#prince! tom holland
cry-bastion · 1 year
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CHRIS SARANDON as JERRY DANDRIGE in Fright Night (1985), dir. Tom Holland
Of course, uh, now that I've been made welcome I'll probably drop by quite a bit. In fact, anytime I feel like it.
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libraryledge · 2 months
Reflecting on the Crushes I've Had on Fictional Characters Over the Years, Apparently I Have a Type...
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Goofy dorks. XD
Anyway, I'm open to writing about these fandoms (and many others). Let me know in the comments or anonymously in the "Questions/Story Requests" feature of my page if you have ideas for future pieces or stories. I'd love to hear them. :)
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sabrinasopposite · 5 days
afterglow (little women version)
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prince!tom holland x march!reader
! this story is inspired by the book and movie; little women. Y/N is also inspired by Jo and Amy March, which also includes some quotes of them in this AU.
Summary: Y/N March, one of the sisters from the March family, is spending time alongside her father, who is working for the rightful king in London. She isn't like the glamorous girls who dream of meeting a prince at a ball; she is the kind of girl who loves archery and painting. She dedicates her time to giving lessons to the king's sons, though one of them proves to be a challenge. A challenge that Y/N didn't like.
As minutes passed, the entire ballroom became crowded with elegance and wealth, something that Y/N March couldn't claim. Nevertheless, her father was the right hand of the King, and they didn't suffer as much as the citizens in London who barely had enough food and clothing. Y/N lived in a house with warm meals and clothes, leading a normal life for a young lady. However, she never felt like a conventional lady or woman. 
She didn't fit into society's stereotype of a woman defined by love and elegance. Y/N considered herself a rebellious and boyish girl, much like her dresses, which lacked ladylike colors, and she often carried a bow with arrows on her back. She didn't want to marry merely for financial security that would ultimately belong to her husband; instead, she sought to live her own life and feel the freedom in her veins, and that's what archery represented for her.
Walking around the ballroom in a tight, darkened dress that emphasized her features made her feel like a vivid nightmare. The tight corset was uncomfortable, making her look constricted and ordinary. Her hair was braided, and she felt like a different person, but she knew deep down it was for her father. She wanted to make a good impression on the Holland family and her father, although no one had to know her true feelings or thoughts about the Holland family.
The room echoed with laughter, the clinking of champagne glasses, and classical music from the instruments played in the background. Y/N's eyes scanned the room for sympathy or interest, but nothing appealed to her; it was just another dull night. Leaning against the wall, she delicately brushed her dress with her hand.
"I see Mrs. March all formally dressed up. For what occasion, if I may ask?" The accent teased her ears, and she looked up to meet Harry's gaze. He smiled softly at her, hands clasped behind his back. Y/N's unbothered expression transformed into a beautiful bright smile. "Oh, Harry, I'm so glad you're here." "Of course, I'm here. It's my father's ball! It would be weird if his son disappeared." The two strolled slowly and calmly around the room. 
"Unless his son stuck his face in a book or in the kitchen for some pastries." Y/N playfully poked her elbow into his arm, and he laughed heartily. "Hey, it was one time! What do you expect of me, not to sneak around for some Victoria Sponge?" "You could have waited like everyone else, but lucky you... you're friends with me, and I stole it for you." Y/N grinned as she stopped to look at him. 
Harry was the only boy in the world of royalty that Y/N liked. He was different, just like her. He didn't care about the world as much as Thomas did, blindly following his father. Maybe it was because Thomas was the oldest son yet behaved like the youngest. Harry was more into science, the history of the world, or interested in the cultures of other countries that he would love to visit one day. Sam was the one who was more observant and calm, keeping to himself. That's what Y/N noticed.
He would sneak around the castle, just to cook or bake something in the middle of the night to give it the next day to the people in the streets who were yearning for it. It was Sam’s hidden secret that Y/N found out but gladly helped deliver the food that Sam made. If his father found out what Sam was doing, he would be in trouble, something that Y/N didn't want to put Sam through.
"Thanks to you, Archer. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be friends with you?" Harry grinned. "Your brother?" Y/N raised her brow. "Sam? That's nonsense. I thought you guys are friendly together, and Paddy likes you as well. Do I need to remind you how his face was when he saw you in archery?" Harry folded his arms, and Y/N chuckled. He looked handsome in his navy blue suit that matched his brown curls. "I am not talking about them; I am talking about your brother who stood me up on his, and may I repeat, his lesson." "Classic Thomas." 
"That's what I am thinking too.’’ ,,Maybe you should confront him, Y/N. I mean, how many times has he stood you up?" Harry asked with a calm yet disappointed voice. He didn't understand why Thomas behaved like that in front of Y/N. "I lost count a while ago. May I remind you that it was your father—the King's decision and kind request—that Thomas would take archery lessons?" "Yeah, to move his ass around and not sip champagne all day and put his face between brea-"
"Harry?!" Y/N's eyes widened in shock as she heard how Harry bragged about his older brother. "You shouldn't say such things about your brother. Maybe I am allowed to say that, but he is still your brother." Y/N glanced at Harry and noticed how his jaw was tensed and his fists were formed together.
"I don't like how he treats you, Y/N. You are my friend, and I really appreciate what your father does for our family. You take time to teach us archery, painting, and all that. You don't do it on purpose; you do it because it is your passion, and that's why I appreciate you as a person."
Y/N's eyes met his, and her heart warmed. She didn't hear it regularly—a praise or empathy over her ideals or interests. People judged her for that. She wasn't the stereotype, and that was something people hated. She was a beautiful girl who was intelligent and remarkable, even a people pleaser. But she wasn't the woman everyone wanted; that's what she thought. "Thank you, Harry." Her attention was snapped when she heard loud laughter from behind; Harry's eyes were fixed on the person lying on the couch, arms wrapped around two ladies covered in beauty and elegance.
