#pri: vaati
pri-rp · 4 months
Bat of the Night Market
Perhaps Clara shouldn't have been out here, but amongst so many people, surely the night markets of Hoshido couldn't be too horrible, right? On the edges of it was a gentlemen in quite the violet cloak, pulled partially over his head, but not draped in front of his face. No, some similarly purple hair did that just fine. He had some fluttering friends aroudn his head that he's trying to shoo off gently, but by tone alone you can tell he's not really upset with the critters. they knock the hood off, and his skin seems to glow a faint violet in the moonlight as he finally has most of them fly off.
one decided to land on the hat he'd been hiding, and with a sigh, the man let it be. that was enough he could enter the market. he'd been aware of where people were, but only now was he paying attention to who was doing what.
Hm. She seemed awfully young to be someplace like this, but that wasn't his business. It's nice to have one less person to have to pay attention to in this land of rounded ears.
as was just sense for events like this, take note of all who's there, and what they seem to be doing. it wasn't to hard to see who was truly here for business and who was here for more shady reasons. Typically, he'd have ignored that group as they hadn't noted him as a mark. but, as he was still surveying the crowd...
They were eyeing that young lady. They could tell she wasn't as familiar with this sort of scene as himself. A bit of altruism wouldn't hurt his image in this place, and she had potential to make someone a happy groom with features like that. Not any time soon, of course.
That is, as long as these ruffians don't interfere with her opportunity to grow. Seeing them making their move as she was distracted, the pointed ear stranger sighed, and with the lift of his arm quite literally blew them back with a gust of wind. others there felt it, but it didn't strike them as hard as the miscreants at hand. sure, some hats may have been blown, but that duo got quite literally knocked back as he approached, the gust dying as suddenly as it rose up as he made strides towards the group, staring past her at the hooligans who helped make the utility of night markets like this all the more scandalous to the 'normal' bloke.
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lozmasterlist · 2 months
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2024 Masterlist for Legend of Zelda Roleplay Blogs
Listed in alphabetical order
Note: all LOZ games, spinoffs and original characters are welcomed and will be added as blogs come up.
Age of Calamity
Astor - FragmentedLegends
Impa - devotedsheikah
Link - dinrelsanddragons
Link - fragmented-tales
Master Kohga - MightiestBanana
Mipha - vahrutasgrace
OC, Kolsa - ofecarlate
OC, Poni, Tali, and Sai - facelessreflections
OC, Yiga, Inari - unholymedic
Urbosa - vigilantdesert
Zelda - RegnantLight
Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom
Ganondorf - FragmentedLegends
Link - FragmentedLegends
Link - Legacyshero
Link - dutifulsilence
Impa - devotedsheikah
King Rauru - solprosperity
King Rhoam - dinrelsanddragons
King Rhoam - FragmentedLegends
Paya - pvpaya
Master Kohga - MightiestBanana
Mipha - vahrutasgrace
Mipha - crownshattered
OC, Kolsa - ofecarlate
OC, Poni, Tali, and Sai - facelessreflections
OC, Yiga, Inari - unholymedic
Queen Sonia - FragmentedLegends
Queen Sonia - solprosperity
Revali - FragmentedLegends
Urbosa - vigilantdesert
Zelda - RegnantLight
Zelda - hyliagenesiia
Four Swords
Shadow Link - pri-rp
Vaati - pri-rp
Hyrule Warriors
Ganondorf - hyruleanlegends
Ganondorf - fragmented-tales
Impa - hyruleanlegends
Link - fragmented-tales
Princess Ruto - nxthingtxwn
Zelda - sapientiiae
Majora’s Mask
OC, Zelo - themultiversebundle
Shadow Link - pri-rp
Minish Cap
Shadow Link - pri-rp
Demise - FragmentedLegends
Fierce Deity - fragmented-tales
Ganondorf (original timeline) - askganondorftobadragmire
Ganondorf (AU) - desertforged
Ganondorf (LOZ) - theeganondragmire
Ganondorf (original timeline) - ourowndemise
Ganondorf (original) - themultiversebundle
Hylia - FragmentedLegends
Link, Dark (any era) - hyruleanlegends
Link, The First Hero - Fiiirsthero
Link (original) - themultiversebundle
OC, Ray Cadell (any era) - dullweapons
OC, Ionn Nomikos (original setting) - roseladensiodha
OC, Fariah Ariad (any era) - sanguinesorcery
Sheik (any era) - hyruleanlegends
Sheik (original) - themultiversebundle
Zelda (original) - themultiversebundle
Zelda (general) - nxthingtxwn
Ocarina of Time
Ganondorf - hyruleanlegends
Poe sisters - themultiversebundle
Princess Ruto - nxthingtxwn
Saria - nxthingtxwn
Shadow Link - pri-rp
Sheik - sheikage
Young Link - pri-rp
Zelda - sapientiiae
Zelda - atimelesslullaby
Skyward Sword
Groose - hyruleanlegends
Hylia - skygraced
Link - hero-of-skies
Zelda - skygraced
Twilight Princess
Ganondorf - hyruleanlegends
Link - Twilitae
Link - swevene
Link - fragmented-tales
Link - pri-rp
Midna - crownshattered
Sheik - sheikage
Zelda - sapientiiae
Zelda - pri-rp
Wind Waker
Tetra - seawised
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First Line Tag Game - Tagged by @ahrva
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
the worst of Lorule - It started with a locked door and an order to keep out of it.
