#prev i was also on quotev
swiftsaltsweet · 2 years
Wednesday Season 2: Hyde in the Shadows
Episode 2A: A Woeful Reunion
Prev Episode
Characters: Wednesday and Enid (ft returning chars and new OCs)
Pairing: Wenclair
Important info: VERY Slow Burn, Canon Compliant (with season 1), read A/N For more details on everything.
Summary:  Stalking, murders, troubling visions, sins of the past, and a little bit of kidnapping. Wednesday’s start of the second semester isn’t a normal one, but when is her life ever “normal?” Wednesday has new mysteries to solve and catastrophes prevent, with the help of her overly enthusiastic roommate Enid, she just has to deal with some annoying relatives first.
Other Sites: AO3 and Fanfic.net
A/N: First off, RIP to Lisa Loring. :( I loved your Wednesday and I’ll miss you. ;w;
Sorry for the late upload on here/tumblr, I did post it on Saturday on AO3/Fanfic/Quotev tho! 
Not beta read, we’ll live or die by my ghostly hands! ;w;/
“Long time no see…..cuz!”
“What?!” Enid felt her, and her onlookers exclaimed at the same time.
Ohhhh, it was her cousin! Oho, well that makes a lot more sense than some creature- Wait why are they trying to kill each other then?! Enid all but screamed in her head.
Enid got a good look at Wednesday’s face, her eyes were bloodshot and wild; she had a look in them Enid had never seen before, pure hot wrath. It was definitely the look of someone trying to commit murder.
Enid’s head started to pound, partially from all the revelations that had taken place within less than a minute, and partially from the attempted murder happening above her; she hoped for someone to intervene.
“Lurch, be a dear and separate them would you?” a sultry voice said out of Enid’s sight.
And as if on cue, she could feel an actual higher being, or should I say, taller being, stop the fight. Enid could feel herself being picked up by the scruff of her uniform, and was held in the air like a newborn pup. She was in the right hand of a giant, Frankenstein-ian man, with a thrashing and screeching Wednesday in his left.
“Thank you Lurch,” the sultry voice thanked the giant man, it was Wednesday’s mother, Morticia Addams. She approached the three girls and giant, trailing behind her was her husband and son, Gomez and Pugsley Addams. She was also holding something in her arms.
The monster with the lazy and dead eye groaned in affirmation, at least, that’s what Enid thought.
Wednesday let out another wild screech, and thrashed around some more, but Lurch’s grip did not loosen.
“Now, now, my little scorpion,” the short, relaxed man approached his thrashing daughter, “I know you were having fun, but you know now is not the time.”
Wednesday attempted to kick her father, but he was surprisingly nimble, and dodged her attack. She then attempted rapid fire back kicks against the giant Lurch, but it had as much effect as if she were kicking a wall.
“Your father’s right, dear. Your friends might get jealous of you only playing with your cousin. Plus, you are a tad bit tardy to school,” she patted Wednesday’s forehead, moving the bangs from her daughter’s eyes to reveal a look of wild hatred.
It was then Enid could see what Morticia was holding in her arms. A baby. At least, that’s what Enid assumed, as it was strange seeing a baby with a mustache.
Wednesday must’ve noticed the baby in her mother’s arms as well, since, much to Enid’s confusion and chagrin, she attempted to punt the baby out of her mother’s arms.
It was a failure, as her mother gracefully stepped back in time. But then, as if to aid Wednesday in the assist, her brother Pugsley put his foot out behind his mother in an attempt to trip her. Which resulted in her falling romantically, and safely, into her husband’s arms.
Wednesday rolled her eyes before glaring daggers at her younger brother, who could only shrug at her as if saying ‘I tried!’
The strange mustached baby also seemed to have a brief look of disgust as it gazed at its parent’s public display of affection, then quickly went back to having the same generic baby expression Enid was used to seeing on well….babies.
All while the show was happening, the Doppelgäng-er- Wednesday’s cousin, stood by politely waiting to be acknowledged again. Barely acknowledging the female hand climbing up her side. Enid looked down to see Thing by her dangling feet. He jumped onto her hanging foot and made his way up Enid’s side as well. Enid was happy to see her favorite hand still in one piece.
At some point, the two Addams parents seemed to notice the girl and her hand companion in the middle of their mooning.
“Oh dearest Friday, it’s such a pleasure to see you again,” Morticia approached the girl named Friday with the baby in tow, “And Lady Fingers, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” The female hand did a little bow in acknowledgement.
Enid started coughing in an attempt to hide her laughter. Friday? Really? What was her middle name then? Monday?
She could feel Wednesday looking at her, “Oh, no! It’s, um, it’s a nice name!” she smiled at Wednesday, who glared back at her, “Uh…it’s a horrible name?” Wednesday’s eyes softened a bit, slightly more pleased. Wait, she liked the insult? Or was the latter actually a compliment? Ahhh, I can’t keep up, Enid cried to herself.
“It’s great to see you again too Auntie Morticia, even though it’s only been about a week or so,” Friday smiled angelically at her aunt, who kissed each side of the girl’s cheeks.
