#prince jihoonie
fantasy-svt · 1 year
I'd like that
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Magic or Not Masterlist | Next
Synopsis: when running from his supposed birthday party, Seungcheol finds a few new friends and you at a magical tavern.
Pairing: Choi Seung-Cheol x fem!reader Word Count: 3.1k words
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"Congratulations on your 24th birthday, crown prince."
All nobles walked down the hall until they reached him, all of them repeating the same message that he had already heard a thousand of times. After their message, they were quick to introduce themselves before the next person was called forward.
Seungcheol was done with it, his head was already perched on his hand as he tried to keep his eyes open. By now he knew that this wasn't an ordinary birthday celebration, but rather a way for him to find a wife. Thousands of nobles came to the kingdom, all to introduce their daughters and some even their sons. They all wanted the same thing, the crown and a chance to rule over a whole kingdom.
"Bored?" A voice sounded in his head, one that Seungcheol could easily recognize as Jeonghan's. So he let his eyes wander until he found the magician, standing in the back of the giant hall.
The longhaired blond stood there proudly, dressed in a simple white shirt and pants and yet he still shone brightly like an angel to others. The healer, Joshua, stood beside him and was dressed the very same. If Seungcheol didn't know any better, he'd think that they were just too lazy to dress themselves. That wasn't the case, however, as Seungcheol could see the mischief glimmering in their eyes. He could only smile to himself.
"Please excuse me for awhile." Seungcheol excused himself, bowing his head to his parents before descending down the stairs. Once he reached the bottom, he took large strides to the mischievous pair until he was close enough. Then they exited together and Seungcheol could only imagine the looks on his parents faces when they realized what he was doing.
"Hyung!" Another voice exclaimed and there came Lee Seokmin, dressed in his usual stable clothes and dragging an angry Lee Jihoon behind him. Seokmin was smiling brightly from ear to ear, Jihoon was not.
"Mingyu and Wonwoo are already outside, let's go!" Seokmin exclaimed happily and Seungcheol only smiled at the younger before following his steps.
"Why did I have to be here again?" "Oh, cheer up Jihoonie! It's Cheolie's birthday, we can't leave him with those stuck-ups." Jeonghan exclaimed, but Jihoon only grumbled on in response. Seungcheol smiled again before focusing on not tripping over his own feet, squinting to see anything in the dimly lit halls. Once outside, he spotted Mingyu and Wonwoo along with Vernon. All dressed in the same outfit, a dark shirt and brown pants. Clearly Seungcheol was missing an important dress code at this point.
The walk to town didn't take long and the sights of the forest and its creatures fascinated Seungcheol enough to make him stumble a couple of times. Not a single sight could top that of nature itself, Seungcheol thought. Unless you counted dragons, but those hadn't been spotted in the kingdom for years and thus Seungcheol had never actually met one.
"It's here!" Seokmin suddenly exclaimed and everyone looked at the younger in confusion, only Vernon seemed to agree. Joshua was the first to step forward, wrapping his arm around Seokmin's neck and pulling him down in a headlock.
"We're in the middle of nowhere!" He sneered softly, but Seokmin was quick to disagree as he pointed somewhere.
"Are you here for the Hippogriff Tavern?" "Seungkwan!" Seokmin called out happily to the stranger and everyone turned to look.
Before them stood a man and although it was dark, they could all quickly acknowledge the man as a mermaid or siren. His eyes had a serenity shine and his hair was a bright blue color that was not natural in any human way, almost like it glowed in the dark. If those weren't enough, the man wore shells and pearls like chains around his waist that would make most nobles see green of envy. Last but not least, the man's gills were slightly visible although they were clearly closed at the moment.
"Hello!" He chirped to the rest of the group before walking past them, revealing his sharp canines as he smiled. He walked further in the forest before disappearing in a mist and stunning the group he left behind.
"Oh, magic shield!" Jeonghan was quickly interested and Seungcheol was sure that Jihoon was also fascinated as he stepped closer with and inspective gaze. When they crossed the barrier, they too disappeared from view. Naturally, everyone else followed.
Now there was a tavern, lights shining through the tinted windows and lights floating around and flowers blooming beautifully. Seungcheol only smiled before he followed the rest inside.
Music echoed through the tavern, a happy tune that accompanied the loud chattering. The people inside all seemed unique, carrying their obvious creature features with pride.
"Gremlin!" A loud voice yelled above the chatter and a pixie seemed to appear out of nowhere, throwing himself on Jihoon.
The pixie wore a bright smile, eyes squinted and nose scrunched up. His hair was a light brown, curls bouncing and thus revealing his pointy ears that were covered with earrings and cuffs. His ears were the only indication of him being a pixie, otherwise he would definitely be seen as a human.
Jihoon started to squirm around in the pixie's grip, curses in his own language were clear to everyone around as he grumbled 'I'm not a gremlin, I'm an alchemist!'. The pixie didn't seem to care much.
Seokmin had moved to a table, a couple of people sat there and Seungcheol was astounded. One was Seungkwan and the other three were unknown.
One had bright red hair, two long strands at the front while the rest was cut shorter to the nape. The hair looked curly as well and two golden horns were poking out of the curls, revealing him to be a dragon as Seungcheol suspected. The man's green eyes were quick to move his way before turning back to the cup in front of him, which seemed to be some kind of tea.
Next to the dragon man sat a man with blond hair that was carrying some braids and hair jewels, pointy ears sticking out. An elf.
Last, but not least, was you. You were sitting next to Seungkwan, dressed in a white dress with a brown corset. Flowers were weaved into your hair, small jewels handing from your braids and the area around you was covered in moss. You were a dryad.
Seokmin pulled him along, smiling brightly as he greeted everyone. The dragon was called Minghao, the elf was Junhui and you were named (y/n). When Seokmin and Seungcheol reached the table properly, your face was finally shown to Seungcheol and he felt his heart skip a beat when his eyes connected to your golden ones.
"Hello! You can sit next to me if you want." You gave a bright smile to him and he returned it, sitting beside you. It was then that Seungcheol could smell the flowers that surrounded you, somehow it felt relaxing.
Soon enough, the table was filled with more people. The pixie, that was still bothering Jihoon to some extent, was called Soonyoung or Hoshi and he apparently knew Jihoon since birth. It sounded logical, but everyone seemed to wonder how the elder one was still alive.
"Where's Chan?" Jihoon was the first to talk and Seungcheol couldn't help but flinch when he heard a loud giggle above him. Looking up, he spotted a young boy on the ceiling. His legs were wrapped around the support beam, smiling brightly at the people beneath him.
Bright wings erupted from his back and it was then that Seungcheol noticed the pointier ears along with, what seemed to be, some kind of pollen that fluttered down from the person. A fairy and seemingly a mischievous one.
"Why is everyone here?" The boy, Seungcheol assumed that his name was Chan like Jihoon said, asked and Seokmin happily replied that it was Seungcheol's birthday.
"It's your birthday? Why didn't you say so!" You exclaimed suddenly as you rushed out of your seat before returning with a cupcake that held a single candle. Silence suddenly filled the whole tavern, all eyes turned to your table and more importantly to the dryad that held the cupcake.
Awkwardly, Seungcheol blew out the candle and little fireworks erupted from the cupcake.
"You made a wish, right?" Chan asked and with a glare of Jeonghan, Seungcheol only nodded at the smiling teen. Chan only smiled brighter before letting himself drop down on the table, which quickly earned a loud his from Minghao as he spilled the cup that stood on the table.
The chatter started up again, almost like nothing had happened before. You had sat down again and handed the cupcake to Seungcheol with another smile.
Suddenly, Seungcheol had a lot more friends than he had an hour ago.
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From then on, at least one day a week he would come to the tavern. He would often just sit in the corner, waiting for you to finish your job at the tavern. You then joined him and talked, always having something new and interesting to tell him.
Once you told him about Minghao accidently setting Junhui on fire after the older annoyed him a bit too much, or how Chan kept pestering Mingyu or Seungkwan with his notorious pranks that were often planned with Soonyoung. Although the stories were interesting to hear, Seungcheol didn't come to the tavern weekly for them. Rather he came for you, to stare at you and listen to your sweet voice. There was something about you that mad him want to come back, from jeonghan's point of view it was definitely a crush but Seungcheol didn't agree with that statement.
Maybe it was just that he wasn't treated like he was only a prince and not an actual person.
Whatever it was, he knew for sure that he didn't mind the feeling. It didn't get in the way of his work and it made him somewhat more peaceful to think about you. So he didn't really think too much about it.
"Cheol?" Your voice interrupted his thoughts and he looked up at you, returning your smile with one of his own as you sat down opposite of him. Your hair was loose today and you wore a green dress, which was covered in pearls that Seungkwan probably gave you and Seungcheol could also notice the little acorns hanging in your hair. He had the same ones, Soonyoung had a habit of collecting things and handing them out to his friends as little trinkets and this week it was acorns. His mother had started growing suspicious when she found all trinkets in Seungcheol's room, some weirder than others, and he didn't know how to explain that a pixie gave those to him.
"I have an errand to run, would you like to join me?" You asked and Seungcheol nodded before standing up, maybe a bit too quickly. You didn't seem to notice it, only smiling as you grabbed a box before walking out with him.
"So, will you be going to the prince's party?" "What?" Seungcheol looked at you in confusion and you paused before pulling a paper from your pocket, almost dropping the box in the process. When he saw the paper, Seungcheol could only laugh.
Of course his parents planned a ball in his name, an engagement party at that. In bold letters was a mentioning of a search for the future queen, underneath a smaller mention that even "monsters" were invited. Sure, they didn't say monsters but Seungcheol knew his parents and their dislike for the magical.
"Jeonghan said that all of you were going and I don't think my friends would pass up on a party." You joked and Seungcheol could only give you a weak smile.
He hadn't told you, he hadn't told anyone. He believed that Seungkwan knew, because Vernon couldn't keep his mouth shut to the siren that he called his best friend.
"I might go, yes." He finally answered, although his heart felt heavy. He had to tell you, he had to do so now.
"Great, I'll see you there!" You didn't give him the chance as you suddenly bolted off with the box in your arms and giving him no chance to follow. He could only watch your figure disappear.
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The ball was here, but Seungcheol didn't want to go out into the hall. He felt like he'd suffocate, his clothes felt too tight and his lungs felt like they were filling with water. The crown that laid on his head felt like it was made with cement, pushing him down and yet he could not take it off. His parents were waiting for him inside and so was everyone else, but you would be there too.
"-cheol!" A voice yelled out to him, but the words sounded muffled like he was underwater and his sight had turned blurry. Jeonghan stood before him, a worried look on his face that would normally make Seungcheol laugh. Now he couldn't, his lack of air made it impossible to think straight and it was then that someone else's figure entered his vision. A hand laid on his back, one finger softly tapping his back in a rhythm. He was quick to try and follow said rhythm, pushing his breath in and out of his lungs at the right pace until he finally could see properly again.
"Now why on earth were you having a panic attack?" Jihoon's voice rang out from behind Seungcheol and he was quick to thank the younger as he got back up on his feet.
"Let's just go..." Seungcheol mumbled as he made his way to the giant doors. The others made their ways inside by a different door, waiting for Seungcheol to enter.
"Where's Cheol?" You asked Jihoon, who only stared ahead at the spot where the others stood. Jeonghan and Joshua stood by the throne, dressed both in white clothes that you were sure that were their official clothes, and Vernon stood a bit below by his fellow soldiers. When your question wasn't answered, you just sighed softly before waiting.
Then Seungcheol came out of the giant doors.
Dressed in his royal clothes,. A white shirt with a royal blue jacket on top of it, the jacket embroidered with golden details and little gems covered the bottom, and black pants that showed of his lean figure. And of course, the golden crown hidden behind the curls of his hair. He looked stunning.
"He's the crown prince..." Soonyoung was the first to speak out of all of you, his eyes trained on Seungcheol as the prince descended down the stairs with his eyes to the ground.
The ball began, but all of you remained in the same spot with a bit of shock.
"He definitely looks the part, no?" Seungkwan spoke up next, his arm wrapping around your shoulders as he stared at the prince with a smile. You were still staring as well, unaware of Seungkwan beside you as you tried to process everything.
"I'm in love with the crown prince..." The words were barely a whisper, yet your group had heard them all too well as they all turned to you in shock.
"You should go to her." Jeonghan spoke, nudging Seungcheol happily as he watched the scene before him. The group was surrounding you, all happily yapping away and Jeonghan could hear every single thing. Not that Seungcheol had to know that just yet, Jeonghan wanted a bit more chaos today.
Seungcheol nodded, making his way down to the dance floor. All girls had their eyes on him, all thinking the same thing. They needed to dance with the future king. Seungcheol didn't give them a chance as he strode your way and Junhui was the first to pull him closer to the group with a happy smile, leaving most girls disappointed.
"(Y/n)?" He talked to you first and the rest grew quiet, all watching the exchange with mischievous smiles. You looked at him before nodding, waiting for him to say what he wanted to. Seungcheol didn't say anything for a few seconds, taking in how beautiful you looked in your dress.
"Dance? I mean, would you like to dance? With me?" He asked, almost glaring at the others as he heard their stifled laughter. You, on the other hand, looked at him in shock before recovering and quickly agreeing. With that, Seungcheol took ahold of your hand in his before guiding you to the dance floor. The music changed just as you reached it, a slower but lively melody that both of you immediatley smiled at.
Seungcheol pulled you a bit closer, one hand on your waist while the other still held one of yours. Then he started to guide you to the dance, the music guiding him as the two of you danced across the dance floor. For some reason, you felt so happy that flowers started to grow in your hair and covering your dress. Seungcheol could only smile.
"You seem happy. You're even growing azaleas." He commented and you laughed softly, trying to not step on his feet as you laughed. You were unconsciously growing his birth flowers, which only meant one thing.
You were certainly in love with Seungcheol.
"You're in love with me?" Seungcheol's voice pulled your from your thoughts, making you realize that you said your last thoughts out loud. Your eyes widened, staring at Seungcheol as you tried to come up with an excuse. You didn't need to, however, as Seungcheol only smiled brightly in return before pulling you a bit closer. He leaned down until he reached your ear.
"I love you too." He whispered before leaning back up and continuing to dance to the music. Although still shocked, you followed his movements as you tried to process it everything. Only when the music stopped, you realized everything. With wide eyes, you pointed your finger at yourself in surprise.
"You like me?" You asked, a slight stutter in your voice and Seungcheol nodded at you with a smile.
"Kiss each other already!" Jeonghan's voice sounded in both your and Seungcheol's heads, making you both glare at him intensely as you made your way off of the dance floor.
"You're a couple now, right?" Seungkwan was the first to ask, both him and Seokmin looking at the two of you in excitement while the others just tried to suppress their laughter once more. Seungcheol kept quiet, almost like he was waiting for you to answer the question. So you agreed to it, smiling brightly as you watched Seungcheol's face go red.
"Don't you agree?" You asked him, giving him a sweet smile that only made his face go redder than before. His mouth opened before closing again, his eyes staring at the ground and you could only smile at how cute he looked at that moment.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
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scoupssolo · 3 years
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SVT Leaders (remake)
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scoupsy-archive · 5 years
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We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion...  Poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. [click for full size]
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mydeershua · 7 years
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🌸~flower prince~🌸 (7/13)
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ sea castles ✦
this chapter pairing; yandere!woozi x reader, subtle jeonghan x reader
genre&warnings; merman!au, yandere!woozi, character death, dom!woozi/possessive!woozi, virgin!reader, overstimulation, oral(fem receiving), cheating, drugs/poisoning, kidnapping.
✖ That being said, I do NOT condone yandere-like/obsessive/possessive behaviour in real life. this is a work of fiction therefore I will indulge in it. If you do NOT like this kind of content, please just ignore it.
notes; Welcome to the first installation to Monster Mash, where we explore the strange and unusual with our monster fucker anonymous club! 👻 🎃 Let’s get spooky, bitches! As always, I just want to take the time to thank you all for the interest in Monster Mash! 😳 I was not expecting it tbh so thank you all so much!💕 also if the writing style of this seems weird just know that I wrote half of this in 2018 so some parts read different from my usual write style, in my opinion at least 😭 hehe~ anyway, enjoy this first chapter and I will see you all in the next! 😌✨
word count; ~5100
chapters; 1 - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
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baby, why don't you see, see my sea?
make slow, get inside and pull on my sea
get inside and build your castle into me 
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Jihoon’s head breaks through the surface of water, sea foam momentarily blinding him as he frantically searches beyond the jagged rocks for any sign of his human companion. His fragile hands move slowly over the rocks. She’s late again, He thinks. Nothing new. 
A sigh escapes his lips as he rests his head on one of the rocks, closing his eyes as he waits, a soft hum on his lips when he drifts out of consciousness.
When he wakes, he isn’t even aware he’s fallen asleep but the frantic thoughts that someone’s found him sends him into overdrive as his pale grey eyes sweep over the shore once again; eyes landing on a figure sitting not too far away.