Dwell Not in the Past - The wan light of evening drew near, bidding nine heroes to halt their progress across unfamiliar lands.
exhaustion - It was to a weight and a warmth that Hyrule surfaced into consciousness, stirred from deeper slumber by the change, however welcome.
an annoyance, perhaps more - Twilight turned back from trying to hail the postman, the man somehow already long gone.
in this together - The old man’s announcement heralded a hushed silence, understanding passing through them all.
Diminished - Vaati loathed his prison with a passion reserved only for it and the one who imprisoned him.
moonrise - Sky pried the door open a crack, slipping outside as unobtrusively as he could.
Again, With Feeling - How long…
A List of Things the Ultimate Students Are No Longer Allowed to Do While Attending Hope’s Peak Academy. - “…So, I’m pretty sure it’s a good idea,” Sayaka said, having just finished a relatively short explanation of a suggestion that one of her classmates had made.
Supreme Trouble - It was a regular Saturday morning breakfast for the members of Hope’s Peak Academy class 79.
Tagging is the worst part, uhh... @jumpstrike @thunderpetal fuck I think everyone else in my usual group already got tagged.
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Heros, walking around like they rent the place.
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bosmermage · 3 years
Whumptober Day 2 - Alt Prompt
Head Injury Characters: Link, Ezlo, Vaati  
Link burst into the room, carpet bunching under his sprinting, head still buzzing off the rush of wind magic soaking into his blade, the four sword now. The stained glass dyed the room a vivid particulate rainbow and Link soaked in it.
“Ah! Link! Look at this stained glass,” Ezlo pecked at the boy who responded with a dismissive flap of his hands. “See? There is the Minish Blade, and the sealing of the great evils, and there is the light force. The princess kept it safe-”
“Ohh! So that's what it means?” Vaati's voice rung out through the cavernous room, airy and mocking in it's faux curiosity. “Oh Ezlo, really, you're too kind! You've given me this wonderful hat, and now you've led me here! It's a shame then, that I don't have any more use for you”
Link drew his sword and faced down the disguised mage, rocoiling when the face of the king he was wearing began bubbling up and distorting in horror before melting away and revealing a sickening grin stretching across the wind mage's features.
“How brave of you hero”
Before Link could so much as move a pale hand extended and flicked towards him. The pillar of air crushed into Link's chest flinging him back, and he was sent skidding across the stone floor, and he knew no more.
“LINK, LINK. Come on then, please wake up Link,”
“Ezloo? Wha, wha 'appened?” Link slurred, grabbing weakly at his companion's flapping beak, not even bothering to fight it when Ezlo shook his hand off, more gently than usual.
“Link, come on, open up your eyes, you gotta get up kiddo,” Ezlo nudged at Link's head, very gently. It was too much. White hot pain errupted from the back of his head and he writhed against it, scream high and piercing.
“ Link I know it hurts, but you have to listen to me, come on kiddo please open your eyes for me,” Ezlo's voice was wet, and over the throbbing pain, distantly, he found it very funny because after all: hats cant cry and yet Ezlo was.
“Link breathe okay? Deep breath in for me,” was he not breathing? He wasn't breathing, his lungs hurt too. His voice hurt but the pain was all consuming anyways. He forced his lungs to take in air screaming turning into sobbing when another wave of pain shot through him.
“hurrts Ezlo hurts so bad make it stop please make it stop,” he begged. Link couldn't move, could barely twitch his fingers “PlEaseee it hurrrts”
“Link I know, I know it hurts I know, I need you to breathe for me okay? Come on, thats it. Just keep breathing for me, I need to get your potion. I need you to move me okay?”
Link nodded, wiping the tears off his cheeks roughly. He immediately regretted that decision. He couldn't think over the pain flowing down his spine, out of his eyes, over his cheeks, almost cold it was so hot. The world dissolved into sparks and an overwhelming nausea. He matched his breathing to Ezlo's desperate struggle to escape his head. Oh right, he was moving. He lifted his head for Ezlo to wiggle away choking back bile when he layed it back down.
