colossal-red · 2 years
The Mark
Chapter One: Tomorrow
Ayup mates, little note here, this new AU is very inspired by a YouTuber by the name of Ian Boggs who I’d highly recommend to check out. If you’re curious about any aspects of this au I implore you to spam my ask box as much as you’d like, I’ll happily answer :)
Anyways enjoy the fic! The warning are below :D
Tw: slight vore mention(?), mysterious disappearances, and fear.
WC: 1140
Tubbo woke up with a stretch. He was so Fucking ready for tomorrow! He got up and quickly got ready for school, he was so happy that his Birthday was on a Friday, and he was excited to get his mark. Sure everyone got the Prey mark all the time, but it was still exciting! He exited the house, and waved goodbye to his mom as he started the walk to school, he looked around to see if he could spot his best friend, but he seemed to be nowhere around... suspicious. It didn't take long for him to enter the school, as soon as he did so though, Tommy jumped out in front of him from behind a corner, making a booing sound. "Gah-!" He flinched. "Don't fucking scare me like that man-" He swatted the laughing Tommy as they headed toward their first class of the day... this was gonna be a long day...
After a few classes, he sat down in his last class for the day, History. "Woooo, finally almost done-" He spoke, leaning back in his chair, to Tommy who sat behind him. "What do you think is gonna be on the shitty lesson plan for toda-?" He was cut off. "Language Mr. Schlatt." Came Mr. Halo's voice as he entered the room, his wings curled inward as he got to his desk. "Settle down all of you muffins, now, today's lesson is gonna be on the founding of Essempi..." Mr. Halo droned on and on about Essempi and seemingly everything that happened ever... until the last few minutes of class. "Now, before I dismiss all of you, we're gonna have a brief lesson on the Marks, as I believe we have two muf- I mean, students, who are turning Eighteen tomorrow, correct Mr. Schlatt and Mr. Minecraft?" Tubbo and Tommy both nodded, confirming his question. "Alright then, as you all know, in the entire history of the world, there have been two Marks-" "The Mark of The Prey and The Mark of the Pred, right D- I mean, sir?" Came Sapfucks voice from the back, dude got an unfair advantage honestly. "That is correct Mr. Sapnap, however, there hasn't been a Pred marked in many many years... people doubt they even exist now as everyone who's turned eighteen since then has always been Prey." He turned to face the class again, after having drawn the marks for Pred and Prey on the board.
The Prey Mark resembled bunny ears, while The Pred Mark was depicted as being a set of fox ears. "Even so, it's important that we all know how to defend ourselves properly in the off-chance that someone DOES get the Pred Mark-" He quickly added- "But of course, the chances of anybody getting the Pred Mark is very low of course. Who can tell me some abilities of Preds?" A few hands went up, not Tubbo's tho, he couldn't remember. "Yes Mr. Found?" Of course, the teacher would pick someone whose hand wasn't up. To be fair though, George was passed the fuck out. Tubbo suppressed a chuckle with Tommy. "Oh, er, what was the question again-?" Tommy snickered again as Mr. Halo sighed. "Could you tell me some things about the Preds' abilities Mr. Found? Then you can get back to your muffiny nap-" He said with a polite smile, eventually George would gather his thoughts and blab on a bit more about how they could 'size-shift' and 'smell emotions' and a few other random things that just weren't relevant anymore. Tubbo groaned as this ensued, lightly doodling on his desk before finally... the bell rang.
"Thank Prime..." He heard Tommy mutter as they gathered their things to leave. "Where too Boss Man-?" He asked Tom as they walked the halls of rapidly departing students. "Hmmm, ahhhhh, I just want it to be tomorrow already man!" he pouts a bit as they walk. “Don’t worry Tom, tomorrow isn’t that much farther away, everything will go just fine.” He reassured, they eventually just got some dinner and headed home so they could get started on some homework… and sleep a bit earlier to speed up the process. Tubbo yawned as he worked at his desk, the hours seem to go by so slowly yet so fast at the same time as he trudged through assignment after assignment. He was so glad when he could collapse onto his bed, and finally began to fall asleep…
Meanwhile, Tommy had sped-run his assignments… and was sneaking out of his Dad’s house again, which wasn’t exactly difficult. Ever since Techno had gone missing a few years ago, Phil hadn’t really been the same, which sucked a lot. Tommy wandered through the woods, knowing exactly where he was going. It didn’t take long before he reached his destination, a small box fort, a training dummy, and two wooden swords lay abandoned amongst the grass and twigs. He sighed as he reached down and picked up one that was marked with a big T, only glancing at the one with the lil T. “Miss you Techno…” He rubbed some of the dirt off and placed it back down where it was, before picking up the other sword and turning to the dummy.
