astrixsmy-blog · 8 years
text;; alexa & rio
RIO: are you getting me a wedding gift?
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pezvera · 7 years
VERA: Something happened.
VERA: But before you freak out, it's not bad.
VERA: I should have started with that, instead of the red alert thing.
VERAY: Sorry.
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privilege-archives · 8 years
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❖ FULL NAME: Alexa Valéria Lopez. ❖ PRONOUNS: She/Her. ❖ AGE: 22. (November 12th). ❖ BIRTH ORDER: Second. ❖ GRADE: Junior. ❖ MAJOR: Dance. ❖ SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual. ❖ ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Demiromantic. ❖ FACECLAIM: Naya Rivera.
Born and raised in the heart of Los Angeles, Alexa is a total city girl through and through. Right from her take-no-crap attitude, down to her party animal, life loving ways, there’s no mistaking this Lopez’s routes. Despite the fact that they hadn’t planned on children so soon after getting married, Maribel and Pedro took to parenthood as well as they could. Not that Alexa gave them much choice, being a total handful right from the start. They were busy people, but from birth, Alexa made sure that she’d always have the attention she needed, and she’d never go ignored or fade into the background. She was one of those babies that cried loud enough for the patients at the other side of the hospital to get an earache when she made her entrance into the big wide world, though that was basically the last of her crying. A happy baby, she smiled the most, laughed the loudest, and never gave her parents time to breathe. Alexa demanded full attention, without even realizing it, and that was something that she never managed to shake. She wanted to be her own person before she even knew what individuality was, in fact.
One of Alexa’s earliest memories was appearing on a talk show with her parents, and completely stealing the show. She had one of those obnoxious, contagious giggles that had the audience laughing right along with her. She had a lot of energy, and despite being told to sit in her seat, she spent most of her time there running back and forth across the stage. Maribel and Pedro were kind of pissed, but they didn’t let it show. She was their firstborn, after all, so they were obviously kind of obsessed with her. That didn’t make her any less of a handful, though, and many an afternoon would be spent with her Abuela, when her parents just couldn’t handle their precious little handful. It was Abuela, in fact, who decided eventually that something needed to be done about the little girl. Sure, the older woman could handle her rebellious nature, but she knew she had to help out her son and his wife, so after a little research into the best ones in the area, she enrolled Alexa in dance classes. It started out with just ballet, and from the moment her pink ballet pump touched that hard wood floor, Alexa was hooked. Nobody could believe the amount of discipline that little girl could have, even if it was just for the short hour she was in ballet class. Alexa loved it, and her parents and grandmother loved that they’d found a way to control her, if only for the time she was there.
With Alexa outgrowing the rest of the girls in her class with her natural ability, Abuela enrolled her granddaughter in other classes, such as jazz and hip hop, and once again, Alexa loved it. Before long, she was appearing in recitals and her family would be the ones in the crowd clapping and cheering the loudest for their tearaway little girl, and Alexa loved the attention. She thrived on the applause, and as she grew, so did her ability. She could captivate an entire room whenever she broke out into a dance routine, and despite her young age she, as well as everybody around her, knew that she’d found her calling. By the time Alexa was twelve years old, she’d been in numerous competitions, both solo and group, and she’d won more first place ribbons and trophies than she knew what to do with. Dance was something that shaped Alexa’s life entirely, and she’s thankful for it every day. Still, outside of the dance studio, her behavior never really improved.
Sure, Alexa was a nice girl. She was bubbly, friendly, polite when she wanted to be. Total Lopez charm. She was still one to never allow herself to be tamed, though, and from the moment she got her first fake ID, she and her friends would frequent bars and clubs that they really shouldn’t have been in, but they weren’t harming anyone. They’d drink, but not excessively, and they’d just enjoy the all around atmosphere. It was at one of these bars where Alexa was spotted by a man with a plan. Though still only sixteen, she and her friends were regulars by this point, and they had the bar staff wrapped around their little fingers. Whenever the place was quiet, they’d get full control of the sound system, and this one night, they’d done just that. Alexa and a friend were dancing to their chosen song, when an older man approached them, making a beeline for Alexa. He told her about a new club he was opening, where he was looking for pole dancers, and he just knew he had to have her be one of them. Keeping her age a secret, she accepted the offer, and the rest was history.
Working in the club was great. It gave Alexa all of the attention she craved, as well as gave her yet another reason to dance outside of her many dance classes. She got paid for it, too. Not that money was an issue, but it was cool to make her own, rather than always having to ask her parents for the things she wanted. The advantages were endless, and even when the owner found out she was underage, he let the information slide, because Alexa was one of his best. She was a crowd favorite, and he wasn’t about to give that up. However, when she turned eighteen, she had to pry herself away from the place, because it was time for college, and despite her love for her hometown, she knew she needed to get out of there and do something huge. Taking off her clothes and dancing on a pole was great, but it wasn’t the career she wanted. Alexa’s life plan had been to dance back up for someone big, then she’d eventually ditch to become a choreographer for the stars, someplace worthy like New York City or back home in Los Angeles. She needed the qualifications under her belt first, though, and not just the experience.
