#probably like. the best fic ive ever read for any fandom ever ?
lighthouseas · 2 years
so i finished a dream always the same
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cj-kenobi · 1 year
i just finished a book series for the first time in. a long time. I've been keeping up with it since i was like 13. what the Fuck do i do now how do i recover from this event what do i do with my life
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
i have less than 24 hours left before i have to go through one of the most stressful days of my life so. heres a list of my fav radiostatic fic recs in no particular order
clarification: by radiostatic i mean fics where vox is 100% not the dom in the relationship. most of these dont contain explicit sex though, and im not recommending any straight porn fics here because you can easily find those with a click and search through the bottom vox tag lmao
most of these fics are unfinished, so be warned that i will not take accountability if you get attached to these without them being finished properly. in fact ill just laugh at you because then we'll be suffering together
now, that aside- starting off strong with some of the more popular fics:
RHTVS / Radio Healed the Video Star by Aspiring_Forest_Witch
notes: LONG fucking fic. like this guys almost 700k words long fic. one of the best things ive ever read in my life though and it has a plotline thats frankly more engaging than the actual showing of hazbin on amazon. so. you know. if you have the time to read it Please do you wont regret it
Unraveling Emotions by Xaelei
notes: one of my favourite fics ever on god. started my brainrot for dad!husk, portrays one of the most scrumptious radiostatic dynamics and is generally so very well written that i might end up trying to recreate one of the scenes in comic form. genuinely in love with this fic and im so glad i can say i was the first comment on this fic because my God its such a treat to see new chapters drop for this. unfortunately i havent had the time to write out a detailed comment as of now but if someone wants to let the author know that im still in love with their fic and will continue supporting it until i drop dead go ahead for me
Safe with Me by rillyrillo
notes: the prequel and main fic of this series is human radiostatic, though the sequel is set in hell. it comes with gorgeous gorgeous art and frankly one of the most exhilirating endings ive ever had the pleasure of witnessing play out. i recommend you guys check out their other fics too, the art continues in them + their radiostatic is written wonderfully across all universes!
A Month of Rut by Vylad
notes: this fic is very self indulgent to me. i love the way radiostatic is written in this one because theyre very soft and sweet, but others may not prefer it if theyre looking for freak4freak radiostatic. if you just want something to indulge in and relax with at the end of a heavy day though this is my #1 rec. i read this sometimes when i find myself crying at night lmao
Down, Up, and Back Down by CowboyEnthusiast
notes: made me sob like a baby. 10/10 no notes whatsoever read it for yourself because you WILL not regret it. i genuinely am always at a loss for words whenever i reread this because it is among the most gutwrenching but beautiful and poetic works that ive ever read and i think it deserves some recognition
Mind the Gap by ZLynn
notes: again, to reiterate, i do very much dislike the abusive!staticmoth portrayal i see in a lot of fics. but in this one... it's written so perfectly, i can definitely see it actually happening. i enjoy the way that val does still seem to care about vox, albeit in his own twisted way that eventually breaks and fractures their love and trust, and its just. Ugh. So fucking good
+ with the less popular but still wonderful depictions of radiostatic that i love to indulge in:
i'll give you a show (cause it helps fill the seats) by dead_and_dreaming
notes: absolutely shameless plug from me for my dear mk's work because i cant stop thinking about the way that she's portrayed al here. its actually insane how fucked up that stupid little deer is and i just. i really fucking love the way that their alastor is written, it's genuinely probably my Number One depiction of alastor ever. i demand more of this stupid little freak RIGHT NOW!!!!
Any of the fics by Rachello344 in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom Tag on their profile
notes: so remember when i told you guys i wouldnt be linking straight porn. looks away... okay in my defense though i read the smut for the characterization and their unique dynamics. its sooo interesting to see how their radiostatic is explored here and im honestly refreshed by the depiction of their relationship. im here for it !!!
The Read 'Em and Weep Series by TooManyPseudonyms
notes: so from what i was able to piece together (everything flies over my head when im reading, forgive me for my low media literacy) this is an au set before the hotel where (in the first work) al and vox are in a qpr relationship. in the second work this evolves into a romantic relationship, and the exploration of their dynamic through this is just... Yeah. please read it its 100% worth your time and so underrated it hurts my heart
Uneasy by Saezs
notes: this fic is one of the first radiostatic fics i read (the others being RHTVS and... i think i tried the 666 series, but it didnt appeal to me lol) and its actually just wonderful. i really love saezs's genderfluid vox and how supportive the other vees are of them <3 their portrayl of the characters puts a smile on my face whenever i reread their work
Heat Waves by HappyPRAWN
notes: i'll be fr dsmptsd hit me like a truck when i read the title but it is such an interesting debut! only at one chapter as of me making this post but the way the author wrote this is so engaging and it really makes me wonder what they have next in store for the fic
Do I have your attention now? by Chi_Chi25
notes: wow no way we have the same name... anyway ahem. ill be completely honest this ones a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. this fic is a bit fragmented and short, so for people who click off fics when they see imperfect grammar this one may not be for you. however if you can look past that, it has an engaging storyline and quite the juicy concept :)
Killer Ex by FanGirl48
notes: gorgeous, gorgeous little human! radiostatic oneshot. i love the relationship that vox and al have here... the reasons why they both stayed away from each other even though theyre still so very clearly down bad for each other... anyway. i think about this one a lot and i still go back to reread it sometimes lol
Negotiations by FanGirl48
notes: i didnt realize until i started making this list that this fic was also written by fangirl48.... go off queen keep feeding us (me). this one was a fic recommended to me initially by link nonny, and i can 100% vouch for how good it is. its got appletv interactions, radiostatic plus lucifer trying to navigate heaven, angels... basically everything needed for a very varied and well packed with flavour story
The diary of a Serial Killer by ShippersCave
