#prince ruhn x reader
The Witchling (Part I)
Insert with: Ruhn Danaan
Reader: Female (she/her)
Words: 2100+
About: Ruhn and his girlfriend are having a rough night…
Warning(s): (spoilers for this story ahead) violent fighting, character death, near death, vampirism (TVD), werewolf bite (sorry, Ruhn)
A/N: Day Six of Ruhn Week 2024! The prompt is "Night". @ruhnweek New stories all week! So, y’all can blame @danikamariewrites for this post, because that’s what gave me this idea. I was at a loss for this day until I saw that (amazing!) post. So, yeah. @danikamariewrites your fault.😏 (I’m already working on a Part II. *cough cough*)
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Ruhn sat on the edge of his desk at the Aux, phone pressed to his ear. "I’m so sorry I can’t be there to see you off."
Your laughter floated through the line, though it did little to ease his guilt. "Stop, it’s fine. The city needs you more than me. I can manage one night without some grand farewell."
He ran a hand through his hair. "You know I’m always here for you, right? Even when you’re out with your coven?”
"You worry too much, prince. We take care of each other.” Your heart tightened at the lie you told, your fingers tracing the edge of the blood bag hidden in your coat. “Plus, I have my own magic to protect me, remember?"
"I know, but…" He hesitated. I want to be with you. "I just hate the thought of you out there without me."
"I know," you whispered, showing your heart. "And I love that about you. But you have to trust me. I can handle myself."
"I do trust you, witchling. It’s just…” It’s dangerous. “I miss you."
Your breath hitched, the weight of your secret pressing down on you. "I miss you too, Ruhn. More than you know."
The silence between the two of you was thick, filled with half-spoken lies. You broke it first, your playful tone meant to mask the ache in your chest. "I’ll make it worth your wait."
Ruhn’s chuckle was warm as he joined in on your joke. "I’m gonna hold you to that.”
But the warmth fell flat even for himself. He knew these hunts were part of your culture, and because they were, he would never be invited to come along, but he didn't like you spending an overnight outside the city. Even if your coven was with you. “Be safe, okay?"
"Always," she replied. "I love you, Ruhn."
"I love you too, Y/N. Call me when you get back, please?"
You didn’t respond, but he heard your breathing change. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
Ruhn heard the phone clatter to the ground, and other voices over the line. He called to you, but no one responded. Only the sound of shuffling and yelps of pain.
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Your heart raced as you crouched low, shadows coiling around you like dark tendrils enveloping an egg. Your phone lay on the ground, Ruhn’s frantic voice faint in the stillness of the standoff. The creature that had knocked your phone out of your hand breathed heavily just out of sight. It stepped into the moonbeam, his eyes gleaming. It was a… human?
"Who are you?" you demanded. "What do you want?"
A hulking wolf-shifter stepped forward with a sneer. No, he was the one whose breathing you’d heard. "You’re trespassing, witch. This is our territory."
Your eyes narrowed. The Auxiliary had strict patrol zones, and you had been careful to avoid them. Sometimes that meant betraying other borders. "I'm not here for trouble. Just passing through."
"Passing through?" said another voice, dripping. An angel stepped into the dim light, his wings casting eerie shadows on the alley walls. "Looks like you’re doing more than just passing through."
Your hand closed on the empty blood bag in your pocket. “I don’t want any trouble,” you said.
But you were already in trouble. The shadows beyond these men rippled and half a dozen more of their pack stepped forward. It was a mixed pack, one developed by those exiled from their own; it was exactly the kind of unholy union your kind was meant to manage.
These packs always had something to prove. And you were their new target.
One of the shifters lunged at you, claws extended. You dodged, your body moving with heightened speed. It was fast enough to get away, but not as fast as you were capable of. Hunger gnawed at your insides, weakening you. You retaliated with a swift kick that sent the shifter sprawling back. His pack growled. They weren’t done.
"Come on, then," you said, summoning your shadow magic to envelop your attackers. Tendrils of darkness wrapped around their limbs. In your weakened state, though, the shadows couldn’t hold tight, and one by one, they broke free.
You didn’t have time to think about it. Another beast charged, jaws snapping. You sidestepped, slashing with a blade concealed in your sleeve, drawing blood. He howled, and you took a step back, your breath coming in ragged gasps. The angel watched, a cruel smile on his lips.
"Is that all you've got?" he asked in a genuine voice, then launched himself at you. You blocked and countered, but each movement was draining. The depleted blood in your veins was already a concern; without it, your strength would continue to wane.
A sharp pain exploded in your side as a shifter’s claws raked across your ribs. You staggered, barely avoiding a second blow. Your mind raced. You needed to escape. You couldn't die here, not like this. Not without seeing Ruhn again.
The angel laughed, his blade glinting as it slashed at you. You managed to land a punch that sent him reeling.
But it wasn’t enough.
Their pack of misfits surrounded you, eyes glowing. You felled one, then another, but they kept coming, relentless.
Each dodge you made, each strike you landed— They all stripped your energy, your weakened state making each step more and more unsteady. Your instincts were dulling, too, confirmed by the barrelling strike one of the shifters surprised you with. His big paws pinned you down as your blade skittered away across the pavement. His teeth bared down on you, inches from your face, when his nose caught a whiff. "You smell… different." He sniffed you again, and his pupils swelled with primal recognition. "Prey."
Your blood ran cold. They could scent your true nature. You were in over your head.
You didn’t have a choice. You let your true eyes show, glowing red in the dark. The wolf in him sneered, thrilled. But then, he faltered. Your eyes seared into his, and his body heated from the inside out. Panic threaded into his eyes. Then, he was crippling off of you, sharp cries falling out of him as his blood boiled.
You took the chance to scramble away. A heel landed on something with a crack. It was your phone, the cracked screen gone black. Ruhn… You’d forgotten about him. He’d heard all this?
"Interesting." The angel gleamed, sadistically delighted, as he stepped closer. "You're not just any witch, are you?"
“What gave me away?” You spat, pushing to your feet. The blood magic had faded from your eyes. But so had the energy you desperately needed.
The angel kicked your blade back across the pavement. It landed by your feet, but you didn’t dare take it. “Go on,” he said. “We’ll wait.
You eyed him, your muscles prepared to leap at any sign of movement, and kneeled to retrieve your blade. As soon as your fingers wrapped around it, the human—a Vanir, you realized—launched at you. He held two blades, and he wielded them well. You struggled to dodge, landing only one blow good enough to stun him. Your speed glitched behind him and you cracked his neck, letting the limp body fall.
You were breathing hard now, unable to catch your breath. This was it. You weren’t going to survive this fight. Now, you just needed to make your body as presentable as possible for when Ruhn inevitably found your corpse.
The angel hmph-ed in amusement. He stepped forward. “Let’s finish this.”
You launched at him, focusing your strength into your feet to stay balanced as you parried with each other. He was good, and tonight, you weren’t much better. Tonight, he was a worthy opponent for your last fight. He shoved you with his arm and you tripped, landing hard on your knees. “Stay down, witch.”
Pain and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm you. How could you fight when your own body was betraying you? You pushed to your feet. If this was your last, you were gonna make sure it was one hell of a fight.
Teeth sank deep into your shoulder and you cried out at the searing pain, the sound echoing in the narrow alley. Agony washed through your veins, frying every nerve ending in your body, and you collapsed under it. Terror struck you. A wolf bite. No…
‘Y/N!’ You heard your name on Ruhn’s voice crash in your mind, the first sign it was over. Your mental block had fractured and crumbled, and Ruhn knew it.
That only made this worse.
The angel laughed, a deep, haunting laugh. "Finish her," he ordered.
You lashed out, catching the angel off-guard. Your blade sliced the base of his wing, shaving feathers off to the quick. He stumbled back, cursing, but his pack was relentless. Claws and blades tore at you, your only defense to pull shadows around you like a shield. You could feel the venom spreading, your body—and your magic—growing weaker with each passing second.
One last desperate, crazy idea. Gathering the last drops of your strength and magic, you pulled the shadows tightly to ball at your chest. They resisted the tight compression, needing to be free, but you held tight, sweat and blood streaking down your skin. It took all your strength to hold them tight.
The angel towered over you, bright white under the moonlight. “Goodbye, witch,” he said, and daggered his blade down at you.
You released your hold and the shadows splintered from their confines, exploding in all directions. Their razor edges ripped through the last of your attackers. You saw the blurry image of angel wings fall to the ground as darkness overtook you.
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The bullpen was in chaos, and it was all Ruhn’s fault. He had burst out of his office towards the boys when he heard the fighting on the other side of the line. He put it on speaker-phone and watched the men get white in the face.
Flynn and Ithan had wrestled with him, trying to calm him down, but the second the phone line went dead, Ruhn lost it. His roar of frustration and panic echoed through the building, silencing everyone. Flynn's grip on his arm tightened, and Ithan stepped in front of him, an attempt to calm him that didn’t do much.
"Dec, find her!" Ruhn snapped. Declan was already hunched over his station, fingers flying over the keyboard as he scanned security footage. "Check every damn camera near the gates!"
"She's with her coven, right?" Dec asked, but didn’t wait for an answer.
Ruhn's mind raced. He had to focus, had to think. Your mental block was up, and that was a good sign. It meant you were still conscious, still fighting. But it also meant he couldn't reach you, couldn't tell you he was coming. His chest tightened, helplessness crushing him.
Your agony sliced into Ruhn’s mind like a white-hot iron, the force of it physically knocking him to his knees. It was a raw, guttural sound like nothing he’d ever heard.
"Ruhn!" Flynn shouted, dropping to his side. "What's happening?"
"Y/N," Ruhn whispered, breath coming fast from the flash of your pain. You’d never spoken in his mind before. He couldn’t help the sick feeling that came with it this time. Flynn's face was a pale blur before him, eyes wide with alarm. Ithan dropped a hand on his shoulder.
"We’ll find her," Ithan said, his voice strong like he meant it. "She’ll be okay."
Ruhn nodded, swallowing hard. He forced himself to stand, unsteady on his limbs. "We need Hypaxia," he said, his voice raw. "She might know where Y/N is."
Flynn nodded, and Ithan pulled out his phone, dialing the witch-queen's number, and handed it to him. It felt like an eternity before she answered. "Where’s Aurora?" he barked. No time for pleasantries.
"Ruhn, what happened?"
"She's not with her coven, is she?"
"No," Hypaxia admitted, her voice soft. "She's alone."
Ruhn's fists clenched at his sides, his knuckles white. "Where is she?"
"I don't know, but she would've gone to her caches.” Hypaxia said. “I know where one is."
"Give me the address," he growled. He snapped his fingers at Flynn and he bolted over.
Hypaxia rattled off the address, and Ruhn relayed it to Declan, who immediately triangulated it on his screens. "I'll meet you there," Hypaxia added. "I have the key."
"Fine," Ruhn bit out, then gave Ithan his phone back. He turned to Flynn. "You're coming with me. Ithan, keep your phone hot. I'll send you another address if she's not there."
Flynn nodded, already pulling on his coat. Declan called out from his station, "I don't see anyone on the cameras."
"She's alone," Ruhn barked, his voice echoing through the bullpen. He didn't wait for a response, didn't look back as he darted out the door.
Part II Part III coming soon!
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crumbledcastle28 · 4 months
SJM Masterlist
Azriel Shadowsinger
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I'll Be Fine
Welcome Back *SMUT*
Dance with Me
Book Worm
On the Floor *SMUT*
Good Morning *SMUT*
Wingspan *SMUT*
Keep Talking
Worst Fear - Worst Nightmare
Test Me
Not Tonight *SMUT*
Young God
Sex Habits *SMUT*
Let Go *SMUT*
Limping Home *SMUT*
Ruhn Danaan
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Sweet Relief *SMUT*
Rowan Whitethorn
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daydreaming-nerd · 7 months
Daydreaming Nerd Masterlist ☁️✨
Welcome to my mind palace where the things I spend all day maladaptive daydreaming about find their home <3. Everything is X Female! Reader.
Fluff 💖
Smut 🔥
Angst 🥀
Taylor Swift Inspired 🏹
ACOTAR: 🏔️✨⚔️
Bat Boys (poly!):
You Want a Baby? (Bat Boys x Reader) 🔥 Part 2 💖
Our Girl 🔥 Rhys
The Bonds That Break Us (completed):💖🥀🔥 Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Final Part
Unconditionally. 🥀 💖
Our girl 🔥
Implode 🥀
Lipstick Kisses 💖🥀🔥
How Did It End? 🥀🏹
The Prophecy 💖🥀🔥🏹 Part 2 , Part 3 (final)
The Angel Of Music 💖
I'll Crawl Home To Her 🥀 💖
Young Love and Old Money (series) 💖🥀🔥
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? 💖🥀🔥 (in the works)
Eris Vanserra:
Lucien Vanserra:
The Prophecy 💖🥀🔥🏹 Part 2, Part 3 (final)
Crescent City: 🌆🌙✨
Ruhn Danaan:
Shadows and Sins 💖🥀🔥
Hunt Athalar:
Alphahole :🥀🔥 (in the works)
Tharion Ketos:
Throne of Glass: 🌲🦌🩵
Rowan Whitethorn:
Dorian Havilliard:
Fourth Wing:⚔️🔥🖤
Xaden Riorson:
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 6 months
Casual intimacy
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a/n Cracks knuckles… let’s go… 🙃 I loved writing this so I hope you will enjoyed reading it. Cause this one cracked something deep within me. 🫧🤭
request: Hiii! I absolutely love your work I think you're so talented. If you have time can I request an angsty Ruhn x Reader, maybe he gets jealous or something because she has such a bubbly personality and guys flock to her?
warning: a bit suggestive here and there, alcohol, drugs, smoking.
Ruhn was tired. Playing pretend always drained him. For the most part, he bit back at his father, but even there were limits. And when his father wasn’t at the center of his headaches, the fact that he was a crowned prince was. Ruhn flicked the cigarette out of the open car window as he waited for the light to turn green. “Be on the bed when I get back," he typed out quickly. A slight smile tugged at his lips.
Ruhn imagined that crimson haze creeping onto your cheeks. You had been an angel when you two first met. More like a caged bird. And while the world saw him as a devil who made a good girl go bad, in reality, he had freed you from the chains that had bound you to the dark cell for eternity. And if everyone was having a fright at the sight of a cigarette or a shot glass in your hand, they could all go fuck themselves.
