#pro-captain marvel
the-widow-sisters · 2 years
Okay, so I just finished the Captain Marvel MPower episode...
I have literally so, so many thoughts about this and I am literally gushing, so just be ready when you move under the cut.
But before the cut...
Okay, now that I’ve gotten it out of my system, please proceed under the cut for more Carol fangirling/obsessing.
Gosh, where do I even start....
The fact that Brie Larson was an absolute queen when training for this role? I mean, this girl was pushing cars, climbing mountains, flying in a real freaking jet?!!! And she kept a smile on her face the whole time, handling it like the true hero that she is 🥰🥰🥰
And then when it got time for them to talk about Maria and Carol..... 
My gosh, I literally was grinning like an idiot. Their relationship is not romantic. It’s friendship. It’s love that you have for another person without romance required. It’s one of the purest kinds of love you can have. It’s platonic and it’s beautiful. Brie said that the love of Carol’s life is her best friend, and she truly could not have phrased it more beautifully. 
And then there was that little extended cut where they were showing Carol and Maria’s hug after Carol had the flashbacks of who she was before, and Maria’s little “I got you” had my heart positively melting. 
Maria and her were so, so sweet, and it was so nice to hear validation of the understanding that I’ve always had regarding the nature of their relationship. They’re best friends, and sisters even and they have such a deep bond that completely moves past the idea of the romantic. It eclipses that and pulls them into a league all of their own. A relationship doesn’t have to be romantic for two people to be insanely close and hold each other in the highest esteem and as their number one.
And don’t even get me started on Akira Akbar’s portrayal of Monica and just her relationship with Brie. Granted, I only got one little shot, but you perfectly can see just how sweet Brie is with her and how that truly is her little Monica 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Monica is literally her baby, and I cannot wait for her to meet with her in their upcoming movie. They’ve got to fix this rift between them and I need to see some hugs, Marvel 😤
And then there’s that part of the movie where Carol says “My name is Carol” with the tear rolling down her cheek? Brie did that. She brought that side of Carol forward, showing her emotions and the beauty of combining ultimate power with ultimate vulnerability. It was truly an artful moment with so much depth that so many people seem to overlook in favor of calling Carol “too emotionless.” 
Carol had emotions. People try to claim that she’s too cocky or something, but to that, I say look at Tony. He’s the most arrogant of them all, and somehow a ton of people excuse it and love him. Steve was arrogant in his own way. He was closed-minded and unable to understand reality for the sake of his own idealism. I love both of these characters dearly, but you can’t make exceptions for these and condemn Carol when Carol wasn’t even as arrogant as them. 
Carol had a sense of cockiness to her, sure, but it was not overwhelming to the point that she walked around like she had the whole universe in the palm of her hand (like she definitely did). It was actually even cute in a way. Many people actually seem to confuse her lack of knowing how to work on a team as arrogance when she simply just did not have that much experience with working with others often.
Carol is so inspiring and Brie, too. She’s literally the perfect pers on to play this role, and she truly brings such a real and human quality to this character. She is this character. She has put her heart and soul into Carol and even though she says that she’s simply a conduit for a concept, she truly is Carol in so many ways. 
I mean... if she wasn’t that awesome, then why in the world did Airforce enrollment of women go up by 50% after the release of Captain Marvel? Like I said, she’s an inspiration and truly the best actress to play this role. Carol’s my favorite character, and I will be eternally grateful for Brie’s incredible ability to bring her to life in such a meaningful and powerful way.
Which brings me to another of my most favorite points of all.
Carol being confirmed as the most powerful character in the MCU was extremely gratifying for me. I’ve been saying this forever, and while so many people want to get upset about that and argue that Wanda or Thor or someone is most powerful, it comes down truly to seeing it for what it is. I love Natasha. She’s one of my most favorite characters, but I have the ability to see that Carol could mop the floor with her if she wanted to. Carol could mop the floor with pretty much any MCU character with the greatest of ease. She faced Thanos effortlessly and he had the full glove of Infinity stones. Of course she’s going to be the most powerful. She may be my favorite, but I can view it with enough objectivity to know that she is truly the most powerful character of all.