notes: okay im running out of brain juice at this point but. yeah this fic is soooo self indulgent to me. this ones another human au, with al as a serial killer and vox as the journalist trying to conduct interviews with him. its got SUCH a good dynamic between al and vox, i encourage you guys to check it out and give it a chance even if youre not really into human aus.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid by ShippersCave
notes: pirate/siren au !!!!!!!!! RAAHH !!!!! i dont have to say anything else for this if thats not enough to get you to click then i dont know what is
System Shutdown by Swoolie
notes: i cant believe i nearly forgot about this one LMAO... vox goes onto a temporary hiatus and everyone goes crazy about it. im not really sure if this counts as radiostatic frankly because of the way its tagged but its so good i think you should give it a read anyway
Together in Radio Static by Anonymous
notes: QPR media husbands radiostatic au !!!! i love this one especially because it opens off with vox slapping alastor across the face for leaving him LMAOO (deserved)
What Has Been by Tianren
notes: another human au (YEAH YEAH I KNOW. JUST HEAR ME OUT OKAY i swear im cooking) look, as someone with religious trauma deeper than i can properly express and the worlds fifteenth worst parental issues, the depiction of vox in this fic just really hits home. i really adore the exploration of voxs past and how the themes of religious guilt and cults are woven in so far- and it blends very seamlessly with their human au, despite the characters eccentricities
you're too sweet for me by awestruck_atrophy and moonbeanies
notes: basically, vox and al make a deal where vox tries to help him out of the shackles or whatever that are bound to him because of his stupid dumbass lusting for power. its very intriguing so far and i love the setup and worldbuilding the authors have done, so you should check it out if you want a unique perspective on radiostatics relationship
candlelight by curtailed
notes: the best way i can think of to describe this one is like... fake marriage but instead of fake marriage its. fake roommates??? the author probably puts it better than me tbh. its super interesting so far, i cant wait to see where this one is headed especially with how unique its premise is!
Zero Day by Anonymous
notes: this one is like those time regression manhwas. you know, the ones where the protag goes back in time and proceeds to try and avoid everyone who made their life miserable- only to fail because for some reason now they're paying attention to them more than they would have had they stayed the same person. its certainly very promising, though! i do love indulging in time regression stories, especially when the mc is someone i love like vox. i really cant wait to see which direction this one is headed in :)
Never as Good as the First Time by IComeForFanficsNowin403
notes: okay. so, uh. um. so- this one is in spanish. HOWEVER its premise (serial killer alastor meets television star (?? i think. its not quite clear) at a party hosted by rosie, moves into his neighborhood to keep an eye on the pretty prey) is just so unique i honestly think its worth the experience to pull out google translate and try living the machine translated life. really. give it a chance. also its got beautiful art to go along with, so.. you know. thats just a bonus!
+ honorary staticmoth and one-sided/past radiostatic fic rec:
Freak-A-Zoid by Femalefonzie
notes: this fic deserves every single piece of praise its ever gotten because good lord. its SO good. i was not seeing the radiostatic twist come in, but it *is* mostly staticmoth. and also a/b/o but i mean. who *hasnt* indulged in a little bit of a/b/o before honestly
there are other fics that i personally like to indulge in, but i frankly wouldnt recommend to anyone else because they're either the kinds of fics that i myself can only bring myself to read after ive spent 8 hours at work crying into my pillow and need to look at something entertaining, or when im starved of content and cant be bothered to cook myself so i pull out the translator and start going at it. (technically i should know how to read french by now but. urgh. anywway..)
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littlebluentebook · 7 months
Alastor x Sewing!Reader
Hi everyone! This is my first ever fic but I have read far more than anyone should in a lifetime! Please let me know if theres any criticism. Im open to other ideas and fandoms (that I will eventually make a list for.) I'm merging some chapters I have just because they're short or make better sense that way and tried tot keep things gender neutral. If I slipped let me know and I will go back and edit! This is probably super out of character but I did my best! Hope you all enjoy :)
Chapter 1 <3
You and your husband had always gotten along like a house on fire.
Every other week a client would come in asking for costumes and repairs for a speakeasy she sung and danced at.
"-just say Anne invited you love n' they'll be bound ta let you in!" she exclaimed while picking up her newest order for the night ahead.
"Well darling I'll just have to see if I've got any sort of plans." You said knowing full well you were going to come up with new patterns until eventually falling asleep.
"Come on Y/N, Ive been coming to you for months! Don't you want to see where all your heard work goes to?" Anne was definitely pulling your strings taking advantage of your curiosity. She had a point.
"I suppose you've gotta point Anne. What time are you starting tonight?"
"Nine!" She was bouncing up and down in excitement. " I've got to get going now doll! See you tonight!"
The jingle of the bells on the door signified she was gone. You started to realize what you agreed to and panicking.
"Oh my goodness gracious!" you stressed out loud, "what even am I going to wear! Im going to look ridiculous- I don't know a single soul there! What if I make a fool of myself?!"
Your thoughts battles for longer than you would like them to eventually grabbing a paper riddled with measurements no longer needed and started writing pros and cons of visiting Anne.
Pros: Cons:
Meeting new people! Showing up alone
Can make friends Looking like a buffoon!
New possible clients
Deducting that embarrassment is temporary, your cons list could easily be eradicated by breaking out of your shell and talking to others. Plus, Anne would be there and she was your friend... kinda? You considered her a friend but was unsure if she felt the same way. Well, she did invite you to visit her tonight, at the very least she will introduce you to her friends! There shouldn't be a worry.
With your mind finally set you heard the clock strikes four. Ashamed of how long you let your thoughts get the better of you, you got back to work. The task was to complete a keepsake blanket from a wedding. You created the dress for the newlywed, sitting for hours with her finding the perfect materials and creating patterns and designs for her. In the family, it was a tradition to create a quilt from the dress of the bride using the grooms suit as a border. All the pieces were cut and you could not wait to sew them together and create a stunning memento.