Morticia handed the baby over to Friday, who gave the baby a confused expression which turned more fondly, “And look who’s still alive! You’re a real tough one to get rid of, aren’t you, Pubert?”
This time, Enid didn’t make a sound, she just bit her lip so hard that blood started trickling down the side of her chin. She might’ve not liked Friday, but she wasn’t about to make fun of a baby’s name.
“I hope the school has been treating you well?” Gomez asked, taking baby Pubert away from Friday.
“Oh, most definitely! Everyone is so friendly, especially,” Friday took a long pause, staring at Enid and then broke out into a smile, “Emily over there! She was a great tour guide just now, showing me around the school.”
Enid felt like she was getting stabbed, she looked towards Wednesday whose eyes were throwing daggers at her. If looks could kill, Enid knew she’d die from a skinning.
“Emily? Oh dear, was that your name, I could’ve sworn it was ‘Enid,’” Morticia turned to Enid.
“Nope it’s Emily!” Friday beamed.
“Our apologies Emily,” Gomez gave a small apologetic bow.
“It’s Enid!” Threw her hands in the air, then whispered to Wednesday, “And it’s not like that! She’s lying!”
Wednesday narrowed her eyes at Enid, but finally relaxed into her usual, more ‘friendly’ glare.
“Our apologies Enid,” Gomez gave another bow, “Our niece likes to play pranks, I hope she hasn’t been giving you too hard of a time.”
“Hard is putting it lightly,” Enid mumbled.
“You really outdid yourself this time dear,” Morticia chuckled, “Here we thought we just had an energetic bat in the belfry, but it just turned out to be Wednesday!”
Enid looked at Friday with a dumbfounded expression, but quickly let loose a growl when the braided hair girl looked over at her with a smug smile.
“By the way dear, do you have the key? That lock you have on her. Superb! Even I can’t crack it,” Gomez closed his eyes and pinched two of his fingers towards the sky, as if he was complimenting the chef on a finely served meal, “But, Wednesday will need to use her arms and speak while she’s at school. So could you be a dear and unlock her?”
Friday pulled a necklace from under her shirt, it had a small key attached to it, “Certainly, once I feel my life isn’t in any danger.” She smirked at Wednesday and Enid.
“ADDAMS!” a voice boomed from the open doorway. Friday shoved the necklace back under her collar, and everyone turned to where the voice was coming from.
Principal Orlock was stomping his way to the giant gathering, his umbrella cascading a menacing shadow over him.
“Ah, Mr. Orlock! Or should I say Principle? I’ve heard you've been promoted. Congratulations," Morticia cooed, “You deserve it, especially after such a long tenure!”
Orlock was seething before the family, he raised one long, gloved finger, “Addamses! To my office! Now! All of you! That goes for you too Sinclair!” Enid looked at her principal like he was an idiot, of course she was coming. She felt like she was practically welded into Lurch’s grasp.
He whirled around to the group of students and teachers, “Ottinger! Thrope! Upstairs! Now! As for the rest of you, get back to class!”
All the gawkers dispersed as if a bomb had been dropped, Eugene and Xavier sulked behind the Addams as the group followed the raging Principal. The Addams didn’t seem very phased, and Wednesday continued to try to break free, just not as demonic as she had been earlier. Enid just dangled like a misbehaving pup, she’d feel humiliated if she didn’t feel so drained.
When they reached his office, he turned to the group, “Ms. Addams,” three female heads turned to look at him, “Ms. Friday Addams- I believe I was very clear on you not causing a ruckus at our dear school.”
Friday looked back at him innocently and dumbfounded, “Yes, and I haven’t.”
Orlock’s face became very purple, with multiple veins pulsing from him, “And what was that outside?”
Friday furrowed her eyebrows at him, confused, then proceeded to think very, very hard, “Oh! That!”
“Yes, that”
“I was just greeting my family. Is that against the rules?”
Enid thought she could see the white of Principal Orlock’s eyes turning red; they began to bulge out of his sockets as he attempted to maintain an iota of composure, “Before that.”
“Oh!” Friday exclaimed, somehow surprised. She began to think hard again, “Oh you mean how Elizabeth showed me around the school?”
“That’s…. That’s not even close….” …. on either front, she finished in her mind. Enid could all but sigh.
Orlock attempted to smile, but it looked like a menacing grimace, “Oh I guess that is one way you could describe it. She just showed you around the school?”
“Well I guess it did turn into a small game of tag.”
Orlock turned to Enid, exasperated, “Can you tell me why your tour of the school involved you slicing up our floor and leaving holes in our roof and walls?”
Enid shrunk away from Orlock, sweat falling from her palms. What could she say? ‘Oh, I thought that Friday was actually a monster pretending to be Wednesday; so we were trying to capture her and interrogate her into telling us Wednesday’s whereabouts and also save the school in the process!’ No, that would be insane, idiotic. Any lie would be better than that.
Enid nervously smiled, “What? No, those were always there!” Except that lie.
Orlock’s eyes began to twitch, “So you’re saying, all those damages were there before?”
Enid’s eyes started darting everywhere they could not to look at her raging principal, “Yes?”
Orlock’s face boiled up to a darker purple, then he put his palm to his face and inhaled. When he removed his hand, he gave the group a friendly smile, but it somehow made him look more dangerous instead.