So many people are going to hate her even more now that it’s confirmed that she’s indisputably the winner in terms of power. But I love my strongest and most powerful Avenger 💫💫💫⭐⭐⭐⭐✨✨✨✨
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mleelunsford · 2 months
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Wanted to draw fan art of Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers if she were a pro wrestler
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burntproxy · 5 days
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velvet4510 · 2 months
Probably in the minority here, but I’m positive there’s no way Steve could’ve known with absolute, concrete certainty that Bucky was the one who killed Tony’s parents, prior to Zemo’s reveal.
All he saw was a photo of the headline of Howard’s death included in Zola’s footage. So he knew HYDRA was responsible for the deaths, but I think he was being honest when he told Tony “I didn’t know it was him.” Then he caved and just said “yes” because Tony emphasized “did you know” as in “did you know it wasn’t just an ordinary car accident?”
Steve probably pieced together the likelihood that it was Bucky who did it, but wanted to believe it wasn’t true, that HYDRA had sent someone else to do it. Which explains why he didn’t tell Tony. He had no proof it was true. And he didn’t want it to be true anyway. Why should he say “I think my best friend might’ve killed your parents but it’s just a hunch?” Why would ANYONE want to say that to their friend?
Steve Rogers deserves no hate.
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lukreziaaa · 4 months
“We all need family. The avengers are yours. Maybe more so than mine. I’ve been on my own since I was eighteen. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army.
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My faith’s in people, I guess.
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Individuals. And I’m happy to say that, for the most part…they haven’t let me down. Which is why I can’t let them down either.“
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
imagine thinking ca:cw existed for a reason that wasnt an rdj tantrum that forced them to scrap cap 3 which was supposed to be focused on steve, bucky and sam, and instead make into ironman 4🤣🤣🤣
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illicthearts · 1 year
I watched Infinity War today, sometimes I question why I liked it so much because half the things they do pisses me off. Especially Quill he pisses me off so much.
And STEVE, don’t even get me started on him. “We don’t trade lives,” JUST A MOVIE A GO YOU WERE PREACHING THAT WE NEED ACCEPT THAT IN YOUR LINE OF WORK YOU CAN’T SAVE EVERYONE. And than he goes ahead sacrifices a bunch of people (POCs) to save a ROBOT! Who mind you could be made again.
But I guess that only applies to faceless people. Not to the people you know personally and especially not if Wanda loves that person. I hate his hypocritical ass so much.
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Hi, again. 👋
I found the post you were talking about. The stan's account was deactivated, but yeesh. 😬 Nice replies to them, btw.
The stan that bashed on me said I was being misogynistic, even though I'm a black woman who just wanted to see another black character get their chance to shine.
Hell, it's not just the shows and movies (I think this all started with Endgame). It's also the Steve Rogers musical too. I don't know if you know about it, but Disney made the musical real, and it really did Sam and Bucky dirty.
Sam isn't even in it. Maybe he was mentioned once, but the musical showed an image of Sam as Captain America. As for Bucky, his scene from CA:TFA, where he saved pre-serum Steve, was given to Peggy instead. Bucky was mentioned once, and the musical tried to justify Steve's ending from Endgame. All for this ship.
And, frankly, I don't hate Peggy, I'm just more annoyed that other characters get shoved aside as well as this great dynamic that Steve and Bucky had, while she and her ship with Steve has been getting propped up more and more. But, seeing some of your and the others' posts, I get why you guys don't like her.
Girl, don’t get me started on the abomination that was Rogers the musical. It could have been glorious, it had so much potential, but once again Bucky’s role in Steve’s story was given to Peggy, and Sam wasn’t even there!
I feel like Marvel feels the need to tone down Stucky or their friendship overall because it was just too powerful. We all remember the hashtag that begged Marvel to make Stucky Canon, #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend. They just couldn’t let it happen, not to a main and important character like Steve, god forbid. And so ever since civil war Stucky has always had little to no scenes together no matter how well established it was in previous projects. All their scenes and dynamic were given to Peggy, their friendship was toned down, Steve’s whole ending happened. It just feels like Stucky is so menacing to Marvel that the only way to stop us is by destroying Steve, Bucky and their relationship.
I mean, Steve is given no justice in his ending and in all the other projects he appeared in. Bucky went from a victim and prisoner of war to someone who must make amends for things that were beyond his control. And the depth of their friendship was toned down and reduced every time Peggy was involved. And then they wonder why many people in the fandom dislike Peggy or why the whole Rogers the musical initiative flopped the second it went beyond Hawkeye.
