#probably also very good at rock climbing for some reason
hagofbolding · 1 year
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are you even ALLOWED to found a commune and grow pot if you can't also do... this
(Sanctuary is from my comic, Fairmeadow)
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alex51324 · 26 days
Hamburger Festival Report!
There's a pretty standard template for American town festivals: You block off a few streets (unless there's a park or something that makes sense to use instead), and rent spaces for people/organizations/businesses to set up booths. There'll be a stage or two with free entertainment--usually musicians, but there can be dance troupes, magicians, etc. in the mix. There may be some activities or contests tied into the festival theme, but the main events are a) eating, and b) wandering around looking at booths.
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Sometimes this type of festival will have a carnival or midway attached to it, with rides and games, but these are not a required element of the standard American town festival. This one had a rock-climbing wall and a mechanical bull, interspersed with the typical booths, but that's it.
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These festivals do not have to have a theme--where I grew up, it was just the TownName Street Fair--but a lot of them do. Food is the most common type of theme: you get Apple Festivals, Seafood Festivals, Tomato Festivals, Maple Syrup Festivals, all sorts. Something to do with local history and heritage is also common, like Old Time TownName Days. The amount of emphasis placed on the theme varies.
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Since hamburgers are already a typical food to sell at festivals, they were very heavily represented at Hamburger Festival! The festival guide listed over forty different hamburger stands. I went around and took pictures of the menus for the ones that looked good, before deciding what to buy.
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@griseldagimpel I think these two are probably the most innovative ones I saw!
There were some professional food trucks:
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That second one had some interesting-looking options, too.
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Here's another menu with some interesting options; this was one of a handful of stands offering a vegetarian burger option. (That Elvis one looks pretty innovative, too.)
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There were a few stands offering the hamburger-with-a-crabcake-on-top, which sounded interesting, too.
Or if you just want a classic hamburger at a reasonable price, you could go with the stand run by the Boy Scouts:
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Their burgers started at $5, and smelled pretty good!
Alcohol availability at town festivals varies regionally; in some parts of the US, it's considered inappropriate for alcohol (even beer) to be sold or consumed at events attended by families with children. Pennsylvania (where I live, and where Hamburg, PA is) used to be one of these, but our alcohol laws have been relaxing quite a bit over the last 10-15 years or so. As a result, Hamburger Festival does have beer and wine vendors.
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However, they are limited to a fenced-off portion of the festival area, and if you buy a cup of beer you have to stay inside the fence to drink it. (Some of the vendors also offered discreetly-packaged bottles and cans to take home, but you are not allowed to open them on the premises.)
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Of course, all of the food vendors are outside of the fence, so if you want to have a beer and a hamburger simultaneously, you have to buy the burger first, and take it into the Designated Beer Area.
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This I did; I went with the Brie and Apricot Jam one, and a cranberry-ginger hard cider. (My other top choice for the burger was the Heavenly Hog one, with the apple slaw.) Both were excellent!
Band playing in the Beer Area:
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They also wisely placed the Great PortaPotty Cluster adjacent to the Beer Area:
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Back outside of the Sin Zone, vendors include classic fair food:
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And church bake sales:
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Nonfood vendors include crafters/artisans, like this metalworker:
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The Starship Enterprise was like $500, so I didn't buy it.
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There are also crafters selling items with, uh, lower production values, and lower price points. There were a couple of booths selling 3-D printed fidget toys. I considered this polar bear, because it almost looks like Autism Creature:
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But in the end I went with something else, which I will share a little later.
They also this, a version of the betta-in-a-cup that won't make @kaxen mad:
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Pictured: The only kind of fish you should keep in such a tiny container!
Also represented were various kinds of MLM schlock:
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Like this CutCo Knives stand; there was also a Pampered Chef one, several of the jewelry ones, and the one that does dip mixes and stuff; it isn't Taste of Home (that's a magazine), but it's something like that.
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I did buy some seasoning mixes, but I got them from this decidedly more amateurish-looking (and cheaper) place, which also sold soap.
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Another performance space; this one had a bluegrass trio that was actually pretty good.
Here a child had a stand selling 3D printed gizmos:
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Where I obtained this treasure:
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Her mother, it developed, had been highly skeptical that anyone would want to buy these, but I assured her that it was brilliant, and my favorite purchase of the day.
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I also got take-home cider, the aforementioned spices and soap, some tea, and alpaca-fiber insoles. (My feet were sore, by that point.)
Another interesting thing, which I did not take any pictures of, is the evidence of widely-varying attitudes toward the festival, by the people who actually live on the streets where it takes place. The people behind the stand where I bought my brie-and-apricot burger had festooned their knee-high garden wall with wire and signs saying DO NOT SIT ON WALL, because, I guess, that harms them in some way, if someone does that. Other residents were having porch-parties to watch the festival, or were manning coolers of sodas and bottled water, usually for a dollar apiece (with this competition, most of the official vendors were also selling water and sodas for a dollar, but I bought from one of the porches anyway).
Anyway, to sum up, it was kind of neat; I don't necessarily have a burning desire to go again (although I would like to try that burger with the apple slaw), but I'd also be willing to go again. I spent way too much money on crap, but it's no fun going to something like that and not buying stuff.
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mister-ious · 1 year
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley at the Gym headcanons:
Nsfw mdni thx
Fuuuuuckkkkk Ghost at the gym getting pumped and his muscles bulging out of his fitted black tee, flexing and stretching while he lifts and pushes. He would grunt and groan at the very last few reps of his sets and he’d try to keep his face from contorting, just letting his eyes squint and keeping a little frown or pursing his lips.
Ghost’s tee would be damp with sweat and would cling to every groove and crevice of his muscles like a fucking glove. And fuuuck his scent.. He’d smell sooo good. Just the thought of his musk just emanating from his dirty post-gym clothing makes me feral… putting me back in a primitive state its not even funny bro.
He’d probably spend just over an hour working out. He also probably prefers calisthenics over weights for the convenience, so he’d know all these tricks, AND it would one of the reasons why he’s able to soundlessly slither around and through environments: excellent balance.
And when he does use weights, he’s more likely to use equipment like a benchpress/leg-presssince it would train both limbs at the same time so that it’s more efficient—minmaxing gym routine.
When he’s not able to go to the gym he’d workout at home/at the barracks using whatever furniture is available. If he’s at the barracks, Soap would probably join him if Soap randomly witnesses it.
Also if he’s using the gym at the military he’d put on a black surgical mask, but, if he’s not and is using a normal gym he’d go mask-off.
Ghost wouldn’t be super lean since he doesn’t give that much of a fuck about his diet. Like, he’d care about getting all of his nutrients but he wouldn’t be much of a protein fiend. He’s a big muscular man, not an instagram gym influencer.
Like that popular hc, he wouldn’t listen to music at the gym BUUUT i feel like he would keep a pair of headphones on to muffle the outside noise. He wants total silence while working out, like a weirdo. Ghost would also carry those gallon sized water bottles with him to the gym.
After his workout, he’d take an agonising cold shower—he’d poker-face through it though as if it was a normal temperature-d shower. He’d take around 25 minutes since he’s a big man with big limbs and a big body to clean. Usually, Ghost would exercise in the early hours of the morning so after his workout, he’d eat.
Ghost would probably make something Huge. Maybe a pot of slop: anything he could get his hands on in his pantry and fridge and just plopped them in a pot on some heat. Or something like a girthy breakfast burrito.
Fuuuck it’d also be nice if Ghost happened to have taken an interest in rock-climbing. I think he’d like it since there are probably similar drills to rock-climbing in his military training. So fucking hot to imagine him just scanning this wall and immediately finding the most optimal way to climb to the top. You’ll see his biceps flex and his triceps form dimples fuck
Reader-insert/nsfw part:
There would be some times where he’d get extremely horny after gym and would immediately rush back home. His cock erect, creating a tent in his sweats as he drives. He couldn’t wait so he’d pullover to some indoor parking lot and palm his swollen dick, slowly taking off his pants and briefs. He pumps his hand slowly up and down his thick length, imagining you in between his legs, kneeling down and looking up at him with those big eyes of yours.
He’d shudder at the thought of it. His dick twitching in his hand as he fucks it faster. Shaky sighs turn into grunts, grunts turn into groans, and groans turn into growls. Fuck, he’s so close.
“Fuck, love,” he hisses, thrusting into his hand as he tightens his grip.
“Ah..!” He spurts opaque ribbons onto his steering wheel and pants, gasping and writhing in his seat as his cock spasms out the last few drops, gushing down to his balls.
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More specifically about the suits. I'm picturing cyberpunk type stuff but lets be honest, Humans are humans. There's going to be helmets covered in fauxhawks and stickers, someone's going to opt out of everything practical in preference of a prehensile tail, we're going to express ourselves in thousands of ways. But functionality/general aesthetic I'm picturing for Katie, at least, is starting to form in my mind so you're going to get that. I mentioned a back mounted drone thing and I'll be honest, it's pretty inspired by Stray. One shoulder has a little thing like that, but probably in grey or black to blend in with the average guts of a ship. Maybe the drone itself is clear so that it's even harder for the giants to notice. The other shoulder has a speaker that can pop out that amplifies her voice to communicate if need be. I picture the grappling system to launch from the wrist but the line is actually attached to the waist and the suit works and supports like a rock climbing harness. Backpack is full of all sorts of tools, and Human-Grade adhesives and anchors. Cable management is hella important and superglue and duct tape have evolved to have built in pest repellent.
The Helmet itself is pretty cliche cyberpunk, but it's definitely got gills for aqua or other liquid adventures. There's a mic and earpiece in it of course, often synced to the little drone so she can scout rooms without exposing herself. It's got a little projector as well, mostly used to throw schematics up in place while you work on a problem. (think Ironman).
People have mentioned Magnet boots in the tags and replies, and there's definitely something there. I joked about rollerskates because I LOVE the idea of a little human zooming around underfoot across the smooth floors of a ship. Katie probably has some highly grippy-yet-silent shoes that are closer to those a rock climber would wear; form fitting but not restraining, flexible but still supportive. You need to be able to FEEL your foot placement running across wires and climbing up cables. There's also some ship-rats who insist on running around barefoot. there always have been and there always will be.
I like the idea of the suit having instead of typical oxygen tanks, algae tanks of some kind? like the oxygen is coming from plants that are growing symbiotically from the wearer's waste. They would be small. I Don't like putting too much on the back of this kind of thing because humans need to roll to absorb impact, and even with lower gravity there's a lot of fall risk in this industry. That's one of the reasons as much as possible is on the toolbelt and only bulkier tools would be in the back pack. in emergency you can attach it to the drone and have that hover in a safe spot until you call retrieval. So maybe the plants would be in a living space and the air just circulates through the suit, then you hook up to the plant take to refresh overnight? We know that For sure there's lots of plants and algae tanks in the homes of humans living in space, but Brownies like Katie don't exactly settle well. She's got the wanderlust in her that her parents realized they couldn't conquer, so instead they bought the best gear they could.
That is why short of getting crushed she's not going to be very seriously injured; she could survive in the void for a short period of time in that thing, it's puncture and slash proof, basically anything but blunt force trauma is going to bounce right off. The suit is armor, and it's all about safety. grapples and ziplines and tools are all well and good, but they mean nothing if you get cut in half by a cord snapping or a pissed off space-bug.
