#print shop AR
wyrmzier · 2 years
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New Items in my SHOP available!
These are all limited stock :D
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arshopsworld · 2 years
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Winter scenery - Flock of sheep with shepherd in the snow by Anton Mauve 
Canvas Print by AR-shop
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Tell me how my friend accidentally bought Hannibal fanart at a local art show
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pretzel-box · 1 month
I need Sebastian's reaction to some divers flashing little octo boy🙏🏼🙏🏼
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words: 2,1k
tags: octopus hybrid reader, platonic relationship with sebastian, sebastian gets protective
authors note: I wrote the part before the flashing scene yesterday and had to add your request at the end, hope you don't mind some extra content!
Having a little octopus hybrid running loose was a challenge on its own. God forbid that Sebastian take his three eyes off you for even a second—you'd either wilt from loneliness or start creating a mess in a bid to reclaim his attention.
One such instance involved you folding his newly sorted files into funny little paper boats, which you then gently rocked over a random puddle that had started to develop in the corner of his shop. The first time you did this, Sebastian was initially impressed that you'd found something to do on your own. He even joined in, taking a sheet of printed paper and folding it into a rather shoddy boat, chuckling until he realized—these were his important assets!
Sebastian learned quickly from that incident. He made it his mission to keep you occupied, providing you with paper and pencils to draw pictures instead. Soon, his shop was filled with your artwork, pinned up on every wall. He couldn’t help but find your efforts endearing—most of your drawings were of the two of you, and they filled his heart with a warmth he wasn't accustomed to feeling.
“You know, I think you're starting to develop an eye for ar—” Sebastian began to say, but as he turned around, you were gone. You had simply vanished from sight. However, the trail of suction-cup marks on the floor was a clear indicator that you'd slipped through the vent and were now somewhere outside the shop.
Panic surged through him as he quickly made his way out, calling your name and checking every room. You were small and had a short attention span—surely, you couldn’t have gotten far.
And then he saw it. You were standing face-to-face with a Squiddle. The scene was bizarre: the Squid Monster hovered slightly above the ground, its ‘eyes’ locked onto you with what could only be described as confusion. You, on the other hand, were trying to mimic the creature, leaping up and attempting to hover in the air, only to be defeated by gravity each time.
Sebastian froze for a moment, his panic shifting to a mix of concern and disbelief. The Squiddle seemed more perplexed than hostile, perhaps unsure of what to make of this smaller, more enthusiastic "squid" that was now mimicking its every move. You, in your innocent curiosity, were completely absorbed in your game of imitation, oblivious to the potential danger.
Sebastian approached cautiously, not wanting to startle either of you. “Hey, buddy,” he called softly, trying to get your attention without alarming the Squiddle. “What are you doing over there?”
You turned to him, eyes wide and full of excitement, as if proud of your new friend. Sebastian's heart skipped a beat seeing how happy you were, but he knew he had to get you away from the creature before anything went wrong.
“Come on,” he coaxed, holding out his hand. “Let’s leave the big guy alone, okay? We’ve got plenty of drawing to do back at the shop.”
Reluctantly, you took his hand, casting one last curious glance at the Squiddle before allowing Sebastian to lead you away. The creature watched you go, still floating in place, before it finally drifted off, no longer interested in the odd encounter.
Back at the shop, Sebastian let out a deep sigh of relief. He knelt down to your level, ruffling the top of your head gently. “You’ve really got a knack for finding trouble, you know that?”
You gave him a sheepish grin, and he couldn’t help but smile back. “Alright, how about we stick to drawing for a while, huh? Maybe we can work on some more pictures of us. Just... let’s keep the paper boats on hold for now, okay?”
You nodded eagerly, and Sebastian led you back inside, silently vowing to keep an even closer eye on you from now on.
Sebastian! You there?” a male voice called out as a customer clambered through the vent. Sebastian, already familiar with the type of people who usually wandered into his shop—rude pricks deserving their prison sentences—acted quickly. Without a second thought, he wrapped you in a blanket and gently but hurriedly stuffed you into a spacious locker, hiding you from the potentially mean human.
“Ah, welcome~” he greeted the customer with an air of nonchalance, shifting into his usual role as a shopkeeper. He led the man through a small conversation, maintaining his outward calm even though his thoughts were with you.
Meanwhile, inside the locker, you pressed your arms and tentacles against the metal walls, trying to push your way back to Sebastian. The dark, cramped space fueled a growing sense of anxiety. You didn’t understand why he’d suddenly hidden you away like this. Did you do something wrong? Did he stop liking you?
Fear and confusion spiraled in your little head until they became too much to bear. The only logical response, as far as you were concerned, was to scream. Tears streamed down your face as you wailed loudly, feeling abandoned and terrified. The darkness was cold, and being alone felt like the worst punishment imaginable.
Sebastian, who was busy trying to offload some junk onto the prisoner, froze when your piercing scream cut through the conversation. The customer blinked in surprise, glancing toward the sound. “What the hell was that?”
Sebastian’s mind raced as he tried to think of a plausible excuse. “Uh, faulty alarm system,” he lied, forcing a smile. “This place is falling apart, you know? I’ll get it fixed. Now, about that flashlight you were interested in…”
But the scream came again, louder this time, filled with pure distress. Sebastian’s heart clenched with guilt. The customer raised an eyebrow but seemed more annoyed than concerned. “You might want to take care of that. Sounds like something’s dying in there.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll handle it,” Sebastian muttered, barely containing his irritation as he hurried the man toward the exit. “Thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget to tell your non-existing friends about the shop!”
As soon as the customer was out of sight, Sebastian practically “sprinted” back to the locker. Your cries were breaking his heart—he hadn’t meant to scare you, but in his haste to protect you, he’d overlooked how you’d feel being stuffed in there.
He flung the locker door open and immediately pulled you out, wrapping you in his arms. “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he murmured, holding you close as you continued to sob. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You clung to him desperately, burying your face in his chest, your tears soaking into his shirt. Sebastian felt like the worst person in the world for making you feel this way. “I was just trying to keep you safe,” he explained softly, rubbing your back in soothing circles. “I didn’t want that guy to see you. But I shouldn’t have locked you up like that. I’m sorry.”
Gradually, your sobs began to quiet, though you still held onto him tightly, afraid he might push you away again. Sebastian continued to whisper apologies and reassurances, promising that he would never do something like that again.