A ding had Ruhn glancing at the screen in his car. "Unfortunately, I won’t be able to oblige," the message read, and Ruhn frowned. He blinked a couple of times. It was usually “you’re an idiot” or a nice picture that sent him pressing his foot just a bit more on the gas. What was the reason for this? Did you get your period? But that wasn’t very likely. Ruhn could sense when the red flow was coming. And you weren’t talking about cramps. He was about to fire out a quick “because?” when another ding sounded. And a picture appeared on the dash. A growl ripped through him. Here you stood. An innocent smile, still in the dress Ruhn had watched you put on this morning. By your side stood Flynn, who looked like a lost dog, glancing at the half-made sandwich on the counter. No, this wasn’t happening. Not tonight.
Ruhn quickly dialed your phone, gripping the steering wheel tightly. You didn’t even get a chance to breathe on the other side as he huffed, “What the fuck?” The music was almost deafening. So was the sea of voices. That scraped like a nail against his mind. “Hey, hotshot, this wasn’t my idea," you chirped, and as much as Ruhn was frustrated, the sound of your voice alone made his shoulders ease. “Tell them to fuck off," he hissed. He should have moved out long ago. Gotten you two an apartment and called it a day. “I can’t do that; I don’t live here." You chuckled softly, giggling at something Flynn said. Ruhn frowned. “You are my girlfriend; you are entitled to do what you want there," he pointed out. You had refused the title. Refused any benefits dating someone like him brought. The doors it opened. It was one of many reasons Ruhn loved you. Because for the very first time, he felt more than his title. More than just a pawn in someone’s game.
"Ruhn, I am not ordering two grown men around," you said, and while Ruhn didn’t agree, he didn’t get to voice his opinion because his words got overshadowed by someone calling for you. “Oh yeah, you can find that upstairs," you said, Ruhn could hear the smile on your face. "Babe," he called out, not loving the idea that someone had managed to steal your attention from him. “Oh, no, it’s okay. Call if you need anything." From the way your voice sounded, he could also tell that you had the phone away from your ear, so he used other methods. Trusted kind.
Y/n. He spoke within your linked hearts. Feeling the fluster in your heart at his call. But his hope got crushed as soon as it bloomed. Give me a moment, Ruhn. Ruhn not even a hotshot, not a babe. Ruhn gritted his jaw. “No, liquor is on the right shelf," you said, as he listened to you try to get through the crowd of people. “Get your legs off the counter, you freak," you hissed, followed by the sound of a chair being dragged back. "Yeah, sorry, the house is full," you muttered slightly under your breath, and suddenly he was back to hating that party. Because you had woken before the sun had even been up. Studies and work keep you busy. Even if Ruhn had told you many times that you didn’t have to work,
“I am sending them to Urd and then fucking back," he grunted, making you let out a chuckle. The sound of it still made his stomach warm. “Light up, they brought shit to smoke," you sighed, and while he enjoyed a good smoke, especially if you joined him, and even more so if you both rode the aftermath together, he just didn’t want that today. “I don’t...", Ruhn had started when a loud bag came from somewhere in the house, and the place erupted in gassing shouts and angry grunting. “Fuck, got to go," you breathed. "Drive, save, baby," you muttered. “Y/N, don’t go near...”, but the line went dead. "Fuck," the princeling hissed. Oh, he was going to hang both Dec and Flynn by their balls, and he was going to enjoy every second of it.
You were nowhere to be seen when he stepped into the madness of the house. Ruhn felt you, so that had to be good enough for now. You were in the house. The question, however, was where exactly that was. "Man, this is sick." Some guy clasped a hand over Ruhn’s shoulder, making the crowned prince bat the touch away stiffly. “Yeah, dude, you’re dope!" the other shouted, his eyes red as fire. There was too much substance in his body. Ruhn frowned, trying not to show the disgust on his face. “Get your shoes off my fucking carpet," he hissed in dismissal, walking past them. His frustration only grew the more he looked around for you. If not for the music, he would reach out through the bond once again. But his head was pounding, and he knew there was no way for him to concentrate enough.
Then Ruhn’s eyes fell on a small group forming near the kitchen. It wasn’t usual. If people did drugs or mixed drinks, they usually went in groups of two. Not a whole fucking sea of them. An itch inside him flared up, and he didn’t even realize it when he started walking towards it.
“So how did you do it?”, a lazy voice asked as Ruhn approached. “I just painted, silly," and that was all it took for his body to ignite. No one even matched the power your light voice had on his body. “Yeah, but that’s one big canvas," another voice slurred. Ruhn licked his lips as he stepped through the arc, and the sight was far from what he had hoped for. There you stood, a white angel in a sea of hacks. Pouncing on you for a nibble.
“I didn’t sleep, I mean," Ruhn watched as a blush on your cheeks. “Colors just guided me. It sounds insane, I know, and no, I was not high," you said sheepishly, making everyone in the room chuckle. But Ruhn saw it. The way they looked at you. They didn’t care about this. Didn’t care about your passion. Didn’t care about the spark in your eyes as you spoke of the things you loved. You were a spectacle. A pretty thing to look at. But it’s when one of them reached out to tuck the hair that had slipped out of your silk bow that Ruhn stepped forward, yanking one of the guys by the back of the shirt as he shouldered past them.
He only managed to catch a glimpse of you inhaling before his hand wrapped around your neck as he pulled you closer to him. Crashing his lips against your red-painted ones. You melted against him. He cared little for anything else as he bent slightly to grab at your thighs, lifting you and guiding you onto the counter as he spread your legs, stepping in between them. Before his fingers found your hips, he pulled you against him. "Ruhn." Your voice was breathy and weak as you wrapped your legs tighter around his middle. “Want to moan that louder?”, he teased, his lips hovering over your neck as he pinched your bum, making you squeal. “I leave you for a day and come to find you in a sea of men," Ruhn hissed with a shake of his head. You knew that it wasn’t anger. It was more lust and that sparkle of possessiveness.
“Jealous much?”, you purred, smirking as you ran your fingers over his jaw. “Don’t play with me, woman," he muttered, his hand once again wrapping around your throat as he inched closer. "Oh," you coo, “I forgot that you’re just a baby." You sighed, cupping his cheeks, but that was short-lived. One moment you were still on the counter, the other in the air and over your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Ruhn Danaan, put me down." You wiggled in his hands. Tried to hit his chest but for nothing. If anything, that only earned you a slap on your bum and another gasp as your cheeks flared to life with red. “You...", you hissed out, but Ruhn only settled his hand on your ass, keeping the dress over your exposed bottom. Not too keen on others getting a glimpse at what lay underneath. “Don’t finish that unless you want me to spank you again," he mussed, smug as a cat as he moved through the crowd of people.
Whistling met you right by the stairs. One that Ruhn recognized, considering that he stopped. “You two are in deep shit," the crowned prince hissed, throwing a glance at his two best friends. But all they did was laugh. “Fuck it out of him, Yn, please," Dec mussed, grinding his hips in the air. “Suck one-off for the team," Flynn saluted as you three burst into laughter. It appeared that only Ruhn didn’t find that appealing. And something told you that if you weren’t over his shoulder now, friend or not, they might just taste the back of Ruhn’s hand. But he only cursed under his breath. “I will leave you two dickless," he threatened, reaching for the railing as the two man-children moaned and growled downstairs.
Ruhn was breathing heavily when he finally closed the door of his bedroom. It wasn’t from your weight. It just all started to cave in on him as he lowered you to the ground. You nibbled against his neck, pulling away to reach for the hem of your dress, but Ruhn caught your wrist, guiding you closer to him. "No," he muttered. A slight shake of his head told you that he was dead serious, too. “Did you just say no to...", You had started in a teasing tone, but there was something in his eyes that made you stop. "Ruhn," you called out way softer now, brushing your fingers up and down his arms. “Come here, darling," you said, wrapping your arms around him. He wasn’t fully open and vulnerable often. And when he was. That meant that whatever you two were doing, you were the ones who would have to carry the heavy load. Just for a bit. until he finds his footing again.
“If this is about the males, I didn’t even for a second…," you muttered against his chest, but Ruhn only grunted, “I know you weren’t interested. It’s just…” he took a deep breath, “a long day." You knew how much more those three words implied. How much more complex it was. But you also knew that the last thing he needed was you trying to drag it all out of him. “Why don’t you lay down?”, you asked softly, brushing your fingers over his lower back.
“I’m okay here," he said quietly. The hold on your body didn’t ease. “Come on, we’ll lay naked; I’ll roll you a blunt," you poked at his chest, shooting him a loving smile as you wiggled your eyebrows. Ruhn let out a slight chuckle as he reached for the buttons on his shirt. You helped him drag the material off his body, kneeling to undo his shoes. Ruhn caught your chin, pulling your head up so you would look at him through your lashes. "Fuck, it never gets old," he grunted, brushing his finger over your slightly smudged red lip. You only grinned up at him, leaning in to kiss his thigh as you pushed his pants off him all the way.
Ruhn watched you in a daze before you pushed at his chest, sending him sprawled out on the mattress. He drank every movement you made. You reaching for a bag of mirth-root, licking the edge of the paper as you finish the roll. Lighting it up and taking the first hit before handing it to Ruhn. He watched the cloud of smoke flaring around you as you reached for your dress, pulling it over your head. He could very easily die here right now. And go to Urd as a happy man if the last sight he saw was you in nothing but a black thong.
It was this exact casual intimacy that had him running at first. He was frightened to feel secure with someone like that. To have someone trust him like that. Ruhn reached out, his hands gripping your thighs as he pulled you over onto him. A blunt burning between his teeth. You straddled his naked body with ease. The movement was second nature by now. “What do you need?”, you asked softly, brushing some of the hair away from his face. Ruhn found himself opening his mouth but shutting it closed once more. He didn’t know. He was only aware that he needed you but was not sure how. Bent over the counter? Seated on his face? Snuggled up against him? With you holding him instead? “That’s okay, we will figure it out." You leaned in and pressed a kiss on his chest, leaving feather-like brushes over his exposed skin. “You’ll tell me when you’ll know," you breathed, pulling back up to look into his purple eyes. He didn’t answer, wrapping an arm around your back as he pulled you closer to him. Skin to skin. There was nothing between you two. You rested your face on the crook of his neck, feeling him take another drag of the cigarette in silence. His silence. One that you threaded for him. Painted it. And for the first time in what felt like forever, Ruhn realized that there was no other sound around him, just a steady beat of your heart.
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throneofsmut · 11 months
Kinktober Day Eighteen: Squirting Ruhn Danaan x Female Reader
You entered Bryce’s apartment not noticing who all was there and plopped down on her couch. Head resting on the back of the couch with your eyes closed, “I hate men.” You muttered, to which she laughed.
Eyes still closed, “Bryce, I hate all men. Males too, because they talk all this shit and then just… nothing.”
You take a deep breath before letting out a sigh, “They talk all this shit.“ You begin to mock in a deep voice.“Oh, baby, I’m gonna ruin everyone else for you… When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk for a week. I’m gonna make you cum so hard that you squirt.”
“Y/n.” Bryce called trying to get your attention but you kept going.
“Like seriously how fucking hard is it for them to even find a fucking clit, it’s right there but no they want to rub my fucking thigh. And then be all up in my ear “you like that baby ?” No I don’t.”
“Y/n.” Bryce tried again a little louder.
But you weren’t finished. “They swear they can make you cum, that they’ll make you squirt as if they’re some sex god. But not one guy has ever made me cum let alone squirt. Fucking useless pieces-“
“Y/N !” Bryce screamed, finally getting you to look at her.
“What ?” You looked at her confused and then she bursted out laughing. You finally noticed that Hunt, Ithan, Tharion, Declan, Tristan and Ruhn had all heard your rant.
They all stared at you wide eyed and mouths agape, except Ruhn. Ruhn was looking at you with furrowed brows and his bottom lip between his teeth.
You shrugged, “I said what I said.” None of them argued with you and Bryce was now wheezing.
Ruhn cleared his throat before asking “So you’ve never-“
Looking him dead in his eyes, “Did I stutter ?”
You were about to tell Bryce that it wasn’t that funny when you got a text from a shifter you met at the White Raven the other night, saying they would meet you there in 15 minutes. That was all it took for you to hug Bruce goodbye and glare at the males as you walked out.
You heard her apartment door open and then close while walking into the elevator, you already knew who it was. “What, Ruhn ?”
“Where are you going ?”
Sighing, you responded, “Home.” He leaned back against the elevator, standing next to you, “I’ll walk you.” You turned to him, panicked, not wanting him to know you were gonna hook up with someone. “No it’s okay, I’ll be fine. Thanks though.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s on my way home.” Fuck, you two did live near each other and the White Raven was in the opposite direction. “I’m gonna go home… just not right now.”
“Where are you going ?”
You turned to look at him and he met your gaze, then he looked down at your lips before meeting your eyes again. “The White Raven.” You looked away and didn’t say anything else as you walked out of the elevator and out of the complex heading towards the night club.
Then you felt him grip your arm, spinning around so you were face to face, a hair's breadth away. “Don’t go with him, I could do all the shit that he never could.” You searched his eyes, trying to find a lie or a hint of it but found none. “Please.”
You simply nodded your head and followed him back to his house, the both of you were silent the entire way.
As soon as you walked through the door his lips were on yours. It was all teeth and tongue, the whole way up to his bedroom. You both pulled back to take off your clothes and then as soon as both of you were bare your lips were on each other again.
He walked you backwards till the back of your knees hit his bed and then he laid you down and kissed from your lips to your jaw. Down your neck, chest, and tummy before teasingly nipping at your inner thighs.
“Ruhn.” His name was a breathy moan as you tried moving to get his mouth where you needed it. Thighs rubbing together for some friction.
Ruhn, tsked at you, then used his shadows to restrain you and keep your legs spread for him. He ran a single finger through your wet folds, “Ruhn please.”
You were about to start begging when he licked a stripe up your soaked cunt, moaning onto you at the taste of you on his tongue.
Crying out as he flicked his tongue with precision against your swollen clit. “Oh fuck.” you whimpered, hips bucking against his shadows. “Fuck, Ruhn.”
Then he started sucking on your clit and your legs started shaking. “Don’t stop, Please, don’t stop.” You cried out. “I’m just getting started, Sweetheart.” He purred into your mind. Not even a minute later you reached your peak, not even noticing that you squirted on his face.
He sat back up with a feral grin on his face covered in your juices. Licking his lips, moving to pumping his length a couple times before lining it up with your entrance.
Still breathless as he slid into you and let you adjust to his size before snapping his hips against yours. Moving at an inhumanely pace as he fucked you like his life depended on it, fingers digging into your hips as he panted softly. “Fuck- I can feel you clenching my cock already. Gonna squirt for me again, sweet girl ?”