Obviously phasers and blasters and all sorts of weapons exist. We love making every kind of science into weapons. Katie relies on what the galactic committee classifies as a "Laser cutter and defabricator" and what humans call "Laser Rifles." She's also got a bunch of tools for cutting through metal that would work on pretty much anything if she needed it too. One of the most important tools, though, would be the spray can- (What did you think i was going to say?) A little can nozzle that can be dipped in anything you use to write, and then sprays it on a surface. Humans communicate through ten foot tall letters out of necessity when talking to Giants, and Graffiti artists figured that shit out forever ago. Katie's model is fancy and can dye the ink different colors if needed. Spray color coding wires and parts is always helpful, especially working in unfamiliar systems.
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lorre-verie · 2 years
「ᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ ᴛᴇᴇɴꜱ (ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ)」
title for those that use a screen reader:
Dates with the Avatar Teens (Modern AU)
bit of context: this is when you both are dating in highschool so everyones like 17-18
— courtesy of lorre-verie (thats me)
note: for some reason (at least on my screen) the images appear wonky and not in line, so if that happens to u im so sorry idk how to fix it 😭
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I feel like you guys could go on a couple different dates depending on what you like. His favourite kind of dates would be anything including outdoor physical activity, swimming on the beach, (indoor) rock climbing, bungee jumping, mini road trips (would have his license) even just a simple walk along the forest. If you aren’t as adventurous as him but are still willing to try it out just cause he likes it, he would be so appreciative of you and you guys would have literally so much fun. Other dates are simply watching tv shows together, going to fun 3d picture museums, shopping at the mall. He’s also willing to try anything you want to try and go to any place you want to visit. He's literally perfect i love him so much but he's dead so
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i don’t feel like she’s the type of person to want to go on dates specifically (she wouldn't label it as a date), but you guys hang out often at each other’s places and that's enough for her personally, but in case you do want to go out somewhere special she probably will agree. if it was up to her she’d take you to her favourite river or a lake and you guys could sit on the pier and just talk about life, doubling over with laughter whenever either of you cracks a funny joke. that’s her type of date. but again she's up for anything else as long as its with you <3 would definitely take you to her favourite thrift shop and you guys could get cute matching couple outfits. In case you guys go anywhere picturesque she’s the BEST photographer, knows all the angles and all the poses, super still hands when she takes the photos and none of them are ever less than flawless.
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you guys would definitely go to the movies (works there part time and uses his worker privileges to get free popcorn and drinks), arcade, skateboarding park, roller skate park, literally anything and everything fun. also enjoys staying in and laying in bed together just scrolling on tiktok (and making tiktoks with each other). during these dates he would take photos of you and post it on his secret instagram account titled mypookiey/n that kiri, teyam, aonung, rotxo and you follow (reya not included cause I feel like if he didn’t like tsireya romantically he’d be kinda shy to talk to her since she’s like the popular girl and he considers himself an outcast). you guys record music covers together and he loves editing them cause he loves hearing your voice (gets so giddy inside, totally has a shy small smile on his face when u sing he's so cute AGHHHH)
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amusement park dates WOOO you’d both have so much fun. riding roller coasters, playing the mini games, going into the photo booths, buying cotton candy, couple selfies on the ferris wheel, never a dull moment with this guy. If he sees a giant teddy bear as a prize for a minigame he would get you it in one try. often invites you to be front row at his basketball games and in case you’re interested in learning he would not hesitate to teach you the best he could (would also mock you for not being as good as him). He holds your hand everywhere (in case ur not good with PDA he wouldn’t but i think we can all agree his love language is physical touch so….would be a very hard time for him). In case you’re struggling with maths he would definitely tutor you, you could kinda consider that a date??? I guess????
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cafe, library, studying dates. that and also you both go to the mall together. He’s very funny and can make a joke out of anything, any “boring” date he can turn right around. Since he’s good with his words definitely tries to embarrass you in public by reading out a poem dedicated to you that he made on the spot, earning a smack on the back of the head from you. He also does this thing where he takes you to check out the toy sections in shops and you both make fun of the price together because what the hell why is a little pony plushie like 25 bucks?? he also loves taking couple photos together
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you guys eat together, go to cute cafes, picnics in the park, also enjoy laying in bed and scrolling through tik tok together. window shopping is a must, always tries out cute outfits and asks you for your opinion on them, and also fixes together pieces for you to wear. you guys do cute ass stuff like interlocking pinkies and then taking photos of said pinkies and posting it on your stories. dog cafes, cat cafes, and bird cafes are also great. also loves doing sleepovers, always insists on sleeping in a sleeping bag no matter if a bed is available or not because it's part of the fun. she will also do your skincare with or without you asking. 
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Literally guess who i had the easiest time writing for is and who i struggled with the most bet u cant get it right. i just wanted 2 post this just because im feeling guilty as hell cause it's been a week and there's minimal progress on the neteyam series…we’re getting there i promise guys. reblogs and comments are most appreciated, it lets me know whether the content im putting out is actually good or not 😭
In case u’re interested u can check out my masterlist for more stuff like this (literally only one other modern au thing but i do have other fics) tysm and have a gorgeous day!
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semolinapudding · 1 year
Floor is lava game with Genshin characters? C:
You didn't specify which so I guess I can choose.
🍮The floor is lava with genshin characters
Venti, Cyno, Tighnari, Wanderer, Xiao, Ayaka, Hu tao.
He likes games. He also plays hide and seek with Bennet sometimes.
He's gonna tease you with this one, because he can fly himself up with his anemo powers. In fact you feel like is useless to even play this with him.
But he's gonna make this fair for you and not use his anemo powers, in case you don't have an anemo vision or other powers that can allow you to compete with his godly ones.
Once he's not allowed to use Anemo, he's a loser. He panics and can't find a good spot in those 5 seconds. When he does, he manages to fall. He climbed a big barrel of wine, and he was struggling to climb it for a good while, with his foot on the top of it and the other leg hanging. You end up helping him by pushing him by his ass because you have mercy.
He thought he won once and proudly made a "Hehe" sound, just before a cat jumped in his head, hissing.
He's not bad at climbing trees, but the problem is that he can't get down without his Anemo powers.
He's faking that he can't climb places just so that you get to carry him and lift him. And you know that very well.
"I can't climb that. You're not gonna let me die in lava are you? :(("
You can go ahead and princess carry and lift Venti up. You probably only want to play this game for the sake of doing that. You get to touch his thighs pretty often.
"I'll lift you up Venti, don't bother your beautiful princess ankles."
He sprains his ankles.
Climbs the tables at Angel's share and gets beaten up with a broom by Diluc. He just cleaned those.
Also climbs the stair margin at angel's share and he is gliding down on it. Another broom on his back. Those were cleaned.
Takes it more seriously than you thought he would.
He starts doing calisthenics on everything, everywhere, anyhow. He'll find a way. Somehow, he'll always find a way to stay suspended in the air.
You thought it would be impossible to play in the plain desert, with only one vertical rock around. What is he gonna do? Glue himself on the rock? There is no way he wou—
His spear is sitting with one part stuck in the sand, the other leaned against the rock, on the spear he's standing in his HANDS in perfect equilibrium, using a lot of muscle groups for that.
The desert is not so fun to play this in. But the forests and cities in Sumeru come with a lot of possibilities.
So he will always hold himself up, dead hanging, if possible, and because you want him to lose and stop being such a perfect calisthener, you grab onto his legs and dead hang too. Good workout. Now forest rangers and akademiya students are gonna walk past you and wonder what are you doing. What is General Mahamatra doing? Must be some serious workout.
It slowly becomes workout routines and you don't even realize it, neither Cyno. You're now doing calisthenics in all kinds of positions.
"Tighnari. There is this new game I like."
He is dead hanging by a tree branch, with you climbed on his legs, and he lifts his legs up, training his legs and abdomen.
Once is your turn, wether you can handle or not, I don't think you can really escape it because he's also gonna dead hang on you.
Tighnari doesn't even bother to bring this up. He ignores when he sees you and Cyno playing floor is lava with calisthenic workouts.
Got lured into the game by seeing you and Cyno go crazy with calisthenics all around the forest, or you convinced him.
"Don't hurt yourself."
Thinks the game is embarrassing at first.
But he's a happy fox, he's not gonna hesitate much if all he has to do is climb trees. He's good at climbing trees. He always climbs random trees at times and Cyno finds him sitting there for no particular reason.
You don't even get to find a place because you already see him up in a tree, staring down at you. He's a winner.
If you get Cyno to play with you two, Tighnari is irritated by Cyno's need to be extra with his calisthenic positions, but secretly, he likes it.
You can dead hang with him too. But he's not got such strength as Cyno to last for a long time if you're hanging by his waist or legs.
He's probably the one used as workout material by both you and Cyno. But he's a sly fox and can use you or Cyno as ladders to climb up trees. Following his own interests. You and Cyno can stay there and die in the lava, together with his jokes and everything. He hits you with the tail in the face by mistake.
You accidentally drop him in the water a few times, and when there's not enough space on a spot, you both trip and fall in the water and he swims out, and had to dry his wet tail. You laugh at his wet tail.
You then get chased by a fox with wet tail.
"I'll show you!"
"What the HELL is that?" You want him to play games with you? "HA! You're such a baby!" He ends up playing it. He's a baby too.
His superiority complex is pleased. He can now just rise himself above you and laugh at you, worm, who's on the ground.
You tell him to play without his anemo powers and he didn't accept it at first.
"The rules are that I don't touch the ground! WHAT DO you want?"
Once you two are playing without powers from visions, he's really agile and fast, but If you follow his place he's gonna push you down so that you fall in the lava. Then he laughs. He's so kind.🩵
He even follows you when there aren't many possibilities around, and he pushes you off! He's definitely putting you as his first priority.🩵
Sits on a Hilichurl tower with his legs crossed like a queen and looks down at you, who didn't manage to climb up. Then a Hilichurl throws an apple in his head.
You push him off as well. You pull him by the legs and grab him off. If you can't win, neither should he. So it turns into stupid fights. You grab him by his clothes and you accidentally almost pull his pants off.
You also grab his foot and the shoe slips off from how much force you were putting into, while he was holding himself by that tree with all the stubbornness in the world.
"That's what you get. Stay with the shoe."
"Now put it back." And Cinderella raises his foot for you to put the shoe on.
Oh, another calisthenics practicer.
"Games. You want to play with me..."
He makes a promise that he'll play with you and he keeps it. You tell him the rules, and he finds it fair simple.
"Like mortals. I get it."
He just stands there prepared and waits for you to start.
He's agile and strong and puts too much effort into a simple game, because of getting used to be tense and ready to fight all the time.
"Not gonna leave you die in the lava." And he misses the point of the game by carrying you under his armpit when he finds a spot.
After playing a few times, he becomes the one to ask you to play together, which is unexpected.
"Can we play that game again? I don't remember how it was called."
You watch him doing pull ups on a bar, so you're now going crazy to hold yourself by his waist and him to easily do pull ups with you.
When it's about moving around without touching the ground, he jumps. And if the distance is too long or high for you, he's gonna carry you.
Xiao is more of a parkour practicer, like Spider-man, like Batman at night.
He is moving from hand to hand on high up bridges with wood planks.
He doesn't stand in place, he's fast. He's pole vaulting his way, Pole vault which is a sport in which you jump high with the help of a long stick.
If you're happy, she is happy so she doesn't mind playing with you.
She uses her ice vision to make an ice platform under the ground.
"This is not how we play? But is ice. Ice beats lava."
Instead of you two picking up different spots, fate makes it that you both choose the same one by coincidence, and you just awkwardly run together and climb together. And the coincidence keeps repeating, she's just thinking of the same thing as you.
She's a warrior with a katana so she must be physically strong enough to climb up high places.
She falls on you once. Didn't expect her to feel that heavy.