“Jihoon you’ve fallen asleep on me again.” You chide. A blush forms on Jihoon’s cheeks as he ducks under the water momentarily, hoping the slight chill of the water will keep the heat from spreading to his face. “You’re late again”, he starts, “We agreed to meet here when the tower bell chimes for sun down every other nightfall, didn’t we?” There’s a moment of hesitation on his end but he wades through the water, carefully making his way towards you. 
“I’m really sorry about being late, it was Jeonghan, I--” 
Jihoon’s eyes flash a pale pink, tuning you out at the sound of his name. Jeonghan; the prince and your soon to be husband. Jihoon doesn’t like him, not one bit. “It’s fine! I’m just glad you could make it…” A pout on his lips as he picks a rock near your legs, propping his arms up onto it as he stares up at you and rests his chin on his folded arms.
“What were you up to today, Jihoonie?” You ask. Your fingers curl around the hem of your dress as you pull it further up your legs, not wanting it to get wet from the rising tide. He hums in thought, his eyes falling onto your bare legs.
“Um, well, Seungcheol-hyung and I went and checked out that sunken ship I told you about last week… There was still some stuff left inside so we brought it back to the castle!”
A smile graces your lips as you watch him talk animatedly; there was always something so calming about being around Jihoon. You fondly remembered the first time you’d met him. Scared and curious about the man peering at you from beyond the rocks, not knowing that he felt the exact same way that you did.
That had been a few months ago now and the two of you had become good friends, meeting every other night for a chat before anyone in the castle knew you were missing. He was handsome, kind and most of all, friendly.
“Hey, are you listening?” Jihoon pouts up at you, lips curling into a teasing smile when a blush forms on your cheeks.
“I’m so sorry, I was zoning out thinking about how we met. Why don’t you start again, from the beginning?”
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“You’re late.”
Jeonghan’s already a third of a way through dinner before you enter through the double doors. “Forgive me, I’ve--I’ve lost track of time.”
He scoffs, rolling his eyes as he picks at his food; this was quite routine of you. “Isn’t that what you always say?” You take a seat across Jeonghan, grimacing when the wet hem of your dress touches your bare legs. “I like taking my time on my walks. It helps me clear my head.”
Jeonghan takes a sip of his wine, standing from the grandiose table as he makes his way down the length of it, to your side.
“You should be careful on those walks of yours. I’ve heard there’s dangerous creatures lurking around the edges of town. You wouldn’t want to get caught up in the crossfire, would you?”
“No, Jeonghan, I--I wouldn’t.”
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Seungkwan swims over to Jihoon; a bright smile on his face when he reaches the older male. “Hey, are you alright? You seem upset.”
Jihoon’s pale grey eyes blink sadly, “I’m… okay. I’m just…”
“It’s that human again, isn’t it?”
It always is, Jihoon thinks. He was always glad for your friendship and your kindness, but he always craved for more. Even if the current circumstances didn’t allow it. “Well, yes. It’s just that... I wish there was a way I could get her to see me and not my… well, you know.” He chuckles sadly, watching the way Seungkwan mimics his sadness.
Jihoon liked Seungkwan. 
Out of all of his brothers, he was always the most empathetic.
“She’s going to be married, hyung. To the prince, no less. She’ll be queen eventually once the king passes and Prince Jeonghan takes his place. Need I remind you she’s human and you’re not? You should be thankful she hasn’t exposed you yet.”
The older male grimaces at the thought alone. She’d never do that to me.
“I know, I know. It’s just going to take some time, that’s all. She’s not like the other royals on land… She’s a good person.”
Seungkwan wraps an arm around Jihoon’s shoulder; lips pursed in a tight smile. “You’re in line for the throne here as well, you know? The other hyungs don’t seem to care for the throne, but you, hyung, suit it well. You’ll find someone. I promise.”
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The next morning, you wake up with a sigh on your lips.
I hate it here.
The only reason why you were to be wed to Prince Jeonghan was solely because both of your respective parents wanted to have a joint rulership of the western lands and needed successors down the line, should the time come. Neither you nor Jeonghan were necessarily happy with the idea, but Jeonghan had quickly taken a certain possessiveness over you that confused you greatly. 
On most days, he seemed uncaring, even standoffish. But there were a few times since the announcement of your marriage where he seemed to have quickly taken the role of overbearing husband.
A knock at your door brings you out of your thoughts; a small ‘come in’ muttered just loud enough as an older handmaid pokes her head in.
“Miss, we should get you ready for the day. Prince Jeonghan would like your company for tea in the garden.”
That’s new.
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“I’m telling you that Wonwoo is dangerous, Vernon! You need to be careful!”
Jihoon swims up to Seungcheol and Vernon in the heat of their conversation, brows furrowed in confusion. “What’s going on?”
Seungcheol lets out an exasperated sigh in return, “It’s that Wonwoo…”
Jihoon’s lips purse into a firm line. Not all mercreatures were gifted with magical abilities, but Wonwoo was one of the few that were. He granted anyone of their desires, whether the intentions were good or bad. As long as you paid the right price for it. Wonwoo lingered on the southern side of the underwater kingdom, tucked away within the giant kelp and crystal caves where most mercreatures knew to stay away from.
Although, the younger ones were always riddled with temptation.
“Vernon, what were you even doing over there?” Jihoon asks. The youngest exhales harshly, avoiding his hyungs’ piercing stares.
“I just---I was curious. That’s all.”
This time it’s Seungcheol who inquires, “About what, exactly?”
“Don’t you ever wonder what you would have to trade to be able to go on land, at least once?”
Jihoon clenches his jaw. He knew better.
He knew better.
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Jeonghan waits patiently and never raises his voice.
Quite frankly, he’s not very good at it, he’ll admit.
However, what he does expect from you is your obedience and absolute loyalty to him, especially with your wedding just around the corner.
The last thing he wanted were the townspeople talking about a king with a disloyal and disobedient wife.
“You wanted to see me for tea?” Jeonghan looks up from his lap, noting you standing a few feet away with Mingyu, one of his guards.
“Yes, have a seat. Mingyu, you can go.” The taller male nods, pulling out the garden chair for you before he leaves. Jeonghan pours you a cup of warm tea, sliding the tea cup across the small table. “I spoke to my father earlier this morning before he left.” His eyes flit to you, already noticing the way the colour drains from your face at the simple mention.
“They want us to move the wedding closer. Next week, if possible.”
“I--wh--why exactly, may I ask?”
Jeonghan can hear the shakiness in your voice as he reaches for his own tea cup. “First of all, it’s not my choice. My father just requested as such and I expect you to fall in line as well. These nightly walks along the edges of town need to stop, immediately. I can’t have rumours flying around town about us. Am I clear?”
Your hands ball up into fists in your lap; tomorrow might be the last time you’d be able to speak to Jihoon.
“I--yes, I understand.”
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When the tower bell chimes for sundown the next evening, you’re already waiting by the water’s edge.
You had to make it back in time before Jeonghan noticed you’d already snuck out.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
His half-hearted smile is enough to alert you that he hasn’t been having the best of days either. But you find yourself getting choked up as your vision blurs with each second; unshed tears making it hard for you to speak.
“I--I’m sorry, but---but I c-can’t come back here…” You whisper out. Jihoon’s eyes flash a pale pink as he leans up onto a rock closer to you.
“What are you talking about?”
“Jihoon, I’m---I’m getting married next w-week.”
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Jihoon begs for forgiveness in his head.
Asks to be spared for the sin he’s about to commit.
He fumbles through the giant kelp; tail getting caught with each second he goes further and further into the murky depths until he comes across the crystal caves.
It would be just one time. He promises.
He finds the small opening in the cave, making sure nobody sees him when he swims in.
“Oh? To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Wonwoo’s voice is deep and matches the alluring smirk painted across his features when he spots Jihoon at the entrance. “Can’t say I’ve seen someone look so hesitant in a long while.”
Jihoon feels a sense of dread wash over him when he gets closer to the male, gulping down his second guesses as he opens his mouth to speak.
“T-to go on land. What… what would I need to--to trade.”
Wonwoo laughs loud enough for it to bounce off of the cave walls, head thrown back in absolute bliss.
“My, my. You sound more serious than the last one who came to ask.” He pauses, swimming down closer to Jihoon who backs away by nature. “You know, people offer me all sorts of things. Riches, jewels, even parts of themselves. All cliché when you think about it. And all things replaceable in theory.”
The twinkle in Wonwoo’s eyes lets Jihoon know he’s going to be in more trouble than he anticipated.
“No… what I want is something irreplaceable. Something that lets me know you really want this.”
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Vernon will be missed.
But it was his fault for being so curious, they’ll all say.
He shouldn’t have asked Wonwoo.
He should’ve known better.
Just like Jihoon.
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A few days have passed since the last time you see Jihoon and being castle-bound is eating away at you.
The wedding is in five more nightfalls and with each day, you find yourself more and more miserable.
“Miss, please turn to your left. We need to finish your wedding dress before the day is over.” Sighing, you do as told, facing the large mirror where you see the sadness in your eyes.
A sharp knock brings everyone’s attention to the door as one of your hand maids rushes to answer it.
This time it’s Seokmin, one of Jeonghan’s other guards and best friend, at the door. “I’m so sorry to disturb, however we have a guest. A Prince from… the east. Prince Jeonghan would like your company in the grand hall, immediately.”
Confusion crosses your features, but you nod, shooing Seokmin away as you already make efforts to get the heavy fabric off of you. It takes a good few minutes before you’re completely free and redressed in more casual attire and you all but rush down the hall, curious to see who the newcomer is.
The first thing you see is Jeonghan speaking to a slightly shorter male; a tight lipped smile on his face.
He catches you from around the corner, gesturing you forward.
“Ah, here she is. My wife, to-be.” The unknown male turns to face you and you feel your breath caught in your throat.
Jihoon? No… 
He shoots you a knowing smile, reaching for your hand as he kisses the back of it. “It’s my pleasure. I’m Prince Jihoon. Of the East.” Your fingers feel clammy in his hold, confusion on your features even when you introduce yourself back to him in a low whisper.
“I can’t say I remember there being a Prince Jihoon from the east. Interesting.” Jeonghan comments. Jihoon chuckles lightly, releasing your hand as he turns to face Jeonghan once more.
“Yes, I’m quite sorry for my sudden arrival. You see, I never really was one for the throne or anything of the sort. No, I’m more into studies and books. However, there’s been a bit of a change in interests lately so I figured I’d come… and see what the world has to offer.” He shoots Jeonghan a smile, eyes forming crescents.
“I also do apologize, but would it be alright if I stayed here a few nights? Just before I head back to my own. I don’t have anywhere to stay and, well, I seem a little under-packed for my journey.”
Jeonghan bites the inside of his cheek, “I… suppose. Actually, our wedding is in five more days. Why don’t you stay until then. See how the town celebrates.”
Jihoon turns to you; a smirk on his lips as his eyes flash a pale pink.
“Oh, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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Jihoon stays in the bedroom across the hall from you, just a couple doors down. 
You tell Jeonghan you’re not feeling too well and that you’ll be in your bedroom until you finally feel better; but the reality is that you slink off to Jihoon’s room when the coast is clear and the halls are free of Jeonghan’s guards.
You softly knock at his door, whispering his name until he opens the door for you; a giddy smile on his lips.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the princess. To what do I owe this honour?”
“Please, don’t---don’t play this game with me right now. What in heaven’s name is--how are you even here!?” You whisper harshly. Jihoon tugs you into his room, locking the door behind you as he presses you against it.
“I just… wanted to try something, that’s all. I thought you’d be happy to see me.” There’s a tinge of sadness in his voice and you can’t hold back the sigh that floats out past your lips.
“Please, Jihoon, I’m so incredibly happy to see you. It’s just, I---this is a big shock and with the wedding, it’s---and your legs, how---”
Jihoon cuts you off with a kiss, fingertips under your chin as he tilts your head up to meet his.
You immediately melt into the kiss, fingertips tangling into his soft hair.
Were you always attracted to Jihoon like this?
He eats up all of your soft and quiet moans as he presses you harder into the door, slotting a leg between yours just you finally find your senses.
“W--wait, I--no, we--we can’t, Jihoon…” You push him away as gently as you can; a soft pink coating your cheeks. “It’s just that Jeonghan--”
“Please, can we not speak about him.” Jihoon grumbles, stepping away from you as he makes his way towards the bed. “No offense, but it’s quite obvious that neither of you want to be in this marriage anyway. I don’t understand why you keep trying to defend him.”
You stand by the door, eyes fixated on the way Jihoon leans back on the bed. Mental images of you in his lap, naked and in absolute bliss flit through your mind in a split second. 
“It’s---it’s not that, it’s just that... “ You’re unsure of what to say next; Jihoon was right in the fact that neither of you were too keen on the marriage but the two of you were also just following orders for the betterment of the kingdoms.
“I’m sorry, I should go, You should rest up, Jihoon. Dinner will be in a few hours.”
You turn to leave, body warm with thoughts you knew you shouldn’t have been having.
Jihoon can sense it too. The way your body craves his.
“I’ll see you later, princess.”
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Dinner goes on without any issues, which you’re thankful for and Jeonghan and Jihoon seem to be on alright terms despite Jeonghan’s initial concerns and suspicions.
You retreat back to your room after a walk around the grounds to clear your head, hand on the doorknob of your bedroom when Jihoon comes barreling into your back.
“J--Jihoon, what--”
“Inside, now, sweetheart.”
You shuffle into the bedroom, turning to face Jihoon who turns the lock. “What are you doing?!”
“What we both want.”
A blush coats your cheeks as he walks you back towards the bed; his hands immediately finding purchase on your waist as he sits you down onto it. “Do you think I’m oblivious to what you want?” His voice drops an octave and you feel the arousal starting to pool in your lower half. “I--I---”
“You what, princess? Tell me what you want, what’s going on in that mind of yours.”
You know you shouldn’t, you know you should fall in line with Jeonghan and what your parents say.
But the other part of you just wants to be freed of all your responsibilities and expectations.
So you make a decision, gulping when you wrap a hand around Jihoon’s forearm.
“I want y-you.”
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A soft moan floats through the air just as Jihoon sinks the first finger into your warmth, your fingers locking into his hair as his tongue flicks at your clit.
Jihoon knew more than you anticipated.
He smiles against your skin as he leans in closer, flattening his tongue against you as you bite your lip to hold in your noises when he drags the flat of his tongue through your folds.
“Such a shame, princess. I’d love to hear my name rolling off those pretty lips of yours.” He teases; curling his finger into you just right until it grazes against your sweet spot. Your legs clamp tighter around his head instead as Jihoon laughs.
“We’ll have to save it for another time. When we have more privacy, hmm?”
Another time?
Jihoon sucks your clit into his mouth as your hips cant up to meet his movements. He gently adds another fingers after a few more pumps; noting the way your walls tighten around them instinctively. You can feel the pressure building up when he starts to scissor and curl them just right, a shaky cry on your lips.
“Ji--Jihoon, ah, something’s---”
“S’okay, let it happen.” Mumbling, he doubles his effort, tongue flicking at your clit harshly as he works to throw you over the edge.
A choked sob gets caught in your throat when you cum on his fingers and tongue and he works you through it with patience and adoration. He slows down his fingers as you continue to ride your high, tongue still lapping at your clit in slower strokes until your fingers loosen their grip on his hair.
“Everything okay?” Jihoon murmurs, pulling his fingers from inside of you as he pulls away.
“Mm… Mmhmm…”
Jihoon sits up, wrapping his wet digits around his cock as he pumps himself. He smears the precum down his shaft; a soft groan on his lips.
“Do you still want me, princess?”
You nod shakily, watching as he scoots in closer. He runs the head of his cock through your soaking folds as you mewl quietly at the sensitivity your body feels. “If it hurts, just let me know, okay?”
Jihoon’s soft voice is enough for you to relax under his touch and he uses his free hand to wrap your leg around his waist before he positions himself at your entrance. His eyes dance up your torso until they land on your flushed face, grey eyes searching for any sort of hesitance.
“This is your last chance, princess. You can stop me here and we can forget this.”
Your heart pangs in sudden guilt over Jeonghan, but you quickly push it out of your head. There was nothing wrong about this; You wanted him.
“I want you, J-Jihoon…”
He nods at your response, taking a deep breath before he starts to sink his cock into your wet cunt.
There’s a subtle stinging you feel, a whimper on your lips when he only just gets the head of his cock in. “Okay?” He asks, fingertips massaging the skin of your thighs. The momentary pause is enough for some of the stinging to subside so you nod, clammy hands digging into the sheets.
Jihoon lets out a guttural moan, eyes rolling to the back of his head when he bottoms out after a few tense seconds. “Oh, god, you---you feel so good, princess…”
He leans over you, kissing you on the forehead before he leans in to kiss you on the lips; swallowing up your mewls and whimpers as you get used to the feeling of Jihoon’s cock snug between your warm walls.
“Jihoon, please---please move…” Your words are muffled against his lips as he smiles, nodding when he pulls away from you.
Jihoon starts a slow pace at first; skillful hips pistoning into you. He watches you bite your lip when he angles his thrusts in a particular way, smirking when he knows he’s gotten your sweet spot.
“Look at you… So pretty underneath me, where you belong.” He licks his lips, pupils blown wide. “You know I’d do anything for you, right, princess? Just say the word and I’ll give it to you.” His grip on you gets tighter as his fingernails dig into the skin of your thighs.
