Like almost every other kid in America, I liked Matt but not as fanatically as many of my girl friends at Del Valley Junior High. They all had Matt T-shirts and Matt hats and Matt socks and even lipstick in colors with names like Hound Dog Orange and Heartbreak Pink referencing names of his songs. Matt was everywhere, on bubblegum cards and Bermuda shorts, on diaries and wallets and pictures that glowed in the dark. The boys at school began trying to look like him, with their fluffy hair and turned up collars.
One girl was so crazy about him that she was running his local fan club. She said I could join for twenty-five cents, the price of a book she’d ordered for me by mail. When I received it, I was shocked to see a picture of Matt signing the bare chests of a couple of girls, at that time an unheard-of act.
Then I saw him on television on Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey’s Stage Show. He was sexy and handsome, with his deep brooding eyes, pouty lips, and crooked smile. He strutted out to the microphone, spread his legs, leaned back, and strummed his guitar. Then he began singing with such confidence, moving his body with unbridled sexuality. Despite myself, I was attracted.
Some members of his adult audience were less enthusiastic. Soon his performances were labeled obscene. My mother stated emphatically that he was “a bad influence for teenage girls. He arouses things in them that shouldn’t be aroused. If there’s ever a mothers’ march against Matt Sturniolo, I’ll be the first in line.”
But I’d heard that despite all of his stage antics and lustful, tough-guy looks, Matt came from a strict Southern Christian background. He was a country boy who didn’t smoke or drink, who loved and honored his parents, and who addressed all adults as “sir” or “ma’am.”
I was an Air Force child, a shy, pretty little girl, unhappily accustomed to moving from base to base every two or three years. By the time I was eleven, I had lived in six different cities and, fearful of not being accepted, I either kept to myself or waited for someone to befriend me. I found it especially difficult entering a new school in the middle of the year, when cliques had already been established and newcomers were considered outsiders.
Small and petite, with long y/hc hair, y/ec eyes, and an upturned nose, I was always stared at by the other students. At first girls would see me as a rival, afraid I’d take their boyfriends away. I seemed to feel more comfortable with boys—and they were usually friendlier.
People always said I was the prettiest girl in school, but I never felt that way. I was skinny, practically scrawny, and even if I was as cute, as people said, I wanted to have more than just good looks. Only with my family did I really feel totally protected and loved. Close and supportive, they provided my stability.
A photographer’s model before her marriage, my mother was totally devoted to her family. As the oldest, it was my responsibility to help her with the kids. After me, there were Don, four years younger, and Michelle, my only sister, who was five years younger than Don. Jeff and the twins, Tim and Tom, hadn’t yet been born.
My mother was too shy to talk about the facts of life, so my sex education came in school, when I was in the sixth grade. Some kids were passing around a book that looked like the Bible from the outside, but when you opened it, there were pictures of men making love to women, and women making love to each other.
My body was changing and stirring with new feelings. I’d gotten looks from boys at school, and once a picture of me in a tight turtleneck sweater was stolen from the school bulletin board. Yet I was still a child, embarrassed about my own sexuality. I fantasized endlessly about French-kissing, but when my friends who hung around our house played spin the bottle, it would take me half an hour to let a boy kiss my pursed lips.
My strong, handsome father was the center of our world. He was a hard worker who had earned his degree in Business Administration at University of Texas. At home he ran a tight ship. He was a firm believer in discipline and responsibility, and he and I frequently knocked heads. When I became a cheerleader at thirteen, it was all I could do to convince him to let me go to out-of-town games. Other times no amount of crying, pleading, or appealing to my mother would change his mind. When he laid down the law, that was that.
I managed to get around him occasionally. When he refused to let me wear a tight skirt, I joined the Girl Scouts specifically so I could wear their tight uniform.
My parents were survivors. Although they often had to struggle financially, we children were the last to feel it. When I was a little girl my mother sewed pretty tablecloths to cover the orange crates that we used as end tables. Rather than do without, we made the best of what we had.
Dinner was strictly group participation: Mother cooked, one of us set the table, and the rest cleaned up. Nobody got away with anything, but we were very supportive of one another. I felt fortunate to have a close-knit family.
Going through old albums of family photographs showing my parents when they were young fascinated me. I was curious about the past. World War II intrigued me, especially since my father had fought with the Marines on Okinawa. He looked handsome in his uniform—you could tell he was posing for my mother—but somehow his smile looked out of place, especially when you realized where he was. When I read the note on the back of the picture about how much he missed my mother, my eyes filled with tears.
While rummaging through the family keepsakes I came upon a small wooden box. Inside was a carefully folded American flag, the kind that I knew was given to servicemen’s widows. Also inside the box was a picture of my mother with her arm around a strange man and, sitting on her lap, an infant. On the back of the photo was inscribed “Mommy, Daddy, y/n.” I had discovered a family secret.
Feeling betrayed, I ran to phone my mother, who was at a party nearby. Within minutes I was in her arms, crying as she calmed me and explained that when I was six months old, my real father, Lieutenant James Wagner, a handsome Navy pilot, had been killed in a plane crash while returning home on leave. Two and a half years later, she married Paul y/ln, who adopted me and had always loved me as his own.
Mother suggested I keep my discovery from the other children. She felt it would endanger our family closeness, though when it did become known, it had no effect on our feelings for one another. She gave me a gold locket that my father had given her. I cherished that locket and wore it for years and fantasized that my father died a great hero. In times of emotional pain and loneliness he would become my guardian angel.
By the end of the year, I’d been nominated to run for Queen of Del Valley Junior High. This was my first taste of politics and competition and it was especially trying because I was running against Millie Collins, my best friend.
We each had a campaign manager introducing us as we went from house to house knocking on doors. My manager tried to talk each person into voting for me and donating a penny or more per vote to a school fund. The nominee who collected the most money won. I was sure that this competition would jeopardize my friendship with Millie, which was more important to me than winning. I considered quitting but felt I couldn’t let my parents or my supporters down. While my mother was out looking for a dress for me to wear to the coronation, my dad kept reminding me to memorize an acceptance speech. I kept putting it off, certain I was going to lose.
It was the last day of the campaign, and a rumor began circulating that Millie’s grandparents had put in a hundred-dollar bill for their vote. My parents were disappointed; there was no way that they could afford to match that much money and even if they could, they objected on principle.
The night they announced the winner, I was all dressed up in a new turquoise blue, strapless tulle net formal that itched so badly I couldn’t wait to take it off. I sat beside Millie on the dais in the large school auditorium. I could see my parents with happy, confident looks on their faces though I was sure they were going to be disheartened. Then the principal walked up to the podium.
“And now,” she said, hesitating to heighten the suspense, “is the moment you’ve all been waiting for  . . . the culmination of a month of campaigning by our two lovely contestants: y/n y/ln  . . .” All eyes turned toward me. I blushed and glanced at Millie. “ . . . and Millie Collins.” Our eyes locked for a brief, tense moment.
“The new Queen of Del Valley Junior High is  . . .” A drum roll sounded. “ . . . y/n y/ln.”
The audience applauded wildly. I was in shock. Called up to the stage to give my speech, I had none. Sure that I was going to lose, I’d never even bothered to write one. I walked, trembling, to the podium, then looked out at the crowded auditorium. All I could see was my father’s face, growing more disappointed as he realized I had nothing to say. When I finally spoke, it was to apologize.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I’m not prepared to give a speech, as I did not expect to win. But thank you very much for voting for me. I’ll do my very best.” And then, looking at my father, I added, “I’m sorry, Dad.”
I was surprised as the audience graciously applauded, but I still had to face my father and hear him say, “I told you so.”
Being elected Queen was a bittersweet victory, because the closeness that Millie and I once shared was restrained. Still, to me that crown symbolized a wonderful, unfamiliar feeling: acceptance.
My newfound tranquility ended abruptly when my father announced that he was being transferred to Wiesbaden, West Germany.
I was crushed. Germany was the other side of the world. All my fears returned. My first thought was, What am I going to do about my friends? I turned to my mother, who was sympathetic and reminded me that we were in the Air Force and moving was an unavoidable part of our lives.
I finished junior high school, my mother gave birth to baby Jeff, and we said our goodbyes to neighbors and good friends. Everyone promised to write or call, but remembering past promises I knew better. My friend Stephanie jokingly told me that Matt Sturniolo was stationed in Bad Neuheim, West Germany. “Do you believe it? You’re going to be in the same country as Matt Sturniolo,” she said. We looked at a map and found that Bad Neuheim was close to Wiesbaden. I said back, “I’m going over there to meet Matt.” We both laughed, hugged each other, and said goodbye.
West Germany
The fifteen-hour flight to West Germany seemed interminable, but finally we arrived in the beautiful old city of Wiesbaden, headquarters of the U.S. Air Force in Europe. There we checked into the Helene Hotel, a massive and venerable building on the main thoroughfare. After three months, hotel living became too expensive and we began looking for a place to rent.
We felt lucky to find a large apartment in a vintage building constructed long before World War I. Soon after we moved in, we noticed that all the other apartments were rented to single girls. These Fräuleins walked around all day long in robes and negligees, and at night they were dressed to kill. Once we learned a little German, we realized that, although the pension was very discreet, we were living in a brothel.
Moving was out of the question—housing was too scarce—but the location did little to help me to adjust. Not only was I isolated from other American families, but there was the language barrier. I was accustomed to changing schools frequently, but a foreign country posed altogether new problems, principally that I couldn’t share my thoughts. I began to feel that my life had stopped dead in its tracks.
September came and with it, school. Once again I was the new girl. I was no longer popular and secure as I’d been at Del.
There was a place called the Eagles Club, where American service families went for dinner and entertainment. It was within walking distance of the pension and soon proved an important discovery for me. Every day after school, I’d go to the snack bar there and listen to the jukebox and write letters to my friends back home in Austin, telling them how much I missed them. Drowning in tears, I’d spend my weekly allowance playing the songs that were very popular back in the States—Frankie Avalon’s “Venus” and the Everly Brothers’ “All I Have to Do Is Dream.”
One warm summer afternoon, I was sitting with my brother Don when I noticed a handsome man in his twenties staring at me. I’d seen him watching me before, but I’d never paid any attention to him. This time, he stood up and walked toward me. He introduced himself as Steven Wright and asked my name.
“y/n y/ln,” I said, immediately suspicious; he was much older than me.
He asked where in the States I came from, how I liked Germany, and if I liked Matt Sturniolo.
“Of course,” I said, laughing. “Who doesn’t?”
“I’m a good friend of his. My wife and I go to his house quite often. How would you like to join us one evening?”
Unprepared for such an extraordinary invitation, I grew even more skeptical and guarded. I told him I’d have to ask my parents. Over the course of the next two weeks, Steven met my parents and my father checked out his credentials. Steven was also in the Air Force and it turned out that my father knew his commanding officer. That seemed to break the ice between them. Steven assured Dad that I’d be well chaperoned when we visited Matt, who lived off base in a house in Bad Nauheim.
On the appointed night I tore through my closet, trying to find an appropriate outfit. Nothing seemed dressy enough for meeting Matt Sturniolo. I settled on a navy and white sailor dress and white socks and shoes. Surveying myself in the mirror, I thought I looked cute, but being only fourteen, I didn’t think I’d make any kind of impression on Matt.
Eight o’clock finally arrived, and so did Steven Wright and his attractive wife, Carole. Anxious, I hardly spoke to either of them during the forty-five-minute drive. We entered the small town of Bad Nauheim, with its narrow cobblestone streets and plain, old-fashioned houses, and I kept looking around for what I assumed would be Matt’s huge mansion. Instead Steven pulled up to an ordinary-looking three-story house surrounded by a white picket fence.
There was a sign on the gate in German, which translated as: autographs between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. only. Even though it was after eight o’clock, a large group of friendly German girls waited around expectantly. When I asked Steven about them, he explained that there were always large groups of fans outside the house, hoping to catch a glimpse of Matt.
I followed Steven through the gate and up the short pathway to the door. We were welcomed by James Sturniolo, Matt’s father, a tall, gray-haired, attractive man, who led us down a long hallway to the living room, from which I could hear Brenda Lee on the record player, singing “Sweet Nothin’s.”
The plain, almost drab living room was filled with people, but I spotted Matt immediately. He was handsomer than he appeared in films, younger and more vulnerable-looking with his haircut. He was in civilian clothes, a bright red sweater and tan slacks, and he was sitting with one leg swung over the arm of a large overstuffed chair, with a cigar dangling from his lips.
As Steven led me over to him, Matt stood up and smiled. “Well,” he said. “What have we here?”
I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I just kept staring at him.
“Matt,” Steven said, “this is y/n y/ln. The girl I told you about.”
We shook hands and he said, “Hi, I’m Matt Sturniolo,” but then there was a silence between us until Matt asked me to sit down beside him, and Steven drifted off.
“So,” Matt said. “Do you go to school?”
“What are you, about a junior or senior in high school?”
I blushed and said nothing, not willing to reveal that I was only in the ninth grade.
“Well,” he persisted.
Matt looked confused. “Ninth what?”
“Grade,” I whispered.
“Ninth grade,” he said and started laughing. “Why, you’re just a baby.”
“Thanks,” I said curtly. Not even Matt Sturniolo had the right to say that to me.
“Well. Seems the little girl has spunk,” he said, laughing again, amused by my response. He gave me that charming smile of his, and all my resentment just melted away.
We made small talk for a while longer. Then Matt got up and walked over to the piano and sat down. The room suddenly grew silent. Everyone’s eyes were focused on him as he began to entertain us.
He sang “Rags to Riches” and “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” and then with his friends singing harmony, “End of the Rainbow.” He also did a Jerry Lee Lewis impersonation, pounding the keys so hard that a glass of water he’d set on the piano began sliding off. When Matt caught it without missing a beat of the song, everyone laughed and applauded except me. I was nervous. I glanced around the room and saw an intimidating life-size poster of a half-nude model on the wall. She was the last person I wanted to see, with her fulsome body, pouting lips, and wild mane of tousled hair. Imagining Matt’s taste in women, I felt very young and out of place.
I glanced up and saw Matt trying to get my attention. I noticed that the less response I showed, the more he began singing just for me. I couldn’t believe that Matt Sturniolo was trying to impress me.
Later, he asked me to come into the kitchen, where he introduced me to his grandmother, Minnie Mae Sturniolo, who stood by the stove, frying a huge pan of bacon. As we sat down at the table, I told Matt I wasn’t hungry. Actually I was too nervous to eat.
“You’re the first girl I’ve met from the States in a long time,” Matt said, as he began devouring the first of five gigantic bacon sandwiches, each one smothered with mustard. “Who are the kids listening to?”
I laughed. “Are you kidding?” I said. “Everyone listens to you.”
Matt seemed unconvinced. He asked me a lot of questions about Fabian and Ricky Nelson. He told me he was worried about how his fans would accept him when he returned to the States. Since he’d been away, he hadn’t made any public appearances or movies, although he’d had five hit singles, all recorded before he’d left.
It felt like we’d just begun talking when Steven came in and pointed to his watch. I had dreaded that moment; the evening had gone so fast. It seemed I had just arrived and now I was being hurried away. Matt and I had just started to get to know each other. I felt like Cinderella, knowing that when my curfew came, all this magic would end. I was surprised when Matt asked Steven if I could possibly stay longer. When Steven explained the agreement with my father, Matt casually suggested that maybe I could come by again. Though I wanted to more than anything in the world, I didn’t really believe it would happen.
a/n - thoughts on this story so far? all the fashion and technology and things is still based in the time period its set in but i promise it gets better as the story goes on! i know the age gap is crazy but back in the day it was normal and its the age gap in Priscilla’s book so i just stuck with it. I in no way support this at all🎀
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd.
This material may be protected by copyright.