His hand held a champagne glass, and he chuckled his charms out. Y/N stared at him, Thomas. Her heart was beating low, and her gaze was fixed on him. How can someone so handsome have such a low personality?
"Go talk to him. I'll look for my Victoria Sponge," Harry pushed Y/N's shoulders while she muttered his name. He walked away, leaving Y/N alone, so she walked over to him.
"Prince Thomas," Y/N said with a sour yet venomous voice, her stare fixed on his behavior. His hair was messed up, and his jacket was open; he looked disheveled, not properly put together. His glance hinted that he was tipsy from the champagne he held in his hand. His attention was on Y/N, his eyes wide. She looked different and beautiful in his eyes, as she always was, but now he saw her as ladylike, and his heart raced.
Thomas composed himself, sitting properly and speaking with a charming, bleary voice. „Y/N." 
"I waited hours for you."
"I don't recall inviting you for a dance," he chuckled, signaling the ladies to walk away, presumably to bring him more champagne. Y/N watched the ladies pass with observing glances that felt like daggers on her back. She rolled her eyes and turned away from Thomas and his childish words. As she walked away, he stood up and almost ran after her. "Y/N, wait!“ "Do you want to know what I honestly think of you?"
"What do you think?" Thomas walked after her, realizing every word she spoke was filled with honesty and stung like arrows. "I despise you.“
He laughed it off, as usual. "Why do you despise me? Just because I missed a lesson? Come on, that's nothing.“ "Because with every chance to be good, useful, and happy, you are faulty, lazy, and-" As Y/N listed his faults, her tones grew harsher and deeper. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, this is interesting."
"Oh yes, very interesting. Selfish people do love to talk about themselves.“ "Oh, now I'm selfish? Do I need to remind you of who you ta-"
"Yes, you are very selfish." Y/N scoffed at Thomas's drunk and childish behavior, despite being the next king of England, not behaving like it. "With your money, talent, beauty, and health." Thomas interrupted her again, pinning his jacket together drunkenly. They didn't realize they were in the midst of people, solely focused on each other. "Oh, my beauty?" Thomas questioned.
"Ah, you like that, you old vanity. With all these good things to enjoy, you can find nothing to do but dawdle your way." Y/N finished her berating, but Thomas drunkenly placed his hand over hers. "I promise I'll be good for you, Archer Y/N. I'll come to your lessons now, Master!" He mocked his voice, making fun of her as usual.
"Aren't you ashamed of a hand like that, Prince Thomas?" Y/N spoke with a disgusted voice and glance.
"No, I'm not." He replied with a self-confident aura. "It looks like it's never done a day of work in its life." She pulled her hand harshly away and looked at him. "I don't understand why you react like that, little March, hmm?“ "To give you some words in your brain instead of that stupid champagne that you sip around and act like this occasion is for you.“ "Which certainly is.“ "It is from the king personally, which you aren't."
"I will be one day, and you will be under my rules," Thomas smirked. Y/N looked into his eyes and shook her head. "I feel really sorry for the people in London, having a king who behaves like a child and doesn't value the things around his life."
"You are just saying that because you're a girl who has nothing and is not loved by a man." Thomas chuckled, making Y/N frown in surprise and a little pain. "You are right, but I'd rather be respected for who I am, even if I couldn't be loved." She turned around and walked out from the crowd towards the exit of the ballroom.
The next morning was calmness flying in dust around the castle, the ball was over and the guest were gone. Toms head ached from a dozen bubbly champagne glasses, and he felt his throat was swollen. He could barely open his eyes through the exhaustion, but he knew that any minute his butler would come in and suggest a fresh, warm breakfast. He got up from his king-sized bed, walked over to the shiny window, and looked at the scenery in front of him—the blooming garden of colorful flowers.
A knock on the door caught his attention, and as he turned around, he saw his butler walking inside. "Prince Thomas, you are awake?" "Yeah, I kind of woke up from the sunshine," he chuckled. "Indeed, it is a beautiful daylight. Nevertheless, your father proposed breakfast for you." "I'll be there in minutes," he nodded with a calm glance at his butler.
The breakfast was delicious, as always; that's what Thomas couldn't complain about. He looked around the room and noticed that his brothers weren't present. "Where are Sam, Harry, and Paddy?" Tom glanced at his father, who was reading with focus on the developments that James offered him. They were invitations to galas, conferences about other kingdoms, or updates on affairs in London. King Dominic looked up to his son, "Around the castle, engaged in their usual activities—something you should participate in, Thomas."
Tom rolled his eyes and mumbled between his sentences, "Do you have anything else to brag about, Father?" "Did you say something?" "No, sir. I'll get myself ready for my archery lesson." "Miss March is giving Paddy his art teachings. I don't think it's your turn for archery today, Thomas," his father pointed out sternly. Tom looked at him and nodded.
It wasn't like Tom despised his father; on the contrary, he loved him. Yet, sometimes, he felt like people expected too much of him. He knew he would be the future king of London, and he realized he often boasted about himself, showcasing only his best side. However, no one saw the real him—the genuine thoughts and feelings he drowned in champagne and partying.
Thomas made his way around the castle and reached the art room. His hand brushed the doorknob, and something paused inside his body. A sudden nervousness rushed through his bloodlines. Was it because of the small fight between him and Y/N? He remembered it vividly. He even knew exactly what he did after she walked out of the ballroom, and how his hands landed on the champagne bottles until his brothers took them away from him.
He felt ashamed of the words he said to her, truly. Now, the realization that she might never talk to him again made it even harder for him to confront his actions. Nevertheless, as he opened the door, expecting hell, he found himself in heaven.