You choked out a sob as he moved one of his hands from your hips to your clit, rubbing tight circles. “Let go. I can fuck- I can feel you squeezing me.” He growled.
Screaming out his name as you squirted on him for the second time within 10 minutes. You were panting when he captured your lips in a hungry kiss and murmured against them, “Give me more.”
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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danikamariewrites · 5 months
Hi! I’m the anon the asked about the pregnancy request! I’d love to request one with Ruhn. I feel like he would be an amazing dad!
The reader has been having pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, cravings, etc. she doesn’t even think she might be pregnant and Ruhn doesn’t consider it either because of what the oracle told him. Either Dec and Flynn or Bryce and Hunt (or whoever you want) bring up that maybe she might be pregnant to Ruhn or her. Their reactions are up to you. I just think after Ruhn thinking he would never have kids it would be great. 😅
Ruhn x reader
A/n: He would be so happy to be a dad and I hope he and Lidia can have a kid of their own one day
Warnings: pregnancy, mentions of vomit
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Ruhn did a double take as he walked past you. “Hey y/n/n, what ya got there?” He raised an eyebrow at the wild sandwich you were putting together. You look up at him, knife in hand floating above the toasted bread. “A sandwich.” You murmur, a slight blush at being caught.
Your mate hummed taking in all the ingredients you have laid out on the counter. “Cream cheese, turkey, pickles, and Solas, I don’t even want to name everything else.” He joked. You throw a pickle at him, “Let me eat in peace asshole,” you giggle.
Throwing the pickle back at you he makes his way to stand next to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Ok, ok, make your crazy whatever this is.” “Thank you,” you kiss his lips and shoo him away.
The next morning Ruhn wakes up to the sound of you being sick in the bathroom. He flings himself out of bed to be by your side, knowing how much you hate being sick. Pulling your hair back Ruhn lays a tattooed hand gently on your back, rubbing in soothing circles.
When you’re finally done you lean back against him, your eyes closed and trying to calm yourself. Ruhn helps you stand, guiding you over to the sink to rinse out your mouth. “You ok, baby?” You nod, holding your face under the faucet gulping water and spitting it out. Resting your face in your hands you take in deep breathes, “Solas, that was fucking awful. What the hell did I eat?”
Ruhn bit back his laugh thinking back to the monstrosity you made for lunch yesterday. “And don’t bring up my sandwich. It was good.” You say, reading his mind. Ruhn goes back to rubbing soothing circles between your shoulder blades. Kissing the back of your head he murmurs, “Come on you, lets get you back to bed,”
Leaving you with a few slices of toast, ice water, and a forehead kiss Ruhn leaves you to rest.
Hours later Bryce comes in the house to find her mate lazing about with her brother and the rest of the frat pack. Looking around for you Bryce purses her lips curiously. “Where’s y/n?” Hunt rushes over to her, embracing his mate like he hasn’t seen her all day. “She’s in bed, she was sick this morning.” Ruhn said with a small frown.
“Oh, I’ll go check on her.” Bryce gives Hunt one more kiss before untangling herself from his grasp. Bryce raced up the stairs, gently knocking on the door to Ruhn’s bedroom. “Come in,” you grumble, rising up on your elbows. The sight of Bryce’s wine red hair brings a smile to your face. Bryce plops down next to you, “How are you babe?”
You let out an exaggerated groan, burying your face in your pillow. “I feel like shit. I’ve been sick all morning and I am so fucking exhausted.” Bryce narrowed her eyes at you letting out a small hum. You could see the gears turning in Bryce’s clever mind. “Do you…are you pregnant?” Your eyes practically bulge out of your head at the question. Pregnant? But the Oracle…didn’t she tell Ruhn he wouldn’t have kids or something?
“No. There’s no way. Right?” You say quickly. “Let me call Hypaxia. She’ll be able to help.” Bryce quickly whips out her phone to call Hypaxia.
The Witch quickly entered the house, passing the boys without a word, ignoring Ruhn’s questions about you. Entering the bedroom she gives you the brightest smile. Putting her hands over her heart she makes her way over to the bed. “You think you’re pregnant,” Hypaxia coos at you.
“Yeah,” you say with an equally bright smile, pressing your hands against your cheeks. You move to the middle of the bed, Bryce holding your hand while Hypaxia kneels next to you, holding her glowing hands over your exposed tummy.
Full of worry, Ruhn couldn’t just sit here and mindlessly chat with his friends. If Hypaxia were here, and speeding up to you, did that mean you were really sick? It was rare for fae to get really sick. Was Ruhn missing the early signs of a bad illness? Standing abruptly Ruhn quickly made his way upstairs.
Opening the door he found the three of you on the bed, smiling like giddy school girls with tears falling down your and Bryce’s cheeks. So not severely ill then? Ruhn cleared his throat, all three of your heads whipping toward him. Bryce and Hypaxia looked at you, nodding at them they both slip off the bed walking past Ruhn giving him a knowing smile.
You wave him over and Ruhn wastes no time rushing to your side. Ruhn brings his hand to cradle your cheeks. His vibrant blue eyes scanning your face for any signs of sickness. “I know what you’re thinking, I could feel you through the bond. I promise there is nothing to worry about. Well not yet,” you joke. Ruhn title his head in curiosity. Taking one of his hands you rest it on your still exposed tummy.
Sending a wave of love down the bond you smile up at Ruhn. “I’m pregnant, my love.” You whisper. A joyous laugh leaves Ruhn’s lips, silver lining his eyes. “You-you’re really,” he can’t get the words out. The bond overwhelmed with joy coming from both of you. Ruhn pulls you to his chest, holding the back of your head as he burys his face in the crook of your neck.
Pulling away he gently lays you down, now hyper aware of the little life growing inside you. As he stares down at your still flat stomach he places a hand over his mouth. “I’m gunna be a dad. We’re gunna be parents.” You cover his hand that still hasn’t left your stomach, nodding your head against the pillow. “Yeah,” you whisper, still in disbelief.
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fieldofdaisiies · 4 months
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@ruhnweek🖤 (warning, explicit content)
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Ruhn Danaan knows one thing with absolute certainty:
You are definitely the most delicate and delicious thing he has ever had riding his face.
Your lush thighs cage in his head, trapping him in a place he calls paradise.
Your cunt, dripping with arousal and his saliva is the only thing he can focus on, and with every roll of your hips, his tongue drives deeper into you. A guttural groan leaves him, sensing vibrations right onto your core.
His lips close around the tight bud, amd he sucks gently. “Fuck, Ruhn!” Your wail, not one of pain but one of almost unbearable pleasure, reverberates through him, and he digs his fingertips into the soft flesh of your ass. 
When your eyes open, your gaze heavy-lidded,  you notice that the knuckles from the hand you are using for support have turned white from how tight you are fisting the knuckles. 
Your other hand is wrapped around his length, moving your palm up and down, deliciously slowly. 
You blow out a soft breath of warm air before leaning in even closer. The starborn prince‘s hips buck in response to the flick your tongue executes to the piercing at the crown of his cock. It’s so sensitive, but the best damn thing when he is pounding into you. It adds an extra kind of pleasure you can’t even put into words. His piercing, let it be the lip ring or his cock piercing, just feel so damn good; mostly because Ruhn just always knows exactly how to put them to good use.
Your body bends almost on its own accord when your lips fasten around his length, giving him one gentle, soft suck that makes his growl in approval.
“Baby,” you whisper around him, the sound muffled, and then take him deep, relaxing your throat.
A smack lands on your backside, his tongue flicking against your sensitive flesh. For a moment he removes his mouth from you, only so he can say, “Always so distracted by my cock huh?” and you know there is a proud smirk on his lips. “But don’t forget to ride my face baby.”
You moan an answer around him, thighs clenching, squeezing his head. 
The second round of your late night love making ends with you coming hard and with a loud cry of pleasure, and Ruhn following you just a split moment after. You release his cock with a plop and swallow, then roll off him, landing on the soft mattress.
“This was amazing,” you whisper, bending your knees and bracing your feet on the bed next to Ruhn‘s chest. “So good.” You wipe a hand over your sweat-glazed forehead.
Ruhn‘s hand slides between your legs, down your thighs, and he lifts his head a little to glimpse at you. “You don’t think we are done, do you?” A smirk appears on his lips.
It doesn’t even take five minutes for the starborn prince to get hard again and to hoist you onto his lap, grinning when he sees your surprised expression.
He helps you shift and lift yourself up, groaning when the crown of his cock touches your wetness.
You sink down on his hard length, gasping at the stretch it causes you and the damn good feeling of his piercing scratching along your walls, adding just the slightest touch of pain. “Fuck, Ruhn,” you moan when he slides into the hilt, broad hands grabbing your ass to lift you up and let you sink down again.
Once having fully adjusted, he starts to thrust into you at a relentless pace. You ride him, your bodies colliding in a delicious connection, lips bruising from how much you devour the other’s mouth, still tasting each other from your previous actions.
Your nails dig into his tattooed shoulders, your head falling back, mouth open with moans and gasps and Ruhn is once again reminded that you are most definitely the most beautiful female he has ever seen in his life. And you are all his. His mate. The love of his life. And—
“My perfect, little slut,” he rasps and smacks your backside, loving the sound of the sensual mewl escaping you.
Each of his thrusts is met by the roll of your hips and slowly both of you are getting closer to the edge, feeling release gather in your lower abdomen. You want to let go, and there is no holding back when he lets his teeth sink into your lower lip, and his finger pinch your nipple.
You scream his name, nails scratching down his tattooed back, and he follows. His hot release fills your, trickling out onto his thighs, the hoarse shout escaping his throat reverberating through you.
“Fuck,” he breathes and his head drops into the crook of your shoulder. “You’re so perfect.”
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witchthewriter · 7 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐮𝐡𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Chaotic Good
Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon, Aquarius Rising
・You know when you meet someone, and you don't have to force your personality to fit into some kind of shape?
・That's what happened with you and Ruhn
・Ever since you met, there was a spark. You were both curious about each other.
・You were drawn into the way he looked. Not many fae tattooed themselves from nearly head to toe, or had so many piercings
・It made your heart beat faster and faster
・You knew you were attracted to him
・And he made you laugh within minutes
・But you didn't want to give him the satisfaction
・So, the one thing that has stayed throughout your relationship is the goddamn bickering. Which really is just another form of banter.
・This has caused a lot of angst between the two of you.
・But you both knew it was pure play. Flirting. Humour. Banter.
・Everything changed when you had a panic attack in front of him. You were so embarrassed. But the way he held you, cupping your face, moving your hair behind your ears, wiping away the tears.
・His purple eyes bore into your own and you felt instantly calmer.
・From that day on you thanked The Maker. Because staring into his eyes - something clicked. Like a piece was perfectly placed; one you never knew you were missing.
・Making you blush is one of his favourite hobbies. Seeing you duck your head, cover your face or roll your eyes makes his day.
・Very protective; is able to stop himself from taking a swing at the asshole. He's more of a rip him to shreds verbally and then wrap an arm around your shoulder and walk away.
・But don't think he won't get physical over you. Because Ruhn definitely will.
・Would rather take your last name when you get married - his holds too many bad memories
・He knows his smirk makes you weak in the knees but when you brush over his bare skin, he nearly gets on his own knees to worship you
・Would walk to the ends of the earth to find you. There's nothing Ruhn would not do for you. Kill, maim, avenge, even die for you.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside (Ruhn) x The Top (You)
Overly arrogant, flirty (Ruhn) x Pretends To Be Unfazed, But Is Dying On The Inside (You)
“Shut Up” x “Make Me”
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Intertwined Destinies
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Fire In The Water by Feist
Blood Moon by John Lunn & Eivor
The Lure by The Weeknd
・Every time with him is hot and heavy; it's hard to breathe when you're both in the mood. It's as if the world doesn't exist and all you can do is be in one another's arms
・You're both as dominant as each other, but when you tease him, gods help you. He'll have you bent over any flat surface, taking you from behind.
・Definitely an ass slapper.
・Growls in your ear both in the bedroom and in public
・Something turns primal in him whenever he's with you. Sometimes it feels like he's a hairs breath away from completely ravishing you
・Ruhn is definitely one to keep a naughty polaroid of you
・At times you think you're both insatiable; no matter how many times either of you cum, nothing is good enough.
・As Mates it's easy to explain. Your souls were made for one another, and so is your biology. Therefore, you both have high fucking sex drives.
・You're obsessed with Ruhn's hands and he knows it. Large, veiny and usually with a few rings. He rests his hand on your thigh, and will slowly move it closer and closer to your core - no matter who is around
・His cock is 8 inches when hard, veined, 3cm in girth. Circumcised; when he's horny the tip is a dark weepy red and when after orgasm it's slightly darker.
・As much as he can be serious and passionate, Ruhn also loves when you two can be silly while having sex. Talking about your day, or laughing when you two almost fall off the bed.
・The first time you had sex, Ruhn didn't last as long as he usually does. He was a whiny, whimpering mess, head in the crook of your neck, pumping in and out of you relentlessly.
・It was like fucking for the first time.
・Nothing compared to being with the person you were supposed to be with.
・Ruhn couldn't stop kissing you, and not just your lips. His favourite part was behind your ear. Trailing hot breathy kisses down to your neck.
・He apologised, but it didn't mean he was done. It just meant there was more natural lube for you.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Orgasm Control
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
So, we have to start with making a distinction here. Orgasm control is not edge play. Edge play can involve orgasm control, but these are two totally different things and honestly on very VERY different ends of the kink spectrum. We're going to dive into Edge Play with Lucien. The reason these two kinks are so commonly confused is due to a term called "edging," and we will discuss that in a second.
Orgasm control is exactly what it sounds like. It is the act of prolonging or disrupting your partner's or your own orgasm. It can be used in partner play or solo play. The appeal to orgasm control comes with the antipation it brings, and the control it allows the dominating party to feel. The constant build and prolonged need for release can cause more intense orgasms, heightened nerve sensitivity, and can help intensify the bond between you and your partner.
Orgasm control is also a very good way to dip your toes into the art of Submission or Domination. It is an easy form of play with little no effect on the mind, large reward, and requires no special tools or techniques. One good way to see if you would be into orgasm control is to work it into solo play through edging.
Edging is the act of bringing yourself or a partner near the beginning of that peak of orgasm before backing away over and over until the big o finally happens. To properly edge, you should be bringing yourself or your partner to that state where the coil is starting to wind and wind, but that desperate need to tip over the edge has not fully set in.