“Ok, then can you explain why you three are tracking mud and dirt everywhere you go?”
Xavier spoke up, “OH! Geez wow, didn’t even realize we got this dirty! Man, it was hard running from those bees, wasn’t it Eugene?”
Xavier elbowed Eugene, “Y-yeah! Something nearby irritated them, and my smoker wasn’t working, so we had to book it!”
“Ah so it was the beekeeping club activities, am I correct?”
“Yes sir!” the boys exclaimed.
“So, this beekeeping event was so important, you skipped class, and then proceeded to stay out all night? The same beekeeping club that you two aren’t even a part of,” he pointed two long fingers at Enid and Xavier.
The three dirty teens went silent, of course he’d know about their absence, but they had come too far and were far too committed, and just nodded their heads solemnly. There was an audible cracking sound, originating from Orlock’s teeth grinding.
“Bee keeping? I thought you got dirty from digging up those graves,” Friday questioned innocently.
“What?!” Everyone exclaimed to different parties with differing feelings.
“Now she’s telling the truth,” Xavier mumbled, rolling his eyes.
Orlock began fuming again, at a loss for words, but Enid didn’t have time to worry about him. She felt the thrashing next to her stop, and she dared to look over at something much more dangerous. Wednesday was glaring at her.
“What?” Enid whined, “What’s with that look?”
Wednesday made some muffled noises, as if she was trying to talk for once today.
“Are you mad I didn’t go grave robbing with you?”
An affirmed grunt came from Wednesday.
“It wasn’t like that! We were looking for Thing!”
Wednesday grunted again.
“She wasn’t even there! It was just me, Xavier and Eugene!”
Wednesday glared at the two boys.
“Ok fine! We can go grave robbing later! Is that what you want?”
Another affirmed grunt from Wednesday.
“Geez if I knew this is what you’d want in a girls’ night out, I would’ve set it up ages ago.”
Orlock looked at the two girls dumbfounded, “No. No! No, you will not! What are you thinking Sinclair? What are all of you thinking? You can’t just grave rob the good people of Jericho! We need to have a good relationship with them.”
“He is right, children, you never grave rob where you sleep and eat,” Gomez nodded solemnly.
“Well, she did it first!” Eugene pointed at Friday.
“At least I filled my holes back up,” Friday pouted, “I bet you didn’t bother refilling them!”
“That’s not the issue here!” Xavier yelled at her.
“Yeah, you buried Thing!” Eugene backed him up, “How could you do that?!”
She blinked at the other teens surprised, “I wanted to see if he or Wednesday were faster at breaking free,” she then turned to Wednesday then sounded disappointed, “By the way, Thing already escaped one confinement, the graveyard was his second. You haven’t even escaped one.”
Wednesday let out a low growl before continuing her violent thrashing.
Friday turned back to the teens, specifically Enid, ignoring her cousin, “Anyway, I wouldn’t have been pushed to using the gravesite if it wasn’t for someone breaking into my room.”
Everyone followed Friday’s gaze to Enid, who grew still again.
“You broke into another student’s dorm?” Principal Orlock asked icily.
“‘Broke into’ is a strong word. I just asked Yoko if I could borrow her key and just…. wasn’t truthful as to what I was actually going to do in their room.”
“But you still broke into another student’s room!”
“I thought she was a doppelgänger and that she kidnapped Wednesday and Thing!”
The adults in the room all gasped.
“D-doppelgänger?!” Principal Orlock took a step back, almost cowering at the word.
“One of those ghastly creatures?” Gomez said, shocked.
Morticia put her hand to her mouth with a gasp, “Oh my that is…. The nicest thing anyone has ever said! Friday, I should’ve known you would make such great friends at Nevermore.”
Enid could feel heated daggers coming from Wednesday’s direction again.
Up is down, down is up, maybe I should learn to STFU, Enid cried inwardly to herself.
“I thought so too Auntie, Emilia are such good friends, she even asked me to be her roommate!”
Enid could feel the stillness next to her, and when she looked over, she saw Wednesday glaring at her. To anyone else, they might not have seen a difference, but Enid could. Through the anger Enid saw a flash of pain trickling in. Enid had seen that look before, when she and Wednesday fought that semester prior.
“I mean, to be fair, you were really adamant too, you were practically begging for me to room with you.”
Enid saw another wave of pain flash through Wednesday’s anger and-
“That’s because I thought you were Wednesday!” she blurted out, “I-I thought you were Wednesday, and you had amnesia or something and that’s the ONLY reason. I only want Wednesday as my roommate!”
Enid looked back at Wednesday, whose pain and anger receded from her face. She looked away blankly, and now just jostled herself back and forth.
Friday put a pointed finger to her temple in a thinking pose, “You thought I was Wednesday? Why would you think that?”
Enid now looked at Wednesday’s cousin, anger flaring up, “Because you said you were!”
“No, I didn’t,” she said without emotion. Just pure emptiness.
“What?” Enid was taken aback by her mood swings again, “B-b-b-bu-but you said your memories-”
“Oh, I did get electrocuted, and it did affect my memories. But you just assumed it was somehow Wednesday losing her memories. I also never said I was Wednesday,” Friday stared blankly into each teens’ eyes.