Finally, you lifted your head, looking at him with tear-streaked eyes. “You’re okay,” he said gently, wiping away your tears with his thumb. “I’m not mad at you. I could never be mad at you.”
Your grip on him tightened, and Sebastian could feel the tremble in your small body slowly subside. He stood there for a long moment, holding you close, letting you know through his actions that you were safe and loved.
After a while, he carried you over to a cushioned seat, sitting down with you still wrapped in his arms. “You’re my little partner, okay?” he said, his voice softer than usual. “I’m always going to take care of you. Just… no more screaming like that, alright? You almost gave me a heart attack.”
You nodded weakly, sniffling but feeling a bit better now that you were back in his comforting embrace. Sebastian gave a small, relieved smile, brushing your hair away from your face. “That’s better,” he said, rocking you gently. “Let’s just stay here for a while. No more hiding, I promise.”
It was an unusually busy day in the shop, with a steady stream of prisoners coming through the vents, all of them more obnoxious than the last. Sebastian had been on edge, keeping a close eye on you as you busied yourself with drawing on a scrap of paper behind some boxes to hide you out of the sight from the visitors. He didn’t want a repeat of the locker incident, so he made sure you were always within arm’s reach.
But even Sebastian couldn’t anticipate everything.
As a particularly rough-looking prisoner stomped into the shop, his eyes darting around suspiciously, you instinctively curled a little closer to Sebastian. The man was big, with a scarred face and a sneer that made your skin crawl. Sebastian noticed your discomfort and subtly shifted his body to block the prisoner’s view of you.
“What do you want?” Sebastian asked, his tone curt and to the point.
The prisoner didn’t answer right away, his gaze flicking over the various items on the shelves. “Just browsing,” he muttered, though there was a malicious glint in his eyes that set off alarm bells in Sebastian’s head.
Sebastian’s grip tightened on the counter. “We don’t have all day. Either buy something or get out.”
The prisoner’s sneer widened, clearly enjoying the tension he was causing. As if on a whim, he suddenly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device—a flashbeacon. Before Sebastian could react, the prisoner activated it, directing the blinding flash of light straight at you.
You let out a terrified yelp, your sensitive eyes overwhelmed by the sudden burst of light. Instinctively, you tried to shield yourself, curling up and covering your eyes with your tentacles as best as you could. But the damage was done—the intense flash had disoriented you, leaving you scared and vulnerable.
Sebastian’s protective instincts kicked in instantly. Without a second thought, he lunged forward, shoving the prisoner hard against the nearest wall. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” he snarled, his voice dripping with fury.
The prisoner barely had time to register what was happening before Sebastian’s hand was around his throat, pinning him to the wall with a strength that belied his usually calm demeanor. “You think you can just walk in here and pull something like that?” Sebastian growled, his three eyes narrowing dangerously. “You’ve got some nerve.”
The prisoner, now realizing he’d severely miscalculated, struggled to speak, his face turning red as he choked out, “It… it was just a joke!”
Sebastian’s grip tightened, making it clear he wasn’t amused. “That ‘joke’ could have seriously hurt them,” he spat, nodding toward you. “You don’t mess with my shop, and you sure as hell don’t mess with them.”
With a final shove, Sebastian released the prisoner, who staggered back, clutching his throat and gasping for air. “Get out,” Sebastian ordered, his voice low and menacing. “And if I ever see you here again, you’ll regret it.”
The prisoner didn’t need to be told twice. He scrambled for the vent, shooting one last fearful glance at Sebastian before disappearing as quickly as he’d come.
Sebastian took a deep breath, trying to calm the anger still coursing through his veins. Then he turned to you, his expression softening as he saw you huddled on the floor, still reeling from the flash.
He rushed over to you, kneeling down and gently pulling your tentacles away from your eyes. “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he said softly, his heart aching at the sight of you trembling. “It’s over now. You’re safe.”
You blinked up at him, your vision still blurry, but you could see the concern etched on his face. Slowly, you uncurled from your protective ball, reaching out for him. Sebastian didn’t hesitate—he scooped you up into his arms, holding you close against his chest.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice filled with regret. “I should’ve protected you better. But I promise, I won’t let anyone hurt you again.”
You clung to him, your small body still trembling slightly, but his warmth and the steady beat of his heart began to calm you down. You knew Sebastian was strong, and as long as you were with him, you felt safe.
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reclinepilled · 7 months
coffee beans
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cw: nothing other than language and cheesiness 😭 no fem/masc reader, completely up to you.
desc: barista!ellie hates her job until a cute customer catches her eye and jesse helps her out
a/n: this is my first post, i didn’t lnow wjat to write so i kinda just blurted something out so sorry if this is bad😓 this is extremely cheesy as well, but i like that stuff! i love feedback (not rude) as well <3 also none of the dividers i use are mine, except for the solid colored ones. ill have to find the creator of the really cute ones.. other than that enjoy! <3333 reblogs are welcomed
wc: 1k
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working in a busy coffee shop, full of bright colors, with people all around, posing for their hopefully viral posts, wasn’t exactly ellie’s “dream job”. the hordes of people that came in during the winter should be illegal. she’d rather be helping people find vinyl’s they’d been searching the markets for, or maybe starting a band straight out of joel’s garage with her close group of friends.
though, she became accustomed to being here. whatever helped her with the stressful expenses she has to pay as a college student.
she rang up the same order that had gained popularity on some app, which felt like the millionth time today. she lets out a sigh, not even looking up, “your total will be 17.20, cash or card?”
“card, please,” your eager voice responds to an unamused barista. that’s when ellie actually looks up. she scans your features, adorned in a little snow, immediately taken aback. her saying you were gorgeous would be an understatement.
she took in your radiant skin, under the annoying glow of the menus above the prep area behind her. and your eyes. they were so captivating and comforting. the way they were all doe made her heart flutter a little, she swears.
you were a lot different than the other girls that came into the shop, all carbon copies of each other. it made her question reality honestly. however, you were different in every aspect. from your style to your energy, she just had to have you.
“o-of course, just tap it here,” ellie clears her throat and spins the payment machine around, looking up at you. you follow her instructions as you notice her hands. they we’re slender and looked fairly cold but so soft, you thought. her short, messy hair was charming. her style that made her look like someone’s grandpa was also very attractive, for some odd reason you felt like a creep being attracted to a worker, who looks like she very much hates her job as is.