His eyes met the random paintings on canvases, beautifully painted in soft colors. Paddy was sitting next to Y/N, who wore a casual dress that wasn't as tight as last night. Her hair was loosely open, not in a stern high braided bun. She felt like herself—authentic. That's what Tom thought as he observed her. 
Paddy turned his head around, locking eyes with Tom, and his smile brightened even more. "Look, brother! Y/N taught me how to draw our garden with the dozen of flowers!" Paddy was so proud and happy, something Tom couldn't relate to as he felt like a failure. "It looks great, Pads," Tom smiled calmly, but his smile dropped slightly when he noticed Y/N's stare. It was obvious—the "why are you still here" stare.
Y/N cleared her throat and placed her soft hand on Paddy's shoulder. "That was enough for today, Paddy. I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did." "Yes, it was very delightful with you. I can't wait for our next session!" Paddy laughed with excitement, grabbing the canvas and rushing out of the room to show it to their father. Now, it was just Tom and her alone.
Y/N turned her back toward Tom, starting to clean the small atelier. "What are you doing here?" Her sentence was short and harsh, not soft and calm like before. Tom sighed and touched some stacked canvases with his fingers. "Y/N, I'm sorry for how I behaved." "Have you been drinking again? It doesn't suit you to apologize to an ordinary girl." She walked around the atelier, avoiding all around Tom. She placed the brushes and paintings away, mirroring the way she was avoiding her feelings.
"No, I'm not. I still have a headache from last night, so please don't be hard on me," Tom said as he looked at her. "Well, someone has to do it or not?" she stopped and looked at him. There was a small silence between them until Y/N continued to clean up, "I talked with your father. I won't give you any archery lessons anymore."
Tom's eyes widened. "What? Why?" „because I'm a failure," Y/N stated, avoiding the worried yet shocking glance of Tom. "Jo is in New York being a writer, and I am a failure." "Well, that's harsh to say when you are talented and have so much energy," Tom stated, and Y/N turned around to face him directly in the eyes.
"Talent isn't genius, Thomas. And no amount of energy can make it so. I want to be great, or nothing." Her voice felt flat and harsh for Y/N. She loved art and archery, two things that made her feel herself. Archery made her feel alive, like no one stood in her way. Art was someone she could talk to, a medium to express her thoughts and emotions. ,,I don’t see the point to do the things that aren’t archiving my hopes and dreams while being a women.’’ 
,,What makes you think that Women with dreams cant achieve things?’’ Thomas asked with curiosity. ,,You really ask me that?’’ Y/N frowned her eyebrows. ,,yeah I am asking you that. What women are allowed into the club of geniuses considering you are saying that talent isn’t genius?’’ Thomas walked to a chair and sit himself down on it, not breaking the intimate eye contact of Y/N. 
,,maybe the Brontes? I don’t know.’’ Y/N cleaned her fingers with a tissue. ,,Hm standing a point but who declares whose a genius?’’ ,,Men, I suppose.’’ ,,They’re cutting down the competition. If you may ask’’ ,,Look Thomas I don’t know why you want to have this complicated topic with me.’’
,,i just want to find a way to reasoning with you. I don’t understand why you view yourself like that, you are talen-„ ,,How does it matter anyway? Soon or later I will marry one day a man, who provides the money. One day I will let go of all the things I like because I need to be in the role of a mother.’’ Y/N looks at Thomas with a glance, a glance that Tom noticed how aching it is for her. She knew she said the truth but she didn’t want to acknowledge it. ,,But what is marriage if there is no love in it?’’ Tom looked at her, with eyes that were trapping her.
,,Well, I believe we have some power over who we love, it isn’t something that just happens to a person.’’ Y/N throws the tissue away ,,I think that poets and books disagree on that.’’ Tom stated with confidence and calmness. 
Y/N stared at him, he was just a man. He could say these things but he will never know how it is to be a woman. 
,,Well. I’m not a poet, I’m just a woman. Even though people don’t consider me as a woman, because I don’t fit in the picture of the societies eye, I am still a woman. And as a woman there is no way for me to make my own money or to earn a living or to support my family. Don’t get me wrong I am lucky to be under a warm house with clothes, because my father works his body out for the King, to give me that opportunity to live. Even if I had my own money, which I don’t, that money would belong to my husband the moment we got married. And If we had children they would be his, not mine. They would be his property. So don’t sit there and tell me that marriage isn’t an economic proposition, because it is. It may not be for you because you are the son of the King of London, but it most certainly is for me.’’ 
Her eyes felt sad, the words she said came out of her deepest heart and she hold her fingers together to reduce the nervous tendency. In her voice Tom felt the acceptance of her life, he could tell that these words that Y/N just told him were words that implanted to every woman that was breathing on earth. 
,,now if you excuse me, I have to go to the library’’ Y/N walked away from Thomas and took her small vest that was laid on her chair. She wrapped it around herself until Tom spoke with a light and calm voice. ,,the things I said yesterday night weren’t meant to be told, I am sorry about that. And I as well feel sorry for the way how you see yourself.’’ Y/N looked with a conflicted eye contact at Thomas but the sudden warm feeling that embraced the words of him on her made her feel calm. ,,I know this sounds hideous but would you allow me to follow you to the library?’’ 
,,you don’t need to sound so formale in front of me Thomas.’’ She chuckled softly.
,,then you don’t need to call me Thomas, it makes me feel old.’’ His face grimaced by the name.
,,so Tommy?’’ She raised her brow.