Fair warning with self orgasm control or partner play, you need to know each other and your bodies so well for this form of play. It can quickly become frustrating for the receiving party. Be kind and cautious. You want to associate this with sexy fun, not anger 💕
💕Peep the Valentines Day Masterlist here💕
As always, NSFW below cut
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Ruhn x reader
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Warnings - overstimulation, oral f receiving, unprotected sex
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You were shaking below Ruhn, a soft cry leaving your mouth as he pulled off of you again and moved to kiss the inside of your thigh. “Ruhn, please,” you couldn't take it anymore. The need to orgasm, to scream his name had set in over an hour ago, and he kept denying you over and over again. He'd let you approach that high 7 times already just for him to rip it away. 
“Don't want this to be over,” the response was muffled into your thigh. He sighed happily, looking up at you with soft eyes. “We could stay like this forever, you know?” You almost pushed him away, wiggling up. “Nah uh, princess. You promised you would be all mine tonight and it was whatever I wanted.”
“I didn't think-”
“I want to drown in you,” a teasing lick just brushed your nerves, sending your head back into the pillows as a drawn-out whine left your lips. “Is that really so much to ask?”
That teasing lick became long ones, circling your clit before dipping to your entrance. He was savoring you, taking his time with you like he needed to memorize the scent, the taste, each noise. You moved your hands to his hair, threading your fingers into those soft dark locks and pulling. 
Ruhn went back to your clit, moaning as he did, and locked his mouth on. He began gently sucking, as he licked. The occasional contrast of the metal piercing versus his soft lips keeping your senses high. 
He moaned against you again as you tugged his hair, silently begging for more. He ran a finger through your folds, pushing it slowly into you. Is that what you needed, baby? Need me to fill you up? His voice in your mind pushed you into over stimulation, causing you to wiggle and whine. 
Cool shadows began roaming your body, leaving feather like kisses along every inch of skin. At the same time, his finger began to move in time with his tongue, curling and gently touching that soft spongy wall inside of you. 
Every nerve was singing, begging for release, and you felt yourself relaxing, clenching his finger as moans began leaving you shamelessly.
That edge was so close, begging for you to come to her, begging for you to come and play.
And then it all stopped. Tears began to fall as he kissed up your body and then kissed each one away. “Gonna let you cum. I swear.” His cock was resting at your core, waiting to enter you, to slide home. 
Ruhn kissed your lips gently and then sat up. He took a single leg, bringing it over his shoulder to open you wide for him. It was as if Luna herself blessed you when his cock slid in, inch by tantalizing inch. 
“Ruhn,” his name was a breathless prayer as your back arched.
“Fuck, I know baby.” 
He took you slowly, savoring every moment until even he had enough. Shadows wrapped your wrists, pulling your hands above your head. Then he began.
Ruhn shifted his hips and pounded into you, hit that spot only he had ever found over and over. Those tattooed hands squeezed the thigh he had leaning against him as he kissed and nipped at your calf and ankle. 
You on fire. That coil tightens more and more with each rhythmic thrust. The over stimulation, the need to cum, the tingling setting in, it all became so much. Too much. You didn't realize you were crying until a loving stroke came down the bond.
Ruhn leaned forward, bringing your leg with him, and wiped those tears, pace slowing. “Y/n, what's wrong, baby?” His falter in movement had your legs beginning to shake as thar climb paused once again, a soft cry of despair leaving your swollen plush lips, and Ruhn smirking as he realized three things.
He had you so desperate to cum, you would do whatever he wanted at this point
You were the most stunning creature when you were fucked out
You were about to beg. Beg for his cock, his fingers, anything. 
Ruhn grabbed your other leg, sinking in further. He was so deep inside you, you could have sworn new places, new nerves, were being woken for the first time. “Ruhn, please. I need it, please. Please make me cum?”
He kissed you deeply. “So pretty when you beg.” He began again, hands finding your tits and squeezing as he focused on both of you. Your body began to sing for him, his name a constant melody. It was no longer a spring coiling in your stomach but a rope, dangling you from a cliff refusing to let go.
His brow was knit, jaw opened as he groaned, whispering praise with each movement, moaning each time you tightened around him. “‘M close, y/n. Need you to fall with me. Can you do that?”
You nodded frantically, tears falling again. His hand came to your abused clit, stroking her gently in time with his hips. “Cum,” the command held little power. He was breathless, eyes rolling back already at the feeling of you squeezing him like a vice. 
But the command was what finally cut that rope, allowing you to fall from that ledge, tumbling through the air in a glorious free fall. Your vision went white as you screamed his name, walls milking him for every drop as he fell off soon after you. 
It was a long free fall that Ruhn worked you through, whispered and praised you through. 
And when it finally ended, it was as if your body landed in a pool of water, comforting relief spreading to every inch and limb as your mind was allowed to leave that desperate place. You were limp in his arms, smiling and panting in time with him.
“Bitch as much as you want,” Ruhn's nose nudged yours, forcing you to allow him to steal a kiss. “But it's always worth it.” You could only nod. Body and voice spend. “Come on, gorgeous. Let's get you cleaned up.”
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General tag list:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium
Valentines Day Taglist:
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @amygdtjhddzvb 
@justasillylittlegoofyguy @avajustreads
@littlestw01f @azriels-shadowsinger @acourtofladydeath
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shadowdaddies · 1 year
Quality Entertainment
Ruhn x Reader
You and Ruhn have different ideas about what qualifies as good television, but can you agree on other forms of entertainment.
A/N: I'm thinking about Ruhn Danaan a LOT and I only see it getting worse after January 30
Warnings: fluffy smut below the cut, nsfw, oral f!receiving, minors dni
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You were curled up in Ruhn’s lap on the couch, trying to focus on the movie you were watching together. He had his arms around you, tucking you into his warm chest as his hands absent-mindedly traced patterns along your arms, your waist, your legs. You let out a soft sigh at the feeling, nestling further into your boyfriend’s lap where you were met with the evidence that he was not entirely focused on the movie as well.
You let out a soft laugh, glancing up at Ruhn as you rolled your hips harder against him. He let out a soft groan as his fingers gripped your hips harshly. “You seem distracted, Ruhn. I thought this was supposed to be ‘a cinematic masterpiece’ as you said,” you teased, trailing your hand up and threading it through his hair. Ruhn pinned you with a stare. “I didn’t say it was a ‘cinematic masterpiece,’ just that it’s better than that trashy reality TV you and Bryce watch.” 
You snickered, aware that Fangs and Bangs wasn’t award-winning content, but you refused to admit that to Ruhn because his reactions to the show were what you enjoyed most. “Mhmm, well you’d better keep your eyes on the screen, then. I’d hate to get in the way of quality entertainment,” you bantered, swinging your leg over so that you were straddling his lap facing him. 
Ruhn smirked, catching onto your game. He returned his attention to the TV behind you as he ran his hands over your thighs, teasing you with a feather-light touch. Challenge accepted. You pulled your top off, leaving you in your shorts and black lace bra. You inched closer to Ruhn so that your chests were barely touching, smirking as his breath quickened, clearly straining to maintain his focus on the screen. You began kissing and sucking at the exposed skin on his neck, licking your way up the side of this throat to his ear where you whispered, “enjoying the show?”
Ruhn swallowed but kept his gaze ahead, his expression changing to smugness as he brought his hands up your bare waist and undid the clasp on your bra. You sucked in a breath as your nipples were exposed to the cool air. Ruhn lazily dragged his hands to your breasts, drawing slow, teasing circles before lightly pulling and twisting each of your nipples. You bit back a moan as you tried to maintain the sense of dominance you had in the situation, but Ruhn could scent how aroused you were. Your breaths were shallow, and you were trying to calculate your next move when Ruhn practically shouted, “movie’s over,” and pulled you closer to him. He wasted no time taking one of your nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue and swirling before dragging his lip ring along the sensitive peak, and repeating his movements on the other breast. 
You were gasping as you rolled your hips against him. “Fuck, Ruhn, please,” you murmured and pulled his chin up to kiss you. You reached down to palm him through his jeans, causing his mouth to part enough for you to slip your tongue in, moving in tandem with the roll of your hips. Ruhn flipped you onto your back, his arms caging you in on the couch. He slowly kissed and licked his way down your torso, reaching the top of your shorts before he pulled them down, leaving you completely naked while he remained fully clothed above you. 
Ruhn shifted down on the couch, licking and biting the insides of your thighs as his fingertips grazed your abdomen. He dragged his bottom lip along each side of your center, teasing you with his lip ring while pinning down your hips with one arm. He brought up his other hand, swirling and dipping slightly into your center. “Gods, you’re so wet, princess.” You pushed your hips against his arm holding you in place, “do something about it then, prince.” Ruhn removed his hand to give you a mock bow before bringing his finger up to his mouth, groaning at the taste of you on his tongue. You hooked your legs around his back and he smirked, making eye contact with you as he dragged his lower lip right over your sensitive clit. You moaned loudly, instinctively rolling your hips towards him as he began to suck your clit, bringing two fingers up to curl inside of you at a vicious pace. You hit your high with a scream, arching your back as Ruhn continued licking and sucking your clit until your legs were shaking.
When you finally came down from your orgasm, you looked at Ruhn who was smiling at you. “That is my favorite form of entertainment,” he said, scooping you up bridal style as he carried you to the bedroom to continue.
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Dog or Cat
Insert with: Ruhn Danaan
Reader: Female (she/her)
Words: 800+
About: Just a little fun.
Warning(s): N/A
A/N: Day Four of Ruhn Week 2024! The prompt is "Free Day". @ruhnweek New stories all week!
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Bryce sat cross-legged on the floor. "I've got one: Who among us has a dog personality or a cat personality?”
Her mate leaned forward from his place on the couch behind her, raising an eyebrow. “You mean, like, loyal and playful versus independent and judgmental?”
"Sounds like you don't want to be a cat?"
"Not at all," he said, leaning back into his spot. "I see cat. Independent, like my space, and not too big on being told what to do.”
Declan Emmet, busy fiddling with his tech gadgets in his lap, didn't even look up. “Nah, Hunt, you’re a dog. You’re fiercely loyal and protective, especially when it comes to Bryce.”
Bryce laughed. “Like a guard dog. A big, grumpy, overprotective one.”
Hunt rolled his eyes but it couldn't hide the smile on his lips. “Fine, fine. Dog it is.”
"What about me?" Bryce asked, pleased with her own game.
Ithan chimed in, “You’re a total dog, Bryce." "That sounds like she should be offended," Ruhn beamed Ithan with the ball he'd been tossing in the air. The shifter yelped.
“What if I wanted to be a mysterious, aloof cat?”
"You're about as aloof as a golden retriever, Bryce." Tristan snorted, propping his head up with a pillow. "You can’t even fake it.”
Ruhn chuckled. “Sorry, sis. You’re definitely more dog than cat.”
Bryce gave a mock-salute. “Alright, dog it is.”
Tristan pointed at Declan. “The cat in the room is right there. Always always doing his own thing, always playing with his tech."
“I can live with that.”
"Plus, you’ve got that whole ‘don’t mess with my stuff’ vibe.” Ithan added. "You learned that from experience?" Hunt teased. Everyone laughed at his expense.
"What about Flynn?” Ithan asked. "'Cause I think it's pretty obvious he's a dog."
Flynn grinned widely. “Oh, I’m definitely a dog. I love hanging out, meeting new people, having a good time.”
Ruhn shook his head. “He's the poster boy for dog personalities. Couldn't even pick a breed.”
Bryce pointed at her brother. “What about you, Ruhn?"
“Hey, what about me?” Ithan whined.
“Oh, please, you’re a dog,” Bryce said.
Ithan feigned indignation. "I don't know. I can be pretty particular about who I let in my circle."
"No way," Flynn said, picking his head up to look at him from his sprawl on the floor. "You've got the whole ‘faithful companion’ thing down.”
"Always looking for belly rubs and treats, too, just like a good boy,” Declan added in a baby voice.
"Why are we picking on Ithan?" You said, walking into the apartment and putting down your purse and coat.
"We're picking dog or cat personalities for everyone," Ruhn filled you in as you leaned down to kiss him.
"Yeah, and Ithan honestly thinks he's a cat," Flynn said.
Ithan shrugged, accepting his fate. “Nah, I'm a dog. I just didn't want you to assume the obvious choice.”
"Who's next?" You asked.
The room turned towards Ruhn, who looked at you. “What do you think? Which am I?"
“Oh, that’s easy," you said, plopping down next to him. "Ruhn’s a cat.”
Flynn waved his hands in protest. “No way! He’s a dog. He’s always got our backs when we need him.”
"Definitely the most dependable guy I know," Ithan said.
Declan shook his head. “Nah, he’s got that brooding, independent vibe. Y/N's right."
"Loyal, protective, overbearing," Bryce eyed her brother on the last word. "I don't know. I see both."
Hunt chimed in, “He’s a mix, for sure. He’s loyal like a dog but has that mysterious, keeps-to-himself quality of a cat.”
Ruhn smirked at you, "Apparently, you're dating a mystery."
“No, you're a cat," you said, a smile on your lips, before turning to the others. "He hangs out with all of you guys, who are complete dogs, and you've rubbed off on him. But deep down, he’s a cat. 100%.”
Dec raised a hand. "Point of order, we decided I'm a cat. I am not responsible for rubbing off on him."
"No. No, no," you said, pointing a finger at him. "You are not a cat. You're more like a parrot."
Hunt glanced at Bryce. "I didn't know that was an option," he muttered to her.
"A parrot?" Bryce asked you.
"Yeah. He's either perched somewhere with his tech," —you waved a hand at Declan's lap— "or you're squawking gossip."
Flynn and Ithan coughed and covered their mouths as an ohh, burnnn came out, while Bryce and Ruhn nearly fell over laughing. Hunt just barely covered his reaction.
Dec's eyes burned into yours. "And what are you, the cat that ate the canary?"
"Something like that." But your smirk couldn't hide your smile.
Ruhn pressed his lips against your shoulder, still laughing. "That's my girl," he whispered.
"Well, there's no doubt what Y/N is," Hunt said.
You mimicked a cat's claw. "Rowr."
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
The last date.
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Ruhn Danaan x Reader
Summary: You are accumulating bad dates, and your best friend, Ruhn, is always there to comfort you when you need him to. He always knows exactly what he needs to do in order to boost your mood.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: Mention of sexual activities but nothing explicit. A little bit of angst.
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“I took your ass out tonight!”
Your hands fly to unbuckle your seatbelt, tears burning your eyes and shattering your heart from this alphahole nasty words. What a fucked up thing to say on a date, only because you didn't agree to go home with him to fuck. “Stop the car.” You urge him, taking your seatbelt off.