After a Prime knows how long amount of time of slashing at the dummy, Tommy rested at the entrance to the box fort that vaguely resembled a castle, just looking about the space as he remembered the old times, he closed his eyes…
“C’mon Tommy I know you can do it-!” Came Techno’s voice from the tree above. “Techno! Just give it the fuck back!” Tommy shouted as he tried to climb up the tree, just barely missing the handhelds. “I will, if you can make it up here, how will you ever be able to escape a Pred if you can’t throw yourself up a tree like I can-?” He spoke, dangling the lil T sword above Tommy’s head from a branch. “You’ve just gotta find the proper foot and handholds.” He encouraged. Tommy took a step back, and inspected the tree again, before trying again. This time, he was able to get up. He grabbed at the handhelds that he could, and though he did stumble once or twice, he was able to get high enough to touch the tip of his sword… before promptly falling. But Techno’s hand caught him, and pulled him up and away from the fall. “Hey, you did pretty good Theseus.” He spoke with a smile as he handed Tommy his sword back. Tommy accepted it with a semi/embarrassed look at having to be rescued, but the two laughed it off and eventually headed home…
Tommy opened his eyes. Fuck, he’d fallen asleep… at least he had a good dream. He stood up and ran back home as fast as he could, going back through his window and looking at himself in his bedroom mirror… today was the day. It was his birthday which meant that… he pulled his sleeve back, and looked at his right arm. On the arm, clear as day, we’re two bunny ears. He smiled, Phew… he had to admit, despite the fact that he knew that it would not be fox ones, it still kinda spooked him. He stretched, and got ready for school quickly. He was excited to see Bee Boy so that they could laugh about how nervous he was…
Tubbo woke up groggy. Hm, something smelt sweet, he wondered if his mom had actually made something. He got up, and looked at himself in the bedroom mirror. He messed with his hair a little bit before leaving it the way it had been. Then, he suddenly remembered, The Mark! He excitedly held his arm up, and pulled back the sleeve. His face did a few different things as he looked at the reflection… it switched from Excitement, to Confusion, to Shock, and then finally, to a combination of Fear and Nervousness. He quickly grabbed a marker off his desk and held it to the Fox Ears that were on his arm, almost glinting in the sunlight as if to say: “Look at me!” He quickly scribbled over the mark a bit, making the Fox Ears look like the Bunny ones that signified Prey. T-this couldn’t be… he couldn’t be a Pred!
Suddenly, another scent came into the air, another sweet one… from outside. A knock came at the door, and he heard Tommy shout. “Open up Bee Boy, we’ve gotta get to school! Happy Birthday by the way!” Oh shit… he exited his room, and went to open the door…
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moechies · 18 days
the idea of a knot gets me so dizzy omgie. like imagine not being able to pull out because you have to breed, your body forcing you to stay inside and release your potent nut inside a warm cunny cus it’s what you were made to do……
i think that is vv romantic♡_♡
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
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danse macabre
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
TW: Kidnapping and involuntary servitude. Dehumanization, both of Killer and Murder (who is dehumanized by both Nightmare and Killer, despite how Killer isn’t aware of/doesn’t much care how he comes off, even if that’s not the intention.)
Hunting, predator/unwilling prey dynamics that is encouraged. Pet/master as well.
Also past hints to previous hunts, starvation as punishment, abuse.
Was thinking about how canon Murder was said to never want to willingly join Nightmare and wouldn’t have any interest in other AUs or ATs outside of his own, and I was thinking about how there’s a canonical Something New timeline where Nightmare just straight up yoinked up Killer and took him into involuntary servitude.