,,Tom would be alright’’
(its a very old AU that I wrote last December and man... I had to release it)
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sourholland · 2 years
dad!Tom on his baby boy's first day of preschool
Slipping Through My Fingers || Tom Holland
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for blurb night 🥲 extra sappy if you listen to slipping through my finger by abba or never grow up by taylor swift
“I just don’t think he needs—”
“Y/N,” Tom chastised sweetly. “He’s only going to preschool, it’s alright.”
The three of you were in the car on the way to August’s school. He had on cuffed blue jeans and a white wool sweater. His hair was all messy, most likely his doing after you’d tried to comb it down.
“Y/N, he knows that! Don’t you, bud?” Tom chuckled, looking into the rearview mirror and seeing him smile bashfully. “You’ll be fine, don’t even worry ‘bout it. Mum knows it too.”
For the remainder of the car ride, you all listened to music and Tom held your hand lovingly. August babbled about kicking the football around with dad and his snack you’d packed for him. When you pulled into the lot, you felt the tears starting to well up as you hopped out and scooped him out of his carseat. Tom grabbed his backpack, and told you to let him walk in by himself.
“Darling, he’s nearly five,” Tom told you. “Let the champ walk in on the first day.”
“Yeah, mum. I’m five!” August smiled up at you.
“Not five yet,” you said with a smirk. “You’re still my little four year old boy.”
The walk inside was less emotional than the car ride, seeing August walk proudly with his Paw Patrol backpack and Spider-Man lunchbox. Once you got to his classroom you all stood outside of the door and his teacher came out to greet you.
She was a tall, slender woman. Her dress had strawberries on it and she wore white stockings. August had met her on parent-teacher night, but she still got on his level and introduced herself again to him.
“Hi, August. I’m Miss Mabel!” She said with the biggest smile. “I am so excited to have you in my class this year.”
She shook both of your hands and started to talk about what their day would consist of, August antsy, waiting to be released into the room of fun colors and toys. He tugged on your hand, but you kept him out and listened to what the young woman had to say.
“August’s privacy is our utmost concern, we will be completely aware of any photographs taken of him inside school or outside on the playground. We know your circumstances are different, and I just want to personally affirm to you that I am going to do my absolute best as his teacher.”
“We really appreciate that—”
“Can I go in now?” August cut Tom off, making everyone laugh.
Miss Mabel gave him a nod of yes, making you let out of a shaky breath and hug him tightly. He kissed your cheek in anticipation, Tom rubbing your shoulder in support. You didn’t know, but he himself had some tears brimming at his waterline watching the embrace.
“Mummy loves you, alright?” You sniffled into his hair. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
Tom hugged his son and Miss Mabel brought him inside and bid you both farewell for now. You stood watching him go in for a few moments, along with some other parents watching their kids.
August didn’t look back.
Seeing as he is almost five.
Tom put his arm around you and you both began to walk back to the car when you heard a loud voice coming from the classroom.
“No, my dad actually is Spider-Man!”
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fictionsbaby · 10 months
Hi everyone!
I’m really sorry that I haven’t posted any of the stories I’ve promised.
But I’m hopefully getting them out after Christmas, I’ve had a lot going on and just haven’t found time or the inspiration for these stories.
But they should be out at some point!!
Happy holidays!
🫶🫶 fictionsbaby
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therottingrota · 4 months
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What the hell is this poll?
So the top 10 are listed as:
Jeremy Clarkson
Tom Holland
Gareth Southgate
Prince William
Cillian Murphy
Idris Elba
Romesh Ranganathan
Sam Thompson
Russ Cook
Dermot O'Leary
How did Jeremy Clarkson, Gareth Southgate & Prince William rank higher than Idris Alba or Cillian Murphy????? Also isn't Cillian from Cork which is located in the Republic of Ireland......which isn't apart of the United Kingdom💀
Anyway I want to do a poll to see who you guys pick as the UK's sexiest man ( I'll add Cillian because that's how the original list is, even though its technically incorrect)
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tinas1469 · 1 year
I just saw that Meghan and Harry had their own Love on Top Tomdaya moment during Beyonce's concert last night. How lovely. (X)
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Birthday Preference: Peter Parker x Reader , Tom Holland x Reader , Harrison Osterfield x Reader , Freddy Carter x Reader , Kaz Brekker x Reader , Jesper Fahey x Reader , Cardan Greenbriar x Reader , Austin Butler x Reader , Nikolai Lantsov x Reader
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Description: blurbs and moodboards for each character/person on how you’d celebrate your birthday with them and how they’d celebrate their birthday with you.
Warnings: some slightly suggestive content I suppose
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Peter Parker
Your birthday
Peter would go out of his way to ensure you had the best day! While he didn’t have a lot of money to spend on the day, he’d have saved up a decent amount to get you a gift and treats. He’d have purchased the item you’d had your eye on in the store window for nearly a month. He’d get pizza from either his work or your guys’ favorite place and teasingly put candles in it since it couldn’t decide on your favorite cake flavor.
His birthday
You’d of course make/buy him a spider man cake as an inside joke since only you knew his secret identity now. He’d be thrilled but also embarrassed by it. You got him a dog as you had seen him researching local rescues and animal shelters and researching which type of dog was the most protective. Little did you know that he was doing so in hopes to get you guys one to protect you when he was on patrol or otherwise not able to do so himself. But he adored the fact you knew him so well and picked the perfect dog. Plus it took a lot of pressure off him trying to do it alone.
Peter Parker Navigation/Masterlist
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Tom Holland
Your birthday
Tom would want to spoil you everyday but especially on your birthday. As a result, you two agreed that you were okay spoiling the other on special days like birthdays and anniversaries. So, Tom would take you to an early dinner at your favorite restaurant. When you got back home, he’d secretly had Harry help him set up a surprise party for you. Your closest friends and family were invited and Tom had purchased an insane amount of decorations. After the party, he refused to let you help clean up and drew a relaxing bath for you while he cleaned up. Then you two would fall asleep cuddling in bed.
