princesmeadow · 3 months
To Lady Aphrodite, for she has done for me what no other could, or would. Thank you, -Amadeos
A message of thanks for a friend to Lady Aphrodite.
[Enby Masc, disrespect that, and you're blocked]
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god-blog · 2 months
I’m starting a tag game!
People are always saying they need more witchy/pagan mutuals so I thought this would be a fun way to find them while getting to talk about your practice!
Who, if anyone, was the first deity(s) you worked with?
Hermes was the first deity that I made the conscious decision to worship though I had always been drawn to paganism. I made a tiny altar, devotional drawings, playlists, and a journal to him. I quickly added Athena and Apollo after that, but it became too overwhelming, and I got burnt out. I stopped practicing for about four years until I started again this year.
Who, if anyone, is the deity(s) you’re working with now?
Artemis was the one who reached out to me this time. She had been sending me a bunch of incredibly obvious signs that took me abt six months to finally notice (my bad lol) but I'm very happy with her now. Athena has also been more present, whereas she was more in the background the first time I tried Hellenism, and now she sits with me at work. Hermes dips in and out and Apollo's the one who's been more in the background. I would like to strengthen my relationship with them because I miss them.
What’s your favorite aspect of your practice? (Ex: doing tarot, celebrating holidays, casting spells, etc)
I like getting things for my altar. It makes me so happy knowing that my gods will like whatever I'm getting; I love getting presents for ppl I care abt. I haven't collected everything into one central altar yet but I'm very excited for when I do.
What’s something you want to get better at?
I want to get better at tarot. I've been doing it for a few years now but I'm still 100% reliant on the guidebook the cards came with and am not very good at making my own interpretations. I'm hoping I'll get better at it with time but it has been quite a while...
Tagging: @buriedpentacles @kore-siciliana @anne-the-witch-ish @serpent-among-vines @khaire-traveler @princesmeadow @hunters-moonlight-serenade @huntingkyrie
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hildathesaint · 2 years
Tag 9 People you want to get to know better!
3 ships: yumikuri, Wenclair, Diakko
Last song: Vineyard valentine- Adeline Troutman
Last movie: Avatar 2
Last show: Flip Flappers
Last meal/snack: those crispy corn kernels lol
Currently reading: Black Beauty
Favorite flower: Imphepho
Currently craving: Miso soup!
now your turn ;)
Nine tags:
@demigoddisaster @salemsgrave @teawiththegods @darkacademymf @dionysian-bf @blyth-thehuman @goatjoy @henasse @princesmeadow
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I am going to post some Lyre audio later not very edited, my YouTube is going to have more of my weekly projects such as healing and meditative soundscapes. and my Tumblr is for fun and offerings.
I like that idea and the feeling it gives me so far...I may look familiar i am @demigoddisaster 's headmate. My name is Prince. Me, him and @henasse are all part of the body @sigmashub
I, Prince. Am a healer, I took on the role of Caretaker and to an extent I still am, however it is now more of a shared trait.
I dedicated my life to healing and aiding others through means of Magick, music, and relaxation, healing energy and a place where you can feel relaxed. Or swept away from the physical plane to not a fantasy but an astral location. I will take you places with my music you haven't seen it felt before or maybe better yet, places that you have. Familiar, safe places.
My YouTube is a baby but I have three years video editing and this isn't my first time trying to make a Channle haha.
In any case
I'll post some audios here but YouTube is where I do my heavy audio and some times visual videos. Meant mainly for meditation, journeys, spiritual awakening and food, spiritual self care. You get the idea, it's my Meadow! Feel free to join :) this weeks goal is to get a 10 min lyre video up that's edited the way I want. Let's see if I can meet that goal!
You can always support me on my Ko-Fi (also in baby stages!!! I'm working out my commission prices currently thinking of doing 2$ 3 spreads for a few months (lmk what you think please! I can use all the opinions, ideas, criticisms, ect!!!) /Gen /pos
/please use tone tags so I don't cry too much (⁠ ⁠・///﹏⁠///・;)/
And let me know if you have ideas about what you'd like to see from a mystic like me!
Hellene (Hellenic Witch/practitioner) 6yrs almost 6 and a half!!
General spiritualism 3-4 yrs (Buddhism, Hinduism, unfortunately fell into new age)
Yoga 4yrs
Tarot 7yrs
Divination: 16yrs
(Channel and found out how to use scrying at age 5)
Light worker/Energy Healer (so like Reiki): 4 1/2 yrs I have performed spiritual "surgeries" to remove heavy hexes and curses before. (By the way dm me if you need that and we can chat about it more)
That's all I can think of currently...do tell me your thoughts. :)
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princesmelodys · 1 year
I'll post here too and do some lives but I'm more active on my TikTok @princesmeadow is my home acc here too
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princesmeadow · 4 months
From Hermes - Ερμής ♧
Take a deep breath and say to yourself "I accept this message" then listen if you would like the benifits of Hermes message.