Ezlo was saying something, moving his head with his beak, the world went white again.
“can't see Ezlo cant see, hurts i can't see Grandpa, Zelly I can't see, it hurts” Link was screaming again he couldn't breathe over the pain, over the blur of light and colours overwhelming his eyes. He felt something brush against his lips and he really did puke this time, convulsing back from the sensation. The sound of shattering glass brought relief, a cool feeling washing away the pain like the sun breaking through the clouds. He lay in it, letting it seep into him like a hot bath.
Slowly the world begain to sharpen back into focus, drawing over Link's consciousness like a file.
“Link come on Link, wake up sleepyhead.”
Link's eyes snapped open to the sound of a distant bell, fighting through the swimming colours. Ezlo was curled into his side making an awful wheezing noise he was half sure was meant to be crying. His head felt sticky and stained his hand red.
“'M ok. Gotta save Zel, gotta, mm” Link clutched onto Ezlo like a lifeline. That's right, he's a hero, he's gotta save Zelly from Vaati, he's gotta get up. Get up Link. Be the light that banishes the darkness Link.
The sacred sword is sticky. A broken bottle. A pool of liquid. Potion. A potion spilled. The ground is swimming, Link stumbled over to the wall, collapsing against it roughly, wincing at the pain.
“Link, take a potion,” Ezlo is wrapped around his neck uncomfortably, link digs through his pockets blindly,
“nuh uh, last one's broken” he slurred, patting Ezlo's head clumsily. “gotta wait, save, gotta save the fairy's help jus in case”
He stumbled into the hallway, realizing very suddenly that he was hopelessly lost.
“Where?” He asked, poking at Ezlo who was still insisting on playing at being a scarf.
“Oh Link.” He sighed, rubbing his cheek into the mess of blood and potion. “Take it slow okay? You can't save the world if you work yourself to death”
“Nuh uh, gotta save Zelly she's in trouble, we gotta go.” and go he went.
The castle came in flashes, patches of unbearable brightness and patches of blessed darkness, prismatic worry. Hard fights that left Link sprawling against the wall and crying into his knees. The dark-nuts were the worst of them all. Two of them, he could barely tell if he was seeing double. The hit came from his blind spot, sending him sprawling out over the floor. He could hear chiming. Bells chiming, laughter chiming, the sound of fairy magic chiming. He was up on his feet, focus restored.
“Hurry Link, it might not be too late” How long had Ezlo been talking? Link shot out of the room, not even waiting for the clouds to dissipate. The stairs seemed endless, like they were stretching up beyond him, looping as he ran in place. He crested the stairs to the tolling of a bell.
“Nice of you to finally join us,” Vaati was lounging over an altar, distinctly Hylian looking. “No..”
“Oh yes old man, oh yes indeed! How was it by the way? Drowning in the sick of your useless hero?”
Link did not wait to hear Vaati's taunts. He vaulted forward driving his sword into the closest bit of flesh available. Vaati screamed, backing up over the rubble scattered on the ground. Link was relentless, a strength not his own driving him into the battered mage, over and over and again and again. He ignored the burns beginning to litter his arms as he drove into the battle, his only thoughts on ripping the breath from Vaati's lungs.
For all his pomp and grandeur Vaati's death was an anticlimactic affair. He lurched forwards, sprawled out in the dirty chamber, scrabbling as Link pried the light force from his writhing form with his sword. And then he expired, slumped on the ground, still as stone. And Link clutched the light force and he wept. He wept for the pain and the sorrow and for all the shards of his beloved friend scattered on the ground. And he wished for the impossible, and Ezlo held him. When had he become himself again? Link was not minish sized. He didn't care. He sobbed, letting the dizziness pull him down into the waiting arms of his green clad companion.
And when he woke up, Zelda would tell him about how bravely he fought, and how he rescued her in the nick of time, and how he had such terrible nightmares while he was asleep. And she would tell him of how he'd brought back Ezlo. And conveniently she would forget how she woke up on the cold floor feeling hollow but for the buzzing aftermath of honey sweet light magic to the sound of his broken wailing. And conveniently she would forget the feeling of helping Ezlo wash sick and blood and potion from his tangled hair.
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space--cadet-glow · 4 years
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Little Mage, little Mage, why are you crying? This is "Viva la Gloria, Little Girl" by Green Day.
...I know why. He want fuit gummy. No. He wants glory. Respect. Power. To not be looked down upon.
What I can't explain is what the heck I did with the art style here. I don't know what I was going for other than I wanted to use coloured pencils for once. I'll stop drawing Vaati (and Octavo) when Nintendo and/or Capcom breaks down my door and forcibly pries them from my cold, dead hands. I might have a problem.