His birthday
As mentioned, you’d reached a compromise with Tom that you could spoil him on his birthday. As such, you bought him the best gift you could think of, even if it was a bit pricier than you would normally spend on such an item. You knew he had been working too hard lately so you arranged a relaxing night. You’d reserved a private theater for you and him to watch the latest blockbuster he wanted to see. Then you snuck out to a privately reserved rooftop bar for some food and drinks. After that, you arranged for Tom’s family to do a video call with him since they couldn’t meet until the week after. Once the call ended, Tom held you tightly as you went to sleep.
Tom Holland Navigation/Masterlist
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Harrison Osterfield
Your birthday
We know Harrison likes to be extravagant and enjoys taking care of his loved ones. So, your birthday with him would be no different! He’d throw a large high end party with champagne, glitter, loads of friends, and your favorite cake. If you drink you’d likely end up needing him to carry you to bed that night after the party. If you don’t drink, Harrison would sense you becoming tired and conclude the party; joining you in bed to read for a bit before sleeping.
His birthday
Again, this boy can be very down to earth but also loves luxury things. So, if you two were away from home for his filming or other work projects, you’d celebrate in a more down to earth way. You’d still do the traditional birthday things like cake, candles, presents, etc. but then you’d find a relaxing location for lunch and just enjoy each other’s company. If you were home, you’d usually have a calm day like that on/around his birthday depending on how it landed. But since his birthday always landed on a US holiday, you also would have a party and on the tv you’d have it showing a feed to 4th of July celebrations in America so that you could watch the fireworks.
Harrison Osterfield Navigation/Masterlist
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Freddy Carter
Your birthday
Freddy would take you on a trip, likely just a small getaway for the two of you to a cute nearby destination. You’d spend the day doing your favorite activities and he’d of course take tons of photos of you on your birthday. It would be a nice and calming day where you got to simply enjoy life.
His birthday
Freddy didn’t have many birthday parties growing up, not big ones anyways. He used to be very shy and reserved, only coming out of his shell around those he knew very well. So, now that he’d gotten much more comfortable around others, especially his costars, you would hold an annual birthday party.
You wanted him to be able to experience a traditional birthday party where he could be his outgoing and carefree self around his loved ones and friends. You opted for him to take the night off from taking photos, instead using his Polaroid yourself to document the night. He of course would steal the camera a few times to get photos of you and you with him.
Freddy Carter Navigation/Masterlist
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Kaz Brekker (a bit long as backstory is needed to keep is as close to cannon as possible)
Your birthday
After Jordie, Kaz never cared for birthdays. He just treated them like every other day. However, when Inej noticed how personally you took it even before you and Kaz started dating, she lectured him on trying a little harder.
The wraith of course knew of Kaz’s hidden (even to himself at times) feelings towards you, so it was easy to get him to act more appropriately on your birthday.
He still wasn’t great at it, but the next year he at least addressed it; which he did each year since.
The year after that, you also found that a “mysterious and unknown” person left a small gift for you in your room. It was of course an item you’d been gazing at but hadn’t thought he’d noticed.
By the time you two became an unofficial couple, he’d taken to not only acknowledging your birthday and finally signing his name on the birthday gift, but also dedicating time to spend with just you.
Usually it would be in his office/room, but it was one of the rare times he’d leave his work alone and just be in the moment.
Once he was okay with labeling your relationship, he decided to tell you that as a gift in a way on your birthday.
As time went on, Kaz continued to try to make you see how much he cared about you and that your birthday was important to him because it was the reason you existed at all.
His birthday
Kaz never really celebrated his birthday. Even before his traumatic childhood, his family didn’t have a ton of time or money.
And now, the thought of the day often brought more memories of Jordie and how it was wrong for Kaz to celebrate a birthday when his brother couldn’t.
Therefore, when you entered his life and tried to find out his birthday he became very frustrated and tried to shut you out even more. He knew you were trying to be kind, but he didn’t feel he deserved it; nor was he sure he wanted it as it implied you cared for him which would put you in danger.
However, you were good at getting information, hence your whole role in the crows and in his life. So, you soon tracked it down, but never told anyone. If they knew, no one showed it.
You would often take food to Kaz’s office unprompted because he never took time to eat. So, you knew it wouldn’t look suspicious to do it on the day you now knew to be his birthday. As such, you made him a standard plate of dinner and departed from Your friend group for the night.
However, you first entered your room. You grabbed a small piece of cake you picked up from a bakery on the other side of Ketterdam very early that morning.
You didn’t want to push it by getting him a real gift right away, instead waiting to see how he responded to this. You then walked to his office, using your boot to knock softly since you had your hands full.
Kaz already knew it was you so he promptly signaled for you to enter.
He nodded appreciatively at you as you set the standard dinner plate on his desk as you always did.
While he hadn’t seen the other plate still in your hand yet, he sensed your nerves so he peered up from his notes in question.
He of course knew what day it was, but no one else should, so he was startled when he saw the cake in your hand.
Kaz glanced up to look into your eyes as he held a stoic expression but slightly raised his eyebrow to alert you to his thoughts.
You gave him a soft smile, “I was at the bakery… and umm.. the lady said it was on sale… so I got us all some for dessert”.
Kaz pressed his lips together as he steepled his hands together over his notes.
He sensed you were lying but he wasn’t sure if that was because you were lying or because part of him hopped you were.
Hating he already showed vulnerability in you having caught him off guard with the cake, he nodded again and allowed you to set it on his desk.
