#prisma greensmith
glassydiatom · 8 months
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younger Antony and Prisma!
Antony ran into trouble a lot back in his youth. Being the apprentice for Nuvola Rosa's High Wizard was one thing, but because the current High Wizard was his own mother, he was subject to a lot of criticism and bullying.
In comes childhood friend (and partner) Prisma, who often helps clean and heal him after a scuffle. While Antony tries to refuse help from them, they ignore and clean him as best as he can.
oh and also i think Prisma should have some sort of Lichtenberg fern scar, but idk
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mushlandsandbeyond · 1 year
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doodle page :3
from left to right, top to bottom:
Coleman and Humana walking and talking
Samson in a sweater. He's content and drinking a hot beverage
Faust and Lupeeria. The former is telling Faust, "I can help you, Faust!" yet Faust says "You're too late, Lupeeria".
Prisma in the regular Bee Keeper uniform and Dorian in Ceremonial Bee Keeper armor.
A headshot of Faust in a Seeker's Council uniform, while corrupted with the Void.
Young Maristela and Serena.
A new version of Abby, the Mayor of the Mushroom Village! she's wearing mushroom-themed clothing and holding a giant mushroom umbrella.
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mushlandsandbeyond · 2 years
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Today's Sunday Portrait features Prisma Greensmith!
Prisma is a wizard originally from Nuvola Rosa of the Damgo Archipelago. Prisma worked as the town smith. They created customized wands, jewelry, and other weapons for townspeople and tourists alike. They are also adept at lightning manipulation and is their main type of magic. Their wand (not shown) is similar to a vintage lightning rod.
After falling out with their former partner, Antony, they've since left the islands in the sky and moved to Astoria. Prisma lived there for a few decades before coming back to the Mushlands on a boat, now a part of a pirate crew, headed by SeaLan.
Currently they are a pirate and a beekeeper for the Bee Kingdom in the Mushlands, as part of a deal between the crew and the Queen Bee. They also live in the swamps near Floralbourne and is friends with Raven and Ophelia.
If you can't tell this guy was one of my first minecraft OCs for this world NASJKD ~Mod Dorian
I hope you enjoy! Next Sunday will be:
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mushlandsandbeyond · 2 years
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younger Antony and Prisma!
Antony ran into trouble a lot back in his youth. Being the apprentice for Nuvola Rosa's High Wizard was one thing, but because the current High Wizard was his own mother, he was subject to a lot of criticism and bullying.
In comes childhood friend (and partner) Prisma, who often helps clean and heal him after a scuffle. While Antony tries to refuse help from them, they ignore and clean him as best as he can.
oh and also i think Prisma should have some sort of Lichtenberg figure on them, either in the form of a birthmark or a very persistent scar...? but i kinda like it as a birthmark :P so
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glassydiatom · 2 years
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wizard, pirate, beekeeper
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mushlandsandbeyond · 2 years
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Old Maelstrom's former mayor, Samael Jannson disappeared under mysterious circumstance after Antony, the Head Wizard of the Damgo Archipelago, flooded their town by raising the ocean. Although the citizens remain unscathed thanks to the efforts of Prisma Greensmith, they were displaced and moved to Mystic Mauve.
It's unsure why this happened to many, but only a handful know that Samael was infected by a mysterious lifeform known as sculk. A ravine that was near the edge of the city was discovered by Antony a long time ago, but only he and Prisma knew where it was.
Decades later, a particular pirate crew went to investigate the hotel of Old Maelstrom via glass tunnels before building an underwater hideout nearby.
Builds by @okiedokie7 , @space-ghost-with-the-most , Mod Huskies, and Mod Dorian!
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mushlandsandbeyond · 2 years
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Today's Sunday Portrait features Ophelia Blumenthal!
This lady was born in Floralbourne and is one of the Bee Kingdom's beekeepers, protectors and helping hands of the Bee Kingdom. Her hobbies include potion-making, which people have mistaken her for a witch. While she's not exactly a magic-user, she does dabble in the art of magic occasionally (though to poor results).
A notable relationship she has is with Raven, a Nether native who moved into Floralbourne. She was the first person to help her get used to the overworld and mend the relationships between the wary townspeople and Raven.
I hope you enjoyed today's character! Next Sunday we'll be presenting:
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Prisma Greensmith!
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mushlandsandbeyond · 2 years
can you give me a general overview of the characters?
ok so this is gonna be a bit big so i'll try to section them off by region (where they currently live rn)! and also keep in mind that some characters here are in development, not all of them will be mentioned, all of this is subject to change so yadda yadda-
here we go! (and sorry for such a long ask !!!! 😭😭😭i am just glad i can properly introduce most of them finally)
🍄The Mushlands
Leopold Drummond - Archaeologist, author, researcher! He's responsible for creating the in-universe Mushlands guide series. He hails from a far away town called Rooteletor. Currently staying in Meadowview
Ethel Schwabacher - A wizard from Frosta Pinto who is living in Meadowview. An editor and good friend of Leopold
Voras - Shapeshifting spider, local carpenter living in Meadowview :) a chill guy
Kazashi Chaki - A witch who can trans ur gender and moved in from far away :) owns a cafe with animated dolls (and may or may not be a doll herself). catgirl :3
Dorian - A human who's also partially an Enderman from a curse! Not originally born in the Mushlands, and traveled with his sister and what remains of their village to seek refuge. Is a beekeeper for the Bee Kingdom! (also this is mod dorian's minecraftsona!!!)
Bubble - Dorian's little sister, founded the Mushroom Village right outside of the bee kingdom! (mod dorian's sister's character!)