See what it does for you, suggested to only do this if you work with him. ♡
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princesmeadow · 2 months
"What you do is enough."
This was initially intended as a response to a witches post about being unable to stop playing a game due to hyperfixation and missed sessions with Apollo because of it.
The song carries the message that Apollo is
1. Understanding he is a god of healing yes but also plauge, he understands that there are bad things that happen that mortals simply can not help.
2. Aware and encouraging, yes routeen is good for you and helps but Apollo is a god who cares for your wellbeing too!
3. Most of the message in this song can be summarized as... don't worry, you are enough, take the step forward for your health and know he is right there with you!
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princesmeadow · 1 year
Apollos Song
An offering to Apollo, thank you old friend.
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princesmeadow · 2 months
To Poseidon, thank you for re entering our lives and providing such a strong sense of safety and comfort.
Praise to the Father of the Seas
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princesmeadow · 3 months
In Dedication to Queen Hera, may this mark the beginning of a healthy relationship and major transformations.
Thank you, my Queen.
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princesmeadow · 3 months
What was the process of making your Hermes song? Its so amazing
Ah, thank you so much!! The process is quite simple, he calls to me and tells me he wants me to play, so I sit down and I play intuitively. There's an energy that guides me and I've practiced my technical and intuitive playing with Apollo for about 3 years now.
And have channeled since I was a toddler, the combination makes the ultimate process seem easy and relaxed when in reality it has taken my entire life to be this intuitive
(and some times I still mess up a performance and I have to ask them if it was correct or if I must go again, some days I'll be playing for hours to get the perfect message across that meets their standards)
Some of my more popular songs are ones I felt were terrible but ones they insisted were what they wished to say, so there's quite a bit of trust that must be built as well.
In summary, to even my own surprise, technical skill is as important as intuition, trust, and a willingness to take steps you may not agree with or like for the sake of conveying the correct message, and you realize through that, that it's ok.
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princesmeadow · 1 year
Achilles and Patroclus
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princesmeadow · 3 months
I was wondering, I will do this whether there is interest or not, because I feel like it may be fun! But, I'd like to know...
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princesmeadow · 8 months
Hello friends!
@odetothetheoi @eclecticwitchlynn
I saw your tags, and i would like to let you both know that Theogamia, much like most ancient greek festivals, has a few possible celebration dates!
Not much is known on exact dates of festivals, so the helpol and hellenic pagan community tends to celebrate festivals in a 3 day to a week period of known dates from ancient Athens!
Also, for a bit of cultural knowledge, even ancient times, the dates were not exact, and many worshipers celebrated in small gatherings on days that fell generally close to the larger festivals held in places like Ancient Athens!
So essentially there is no pressure to celebrate on that exact day or time and im absolutely positive the gods are not and will not be upset at "late" offerings because its the spirit of the festival and the love of its preservation that really gets the energy across :)
Date conversion is complicated, and the ancient festivals were built for a world completly different from our current one
I belive the gods appriciate the thought and care to do it more than the time.
I hope this helps! I'm terribly sorry if i overstepped anyones boundaries.
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princesmeadow · 6 months
How My Music Works.
I have been a channel my whole life, be it with various energies or entities to even gods. I have tuned myself since I was small to pick up on subtle energies, and I believe I was gifted many spiritual skills that Apollo has helped me refine.
Because of this, I can channel various energies and emotions into my music and enchant the music itself to give off a certain energy. This I have been doing for only 3 years and all of it was taught to me by Apollo or myself with a lot of research into the topic.
Types Of Tunes.
Festival Music
More will be added as I make them!
How to tell its working and what to expect
if you fully embrace it. Begin the session by taking three deep breaths, with the phrase (options) "I accept this gift" "I accept this energy" "I accept all that serves me well and true".
Then, exhale all the air you possibly can and press play, listen, breathe relaxed or deep (options) pray, make an offering, and take that time to focus on yourself or your energy, your emotions, and what you are receiving.
what to expect this is from both the breathwork I had you do and from the music itself
Self Awareness
Tingling in the body (predominantly Extremities)
Feeling Light
do keep in mind that if you are in need of intense cleansing and you listen to one of my stronger cleansing songs, you may feel nauseous, Dizzy, Weak, or as though your whole body is submerged in an unpleasant tar that is washing away. this is normal and I refer to it as a Miasmic cleanse. if the miasma is not gone by the end you can listen to it again, though I would suggest if it's not going away but you are aware of it, go shower with the intention of cleansing yourself. and perhaps ask a Gods aid.
Please always remember, that while I do my best to aid those in need, ease symptoms, and provide relief, I am not a doctor nor can I cure you. I strictly provide Spiritual and emotional healing as well as delivering messages.
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princesmeadow · 11 months
Tumblr media
This is absolutely beautiful and one of the reasons I do it. These moments are so important so special, to build a core memory or even a moment in time that you can be happy with. Thank you so much for sharing this with me! ♡
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