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picorihero · 7 years
► Starter: @innalashi
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Ever since the clash with Vaati, Link had become Hyrule’s unofficial errand boy and helping hand. Wherever he went, people asked for a favor or two---or ten. And he’d never turn them away.
But it came to a point where, as much as Link enjoyed aiding those in need, it was wearing him down immensely. He staggered forth through the woods on his latest mission. Some heirloom belonging to Minister Potho---or his grandmother. One of the two. At some point Link just zoned out while the minister was prattling on about this thing without really committing to memory what it was, or where he’d find it. 
He remembered hearing something about the woods and here he was---Lost. Just like the name warned. Link pressed forward yawning in disregard to the dangers. Dangers like moblins, for example, which still stalked the land since the Bound Chest was pried open. It seemed the creature caught onto him before the boy knew of its presence. Not until it was quite literally breathing down his neck did the he realize he was under attack.
He parried, sloppily, and stumbled away to gain a sense of the situation. A single moblin wasn’t too difficult to beat---or maybe it was two? Link squinted at the foe, trying to discern his dizzying illusions from reality. It was a tad too late, however, when the monster swung an attack and knocked the sword out of his hand sending it spinning through the bush and tall grass. The sheer realization jolted him awake and he rolled out of the way of its second swing. He pressed his hand over his belt searching for a backup plan, but none came to his groggy mind. 
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themagikchafik · 7 years
Apparently someone wanna know me
J’ai été taguée par @foxcloon (merci btw ça fait plaisir), et sans plus attendre voici mes réponses tadah
RULES: Answer 28 questions and tag at least 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Name: Marie 
Nicknames: Chafik, ou chafique, et parfois on m’appelle la miss ou mistinguette
Gender: euh la je sais pas trop, je suis sûrement genderless mais j’ai arrêté de me poser la question 
Star sign: Balance
Height: 1m60 à peu de choses près
Time: 22h33 à l’heure où j’écris ces lignes, 23h21 au moment de publier (j’ai vraiment pris tout ce temps?)
Birthday: 29 septembre, comme Mackenzie Crook
Favourite bands: Probablement Muse, Can, Shaka Ponk, Nusky&Vaati et Mobb Deep
Favourite solo artists: Matthieu Chedid, Michael Jackson, Russ, (j’ai  en vie de mettre tellement plus, j’ai trop de mal à choisir mes préférés en musique)
Song stuck in my head: You’re the one that I want, du film Grease
Last movie I watched: Inception, Christopher Nolan
When did I create my blog: Je m’en souviens pas, j’étais au lycée, donc entre 2014 et 2015, mais je suis active depuis 2016
Last thing you googled: "cranberries deces” (pardon je connais pas assez le groupe pour savoir que la chanteuse s’appelle Dolores O’Riordan, et paix à son âme)
Do I have any other blogs: Oui trois maintenant, @themagikchafik-art, @globalartgallery-tmc et @images-for-themagikchafik, que je n’arrive pas à taguer
Do I get ask: Non
Why I chose my url: C’est un surnom qui vient de quand je passais l'épreuve de basket au bac, j’étais dans la même équipe que mes amis et on s’était donnés des surnoms de basketteurs américains (chafik étant mon vrai nom de famille), ça m’a plu et je l’ai gardé
Following: 182 *blink*
Followers: 41 merci les frères 
Average hours of sleep: 10-12 heures le week-end, 7-5 heures la semaine, c’est pas très sain tout ça
Lucky number: Je pense que ce serait le 3, ou le 29 parce que c’est ma date de naissance
Instrument: Non malheureusement, promis l’année prochaine je me mets à la darbuka
What am I wearing: Un survet confortable et un pull géant encore plus confortable, plus une écharpe-plaid sur les épaules
Dream job: Pour l’instant c’est pas vraiment défini, mais je sais que je travaillerai pour moi dans le domaine de l’illustration ou de la vidéo
Dream trip: Beaucoup de pays! La Nouvelle-Zélande et l’Australie, le Japon évidemment, le Maroc, l’Afrique du Sud, le Mexique, le Portugal, l’Italie, le Royaume-Uni et l’Irlande aussi pourquoi pas...
Favourite foods: Le fromage (crémeux plz), les fruits, le canard (plaisir coupable), le tajine de mon père, et tout plein d’autres trucs que font mes parents
Nationality: Je suis de nationalité française, mais à moitié marocaine
Favourite song right now: Je dirais The Hunter de Slaves ou Dream State de Son Lux
Je tag donc si vous le voulez @saintgeorges et @niennathevalar
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timetrappedkiddos · 6 years
▶, ☄, ♠
♠: What’s one thing you dislike about your Muse?
