#pride and promptudice 2024
thepromptfoundry · 4 months
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For June 2024, the Prompt Foundry is celebrating with Pride and Promptudice!
Different colors mean different things to different people, but for many the association between rainbows and queer community and pride is undeniable. Let's take some time to explore these colors, what they've meant historically, and what they mean to each of us now!
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other seasonal events! Use your OCs, your favorite characters from media, your own experiences, whatever tickles your fancy.
Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
If you have any questions or musings, check our FAQ, and if you don't find your answer, shoot me an ask.
Plain text list below the cut:
1 Roses 2 Lipstick 3 Ruby Slippers 4 Oranges 5 Sunsets 6 Lemons 7 Wisdom 8 Green Carnations 9 The Forest 10 Turquoise Jewelry 11 Artemis 12 Bluejeans 13 Midnight 14 Lavender Marriage 15 Labrys 16 Sex 17 Life 18 Red Ribbons 19 Healing 20 Campfire 21 Sunlight 22 Gold Rings 23 Nature 24 Bow and Arrow 25 Magic 26 The Ocean 27 Serenity 28 The Lady of the Lake 29 Spirit 30 Royalty
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eiirisworkshop · 4 months
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For @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt “Ruby Slippers” I went with ballet slippers, mostly because I like drawing them!
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wowtalesofadventurers · 3 months
Transgender Link morning
A Legend of Zelda Modern AU featuring a trans male Link and a version for my entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt bluejeans. You can check out the other version in my other blog @legofanguy or here.
Link wake up by the sound of his morning alarm and he groans as he turn off his alarm while getting up from his bed and looking around his apartment. After doing his morning yoga, Link head to his dresser and get out a pair of jeans. Link then look at himself in his bedroom mirror and groans upon seeing his breast binding. As a trans male, Link feel uncomfortable when he see his breast binding since they remind him that he is different, but Link feel more comfortable when he wear jeans instead of wearing skirts as he put on the pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt he got from the dresser. Link then get a green hoodie from his closet and start to make himself breakfast to start off his day.
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iruthomlogs · 4 months
LGBT Pride: Magic lessions
A World of Warcraft fanfiction featuring my character Amelia Rashwrencher and her girlfriend Celene, whose appear in my story Empty Shell, in a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt magic.
Celene Treefeather awaken with a scream as she remember the fire that covered Darnassus and close in on her, the nightmare place her soul was taken, and her eyes look around to find herself in a strange location with two Forsaken looking at her as one of them comment, "Wow, I'm surprised that these new Darkfallen are huge screamers. Someone get Amelia. She will get this, while I go check on the other ones." Celene is scared about what they are talking about before she noticed her skin is grey and she can't feel her heartbeat, giving her the realization that Celene is raised as a undead, one of them.
The female Forsaken is wearing some mage adventurer gears and have long hair as she said to Celene, "Greetings, my name is Amelia Rashwrenceher, and I'm your teacher on how to use magic when you has been raised as a undead like me." Celene don't know if she should trust this woman given that the Horde, along with her undead kind, kill her and many Kalodrei.
Over time, Celene start to get better in her studies in maigc under Amelia's watch and the two start to get close. Amelia think she finally find the perfect girlfriend, but Amelia feel Celene wouldn't accept her due to the fact that Amelia was one of the many soldiers under the Dark Lady command to burn down Darnassus, Celene's home, and Celene may not like women the same way as Amelia do.
