#prison culture
alixx-black · 6 months
Virtually Innocent: A Preview
"Virtually Innocent" is a #novellathat explores #crime in a broken #lawenforcement system ripe with cover-ups and #abuseofpower where an innocent man being convicted for a crime he didn't commit in a #dystopian #prisonculture through #virtualreality
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WHITMAN CITY BULLETIN After three years in development, the Virtual Reality Prison Retraining Program (VRPR) is ready to launch! Citizens first started voting on policy changes five years ago when the virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) sectors were initially taking off, first changing the medical diagnostic processes that have since allowed medical…
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starafterdeath · 18 days
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Это ж АУЕ в одном комменте.
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protoslacker · 2 months
I appreciate this selection of poems about living and finding beauty in a broken world. Like Katie Farris, I want “to train myself, in the midst of a burning world/ to offer poems of love to a burning world.”  
Miriame Kaba in Prisonculture's Newsletter. Prisons, Prose & Protest - #18
Subscribe to the newsletter and support herr work.
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wilwheaton · 1 month
Anyone who doesn't live in the weird Trump Cinematic Universe knew that this is exactly what was going to happen. This doesn't gain him a single vote, it doesn't win him a news cycle, it doesn't distract anyone who matters from the DNC.
But it absolutely will activate the entire Swiftie Army to work even harder to defeat him. It will likely force Taylor Swift and her legendary team to respond to him and his campaign in a way that is not going to go well for him, at all.
I love this for him. Bless his heart.
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panimoonchild · 4 months
“I tried to explain that I was a musician but it didn’t work. You say you are a musician and it irritates them so much they beat you more, and accuse you of lying,” said Merkotan
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While international organizations inspect and have access to our prisons where Russian prisoners are held, they turn a blind eye and do not fight for proper conditions for Ukrainian prisoners.
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Another thing that outrages me is the way "Putin's prison" is used. It was not Putin who tortured him and others, but russians. This is not Putin's war, but Russia's. These are not the decisions and crimes of one person. After 10 years of war, the Russians are still being singled out and absolved of responsibility. That's impossible levels of stupidity and cowardice.
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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Anti-literacy laws in many slave states before and during the American Civil War affected slaves, freedmen, and in some cases all people of color. Some laws arose from concerns that literate slaves could forge the documents required to escape to a free state. According to William M. Banks, "Many slaves who learned to write did indeed achieve freedom by this method. The wanted posters for runaways often mentioned whether the escapee could write." Anti-literacy laws also arose from fears of slave insurrection, particularly around the time of abolitionist David Walker's 1829 publication of Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, which openly advocated rebellion, and Nat Turner's Rebellion of 1831.
The United States is the only country known to have had anti-literacy laws.
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Significant anti-African laws include:
1829, Georgia: Prohibited teaching Africans to read, punished by fine and imprisonment
1830, Louisiana, North Carolina: passes law punishing anyone teaching Africans to read with fines, imprisonment or floggings 
1832, Alabama and Virginia: Prohibited Europeans from teaching Africans to read or write, punished by fines and floggings
1833, Georgia: Prohibited Africans from working in reading or writing jobs (via an employment law), and prohibited teaching Africans, punished by fines and whippings (via an anti-literacy law)
1847, Missouri: Prohibited assembling or teaching slaves to read or write
Mississippi state law required a white person to serve up to a year in prison as "penalty for teaching a slave to read."
A 19th-century Virginia law specified: "[E]very assemblage of negroes for the purpose of instruction in reading or writing, or in the night time for any purpose, shall be an unlawful assembly. Any justice may issue his warrant to any office or other person, requiring him to enter any place where such assemblage may be, and seize any negro therein; and he, or any other justice, may order such negro to be punished with stripes."
In North Carolina, African people who disobeyed the law were sentenced to whipping while whites received a fine, jail time, or both.
AME Bishop William Henry Heard remembered from his enslaved childhood in Georgia that any slave caught writing "suffered the penalty of having his forefinger cut from his right hand." Other formerly enslaved people had similar memories of disfigurement and severe punishments for reading and writing.
Arkansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee were the only three slave states that did not enact a legal prohibition on educating slaves.
It is estimated that only 5% to 10% of enslaved African Americans became literate, to some degree, before the American Civil War
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schneiderenjoyer · 7 months
The fun part about this event is people who aren't into digging into bizarre and fun historical topics finding out about two of my favorite philosophical things and that's:
A. The Cave Allegory
B. Pythagoras' wild ass cult about numbers. Y'all, this man got major beef with the number 3 like there's no tomorrow. Also beans.