Then she comes with the idea of stepping in water. She can't lose if she's in water. You cry when you see her in the water with the socks on.
You end up racing with her to who goes first to climb up trees.
She wants to lift you up by your waist so that you reach first. Not that you can't climb on your own, she just likes to lift you.
Hu tao
She's the lava in the game.
She is making fire on the ground just to scare you, because is funny.
"Ashes to ashes! There's a 10% funeral discount if you are ashes."
She is the one to count and it makes you run for your life. She runs after you and you scream and then she screams and you scream again.
You climb on the same spot as her and she shakes you until you fall. Making things interesting.
"Come on! Let's climb the abandoned haunted houses at night and whoever doesn't climb in time has to take a back slap from the other."
You get back slapped because you didn't climb in time. Her palm is heavy.
The house roof is old and the tiles slide down with her, making noises that awakes the grumpy old man that lives near.
She swings on trees branches and stands upside down. You climb trees and houses together and is hard to get down everytime.
She lets her imagination run wild and rushes you to climb faster because the lava is coming from the east.
"We need to climb higher! The lava is raising, Liyue is covered! There is no escape, but to spend our night time on the roof till sunrise!"
You both try to move without interacting with the ground, jumping from rock to rock, using her spear to jump, walking on the margins of the houses.
If she fails she's gonna get in her role, all dramatic, and say that she's dead in the lava now. Soap opera.
People are looking at you both running in the streets of Liyue because apparently lava is soon coming to drown the city.
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🍮Author's note: Happy Saturday Easter for Orthodox! I am planning on finishing all the requests soon.
I went all over myself with calisthenics and sports there. Couldn't help it. I had to do the calisthenic practicer Cyno master daddy.
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cartooemcanhis · 1 year
Bugbo hcs for my wacky dacky au
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🐜 He's this odd combination of an ant, a dock bug, and a cockroach.
🐜 Believe it or not, he used to have wings but they got ripped off in some kind of accident(Presumably the same one he got his antenna bent in), theres only a tiny bit of his wings still left
🐜 He does just want the best for his friends but he can come off as very passive agressive often
🐜 His friends and him all live together
🐜 The way he met his friends was..odd to say the least, he just randomly showed up one day and noone really questioned it
🐜 Never admits it but he probably goes out late at night to go like pilage random farmers crops just for the hell of it
🐜 He may look fluffy but trust me, don't touch the floof, it's like caterpillar hair, it WILL give you an itchy rash
🐜 Doesn't let Gerbo drink chocolate milk in the middle of the night because it's HIS chocolate milk
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🕷️Very silly fellow!
🕷️ Despite being a spider he cannot make webs :(
🕷️ He can climb walls and stuff though, he just doesn't do it often because he often gets stuck on ceilings
🕷️ Hoppo and him have this sibling like relationship where they do all sorts of wacky stuff together, The main two things being playing adopt me on Roblox and watching YouTube kids for hours on end
🕷️ He really really looks up to Bugbo
🕷️Big fan of chocolate milk but he's never allowed to have it 💔
🕷️Unlike Bugbo, Gerbo's fur is actually safe to touch and it's decently floofy.
🕷️He still secretly collects rocks for no rhyme or reason but that's ok
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Gradient Joe!
⚫ Starting off with a slightly cocnerning one,his Gradient is kinda like a parasitic non-sentient being, it's slowly taking over all of his body, don't worry though, it doesn't hurt him. (He also theoretically could spread his gradient to other people but hes never intentionally done that.yes, he has done it by accident before.)
⚫ Unlike what Bugbo says, he's probably just average intelligence lol
⚫Every part of his body that has gradient on it is oddly cold to the touch
⚫ Probably good at cooking but he can't eat so he doesn't bother to
⚫Has a very small crush on Bugbo but he knows that Bugbo won't ever like him back, but he's fine with that
⚫He's the one that pays the taxes in the house
⚫ uncomfortable around small children, it's unclear why
⚫ ABSOLUTELY locks his credit card up in a high security safe whenever he doesn't have it on him because he knows Hoppo will steal it and use it to buy 5839920202 shells worth of robux to waste on pet sim x on roblox
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🦗 the giggler
🦗 Ultimate ipad kid and yet somehow a girlboss and war criminal at once
🦗Uses internet slang when talking often
🦗Collects bones and other odd stuff and trinkets
🦗Scams so many kids on adopt me Roblox and on pet sim x
🦗 Absolutely slaying in the bug war, they're having fun somehow
🦗 Always off doing stuff
🦗 Physically cannot sit or stand still, always stimming in some way
🦗 Occasionally joins Bugbo on his late night "pilaging crops" outings
🦗He is a massive prankster, whenever it's April fools day you better lock your windows, doors, and chimneys, she is coming, they will show no mercy
🦗Can and will produce and spit acid at you if ur making xe angry or uncomfortable, they will then giggle at you and hope away
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🪰His backstory is fake as hell, every time he's asked about his past he'll make up a new backstory because he genuinely can't remember his actual backstory/past
🪰 Absolutely stims whenever he's explaining his devious plans (Yes, this includes his goofy rat looking tail wagging like a dog lol)
🪰Legit doesn't have a bed, he just sleeps on the floor of his evil lair like a cat lol
🪰Said lair used to be an old Swatter Inc building that got abandoned and he decided to live in
🪰All of his clothes are WAY too big for him since he's thin as a twig and flatter than a pancake
🪰Actually does use his hands and tail swatters as actual flyswatters (do not shake this man's hands they are nasty)
🪰His feet are flyswatters as well so whenever he doesn't have shoes on and he walks he makes funny af slapping sounds and waddles like a duck sorta
🪰 Litterally drinks bugspray, he just sprays it right in his mouth like a weirdo
🪰He's tried to kill Bugbo like 90 times now and every time he tries to Bugbo acts like he's never seen him ever in his life
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siblingshuffle · 17 days
Any instance where Blues has gotten hurt really bad, needing to be treated by either Roll, Light, or Rock, who are concerned?
Thanks for the ask, Anon!
Despite his non-combative role, Blues has gotten hurt a couple of times. Not often to a “really bad” degree because he’s not often put in a position where he’s likely to get hurt, but it does happen sometimes by nature of being related to the city’s hero. That said, unless he is physically incapable of "just dealing with it", he probably wouldn’t let someone else fuss over him for very long (if at all).
I mean, I made him mentally 13 years old because that’s the first official “teen” year (which are traditionally marked by rebellion, searching for identity, and attempts to assert their own autonomy - so basically for thematic reasons) on top of his already fierce sense of independence and his introversion. He tries to do everything himself unless he literally can’t.
Here’s a short list of injuries (& health issues) that he has had to make his family worry:
The incident that led to the discovery of Blues’s defective core. His power output wasn’t stable, it fluctuated due to the imbalance in his core, and he lost power mid-demonstration (basically passing out), and on top of that he was still being attacked on his way down. Dr. Light panicked over that, given that his son was hurt and possibly dying and it was his fault. The guy was beating himself up even before he discovered Blues climbing out through the window. (Also fun fact: Dr. Light still hasn’t completely given up on the idea that maybe he can find a way to ensure that Blues can get a new core AND keep his personality, though Blues doesn't think that’ll happen in his lifetime.)
As mentioned here, he ended up kidnapped by Oil Man to be used as bait after being sent home (since he was low on charge, and that’s when he starts getting more frequent weird/painful sensations in his limbs), and I’m unsure how clear I was, but he did not get the chance to get a good charge before being taken to a second location. So, for that whole arc, he’s very grumpy, sleepy, and uncomfortable (and definitely took a lot of little spite-fueled mini-naps). Roll got super worried upon discovering his scarf and the ransom note, in part since it didn’t look like he actually made it inside of the lab. She has him chug an E-Tank immediately upon his rescue and she & Dr. Light make him take a long nap once he was back home (and he was actually very willing to comply with both requests. Let Blues Sleep 20XX).
Also not an injury, but Blues was not "Live Laugh Love"-ing in game 10. I’m not sure how much you are counting this, but he was sick for most of the game, and everyone was very concerned.
Similarly, though not as seriously, Rock got EXTREMELY worried and would not stop trying to help Blues the first time Blues got the aforementioned sensation in one of his limbs around him. (It’s Rock’s function to help, after all.) Like, Blues had to sit him down and say "It’s just a power fluctuation. My core does that sometimes because it doesn’t work right. I’m not dying. Well, not yet anyway." This likely doesn’t count, but I’m putting it out there anyway.
As you can see, not a lot of dramatic injuries, again probably due to lack of proximity to as dangerous activities. I do like to think, though, that newly-activated Robot Masters have very young-child-like responses to things despite thinking like their programmed age (because they still have to learn about the world around them via experiences to fill in the gaps that data can’t cover). So, here’s a bonus based on the idea:
5. Blues (approximately 2 days old) fell out of a tree he was climbing at the park (he saw some human kids doing it the day before and thought it looked fun, but didn’t account for the fact that he was heavier than those kids and the tree he’d picked was a little less sturdy.) He didn’t make it very high up before a branch snapped. The fall didn’t actually hurt much, but he hadn’t been hurt before and ended up so startled that, because he was 2 days old, translated to crying (and, because he’s also 13 years old, trying to stop crying because 'it’s not that bad' and 'this is so embarrassing'). Cue First-Time-Parent Dr. Light frantically checking up on him while Blues is trying to convince him that he’s fine.
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saelterlude · 6 months
Gushing About Zhu Hanbin and Jing Yanqiao in The City of Musicals S2
The City of Musicals (S2, at least) is kinda like The Voice. 24 musical actors, 3 troupes, covering musical numbers, elimination every episode. Season 2 focuses on young/fresh talents.
I was on a Zhu Hanbin(LG musical actor) binge and got really into this show once I found out his frequent CXS counterpart, Jing Yanqiao, is there as well. Now seems like the right time to make this post since JYQ's birthday is soon (April 13th!) and everyone barely knows him so, to begin here's a cute interaction they had on weibo after what I can only assume is a Link Click rehearsal.
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You can access the full episodes here. But I'm going to discuss and link each performances under the cut.
Oh yeah, before I start. I have notes of the context of some performances (not including them bcs I only researched some and not all), so if you like any of them and would like to dive deeper or just wants the context in general just ask and I'll share what I have. (That said, the 10th is Ied so I might be busy and took a while to answer)
Scouting stage (Ep.1-2)
They are sorted into groups of three and perform together as the same character.
For Forever from Dear Evan Hansen
Performed by Sun Tiecheng, Zhu Hanbin, and Wang Haoran. I love ZHB's expression in this performance, it's very innocent and hopeful but also with a hint of hurt? It fits the vibe of the song. It's a really nice, soft and hopeful performance. ZHB's expression really paid off since he got scouted into 2 troupes. Funfact, ZHB and Wang Haoran are classmates lol, they didn't know the other auditioned on this show before they got sorted together. Their third teammate felt very awkward lol.
Dans Le Noir Je Vois Rouge from Le Rouge et Le Noir
Roughly translated to "In the dark, I see red" performed by Alladin, Jing Yangqiao and Tian Ye. It's very good, dark and angry vibes. It's from a French rock musical so yea I really like it. I know I wanted to highlight JYQ but the original rap that Tian Ye (right) arranged is definitely the best part of this performance. The three of them worked really well together. Also, Jing Yanqiao was asked if he felt pressured performing with his seniors (he's still in school) and he answered yes, but most importantly he was intimidated by their heights. so cute lmao. Don't worry JYQ, you're still taller than ZHB. This is also 1 of the only 2 groups where all three performers get scouted.