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socialfakes · 5 months
crossing enemy lines -connor bedard-
part 3: just a little longer
nhl players x platonic hughes sister
connor bedard x hughes sister
series masterlist
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Liked by jackhughes, mackinnon29, lhughes_06 and 296,009 others
y/nhughes | to my very pretty, dominant golden retriever boyfriend; i love you so much ❤
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jackhughes you're too young to have a boyfriend | y/nhughes you had a girlfriend at 16 years old. how is 21 too young? | jackhughes it just is 😏 | y/nhughes the double standard here is ridiculous
trevorzegras our very own baby hughes is dating someone? | y/nhughes yes sir 🤓 | jackhughes but she's too young. tell her she's too young | trevorzegras sorry dude. we have an understanding | y/nhughes trev is now my favorite
lhughes_06 he's such a golden retriever but he makes you happy so i'm okay with it | jackhughes who is he? | lhughes_06 🤐 | jackhughes 🙄
_quinnhughes how can my baby sister be talking about any guy being dominant? you're too young to be using this language | jackhughes exactly | lhughes_06 oh leave her alone. she's happy. we should be too | _quinnhughes i'd be happier if i knew who it was | y/nhughes in due time, good brother | y/nhughes on another note, i think luke is my favorite brother now
bboeser he better be good to you 👑
tdemko30 baby hughes has a boyfriend? congratulations 🥳
user8 love seeing my favorite hughes sibling happy 😃 | y/nhughes awe i love you
user17 this is giving me major cale vibes | jackhughes what you mean? 🤨 | user17 he's the prettiest boy & he's 100% a golden retriever who seems like he can be dominant when it's needed 😊 | y/nhughes 🤐🙊🤫 | calemakar_ 😋😊 | jackhughes i knew it!
calemakar_ am i really the prettiest boy you've ever seen? 😉 | y/nhughes duh of course 😉
user12 i think they're messing with us
user14 who is this about?
user5 i know who this is about | y/nhughes 👀 | user6 how did you figure it out? | user5 intense detective skills 😂
user9 really hoping this is about cale
elblue6 glad you're happy honey ❤
user19 if he's a golden retriever, he's automatically the best
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Liked by jackhughes, _connorbedard, calemakar_ and 319,408 others
y/nhughes | golden retriever ✨💕
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user3 cale's shadow
jackhughes is he the reason you haven't visited me in a while? | y/nhughes course not 😊 | _quinnhughes it's because you're annoying 😊 | y/nhughes quinn, that is not the reason. i've just been busy with work but i promise when i have free time, ill be there to see you jack ❤
user14 dying to know who this is | user5 it's cale | user9 definitely cale | trevorzegras actually it's not 😊 | jamie.drysdale it's me, of course | y/nhughes it's none of you 😂 fuck off
_quinnhughes whoever he is, i hope he treats my baby sister with love and respect because i'm not afraid of getting my hands a little dirty 😠 | y/nhughes oh quinny i love you ❤😂
user6 it's connor | y/nhughes what makes you say that? | user6 you live in chicago and once said you prefer "centers" so i did some digging & came up with a bunch of evidence & unless you're dating a blackhawks center who's a lot older than you, i'm 90% sure it's connor | y/nhughes impressive skills, but i never said i was 'dating' a center. just said i prefer them over any other position 😊 also never specified he played for the blackhawks | user6 touche
lhughes_06 he better be keeping his hands to himself | y/nhughes oops 🙊🙈
tdemko30 lovely couple actually | jackhughes how do you know who it is but i don't? i'm her brother | y/nhughes awe is jacky boy upset? | jackhughes obviously 🥺 | y/nhughes learn how to keep a secret & i'll tell you more stuff 😊
user12 can we get a hard launch soon? | y/nhughes of course 🥰
nhlblackhawks we love his increase in points as of late 😊
user7 is he a captain? | y/nhughes nope 😊 although captains are notoriously hot 😲🔥 | user7 so it could still be connor | user15 or now that i think about it, could be nico since she's pretty close to him 🤔 | y/nhughes 🤷🏻‍♀️
user9 ugh i just know he's incredibly cute 😭❤
trevorzegras oh whatcha watching? | y/nhughes no idea. he picked it 😂
lukasreichel44 hi 😊🌸 | y/nhughes hi hi 😊🌸 | lukasreichel44 i miss you 🥺 | y/nhughes i miss you more 🥰
rutgermcgroarty cute 😋 | y/nhughes you're cute 😋
mackinnon29 this has got to be cale. that looks exactly like his bedroom 😂
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @fearfam69691
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
pt 1 + pt 2 + pt 3 + pt 4 + pt 5 + pt 6 + end
It was five years before the siblings saw each other again.
By chance they were at the same port for supplies. It was hard to miss the other by their matching blue hair and red noses. Sis was at the docks, checking off the list as the crew brought things over as Buggy sauntered off his own ship, looking as proud as he could with a pretty girl on his arm.
Sis happened to look in his direction, pausing for a moment as she took in the sight of her little brother. He had grown up in the last few years, put on muscle even, his hair pulled back into a ponytail and longer than before.
Things had changed in the last five years for the two siblings. Sis and Marco married, a large wedding officiated by their captain who had commented It's about time when the two newlyweds shared their first kiss. They thought of having kids, something they had talked about for a while but it was just waiting for the right time. Now she was five months pregnant, waiting to meet their kid and happy they would be raised among a wonderful crew that was a family.
Leaving her brother behind years ago had been difficult for Sis, but she knew the two of them needed to grow without the other.
Buggy couldn't believe his luck that Sunny waited for him for years, always happy to see him pop by the shop she apprenticed at. He was trying to be a good man for her, bringing her flowers, gifts from his journeys, thrilling stories of piracy, but all she wanted was to have him in her arms whenever he stopped by, relieved he was okay. They had parted on... Okay terms from Lougetown. He was afraid of being alone again, wondering if he'd ever meet someone as nice as her but she invited him to come visit her whenever he could and well, he took her up on that offer.
When they were 18 and had their first kiss, Buggy said he loved her and would marry her.
Now he got to hold her hand and walk to the street, looking smug that he had the prettiest girl as his wife.
He froze when he heard his name, turning to see Sis standing there with her list, looking amused to see her little brother was now taller than her. He looked her over with a frown on his face. She looked the same except for her growing stomach and the smile on her face.
"How are you?" She asked, her little brother seemingly in shock, a loss for words as he looked between his sister and his wife.
"I-I got married." He said, suddenly feeling nervous about sharing such a detail. He had no way of telling her, no way to be sure she was even still alive, but he didn't want her to be upset that she missed out on something like that. "I mean, we just got married. A few weeks ago."
"That's wonderful!" Sis held her hand up to show off her ring to him. "Going on four years with Marco."
"What?! You married bird boy?!" Buggy looked shocked and slightly disgusted by that. "Really?!"
Sunny pinched his arm gently, shutting him up before she smiled at Sis. "You must be Thistle! He's told me about you. I'm Sunny."
"Did he really?" Sis glanced at Buggy with a grin. "I'm scared to know what he said."
"All good things." Sunny smiled. "It's wonderful to meet you!"
Sis looked her over and nodded, wondering if this was the girl from years ago that she saw her brother with. There was no way to know for sure. She looked between the two. "So what are you two getting up to here?"
"We need supplies." Buggy mumbled, crossing his arms as he looked away from his sister. "We, um, are finishing up our honeymoon."
"Ha! You're so cute." Sis laughed. "I hope it was fun."
"Yea, well..." Buggy gestures to his sister's stomach. "What have you been up to?! We had fun but you've been clearly up to something."
"You're going to be an uncle, Buggy." Sis told him as she patted her stomach. "In another few months."
"Oh, congratulations!" Sunny said. "That's wonderful!"
"Thank you." Sis chuckled. "It's going to be fun having a newborn on a ship but we'll manage."
"You're having a baby?! With who?!" Buggy demanded. His sister and wife shared an amused look before Sis looked back at her brother.
"With Marco, my husband."
"With that bird brained idiot?!"
"Buggy!" Sunny scolded but Sis laughed.
"It's been almost ten years, Buggy, stop holding a grudge." Sis told him, shaking her head with a smile. Buggy made a face and crossed his arms while Sunny patted his cheek gently.
"He's so silly." Sunny sighed and Buggy glared at her. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek; he seemed to relax at that, his cheeks pink. "We're heading to lunch if you'd like to join us. I'd love to hear stories of him as a kid."
"Yea? I have a few good stories." Sis grinned.
"And bring your husband if he's available!" Sunny added. Buggy shook his head but Sis nodded.
"I'll go find him."
Buggy didn't want to admit it but it was nice seeing how Marco took care of his sister, like pulling her chair out for her, holding the door open, little gestures like that. Was that the sort of things men did for their wives? He glanced at Sunny. She was chatting with Marco, the two talking about her apprenticeship, the mutual pirates they had met and known. Buggy didn't want to hear that conversation. He knew how lucky he was that Sunny chose him but he got uneasy whenever she talked about past clients.
Sis liked Sunny. The young woman seemed genuinely kind and loved her brother. Sis saw the way she looked at Buggy when he spoke, a look of pure adoration on her face. She shared some of her food with him, made sure his drink was never empty, and even wiped his face with a napkin when he was finished eating. Buggy turned red when she did that but allowed it.
After lunch, they headed back to the docks. Sunny and Buggy were holding hands while Marco and Sis walked side by side, his hand on her back to steer her towards the ship to keep her from wandering off after some cats they saw. She pouted at her husband when they passed the cats but didn't argue. They didn't have room for any more.
Sunny was the one to give out the hugs, insisting they arrange visits somehow, especially once the baby was born so Buggy could meet the kid. Sis liked that idea. She wouldn't mind seeing him a little more now that she could see how happy he was.
Buggy wasn't overly fond of saying goodbye now. His arms were crossed and he was scowling as Marco waved and headed back to the ship. Sunny went to wait for Buggy over by some crates, leaving the siblings alone. He glanced in Marco's direction before looking back at Sis.
"I'm glad... You're being taken care of, even if it's that guy." He mumbled; she smiled and shook her head.
"He's a good guy, Buggy." She told him, knowing she wouldn't be convincing him any time soon. "I'm happy you have someone like Sunny in your life. You take care of her, understand?"
"I-I do!" He shot back. "She-She just... She was there for me in Lougetown. She helped me out, okay? So of course I'll take care of her! She's been taking care of me since I met her!" He pointed at his sister. "You make sure that bird brained idiot takes care of you or I'll deal with him!"
"Of course, Buggy." Sis chuckled. "I'll make sure you're the first to know if I ever need help."
Buggy grumbled and scratched the back of his head, unsure how to properly end this. He needs to get back to the ship and get going and no doubt his sister did as well. He glanced over at Sunny, she wasn't looking at him, waiting for him to come back. Quickly he walked over to his sister, gave her an awkward hug, and hurried back to his wife, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her along to their ship.
Sis allowed it, patting him on the head before he left, shaking her head before she went back to her own ship. She was happy he seemed to be doing well, that he was happy at least.
Hopefully they won't be strangers anymore.
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no1konigfan · 2 years
First/second encounter with the COD men
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-Your first encounter was when you first started working with the military
-You were the medic,and one time he went to you because he dislocated his shoulder
-He honestly liked the feeling of your cold fingertips on his bare skin
-Although none of you said anything it wasn't the awkward silence that sometimes took place in these quiet situations
-He thanked you and went away
-Your first reaction to him was pretty much"what the fuck do they feed him?"
-The second was much more pleasant.It was almost midnight but you couldn't sleep so you went out for a smoke
-König joined you after a couple of minutes"You know doc,smoking kills"
-"Cut me some slack colonel"-you smiled signaling him to sit down next to you
-You two spent a peaceful night together just talking about everything, sitting on a trunk
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-When he bumped into you in the parking lot,he asked you for your number
-You-finding him attractive-obviously gave it to him
-He didn't call or text you for 3 days.But when he did he asked to see you
-He wanted to go to the new amusement park in the city
-He went to pick you up.He gave you flowers,he opened the door for you.
-He knows the sidewalk rule
-Since there was a lot of people in there he always kept you close to him,there was always a hand behind your waist,barely touching it
-You two had a great time,and for a long time he was finally able to have fun and ease up a little
-It was clear for the both of you it wasn't the last date you guys had
Captain Price
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-At the bar
-The way your hips were swaying left to right really caught his attention,so he decided to make a run for it and ask you for your number
-He's not young anymore he's not gonna beat around the bush
-"Excuse me Miss?"-his soft low voice startled you as you jumped a bit and turned around to face the man the voice belonged to
-"I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are,so i was hoping that maybe we can have a dinner together sometime?"
-Your mind was like"Yes.YES.YEEESSS".You of course found him attractive,it was no question
-"I would really like that"-you smiled a little and scribbled your number on a piece of paper from your bag
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-He asked you to help him apply sunscreen on his back
-As you were sunbathing on the beach you noticed a man unpacking his beach stuff like 5 meter away from you
-Your eyes were closed and you suddenly felt like something was blocking the sun
-When you opened your eyes you were greeted by the man smiling down at you friendly
-"I'm sorry to bother you,but can you maybe help me put sunscreen on my back"
-At first you were questioning why he didn't just ask anyone like,like a man,but then you saw that there wasn't really anyone else around you,since it was the quieter side of the beach
-You nodded
-He hopped down on the sand next to your towel,crossing his legs and handing you his sunscreen
-"Wow"-you thought as you saw his back
-It had scars,and it was definetly the prettiest back you've ever seen
-It was so broad and it had defined muscles,his skin was fairly tanned too
-As you touched his back,you couldn't help but let your mind wander
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-You were out walking your dog,and suddenly it went crazy,wanting to run
-Since he was young-but already big and strong enough- and still in training he almost made you trip
-You didn't but you let go of his leash
-You ran after him
-As you turned on the corner you saw your dog jumping on a mountain of a man
-You ran after them and apologized to the man immediately recognizing his gaze
-He also recognized yours but now he got to see your whole face,and it's safe to say it was just as beautiful as he thought it would be
-He chuckled while handing you your dog
-"It's alright.I like dogs"-he said
-"Well apperantly they like you too"you smiled"Do you have one?"
-"No,i don't really have time for that"
-"Well you can always play with him if you want to"-you said looking down at the fur ball in your hands
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-Let's say it wasn't how he planned
-He didn't ask for any source of availability of yours,and he couldn't go the the cafè considering he had to go on a mission
-When he showed up in your cafè after a month he went looking for you
-"Hey.I know you are probably angry with me but i had this thing and i couldn't inform you"-he explained strolling behind you as you mopped the floor
-You stopped and looked up at him
-"I'm not angry.I'm just a little dissapointed"
-He sweet talked to you so much you couldn't do any other thing than agree to go on a dinner with him
-This time he actually made it to the dinner and you had the best time
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basileus · 9 months
Caity's 2023 Most Enjoyed List
This isn't a real reclist, but a list for me to squirrel away all the things I enjoyed this year before it's over. It's a little all over the place but this was a mess of a year so I suppose my most enjoyed list can be a mess as well. See you later 2023, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
1 - "Lena" by qntm. This is a very short story in the format of a Wikipedia article that gives me so many delightful shivery feelings about consciousness and trans-humanism and who owns the rights to machine learning/AI datasets. Very topical this year.
2 - Dungeon Meshi finished its publication and the final chapter made me cry real tears. I've been following the series for 8+ years and it is everything good with comics - art, world building, the engagement and subversion of fantasy tropes, relationships, story, recipes, the casual cannibalism, the ending. All perfect. Ryoko Kui is a genius. I am very excited for the anime airing next week.
"I think the entire point of this journey we went on was about learning how to accept death."
"Meals are the special privilege of the living. In order to stay alive, we need to keep eating."
3 - I read a lot of questionable cnovels this year but I really enjoyed two. The first was The Villainous Shizun Is As Beautiful As A Flower which is a shorter BL Shizun fucker cultivation romance. The arc after the MC finds his father goes on for a little too long (and the timeskip is awkward) but the MC is engaging enough that I didn't mind. This was a very fun quick read that I want to talk more about.
The second was For Love of the Game which is an e-sports danmei where an former actor falls in love with the captain of his fake League of Legends team (lmao). Look. Okay. I was on a kick and actually read FOUR e-sports BL novels this year and this was the one I enjoyed the most. I loved that the MC and ML had an established relationship before ever meeting face to face. Some of the reviews are salty about the ML's sneaky plotting side but both I and the MC were into it! The MC was even into the terrible secondhand embarrassing singing confession scene. But beyond the main couple, I LOVED the side paring of their "old" player and the captain on the rival team. I even got into the stupid video game strategy stuff. I had a great time.
I also re-read Who Dares Slander My Senior Brother and Where is Our Agreement to be Each Other’s Arch-Rivals? now that the translations are finished and enjoyed both of them again free from the tortures of machine translated cultivation terms. I still think both suffer from 3rd act issues. But damn did I like both ships.
(As a note - this is a list of likes but my highest high to highest disappointment cnovel was Cannon Fodder Fake Master Was Stunned After Being Reborn which I'm not even going to link because I'm still mad about it. The idol arc and the triple baby swap reveal made me so crazy invested I was literally telling my sisters the entire plot scene by scene as I read. But the last couple arcs ruined the romance/plot. I HATED the ML by the end. What haaaaappened.)
4 - I remained pretty into the SCP Foundation this year, but instead of the wiki itself, I spent a lot of time listening to the SCP Archives podcast and The Exploring Series podcast episodes. I really enjoyed the radio play aspect of the SPCA but I also enjoy how the Exploring series is just listening to some dude give you lore dumps. Its the ideal painting, journaling, chore, driving, etc. podcast for me. Check out Exploring the SCP Foundation: The ABCs of Death (Compilation) for TWELVE HOURS of great SCPs. Crazy stuff.
5 - Fire Emblem Engage and Fire Emblem Heroes. Not a ton to say on these but I enjoyed them! Ike/Soren continues to cook in FEH and I finished up merging/ascending my Eirika collection because she is the prettiest princess in the entire world.
6 - Among Us. I played..... a lot of Among Us this year with both my discord friends and new friends. Moving on.
7 - Silo on Apple TV. I'm a little burnt out on apocalypse media right now but I started watching Silo when I was also reading Red Rising and it got my brain working on all of these humanity is most human in the soil! the unfeeling earth feeds us! kinda thoughts. Rebecca Ferguson is the prettiest woman in the entire world.
8 - Speaking of digging, @Kala on Tiktok who is tunneling a "suburban mine" under her house, presumably in an HOA community the eastern United States. Kala is actually in the process of being cancelled right now and people are making very boring "I told you so" videos because someone finally snitched on her to authorities for not having a permit to dig, install electrical work, weld, reinforce, "mine", etc. under her property. Obviously this is bad! This is not how people engaging in the social contract/not experiencing some sort of mental illness do things! But I work in Construction/Engineering and am still fully obsessed with her. Hobby tunneling is so fascinating and here is someone who is documenting it for the internet. Let her dig!