Chapter 2 <3
you knocked on a door two streets over from your shop. A short lady opened the door raising an eyebrow.
"And who might you be?"
"Im Annes... friend," you tried. "She comes to me for her outfits and graciously offered me the opportunity to come a view her performance tonight."
The lady's gaze hardened, staring at you intensely.
"It looks like I have got the wrong place then, I am so sorry to waste your time," you stammered taking a step back away from the door.
"Oh Mimzy! You mustn't be giving anyone trying to see me a hard time now!" Anne's bubbly voice spoke from behind the short lady who must be Mimzy. "Y/N is a good friend of mine! Works far too hard for me and deserves a break, plenty of time to relax!"
Mimzy bursted into a smile and reached for a hug. "of course! Welcome! Sorry for being all prude- just had to makee sure you weren't anyone coming tottery and ruin what I've got going for me here" she drawled.
"No ma'am of course not! Im just here to watch my friends performance then I'll be outta your hair, away from your 'do," you explained to Mimzy while she dragged you from the door to the bar.
"Nonsense my dear! Please have a drink and stay awhile!" you sat at the bar with Mimzy talking about how difficult it was to be a female business owner. No one takes you lot seriously!
The lights dimming and shinning on stage caught the room's attention effectively hushing all conversation. Anne sauntered to the center of the stage, dress shimmering. You recognized it as the most recent dress that you crafted for Anne. It was stunning on her.
"My oh my! Look at the handiwork that went into making that dress. Must of taken days!" a familiar voice chipped. You were unable to put a name to the voice but luckily Mimzy did it for you.
"Alastor," Goodness! The radio broadcaster! You had always loved his voice, you would have his station playing while sewing- waiting patiently for songs to end just to hear him speak. "Our dear friend Y/N made that specifically for our lovely Anne!" Mimzy exclaimed.
She admired your work while Anne sung and waltzed around the stage. You were incredibly proud of your work. Every detail of that dress took so much time and effort and turned out beautifully. The fringe was all hand cut, the lace took countless hours of stitching for the perfect design and finally the beads. Each bead had to be placed individually in the right spot on the dress to shimmer. It was a fine dress indeed.
"Y/N, how would you like to make dresses and suits for the rest of those who preform for me?" As soon as the song ended Mimzy had dropped the question, ensuring she wouldn't tale any attention away from Anne.
"Oh my! Why I would be honored and ecstatic to! Thank you so much for the opportunity Mimzy!" You were so excited! Sure the flapper dresses were hard work and time consuming, but now, seeing how they looked on a stage, in front of an audience, made you realize you didn't mind all the time and effort it took into making them.
Mimzy left her seat in an excited hurry to go get paperwork for you.
"You know," the broadcaster- Alastor leaned over Mimzy's now empty seat, "she goes on and on about how beautiful Annes dresses on stage are." The comment caused you to blush but he continued, grabbing your hand gently. "I must agree with her, although the lady behind the creation of this wonderful attire is much more beautiful than what she creates."
With that Alastor kissed the back of your hand with his lips. You were speechless.
Mimzy came back with paperwork and Alastor smiled at you. The three of you spent hours conversing, telling both jokes and stories.
"Oh my!" You glanced at the nearest clock- almost one in the morning. "I have got to get going! I have to open the shop in the morning."
"Do you ever take days off darling?" Alastor asked softly.
"Only Sundays. No one is out on Sundays!"
"Goodness! -at least let me walk you home. You know its not safe for a lovely person such as yourself to be out alone this late."
"Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you at all Alastor."
"Of course I'm sure dear, its not an inconvenience if its you." The words were rolling off his tongue and you blushed so hard it could have matched his vest.
"Your performance was amazing Anne! You are so talented, I have definitely been missing out, I am going to come back to watch you! " Enthusiasm and pride towards your friend took over. You wanted to let her know what you thought before you suddenly ran off.
"Thank you for coming out tonight for me. Sure was nice seeing a friend in the crowd!" A jittery wave of happiness washed through you at her last statement.
"Im so glad to hear you enjoyed yourself!" Mimzy gushed to you giving a farewell hug. "Blessed to know you'll be coming back doll."
"Of course! You have an amazing place Mimzy. This is a pleasant change of scenery compared to what I'm used to!"
With your goodbyes concluded you walked out the door arm in arm with Alastor.
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evelili · 1 year
I just finished your Magnum Opus, and it was super great. I especially loved the Pinkie chapter (which surprised me because she’s my least favorite character!). Anyway, do you have any mlp fic recommendations?
oh boy do i have a list for you, strap in!
if you read my magnum opus writeup, you may have seen i mentioned three authors that dragged me back into mlp. if you're interested in sciset (and what's probably the most popular eqg fic on the entire site), Long Road to Friendship by Albi is a longfic that started after the first eqg movie and is a rlly lighthearted read. i don't normally care for OCs but gosh if i dont accept Albi's version of trixie's parents as canon in my heart haha. if you're interested in pony adventure fic, i also rlly liked Sunset of Time, another rlly well done longfic ive carried in my brain since i first read it xd
the second author, Monochromatic, aka the raritwi authority aka someone who has a GREAT taste in editors, has written three of the most formative longfic ive ever read: The Enchanted Library, its sequel The Enchanted Kingdom, and Crimson Lips which i unfortunately can no longer link since she's taken it down, but i believe you can still buy physically through PFP if you wanted to take a gamble on it (it would be a very good gamble). apart from her longfic though i also adore some of her shorter works, including but not limited to The Choices We Make, a really interesting Pinkie study that's definitely shaped how i view her, Your Own Worst Enemy, which is just. peak rarity content, and Injuring Eternity, which while being one of her older works still has certain passages that wreck me emotionally on sight.