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oof, for Frisk Chara and Kris? it’s harder than with some others ((cough cough NICE GUY Vaati on my Loz Blog-)…i probably should be more concerned with how easily it would be fro Kris to just kill me without much regret, and Chara likely helping them out….
☄: What you think of your Muse.
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they are my babs that I can torture the easiest without much worry-in all seriousness, I really love them yes, i run them through some dangerous and stupid situations and kill them here or there, but that’s because i love playing with the meta of resetting and all the mechanics undertale made a part of it’s universe, rather than being simple game mechanics alone.
▶: A talent of the Mun’s (besides RPing, of course!)
I draw too! @pris-art
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and I’m also totally not taking this as a shameless chance to ask for feedback on this because i also sing! and this my most recent thing have it
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acedesigns · 8 years
The Archaeologist - Chapter 6
“I’m going to get some supplies considering there’s more of us,” Ahura said to those she was traveling with. Her eyes landed on the Hylian that was bound with ropes. “I’ll need some help carrying everything. I need him to come with me.”
“He’ll run off and tell the guard what is going on!” Impa protested and moved in front of the Hylian. Link remained silent with his head hanging down. His blond hair covered his face.
“He won’t,” Ahura crossed her arms over her chest. “I have faith in him.”
“You have faith in a guard that was sent to execute us!” Impa growled. “You don’t even know him! Why do you trust him!?”
“He’s the hero reborn!” Ahura yelled. “The hero is supposed to protect all of Hyrule, not just the royal family! The royal family is the one that’s starting a genocide against all others!”
“That’s not true,” Link spoke. “It can’t be.”
Impa turned to him with a fierce glare. “Your people have killed all of my people that didn’t hide in time. Your people are killing all of the Zora. Your people are enslaving all of the Gorons! If the Gorons disobey they are killed! How is that not true?!”
“But, you all were supposed to be trying to kill us.” Link’s fists shook. “The king said--!”
“Have any of the other races tried to kill you, Link?” Ahura pushed Impa aside and place a hand on his shoulder. “And don’t count when the Sheikah did earlier, they were doing that out of self-defense.” Link shook his head. “Have you seen anyone being attacked by the other races?”
“N-No!” Link hiccupped.
“Even if one Zora did attack a Hylian, would that be enough to start a genocide? Where use the Zora’s corpses for Zora fin soup?”
“No, it’s not!” Link sobbed and fell to his knees. Tears streamed down his face. “I can’t believe I helped them!”
“Did you kill anyone?”
“No, I didn’t,” Link whimpered. “I didn’t get the chance to.”
“Then, it’s fine,” Ahura spoke softly and knelt down to his level. “But this genocide isn’t just going to stop. We need all the help we can get, Link. What do you say?”
Link rubbed his eyes with the back of his arm. He sniffed and calmed his breathing down. He looked up at Ahura. His blue eyes fierce with determination. He nodded silently and rose back to his feet. He walked over to Impa and held his hands out.
“Please release me.”
Impa glared at him and then at Ahura. Sighing, she took out a dagger and cut the rope that bound him. She looked back at Ahura, “You better be right about him.”
Ahura nodded and turned back to the direction of Castle Town. “You all hide while Link and I gather supplies. We’ll come back here and wait for you to come back, that way you know it’s not a trap.” She motioned for Link to follow her.
“How are we going to stop them?” Link questioned. His despair was gone, it was replaced with determination. “If we wait too  much longer, the other races will be killed off.”
Ahura glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “I was hoping that neither you nor Princess Zelda would have to get involved, but it looks like it will have to be this way. I was wanting to start the rebellion from within. You and Princess Zelda, and possibly me,  would be in charge of that. We’d have to have a strong following of the Princess, stronger than the King.” She made her voice quieter as they approached the heavily guarded town. “We’d then get everyone else to go in. I don’t know who would then rule Hyrule.”
“What do you mean? Why not Princess Zelda?” Link asked with confusion lacing his voice.
Ahura’s mouth formed a thin line. She couldn’t speak of Ganondorf, not yet. If she spilled all of her plans, and Link did happen to betray them, then there was a strong possibility that everything would fail and all except the Hylians would perish.
“There are many reasons, but I can’t talk about it here,” Ahura replied as she walked into the market place. Quickly, she started to pick a variety of foods, mostly foods that wouldn’t perish for a while. She handed over the rupees to the shop owners. Link and Ahura carried equal loads as they progressed through the market. They gathered mostly food, but also clothes, rope, and weapons.
