tradedmiami · 1 year
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SALE IMAGE: Mina Taskiran & Giovanni Mancini DATE: 09/13/2023 ADDRESS: 1425 Bay Road MARKET: Miami Beach ASSET TYPE: Development Site BUYER: Carlos Proasi SELLER: Brandon Fuci SELLER'S REP: Mina Taskiran (@minaluxestate) & Giovanni Mancini (@giovanni.1.mancini) - ONE Sotheby's International Realty (@OneSIR) ASKING PRICE: $2,700,000 SALE PRICE: $2,695,000 #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #TradedPartner #MiamiBeach #DevelopmentSite #MinaTaskiran #GiovanniMancini #ONESothebysInternationalRealty
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putribobok · 4 years
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BERBAGI PENGALAMAN MENG-ASI-HI MENJADI IBUK EPING (PART 2/2) 8. Waktu pumping jangan lama-lama, cukup 15-20 menit saja. Karena kalau terlalu lama, puting bisa lecet. Kalau terlalu cepet, nanti foremilk yang keluar, bukan hindmilk. 9. Terapkan POWER PUMPING. Lakukan per 24 jam selama 2-3 hari ya. Tapi 1 hari cukup sekali aja, sisanya diikuti jadwal pompa biasa. (Cara terlampir di gambar). Kalau buwibu baca, itu power pumping 1 jam banget? Iya buwibu, biar hasilnya maksimal yess. Dini hari sampai waktu shubuh adalah waktu terbaik untuk power pumping. Karena kadar hormon prolaktin sedang tinggi. Hormon ini biasa disebut hormon pembuat susu. 10. Bagi buwibu yang tidak punya banyak waktu untuk cuci botol pumping, botol cukup dicuci dan disteril sehari sekali. Sisanya, masuk cooler bag atau wadah tertutup lalu taruh kulkas. Jadi nggak ada alasan lagi "capek nyuci botol ya" 11. Kuncinya pumping itu LDR (Let Down Reflex) atau biasa dirasakan sebagai sensasi semriwing🤣. LDR didapat dengan ritme hisapan pendek-pendek cepat. Kalau di spectra sih namanya massage mode. Lakukan massage mode 5 menit, lalu expression 10/15 menit. 12. Kalau hasil pompaan ASI banyak, artinya produksi memang melebihi kebutuhan bayi. Tapi, Kalau pompaan sedikit, BUKAN BERARTI ASI KURANG. Hasil pompa tidak mencerminkan isi payudara kita. Kesuksesan memompa dipengaruhi sama banyak sekali faktor. Bisa karena tersumbatnya saluran, jenis asi (kolustrum lebih kental), kecocokan alat pompa, suasana relaks saat mompa, dll. Yang penting adalah bukan seberapa banyak stok ASIP di freezer, tapi seberapa cukup ASI untuk bayek.💕 Semoga bermanfaat. Selamat meng-ASI-hi buwibu ❤️ #asibooster #boosterasi #asi #asip #asiperah #anakasi #stokasip #proasi #semangatasi #pejuangasi #ibuperah #pumping #pumpingasi #busui #ibumenyusui #bayiasi #workingmom #fullmom #semangatasix #asieksklusif #asibanyak #ayahasi #ibuasi #mengASIhi #eping #ibueping https://www.instagram.com/p/CAG2NPagf3A/?igshid=ovt7dpiiszt3
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ananabilaolshop · 4 years
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Itulah kenapa ilmu parenting sangat penting untuk anak kita nanti, apa yang kita tanam akan kita terima hasilnya kelak.. ❤️❤️⁣ Share dong gmna mommy disini mengajarkan anak dimasa golden Age ? 🤗⁣ .⁣ #mpasihomemade #mpasi6bulan #mpasi12bulan #mpasiwho #tipsmpasi #mpasimudah #mpasi #mpasiorganik #mpasiid #mpasialami #menu4bintang #mpasi9bulan #mpasisehatlezat #mpasi6bulanpertama #pejuangasi #mpasibaby #belajarparenting #anakasi #parentingislami #proasi #ibubaru #parentinganak Sumber : https://www.instagram.com/p/B_37Kf3psE8/?igshid=1uhmha4yos4cv #ananabilaolshop #belajar_ilmu_parenting_yuk #belajar_ilmu_pernikahan_yuk #muhasabbahdiri Info produk Ana Nabila Olshop : https://t.me/produkananabilaolshop Channel telegram berbagi info kesehatan dan parenting : https://t.me/ananabilaolshop (di Ana nabila olshop) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_64OSYjWUp/?igshid=1d9yo7467ioqm
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evilback-wards · 7 years
Turn it “OFF”[Trigger warnings tagged]
I wish my brain was like a dead light bulb
I wish my eyes were closed like circuit breakers 
I wish my mouth was sewn shut like invisible stitches
so no one would ever be able to read my expressions. 