“Ngh… Ji--Jihoon…” You whimper quietly as your hips cant up to meet his thrusts. “Please, m-more…”
The head of his cock grazes against your g-spot with each thrust and you can’t help the moans that bubble past your lips at the feeling. 
Jeonghan momentarily flits through your mind again and Jihoon can sense the way you seem to tense up. He bites the inside of his cheek at this, pulling his cock out of you as confusion crosses your features.
“Jihoon, wh--”
“I want you on your hands and knees for me.” He murmurs; using his strength to flip you onto your stomach.
It takes a second for you to catch your bearings, hands planted on the bed sheets as he tugs your ass closer to himself. He repositions his cock at your entrance, bottoming out in a single thrust as he starts a much quicker pace this time.
In this position, he can fuck you deeper, hips slamming into your ass as you slowly slump down against the sheets.
A sharp knock at the door a few minutes later has you gasping as you reach behind you to try and push Jihoon off. He doesn’t budge, instead, smirks at the way your pussy clenches harder around his cock.
“Princess? It’s me.”
Jihoon leans over your back, kissing your shoulder once before whispering in your ear. “You should answer him. Before he gets suspicious.” You clear your throat to the best of your ability, brows furrowed when Jihoon reaches a hand around, fingertips on your clit rubbing soft circles.
“Y-yes, Jeonghan?”
“May I come in? I’d like to speak with you.” Your heart pangs in a way you don’t expect, teeth clenched hard when you feel the pleasure starting to peak again.
“I’m, a-ah, so---so sorry, Jeonghan, I’ve already, hah, d-dressed for bed. M--maybe tomorrow? O--over tea, perhaps?” You shakily offer; hoping that he doesn’t barge his way in.
“Right. Of course, my mistake. It’s quite late. I’ll see you for tea tomorrow then. Sleep well.”
You hear his footsteps just as your second orgasm hits you; body seizing up under Jihoon as he continues to fuck you through it.
“Such a naughty little princess, aren’t you? Laying with someone else while your husband-to-be is on the other side of that door. And not only that, but taking your pleasure from someone else inside of you too? My, my.” He teases, eyes flashing the same pale pink in warning.
He pinches your clit between his fingertips, loving the way your body jolts under his touch. “Ngh… Jihoon I---I can’t…” You whine. Your body feels extremely sensitive now that you’d cum twice, but Jihoon laughs lightly as he pulls out from you yet again.
“You’ve taken your pleasure twice now, princess. But what about me?”
Jihoon flips you over yet again; a sheen of sweat on your body and his.
An idea pops into his head, smiling down at you before he, himself, rests against the pillows next to you. “Get on my lap, princess.”
You shakily get up, swinging a leg over him as you situate yourself on his thighs. He helps guide you, hands on your waist until you’re hovering right above his cock. “Stay like this.” Mumbling, he uses a free hand to guide his cock until it’s right at your entrance again. “Now sink down onto my cock, princess.”
Not really knowing how slow or fast to go, you sink down onto his cock in a single motion; the air knocked out of Jihoon and your lungs when you’re finally completely seated on his cock.
You let out a choked cry at the feeling; oversensitivity biting into you already when he places his hands on your waist again. “Mmh, okay, princess, you’re---you’re gonna raise yourself up and down, okay?” Nodding, you brace your hands on his torso, lifting yourself up and dropping yourself back down onto his cock.
The two of you share a moan as you fall into a rhythm; Jihoon planting his feet down flat onto the sheets as his hips cant up to meet your movements. You alternate bouncing on his lap and swiveling your hips, testing different ways and seeing how he reacts.
Jihoon feels his abdomen tightening as he finally feels his orgasm coming, a soft growl on his lips.
“P--princess, I’m---I’m so close.” He whispers harshly, eyes slamming shut as he chases his high. “Touch yourself for me. I want you to feel good with me one more time.”
“J--Jihoon I---I c-can’t…”
“Oh but you can, sweetheart. I can feel you already close again too.” He teases.
Jihoon takes one of your hands from his chest, bringing it to your clit as you blush. “Right here. Make yourself feel good too.” His voice is soft yet alluring and enough for you to slowly rub circles around your swollen clit. You immediately let out a cry, letting Jihoon take the reins again as he fucks up into you.
“Together, princess, with me.”
This time when you cum a few perfectly angled thrusts later, Jihoon does too; hips stuttering and a sultry moan on his lips. Your vision is blurry, tears wetting your eyelashes as you slump over into Jihoon’s chest.
Your entire body shakes; fingertips numb as you let out soft cries against his warm skin. “Jihoon…”
The two of you stay in that position for a while longer and his heartbeat is enough to lull you into a soft slumber, eyes finally welcoming sleep as your tired body lays on top of him.
“That’s right, princess. Go to sleep. You’re tired, aren’t you?” You nod gently, unaware of the way Jihoon smirks down at your head.
“I’ll get you cleaned up and make sure nobody sees you like this.”
You smile gently, warm and sated as you let the sleep take over.
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When you wake, the warm sun filters through the curtains.
A smile graces your lips as you blink your sleepy eyes open and something immediately feels off.
This… isn’t my bed?
Your brows furrow in confusion as your vision focuses, taking in your surroundings as you sit up. “Where---where am I?” Mumbling softly, you move to take the covers off of you, noticing immediately that your left leg is bound to the bedpost.
Panic floods your senses; a cold sweat down your temple as you tug on it harshly. “Jihoon!? Jeonghan!? Hello!?”
“Oh, sweetheart, I wouldn’t yell so loudly if I were you. You’ll only hurt your throat.”
Jihoon enters the room with a small tray in hand, placing it on a nearby table as he sits by you on the bed. He shoots you a warm smile; grey eyes permanently a soft pinkish hue.
“Jihoon, where----where is this? Where are we?”
“Oh, that Wonwoo. You know, I traded a great deal to be here with you. But he’s just so selfish.” There’s a soft chuckle on his lips as he shakes his head in thought. “I traded him a life for a week on land. But it’s not enough, you know? He wanted more so I gladly let him have two more for a little bit more time. A month! Can you believe it?”
“J--Jihoon, pl--please, this---why---”
“But don’t worry. I couldn’t kill the Prince. No, no, no even I am not that cruel. But those bodyguards of his… Tsk, such a handful those two. They saw me leaving with you and, my, well… Wonwoo does like a good trade.”
His soft laugh is sweeter than a siren’s call; genuine happiness lacing each second.
“But---but what if they c-come looking f--for me? And---And you know they w-will, Jihoon...”
Jihoon smiles, eyes hollow as he stares out of the window.
He’d already thought of every escape plan in the book.
“Oh my, well… Wonwoo will just have to keep giving me more time with the amount of bodies that will pile up outside of our castle, princess. Don’t you worry your little head.”
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“Hey, did you hear about what happened at the castle this morning?”
“Not at all. Do tell!”
“They said they found Prince Jeonghan poisoned! And his bodyguards were found dead in the grand hall!”
“Yes! Dead! They’re unsure whether or not the prince will wake… As of right now there’s no suspects or even any hint of who could’ve done it! But the poor princess…”
“What happened to her? Is she alright?”
“Nobody knows. She seems to have been taken, the poor soul. Not a single trace of her existence was left at the castle. It’s like she never existed.”
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btsvt-adventures · 5 years
Shifter AU - (Cat)ch Me If You Can
A/n: New series!!! Cos... idk I wanted to start something new? Despite the 4384731049 things in my drafts before this? Ahahah whoops. Anyway this is part of a bigger series/universe I’m creating, but this will also work as a Standalone :3
Pairing: Jeonghan x Jisoo (Jihan)
Warning(s): Mild mentions of animal abuse, some swearing, general stupid decisions
Words: 3,300 (ish)
Want more of this AU? Or want your own AU? Ask me here!
Shifter AU: (Cat)ch Me If You Can | Feline Feelings |
The Royal family had an ancestral secret. One that was fiercely protected, closely guarded, and well hidden.
All with royal blood were born with the ability to shapeshift into domesticated animals. All but one.
A hidden prince, born out of an illicit affair between the King and a maid. He alone had the mysterious ability to shift into predators.
Him, and his descendants were offered two options:
Guard the Royal family.
Or die.
Seungcheol jerks awake in a cold sweat, eyes darting around his room, trying to shake the memory of the palace guards storming his family home after he’d first shifted.
He runs a hand through his hair, heart still racing from his dream. He remembers the fear in his parents eyes when he’d first shifted, turning from 18-year-old boy into a growling, terrified cheetah.
Seconds later he’d shifted back, but the damage had been done, and Seungcheol was all but shoved out the door, towards the Royal guards who were already waiting.
He heads out to the garden, hoping that some fresh air would clear his mind and erase the unpleasant memories. He doesn’t expecting to see his charge, crown prince Yoon Jeonghan, delicately cleaning his paws in the veranda.
“Your highness, you’re up early,” he comments, reaching down to scratch the prince’s ears. Jeonghan purrs loudly, meowing unhappily when he stops, hopping off the bench and elegantly shifting back into his human self.
“I have exciting news, and I couldn’t sleep,” he answers lazily, and Seungcheol spots a twinkle in his eye that makes his stomach turn uneasily. “Come, I’ll announce it at breakfast.”
He should’ve known that Prince Jeonghan had something up his stupid royal sleeve.
“YOU WANT TO WHAT?” Seungcheol all but shrieks at the young crown prince, staring at him in horror and disbelief.
Jeonghan laughs delightedly at his guard’s horror and shock. “Exactly what I said Cheollie. I’m going to offer my hand in marriage to whoever can take the key from around my cat’s neck.”
“Your highness, that’s... unwise,” Jihoon offers quietly, frowning severely at Jeonghan, who just waves away his concern, eyes glittering with excitement.
“It’s perfect! If they can treat cat me well, they’ll treat human me well,” he shrugs, not missing the unsure looks his guards shoot one another.
“Hyung, our families didn’t give our lives and sworn secrecy for you to expose all of us on a marriage whim,” Mingyu argues through a mouthful of eggs, and everyone at the table nods vigorously.
Jeonghan pays him no mind, telling Chan to have an official announcement drawn up and released later today.
“He’s gonna get found out, all that bleach has killed his brain,” Jihoon mutters under his breath, and Jeonghan snorts, tutting playfully at his newest (and grumpiest) guard.
“I can hear you, one, and two, you have too little faith Jihoonie. I’ll be just fine,” he grins. “Besides, I have you and Cheol to be my big bad saviours.”
Seungcheol groans internally, already dreading the coming weeks. Jeonghan has an infamously stubborn streak, and does pretty much whatever he wishes, consequences (and parental disapproval) be damned.
The announcement goes out barely an hour later, and Jeonghan smirks, telling his guards that he’s heading into town to visit his favourite bookstore cafe.
“His favourite bookstore my ass, he just thinks the owner is cute,” Minghao snorts, and Jeonghan shoots his little brother a dirty look.
“At least I’m not lusting after my guard,” he whispers, watching as Minghao turns bright red. “Cheol, Hoon, hurry up before I decide to go in my shifted form,” he calls, already walking away from the dining room.
(Jeonghan goes in his shifted form anyway, much to both Seungcheol and Jihoon’s chagrin.)
Jisoo hears about the announcement about two seconds before said prince walks in, followed by two very disgruntled guards.  
“Afternoon your highness, it’s nice to see you again,” Jisoo greets lightly, eyes filled with warmth as Jeonghan’s entire body relaxes.
“You know you don’t have to be this formal with me Shua, it’s not like everyone doesn’t know I have a penchant to visit your little cafe,” he laughs, and Jisoo can’t help the wide grin that grows on his face.
“You are still royalty Hannie, but I suppose a little familiarity would be okay,” he teases, turning away to prepare Jeonghan’s usual order, as well as Seungcheol’s caramel frappucino and Jihoon’s four-shot americano.
“Any interesting news lately?” Jeonghan asks, leaning on the counter to watch Jisoo, his inner cat purring happily. “I’m sure you’ve heard of the announcement,” he probes.
Jisoo suppresses a smile, handing the prince and his guards their coffee, wishing them good luck. Jeonghan watches the genuine laugh light up Jisoo’s pretty face, and considers for a moment to give up the game just so he can openly court Jisoo, but that would be far too obvious.
 He likes that Jisoo doesn’t treat him special; heavens knew he was already treated like that everywhere else he went, but he wanted Jisoo’s attention, specifically his attention. 
Maybe he doesn’t like you, he’s just being polite, a whisper of doubt drifts in his mind, and Jeonghan frowns, unsettled by the thought.
“Is something wrong?” Jisoo’s lilting voice breaks his reverie, and he shakes his head, shooting Jisoo a lazy smile, reassuring him that everything was fine, and that he had somewhere to go, so he can’t stay this time.
“Make sure your cat is still safe, I’ve heard whispers about plans to capture him, and I worry,” Jisoo tacks on just as Jeonghan turns to leave, and his heart warms at the thought, turning back to wink at his favourite barista.
Aw, he does care.
The second Jeonghan walks away, Jisoo’s head thunks the tabletop, and he lets out a pained groan at how stupidly embarrassing he had just been.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” he mutters to himself. “He’s just being polite, he’s royalty, why would he fancy you?”
Jisoo sighs, straightening and plastering on a smile when he hears the little bell at his door jingle. He half hopes it’s Jeonghan, back to distract him and look ethereally beautiful while he sat in a corner reading a book, but it’s just a group of girls, and Jisoo’s somehow disappointed still.
Don’t be stupid, he said he has something to do, he berates himself silently, greeting the girls as politely as he can.
“Hi, can I get a large vanilla chai latte, with three extra pumps of vanilla syrup please?” One of the girls orders, barely sparing him a glance, and Jisoo pushes down the tendril of irritation when he has to ask her for her name and payment over and over again.
“Oh my god, hurry up and get your coffee already, we gotta go try and capture the Prince’s stupid cat!” The girl’s friend pokes her, and she finally looks up, muttering her name and handing over her card.
“Your drink will be with you in a minute, Minhee,” Jisoo forces his grin and tone to stay polite, even though he would rather be anything but. He makes her drink halfheartedly, mind pre-occupied with what Minhee’s friend had said, worry making his stomach churn.
I hope his cat is okay.
The rest of the week goes by with Jisoo’s mood progressively getting worse. He overhears more “grab and run” plans than he can be bothered to count, and by the time he’s getting ready to close on Saturday night he’s this close to snapping at the two girls and boys at the cashier. They talk loudly, and obnoxiously, about their so-called “brilliant” plan to lure the royal cat into a cage and feed him treats laced with ground up sleeping pills.
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal,” Jisoo says primly, handing over their drinks. “And I’m not sure his Highness would want a significant other who resorts to trickery to capture his beloved pet,” he adds on, shooting them a meaningful look before walking away to continue closing up his little cafe.
Jeonghan knows his bodyguards are pissed at him (or at the very least annoyed), with this entire plan of getting the key around his cat’s neck, but it is pretty amusing to see Seungcheol all but have a heart attack when shitty, half-assed traps are being laid out for him.
It’s a little insulting though, watching desperate boys, girls, men and women try and bribe Jeonghan/Cheonsa into eating some sort of treat laced with sleeping pills, mild paralytics, or worse, poison. He scoffs at the last pathetic attempt, gracefully jumping away. He meows plainly at his two frazzled bodyguards before slipping into the cafe from the back entrance.
He settles in an empty space in one of Jisoo’s many bookshelves, purring quietly when he hears Jisoo reprimand the group that is planning to poison him.
He pads back out, meowing to his bodyguards about the plot he’d just overheard. Seungcheol and Jihoon groan quietly, but round the cafe to interrogate the four people who were planning on harming a member of the royal family.
Jeonghan slips back into the cafe just in time to hear them leave the store huffily, and pokes his head out to see Jisoo grumbling to himself about animal abuse and being unfit to be a Prince’s significant other, and his heart melts at how upset he is over a silly plan.
He watches from his little corner as the group argue with Seungcheol about being apprehended, and spots Jisoo’s small little smug smile at the group’s plan failing.
Fuck, he’s just so cute like that.
When he sees his last customers of the day get arrested by Jeonghan’s bodyguards, Jisoo can’t help but let the grin spread across his face.
“Serves them right,” he mutters to himself, humming as he drying off the last few cups, wondering briefly where Jeonghan could be if both his guards are right outside his store.
"Probably in the palace or something,” he scoffs, jumping in surprise when he hears a meow coming from one of his bookshelves. He peeks round the corner, jerking back when he sees a pair of bright yellow eyes staring back at him.
That’s Jeonghan’s cat, he thinks, watching the cat curiously as he meanders his way up to him, jumping and landing gracefully on the countertop.
“Meow,” the cat meows in Jisoo’s face, and he can’t help but giggle, reaching out to gently stroke his head.
“You sound like Hannie, Cheonsa,” he murmurs, cooing softly when Cheonsa nuzzles his head into Jisoo’s palm, purring loudly and contentedly. “Affectionate one, aren’t you?” he hums, scratching the black cat’s chin.