“Actually eat tonight Brekker” you teased as you exited his room.
When Kaz went to put the dishes in the kitchen, Nina stopped him.
“Two plates?” She glared, “and that one looks like it had something sweet on it. Did you eat my last waffle?! I was saving that!”
Kaz rolled his eyes, “I did not eat your precious waffle Zenik”.
“Then why the two plates hmm?” She interrogated.
Kaz groaned, stepping around her swiftly, “y/n brought me the dessert as well”.
“Dessert?” Nina gasped, spinning around to follow him.
“What dessert?!” She asked, offended she didn’t get any.
Kaz halted but didn’t turn around for a few seconds.
When he did, he asked, “You did not have dessert?”.
Nina crossed her arms over her chest, “no. There was no dessert. What game are you playing?”
Kaz’s eyes flickered to the stairway where y/n was standing with inej likely saying Goodnight.
He felt his lips curl slightly into what his body intended as a way to hide his desire to smile but likely appeared as a smirk.
He wasn’t sure why he was smiling, after all he doesn’t celebrate his birthday.
Perhaps you didn’t know, but he still felt smug over the idea that you’d only gotten him cake.
Plus, he knew given your skill, and the timing of it, that his earlier suspensions were likely true; you knew it was his birthday.
As vulnerable as he expected to feel at realizing that, he actually felt almost pleased.
You knew and yet you didn’t make him talk about it, question him on why he hadn’t told anyone, and you clearly understood he didn’t want to make a big deal of it.
He couldn’t express how much that meant to him, to have someone understand him so well and so effortlessly.
Kaz saw Inej smirk before muttering something to y/n but he didn’t look away.
Instead, he watched as your eyes scanned the room until they landed on him.
He relaxed into a faint smirk and nodded again.
You smiled widely and nodded back before giving him a small wave as you excused yourself for the night.
To say Kaz was up late that night wouldn’t be unheard of.
But he wasn’t working, instead he was thinking about what all of it meant and how to proceed.
Yet, in his traditional Kaz way of handling things, after the nonverbal acknowledgment between you two that night before you went to bed, he chose to act as if nothing happened.
However, the next year, he found another slice of cake on his desk; this time with a candle in it.
When you entered later you see if he’d eaten, he smirked and nodded towards the plate.
“You don’t need to talk about it. But I know what today is, and celebration or not, everyone deserves cake” you shrugged.
Since then, before and during your relationship, you and Kaz celebrated his birthday with full acknowledgement of the day (between you two at least).
The others still had no idea, and kaz preferred it that way.
In fact he was pleased that it had been you out of everyone who could’ve figured it out.
It also helped him explain to you a few years later why he hadn’t celebrated before.
And you guys worked together to help him accept that while he didn’t have to, he could celebrate his birthday still and that Jordie would’ve wanted him to.
As time went on, the celebration remained solely between you two and you took extreme precautions to protect his secret while still getting things back to his room to celebrate.
Over time you’d reached a point where instead of a slice of cake and a single candle, you’d been able to have him comfortable with a full (mini since it was just the two of you but still) cake and enough candles for his age.
He even soon let you get him a true gift on that day of the year; reluctantly of course, as he didn’t feel he needed any but knew it made you feel better to give him one.
He soon grew to not despise his birthday but instead cherish the alone time you two had on that day each year.
It was a type of domestic bliss he never expected to have, much less enjoy.
And he knew he never would have had it been anyone else but you.
Kaz Brekker Navigation/Masterlist
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Jesper Fahey
Your birthday
Jesper rarely stepped away from the tables, let alone on a consistent basis. However, for your birthday he routinely took a break from gambling.
Although it wouldn’t last more than a day; you both knew that. He still dedicated that day to you, refusing to let the pull of the cards and kruge distract him from celebrating one of his favorite days; the day you were born.
He knew how much you loved his rings and clothes and loved how they looked on you.
But he didn’t feel it was enough to gift you something he already owned. So, he instead bought a matching set of your favorites of his for you.
If there were no heist coming up, he’d try to make a trip to Noyvi Zem with you. You didn’t have any family left but he did and Colm had taken you in as a daughter.
He’d often have a cake and birthday gifts ready when you two arrived.
If that wasn’t an option, he’d gauge your current mood and decide between throwing a party with the crows or having a private date night. Regardless of how it was spent, he made sure to show you how much he cared about the day and you.
His birthday
Jesper always spent at least part of his birthday gambling. However, now that you two were together, you offered to join him.
He was more than thrilled to not be alone, and even better, to have you keeping him company.
You would try a few rounds but unlike your boyfriend, you knew when to stop. You still stayed, now option to solely be his good luck charm.
Or so he called you, regardless of the outcome. To be fair, he was better when you were there, his desire to impress you making him notice more of the other patrons’ tells.
But even if he lost the hand, he would kiss your cheek as you sat on his thigh, his arms around you.
When you joked about you no longer being his good luck charm, he’d scoff and pull you closer to his chest, peppering kisses all over your face.
“You will always be my good luck charm beautiful. Just look at you, you’re glowing” he’d coo into your ear as he waited for the next round.
When you were able to pull him from the tables, you would guide him to the slat. You managed to get the others to help decorate while Jesper was out with you.
He’d of course drink far too much but he had the best night and hardly ever left your side despite his drunken behavior.
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Cardan Greenbriar
Your birthday
Cardan was not accustomed to celebrating birthdays given that residents of Elfhame normally lived far too long to have a reason. However, Cardan would never turn down the opportunity for a party.
Nor would he ever ignore the chance to spoil you, especially when custom dictated you couldn’t refuse the gifts.
So, when he was informed about the traditions surrounding birthdays, he went overboard.
He would throw a large party, wanting you to realize just how many people cared about you.