Sidenote: I found the original song and I've been translating it to practice my French lol. In fact, I found a recording of the whole original musical.
Round 1 (Ep.3-4)
Each troupe prepares 2 Duo performance and 1 solo performance.
No Longer Human from No Longer Human
Performed by Sun Sankai and Zhu Hanbin. Yes, as in the Osamu Dazai novel. ZHB played Yezang (Oba Yozo) the protagonist of the novel and Sun Sankai played Osamu Dazai the author. So this is an existential conversation between author and his character. That's probably why this set design is creepy, but in a good way! An amazing duet, very powerful vocals from both of them, a very nice listen. But damn those hands are wobbly and every time I watch them climb up it, I worry if its gonna fall. Also, camerawork feels like something out of a 2nd Gen K-pop music show lol. And ZHB is barefoot for some reason... If I caught it properly it's bcs he's scared of falling off the hand? I need to double check but understandable.
Therapy from Tick, Tick..., Boom!
Performed by Jing Yangqiao and Feng Difei I couldn't find the cut version of this performance so you would have to do with the timestamped link of the full episode. This is such an adorable and fun performance. I love the cutee original phoneline choreography they have and how their voices work together. Also, JYQ and Feng Difei playing couples and going on a date bcs the coach tells them it would help their chemistry. Why are they lowkey kinda cute though. The post-performance interview of this reads like a blind date interview istg. The interview keep asking questions like what JYQ got her for her BDay and if they have made each other mad like the characters in the musical, etc.
Round 2 (Ep.5-6)
There are 2 troupe duo performances, and 2 cross-troupe trio performances.
The Other Side from The Greatest Showman
Performed by Sun Sankai and Zhu Hanbin. This one is so good, soooo good. I already liked the song before but their voices fit this song really well. Then you get to see, ZHB can dance y'all. I like how energetic this performance is, they really ran around the stage and walk across the table. Special mention to Sun Sankai who practiced that hat kicking trick to perfection, he got to a streak of 100 successes during practice. And to the bartender too, I love his expressions.
In A Crowd of Thousands from Anastasia
Performed by Jing Yangqiao and Feng Difei Yes, it's these two again, playing a couple again lol. Yes, they also went on a date again to prepare for this performance. (In fact, they're paired in a new musical "Love Myth" airing next month) Truly giving off a romantic, magical, and almost fairy tale-like feels. I love how sweet it is. The mini-them also did a good job with their performance. Fun fact about this one, JYQ played in Anastasia musical before this show and is still currently playing in Anastasia, both as Dmitri, just like he did in this performance.
It's Not Me It's You from uhh pretty sure it's an original rap based on disney villains. So it's from Disney, I guess.
Performed by Jing Yanqiao, Zhao Qianlong, and Zhou Mohan. I can't take this performance seriously, not with those outfits LMAO. JYQ as Gaston looking like Winnie the Pooh instead, I can't. That said, the rap is really good, I like the flow, I like the beat, it's great. I jusst, those outfits lmao. Even JYQ posted on his weibo how the outfit simply wasn't it. I can add the photo he took in the rb but pls just watch the performance.
Round 3 (Ep.7-8)
Each troupe prepares 2 duo performances again.
Disappear from Dear Evan Hansen
Performed by Jing Yanqiao and Zhu Hanbin. Yes, they both performed together in this one! I couldn't find the cut version again, sorry. IDK why, maybe it's copyright? For now, timestamped link. I can't explain why, I really like this performance and I really like their dynamic. Their voices also goes nice together but I know that already from watching them together in the LC musical. So yea, this is good. Though, ZHB being projected as JYQ/Evan's hallucination of Connor is kinda goofy looking. Also, so far ZHB has been kind of type-casted as the innocent boy or bright-eyed young man in need of guidance type so to see him playing a more aggressive/leading character (though not by much) is nice.
(JYQ doesn't have that problem, literally he was scouted by the troupe bcs they feel 'he's young and thus can be molded into anything'. ZHB did have to help him perfect the anxious boy act for this performance.)
Quarterfinals (Ep.9)
A trio performance from each troupe, along with a single cross-troupe performance.
Believe in Miracles from Ultraman (yes, the superhero show)
Performed by Sun Sankai, Zhu Hanbin, and Jing Yangqiao. Original skit. Both JYQ and ZHB act as students to Sun Sankai's teacher. The song sounds vaguely familiar to me, maybe that's why I like it so much. It's very fun, rock vibes. JYQ intentional voice crack in the beginning cracks me up. It's a very energetic song too, makes me want to pick up a guitar and jam along. (No, IDK how to play the guitar beyond the basics lol). It honestly looks like they were an idol group or something. (LC Idol AU anyone?)
Goodbye Cassini from Cassini
Performed by Zhao Qianlong, Zhu Hanbin, and Tian. I'll be honest, not a big fan of the skit, it is better enjoyed as just a goodbye song to a beloved space probe, but I am a huge fan of the song (Original ver. here with subbed lyrics, it a got more opera? vibe to it. both ver. are very good though.). I've been randomly humming 'Goodbye, my Cassini~' for days. I am so tempted to make a fic based on this song. Tian (the girl) really carried this performance with her angelic vocals, it's so great and heartbreaking. Her heartbreak at having to leave her friends behind and knowing full well they're never going to meet again. If you're watching this one, I highly recommend you wear your headphones. Trust me, it will cleanse your ears. And if you want to skip straight to the song? 5 minute mark.
Semifinals and Finals (Ep.10)
The semifinals are duo performances of an original musical number. The finals are a solo performance from the top 2. They are available on spotify and youtube music.
The Greatest Show from The Greatest Showman
Performed by the top 4 contestants: Zhu Hanbin, Miao Mengqing, Jing Yanqiao, and Zhou Mohan. I don't have a lot to say about this one. Really nice performance, a bonus to a great episode. Yeaay, both of our LC boys got into the top 4!
Performed by Jing Yanqiao and Miao Mengqing To be honest, not the biggest fan but maybe that's just me not being a fan of historical drama in any form. JYQ used a fake facial hair, so that's something too I guess. That said, it's pretty nice to listen to and the dance/sword fight choreography is really cool. (Though as someone who used to do choreographed fights, I feel kinda dissapointed it's more sworddance rather than swordfight.) Miao Mengqing's voice is really powerful, just listen to her. Unfortunately JYQ was eliminated here, but he reached the top 4! I'm proud of him. He also learned the choreo and to play the uhhh (it's 1am, lookup instrument nme later) in only a week. So that's cool.
Don't Believe him
Performed by Zhu Hanbin and Zhou Mohan. This one I highly recommend. This song is an emotional banger and I've been listening to this on loop for days. The choreo and staging is good too, although there's one part that I think is a bit goofy (thankfully it's not too distracting). The fight/struggle choreo they did here have more power than Assassin so I really like it. Really cool, makes you wanna punch a bully, I love it. ZHB played a bullied kid and Zhou Mohan plays ZHB's 'perfect' dream self who wants to keep him in this dream world and away from the hurtful reality. This song (as well as Assassin) is available on spotify and yt music, but the live version is 10x better because it captures the emotion better. You can hear ZHB's desperation and sadness as well as Zhou Mohan's anger and frustration, it's great.
Lonely Mountaintop from The Devotion of Suspect X
Performed by Zhu Hanbin. It's good, I enjoy it. Though as a final song I do kinda wish he picked a song with more power? IDK. It's still good though, it's emotional, I love the build up, the set design is pretty, and the song fit his voice really well. ZHB won 2nd place with this song. Congrats on your hard work!
Miao Mengqing won first place and honestly? She deserved it, she's so good. But this post is focusing on our LC actors ZHB and JYQ so uhh. Please watch her final performance singing "I Have Nothing" here, it's so great, she's great, I love her voice so much.
Fun fact, JYQ did not vote for ZHB in the finals lol, he did it right in front of ZHB too and I'm pretty sure at that point they were already announced as cast in the LC musical. (Sorry ZHB, but I too would vote for Miao Mengqing there)
Last bonus (which I'm not gonna link) before we end this post. In the 3rd episode, around 20minutes in Zhu Hanbin and Jing Yanqiao did an advertisement for their water sponsor together and they're very awkward, it's funny to me.
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Some Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest headcanons
-The two met at a karaoke bar
-Dearest, before the rock life, was one of those devil's that made "deals" with mortals in exchange for souls. He's built up a collection, and can still occasionally trick a few suckers into it. That laundry list of enemies he has is as long as it is for a reason
-Mearest is an absurdly powerful demon. In fact, she's one of the most powerful, third in line for domain over Hell. She has a lot of minions at her beck and call thanks to that. Then, when she felt like she wouldn't climb those ranks any time soon, is when she took up her music career.
-Dearest favorite food is hellfire broiled stake, rare and Mearest's is lobster
-Dearest is really good at the game pool
-Mearest is a notorious cheater at Poker games
-Mearest always keeps a bunch of minions at a beck and call and can summon them at will. If she's overwhelmed in a fight, she can create herself a small army
-Dearest really wants to own a rottweiler
-Mearest is an avid fan of mods, but is picky which ones she really likes. Name a hard song in a mod, and she'd probably beat it with the arrow keys alone. Whenever a mod shows up involving Girlfriend dying, Mearest not only takes it personally, she'll give her daughter an extensive training session to make sure that way she died would never happen. So far, Girlfriend has gotten some 'anti-hypnosis' charms added, and also knows how to fire a railgun in case she ends up unable to use her normal demon powers
-Dearest built and gifted GF's speakers as a birthday present, complete with a little leather seat to keep her comfy whenever she's sitting on them
-Mearest is a lot more direct when it comes to people she deems a genuine threat to her or her family. With Dearest, he'll trap someone in a video game or whatever, Mearest will just send a few dozen minions to kill them and call it a day. Boyfriend has yet to be classified as a proper threat of that caliber.
-They, of course, both dislike Boyfriend dating their daughter, but for different reasons
-For Dearest, he's incredibly protective and, thus, wants someone who is also absolutely willing to protect his daughter. Yes, BF would lay down his life for her, which is a point in his book, but he also wants someone to help keep her from doing stupid stuff. And keep Girlfriend from doing stupid stuff, Boyfriend does not. Not to mention, his standards for who could date her are incredibly, incredibly high
-A lot of Mearest's hate is mostly played up, due to it kind of being a game to her. The main thing she wants in someone dating her daughter is someone who can properly keep up with her high energy. She didn't make the boy rap with her on top of a moving limo for nothing. She also has plans to make him sing while mid-skydive or in a volcano too. She just doesn't want her daughter to get tied up with someone who's gonna slow her down (because while she won't admit it, that's how she kinda feels with Dearest.) In the very unlikely event BF gets approval from either parent, it'll likely be Mearest
-Their marriage is still going incredibly strong and both would die for the other
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eksentrismi · 9 days
Felt like writing some headcanons and fun facts for some of my beloved Disney-OC's, since I haven't talked about them in a really long while + I love them a ton, they deserve more attention from me anyway 🥺
This post will get long, so lol, sorry in advance! I ramble a lot <3
Miles (McLeach's son):
Miles might now be a much more calmer and patient adult... but as a kid, he was an absolute menace. Always loving to pull some pranks on his father and anybody else unfortunate in his close vicinity. He was mischievous and quite hyper too, climbing onto anything and anyone. Or breaking furniture by climbing on surfaces, lamps etc and knocking them down. He basically had near never-ending zoomies, lmao /j
Miles's second name is Ronnie. Though he only ever uses it as a name for his disguises, if he needs to hide his identity from the authorities.