A few months after the start of their training in magic, Celene noticed a sad look on Amelia's face and the undead Kalodrei ask Amelia, "Is something wrong, Amelia?" and the female Forsaken said to Celene, "Sorry... It's just... I don't know if you had a boyfriend or a husband... I thinking some silly things..." and Celene ask, "Why do you think I'm into men?" A surprised Amelia said, "What.... I thought.... the fact that I hear you Kalodrei get paired..." and Celene reply, "Yeah, it is true that most Kaldorei are paired in a male-female relationship, but we accept same-sex romantic relationship, with a male Kalodrei offer to be the father of a child of two Kaldorei women. We are connected to the freedom of nature and there is no rules about who you can love in nature. When we joined the Allaince, then-leader Fandral Staghelm order us to hide our same-sex romance, even outlaw it, to get in the humans' good side in case they don't accept it. When Malurion return and recalmed his role from Fandral, we can finally choose who we can love, and I hear that some Kaldorei take Worgens, Gilneans, and different species as lovers, no matter if they are the same gender or not. Well, I was free to have a romantic relationship with before I got killed." Amelia said to Celene, "Sorry about that." and then ask her, "D-Do you... want to be my lover?" The undead Kaldorei reply, "Sure. You look sad and need a lifebond compansion." and the two women lock lips with each other, kissing with passion.
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legofanguy · 4 months
LGBT Pride Gold Rings
A LGBT Pride story that is a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt Gold Rings.
Alexander and his husband Phil are watching a romantic movie together, holding their hand where their wedding rings are at.
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legofanguy1999 · 3 months
LGBT Pride Artemis
A Greek Mythology AU fanfiction featuring a bisexual Artemis in a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt Artemis. I know that making Artemis bisexual is hurting her image since she is a icon for asexual, but that goddess has so many in love with her.
Artemis the goddess of the hunt moans in her bed as she begins to wake up by the cry of her baby girl Alkmini and her two consorts Orion and Callisto said, "I'll get her." as they got up from the bed. Orion pick up his daughter Alkmini and start rocking her in his arms to calm her down, just as Callisto's little boy Arcas come in with sleepy eyes, "Mommies, is Alkmini alright?" and Callisto said to her son, "It's alright, little one. Your daddy got her." Since both of her children are up and it's morning, Artemis got up from the bed and said to her family, "Alright, I'm going to start breakfast." and give a kiss on the cheeks of her lovers and her children before she head to the kitchen and make pancakes.
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eiirisworkshop · 4 months
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Day 1 roses for @thepromptfoundry's Pride and Promptudice
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eiirisworkshop · 4 months
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For @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice day 2, lipstick.
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legofanguy · 3 months
LGBT Pride Labrys
A LGBT story that is a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt Labrys. This story focus on the origins of labryes as a weapon in Ancient Greek and as a symbol for lesbian feminism in modern times.
In Ancient Greek, two warrior women train using the doubled blade axe known as a labrys. One woman dodge the attack of her partner and said to her, "You left yourselves open, Adara." and swing her axe, which Adara dodges and tackle her partner down to the dirt floor and said to her partner, "So did you, Polyxeni." The women lock eyes with each other and then laugh before Adara give Polyxeni a kiss on the lips. Adara got up and then help her lover up from the ground. As the two lesbians walk home, Polyxeni comment, "These labryes are more suited for men than women like us."
In the 20th century and at a Pride Parade in New York City, a brown hair lesbian named Lisa wave a flag with a labrys on it and her nervous girlfriend Belle ask Lisa, "Hey babe, don't you think that people are going to get the wrong idea about this flag." and Lisa reply, "Come on, Belle, this got to show our pride. I'm sure that amazons used this weapon in the ancient past."
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legofanguy · 3 months
LGBT Pride Lavender Marriage
A LGBT story for a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt Lavender Marriage and featuring a younger Shawn from my story for the Red Ribbon story.
At a church in New York City, a man named Shawn and a woman named Vicki are getting married, with their families and friends invite to see the happy moment. Shawn's best man Wallace stand next to his friend as the priest begins the wedding ceremony.
Once the wedding is over, Shawn and Vicki sneak out with Wallace and Shawn said to Vicki, "Thanks for helping us out there, Vicki." and Wallace said as he and Shawn hold hands, "Yes. Our families wouldn't accept our gay love, and faking this marriage will help us." Vicki reply to the two gay lovers, "You're welcome. Don't forget the deal that I get a place to sleep since I got kick out of my apartment." Shawn and his secret husband Wallace look at each other and Shawn said to Vicki, "Well, you can be our neighbor." and Wallace explains, "We may need you in the event that any of our parents come over to visit us."