“What do you think you’re doing?” an enraged voice shouted from down the path. Link and Ahura shot their heads in the direction. A group of guards held a Goron down while its master looked down at it with fury. The master continued yelling. “I told you to make sure the water was hot! Did I not?”
“But M-master, the hot spring is too far away for it to stay hot here,” the Goron pleaded. “Please, forgive me.”
“Kill him.”
Ahura dropped her basket. A hand shot to her mouth out of horror. Before either Link or Ahura could snap out of their shock, the guards pried the Goron’s mouth open and forced a lit bomb in. They got off of the Goron and ran. In a matter of seconds, with the Goron choking the entire time, the explosion rang through the market.
“Oh my--,” Ahura trailed off as a tear ran down her face.
“Let’s get out of here,” Link spoke quickly and picked up the basket. He managed to grab Ahura’s arm and dragged her out of Castle Town.
When they reached the meeting area, Ahura remained silent. She numbly followed the rest of them to the desert. She wouldn’t eat when they stopped and couldn’t sleep at night.
When the group finally arrived at the desert, she ignored the bulbins. Ganondorf was hiding, probably observing the Sheikah before he made himself known. Even if he was there, she wouldn’t have said anything to him. Instead, she slunk away to a rocky hill that held a cave – a cave she explored and found weapons that dated to the age of Twilight. She stayed there until night fell. She couldn’t sleep. Not with what had transpired. Tears built up in her eyes and she hung her head towards the ground. She slowly curled into herself and focused on keeping her breathing steady. The moon cast a shadow behind her as she felt a million emotions crash into her: fear, anguish, sadness, and rage. Her hands formed into tight fists.
“It’s not fair,” she murmured to herself.
“Nothing is fair in life. It’s something that you’ll come to know, but never get used to.”
Ahura jumped and looked back at the solidified phantom. She quirked an eyebrow seeing how his body was able to manifest a solid form in the full moon’s light. The Hylian opened her mouth to question how, but closed it before she could. She shook her head and looked back up at the moon.
“You haven’t said anything since you got back with the Sheikah and that Hylian. What happened?”
Ahura sighed and hugged her knees closer to her chest. “I made a quick stop at Castle Town to gather supplies for all of us. I,” she paused. She felt a tight knot grow in her throat. Tears started to cascade down her face. “A, A Goron stepped out of line. Th-they forced a bomb down his throat and.” Her breathing quickened. A sob escaped her throat. Her entire body started shaking. “He b-blew up!” she shrieked.
Lord Ganondorf stared down at the Hylian who could no longer hold back her sobs. Sighing, he sat next to the Hylian. He looked up at the moon. His golden eyes seemed to glow in its light. “I have seen my people die off in two lifetimes.” The Hylian’s sobs became quieter as she tried to listen to the man sitting next to her. “Both times were my fault and due to a singular mistake.”
“I decided that my people deserved something more than the scorching heat, the cutting winds, and the dryness of the desert. Life couldn’t grow here. I yearned for the green fields, the soft winds, and the infinite amount of water that Hyrule had to offer. I was envious, but at the time I didn’t hate Hylians.”
“What changed that?” Ahura hiccupped and sniffed while rubbing her eyes.
“At the time, I thought it was the war. My people and a subset of the Sheikah were fighting against the Zora, Gorons, Hylians, and the rest of the Sheikah. I thought that the war was what started to fuel my hatred.” Lord Ganondorf’s right hand clenched tightly and his eyes narrowed. “Then the extermination of my people, in two different time lines, only made my hatred grow more.”
“It’d do that to anyone.”
“It didn’t help ease my hatred.” Lord Ganondorf sighed. “When the hero time was young, he warned the king and prevented my attack. I couldn’t gain access to the sacred realm, and there was no chance of my people winning the war. We tried, but it came to when I had to end it. I turned myself in on the terms that my people would not be harmed. The king accepted my proposal.”
“He lied, didn’t he?”
Lord Ganondorf looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “Yes. He imprisoned me and forced me to watch as my people were slaughtered like pigs. They started with my mother and aunt. Those two were powerful sorcerers, and the king figured that if he took them down first, the rest of my people would be easy targets. He wasn’t wrong.” Ahura watched him with half horror, half sadness. “I was filled with so much rage. I prayed to my goddess and then to the goddesses of Hyrule. In that time, I was granted the Triforce of power.” He lifted his hand in the air and looked at the glowing symbol. It started glowing more brightly after Link arrived, something he was both enraged and relieved by.
“Then what happened?”
“I attempted to break out and stop them. They realized they had to execute me or I would destroy everything. So they went to kill me. I went into a blind rage and killed one of the sages. They then banished me to the Twilight Realm. There, I found a Twili that lusted for power and used him. Hatred blinded me into conquering Hyrule. I was its ruler for a short time before the Hero of Twilight killed me.”