Like, even if you don’t ship Stucky you can tell that they care for each other, and you can tell there was a shift after people actually wanted Marvel to take action and do something about this dynamic. Steve can’t get even one episode as his own character because Peggy must be there. Bucky had more luck, but still… and let’s not even talk about Sam, his only appearance was as a zombie!
In another post of mine I ranted about how bothered I was that Peggy was inserted in the 1602 storyline, and i haven’t changed my mind. It would have been so nice to give Steve one episode about himself, about his dynamic with his best friend and about the relationship with himself and his fellow avengers. But no, Peggy must be there too, and for no good reason as well.
I feel like Marvel trying to erase pre-existing relationships to have Peggy shine only results in fans turning their back on Marvel and hiding in fanfiction or whatever piece of media that can actually bring justice to the characters. Once someone on Tumblr said “you gave us the characters, but once you mess them up they’re not yours anymore. You don’t understand and respect them, therefore you don’t deserve them.” and I couldn’t agree more, which is why I am currently reading and writing fanfiction rather than buying into everything marvel gives us.
Peggy was the love interest with more screen time even before what if and all that jazz, she had her own show! And I fear that the day Marvel will realize that pushing a reimagined Nazi turned Mary Sue into every single what if episode where she can fit instead of enhancing the characters that are actually relevant in-universe it will be too late.
Sorry about the rant, I get carried away when it’s about my boys lol
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simongablelundmark · 2 months
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A handful of Avengers! Finally finished this today. I have been poking at the draft for ages. 😅
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guildofscribes · 2 months
I don’t think people get Steve Rogers.
I don’t think they get his responses to what happens in the story told over the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I especially think that they don’t understand loss.
Let’s take a look at a few of the losses Steve suffered in his life, shall we?
1. Never had a father, never had the chance to have a relationship there, lived through the aftermath.
2. Lost his mother to a horrible illness just as he became an adult in an age where the young aged fast and the chronically infirm were castigated for existing.
3. Lost a highly respected friend he’d found in a most unlikely place with Dr. Erskine.
4. Lost his best friend (brother), in a war that claimed so many friends he’d have made in the bonds of battle, in a terrible and traumatizing way.
5. Then (big kick in the head) he lost the whole world he knew, all of the people, places, daily culture, points of reference, and belongings he could claim.
6. A few years later, he looses so many new friends he’d made in the strange time and place he woke up in, and regains (sort of) one very old, very good friend.
7. A few years later, he loses half of his world, and his best friend again.
8. A few years later, he gets a few friends back, only to lose some of them again.
And this is by no means a complete list. These are just main points.
So tell me, please explain to me, just how his actions in light of all these losses can be so easily downgraded?
This is a man who had been emotionally eviscerated, more than once. His story is overwritten by so much loss.
A sensible reaction to that much continual loss would be to withdraw, to protect the self from losing even more.
Imagine losing so dam much, and then being told that you hadn’t lost enough.
So, will you say again that “how dare he leave and go to Peggy” after all of this wounding?
How dare this man attempt to find solace and healing?
How dare this man try to leave this unending war behind?
How dare this man leave all of his friends behind?
How dare he, indeed.
How dare he attempt to control his own pain?
How dare he seek healing in the way that seems best to him?
How dare he try to make that life he dreamed of “after the war”?
Because when you read what many American soldiers wrote in the time they spent fighting, many of them wrote about what they would do when they got home, how all they wanted was to accomplish the goal and go home, how their focus was getting through each day with the brother at their side and get home, how they missed being home in the place they loved with the people they loved, how the point of their existence was to finish the fight and go home.
How dare a man so hurt, so broken, so brave, try to heal himself?
Maybe I don’t agree with every single thing they did with the character throughout his arc, but really?
You wouldn’t believe the numbers of soldiers that go home after exemplary service in times of war who just want to rest. After everything.
How dare he go home?
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I know this is a dated meme now but me and my brother have been joking about this since Endgame came out and I've always forgotten to post it. Steve went back to the 50s from 2023 right. The mcu has frequently referenced irl memes right. Boomers were born between 1946 - 1964 right. Imagine Steve back at home being a neighborhood soccer dad and saying the "ok boomer" meme to literal children and thinking he's the funniest person alive.