Miles hates 'Mother's day'-holidays, though for a good reason. As he deeply dislikes his mother for various reasons. He hasn't had an easy childhood
Miles loves playing the guitar or singing sometimes (much like his father), even if he's not good at it.
Miles and Alice didn't get along well after they first met, and they still do bicker from time to time. Fighting or pranking each other a lot. Which causes people often to mistakenly think that they're siblings, when they're actually not. Though yeah, they still do act like they're siblings. Miles can be pretty protective over Alice and defends her from dangers if ever necessary, meanwhile Alice often helps him out too if ever needed. Despite seeming like rivals, they actually deeply care about each other.
Miles would probably be in his late 60's now in 2024 (as during RDU's events, he's 35).... yeah, terrifying, isn't it? My guy is so old, he's ancient- /j
Alice (McLeach's henchman / sort-of adoptive daughter):
Alice is a rude loudmouth, who cusses and curses a ton. She's the type of person, who will let her opinions be known and she doesn't respect the law. She's one heck of a fighter too, able to defend herself if ever necessary.
Alice loves 1980's music, especially 80's pop and rock! Her favorite bands are Depeche Mode and Tears For Fears.
Alice is terrible at cooking... when in all honesty, everybody in the McLeach household is terrible at cooking any foods. There's a kitchen fire at least once or twice a week. /j
Alice is bisexual, but prefers women.
Alice is skilled in shoplifting, pickpocketing and vandalism.
Alice is rather secretive when it comes to her past and she doesn't like talking about it, due to various reasons; one being that she's had a rough tragic past. And other being that she's actually a fugitive in another country, which she had to flee from some years ago before meeting McLeach.
One of Alice's favorite pastime hobbies is fixing old computers and other electronics. She often helps McLeach out gladly, whenever it comes to any mechanical work or modifying electronics.
Alice also likes to collect different kinds of knives, just for fun mainly.
Ophelia (Sykes's daughter):
Ophelia doesn't have many friends, in fact she's never really had any. She often spent time in various dinner parties etc held by her father's rich influential friends, but she never got along well with the other children there. She was teased in school, when she was little. But even after telling about it to her protective father; she was completely left alone by the bullies and teachers afterwards, but because of everyone becoming extremely afraid of both her and her father. Thus avoiding her altogether or acting cautious around her.
Ophelia used to wear ribbons on her hair nearly all the time in her childhood. And now she likes to have a typical big 1980's hairstyle, because she can <3
Ophelia can be quite charismatic. But not exactly a very sociable person, often preferring to spend time either alone or with her father only.
Ophelia loves her father's dogs. She spoils them rotten often with expensive meat or treats (much to her father's dismay), or takes them on walks. She's the type of person who would get the dogs those really itchy-looking dog sweaters for Christmas, lmao
Ophelia is good at playing the piano, playing the violin, playing tennis, dancing ballet, boxing and also acting. She had lots of hobbies as a kid and overall she had lots of after-school activities. She also had excellent grades in every school she attended.
Before she turned to the criminal lifestyle, she used to work as a secretary at a highly regarded unnamed company. She grew bored of the mundane office work though and eventually got laid off too, due to some issues within the company. Incredibly bitter by this, she decided to turn to life of crime, as she found it quite natural to herself. It just seemed much more fascinating and thrilling than boring paperworks.
Zachary (Rourke's son):
Zachary might look intimidating with his tall height (as he's around 190 centimeters tall, much like his father) and muscular large build. He's however a kind gentle guy, quite sensitive and a bit shy too.
Zachary is quite strong too, but has never been fond of fighting or combat. Much to his father's dismay though, as he then is a combative argumentative person. Meanwhile Zachary does everything to avoid arguments or conflict.
Zachary is a very artistic person, as he's always loved arts and painting. Drawing and doodling all sorts of things, and admiring the creative beauty in nearly everything. He enjoys things that are aesthetically pleasing to him and he often gets inspired easily by his surroundings.
Zachary is basically the total opposite personality than that of his father's, lmao. They're complete opposites, despite having similar appearances. Thus their relationship has never been exactly the best, but rather distant instead.
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twinkleomorashi · 22 days
Do you have any headcanons about your fic’s characters?
I actually have a whole document of these that has never seen the light of day. Until now. Some of these are canon bc that’s just how writing head canons about ur own characters works ig. Sorry this massively long!!!
I have both normal and omo/ nsfw ones of course!
Loves a fruity little drink. Any fruity little drink offered is a win in her books. Also loves diet coke. Hates drinking water.
Hates any sort of bug or animal you would call an exterminator for.
Takes obnoxiously long showers
Really terrible at not getting her way. Will have a tantrum
Youngest sibling if it wasn’t obvious.
Actually a really good cook, but nobody believes her
Possessive. It contributes to the biting / marking kink she has, but she hasn’t made that connection yet (everyone else has)
Favorite flavor of ice cream is cotton candy because Bethany Mota said it was hers in like 2014 so June forced herself to like it and is still convinced she does.
Loves gossip. Has never minded her business ever.
Kind of a klepto if we’re being honest but this is canon
TERRIBLE driver. Assigned passenger princess by others out of fear
extremely obvious blusher
sense of humor of a twelve year old boy despite trying to act more mature than she is
subconsciously collects rocks. Her pockets always have some in them that she found throughout the day. She sometimes forgets to take them and they fuck up the dryer.
Cries watching teen soap operas but nobody is allowed to know that
Terrible eyesight without her glasses
Fiddles with her glasses when she’s lying.
Scared of storms
Mommy issues so bad
Doesn’t like the taste of beer, but drinks it anyway because she thinks it makes her look more masc
honestly has terrible internanalized toxic masculinity
favorite band is The Killers
has kept a diary since she was 14
car smells like car air freshener desperately trying and failing to conceal the smell of weed
art major, makes a living drawing furry porn. Says it’s for the bit. It might not be.
Blood is probably at least 25% energy drink at this point
“Anything for the bit!” (Actively gets herself into Situations)
Terrible at budgeting
loves hot chip and charge her phone
favorite flavor of anything is green apple. Likes the light green monster because she thinks it’s green apple. It’s not.
Loves heights and climbing, is really good at it even though she’s short
sleeps in weird positions, very heavy sleeper
Exclusively wears really stupid graphic t shirts
Her one exception to her lesbianism is shadow the hedgehog and she’s dead serious about it
Massive praise kink.
Prefers coffee to tea. Has not had tea in two months because she thinks people expect her to drink tea and thus she refuses to.
Self proclaimed frigid bitch (is actually so sweet). Total defense mechanism.
Twirls her hair when she’s nervous.
Loves fruit and veg.
Avid reader, prefers non fiction. Likes to research psychology and human behavior.
High alcohol tolerance, but no where near as high as she thinks it is. “I’m completely sober right now” (is actively stumbling around and giggling)
Squeamish as hell. Can’t handle horror movies or even watch like… wrestling or something.
Psych major who has never once communicated her own feelings honestly ever so uh
Laughs really loud, is embarrassed by it
Struggles to make friends because she’s too self conscious to talk to people.
Was a horse girl as a child. Still is lowkey a horse girl but she’s embarrassed about it and refuses to discuss it.
Terrified of heights
porn specific lol both actual and piss
average sized bladder, though it’s on the weaker side
too stubborn to admit to others that she needs to pee until it becomes an emergency
Like won’t admit it until the VERY last second where she’s starting to panic about wetting herself
Squirmyyy, moves her hips a lot
Loves to give hickies. Huge marking kink. Goes along with her possessiveness.
Dominant for self-satisfying reasons. August immediately becomes more dominant if she sees June trying to be, but that’s what June wants from her anyway
Not super in-tune with her needs. Forgets to pee and ends up desperate later on as a consequence
Usually can stay pretty composed when desperate, but has her limits. Will admit it with little hesitation.
Instinctively grabs herself when desperate, though often catches and stops herself if people are around
Way more willing to pee in containers or outside than most people are
Has tried to pee standing up many times. It has never once worked. She has never told anyone this.
Loveeees to top. Puts others pleasure before her own in every situation. Has to be explicitly guided into putting her own first.
Veryy vocal most of the time, mostly unashamed
Diuretics effect her pretty bad, despite how many energy drinks she drinks
Bladder’s actually pretty big and strong under normal circumstances. She can hold it for a while if she puts her mind to it and doesn’t give into the temptation to “let some out”.
That being said, she’s not particularly strong-willed most of the time… Easily tempted by the thought of relief and that can override her logic about the consequences of giving in.
Weirdo perv. Massive praise kink. Very obedient and eager to please
Tops from the bottom.
Dangerously close to crossing too many wires in her brain about a certain something..
Embarrassed at the mere idea of someone knowing she has to pee
Will not say a goddamn word if she’s desperate
Will literally be pleading for help but doing in roundabout ways that very rarely directly mentions the problem at hand
Huge bladder, but it tends to be weak and sore for a few days if she loses control of it
Secretly a huge pervert, but will barely even admit that to herself
Once she gets the chance to be one though??? Lord..
Soft but firm domme
Bottoms from the top
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blaiddllodi · 25 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
(Previous answers here on Raven's blog. Thanks for putting this together Neffi!)
Name: tches!
Pronouns: she/they
Birthday (no year): 22 Dec
Where are you from? What is your time zone? From Germany, but I live in Colorado
How long is your roleplay experience? A few years in 2005, and now my tenure here
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? Uhhhhh probably Yahoo chatrooms if I'm honest, but I spent most of my time in Livejournal communities
How were you introduced to TOA? I found it scrolling the Raven tag and I saw mirae's drop. Didn't join at this time. Then Elf advertised in a mutual server and I was like Hm. Maybe I will.
Do you have any pets? The server knows my beloved Coriander my baby my light my heart. I also live with two GSDs, Ursa and Solo.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) I love you winter, I love you snow, I love you December, I love you.
What is your IRL occupation? Handwaves IT. I'm helpdesk at my current place, but I've begun learning network infrastructure stuff recently.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I like languages and history, esp Meiji Japan and Mughal India. I used to be a lot more active, and I still generally enjoy yoga and rock climbing, but I've accrued some injuries which prevent me from doing this as much as I'd like. Sadge.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, Bloodborne, Witcher, Kingdom Hearts.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Ice or Dragon I think; and Gyarados my beloved my friend my partner (although Delibird is a very close second I love that little dude)
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!) One time a drunk driver scraped my ex-husband's car pulling out of the bar and while he was so flabbergasted that it had happened, me and a friend who had just gotten out of the Navy broke into a sprint to chase the girl down for three blocks before she left the neighborhood.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My father and I were in the PX and I grabbed Blazing because it had just come to the States and it looked interesting.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All but Archanea and Tellius. I started Path of Radiance, and put it down at chapter 15 when I got busy. I'll pick it back up again I promise :sob:
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First is Blazing and favorite is...probably Blazing still. Elibe is just home to me. I really really like Three Houses and Shadows of Valentia though.
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Oh gosh. Raven number one forever, and Dima and Berkut are up there. I'll list five who aren't my roster, in no particular order: Hubert, Hector, Lyon, Priscilla, Lachesis.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Wil. Wil was my first favorite, followed by Matthew. I genuinely loved them so so much my first playthrough I gave them everything.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Jeralt can still get it.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?- Awakening: Another accidental Chrom victim - probably Lonk or Freddie Fates: I genuinely don't remember if it was Kaze or Jakob - Probably still Kaze Three Houses: Claude - Hubert is my favorite S support he's really good Engage: I literally hard swerved from Diamant the moment Pandreo came on screen I don't think anyone's taking his crown.