Non-Media Related Likes:
1 - Volunteering once a month at my local hospital. I LOVED THIS. I got to hang out with friends and gossip for a couple hours every month, cook new giant recipes for families going through a hard time, and give back. Definitely going to continue this next year.
2 - Summer floating after work in my special "secret" river spot with a big floppy sunhat, a couple ciders, and someone to chat and watch the local birds (herons, turkey vultures, albatross, blackbirds) with. I brought 3 separate dates floating this year and it was the best idea. Will be happening again.
3 - Espresso martinis. I was actually sober for most of this year because I discovered I just like a fancy drink/excuse to go out and don't actually need the alcohol (and it's cheaper). But espresso martinis from this one tiny wood paneled bar in North Portland decorated like a hunting lodge where they make them extra frosted and sweet? Obsessed.
4 - Live music. Nothing as crazy as last year's 23 shows & 2 festivals (thank god) but shouting along to 'Batman' live at the perfect Front Bottoms show in late summer. The Michigander concert that I didn't even want to go to that felt like a house show. The Beaches on Christmas. Tons of local shows at Turn Turn (rip). So fun.
5 - Parasailing. I had never parasailed before my trip to Mexico this year. Who was gonna tell me it fucks! I want to go again right now.
6 - The weird local actor/play scene in Portland. I'm talking about a Cthulhu puppet show, publicly submitted one acts, a live acted Harry Potter rewrite where people shout along to Oppenheimer quotes, a horror fest in a theater so small they make you leave between acts and everyone in the lobby is talking about clown classes, and a one-man gay musical about ghosts. Where else except local theater will you spend $10 and a few hours watching someone pretend sprinkle themselves with seasonings and shove themselves in a large pot. This is the arts, babe. I am only going to attend more of these shows in 2024.
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ganjas-shit · 2 years
Oh fuck Princess- Eddie Munson 18+  Word Count: 2,336
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Hi! This is my first ever SMUT ahhh! Very excited because y'all I cannot contain my Eddie Munson obsession anymore it's time to unleash the horny writer inside me. FUCK it we BALLLLL whoop whoop!! Enjoy bitches <3
rough mouth fucking? cussing. daddy kink? fingering. rough oral sex?giving oral sex?
sorry if I miss any please don't hesitate to message me and bully me into correcting my TW's lol (I'm a fucking idiot)
Eddie Munson enjoyed watching you. He loved watching the star cheerleader of Hawkins High in her cute little cheerleading outfit that hugged her body so beautifully. He's always wondered what that perky little ass looked like arched up in the air while you pretty little lips were wrapped around his long, thick, cum-filled cock.
He'd love to make his little fantasy of you a reality and knew exactly what he had to do.
Eddie knew you popular's well. Eddie noticed how you walked around Hawkins with your head all high because everyone considered you the prettiest girl in town. You were the cheer captain, you passed all your classes, the teachers loved you, you were a parents wet dream and everyone either wanted you or wanted to BE you.
You knew Eddie well. He was infamous for his Hellfire speeches in the school cafeteria. You'd never admit it but you lived for his speeches. He would stand on his lunch table and would call out the jocks for their ignorance. And you loved how outspoken he was, how he didn't care what people thought about him.
But oh man not only did he notice, he heard it himself. He overheard you and Robin one day talking in the library the next shelf over.
"Jesus what the hell am I DOING WRONG," you whined "I mean even his friends can't keep their mouths closed when they see me! But HIM, Eddie fucking Munson, he won't even bat an eye, AN EYE ROBIN" you whisper yelled
"I don't know what you see in him y/n." Robin sighed, "If he hasn't noticed that the prettiest girl in town has a secret boner for the town freak, maybe he's not the one." Robin shrugged
"SHHHH keep your voice down!" you shushed loudly,
Eddie smiled to himself. He couldn't believe Hawkins Princess wanted to be seen by the freak. It intrigued him.
Eddie then started to target the popular crowd every lunch.
Calling out their bullshit standards and expectations.
He also stuck his tongue out at Jason, the boys varsity basketball captain during their heated argument
(Which you thought was extremely hot btw)
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But, you hated it.
You hated that he called everyone else but you out. You wanted to get into a heated and hot argument with him in front of the whole school.
Just like he did with Jason.
He'd be so turned on by your yelling that after he'd drag you into the janitors closet and fuck your brains out till you couldn't take anymore.
Something you also couldn't bare was the fact that you had every guy in Hawkins on their hands and knees for you at any given second, every guy except for Eddie.
But Eddie knew you longed for his attention.
Shit, he even knew a glance from him would satisfy you but he wanted to push your buttons. He wanted you to approach him.
He wanted you to beg.
Eddie sat in the room of his trailer strumming the strings of his electric guitar playing Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix while taking a few hits of the joint he just rolled.
He was so lost in the music he was playing he didn't even hear you at his door.
"Hello? Anyone home!?" you called out as you knocked on the door of Eddie's trailer.
You crossed your arms and tried to make yourself as warm as possible considering you were wearing nothing but a school hoodie and your cheer skirt.
"HELLO? MUNSON WE NEED TO TALK NO-" you were cut off as the door flung open and you came face to face with the infamous beautiful freak himself
"now" you said embarrassingly low as you looked at Munson up and down admiring the tattoos on his arm and then your eyes followed up to his beautiful face.
He was so pretty.
His soft eyes. Messy hair.
And god don't get me started on his pretty mouth. You wanted to ride his face so bad.
"Geez any louder captain?" Eddie looked down at you, rolling his eyes, moving to the side making enough room for you to step inside his trailer.
The smell of marijuana lingered the air of the trailer and you felt at ease.
"So," Eddie started
"What brings the queen of Hawkins High into the Freak's humble abode?" He says slightly amused that his little plan actually worked.
"I wanna know what your deal is with me." you said ignoring the blood viciously pumping inside your heart
"My deal?"Eddie questions as he tilts his head looking at you up and down suddenly very intrigued
"You always pick fights with my teammates and the entire basketball team but you always ignore me," You look at Eddie obviously frustrated and slightly embarrassed that you're telling a boy you've never even held a conversation with that he doesn't acknowledge you
"Jesus Christ what world do you popular's live in?" Eddie scoffed
"You're in way over your head sweetheart." Eddie said as he slowly walked towards you
" Are you that out of touch with reality?" He looked deep into your eyes hooking his finger under your chin.
"Maybe I just want to be put in my place" you shrugged softly as you looked into his now dark eyes.
Eddie tried so hard to not push you onto your knees and stuff his cock down your throat. But he was being patient.
He wanted to hear you beg.
He wanted to hear you beg for permission to cum all over his long hard cock. He was growing tired of the games.
He looked down at your doe eyed "fuck me" eyes, chuckled to himself and walked away to his room.
He smiled when he heard you follow.
"Hey i’m talking to you Munson!" you said with a bratty tone
Eddie took a hit of his joint and looked you up and down
His room was warm. It smelt like marijuana and a strong cologne that made your core heat up, and that wasn't even the best part, you noticed his guitar was hooked up and instantly knew it was the reason he took so long to answer the door.
"Are you gonna stop being a brat and tell me what you really want or are we gonna keep doing this?" Eddie said slightly annoyed at the pent up tent in his pants the he so desperately wanted to free
The marijuana was finally starting to get to him and he wanted nothing more than to fuck your brains out.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." you said starting to feel small but still keeping your ground.
Shit does he know I want him?
Once again, Eddie started to walk towards you, eyes low and red from hitting his joint
"Be straight with me princess," He said lowly as he lifted up your skirt slowly running his finger up your inner thigh to reach your hot core
"Shit" you muttered at his finger pressing into your clit
"You want to be my little slut?" He questioned in a deep hushed tone, pushing your panties to the side gliding a finger up and down your slit
You felt your pussy grow wetter as he kept his pace painfully slow. You wanted him to shove his thick fingers in your gummy walls but you knew you had to speak or he wouldn't continue.
"What do you want darling?" Eddie said as he continued to drag his finger up and down your slit.
"I want you." you whispered
Eddie poked two fingers at your entrance making you gasp,
"I'm sorry sweetheart but you're gonna have to speak up" he said leaning in whispering into your ear
"Fuck Eddie I want you!" you moaned moving your hips trying to create friction between your gooey entrance and his fingers.
"See! and all you had to do was use your words" Eddie smirked and roughly shoved his fingers in your tight warm hole.
"Oh fuck" you moaned trying so hard not to fall forward considering you were standing up
"Look at you princess," Eddie said looking down at the moaning mess you've become. His dick was rock hard from seeing you trying to hold yourself up as he curved his fingers inside of you
"Look at you taking my fingers so well, fuck I can't wait to stuff my cock inside of you princess" Eddie moaned picking up his pace
You pressed your head in his chest to stop you from falling forward as Eddie was whispering the dirtiest things into you ear
"Oh fuck Eddie I'm close" you moaned feeling the knot form into your stomach
Eddie lifts your head up and smashes his lips into yours pumping his fingers inside of you so fucking fast that it makes your eyes roll back
"Mm come for daddy princess." Eddie moans against your hot wet mouth feeling your walls clench around his fingers
You rode his fingers as you came undone and he fucking loved it. He loved the feeling of your hot mouth pressed against his making the prettiest noises he's ever heard
He slowly pulled his fingers out of you refusing to break eye contact and stuck them in his mouth sucking the mess off his fingers.
"You made the prettiest mess on daddies finger doll," Eddie said as he finished sucking off the remaining cum.
He squeezed your face and wiped the drool of your mouth with his thumb.
"But you've been a brat," he said darkly
You swallowed harshly as he stared deep into your soul.
"Strip." he said dragging his finger under your chin as you stared at him dumbfounded already so far gone over him.
"It wasn't a question sweetheart" he said with a serious tone that made your core heat up.
You lifted your jacket over your head and shivered at the cool breeze of air which instantly made your nipples harden.
You watched Eddie walk towards the corner of his bed and taking a seat
He looked at you and started fiddling with his belt.
"Keep the skirt on princess," he demanded as he pulled his hard cock out beginning to stroke it. "Now come here and get on your knees." he said darkly.
You slowly walked over and and sat on your knees with your hands nicely placed on your thighs.
"Look how obedient my girl is," Eddie growled as he stroked his throbbing cock.
You looked at Eddie's lust filled eyes and then down at his huge cock which instantly made your mouth drool.
Eddie started to see the want in your eyes.
The need.
You wanted to touch yourself so bad.
Eddie was looking at you while stroking his dick and it made you so fucking horny.
You scooted up and laid your head on one of his thighs so you were inches away from his cock.
Fuck that made Eddie crazy.
"Can I play with myself please?" you whined looking deep into his hungry eyes
Eddie chuckled
"Open your mouth and keep those hands still." He demanded, "You're not touching that pretty little pussy till I say so." he said smoothly making your stomach flutter
Eddie stood up and stuck his two fingers down your throat then held his hand out in front of your mouth,
“Spit" he demanded
You spit in his hand and he started to stroke his dick with your saliva.
"You gonna be a good girl for me princess?" he questioned as he looked down at you still stroking his throbbing cock
"Yes daddy." you stated already getting eager for what's coming
"Good, cause I'm not going easy." he said as he shoved his throbbing cock roughly into your mouth causing you to gag.
He continued to fuck your mouth ruthlessly and got so turned on by how much you were actually taking his dick.
Your eyes were a watering mess and seeing the runny mascara on your face made Eddie's dick twitch inside your mouth
"Oh fuck princess you're taking all of me aren't you?" Eddie moaned slowing down his pace trying to feel more of your tongue
He grabbed the sides of your face with his two hands when he felt the vibration of your cries and whines on his already exploding cock
"Princess wants to touch herself huh?" Eddie taunts as he feels his high coming in hard
"Go ahead sweetheart, play with that pretty little clit" Eddie moans feeling you whimper on his cock
"Daddy wants to see his slut come undone." Eddie says as he picks up his pace feeling his high.
You rubbed your two fingers along your slit bringing the wetness of your pussy to your clit and started to rub it viciously.
You moaned on Eddie's dick already feeling that familiar knot in your stomach and rolled your eyes so far back
"Fuck are you close princess?" Eddie questioned as he thrusted harder into your mouth
You hummed rubbing your clit even faster which made him pick up his pace even more
"Oh fuck princess, I'm coming" Eddie moaned bucking his hips, cumming so hard in your mouth.
Fuck this was something he's never felt before.
He felt so euphoric.
You gasped so hard as he pulled out your mouth and let out the nastiest moan Eddie's ever heard in his life as he watched you ride out the rest of your high on your fingers.
You brought your fingers to your mouth and sucked the juices off your fingers,
"Thank you for putting me in my place daddy." you looked up at him, and batted your pretty eyes like the obedient little whore you are, cum still dripping down the sides of your mouth.
And this turned Eddie on so fucking much
"Get on the bed. Now." Eddie demanded still looking down at her, admiring the mess she is, with his dick still rock hard.
I actually did it tee hee
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xiaosmoon · 3 years
hello! can i request calling zhongli, xiao, and kaeya pretty boy? pls and thank you! have a nice day/night <3
calling him pretty boy
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parings: zhongli, xiao, kaeya, diluc, albedo, kazuha, thoma, childe, & itto x gn!reader
content/warnings: fluffy. i don't think kaeya's is suggestive? very minor archon quest spoiler in thoma's.
a/n: decided to add more characters hehe. i hope thoma wasn't too ooc.
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-> zhongli
"what was that dear?" he places down his tea cup. zhongli may be old, but not quite old enough for him to lose his hearing. at least he hopes.
you tilt your head, a soft and genuine smile forming on your face. "i said you're such a pretty boy. you have the most perfect features; i mean look at your hair!" your hand reaches out to brush his silky locks with your fingers.
zhongli never considered himself to be "pretty." it's true he decided to take this form, but it was never with the intent of being attractive. zhongli chuckles at the compliment and places a chaste kiss on your head. "thank you, y/n."
-> xiao
"hey pretty boy, about time you came home." you warmly greet him from your bed. xiao furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "a-are you talking to me?" his voice faltered a bit. there's no way that you were talking to him. xiao refuses to believe he's pretty.
"yeah, who else dummy." you hop up from the couch to get closer to him. xiao's cheeks flushed crimson. he coughed awkwardly, "i'm not pretty. don't call me such things." his voice was never this uncertain and you must admit, it was cute seeing him so flustered.
"you are pretty though. the prettiest person i have ever seen." to make his situation worse, you place a loving kiss to his heated cheeks before leaning your head on his shoulder and hugging him. xiao knew he was defeated. "you have no respect for the adepti."
"mmm i've heard that before."
-> kaeya
"hmmm? what did you call me love?" kaeya knew he was attractive. many of the towns folk would gush about how charming and handsome the calvary captain was. but no ones ever referred to him as pretty.
the seduction and velvet in kaeya's tone was heating up your body. you're the one who's suppose to make him blush, not the other way around. "pretty boy. you know it's true." refusing to let kaeya get his way, you inch closer to him, causing his back to hit his desk.
kaeya smirks at you, snaking his arms around your waist. "say it again." he whispers, eyeing your lips. oh yeah, he's got you right where he wants. "pretty boy." your voice was breathless and he hasn't even done anything. yet.
"again." he inched closer, lips merely hovering over yours. his breath was hot. you wanted to run away, knowing you knew that you heavily messed up. there's no teasing kaeya, and you should've known that.
"pretty boy." your voice was a whimper, almost inaudible. "mmm. that's what i like to hear." kaeya leaned in, placing one gentle kiss on the corner of your lips. punishment.
he placed another one on your jawline, teasing you, before finally placing a passionate one on your lips. the kiss was feverish, and longing. you wanted to keep going, kissing him forever, to feel the heat and intimacy but kaeya pulled away with wet lips and placed on last kiss on your temple.
"you should call me that more often."
-> diluc
much like xiao, diluc would become a blushing mess. as popular he is, diluc doesn't get many upright compliments; especially ones calling him pretty.
"what?" he would pretend not to hear you but in reality his heart is racing 100 mph, threatening to jump out of his chest. "i said come here pretty boy." you tilt your head and smirk. you know exactly what buttons to push when it comes to diluc. as cruel as it is, this has almost become a hobby of yours. 
diluc was standing very awkwardly, roughly 10 feet away from you. you were relaxing on the couch, innocently scheming ways to get diluc a lil riled up. diluc took slow strides to you and sat on the opposite side of the couch, staring hardly at the floor.
you crawl over to him and rest your chin on his shoulder. "what's wrong 'luc? something i said?" he was praying to the archons that you'd stop your teasing, not knowing how much more he could take.
"no, no nothing is wrong." his face was the same shade as his hair; mission accomplished! you burst out laughing, clutching onto your stomach for support. diluc looks over at your state, completely bewildered. are all s/o's like this? once you've calmed down you look back up at your lover.
"i was just teasing! i do think you're very pretty, obviously, just wanted to see how you'd react." your smile was so innocent diluc was almost convinced your actions had no bad intent. but he knew you better than that.
diluc grabs a throw pillow and (gently) chucks it at you before leaving for his study.