and the third author responsible for my magnum opus is the one and only Aragon, who i can not only recommend for his fics but ALSO for his blog posts and comics (see the comic index on his profile for links to all of them, as well as this amazing blogpost about his neighbour that is just peak comedy). he's also the writer responsible for the banger longfic Crime and Funishment which absolutely defined my writing aspirations for a few years and is the definition of comedy if you looked it up in my heart, as well as In Hindsight, yet another banger rarity fic, and Love Is In Doom which is just bloody, silly, stupid fun (and has sunset shimmer in it)
and then if we want to talk fics i love written by other authors, Sleepless Knights by r5h has my favourite brand of scitwi written right into the margins, Administrative Angel by horizon has one of the most amazing endings to an opening chapter ive ever read AND an amazing celestia, The Best Night Ever by Capn_Chryssalid is a fandom classic with a groundhog day twist on the gala episode from s1, Side by Side by Krickis is a feel-good rarijack oneshot w a focus on lgbt (specifically trans) themes, Wax Earplugs by Reedhoarse has a dysfunctional mess of an adagio dazzle that i adore, Merge Request by FanOfMostEverything has all the scitwi/midnight shenanigans you could ask for wrapped up in the relatable content of github hell, Guppy Love by PaulAsaran is a rarijack longfic with an incredibly realistic setting and an interpretation of mermaids that i love so much, Doused Flame by heartlessons has me handshaking on the "sopping wet pathetic relatable guy" flash sentry interpretation that won me over recently, 80 Days 'Til the World's Farthest Shore by Cynewulf feels like reading a professionally published short story (and i mean that in the best of ways, it's enthralling), and finally if you'll allow me to be self-centred a bit i also am very proud of my two oneshots Heartstrings and Something About Midnights if you wanted to check em out too xd
oops long post!! im not sorry for it, i hope you can find something in here that catches your fancy (or even all of it haha), there's soooo many incredible fics in the fandom it floors me every day that i can read all these incredible works for free!!!
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losersroom · 4 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @tetrapod7! thanks man, this was a fun one.
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 17 on my current account. there's more on my old one and obviously that doesn't count everything i published on other platforms (livejournal, ff.net) in the ancient days, lol
2. what's your total ao3 wordcount? again just on the wolfspider account, 168,153. i cant tell if that feels low or high to me
3. what fandoms do you write for? right now, just wild hrpf. in the past it's been mostly anime and various cartoons.
4. top five fics by kudos: i'm hitting the skip button on this because like. wrt my own work i think it's not a very good metric of EITHER how popular those stories actually were OR the quality of them; they're mostly the TUA ones and im chalking that up to that fandom being Huge when i was active. my most kudos'd fic of all time is still how much was mine to keep, though, and i think that one holds up.
5. do you respond to comments? i try to now. i went through a long phase of not engaging with comments due to Social Anxiety and also being kind of fed up with the hyper-combative culture in the fandoms i was in. like i wanted to just yeet my work out there and be done with it. in hrpf fandom i'm actually interested in the community aspect though so ive been trying to get over myself and respond as best i can.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? the brodsfabes time loop fic, hands down. it's weird because as a reader i am um. not very into unhappy endings or unconsummated angst but every once in a while when i'm writing i'll get into a Mood and write something viscerally upsetting. anyway that one was pretty clearly me processing some grief that was happening in my real life, lol.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? probably entangled, from my spiderverse days. ngl i kind of hate it now though so let's move on from this. i think most of my fic has happy or at least ambiguously-positive endings, though.
8. do you get hate on fics? only one time ever and it was someone complaining that a ship i tagged for wasn't present in the story after One Chapter so. we're discounting that one. i've been pretty lucky!
9. do you write smut? yeah. my relationship with writing pornography ebbs and flows, like. sometimes i'll be really into it but sometimes i'll just stick a sex scene into a story where i feel like it's the least interesting thing that happens because people expect it and aren't going to read a romance that isn't leading up to that. i'm a horrible pervert and building up to a sex scene is an easy way to give your story a climax (...in multiple senses of the word) though so. why not.
10. craziest crossover: i don't write crossovers but if i did it would be the insane one ive been thinking about lately where the minnesota wild are stuck in the dungeon from dungeon meshi
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? not to a degree that i can prove it but part of the reason i left TUA fandom was somebody, in my opinion, ripped off large chunks of one of my fics and did just enough massaging of the language to make it defensible as Not Plagiarism. ruined the whole experience for me though.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? no, i think that would be one of the highest honors i could receive as a writer though. i wish i knew enough of a second language to translate my own work, but i'm still at like a kindergarten level in japanese so that will. Not happen.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? tried to once with someone i am no longer friends with, it was a disaster. never gonna do that again. i am just too much of a control freak to relinquish any amount of creative decisionmaking i think.
14. all time favorite ship? don't have one! i tend to like hyperfixate on one ship for anywhere from one month to a year and a half and then when the brain juice runs out im Done and i never want to think about this concept again. im giving check please jackparse a point for being a ship i can read about post-fixation without getting bored but other than that. right now it's 725, in the future, who can say.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but never will? [stares at my overflowing gdocs draft folder. stares at the camera] i do not see it
16. what are your writing strengths? i like my prose, most of the time, and i think i'm pretty good at descriptive writing and like, internal character voice. sometimes i can accidentally stumble into excellent pacing
17. what are your writing weaknesses? INTENTIONALLY good pacing. writing dialogue that sounds like a human said it and not a sitcom character. i'm decent at line-by-line editing but awful at structural editing. recently ive become aware that i tend to subconsciously reuse certain plot beats a lot.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? like anything else, there's a way to do this that's fine and interesting and a way to do it that's insultingly terrible and it all depends on intent and execution. like if you're peppering in phrases in a second language just to show off that a character Is Foreign, don't do that. try to do it in a way that's realistic for how people talk. do it purposefully, i suppose
19. first fandom you wrote in? god dude i do NOT remember this was literally 21 years ago but probably either naruto or fullmetal alchemist.