Favorite Fire Emblem class? I just really like the Merc-Hero line 🙈But I also love wyverns
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Infantry sword. I hate to say I'd be a Navarre archetype but I honestly probably would be. Middling strength and con but workable with attention, decent speed, absolutely ridiculous crit stat. Surprisingly high resistance. I'd be a good candidate for Dancer or Mortal Savant.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Unaffiliated civilian, but can be swayed to join a cause after some effort. I tend to keep myself a bit at arms length, and it can be difficult sometimes to get my genuine loyalty.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Sword, Bow Bane: Flying Budding Talent: Heavy Armor
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? No lie, probably Brodia. My family is full of soldiers on all sides
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Depends on the flow of the sentence. Sometimes toe-ah, sometimes T-O-A
Current TOA muses: Raven, Dimitri, Berkut
Past TOA muses? Sigurd, Igrene, Saber, Petra, Beowolf, Lyn
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Raven my heart my forever. If he hasn't been pried from my grasp for the last twenty years, I can't imagine what might.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? I like it when grief and love carve someone into a weapon. I love rage and deep, boundless sorrow. And I occasionally like when they get a little slutty, I'm not a monster.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? 🤔Hard to say. I like to think my range is pretty good. I've been writing for long enough that I don't really wish - I just do it. I think anyone could write anyone if they genuinely put their heart into it.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I like when the narrator is a little unreliable. I like when there's so much emotion that everything becomes just a little bit fuzzy an indistinct, like they're suddenly underwater and haven't realized they're drowning. I like when the narrative is circular and I can call back five posts, or when I can bookend things - dramatic irony my beloved. I love miscommunication, especially when one person takes something and runs with it (RIP Sigurd you were the king of this and your never-shuts-up).
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I've been in an AU mood lately. I want more AUs - coffeeshop AU, horror movie tropes AU, cross-fiction AU. There was an idea that I had that I'd like to build up a bit more that I may drop a call for 🙊
Favorite TOA-related memories? All of Raven's threads with elysia's Priscilla and kanoesa's Lucius 🤲I hold them like this. And unrelated to my muses I to this day can't get over And Now All Of TOA Knows You Tried To Kill Ryoma.
Present or past tense? Past. I use present tense pretty sparingly, and almost exclusively for one-off asks. Feels weird though.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? No preference. I use normal size out of laziness. The most formatting you'll get from me is italics for emphasis or for thought patterns.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 One day I will app Sommie and everyone will have a heart attack. You think I'm joking? You think this is a game?
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maagicmushies · 10 months
Itachi is far from the only Naruto character to be misunderstood by the wider fanbase. Rock Lee, Sakura, Tobi and Kabuto probably all have more egregious misreads. However, the thing that is special about Itachi is that I don’t solely blame the fanbase for misunderstanding him. A character like Lee has a story that is actually really easy to follow, people just choose not to do that. Meanwhile, Itachi’s story was pretty deliberately made to be confusing, told over the course of 600 chapters by unreliable narrator after unreliable narrator and if that doesn’t make things bad enough, Itachi actually goes through development later in the story that makes him contradict his earlier actions. Character development isn’t bad, but when you think of Itachi, you don’t think of a character who needs to grow. You think of a character who has grown and facilitates the growth of others. Let’s start going into why that understanding of Itachi isn’t really complete.
The first thing to address with itachi is probably the question of “When did Itachi become "good"?" This question does not have an exact answer, but it is far easier to narrow down than you might think. As soon as Itachi was turned into Sasuke’s end goal, it was pretty obvious that what we knew with him was not the full story. Kishimoto has said that he had always planned to make Naruto’s confrontation with Sasuke the final act in the series, so Sasuke could never get killed by Itachi. However, having Sasuke kill Itachi and just move on is also just very antithetical to the kind of story that Naruto tells. When Naruto thinks that Haku has killed one of the few friends he has made, he goes berserk but can’t kill Haku. The revenge is not worth ending another life, another story, another set of dreams. Gaara, a murderer, gets spared by Naruto for the exact same reason. Everytime we’re shown a vile character in the series, they’re shown some level of humanity to blur the line between a simple battle of good and evil. Going off of this, the climax of Sasuke’s character just being a one and done was never on the drawing board, there was always going to be more with Itachi and you can see more and more of that laid out as the story moves on. 
In the Land of Waves, we don’t even get Itachi’s name. We just know that Sasuke wants to kill someone and we only find out that it’s his brother at the very end of the arc. Then, in the Chunin Exams, we get to learn how much of a poison he is on Sasuke. First he is an inhibitor, preventing Sasuke from taking action when his friends are in danger. After this, he becomes a motivator, the thing that constantly pushes Sasuke to rely on the cursed mark. However, when we finally get to meet Itachi in the following arc, he isn’t this evil and disgusting person like a mass murderer should be. He’s calm and cordial. He holds respect for his leaf superiors like Kakashi and Jiraiya. After this, we get a very classic Kishimoto move where a character will say or do one thing and another, seemingly unrelated character will say or do the same thing but completely screw the meaning on it. Near the end of the Search for Tsunade, Jiraiya floats the idea that a ninja isn’t one who knows ninjutsu, but rather as the kanji literally says, a ninja is one who endures. When Jiraiya says this, he means that a ninja is someone who when beat down always gets back up. That’s what he does and what he teaches Naruto to do. However, Sasuke’s flashback of Itachi shows that he is also a ninja that endures. It’s just that he doesn’t endure physically, it’s his emotional endurance that he hones. In his eyes, living life while being hated is just a shinobi’s job. He tells Sasuke that he’ll always be there as a wall that Sasuke needs to climb over and is ok if Sasuke hates him for that. It is probably at this moment that it was decided how Itachi’s story would end, but Kishimoto just keeps hammering away at it. When Itachi shows up in the Kazekage Rescue using Yura as a conduit, he is given a slight moment of vulnerability when Kakashi asks how much of his eyesight has he lost from using the Mangekyou Sharingan. When Sasuke inevitably faces down against Itachi it is already confirmed that he won’t be fighting Itachi at his best. Sasuke will be putting down a legally blind ninja. However, Itachi’s next meeting with Naruto is where things get REALLY serious because we know that capturing Naruto is one of Itachi’s goals as an Akatsuki member, yet he uses a confrontation with him just to talk about Sasuke and gauge why Naruto cares so much, responding with a smile when Naruto brags about being more of a brother to Sasuke when Itachi ever was. 
This scene happens shortly before Itachi’s death and while Itachi acts much more villainous in his fight with Sasuke, it’s over the top to the point of being out of character. And that’s because it literally is out of character. Itachi is acting. This entire time Itachi has just been trying to be the wall for Sasuke to climb over. With Itachi’s death, Sasuke would be a hero of the leaf, the hero of the Uchiha. He just joined the Akatsuki in order to leak information on them to the Hidden Leaf, that’s why he showed up after the Chunin Exams. Itachi loves the Leaf and Sasuke more than anyone else. That makes him a good guy, right? Well….. Itachi’s plan had one fatal flaw. Sasuke isn’t a thing. Sasuke is a person. And when Sasuke learned that Itachi was manipulated into killing HIS FAMILY for the sake of the village, his anger wasn’t quelled, merely redirected. This is Itachi’s biggest flaw in general. He has a superman complex, he wants the best for the people he loves and the world around them, but doesn’t actually trust them to move in a better direction on their own, so he tries to “manipulate” them into the right path. Itachi had several contingency plans for steering Sasuke back to Konoha. He implanted one cast of Amaterasu in Sasuke’s eye that would react to Tobi, the only person who knew the truth and had some incentive to tell Sasuke. In case that wasn’t enough, he also forced a crow with Kotoamatsukami onto Naruto. With this, Sasuke would become literally brainwashed to protect Konoha if he met Naruto after obtaining the eternal Mangekyo. Every time that Sasuke has a chance to make his own path in life, to create the future that he wants, Itachi attempts to derail him and send him on the path that *Itachi* wants. 
It is in this way that Itachi being a wall for Sasuke stops having a double meaning and gains a triple meaning as he is the thing preventing his brother from progressing in a natural state. Following the death of his brother, Sasuke spirals even further, losing himself to hate. He isolates himself in the same way that Itachi isolated himself because just like Itachi before him, Sasuke has become convinced that no one could ever understand his position, his motivations. In trying to steer Sasuke away from the life of a rogue criminal, Itachi perfectly set Sasuke up to become one and when he’s revived as a Reanimated Corpse, he gets to meet with Naruto for a final time and learns that all of his scheming, all of his planning. It was pointless. He hurt the person he loved the most again and again for little to no gain. However, before Itachi can despair, Naruto says something that Itachi has needed to hear for his entire life. He says that he’ll handle it. Out of context, this wouldn’t really be satisfying, it would just be Naruto inheriting Superman’s burden, not actually fixing anything, but Naruto has dealt with this desire to fix everything after beating Pain and more importantly, he has dealt with the unearned desire to control Sasuke’s life.
Naruto and Itachi are both, in a way, Sasuke’s brother. Well, Itachi literally is, but Naruto is more of a spiritual sibling, if you want to use a term less romantically charged than “soulmate”. Tangent aside, this link of Sasuke is one of the only things that Naruto and Itachi have in common. Outside of that, they are polar opposite characters, most notably in their view of being a ninja. This is where you see the clash in the two main types of endurance. Naruto is famously loud, garish and obnoxious. He makes no attempt to hide his presence and even less of an attempt to hide his feelings. He is far from a natural in the realm of ninjutsu and he is super willing to ask for help. Well, it’s less that he’s willing and more that he constantly needs to ask for help. He can’t even perform a single technique on his own. Even when performing the Rasengan, he summons a copy of himself for assistance. All of this is antithetical to Itachi who was so lowkey in his methods that no one even knew that he was doing a job. While Naruto’s aces in the hole all rely on cooperation from someone else, Itachi's ultimate technique is the Susano’o. An avatar of his own hateful chakra that protects him from the world, with the ability to “Help through all means”. His emotions? Secondary. His skills? Boundless. Naruto is the anti-ninja while Itachi is the perfect ninja, the absolute apex of the field. I know a few people who dislike Itachi because of this. To them, it makes him seem “Gary Stu”-ish. I have one complaint with that. Gary Stus do not fail. Itachi does. Itachi needs to be perfect in order to convey that there really was nothing that he could have executed better. With all of the intelligence and power in the world he was not able to save his clan or keep Sasuke on the path to righteousness. Naruto and Itachi are two separate sides of a coin. With all these differences, Sasuke is the only thing connecting them. Well, that and the fact that they both wanted to control what he did with his life, dragging him back to the leaf whether he wanted to go or not. Naruto realized this in the Five Kage Summit, thanks to events of the Pain arc and when he confronted Sasuke, he met him not with “scaring-the-hoes” level of desire or control, but with understanding and just told Sasuke to meet him when he’s ready. Now, Itachi’s final mission is finding a way to embody this same lesson that Naruto did. 