“thank you. your order will be done shortly, pretty,” ellie says flashing you a smile. you blink a couple of times, malfunctioning from a compliment you hear quite often. you smile and nod, feeling your face heat up.
as ellie watches you walk off, she jogs to the kitchen in the back. “jesse?” ellie looks around looking for him. “i’m over here ellie, what’s up?” he looks up at her from a drink he was crafting. “can i take out this order please?” ellie shows him the freshly printed receipt. “less work for me? sure,” he says as he continues to to make one of the orders. “yesss,” ellie grabs your order off of the counter next to jesse and heads out of the kitchen.
now taking a seat at booth far off in the corner, you take off your tote bag and rip off your scarf. you look out of the window next to the comfy booth, in awe of the snow falling so gracefully. your attention was stolen by the outside environment, until you felt the presence of someone walking over. you quickly snap your head to the culprit. that culprit being the barista holding your order.
“it’s finished already?” you say, surprised. “well, you could say that..” ellie hands your order over, that had actually been for someone else who ordered before you. she was just really eager to just talk to you. your eyes lit up excitedly, she found that really cute. you take a sip happily.
“your shirt,” you say looking at her torso, “i love that band so much, even though they are newer. their music is very different,” you say, now looking back up at her. “yea, i totally agree,” ellie awkwardly leans on the booth seat opposite to you. truth is, ellie had no idea who this band was. it was just a random shirt she picked up from walmart, honestly.
“um anyways, i like your outfit. not everyday i see someone as stylish as you,” she motions to your cute leg warmers. “really? thank you,” you sort of giggle as you say that. ellie found that cute too, she was so far in.
what ellie thought was going smoothly and definitely not awkward, was interrupted by her coworker.
“ellie, wrap it up. i can’t be working in the back and working the register,” a man with a wolfy haircut says as he grabs ellie’s shoulder.
“jesse, fuck off. i am clearly preoccupied,” ellie’s demeanor quickly changes as she rolls her eyes, turning to him. jesse grabs his heart, looking offended. he was obviously being sarcastic. “i just blessed you and you’re cursing me out?”
“yo- you didn’t bless me.. i’m helping you”
“want me to help you and speed this up?” jesse pulls out a notepad from his tool pouch, hastily writing something down. you hold back from letting out a boisterous laugh from their interaction.
“jesse, the hell are you writing,” she says through gritted teeth, clearly embarrassed. ellie tries to read what he’s written, but jesse is already ripping it out handing you the paper. “jesse, just stop, she’s already paid!” ellie’s eyes widen with anger from annoyance.
“yea i’ve-“ jesse cuts you off, “don’t worry, just read it,” he flashes you a quick smile as he walks back to the counter.
you read the paper as you slowly smile, then you look up at ellie. you hand her the paper. ellies face immediately turns all fifty shades of red. “god, i hate him sometimes. he’s so.. childish,” ellie says as she balls the paper up, looking away to hide her embarrassment.
“don’t worry, i find you cute too,” you say smiling, looking into her beautiful, jade eyes. ellie laughs awkwardly, inhaling while fixing her posture. she takes a seat opposite of you, “so would you like to go somewhere later, like.. i-i don’t know,” she trails off. “just give me your number and we could talk about it later,” you say while looking at her nervous composure.
“cool,” she looks at you as well, finally relaxing for once. she writes down her number on a napkin that was left on the table and hands it to you. “i’ll see you soon then?” you say, watching her stand from the booth.
“definitely,” flashing you a smirk as she jogs back over to the register.
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please do not plagiarize any of my works or post them on other websites without given permission !
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rheya28 · 1 year
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The Bluewind Inn ♥ The Sims 4: Speed Build // CC
♥ Hi guys, Today I present to you the Bluewind Inn and Suites located in Brindleton Bay. This build was inspired by the sea, the sand, and the sky. The Bluewind Inn sits near Cavalier cove and is owned by retired Marine Biologists, Rio and Jane Clarence. 5 years ago, this beautiful seaside manor was transformed into a Inn to be enjoyed by both locals and tourist.
The Bluewind inn is a multifunctional lot as it could be set as a rental lot, a restaurant, a pool, or a spa.  
ATTENTION: This is a huge build and is very cc heavy, so beware. If you’ve downloaded my other builds, you should have majority of the cc’s I used…But there’s more cc on this than usual.
Please make sure to turn on bb.moveobjects on!
0:02 Intro
1:25 Speed Build
30:22 Photos
♥ Lot Details:
Lot Name: The Bluewind Inn
Lot size: 40x40
Location: Brindleton Bay [Cavalier Cove]
TOOL MOD by TwistedMexi
Note: I have all parts of all sets in this list, so I highly recommend you guys dl them since I frequently use them in all my builds!