He knows it’s Jeonghan’s cat, and he knows how easy it would be to just grab the key, but he doesn’t want the black cat to be threatened in any way. Jisoo figures that if he has to resort to trickery to gain Jeonghan’s hand in marriage then it wouldn’t be a marriage of love anyway. Besides, if Jeonghan wanted to court him he would’ve done it ages ago, rather than endanger his pretty black kitty. 
Cheonsa bunts Jisoo’s hand, pulling him out of his daydream. He meows softly, staring Jisoo in the eyes before hopping off the counter, walking towards the front door and meowing until one of Jeonghan’s guards opens the door for him. Jisoo watches, laughing at how disgruntled his guards look, and how utterly unbothered the cat is. 
Seungcheol stares down at Cheonsa unamusedly , eyebrow cocked. He just meows, tail flicking lazily as he jumps up onto Seungcheol, draping himself over his shoulders and settling in.
Take me home now, he meows, and Seungcheol sighs, giving the royal feline a reluctant scratch behind his ears before making their way back to the palace. 
Jihoon follows the pair quietly, keeping an eye out for anything that could threaten the prince in his… other form. He watches Seungcheol and his Highness argue quietly and wonders how he ended up in this situation, wonders if anyone else is aware of who – what he is. He’s grateful that Seungcheol was the one who found him, but he also wonders what life would be like if he didn’t. 
Maybe it’d be normal, or as normal as a shapeshifter’s life can ge–
“Hurry up Jihoonie, or you’ll get left behind,” Seungcheol calls out, laughing when Jihoon promptly trips over his feet, shocked out of his thoughts. He jogs to catch up with the cheetah shifter, complaining that the older walks too fast. Jeonghan shifts uncomfortably, meowing at Jihoon until the smaller guard picks him up, grimacing slightly when Jeonghan nuzzles Jihoon’s neck. 
“Your Highness, please, it’s not proper,” Jihoon murmurs, and Jeonghan snorts, wrinkling his nose before cuddling into Jihoon.
I’m a cat! Who cares if I’m affectionate! Jeonghan meows indignantly, shifting unhappily and Jihoon flails for a second, fully not expecting Jeonghan’s sudden movement, or his yowling. 
“Yes Your Highness, but we know, and the other guards know, and the royal family know,” Jihoon murmurs, looking around and making sure no one realizes how weird it is that he’s talking to a cat. 
Stupid royal rules, Jeonghan – Cheonsa – complains, and Jihoon chuckles quietly, shaking his head at Cheonsa’s antics. 
“We’re back you can stop flirting now,” Seungcheol grumbles, and Cheonsa hops off Jihoon’s shoulder, mewling delicately before shifting back, shaking out his blonde hair, smirking knowingly at his cheetah guard. 
“If you’re jealous, Cheollie, just say so,” he purrs, winking at Jihoon before sauntering into the palace, leaving both his guards frozen, staring at one another awkwardly. Jihoon reacts first, breaking eye contact with Seungcheol and darting into the safety of the palace before Seungcheol can stop him. 
Jihoon sneaks into the Guards’ Quarters, desperately trying to avoid Seungcheol and any potentially awkward conversations, flopping face first onto his bed, purposefully ignoring his roommate’s probing stare. 
“I know you’re still awake Hoonie,” Junhui snorts, and Jihoon throws a pillow at him. Junhui catches it easily, snickering when Jihoon grumbles incoherently, resigning himself to flipping the snow leopard off. “If this is about Cheol hyung you know I can’t help you,” Junhui reminds him, lightly. “You know what I think about the situation.” 
“Like you’re any better with Gyu and Hao,” Jihoon snarks, turning away grumpily. “...Goodnight Junnie,” he mutters, feeling a tendril of guilt creep in for being so sharp with Junhui.
“Goodnight Hoonie,” his roommate laughs, and Jihoon sighs, burrowing deeper into his pillow, shutting his eyes and praying for sleep. 
The door being violently thrown open at fuck-o-clock in the morning (read: 9am), twenty full minutes before his alarm results in Jihoon nearly shooting Seungcheol in the face. When the shock wears off, he holds the gun there a little longer, narrowing his eyes before dropping back into bed, foot kicking out to tell Seungcheol to get the fuck out of his room. 
“Good morning Jihoonie! Gotta get up early today! The Crown Prince has made a decision!” Seungcheol yells, and Jihoon stays motionless for a second, processing the information. 
The Prince… 
Jihoon jerks out of bed, suddenly wide awake. Seungcheol barely gives Jihoon time to brush his hair before he’s tugging his partner into the Great Hall for Jeonghan’s supposed decision. Jeonghan, surprisingly, is actually dressed and awake, elegantly sipping his iced coffee and nibbling on some hotteok the chefs had prepared. 
“Good morning Jihoon, sorry for the sudden wake up,” Jeonghan offers him a friendly greeting, and Jihoon just bows, not trusting his voice this early in the morning. “Today,” he announces, waving his spoon at his two personal guards. “I’ve decided that I’m going to stop the contest to get the key around my neck.” 
The collective sigh of relief has Jeonghan laughing lightly, feeling the slightest bit of guilt at stressing out the Royal Guards so much over the last week or so. “But I don’t want to release this information yet.” 
Protests explode from all the guards, even from Chan, who’s nagging him like his own mother would. Jeonghan bites down on his laughter at their indignation. He raises his hand and everyone falls silent. It stops their verbal protests, but it certainly doesn’t stop them from shooting looks at the crown prince. 
“I don’t want to release it,” he pauses, and Seungcheol looks about ready to throttle him, royalty be damned. “Because I already have someone in mind.” 
Immediately Seungcheol and Jihoon know who Prince Jeonghan is referring to. There’s only one person who could possibly capture the prince’s heart (or attention for that matter). Seungcheol beams at Jeonghan, knowing that the two of them will make a great couple, and hopefully the little cafe owner can reel in their careless Crown Prince. Jeonghan stands, grinning mischievously at his two guards, who instantly know something is about to happen. 
“Your Highness, don–” 
“Great now I’ll go ahead, you can catch up!” Jeonghan interrupts Seungcheol, smirking at him before shifting and gracefully leaping out the window and into the gardens. 
“Fucking hell,” Seungcheol curses, grabbing Jihoon to chase after the brat of a prince they both have to guard.
Jisoo’s so ready for this week to be over, but Sunday’s are his best days, with the Churchgoers and brunch crowd coming in the early afternoon. Mornings, however, are for him to have a moment to himself in his little cafe. He does still get the occasional customer, but it’s his least hectic morning every week and Jisoo’s so grateful for the time to breathe. 
He looks up when the bell jingles, then looks down when he doesn’t see anything, beaming when he sees Cheonsa walking in. 
“Good morning Cheonsa, where’s your usual entourage?” he laughs, pulling out the bag of special treats he keeps specially for the black cat, settling on one of his plush chairs in his cafe and shaking the bag enticingly. 
Cheonsa meows loudly, jumping up into Jisoo’s lap and pawing at the bag, as if asking him to hurry up and hand the treats over already. Jisoo laughs, opening the bag and picking up a couple pieces before offering it to Cheonsa. 
Meow (I choose you)
“Go ahead, it’s all for you.”
Mrow (I hope you don’t reject me)   
“What’s wrong? What’s – oH. Oh my god.” 
Jisoo looks down at his lap in shock, staring at the intricately carved silver key in his lap. Cheonsa looks up at him expectantly, and Jisoo picks up the key gingerly, one hand automatically stroking Cheonsa’s soft head. He can’t believe the cat just willingly gave it to him. 
Does that mean Jeonghan returns his affections? 
That his crush feels the same way about him? 
Does it–
“Oh. My. God,” a shrill voice makes Jisoo flinch, and he looks up to see a girl glaring at the key in his hand. “That key is mine! Jeonghan would never want to date someone like you,” she snarls, lunging for Jisoo. 
No fucking way you crazy bitch, Jeonghan thinks viciously, hissing at the crazy girl. Jisoo jumps away just before her talons (nails) can reach him, slipping the strap around before nipping at Jisoo’s ankles and darting into the back room, yowling loudly for Jisoo to follow . 
“Come back here! Stupid cat, can’t it see he’s a guy? The prince would never pick a boy!” she yells, and Jisoo scoffs so hard he almost chokes on air. 
“Well, I have the key, so I guess he chose me,” Jisoo shrugs, shutting the door in her face and locking it firmly. He turns to Cheonsa, frowning when he sees the cat sitting on the chair and he’s… starting… to change??!
Jisoo stares in shock as the black cat he’s been spoiling literally turns into the prince he’s been lusting secretly loving crushing on since the prince started frequenting the cafe. Jeonghan waits, calm smile on his face, even though he’s anything but, and let’s Jisoo process what he’s just seen. 
“Wh- H- What?” Jisoo sputters, and Jeonghan laughs lightly. 
“Don’t look so surprised Shua, you know you were always my favourite” Jeonghan purrs, and Jisoo turns scarlet, shakily holding out the key to Jeonghan. Jeonghan grins wickedly at him, taking the key from Jisoo’s slender fingers. 
“Besides, you sucked at hiding your little crush.”
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If you’d like more of this AU, or your own lil thing, of if you just wanna yell at me, you can do so here~
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ikonicsvtgeneration · 6 years
♡ svt: christmas ♡
writers note: this has taken forever to write, can’t even count the hours. Tumblr kept fucking my shit up by doing everything possible to not make me post this is the way I want it posted :) thank for that tumblr. Also sorry some of these are shorter than others.  
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Seungcheol; my christmas prince uwu. You would be decorating your christmas tree together with mulled wine and christmas music in the background. You would both be wearing woolly socks and the ugly christmas sweaters you had brought home that day. Cheol secrectly thought that they were embarrasing, but seeing how much you wanted to match, and the glow in your eyes, he couldn’t say no. Your tree was almost ready now, missing only the star. You scrambled around the box of decorations and pulled it out. Tip toeing, you tried to reach the top of the tree. Cheol melted at the sight. “Need help yeobo?” You nodded, pouting a little. He got behind you, bend at his knees a little, wrapped his arms around you securely and lifted you up. This way, you could easily reach the top, and placed the star on it, adjusting it a little so it was at the perfect angle. He put you down carefully. You turned around and gave him a kiss thank you. Turning back around, you leaned against him, and you both looked at the finished tree. “Looks pretty good I think.” You smile, and he kissed the top of your head.  
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Jeonghan; It was the evening of the 24th of december, and you and Jeonghan decided to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the dorms, to take a walk outside. The city looked beautiful this time of year, with snow and fairylights everywhere. You were both bundled up in your matching Lafuma padded jackets, hands held tightly together. “Wait a second jagi, I’ll take a picture of you in the snow” He said, motioning for you to walk forward. You agreed and continued walking. After a few seconds, you felt something hitting your back. You turned around shocked, only to find Jeonghan bending over in laughter. Bending down yourself, you gathered a quick snowball into your hands and threw it at him, before he could react. Now it was Jeonghan’s turn to be shocked, the snowball hitting him right in the chest. He looked up at you, first in shock, then his face turned into a look of mischief. Sensing what was coming, you ran in the opposite direction, laughing hard. “Jagi I just want a kiss!” He’d shout after you, trying to catch you with a snowball in his hand. 
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Joshua; You and Joshua were spending a very typical evening in December for you two, on the couch with hot chocolate, watching a christmas movie. Around half way through the movie, Joshua excused himself to go to the bathroom. You paused the movie, and did whatever you could think off to pass the time, checking your nails, reminded yourself to book a time for a manicure, put your hair in a bun. Your eyes darted to your tree, and you couldn’t help noticing the little package underneath it, that wasn’t there that morning. You glanced towards the bathroom, no movement, and tip toed to the tree quickly. You picked up the little package, turning it around in your hands. It was gorgeous, with silver wrapping paper and a purple bow. You turned around the small card on it, and your heart nearly burst. For my love, Josh x. You couldn’t believe him, you had told him not to buy you any christmas gifts. How could this small package make you so emotional? Hearing the tap closing, you placed the gift back under the tree and jumped back onto the couch, just as Joshua opened the bathroom door. He plopped back down next to you, and took the natural position of having his arm around your shoulders. You cuddled closer to him, and pressed a loving kiss onto his lips. He was clearly suprised, but recovered quickly and kissed you back. You pulled away, but went back in for another quick kiss. “What’s this for?” He asked, with a smile playing on his lips. “Nothing, I just love you.” 
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Jihoon; There was flour everywhere, absolutely everywhere, and you smelled burning cookies. You coughed entering the kitchen. “Jihoonie what is this?” He was taking cookies out of the oven. You noticed he was clearly stressed, by the set of his shoulders and the furrow of his brows. “I tried making cookies for the christmas party, and I don’t know what went wrong. I kept the cookies in the oven exactly as long as the recipe said, and the flour... I have no excuses for the flour, I spilled the bag.” You turned the oven off, noticing it was around 100 degrees hotter than it should have been, but deciding not to mention it. “But Hoonie, I said we could make them together tonight.” He blushed. “I thought it would save you some time, you had so much other food to cook too.” He hated admitting to stuff like this, so you giggled at his bothered expression. “Thank you baby, it was such a sweet thought.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. “But... maybe next time only cook something, if you’re sure you know how to.” He kissed you, and mumbled an okay against your lips. “Now come on, let’s clean this up and go to the store.” You said. “Why?” Jihoon asked. “Because you used all the cookie dough, and spilled all the flour.” He slapped his forehead and started apologizing, on top of your laughter.  
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Soonyoung; You and Soonyoung were out for some last minute christmas shopping. You had just happened to pick an outside mall, on the coldest day of that year, and you had just happened to decide that looking cute mattered more than staying alive. You two had already stopped for a coffee break twice, in hopes of warming you up. But now you were shaking from the cold, again, and getting scolded by Soonyoung for it. “Aish, why didn’t you dress warmly?” Deciding he probably didn’t want the honest answer of I wanted to look pretty and not like a snowman, you opted for aegyo. “I’m sorry Yoonie.” He rolled his eyes at your cuteness and tried looking away, his gaze being pulled back to you soon enough though. “Stop looking so cute.” He said, and took off his own fluffy hat, pulling it over your head. 
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Jun; “Stop being nervous, they’re gonna love you!” You tried convincing him. Jun couldn’t stop fiddling his thumbs and pacing around all day. He wasn’t one to get nervous that easily, but he had already tried on 3 different outfits, and asked you which one was the most son in law-material. He was meeting your family for the first time, as you were going home for the holidays. “You don’t know that, you told me your brother was mean.” Shit, you did tell him that. “But he won’t be now, because he knows how much you mean to me!” You reasoned. He started to argue back, but you cut him off. “They all know I love you so much, so they’re gonna love you too, because they see how happy you make me jagi.” You said gently, and wrapped your arms around his waist. He visibly relaxed from your touch. “I just want them to like me.” He mumbled, effectively breaking your heart. “I promise they will. I know you don’t see it yourself, but everyone likes you. You’re impossible not to like!” He let out a little grin and leaned down to kiss you.  
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Seokmin; You tapped your foot impatiently against the hard flooring of the airport. He was late. Was he okay? Did they get into an accident? No, don’t be stupid. The flight shouldn’t be late. You forced yourself to tear your eyes from the terminal door, remembering the phrase a watched pot doesn’t boil. However, you thought to yourself, whoever made this saying up, probably wasn’t waiting for their boyfriend to come home for the holidays. You checked your messages again, just to check if he had texted you. At that exact moment, you heard his familiar voice. Not even registering what he had said, you looked up, and he looked gorgeous. And you ran. Ran, as hard as you, straight into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. “You’re here, you’re here” You kept mumbling, stunned. He chuckled against your neck and tightened his arms around you. “I’m here, and I’ve missed you so much jagiya, so much.” He was your home.  
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Wonwoo; Opening christmas presents with the boys was hilarious. You were at the dorms now, watching Vernon open his present from Minghao. They were pink hued sunglasses. “These are so cool hyung, thank you!” He tried them on, and you had to admit, he pulled them off. Noticing a bustle on the other side of the living room, you looked at what Mingyu was was opening. Santa’s little helper, aka Chan, placed a present in your lap. You thanked him and without thinking too much about it, turned back to Mingyu. “That’s a weird shape, wonder what it is.” Seungkwan commented, and everyone, including you, laughed hard, because the package looked... well like a package. Before you had a chance to see what Mingyu got, Wonwoo nudged you, bringing your attention to him. “Open your gift babe.” He said, indicating to the gift on your lap. You smiled and teared the wrapping paper off. It revealed a beautiful little tiffany blue box. Opening it, you found two of the most gorgeous, delicate rings you had ever seen. Tears welled up in your eyes immediately, as you read the date engraved into the rings. It was the day you had met Wonwoo. You tried to say something to him, but couldn’t find the right words. “This” he said, and slid the smaller ring on your index finger, “is for you to remember me when I’m away, and to know that I’m always going to come back to you.” He took the bigger ring and slid it on his own index finger. “And this is for me. I wanted to have rings for the two most important things in my life, Seventeen and you. Now I have both, and I promise that one day, I’ll change ours into engagement rings.”