I am wishful person, filled to the brim of hope of better days.
But how much better can days get?
What if the thought of happiness always turns sick
What if the idea of truth is just a lie 
What if lies are all there is to life? 
I wish, like many other things in life, you could lose your identity
your self
your body
your truest indicator of existing. 
I wish I could peel of my body somewhere
(I’d still be living of course) 
and float around and wander
and ponder the meaning of life
leaving the lead-like dead weight behind.
Don’t misunderstand,
I’m not suicidal. 
I have no death wish.
I want to survive in this terrible world like anyone else.
This aching body and mortal flesh 
always has the instinct desire 
to hurt itself.
It’s like a slow burn that bursts into flames
ticks across the skin to 
roaches invading the earlobe to the brain 
fingernails scratch, scratch, scratch. 
Only dirt can ever be found.
Rarely a piece of missing food obtained.
Impossible, though the feeling is very juxtaposed 
is anything living ever near this body of mine.
It’s like my body is always trying to connect
with things yet
it strongly dislikes 
the mere thought of it
Life in bits of scratched off skin.
Fabric-like blood tainted scaly skin. 
They cloud up my vision, my drawer cabinet, my floor, my bedsheets
and sometimes, if I’m unlucky
the insides of my socks. 
If I could leave this body I could be free.
No trace of me ever to be found
I’d just be gone -- bam -- no more me 
I’ll escape somewhere, anywhere
away from this body.
It taunts me, daily, with its distinct and didactic order to injure
peel, scratch, pull, bleed, scream.
Turn it OFF.
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bordiraplikasi-blog · 7 years
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READY, order 👉 #whatsapp 0856-499-19-699 ukuran S dan L = Rp 108rb ukuran XL = Rp 113rb . #daster #dasterbordir #dastermalang #dasterbordirmalang #dastermalangan #dasterbordirmurah #dasterkatun #dasterhamil #dasterbusui #bajumenyusui #resletingdepan #proasi #dastercantik #dasterkekinian #dasterjamannow #dastermahmud (di star's collection)
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@Regrann from @adi_siklus - "Kopdar 2 Bandung Menyusui, nobar film edukASI IMD, pelekatan dan relaktasi... terima kasih banyak untuk dr. O dari Rumah ASI Bali untuk limpahan materinya serta ilmu yang banyak... kepada mang emin AyahASI Bandung untuk bimbingannya dalam mengedukASI para peserta kopdar 2 ini... dan yang utama, untuk Bandung Menyusui beserta Ibu Bonitha selaku foundernya atas dibentuknya komunitas proASI yang asik banget... sukses terus untuk seluruh komponen yang sangat mendukung pemberian ASI eksklusif... #asikumaksosor #semangatmengasihi #bikinnyaberduangurusanaknyajugaberdua #proASI #breastfeeding #family #love #instagood #instapic #lovewhatido #photographer #photography #editorial #filmmaker #adi_siklus #adi_priandana - #regrann
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amieyaku · 7 years
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@Regrann from @rsia.budhijaya - Selamat siang Bunda dan #sahabatbudhijaya CERIA😊 tahukah bunda bahwa menyusui merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting, karena pada saat menyusui terjadi hubungan yang erat antara Bunda dan si kecil. Bunda tentunya ingin dapat melaksanakan aktivitas menyusui dengan nyaman dan lancar, namun terkadang terdapat hal-hal yang mengganggu kenyamanan Bunda dalam menyusui. . . Apa saja sih masalah-masalah yang sering dialami oleh seorang Bunda dalam menyusui??? 1. Bendungan ASI, merupakan bendungan air susu ibu yang terjadi karena penyempitan saluran air susu yang dikarenakan pengosongan yang tidak sempurna. 2. Puting Susu Lecet, merupakan masalah yang sering terjadi dalam proses menyusui yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan pada posisi dan pelekatan pada saat menyusui. 3. Puting Susu Terbenam, merupakan keadaan puting susu tertarik ke dalam payudara hal ini biasanya sering dicemaskan oleh setiap ibu . 4. Mastitis, peradangan payudara biasanya disebabkan oleh infeksi. 5. Abses Payudara, peradangan payudara sebagai bentuk mastitis lanjutan namun sudah terdapat benjolan yang berisi nanah. . . Nah apa saja tanda dan gejala dalam masalah-masalah menyusui diatas? Adakah dari Bunda yang mengalami hal tersebut??? Segera konsultasikan keluhan Bunda kepada dokter konselor laktasi dengan mengunjungi Klinik Laktasi kami "Budhi Jaya Lactation Center". Dannn ada promo free konsultasi laktasi utk pasien BPJS sampai dengan Desember 2017📢 . . #rsiabudhijaya #maternityhospital #infertility #menopause #osteoporosis #ASIeksklusif #ProASI #kliniklaktasi #budhijayalactationcenter #KamiGenerASImengASIhi - #regrann
