#probably last ooc for now my brain zoomies have stopped finally
(Hey just gonna call myself a shy theorist to differentiate from the other anons)
So based on what we currently know of Pep's possible past and the newly added content warnings, here's my theory. (That might as well be it's own story. I did not realize that I would write this much. Feel free to idk screen shot or copy this ask and put it under a read more)
So, Bruno, he's an anxious Italian man who runs his own pizzeria with his spouse. He's pretty content with life, his business is doing okay and he's in a pretty good relationship. Life was good.
Then came Pizza Head.
So Pizza Head comes and he goes on about striking a deal or whatever to get the place for himself. Bruno refuses, it's their passion. It's both of their dreams to own and run a pizzeria. They would never do it.
Pizza Head (to everyones surprise) leaves.
And for a while nothing much happens, except one day his spouse goes missing.
He's just straight up panicking, there's no note, no anything. Why would they leave him?
Days, weeks, maybe even months pass, but even after the authorities are called and he's spent many long hours searching, he couldn't find them.
His thoughts at that point are... well let's just say they're not exactly good. Part of him blames himself for it. The other part suspects Pizza Head, but it's not like he can find him.
His pizzeria is pretty much in shambles, he hasn't been taking care of himself, and he's... close to giving up.
So perfect time for Pizza Head to come right back.
He makes a different deal. Tells Bruno that he knows where his spouse is and would lead him exactly to where they are only if Bruno gives him his pizzeria.
He agrees.
He goes to this strange tower with him. Up an elevator. To find... an exact replica of his pizzeria in this tower?
At that point he's uneasy, but still reluctantly follows him into the pizzeria.
He sees their silhouette and runs to them.
Only to realize a bit too late that he's been tricked. Lied to.
They've been dead this whole time.
And he's too shocked with grief to realize what happens next.
Pizza Head kills him.
Well, he can't say it wasn't worth it. The business was pretty good while it lasted, but there's competition.
Some other Italian guy opened up a place close to his tower.
And maybe you're asking why he doesn't just do the same thing? Maybe even just kill the guy, no giant lazer required.
Look, doing the same thing to this guy would be pretty boring.
So he decides to have some fun.
Besides, he needs a use for that body and that whole pizzeria in the fourth floor.
They surprisingly have a lot in common. Maybe he can play around with that.
Good thing most of his body's intact.
(So yeah Pizza Head makes a copy of Peppino using Bruno's body as a base of sorts, which explains the memories and stuff)
(So Pep is mostly Bruno's body with a mix of different animals' DNA, mostly because he kinda ran out of stuff and had to substitute a bit.)
(Everything else in his brain was taught to him, the backwards speech is there mostly as a precaution because if the clone somehow has the original's memories then he'll be in huge trouble, so making him unable to be understood would keep him from telling, plus the added bonus of backwards speech being creepy in general helps in making him even scarier.)
(Oough, that's so sad!!! Loosing everything he's got and then some!!!
Once again, I do not confirm or deny anything, but oh boy, you guys are so talented with these!!
Sorry I don't have much to add or doodles this time, but thank you for sharing!!!)
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