-> albedo
albedo wouldn't react instantly. in fact, it wouldn't really phase him. if you were expecting to get a reaction out of him, consider your plan a huge failure.
when you called him pretty boy the first time and he remained neutral, you had just assumed that he didn't hear you. so you tired again an hour later but still no reaction. throughout the day until the sun was down, you would keep referring to him as pretty boy, "hey pretty boy, how's the sample coming along?" "you're such a pretty boy albedo." "pretttyyy boyyyy why don't you come take a break with me?"
once you've accepted that he doesn't care, you give up. "albedo, do you liked being called pretty boy?"
albedo perks his head at you. "hm? i don't mind it. is it a new nickname for me?" you shyly begin to play with his hair to avoid eye contact. "well if you want it to be. i just wanted to get a reaction out of you but that clearly didn't happen."
"you're always calling me pet names, y/n. i had just assumed it was another one of them. sorry you didn't get the result you were searching for." you laugh, hiding your head into the crook of his neck.
only albedo would apologize for such a thing.
-> kazuha
"you're such a pretty boy kazuha."
when the words left your lips, kazuha turned to meet your eyes. "i think you're the pretty one here y/n. your eyes, the way your eyes glimmer in the moonlight, how your smile brightens up every room you walk in, and even the sweet honey that is your voice. you're truly pretty."
your mouth slightly parted and your cheeks were warming. you certainly weren't expecting that. you whip your head away, looking anywhere but him. "do you always have to be so romantic." you mumble.
kazuha chuckles, taking ahold of your hand. "i'm only telling the truth. even the wind believes so."
-> thoma
"uh, what? you- you think i'm pretty?" if you didn't think he was a golden retriever before, he for sure was now. thoma's eyes were puppy like with the cutest smile.
"yes, of course i think you're pretty." you grin at him. thoma happily places a sweet and loving kiss on your cheek. "anyone who can bring down a 2 million mora deal down to 600 has to be pretty to get away with it, no?" you tease.
thoma awkwardly chuckles, "you're not still mad about that dinner, right? i swear it wasn't like that. hey- wait! y/n, i said i was sorry!"
-> childe
childe is very pretty. he's quite the ladies man back in his hometown and mostly everywhere else he goes. compliments from men and women don't mean much to him. he appreciates their kindness, but he's kind of used to it.
but when you're the one calling him pretty boy, childe's brain stops functioning. "what did you say babe?" childe's eyes were twinkling, patiently waiting for you to repeat those sweet, sweet words.
"you're such a pretty boy. you're always getting attention from someone." you mindlessly repeat, staring off into the distance. it's not like you were jealous, but it was quite annoying seeing others melt around your boyfriend.
childe comes up behind you, wrapping his arms snuggly around your figure. "i don't care about other people. the only attention i need is from you. i love you, don't ever forget that."
-> itto
"huh? if i'm pretty then you must be a goddess! i mean pft, look at you! although i am pretty myself arent i." you would boost this man's ego through the roof.
itto only pretends to boast about his ego, but deep down inside he took that compliment to heart.
"of course you're pretty you dummy." you chuckle, bringing your hand up to your face to hide the obvious blush. "but i wouldn't say that for myself."
now this, this sets him off. how on celestia do you think you're not pretty?! itto thinks you're the most beautiful person he has ever laid eyes on and if you can't see that, he'll have to show you.
"trust me y/n, i've seen pretty. and you, you are the definition of pretty. now you better believe it or i will throw you into a room of mirrors until you can see it for yourself."
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truuly25 · 2 years
Crazy Teenagers Part 2 - Aitana Bonmatí
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The day finally arrived, I've always dreamed about playing at Camp Nou, today I'll do it, but I won't defend the colours I love.
When the match was at his end I went to my national teammates, I congratulated them, Aitana was the last one I saw.
-Good game Aitana.
-Same Y/N, we go grab some food and talk?
-Yeah sure, tell me where and I'll be there.
She gave me the direction of a restaurant and I went there, when I arrived I saw her at the door, she was so pretty.
-Hola Y/N, shall we enter?
-Sure, by the way, you are very pretty- I told her that and she began to turn red.
-Don't tell me these things Y/N.
Therfore she told me that I loved to make her turn red, in fact, I love everything about her.
-We have to talk- She told me with a serious face.
-Si... you begin please.
-You know that I was so hurt when we broke up, but I know we needed a time to love ourselves, we were 2 crazy teenagers in love, but I realised that you are the women of my life, that I want to travel with you, live manu adventures and, if you don't want it I'll respect that, I've tried to forget you for 2 years but I just could imagine if you were doing right, if you've met someone, and I'm so sorry but I love you from here to the infinity- She said with tears coming out her eyes, mine were almost coming down but I needed to tell her without crying.
-Aitana babe- Her face lighten up a bit with that- It's been 2 difficult years for me, everytime I've met anyone I couldn't be with them, because they weren't you, I also think about my future and it's a future with you, I agree that we were crazy teenagers in love but we've changed and I think that we should give us another chance, because I love like the first day or even more- When I finished she came to me and she kisses me slowly, I think it was the best kiss I ever had.
-Why don't we go home to celebrate?- She asked seeing that we didn't want to separate.
-I think it's the best thing.
She took me by her hand and we get to her home, in seconds we were in the bed, you can imagine what happened.
The next morning I woke up with Aitana on top of me, she was sleeping so peacefully, I observed her for a while, she was the prettiest thing in the world for me.
-Good morning amor- She told me with a sleepy voice.
-Good morning sleepy head- Then she kissed me.
-Hey, I got to go meet some of the girls for breakfast, do you want to come?
-Yeah sure, but at 3 p.m I have to be at the hotel to leave.
-I'd love that we were at the same team.
-I'd love that too amor, but I'm the captain, I can left them...
-I know babe, and at the end, Madrid isn't that far, but I have to admit that hurts that you are now from Real Madrid, you were so culé- She told me laughing and giving me a kiss on the fronthead.
-Barça is at my heart, but I couldn't refuse the offer they gave me.
-I know amor, now let's go or we'll be late.
-Okay, but we can get lunch the two of us alone?¿
-Sure, because yesterday we didn't eat anything.
-Well, I got to eat something better than the food, I don't know if you did- I told her laughing.
-Of course I did, silly.
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elysianslove · 3 years
Those dick analysis are so good!!!! Idk why i just keep reading them Abufbsudjwjdj my i please ask for the setter ones? If its not trouble, of course!
honestly they’re so much more fun than i thought they’d be??? i wanted to do it cause,,, horny thoughts, but then it ended up actually being enjoyable hbsjdd but im so so happy you like them!!! and yes yes of course <3 
just to clarify as i always do, this is hella unrealistic and just for fun!! 
other versions: haikyuu captains dick analysis, haikyuu aces dick analysis, haikyuu middle blockers dick analysis, jjk dick analysis. 
setters done in the captains version: oikawa tōru
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kageyama tobio 
listen, i know he has a skinny penis. something about him just screams skinny penis, but it’s so so so pretty. also it’s not like unsatisfying skinny cause it still has a little girth to it but it’s not painful girth you know? he’s like 6.8 inches? idk that seems right i guess? pale shaft that has a little flush of color to it, and a pink pink pink tip, but it’s like such a pretty, pretty tip, kind of mouthwatering tbh. curves to the right absolutely it does.  also he is so sensitive, like everywhere. literally just hover your fingers lightly along his dick and you’ll have him twitching and all. he’s not clean shaven because he never really understood the purpose, like the hair’s there for a reason for sure?? it must be?? but if you ask him he’ll be like “ok.” 
kozume kenma
i can’t decide if kenma would have a little dick or not, so i’m gonna settle for he’s a 5.6 inches. thing is kenma knows!!! how!!! to use it!!! like in a way that he’s kind of winging it, but he’s very perceptive so he just goes with what he sees you like the most. also teases so so much before, so that when he fucks you it feels really good!! shaft is a light tan with a golden tip, and very veiny too?? also kenma’s actually clean shaven— he probably waxes pls, just cause it’s so much more convenient and shaving always itches :( idk i feel like he might forget to take care of himself so he does it just so he doesn’t have to worry about it yk 
akaashi keiji 
god. god. god. such a pretty dick, like you could just stare at it all day. dick pics need to be framed in gold. he’s probably 6.8 inches like kags, with the prettiest pink tip like it’s so flushed but it’s not red and it’s not a pale pink either like just a deep deep pink, and a pale shaft, really prominent veins when he’s hard. his balls are pretty too pls :( and he’s clean shaven, for sureee. akaashi would do the most to make sure you’re satisfied and happy. when it’s hard it curves against his stomach like inward but only a little, maybe at the head yk? is really into foreplay and prepping you for him so by the time he fucks you his dick is drooling for you, and it’s the most gorgeous sight ever seeing it twitch and leak ugh <3 
miya atsumu 
big dick and KNOWS it. flaunts it. is the type to wave it in your face while in the shower with you just cause. a golden tan to the shaft, darker tip with a slight pink/red flush to it, hella veins, hella girth, hella length. he’s a good 7.1 inches i’m not gonna lie. (osamu’s bigger by .3 inches and rubs it in atsumu’s face all the fucking time btw). he. he is not clean shaven. will make you trim it for him if you really want it clean. (but only to piss you off, he will do it anyways <3). also his dick print is. gorgeous. in sweats? immaculate. gym shorts? beautiful. those red plaid pajama pants that give everyone a fat ass? dick print is stunning. IN TIGHT ASS BRIEFS AND ITS LEAKING A LITTLE? im crying. 
sugawara kōshi 
omg it’s !!!! he’s so good with it. so good. loves to tap it against all your sensitive spots like your clit after being abused by his mouth and fingers? or your hole after he stretches you? 6.5 inches, sort of proportionate in terms of length and girth, but idk. suga seems like he has a fat dick for some reason? like it’s not shocking girth, but it’s definitely a stretch. idk i can just picture his bulge in jeans or tight pants to be very prominent i guess? or like. idk i can just tell he’s hiding a fat dick in his shorts does that make sense. also a very pretty tip, a pale-ish pink with a shaft that kind of starts off very pink and then pales towards the base. clean shaven!!!!!! obviously. 
semi eita
such a nice dick you’d wanna just cockwarm it. but with your mouth. yk. or anything else really. it just feels so satisfying inside of you!! i can’t decide on a length (these are all hella unrealistic anyways) but maybe 6.9 inches. he just seems like he has a long dick!!! more length than girth you know? you know. purple-ish head and pale shaft, sticks up straight with no curves, and not a lotta veins!! there is one or two that are obvious, but it’s delicate yk. also i have the feeling semi likes it messy so he’s obsessed with deepthroating you and pulling out and having his dick covered in a mess of cum and bubbling spit. i will not be taking criticisms thank you <3 
koganegawa kanji 
oh my god he so has a big dick and literally has zero clue. no concept of size whatsoever. first time you see it and you gasp and he’s like uh oh what’s wrong like he’s not fucking packing as shit??? 6.9 inches with so much fucking girth. not so much that you have to spend forever prepping yourself, but like, it’s definitely a long time. first time you had sex he put it in too soon and you were like pls i beg you and your stupid big dick— fat, fat tan head, a lighter shaft with a golden tint to it. head flushes pink when he’s hard and leaking!!! he’s so messy with the hair down there cause he thought it was cooler but when he learned it wasn’t he was so quick to shave it all off yk :) 
ukai keishin 
couldn’t skip him!!! big dick big dick big dick. he has a big dick. look at him and tell me he doesn’t. it has a tan shaft, very similar to his overall skin tone, and a pinker tip, which darkens considerably when he’s hard. curves to the right and is so veiny!!! so fat, shaft is fat, head is fat, just so fat. he’s a good 7.4 inches, because why not you know, and always hits it from the back to have his balls slap against you. i— he’s not clean shaven what are you expecting. he’s not gonna shave. will actually make you choke on his dick and bury your face in his lap unashamed. (no but to be honest he would trim it for you, at the very least, not to worry <3) 
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i tried not to miss out on any setters too!! i looked through the schools and if i did miss any, it just means i don’t know them well enough to write for them, i’m sorry!!! but i hope you guys enjoyed !!! im sorry if it’s a messy or something im writing this with an oncoming migraine </3 
luv u all mwah <3 
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rmtndew · 3 years
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Chapter 12
Summary: The Great Depression took its toll on a lot of people and some had to get creative to survive. Seraphina’s father decides his solution is to sell his only daughter to a much older man. But when Sy overhears a conversation about the young woman, he makes a decision that will change his life - and Seraphina’s - forever.
(An arranged marriage AU with Captain Syverson)
Pairing: Sy and OFC Seraphina
Word count: 5,600+
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16
December came, bringing Christmastime with it. I’d always loved Christmas as a little girl but like most everything else, once Momma died all those traditions went with her. But Sy loved Christmas, too. So a few days before, we went looking for a tree. I was bundled up as tight as could be, my cheeks and nose the only thing the cold could reach, but even that wasn’t too bad, ‘cause Sy would stop every once in a while and put kisses all over them to warm me back up. It made my heart flutter like a great big butterfly every time and Little Bit must’ve thought it was something because they kept wriggling around in my belly every time he did it. I wanted Sy to be able to feel it but through everything I’s wrapped up in, he couldn’t feel nothing. 
“Once we get home, I’ll get out of this coat and you can feel it,” I said. 
“What if I want you out of more than just that coat?” he asked with a smirk.
I laughed. “Sy! You’re awful!” 
He smiled. “What’s awful about wanting to see my wife?” He moved his hand from my belly and brought it up to my face. He stroked my cheek with his fingers. Even without gloves they were warm. “I happen to think you’re the prettiest thing on this earth.”
I felt my cheeks heat up. “You mean that?”  
He nodded and brought his face down close to mine. “Yes, ma’am. More than anything.” He kissed me so softly his lips barely touched mine but it was enough for those butterflies to start fluttering again, and Little Bit started kicking up a storm once more. I took Sy’s hand from my face and put it back on my stomach, pressing it a little harder than he had and I watched his eyes widen. “All that’s from me kissing you?” he asked. 
I nodded. “You get me all fluttery inside and they can feel it, I reckon.”
He smiled. “Then Little Bit would sure be kicking up a storm if they could feel what I feel every time I look at you.” 
“You really think so?” 
“I do,” he said, then kissed my forehead. “Now let’s get us a tree so the three of us can get warm and cozy inside.” 
It didn’t take long to find us a pretty little tree in the woods. It was taller than me but shorter than Sy. I stood back and watched him chop it down easily with an axe. Most men probably would’ve taken a few minutes to get it down but Sy was so big and strong, it really just took about four good swings and it toppled right over. Then he swung his axe over his shoulder and drug the tree through the woods by its trunk like it weighed nothing, all while I followed beside him, looking over every once in a while to watch him. He caught me, though.
“What’cha looking at, honey bee?” 
“I’m looking at you,” I said, waddling in the snow beside him. “Just thinking about how strong you are.” 
He smirked. “Is that right?”  
“It is,” I said. “I ain’t ever seen a man as stout as you. I like it. It makes me feel proud for some reason.”
“It does?”
I nodded. “Makes me feel a few other things, too,” I said, my cheeks heating at my admission. 
“What other kind of things?” he asked, knowing right well what I was talking about. 
I chewed my lip for a couple seconds before finally looking back up at him. “Like I want to see you out of more than just your coat, too.” 
He laughed. “You keep talking like that and you’ll really find out how strong I am, because I’ll throw you over my other shoulder and run to the house with you and this tree both in tow.” 
“That don’t sound like too much of a threat to me.” 
He let out another laugh that was so loud it scared some birds roosting in a tree that we were passing by and they took off. “My sweet little ol’ honey bee is getting mighty brazen,” he said. 
“Too brazen?” I asked. I’d learned pretty well I could say what I wanted to Sy and not worry about being indecent. When we were together, especially coupled up, we said just about everything to one another. But I still worried that there was a time and place for it and I was being too forward talking about it outside of that. 
“No. When it’s just you and me, there ain’t a thing as too brazen,” he said. “I like hearing you say you want me.” 
“Well, I do.” I could see the house through the clearing in the woods. “Once we get this tree inside, do you think I could have you? Before we put anything on it?” I asked. “I know we ain’t got too many decorations but I don’t know if I can wait.”
He blew out a loud breath. “I’m about to just abandon it right here and now and come back for it later,” he said. “You’re getting me so I don’t know if I can wait, either.” 
I laughed and shook my head. “No! Don’t leave it! It’s pretty,” I said. “You might forget where it’s at or some critters might come along and nest up in it. I haven’t had a Christmas tree in a long time and I like this one a lot.” I put my hand on his elbow. “I’ll behave until we get to the house. I promise.” 
He looked down at me. His eyes looked dark with mischief as he raised an eyebrow. “Alright. But once we get to the house, I expect you to start misbehaving again.”
I giggled. “What am I going to do with you, Sy?”
“Oh, I’ve got plenty of ideas, sweet girl. Don’t you worry.” 
I hadn’t ever seen no one put up a tree as fast as Sy did that morning. He brought it in the house and had it up in its stand in less than five minutes. It was sturdy, too. Sy didn’t do no sloppy work ever but especially if it was something like a big old tree that could fall over and hurt me. While he was situating it, I took off my coat and boots. But when I tried to pull off my blouse, he stopped me. He wanted to watch me undress and he couldn’t do both at the same time. So I waited for him. 