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bebekidsworld · 7 years
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Tirai Mobil Portable - Mudah dipasang dan dilepas - Bahan kain katun, 2 lapis dgn pilihan motif atau polos - Dapat menahan sinar matahari masuk, dijamin tidak panas dan tidak silau - Cocok utk semua jenis mobil - Dimensi 120 * 60 cm - Dapat digunakan untuk jendela depan atau belakang, dapat disesuaikan - mudah dibersihkan, dapat dicuci ya untuk bunda yang lagi menyusui, berguna sekali loh, memberikan privasi tersendiri untuk di kakak dan dede bayi, juga memberikan kenyamanan saat ingin beristirahat, menjadi lebih nyaman adem dan tidak silau #tiraimobil #gordenmobil #asesorismobil #perlengkapanmudik #gordenportable #tiraiportable #perlengkapanibudananak #proasi
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rumahpuspa-blog · 8 years
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Terima kasih bunda Novita dan suami yang luar biasa semangat memperhatikan pendampingan menyusui yang diberikan oleh bidan onty @fina_rosdiana, diantaranya posisi dan menyusui yang benar, pelekatan yang baik, serta gerakan-gerakan pijat laktasi untuk memperlancar ASI. Semangat ya bunda untuk memberikan nutrisi terbaik untuk bayi, dan semangat juga untuk ayah dalam mendampingi bunda menyusui karena dukungan orang terdekat adalah hal terpenting dalam proses menyusui. Salam hangat, 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai jasa pelayanan prenatal, bersalin, pasca bersalin dan jasa lain dari #RumahPuspa, Bunda dapat menghubungi : Hp/WA : 087882618008 Sehat selalu, ceria dan bahagia 😍 #pendampinganMenyusui #asieksklusif #ibupintar #proASI #pijatlaktasi #teknikmenyusui #IMD #Inisiasimenyusudini (di Rumah Puspa Home Care Treatment)
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cha2ntixs · 8 years
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Kalau inget semua ada masanya Masa kehamilan 9bulan Masa menyusui 2th Masa bayi tumbuh menjadi balita, anak2, lalu beranjak dewasa Rasanya cepat banget semua itu Jadi sabar mom waktumu hanya sebentar dan singkat dengan tugas menyusui #asi #asiperah #asix #pejuangasi #workingmom #asip #pejuangasip #mamaperah #semangatasi #proasi #breastfeeding #busui #spectra9plus #mamaasi #breastmilk #asieksklusif #goldliquid #breastpumping #pumping #pumpingmom #pumpingasi
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bajumenyusuiku · 6 years
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Makanan yang bagus dikonsumsi untuk persiapan persalinan. Semoga yang menjelang persalinan dimudahkan dan diberi kelancaran.. :) #bumil #kehamilan #hamil #infohamil #ibumuda #ibuhamil #mpasi #busui #pejuangasi #anakasi #proasi #asiexclusive #pejuangasip #mamaperah #asi #mpasi #tipsmpasi #mpasihomemade #mpasi6bulan #mpasimenutunggal #stikerlabelasi #babympasi #mpasisehatlezat #mpasialami #mpasisehat #mpasi12bulan #bunsuifriendly #mpasi9bulan #persalinan #persalinannormal https://ift.tt/2OIbdn9
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Jangan buru-buru kasih sufor ya Mom.. . . . . Mau join digrup WA untuk belajar tengang ASI, laktasi, dan tumbang anak?? Langsung klik link dibio aja ya.. . . . . #bandungmenyusui #banyu #bm #neneners #asi #laktasi #menyusui #newborn #bayi #bayiASI #bayibarulahir #anakASI #ayahASI #ayahASIbandung #pejuangASI #ibumenyusui #ibuhamil #busui #bumil #dukungibumenyusui #supportinggroup #supportingbreastfeeding #imd #roomingin #rawatgabung #proASI
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amieyaku · 7 years
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@Regrann from @rsia.budhijaya - Selamat pagi #sahabatbudhijaya CERIA😊 mengingatkan kembali untuk free konsultasi klinik laktasi khusus untuk pasien BPJS di RSIA budhi Jaya😊 . . Persyaratan: 1. Ibu hamil usia kandungan diatas 28 minggu/Ibu menyusui/Ibu yang mempunyai keluhan dalam menyusui 2. Tidak perlu menyertakan surat rujukan dari Faskes Tingkat I . . Untuk informasi dan pendaftaran hubungi (021) 8292672, 8311722, 8312378 #rsiabudhijaya #maternityhospital #infertility #menopause #osteoporosis #promokesehatan #proASI #asieksklusif #kliniklaktasi #kamigenerASImengASIhi - #regrann