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mzminola · 10 days
Man, from like a character growth perspective I don't think Damian's love of animals as actually...positive? Like it's nice that there are things outside his status/survival that he cares about, but... Damian was raised in an eco-terrorist cult. Being protective of animals while struggling with the Bats' no-killing-people rule is just, like, basic status quo for him?
Not that the League of Assassins didn't harm plenty of animals & plants & ecosystems in their world domination schemes & even day to day life but the idealism of "I will become vegetarian because I love Batcow so much" is not a change. It's not growth away from his upbringing. That's fine, Damian is allowed to find things from his early childhood valuable, and if he actually grappled with it all I could see that being positive growth. Him actually examining the values and coming to his own conclusions.
But the way it's presented in the comics and the things fans to do with it don't feel like growth or change to me. It mostly feels like people are focusing on the murder/violence aspects of the cult he was raised in and completely ignoring the eco-terrorism. Ignoring that the League of Assassins values a fantasy of nature over humanity. Like they forget it's even a thing. And again, the comics are very much focused on the Assassin part so that makes sense.
It just means many of the things written to make Damian endearing to the audience just fall flat for me.
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takunwilliams · 1 month
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Ermes Costello
Jjba stone ocean
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thepersonalwords · 5 days
Look at the mirror! Who are you? You are not yourself, you are your culture! Do you want to be yourself? Then leave your prison and discover the paths beyond your path!
Mehmet Murat ildan
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Four new Warzone Distro zines.
1. The Anarcho-Primitivist case for Straight Edge: Against His-Story, Against Alcoholocaust!
“The foundations of colonial genocide bear the stench of a long and protracted alcohol induced nightmare — nearly every indigenous culture the Europeans encountered was destroyed by European alcohol and disease. The spreading of firewater among indigenous populations of North America went hand-in-hand with the distribution of lethal smallpox-infested blankets. Many of these cultures, without the experience of thousands of years of civilized alcoholism to draw upon, were even more subject than the Europeans to the ravages of “the civilized brew.” Between alcohol, disease, commerce, and guns, most of them were quickly and utterly destroyed. This process was not unique to North America — it was repeated throughout the world in every European colonial endeavor. While the drug of choice varied (sometimes it was opium, for example, as in the “Opium Wars” Great Britain waged to control China), alcohol was judged in many countries to be the most socially-acceptable tool of pacification.”
2. More Than Just a Diet: A Conversation Between Warzone Distro & the Susaron 4
“…precisely what strongly motivated our actions as a group, was the dissemination of that message, somewhat diluted by time: The war against existence from an anarcho-nihilist perspective, fervently anti-speciesist and straight edge. Which to our taste fulfilled its purpose, since these discussions happened again as a result of the action and our subsequent arrest. And consequently; constant elaboration of propaganda material referring to our ideological thinking. Which gives us the desire to refloat within future generations these incendiary ideas, which have no intention of making peace or negotiation with the enemy. Be it the animal exploitation industry or any other authority that may seek to impose itself on us…
…Regarding the straight edge concept; we have always seen as essential the care of our body as a temple and as a channel of direct confrontation. And likewise refusing the brutal control exercised by the state and its tentacles through drugs. Ruining entire generations of rebels because of it. And it does not fit in our concept of opposition to all exploitation and apparatus of domination, that by our own complacency and mental weakness we are subjugated through substances made to appease the discontent and collapse. And as anarchic-nihilists we understand our body and mind as the only thing we own and our main weapon.
…many generations of young insurrectionists have been lost in the mental and physical deterioration generated by the web of drugs and their slow and camouflaged intrusion into the lives of those who begin to consume them, especially individuals prone to depression. This dramatically undermines the power of resistance movements that require people committed and prepared for the challenges involved in fighting such a giant and finely tuned machine as the reigning structure of domination.”
3. Burn Down The Animal Pharm By Lint Lobotomy
Various writings by Lint Lobotomy covering a wide range of topics from veganism, straight edge and anti-civilization!
4. Hygiene: Washing and Brainwashing
This zine critically examines the origins of being “clean”
All zine pdfs are free to print.
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I don't know if this still happens cause I'm not too involved with the Fuuta side of the community, but when I was first getting into Milgram I remember being somewhat annoyed at how much I saw Fuuta's murder being watered down to just "Haha twitter user was twittering". And I still feel that way, not because I think Fuuta should be specially punished for his murder, but because in a series full of murders that anyone could commit when placed into their shoes, Fuuta is the character that I think exemplifies the fact that any of these prisoners could be you if you were placed into different circumstances.