I couldn’t ever figure out what he found so fascinating about watching me take my clothes off but he did. He sat on the couch and unlaced his boots without ever glancing at them. His eyes were on me the whole time. And it took a while. I was truly bundled up. Finally, we were both down to our underclothes and he scooped me on up and put me on the mattress in front of the fireplace. We’d been sleeping there because of how cold it had been and the heat of the fire felt nice on my skin as Sy started kissing all over it. When he got to my belly, he held it with both hands but didn’t stop. His lips pressed a trail all over my stomach, from one side to the other.
“How did I end up with a wife as pretty as you?” he asked, his breath tickling my skin from how close his mouth still was to it. 
I knew it wasn’t a real question, he didn’t want me to answer him, but it got me thinking. And that thinking got me a little worried. Before long, I was fighting back tears. “Sy...are you going to be upset when Little Bit’s born and I ain’t big no more?” 
He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. “No. Why would you think that?” 
My lip wobbled as I shrugged. “I don’t know. ‘Cause you keep telling me how you like me getting so big, I just worried you might not like me no more when I go back to being smaller.”
He moved, laying next to me, and pulled me to his chest. “That ain’t gonna happen. I promise you, Seraphina,” he said. “I do like you getting bigger. But do you know why?” I shook my head. “It’s ‘cause you’re getting bigger with our baby. You’re growing something precious inside you. Something that’s going to change our lives forever. I might’ve had a hand in the making of it, but you’re the one that’s doing all the work.” A tear fought its way out of my eye but Sy stopped it with his thumb. “I’ve got a big old empty field that I can’t grow nothing in. And you got this tiny little body and you’re growing us a baby.”
“That’s the only reason you like me getting bigger?” I asked, my voice strained from fighting back all the crying my mind was wanting me to do. 
“I like you any and every way possible. I done told you; you’re the prettiest thing in this world to me,” he said. “But watching you get bigger, knowing it’s ‘cause you’re going to make me a Papa? What in the world could be more beautiful than that?” 
“So you won’t be upset with me?” 
“No, ma’am,” he said firmly. “I love you, understand? Big, small, don’t matter. As long as it’s you.” He brushed another tear from my eye. “I know you get these thoughts and bouts of melancholy because of Little Bit but I don’t want you to ever question whether I’ll be attracted to you or not just because your body is changing. I just need you to be you, baby. Then you’ll always be beautiful.” 
“You promise?” 
“With everything I got.” 
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On Christmas Eve, it snowed more than I’d seen in a long time. I felt a little silly by how excited I was, that is until I saw Sy’s face. He looked like a big old kid with a grin as we watched it fall through the window. 
“Can we go for a walk?” I asked. 
He looked around. “I don’t know. It looks deep. I might lose you in it,” he joked. Even though he was teasing me, he did have a point. My legs just weren’t long enough to tromp through it like his were. He finally looked back at me. “What if we go for a ride instead?” 
“In your truck?” 
“No. On Betsy or Sally,” he said. “I can go saddle one of them up and you can wait for me on the porch.” 
I hadn’t been on a horse since I was a little girl but I trusted Sy better than anyone. If I was going to be safe with anybody, it was him. I nodded. “Alright. A ride sounds nice.”
We both bundled up real tight and then he went to the barn to get one of the horses. I waited inside the house until I saw him coming up through the yard, then I went out on the porch. He came up to the side of it and I wasn’t sure how I was going to get on. But then he bent over at the waist and reached his arms out to me. 
“C’mere,” he said. I got as close to him as I could and he lifted me right up, putting me on the saddle in front of him. I gripped on tight to his leg as Betsy took a few steps forward. “You’re alright. I’ve got you.”
He adjusted himself, making sure I was comfortable, then his arms went around my waist as both hands held tight to the reins. He directed my hands to the horn on the saddle so I had something to grip onto. Then we set off. 
As hard as it would have been for me to walk through the snow, Betsy didn’t seem to have a problem at all, even carrying the both of us on her back. It took me a few minutes to get used to riding on her but once I did, I enjoyed it. Sy took her onto the road and it was nice having it all to ourselves. 
I leaned back against him, resting on his chest. He put his chin on the top of my head and looked down at me, giving me a big smile. I smiled back. “You got me all tucked up,” I said. 
“Yes, ma’am. I like having you tucked right against me.” 
“Me, too.” 
We rode like that for quite a while. I wasn’t sure how long, there wasn’t nothing to keep time by, but I didn’t mind. As long as Betsy was doing alright and handling the weather and the road just fine, then I was keen to stay out there forever. I’d wrapped my scarf around me to keep my nose and cheeks warm and with Sy behind me, there was no getting cold. 
We didn’t see nobody for the longest and it started to feel like we were the only two people in the world. But finally we got to the church at the end of the road and saw a bunch of kids building snowmen in the churchyard. No one else was there, though. No preacher or parents. Just kids. 
I looked up at Sy. “They don’t do Christmas Eve services?” I asked. 
“No. Most churches here do Christmas morning ones,” he said. “Did y’all do Christmas Eve?” 
I nodded. “Course that was before Momma died, but back then all the churches around us did it on the same day.”
“Here, too.” 
“What about Revered Anderson? Will he do one tomorrow?” 
Sy turned Betsy around, leading her away from the kids who were getting a bit loud. Betsy didn’t startle easy but she wasn’t used to much noise. Me and Sy minded ourselves pretty well at home. 
“I don’t see why he wouldn’t,” Sy said, heading back towards the farm. “Why?” 
“I don’t know. I’s just thinking it might be nice to go…” 
He was quiet for a bit and then he sighed, kissing the top of my head. I could feel it through my cap, even. “If that’s what you want, then we’ll go.”
“You mean it?” I asked. He nodded. I smiled at him but I don’t think he could really see it ‘cause of how my face was wrapped up. “I love Christmas services. It’s so calm and peaceful. And the music’s so pretty. I ain’t been to one in so long. Thank you! ”
“You’re welcome, honey bee.” 
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That evening, me and Sy were in bed together in front of the fireplace. Everything felt nice and warm, except my toes. For some reason they just couldn’t get warmed up. Sy didn’t like that none. As soon as I mentioned it to him, he hopped right up and went to the bedroom. When he came back, he had a pair of his socks. He threw the covers off me and knelt at the bottom of the bed. 
“Let me see those cold piggies,” he said. 
“Your piggies. Give them to me,” he said, reaching for my foot. 
I pulled it away. “Are you calling me a hog again?” 
I could see the confusion on his face by the orange light of the fire. “No, I’m talking about your toes, woman. Ain’t you ever heard of ‘This Little Piggy’?” he asked. I shook my head. “I’ll show you then. Give me your foot.” 
Reluctantly I moved it back. He took it and held it by the heel with one hand and the other hand lightly pinched at my big toe through the sock I was already wearing. “This little piggy went to market,” he said, then moved onto the next. “This little piggy stayed home -” He pinched at the third one “- this little piggy had roast beef -” He moved down to my second to last toe “-this little piggy had none.” He tapped my pinky toe. “And this little piggy… Went wee-wee-wee, all the way home,” he said, running his hand up my leg, tickling me. 
I turned to my side to get away from him. “That ain’t fair!” I said, laughing. “You tricked me!”
He laughed back. “I did nothing of the sort. 
“Well, I didn’t know you was going to tickle me.” 
“It’s not my fault you didn’t know ‘This Little Piggy’.” He took my foot back and I worried he was going to tickle me again. He must’ve seen I was nervous because he shook his head. “No more,” he said. “I’m just going to get these toes of yours warmed up. Promise.” 
He took his socks and put them on me, pulling them on over the socks I was already wearing. They went over my long handle underwear and stretched plumb past my knees. Once they were on, I wiggled my toes around. 
“Better?” Sy asked. 
I nodded. “Much better. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome,” he said, laying back down beside me. He fixed the blankets over us, tucking me in. “Now go to sleep, honey bee, or Santa Claus won’t come.” 
I laughed. “Sy, I’m a grown woman. Santa ain’t coming here for me.” 
“I wasn’t talking about you.” He tapped my nose with his finger. “I want him to bring me something and if you don’t go to sleep, he won’t come.” I giggled. “What’s funny? You think I’m on the naughty list or something?” 
I shook my head. “No. You couldn’t ever be on the naughty list,” I said. “I’m just picturing you sitting on Santa’s lap.”
He smiled. “That is a little bit funny,” he admitted. He brushed the hair back from my face and let his fingers stroke my ear. “What about tomorrow I play Santa and you sit on my lap and tell me what you want, little girl?” 
I giggled again, right in his face. “No, Sy! You’re being silly.”
He kissed me and all that silliness left. I melted into him, humming against his lips happily. “You love me even when I’m silly?” he asked, his mouth moving against mine. 
“I love you always.” 
He kissed me again. “I love you always, too.” 
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I woke up the next morning in my favorite way: Sy kissing on my neck. His rough fingers held the collar of my long handle top down to where he could kiss on my shoulder, too. I sighed and stretched out my neck, letting him get to more of my skin. I loved waking up with him still in bed with me. 
“Merry Christmas, baby,” he said, his voice all raspy from sleep. 
“Merry Christmas,” I mumbled back. 
He kept kissing and loving on me, eventually his hand found its way around to rub soft circles against my belly. “And merry Christmas to you, too, Little Bit.” 
“They said merry Christmas, Papa.” 
He laughed. “Did they?” 
I nodded. “They did.” I turned around so I could face him. “You know, I couldn’t ask for nothing more for Christmas than you and Little Bit. I got everything I want right here.” 
“Does that mean I get to eat whatever Santa left in your stocking?”
I laughed. “Santa didn’t leave nothing, Sy. He ain’t brought me anything in years.”
“Then what’s that thing under the tree with your name on it?” 
I sat up and looked at the tree. Sure enough, underneath it were two stockings. One was Sy’s with ‘Hoyt’ embroidered on it so pretty, and the one next to it that said ‘Seraphina’ written in a little bit rougher hand. “Sy, you didn’t!”
“Go on. See what he put in there,” he said with a grin. 
I clambered off the bed and went over to the tree. I knelt down next to it and picked up my stocking. I loved it more than anything, even if it wasn’t the prettiest, because I knew Sy had worked hard to put my name on it. It was heavier than I thought it would be and when I dumped it all out on the floor, I realized why: There was an apple and a whole orange at the bottom. Nuts and candy, too, but my eyes got so big when I picked up the orange and smelled it. 
“You got me an orange!” I said, smiling at him. 
He was sitting up on the side of the mattress, watching me. He smiled back. “I put one in mine, too. I couldn’t resist.”
“I ain’t had one of these in forever.”
“We can split mine for breakfast, if you want,” he said. 
“Only if we split mine later.” 
He nodded, still smiling. “You got yourself a deal.” He moved, sitting down on the floor next to me, and took his own stocking, reaching down and grabbing a piece of candy. “We’ll eat us some of this, then we’ll be good and eat a proper breakfast and get ready to go to church. How’s that?” 
“It sounds good.” I turned towards him and gave him a big kiss. “You ain’t got no clue how happy you made me,” I said. “This is the most I’ve gotten for Christmas since Momma was here.” 
“You deserve a lot more, honey bee. This is just all we could afford.” 
“It’s priceless to me, Sy. It really is.” 
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Reverend Anderson’s church was mighty pretty. There were candles in every window and greenery all around. And the people were nice, too. I’d met a lot of them at the social and the barn raising, but there was a few of the older folks I hadn’t met yet. Most of them knew Sy and had known his parents. The proud look he gave me as he introduced me as his wife made my heart feel ready to burst. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to get used to him looking at me like that. 
Before the service started, Mrs. Anderson said we could sit with her, Edward and the girls, but Sy was such a big man, he didn’t think we’d all fit on one pew. And he had a right to be concerned. We sat on an empty one towards the back and an older couple joined us just before the service started and that was about all that could fit on it. 
When the music service started, I got a bit emotional. The choir sang, then the congregation, then Dinah played a song on the harp that made me squall like a baby. I hadn’t ever heard no one play a harp before but it was the prettiest sound I’d ever heard and I just couldn’t hold back how I felt. Sy patted my hand that was squeezing onto his arm and gave me the handkerchief from his pocket to dry my eyes with. By the time Reverend Anderson got up to preach, I was a mess. But he did a good job, reading out of the Bible and talking about how Christmas was always a time for helping your fellow neighbor but especially right then. Everybody was having a rough go of it with the way things were but if we looked after one another, we’d all get through it. 
After the service was over, he took his own words to heart. Someone passing by the church had skidded off the road in their car and he went out to help along with his son. Sy went with them. I stood and talked to Mrs. Anderson and her girls as they bid farewell and merry Christmas to all the church folks leaving. 
One of the last to leave was an older woman. She ambled over to us but instead of saying bye, she paused and looked at me. “Seraphina Kerry?”
I couldn’t quite place her. Her face didn’t look familiar at all to me. But I nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” 
“I thought so. You look the same.”
“You’ll have to pardon me, ma’am, but I don’t rightly remember your name,” I said. 
“Mrs. Lydia Sallows. My husband was the foreman at the factory where your father worked before it closed. You were just a little girl.” 
The name rang a bell but I wasn’t quite sure it was the right one. “Did Mr. Sallows do a magic trick where he pulled a nickel out my ear?” I asked. 
She nodded at me. “Yes, that was him.” 
I smiled. “I was awfully little then, but I remember it,” I said. “How are y’all?” 
“I’m fine,” she said. “Mr. Sallows is no longer with us, though.”  
“I’m so sorry. I lost my momma, too.”
“Your father?” 
“He’s still alive, I reckon.” 
She gave me a look that was so stern that I felt I was in trouble just from the sight of it. “You reckon? You don’t know?” 
I shook my head. “No, ma’am. I suppose I’d hear otherwise but...I don’t speak to Daddy no more.” 
She looked down at my stomach. “He knows your...condition,” she whispered. “Doesn’t he?” 
“No, ma’am,” I said again. 
“How could you not tell him?” 
“Like I said, we don’t talk no more.” 
“Even if you don’t speak anymore, not telling him that he will have a grandchild is disrespectful at best and cruel at worst.” 
I put my hands on my stomach, cradling it like I needed to protect Little Bit somehow. “And the way he treated me was cruel at best.”
“Excuse me, Mrs. Sallows,” Mrs. Anderson said, “but it’s not our place to judge others. If you haven’t seen Seraphina since she was a young girl, you don’t know how things have come to be this way with her father.” 
“It doesn’t matter!” Mrs. Sallows said. “You of all people should know that you’re meant to honor your parents and your elders. How is hiding this honorable?” 
“She’s not hiding it. But not informing him isn’t dishonorable,” Mrs. Anderson said. “You may not agree with it and you don’t have to, but Seraphina is not called to be a whipping post. No one is called to be one. Or to be treated poorly, or cruelly. And sometimes it’s far easier to honor a parent from afar.” Mrs. Anderson put her hand on my shoulder. “Let us not teach our daughters to be martyrs when it comes to man’s hatefulness. Let us teach them instead to be strong and resilient and to know that they have worth because they’ve been fearfully and wonderfully made.”
“But -” 
Mrs. Anderson shook her head. “No,” she interrupted. “We have a responsibility to our young women, to our girls, to teach them that they’re not made to shoulder someone else’s spite. The Bible is quite clear that it’s better for a man to have a millstone tied about his neck and drowned than to offend a child. Not lay hands on them, simply offend. How much greater should the punishment be if he were to hurt them? Whether in actions or in words?”
“There is no greater punishment on earth than death,” Mrs. Sallows said. 
“Then Seraphina’s decision to not speak to her father seems rather honorable to me,” Mrs. Anderson said. “We don’t know what she’s endured and she doesn’t owe us an explanation of it, either, but if she’s merely chosen to move on with her life and not pursue her father being drowned for his offences - something her loving and very strong husband would do in the blink of an eye if she so asked him - I’d say she has more forgiveness in her than most people I’ve met.” 
 Mrs. Sallows didn’t say nothing else, she just turned and left. I must’ve looked shaken, though, because Mrs. Anderson moved her hand, wrapping her whole arm around my shoulders. I buried my face in my hands and started bawling like a baby. There was no time to even feel embarrassed by it, though, because she wrapped me up in the biggest hug. I closed my eyes and it felt like Momma hugging me again. It was bittersweet in that I didn’t like how it came about none but I couldn’t deny how much I’d missed Momma holding me and getting to feel that again was a more wonderful Christmas present than I ever could’ve hoped for.
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By the time Sy, Reverend Aderson and Edward were done outside and came back in, I’d already stopped crying but Sy knew something was bothering me. Once we told them all bye and got in the truck, he put his hand on my knee.
“What’s wrong, honey bee?”
I took a couple deep breaths, trying not to get overwhelmed with my emotions again. “There was a woman at church that used to know Momma and Daddy. She got angry at me ‘cause I said I don’t talk to Daddy anymore and she thought it was mean of me to keep Little Bit from him.” 
He slowed the truck down so he could look at me. “She’s wrong. You ain’t got a mean bone in your body, sweet girl. And if there’s anyone to be angry at, it’s your daddy, not you.”
I nodded. “Mrs. Anderson was right there and defended me. She told her I didn’t have to talk to Daddy and that I wasn’t called to be no whipping post for him.”