“What?!” His eyes leave the road briefly, and he dares to stare at you, looking all confused. What a poor loser.
“Stop the fucking car or I’m jumping out!” The tire screeched, the car stopping so abruptly you almost hit your head on the windshield. You've made yourself pretty fucking clear. Good.
You open the door, completely ignoring the shift in the lion shifter’s voice, now more softer than his previous annoyed one as he calls out for you. “Y/N-”
“Go.Fuck.Yourself.” You cut him off, your voice as sharp as a blade, and you step out of the car.
The atmosphere is heavy, both of your chest heaving heavily as you stand straight on the sidewalk. You keep your chin high, tightly gripping onto the luxury, and probably very expensive, door of the car. You wait in hope to, at the very least, get wished a respectful goodnight. But your crude words had hurt the male’s ego a bit more than you expected.
“Obviously I will, since you won’t do it. After all I’ve done for you...” He rudely says, his teeth clenching so tightly you could hear their unpleasant gritting. You slam the door, hard. Not giving a damn about how you might’ve broken it. He speeds down the street, leaving you standing there, at your request.
You shoot him a last fuck you, joinging a obscene hand gesture with your vile words, before you see the car turn a corner, and disappear from your sight.
You run your hand across your face, not caring that it would smudge your makeup.
What the fuck was this date.
That's it. You are done. Done dating. All of the dates you've been on lately ended up being with shitty alphaholes. You have reached your limit.
You take a big shaky sigh, trying to control your trembling hands as you reach for your purse to take out your phone, and call the only person you trusted to get you back home.
You dialed the number, the phone ringing once, twice-
“Y/N? You're okay?”
Ruhn… Maybe it's just the alcohol you had inhibited earlier tonight, or the exhaustion, or the accumulation of failed dates that are making you feel so sentimental. You gulp down your tears, and clear your throat. “Could you, uh… Could you pick me up?”
You immediately hear Ruhn starting to rustle and get ready on the other side of the phone. “Of course, I'm coming right up, send me your location,” His keys jingle, then you can discern the sound of the motor of his car roaring. You quickly pull the phone away from your ear, putting him on speaker so you can text him your location. “Are you okay though? Are you safe?” He urges, and you realize you haven't answered his question the first time he asked it.
“Yeah, I'm…” You hesitate. Yes what? Yes you were okay? That would be a lie, and you wouldn't lie to Ruhn. “Safe.” You finish, hoping that your answer will do the job.
“Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes maximum,” You can hear him start to drive off, the ticking of his car flasher echoing in the background of the phone call. “Do you want me to stay on the line?” He questions, his voice soft and yet laced with concern.
You aren't even sure what you want anymore. You dab the back of your finger on your inferior lid, trying to dry the tears before they roll out of your eyes. “No, it's fine.” But is it? Your stomach churn, disgusted to be, again, asking your friend to rescue you from an horrible date.
You and your poor choices in men.
“Alright, I'll be right there, stay safe.” Ruhn's soft voice rings from your phone.
The gentleness of his voice makes your cheeks heat slightly, and your heart flutters at how much he cares. “Yeah, love you.” The words slip out on their own, and you gape, staring at your phone, almost dropping it to the ground.
But Ruhn laughs from the other side of the phone, not seeming to be bothered at all from your outburst of affection. “Yeah, love you too.” He teases, reusing your own words, before hanging up.
Oh you fucked up. Why did you say that?! What's wrong with you?! You groan, putting your phone back into your purse and cross your bare arms on your chest. You try to heat yourself up, a difficult task indeed, considering there's only a short, too short in your opinion but perfectly short in Bryce's opinion, pretty black dress.
Your heels are killing you, so you take them off your feet, hissing at the cold contact of the sidewalk on your bare feet. That for sure is a nice way to sober you up.
Before you can bend down to pick them up, Ruhn’s car stops right in front of you, and he quickly gets out of the car to help you out. “My sister dressed you up again?” He snickers, picking up your heels then easily lifts you up into his tattooed arms before settling you down on the passenger seat.
“Why, you think I can't dress myself up for a date?” You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest. Ruhn rests his arms on the top of the car, slightly leaned forward, and rolls his eyes. He pulls out a ticket out of his leather jacket, and you snatch it out of his fingers, inspecting it.
A car wash coupon.
You hum, turning it over in your hands as Ruhn smirk grows bigger with every passing second. He closes the door, and takes the seat beside yours, settling behind the wheel. “Am I forgiven for my misplaced teasing?”
“Is it the car wash where they have the pretty lights and the tricolor foam?”
Your fake pout turns into a smile and you uncross your arms, kicking your feet excitedly. “Then you are forgiven.”
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Ruhn stops at the gas station to fill his tank before you two go to the car wash. You wait for him in the car, scrolling on your phone. A phone call pops up on your screen.
Brandon 💕
You quickly decline the call, erase the contact name and block his number from your phone. You sigh, pushing it aside. At the same moment, Ruhn opens the driver’s door with two slushies in hand. One red, one blue.
Ruhn grins, then hands over the red one, your favorite, to you. “Moral support drink,” He winks at you, and clings his plastic cup with yours. The cherry flavored shredded ice melts in your mouth, soothing every nerve of your body. You peer at Ruhn from the corner of your eyes as he drives to the entry of the car wash. His tattooed arm stretches out the window to slide the ticket in the machine, and the heavy car wash door buzzes.
Blue, pink, green, orange lights welcome you in as the car moves slowly inside. You'd never get tired of this kind of…
What is this called, a date? Between friends? Yeah. Probably.
The blush heating up your cheek is hidden by the bright changing lights of the car wash, and you jolt out of your thoughts at the sound of the water starting to spray the car. Ruhn hands over the phone wire connected to his car to you. “Want to put on some of your music?” You nod, connecting your phone to his car and scrolling through your playlist.
Ruhn taps his fingers on the wheel as the two of you keep sipping your drinks in silence for a while, drowning in all of the sounds and colors of the car wash. Ruhn was the one to break the silence first. “So…”
He bites down on his lower lip, thinking about his next words. “Mind to explain to me why you ended up tipsy and dressed…” He stops, taking a moment to look at your ravishing, yet quite revealing dress. A breath catches in his throat, and he scratches the back of his neck, trying to ease some tension. “Dressed heavenly, standing on a sidewalk, alone, in the middle of a relatively chill night?” He finishes.
You sigh, looking away from him. You play with the purple straw of your cup, swirling it around to make the rest of the shredded ice melt, in hope it will give you a few more sips. “Bad date.” You mumble under your breath, the shame of again seeking comfort from Ruhn after a bad date. But Ruhn didn't seem to mind for one bit. Always picking up his phone and dropping everything he was doing the second you need him.
Ruhn nods, and takes a long sip of his drink, the two of you staying silent once again. The tricolor foam soap starts its calming pitter platter on the top of the car, and you drift your eyes up from your cup to admire the mousse landing on the windshield. “And how's this date going so far?” Your eyes widen, and Ruhn feels his heart skip a beat at his sudden boldness.
“What kind of date?” You risk asking him. Your heart is beating incredibly fast as he dives his beautiful blue eyes into yours.
His usual playful grin has completely gone vacant from his face, his expression more serious than you've ever seen him as he speaks. “The kind of date I wish would turn us into more than… friends.” The last word tastes bitter on Ruhn's tongue as he swallows down his nervousness.
He had absolutely no clue why tonight is the night he suddenly got the guts to confess his feelings for you. Surely, his sister's pep talk had helped him get that broomstick out of his butt.
You admire the way the changing lights made Ruhn's blue eyes tinted with every color. Your hand instinctively reaches for his cheek, his soul singing to yours to come closer. His beauty was hypnotizing you, and the way he opened up his heart to you, sitting there, vulnerable beside you makes your heart swell.
Your hand rests against his chest, and you can feel his heart beneath the palm of your hand, it is beating as fast as yours. “I swear to every Gods, Ruhn Danaan…” You whisper, and his hand tangles with the hair at your nape when you bring your face only inches away from his. “That you're the last fucking male I give a chance to.”
“And I promise you that I'll worship you everyday of my life for this chance.” He murmurs, before your lips finally get a chance to taste each other. You shiver at the feeling of Ruhn's cold lips, especially as his lips piercing glides over your lower lip. His hand quickly unbuckles the two of your seat belts, and he parts his lips from yours quickly to back his seat so he can slide you over his laps comfortably.
You straddle him, his hands sliding up your dress on your hips so you can comfortably put your knees on each side of him. You attach your hips back to his, and he kisses you back, deeper this time, as he slides his tongue against yours, both of your slushies flavors mixing in your mouths.
You jolt and your lips break apart when the loud ringing of the car wash indicates that the session is over. You timidly move off Rhun's lap with his help, bursting out laughing when your butt accidently presses the honk in the process. Ruhn moves his seat forward, adjusting himself behind the wheel, while you start putting your seatbelt back on.
Your fingers brushes your lips softly, feeling as if the feeling of Ruhn’s lips against yours was still lingering there. The tattooed male keeps his eyes fixed on the road as he drives away from the car wash, cheeks flustered and still panting slightly. “Sorry, I-” He gulps down, but before he can apologize more, you burst out laughing.
He could listen to this sound for centuries and never get tired of it.
“Don't worry, it was perfect.” You bite your lower lip, and you hesitantly brush your pinky against his. He wraps his fingers with yours, and squeezes them softly, never wanting to let go.
“So… I guess that means I get to take you out on more dates?” He says, trying to keep his voice steady as he speaks.
“I guess it does.” You smirk.
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Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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daydreaming-nerd · 3 months
Shadows and Sins (Ruhn Danaan x Reader)
Takes place pre HOFAS
My masterlist
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this for so long and guess what I GAVE HIM A BIKE HAHA biketok girls we ride at dawn. 
Summary: All is fair in love and war… (enemies to lovers inspired by House of Balloons by The Weeknd) 
Warnings: SA, intoxication, banter
Word count: 3981
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Prince, starborn, bad boy, party animal, loose cannon and playboy, those were the words typically used to describe Ruhn Danaan. 
Asshole, spoiled brat, antagonizing, vexing and unfortunately handsome…those were the words I used to describe my best friend's brother.
Ruhn came into my life about a year ago when I started working at the archives with his younger sister Bryce, who I became friends with almost instantly. He came in one day demanding to speak to Bryce and since I thought he was just some lovesick guy like all the others who came panting after the redhead I promptly told him off. It wasn’t until 30 minutes of fighting back and forth that Bryce returned from lunch with Hunt that I found out I was wrong, and the prince never let me live it down. 
Since then, we were like oil and water, order and chaos, and love and war. Though I suppose all was fair when it came to that. 
We fought whenever we saw one another, which was often since him and Bryce had become reacquainted. At first she hated our squabbling, but with Athalar’s calming presence in her life she had grown to use it as free entertainment. So when the bell over the door to archives rang and her laugh echoed subsequently I knew I was in for a fight… 
“Brought your wallet,” called the voice I dreaded to hear. “You gotta stop leaving it at my place.”
“Thanks Ruhn,” Bryce chirped, confirming the worst. 
Sure enough I turned around to find Ruhn Danaan waltzing in like he owned the place, which I sure he could if he wanted to, he was a prince after all not that you could ever tell. In all the fairytales I had read as a little girl the prince’s always wore fine tunics and rode on white horses. But Ruhn opted for a black t-shirt and a speed bike and unfortunately if he had been anyone but who he is I would’ve found that incredibly hot.
“I still don’t know why you insist upon hanging out with the rabble,” Ruhn said to Bryce leaning his forearms against the countertop. 
Bryce shoots her brother a look that begs him to behave himself for once in his life, and part of me thought I should be the bigger person and not fight back. But I wasn’t a bigger person-I was a petty bitch, and I’ll be damned if I let Ruhn Danaan come into my place of employment and talk smack to me. 
“It’s probably because she needs at least one acquaintance who doesn’t need someone to wipe his ass for him,” I said with a fake smile, continuing to polish the silver chalice in my hand.
Bryce snorts as she shoves her wallet into her purse. Both of us turn to her to find her trying to hide her giggle at my comment. 
I cross my arms over my chest giving Ruhn a self satisfied look and as usual he won’t let me win that easily. 
“Funny you should mention it. I've been looking for someone else who would wipe it for me. Interested? I’m sure you’d love the view,” he smirks that godsdammned lip ring making an appearance. 
“One of these days I’m going to rip that ring right out of your lip,” I growl bracing my arms on the counter like I might do it right now. 
“Oh the women of Crescent City would weep at the loss of my beloved lip ring, they do so love when it grazes their-” 
“That’s enough!” Bryce shouts pushing Ruhn towards the door. “I do not want to hear about your bedroom activities!” 
“Same here I just ate lunch!” I shout from behind the desk. 
“Please, you're begging for more images of me to get off to!” Ruhn shouts from the threshold of the door as Bryce continues to push him. 
“If I wanted to see mediocre fucking I’m sure there’s a website for it!” I holler as Bryce closes the door. 
I smirk and waggle my fingers at him as he bangs on the door. Once again I got the last word and oh boy did it feel good. 
Bryce didn’t walk away from the door until the revving of Ruhn’s bike could be heard taking off down the road. She turned to me with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. My lip twitched up in amusement and her scorned look broke as both of us roared with laughter.
“Okay I have to admit the ass wiping bit was pretty good,” she chortled, coming around to help me polish again. 
“You like that one? I’ve been saving it.” I laugh remembering the look on his face when his own sister laughed at him. 
“I still hate that you two fight, but at least it’s like getting my own comedy show now,” she shakes her head. 
We finish our polishing in peace, talking over last night's episode of Fangs and Bangs, and our raucous plans for tonight. It was friday, which meant girls night was happening at The White Raven. It was honestly my favorite day of the week, I looked forward to it more than I cared to admit. Society called us vicious party girls, but how bad were we really? 
“So I’ll meet you there at 10?” Bryce asks, locking up the shop. 
“Yeah what are you wearing though?” I ask rummaging through my bag for the key to the lock on my scooter.
“I was going to wear that red silk dress, you know the one Hunt tried to tear off me,” she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Ooo someones playing dirty trying to get laid tonight,” I muse, if Bryce did one thing well it was ruffle Hunt’s feathers everytime he had to pick her up after a girls night. 
“Like I even have to try that hard anymore,” she laughs tucking the keys into her bag. 
“Oh how I wish I had a man to carry me home from the bar and dick me down afterwards,” I sigh with fake longing, though we both know I was telling the truth.
“Prince Charming is out there and who knows you might meet him tonight,” she smiles as she begins to walk towards her apartment. “Wear the black and silver dress!” she calls back. 