You three, and your friends, were the ones who came to that conclusion all on your own. Then you came to the conclusion that I was a doppelgänger. You imposed all your misconceptions onto me all by yourself.”
The three teens began re-running all the events in their heads. It was true, she never personally claimed she was Wednesday but-
Friday giggled, back to her cheery personality, “But I guess I never did anything to deny your very obvious claims either.”
Enid heard a snap go off inside her head, and then let out a roar, unable to take the girl’s mind games anymore. With a sudden boost of strength she attempted to pull herself from the giant’s grasp, “That! Is! it! I’m ripping your head off!”
Lurch tried to steady himself as he handled the raging werewolf, in the surprise he dropped Wednesday so he could use his full strength to hold the werewolf back.
Rattle. Clink. Thunk.
Wednesday, now free from Lurch’s grasp, lunged forward towards Friday, who easily sidestepped the bound Wednesday, expecting another headbutt. But in her attempts to sidestep, she found herself right where Wednesday’s newly freed left arm was, and found her throat getting smashed into her cousin’s bicep. They quickly tumbled to the floor, with Wednesday having the high ground, who delivered a good handful of punches before being yanked off of her bleeding cousin by the Principal.
“Wednesday! Control yourself,” her mother chided, “We are in a meeting, wait until after.”
Lurch dropped Enid and proceeded to pick Wednesday back up, who was now clawing and twisting at the lock on her mask.
“No!” Orlock yelled, completely exasperated by the situation, “No you will not! There will be no more fighting on this campus! Or off campus for that matter! Not when you are within this town and school!”
He turned to the group, “You will all be expelled if I see any more fighting! Anything that will cause trouble for this school! Do you understand me?”
“What about school activities?” Friday mumbled, pulling the key-necklace from her shirt, “Like fencing club and other such things?”
Orlock let a whistle of air out through his nose, trying, and succeeding to hold in his anger, “You aren’t allowed to kill each other.”
Friday looked at the principal with the same disgust as if you would order to lick a sewage pipe.
“But that’s half the fun,” Pugsley whined.
“Children, children,” Gomez soothed them, “This is the real world. You have to learn to play by their rules. Even if they do seem unfair.”
All the non-Addames in the room felt the life drain from their eyes, having about up to here with the family’s shenanigans.
Enid was brought back to life by something smacking her in her face, she fumbled to catch whatever it was, and realized she held the key that Friday had on her person. She looked up to see Friday lazily pointing to something to the left of Enid.
Enid looked over at Wednesday, who was now frantically clawing at the mask, her knees dropping to the ground as Lurch released the struggling teen, not sure what to do. Enid quickly rushed over, and after pinning Wednesday’s hands to the side, she found the keyhole and unlocked the mask that was suffocating her friend.
The tight mask fell to the floor, the insides looking like it was made to gag the person, and suffocate them if certain pieces were moved. Wednesday gasped for air, her lips a slight tinge of blue. Enid hovered over her friend, offering her arm to help Wednesday up when she was ready.
“Can the ‘no killing’ rule start now?” Friday asked innocently, “She technically moved the mechanism in the mask when she started punching me.”
Orlock could only sigh and wave his hand. Enid glared at Friday, the other Addamses might’ve been ok with trying to kill each other, but Enid wasn’t ok with anyone trying to kill Wednesday. And from the look on her face, apparently, neither was Wednesday.
Friday caught Enid’s glare, and then answered Enid’s thoughts as if she read her mind, “Hm? Oh, do you think she’s angry at me cause I tried to kill her?” Then she let loose her weird giggle, “She’s upset because I wasn’t actually trying. I didn’t deign her good enough to even try, and yet she still almost didn’t make it. You’ve really lost your edge lil’ cousin, it’s a bit pathetic.”
Wednesday growled, then said between gasps of air, “No. You’re just. A coward. You don’t. Have the guts. To go through with it.” And apparently, Enid was wrong, Wednesday’s priorities were all kinds of skewed too.
Friday’s giggle fit abruptly stopped, and she glared at Wednesday so menacingly, she looked almost like Wednesday’s exact clone, “Well I guess I can be more serious next time, should be easy since you love to leave your back wide open.”
“My back wasn’t wide open, it was that my look-out turned out to be easier to distract than I thought,” she turned her dangerous glare to Enid’s shoulder, where Thing was perched.
Thing shook, and crawled behind Enid’s back, quivering from Wednesday’s rage.
“Wednesday,” Enid chided her friend, “I’m sure there’s more to it than that! And Thing was really worried about you, you were the first thing he asked about when we saved him!”
Wednesday turned her heated glare towards Enid, but instead of retorting, she melted into a more tired glare. She didn’t have the energy to argue with the blonde werewolf and her damned ideologies.
Friday looked at the two girls’ exchange with an inquisitive look.
“Anyway, I wouldn’t have done it if you just let me play with you! It’s not fair you get to do all those séances by yourself!” Friday whined. Wednesday turned to her cousin, the heated glare returning, eye now twitching, and jaw clenched tightly.