20. favorite fic you've written? probably one of the unpublishable ones tbh. or the time loop one again. honestly i really like all my hrpf work, ive been putting out some bangers lately. it's nice to feel like ive been growing as an ~artist~ or whatever.
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arunneronthird · 1 year
august - fic recs (mature edition)
hi hello and welcome to my first rec list! as i said in previous posts, ill be doing a monthly rec list divided in two posts, a gen/teen and a mature/explicit version (if i have enough fics) and a masterpost where i link all my lists
fandom wise itll probably be all over the place, but i will add the length, important warnings, links and some comments on every fic so u may check them all out!
now without further ado
Fandom: DC
Some Magnetic Way I Move by Shenanigans
words: 11,224 (perfect for an evening)
rating and warnings: M, sexual content (not necessarily pleasant), recommend checking the tags seriously on this one
relationships: Roy Harper/Jason Todd
summary: roy is a kid who wonders near the ocean without any pirpose in life when he meets a creature that seems too good to be true, then life gets in the way, and roy gets in his own way even harder
notes: this fic has been obsessing me since i read it the first time, its dark and fucked up and completely too easy to get absorbed into, roy is a complicated, messed up man with a shitty life and a tendency to completely destroy himself and you cannot look away from him
this story moves along several years of roys life and his growth or lack thereof and its so easy to get lost in the pacing of this fic and just enjoy the ride, as hard as it gets
literally no need to know anything about dc, just read it and thank me later
Heroes of the Squared Circle by Mithen
words: 226,687 (yes, i wrote that right, it takes a good week)
rating and warnings: M, sexual content (theres one whole scene in a thousand pages), nothing past canon typical violence
relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
summary: clark is a wrestler, so he follows his heart and joins a promotion where he meets bruce, cue their adventures as they work their way through a retelling of the best dc moments: wrestling edition
notes: OKAY HEAR ME OUT i did not like wrestling before i started this fic, i took a minute to get into it, the moment i got into it i could not stop
this is one of the most fun, most detailed, most passioned fics ive ever read, a love letter to dc and wrestling so vivid and transparent that it genuinely made me excited for it too, all the characters are treated with love and care and the main relationship is so exciting, u can feel the love they hold for each ohter but never overshadows the wonderfully crafted story and the genuinely engaging plot
(cried at the end cause of how much i loved it. i dont cry)
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Below the Sun by CSHfic, VSfic
words: 24,853 (can be read in a long afternoon)
rating and warnings: M, no sexual content, i would consider it T but there is a good amount of injuries
relationships: Sokka/Zuko
summary: sokka and zukko get stranded on an island after a shipwreck and have to learn not to be at each others throats while waiting for rescue
notes: heartwarming and weirdly peaceful, though the inherent anxiousness of sokka being stranded and injured with an enemy nearby does get to you, easy to read and easy to love, honestly a good time through and through and a good reflection on friendship
if you havent watched atla (watch it) you can read this anyway, only minimum knowledge is required for this fic
Fandom: Modern Warfare
i like you alive by kaijusalad
words: 11,254 (another afternoon read)
rating and warnings: M, graphic violence and injuries, no sexual content
relationships: John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley
summary: soap gets really injured in a mission and ghost has to get him out of there, somehow keep him awake, try not to die, and not panic and he is partially failing
notes: intense high-stakes fic, graphic and heart-wrenching and yet somehow very warm, incredibly easy to start praying for ghosts success cause hes... hes trying so hard! once you start reading you wont be able to stop until u reach the end, also anyone typing out accents has my unconditional love
no previous knowledge needed to read this fic, just brace yourselves (btw i dont know why but the tags in this fic are so funny to me)
Doing Time by MildLimerence
words: 53,566 (takes 2 or 3 days)
rating and warnings: M, graphic sexual content plus graphic violence, both to a preeeetty fucking explicit level so please check the tags
relationships: John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley
summary: in a world where soulmates are scarce and sometimes even dangerous to other people or themselves, soap ends up getting himself arrested cause his mark makes him go a bit wild and, to his horror, activates when he finally arrives at prison
notes: listen, i hate soulamates (i love you on purpose) but theres something about the way this author writes them that gets me, the connection between soulmates is more of a telepathic, magnetic connection and the lack of it can make soulmates go completely feral, its not the beautiful thing everyone thinks it is
dont want to spoil much but dont be fooled by the summary, this baby has a whole plot prepared and though the dynamic between characters and dark elements are incredibly fun on their own, i ended up getting actually really hooked by the plot, reeeeally fun read
knowing who the characters are makes it an easier read but i dont think youll get lost if you dont
Fandom: Supernatural
like moses and batman and james dean by saltyfeathers
words: 31,587 (takes a couple days, def a couple breaks)
rating and warnings: M, graphic sexual content, not all of it fun, gets pretty dark so check the tags and the authors notes
relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
summary: dean used to turn tricks to make sure he had enough money to care for his brother, now that he has met cas, his issues with intimacy resurface with a vengeance
notes: not an easy fic to read, heavy topics are touched and you feel genuinely bad for dean but the characterization is so perfect that i tend to think of deans past here as canon, as messed up as it is
even though the topics are dark, the fic doesnt dwell on the worst stuff, there are no scenes written for shock value, its a tasteful take on dark topics, its just heartbreaking and powerful, it will make you root for the main characters, hard
if you dont know these characters you may be pretty lost but you definitely only need a basic idea of the show
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silvyslayer42 · 1 year
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ok so (explanations under the cut)
in order of worst to best we have-
F - satosai. get out of my face, satosai.
full disclosure though- i used to really like satosai, but then i grew as a person and part of that is realizing satosai is painful amounts of overrated and mid (im joking obviously, though i do truthfully dislike it, no shade to you if you do. plus i still look at ship content of it sometimes because it’s there in mass amounts and they’re cute sometimes). also some satosai fans are so annoyingggg (you know the ones) and will go after other saiki ships and be like “anyways satosai better” and i do genuinely think you’re annoying and should get off of my page if you do that.