I shake my head and continue walking towards the other side of town. I hadn’t planned to wear the black and silver dress tonight but Bryce was never wrong about fashion, so black and silver it was. 
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The White Raven was alive and bouncing per usual. Couples coupling in dark corners, some drunk girls grinding on each other wearing bachelorette tiaras, men shouting at their friends to finish their beers. Among those rowdy men, Ruhn Danaan. 
He had kindly greeted Bryce and unkindly greeted me when he first arrived. Bryce promptly shooed him off letting him know that it was girls night and he said he’d rather chew glass than stick around. While he was across the bar it didn’t help with the awareness that he was there. 
Normally girls nights were carefree, Bryce and I might end up dancing on a bartop and of course they would call the Umbra Mortis to haul us over his shoulders. Sometimes we would kick Hunt out his own bed and force him to sleep on the couch so us girls could have a “sleep over”. 
Tonight was different. The last thing I needed was to commit some atrocious behavior that Ruhn could put in his arsenal of insults. I could already hear him jesting about how I made out with a lion shifter or fell over on the dancefloor. So Bryce and I stuck to sitting at the bar, sipping our drinks and talking shit like sophisticated women.  
Two drinks turned to four, and four turned to six. The colorful lights only made my head spin faster as I downed the rest of my drink. I looked to my right to find Bryce’s nearly untouched. Athalar had showed up about ten minutes ago after our bartender told him we were approaching being cut off. Of course the moment Bryce saw him all bet were off… she now stood with her tongue down his throat and he didn’t seem inclined to protest. Turns out she was right about that red dress. 
I roll my eyes and grab her martini and down it slamming it back on the bartop, not like she was going to need it.
“Bryce I’m heading out,” I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. 
She gave me a thumbs up as Hunt moved from her lips to her neck. I just shook my head and grabbed my purse. It wasn’t uncommon for me to go home alone, she had my location and we always kept tabs on one another.
The second I stood on my feet all the alcohol rushed to my head, and I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath to steady myself. I looked at my barstool and thought about sobering up, but the last thing I wanted to see was the mate makeout session, so I shook my head to try and clear my mind and sauntered out towards the door. 
The night air did little to sober me up, and my stilettos didn’t help with the wobbling. I pulled out my phone to try and find a ride home, but when the rideshare app quoted me $100 to go two miles I shoved my phone back in my purse with a huff and started walking towards my apartment. Like hell I was paying that for two miles.
My heels clicked on the pavement, echoing off the alley walls. Suddenly another pair of shoes echoed off the walls as well, not light and feminine steps, big clunky shoes. 
“Where are you going darling?” crooned a voice I didn’t recognize. 
I tried my best to pick up the pace, but the nature of my delicate shoes did little to give me any sort of advantage. My hands fumble with my purse trying to pull out the pepper spray Hunt got me for my birthday last year but those last two drinks were starting to catch up with me and my world was spinning. 
I feel a pair of hands grab my shoulders and slam me against the wall of the White Raven. My purse falls to the ground and I’m met with a pair of brown eyes. The guy had a backwards sunball hat and a blue shirt and he reeked of liquor. 
“Come on baby it’s not safe for pretty things like you to be out here,” he slurred, his body pressing closer to me. 
I cringe at the smell of his breath, “Get off of me creep!” I shout hoping that the alley isn’t that empty. 
My hands try to push him off but my intoxicated nature doesn't allow for much dexterity on my part.  
“Oh come on sweetheart don’t be that way,” he mumbled drunkenly, attaching his mouth to my neck. 
I try to push him off once more but I wobble, uneasy on my shoes. His hands fall from the small of my waist to the hem of my dress and I feel my blood run ice cold. 
“NO!” I shout scrumbling to get the sleeze off me. 
A hand grabs the back of the males collar and the sound of a fit making contact with his jaw reverberates through the alley as the male hits the ground. I stand shocked with my hands over my mouth as Ruhn Danaan shakes out the hand that delivered the punch and kicks the limp male. 
“You okay?” he asks nonchalantly, giving me a once over. 
I stand there still too stunned to speak, my eyes wandering from the male on the ground to Ruhn standing there with that damned black t-shirt clinging to his torso. 
He bends down to pick up my purse and shoves it into my arms. The gesture that finally breaks me out of shock. 
“T-thank you,” I mutter, still a little slow. 
“Where’s Bryce?” he asks looking around the alley, the sound of the club music inside still booming. 
I push myself off the wall stumbling a bit, “Inside sucking face with Athalar,” I slurr. 
“Thanks for the visual,” Ruhn purses his lips.
I straighten myself up and take a deep breath trying to act as sober as possible which probably was making me seem even more drunk, but I had to at least try. 
“Well thank you for uh…that,” I say gesturing towards the man still unconscious on the pavement. “I’ll see you around I guess.” 
I start wobbling down the alleyway once more, blinking my eyes rapidly to get my mind to clear and focus on walking home. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going princess?” he croons. 
Princess. Gods that fucking nickname. Most people would use it as a compliment or a pet name, but Ruhn knew how it drove me insane. He claimed I was just a spoiled princess one time and when I freaked out and yelled at him about it he proceeded to make that his nickname for me.
“I’m going home,” I sneer, trying to walk as best I can. 
“Like hell you’re walking home alone,” he growls, gripping my arm.
My eyes fly too the tattooed hand on my arm, and then up to those violet blue eyes that sparked with rage. 
“I do it all the time I’m fine,” I growl trying to rip my arm out of his grasp but I only succeed in making myself stumble more. 
He steadies me before speaking again, “Stop I’ll give you a ride,” he says motioning to his blacked out R1 parked in the alley. 
“I am not getting on that death trap with you after you’ve been drinking,” I scoff. 
“I’m not drunk, I don’t get drunk in public, it’s bad for appearances,” he says, irritation flitting across his unfairly handsome features. 
“Then how do I know you’re not going to dump me into Istros?” I sneer and the muscle in his jaw ticks and I can tell it’s taking everything in him not to fire back at me. 
“Because Bryce and I are finally on good terms and I’m pretty sure she would never forgive me if something happened to her best friend,” he explained, his words cold as ice. 
Maybe I was stupid, maybe I was drunk, maybe I was just cold and wanted to go home, but I actually believed him.
“Fine, let's go,” I say, walking towards his bike. 
I had to admit I always wanted to ride a motorcycle. Now riding on the back of Ruhn’s while I was drunk wasn’t exactly the time I wanted to do it, but I suppose beggars couldn’t be choosers. The bike was large and completely blacked out, if the moon hadn’t illuminated it just right I wouldn’t have been able to see it. 
Ruhn approaches the bike and starts the engine, every movement is like second nature to him. He takes the helmet off the seat and goes to put it on himself but then stops, turns to me, and punks it down on my head. The darkness of the visor mixed with the late hour making it impossible to see. I huff and flip it up, giving him a pointed glare. 
“I don’t have both helmets so this will have to do,” he says studying the way it fits me a little big. 
Tattooed fingers brush under my chin, tilting it up so he can buckle the strap for me. I would protest and say I’m capable of doing it myself but in my drunken state I’m not so sure. When he clips the buckle it pinches my skin for a moment and I yip.
“Ouch you pinched me!” I yelp smacking him in the arm. 
“Well if you stopped squirming I wouldn’t have pinched you,” he smirks, throwing his leg over the bike. “Now swing your leg over the bike and put your feet on these pegs,” he instructs me. 
I do as I’m told, using his broad shoulders as support as standing on one leg, drunk, in stilettos was never a good idea. Once I’m seated I keep my hands on his shoulders lightly and my bum on the edge of the seat, putting as much distance away from each other as possible. 
“You gotta hold on or you’ll fall off sweetheart,” he laughs, somehow finding humor in the precarious situation we’re in. 
“Yeah fucking right, like I’m going to wrap my arms around you like a little lovesick puppy,” I huff. “Just drive.” 
He shakes his head and revs the engine making the bike jerk forward. The momentum has my bum moving further into the seat and my arms instinctively wrapping around his middle, like I was afraid to fall off.
“There we go much better,” he smirks before revving the engine a couple of times. “Hold on tight princess.” 
I’m not given another warning before he speeds out onto the streets. Thankfully there aren’t a lot of cars and people out this late at night, but it doesn’t stop the crown prince from weaving around traffic that is there. He goes so fast I feel compelled to hold onto him with a deathgrip. 
By the time we pull up to my apartment my stomach is queasy. I swing my leg off the bike and nearly fall over until Ruhn catches my arms and hauls me up. 
“Woah there princess, maybe we better keep the helmet on, you’re a walking liability.” he laughs clearly enjoying seeing me in a vulnerable moment. 
“Take it off,” I grumble as I stand up straight again. 
He repeats the motion from earlier, tilting up my chin to help me take the damned thing off instead this time he ruffles my hair when he’s done. 
“You did pretty good for your first time as a backpack,” he smirks as I glare at him. 
I go to walk up my front steps and slip on my damned heels again, the ones that were definitely going to the back of the closet after this outing. Arm wraps under my shoulders and I feel Ruhn helping me up the steps to my second floor apartment. 
“You don’t have to do that, I can make it,” I grumble. 
“Trying to stay in Bryce’s good graces remember,” he says as I fumble with my keys.
My apartment wasn’t the nicest. It wasn’t a dump by any means, I did my best to keep it homey and clean, but it also wasn’t as nice as Bryce’s. Well I suppose Bryce and Hunt’s apartment now. God she was definitely having a better night than me. 
I walk inside and go to close the door but that damned tattooed hand stops me. 
“Not going to invite me in? That’s not very friendly,” Ruhn tuts walking right past me.
I scoff at him, walking in like he owns the place. Part of me wants to drag him out by his ear, but the logical part of me bends over to get myself out of these death trap shoes. I throw them across the room as punishment for their crimes tonight. 
When I walk further into my apartment I find Ruhn has completely made himself at home by grabbing a beer out of my refrigerator and cracking it open. 
“Are you serious?” I scoff walking to the sink across from him and getting myself a glass of water. 
“Consider it payment for the free ride home, I’ll take my thanks at any time you know?” he says smugly, taking another sip.
“Thank you for the ride,” I sigh. “Now will you please go?” 
He furrows his brows, “And waste a freshly opened beer? I don’t think so.” he says. 
I lean against the counter adjacent to him and sip my water. I can’t help but roll my eyes at the male. This was just like Ruhn, finding simple ways to get under my skin. I hated the fact that I liked the way he looked in my kitchen, black t-shirt in jeans, hair tied to the nape of his neck. 
Ruhn’s eyes flicker with amusement and then he chuckles, “I really do get under that delicate skin of yours don’t I princess?” he croons. 
“I told you. Don’t. Call. Me. Princess.” I snap at him, oh god if looks could kill. 
He pushes himself off  the counter, “Then stop fucking acting like one,”  he says low prowling forward with every step. 
The closer he gets the taller he looms. I know this little scare tactic, him trying to invade my space and make me feel small. It’s not like I have much of a choice either, not with the way my back is pressed into the counter. 
I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or the expensive cologne pouring off him but there’s something about the way he’s looking at me that is so damn arousing. A fucked up part of me wanted him to stick his tongue down my throat but I quickly threw that thought away. 
He was mere inches away from me when I started to think he would do just that. My pulse raced and my thighs clenched. But when his arm reached up brushing the shell of my ear it just kept reaching until it came to the top shelf of my cabinets and plucked the bag of chips off the shelf. 
My shoulders sag as I realize he was just reaching for a snack to go with his beer, and I mentally cursed myself for hoping it would be more. 
He chuckles, opening the bag of chips and popping one into his mouth, not moving from where he stood just inches away from me. He clearly was loving this little power trip he was on. 
“You look disappointed, princess,” he chuckles, fishing another chip from the bag. 
I roll my eyes and look to the side, unable to meet the predatory gaze that almost had me throwing my moral code out the window just minutes ago. 
His hand drifts under my chin pulling my gaze to his as he takes a step forward again. 
“Did you think I was going to kiss you?” he asks low, his thumb and forefinger pinching my chin so I can’t look away. 
I swallow the lump in my throat. My logic screams to shove him, my alcohol induced brain says to kiss him and my mouth can’t find the words to speak. 
Ruhn smiles, lowering his head to me, “Maybe I should kiss you, it would be good to shut you up,” he laughs, voice gravely. 
His lips are so close to mine I can feel the warmth of his breath, I swear the cool metal of that damn lip ring brushes my mouth. My body leans forward of its own accord but then he reaches his other hand up and pops another chip in his mouth thoroughly running the moment.
“No I don’t think I will kiss you, even though it’s clear that you want me to,” he smiles, that damn knee wobbling smile he gives every woman to bring them to their knees. 
I stand in a state of shock as he back up to his side of the kitchen again, he plucks his keys off the counter and twirls them in his hand as he walks towards the front door. 
“Have a good night, princess,” he says on the way out, putting an emphasis on the name that drives me crazy. 
I’m left standing alone in my kitchen, glass of water long since forgotten and mouth agape. Ruhn Danaan almost just kissed me, and the fucked up part of it was I wanted him to.
part 2 coming... Lmk if you want to be on the taglist for this little mini series.
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202, @batboyrhyrhy , @kennedy-brooke , @sunshineangel-reads , @lilah-asteria , @evergreenlark, @cheneyq, @readingislife2006, @tincanhat, @shadowofazriel, @tumblgirlie0210, @panther-girl-124, @callsigns-haze
(if you are on my permanent taglist and you don't want to be just let me know! I'm not offended!)
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 6 months
Could you write an imagine with Ruhn x Reader, like maybe someone that isn’t rlly swayed by his look and is very out off by like the smoking and parties and for the first time he actually has to try to get the girl he wants??? Luv u!!!
Polar opposite
You frowned the moment the loud music hit you. It felt like a physical blow the moment you yanked the door open, trying to press through a sea of sweaty bodies. If it wasn’t for your best friend you would be miles away from places like that. But when duty called, you weren’t about to leave her in place like that drunk. You pull up your phone, hoping the Find Me app will magically guide you to your friends as you curse beneath your breath.
After bumping into an unimaginable amount of tipsy people and dogging at least four sets of hands you finally catch a glimpse of Merc’s silver hair. But the minute you move to take a confident step towards her a firm frame covers your view of the room. You let out a frustrated huff. “Want a hit?”, you don’t even need to lift your head to know who the voice belongs to. Biggest fuck boy this city had seen. But you know his type. Already faced more than one on your visit here. You look him up and down with a scowl, “Ah.. no thank you”, you shoot him a fake smile, trying to outstep the crowned prince only to come in contact with his outstretched hand. “I got the best”, he smirks, waving the cigarette in front of your face.