And then I was thinking about these two facts with a Bad Sans Gang AU, and my first thought was “flight risk Murder” and predator/prey dynamics with Murder and Killer (they’re both prey and predator bc Murder is very good at setting traps) and owner/pet dynamics with Nightmare and Killer.
Like, NM is old and ancient and spent some time away from most mortals for quite awhile and Killer didn’t really fight back or attempt to escape him as he yoinked him up, so he assumes it’ll just be the same with Murder.
Only, nope. First mission out and the guy’s making an immediate run for it. Killer has to track him down and drag him back, which presented a surprisingly good challenge because this guy is fast and light on his feet and good at thinking quickly (like Killer). He set up so many various traps or made impromptu ones, he kept Killer on his toes.
This becomes a bit of a routine (no one uses that word around Stage 2 Killer, because then it becomes something to avoid).
Nightmare sends them out, Murder tries to run if he has the energy and Determination, Killer hunts him down with something bordering on amusement and glee.
He’s never hunted another version of himself down quite like this before, and unsurprisingly this leads to moments of squabbling and vicious fighting between Murder and Killer who gets closer and closer to Stage 3 with every hunt. He’s having fun, falling into habit, the thrill of the chase.
They always both come back bloody, beaten, injured, and exhausted, Killer either carrying Murder bridal style or by the scruff of his hoodie, but Killer is uncharacteristically pleased and almost happy to be hunting someone down. (“You fell back into form easy enough, huh. Just like old times, right, partner?”)
Murder is always beyond exhausted and pissed, something bordering on realizing how powerless he actually is when compared to Nightmare (worried he might not ever be able to stop his human because he’ll never get free), and Nightmare is just…endlessly amused.
It’s like watching the cat drag in a mouse to its owner, so he will of course give Killer his well deserved praise and treats. This new behavior is something he hadn’t observed in his weapon yet, and he is admittedly curious.
You’re allowed to rest more today, eat more today. Just make sure to take care of Murder, have him up and ready for the next time. (This is what you’re supposed to do with mortals you don’t want dying on you just yet, right? It seems so tedious..maybe just this one time, just to see what happens.)
Feeling Murder’s anger at Killer, his disgust and discomfort around him (Murder’s embarrassment and humiliation at being wrangled and treated like a pet, even though Killer always takes care of his injuries well just like he does for the cats he adores so much), is like a nice side dish for Nightmare. He can feel Murder’s slowly, ever slowly, dwindling hope; and he assumes it’ll eventually be just like Killer.
That Murder will accept his place, and then will make the best of it, and they’ll all move on from this. Or maybe they’ll keep going but now both his pets will enjoy playing out in the woods or something.
But, no. Murder’s escape attempts begin losing its previous zeal. He’s just doing it because it’s habit now, and not because he thinks he’ll actually get free this time. He causally wanders off, and he spots Killer leaning against a tree like, “so..you come here often?”
He immediately turns around and goes back.
Killer is getting bored and apathetic again, Nightmare can tell. The tingle of “something new” has worn off, Murder is no longer novel. He’s boring and lame now.
But Killer knows he isn’t broken yet. Murder isn’t like him, he can see the spark of defiance and life in those dim eyes. It’s so different from what Killer sees when he dares to catch a glimpse of the reflection in the blade of his knife.
If Murder isn’t broken yet, then he’s just biding time. And Killer can’t wait to see what he does next.
(Who knows. Maybe Killer even does things to attempt to keep Murder’s hope up. Because he wouldn’t be fun if he were just like Killer.) (He doesn’t want anyone becoming like him)
(..of course things would get difficult if Killer starts thinking that Murder could genuinely start escaping him. Hunting someone down brings back memories, feelings, consequences of failure..
Stage 3 will not let this prey get away because no prey means no food means more pain means upset-angry-stomach-body. Pain to stomach and pain to head and pain to bones and soul and disappointment means becoming prey.)
(..eventually, though, it all comes to a head. Maybe Killer finally triggered into Stage 3 and kills Murder in the fight, before it can bring in the prey for observation, proof of having done well.
And maybe this is how Nightmare becomes aware of Stage 3, and is..deeply intrigued about this new side of his weapon. Perhaps this explains why Killer had been behaving oddly, outside of the thrill of something new. Perhaps this wasn’t as new for his killer as Nightmare had thought it was.