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  Mingyu; This was exactly what you had wanted for christmas. After months of both you and Mingyu being super busy, you finally had time for yourselves, just being at home, without worrying about schedule or dieting or school. You were in your living room, after eating a good christmas dinner, swaying along to Michael Buble’s christmas music. You pulled away from the comfort of his chest, to look up at him. He looked angelic in the candlelight surrouding you, happy and rested. “I adore you” He smiled at you and leaned down to press a slow kiss onto your lips. “Merry christmas my love.” 
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Seungkwan; You were trying to make your way to Jeju island, Seungkwan’s hometown, with him. It was the 24th, you were supposed to be there for tonight, but the flight had been first delayed and then canceled. It was beginning to look like you were going to spend your christmas at an airport. You could see that he was disapointed, though he tried to hide it from you. He doesn’t get to see his mom and sister too often, and was really looking forward to this. You had gone to the bathroom, and on the way back to where you were sitting with Seungkwan, you happened to walk past a store and spotted his favourite chocolate. Thinking it would cheer him up, you bought some and walked back to him. Sitting down, you slid the chocolates into his lap. He looked from the chocolates to you and back, then took your hands in his. “I’m so sorry we’re not gonna make it my love. I know you were looking forward to this.” He took a few seconds to think about it, and nodded. “Yes, I am, but the most important thing is that I’m with you. I don’t care about anything else, even if we’re spending our christmas at an airport, as long as I’m with you.”  
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Minghao; You were sat on the couch, talking about christmas traditions in China. “So Santa Claus isn’t called Santa, but Shen Dan Lao Ren.” You repeated after him, and he complimented you when you pronounced it right. “Did you have christmas trees?” You asked. “ In department stores and tourist attractions, but usually not at homes. There’s other christmas decorations around the city though.” You listened to him ramble on. He was clearly happy you showed an interest in his home country. “What do people give each other as presents? In my country they often give chocolates.” You wondered outloud. “People give apples on Christmas Eve because in Chinese Christmas Eve is called Ping'an Ye, which means quiet evening. And that has been translated from the song 'Silent Night'. The word for apple in Mandarin is píngguǒ which sounds like the word for peace.” You smiled up at him, getting an idea of what you’ll get him for christmas. 
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Vernon; He was nervous as hell. Kept checking his phone, pacing around and around, checking his hair. He kept thinking he was making a stupid decision, he only met you a few weeks ago, and here’s the catch, online. But when he found out that you were spending christmas in the same city he was, he couldn’t resist. But what if you catfished him? What if he was about to meet some middle aged man? Although you had talked to him on the phone and snapped each other... but still? He turned around, hands pulling at his hair in frustration, ready to walk away. Until he saw you. Your big bright eyes looking at him questionably. You cute hands fumbling together out of nerves, that little sliver of skin on your ankle, between your sneakers and jeans, your tank top, your oversized cardigan. You were beautiful. No, beautiful didn’t quite cover it. He couldn’t think of words to describe you.  Then you walked to him and smiled, and he thought his legs were going to give out. You looked up and saw a mistletoe.  
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Chan; The boys and you were doing secret santa this year. You got Wonwoo, and had no idea who got you. Watching Wonwoo open your gift for him, you tried not to give yourself away by your excitement. He pulled the rest of the wrapping paper off the Kate Spade cat bluetooth speaker. “This is perfect! I needed speakers!” He smiled, making you react the same way. “Who got it?” You placed your hand in the air. “I did.” He looked you in the eyes. “Thank you so much.” “You’re welcome, glad you like it.” You then started opening the gift in your lap. It revealed a bracelet you had shown Chan through a shop window, a few weeks ago. It was rose gold, and had little hearts dangling off it. It was perfect. You looked to him. “Chan?” You said, phrased into a question of, was this you? He blushed, pinker than you had ever seen him, and nodded. “Thank you.” You said. Chan? Chan. Your best friend, who you’ve had feelings for forever. You scooted closer to him and pressed a light kiss onto his cheek, maybe a little too close to his mouth, but no one was looking thankfully. He grinned like an idiot, blushing even pinker, if possible. And then, turning his head, he placed a quick cheeky kiss onto your lips, before you could react. 
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icingsuga · 6 years
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Pt 2 because my original post was so long tumblr wouldn’t allow it lolololol
I won’t bother with my message again but if u wanna read it part one is right here  \(^▽^*)
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@mynameisstefania 💕 @myoneandonlyjohnny 💕 @makkachin09 💕 @mochiangelblr 💕 @michaelcnelson 💕 @minweike 💕 @mingflaower 💕 @mrsparkjimin-13 💕 @mmm-moomoo 💕 @minyoongsueit 💕 @minieminn 💕 @monovon 💕 @myaneh 💕 @mintyoongi17 💕 @moonsed 💕 @mintealylmpeace 💕 @mel3005 💕 @madhatters247 💕 @micdrophies 💕 @megjin 💕 @meganconnelly38 💕 @mynataliesrenselove 💕 @magicshopbitch 💕 @minyccngii 💕 @maissaleao 💕 @moonbeantaee 💕 @mylittlelemonheadtae 💕 @mochiilaudiaaa 💕 @macchiataehyung 💕 @milknsuga 💕  @miinseeook 💕 @minyooongi93 💕 @malomarshmallow 💕 @mwchiko 💕 @magicsnop 💕 @myapukool 💕 @mixedmaya715 💕 @maigcshop 💕 @mochifordays 💕 @mintismine 💕 @minyoonnie 💕 @meri-hope707 💕 @minnnmochi 💕 @moonbeamjimin 💕 @mydnajk 💕 @mang-sunshine 💕 @misohobi 💕 @mynameispurple 💕 @meanyoongay 💕 @-mixioners- 💕 @mikaelanoni 💕 @melaninjeonghan 💕 @mcroosnicolee 💕 @minsugaaa1110 💕 @moro1013 💕 @michellegutierrezzz 💕 @minhobigivesmeuwus 💕 @marveloos--masacre 💕 @me-myself-i-and-joon 💕 @magicgirl15 💕 @milkxshake 💕 @mayamora 💕 @moominlovesbangtan 💕 @my-many-many-obsessions 💕 @marismares 💕 @murrburrr 💕 @misstmaria 💕 @mini-cheesecake 💕 @mentalbangtan 💕 @maybeitdontmakesense 💕 @monimgh 💕 @messyminseok 💕 @musickillsme 💕 @minhyuksfatgf 💕 @monbebeizabela 💕 @minsyugga 💕 @miinsyu 💕 @midgthe4footwonder 💕 @mangoonx 💕 
@neoculture-tech 💕 @nadnoeynosnatgnab 💕 @nobadybetterhavethisone 💕 @namjinscoffee 💕 @nicoletajk 💕 @nico201 💕 @no-more-usernamez 💕 @naytae 💕 @namjoonslxt 💕 @neoprin 💕 @natyarrazola 💕  @namrjoon 💕 @n0kchaa 💕 @namjoonspyjamas 💕 @nsrairai 💕 @nataliewandersx 💕 @namjoonae 💕 @nihanreiko 💕 @nocontrolsxjk 💕  @nebulosocaxs 💕 @nxdecherry 💕 @nutplan 💕 @nancyleecho 💕 @nonofyourbeeswax 💕 @ncmjoonie 💕 @nicollearmy13 💕 @nicole-cazange 💕 @nasuhaiqbaal 💕 @nymeria-the-princess 💕 @namelessreyna 💕 @needytae 💕 @no-suga-free 💕 @nataliaalmrida 💕 @namjoon94bts 💕 
@ohmyxashx 💕 @oktaetae 💕 @onesidedimpel 💕 @one-and-only-yoongi 💕 @ohhmyheartuu5678 💕 @ordinary-haru 💕 @onceinamillion9 💕 @otakumemelord 💕 @outrtear 💕 @ohthosebts 💕 @ominousjasmine 💕 @onlymariatriss 💕 @obsessedandpretty 💕 @ohmyjungkook 💕 @octapod 💕 @ohayolullaby 💕 @ok-jikook 💕 @oddlytoxic 💕 @omymarshall 💕 @oh-my-twice 💕 @onlysensaetion 💕
@park-chan-yall 💕 @psyducknozomi 💕 @phangirl2015 💕 @peachyyyhope 💕 @princesshley 💕 @psychopathictales 💕 @pjmserendipity 💕 @plutoyoongi 💕 @parkjlnyoung 💕 @p4rk-ch1mh1m 💕 @phenixxx 💕 @poetatoedameron 💕 @professionalfangirllove 💕 @penny44224 💕 @pkchjh 💕 @princesspaulyne 💕 @parkjimin-swife11 💕 @peachnyeonghoe 💕 @parkjmssoulmate 💕 @pervertfromkpopplanet 💕 @princesspeachbitch 💕 @potatounic 💕 @pandabear-brandy 💕 @parkmochibean 💕 @petalshoseok 💕 @princess-ellie-pabo 💕 @peachyicetae 💕 @peachie-palette 💕 @psychopath123456 💕 @pjmlm 💕 @pasteleunwoos 💕 @phantomfeminist 💕 @papihope 💕 @podiary 💕 @papaseokk 💕 @promisedpjm 💕 @park-mishekook 💕 @prince-jimins-post 💕 @parkjiminsdimple 💕 @princeseukjin 💕 @petalmin 💕 @palwo1 💕 @princedokyeom 💕 @prettytysh 💕 @pretty-stark 💕 @peeaachesss 💕 @p-a-r-t-y-p-o-i-s-o-n 💕 @perfectlyatomicstrawberry 💕 @pinkayakashi 💕 @pradavenus 💕 @prince-saeran 💕  @ppgz10472 💕 
@quirkyfuck 💕 @qimei 💕 
@rainbowskittles97 💕 @ryanbirdgara 💕 @raylynn-yin031 💕 @rukushik 💕 @rise-of-armys-first-love 💕 @roweel 💕 @realityisajoke 💕 @revelooke 💕 @rudihoran13 💕 @ryan-jimic 💕 @reihero 💕 @riseandshine-hobi 💕 @raybf2 💕 @ratedgguk 💕 @robin-aranha 💕 @reinalino 💕 @redeyes-ultimatedragon 💕 @rebecacis 💕 @rapwonsterr 💕 @rutvijamhatre 💕 @rainbowsandstrawberrys 💕 
@seungkwanhearts 💕 @sugaapiehoneybunch 💕 @sodachims 💕 @sleepyljihoon 💕 @sugastan777 💕 @shineonmewendy77 💕 @sofriejasman 💕 @smart-arse-under-the-mountain 💕  @stopmarktuan 💕 @strawburry-milktea 💕 @saiintjimin 💕 @seiji-nakamura 💕 @satgotsulee 💕 @sweethoneyyoongi 💕 @svt-wjh 💕 @silverwolves550 💕 @seulgii-princess 💕 @shykpopgirl2207 💕 @starkissedkookie 💕 @shinyexinnn 💕 @sugakookiesbutbadass 💕 @sparrowandnnightengale 💕 @shantwezie1994 💕 @shin-jeans-blog 💕 @slimim2000 💕 @sweetheart-pandababe 💕 @squishy-jihoonie 💕 @stupendousfanstudentsstuff 💕 @stef-auris 💕 @squishyhoony 💕 @subtlerain 💕 @sugakookie-min 💕 @sunshinechris 💕 @stardustpeach 💕 @suga-kookie3 💕 @sugaism 💕 @sugahoneyicetea 💕 @sammill7 💕 @stellanxtdoor 💕 @savagemanoban 💕 @straw-berry-chaeng 💕 @sugapeak 💕 @skolops-love 💕 @spookymyia 💕 @soareweokay 💕 @scoupsofglitter 💕 @secondsofsarah 💕 @swaynmalik-blog 💕 @souljeon 💕 @softdaeguboyss 💕 @shortlivedobsessions 💕 @seokjin-is-my-sunshine 💕 @satansnumberonequeen 💕 @sethisdeath 💕 @suga-cuuube 💕 @seokiness 💕 @sugarcoatedlittleprince 💕 @softlukeee 💕 @softlikejm 💕 @snakeshua 💕 @silverwinterbutwheresthesnow 💕  @sapidsuga 💕 @shayashwolf 💕 @suhooshi 💕 @solarchwe 💕 @silent-littlestar 💕 @sunkatsuree 💕 @serendipitylj 💕 @stitch-lele 💕 @sugarmy1993 💕 @sunxmoonxstar 💕 @softaehy 💕 @svtmoshi 💕 @suggastivee 💕 @shimhaeji 💕 @spearb3s 💕 @sydmochi 💕 @stanakookie 💕 @savoringyoursmile 💕 @singulari-tae 💕 @sope-far-away 💕 @seokkieshine 💕 @soekmin 💕 @serendipity-cute-mochi 💕 @softdaddybts 💕 @sugarfluffiness 💕 @scoupsadaisy 💕 @svtmngyu 💕 @sakurajin 💕 @spring-mochi 💕 @swetarmy 💕 @sabrii98 💕 @sleeepy-panda 💕 @sugacrackers 💕 @sunshineeseok 💕 @shroudofclouds 💕 @soft-sweeterthansweet 💕 @sunkissedmin 💕 
@taesintro 💕 @txamonica 💕 @teenage-wang 💕 @teddybear-baby859 💕 @the-cooler-senpai 💕 @taehyungmeama 💕 @tourment7 💕 @thebangtantrashcan 💕 @the-blackhole-that-is-my-fandoms 💕 @thirstykpophoe 💕 @thejokerstolemycamera 💕 @taegurl-ne 💕 @taesukookie-swagger 💕 @thisismeandalwayswillbeme 💕 @this-is-just-who-iam 💕 @taejin-nammin 💕 @thisgirldoesnotknow 💕 @thegoldenmaknae97 💕  @theatreandbandkid-blog 💕 @trappedsoulls 💕 @tabcuabhawj 💕 @taehyungswonders 💕 @taesbeach 💕 @taesfantasy 💕 @taehyungie-hyung 💕 @taekookie04 💕 @thechurchof-min-suga 💕 @thetimeisrelativegoaway 💕 @taehyungs----eyebrows 💕 @txmmfxngxrl 💕 @taeskookk 💕 @taehyungxyoongibiased 💕 @taeloveshope 💕 @taehyungsmelanin 💕 @thesunshinethatishobi 💕 @tri-ad 💕 @thirstaekookie 💕 @teekrardene 💕 @taexstrid 💕 @totallylikeliterally 💕 @taem-in-mybed 💕 @taesscripts 💕 @tewgguk 💕 @taefreckles 💕 @taesbabygirl96 💕 @thnksfrkpp 💕 @theyazpalomo 💕 @thecutestpieceofbacon 💕 @taebabybestressed 💕 @taesleftnipple 💕 @taeboeri 💕 @tknamjooniewifeu 💕 @taekait 💕 @theawkwardme1909 💕 @thatssomegoodshitt 💕 @thismagicheart 💕 @thebusanboysbts 💕 @taekookiexx 💕 @taesty-jams 💕 @taeberrymilkeu 💕 @transguysarecute 💕 @tae-kookies-and-creme 💕 @t-r-a-s-h--h-e-a-p 💕 @takestoolongtodo 💕 @thesarachronicles 💕 @taehyunglesbian 💕 @takeme2thesky 💕 @taekookjab 💕 @taytay121102 💕  
@universe-loves 💕 @unicornojia 💕 @ultraviolet-marked 💕 @umlvk 💕 @ultrafireproofstyles 💕 @uni9707 💕 @unafraid-inmymind 💕 
@vixenxvibes 💕 @vantejin 💕 @vagrantastronaut 💕 @vixsynsblog 💕 @vantaez 💕 @vaecci 💕 @vanisarmy 💕 @valmichellin 💕 @viibangatanworld 💕 @viciousxangel 💕 @violettwalker 💕 @violentlypjm 💕 @victorhasagreatbutt 💕 
@winterwidow27 💕 @wachadoin 💕 @wakeupjungkook 💕 @wangseook 💕 @weak-eyes 💕 @we-dream-the-same-dreams 💕 @whtday 💕 @whatinjisoosname 💕 @wazowski-birkhoff 💕 @winterthekpopfan 💕 @whatiflifeloveandmemories 💕 @whyyoucantloveme 💕 @wonderland-ghost 💕 @wonpil-my-sunshine 💕 @witchywonhui 💕 @wander-lustx 💕 @waddupjimin 💕 @weirdsatan 💕 @why-ami-her-e 💕 @wowhobii 💕 @wabbitxox 💕 @worldwidecuteguy 💕 
@xnxyxs 💕 @xbloodsweatandtearsx 💕 @xnamelezzx 💕 @xmochimin 💕 @xsatandaughter 💕 @xlarrytrash 💕 @xieere 💕 @xuxihuangs-wifey 💕 @xantiiiiiiiii 💕 @xbabybaex 💕 @xohoshi 💕 
@yoongispluto 💕 @yoongipoutt 💕 @yoongi-yoongs 💕 @yveqs 💕 @yoongspd 💕 @yasmin-apira 💕 @yourlocalsslut 💕 @yoongayhope 💕 @yyoongay 💕 @yukimaya 💕 @yoongisoftes 💕 @you-cannot-make-me 💕 @yoongstheman 💕 @yoongis-espresso-bun 💕 @yoongimylight 💕 @ya-boy-bambam 💕 @yoonjin9293 💕 @yvesaintstylinson 💕 @y00r4 💕 @ychidzu 💕 @yeparkjiminchim 💕 @yuongie 💕 @yoongihot 💕 @yuukimei00 💕 @yooooongss 💕 @yoonseokloves 💕 @yccnmoon 💕 @yamaroons 💕 @yoongitrsh 💕 @yoongi-dt 💕 @youraveragedrawer  💕 @yoongiminccino 💕 @yohabesha 💕 @yngiii 💕  
@zelostastic 💕 @zaneta144 💕 @zsjk 💕 
@104th-sqwahd-e 💕 @1justarandomgirl1 💕  @1sonyeo 💕 @1millionwon 💕 @21centuryspud 💕 @00dead00 💕 @1of1seokjin 💕 @1stae 💕 @11-11myg 💕 @19951013amberpark 💕 @8bit-hyukkie 💕 @6325pinkyme 💕 @1104200000 💕 @0406bb 💕 @58mms 💕 
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svtmatokis · 7 years
Summer Love Part 3
Oh my lord, I was rolling in the Joshua feels these last few days so here is Part 3 of Summer Love. I hope you all enjoy it and lmk what you think.