He squeezed my knee just a bit. “She’s right. You tried but he failed you,” he said. “There ain’t a thing in the world wrong with not letting him know about Little Bit. That’s between you and me, no one else.”
I put my hand on my stomach and leaned my head over on Sy’s arm. “I love you, you know that?” 
He kissed the top of my head. “I do. You love me fiercer than anyone’s ever had a right to be loved and I can feel it right down to my bones,” he said. “And I love you, too.”
Once we got home, Sy helped me out of my coat, then wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. “Why don’t you go change and I’ll start making lunch?” 
“You don’t want to watch me?” I asked. 
“Oh, I definitely want to but you and Little Bit need to be fed so I’ll have to watch another time,” he said. “So go on now, make yourself comfortable. We ain’t going anywhere else for the rest of the day.” 
I went to the bedroom and changed out of my Sunday dress and put on my long handle underwear. I still had enough room to grow in them but my belly made fastening the buttons over it a little more difficult than I was used to. Once I was done, I put on Sy’s socks that I’d taken off that morning back over the socks I’d worn with my boots to church. I was still a mite chilly so I took one of Sy’s flannel work shirts from the closet and pulled it on. I knew he wouldn’t care a bit and I liked how it smelled like him. I was rolling the sleeves up as I walked back to the living room but stopped by the couch when I noticed something big next to the tree. One of our blankets was thrown over top of it but it hadn’t been there when we’d gotten home from church. 
“Sy,” I called to him in the kitchen. “What’s this?” 
He turned to look at me. “What’s what?” I pointed at the tree. He smiled. “Well, ain’t that a daisy,” he said. “Looks like Santa left a present.” 
“Hoyt Syverson,” I said, putting my hands on my hips. “I know Santa didn’t bring that. You did it. And I don’t know what it is but anything that size had to be expensive. I know you like spoiling me for some reason but you can’t be spending money on me like that just because of some holiday. Besides, now I feel guilty for not getting you nothing.”
The look on his face was a little panicstricken for a moment and I knew he was worried he might make me cry. My temperament and emotions were too easily swayed and he’d dealt with it enough to recognize it first thing. “Now wait just a second,” he said. “It’s not for you, so don’t get upset, alright?”
“What do you mean it’s not for me?” I asked as he started over to the tree. “I know you didn’t buy yourself no big gift. You wouldn’t even eat the whole orange you put in your own stocking this morning. You shared it with me.”
“It’s not for me, either.” 
“Well if it ain’t for you and it ain’t for me, who’s it for?” 
He stopped next to it and crooked his finger at me. “Come see.”
I went over to him and as soon as I was at his side, he pulled the blanket off. Underneath was the prettiest wooden baby cradle I’d ever seen. “Sy…” I gasped as I looked back at him. “Did you make it?” 
He nodded. “I’d work on it here and there when you’d take your naps,” he said. “I know we’ve got a little ways to go before Little Bit gets here but...I don’t know. I felt like I needed to make it for them.” 
“It’s beautiful.” I grabbed his hand and locked my fingers with his. “Everything’s going to be so different for Little Bit, ain’t it? They’re never going to have to worry if you love them or not. Not like me with Daddy. They ain’t ever going to question that for one second. They’ll know without a doubt,” I said, looking up at him. “All our babies are going to know that their Papa loves them and will always take care of them.” 
“Not just them,” he said, squeezing my hand carefully. “I’m going to take care of you, too.”
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sanjithesimp · 2 years
Hii, if requests are open could i possibly request some Nami relationship headcanons with a shy gn! s/o? Maybe Nami likes to tease & flirt & be touchy with her s/o to make them flustered? Something cute and fluffy but also kinda flirty idk tbh 😅
Hopefully this makes sense and isn't too weird or specific (or not specific enough)~~
thank you so much!!
Relationship hcs with a shy s/o
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Nami x GN reader
A/n: Ahhhhh, thank you so much for requesting, I’m sorry I have taken so long to write your request but I have been very busy and also feeling unmotivated to write. But now that I have relaxed and have some time for writing decided to do this. It’s my first time fully writing for Nami and I hope you love it as much as i did writing it.
w.c: 608 words
WARNING: no warnings
summary: Nami loving someone? isn't money the love of her life??
playlist suggested to listen while you read this <3
Nami and you had been in a relationship for almost a year.
You two had met on an island and fell in love almost instantly. You both shared the wish to sail around the world. She even admitted that she loved you a thousand times more than money (even though sometimes she would always look at the treasures that you would find with heart eyes)
Nami was the one who showed interest first, you worked at your family’s bakery on the little island you lived on.
“What’s your favorite one?” You were looking at your phone when she suddenly appeared asking what your favorite pastry was, she completely caught you off guard, you could feel your cheeks burning as she looked straight at you with those beautiful eyes.
She was a pretty girl, the prettiest you had ever seen around. And she was talking to you, asking you what your favorite pastry was. In this town, most people didn’t really notice you, let alone ask your opinion about something. Every time you would try to say a word a bunch of non-sense would come out of your mouth, she made you nervous.
“By the way, I’m Nami” She said smiling, trying to help you a bit. You took a deep breath and calmed yourself down.
“Hi, my name is Y/n” You replied, still feeling your cheeks burn but at least you could say something coherent.
You showed her all your favorite pastries, but the one that you enjoyed the most was the orange cupcakes, they were sooo underrated but they were your favorites because your sister and you used to do them all the time together, before she left and joined the marines. Little did you know that she also loved oranges, it was her favorite fruit of all times. She asked you if you would like to have some of the ones she had on her ship to make some more cupcakes.
After that you two kept on talking for hours, getting to know each other. It was the first time in a long time that you had opened up to someone, but with Nami it felt so different, like you had known each other for so long. She understood you like no one else.
From that day on you were inseparable. She had introduced you to her crew, they were all so nice and fun. They were a weird but cool family, and made you feel like home from the moment you went on their ship. Their captain offered to join them on their journey to the Grand line, to which you happily accepted as it had been your dream since you were a little girl, and perhaps..just perhaps you would get to see your sister one day again.
Nami knew that you were just shy, and she respected that, knowing your boundaries and limits. But sometimes she would get a little too romantic, kissing you on the neck while you were sitting on the dining table, or giving you soft kisses on your shoulder. Making you completely flustered and freeze instantly.
“I love you, you know” She would say from time to time, as you walked around a new island leaning her head on your shoulder and surrounding you with her arms, loving how you would always react to that. Making you always want to run and hide, as how nervous you got at the affection gestures she had with you. Nami would giggle and go back to her original position, maybe just hold your hand.
She loved teasing you and making you get flustered, mostly because she thought you were the cutest.
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honestlyfrance · 3 years
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it’s fic yeah friday over at @fuckyeahsambucky​​​ so i wanna do a lil something something for the fandom :) check out my #fic rec tag for more! 
enjoy the more than 50 fics listed here :) be careful of the tags!
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I Am Trying to Break Your Heart by Lunar_Pull
Today is the day that Steve received an invitation to the love of his life’s wedding.
Philopatry by Areiton
"I want to be safe," he says. "But I'm not." "Then why come here? Why put me at risk?" Something flickers in his eyes, little boy lost and utterly cold, and it makes Sam want to give the dude a hug and also pull his sidearm. "I have no reason to hurt you," Winter says. "I don't want to hurt you," Bucky adds, earnestly.
farmhouse by Tazmaster
"You know, I think I'd want a farmhouse."
"A what?" Sam turns to look at him, slightly annoyed. This was the first thing Bucky has said in the past hour and a half they've been cramped in this god forsaken car. He had a knack for impulsively voicing his dumb thoughts at the worst times, but whenever you wanted to know what was actually going on in that head of his, he'd never say.
They were staking out the front gate of a large mansion, very much not a farmhouse. It was mind numbingly boring, being stuck in a beetle with absolutely nothing else to do than stare at the gaudy gates of some rich asshole.
"A farmhouse," Bucky repeats nonchalantly, "If we ever get out of this business, or you know, live long enough to retire maybe--- I want a farmhouse. With a lot of animals."
Bucky keeps talking about a farmhouse and it drives Sam crazy, that is until he finally asks why.
Employee Discount by bopeep for queenmab_scherzo
Sam Wilson doesn't love working in a store that makes him wear vanity-sized polos and breathe in clouds of men's cologne like the worst kind of GQ aromatherapy, but the view from his cash register across the mall to the Hot Topic and the sullen Dark Prince of Wallet Chains he loves to hate may just beat the minimum wage blues.
In warm water, swimming down by targaryen_melodrama
“Why are you hiding?””Tired.”Bucky raises an eyebrow. “So you decided to swim.”“So I decided to be alone.”Bucky’s quiet for a moment. “I can go, if you want.”It’s the last thing Sam wants.
I figured out what the slashes mean by Teaismycoffee
Sam, Steve and Bucky are all living together in a safe house. Bucky and Sam discover fan fiction written about them. Steve doesn't approve. Sam and Bucky are really into secretly reading fan fiction together, or maybe it isn't the fan fiction part they are really into.
Chicken Soup for the Soul by bioloyg
“S’not my bed time,” Sam says as he buries his face in Bucky’s upper arm. Bucky laughs. “Tough. You’re sick.” Sam lets out a loan groan and says, “But my bed is cold. I was so warm, why’d you move me?” “Because your neck would’ve hated you if I didn’t.” He tries not to be so amused by how fussy Sam is when he’s both sick and half-asleep. It’s cute. ~ A fic wherein Bucky takes care of a sick Sam.
two nights in L.A. by CapnWinghead
Bucky kindly volunteered Sam to be a groomsman for Scott’s upcoming wedding. Of course, that meant Sam and Bucky had to go to the bachelor party.
at the end of the war (what's mine is yours) by notcaycepollard
They don't talk about it: that's how it works.
I'd Like That by honestlydarkprincess
Sam has been up for over 24 hours and has been dreaming about his Coffee Caramel Fudge non-dairy ice cream since about the 18-hour mark. When he gets to the store, there's only one carton of it left and, unfortunately for the guy innocently holding said carton, Sam's not leaving without it.
Or, the one where Sam is sleep deprived, yells at a cute guy, and gets both ice cream and a phone number out of it.
Ready, Set, Date! by bioloyg
Bucky wants to sleep, Natasha wants to find him a date for Steve's wedding (so he'll leave her alone), and Sam is the best thing about this whole speed dating disaster. But, Sam's not in the speed date rotations - he's at a different table weathering through dates just like Bucky is. ~ "Three dates in, Bucky decides he has made one of the worst decisions in all of his life by coming here. His first date had been an attractive enough man by the name of Greg. He introduces himself as “The Big G,” to which Sam laughs at in the middle of introducing himself to his own date. Greg likes to talk about cars a lot, which is fine. Bucky also likes cars. The only problem is that Greg’s love for cars borders on… erotic."
We'll rise up free and easy by Sarsaparilla, woofgender
Steve and Natasha are away on a mission when Sam receives intel about the Winter Soldier’s location. When he follows the lead, Sam finds something unexpected—but despite his initial impression, it’s certainly not all bad. (Post-CATWS, not AOU- or CACW-compliant.)
__________ "'Jesus Christ,' Sam said, 'Are you planning on fighting an entire army?'
Barnes looked up from examining the sights of a sniper rifle. '...no,' he said, a little guiltily, and adjusted one of the--five? Six? guns he’d already strapped to himself."
love is in the air (i smell coffee) by Flora_K, hermionesmydawg
Sam Wilson - graduate student, part-time barista, part-time salesman, and full-time father - doesn't have time to sleep, much less date. At least, that's what he tells himself.
Up at Night by bioloyg for lunaaltare
With Halloween nearing, Sam is feeling more in the mood for a scary movie than usual. He'd never watch one on his own though, so he invites his roommate to pick one out and join in on movie night. or Prompt fill for Samtember ~ "It’s quiet for a while after that. Like always, the two of them start on opposite sides of the queen sized bed with at least a foot of space between them. And, like always, they drift closer to one another as time passes, though whether it’s habitual or instinctual Sam would never dare delve into."
flowers in darkness, the moon above the sea by 27dis
Sam enjoyed his job, really.
But, not when a certain person came in.
A quick detour and a sudden arrival by iwillnotbecaged for heuradys
He found Wilson shivering in the snow, left for dead. Sloppy.
You couldn’t trust the elements to do your job for you. They were rarely so obliging.
A mission gone awry, unexpected help, and close quarters makes for an interesting couple of days.
Don't lock the door on me by TuskFM
Sam’s desperately trying to sleep when he gets a visit from the Winter Soldier at three a.m., bleeding and asking for help. Sam’s not the kind of guy who let someone bleed out on his front door, even if the said someone threw him off an helicarrier and stole his wheel.
and i run, further than before by hermionesmydawg
"What do they call you?" Bucky carefully pulls out an equal amount of caramel and cheese kernels of popcorn and pops them into his mouth. "Birdman?"
"Captain Canary?"
"Hell no."
"The Winged Avenger?"
"Falcon, dammit, and I am not an Avenger," Sam snaps, and now he's kinda pissed because yes, it's a bird name. He didn't sign up for this kind of ridicule from an amnesiac assassin.
Basically, the 5 times Sam actually found Bucky and the 1 time he tried to hide from him. Don't tell Steve.
Exquisite Flavor by enchantedlightningwrites for honestlyfrance
W&M's Grand Corner's growing to be one of the popular restaurants in New York, where Sam Wilson works as a chef for his sister. A wedding's in a few weeks and he has no idea on what to do about it. Notorious for his picky taste and blunt reviews, Bucky 'Winter Wolf' Barnes pays a visit. Little did he know, food could really win one's heart and lands on his stomach.
He's a Beta, You Hear That? by 27dis
Reasons why Sam didn’t realize Bucky was courting him this entire time: 1. He is a beta 2. He is oblivious 3. He thought Bucky is way out of his league 4. He is a beta for fuck’s sake
See? It’s hardly his fault for not noticing it. Why was Bucky flirting with him anyw—
Oh. Oh.
Or; Bucky swore flirting with someone was never this hard before.
stay where we belong by glittercake
He doesn't know what the hell he's doing when he turns around and shouts, "Yo! You know what—" and Barnes turns on his heel in a flash, "It's getting late, man. Looks like rain."
Sam motions to the grey sky above, and Barnes follows his eyes beyond the hanging Willow branches. "Yeah? What are you saying?"
He's got that terribly smug look on his face, the one Sam can't stand but kind of misses when it's not irritating him. But mostly, he can't stand it, "Nothing! Forget about it!"
Arms Spread Out Wide, Turn Falling Into Flight by irisesandlilies
It was easy, nothing has ever been easy for Bucky. Except this, and that terrifies him.
Years in the making by glittercake
Bucky and Sam meet as two young soldiers, but the time is never quite right to make it anything more. Until it eventually is.
Sam refuses to let himself fall in love while he's deployed. Bucky pines endlessly for years about the prettiest bird he’s ever seen. Sam’s no better.
If At First You Don't Succeed by SonnyD
Bucky finally gains the courage to tell Sam about his feelings. He comes up with a list of methods to woo him that were bound to succeed. He didn't account for each and every one of them failing in unexpected ways. The five times that Bucky attempts to woo Sam and the one time that Sam returns the favour.
if i could take us back, if i could just do that... by safelikespringtime
Bucky laughed, cheeks flushing red, “I’m glad you didn't. Don't know what I’d do without my wingman.” Sam groaned, poking Bucky’s side, “That was awful.” Bucky laughed. “You couldn’t survive without me. We both know it.”
How right he was.
Sam dies. Bucky mourns.
Strawberries and Cigarettes always taste like you by winterscaptsam
There’s a sweet agonizing simplicity in leaving behind your safe haven, like the thrill of adrenaline, reaching the top of Everest, allowed to admire its beautiful icy view but with the everlasting fear of not making it back down. Maybe that's why it was a natural instinct for Bucky to reach out for the closest thing that felt like home, slowly then all at once falling for the sweet warmth of mahogany eyes, what soon became his safe haven.
Baked With Love by Siancore
Bucky Barnes’ family owns a bakery in a small town. High school has long been over, and Bucky is dying to move to the city to pursue a musical career with his band. And his future looks promising, if he can just persuade his father to let him leave his job behind at their struggling family bakery.
It is no secret that Bucky used to love baking with his father, but things change. He just can’t fathom wasting his life away watching rising dough and hot ovens. With his mind made up to leave, Bucky convinces his father to advertise for a replacement. While interviewing candidates to fill the position he has vacated, Bucky meets Sam Wilson: An easy-going guy who is as eager about baking as Bucky is about leaving. They bond over baking and become close. Love looks like it is ready to bloom between them if Bucky, in his haste to escape, does not ruin it.
Beneath this Crown by winterscaptsam
Sam traces his fingers from James’ hairline, down to his jaw, resting the pad of his thumb on James lips. He will let himself relish in this feeling. Not even the sculptors, painters or poets could carve their words and materials to accurately describe this.
“Do you think the history books will remember us?” Sam had once asked. And James’ words were made of the purest of golds, “my love, we will be legends for the children yet to come.”
Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes' love story, one a prince and the other a knight.
make my body come alive (i've got a right to hurt inside) by notcaycepollard
The body is weak. The body is hungry and soft and human. He looks at himself in the mirror, the bones of his shoulders, his cheeks hollowed out from hunger, and he thinks, gentle, you didn’t deserve this.
safe like spring time by quidhitch
“I already told you it looks good. What more is there?”