Morticia finally broke the tension in the room, “Dear Principal Orlock, if this is about the damages, we will pay for them.”
Principal Orlock refocused, finally feeling like he had some control of the room again, “That is fine Mrs. Addams, but I still need to punish the children.”
“Of course, do as you see fit.”
“Ms. Addam-” Orlock started, and stopped with three heads turned to him at once, yet again,, he cleared his throat before continuing, “Ms. Friday Addams. You seem to like digging and other such gardening ground work, to the point you even joined the gardening club… Is that correct?”
“Yes sir!” Friday beamed at the principal.
“Well then, I’ll place you on duty to fix the floors and roof of the school along with Eugene.”
Friday and Eugene’s face fell. Then Orlock turned to Xavier.
“You seem to be good with your hands in the artistic sense, but have you ever taken up gardening?”
“N-no, I’ve never done it in my life.”
“Great, you can take care of the newly made garden that’s sprouted up in our front driveway. I want you to remove it and fix the payment. Don’t worry you three, we have materials to fix all of this. May have to order more for the roof though.”
He lastly turned to Enid and Wednesday, “And since you two seem so keen on gravedigging, I’m going to give you the exact opposite of what you want, grave filling. I want you two to fill those holes A-S-A-P! And best not be caught, since you don’t mind the night, I’ll look the other way just this once. ” It looked like no one got a job they seemed keen on doing.
Wednesday seemed unfazed, albeit annoyed by the demand. Enid however felt otherwise.
“But that’s not fair! Wednesday didn’t even do anything wrong, I caused most of the mess. It should just be me.”
Orlock stared at her blankly, “Other than that gruesome display in the front gate of our school, she was also late.”
Enid could only stare with her mouth hanging open, the principal finally turned to Pugsley.
“You were also late, but…. You are new to Nevermore, so I’ll let it slide. Only this once.”
In synch, Wednesday and Friday eyes both widened and snapped their heads in unison, “What?!”
Gomez slapped his palm to his forehead, “Oh right! You were so busy in the library we didn’t get a chance to tell you Wednesday.”
Morticia looked at Friday, “We wanted Wednesday to find out first, but-” she lazily gestured at Wednesday, “So we didn’t tell the rest of the family. I’m sorry for the blindside sweetie.”
Gomez put one arm around his son, grinning, “Starting today, Pugsley is going to be a student at Nevermore!”
Pugsley smiled sheepishly at his sister, “You said I wouldn’t last two months without you and you were right.”
Friday recovered, putting her face back into a neutral mask, but Wednesday’s face maintained her rare gob smacked expression, her eyebrows knitting together as if trying to solve something.
The Principal clapped his hands and smiled, “Now that we have everything settled, why don’t you kids get cleaned up and head back to class. Then after school you can go to your respected stations of punishment. But first, Addamses, you can follow me.”
Enid helped Wednesday up, but she and Thing were soon swept up by her family, Enid and she were going to have to meet up later.
The principal was showing the family a tour of the school, more for Pugsley’s sake than anyone else’s in the group. He’d brief the two teens on what they’d miss, and that he would have the assignments they missed sent to their room by tomorrow.
Wednesday dragged her feet behind the group, wishing to be in a classroom than here, but was glad to be left alone. At least until her stomach grumbling alerted her caretakers and ruined her quiet mood.
“Oh you must be famished, dear,” Morticia looked at her daughter lovingly, as the family trailed far behind the Principal and Lurch. In which the former was attempting to see if they could engage in conversation with the latter, the action proving to be difficult.
“Pugsley, fetch your sister one of Grandmama’s sandwiches from your bag. That’ll make you feel better, Wednesday.”
Per his mother’s request, Pugsley put his hand into a large satchel and pulled out a strangely pulsating sandwich. It moved and oozed purple liquid, and if you were quiet enough, one could hear a faint scream coming from it.
Wednesday snatched the sandwich from her brother’s hands and hastily scarfed it down, lest it get an attempt to fight back.
As Pugsley handed his older sister a water bottle to quench her thirst, Wednesday noticed her baby brother staring at her from their mother’s arms with wide eyes, almost horrified. All she could do was glare at him.
Gomez clapped his son on his back, “I’m telling you Pugsley, you’re going to love it here!”
“You really think so?” Pugsley looked at his father hopefully.
“When was this decided on?” Wednesday cut in, not looking the least bit pleased.
“It was before you arrived home early from school,” Morticia interjected, eyeing her daughter, “We were going to tell you during our family dinner, but you locked yourself up in the library not long after you came home so we never got the chance.”
Wednesday’s jaw set, and glared at her mother, “I apologize mother, I was just interested to see if there were any more family secrets that you all were hiding.”
The matriarch and patriarch of the Addams family exchanged a look, before Morticia looked back at her daughter with a confused expression, “I nary the thought of what you mean.”
“No, of course not.”
Morticia gave her daughter a small, exasperated smile, and then went over to her older son and caressed his face, “Now dear, if you have any problems, your sister is here to help as well as your cousin.”
Pugsley now looked nervously at his older sister, who was now setting her glare on him. Morticia looked at her daughter and cleared her throat.