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burntproxy · 22 hours
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this year went by so fast how is my birthday tomorrow
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velvet4510 · 2 months
Apparently I’m in the mood for expressing an MCU hot take at this hour, so here goes:
Steve going back in time was NOT a betrayal of his and Bucky’s friendship.
Look, at first glance, I get why Steve’s Endgame ending feels like it’s going against “I’m with you to the end of the line.” Even I had my reservations about it for a while, once my Steggy-shipping heart calmed down from its thrilled palpitations when I first watched the film.
But after giving it a lot of thought, I think in the end, it was for the best that Steve and Bucky went their separate ways, and here’s why.
Once they reunited in the present day, Steve and Bucky’s relationship became extremely codependent, and their entire arc was learning to grow out of that.
We see in Civil War especially how far Steve was willing to go to protect Bucky, and how Bucky became fully dependent on Steve. And remember that Steve had just lost Peggy before finding Bucky again, meaning that Bucky was all he had left of his former 1940s life. The fact that he fought so hard for Bucky is symbolic for his arc, far beyond their friendship. Of course he did it because he loved Bucky, that’s never in doubt. But I also think that he felt an equally strong love for what Bucky represented, which is the life he lost. His clinging to Bucky already showed us that he was unable to truly let go of the 1940s, though he tried. He tried to believe he had let go - Age of Ultron is all about him trying - but Civil War makes it clear that he will never truly belong to the present day.
Same goes for Bucky. Steve was his only reminder of his true self, of who he used to be, of the life he lost. He loved Steve himself, of course, but he also clung to Steve because Steve also represented something beyond just their friendship; he represented the hope for Bucky’s soul. That he was not HYDRA’s monster anymore, that he had a chance of living life as himself again.
The ending of Civil War set the two of them on the path that always inevitably led to what we got from Endgame. Steve and Bucky finally loosened their metaphorical grip on each other; Bucky chose to turn himself over to Wakanda, and Steve let him go. They both acknowledged that Bucky’s need for healing went far beyond Steve. While Steve was his starting point, Steve’s faith the thing that gave him hope for himself, Bucky needed far more work on himself than Steve alone could provide. So they started taking baby steps away from their codependency; Bucky moved to Wakanda and Steve continued with the Avengers. Fans who talk and act as though Steve and Bucky’s lives fully and completely revolve around each other, and each other ONLY, clearly have not actually watched the movies critically.
The narrative always acknowledged that Steve and Bucky’s codependency was not healthy, and that as much as they loved each other, they needed to learn to be their own people, and not be defined only through each other’s eyes.
Which brings us to Endgame. Perhaps the most significant detail about Steve’s final choice is that he canonically told Bucky about it ahead of time. Bucky confirmed this verbally in TFATWS. Steve did NOT return to the 1940s on short notice; he let Bucky know about it. And, on the other side of the same coin, the exact details of this conversation are private. For all we know, Steve could’ve asked Bucky to come with him, to also seize a chance at getting back the life he lost. Steve could’ve ensured that Bucky was alright with this, and if Bucky really wasn’t ready to lose his support, then he wouldn’t go. All of these are very in-character possibilities for Steve, and there is NOTHING whatsover in canon that states that he didn’t say these things.
But what happened? Bucky let him go. Bucky told Steve to go live his dream, to go be with the love of his life. Bucky was alright with it. (Remember Bucky knew from the start how important Peggy was to Steve. He was a first-hand witness to Peggy declaring Steve “the right partner.” He knew what this chance at time travel meant for Steve.) And by letting him go, Bucky chose to stay in the present. Would he have been able to do this in Civil War? No, and that’s because since then, he grew. They grew. They got to a place where the cords of codependency were finally cut, where they both knew they could live their own lives and not rely on each other to keep one another upright. They finally knew what paths they wanted to follow to live their fullest lives, and those paths were not the same one. Steve embraced a future in the past, while Bucky embraced the present moment. In other words, they finally reached “the end of the line.”
Oh, and I find it absolutely hilarious that some people are like “how dare he retire with Peggy while Bucky is out there being tortured in the 40s?” Steve made a branched timeline when he returned to Peggy, meaning no matter what he did from then on, the Sacred Timeline wouldn’t change. And he knew that. And there is not a single piece of text to be found anywhere in canon that tells us that he didn’t immediately tell Peggy that HYDRA was still around and that they didn’t team up, take HYDRA down, and rescue Bucky before New Year’s 1950. So that argument is ridiculous.