“I don’t know, man, you’re gonna live here. I just wish I knew a little bit more about how that’s sitting with you.”
Sam knows Bucky feels fine. What Sam’s probably actually after is how he feels about the fact neither of them have anywhere else to go, not with Natasha dead and Steve wrinkly. Therapists. Even the good ones, always so circular.
“I like the terrace,” Bucky offers, mostly to appease him.
Airy Laundry by AmarieMelody
Sam watches what happens when Bucky buys a clothesline.
lucky by CapnWinghead
In retrospect, it took Bucky an embarrassingly long time to realize that everyone and Scott's mom thought he and Sam were dating.
not an end, but (the start of all things) by notcaycepollard
They keep driving, for lack of anything better to do. A mission, Sam had said, and maybe that's true; maybe wherever they're headed is the way out, the way up.
So You Run On Gasoline by 343EnderSpark, ABitNotGoodieBag, OriginalCeenote
Bucky may have bitten off more than he could chew with this job, he thinks, as he ambles along the sidewalk to the cafe after leaving campus. He is running off the fumes of exhaustion and hasn’t had more than 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep in the past week. Between his students and his thesis, he knows that it’s foolish to try so hard to hang on to his barista gig, but DC isn’t a cheap place to live and Bucky can’t live with other people.
Bucky is just trying his best, despite being a human disaster.
we could jump the state lines (we only get the one life) by notcaycepollard
It starts in Paris.
“You can’t steal things just because you like them,” Sam tells Bucky, feeling innately that this is a losing battle, and Bucky cocks his head to the side, considers Sam very thoughtfully.
“Really,” he says. “I’m stealing you, aren’t I?”
we were a fire with no smoke by notcaycepollard
Sam can’t help but roll his eyes. Take the boys out of New York but they’re still Brooklyn Catholics, that’s clear enough. Bucky catches the gesture, smirks hard enough Sam can see his eye teeth. It should be dangerous but he’s beautiful, pale and charming and recklessly easy.
“You wanna come in?” Sam asks, ignoring the noise Steve makes, and Bucky’s smile gets wider.
“Yeah,” he says. Steps up close to Sam. “I do.”
Peace Begins with a Smile by Siancore
Bucky just likes the way Sam smiles.
They're Good Drones, Brent by chase_acow
When Redwing becomes infected with an alien A.I., Sam has to balance the needs of the team with his own curiosity about his new partner. Redwing isn’t the only one acting strange, he also needs to get to the bottom of Bucky’s weirdness. It takes a training exercise gone wrong that Redwing and Sam might not survive for their secrets to be exposed.
Wet Asphalt (This Is What Love Is) by ObviouslyOtter
Soft words in the dark tell us all we need to know about love. Better when they come from the person you need to hear it from most. It's crueler when you don't realize it till afterward.
Sam and Bucky go out shopping for candles.
i'm gone by bi_marvel
After infiltrating a Hydra base, Sam and Bucky are sent to a safe house, and there's only one bed. Oh, golly, I wonder what will happen!
Covert Coffee & Flirtation Special by glittercake
The reporter says "—for Captain America to—"
And Bucky rolls his eyes. "Oh, here we go."
Sam looks at him then tips his head sideways, got a weird grin on his face. "Not a fan?"
"Not that. Just… the guy seems too good to be true, right? Wings and a shield? Come on."
"Uh, is that why your eyes are like glued to the screen whenever he's on?" Kate says. "Is that why you call him Captain Tight Ass?"
"He's a goddamn show-off, and you know it. Tight ass or not."
Just then Sam snorts, real loud, grabs his coffee and suffers a horribly controlled laugh on his way out the door.
The Starting Line by birdlight
A Series
Lone and Level Sands by quantum_consciousness
The almost-smile disappears off Sam’s face and he takes a step deeper into the water, and he starts unbuttoning his shirt as he wades further. One look over his shoulder and he chucks the shirt to shore, and Sam dives into the water. The ache in Bucky’s chest deepens as Sam swims. He supposes, Sam has lost a lot more, he supposes, sometimes Sam feels as lonely as he used to.
in which love doesn’t ruin us by joesnick
“Idiot,” Bucky said, so natural and deliberate that she couldn’t hear well but it was there. Relief and happiness under a small light. “Don’t do that to me again.”
“Hey, I’m here,” Sam said, before getting closer and pressing his forehead against Bucky’s. “I’m here.” They ran out of words. They didn’t need them, not at that moment. Their steadying breaths and their tenderness, saved only for each other and fed by each other, was all they needed.
Ride of Shared Melodies by enchantedlightningwrites for honestlyfrance
Two strangers, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson meet in an unexpected encounter in the airplane. Over the course of the ride, they discover their mutual love for music and connect.
Let's Fly Away by Unclesteeb
"If I could fly, I could go anywhere. I could do anything.”
Sam’s mom gives his shoulder a gentle pat. “You can in your own way.”
“Sammy, all you have to do to be as free as a bird is to just do the right thing.”
Sam furrows his brow. “What does that mean?”
“Well,” Sam's mom starts. “The right thing is doing nice things for people. It's treating everyone how you would want to be treated. It's going out of your way to help people and love them, even if they're not nice to you at first or at all. People deserve love, and I know you have plenty to give.” She leans down to give his cheek a kiss. “All you have to do to find your wings and fly free is to just do what you feel is right. You have a beautiful heart, Sam. I know you'll use it the right way. Then you'll fly.”
Been one of those days (can I lean on you?) by hazel_eyed_bi
Sam and Bucky wrap up an exhausting, weeks-long mission, only to go back to their mutual pining while forced to share a bed at a crappy motel. Also, Nat knows what's up.
Find your love and fight for it by winterscaptsam
Sam learns to love again, quiet and composed. Love letters stay in between walls and stolen kisses don’t leave his apartment. It's not that it's a secret, loving Bucky the way he does, lord knows he’d scream it from the rooftops, travel all the way to space to let any living life form know it as well. But that’s the problem, he just doesn’t know how and it aches him to his core to keep Bucky like a secret, like this love is something to be ashamed of.
Sam decides it's about time to come out.
Kings of Everything by glittercake
Twenty-five years after the events at a popular New York Bistro, Timothy DumDum Dugan tells the true story of infamous mobster Jimmy Buchanan and the man he gave it all up for.
arson we commit by winterscaptsam
Bucky seeks adventure, reaches out for an adrenaline rush whenever he can get it and he reckons this fellow will be the one to give it to him. All sweet smiled and dolled up figure showing off his attributes. Like he’s daring anyone to take the rush.
So, Bucky goes and gets what he wants.
“What’s your damage, doll?”
Bucky is the hitman and Sam is the target.
The Boys of Summer by Siancore for avintagekiss24
Sam Wilson returns home to the small town he grew up in to complete his med school residency. He hasn’t been back for an extended amount of time since he left for college. While he only consistently kept in touch with childhood friend, Steve Rogers, he was keen to see the people he had grown up with. With the exception of Bucky Barnes. They had a falling out the summer before Sam left for college. What happened between them? Can they move past it now that they’re adults?
Sam's Plan by OhHelloFandoms123
“I have a plan,” Sam said smugly, hands on his hips. “I have a three-step plan for you to marry me.” At first, he thought he was joking. Then, he saw Sam’s genuine smile.
Bucky groaned, “there is no way in HELL that I’m marrying YOU, Wilson.”
Wreck In the West by OhHelloFandoms123 for honestlyfrance
There’s just something about leaning on his chest as the sun goes down and the smell of tea whilst into the air feels so amazing. And he was a wreck because of it, it tore him apart and put himself back together because it was so blissful, he almost couldn’t breathe at first.
Gay cowboy proposal.
Belonging Season by OhHelloFandoms123
Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have lived their most happy, married life for 70 years. Death won’t stop them today for living an eternity.
neverending; by glittercake
Sam passes away after a long and happy life with Bucky, but Bucky never ages and life keeps introducing him to Sam's reincarnates for the next 156 years.
Lighthouse by glittercake
This guy’s trouble. Bucky knows that in his bones. It’s not bad trouble, is the problem, it’s good. Sam is so goddamn inherently good and if Bucky even touches that with a ten foot pole—fuck if he even looks at it—it’ll turn to shit.
He can’t afford another move to yet another city because his colleagues started recognizing Brock’s fist prints on his face.
But Sam is a ridiculously bright glowing light, a beacon, and Bucky goes toward it like that idiotic moth to the flame.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
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A Dip in the Hot Tub
A/N: Sooooo, I wasn’t originally going to participate in kinktober in any way, but so many blogs inspired me to do something. Even if it’s one thing. So here I am sinning™️.  I wanna start writing for haikyuu, so this is my experimental fic. I wrote it with my two favs so I hope got the characters somewhat right. I hope y’all enjoy this and happy kinktober <3
Pairing: Bokuto x Fem!Reader x Kuroo Word Count: 2k Context: You’re a volleyball player (you choose the school) that caught the eye of the Fukurōdani and Nekoma volleyball team’s captains. They’ve expressed their interest, but you don’t believe it. Now they’ve cornered you and won’t leave until they’ve convinced you of their feelings in a way you can’t deny. 
All characters are 18+
Warnings: sexual content aka dry humping, fingering, threesomes without p*nis to v*gina penetration...but it is later implied, cursing
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A Dip in the Hot Tub
The private hot tub was supposed to be relaxing treat. And it was. At first.
That was until you realized you were in the water with two insanely aggravated (read: jealous) men who had recently expressed their attraction to you. And your dumb ass only believed them after seeing their reaction when they caught Oikawa flirting with you.
You admittedly had an ego boost under the power you felt in that moment. Now, with Bokuto and Kuroo sitting across from you, displeasure in their gazes, you were filled with anxiety.
Or was that excitement?
You decided to stay on your side, legs tightly bound together.
“Uhh, so the first day of camp went well,” you said, attempting to make conversation.
Wow. Okay.
“Tough crowd,” you muttered. You tried again. “Um, have any plans for the rest of the evening?”
“Not really.”
Then, it was crickets.
You nodded, giving up. You can take a hint.
“Okay, well, obviously I’m not wanted here so I’ll just take my leave—”
“No, wait.” You felt your body tense as Kuroo put his hand on your shoulder. His brown eyes were rigid, but not with anger. It was something more vulnerable. However, he looked away before you could decipher it.
“Kuroo���” you whispered.
“Stay. We didn’t mean to make you feel unwelcomed,” he said.
You stared at him for a second before looking over to Bokuto who still looked…emo…but didn’t seem to make any protest. Despite your apprehension, you let the dark-haired man slowly pull you back down into the water.
“Okay,” you breathed.
You hadn’t realized just how hurt they’d be. Your own insecurities made you believe there was no possible way both of your crushes were interested in you. However, that didn’t give you a right to mess with their feelings like you did. You were grown enough to know better.
Sucking in your pride, you apologized.
“Hey. Tetsu, Tarō. I’m sorry,” you quietly spoke. You looked down at your hands in embarrassment. “I was wrong to not take your feelings seriously. I just…I just couldn’t believe that you two liked someone like me more than a friend. Especially when I um like you two aswell. So, I’m sorry if that really turned you off. I wouldn’t blame you.”
What was said next totally caught you off guard.
“You really don’t understand how much we want you, do you?”
Your eyes snapped up to see a pair of golden irises closing in on you. You couldn’t get the chance to wonder how Bokuto got so close to you because the intensity of his gaze made you blank out.
“Huh?” you dumbly said.
His hands readily found your waist before running down your hips, fingering the laces of your bottoms before finding purchase on your thighs. “Even though I’m incredibly pissed off at you, all I can think about is how much I wanna fuck you right now.”
The way his eyes rolled down your body made goosebumps flood your skin and your pussy clench with desire. Bokuto pushed himself closer to you and you gasped at the feeling of his erection on your abdomen.
You couldn’t even comment before Kuroo came up behind you, placing wet kisses on the back of your neck. You felt his clear excitement on your back.
“I guess we’re just going to have to show you how much we like you, huh princess?” he said with a Cheshire-like smile.
You were easily feeling overwhelmed with four hands and two mouths feeling you up. You wanted it, but you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. You’d never taken two men at the same time.
“W-wait—I’ve never…I haven’t—”
“Don’t worry. We won’t go all the way. We’ve got you babygirl,” Kuroo whispered before nipping your shoulder.
Your words turned into putty as you finally welcomed Bokuto’s lips. Despite his past seriousness, he was soft and hesitant with his kisses until he felt your arms wrap around his neck. Then his confidence shined through. You were pushed further into Kuroo’s embrace as you deepened the kiss.
You felt yourself moan as his tongue passed through your mouth, leaving no crevice unexplored. He kissed you like he couldn’t have enough of your taste, swallowing down every whimper you gave. It was almost instinct for you to wrap your legs around him and you reveled in how he grinded his hips against you. You were breathless as he positioned himself so that he was right on your clit.
“Oh, Bokuto…”
“This is how you make me feel, Y/N,” he panted. “You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt about your legs around me.”
Bokuto’s hips continued to buck into you and it felt amazing. He was slow in his movements, his hips like sensual waves as he rutted against your sensitive nub. You moaned, hands latching onto whatever you could hold of his muscular back.
“You like that? Does it feel good, baby?” he exhaled. “Does it feel good when I pretend like I’m fucking you?”
You whined out a yes and dug your fingers in his hair. But just when you thought this was it, a pair of hands from behind untied your bikini top, letting it fall down your shoulders. Kuroo smoothed one of his hands over your breasts, teasing your nipples with his thumb and forefingers. The other hand squeezed your ass before his thick finger past your bottoms and into your slick folds.
The feeling of his fingers curling against your walls and Bokuto’s dick against your clit made your head fall back. Kuroo bit down on your neck and licked the mark before whispering in your ear, “All we’ve ever wanted was to make you feel good, kitten. There were so many nights I touched myself thinking of how you’d feel wrapped around me. So many nights I wished it were your pretty little mouth choking on my dick.”
He found satisfaction in how his words alone had such an effect on you when he felt you shiver. Meanwhile, you were on cloud nine. You closed your eyes and let a desperate whine drip from your lips as you felt Kuroo start to thrust against your ass. He then took his fingers out from your heat and lied them flat against your tongue.
“Suck,” he ordered, and you did just that, tasting yourself. A delicious moan vibrated through your body as he slowly moved his fingers in and out of your mouth.
It took a few moments, but soon, the three of you were moving in sync, chasing the orgasm you felt within their bellies. The closeness of it all was nearly overwhelming. Their grunts and moans were hot in your ears; one hand was in Kuroo’s hair while the other gripped Bokuto’s back.
“Imagine that we’re in you, filling your pretty holes up. So stuffed that you can barely tell who is who and god—you’d feel so good. Taking us like the good girl you are. So wet and hot for us as we fuck you until you can’t remember your own name,” Bokuto groaned.
Your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head. You were trying your best to keep your voice down, but the two men against you were not on the same wave. The white and black haired man gripped the flesh of your thighs to pull you closer as his thrusts got faster and messier.
Bokuto buried his head into your neck and moaned, “Y-Y/N, baby, I’m close.”
Close? You were barely holding on. If it wasn’t for that fact that Kuroo twisted your head to swallow your moans away, you would’ve been heard through the walls of the private room.  
In your pleasure filled daze, you found it within yourself to slip your hand within his trunks and pump his dick. The extra heat from your hand and the way you stroked your thumb over the tip nearly pushed him over the edge. Kuroo let out the prettiest moan that made his face heat up. Gone was the smugness as he peered at you with desperation.
“Princess—fuck Y/N!”
You huffed out a chuckle.
Kuroo took his hand out of your mouth so he could wrap one arm around your waist and pinch your nipples. He began to urgently thrust in your hand as you pulled Bokuto’s hair back so you could also see his face.
You almost came on the spot as he gazed at you like a lovesick puppy, golden eyes begging for release.
Within both of their gazes, you could see the fondness they had been trying to express to you. That along with the overstimulation was enough to make your eyes prick with tears.
The feeling was all too much. Your stomach was coiled tight. One more thrust and you were nearly sent over the edge.
“Kuroo! Boku—ah! Oh shit!” you sung.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Bokuto growled. “You’re right there—ah! C-cum for us.”
He grabbed the ledge of tub and nearly slammed into you as Kuroo licked his lips at the sight of your open mouth gasps. The water sloshed back and forth, spilling over the edges with your movements. You looked so pretty with your tongue out and eyes fluttering between open and closed.
Kuroo’s hand wrapped around your neck and gave it a slight squeeze. “Let us hear you princess—“
Then it hit you. Your eyes blacked out from the intensity. “I’m cumming!” you screamed. A wave of pleasure shot up your belly and spread warmth hotter than the humid air throughout your shaking limbs.
It was weird how their bodies automatically followed yours. Your voices tangled in the air for a few seconds before all that was left were the sounds of your heavy breaths.
The two men slumped over, each taking a different shoulder to rest on. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes to steady yourself from that mind blowing orgasm.
There was a moment of peace as you three simmered in the afterglow. Then Bokuto broke the silence.
“Now do you believe us?” he asked.