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nesanindi · 6 years
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Makanan yang bagus dikonsumsi untuk persiapan persalinan. Semoga yang menjelang persalinan dimudahkan dan diberi kelancaran.. :) #bumil #kehamilan #hamil #infohamil #ibumuda #ibuhamil #mpasi #busui #pejuangasi #anakasi #proasi #asiexclusive #pejuangasip #mamaperah #asi #mpasi #tipsmpasi #mpasihomemade #mpasi6bulan #mpasimenutunggal #stikerlabelasi #babympasi #mpasisehatlezat #mpasialami #mpasisehat #mpasi12bulan #bunsuifriendly #mpasi9bulan #persalinan #persalinannormal
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alisonfloresus · 7 years
Protein: Changing the Diet and the Mind of the Strength Training Athlete
Old myths are hard to overcome. One of the biggest myths surrounding protein is that a strength training athlete needs to eat a lot of protein so that they can get bigger. This is simply not true and, in fact, too much protein may be dangerous to their efforts. The strength training athlete needs to follow the same diet plan as the endurance athlete. Those who are training for improved endurance eat a diet that is higher in carbohydrates, lower in fat and moderate in proteins. The strength athletes tend to eat a diet that is higher in protein and fat and lower in carbohydrates, sticking to the erroneous belief that carbs are the enemy.
Digestion and Nutritional Differences
The body digests fat easiest and first. Carbohydrates are digested next and may depend on the type. Simple carbs (white bread, white sugars) are fast and easy to digest by the body and can lead to an insulin surge that will lead to increased fat storage. Complex carbohydrates are more slowly absorbed by the body and should be the main source of carbs in the diet. Protein takes the most effort by the body and will be digested last. It is another myth that protein is never stored as fat – it does not matter what the source; if there are too many calories taken in, the body will store it as fat. Protein, because it takes longer to burn, does keep the body feeling full for longer, which in most cases will allow for smaller meals to be eaten with fewer overall calories taken in.
The body breaks down food for energy, and in some cases you can actually feel the effort in the form of heat. Each type of nutrient creates heat in the body during digestion, a process referred to as thermogenesis. Meal-induced thermogenesis is around 8% for the average person following a normal diet. Those who are eating a reduced-calorie diet plan may only have thermogenesis of 4-5%. Fat can increase the thermic effect by 3%, carbs by 10% and protein will cause an increase of around 30%. This effect may be felt for about three hours after the conclusion of the meal.
During a workout, the body turns to carbohydrates to fuel the muscles because fat and protein cannot be oxidized fast enough, especially during the demands of a high-intensity workout. After the supply of carbohydrates are burned and depleted, the muscles will turn to glycogen, which is stored by the body as a secondary energy source. If the glycogen stores are full or are not used by the body, the body will simply move them to storage as fat (Source: Quinn 2007)
The experts suggest that the upper limit for protein intake is around 35% of the daily calories, even for the elite athlete (Source: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition). Whether you are an athlete or not, you have to make sure that you are getting the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat to keep you as healthy and strong as possible.
A Better Athletic Diet Plan
A better concept for the strength training athlete would be to follow the lead of the endurance athlete, which is taking in 12-15% protein, 25-30% fat and 55-65% carbohydrates. The actual needs of each athlete, weekend warrior or non-athlete are individual and each person must evaluate what does and does not work for them (Source: Quinn, 2007).
Both the American Heart Association and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition warn against too much protein for the number of health risks that it may present. Not only does too much protein increase the possibility of a number of diseases and conditions, it can also hurt the performance of the athlete and may not be nearly as beneficial as it has been thought to be.