“Lung cancer?”, you muse, crossing your arms over your chest. “What?”, Ruhn frowns too high to follow through the conversation probably. “The best lung cancer”, you tap his shoulder, “Not interested”, you move to the side once more only for him to follow your lead. Was this guy seriously blind or something? Wasn’t your body language enough for him to understand that you weren’t interested?
“A drink?”, he wiggles his eyebrows, leaning in closer. “You know what I would love actually”, you smile at him as you back away ever so slightly. “Tell me”, Ruhn practically purrs, “I’ll get it for ya, gorgeous”, he beamed. You smile right back at him, hoping that he can’t see the way your eye is practically twitching with annoyance. “I would love for you to piss the fuck off”, you huff, using his surprise to push past him. Was this playing with fire? Most definitely. And was your heart practically beating out of your chest? Yes. But he didn’t need to know that.
A loud sea of “Uffffffff”, echoed around you both. “You just got put in your place”, someone muttered with a laugh, followed by a sharp, “Shut up”, by Ruhn himself. You pushed it all back. Choosing to focus on your friend who was puking into the potted plant. “Come on, Merc”, you breathed out, wrapping an arm around her middle as she tried to apologize but it all barely made sense. You could feel the same purple eyes watching your every move. Even outside as you tried to get your friend seated in your car. It felt as if someone was watching.
His skin had prickled with annoyance when you had kicked him to the curb as if he were nothing. He loved the chase. It was fun at the time. Got the blood flowing. But Ruhn just wanted a careless fuck that night. With someone who had no stupid agenda when it came to him. And too many faces around the room were familiar but he had never seen you before. There was something different about you. No twinkle of excitement as you walked through his living room. At first, he thought that this was just a mask. A game of sorts that would crumble as soon as he introduced himself. But you had looked him up and down the same way you had looked up the messy hallway and the sea of intoxicated people. “Dec”, Ruhn leaned closer to his friend, who even in the middle of the party had his computer propped up on the kitchen counter. “Hmm”, he barely acknowledged Ruhn, throwing back another shot that someone plopped in his hand. “Dig up everything you can find about her”, Ruhn breathed out. Dec lifted his head. Scanning his friend’s face before breaking into a knowing grin.
Ruhn had been leaning against his car for hours. At this point his cigarettes were running low and so was his patience. Until the back door opened up. “The library closed three hours ago”, his voice echoed through the dark alley. Making the person let out a loud shriek. “Urd spare me”, you hiss, hand over your chest as your blazing eyes lock in on him. “Are you insane? Are you following me?”, huffing you reached for the book that had slipped out of your hands, turning back to lock the door.
“Thought you weren’t the one to break the rules”, Ruhn flicked his cigarette one more time before, stepping on it with his foot. Killing the last bits of amber. “I have a card that…”, you stop mid-sentence, raising your head higher, “I don’t have to explain myself to you”. A smirk crept onto his face. Ruhn liked this. This push and pull. The fact that you didn’t want to cave in.
“How did you even know I’ll be here?”, you huff, stepping under the same lamp light. Eyes still blazing in annoyance. But such beautiful eyes. Eyes that pull Ruhn under for a heartbeat too long before he mutters, “Thought I’ll hand deliver an invitation to my party”, he pulls a folded card from his leather jacket. He never sends out invitations to his parties and from the way you raise an eyebrow at him, you appear to be aware of that information.
“No”, you say in that venomous sweet voice before turning away from him. “One party”, he calls over your shoulder but you simply wave him off. “Or are you scared?”, Ruhn throws the last desperate hook and to his surprise, you stop before turning back at him. “I don’t see a point in all that”, you simply shrug, “Drinking, smoking, drugs, strangers puking in your toilet”, you bend finger after finger as you list the things you hate. “Grim”, you add at the very end, making Ruhn let out a chuckle.
“What’s your form of fun?”, if only his friends would see him like this. He’s borderline desperate. To keep this conversation going. To keep you in his company. You just shake your head, “Something you would never like”. Your eyes dart yo to him and Ruhn doesn’t let his gaze falter. “Try me”, he almost dares you, “You might just be surprised”. He can see the way a breath hitches in your throat. You stay silent for a bit before muttering, “I like books”, and there it is, that glimmer, one that people have at his parties. The shine in the eyes, “I like book browsing and just walking through little shops”, your admission has your cheeks growing slightly pink. And fuck if it’s not the most attractive thing Ruhn had seen. He’s not sure what demon makes him do it but, Ruhn finds his mouth betraying him, “How about this. I go with you to do what you like and you do the same with my kind of fun?”, and it’s like you are both taken back by that suggestion. Ruhn catches a flicker of a challenge in your eyes before you nod, “Fine”, your breath, “But you have to enjoy yourself fully, not fake your way through it”, you breathe out, making Ruhn nod as he extends his hand towards you, “Deal”, he mutters. You hesitate to shake his hand for a moment but then your way smaller palm is sliding into his callused one and you are almost sure that you feel a shiver running through his whole body.
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throneofsmut · 5 months
Surprise Surprise
Ruhn Danaan x Female Reader || WC: 4.2k || Warnings: Violence, fighting, blood and injuries, alcohol, and smut.
Summary: Ruhn and reader celebrate her birthday in a rented out movie theater. Based off this request.
A/N: happy birthday bestie @historygeekqueen ❤️ i hope you like it !!
You’ve known who “Ruhn Danaan The Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae” is ever since you could remember but you only met him almost a year ago. 
When he arrested you at the White Raven after you got into a fight with a lion-shifter after overhearing him talk shit about your cousin Tristan Flynn while you were celebrating getting hired as the club’s new bartender with your friends. Apparently his girlfriend had left him for Tristan instead and he was shit-talking him to another shifter.
You and Tristan didn’t look alike at all and even though you were only in your early 20’s, you were extremely close—he was the big brother you never had. 
It wasn’t the first time you got into a fight defending him and it wouldn’t be the last. He’s gotten into his fair share of fights defending you too. Which was why you didn’t think twice before punching the lion-shifter in the nose after you threw your drink in his face. A wicked grin settling over your lips as you heard a loud crunch and seconds later the tangy scent of copper filled your nose. 
You two traded blows before the other shifter—his friend—started swinging at you too when he noticed all your blows were landing and not the other way around. You dodged or blocked most of their hits but since it was two of them, some of them did land. But still almost all of yours were hitting their mark. Thanks to Tristan teaching you how to fight.
The Aux was there not even five minutes after the fight started. You felt strong arms—undoubtedly male by his scent—wrap around you right as you were about to land a blow that would hopefully knock the lion-shifter out. His friend was already laid out on the floor, unconscious. 
Your chest was still heaving slightly with effort. Your heartbeat wildly because of all the adrenaline. And you didn’t have to look at your hands to know your knuckles were most likely split, swollen and bruised. No doubt covered in blood. Theirs and yours. 
Groaning internally thinking about what you must look like. 
You tried lifting a hand to your lip that was throbbing but as soon as your arm shifted the tiniest bit, the arms that were wrapped around you clamped down harder. 
The male was practically carrying you out of the White Raven and towards one of the Aux’s patrol cars. 
“Where’s Flynn? I need Tristan!” You said to the male. Trying to turn in his arms to face him. You were just about to ask for your cousin again when his deep, sensual, voice filled your ears. 
“Just because you two had a one night stand doesn’t mean he’s gonna come and save you.” You could practically hear his eye roll as he put you in the back of the car. Seconds later the driver’s side door opened and the male slid in. Leaning your head back on the head rest, you let a knowing smirk grace your lips, feeling a slight sting as the split in it opened again. “What are you smirking at?” The male snapped. 
You didn’t open your eyes, settling further into the backseat, “You’ll see.” He was probably some Aux grunt and Tristan was going to rip into him. 
Ten minutes later you pull into the parking garage located underneath the Aux. You didn’t say anything to the male as he led you into the building and towards one of the interrogation rooms. 
A frown settling over your features as you took in your ripped dress while the male cuffed you to the metal table. You were so focused on your dress that you didn’t notice the way his eyes looked you over. Lingering on your thighs. He was already at the door when your voice halted him mid-step, “Flynn?” You asked, voice full of hope.
He didn’t respond; he only lingered in the door for a second longer before shutting it harder than necessary. 
You sigh, hanging your head and it’s only a couple minutes later that you realize that your dress had ridden up. Thick thighs on full display. You wouldn’t be surprised if the male had seen your black lace panties.
Letting out an annoyed huff, you look between your hands cuffed to the metal table and your thighs. Only letting a heartbeat pass before deciding to break the cuffs. 
And as soon as you stand up to adjust your dress two males walk through the door. The both of them just stare at you as you shrug, “I had to fix my dress,” you explain. 
The white-haired male scoffs at you as you sit back down, crossing one leg over the other. But the raven-haired male stares at your thighs unabashedly before lifting his gaze to the deep cut of your dress—so blue it’s almost black depending on the way light hits it—where it lingers before meeting your eyes. 
Tilting your head to the side, “You look familiar,” you say to the raven-haired male. 
He doesn’t take his eyes off of you as he directs his words to male next to him, “Go get her some water. She needs to sober up.”
“No. I only had a few drinks.” In other words, you’re not that drunk. 
“Go.” He commands the other male and he leaves.
“Where’s Tristan?”
“He’s not coming, let it go.”
“Call him.” You grit out, your annoyance dripping off of every word.
“No. He—“ The raven-haired male is cut off by the door slamming open. Your cousin stalks towards you, all but seething, but before he can reach you the other male blocks him. 
“Move.” Tristan growls at him. The male doesn’t move so your cousin shoves him out of the way and then drops to a knee in front of you, grabbing your face. No doubt trying to figure out if the blood on your face is yours or not.
“I asked for you.” You tell him quietly as he lightly taps your swollen brow, growling when you wince. 
Then he’s whirling on the male behind him, “Why didn’t you get me when she asked for me.” A command not a question.
The male crosses his arms, not at all fazed by your cousin, “How, am I supposed to know that you care about a random female that you had a one night stand with?” 
“She’s my fucking cousin!” He snaps and the raven-haired male's eyes widen. His eyes flicked between Tristan and you. 
That's when you noticed his eyes were blue—so blue they were violet. Beautiful. He was beautiful. 
“Fuck you, Ruhn!”
You lean out of your seat to get a good look at the male. “That’s Ruhn?” You ask your cousin. “You’re Ruhn?” You ask the male.
“Yes.” They answer at the same time.
You blink once, “Hmm. Maybe I am drunker than I thought.” You say out loud to yourself before looking at  Ruhn again. “I thought you—“ you began to say to him but your cousin cut you off. 
“He is going to get me a first aid kit so I can patch you up.” Tristan says pointedly. 
You arch a brow, “For what? I’ll heal.” You argue.
“Don’t care.” You hold your cousin’s challenging stare. 
“Fine,” you huff. Ruhn takes that as his cue to leave to go get the first aid kit but you don’t miss the corners of his mouth tilting up in an amused smile. And as soon as he walks out the room, your cousin begins to scold you and you try to argue back but he’s not having it. “But he talked shit about you—“
“I. Don’t. Care.” He bites out.
“Oh! So you mean to tell me if someone talked shit about me in front of you, you wouldn’t have done anything?”
“Of course not.”
“Exactly!” The both of you cross your arms at the same time. Your eyes flit to the closed door then back at your cousin, “Tris, can I tell you a secret?” 
He arches a brow at you. Waiting.
“Okay, but you can’t tell anyone or make fun of me or laugh at me.”
He rolls his eyes but nods.  
You stick your pinky out to him, “Promise me?”
He smirks at you, “I promise.” He swears as he locks his pinky with yours before pulling away. 
“I used to have a crush on him,” you whisper-yell. Clearly drunk.
“Him? Who?”
Tristan tilts his head back, groaning. 
“Stop!” You yell at him, “It was years ago.”
Your cousin looks at you, a disgusted grimace on his face, “So not anymore?”
“Tris, I swear!” He stares at you for a couple seconds before bursting out with laughter and you swat at his arm. Bursting out with laughter too, “I hate you.”
The both of you are so caught up in your own world that you fail to notice Ruhn was right outside the door.
It’s been two weeks since your fight at the White Raven and you’ve been making excuses to not go out with your friends when they invite you because Tristan has been dramatically over protective. Even fussing that you have to start your job at the White Raven.
Which is why you decided to stay in this Saturday. You had just finished cleaning your apartment, settling onto your couch with a pint of ice cream, getting ready to watch “Fangs and Bangs” when someone knocked at your door.
You threw your head back into your couch, groaning, before setting your ice cream down on your coffee table. When the person on the other side of your door knocks again, louder this time. “Coming!” You yell in response. 
Without thinking you throw your door open, your brows pinching when you see who’s on the other side of the door. It’s Ruhn. As in Tristan’s best friend Ruhn. As in Ruhn Danaan “The Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae”, Ruhn.
His hand is still raised like he was just about to knock on the door again before you opened it. He takes you in. Looking at you from head to toe, those violet-blue eyes seem to gleam as they linger on your thighs longer than necessary. 
He’s looking at you like every other male does and yet it sets your skin aflame. Your thighs clenching beneath his gaze and finally your eyes meet and he gives you a knowing smirk. And it’s all you can do to glare at him before taking him in. 
From his long silky black hair, to his violet eyes, his lips, to his broad chest and then to his muscular—veiny arms. Gods, he had tattoos. You hadn’t noticed them the night you got arrested. And then down to his trim waist, his thick muscular thighs and his black combat boots. Frowning more at yourself than him. He was a dick to you but here you were lusting after him. 
When you meet his gaze again you notice his smirk falters. Then he finally speaks. “I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted. . . when I arrested you.”  
You blink at him, crossing your arms over your chest, and you don’t miss the way his eyes fall to your tits. 
Then he looks back up at you, clearing his throat, “So I got you these.” A bouquet of roses. Your eyes flick from him to the roses in his outstretched hand and in one quick motion you take them from him and slam the door in his face. Your face heating at the fact that Ruhn brought you flowers. Granted it was rude to slam the door in his face but he was rude to you too.
So it went on like that for a while. He would bring you flowers a couple times a week, either to your apartment or to the White Raven while you worked. Or he would simply drop off food for you at work. 
Then slowly you started eating together on your lunch breaks or you would share a pint of ice cream in your apartment while watching “Fangs and Bangs.” Never talking, just eating in silence. But it was a month later and he had started walking you to work and home from work whenever he had the chance to. 