[awingedllama] Boho Living, Blooming Rooms
[greenllamas] The woodwind collection
[Joyceisfox] Cruel Summer, Simple Live Collection, Summer Garden
[QICC] Sleek Hallway Set
[S-imagination] Notal Living Room, Rutland Kitchen
[Sooky88] Coastal Wallpaper, Leaning Framed Posters (4 frames), Seashore Framed Prints (panoramic)
[Aroundthesims4] All Plants and pots
[House of Harlix] Bafroom, Baysic, Harluxe, kichen
[Thecluttercat] Busy Bee, Mellow Moods
[Charlypancakes] The lighthouse collection, Dinna, Lavish, Maple&S Construction, Miscellanea, modish, Soak,
[FelixAndre] Chateau, Fayun, Colonial, Grove, Kyoto, Paris, Florence, Livin Rum, Orjanic, Shop the look
[Max20] Cozy Backyard Pack, Garden at home, Happily Ever After, Poolside lounge pack, Precioujs promises
[Thecowbuild] My home
[Harrie] Brutalist, Coastal, Country, Kwatei, Octave, Shop the look 2, Spoons
[Illogical Sims] Home office
[Kaiso] Rustico Living
[Kiwisim] Blocklhouse Dining, blockhouse study
[Leafmotif] Calliope Bathroom, Sunny Corner, Willow Porch set
[Littledica]Chic Bathroom, Rise & Grind, Delicious Kitchen, Delicato Lounge
[MadameRia] Back to basics, Mayaken Cozy Kitchen
[Mechtasims] Office Set
[Miiko] Harmony set
[Myshunosun] Garden Stories, Dawn Living, Midsummer eve, simmify
[Peacemaker] Alesund, Bowed, Caine Living, Adirondack Love, Creta, Futura, Hamptons, Hinterlands Dining, Kitayama
[Ars Botanica] Peonies Bouquet
[Pierism] Auntie Vera, Coldbrew, David apartment, Domain Du clos, Maison Meuliere, MCM, Oak house, The office, Winter Garden
[Littlecakes] Rustic Romance
[PLumbobteasociety] Cottage Garden
[Ravasheen] on cloud wine bottle, sit sip hooray bar cart
[Sforzinda] Clutter Ep12, GP06, Cabin Slats
[Simkoos] Tiny living Small tv, Tiny living small tv wall
[Simplistic] RH Area rugs II, Cotswolds Rug
[Sixam] Stylish Wood Nursery, Stylish wood Fancy Dining, Stylish wood Living room, Boho Bathroom, Hotel bedroom, small spaces pantry
[Sims4luxury] McGee&Co Callahan Rug, McGee&Co  Goldie Rug
[Simsnetwork] Clapboard brush siding set #1
[Sundays] Kediri “rug only”, Medewi “deco surfboard only”
[Syboubou] Fency, Fitness
[Taurus Design] Angela Bedroom, Elize Bedroom, Lilith Chilling Areas
[Tuds] IND, NCTR, Rope lounge, SHKR, Wave
TS4; Wimborne Siding by Tilly Tiger
♥ Tray file
♥ Origin ID: Applez
♥ Twitter: Rheya28__
♥ Tiktok: Rheya28__
♥ Tumblr: https://rheya28.tumblr.com/
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chromocreations · 4 months
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Here’s a digital drawing I did a while ago of a pride phoenix (A4 and A5 prints available in my Kofi shop)
“Aiséirí as an luaith ar nós an fhéinics” is Irish for “To rise/emerge from the ashes like a phoenix” to show the resilience of the LGBTQIA+ community
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jonjaydami · 5 months
So I need to know what animal they think is the batfamilies special interest.
Like we all know they are on the spectrum like look at Bruce. He's a 30 year old man that dresses as a bat and don't get me wrong there are several reasons he dresses as one but it always has something to do with the animal itself and I always think that's funny how it's even used as a joke in several comics, and animated movies/ shows.
So Bruce knows everything about bat's, shape color, species, what food they eat and how they live and even the different culture views on bat's. He could talk all day about it if asked and he always does it with the utmost care. Like he was giving a speech at a gala or speaking to the league.
I think we all know Dicks is obviously Robin's. Cause why else would he choose to be a brightly colored vigilante that's after a bird from the north? I feel like after moving in with Bruce he took a quiz on what bird he would be cause he was studying birds in school and got a Robin and took that to heart as a passion and not only learned everything about a Robin's but that had just become his identity for awhile and he loved it. Bruce when he heard it at first had thought it wouldn't work but after making him his own costume and even watching several videos on the birds he thought it fit his son nicely.
Jason didn't break away from the Robin role and embraces it actually. But he was always way more shy when it came to discussing his favorite. I think he would have a fascination with bugs and snakes and would absolutely be the kid with a spider or a beardy. He once convinced Bruce to get him a baby beardy and then it became an obsession. He had a sweatshirt that even had a cartoonish looking beardy printed on it and he proudly talks about it to any one who asked. Bruce would silently close his eyes and soak in all the information about them he could.
I totally think Tim loves frogs and even sea creatures. He has a tank with shrimp in it and his boyfriend makes fun of him and calls him a shrimp farmer but he also has a tank that has glass frogs in it. It's a huge tank that takes up over half his room and he loves just watching them sleep and even makes cute little tiktoks with them. He always is getting cute things for the habitat and going shopping. He also takes Damian on these trips. Because they both enjoy walking around and even stopping to pet or talk to the people who bring in their dogs. Bruce also enjoys walking into Tim's room and seeing the frogs and shrimp and even says hello to them before leaving again.
Damian is no stranger to having a soft spot for animals but I know he loves cats and dogs. He is definitely a cat person. Alfred the cat is his prized possession and he will proudly take pictures and then draw them. He loves using his animals as drawing references and has multiple books filled to the brim of just them. Sometimes if they are really good he goes to Bruce and asks them to be laminated so he can hang them up in his room because they deserve to be celebrated and respected. He also tells Bruce odd facts about his animals. How Alfred (the cat) specifically likes to sleep on his left side and enjoys being scratched behind his ears the most.
Bruce loves his weird sons because he is weird and for Christmas he always gets them something related to their animals because it's like a bonding experience for them. Some days they don't even talk about anything but their animals but I can imagine them all settling on a couch and out of pure bordem putting on documentaries and spending time just listening and learning. Of course this could also lead into some heated debates about who's animals is the best.
Jason: no you don't understand
Damian: *scoffs* actually Todd you never understood anything
Dick: ok well I set the whole thing for Robin soooo
Tim: oh please you were eight!!
Bruce: I think we are forgetting how bats-
Kids: *groan because they have been hearing about bat's for over half their lives and are tired*
Alfred just walks in and smiles as he sets a pitcher down.
Alfred: actually you are forgetting how important bee's are to the environment. Which is why I plant only the best pollinator friendly flowers
Cue to everyone rioting cause after all this time Alfred has never talked about the fact he is in fact a bee guy. Ever since he started working for the Wayne's they let him have full control of the gardens and he always loved that in the bleak of Gotham he had his own personal eden with the flowers. Bruce's parents also appreciated him for this and would let Alfred do as he pleased when he would passionately talk to them about the bees. Even when they passed away Bruce had always assumed Alfred just did it because he didn't trust anyone else.
Which was part way true but he loves watching them bumble around and bump into each other as he works.
If anyone knows what Duke, steph, and Cass would like please comment or feel free to debate!! Just please remember to be nice and save the bees 🐝
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bliow · 2 months
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In an era where technology and creativity intertwine, AI design is revolutionizing the way we conceptualize and create across various industries. From the runway to retail, 3D fashion design is pushing boundaries, enabling designers to craft intricate garments with unparalleled precision. Likewise, 3D product design is transforming everything from gadgets to furniture, allowing for rapid prototyping and innovation. As we explore these exciting advancements, platforms like Agartha.ai are leading the charge in harnessing artificial intelligence to streamline the design process and inspire new ideas. 