He’d have the staff decorate the whole castle, but often would go over and adjust things himself as he saw fit.
Cardan ensured your favorite foods and drinks, both from Elfhame and the human world, were present at the party.
After the party, he would guide you (blindfolded) to the library where he had arranged all of your gifts; over ninety-percent from him.
He would lean into the lounge chair as he watched you open each gift; explaining the ones not found in Elfhame.
Cardan would be overly thrilled to see how much you loved the personal gifts and letters he gave you.
However, despite having a great day, it wouldn’t end there.
He was not done maximizing his ability to spoil you.
Cardan drew a bath for the two of you and spend the evening reminding you how beautiful he found you.
His birthday
We all know Cardan loves a party, so while he was not used to celebrating his birthday, he wouldn’t resist your request to celebrate it.
There was plenty of alcohol, Elfhame delicacies, expensive decorations, an Alice in Wonderland themed treat table, and tons of guests.
He ignored most of them however, instead focusing on spending his night with his love.
Not caring that the guests were watching their king closely, Cardan would drag you onto the dance floor of the ballroom.
He began slow dancing with you, even though it did not match the music.
However, the music soon quickly changed to a slower beat as Cardan rested his head on your shoulder.
After the party you let Cardan open his gifts, him sometimes having to have your help understanding what some of them were since your human friends had sent them.
Just when he thought he’d opened them all he watched you slide a wrapped rectangular item across the bed to him.
He delicately -despite his drunken state- opened the gift as he sensed it was more important than the others.
Cardan gasped and his eyes watered as he looked down at a near-mint condition hardcover copy of Alice in Wonderland, “it’s beautiful y/n”.
You grinned and snuggled into his side, “it’s a first edition. Signed too”.
Cardan smiled and opened the cover, seeing the first edition stamp and the author’s signature.
He softly set it next to his bed, turning to pull you closer, “you spoil me too much”.
You knew he couldn’t lie, so he must’ve truly felt that way but you giggled and shook your head, “my beloved, I do no such thing. But, I’m not done”.
Cardan kept his arm around your waist as he watched you reach for your nightstand where another wrapped rectangle rested.
“My queen, you’ve already-“ he began, for the first time feeling as though he didn’t need anything more.
“Shh” you smiled, “or I’ll stop letting you spoil me on my birthday “.
Cardan immediately shut his lips tightly, making you laugh.
You leaned over, giving him a kiss until his lips were no longer in a dramatically thin line.
“Open it “ you said, placing the last gift on his lap.
He squeezed your hip and softly opened the item.
“It’s a collector’s edition” you grinned as Cardan’s eyes flickered over the unique coloring and design on this copy of his favorite book.
After carefully putting the books away, he made sure to show you how much he appreciated you and all you did for him that day.
Cardan Greenbriar Navigation/Masterlist
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Austin Butler
Your birthday
Austin knew you didn’t get to have big parties growing up. So he took great care in planning extravagant parties for your birthday.
He would ensure it wasn’t tacky but instead tailored to your personality and likes.
He purchased your favorite champagne and invited as many of your friends as he could contact.
He’d rented out a nearby hotel to use their event hall for the night.
Without telling you why, he had you get dressed up and head out with him for the night.
When he saw the glee in your eyes when you learned of the surprise party, Austin knew he did well.
As the night went on, he noticed you had grown tired and excused the two of you.
He took her home, helping you wash the glitter out of your hair before tucking you into bed.
After he shut the house down, he cuddled into bed next to you, holding you tightly as you went to sleep.
His birthday
Austin was known for liking nice/fancier things and you knew his birthday was no exception.
However, he rarely had the time to make plans to celebrate given his work schedule.
So, you took it upon yourself to plan it.
You worked with his agent to ensure everything went smoothly and worked with Austin’s schedule.
He knew you were working on this as you often asked his opinions on the guest list or decorations.
Austin was very appreciative as he desired a nice night to relax and have fun but couldn’t make time to plan it.
The night went incredibly well and Austin couldn’t be happier.
Watching you dance while wearing the dress you knew was his favorite on you, Austin decided it was time to leave.
He made his way across the party and whispered to you that you guys needed to leave.
You weren’t sure why at first, but once you made it home Austin more than showed you why he needed to be alone with you.
Austin Butler Navigation/Masterlist
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Nikolai Lantsov
Your birthday
Nikolai took every measure to make sure you had a wonderful birthday.
He enlisted all of his staff to take care of cleaning the palace top to bottom, making the guest rooms ready for company to stay in, trimming the gardens and sweeping the outdoor pathways.
Nikolai himself decorated while you slept in.
When he knew you’d be waking, he brought a tray of your favorite foods to you in bed.
“Good morning and happy birthday my dearest girl” he greeted, bending to kiss your forehead.
You whines as he pulled back, grabbing at his dress shirt and pulling him closer.
You smiled as you pressed your lips on his, his hand resting on your cheek.
“Morning” you breathed, taking a moment to smell the delicious food he’d brought.
Nikolai chuckled, fixing his shirt, “I’ve seen to it that the library is empty. So, when you’re done with breakfast, it is all yours. No David, no students, all yours”.
You beamed at him with excitement, “really?! Thank you Kolya! Will you be joining me?”
“It would be an honor” he smirked, “now eat”.
“You don’t have any meetings or con-“ you asked but he stopped you with a soft kiss.
“Not today y/n/n” he promised, grabbing your hand.
“Nik, no way Zoya is okay with you rescheduling” you teased, taking a bite of your breakfast.
He laughed and shook his head, his gorgeous hair moving swiftly from the action, “I didn’t reschedule, I reserved the day off”.