You finally caved one day when you stood outside your door, keys gripped tightly in your hand, “What do you want from me?”
He answered immediately. “Go out with me. Let me make it up to you.”
“No?” He chuckled. “Why not?” 
“Because. . . Why?”
You sigh. “Because, you go out with a lot of females and I don’t want to be just another female you go out with.” 
“Do you think I’ll break your heart or something, sweetheart?”
Your cheeks heat at the nickname but you meet his eyes, defiance shining in yours. “Nobody breaks my heart.” 
“So go out with me.” 
“Will you leave me alone, if I say yes?” He grins. “Fine. Just one.”
He grins even wider, “I’ll pick you up later at 7.”
“Just one.” You breathe.
“Just one.” He swears. 
You both lied to each other. One date turned into three. Three turned into five and you couldn’t lie that you had started to fall for him, but you both agreed not to tell Tristan. Since you both refused to put a label on your relationship, if you could call it that and it had almost been a year since he first showed up to your apartment. 
After that first date though, you’ve refused to give anyone else the time of day. Ruhn never said that you couldn’t see other people except they just didn’t compare to him. Males and females alike have tried to change your mind but whenever you thought about it your mind always strayed back to a certain fae male with long black hair, violet eyes, that towered over you. 
And you know you’re the only female Ruhn has been with too. 
Annoyingly, both of you were so busy which is why you’d only gone on five dates. But your schedule finally seemed to line up this weekend and he asked you out on another date. Which you instantly agreed to and canceled going out with your friends even though it was your birthday. You even canceled going out to dinner with Tristan to celebrate, breaking tradition and instead compromising to go out for breakfast. 
You’d rather spend time with Ruhn on your birthday even if he didn’t know that it was your birthday today. Any time spent with him was a gift, so when he called you and told you to get dressed and later sent you the address of where to meet you couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face. 
You had three hours to get ready before you had to meet him and your phone said it was only a ten-minute walk from your apartment. You didn’t waste any time starting your shower routine, doing your makeup, hair, and getting dressed. Deciding to wear a short red silk dress that accentuates your curves with black heels that lace up around your ankles. 
Making your way towards the front door you checked your phone and you were right on time. Turns out the address he sent you was to a movie theater, putting your phone back into your purse and locking the door to your apartment, you set off to go meet your prince. 
Once you get to the front of the building you check your phone again to see if Ruhn texted you again because it looks like it’s closed. But, right when you lift your phone to your ear you hear him, I’m here, sweetheart. Come inside. He says to you mind to mind. 
You let out a laugh, Why are you inside if it’s closed?
Come inside and you’ll find out.
You take a deep breath before heading inside the dark building, “Ruhn?” You call out. Walking deeper into the lobby you see one of the hallways is flickering with light. But once you get to the threshold you stop to take in all the rose petals and candles strategically placed on the floor of the hallway.
You’re about to call out for him again, when a shadow twines around your ankle and up your calf, before wrapping around your wrist and tugging you forward. The shadow excitedly leads you towards an open door that says “Theater 7” and once you get all the way inside the room you see him. Ruhn. 
Your eyes slowly sweep over his entire frame. He’s wearing black boots, black dress pants and a black dress shirt. His sleeves were casually rolled up, revealing toned, tattooed forearms. Then your eyes fall to lips that are curved up in a smirk and then to eyes that seem to darken as he takes you in. 
The shadow continues to lead you until you’re a foot away from him. “Hi,” you squeak out. Your cheeks burn at his undivided attention and he smiles smugly knowing that too. 
“Happy Birthday, sweetheart.” He says softly. 
You swat at him lightly. “You knew!”
He lets out a soft chuckle before wrapping his arms around you. “How could I not celebrate my girl on her special day.”
Your cheeks burn even hotter at his words. My girl. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me.” Your words are muffled by his shoulder but he still hears you.
He leans back, cradling your face in his face, “My girl deserves the world, sweetheart.” You sigh contentedly, eyes fluttering closed as a full smile blooms across your face. “I have another present for you.”
You gasp, “There’s more?” 
“For you, always.” He leads to a lounger in the middle, that’s in front of the movie screen and pulls out his phone. “Look at the screen,” he instructs and you do. Ruhn’s on his phone for a couple more seconds and then suddenly the screen comes to life with a slideshow of pictures—of you. 
Of the both of you together and some of just you. Some of them you remember he took while on or whenever you were together while the others you didn’t even realize he took. Your eyes well up with tears when you see yourself falling for him in the pictures—so clear in the way you look at him. 
And any doubt you had of him not falling for you is replaced with certainty that he is. You don’t know how you missed the way he looks at you when it’s so obvious in the pictures.
Once the slideshow ends you throw yourself into his arms, tears rolling down your cheeks as you wrap your arms around his neck. “Thank you, Ruhn.” 
“Did you like it?” He asks hesitantly. 
Nuzzling further into his neck, nodding, “I loved it.” 
He releases a breath, his chest meets yours as relief washes through him. “Thank gods.”
You pull back straddling him, wiping your tears away and his hands fall to your thighs. Rubbing them mindlessly. “Did you really think I wouldn’t love it?”
He shrugs. His eyes bore into yours. “I just wanted you to have a good birthday.”
“It would have been a great birthday regardless as long as I spent it with you.” You reassure him.
He nods, unconsciously licking his lips causing your gaze to fall to his mouth. You lift your eyes back to his and then drop them down to his lips again and then lightly graze your lips over his. Pulling him in closer, your fingers entwined in his hair as you brushed your lips over his again. Harder this time. 
His fingers dig into your plush thighs, earning a soft moan from you that allowed him to deepen the kiss. You grind your hips over his needly. Then you were swiping your tongue along the seam of his lips, seeking entrance, causing a groan to fall from Ruhn’s lips. As your tongue dipped inside his mouth, the both of you fighting for dominance before he won and explored your mouth. 
The both of you pull back at the same time, breathlessly gasping for air. 
The scents of your arousal thick in the air. His musky scent, intoxicating as it invades all of your senses. 
Your voice is breathy, “Ruhn, please. . .” still panting from the kiss. 
“Please, what, sweetheart?” His own chest was still rising and falling as he struggled to recover from the kiss, but his hands never stopped rubbing your thighs. 
“Fuck me.”
His eyes darken and a wicked smirk tugs at his kiss-swollen lips and it’s the only warning you get before he’s flipping you both over so your back is flat against the seat of the lounger. Ruhn hikes your dress up so it’s bunched around your waist before settling himself between your soft thick thighs. 
His large tattooed hands grip them hard enough you know you’ll have little bruises on them the same size of his fingers. He groans low in his throat while he places sensual teasing kisses along both of your inner thighs, alternating as he gets closer to your soaked cunt. 
Growling when a wave of your arousal hits him, “you’re gonna be the death of me.”
He murmurs under his breath and you can’t tell if it’s directed towards you or himself but it still elicits a whimper from you. 
“Ruhn, plea—“ your words die in your throat as he licks a long broad stripe along your clothed cunt. 
His dark chuckle is full of mirth as it echoes in your mind. Yes, sweetheart? 
I need more. I need. . . you. 
A heart beat later you hear fabric tear and then feel the cold air against your now bare cunt. Your light pink lace panties dangle from ring adorned fingers while you clench around nothing as he rubs tight circles over your swollen clit. 
Ruhn picks up the pace as he begins to murmur praises into your mind. Pressure begins to build at the base of your spine as he replaces his fingers with his tongue. Groaning at the taste of you on his tongue as he flicks, swirls and sucks at your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Oh f-fuuck, Ruhn!” You cry out as the overstimulation. 
Back arching when he slips a single thick finger into you. Then he slips in another, your walls spasming and contracting around them as your hips begin to buck unconsciously. “Good girl,” he praises. His voice thick with lust. “Just like that, sweetheart.” 
Then he dips his head back down, his tongue lightly and rapidly working your clit as he continues finger fucking you. 
You fall over the edge with a scream when he moans against your clit, the vibrations of it causing your back to arch off the lounger as your release barrels through you. 
Still coming down from your orgasm when Ruhn flips you so you’re on all fours. Your body threatens to buckle beneath you from aftershocks, but Ruhn places a large hand on your belly holding you up while rubbing the head of his cock through your slick folds. 
Your hips jerking while you whine from overstimulation, letting out shaky breaths as he talks you through it. “You can take it, sweetheart. Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?”
“Mhmm,” you respond. Not capable of words. 
Ruhn lets out a hiss as he buries himself in your cunt with a slow thrust, inch by inch, until he’s swallowed by your warmth. “Fuck. . . you take me so well.” His deep voice practically a purr, while he restrains your hands behind your back with your panties. 
He pulls almost all the way out to the tip before sinking all the way back in. Setting a merciless desperate pace as he fucks you. Your legs begin to shake as you feel another orgasm building. 
“Gods, I can feel your tight cunt squeezing me. Are you gonna c-cum for me again, sweetheart?”
You nod frantically, letting out a choked sob as he circles your clit with one of his hands.
“Fuck,” He grunts, never letting up as a second orgasm racks your body, working you through it. “Good girl.” He praises, slapping the side of one of your thick thighs. His words are drowned out by the sounds of skin slapping skin as his hips snap against the swell of your ass. 
His thrusts turn frantic as you feel your third orgasm about to tear through you. Ruhn’s hips stutter, “Give me one more. Cum with me, sweetheart.” And as soon as that last word fell from his lips you shatter, crying out his name as you both cum.  
Your name on his lips as you both collapse. He braces himself with one arm on the side of your body so he doesn’t crush you with his weight as he emptied himself inside you. Your walls spasm and contract around his pulsing cock, milking every last drop of his cum. 
The both of you stay there for a couple minutes and then he’s rolling you so you’re laying on top of him. “Thank you, for the best birthday my prince.” Your voice is still a bit shaky. 
He rubs his hands soothingly over your body. “This is nothing. We’re still gonna go back to your apartment for a few more rounds.” 
You lift your head to look at him, eyes wide. “Oh gods, you’re gonna kill me.” 
He laughs softly. “Just wait until next year,” he promises. 
Tagging: @historygeekqueen @misskennygirl
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danikamariewrites · 6 months
Wrongfully Accused
Ruhn x reader
A/n: please enjoy me projecting my hate for the spring break crowds AND Ruhn going full alpha hole for reader lmao
Warnings: possessive Ruhn, comfort (and a rushed ending bc I didn’t know how to end it, i might edit it later)
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The Aux had been unreasonably busy this evening. Flynn was starting to develop a headache as the umpteenth slam of the holding cell rang through the small stone space.
On his way back up to the bull pen, rubbing at his temples, Flynn decided he hated spring break. When did he get so old and bitter about fun? Probably when that male shifter jumped off the pier when Flynn told him not to. Arresting college kids in the Istros was a hassle.
His ass hadn’t even touched his desk chair when Dec dropped a new stack of case files and tablet. Flynn collapsed into the rolling chair, throwing his head back letting out a deep sigh. “Were we like this on spring break?”
Dec hummed, “But it was worse because we had Ruhn as immunity.” The lordling sat up shaking his head, starting to sort through the endless paperwork.
“I said I didn’t do anything! Arresting me solves nothing you ass!”
Dec and Flynn’s eyes go wide at the sound of your voice. They watch as you’re dragged through the chaos of headquarters. “Yeah, yeah. Tell it to Cthona because no one else is listening sweetheart.” The Aux member said, shoving you into an empty interrogation room.
The two look at each other. Fear in their eyes for the Hel Ruhn would rain down upon the Aux upon finding out his sweet girl was arrested. “I’ll call Ruhn.” “I’ll find out what happened.” The pair said in unison, splitting up.
You could not believe the situation you’re in right now. Arrested and being held in an interrogation room! You were just on your way home from work and got tangled in the mess of drunk spring breakers. It’s not like you were participating in illegal activities.
Just a wrong time, wrong place situation.
You tired to tell the Aux member that arrested you what was going on but he clearly didn’t want to hear you out. Then you pulled out your last resort method. Name dropping your mate. Prince Ruhn Danaan. The male just laughed in your face.
Laying your head on the cool metal table you played with the chain of the cuffs that kept you tethered to the table. Letting out a bored sigh you settle in for a long, long wait. You saw Declan and Flynn by the desks. Thanks to them Ruhn would probably be here soon.
“No, no! Up that way! And make sure they don’t run off!” Ruhn yelled to his team. He shook his head taking in the mess around him. Spring fucking break.
Pulling his phone out of his pocket he saw the million and one messages from Dec on his lock screen. Missed calls, voicemails, and texts telling Ruhn to call him back, get back to HQ, and you being arrested. At the sight of your name and ‘arrested’ Ruhn didn’t even bother looking through the texts.
Jumping in the car he called Dec back. “What the hel is going on!” He growled out. Handing the phone over to Flynn he explained the situation. You got caught up in the mad dash for the pier across town and were taken in with the drunk college kids.
Ruhn gripped the steering wheel of the SUV so hard his tattooed fingers cracked. Stepping on the gas he sped off into traffic back toward Aux HQ.
Dec met him at the front door to try and quell some of Ruhn’s anger before getting upstairs. He knew he failed when the elevator ride was silent and Ruhn was trying to regulate his breathing.
His mate arrested! And in an interrogation room! Why didn’t either of his friends move you to his office? Questions kept racing through his mind as the elevator dinged. Stepping out he raced towards Flynn’s desk where he stood with the male that arrested you.
Before anyone could step in Ruhn grabbed the male by his collar, growling at him. “What the hel gives you the right to arrest my mate?” The male paled. “I-I thought she was lying,” Runh shoved the male backwards. “You’re suspended. Where is she?” He asked Flynn. “Room three,” he said quickly. Ruhn practically ran to interrogation room three, desperate to know if you were safe.
At the sound of the door banging against the wall you jump, sitting up straight. “Ruhn,” you breathed out, relieved that you would finally be out of these uncomfortable handcuffs. He gave you a pained look, moving to uncuff you. Ruhn rubs your sore wrists, “Sweet girl, are you ok?” He coos at you.
You let out a hum in response and nod. “Can we go home? I don’t want to be here.” Ruhn nods vigorously, his midnight blue hair swishing over his shoulder. “Of course we can princess, come on.” He takes your hand, pulling you into his side. Keeping you tucked under his arm and hidden until he buckles you in the car.
Once you’re home Ruhn carried you up to bed, giving you his shirt to sleep in. He gets the salve from the bathroom to rub on your wrists. You have red marks circling your skin that Ruhn wants to heal immediately. You spend the rest of the night cuddling and talking, with your mate promising that nothing like this would ever happen again.
tagging: @callmeblaire (love you babes💖)
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