I’m itching to write something for Jihoonie or Wonwoo so if you have any ideas request request request! ^_^
Part 1 Part 2
You and Jeonghan sat at the table inside your office. The two of you have been in the office for over five minutes, both of you were thinking the same thing, it was just a matter on who would bring it up first.
Though he was curious about Jisoo, Jeonghan knew that official business had to be done first.
“You know what I’m thinking right?” he asked doodling on a scrap piece of paper on the desk.
“I wish I didn’t” you answered leaning your head back against your chair, “Jisoo right?”
“He has the experience” Jeonghan stated.
“He doesn’t know our school though” you shot back.
You and Jeonghan arched your heads to look out the little window to see Jisoo talking to the other members who looked like they had taken a liking to him.
“He doesn’t need to” Jeonghan said looking at you, “He fits in with us just fine and you know that”
You nodded your head, “I know. A vote then? Within counsel?”
“Agreed” Jeonghan said getting up and stretching his arm, “And I thought I’d have to twist your arm a bit more”
Shrugging you looked at him, “Can’t deny what the eye sees” you sat in your chair as Jeonghan opened the door. “Are we even going to ask?”
Jeonghan stifled a fake laugh, “Kwon Yoon-hee, you know that isn’t our style” he chuckled walking out the door, you following behind giggling.
(Five minutes earlier)
Wonwoo stared at Jisoo, shocked at the question though his face didn’t show it.
“That’s none of your business.” he said, “Just listen to me and stay away from her. You may be in Counsel now, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you get close to her so you can hurt her too.” he glared, “She doesn’t deserve that.”
Joshua stepped closer to Wonwoo, “And what are you? Her protector?” he asked.
Joshua knew about Wonwoo, you had talked about all your friends during the summer, the only thing you didn’t do was put a face to the name. But after talking to Wonwoo, he could see why the two of you were friends. Wonwoo was the quiet but loyal type, only spoke up when he needed to but always watching.
Wonwoo’s glare intensified, before he could answer, the other members came over and started talking to them, mainly Jisoo since they wanted to get to know him more.
The door opened and he looked over at you and Jeonghan who had walked out of the office giggling to each other.
“So….Jeonghan and I have decided…..” you started as you made eye contact with Jisoo across the room.
“We decided that we’re going to see if any of you are interested in the Communications Rep spot, and then we’re going to hold a vote for those interested. You’re all familiar with the position” Jeonghan said as everyone in the room looked at one another.
“Actually…” Seungcheol spoke up as all eyes turned on him, “I think Jisoo would be best fit for it.”
Heads nodded in agreement as Jisoo’s eyes widened. Him?
“He has the experience” Mingyu added, “I think he’d make a great Communications Rep”
More heads nodded in agreement at Mingyus statement.
There was quiet around the room for a while, before Jeonghan collapsed in his chair dramatically. “Oh thank god cause Jisoo was our first choice.”
Laughter was heard around the room as people went and patted Jisoo on the back congratulating him.
You smiled as everyone crowded around him happy that he fit into your world.
After the meeting was over, Jeonghan dragged you back into the your office, a few of the guys had dragged Jisoo off for lunch and promised to help you finish the tour of the school in your absence.
“Jisoo is the guy isn't he” Jeonghan said the moment the door closed catching you off guard.
“What?” you asked, “What are you talking about Han?”
“Jisoo, it’s him isn’t it. Your summer fling in the States?” he asked, the look on your face gave it away and Jeonghan howled with laughter.
“No way! So he transferred here for you?!” he asked his stomach hurting from laughter, “Wah...this boy must really like you.”
“It’s not that, this was pure coincidence...his dad just got promoted to CTO at head office here in Korea so he moved his whole family back here….” you explained looking down at your shoes, “This is so confusing, it was supposed to be what it was, a summer fling...but now he’s here and..”
“You aren’t over him at all” Jeonghan stated and as you nodded.
“Yoon Hee-ah, we’ve been best friends since first year, and NEVER once have I seen you blush the shade of red Jisoo has managed to make you….but you were holding out on me! He’s almost as good looking as I am!”
“He’s better looking than you are” you stated bluntly causing him to glare at you playfully/
“He seems like a good guy, he’s obviously here to get you back…” he shrugged his shoulders, “what’s stopping you?”
You gave him a look of obviousness. “You know exactly why.”
“What’s so different about him now then from the summer?” Jeonghan questioned making you think.
Jeonghan had a point. Joshua had not done one thing that summer to make you question him at all. He had made sure he was as open as a book to you and never questioned you when you avoided a question. He was patient and always ensured that your comfort came first.
“I’m not saying I support the two of you cause I don’t even know the guy, but based on our conversations over the summer, you seemed to really like him and he seemed to make you happy. Happier than you were before you left.” Jeonghan said patting your shoulder, “But, if he can prove to me that he’s not like that asshole, then I’ll accept him…” he looked at you, “But you and I both know Wonu won’t be as accepting….you know how he is...especially after..”
You nodded your head slowly. Since first year, you, Jeonghan and Wonwoo had been inseparable. Though Jeonghan and Wonwoo were more or less complete complete opposites, their friendship was the outcome of being partnered together for various projects, eventually a permanent bond was built.
Jeonghan was the reliable, easy going one. He always wore that angelic smile on his face and was easily approachable which was why he was the shoe in for the VP position. It was hard to make him angry though when he was, it wasn’t pretty.
Wonwoo also reliable but more uptight. He came off as more intimidating and less approachable then you and Jeonghan.  He was quiet and observant and very protective of those close to him. He never said anything unless he really had to which was a pro and a con. The love for books was what solidified the friendship between the two of you.
You and Jeonghan walked out of the school, both having finished looking over everything you needed to for the first half of the year.
“Oh, isn’t that Jisoo?” Jeonghan asked nodding towards the boy leaning against the gates, seemingly deep in thought. “Jisoo-shi!” he called.
The boy looked up and he smiled waving at the two of you.
“What are you still doing here?” you asked, “I thought you went to eat with the boys.”
“We did, then we came back here and they gave me a tour of the school. Mingyu said that you and Jeonghan were still in the Student Council office so I thought I’d wait to see if you guys wanted to go for coffee.” he explained though deep down, he only wanted to have coffee with you so the two of you could talk.
You and Jeonghan looked at each other. Jeonghan gave you a small smirk and looked at Jisoo. “A-ah that’s a kind offer….” he started and you knew exactly what he was going to do.  
“But...I actually have to get home, my parents mentioned something about distant family coming to visit….” he looked at you and smiled, “I’ll go first.” He waved and walked his own way leaving you and Jisoo alone.
You and Jisoo sat across from each other at a nearby cafe. No words were said between you two. Just the silence that lingered. Jisoo had a lot of his mind that he wanted to ask you, after that conversation with Wonwoo, he there was so much he realized you hadn’t told him. He couldn’t blame you for not telling him, but now he felt more determined than ever to ensure that you’re always smiling.
He had noticed that despite being around your friends, you were smiling, but your smile never reached your eyes. The only time he saw your smile reach your eyes completely was that one day he had taken you to Disneyland as a surprise, oh that day had been one the happiest in his life, though you didn’t know that.
It was your third week in Los Angeles which was the halfway point for your six week trip, you and Joshua had been hanging out  everyday since you two met. You were sure that he had other things to do though he had ensured you that he didn’t and that there was nothing better than spending all his time with you, despite the half hour drive he had to make to and from his home in downtown L.A.
As promised, Joshua kept his feelings as platonic as he could. But you couldn’t blame him when his hand found yours when you guys were walking on a busy street or when he would wrap his arm around your shoulder to guide you through certain parts. As much as you didn’t want to admit. You liked it just as much as he did.  
That morning, he had shown up at your hotel with a big cup of coffee in one hand and a blindfold in the other.
“I want today to be a surprise” he had said with his prince charming smile and reluctantly, you agreed to put on the blindfold on with the promise that he wasn’t taking you to a secret location to murder you or anything.
Throughout the car ride, the two of you talked about what you guys had done over the last few weeks. He had taken you to explore Rodeo drive, did some shopping, took you to really good places to eat and on the odd lazy day, the two of you stayed in your hotel room and ordered room service while watching various movies.
Almost an hour in, you were getting restless, you couldn’t see anything and Joshua had made sure the windows were shut and only had the AC blasting.
“Are we there yet?” You whined almost every five minutes in which he would chuckle and responded with a simple.
Once the car stopped, you moved to remove your blindfold but that was not what Jisoo had in mind. Instead, he told you to keep it on and took your hand to slowly guide you, letting you know where to step and ensured that you wouldn’t run into anything.
The moment your blindfold was removed, you squealed and out of pure excitement, jumped into Joshua’s arms.
“You took me to Disneyland?!” That was the first time he has truly seen your smile make its way to your eyes.
Throughout the day, the two of you walked hand in hand through the park, going on various rides, eating a ton of junk food and Joshua even went as far as to buy you your own pair of Minnie Mouse ears and obviously taking a lot of pictures.
At the end of the night, as the two of you waited for the fireworks to start,  hesitantly, Joshua gently wrapped his arms around your waist hugging you from behind.
You looked up at him with a questioning look, blushing slightly at the contact.
“Did you have fun today?” He asked,. “It was your first time right?”
You nodded your head enthusiastically. “It was. I had a really great time Josh. Thank you.” As if it was the most natural thing in the world, you leaned up to kiss his cheek causing the two of you to blush uncontrollably.
“S-sorry” you said looking away but was stopped when he turned you around in his arms.
Leaning down, his face made it’s way closer to yours, giving you time to pull away or say something.
The kiss was soft and gentle. Just like the perfect first kiss should be. He didn’t push and after a few seconds, he pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Lana… I need you to know, these last three weeks have been one of the best in my life. Hell, meeting you has been the best thing in my life.” Joshua confessed catching you completely off guard. “I know it’s been extremely obvious, but I really like you… I know you aren’t going to be here for much longer, but if there’s any girl on this planet I want to make this work with… it’s you…” he whispered.
The confession caught you off guard but you knew exactly how Joshua felt since you felt the exact same way. Despite the short time period you two had known each other. It was obvious that he had become someone special to you over the past three weeks.
Instead of saying anything, you leaned up and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him in for another sweet kiss. When you pulled away, you smiled at him as he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist as the two of you watched the fireworks.
(End of Flashback)
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scoupssolo · 2 years
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“My life is so Beautiful”
112 notes · View notes
scoupsy-remade · 4 years
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Jihoon please 😩
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scoupsy-archive · 5 years
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Because you’re my home home home home
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astralsweetness · 7 years
Sweet Punishment (Jihoon/Reader)(m)
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Bro, I wanted to do so good on this. It’s such a fucking good request. AND THEN I DROPPED OFF THE FACE OF THE FUCKING EARTH.
I didn’t notice the “wife” part of this, so that got left out, oops. I hope it’s alright. Added some stuff at the end because this got away from me lmao, but it makes up for me not being able to write sexting worth a damn.
You can thank the way Woozi licks his lips before speaking when he’s trying to figure out what to say for this fic ever fucking getting finished.
Warnings: Edging, spanking, handcuffs, hair pulling, pegging, mommy kink, tears [in a good way], exhibitionism if you squint really fucking hard at the beginning, praise kink if you squint kinda hard somewhere in the middle, fingering?, oral, a weird ending because how do you end something
It was hell, and Jihoon was already regretting agreeing to this inane outing. First off, he hadn’t wanted to go outside in the first place – he didn’t like going out, and didn’t go out often, but there was only so much persuading and pleading and pouts from Mingyu that he could stand before he ultimately caved and agreed to join them.
Most of the time it wasn’t that bad, he had to admit.
It wasn’t even all that bad this time either – it would have been perfectly fine if you hadn’t somehow slipped your way into his thoughts, your perfect lips, your perfect body, your perfect everything that could wreck him in a mere moment..
Needless to say, he’d made some lame and unbelievable excuse about needing to go to the bathroom, pointedly ignoring Joshua’s expression that said “I know you’re lying, but I just don’t know why you’d lie about something like that”.
And that’s where he found himself now.
His head thuds back against the door of the bathroom stall he’d ducked into, eyes shutting in the face of his predicament – he glances down to make sure his hard-on isn’t visible, raking a hand through his hair when he sees some tenting, even with all of his shifting and rearranging.
This wasn’t supposed to happen – he wasn’t some hormonal kid anymore, worrying about boners appearing for absolutely no reason. (Of course, the reason was you, but for fuck’s sake he should have better control than this.)
But here he fucking was, locked in a bathroom stall that none of his members had mercifully followed him into, mind racing to try and figure out what to do. The easiest option would of course be to simply take care of it, but something instead compels him to text you, hoping that you wouldn’t be busy and could sext him into oblivion.
It only takes you a few moments to respond to his text, and your response dries his mouth out. A simple six words.
‘No. Wait for me at home.’
He lets out a ragged sigh, hand dragging down his face and the over his covered dick, fingers lingering there, teasing himself tortuously.
Jihoon knows what your next text is going to be the moment his phone vibrates, knew before you even sent it, but he touched himself anyway.
‘Do NOT touch yourself, Jihoon.’
‘Too late.’
His response is met with silence from your end, and he knows what that means. There’s a punishment waiting for him at home, and the longer he takes to get home the longer he’s going to have to suffer with his little ‘problem’. (Despite liking your punishments, he can’t bring himself to disobey you more and pleasure himself to completion.)
When he ducks out of the bathroom and makes some half-hearted excuse as to why he’s going home it’s Jeonghan who gives him the eye this time, and he feels uncomfortable under the elder’s gaze, as if he’s been laid bare for everyone to see. Or for Jeonghan to see. And if Jeonghan knew no doubt he’d find some way to tease Jihoon about it, even if it was weeks later.
When he gets to your house his nerves have all settled in the pit of his stomach, and he’s tense when you kiss his cheek in greeting, fingers shaking as they unzip his coat – he’s a mess already, and while you like him to be a mess, you prefer it to be of the pleasurable, sexual nature instead of this.
“Jihoonie.” His head jerks towards you at the sound of his name, frozen in place with his coat half off his body. “Relax baby.”
You’re not sure it’s going to work, but you’re relieved when you see the tension drain from his shoulders, and you allow him to hang his coat up before you grip one of his frigid hands in yours and lead him towards the bedroom.
“You really weren’t kidding, were you?” You tease him softly about the obvious tent in his pants and he licks his lips before responding with a very soft “no”, leaning in to kiss you when you prompt him to. There’s a certain restrained neediness lurking just beneath the kiss – you can feel it in the way he holds himself back, how he keeps his arms stubbornly at his sides even as your own fingers caress his jaw.
“I’m going to punish you, okay baby?” His fingers tighten into fists at his sides, but he doesn’t protest – he knows better, and he meets your gaze steadily. “But I promise you’ll get your release at the end, okay?” Your voice is sweet and soothing, the calm before the storm – your fingers lock behind his neck and bring him forward for another kiss, one full of love and adoration and affection.
“Okay mommy.” His voice has changed, submissive and accepting – he knows this routine, trusts you with every single part of himself, every facet of his pleasure. He dutifully obeys when you direct him towards the bed, sitting on the edge and watching you questioningly – he swallows harshly when you tug your top off over your head, shimmying out of your pants next. He knows he’s probably not going to be able to touch, but there’s no rule that stops him from staring and drinking in the beautiful image of you in just your under clothes.
“Clothes off, Jihoonie.” You instruct, smiling at him and waiting for him to obey. He does so with only a small amount of hesitation, cheeks flushing red as he tugs his sweater over his head and fumbles with his belt buckle. You’ve seen him naked before, countless, countless times, but every single time he felt the same stupid butterflies in his stomach and he blushed the same stupid red he always did. (Stupid from his perspective, of course. It was adorable to you.)
When he’s completely naked you appraise him silently and quickly – his erection is flagging a bit from the lull in all the excitement, but you’re not worried in the least, crawling towards the middle of the bed to sit there expectantly.
He knows what this means – and he was expecting it, too – but that doesn’t stop the mixed rush of dread and anticipation as he carefully lays himself over your lap, hovering there on his hands and knees.