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blueiscoool · 10 months
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Archaeologists Uncover 'Prison Bakery' in Pompeii
An ancient bakery operated by slaves has been discovered in the ruins of Pompeii, the Pompeii Archaeological Park said in a statement released Friday.
Enslaved people and donkeys were locked up together and used to power a mill to grind grain for bread, according to details of the discovery provided by the park.
The site consists of a narrow room with no external view but only small, high windows covered by bars through which minimal light passed. There were also indentations in the floor “to coordinate the movement of the animals, forced to walk around for hours, blindfolded,” the statement said.
The discovery was made in the Regio IX section of the popular tourist site, which is also an ongoing archaeological dig. The area is currently being excavated as part of a larger project designed to secure and maintain previously excavated areas of the Roman city.
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Archaeologists discovered the bakery while excavating an ancient Pompeiian home that was being renovated when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 C.E., covering the city of Pompeii with ash.
The bodies of three victims of the eruption were found in recent months, believed to be residents of the home rather than slaves. The house was divided into a residential section with “refined frescoes” on one side, and a commercial bakery on the other.
Next to the bakery was the dimly lit prison area, Pompeii Archaeological Park director Gabriel Zuchtriegel said in an interview posted on the site’s YouTube channel.
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“What has emerged is testimony of the backbreaking work to which men, women, and animals were subjected in the ancient mill-bakeries,” he added.
Zuchtriegel said these prison bakeries were previously described by the Roman writer Apuleius in the 2nd century C.E., in his novel “Metamorphoses” (also known as “The Golden Ass”), in which the protagonist, Lucius, “transformed into a donkey and was sold to a miller.” Zuchtriegel said the episode was based on the writer’s direct knowledge of the animals and humans living and working together.
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The newly discovered prison area had no doors to the outside, only to the inner atrium.
“It is, in other words, a space in which we must imagine the presence of people of servile status whose owner felt the need to limit the freedom of movement,” Zuchtriegel said.
“It is the most shocking side of ancient slavery, the side devoid of relationships of trust, where it was reduced to brute violence, an impression which is fully confirmed by the closing of the few windows with iron grates.”
Archaeologists also believe that the indentations in the slab flooring were not made by repetitive movement but were carved to prevent the donkeys and other animals from slipping on the pavement and to force them to only walk in a circular motion to grind the grain, almost like a clockwork mechanism.
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“The iconographic and literary sources, in particular the reliefs from the tomb of Eurysaces in Rome, suggest that a millstone was normally moved by a couple made up of a donkey and a slave,” Zuchtriegel said.
“The latter, in addition to pushing the grindstone, had the task of encouraging the animal and monitoring the grinding process, adding grain and removing flour.”
The site will complement an exhibition that opens December 15, called “The Other Pompeii: common lives in the shadow of Vesuvius,” which is dedicated to what Zuchtriegel calls the “myriad of individuals often forgotten by historical chronicles, such as the slaves, who constituted the majority of the population and whose work contributed significantly to the economy, but also to the culture and social fabric of Roman civilization.”
By Barbie Latza Nadeau.
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stoicmike · 8 months
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You need to step outside of your culture to see the shackles it has placed on your thinking... -- Michael Lipsey
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amazingspider-z · 9 months
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Continuing to be back on my bullshit, I'm rounding out the year with the next installment of my Blue Beetle au nonsense or.
AKA @wazzappp 's Blue Beetle headcanons give me life and I'm yoinking them because. Everyone deserves a little body horror. As a treat.
(Well. Except for Oo'Li, by virtue of being the type of alien (yk more or less) that the scarabs are using for that sweet sweet basic DNA template)
Anyway, following my timeline of Jaime ending up with his second 'upgrade' after the reboot re: Khaji Da's last ditch effort to keep him from smashing into the ground of terminal velocity, Xiomara and Roma end up more buggified after their altercation with the Crimson Scarab in issue...2? I think, when their powers get drained, in the same vein of their scarabs getting inventive with ways for their hosts to defend themselves in power drain scenarios.
In keeping with their power-sets/specialities, Roma ends up with a scorpion-esque tail (yes ik that's not an insect but if she can manifest tentacles Im saying it counts) and retractable claws, while Xiomara has fully armored hands/gauntlets and extra insectoid legs
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fullscoreshenanigans · 5 months
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why they draw them like that tho
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