AI design
Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, and the realm of design is no exception. By leveraging the power of machine learning and advanced algorithms, AI is transforming the way designers create, innovate, and deliver their products. AI-driven tools enable designers to harness vast amounts of data, allowing for more informed decision-making and streamlined workflows.
In the context of graphic design, AI can assist artists in generating ideas, creating unique visuals, and even automating repetitive tasks. For instance, programs powered by AI design can analyze trends and consumer preferences, producing designs that resonate with target audiences more effectively than traditional methods. This shift not only enhances creativity but also enables designers to focus on strategic thinking and ideation.
Moreover, AI is facilitating personalized design experiences. With the help of algorithms that analyze user behavior, products can be tailored to meet the specific needs and tastes of individuals. This level of customization fosters deeper connections between brands and consumers, ultimately driving customer satisfaction and loyalty in an increasingly competitive market.
3D fashion design
In recent years, 3D fashion design has revolutionized the way we create and visualize clothing. Using advanced software and tools, designers can create lifelike virtual garments that allow for innovative experimentation without the need for physical fabric. This trend has not only streamlined the design process but has also significantly reduced waste in the fashion industry.
Moreover, 3D fashion design enables designers to showcase their creations in a more interactive manner. By utilizing 3D modeling and rendering technologies, designers can present their collections in virtual environments, making it easier for clients and consumers to appreciate the nuances of each piece. This immersive experience also helps in gathering valuable feedback before producing the final product.
Furthermore, the integration of 3D fashion design with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies is bringing a fresh perspective to the industry. Consumers can virtually try on clothes from the comfort of their homes, thereby enhancing the shopping experience. As this field continues to evolve, it promises to bridge the gap between creativity and technology, paving the way for a sustainable and forward-thinking fashion future.
3D product design
3D product design has revolutionized the way we conceptualize and create products. With advanced software tools and technologies, designers can now create highly detailed and realistic prototypes that are not only visually appealing but also functional. This process allows for a quicker iteration of ideas, enabling designers to experiment with various styles and functionalities before arriving at the final design.
One of the significant advantages of 3D product design is the ability to visualize products in a virtual environment. Designers can see how their creations would look in real life, which is essential for understanding aesthetics and usability. Additionally, this technology enables manufacturers to identify potential issues in the design phase, reducing costs associated with prototype development and rework.
Moreover, the rise of 3D printing has further enhanced the significance of 3D product design. Designers can swiftly turn their digital models into tangible products, allowing for rapid prototyping and small-batch manufacturing. This agility not only speeds up the time-to-market for new products but also paves the way for more innovative designs that were previously impossible to execute.
Agartha.ai is a revolutionary platform that merges artificial intelligence with innovative design, creating a new avenue for designers and creators alike. With the rapid advancements in technology, Agartha.ai leverages AI to streamline various design processes, enabling users to produce unique and captivating designs with ease.
The platform provides tools that empower both emerging and established designers to explore the possibilities of AI design. By utilizing intelligent algorithms, Agartha.ai can assist in generating design options, ensuring that creativity is not hindered but enhanced. This results in a more efficient workflow and allows designers to focus on the conceptual aspects of their projects.
One of the standout features of Agartha.ai is its ability to adapt to different design disciplines, such as 3D fashion design and 3D product design. By supporting a broad spectrum of design fields, it positions itself as a versatile tool that meets the evolving needs of today's creative professionals. Whether it's crafting intricate fashion pieces or developing innovative product designs, Agartha.ai is at the forefront of the design revolution.
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srtarmina · 14 days
❀°• Água de Chuva no Marᴶᴼᴱᴸ •°❀
Sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Jᴏᴇʟ ᴛᴇᴍ ᴜᴍᴀ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀsᴀ ᴘʀᴏғᴜɴᴅᴀ ᴄᴏᴍ ᴀ ᴇx ɴᴀᴍᴏʀᴀᴅᴀ.
Tᴀɢs: ᴀɴɢsᴛ ᴄᴏᴍ ғɪɴᴀʟ ғʟᴜғғ, ʜᴜʀᴛ/ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛ, ᴇʀᴀ ᴘʀᴀ sᴇʀ ᴏ ᴀɴɢsᴛ ᴍᴀɪs ᴅᴏʟᴏʀᴏsᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴍᴜɴᴅᴏ ᴍᴀs ᴠᴏᴄᴇ̂s ɪᴀᴍ ᴍᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇʀ ᴠɪᴠᴀ, ϙᴜɪs ᴍᴇ ᴅᴇsᴀғɪᴀʀ ᴀ ᴇsᴄʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴀʟɢᴏ sᴇᴍ ᴍᴜɪᴛᴀ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴍᴇɴᴛᴀᴄ̧ᴀ̃ᴏ, ᴄʜᴏʀᴏ, ᴇxᴇs ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀs, ʙᴇʟʟ ʜᴏᴏᴋs ᴇᴜ ᴛᴇ ᴀᴍᴏ
Wᴏʀᴅ Cᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.8ᴋ 
(ᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴇʀ ʙʏ ᴀɴɪᴛᴀʟᴇɴɪᴀ)
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– Posso me sentar?
Olhei para cima, procurando o dono da voz. Soube que era ele pelo calor de sua voz; não sabia a quanto tempo estava sem ouvir aquele tom ou como a convivência em São Paulo havia mudado seu sotaque. Era Joel, com sua cabeça tombada para o lado, tampando o reflexo da luz de um dos postes. Afirmei com a cabeça.
Ele se abaixou para se sentar ao meu lado, em uma das cadeiras do lado de fora do salão – ainda organizadas da maneira em que o casamento havia sido realizado no final da tarde, com fileiras direcionadas ao altar em formato de tenda florida. Eu havia saído para pegar um ar alguns minutos antes e, provavelmente, ele também.
– Como estão seus pais? – perguntei.
– Bem. E sua mãe?
– Bem também.