The hand you place on his back is cold, and he suppresses a shiver as you lightly run your fingertips up and down his spine, soothing and exciting him at the same time.
When the first smack comes he doesn’t say anything, head bowing and fingers curling into fists in the sheets. It’s not that it doesn’t hurt – it does, for sure – but there’s something else about it, something Jihoon hadn’t been able to figure out that excited him and sent a small thrill through him every single time. It burned in a way nothing else did, lit a fire in his blood that burned with a different kind of intensity. It wasn’t just “pain” – it didn’t even hurt that much in the grand scheme of things.
Every smack that comes after that increases in its intensity, and Jihoon recognizes the familiar heat that steadily curls in his belly at it. He’s not quite ashamed at how quick his dick gets hard, but he is embarrassed, and it’s sort of hard to ignore when that position has it pressed into the bed, every jolt causing it to drag along the fabric.
He can’t count how long you do this, how many hits he gets – they all blur into one thing, pain and pleasure mixing in a frustratingly cohesive way, every nerve ending lit on fire by your hand alone.
At this point his cock has smeared a generous amount of pre-come onto the bedsheets, and he can feel tears dripping down his face – he doesn’t know why he’s crying, doesn’t want you to think the wrong thing, that he can’t handle this sort of torture. (He loves it, loves how you push him to the very edge and keep him there. You haven’t even started your fun yet and he’s already wrecked.)
And of course you’ve noticed the tears – the fingers from one of your hands slide across his cheek, the skin cool against his fevered skin as it brushes away the liquid.
“You okay baby?”
His heart swells in his chest at the sincerity in your voice, threatening to choke him with the amount of love he feels for you. He struggles through a shaky breath, tears making his voice thick when he murmurs “Yeah, mommy.”
“Good. You know I love you very much, right Jihoonie?” You ask, hand drifting down to give his neglected dick one firm pump. His breath catches in his throat, and he coughs out a strangled mewl as his arms give out, and you barely have time to slip an arm beneath his shoulders to keep him from going face first into the sheets. (In the deep recesses of his mind he realizes you’ve down this, and his heart beats once, painfully, at how clear it is that you love and care for him.)
“Y-yes..” Jihoon answers you shakily a few moments later, after pushing himself back up onto all fours. The tears have dried along his cheeks in an annoying mess, and there’s still liquid caught in his lashes that feels cold against the air in the bedroom.
“Come on up here, Jihoonie – I want you to recline like the prince you are.”  You murmur softly, and even though every single nerve-ending in his body is on fire at your brief touches against his skin he shakily moves to the head of the bed where he can rest on his back, head cushioned on the pillow and another directly above his tailbone.
You take a moment to stare at him, drinking him in – he stares back quietly, blinking a bit more often than usual because of the lingering tears. He’s really fucking beautiful like this, really fucking beautiful all the time, and you rub a hand up and down his calf in an attempt to be doing something while ogling him.
“Does it hurt too much like that?” Your question is met with confusion for a long moment, but you don’t explain more – Jihoon likes to understand things on his own, and after a few moments of silence he realizes what you mean and nods.
“It just burns a little, mommy.” He answers you softly, with an air of reverence, and when you lean down to kiss him his mouth is hungry and insistent, pressing up against your lips with a neediness he had been careful not to show before.
When you pull away his lips are glistening and his eyes are glazed, and you really just want to drop everything and make him come right there – but you won’t. Not yet. He still needs to be punished more.
You slip off the bed to grab the handcuffs, and even though you hear Jihoon audibly sigh he places his wrists together above his head on the pillow and doesn’t fight you when you close the fur-lined clasps around his wrists after looping it through the headboard.
“I know you don’t like them very much Jihoonie, but you are being punished.” You murmur, making sure the cuffs are on just tight enough that he can’t easily slip out of them. “Say something if anything starts to hurt, okay? Your shoulders, your wrists, your –“
“Mommy.” He interrupts you brazenly, but there’s the hint of that smirk you love so much playing around his lips that simply makes you smile at him in return. “I’ll say something if it starts to hurt.” He promises you, dark eyes filled with trust and love. You know that in turn you have to trust him to fulfill that promise.
You settle down cross-legged at one of his hips, hand going to his dick that had been cruelly ignored until now – even without any attention he was still completely hard, and his eyes slid shut when your fingers wrapped around it.
It didn’t take long for him to get on the edge – he squirmed at all the lightning bolts that shot across his skin with every pump of your fingers, every glide of flesh over flesh. He knew there was a catch somewhere, because this was a punishment after all, but through his hazy thoughts he can’t figure out what it is, he just wants you to keep going, send him further and further into oblivion –
And then you fucking stop and he lets out a pained whine as all the sensations stop, the pleasure ebbing away in an irritatingly slow manner. Your hand rests on his thigh, and it’s sticky and gross and he fucking wants it back on his dick more than anything else.
“Mommy..” He shifts around uncomfortably, and you watch passively as he tries to do.. something. You’re not sure what. It’s not like he could get out of those handcuffs.
“Yeah, Jihoonie? Did you want me to touch you more?” You accompany your words by taking a teasing grasp of his dick, and he trembles and exhales shakily through his nose as he tries to thrust into it.
“Y-yeah.. yes.” His answers cracks his voice the first time he tries to respond, and you watch as he licks his lips and clears his throat before trying again. He’s so fucking cute.
And he’s a good submissive too, vocal as hell but good at obeying all your commands. Even if he complains he doesn’t actually do anything to try and stop you as you relentlessly bring him to the edge over and over again, until there’s mess of pre-come on his stomach and he’s so hard he physically hurts, can feel every throb in every vein and muscle.
“Please..” It’s a breathy beg that you hear as if he shouted – his eyes are rimmed in red and his lips are shiny with saliva and you’re not at all shocked when you glance at the time and realize you’ve been doing this for over fifteen minutes. He hasn’t given you the safeword and he hasn’t started crying yet, so you’re not all that worried, but you figure it’s time to give him his release he so desperately craves. (Truth was, the punishment may have been a bit too much for what he’d done, but he rarely ever did anything you could punish him for anyway.)
“Okay baby.” You murmur quietly, and his eyes snap close at your response, every muscle in his body relaxing before tightening again as you set a brutally fast pace with your hand.
Being in your own house means he can be as loud as he wants when he orgasms, and you’re quite proud of the pitch at which he moans when he paints his upper chest white, the volume at which he thanks his mommy for finally giving him his release. You’d worked hard on him to get him comfortable enough to be that vocal.
You take a few seconds to milk him of his orgasm before you’re up to get a towel to clean him off with – when you come back he’s still a panting mess, eyes shut and hair mussed as his mouth hangs open in a small ‘o’ shape. Once his chest is relatively clean you unclasp his handcuffs and try to check for any injuries – he’s limp in your hands, though his eyes slide open when you kiss one of his knuckles.
He meets your gaze with his dark eyes, quiet, and you can’t resist pressing a soft kiss to his chapped lips.
“Roll over, okay?” You murmur softly, and he does it without hesitation. His ass is still slightly red, and you bend down to give it a kiss too because hot damn his ass is really fucking nice.
He makes a small sound and you glance up to see his head turned to stare back at you, eyes relatively wide as they try to figure out what your next step is. You recognize the still present neediness in his expression, and though you’re surprised at it, you don’t ignore it.
“You’ve gotten your punishment already, baby – do you want me to fuck you now?”
These words seem to trigger something in Jihoon, and he raises his ass slightly in the air, tantalizingly, right in front of your face. “Yes mommy. Please fuck me – I deserve to be –“
“You do deserve it, because you’re such a good boy and you took your punishment so well that you deserve a reward.” You cut him off softly, hand massaging into the soft and slightly abused flesh of his ass. It wasn’t that you didn’t like dirty talk like that, but it was hard for you to go along with degrading your precious Jihoonie, and you’d fallen into the habit of turning anything like that into praise. (Jihoon never seemed to mind, and you had the feeling he continued to say things like that because he liked being praised.)
“Why don’t you get yourself ready for me while I get what I need?” It’s an order phrased as a statement, and when you turn your back to get the equipment you’d need you can hear him shuffling around on the bed, and then the inevitable soft noises he makes as he eases himself open.
It only takes a couple of minutes for you to get the four-strap harness on and lubed up, but by the time you return to him he’s already got three of his pretty fingers disappearing inside of him in regular intervals, mouth hanging open.
“You were pretty eager, huh baby?” You murmur, fingers dragging across the skin of his ass. “I guess I don’t need to ask if you’re really up for this.” Your fingers wrap around his wrist and force him to pull his hands away, his whines of loss being transformed into a moan of need when you pressed the blunt tip of the dildo against him. Your fingers on his hips keep him from pressing back onto it.
“Please..” He moans into the pillow, not above begging if it means you’ll truly wreck him. You’ve done this before, many times – it wasn’t awkward anymore, wasn’t a bunch of mistakes that somehow led to an orgasm. By now you knew how to do it in just the way that would have him falling apart and wouldn’t cause your hips to feel like you were breaking them.
After making sure both he and the dildo were properly lubed you pushed in slowly, reveling in the choked groan that left his lips at the rough slide. His fingers had curled into the pillow, back taut, trembling at the sudden intrusion that was so much bigger than his fingers.
“You’re okay, Jihoonie.” You soothe softly, hand rubbing up and down his back, hips perfectly still as he got accustomed to the feeling. “Just relax baby.”
It always takes him a minute or so to get adjusted, but once he’s used to it he prefers it fast and rough – and you have no problem giving it to him.
The pace you set is definitely rough and fast, much too fast for you if you’d been on the receiving end, but Jihoon is moaning, urging you on, begging you for harder and faster and you endeavor to please him, hand that’s not on his hip dropping down to his cock.
It’s already hard and leaking pre-come again, and when you start giving it haphazard pumps he falls apart even more, hips thrusting forward into your hand and then backwards onto the dildo, even if the angle of your hand is awkward and can’t be all that satisfying.
Your other hand eventually travels up to flick across one of his dusky pink nipples, and he jerks at the feeling. You repeat the gesture a few more times before your hand moves to his hair, fisting it and pulling harshly. His response is a gasp that catches in his throat, a loud “yes” dropping from his lips at the feeling.
“Feels good..!” He manages out, voice a cross between a groan and actual speaking. You drop a kiss onto his shoulder, fingers releasing his hair. Your hips are starting to feel tired, but you refuse to give up, refuse to slow down for a fraction of a second.
“You gonna come, baby? Gonna come again and ruin the sheets like a bad boy?” Your voice is an anchor to him, cool and refreshing, a calm force in his otherwise chaotic mind that can only focus on pleasure.
When he orgasms it’s with a loud whine, and your hips still as he clenches down impossibly tight, hips bucking as he comes into your hand. There’s not as much as the first time, and this way you save the sheets from needing to be cleaned right that minute. (They’d get cleaned tomorrow – tonight you just wanted your Jihoonie to be able to fall asleep instantly.)
You wipe your hand off on the foot of the bed, other hand smoothing along Jihoon’s shoulders as you pull out – he whimpers and eases himself back onto the bed, breath leaving his lips in soft pants.
It takes you a few minutes to put everything away – sheets and the harness and dildo can be cleaned tomorrow – and you come back with a warm washcloth, gently rubbing Jihoon’s cute and sweaty face with it. The original towel had been dirtied, and also lost on the floor somewhere.
When you finally settle down beside him he looks so exhausted and wrecked that you honestly feel a little bit proud – he shifts so he can face you, a sleepy and satisfied smile adorning his face, a few strands of wetted hair from the washcloth sticking to his face.
“You feel good, Jihoonie? Everything okay?” You ask him softly, and he nods and reaches for your underwear.
“Yes, mommy.” His fingers draw a soft, fluttering line down the cotton covering your core, and you watch him with cool eyes – this was new. Usually he was content to fall asleep in your arms.
“Mommy never gets to feel good.” He murmured softly, voice tired but eyes bright. “And she’s so wet..”
“Mommy feels good when she makes you feel good, baby.” You answered quietly – it wasn’t that Jihoon didn’t have any effect on you, but you were used to keeping yourself calm and composed. “Don’t worry about me, Jihoonie, you should rest.”
Jihoon doesn’t even act like he hears you, slowly scooting forward as his lithe fingers pull the fabric aside. His pupils, perpetually blown with lust, seem to expand again just at the sight.
Those sinful little fingers of his collect some of the moisture on his fingertips as he slides them up to rub softly against the little nub, pink tongue darting out to moisten his lips.
Your expression doesn’t falter but your body feels like it’s been struck with electricity, tingles sliding over your skin like water. Even with such a simple action he can elicit that type of response from you. (Even if you hide it.)
“Baby? What are you doing?” Your voice was steady, your fingers brushing through his hair, straightening it as he scooted the short distance to you. “You can take care of me some other time – “
He ignores you – a bad boy, though you feel inclined to let it slide this time – ducking forward to swipe a not so hesitant tongue against your slit, his thumb coming up to apply a gentle pressure to your clit.
“Did you want to taste me that badly, Jihoonie?” You murmur quietly, and he moans softly in appreciation, agreeing with your statement.
He’s methodical and precise, tongue delving deep while his thumb keeps a constant rhythm, and eventually you can feel the tightening in your gut, the heat that washes over you, the tension gathering at the base of your spine.
“Jihoonie..” You warn him quietly, fingers dancing across his cheek in a caress. “You’re so good to me. I’m going to come on your tongue soon.”
The sound he gives you in response is needy, and the little devil speeds up what he’s doing, desperate to taste you more. Your laugh is soft and breathy and it transforms into a sweet moan that he echoes back to you, lapping at you as the tension in your spine releases in the form of an orgasm, eyes sliding shut in ecstasy.
“Good.. good boy. Good Jihoonie. You’re so good to me.” You murmur softly, letting him continue to lick at you for a time, making sure he’s got everything up before you gently insist that he moves back to the pillow.
His smile is dazed but naughty, the hints of the Jihoon you know slipping through his submissive expression, and he watches you with sharp eyes as you slide your panties off and drop them on the floor to be picked up later.
You slide under the covers next to him and he curls instantly into your side, heading seeking out your shoulder.
“Mommy tasted good.” There’s absolutely no hints of submission in his sentence – he sounds cocky and confident and he’s fucking teasing you, so you have no qualms with flicking the arm of his that has been slung over you.
“Shut up.” You answer back, smile on your face, and his soft little chuckle resonates through you in a decidedly comforting manner.
The two of you stay like that for a while, in a haze of sleepy euphoria. He’s the first to fall asleep, and when you can feel his even breathing fluttering over your skin softly you allow yourself to sink deeper into sleep, satisfied that he was okay for the night.
242 notes · View notes
aju-naisu · 7 years
everybody clap your hands
(aka, seventeen’s daily interactions in the form of a Skype chat)
Chapter 1: only the best
NAEGAHOSH: you know what fuck all of you, there’s no damn respect in this house, you can all go die
dabasaurus: i have porn
Jesus: whAT
NAEGAHOSH: ..you can live
NAEGAHOSH: for slightly longer.
Warnings: swear words ; crack fic?? idk man this is just my inner thoughts written out ; religious jokes (probably be warned, it’s not intentional to offend or harm anyone in anyway)
based on “national hot dad alliance is now calling...” by @owlinaminor​ and @dicaeopolis​
where it all begins (aka chapter 1 of emotional trash dump)
Word Count: a sad 900 words of vomit or so
May 28, 2017 1:24 PM
NAEGAHOSH created ‘the best unit in the universe’
NAEGAHOSH added Prince of China, dabasaurus, Little giant
NAEGAHOSH: welcome, everyone to the place where only the best can be
Little giant: Well then,
NAEGAHOSH has been removed from the group
Little giant: Now only the best are here
dabasaurus: lol
NAEGAHOSH has been added to the group
NAEGAHOSH: thanks jun
Prince of China: No problem
dabasaurus: nooooo why’d you add him back we were just starting to get into the details of the story!!!
Prince of China: What story?
dabasaurus: never mind it’s ruined now >:(
4:20 PM
Little giant: 4:20
dabasaurus: 4:20
4:21 PM
Prince of China: 4:20
Prince of China: Dang it
dabasaurus: lololl what a loser
6:14 PM
NAEGAHOSH: so i was thinking
NAEGAHOSH: why don’t we add the others
dabasaurus: okay everyone but seungkwan
Little giant: Whys that
dabasaurus: i thought this chat was only for the best
Little giant: oh lolol
Prine of China: Haha
NAEGAHOSH: so is that a yeah?
Little giant: hell yeah
NAEGAHOSH added sunshine rainbows ☀️🌈, DadCoups, memelord and 4 others
May 29, 2017
10:56 AM
DadCoups: What is this?
sunshine rainbows ☀️🌈: its a chat cant u c
DadCoups: Well, yeah, I can see, but, what is it for?
sunshine rainbows ☀️🌈: hm beats me
NAEGAHOSH: idk either really, it began with a chat with us performance unit and then we added you guys so
DadCoups: Ah, I see.
May 30, 2017
8:14 AM
2gud4u: u kno i’ve been meaning to ask but
2gud4u: y aren’t our little jihoonie and seungkwanie in this chat while the rest of us r?