Too Much Protein
Exceeding the upper recommended limit of protein intake can cause serious problems. It can hurt the performance of the athlete by:
– Depleting the supply of glycogen in the muscles and liver. In addition to serving as stored energy in the muscles, glycogen helps the muscles to retain water.
– Decreasing endurance (you won’t be able to work out as long)
– Decreasing maximum effort (you won’t be able to work out as hard)
– Severely lowering the serum glucose levels, which in turn can lead to hypoglycemia. It is interesting to note that men are less able to tolerate the effects of hypoglycemia than women are.
In addition, too much protein may also cause problems, not only for the athlete but the general public as well by:
– Increasing the risk of some kinds of cancer.
– Increasing calcium excretion, which increases the risk of osteoporosis.
– Keeping the body from absorbing and using some vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals correctly.
Finally, excess protein may cause problems for people with the following conditions:
– May keep diabetics from keeping their blood sugars leveled out.
– May increase the problems that psoriasis sufferers feel due to their condition.
– May cause complications for those with kidney disease, including an increased risk of kidney stones.
– Whey-based protein may cause liver damage.
– Some protein supplements may cause allergies.
– An all-liquid protein diet increases the risk of gall stones.
– May cause damage to the pancreas and the spleen.
Protein Supplements
Those who are not getting enough protein based on their needs may consider adding a supplement to their daily food intake. A supplement can be a great way not only to increase protein, but also to replace less healthy snacks and meals, especially on the run. People are busier ever been and many people are not taking the time to eat good, healthy foods. Grabbing a protein supplement can keep the eating plan on track by keeping you full for longer and providing you with the energy to power through your day. It is suggested that if you are going to be exercising at high intensity or for longer than thirty minutes, that you have a protein/carb drink or snack before and after and ,of course, make sure that you are staying well hydrated throughout. Good supplement choices include:
– Protein powders, including whey, soy, rice and egg
– Protein shakes
– Protein pudding snacks
– Liquid protein shots
– Protein bars
Read the ingredients and make sure that you know exactly what you are getting. Profect, the liquid protein supplement shot from Protica is made with high quality ingredients and has more protein per fluid ounce than other brands. It is only 100 calories per serving and is available in a number of flavors. Profect is also available in a number of other sizes, each with high quality protein and the same flavors.
For athletes who want to stay away from artificial ingredients or potential allergens, there is an additional supplement type from Protica called Proasis, the first all-natural liquid supplement. It is lactose-, egg-, wheat- and gluten-free and has no genetically modified organisms at all.
Another option for a pre- or post-workout drink is milk, especially chocolate milk, which has around 9 grams of protein in the average glass and provides 31% of the daily needs of calcium. Chocolate milk, considered to be one of the optimal drinks for the athlete, includes a blend of protein and carbohydrates to help the body with the recovery period, which is important for preventing muscle breakdown (Source: Marano, 2007).
from JournalsLINE http://journalsline.com/2017/06/28/protein-changing-the-diet-and-the-mind-of-the-strength-training-athlete/ from Journals LINE https://journalsline.tumblr.com/post/162359483740
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rumahpuspa-blog · 8 years
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Bunda Mira usai melahirkan 3 hari yang lalu memiliki keluhan ASI yang sedikit, setelah berkonsultasi dengan tim #RumahPuspa, bunda dapat memahami bahwa hal tersebut merupakan hal yang normal sebab kebutuhan ASI pada bayi usia 3 hari belum lah banyak, bahkan bayi baru lahir masih memiliki cadangan makanan bahkan dapat bertahan puasa hingga 72 jam sejak kelahiran. Namun untuk memperbanyak produksi ASI, bunda harus terus menyusui bayi secara On Demand, mengkonsumsi makanan bergizi serta berfikiran positif untuk menghindari stres. . Alhamdulillah setelah pijat laktasi, sumbatan saluran ASI yang memicu terjadinya bengkak payudara pun sudah berkurang dan produksi ASI meningkat. . Selalu semangat ya Bunda Mira untuk memberikan makanan terbaik untuk ananda. . . 🌺🌺🌺🌺. . terapis bidan onty @fina_rosdiana . Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai jasa pelayanan prenatal, bersalin, pasca bersalin dan jasa lain dari #RumahPuspa, Bunda dapat menghubungi : . Hp/WA : 087882618008 . . 🌺🌺🌺 . . Sehat selalu, ceria dan bahagia 😍 . #pijatlaktasi #asieksklusif #ibupintar #proASI #dukungibumenyusui #ASI (di Rumah Puspa Mom And Baby Care)
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