Prisma Greensmith - One of the many crewmates for the Birates (Bi Pirates)! Originally from Nuvola Rosa, but left a long time ago. Adept engineer and lightning manipulator, and is also a wizard.
SeaLanternz - Captain of the Birates, assembled a crew not long before departing their homeland, Astoria. Just a frunky glow squid guy :) (mod sealan's minecraftsona/oc!)
Emerl - The current identity of the sculk originating from the city under Deepmine. As the mayor of Deepmine, she holds great power over the settlement, and her mind-controlling spores help ensure she stays that way. However, she is relatively young for an immortal creature, and with that comes a misplaced sense of invulnerability.
Cinnabar Draconis - A doctor working in Deepmine’s only hospital, and someone immune to sculk’s effects. She’s aware something is wrong with the town, and is trying to find a way to fix it without arousing suspicion. 
Raven Piedra - Blaze lady from the Nether, was an outcast before making friends with Ophelia in Floralbourne!
Ophelia Blumenthal - A potionmaker from Floralbourne and beekeeper for the Bee Kingdom!
Zephyr Marcello - Current head/templekeeper for Ametista Curativa, an amethyst temple in Mystic Mauve. He is a medium (in this case, one who gains power from an other source) and can heal and protect others.
Marisa Jansson - Current Mayor of Mystic Mauve. One of many immigrants from Old Maelstrom after the sea rising event, and direct daughter of Samael Jansson, the last mayor for Old Maelstrom.
Neifion Van Der Zee - A man living on the shores of New Maelstrom. He was taken away to help provide weapons for a war and was shocked when he came back home to Old Maelstrom now underwater.
💭Damgo Archipelago
Selenea Somnolento, Electra Burdain, Fajra Justinia, Lorelei Liliales - The first four high wizards of the Damgo Archipelago, Selenea was also the founder and first head wizard. In order they established Nuvola Rosa, Turtle Haven, Frosta Pinto, and Mossten. All of them are gone and have ascended to become gods or god-like, protecting over their respective islands.
Antony Wisp - Current Head Wizard of the archipelago and High Wizard of Nuvola Rosa.
Maverick Burdain - Current high wizard of Turtle Haven! He likes to host parties and is a turtle whisperer. Antony assigns him as the acting Head Wizard whenever he's absent.
Elisabeth Sommer - Current high wizard of Frosta Pinto. Literature fanatic and feline enjoyer, becomes acting Head Wizard if Antony and Maverick are absent.
Roe Egglovett - Current high wizard of Mossten. gra 🐸! Does a bit of mischief when she feels like it. Becomes acting Head Wizard if all others are absent.
Polaris Tang - Apprentice under Antony, set to be the next High Wizard of Nuvola Rosa once she completes her training. Found under mysterious circumstances, adopted by Antony.
Arthuria - A humanoid phantom living in Nuvola Rosa. She brews levitation potions. As a phantom, she still feeds off of insomnia, but since she lives in a big city she doesn’t have to harass anyone for it like a wild phantom.
Vega Somnolento - Great granddaughter of Selenea, she is the current priestess of the moon church on Nuvola Rosa. Somewhat enigmatic but doesn't take things too seriously.
Lady Irene - A legend in Astoria's history who protected the country during times of war. She was the first paladin and established order and peace throughout the country. She ascended as a goddess of peace and strategy.
Laurance Zvahl - A paladin for the knights. Has been searching SeaLanternz for an unknown amount of time. (???)
Cadenza Zvahl - Laurance's adoptive sister, a renowned seamstress. Her top clients are the knights.
Garroth Ro'meave - A scout for the knights. As a child he was cursed to become a werewolf by Zane, however this has proven to be a great asset for his duties later down the line.
Zane Ro'meave - Former high priest, and Garroth's younger brother. He has been sent to prison for conspiring against the royal family.
Zenith - A ranger for the knights. Goat guy, best friends with Garroth.
Lucinda Avenue - A witch who lives by the outskirts of Astoria with her owl familiar.
🌵Echino Mesa
Samson - The current identity of the sculk which resides within Echino Mesa’s borders. A powerful and enigmatic figure, not much is known about him. He mentors Maristela, and while he is generally laid back, he has an aura of menace around him. It would be wise to stay on his good side.
Marisa Caelum - Former bandit turned bounty hunter. Wizard gunslinger who uses gun-shaped twigs to fire magical bullets and can transmute sand into explosive glitter. 
Maristela Aphros - One of the last few descendants of the decimated Aphros clan of wizards. Being mentored by the very same creature who almost wiped out his line.
Maysie Meadows - Wandering trader. She doesn't really live in Echino Mesa but was born there :)
Leticia Addams - Takes care of her family business (carpentry) and also runs The Drippy Spoon, a saloon located in Thornton.
Lottie Carpenter - Assassin for hire and certified wifegirl, may or may not have split from her family in the past.
Coleman Burdain - Younger brother of Electra Burdain and the grandfather of Monstrology (no relation to wizard101. sorry again). Established himself in Echino Mesa and set the basis for studying the undead, the otherworldly, and the unknown. He's dead
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glassydiatom · 2 years
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“And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills / 'Til the landslide brought me down”
Prisma in Astoria... had lots of emotions in this
screenshot version here!:
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glassydiatom · 2 years
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An Astorian and a Rosian walk into a bar
(SeaLanternz belongs to my dear friend @space-ghost-with-the-most !)
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glassydiatom · 3 years
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i own a minecraft server and i play with my friends and we have this whole lore thing going on... for fun!
sooo just some minecraft ocs pertaining to our world :D zephyr was made waaay earlier (like... june 2021) while the others were made just a few minutes ago :>
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