E - kuboyasu x teruhashi. it goes in E tier for “Eh?” because i do not get it
i have nothing to say about them, to the point that it’s not even funny. this is like, a very sober crackship to me. im sure someone who does really like this ship could sell me on it but it hasn’t happened yet. i see this ship around sometimes and just get so confused. i do not see the chemistry
D - kubosai. even more confusing than the last one in some ways but i kind of see the charm of it.
again though, nothing much to say. they work aesthetically, like—the bones of a good ship are here, but there’s no meat to tear into. in their canon/close to canon versions i cannot see it at all (probably because i like other ships with both of them a lot more), but in a good fic or au i do very much indulge in the BAMF x BAMF content. yeah idk what else to say, they’re so low on here because i just do not think about them as a romantic pairing or seek it out. i don’t know why it’s so popular (unless there’s some solo chapter with them as a duo that ive never seen)
C - imuteru, hii x satou, and makoku (with one u). yeah, I know, C tier for “Contreversial Take” i suppose.
imuteru used to be higher up on the list, but then terusai took over my body and soul, and i just can’t really see them together anymore. whenever i think of imuteru i think of unrequited imuteru on imu’s end and that makes me sad :( for some reason this same effect didn’t happen with teruchiyo or mikoteru but that might be that those two have other ships with the characters aswell idk
satou x hii would be further up because i do really like them together and i think the whole luck balancing thing is super cute, i just don’t think about them enough to put them higher. yes, your boos are understandable, and your tomato throwing. someday i’ll decide to read a fic about them and it’ll probably become B tier idk
.. ok now you REALLY HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT. makoto x kusuo could be so funny. this is a true crackship, and one laced with the absolutely most fatal drug cocktail you’ve ever seen. in a world where makoto isn’t literally a walking incest joke and is just a protective and pretty idiot it slaps so hard. kokomi would hate it, kuusuke would hate it, his parents would be questioning how kusuo managed to bag a famous actor without mind control. it is utter chaos and so so much better for it. i think they should be more popular and it’s probably my worst saiki k take. still, putting them any higher is basically saiki k fandom sacrilege atp so.
B - nendou x saiko, mikosai (+mikoteru and teruchiyo which weren’t on the tierlist for some reason), kaisai, and yumekai. now we’re getting somewhere. i quite like all of these.
nendou x saiko is just very fun to me. idiot for idiot but it’s in the romcom rich guy who doesn’t know shit meets guy who doesn’t know shit either. silly x tries to be serious but can’t really pull it off. i think they can both mutually make each others lives better + their interactions in canon were great. i wish they were more popular
oh boy mikosai!! oh boy, mikosai… mikosai is the first sight of my polyship i like to call “psychicshipping” which is where i ship all of the PK psychickers together romantically as a weird kind of OT4. i have so much to say on mikosai and a lot of thoughts about them, and i do genuinely like them as a pairing a lot, BUT. it ranks lower than the other psychicships because the fandom put a bad taste in my mouth with it. often, i see a lot of people hating on terusai in favor of mikosai or saying that mikosai is somehow more valid and im like “?”. it often feels like mikosai is the het saiki ship for teruhashi haters, which SUCKS because i do see the vision. like, THIS:
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this is great, yk? they look good together and the dynamic is great, but the way the fandom treats and characterizes them is not even close to how they should be, at least to me it’s not. this image sums up my feelings on them pretty well:
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closing thoughts: i should be the only one allowed to ship mikosai because only i understand them NEXT
mikoteru + teruchiyo bonus round because i like them too and they deserve to be here: these ships are both great in my professional opinion, but their paragraphs get combined because i don’t have a lot of vested interest in them specifically despite really liking them. I think teruhashi’s problems could all be fixed if she had at least one girlfriend (preferably more) and that is my only thoughts really. i get very happy when i see people making ship content for either of these, please make more yuri content with teruhashi now thank you !!
kaisai!! this was the first saiki k ship i read a fic for and the first ship i enjoyed. it’s very nostalgic to me because of that. to me they give “greasy gamer who could be blown over by a ghost of wind boyfriend who likes getting himself into trouble x stoic but secretly sweet boyfriend who subtly protects him” which is a rare and overlooked dynamic i think, and something you can’t really get from kubokai. kubokai might still be better but that doesn’t mean kaidou doesn’t have two hands now does it? closing thoughts: i think they’re very cute and need more people to see that, romantically or platonically.
yumekai. i think they should’ve been canon in the end idc idc. i might like other ships with these two more but that does not mean i won’t acknowledge how much i like them. they are honestly one of the best het ships in the entire fandom and need more recognition!! they can be angsty mutual pinning. they can be toothrottingly fluffy. they can be so infuriatingly stupid (they are always stupid but shush). they can be the incarnation of young love. they can and should grow old together. the only reason they aren’t higher up is because, like i said before, i like other ships with either of them so much already so there’s not enough room in my heart for them 😞
A - mikosuka (plus aikechi and torikechi bonus rounds that will both be getting their own paragraphs this time), saikechi, torisai, kubokai, and nendou x hairo. OH YEAH BABYY! all of these are solid and the fandom hasn’t ruined them, in fact all of the stuff ive seen of them slaps. 10/10
mikosuka. please be more popular aaa!! the only reason it’s not is because of how much toritsuka got done dirty in canon for the “pervert character” trope- and how much the fandom just despises him. they’re hilarious in a “married couple who do nothing but fight all the time but everyone can tell they love each other anyways” way to me, not to mention how they’re also a part of psychicshipping. i do think they work better as part of a polycule with saiki to center them, but i saw a post about how aiura could’ve been mistaken and toritsuka might’ve actually been hinted as her soulmate and it’s been a majority of my thoughts since. i think they should get married after a long journey of selfdiscovery for them both where at the end of it they decide they both like life better with each other. i think they should stay in a “will they won’t they” like idiot love interests in a bad but popular tv show forever. i live laugh love mikosuka. i think they both deserve better (mostly aiura but toritsuka too in some ways). closing thoughts: brain running wild all the time 24/7 for these guys forever and ever.
