#pro veganism
Look at that cat, shaking his legs due to fear of all the bombs. Cannot walk anymore. Animals cannot hide their feelings. Imagine what Palestinians feels inside. Babies, children, mentally handicapped or handicapped people in general like blind and deaf people, elderly.
Where are you vegans and animal rights activist who supports israel?Perhaps the animals from Palestine are lower than animals in your country. Make some excuses. But, it's not my business.
That cat like others in palestine is traumatized for life.
That cat is lucky. He cannot hunt anymore since his limbs are paralyzed. Other animals like him will starve to death if they are not taken care of by humans. Thanks Israel and America
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wild-garden-fairy · 3 months
It's always a pleasant surprise to go into leftist spaces online and find out they're pro-vegan.
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estraven-ai-2022 · 6 months
At this rate I fully expect tumblr users to start advocating to bring back the whaling industry to power our lights because according to them animal products good, petroleum bad.
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dollspo2 · 5 months
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hadesoftheladies · 3 months
"you are killing a baby"
i am killing a fetus, not an infant. an egg is not a chicken. potential is not actuality.
"you are murdering an innocent."
it doesn't matter who is innocent. a hungry lion may be innocent in wanting to eat me only because it is hungry and may not have the cognitive capacities to exercise something like restraint or conscience. that does not mean i should not defend myself from harm. it is still self-defense. all animals are expected to protect themselves first and foremost. you are just so used to the idea that women (especially mothers) are supposed to sacrifice their lives for their children in order to be good people--like they aren't human beings with self-preservation instincts.
harm equals anything that threatens the life or health of a person and pregnancy does both.
"your body was meant/designed to do this"
miscarriages are as natural as pregnancies. why do you think the placenta exists? pregnancy sickness? the female body can grow a person, yet also has resistance mechanisms for a pregnancy.
also, just because i have genes that make me a good runner doesn't mean i have to become a marathoner. like think for a second.
"what will the father think?"
women don't owe men or society themselves. i know that's very hard for you to grasp but there's no time like the present to start. there is no ethical way to make a woman a commodity or government assigned asset for reproduction or sex.
"the baby is conscious"
so is the lion in the hypothetical. also, that's debatable. also, what are your thoughts on veganism? since you care so much about the suffering of conscious beings (that is beings with selves)
"but animals aren't humans. they don't deserve the same rights as humans because of their lower cognitive capacities"
great. now apply this ethic to babies and mentally disabled people and then try to explain to me why that has to be different without mentioning how you feel or your religion. :)
"a baby has more potential than an animal."
okay, and why does that potential automatically mean better or more valuable? higher cognitive capacities haven't stopped wars and mass murders have they? (and i would argue that bringing a child into a violent world increases their chance of becoming unhealthy or complicit persons, so you can almost know what the character of your child will be like for certain based on where you're raising them).
"a baby has a soul"
there are two kinds of dualisms within christianity: thomistic and cartesian. cartesian dualism has gone out of fashion even amongst christian theologians and philosophers.
Substance dualism, or Cartesian dualism, most famously defended by René Descartes, argues that there are two kinds of foundation: mental and physical. Descartes states that the mental can exist outside of the body, and the body cannot think.
'Thomistic substance dualism' (TSD) centers around two beliefs: 1) the rational soul is an immaterial substance, and 2) this immaterial substance is the human person.
aside from the fact that both of these philosophies are rife with problems, I think thomistic dualism is the stronger of the two. the rational soul is, in a way, a word for the self.
regardless, both of these describe a self as a soul. so i'm just going to define a self.
The psychology of self is the study of either the cognitive and affective representation of one's identity or the subject of experience. The earliest formulation of the self in modern psychology forms the distinction between two elements I and me. The self as I, is the subjective knower. While, the self as Me, is the subject that is known.
a self is a centralized consciousness with their own memories, introspection and reflections. we know through neuroscience, psychology, behavioural science and sociology that a person or self is formed via experiences (where memories and impressions are gathered, how people learn), language and socialization (economy, history, family, culture) and possibly some genetic expressions (although i think this is more about capacity than actualization).
this is why things like dementia or alzheimer's are so scary and difficult. when a person loses memories, they lose aspects of themselves. when a person changes their environment, they also become different people (even while maintaining some similarities with their past selves).
this is mirrored in popular media, characters that lose their memories lose versions of themselves. this is also why, when you look at stories that feature a multiverse, the same character becomes a different person in different lives. in short, you are not born a person. you become one, and although your self remains singular and centralized (even with age), that self still changes. both the self and the people around the self create the self.
this is also why socially isolated individuals devolve and become mindless or sick (and even have reduced lifespan). certain higher human capacities like "conscience" or "empathy" can be socialized out of a human being, as well. i'd even go so far as to say that children begin conceptualizing themselves as individuals only when they begin to sense the presence of other human beings. they cannot conceptualize their own identity without the presence of other people. they probably don't know they are a self until they recognize other people and then realize they themselves are also people, and people are individuals.
legally a person is:
. . . an entity that the law recognises as having its own distinct personality. This usually means one that is able to act in its own right, and capable of possessing legal rights and liabilities, including individuals (or "natural persons") and corporate organisations.
my point is, how can a fetus with virtually no experiences (which born animals have), no language or skill (learned) to introspect or reflect (or abstract), possibly have a self? when they are not exposed to the outside world? certainly they have the capacity to develop a self, but as established earlier on, potential is not actuality. so legally and psychologically, a fetus is very likely not a person.
but we do not need this to be true to justify abortion regardless, because an innocent person is still causing harm, whether directly or indirectly. so the woman/girl has every right to resist.