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legofanguy · 3 months
LGBT pride midnight
A lesbian vampires story for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt midnight.
In a home in Romania, a seventeen years old girl named Luciana sleep in her bed until the grandfather clock in the hall rings midnight and Luciana open her eyes as she realized that it is time for her lover to come. Luciana creep to her bedroom window, making sure that she don't make a sound to awaken her parents, and open the window, which the night wind blow onto Luciana's nightgown as a shadow being shaped like a huge bat flew into the room and land on the floor, where it transformed into a pale skin woman with red hair and wearing noble clothes. The pale woman smile, showing fangs on her red lips, and said to Luciana, "It's good to see you again, my dear Luciana." and she said back to her vampire lover, "The same to you, Anastasia." and the two of them kiss. Anastasia then pick up Luciana and flew off into the night while carrying Luciana.
The two lovers arrived at a old castle and Anastasia drop off at the front gates. Luciana wait as Anastasia said to a guard, "Tell the Zeul Liliecilor that Lady Anastasia has arrived with a guest." and Luciana does wonder about whose owned the old castle such the title that her dear Anastasia is Romanian, the language of her people, for God of Bats as the guard open the gates and both women goes inside the castle. Once inside the castle, Anastasia take Luciana's hand and said to her lover, "Stay close to me." and two women hold hands as they head to the ball room, where the dance that Anastasia mention is taking part, and pairs already dancing by the music of the band playing. As Anastasia and Luciana walk to find their table, the human girl look at the different couples in the ball, such man and woman lovers, gay lesbians, and women whose are lovers like she and Anastasia, and noticed that most of the guests are vampires like her dear Anastasia and Luciana quickly understand why her lover want to keep her close. It is clear that some of the other vampires don't have the same self control as Anastasia as Luciana see a old looking male vampire feeding on a man whose seen to be his lover by his moans, but Luciana wonder if the man is making his moans loud to make his vampire lover happy. As they sit down at a table, Anastasia noticed where Luciana is looking and she ask, "Luciana, don't look at this man." and Luciana see the fear on Anastasia's face and ask her, "What is wrong? It is a just a ball. Well, a ball for vampires like you." Anastasia tell Luciana, "That man is the Zeul Liliecilor... and the man whose turn me...." and Luciana realized what this means, as Anastasia told her how a vampire turn her against her will and she has to fight for her freedom, and Luciana quickly realized that the old man is dangerous.
A few minutes after sitting on their table, Luciana and Anastasia soon joined the dance floor and their dance is wonderful and in tone with the music of the band.
Once the ball is over, Anastasia deliver her sweet Luciana back to her home and lay her on her bed. Anastasia give her lover a sweet kiss and knew that Luciana would ask her to turn her so that they can be together as she flew off into the window.
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legofanguy · 3 months
LGBT Pride the ocean
A LGBT story featuring the two gay mermen Sam and Max whose appear in a Mermay 2024 story in a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt the ocean.
The Mermen couple Sam and Max enjoy each other company as they swim in the ocean waters.
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legofanguy1999 · 4 months
Avatar Legends LGBTQ Pride Oranges
A Avatar Legend RPG fanfiction featuring some Avatar oc that I made Liho the Airbender and Okazo the Firebender in a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt orange. The prompt was chosen for the orange color in the lesbian flag and the orange color in the Airbenders' robes. Also, Liho trick is a call forward for Aang trick in the episode The Warriors of Kyoshi.
In a Earth Kingdom village, during the lifetime of Avatar Kyoshi, a pair of friends are resting in the village for the nest with one half of the pair, a female Airbender named Liho, showing off her airbending to a group of village children as the other half of the pair, the Firebender Okazo, watch on from the inn they are staying at and sign at the sight of Liho using her airbending to make some pebbles move in a circle..