aikechi. i hadn’t really thought about them before making contact with @/no-psi-nan’s posts about them but now my eyes are OPENED!! honestly before that i just saw them in the polypsychiccule as connected via their mutual love for saiki but not with each other directly, but now they are so much more than that to me. he’s the right amount of calm to nicely contrast her passionate fire in a way that the other two just aren’t. they are the pinacle of competent 4 competent while still being idiots in their own ways. aiura shows a picture of him to someone and says “this is my loser pissboy husband. i love him so much”
torikechi. i started liking them in a similar way that i started liking aikechi but the vibes with them are so very different than aikechi. compared to toritsuka, akechi is the cool one and that is crazy 2 me. really really dumb x only a little bit dumb but extremely unhinged in other ways. akechi can finally talk at someone who and be halfway listened to without annoying the other person because of toritsuka being used to ghosts randomly appearing to talk to him all the time and he is ecstatic. toritsuka is just happy to be here and also very confused tbh.
saikechi. what’s there not to like about saikechi tbh. a lot of canon backing and the childhood friends trope? peak. the potential that this ship has for angst and hurt/comfort is sososo good gahhh!! akechi being torn up about saiki leaving and saiki feeling guilty. saiki thinking that he’s done something horrible and not expecting forgiveness, but receiving it anyway :((( aaaaa!!! “you really shouldn’t forgive me. you should hate me” x “i already forgave you, and how could i ever hate you when i love you so much?”. like??? hello??? they make me cry. they make me so happy. they can help each other heal and become better. they could even make each other worse if you play your cards right (you’d be evil for it tho). closing thoughts: screaming crying shaking sobbing throwing up clawing the ground and punching my pillow because of how much i care about them
torisai. they are so funny lmao. also they complete the psychicshipping love square
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(^the psychicshipping love square. pink line between names means those two characters are dating, in love, married, etc.) so ofc i love them. as mentioned, i think they’re very funny (a common trait of a lot of the ships i like) and i think saiki could fix him (/j). not much to say since they are my head empty ship but yeah i like me some torisai
kubokai. do i even need to explain?? like torisai there’s not much i really feel i need to say about them but like. who doesn’t like kubokai? these two could not go an episode without doing something gay and we love them for that. not to mention the piles upon piles of content for them. closing thoughts: ofc i like kubokai, who doesn’t like kubokai?
nendou x hairo. HELL YEAH BABYY!! <- my reaction when i see a post about them. underrated as hell, just like how these two are as characters. they’re my sillies. the silliest gay couple ever. aso shuichi agrees trust me. also that chapter where they got mistaken for a couple was so fucking funny. it’s a shame like no one knows about it since it’s basically softcore in some parts so it didn’t get animated
S - terusai and aichiyo. MY FAVS! i eat breathe and live on this. i have a current pintrest board of these ships because i love them so much.
aichiyo. give me more aichiyo content, NOW. aichiyo is seriously my favorite aiura ship, and i look it up on this godforsaken website, and you know what i find? LIKE THREE POSTS. THREE. THATS BASICALLY NOTHINGGG. and there’s not really a lot of fics ive found about them either (if you have recommendations i want them. please). that episode where they interacted was so gay it outshined nearly everything else. like- they’re so in love!! *shakes you* listen to me damnit!! they love each other!! they’re just so adorable i don’t know what you want me to say. look at them LOOK AT THEMMMM
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(^made by @/wowneh_toon on twitter) closing thoughts: they make me feral
terusai (ending with this one instead of going in order because they are my number one favs out of any saiki k ship to have ever been concocted). AAAAAHH!!!!!! I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCHH!!!! terusai is the kind of ship that grows on you the longer you’re a fan of the show, and now it’s my straight up comfort ship. anyone who disagrees is WRONG this whole fandom is WRONG and im not afraid to say that. if you don’t like them at least queerplatonically i think your takes are immature and stupid and im blocking you. terusai is perfect for a fluffy future au where teruhashi is the breadwinner and saiki is her housewife. infinity/10 best romance ever written no complaints. there’s so many terusai moments and chapters (remember when teruhashi was about to confess to him as kuriko and he was blushing???like??? how could anyone see that shit and still think he genuinely hates her… i know i sound so mean here but idc im so so tired of this fandom and the absolute DISRESPECT terusai goes through on a daily basis) thank you aso shuichi for gifting the world with teruhashi and terusai. closing thoughts: i love them and if you don’t i do NOT want to hear about it. id fight the whole fandom over them if i had to im not kidding.
phew that was a lot of writing. i hope you enjoyed my ramblings because all of these came from deep within my heart. also my opinions are all cosmic truths so if you disagree then i guess we’ll just have to both live with you being wrong 🤷
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daemonace · 2 months
hellow!! i rly like the way u characterize sirius in your posts and i was wondering - if u do recs - do u know any wolfstar fics (long possibly) which have that portrayal of him? i love the way sirius is in tcoptp and atyd and im looking for a similar vibe. but ive not read any fics like that since:/ thank youu❣️
Hello Kind Anon,
Thank you for the ask! Unfortunately, I'm probably not the best person to recommend fics as I haven't read very many Wolfstar fics in the past few years because I'm so picky about how Sirius and Remus are written. I have a hard time finding Wolfstar fics that meet my Sirius-standards! And huge confession... I haven't read tcoptp (yet! it's on my list!) and I didn't like ATYD's. Blasphemous! I know. I tried.
If I haven't completely turned you away at this point and are still interested the best I can think to recommend is down below,
What I am currently reading, The MapMakers by Dizzy_Bird. So far it's lighthearted and enjoyably chaotic.