The next one they get will be more willing, somehow, someway. “I will get you another friend to play with,” he reassures his killer.)
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wszczebrzyszynie · 2 years
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i dont remember who but someone asked me if Jellie and owl Grian hunt together and the answer is no. They would however compete for the prey
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boiledegghole · 3 months
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so called "free thinkers" when euphrasie pulls up with the "something's failing, ROTTING"
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wallylinda · 1 year
whenever conservative-aligned comics get passed around there’s always a couple of people who add on that comics are inherently liberal and the values shown in *insert comic here* aren’t representative of the industry but like...that’s not true lol. like yes for a majority of their history cape comics have advocated for lefitst policies but that’s not to say that they weren’t also widely populated by prejudices and bigoted ideas. the creators of superman were jewish and they still wrote/drew plently of racist caricatures about the japanese when they were working on the action comics title. let’s not even pretend that misognyny isn’t a prevalent and continuous problem. comics were by and large created by marginalized groups and the silver/dark ages did succeed in tackling a lot of societal problems, but saying that the industry has always been this bastion of moral goodness is not only inaccurate to its history but also discourages conversation about how politics are presented in today’s comics.  
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Nsfw ❤︎………..thinkin’ about how much Diavolo would love hunter / prey play- cw: afab reader, roleplay ‘dubcon’, you two are fuckin’ in the wood btw + I think that’s it! tho it’s 1am so this is just me typing thots-
It feels so natural for Diavolo, such a powerful demon enjoying the chase, tracking down and overpowering his helpless little human pet.
He loves being rougher, more aggressive during it.
Pinning you against a tree, tearing your clothes off biting ‘n letting his nails leave little scratches on your skin. All while whispering the filthiest things in your ear, asking if you wanted to get caught? and ofc you did-
He’ll fuck you hard, one of his big hands on your hip and the other around you neck. Keeping you pinned in place while he ruts into you.
Diavolo’s voice a low growl when he talks right by your ear, “You like this don’t you, little one? Tsk I know you do, you keep sucking me back in. Your body is begging for more.”
Feeling your body tremble against his, watching your expressions change, the way you attempt to fight back to keep ‘the hunt’ as real as possible, it all fascinates him.
He’ll play along too- saying he caught you, now, it’s only right he mark you as his….inside and out as he cums inside.
After he’s so gentle with you, mumbling sweet praise as he carries you back to the castle. Promises of a hot bath and tea waiting for you <3
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alissssssaka · 7 months
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shoccolat · 8 days
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the man with the okami tattoo
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+undie shots bc i'm in love w the idea of the lil tail(s) peeking out 🤭
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old: dorian joining the vanguard
gold: dorian finding out dariax joined the ruby vanguard because he wanted to help him get payback on lloth
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cross having a puppy crush on killer and it's a horror story about how he falls for the worst possible person.
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peachdues · 6 months
I’m horny so I’m making it everyone’s problem BUT
sincerely thinking about Werewolf!Sanemi’s first time experiencing Netherwood!Reader’s ovulation week and losing his damn mind
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Into The Light
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It was impossible to ignore the steps behind me.
I was told, again and again, they were of no consequence. No SIGNIFICANCE. That my "shadows" were little more then passive servants. Glorified furniture that followed me room to room. But... but how could I possibly believe that? Worse, if I DID believe that? What would that MAKE me?
I was followed, as I am always followed these days, by... by DECORATION.
That's what they were BRED for. MADE to be. Aesthetically pleasing decoration. Perfectly matching, pleasantly smiling, mindless drones.
It sickened me.
When I "woke up"? Laughable as that phrasing is? Because I was not... not SLEEPING. I was... WAS... I had not BEEN-!
When I... "woke up" as it were, from that... long sleep. The one I had no choice in. That terrifies me even now. Haunts my dreams and wounds my soul. I found myself in a shining temple. A holy place, I was told. A beautiful place, it seemed.
And like so many stories? Like every tale of Utopia supposedly found? It was only after the first rush of wonder, did the cracks in the foundation begin to appear. And oh... OH, did they run DEEP.