“And that’s the last time you made an appearance in our history until now.”
“There was the four swords incident,” Lord Ganondorf looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “I…I was not in full control of myself, however.”
“I thought Vaati was the one that was said to have done it.”
“I manipulated him, but I suppose I was destroyed before anyone could have realized it was me. It was after that I was able to regain full control, but I ended in a different timeline all together, when the Hero of Time defeated me as an adult.”
“What happened then?” Ahura questioned. She regained control of her emotions. Her red, puffy eyes watched him with curiosity.
“I was sealed in the sacred realm by the sages. It took a while, but I was able to regain enough power to escape and the Sacred Realm weakened. I found that my people had all been slaughtered. Enraged, I began to attack. The people of Hyrule prayed and Hyrule was flooded. My army was sealed along with Hyrule. I manage to escape, but I was weakened. And so I spent my time planning. Hundreds of years past before I went into action.”
“Hundreds of years? How did you live that long!?” Ahura looked at the phantom before her with shock. She questioned just how old the phantom in front of her was.
“This.” He raised his hand in showing the glowing Triforce symbol to her. “It holds many powers to it. It did help in slowing the aging process. Members of the Gerudo tribe can live a long time as well. But there was something else.” His gaze darkened and he seemed to withdraw into himself. “The hatred I had was not all mine. As I aged, I came to realize that. But it was already too late.”
He sighed and stood up, done with the conversation. He looked at Ahura before saying, “It’s getting late. You should try to get some rest. Death Mountain awaits you.”
Ahura watched him as he began to walk away. More questions ran through her mind, but she didn’t want to pry too deep. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to know the answers that he burdened himself with.
“Wait,” Ahura spoke. Ganondorf stopped walking and looked over his shoulder at the Hylian. She took a deep breath. “Thank you for sharing that with me.” He nodded once before retreating to his tent.
“If we set him up with the Princess there’s a very real possibility that the Hylian army will invade this place,” Ganondorf spoke with calm authority. “We cannot risk my army to an invasion when I haven’t gained my full power.”
“That’s why we won’t set him up until after you can leave the desert. We can relocate your army and the Sheikah elsewhere. Impa set out several scouts to check out Ordon Ranch and the Lost Woods.”
“Why those?”
“Ordon Ranch has served as a safe haven for those being persecuted. They keep everyone well-hidden so no wandering Hylian officers will find them. The Lost Woods are well connected to Death Mountain and Lake Hylia through secret routes. The Hylian army hasn’t found them yet. I’ve excavated different areas in the forest, so I’m familiar with the layout.”
“As am I,” Ganondorf responded. “How would we move entire armies there without being noticed? There is no link between here and there.”
Ahura nodded her head and examined the map that the two of them were hunched over. She tapped her finger and bit her lip while thinking. “Lake Hylia is the closest, but it’s also heavily guarded. We could potentially go around on the cliffs, but that terrain is highly unstable making it dangerous.”
“We could use that to our advantage,” Ganondorf spoke quickly with an idea forming in his mind. “We could set up explosions and have the cliff block off the Hylian army from where we need to be after we pass it.”
Ahura chewed on her lip. “We’d have to be extremely fast. I’m not sure how the water levels are with the army trying to drain the lake if we had to jump off the cliff and into the water. We need to get the Zoras out of the Water Temple, too. I don’t think we should attack the army just yet. That would put too much attention on us.”
“There are places around here that we could hide. The Fairy Fountain, Cave of Trials, and the Spirit Temple can hold multiple armies at once. We could use Poes to watch over Hyrule in case an army starts marching our way. If that were to happen, we would have plenty of time to prepare.”
“How would you command the Poes?” Ahura looked up at Ganondorf.
“With this,” he spoke. He pulled a large, black sword from behind him. Red symbols glowed ever so slightly and voices seemed to be emitted from it. “I’m sure you recognize it.”
“You got it during the sand storm,” Ahura confirmed. “But how does—. Never mind.” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “Magic stuff and you being a phantom, I bet.”
Ganondorf paused for a moment. “It seems I am gathering power again. I am not a phantom in the light any longer. I am still bond to the desert, however.”
Ahura looked up at him with shock. Although he has been kinder, she suddenly realized that she was no longer safe in the light if he were to change his mind and kill her. His docile nature could change in an instant. She retreated into herself ever so slightly. It was something that didn’t go unnoticed.
Lord Ganondorf watched her carefully. He sighed to himself, but decided to ignore it. Fear was something he used for those that followed him. It made things easier.