There were plenty of schools that caught Alexa’s attention. Most of them in New York, and when Alexa visited, she loved the vibe and the thrill of the big city. She checked out schools like Tisch and Juilliard, both of which had specifically scouted her. Juilliard was a great school, but the atmosphere just didn’t fit what she wanted. NYU: Tisch’s Performing Arts program was something Alexa could put to use, though. It’d qualify her to dance in shows, which would be great for her plan to backup dance, and she knew the school was one of the best around. So, she wrote up an application, sent in an audition tape, and soon she was being called in for a real audition. Naturally, Alexa sailed through it with flying colors, and she received her acceptance letter soon after. Sure, it kind of sucked to have to leave LA, but Alexa was sure this was the right move for her, so she grabbed the opportunity with both hands.
To begin with, Alexa fit into college life naturally. With her talkative, bubbly nature, she had no problem adjusting, but she soon began to realize people weren’t as genuine as those she was used to. From kindergarten, Alexa had attended private schools, right through to high school, and nobody really made too much of a big deal about who she was, since there were a lot of other ‘famous’ students there, too. College, however, was a whole other ballgame. There had been a huge buzz around Alexa’s acceptance to Tisch ever since she’d posted an Instagram update about it, but it wasn’t until she actually started her freshman year there that she realized how terrible of an idea it had been to try to attend a normal school. The students were worse than the paparazzi; constantly swarming Alexa and trying to hang out. She had no time to herself, and while she usually would’ve liked the attention, this was suffocating, and she couldn’t cope with having absolutely zero privacy. As much as it killed her to drop out of her dream school, Alexa only lasted a few months before she was packing her bags and heading back out to California.
Despite her terrible college experience, Alexa was absolutely not ready to give up on her dream. She needed to continue her studies, and become the best dancer she could be. So, although it had never been on her list of places to attend, Alexa applied to Pacific State, knowing they had the artistic programs available to suit her needs, and was accepted for the fall semester. This put her a year behind, but that wasn’t a problem. Getting her old job back took absolutely no effort. It seemed, however, that whatever job Alexa had, someone would always want her for something more. Just like that night in the bar, when her current boss had found her and invited her to work for him, an almost repeat happened one night in the club. It was all in a night’s work for a stripper to flirt with the clients, and in an effort to keep one of the more wealthy clients around, Alexa put her game into full motion, pulling out all the stops. They talked for most of the night, until eventually he divulged his line of work to her, obviously assuming he could trust her. He’d been right, Alexa wasn’t one to spread people’s secrets, and before long, he’d hooked her in. The Lopez family are obviously wealthy, so two jobs weren’t exactly necessary on top of college, but Alexa barely thought twice about taking up his offer of working on the side as one of the escorts in his escort service.
As of right now, she doesn’t sleep with the clients, she’s just there to accompany them on dates and is total arm candy for them, and she gets paid a pretty penny for it. She gets fed, too, so it’s basically a win win for her. Especially since she has managed to keep it a secret so far, worrying that it might damage her reputation as one of the best young dancers around if anyone was to find out. Lately, her boss has begun to get a little pushy for her to do more than just link arms with the guys she escorts, but Alexa is yet to budge. She can hold her own, and doesn’t need the extra money it’d bring her. It’s all fun and games for now. Until it’s not, of course, but she believes she’s tough enough to not have to worry about that. Perhaps she’s just a little naive or something.
Alexa has long, dark hair, with the ends dyed a subtle caramel color, pretty much down to her butt, and she usually wears it down and with its natural wave. Occasionally, she’ll curl it, but only for special events such as nights out or dance competitions, if the requirements allow it. For the most part, during the day, she dresses casually, opting for things like skinny jeans, cute shirts and casual day dresses. Night time is a different story, though, if she’s going out. Alexa likes to show off what she calls her ‘dancers abs’, so she’ll wear tiny, tight-fitting tops that show them off perfectly, with things like booty shorts, that can barely be considered shorts. Sometimes, however, she’ll go with a tight-fitting dress, and usually, the shorter the better. She likes her body, and sees nothing wrong with showing it off. Alexa has her ears pierced twice, as well as her navel, and has one tattoo; a small, pink bow at the top of her back, just below her neck.
Maribel and Pedro are both famous actors, who were cast as love interests toward the start of Pedro’s career. The two shared a management team, and to put his name on the map, they were asked to date as a publicity stunt. They quickly fell in love and a real romance begun, with the two marrying and starting a family soon after. They’re still big names and very active in the acting world today.
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psu-pmz · 8 years
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ALEXA (@pezalexa)'s nickname at work is ass well, because she shakes her ass so well.
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privilege-archives · 8 years
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