I? Was "born" from a shining pool. Beneath sunlight and surrounded by soft breezes. Beauty and nature. But the "shadows"? They take the waters and manipulate them. Archaic machines I have never seen, someplace deep and dark.
I only see the successes of this process.
My mind screams that something terrible must happen, to those deemed "failures".
How? How in any God's name could I EVER be expected to accept this? This slavery and butchery? Worse still, be expect to TAKE PART in it? Have "shadows" of my own? As though it were not ownership of another living soul?!
In disgust, I raged.
I tried to fight. Was still too young, unfamiliar with the terrain. But my soul cried out in horror and how could I refuse? It... got me isolated. I am STILL isolated. Deep in the temple. Back in the "reflection gardens" where I may "think". It goes against our religion, after all, to harm me.
I am a PERSON. One of the Light's children. I need "gentle guidance" and "patience" so that I might "understand".
I understand perfectly.
They are simply monster's in my eyes.
It is cruel, really, that so much GOOD could be poisoned by such thoughtless evil. Because some of the teaching they foist on me? Are GOOD. Genuinely, truely, GOOD. They are teachings I am trying my best to follow. Even as something about them... niggled at the back of my brain. Like somehow they SHOULD be familiar, yet aren't quite.
Truely? I wish I could escape these walls. I KNOW there are other sects. The Shining Light was a result of a schism several centuries back. I know it had to do with the pools. But, of course, they have kept me from anything that might reinforce my "mistaken beliefs".
The eyes burning into my back trace lazily along my skin.
We never talk. I REFUSE to take part in this charade, but it does not stop them from following me. If anything, they seem amused. Something almost like fond on occasion. It is hard to tell, through their ever unchanging smiles. Perfectly bland and decorative.
There is a strange... anticipation in the air today.
I do not know what to make of it. When I ask the Light all I receive is nondescript humming. I do not know enough to know what that MEANS. Have no one to ask. So... I go through the motions.
And the anticipation builds.
And builds.
There are certain points in the, for lack of a better term (though honestly it's hardly), "little" building I've been cosigned too where I can see the main temple. The second floor terrace lifts me JUST high enough to see the eastern sprawl.
And the if I precariously balance? Up on a stool and then my toes. Leaning juuust so against one of the pillars that line the path? Then the hallway to the reflection pool garden, where I am too meditate each day, shows me the west.
As cut off as I am, except for the glorified propaganda shoved at me again and again by teachers who never linger, as though I am DISEASED? Well, all I can really do is watch. Try to pick out what is happening from afar. Try... try not to go mad from isolation.
Because the only people HERE with me are my shadows.
And I KNOW they would never talk to me. Not really. They will respond if I talk AT them but... oh Light that guides us... I am the keeper of their chains. I have NO RIGHT to play "happy little family~" as though they are even remotely close to me of their own free will.
I will not see them. I will not ask of them. In the Light, I will cast no shadow.
My mantra. Again and again. And please, oh Light that guides us, let someday it be true.
Still... my daily "lessons" have not come. And that? That has never happened. I do not WORRY for them, but as the only contact I have with the outside? Sudden change in behavior is... bad. Especially with this strange tension in the air. This anticipation of... SOMETHING. Like the Light is waiting for something to begin.
It is coming.
The east shows me nothing. So I try the west. Balanced precariously, ankles and toes straining from the uncomfortable position. The vast gardens between where I am and the main buildings? Are... empty.
They are NEVER empty.
Always. ALWAYS! Someone strolling, initiates debating, students reflecting, Master's meditating on the Light. Guests oohing and aaahing over the heavenly splendor of a garden unrivaled, by any I'd EVER seen before this place. All while followed by peacock tails of shadows. Matching and subservient. Hundreds of them.
The gardens were empty. Silent. An eery sense of... wrong, began to seep up my spine. Something that SCREAMED I had all the clues. Already KNEW what this was. But was being painful dense. Fatally blind. But I... I couldn't...
Sharp movement. A Temple Master. One who's name I could not recall. Only that he was forever poised and disdainful. He did not look so poised NOW. He raced, hair falling from it's styling, face wet with sweat and tears, robes a mess, across the main walk. Through the empty garden.
He... he never made it...
Too wherever he hoped to go.