The flaps to the tent opened. Both of their attentions shot to who was intruding. Impa looked at them with scrutiny. She walked in and looked at the strategy table before them. Her hand twitched as if she was just waiting to withdraw the sword she carried on her back.
“What’s the plan?” Impa settled for crossing her arms over her chest.
“Ahura will leave tomorrow for Death Mountain. A Poe will keep us in contact with her.”
“A Poe?” Impa narrowed her eyes and glared at Lord Ganondorf. “Those monsters will--!”
“Those monsters will be under my control,” Lord Ganondorf stated while matching Impa’s glare.
“All the more reason to not trust them!” Impa raged.
Ahura quickly moved between the two that seemed as if they’d fight to the death. She looked between the two nervously. Lord Ganondorf gazed down at the Hylian. He sighed and moved away. He went back to strategizing. Impa continued glaring before looking at Ahura.
“Are you okay with this?” Impa spoke.
Ahura slowly nodded her head. “I don’t really have any other choice. We can’t let this genocide go on any longer. Besides, I think I can trust him.” Lord Ganondorf looked out of the corner of his eye at her. ”If this is going to work, we all need to learn to trust each other.”
“I will cooperate, but I will not blindly place my trust into him.”
“I do not expect you to,” Lord Ganondorf spoke. “Trust is something that is earned.” He looked over to Impa. “I do not trust you either. Not yet, at least.”
“Where’s Link?” Ahura questioned, trying to ease the tension in the tent.
“The big green one is watching him,” Impa replied.
“His name is King Bulblin,” Lord Ganondorf sneered. “He is the leader of his people, just as you are the leader of your people.”
“Just as you’re the leader of your people? Oh, I’m sorry, you have no people!” Impa mocked.
“Impa!” Ahura yelled out of shock. “Out of everyone here you should understand what he went through seeing as you are currently going through it! Now, leave!” Her finger pointed towards the exit of the tent. The Sheikah scoffed and stormed out of the tent.
Ahura turned towards Lord Ganondorf as he simply moved pieces on the bored. She watched him carefully. He acted as if he didn’t hear the woman. Ahura opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again. She wasn’t sure what would make up for what Impa said.
“I,” she started but paused. “I’m sorry.”
“Do not be sorry for the actions of another,” Lord Ganondorf firmly stated. “She will come around with time. I am sure she is remembering that it was my people, no, me that had half of her tribe killed off. It will take time for her hatred to diminish.”
“And what about your hatred?”
“My hatred is different,” Lord Ganondorf said with a sigh. He glanced over at the Hylian looking at him with a mixture of sympathy and curiosity. “What do you know of demons?”
“Not too much,” she admitted. “It’s…It’s difficult to classify them among monsters that existed.”
Lord Ganondorf nodded as he went to grab a scroll. “This has the basic lineups of demons. However, before the kingdom of Hyrule existed, there was one demon called Demise. He drove the goddess Hylia towards the sky along with her people, your people. After sometime, Demise was released from his seal. Hylia, who was reborn as Princess Zelda, and her hero fought of Demise. Before Demise was killed, he laid a curse that his hatred would continue to be reborn, forcing the princess and her hero to be reborn with it. It was meant to be a curse for all Hylians, but…”
“Whoever inherited his hatred would also be cursed,” Ahura spoke softly.
“I wonder if I didn’t have this curse if my people would still be alive,” Ganondorf muttered to himself. As he moved more pieces on the board, Ahura watched him with a newfound understanding and a new determination to end his hate.
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pri-rp · 4 months
(theothervonkarmagirl) Clara offers Vaati some maguro sashimi!
"Oh, I suppose you would also enjoy the finer things of life, wouldn't you? Thank you, this looks refreshing." It's a friendly smile she gets, as he accepts the offering. He didn't come from a life of meat eating, but ever since being released he's found all flesh to be much more palatable then it used to be.
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He's soon smiling after swallowing. "Yes, this is very good indeed. It's been a minute since I've had something so delicately prepared. Thank you, again."
3 notes · View notes
Zelda: What are you doing here?
Vaati: What do you mean?
Zelda: Vaati, you're dead.
Vaati: Yeah, well, I was kinda hoping you wouldn't notice.
193 notes · View notes
197 notes · View notes
Shadow: holy shit y'all do you think there was this big ass pigeon cult
Vaati: Shadow, you're the one who created the cult.. WITH THE HERO.
Shadow: oh shit you're right
90 notes · View notes
Love is Patient, Love is kind, love will make you lose your mind!
Vaati, when the topic of becomng a good guy comes up
65 notes · View notes
Vaati: where did the egg come from
Shadow: can you imagine if females shitted out eggs like chickens instead of giving birth.
Vaati: ...
Shadow: imagine the shits man.
Vaati: ...
Shadow: imagine
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