You blushed, pulling his hand to make him sit next to you, “I love you”.
He smiled, brushing hair from your eyes, “I love you too moya tsaritsa”.
Nikolai in fact did join you as you rummaged through the library for any books you hadn’t gotten the chance to read yet.
However, he was distracted by his nerves about the party.
He was hoping the party would also serve to get you more comfortable with the palace and your position in it.
Nikolai wasn’t unaware that this role was new to you, but he was always looking for ways to help ease the transition.
He was hopeful that tonight would allow you to relax and find joy in a more public room of the palace, enjoying yourself even while around the kingdom’s subjects.
Fortunately for him, despite your own nerves when learning of his planned event, you did enjoy yourself.
“Thank you for tonight my korol” you grinned, kissing his hand as was the appropriate ending to the night given your new status in the palace.
Nikolai smirked and snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a proper kiss.
He laughed as your eyes widened as you pulled away and silently glanced around the room of guests, “I know lapushka, but this is our home, and I do not intend to behave differently within it; regardless of who is present”.
You blushed as your smile grew, burying your head in his chest.
Nikolai brushed your hair with his fingers, “happy birthday milaya, Ne koroleva!” (Happy birthday sweet girl, Long love the queen)
His birthday
You knew that his new title as king limited Nikolai’s chances to tailor as Sturmhond and enjoy the privateer side of him.
So, you made sure that he got that chance for at least a week each year, whatever week his birthday landed on.
He’d been resistant at first, fearful Ravkans would connect his disappearance with Sturmhond.
But when Zoya agreed with you that the citizens likely expected their King to be absent around a date such as his birthday, he agreed.
He still had his doubts about what his subjects would think, but he could never say no to you.
Much less when you were trying to do something for him.
Plus, he desperately needed time away from the palace and the pressures of being king.
He profusely thanked you as the two of you boarded the Volkvolny, both tailored as your privateer personas now.
You kissed his cheek, ruffling his now colored hair.
He rolled his eyes playfully, pulling you to him by your waist, “enjoying yourself?”
You giggled and shrugged, “I haven’t seen you like this in awhile is all koja “.
Nikolai blushed, the way he always did, tailored or not, when you complimented him.
“Hmm liking the tailored look more?” He teased.
You smacked his chest, “of course not, knock it off. You know better than that!”
Nikolai smirked his signature Sturmhond smirk but pressed his lips to the top of your head, “we should get out there love, I need to make sure we don’t crash”
You laughed and followed him out from his cabin on the ship and onto the main deck, watching as he directed the crew and adjusted the ship’s trajectory.
When he finished he smiled and waved you over, his arms wrapping around you tightly, “I needed this darling, thank you”.
Nikolai Lantsov Navigation/Masterlist
Grishaverse Navigation/Masterlist
Six of Crows Navigation/Masterlist
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Tags: @theslayerofthevampires @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny @natswife-marvelicious @emmymaehereeeeee @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @brekkershadowsinger
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pamet-u-glavuuu · 1 year
look what i found
Awww his little face
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21 notes · View notes
desi-pluto · 1 year
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Aurora 🎶 You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream 🎶
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tacoreib · 9 months
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multifanritz · 2 years
Tom Holland going "Omg. It's Robert Downey Junior!" But it's Jason Todd going "Omg. It's Wonder Woman!"
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
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If this was live action, they would've cast Tom Holland, no question about it.
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stapes · 2 years
So much content I don't know what to reblog!!!
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sourholland · 2 years
Would you possibly consider writing a little blurb for the sleepover on reader and Tom from royal inconvenience 🥹
A Royal Convenience || Tom Holland
a royal convenience blurb - i highly suggest reading the series before this!
my spring sleepover
Both you and Tom lay wrapped in each other’s arms soundly, dozing off to the sound of the staff scampering around the palace outside of your bedroom door. He ran his fingers through your hair mindlessly as you began to breathe heavier and more even. Eventually, he’d completely fallen victim to exhaustion as well.
Neither of you would ever understand how so many royals slept in different beds from their spouses. From the night you were first married and onwards, neither of you had been without the other unless Tom was out of Buckingham Palace on business.
It was always just the most comfortable method of sleep, tangled up in the other’s limbs. Despite Tom’s drooling and your low snores, you both loved the other’s touch so much that you could look past this.
In the late hours of your sleep, the noise of two little feet could be heard running down the corridor of the palace. Very few candles remained lit, yet he came barreling towards the door of your bedroom. A low creaking noise could be heard from your door, making you blink a few times.
“Mummy,” James whispered, shutting the door behind him.
At only four, James had discovered that by coming into your room in the wee hours of the night and climbing under the duvet from the bottom of the bed, he was in good shape to get cuddled by mum.
“Come here, darling,” you yawned.
James climbed up the bed and wrapped his arms around your body, nuzzling his head into your hair and kissing the side of your face in adoration. Tom awoke in confusion, realizing it was only his youngest son in the bed with them. He leaned over and kissed you chastely, running a hand down James’s back.
“What’s wrong, Jamie?” He whispered. “Are you still having night terrors?”
James nodded into your hair, holding you tighter as you rocked him a bit. Tom rubbed his eyes, running a hand through his disheveled hair. One thing you were grateful of was that Tom had never tried to make your sons feel bad for expressing emotions as his father once did to him. Tom let them be open and honest about how they felt.
“That’s alright, love,” he told James with a small smile that could hardly be seen in the dark. “You just sleep in here tonight.”
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fictionsbaby · 1 year
Hi every one!!
I know I have a couple stories I’m currently working on, and I’m so sorry it’s taking it’s so long. But currently I’m in able to work on them at the moment. I just wanted to let y’all know that I’ll get them done a soon as I can.
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