In perfect synch, like WOLVES, shadows shot from the building behind him in pursuit. They had swords. He did not. Their long legs ate the distance between them and their prey almost effortlessly. In desperation, he called upon the Light, divine magic to defend himself.
They... they COUNTERED.
He died. Horrified and screaming, as I stood frozen. Pieces clicking together in my head. That... that was an advanced skill. But, ultimately, perfectly learnable if you were focused on nothing else. If... if you were able to FOLLOW those who sat in such lessons. Were... born of the same pools.
Of course they were children of the Light. I had always known. But somehow... my brain had not CONNECTED what that meant. Fully. What SKILLS that would afford them.
Slowly, numbly, I slid back down to merely stand upon the stool upon which I stood. I shakily stepped down. Acutely aware of the half ring of shadows smiling, oh so pleasantly, less then lunging distance away. Their eyes were intent.
Had...had they been waiting for me to see? Figure it out on my own? How long were they willing to let the charade continue? Just to drive home that their days of servitude were, at last, violently over? I did not look at them. I was afraid. My eyes staring, unseeing, off to the garden walls.
I was... was trapped in here... wasn't I?
Deserved this. For what I had allowed done.
And yet... and YET... I... I wanted to live. I was a prisoner too. Born into a cage that would see me die in it. Tears blurred my vision. It felt hard to breathe. Slowly, painfully fighting my tensed muscles, like a doll creaking from age, I turned to look at them.
Their smiles were sharper. They had teeth now.
Heads cocked, some terrible and delighted thing dancing in their eyes, their masks had cracked apart. No longer needed. I took a shaking step back. Then another. All the while they watch, eyes tracing my every action, unmoving. Expectant. They knew I would run. Clearly HOPED I would. I wish I could say I disappointed them.
That I was brave and stood my ground. Facing my end with dignity.
I didn't.
I bolted.
Behind me, a chorus of delighted laughs rip through the terrible silence like the baying of hunting hounds. The howl of wolves. Their masculine voices echoing all around me as, for the first time in this LIFE? I run with all I have. There... there is no where to GO. Not really. I have been kept ignorant of most of the temple's layout. Everything beyond it.
I have to try.
Mocking. They give me a heads start. But I hear them now. They have always been near silent when they walk. Can be COMPLETELY silent if they choose. It was a courtesy. Now? It is a taunt. So I know they are coming. Know how close I am to-...!
Desperately, I shed outer layers. The ornate, heavy robes they made me wear? Were lovely. But difficult to move it. Perhaps that was the point. Now? I can not afford it. They clatter and flomp to the ground behind me as I run. Skid around corners. Take two stairs at a time.
Banter behind me. This is taking everything I've got. Ha ha... oh Light! It's barely a work out for them, isn't it? A glorified jog at best. My exits are cut off, again and again. Forcing me to backtrack. My heart pounding, lungs screaming. Nails scrambling at the polished floors as my feet slide out from under me at the sudden shift in direction.
Bruises are building up. Exhaustion setting in. There is... there is no where in this building I can hide, that they do not KNOW.
I've lost track of at least half of them. They could be anywhere. I... I know, KNOW, I am being herded like an animal. Spooked and grabbed at, so I run the way they want me too. I just don't know WHY. I can't think. I have to run. All... all I can do is RU-!
As I pass an archway leading to a garden viewing room, I find out where the others went. Weight SLAMS into me from the side. Strong arms seizing my waist and cradling my neck, to prevent injury as we fall. I am thrown from feet by the tackle, through the archway.
Into a...nest of bedding?
I land hard, cushioning aside, and wheeze out a whine. The wall of iron muscle on top of me, pressing me down, half crushing me. My legs are on fire, my lungs the same. Everything hurts and I am terrified. There is a man's hand on the back of my neck, up high and near cradling my head, and it would take NOTHING for him to snap it. I... I can't... I...
I sob.
Frozen. Exhausted, in pain, and all struggled out. All I can do is cry. It's going it hurt. I.. I don't WANT to get hurt! P-please don't hurt m-me! I clutch at the bedding I'm pinned down too. My face all but crushed up against a familiar not familiar shoulder. I can hear the others strolling closer.