Balançamos a cabeça em afirmativo, ainda olhando fixamente para o altar. Não sabíamos o que dizer ou como agir, não havíamos nos visto desde o término, anos atrás. Foi estressante, beirando o desespero; não podíamos nos encontrar em festas, jantares ou num simples andar no shopping. Nos escondíamos atrás de nossos amigos ou de colunas de gesso, optamos por ficar em casa se soubéssemos que o outro estaria comparecendo e nunca mais mais olhamos nossos álbuns de formatura.
Todas as fotos, de ambas as festas, eram de nós dois. Estávamos namorando tão forte, a tanto tempo, que não pensamos que poderíamos terminar e mal tiramos fotos sozinhos. Sempre acompanhados, seja com a família ou com os amigos… já éramos parte da família um do outro, na verdade. Então, pedra por pedra, nosso relacionamento desmoronou.
Joel ficou dias sendo visitado pelos amigos, tentando fazer com que ele saísse da cama. Eu voltei a morar com a minha mãe. Todavia, o tempo passou, como sempre passa, e nós dois fomos chamados para o casamento de Anita e Fabrício. Já tínhamos mais de 30 anos, conseguiríamos lidar com isso.
– Eu estava esperando te ver de novo – admitiu, ainda olhando para frente.
Virei o rosto para encará-lo. O volume de seus cachos havia diminuído, agora muito mais próximo do couro cabeludo, e uma barba tomava conta de seu rosto. Era bonita. Ao canto dos olhos, algumas rugas perioculares (conhecidas como “pé de galinha”), sinal que espremia muito o olhar quando ria. Devia estar rindo bastante. Mais maduro, continuava bonito – e parecia que o tempo entre nós não havia passado. Para mim, ele sempre seria o Joel de 19 anos que eu havia conhecido no primeiro ano da faculdade, quando ambos éramos calouros.
– Veio com acompanhante? – perguntei. Era um eufemismo para questionar se ele já estava casado, namorando com outra pessoa ou tendo ficadas importantes o suficiente para servir de acompanhante no casamento dos melhores amigos.
– Não – disse, sabendo exatamente o porquê eu havia perguntado. – Você?
– Não.
Não tínhamos nos adicionado em nenhuma rede social desde o término e éramos educados demais para pedir print do perfil de nossos amigos. Havíamos superado. Não havia o porque fazer isso. Mas o que significava o fato de ambos estarmos solteiros? Namoramos outras pessoas nesse meio tempo? Assumimos algum outro compromisso? Ou não chegamos a nos identificar seriamente com mais ninguém?
Joel virou o olhar para me encarar, pela primeira vez.
– Acredita que existe amor em SP? – fez referência a música de Criolo e ao fato de ambos estarmos morando na capital. Isso explicaria o porque ambos estávamos sozinhos.
– O amor é o que o amor faz – respondi e dei de ombros. Era uma frase do livro de bell hooks; o amor como ato de vontade, intenção e ação. Amor era escolha.
Joel balançou a cabeça em afirmativo. Tinha entendido – ou quase isso. Tínhamos nossa história, que nos acompanhava ao fundo da memória. O canto direito de sua boca se curvou em um sorriso sagaz, com o que havia acabado de se recordar.
– Lembra quando você chegou em mim pela primeira vez? – tombou a cabeça, ainda com o sorriso estampado no rosto.
– Minha veterana tinha me desafiado a dar em cima de algum menino bonito na calourada – relembrei, agora acompanhando seu sorriso.
– Você falou “Se o Fabrício faz direito, então é você que faz gostoso?”
Joel soltou uma gargalhada alta e sincera, com um sorriso largo que fazia suas bochechas espremerem os olhos e formar as ruguinhas. Coloquei as mãos na frente do rosto, tentando me esconder. Quem em sã consciência diria isso pra um menino que nem conhecia? Em uma festa universitária? A mando da veterana do curso? Agora já na terceira década da vida, as coisas feitas aos 19 anos davam um choque de vergonha avassalador.
– Em minha defesa, eu tava muito bêbada – tentei dizer, ainda cobrindo os olhos. Se eu não o via, ele não podia me ver.
Ele podia. Retirei a mão do rosto, ainda com um sorriso de vergonha nos lábios, e ele ainda me olhava. Na verdade, muito mais do que simplesmente me olhar, ele conseguia me ver. Naquele dia, hoje. Seu sorriso neutralizou, mas eu ainda conseguia sentir seu sentimental pairar sob o ar.
– Eu fiquei perdido na sua mão – admitiu. – Fique tentando descobrir quem você era, que curso fazia, que prédio… até a gente se encontrar no bandejão. Fabrício gritou pra você sentar com a gente e você tentou se esconder atrás da pilastra.
Meu sorriso cessou. Por que estávamos ali? Por que estávamos falando sobre isso? Era uma história bonita que nos deixou incapacitados por meses, chorando o dia inteiro e tomando ansiolítico. Pensava sobre o frango que comemos naquele dia e na voz de Fabrício ecoando enquanto eu passava com a minha bandeja, o jeito que Cabra pulou para outro lugar quando eu apareci apenas para que eu ficasse ao lado de Joel. Eu pensava nisso, repetidas vezes, não podia negar.
– Éramos muito novos – desviei o olhar, agora fitando as flores do altar. Flores mortas em um lindo arranjo, pensei. Os músculos perto da minha boca se contorceram, tentando impedir as lágrimas que se formavam em meus olhos. – Quando foi que a gente deu errado?
Ele percebeu e me acolheu em seus braços. Senti o calor da sua temperatura passar pela blusa social e me cercar, ele me trouxe para o seu peito e tombou a cabeça para cima de mim. Quis desesperadamente sentir o toque de sua pele e as lágrimas de meus olhos passaram a correr pelas bochechas. Graças a Deus a maquiagem era a prova d 'água, ou já estaria parecendo uma palhaça.
– Você acha que a gente deu certo… que a gente ainda tá junto, em outro universo? – perguntei com a voz de tremendo, o choro notável.
– Eu te escolheria em todos os universos.
Me afastei de seu corpo, saindo do seu abraço. Não conseguiria conversar com ele naquela posição. O que estávamos fazendo?
– Menos nesse.
– Inclusive nesse – admitiu.
Joel passou o dedão por baixo dos meus olhos, tentando retirar o excesso de lágrimas que haviam escorrido. Segurei a respiração. Sua pele estava na minha e, novamente, estava cuidando de mim. Contornei sua mão com a minha e a mantive em meu rosto por alguns segundos, aproveitando todos os sentimentos que podia antes de retirá-la.