The problem here is that Itachi isn’t a Gary Stu. For all of his unimaginable skill on the battlefield, he doesn’t have Naruto’s emotional intelligence and instead veers way too hard in the other direction. He spots Sasuke in the war and initially wants nothing to do with him. He already tried to save his brother and failed. Sasuke is someone else’s problem now. Somehow, Itachi just keeps making that same mistake where he doesn’t consider how Sasuke feels about constantly getting jerked around by lie after lie after life. After Sasuke and Itachi’s fight with Kabuto, which I actually want to wait to talk about, Itachi puts Sasuke in one final genjutsu. Not to torture him, but to show Sasuke his untainted memories. Itachi does not seem strong here, mentally at least. He seems helpless. His clan and nation are trending towards war and all of his plans to avert it are coming up short. Itachi has to kill his parents, not with a stoic face as Sasuke remembers, but a balled up one, crying through the entire event. His love, his patriotism. Those values forced Itachi into this. It is only now as Itachi’s consciousness fades that he realizes he was never alone. Sasuke was there, always chasing his big brother. If Itachi saw him more as a person and less as a thing, he could have helped save their clan. That is the last time we ever get to see Itachi, but his presence is felt until the end of the story with Sasuke. Sasuke who was previously bent on destroying Konoha is now stuck there grappling with Itachi’s immense patriotism. He can hold onto that feeling, but doesn’t know what it means. After reviving the Hokage, he gets the history of the ninja village from Hashirama and Hiruzen's opinion on Itachi. According to Hiruzen, Itachi was able to think like a Hokage since he was a child, always seeing the survival of the village as the most important goal. Hashirama even says that Itachi was a better ninja than he was for this. I don’t think it is very surprising that Sasuke’s end goal stopped being the destruction of Konoha and shifted to the destruction of the current understanding of the ninja world. Itachi’s love for his nation was manipulated by those with power in order to secure 5 more measly years of security for a system not meant to last. Kage like Hashirama and Hiruzen still see honor in what Itachi did. If given the chance, they would let it happen to another clan. These two were at the creation of modern ninja society. Their viewpoints aren’t special in their callousness. It is the norm. So, Sasuke concocts his plan. He will think like a Hokage, just like Itachi. By that I don’t mean become the leader of the leaf, but rather stoking the Fire (火) from the Shadows (影). He will commit acts of violence to unite all hatred against him, creating peace as a result. For all of eternity if he needs to. Sasuke never followed Itachi’s signposts, but he did pay attention to what Itachi did and this is just his philosophy taken to a global scale. That is the legacy of Naruto’s most perfect ninja. A lonely brother willing to become the main villain of the entire world because a true hero protects from the shadows, right?
I really would like to end on the last paragraph, but I couldn’t find a place to talk about Itachi vs Kabuto smoothly without breaking flow so I just have to make a quick break here. Throughout the series we see the Root and Otogakure as rivals of sorts. Both organizations are concerned with producing “perfect” ninja with the goals of securing more power for the man at the top. Itachi bringing down Kabuto shows these two ideologies crashing into each other and destroying each other. Danzo’s root focuses on killing individuality. There is no individual, only the village. Itachi, while not formally being a part of the Root, was commanded by Danzo and ended up internalizing many of his teachings. By the time of his death, no one really knew who Itachi was, “Itachi” as a person was erased to better serve his mission. Meanwhile Orochimaru’s style embraced individuality, or so it claimed. He would find young talent and implant them with curses, drugs, new techniques, anything that could go towards self actualization and the accumulation of power. This birthed Kabuto, someone who had added so much to himself that he could no longer begin to identify himself. Although the two organizations had opposing methods, they both ended up at the same location and if anyone could break Kabuto out of this prison of the self, it was Itachi. These two spies with no sense of self were able to regain their identities thanks to each other in one of my personal favorite fights in the series.
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munsonownsmyass · 1 year
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Selkie! Tristan Thorn x reader
Summary: Having to move back home to help your grandfather as his health declines, your life changes forever when you meet a mysterious stranger.
Notes: This is my contribute for The Moon in May challenge and the word i chose for the first week was "shift".
Also thanks to @albatrossandivys for the idea and shoutout to @firefly-graphics for the beautiful dividers.
I had to make this an AU (and a modern one) for obvious reasons. Hope that's okay 🤣
Warnings: None? Talk of floods, ocean and seals, so maybe triggering for people with thalassophobia? Also some fluff.
Words: 2.3 K
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You needed the break. Life had been so damn hard lately after the breakup that you just needed to escape. Disappear for a while. Everything back home reminded you of him, of the life that you no longer shared, so when your mother mentioned your grandparents needing help, you volunteered instantly.
The move had been easier than you thought, switching out your hectic life in Edinburgh for a quiet village on the shore. Your grandparents had lived there their whole lives, your grandfather managing the little lighthouse. Now that he had gotten sick, you had taken over much to his dismay.
But you did a good job and when you weren’t helping out at home, managing the lighthouse or reading, you often found yourself looking out over the sea. Captivated by the waves, the soothing sound finally giving your soul some much needed peace.
At the end of the day, just when the sun would start to set, you would walk along the shore. Listening to the waves gliding over the sand, feeling the breeze in your hair. You’d always loved the sea, been drawn to it for a long as you could remember.
Growing up, you had spent every summer here. Spent the days bathing in the sea, fishing by the pier. Some days you could even see the small colony of seals that lived here sunbathing on the rocks. They are still there today, curious heads breaking the surface, curious eyes following you.
Sitting down for a while, you watch them in the distance. The older seals snoozing as the young ones play, splashing in the surface. And then… there’s one of them, just standing stagnant in the water. Eyes and snout just above the surface, eyes fixed on you.
You recognize him immediately. He’s been around for as long as you have, a mere seal cub when you were a kid. He had special markings, they all did, so you could easily tell them apart. This one you call Bangs, because of the longer tuft of fur on his head. Very unusual for a seal, you’ve been told.
Actually never been up close with them, curiosity takes over and you slowly walk closer to the rocks near the pier, climbing them carefully. Bangs are still watching you, inching closer in the water as you struggle on the wet rocks. You lose your footing, falling down towards the cold water when suddenly everything goes black.
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Waking up, you feel a throbbing pain in your forehead and… a hand on your cheek. Looking up, you see a man hovering over you, his hazel eyes looking at you in concern. You should be scared, screaming and wondering how you were completely alone on the beach a few minutes ago and now find yourself in the arms of the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.
“Are you alright?” He asks, his soft voice enveloping you like a warm embrace. He helps you sit up, eyes never leaving yours.
“I-I guess…” You groan, your body aching. You probably hit more than just your head in the fall. And then it dawns on you. You could have drowned. If this stranger hadn’t come by, you could’ve…  You look into his eyes, hazel eyes so deep you could drown in them, and shiver.
“Thank you for saving me.” You say, voice almost breaking. His hand is still caressing your cheek, the motion so soothing. He just gives you a nod in return, his fingers slowly making their way down the column of you neck, stopping to inspect the silver chain that adorns your neck. You shiver under his gaze and his touch is so timid, so curious, that you don’t even question why this stranger has no apparent knowledge of personal space.
“Of course, Mo Ghráidh.” He counters softly, eyes again finding yours. It’s odd. Somehow, you feel like you know him, feeling weirdly at peace in his embrace. His… naked embrace.
You flinch back an inch, realizing he’s sitting naked before you. “You’re naked!”
“Well, yes. I suppose I am.” He looks down, smiling when his eyes return to yours. There’s a sweet innocence over him that you can’t help but love. Which is crazy! You don’t even know this man, besides him being your savior. A beautiful, sweet and naked stranger, but a stranger, nonetheless.
“Where did you even come from?” You smile, still not sure whether all of this is a dream and in a few minutes from now you’ll wave up gasping for your life in the water.
“Oh, I come from Wall.” He smiles gently, fingers playing with a strain of your hair.
“Wall?” You huff out, almost snorting. “That’s not possible.” Everyone had heard tales of Wall. A city in England, just on the other side of the border, which had been swallowed by the unforgiving waves of the ocean hundreds of years ago. Some say there’s still ruins down there today, though now its only sea creatures residing in them.
“Christ lassie! Are you okay?” You see your grandfather walk as fast as he can down the stairs to the beach. Behind you, the water slashes as something breaks the surface and when you turn, the mysterious stranger is gone.
“I saw you fall down the rock and hit your head.” He falls to his knees with a groan, inspecting the cut on the side of your head. “We need to get this checked.”
“Where did he go?” You ask, looking between your grandfather and the ocean. All that was left of your stranger, was his footprints in the sand, disappearing into the ocean.
“The man.” You touch a footprint before the waves wash up and remove the last trace of your encounter. “The man who saved me.”
“I didn’t see anyone, hen. Come on.”
With some difficulty you both get on your feet, making your way back to the house. As you reach the pier, you look back towards the sea and see Bangs looking at you, his little face barely above water. His kind eyes keeping an eye on you, never leaving his spot before you reach the house.
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The next week you find yourself looking out over the ocean more than before, wondering if you could catch the stranger walking around on the beach. You had even borrowed some books at the local library about Wall, feeling silly as you skimmed through the pages as if they could give you an answer. When a few weeks had passed, you had given up hope of seeing him again, boiling it all down to the head trauma.
Distracted by some seal cups playing in the ocean, you barely notice the footsteps beside you, until someone sits down beside you. With a smile, you greet the stranger, relieved that he was in fact real and not just a figment of your imagination.
“Hello again.” He smiles softly, mimicking you by swinging his legs out over the pier, letting them dangle like yours. You instantly see that he is less naked this time, a pair of worn trousers hanging low on his hips.
“You’re not naked this time.” You say, seeing how his cheeks flush red.
“No. You… You didn’t seem to like it.”
“It’s not that I didn’t like it. You’re very han-” You stop, closing your book before looking at him again. “It didn’t bother me, but thanks.”
He looks down at your book, his fingers running along the spine, tracing the delicate letters. “What is it?”
“My book?” You question, smiling wide when you see his curious nod. You show him the front page, watching as his eyes go wide in wonder. “It’s Treasure Island.”
“It’s about the sea?” He looks at the cover, captured by the little pirate ship on the blue waters.
“No. Well, sort of.” You giggle softly, giving him the book to hold. “It’s about a young man named Jim Hawkins who finds a treasure map, so he goes on a journey to find it. On his journey he meets this pirate called Long John Silver.”
“Could… could you tell me the story?” He asks, his wide puppy like eyes staring into yours, making it impossible to say no. So that’s what you do. Over the next few days, you meet the stranger, who you’ve come to know as Tristan and read to him. Every day around sunset you sit on the pier, Tristan listening as you tell the tale. In between, he asks questions, and you ask yours in return.
There’s much you don’t know about him, but as the days go by you get closer to Tristan, feeling yourself drawn to him. Thinking about him when he’s not there. Such a kind and warm soul, his smile always brightening your days and the small fleeting touches sending shivers through you. You know you shouldn’t, but you feel yourself falling for him.
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“You spend so much time looking out over the water, I’m fearing you’ll get lost in it.”
You tear your eyes away from the waves to find your grandfather standing next to you, leaning on the railing. For some time, you just stand there silently, listening to the waves.
“I just-” You start, but don’t even know what to tell him. That you meet Tristan every day and you believe he lives in the ocean? He’d have you admitted to a psych ward in no time. “Could you tell me about Wall again?”
“Hen, I’ve already-” He looks to you, seeing the quiet plea in your eyes. He just sighs, pointing out over the water. “Hundreds of years ago, there was no ocean here. Instead, just on the other side of the border, was the small town of Wall.”
“According to the stories, it was a wonderful place. But sadly, one day, the entire town was swallowed by the sea.” He pauses, nudging your shoulder before pointing over at the small colony of seals on the rocks. “Legend has it there was magic surrounding the place, turning all the inhabitants of Wall into Selkies.”
“Selkies?” You frown, looking at the seals. “So… seals?”
“No, no, Hen. A selkie is a creature that can shed its seal skin and become human.” He states, laughing when he sees the disbelief on your face. “Aye, it may be old folk tales, but stories of the selkies have been around for hundreds of years. They are rumored to be so beautiful in their human form, that we can’t resist them.”