In their room inside the inn, Okazo sit down by the table with the bowl of oranges in the middle and Liho notice her friend seem troubled and soon joined her and ask her Firebender friend, "You seem troubled, Okazo." and the female Firebender reply, "I'm fine, Liho. I'm just having some emotion issues." The Airbender said to Okazo, "Can you tell me what is troubling you?" and Okazo turn to Liho and said to her, "You." and give her a kiss in the lips, which surprised Liho at first before she returned the kiss.
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legofanguy · 4 months
LGBT Prince or Princess
I originally made this story for DC Trans Week 2024 day 6 royality AU, and I choose to make it a original story for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt Royalty.
Prince Lionel of the Kingdom of Roadant wonder if he should wear his usual prince clothes for the meeting with nobles from Juplangse or the secret princess dress that he has since he is transgender
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legofanguy · 4 months
LGBT Pride orange dress
A LGBT story that is a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt orange.
The Turkish pirate woman Cansu see a Portuguese ship over the distance and see a perfect target and yell to her crew, "Crew, there is a Portuguese over where I can see! Let plunder that ship!" and the crew of different genders and nations cry out, "Aye, Aye, captain!"
The Portuguese ship come under heavy canon fire from a pirate ship and sailors are killed. A young short hair woman in a orange dress come up above deck and ask the captain of the ship, "Captain Desiderio, what is happening?" and Captain Desiderio reply, "We are under attack, Oliveria! Pirates!" As the pirate ship is about to board the Portuguese ship, the captain order Oliveria, "Get in my cabin, Oliveria, and keep quiet! These pirates must be from the East, and they would take you as a slave, or worse. Your father is a high ranking member in the kingdom, and so we can't lose you. Get in my cabin!" and Olveria did as the captain orders and retreat inside his cabin as Cansu and her men board the Portuguese ship and deal with the sailors.
Cansu break into the cabin and a frightful Oliveria let out a cry of fear that cause the Turkish woman to noticed a short hair woman in a orange dress hiding behind a book self and Oliveria try to escape, only to be blocked by Cansu, whose point her sword at Oliveria, saying to the frightful Portugese with pride, "Today was not your lucky day, miss." and careful use her sword to cut the front of Oliveria's dress, only to find a man chest under the dress while the young man still wearing the now cut dress begs as Oliveria is scared for his life since he don't see a weapon to defend himself with, "P-Please...." The stunned Cansu don't know what to do until Oliveria's begging return her to reality and she ask the crossdresser, "W-Who are you? What is your true name, boy?" and he reply, "My name is Oliveria Fidalgo, son of Hermenegildo Fidalgo, or Oliver as my father demand that I be called. I don't understand my body as well, since it is a mystery why my God has made me look like a woman. Anyway, my father is a high rank member of the kingdom, and my older brother Rodrigo is a high rank military officer. They will hurt you and your men down for this." Cansu ask Oliveria, "Why did you wear that dress?" and Oliveria reply, "It feel a bit right. I only dressed myself in my mother old dresses when I'm traveling, and I hope that none of my family enemies wouldn't recognized me." Cansu become interested about this strange boy and ask him, "You did mention that your family would pay well for your freedom. What is your relationship with them?" and a sad Oliveria reply, "My relationship with my father is poor, to be hoenst. My father would demand that I act like a boy in our home and before our guests. He prefer Rodrigo over me and our sister Alberta, whose is the only people in the world whose love me. I agree to sail to a colony to oversee the profits to prove myself to my family. I don't think my family would pay for my freedom. Just spare my life, pirate." Lowered her sword, Cansu ask Oliveria, "How would you like to be yourself and sail the seven seas as part of my crew?" and Oliveria reply, "What? Well... I guess I can agree to that."
A few days later, onboard the pirate ship, Cansu ask her new loot mananger after he put on some new clothes of a palm shirt with the sleeves of his orange dress, shorts, and boots that she got for him, "So, what do you think, Oliveria?" and Olveria reply as he look at himself in the mirror, "I think it look good on me, captain."