– Não flerta comigo – pedi.
Não era uma ordem, era um pedido. Eu me conhecia, conhecia Joel. Tínhamos esse tipo de vínculo que não se quebra, essa ligação até o fim da vida. Pisquei os olhos algumas vezes para incorporar o restante de água aos olhos.
Respirei fundo e o olhei de canto, enquanto esse encarava o altar. Ele não precisava chorar para eu perceber que também não estava bem.
– Tem certeza que não sente mais nada? – perguntou.
Quis dizer que não sentia. Que já havíamos superado o namoro, já havíamos superado o término e que superaríamos aquela conversa longe um do outro; que já havíamos vivido tudo que a vida poderia nos disponibilizar e que não havia mais nada; que meu corpo não ansiava pelo seu toque, meu coração não batia pelo seu e que minha cabeça não vira quando sinto seu perfume.
Sabíamos (e sempre soubemos) que seria mentira dizer qualquer uma dessas coisas.
– Eu sempre penso em você.
A frase saiu da minha boca em um sussurro, como um segredo. Não sabia se escondia isso dele ou de mim mesma. Joel tornou o pescoço e ergueu sua mão na altura da minha, segurando-a em meu colo. Ficamos alguns minutos em silêncio. O barulho alto da festa com os DJs tocando alto após Henrique e Fagulha se apresentarem de surpresa estava ao fundo. Ouvimos gritos alegres e barulho de copos brindando. Deveríamos voltar, com certeza, mas não havia lugar no mundo que quiséssemos estar além do nosso carinho.
– Qual foi nossa última conversa? – perguntou.
Dei de ombros e deitei minha cabeça em seu ombro.
– Não me lembro – admiti. Algumas memórias são tão dolorosas que as escondo para não sofrer mais do que já sofri. Pode ser isso. Ele fez “hum” com o fundo da garganta, e balançou a cabeça levemente.
– Fizemos a coisa certa na época – era o que costumávamos falar para nós mesmos, mas ouvir isso em alto e bom som era estranho, gerava desconforto na boca do estômago. – Não estávamos prontos.
Quando entendi o que ele queria dizer, retirei minha cabeça de seu ombro e o encarei, séria. Não estava falando aquilo de verdade. Cerrei o cenho, mais por confusão do que por raiva.
– Você acha que agora estamos?
Joel manteve o contato visual em meus olhos. Não buscou por outros sinais corporais, microexpressões ou tics que eu poderia apresentar. Ele sabia que a verdade estava no meu olhar, não importando o que eu falasse. Deu de ombros e se inclinou para frente, como se estivesse me contando um segredinho sujo.
– Talvez – arqueou a sobrancelha. – Poderíamos tentar de novo e ver o que acontece.
Me levantei da cadeira, encarando-o de cima pra baixo. Joel não mudou de posição ou se moveu, ainda com os olhos grudados aos meus. Arqueei a sobrancelha de maneira tão sublime que ninguém perceberia, menos ele. Estava tentando as águas. Ele espremeu os músculos dos olhos e eu comprimi os músculos do rosto, que queriam mostrar um sorriso.
Respirei fundo e retirei minha mão da dele. Passei por sua cadeira.
– Vou voltar pro salão – falei, calma. – Não vem atrás de mim.
Dei alguns passos na direção do salão, sentindo meu salto tentar afundar na terra fofa. Não demorou para que eu ouvisse-o levantar da cadeira e andar pela grama, enganchando seu braço no meu e me auxiliando no andar. Ele havia entendido.
O amor não é o que se fala, é o que se faz.
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Eu poderia destrinchar esse capítulo e falar de todas as referências, semiótica, parafrases AAAAAA um dos melhores no quesito de estrutura, juro, apreciem. E me agradeçam, porque era pro capitulo ser todo triste, até as minhocas do campo iam ter depressão, mas vocês merecem um final feliz KKKKK
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attckher · 17 days
Do you by chance have a shop for prints or possible commissions? I absolutely love your style and would love to cover my walls with it 🥹 keep on creating amazing art 🫶 thank you for your service 🫡
hi ♡ i don't usually open up much about this due to the economic conditions in my country. recently i sent a package to Mexico through DHL Express, n between the cost of making the print, the shipping (38,111 ARS), and the PayPal fee, it comes out to around 45-50 USD. a lot for literally a piece of cardstock, but for now, this is the only way i have
as for commissions, i've taken on two private ones – one of which is work-related and involves a fairly complex physical sketch, so i don't plan to open up for more at the moment 💧🙏
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arshopsworld · 2 years
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Winter scenery - Winter in Switzerland by Jasper Francis Cropsey 
Canvas Print by AR-shop
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tylermileslockett · 2 years
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Amazons #5: "Penthesilea Fights Achilles at Troy"
Queen Penthesilea, followed by twelve loyal Amazon warriors, journeys to assist the Trojans at the war for Troy. Some say the queen seeks redemption for accidently killing her sister Hippolyta with a spear throw meant for a stag, while others say the Amazons, with Ares bloodlust coursing through their veins, cannot pass up a chance to enter battle.
At the war for Troy, Queen Penthesilea fells many warriors, proving her elite skill in battle, until she faces off against Achilles, the great Demi-god warrior. She fights savagely, and the pair are well matched, until Achilles spear finds her chest with a lethal wound. As she lay dying, her helmet tumbles off, and Achilles, gazing upon her beauty, is overcome with sorrow, and falls deeply in love. Another Greek warrior, Thersites, taunts Achilles for his weakness, and Achilles turns on his comrade, killing him. This later prompts Achilles to Journey to Lesbos to purify himself for the murder, before returning to the war at Troy.
This episode from the Trojan war comes from one of the lost epic cycles of the Trojan cycle called the “Aethiopis,” and is attributed to the author Arctinus of Melinus. The Aethiopis dates from around the 7th Century B.C.E is made up of five books, detailing events occurring directly after the Iliad. Although the epic Aethiopis itself did not survive, and we know of the summary of events from the Chrestomathy, attributed to Proclus.
One thing I love about Greek Myths and tales are these early, elegant examples of dramatic irony and tragedy. Killing an enemy, and then, only after, discovering a love for them; but it’s too late. Again and again, we see these classical characters, whose fatal flaws blind them to some truth, and he or she learns the lesson only too late. I cant get enough of these bittersweet endings, because I think they exist in the grey zone that mirrors the ambiguity of our own realities.