“Of course,” Wednesday sighed, resigned.
Morticia frowned a bit at her daughter, but Pugsley felt reassured all the same.
The principal clapped his hands, bringing the Addamses' attention to him, “And here’s where you’ll be rooming, Pugsley. Welcome to Goodfellow hall!”
“Goodfellow? Isn’t that the fairy that causes all the issues in A Midsummer Night’s Dream?” Pugsley inquired.
The principal ignored him and opened a door that, unbeknownst to everyone else, Wednesday was familiar with, and stepped into the dorm room.
On the left side it was taken up by artwork, a familiar style that had Xavier Thrope all over it. He wasn’t there as he was still in class.
And on the right side, it was barren, an obvious spot for a new student to be placed in.
To Wednesday, however, she could only see the ex-room of her attempted murderer, Rowan Laslow. He had attempted to crush her with a statue and strangle her with his telekinesis the semester prior. During his second attempt at murder, he himself was murdered by the town’s own local, serial killer monster.
Wednesday didn’t have kind things to think about Rowan, I mean his murder attempts were very amateur and messy. But she did pity the boy. His mother had a vision that Wednesday would be the fall of the school, and that Rowan would be the one to kill her and save everyone. And he believed her.
She had been wrong on both accounts of course, Rowan would not be the hero, and Wednesday would be the one to save the school. And thus, she pitied the boy.
A hand clasping her shoulder brought Wednesday back to reality and out of her own thoughts.
“We got all of Pugsley’s stuff sorted out here, let’s go get yours, dear,” Morticia smiled at her scowling daughter. Wednesday hoped that meant that she was near the end of her torture.
Thankfully it didn’t take long to bring all her luggage up to her room, and soon she was sending her parents off.
“I’m going to miss you, my little terrors!” Gomez teared up as he pulled both his children into a big hug, only Pugsley hugged him back.
“Now, be sure to listen to the principal, you wouldn’t want to leave your friends,” Morticia gave both of them air kisses.
After their two eldest gave affirmative answers, the parents proceeded to go back to the car with the baby in tow. But something stood out to Wednesday.
“Mother, Father,” Wednesday spoke up, causing her parents to turn around in surprise, “I believe you missed a suitcase.”
Everyone slowly turned to the car, where one last suitcase laid on top.
“Oh, I’ll get it! It shouldn’t be that heavy-” Pugsley started to approach.
“Oh that won’t be necessary, that one is ours,” Morticia stopped her son.
“Are you going on a trip?” Pugsley asked, confused.
“Y-yes! That’s it, we’re going on another honeymoon,” Gomez stated, kissing his wife’s hand…. And slowly making his way up her arm.
Wednesday witnessed how her baby brother tried to control the disgust on his face, having to witness their parent’s display of affection up close and personal.
Hm, maybe we’ll get along after all…. She thought.
“Yes, another honeymoon, who knows maybe you’ll get two new siblings, a Wednesday Jr. and a Pugsley Jr.!” Morticia purred.
The three children all stiffened. Pugsley had a look of chagrin, Wednesday looked like she wished a hole would swallow her up, and Pubert looked shocked at the possibility of not being the youngest and having to battle for his parents' attention.
“That’s now how the word ‘Junior’ works!” Wednesday told them annoyed, almost ready to chase her parents off school grounds. Thankfully for her, they already started quickly retreating to the car, before anyone had to hear any nitty gritty details.
“Anyway, adiós my little terribles! You know the rules, we’ll crystal ball you in a week!”
The two siblings stood there, stunned by their odd behavior, well…. Odd by their parents’ standards.
“They didn’t tell you?” Wednesday asked.
“How odd, they would never miss an opportunity to shove their love in our face.”
Wednesday took note of her parents' strange behavior but decided it wasn’t important enough to worry about in her current situation and proceeded to walk away.
“W-where are you going?”
“I’m going to get cleaned up, I believe you can manage, it looks like you have a helping hand waiting over there,” Wednesday nodded her head over to a certain female lefty hiding around the wall of the school.
Lady Fingers jolted in surprise at having been caught, and scurried over to the duo.
“Hello Lady Fingers, aren’t you supposed to be with Friday?”
“It appears she sent her to keep an eye on us, well, you can have fun with Pugsley,” Wednesday picked up Thing by his wrist and proceeded to walk off, “I already have my handler.”
It took a while for Enid to return to her dorm, some of her teachers had gotten in their head they needed to have a word or two with her.
So when she finally returned to the dorm, she found Wednesday in their room, straightening out the last of her things while Thing sat on her desk. Enid smiled and picked up her pace, only to stop mid-step to see Friday sitting on Wednesday’s bed.
“What are you doing here?” Enid pouted.
Friday grinned at her, the bruise around her nose and eyes painfully stretching with her mouth, “Breaking in.”
“Being an annoyance,” Wednesday mumbled.
“I was going to sit on your bed, but then Wenny threatened violence so I’m over here instead.”
Enid tried not to show disdain, she was trying not to show any visible resentment to Wednesday’s cousin, since she wasn’t a hundred percent sure how Wednesday felt about Friday herself.