He lifted his head and you saw that confidence of his shine behind rosy, cheeks. And although he was flushed from what occurred moments ago, his blush was more attributed to the rush of getting to be so intimate with you.
“Believe you about what?” you panted with a lazy grin.
“That we’re yours, duh,” he goofily smiled.
Kuroo kissed your cheek. “That is…if you’ll have us,” he softly spoke.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the incredulousness of the situation.
Both of them, huh?
You sighed. There was no use in denying their feelings anymore.
“You two always had a weird habit of sharing anyways,” you conceded.
“Hey! Hey! Hey! I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist our charm!” Bokuto cheered. “Now let’s head to my room do the real thing!”
You choked on your spit. “W-what!? The real thing? Aren’t you two tired!?”
“Tired?” Kuroo chuckled. “You got caught up with two A-List volleyball players and you think we’re tired after this? You’re funny.”
You squealed in surprised as Bokuto suddenly lifted you out of the tub, bridal style. They began to cheerfully walk out the room ignoring the fact that you were completely topless. You scrambled to cover your chest and cursed the two out for laughing as if someone wouldn’t see you half naked as soon you walked out of the door.
“Kuroo! Bokuto! If you dickheads don’t get my fucking bikini top—”
“Yeah yeah. You’ll be fine. You won’t need it anyways~” Bokuto chirped.
Kuroo nodded. “What are the chances that anyone will see us?”
“Uhh a lot!?”
“Welp! I guess we’ll find out!”
Just what the hell did you get yourself into?
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clementinesjourney · 3 years
Two weeks (ii)
AN : You are all so kind and amazing! Thank you for the feedback and thank you for demanding a second part! haha <3 I really appreciate yall!
Pairing: ex?fiancé!Seb x Reader
Summary: You Seb and Chris are shooting a movie, which is oddly the same to what went down between you and Seb 2 years ago. The producer asked you to write the official soundtrack for it... the script reminded you of a song you wrote two years ago, that you never released... Will anything change?
Song for this part: Peer pressure by James Bay and Julia Michaels
Part 1
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After that press conference twitter blew up as well as every other platform. Seb's and your fans were literally teaming up. Team-get-back-together and team-no-forgiveness. You never reacted to any of them as you felt it was nice of them to care, but it was really not anybody's space except yours and his. And you still weren't sure if you could forgive and move on. On one hand he had hurt you greatly, on the other you were still sure he was the one. At some point Chris started to nag both of you to get you to talk. He saw both of you, he knew your feelings, he wanted his friends to be happy which funny enough was only beside eachother. You were too proud to see and to take the first step, Seb was afraid of rejection.
In the midst of it all an Online magazine wanted a deep interview with Seb. You didn't know of it until Chris sent you the link saying :
-I told you you two need to talk. Idiots.
Then you decided to watch the interview. Seb was sitting in your once shared living room. He was smiling but it didn't reach his eyes.
*in the videochat with the interviewer*
Int. : So Sebastian, i'm really glad that you agreed to this interview. Since parts of your private life shook the internet, blown up Twitter nearly everybody in the industry is trying to figure out what will your next step be, But first we are really interested in the timeline of what got you two to this point.. Would you tell us about that?
Seb: I can only tell my point of view really. We were filming the first Captain America film, when Chris brought this -stepped-out-of-heaven- girl. I really thought she did. She was the prettiest woman i ever saw. They were friends since childhood, and he managed to get her a side part in the movie, as she was just starting out her career. I remember begging to Chris for her number. He said i'd need to get it myself. - he chuckled at the memory - I feel like it was yesterday when i stood outside her room, anxious like a high-schooler asking his crush to prom, whos way out of his league. Then all my nervousness flew out the window when she opened that door with a 1000 watt smile. She agreed to a coffee date. From that day forward i tried everything to be near her, to hear her voice, to see her smile reach her eyes. I knew that day that i wouldn't want to be with anybody else ever, so like two weeks into the relationship i bought a ring, and waited for the perfect opportunity. It was just like Jim and Pam from the office.. I knew she's the one the day she agreed to the first date. We went to Greece, and i proposed. We were the happiest. Especially me when the woman of my life said yes.. Then she got other movies to film, videos to shoot, albums to record, i had the avenger movies and a few side parts. We were happy together but life had a way of keeping us at a distance. I wasn't able to go with her to any conferences, premieres, galas, neither could she with me. With the avengers, more fame came, that meant more and more people around me. Somewhere along the way i lost myself. She was still next to me, she was quiet about all my faults, she tried to ignore my phone blewing up with models messaging me. But there was one who was really presistent. I don't know why, but i asked her to come with me to Cannes, i never planned on doing anything but well.. I had to fuck up. I had to bear the consequences of my actions. So when i got home i found the engagement ring, along with a picture of me and said model on the red carpet in Cannes. The tabloids were full of us, saying she was the one, when she really wasnt. There were dried tears on the picture, with a note : -The one you said not to worry about- I broke down then and there. I considered quitting, running after her, begging, But i wasn't able to reach her. It was too late. Of course i reached for alcohol, which made me take even worse choices. Lines of models along my side.
Int. : And did you have anyone else along the way, until now?
Seb: No i didn't, as i said, i know i fucked up badly, but she still is the only one.
Int. : So then what is the next step?
Seb: I don't know yet, at least not how to start. As for the internet blowing up with us, thank you all for your concern, it is heartwarming to see how many people care about her, or even me, how many people would go protect her heart, and how many people are waiting for us to just realize what we want. It is still very much private and we'd like to keep it that way, but it is still heartwarming.
Int. : So let's say she is watching this interview, is there anything you'd like to tell her?
Seb: I'd just want her to know that i know my mistake, and that i'd never forgive myself, even if she ever do, but i love her with all my heart, and i would give everything away just to have her next to me in this big empty house we built together.
You stopped the video. You were crying but you didn't know if it was happy tears or sad. You went to your wardrobe, and took out the box from the very back containing all your pictures together. The last one is of you showing your ring, with him hugging you from behind looking at you with so much love and adoration. You clutch the photo to your heart.
You were working on a song with a fellow musician, and it was just about perfect, you asked if you two could shoot a video for it, maybe in greece, or the UK, or anywhere really. Just running around in a field in the sunset in slowmo.. then at night in the city, searching for your other half or something. He agreed. The plan was in motion. You were friends so you could tell him that this was the way you planned on letting Seb know that you're willing to start again slowly.
You took a big breath, exhaled slowly, then hitting send.
*on Seb's phone*
Doll: Wanna be in the new video?
Seb: Tell me the time and place..
Then soon enough you all were out in a field of flowers between mountains with the sunset, you had let Chris tag along to watch, you were smiling, running in your sundress, twirling around in the sunlight, Seb was not far behind, chasing you, he picked you up and twirled around with you. Not letting go when he put you down. Bodies flushed just as the chorus started as you were looking into eachothers eyes with smiles.
"Put your hands on my body just like you think you know me Want your heart beating on me, don't leave me hot and lonely I don't usually give in to peer pressure But I'll give in to yours"
With that he took his pointer finger under your chin, and kissed you softly for the first time in years. When he let you go you pushed your foreheads together. Nothing existed in that moment just you two, finally in eachothers arms again. As it should be. You didn't hear Chris and the rest of the crew cheer and holler in the back.
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After you finished shooting, you retired to your room, and there was a knock on your door. You opened it with a big smile knowing full well who will be on the other side.
Seb gave you his 1000 watt smile which finally reached his eyes, and you couldn't help but smile back just as happy.
-Do you wanna have coffee?
-I would love nothing more. - you said.
He held out his hand for you to take, and you gladly did. Chris shaking his head near with a smile, running after you two
Half a year later you are sitting next to Anthony with Seb on his other side on a press conference because you joined the new season of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, as a potential love interest for Bucky, but as a new widow as well. Of course the questions regarding the series are soon die out.
-Miss (Y/L/N), is that sparkly thing on your finger what we think it is?
You look over to Seb, he is smiling like a little kid on Christmas Eve, so you motion him that he can tell. All heads turn to him.
-She said yes !! - he said happily. You all smiled. Anthony laughed in the middle
-Again? - laughs rang in the conference room.
-For good this time.. - you said, looking into Seb's eyes.
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epicstuckyficrecs · 4 years
Weekly Recap | February 8-21 2021
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You get two weeks worth of fics this time because I got too busy last weekend and didn't have time to do my weekly recap :)
Evanstan Week 2021 by luninosity/ @luninosity​ (Evanstan | 10K | Mature): All my Evanstan Week little fics!
1. dodger 2. kisses  3. on set  4. first times (a first kiss, at least)  5. in space (alternate universe)  6. fluff  7. holiday 
💙  Remote Access by Kalee60/ @kalee60​ (Modern AU, Roommates | 57K | Explicit): Bucky Barnes was in trouble. More trouble than he ever thought he could get into as a grown adult. And it was caused by two singular factors that should never have become entwined.One, his god-like housemate Steve Rogers, who was unfairly handsome and the perfect specimen of man in not only looks but personality - and completely out of Bucky’s league.Two, Bucky’s obsession with a new toy he’d purchased to fill his lonely nights (and other areas).But when Steve buys a new TV, suddenly these two seemingly separate parts of Bucky’s life crash together in a spectacular and obsessive way.Bucky soon finds himself not as in control as he thought - and that’s when things start to get interesting…
💙  Black and Blue by darter_blue/ @darter-blue​, the1918/ @the1918​ (Modern AU, Spies & Secret agents | 7K | Explicit): CIA Agent Bucky Barnes and Captain Steve Rogers, Army 207th, Military Intelligence, are two American spies working for two different intelligence agencies. They've developed somewhat of complicated relationship while chasing down the same leads.
Until One Day, We Won't Be by the1918/ @the1918​ (Evanstan RPF | 8K | Explicit): Six times Chris and Sebastian were alone. [+ one time they were not.]
💙  How to Bang Your Weapon (in This World and the Next) by Brokenwords, elkane/ @elkane​, Hark_bananas/ @harkbananas​, kocuria-visuals (kocuria)/ @kocuria​, Nospheratt/ @nospheratt​, profoundalpacakitten/ @profoundalpacakitten​, ScrambledScript, sublimepigeon/ @sublimepigeon, ursa (Canon Divergent, WS!Steve, WS\Bucky, Multiverse | 50K | Explicit): Hydra knows how to get the Asset to do their bidding. When they want a new Captain, a new Steven Grant Rogers from another universe to help grow Hydra’s collection of supersoldiers, of course they send the Asset. But little do they know that in any universe, a Bucky will always find a Steve, and a Steve will always protect a Bucky.
💙  What lies they told us by darter_blue/ @darter-blue​ (Mobster AU | 42K | Explicit): Steve Rogers might still see his ma every Sunday, but he isn’t the dutiful son. He gave up that life a long time ago. Bucky Barnes may be following in his fathers footsteps, but he wants to set a path to something more than where they’ll take him. Steve and Bucky’s lives have always intersected. There is something between them that exists, real and palpable. But they are opposite sides of a coin. Opposing families in a war for money and power. Blood and pain. And fate may bring them together, again and again, pulling them closer. But it always finds a way to rip them apart. What they need is a way to fight fate. To fight their families. To reach each other. To keep each other. 
the prosecution rests by dirtybinary/ @dirtybinary (Post-WS | 3K | Teen): The Asset has to admit, ending a mission with Captain America crying into his lap is pretty unexpected. Even for him, and he is trained to anticipate all contingencies.
💙  The Seed and the Root by the1918/ @the1918​ (Shrunkyclunks, Post-EG | 32K | Explicit): His hands and mouth are gentle on the outside, but on the inside, Steve is burning up. He’s got everything he’s ever wanted on the bed and land beneath him, and now it’s so much at once that he’s afraid he’ll combust into white, nuclear light. (Part 3 of 💙  Song of the Rolling Earth)
Burning For You by musette22/ @musette22​ (Evanstan RPF, Non-Famous Sebastian | 3K | Teen): Sebastian gets a little carried away when raving about the Mountain Lodge candle to a friend. It leads to an unexpected, fragrant encounter.
At The Bottom Of Everything by Anonymous (Evanstan RPF | 12K | Teen): Six years. That’s what they’re celebrating. Six years, of them. Of this. That's what Chris is happy about. Until the phone rings. Until he turns on the news.
💙  Slip Of The Tongue by this_wayward_life (Shrunkyslunks, Soulmate AU | 6K | Explicit): Mr Perfect Ass is even prettier from the front. His braid is loose enough that strands of hair have fallen to frame his face, and an oversized scarf is pulled up to just below his pouty, red mouth. He's big, with wide shoulders and thick arms and thighs that are straining at his jeans, and he's staring at Steve with a blush on his face and the prettiest eyes Steve has ever seen."Oh, god," Steve blurts out. "Please sit on my face."
(series) Kinktober 2020 by this_wayward_life (31 works | 80K | Explicit)
The Best Handjob Of Bucky Barnes's Damn Life (Handjob)
Soft (Eating Out)
The Benefits of A Sugar Baby  (Thigh Riding)
Black and Blue (Choking/Spanking)
Black Mesh, Red Leather (Daddy Kink)
Thank God For Company-Sanctioned Teambuilding Workshops (Blindfolded)
The Only Thing School Football Is Good For  (Blowjob)
Your Body, On Crumpled Sheets (Voyeurism)
Feeling Just Peachy (Accidental Stimulation)
Blood-slick (Knife Kink)
Bury Me (Restraints)
Summer Nights (Fingering)
Beautiful Shackles (Public Sex)
You Are My First, And You'll Be My Last (Sixty-Nine)
Cover My Body (Size Difference)
All Plugged Up (Toys)
the tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks (Begging)
Sugar Cookies (In the kitchen)
Seeing Double (Threesome)
I'll crawl home to him (Edging)
Your Voice In My Ear (Phone sex)
Hold Me Close, Keep the Monsters at Bay (In the shower/tub)
Keep Me Warm (First Time)
He never asked me once about the wrong I did (BDSM/rough sex)
Unexpected (Caught masturbating)
Overcome (Overstimulation)
In the Crowd (Orgy)
Praise Your Baby (Praise kink)
Grab on my waist and put that body on me  (Dirty talk)
Rediscovery (Mutual Masturbation)
Think I Found Myself a Cheerleader (Dressed up)
💙  Underneath the Shattered Sky by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Planet Hulk AU, Post-Endgame | 14/? | 55K | Mature): “I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you.” Steve sounded choked. “I’m sorry. It was out of line.” “It’s really okay.” “No, it’s not. You’re not him. You’re your own person, with your own history, your own thoughts and feelings. Your own life here. I can’t expect you to be him. It’s not fair. To either of you.” “Maybe not,” Bucky huffed back. “But in this universe, my Steve’s an asshole who left me. And in your universe, your Bucky was taken from you, so I don’t really know what’s fair anymore.”
💙  and the river flows beneath your skin by Deisderium/ @deisderium​ (Boarding School AU, Soulmates | 3/? | 20K | Mature): In which Steve and Bucky are forced to room together their senior year at boarding school, and accidentally soul bond to each other even though they kind of hate each other. All they have to do to get out of it is not kiss each other for a year so the accidental bond will fade. How hard could it be?
💙  The Root and the Stalk by the1918/ @the1918​ (Shrunkyclunks, Post-EG | 3/6 | 18K | Explicit): “My mom, she’s not perfect, but she always had this one saying. You can’t look right into the sunset, because the light will burn your eyes. So you have to face east, right?” Bucky tucks his forehead against Steve’s chest, staring down the gap between them, eyes on their feet. “And when you do, you can look at the ground, and you can see your own shadow.” Bucky raises his head after a contemplative silence and gazes up at Steve. Those stormy gray eyes are filled with luminance, iridescence, splintered rays of shining light. “Or—Mom would say—you can look in front of you.” His lashes kiss his cheeks in butterfly pulses every time he blinks. “And ‘God’s light at your back will show you everything.’” (Part 4 of 💙  Song of the Rolling Earth)
💙  Revenance by by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel​, SinpaiCasanova (Bladerunnerblue) (The Old Guard AU/The Song of Achilles AU | 20/? | 62K | Mature | Warning: Violence, MCD): And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Or, the one where Steve and Bucky are immortal and used to be known as Achilles and Patroclus.
💙  my soul and my youth (it’s all for you to use) by voxofthevoid/ @voxofthevoid​ (Post-Endgame (non-compliant) | 1/2 | 7K | Explicit): He waits until Bucky’s got a happy mouthful of eggs and toast. “I want to fuck you when you’re asleep.” Steve smiles his sweetest smile, and Bucky’s eyes narrow further, until they’re luminous blue slits. He swallows. Steve helplessly tracks the bob of his throat and drags his eyes back up to Bucky’s. “Steven Grant,” Bucky says, tone somewhere between amusement and admonishment. “Way to spring that on a guy.”
I [Heart] You by writeonclara (Canon, magic curse | 1K | General): “Steve’s been hit with a curse,” Natasha said. She said it calmly, so Bucky didn’t immediately go flying out of the apartment to tear apart the Tower in search of Steve. Then again, Natasha would probably be calm if New York City spontaneously burst into flames. He lowered the coffee pot and squinted at her. “Of course he has,” he said. He felt, abruptly, exhausted. “What is it?” “The witch kept ranting about sexual repression and archaic moral principles,” she continued blithely.
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