A HUGE THANK YOU to you tumblrs who repost my art, and who add hashtags. It really helps with exposure, which i need to survive. You all rock! i love you. xoxo
Thanks for looking and reading! to see more of my Greek Illustrations, etsy print shop, etc...please click my Linktree: https://linktr.ee/tylermileslockett
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Sleep Did n o t Cure how unwell I feel abt haunted hotel AU
I juST
Hux gets a really obvious Bluetooth headset so he can talk to kylo in public. They can’t touch so instead it’s A LOT of mutual masturbation and kylo telling hux what to do. Kylo sits next to him on the piano bench during dinner service and tries to make hux laugh the entire time. They find a photo of kylo in the hotel from when it was a bogus health spa, and hux has smeared the glass with his finger prints because he starts brushing the image when he walks by.
THE TRAGEDY OF LOVING SOMEONE YOU CAN NEVER TOUCH AND DECIDING TO LOVE THEM A N Y W A Y. ALWAYS JUST THE WHISPER OF TACTILE SENSATION AND A CHIL DOWN HUXS SPINE!!! when they’re walking outside in the Arkansas heat (did I mention this was set in eureka springs, AR??) kylo will run his hand down huxs back bc hux can feel the chill, at least, even if he can’t feel kylos hand.
Kylo keeps waking hux up bc he plays with Millie at night, because OF COURSE Millie can see him. Cats can see ghosts. So can the rabbits in one of the shops. (These bunnies are real!! Their names are sushi and gumbo!!)
I’m unwell abt haunted hotel AU it’s fully plotted
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shanesbluechicken · 2 years
Loved you vampire headcanons!! Could I request some (male) werewolf farmer headcanons with Abigail and Shane?
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The farmer is a werewolf (Shane, Abigail)
Since I got two requests I decided to make the ones for Shane gn and the ones for Abigail as requested. I hope that's fine🤗
TW: heavy language
Gender Shane: neutral
Gender Abigail: male
More headcanons in which Shane walks through life completely clueless. It's not as if he doesn't notice you acting weirder the closer the full moon comes, but he would never ever assume it's because of werewolf reasons. Nah, he thinks you're just like this in general.
What he does notice though is how much you seem to connect with other animals. For example when you go to his aunt's shop and lean onto the fence to stare ar the cows and such and they just stare back?
Shane is usually still awake when the rest of the town is asleep in bed. He made it a habit to wander around some nights and enjoy the dark silence.
What he doesn't expect is hearing a wold howling. Wolves have never been around this area and if he's being honest, the howling sounded a bit off as well. The second time he hears it he listens very closely. Unfortunately he still can't place his finger on what sounds off.
But what he figures is though is the fact that it came from your farm. He is 100% sure.
Concern kicks in and like a good chicken dad that he is, he sprints towards your direction. By the time he arrives he's fully out of breath and feels like passing out, but that doesn't stop him.
Much to his luck you put up some torches around your farm and on the other side of the land he spots a huge silhouette. It's nothing he's ever seen before and he for sure can't even tell what it actually is that he is seeing. Of course it's you.
The two of you lock eyes and you know you fucked up. What do you do? Wait until tomorrow? No, he might wake up the entire town and tell everybody. Go to him RIGHT NOW? He might think you're going to attack him!
You watch him slowly approach your own house and hear him yell your name. Shit.
With slow and cautious steps you make your way towards Shane and lower your head to make him understand that you mean no harm.
Of course our handsome lover boy recognizes those radiant eyes. After all he loses himself in them every chance he gets.
"Holy fucking shit. I thought you're in danger and not that you ARE the danger!"
His words hurt you a bit, but he immediately apologizes. Of course he doesn't see you as something dangerous.
Since Shane loves animals he is absolutely mesmerized by your wolf form.
He's curious about your abilities though, asking if they're staying in your human form as well or if you only have them when you're turning into a wolf.
"Wow, so you can smell farts from miles away?"
Sadly, you can.
Shane is taking your wolf secret to the grave!
He's a bit hesitant to you too close to you in your wolf form. Not because he dislikes it, but he thinks you might not want him close.
Little does he know is that you love it when he pets you! He's so gentle and caring in his movements that everytime you have to fight to stay awake.
She knows everything about supernatural creatures there is to know. The fact that she's never seen one doesn't mean she doesn't believe they exist and guess what! Werewolves are her absolute favorite.
You find out about it pretty soon in your relationship when she's inviting you to her room and you see that her bookshelves are stacked with fantasy books about werewolves and other shape shifters.
She is the first and actually the only one to notice that with your arrival something else came as well. Meaning she keeps finding paw prints on the ground that are way too big to belong to a normal forest animal. As she gathers more clues and keeps track of these strange occurrences she notices fairly quickly that the prints, scratch marks etc are only appearing on one certain day in the month.
By now the excitement is rushing through her like an avalanche down a mountain.
You're the first person to know about her great discovery, because she knows that you're the only one who will believe her.
Considering her open and outgoing behavior regarding this topic you feel pretty confident about telling her.
If she wasn't a simp for you before then she sure as fuck is one now. Why wouldn't she be? She's found herself a sexy werewolf guy!
Of course she insists on being with you during every full moon. If there is anything she adores more than you then it's the wolf-you.
As soon as you shift she can't keep her hands off you, because duh you're extremely soft!
Abigail also tries to be as helpful as she can by carrying your clothes around when you're a wolf. Before you became a couple it happened quite often that you either ripped your clothes or forgot where you left them.
"My boyfriend is a werewolf!"
"Ssshhhh, not so loud!"
Many nights she spends most of the time taking a nap on you since you're even bigger than some double beds.
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unusualgrimm · 1 year
The first prototype art print is here for the Lord's :] I chose Wiggly just because he has the most ink in his print but I think he turned out pretty good :D there is a lil haziness at the edges but I believe it is due to the use of pen's for the art but I can't say I'm bothered as I wanted the focus to be on his eyes anyway :D hopefully should order and get the other Lord prototypes soon ^-^. I'm using a third party to make and send these prints as I don't have the equipment so right now I will be using
To create and send all my orders considering I am very new to this but yeah, prints coming soon 👀
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