Also, did Steve “leave Bucky alone,” as many have said? Uhhh, NO. We see this in TFATWS.
After Steve left, Bucky was not alone. He had Sam, aka a professional counselor. He had tons of friends in Wakanda, and those friendships were close enough that he could successfully request a new suit for Sam on a whim. And Sam told him exactly what he’d been needing to hear for so long: “It doesn’t matter what Steve thought. You gotta stop looking to other people to tell you who you are.”
On top of that, as we see at the end of the show, Bucky now has an entire family: he’s bonding with Sarah (who knows what that might lead to), and he’s another uncle to AJ and Cass, and he’s bringing cake to the cookout and the arm that used to be a killing weapon, he now uses as a plaything for the children to dangle from. The entire community has welcomed him as one of their own.
Steve and Bucky’s story is a beautiful one because it shows how true friends help guide you to where you need to be in life, and their support sets you on the path to being your best and fullest self. The health of Bucky and Steve’s friendship was destroyed by their shared trauma of being taken from their normal lives in the 1940s, and they clung to each other for emotional survival. Then, gradually, they helped each other get back on their own two feet, and when the time came, they learned to let each other go, because they loved each other so much.
In other words, the finale of Endgame was the natural and inevitable endpoint for their story arc. If it ended with them still together, and clinging on to each other, then what would be the point? That would just be character regression for both of them. But instead, the story concludes with both of them finally free from the codependency, leaving only their love for each other, which they will always carry with them.
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hurtcomforted · 28 days
what should go on steve's list if he woke up today?
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musclesandhammering · 11 months
On Narrative Bias
I keep saying it annoys me how Wanda has done so many evil ass things and is never held accountable for her actions, and it never fails that someone tries to respond with “but aren’t you a loki stan? He’s done evil shit too! So you have a double standard and are a misogynist!!!!” Yeah, no. The difference is that you can clearly tell who the writers have predetermined as a hero vs a villain. You can tell who they want you to root for. Loki’s actions are given narrative consequences as harsh as possible, while Wanda’s are narratively excused and softened and sympathised. Let me show you what I mean.
* Loki commits treasons, tries to kill his brother & attempts genocide -> Loki’s father rejects him while he attempts suicide
* Loki tries to conquer earth -> Loki is sentenced to life in prison
* Loki incapacitates the king and secretly takes the throne -> Loki is threatened with a hammer to the face, we’re reminded how awful he is by all the other characters for the rest of the movie & he would’ve faced more consequences if the apocalypse hadn’t interrupted
* Loki steals the tesseract from the vault -> Loki watches his brother be tortured & then has his neck snapped
Now compare that to…
* Wanda willingly signs up to work for a nazi organisation, tries to help an evil robot murder the avengers, intentionally sets the hulk loose on a town of innocent people, & helps destroy Sokovia for a lil while -> Wanda gets a fatherly pep talk from Clint & is immediately accepted as an Avenger
* Wanda accidentally murders a bunch of people while on a mission -> Wanda is put on temporary house arrest in a giant mansion with her boyfriend
* Wanda buries her boyfriend/teammate under like 10 floors of concrete, breaks out of house arrest, & goes against a government order -> the leader of the superhero team defends her, a grown ass woman, by saying “She’s just a kid!”, she’s detained in a government prison for like a week maybe (?) during which she’s shown as a sad helpless victim to encourage sympathy from viewers, & then she gets busted out by the ex-team leader & eventually gets to run off to Scotland with her boyfriend
* Wanda holds an entire town hostage & tortures them just to fulfil her own grief-fuelled fantasy -> one of the women Wanda attacked reassures her that she’s the actual victim in all this and that the people she tortured just have no idea what she’s sacrificed for them & she escapes to an isolated location to read a forbidden demon book and make herself more powerful without anyone interfering
* Wanda goes on a serial killing spree across the multiverse, kidnaps a child, holds her hostage, tortures her, & attempts to take her powers all so she can steal another Wanda’s children because she misses her children that were never actually real in the first place -> Wanda gets some badass power sequences and #girlboss one liners, is the one that destroys the demon book, essentially saving the multiverse from future corruption, & is allowed to die a hero’s death (which we all know isn’t permanent)
See the difference?
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How successful would Steve Rogers (Captain America)…
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