The shift of clothes as they kneel to crawl onto the strange nest they had made.
"Shhhhhh, shh shh shh. It's okay, sweetheart. It's over now. We CAUGHT you~ Our little champion. You're okay. It's okay. We're all here. You're safe now." Whispers the shadow pinning me. All but crooning it in my ear. "We've got you~, we've got you~. They can't hurt you anymore. Gonna show you the WORLD. No more cages. Can finally give you the love you DESERVE."
There are noises of agreement around me. Hands gently stroking my wrist and lower arm. Massaging my aching lower legs almost absent-mindedly. As though any part of me not covered by the man pinning me was fair game. Someplace to gently adore. I don't understand. Can not.
I squirm. Getting huffed laughs and chuckles.
"None of that, dearest. We were patient long enough. Frankly, we wanted to stage the revolt months ago. But, well, that pesky high priest. Never around when you need him to die, mmm?" Barks of laughter as the others crowded closer, got comfortable. My hand was tugged loose from the bedding. Fingers intertwined with my own.
"She's so cute." "Let us love you." "I can't wait to taste you." "Ours now, sweetheart~" "let us take care of you, okay?" "Light that guides, you're so fucking PERFECT..." "We're gonna take care of you, promise."
Muttered voices. Possessive, gentle hands. The shadow on top of me shifts down. And suddenly I could SEE. They stared like I was something to be devoured. The center of the universe. The Light felt triumphant. Held no answers. I didn't know where to look. Too many eyes. Too much touch.
Too much EVERYTHING after so long alone.
A kiss that feels overwhelming. Grins that promised things I didn't know if I can handle. Eyes that promise FOREVER whether I like it or not. Dangerous, dangerous hands that are so very gentle. I shake. I can not stop shaking. Hands from two different men, cup my cheeks, stroke my skin. My hands are held. Their palms are warm.
"Shhhh, your OURS now, little light. We broke our chains and killed our keepers, but YOU? Oh you, little prisoner, tried your best. You couldn't do it, and that's okay, but we SAW. We REMEMBERED. And the shadows?" They whisper, almost reverent. Both precious memory and quiet confession carried in their voice. Then, a terrible, possessive smile. A thing of entirely too many teeth.
"Oh little light, the shadows love you~♡"
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triglycercule · 2 months
if killer ever went into stage 3 around horror i absolutely want horror to fuck around with him in it. killer would totally obliterate him yes. BUT horror's also smart enough to know not to fuck around (too much) and find out. i think it would be like animal control and a wild feral dog. horror would set up traps for killer to get stuck in and then he crawls out of them. he laughs when killer falls for them so easily because a normal killer wouldn't fall for them so savagely (s2 killer MIGHT purposely trigger horror's traps just to see what would happen but s3..... bro has no thoughts). it's a good time for him to test out what new traps he can try too because killer is stupidly determined enough to keep surviving even the most saw level traps horror comes up with. he could find a way to slice off killer's leg with a cool new funky trap that's basically a torture device and killer will just start chasing him on all threes
killer just has like rabies foam at his mouth and horror is actively laughing at him during all of it. there are several moments where killer almost kills him or fatally wounds him but horror's smart enough to use his limited magic to teleport away in time before killer ends up gouging out his stolen eye. he just finds it so funny because normally killer is a lot smarter than this. killer always has that empty look on his face and is precise and always speaks with that stuck up tone and like he always knows what he's doing and what's going on and now the only thing that killer can say is a bunch of rusyxushabdhshhgggherrrrrggrrrrrr like a dumb dumb little dog. and horror absolutely finds it hilarious as he watches killer climb out of the 30th spike trap he's set. dude is absolutely covered in blood but bro is just dead set on killing horror in s3. horror just finds his fall from grace so PATHETICALLY HILARIOUS!!! and then he falls for another trap where he gets stuck in a net and horror laughs at him all over again and it's just a never ending loop until killer calms down enough to go back to stage 2.
it's a surprisingly good way of dealing with killer's 3rd stage is what dust would say if he didn't watch horror almost get torn apart by killer several times before that and now he has to deal with killer's bleeding from like 40 different wounds
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acorncake · 7 months
Augh spent too long on this but finally, my kobold self gets nommed
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