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veganymph · 10 months
being vegan is inherently anti capitalist, anti misogyny, pro choice and radically inclusive. being vegan and being ‘conservative’ or right leaning are incompatible. the basis of veganism is built on the idea of power and liberation for all, human or non human.
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superfuxkinghungry · 8 months
Why put a living breathing being into a world full of torture, racism, physical pain, mental illness, mental pain, disabilities, danger, murder, restrictions, and hate rather than just let your little children rest in a no pain feeling no thirst or hunger feeling forever state of unconsciousness? Sounds soooo much better than making those cute little babes suffer inflation, climate change, societal norm, and other nasty stuff 🥺🤢
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drakkonyan · 3 months
Reminder that hating humans is not an alternative to loving nature. You add nothing by saying you wish human kind went extinct. You add nothing by saying humans are irredimable monsters. You are helping no harmed animal nor plant nor fungi nor microorganism by shitting on humans and, as a nature lover, you are my least favorite kind of "nature lover" because you don't like nature, you hate humans
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 5 months
Does no one else check to see when posts were vaguely posted? Especially when they relate to dates or "trending"? Am I going to have to start putting little datestamps on my posts?
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thiinspo22 · 9 months
Diary entry
I didn't weigh myself today but I did on the 01/01/2024 and I was 227lb.
My first goal is to get to 200lb. my starting point.
My next goal is 165.
Then 130.
and so on ....
I can do this. I just need my water bottle and my will to strive.
I finish uni this year too so that will free up more of my evenings for exercising. I can do this. If I can gain I can lose.
I will not binge.
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dykegeology · 9 months
Fascinating how people on tumblr will go on about letting people do what they want with their bodies and food preferences (a good thing!!) but then get really pissed at vegans
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rachelbethhines · 1 month
OMG, I just had a revelation.
The people trying to make veganism into a political/moral stance, sound exactly the same as 'anti-abortionists'.
It's the exact same guilt tripping tactics.
Because at the end of the day it's easy to wag your finger at someone and call yourself 'morally superior' to them when advocating for a group that cannot talk for themselves.
Because at the end of the day it's not actually about saving animals/babies it's about pretending you're better than others, and punishing those who dare to disagree with you. Regardless if they have different beliefs or valid reasons for not agreeing.
This is why veganism is no more left than pro-life.
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dollspo2 · 5 months
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hadesoftheladies · 5 months
the fact that most so-called "pro-lifers" are anti-vegan is hilarious to me. like it perfectly showcases how insincere they are. the amount of self-righteous "keep your ethics consistent" talk is thrown out the window the moment an anti-abortionist celebrates carnism.
"the baby is alive and sentient" so is a dog and chicken
"the baby can feel pain and suffer" so can a cow but you're okay killing one even when not harming it doesn't threaten your life (unlike having a fetus growing inside you would)
"the baby might possess mental capacities" so does a cat or chimpanzee. literally prove to me how the mental capacities of a baby are somehow greater than that of an adult dog's.
"that's different. human babies have the capacity to develop higher cognition." okay. so we can make it illegal to kill babies when they have those higher cognitions. bc if we said fish will evolve higher cognitive capacities in a few billion years, would you stop killing them? or are such time limits arbitrary? human babies are also born with the potential to do great good or great harm, so the potential of their cognitive development doesn’t tell us if it’s a good idea to save one. the argument isn't persuasive. if anything it’d be more moral perhaps to save a chicken that’s guaranteed to not rape or molest anyone than risk saving a human that could.
"we must be the voice for the voiceless and defend the defenseless" the jokes write themselves
“but we’re only obligated to be moral to our species” yeah that’s the exact logic genocidal maniacs used against people outside their race/tribe
"but all babies are innocent" so was that turkey you shot for thanksgiving, bud
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you-need-not-apply · 2 years
People can choose.
People can choose not to get vaxed. I will not judge them if it’s for legitimate medical reasons, but I will judge others as they are endangering others and themselves
People can choose to be vegan. I will not judge them if they don’t force their beliefs onto others, but I will when they make their pets vegan and scream at passers by to be vegan
People can choose to not have an abortion. I will not judge them as it’s their right to choose, but I will if they use their situation as a way to say “pro-life” and to force their beliefs on others
People can choose to be religious. I will not judge them as they have a right to faith and belief’s, but I will if they force others to believe the same as them and if they don’t then they hate them
People can choose. But that doesn’t mean I will judge them.
People can choose. But that doesn’t mean I won’t judge them.
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