He talks a little more, but you don’t hear a word. It couldn’t be real, could it? This had to be tales for children, dreamers. Your grandfather had always been a little superstitious, so you weren’t even that surprised that he’d believe something like this.
When he leaves you alone once more, you sit down on the pier, looking at the seals. Just below your feet, you see Bangs break the surface, his big eyes finding yours. With your grandfather’s tale still fresh in your memory, you just smile at Bangs.
“So tell me, Bangs… Are you really a selkie?” You giggle, feeling silly. But when you see him nod, you freeze. Wait, did he nod? No, you’re just imagining things. “Did you just nod?”
Raising his head just a little more above water, he nods again and… smiles at you? Okay, it’s official. You’ve lost your mind. You’re talking to a seal.
“Right… Okay…” You say as you get up and walk away, muttering under your breath how you must be tired and this is all just results of banging your head all those weeks ago. But at a large thud, you stop, feeling the wood vibrate under your feet.
You turn around to find Bangs on the pier, never truly realized just how big seals are. Or is it just him? Taking a few steps closer, you timidly close the distance to him. in the next second, he rises to his feet and if it weren’t for the railing, you would have fallen into the sea again.
Gently, like shedding a coat, the beautiful grey fur falls away, making way for human skin. There in front of, naked as the first time you met him, is Tristan with a pile of seal fur at his feet. If you hadn’t just witnessed it yourself, you’d have thought you had gone mad. Well, maybe you had.
“Y-you’re a-a selkie?” you stutter, frozen in place. Tristan just smiles, stepping closer to you, leaving the seal skin behind him.
“Yes. Please don’t run away.” He steps closer, gently taking your hand in his. His beautiful hazel eyes find yours as he closes the distance further, cupping your cheek with a tenderness that makes you shiver.
“I’ve wanted to tell you for years, but I was afraid you’d never speak to me again.”
You reach out to touch him with trembling fingers, your hand lands on his chest. Somehow, you still need to feel him to know he’s real.
“I’ve watched over you for years, missing you when you weren’t here.” His free hand reach for a loose strain of your hair, tugging it gently behind your ear. “Waiting for the day I was brave enough to tell you.”
And it’s true. For a long as you can remember, he has been there. Always watching on the rocks, swimming playfully by your side whenever you’ve ventured into the ocean. Like a guardian angel, making sure you were safe.
“Would… Would it be okay if I kissed you?” He asks nervously, almost as if he expects you to say no. And you should, because of what he is. There are a million questions in your mind about how you could make this work, but every thought is drowned out as he looks into your eyes.
The whispered ‘yes’ barely leaves your lips before he kisses you, the touch of his lips as sweet as him. But the sweetness soon gives way to a hunger like you’ve never known before. Tristan has ignited something in you, a fire only he can soothe. And just like that your fate is sealed.
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Tagging: @itwasthereaminuteago @e-dubbc11 @mattmurdocksscars @lavenderursa @yarrystyleeza
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zwy01 · 1 year
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Noble OCs!!!
More headcanons!! This is my version of the predecessors of canon Clan Leaders. I said I would create parents for the nobles like a few months ago (??) and I finally got to some of them, lol. Anyways
Rubino Elenor: Rozaria’s father and predecessor, and Calytrix’s younger half-brother. Rubino was a merry, lively person. He had a deep, hearty laugh and a lovely smile, so great you can’t help but feel happy around him. But don’t be fooled! Rubino has tricks up his sleeves… literally. He had a very mischievous and almost childish side to him. He loved to teleport behind people, mess around with them, and teleport away, all for his own amusement. He’s basically a professional prankster. Just harmless jokes and funny spells, nothing more. Stuff like tugging on Ragar’s ponytail, poking Gradeus’ buttcrack, tickling Krasis and Roctis’ waists, making Zarga’s ears rain jelly beans, slapping a toupee with a superglue spell on Lagus’ head, giving Edian a chipmunk voice, inversing Gejutel’s hair color so his hair turns black and his stripes white… and much more. Hah! Y’all should smile more, seriously. The only ones he didn’t mess with were Raizel, the Previous Lord, and maybe Raskreia. Though, PL had probably invited Rubino to prank him multiple times, just because it’s hilarious, much to Krasis’ horror. Rubino also had a very strict and stern side to him, which was very different from his usual self. His colleagues would often try to guess which “personality” he’d show up to meetings with. Surprise! Haha. Rubino’s other hobby was collecting random trinkets. Toy boxes, empty wine bottles, buttons, broken stuff, cheap stuff, and much more. If you get on his good side, he might gift you something from his very own collection. What an honor. Here’s a bent salad fork, just for you! Enjoy. With his family, he was very sweet. He had a great relationship with his daughter Rozaria and often played games of teleportation tag with her. His sister Calytrix called him Ruby, which was a name he adored. Rubino dated Zarga, Krasis, Roctis, and PL. Just sweet, casual flings. P.s. Rubino is jacked and his grandson Alois from my Millennium AU gets his crazy muscles from him lol.
Calytrix Agvain: Urokai’s mother and predecessor, and Rubino’s older half-sister. Calytrix was a daring, fearless, and imaginative person. Ready to live, ready to die. Nobles have extremely long lifespans, and so days, months, years, even decades may seem like nothing more than a blink of an eye to most of them. Not for Calytrix. She loved to have something to do for each and every day. It could be anything. Learning a new language, rock climbing, winemaking, glassblowing, gardening, cheesemaking, lock picking… you name it. Making the most out of every moment, enjoying life to the fullest, that’s how life should be. Nobles who just sit around and stare at the ceiling all day are wasting their lives, tsktsk, maybe they should just donate their extra years to someone who will really use them. Lol. Carpe diem, my sweeties. Once she is done with her Clan Leader duties at hand, good luck finding her. She’s probably close by or far away or somewhere in between doing one of her super obscure hobbies in a super obscure location. Her clan members often found themselves with headaches, wondering where their Clan Leader is off to for the nth time. Please tell us where you’re going before you leave next time, Clan Leader! Oops, I forgot. Hehe, maybe just come and find me. And so, one of the things Urokai did most as a child was being tasked with retrieving his mother, trekking around trying to find her and when he does, telling her to return with him. Calytrix would just laugh, give her son a big embrace, squeeze him close to her, and roll around in the grassy, flowery hills until their beautiful dark red hair get all messy and filled with petals. Her carefree spirit was pretty eccentric by traditional noble standards, and maybe that was also the reason why she shined so brightly. Her brother Rubino called her Trixie and it meant a lot to her. Calytrix dated probably half of Lukedonia’s population (as people joke), with Edian being one of her longest relationships.
Noel J. Loyard: Seira’s father and predecessor, and Edian’s relative (cousin or nephew, undecided yet). Noel was an altruistic and empathetic person. Despite knowing the fact that humanity, and even some nobles, are greedy and insatiable, he still set out to help them each and every time. This was the reason why many believed that he was dumb, for still believing in change and kindness when his own efforts were often met with dissatisfaction, more demands and even betrayal from those he reached his hand out to. In truth, he genuinely believed that if his efforts could make the world a better place, then he would do anything within his power to help, even if it is very complex and hard to achieve in reality. In a way, he was a dreamer. Even at his death and before he was killed, he believed that it was his duty to protect the weak. Aside from performing his duties as Clan Leader, Noel spent most of his time studying philosophy, collecting different works from around the world, from both humans and werewolves. Noel had a loving relationship with his daughter Seira, to whom he passed on his strong belief of protecting the weak. One of his favorite things to do with Seira was hanging out in their manor, their beloved home. When there was sunshine, he would brush Seira’s hair, have a picnic, and gently chase butterflies with her. When it snowed, they would try to land snowflakes on the tip of their noses and make drawings on the snow-piled ground with their fingers. Even when it rained, it did not stop them from dancing in their rose garden, his footsteps accompanied by her tinier footsteps. It was truly a good time, albeit very brief and tragically short-lived. Noel had a brief fling with Regis’ father, Rousare, who was his best friend and on-and-off lover. P.s. Noel had white eyelashes from his Drosia heritage.
Qing Ru: Kei’s mother and predecessor. Qing was a very smart, observant, and strategic person. Everything she chose to do had a meaning and a purpose, and she did not do things based on her feelings. Rather, she relied on reasoning and reasoning alone. Though she spent most of her time isolating herself in the mountains training day and night, it wasn’t just training in the traditional sense of fighting like one would expect from a typical Ru. It also involved meditating, observing both animate and inanimate objects, breathing in and out with the environment and feeling the energy of the land and the world around her. She believed training not only the body but also the soul was the way to achieve true strength, which she teaches to her son, Kei. Unlike Kei, Qing wasn’t dense at all. She was good at reading people, and she could analyze them and guess their thoughts and/or needs based on the way they tense their facial and body muscles, the circulation of the energy within their bodies, etc. That’s also why her fellow Clan Leaders loved sparring with her, because she could pinpoint their weaknesses and counter them. Back to Kei… well, PL used to joke about Kei being a “dense cookie” even when his mother was a people scanner. A young and (kinda) dumb Kei took it as a compliment, meanwhile Qing was not too amused, lol. Qing raised Kei to be a traditional Ru and while she was strict with her son, she was a good teacher and mother. She called her son Baobei (meaning treasure/darling) and when they were not busy training, they would sit by the waterfall and feel the breeze on their faces, and watch the stars. She had many friends, and regularly invited them over for some tea and noodles. Qing did not date anyone, as she didn’t care for such things. (she was quite popular tho, lol)
Valentina Mergas: Ludis’ mother and predecessor. Valentina was sharp, trustworthy, and highly independent. She took her duties as the Mergas Clan Leader and Lukedonia’s guardian very very seriously and she barely had time to herself for leisure. To be specific, if she had extra time to spare after completing her duties as Clan Leader, she would go on a extra round of border patrol and check up on everyone, making sure the Central Order members were doing their jobs correctly. If she caught anyone slacking off just a bit, good luck getting away without being yelled at and disciplined. There was no leeway, there were no excuses. Some would say that she was a bit too strict, but it was under her leadership that the knights’ organization truly became one and functional, with a structure that would prove to be practical and efficient for many generations to come. PL was very impressed with her abilities and to her it was a great honor. It was her job, and she truly enjoyed it. Though, it was limited to Lukedonia only. Whatever happened outside of Lukedonia, she didn’t care for it. Not one single bit. To her Lord, her colleagues and her friends and family, she was fiercely loyal. They meant the world to her, and she would die for them. Meanwhile the humans, werewolves, whatever… they can cause all the war and chaos they want, as long as it happened outside and didn’t bother Lukedonia, it was none of Valentina’s business. To be precise, Valentina did not oppose the protection of other species by nobles but she believed that they must know that things like ambition and greed have consequences, even if it’s by learning it the hard way. And her loyalty is to Lukedonia and not the world. For this reason, she believed that Noel’s absolute selflessness was dumb. But, if her Lord ordered her to protect non-nobles, she would not hesitate to accept his orders. Valentina was both warm and cold, and passionate and ruthless at the same time. She had a good relationship with her son Ludis, and often brought him along with her while she ran her errands, for him to watch and learn so by a very young age Ludis was able to fully memorize the standard procedures and protocals of all Mergas duties, down to the smallest of details. Valentina dated Gradeus and PL for a while. P.s. She thinks her scars are cool and are proof of her dedication to her homeland
And that’s it for now! Yay!! Not sure if I’ll do the other remaining ones, most likely not. But I’ll see how it goes.
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