Jesus: I don’t know, why don’t you add them?
2gud4u: good idea
2gud4u: wait whut y
NAEGAHOSH: ji’s just gonna get mad and leave
2gud4u: i don’t think so
NAEGAHOSH added Genius Producer to the group
Genius Producer: Why am I here
Genius Producer left the group
NAEGAHOSH: i told you so
2gud4u: huh
NAEGAHOSH added Genius Producer to the group
Genius Producer: Stop
Genius Producer left the group
NAEGAHOSH added Genius Producer to the group
Genius Producer left the group
NAEGAHOSH added Genius Producer to the group
Genius Producer left the group
NAEGAHOSH added Genius Producer to the group
Genius Producer left the group
NAEGAHOSH added Genius Producer to the group
Genius Producer left the group
[cut for length]
2gud4u added Genius Producer to the group
Genius Producer: What even is this chat
NAEGAHOSH: aRe yOU seRIOus i SpENT lIKE 5 miNUTeS doInG thIS shIT AND yOu dO tHIs???!??!?
2gud4u: idk soonyoung made it
Genius Producer: Can I leave then
2gud4u: no
Genius Producer: Fine
NAEGAHOSH: what the fuck. this is unjust, this is discrimination, why am i being hated
Little giant: I like you soonyoung
NAEGAHOSH: aww thanks chan
Little giant: jk
NAEGAHOSH: you’re adopted
11:46 AM
memelord added beyonce’s ass to the group
beyonce’s ass: oh my god finally why am i the last one being added
beyonce’s ass: tbh i should’ve been the first
beyonce’s ass: y’all are dead without me
beyonce’s ass: i’m the one who actually does shit in this house but i nevER GET RESPECTED FOR THIS???
beyonce’s ass: why do i even put up with all of u honestly
beyonce’s ass: i can’t believe i had to beg, BEG, vernon to fucking add me
beyonce’s ass: hey dipshit (soonyoung) you called jihoon ignoring you discrimination???
beyonce’s ass: well newsflash bitch this is the biggest discrimination act of all time
[cut for length]
12:54 PM
DadCoups: You know Seungkwan, you could’ve been doing something much more productive in that 1 hour rather than ranting about something pointless
beyonce’s ass: idc bitch
DadCoups: Excuse me?
beyonce’s ass: okAY but have you SEEN soonyoung???? i can’t believe he added EVERYONE else EXCEPT for me, is that not discrimination???????
DadCoups: We were going to
beyonce’s ass: yeah when exactly hmmmm
DadCoups: Um… Eventually.
beyonce’s ass: i can’t believe you’re roasting me too
6:38 PM
im not emo sent a photo
Skincare: why am i not surprised that the first you did in this chat was send memes
im not emo: Well the first thing you did was respond to it so HA
Skincare: uh
Skincare: ok
im not emo: It sounded better in my head
im not emo changed the group name to ‘what a wonderful world’
May 31, 2017
1:22 AM
memelord sent a photo
memelord sent a photo
memelord sent a photo
memelord sent a photo
DadCoups: Vernon, go to sleep.
memelord: okay wait one more D:
memelord sent a photo
memelord: maybe two
memelord sent a photo
memelord sent a photo
memelord sent a photo
Jesus: Go to sleep Vernon
memelord: fine ))))):
Jesus: Good
DadCoups: Thank you, Joshua
Jesus: No problem, but, why are you still awake?
DadCoups: I could say the same to you
Jesus: Touché
memelord sent a photo
9:47 AM
NAEGAHOSH: hey guys if you don’t come down for breakfast right now i’m gonna eat it all
dabasaurus: honestly no one cares soonyoung
NAEGAHOSH: you know what fuck all of you, there’s no damn respect in this house, you can all go die
dabasaurus: i have porn
Jesus: whAT
NAEGAHOSH: ..you can live
NAEGAHOSH: for slightly longer.
Little giant: Just come eat your damn breakfast
dabasaurus: roasted
DadCoups: Language
Jesus: Language
2gud4u: language chan! >:(
im not emo changed the group name to ‘we’re all children of god’
62 notes · View notes
ennergetics · 7 years
FILLED REQUEST: the manual, a young love! park jihoon au
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pairing: park jihoon x reader genre: fluff, angst wordcount: 2779 summary: Park Jihoon has always done things by the book. When your life intertwines with his, he finds himself wishing there were a manual for love. warnings: none (as per the request, this is vaguely inspired by eddy kim’s the manual! cross-posted on ao3.) 
The first time Park Jihoon really notices you is when you leave a note in his locker, asking to see him in your classroom after class hours. You’re both freshmen at Seoul’s premium performing arts high school, and barely two months of the school year have passed. Jihoon already dreads the awkward confrontation, but is too polite—and too unwilling to make enemies—to turn you down.
“Park Jihoon,” you say, your ears blazing red, “I like you.”
He asked around about you before coming here, finding the typical background: kid from the provinces, looking for a company to enter as a trainee, multi-talented. Unlike most of the others, however, you take your studies seriously, and naturally attract the other academically inclined students in your class. Bossy, blunt, and forward—not really words to describe an idol personality.
“Um,” he says, trying to find the words to say. You’re watching him with a calculating look on your face, and he swears you can see right through the bullshit consoling words he’s about to spout. Instead, he says, “I think we’d be great friends.”
And you shrug, closing your eyes before smiling at him. “It was worth a shot. You mean it?” Jihoon is surprised to find he does, that in a school full of fake smiles and soulless civility, your honesty is refreshing. When he nods, you come closer and shake his hand to seal the deal.
It’s awkward at first, especially when you join Jihoon at the lunch table where he normally eats alone. “Why’d you confess to me when we’ve barely said two words to each other?” Jihoon says, tact thrown to the wind. You don’t seem to mind, shrugging as if you hadn’t been a blushing mess the day before.
“You’re driven, charming, and cute,” you say. “What’s not to like?”
“And this isn’t weird for you?” he says carefully, poking at his food. While he's well-liked, he doesn't really have anyone whom he can trust. 
You laugh, reaching out to pat his hand. “It’d be a loss to me if we weren’t friends just because of a little crush. You’re sweet, Jihoonie. Don’t worry; I’m over it.”
As the year goes on, you end up partnering together for most of your projects, since both of you are taking the same major. By far, the two of you are the most competent at your majors in your year—Jihoon helps you with your acting classes, and you’re a stricter vocal coach than the one the school provides.
It’s easy for the two of you to slip into a routine, your training calendars syncing complementarily. It helps that you’re still in the audition process at a lot of different companies, so you can pick up his slack as a trainee. With a joint set of online notes, keeping up with different class material is simple, and any time you spend preparing for practical tests are moments for you to tutor him in math or for him to explain chemical reactions to you.
Both of you live at the school’s dorms, your roommates out often to do promotions. Jihoon’s room becomes your favourite study place, particularly because it’s big enough for you to practice dance routines. By your second term, you’ve practically moved in, the late nights cramming for yet another project ending with you asleep in his absent roommate’s bed.
Jihoon slips in and out of classes more often, the company he’s with telling him he’s likely to debut with a new group. You’re constantly texting him encouragement, taking pictures of the whiteboard in classes and the black bean noodles you’ll both eat as soon as he’s back from training. He finds himself missing you, though he never says so. Jihoon’s never been good at finding the right words to say, not the type to express emotions unless it’s necessary.
One day, he enters his room with a grim expression on his face. Immediately, you ask what’s wrong, and he hands you an envelope with x-rays of his knee.
“I can’t debut,” he says, his fists clenched tightly at his side. Without a word, you hug him, and for the first time since his short stint as an actor, Jihoon lets someone else see him cry, ugly sobs wracking his body as he pulls you close. The smell of your cucumber melon shampoo is comforting, and later, when he calms down, you hold his face in your hands.
“Not yet, you hear? ‘Can’t debut’ yet,” you say fiercely, looking into his eyes.
After that, something changes between you two, a subtle shift he can’t really identify. Your friendship becomes more tactile, you leaning on him whenever you’re on his bed watching choreography videos on your laptop, him resting his chin on your shoulder when you’re catching him up on what he’s missed.
It’s after a good day for both of you—he’s just signed with Maroo Entertainment, and you’ve gotten shortlisted as a trainee at two companies—that you decide to go out. You’re both done with your homework for the next day, and the guards are fond of you and unlikely to rat you out. You leave during study period right after lunch, and both of you rent out bikes for the afternoon, a welcome break from the tedium of school and work life.
You’re at a field near the school, the sun about to set, when you look over at him with a grin. “I’m grateful for the excellent chicken at lunch, the scenery we just saw, the companies who might be willing to accept my talents, and you,” you say, stretching your hands in the air. “What are you thankful for, Jihoonie?”
He considers for a moment before responding. “For Maroo and the chicken, yeah.” You push him playfully. “And you, I guess,” he says, smirking. As you bike back to school, Jihoon feels like he could fly.
It becomes a ritual for the two of you, and you end every night with a short list of what you’re grateful for. Not every day is as pleasant—both companies ultimately reject you, and you grow frustrated at having to start the search all over again. Jihoon’s fate is still in limbo at Maroo, as they’re unable to find a group that fits him. Somehow, though, saying thank you for something every day keeps him positive. Jihoon tells himself you’re only marginally to do with it, but he can’t help how much space you’ve carved for yourself in his heart.
Soon it’s your second year, and Jihoon begins to have a reputation at school, rejecting confessions left and right with a polite smile. With you, he expresses his frustration that they all see him as this perfect prince. You shrug, saying, “You’re building that image and it comes with it, Jihoonie. Only I know how much of a bastard you really are.”
You laugh and he groans, but he feels pleasantly warm. Jihoon takes comfort in that, that there’s someone who remembers he’s still a teenager, someone who’ll let him be awkward, who’ll critique him when he’s trying to come up with a memorable concept for himself and laugh in his face when he says something cringe-worthy. He almost dreads the day you’ll have less time for him, selfishly wanting to keep you to himself.
Jihoon thinks he’s jinxed it because soon you’re coming to him with a bright grin on your face, talking a mile a minute about how you’ve been signed at a hip-hop company like you’ve dreamed. They’ve made you sign a non-disclosure agreement about the details, but he can tell it’s a company that’ll take care of you. You’re out more often, and Jihoon sees you less and less because you’re always at trainings.
You come back with stories about the other trainees. “They’re really so amazing,” you say breathlessly, “like I’ve never seen so much talent condensed in so little space.” There’s a light in your eyes as you describe a particular one. “He was really shy at first, but he’s hilarious and so, so talented, especially when he dances!”
And Jihoon knows that look; it’s the same one you’d shot at him right before you confessed to him, hopeful and sweet. He can’t help but feel jealous, and it’s ridiculous because you’re much better friends now. He’s deeply involved in your life, as you are in his, and he knows he’s your best friend, the one who rejected your feelings at the beginning of it all.
But over the year he’s known you, Jihoon’s grown attached to the sound of your voice, to the warmth of your embrace, to the casual finger hearts you send his way when you feel him looking at you. You’re dear to him, he knows, and he might even like you that way. The problem, he knows, is that he’s not like you—he’s not a risk-taker. The thought of what might happen to your friendship if he says anything to change the balance you have now, the thought of not seeing you in his room at the end of every grueling day: these thoughts scare him.
You’re at your typical Saturday night haunt, a small coffeeshop that’s often empty besides the two of you, when Jihoon tells you the news that he’s been struggling to keep a secret from you. “There’s this show that I’ll be joining,” he says, his voice muffled by the mask he’s wearing. “It’s a popularity competition that’ll form a group of eleven at the end.”
“Is this Produce101?” you say quietly, looking at him. When he nods, your face breaks into a smile, and you reach out to take his hand. “That’s an amazing opportunity, Jihoon! I’ll be voting for you every day! When does it start?”
He fiddles with your fingers, his face apologetic. “Filming starts tomorrow. That’s why I really wanted to meet you today. Are you mad?”
“A little bit,” you say with a frown. “Now I can’t send you off with a cake or anything. Have you packed? We’re going to my house and I’m making you a care package with the snacks you’ve filled my fridge with!”
You spend the rest of the night in your room, talking about everything and nothing. Jihoon feels the ball of nerves in his stomach loosen a little in your presence, and he can’t help but stay out a little later than he’d promised the agency. Too soon, he asks for permission to leave, and you walk with him to your main door.
“Jihoon,” you say, pulling him close. In the dim light of your hallway, he can barely make out your features, but he looks anyway, trying to memorize the face he won’t be seeing for months. “You’ll kill it, okay? I have absolute faith in you.” You kiss him lightly on the cheek. “A good luck charm from the wicked witch of the School of Performing Arts,” you murmur, and Jihoon is glad that you can’t see him blush.
The next few weeks go by like a blur. Jihoon dives into it whole-heartedly, trying not to check his phone except in the shower, where there are no cameras. He knows exactly what the stakes are, what kind of image he needs to protect. Still, your silly texts and encouraging words are like quick moments that let him be himself.
[7:42 am] wow my best friend is a visual I CALLED IT FIRST
[9:05 pm] jihoonie let the kkukkukkakka die wat were u thinkin
[4:32 pm] VOTING FOR U!!!!!! u were the best in ur team obvs
Distance from you is more difficult than he thought it would be. You’ve wormed your way into his life deeper than he expected, and he misses the way you roll your eyes whenever someone says something awful, the random cute post-its you’d leave on his bed when you wouldn’t be at your shared room. 
You’re in the crowd somewhere during finale night, a presence to comfort Jihoon even as he feels disappointed that he’s second place. He never lets it show on his face, and he wonders if you’ll know. When the cameras are off, he calls you first.
“Hey,” you say, “you’ve made it, winkboy! I’m so proud!” Jihoon says nothing, smiling at the sound of the voice he hadn’t heard in so long.
“Are you bitter you’re not first?” you say shrewdly. Jihoon makes a non-committal noise, hating and loving how easily you read his mind. “You’ve done a great job, Jihoon.” Your tone is soft, a comforting hug through the phone line, and it soothes some of the frustration in his heart. “What’s important is what follows, yeah?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” he says, the first thing he’s muttered since you picked up the line. “They’re giving me the weekend off.”
“Sunday,” you say, “I have stuff to take care of tomorrow.” There’s a guardedness to your tone that makes Jihoon nervous. “I love you, Jihoonie! See you!” His heart skips a beat at your words, and the reality of everything comes crashing down on him. The call ends before he can respond, and all the better.
Park Jihoon plans the Sunday meticulously. Maybe everything didn’t go as planned at Produce101, but your date with him will be perfect. It’ll lead up to his confession, with Jihoon finally admitting to the feelings he’s kept at bay forever.
You spend the first hour at the café, him sitting on the couch beside you as he whispers the things that weren’t caught on camera. You’re more radiant than he remembered, and each smile and laugh you send his way feeds the flame.
“I’ve got something to tell you,” you say, uncharacteristically shy. Warning bells go off in Jihoon’s head, and he’s glad for the mask because it means you can’t see him frown. “Someone from my company asked me out.”
He looks down for a minute, at a loss for words with you for the first time since you’d confessed, all those months ago.
“Don’t be mad,” you say, reading his confusion as anger. Jihoon can tell you’re really nervous about telling him this because normally you can tell exactly what he’s feeling. “I’m sorry I kept it from you.”
“It’s okay,” he says, with a calmness he doesn’t really feel. “When do I get to meet this guy?”
You’re still not looking at him. Jihoon realizes with a start that it’s because you’re feeling guilty. “You know him already,” you say softly.
Jihoon connects the dots—hip-hop company, dancer—and figures it out right before you say it.
“I’m sorry I asked Woojinie to keep it from you!” you say, looking at him with your brows furrowed, biting at your lower lip. “I didn’t want to distract you while you were there.”
“Hey,” Jihoon says, “it’s okay. It’s okay. Let me walk you home?”
You’re both quiet as you walk the familiar path. He takes your hand to reassure you that he’s not mad at you, and soon he sees you relax in the corner of his eye. In no time, you’re at your front door, hidden from the world’s prying eyes by your gate.
Jihoon pulls off the mask and smiles at you. “What are you thankful for today?” he says lightly, reminding you of the game you used to play.
“I’m thankful I got to see you today,” you say, listing things out on your fingers, “thankful I got to catch up with you, and thankful you won.” You pause for a bit before saying, “What about you?”
“I’m thankful for you,” Jihoon says simply. You pull him close, and Jihoon closes his eyes, overwhelmed by emotions he can’t describe. He wants to laugh—he never expected you to matter this much to him. The two of you have terrible timing; you were too early, and now he’s too late. He wishes there were some kind of manual, that there were a clean-cut guide on how to fall in love. Instead, there was you, your quips and grins and this warm embrace, invading the carefully protected nooks of his heart.
Still, he knows he wants you in his life, in whatever capacity. Surrounded by your clean scent, Jihoon gathers up the courage to tell you how he feels, whispering into your hair, unsure whether you hear him.
You pull back too soon. “I love you too,” you say, your eyes bright. “I’ll see you next week?”
“Yeah,” he says, and you kiss his cheek before closing the door with a smile. Jihoon keeps his grin on until you’ve closed the door, and only then does he start to think about what he’s lost.
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