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legofanguy1999 · 3 months
LGBT Pride royalty
A Marvel Comics fanfiction featuring Young Avengers characters Wiccan and Hulking in a entry for @thepromptfoundry Pride and Promptudice prompt royalty. This feature Xavin from Runaways and original characters of mine.
In the mothership of the Kree-Skrull Empire fleet, Emperor consort William Kaplan-Altman look at his clothes in the mirror and said to his husband Emperor Theodore Kaplan-Altman Dorrek VIII, "It's crazy what is happening, Teddy. When we first meet, we were trying to succeed in our parents' place as Avengers and now we kinda ruling the whole Kree-Skrull Empire." and Teddy reply, "Yeah. It's too bad that there are some in the council that want to clamed Earth as a colony world due to our marriage, Billy." William ask Teddy, "Why not we just make Earth a member of the Kree-Skrull Empire instead?" which Teddy reply, "Billy, I love you, but we faced bad people on Earth whose will said no to that idea." Suddenly, alerts are ringing and a surprised Teddy said, "Wait, those people are here alright."
Teleported at the bridge, Teddy and Billy noticed that they appear behind a group of Kree and Skrull soldiers, whose were quickly shocked at their emperor present in the bridge and Teddy quickly ask the closer Skrull captain, "Captain Xavin, what is going on?" and Xavin reply, "Your highness, four invaders show up out of nowhere, and are making their way toward the bridge!" Just then, a explosion blow open the doors and the soldiers ready their weapons as Billy prepare a spell. As the smoke clear, four humanoids wearing battle armor from a anime series step inside the bridge and one Kree soldier shout, "Halt! Who are you?" A short woman wearing a helmet that covered her face answer the question, "You can call me Eschalot." and her companions introduced themselves, starting with a female tan skin humanoid with red hair, "I'm Kasei." and then a male red hair humanoid with a beard, "I'm Likum." and a male humanoid wearing a visor, "And I'm Tishatsu." Teddy said to them, "Well, you guys need to stop now!" and Eschalot said to the emperor, "Those guys were on our way to you, Emperor Dorrek." The guards charge at the four to defend their emperor, only for these four to defeat them except for Xavin. Likum said as he hold up a Kree solider he defeat, "I cannot believe we defeat these guys so easily. This mission is not hard as I thought." and, just as he said that, Billy cast a spell on the floor below their feet and Eschalot and Kasei managed to escape it as their allies Likum and Tishatsu are teleported away. The tan skin woman shout at Billy, "What did you do?" and Billy reply, "I just send them to the cells."
At the cells they were teleported to, Tishatsu shout as he aim at the walls, "I'm going to blast us out!" and Likum shout, "Wait, that could lead to space, and we both can't breath in it!" which made Tishatsu lower his arm and said in defeat, "Are you kidding me?"
Back at the bridge, both Billy and Teddy fight Eschalot and Kasei as the crew in the bridge get to cover.
When Teddy hit Kasei hard, Eschalot saw this and cry out, "Babe!" which cause both Teddy and Billy to pause for them to ask, "Babe?" Teddy signal the battle to ended.
Eschalot explains herself to the emperor, "A man whose said he have power over time travel send us to kill you, in return for giving us a chance to undo a great disaster.
Suddenly, a man in purple appear and said to both Teddy and Billy, "I guess I should answer your question, old friends, as I was the one whose send them." and both of them said in shock, "Nathan?!?" which the man reply, "You can call me Immortus now. I send these killers after the two of you because I has seen dark futures in which the Earth-Kree-Skrull Empire lay death and destruction across the universe and I worked to undo those futures, such as making Billy's mother to go mad that she wouldn't children. Unfortunally, it would appear destiny has a play in allowing those dark futures to happened no matter how hard I try. Because of my younger self actions, you two meet and your love begins the start of the Earth-Kree-Skrull Empire. So, I recruit those four after I find them in the timestream to take you down in a effort to changed destiny. I see that I must do this myself." and Immortus was about to fire a energy at Teddy and Billy only for Eschalot to fire back and hit Immortus instead.
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