“Wenny?” Enid asked her roommate eagerly. She’d secretly been hoping to give each other nicknames.
“Don’t call me that,” Wednesday stopped what she was doing for a second to give Enid a death glare, to show she was serious.
Enid pouted.
“Yeah only I can call Wenny, Wenny!” Friday snickered.
Wednesday picked up a book on her bookshelf and flung it right at Friday, it hit the snickering girl right in the temple and bounced off her head. Enid would’ve felt some kind of schadenfreude from this, if it didn’t result in Friday keeling over and going into a giggle fit. She seemed to enjoy the punishment.
Her vision of the giggling psychopath was then blocked by a pink present bag.
“Here,” was all Wednesday said, as she handed the present to Enid, while donning surgical gloves.
Enid held back a smile, her dreary roommate loved to tell people how she was allergic to color. Enid was pretty sure that she was full of hooey, considering she saw the girl handle color just fine before. But it was still amusing seeing Wednesday stick to her snarky, goth girl facade.
Enid took the bag from Wednesday and started to open it up. Her eyes widened when she saw what was in it.
“Snoods and gloves are a bit too…..advanced for me,” Wednesday mumbled, not looking at Enid.
Enid’s eyes sparkled as she pulled out a homemade pink knitted scarf, it had some errors in it, and you could see it was made by a beginner. But all Enid saw was her new favorite scarf.
“O-M-G Wednesday! I love it! I’m going to wear it everywhere!”
Wednesday still wasn’t looking at Enid, but gave her a slight nod. She also let out the breath she was holding, but no one else in the room was wiser to it.
“You didn’t tell me you could knit!” Friday announced from behind Wednesday, ruining the moment. She peered around her cousin’s shoulder to see a lumpy bundle of wool, “Oh that’s why, cause you can’t.”
Annoyed, Wednesday grabbed her cousin by the throat, she halted her punch mid-swing in the air very abruptly. Both Wednesday and Friday looked at Enid.
“What?” Enid asked, confused. She had become accustomed to their violence after the last half day.
“You aren’t going to stop me/her?” Wednesday and Friday said, almost in sync.
“Uh, no. I’m setting my morals for pointless, non-self-defense fighting for the next few minutes.” Enid was burnt out from the day, but she also wouldn’t mind seeing Wednesday flatten her cousin who caused her much strife. But she wouldn’t say the latter out loud.
The cousins looked at each other warily, not used to a non-family member trying to not stop them, and then un-engaged themselves.
Friday, looking as if the fun had died in the room, straightened herself up, “Well I better get going, gotta go learn how to make cement,” then she awkwardly walked out of the room.
After the door closed Enid looked at Wednesday, smiling with her arms held out. Ready for a hug.
Wednesday was not much of a hugger, much as in ever. There was only one person outside her family she ever allowed to hug her, and was also the only person whom she ever hugged back: Enid. The circumstances of that hug were very unique and in a moment of weakness. But it also wasn’t unpleasant. Not that Wednesday would ever tell anyone.
Wednesday looked at her roommate, and unlike all those other times before, she didn’t step back. All she did was sigh through her nose, and remain still. It was as good a confirmation for Enid as any.
Enid threw her arms around the ramrod straight girl, “Thank you Weds-”
But before Enid could finish her thank you, she felt her best friend tense up and seize in her arms. Wednesday's head flung back, her eyes unfocused, and her body began twitching.
The telltale signs that Wednesday was having a psychic vision.
It was only for a handful of seconds, just like any other vision Wednesday had before. But when the vision stopped, instead of coming back like she normally did, Wednesday instead fell limp in Enid’s arms.
“Wednesday?” Enid shook her unconscious friend, “Wednesday?!”
A/N: Hehe 'ramrod straight girl” not for long. XU
I’m pretty sure I wrote 90% of this and 2B during my 1 hour lunch breaks at work over like 2 weeks. TT0TT I’ve also drunken all those milks, so I’ve now lost control of my life again. ;w;
Anyway, as you can probably tell….Friday is…an OC. Kinda. She’s an homage to the OG smiley Wednesday/pre 90s movies (sans the 90s cartoon, that one is a good blend of the two). I know we technically see an adult 60s Wednesday in the 70s reunion, buuuuuut…… well…. I wanted my own twist (such as giving her a dose of John Astin’s mania, love her being a mini Morticia in some iterations but I need to see a little bit of daddy dreadful too). Partially because there’s a genre shift between cartoon/60/70/90s shows and Wednesday (pure comedy with some friendly darkness vs dark comedy/mystery). Deep down, she has the upbeat/core values of those shows, but with how her mania and her own macabre tendencies translate into Wednesday, she becomes a loose cannon. So in a sense I wanted to create an Old!Wednesday (Friday) vs New!Wednesday (Wednesday).
So why “Friday?” Other than Wednesday’s middle name being Friday, let’s just say Wednesday is not the only child that’s full of woe. ;U
Fun Fact 1: Pubert was originally going to be Pugsley’s name in the 60s show (which is when the iconic characters originally got their names), but the TV execs thought it was too risque so they went with Pugsley instead.
Fun Fact 2: There was an unborn child teased in the original comics, but was never shown/born. Addams Family Values finally introduced the 3rd child, giving him Pugsley’s rejected name….which were different from the 2 hinted in the comics. ;3
Fun Fact 3: Wednesday/Pugsley Jr? Haha yeah they exist, in the 60s TV Special from the 70s. I’m pretty sure that’s not how Jr. works, it’s for parents/children, but hey it’s very Addams so XU Besides the reference, they will not be making an appearance in this.
Fun Fact 4: This plotline may have been heavily influenced by the Scooby Doo Movie/70s animated pilot episode “Wednesday is Missing.” I watched it well prior to me thinking “yeah let’s just write a fanfic” and by the time I was in the middle of Ep 2 I was like “Oh right TT0TT Well….” I literally just checked the episode again (cause I kinda blocked it out, it wasn’t bad just forgot klfdjsdalf) and I think she was even trapped in their belfry type thing too sjdflkajf
 Anyway, time for the break……….
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chimerabytes · 1 year
(tl;dr please feel free to reach out to me if you ever want to talk + you can ask if i have any other social platform accounts if youd like to keep talking with me on other things!)
also to add on to my tags on prev post (edited to be put under a read more because this got way longer than i intended):
i apologize if my lack of communication skills and my lack of people permanence has caused anyone to feel awkward around me and/or think that i don't see them as a person worth keeping around.
i sincerely mean this when i say it: i do see you as someone worth keeping around. i know i struggle with showing it, affection is not my strength point in the slightest. but i will continue to keep trying my best to be at least approachable. and i dont mind if you want to keep your distance and just kinda vibe from the sidelines. i still appreciate you and i respect your space.
to be honest i have a pretty big personal bubble that i find nearly impossible to let people into, the closer people want to get to me and the closer i want to get to others. think of my sociability like two magnets with the same sides facing each other: the closer you try and force them together, the stronger the force of repulsion can be felt.
i try not to mean any ill intentions towards most people! but i know that even if i don't mean it, i can still hurt people regardless. and i hate hurting people who don't deserve to be hurt. i appreciate the folks who follow me - by doing so you are welcomed into my bubble, and can peek into a very personal part of my life that i bare out in the open for others to see.
essentially... i just want to say that i do care about others, just not in the most open way. and my inbox is always open if you want to chat with me and get to know me better. i have tumblr dms open - both asks and using the IM feature. i have discord and a plethora of other social accounts on multiple platforms, including:
mastodon (plush.city is my main instance where i can be found!)
just plain 'ole e-mailing me is totes cool with me!
flight rising (yes. i will allow people to send me messages on FR and tag me in forum posts. i cannot guarantee i will reply to every thing right away, but i do read all my messages within 24-48 hours of them being sent by you!)
i don't use twitter anymore, sadly. so i apologize if thats your preferred avenue of communication!
i could dig up my skype account again if anyone wants to add me on there?
i don't use a lot of other messaging apps that are popular these days aside from discord and tumblr, but if you want you could pitch me an offer to join a website/ chat/ platform that you use and i may join!
however you will Never get me to join instagram, snapchat or tiktok. Sorry, I just dont think those apps are for me.
i try to keep my avenues of conversation open. even though i admittedly am not great at chatting and most of my affection and sillies are gleaned from what kind of memes and silly reaction pics i send, i still do want to offer up a metaphorical chill spot for people to join me in.
i realize this is pretty long so i'm going to end this, although im not sure how? just like, if you ever have any thoughts, concerns, questions, or want to just talk to me at all about literally anything (i dont care if you only send me like, one word, I will likely respond anyway!) then like... As the boys would say, hit me up, I guess?
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echoes-abound · 2 years
Ticking heart sounds really interesting. What's that one about?
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Ticking Heart (actually I think it’s called My Ticking Heart but same difference) is an incomplete multi-chapter story I was/am posting on my old Quotev account. It revolves around this world where humans and androids live together, but androids are very much made to be lesser than humans. This robot musician falls in love with a human singer even though it’s hella illegal and I’m explaining it really poorly but I had a lot of fun back when I still wrote it, and it’s not completely dead yet.
(Also I totally spoiled the ending in one of my prev reblogs of a question like ‘put in the tags the twist ending of your wip’)
(Here’s a link to the remains of the story -> https://www.quotev.com/story/14936114/My-Ticking-Heart )
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luvdsc · 4 years
the prev anon who wants to post their work, trust me, i was like that too! i started writing on wattpad and when i came to tumblr i was too scared bc i feel like my works are not tumblr worthy. it's been months now, and im very happy when my story reaches 50 notes! im a small account with 39 followers but im very happy to share my work with others 😊 cheer up!! (also my friends irl dont know that i write fics lol)
omg yes to the anon who sent the message about posting their writing!!! I hope you get to see this 💘💘 ah, I was a quotev girl back in the day and never really used wattpad :’) but most definitely! everyone’s work is tumblr worthy 💞 I’m not sure what is considered tumblr worthy either? there are no limitations or standards here, just post it!!! We all have to start somewhere, and it’s a nice feeling to be able to share your work with others 💓 and I feel like all of us writers are the real life hannah montana and living a double life 🤧🤧
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