Fics that have been recommended to me that I haven't read yet but look promising:
Fairytales of Yesterday, by padfootandprongsy
Ripples of Light, by moonlighthowl, this one has Death Eater Sirius.
Fics I have read: Operation Toebeans, a short but funny story. Sirius is hilarious and I appreciate his dedication to the cause. While more lighthearted it does have some serious moments.
Text Talk by merlywhirls is a muggle AU where Sirius goes to boarding school and Remus has a chronic illness, and they meet when Sirius texts the wrong number. I think about this fic a lot and re-read it often. I would probably recommend this one the most if you like ATYD's.
You should also look up the Shoebox Project by Jaida and Rave, if you haven't already. It's the building blocks of the old Wolfstar fandom. Written as a series of letters.
I know you asked for Wolfstar but I also highly recommend The Last Enemy series by CH_Darling. It's slow building Jily centric with even slower building Wolfstar. It's by far my favorite fic and contains my favorite ever characterizations of the Marauder boys, most especially Sirius. He's cool, smart, suave, an arrogant ponce, and a bully. Lily actually reminds me of ATYDs Remus (I think? lol), which you might enjoy. This fic probably matches the vibe of ATYD's most, just with Jily at center stage. I took a chance on it while looking for Wolfstar fics and I am so happy that I did, even if Wolfstar is but crumbs so far.
These probably aren't exactly what you're looking for but like I said I'm kind of picky. Happy fic hunting!
(p.s. highly recommend Leslie Grace on Tik Tok, she makes awesome Wolfstar edits, and I believe she's an ATYD's fan. Her Sirius is very Sirius! I'm obsessed!)
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between-thepages · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @gabetheunknown, thank you <3
how many works do you have on ao3?
Currently 88, I am determined to make it to 100 before the end of the year.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
The Witcher Books/Games, Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings and sometimes Endeavour/Inspector Morse when the fancy strikes.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In the Morning (Glorestor)
Dance to the Firelight (Rorveth)
Eating Love (Rorveth)
Mirror Image (Rorveth)
Body and Soul (Yenralt)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I respond to them, I love comments, but I'm slow. Also, there are only so many variations of "Thank you" one can type in a day before it starts feeling ridiculous. I promise I'll get to your comments before Christmas!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
my Iorveth/Cedric drabble from last spring. I had to cope with the Ending of Lady of the Lake.
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Beautiful like Starlight, but even that isn't really all that happy... I am writing a followup to it at the moment though.
8. do you get hate on any fics?
So far, only from a certain someone for shipping the wrong characters, but i usually have my comments restricted to logged-in users, so leaving Anon hate isn't really possible.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I will write everything once and then decide if I'll do it again xD Expect it to be at least somewhat kinky.
Also, it has to fit into a drabble or two, I can't really write long-form smut.
10.do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't yet, I will write a Witcher/Silm crossover one day, just so I can get some of the ladies to meet
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't know, but I doubt my drabbles are interesting enough to steal.
12.have you ever had a fic translated?
Not officially, but I am trying to translate some of my fics myself. No idea when I'll be done there, though.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14.what's your all time favorite ship?
As a multi-shipper, all time favourites are hard, because all i need are three compelling arguments and I start shipping another pairing xD
I guess Fingon/Maedhros is one of the pairings where I am least likely to read a fic if they are partnered with someone else.
15.what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'll burn with a light of my own, because I started it for a flashfic challenge right before my silm hyperfixation hit full force, so Witcher is a bit on the back burner at the moment. It also needs some serious plot outline to develop further, so the continuation really depends on my interest the next few months.
16.what are your writing strengths?
I have been told I am good at writing short stories, which is great because I love writing drabbles.
17.what are your writing weaknesses?
long plots, probably. I always struggle with reaching wordcounts and making my stories interesting.
18.thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the language and usage. I love things like terms of endearment in another language (I made up a nickname for Isengrim to use for Iorevth, after all), but I do sometimes get annoyed with the random elvish words in Tolkien fics.
The best use of other languages is if it is used to confuse the POV character, but then it has to be somewhat consistent.
19.first fandom you wrote for?
Sunrise Avenue xD But I never published any of it. The first fanfic I published was for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
20. favorite fic you've written?
She came in through the window because it got me into a new kind of rarepair hell <3
Tagging @she-who-drank-vodka-with-cats, @aretuzagradschooldropout and @gleamingsilence, I'm late to this so I really hope I haven't accidentally tagged someone who already did this <3
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cabeswaterdrowned · 3 months
i just finished my 6th reread of trc and i have some questions ive always wondered about and i felt like it would be more appropriate to ask youre so involved in fandom and know everything about trc that i dont :)
the tree vision: ganseys and blues both came true but why did Adam’s not? (Ik the reverse of it came true when dream Ronan died in the church) and did Ronan ever have one?
When Noah and Ronan wrote murdered and remembered on the car were they talking about Noah or Niall?
when Ronan saw the devil was it actually the devil (as in was it real, was it a dream, etc)
your hc on Henry’s sexuality (personally I think he’s aro/ace but idk)
how you feel on Noah quietly slipping from time and being forgotten and being a ‘thin cold memory of a human” and all of that jazz
thank you for listening to my silly questions it means a lot!!!
Hiii thank you <3! I’ll do my best although I don’t think I have exact answers to some of these.
I think what the vision tree is left a little ambiguous but Ronan’s defining it as showing you the worst case scenario / what you fear most feels close to the mark, how I’m interpreting some of the visions happening and others not is the visions show you possibilities and so some come true and some don’t. Also Adam’s vision is different than Blue and Gansey’s in that we never learn exactly what it was he saw, we know what Ronan said in it and that he’d killed Gansey but we never learn if he saw himself literally killing Gansey and how or if it was something indirect he did that lead to his death, or  it was simply that he dreamt the sensation of feeling it was his fault Gansey was dead and Adam’s mind filled in the blanks (I think it could easily be either that the vision was so traumatic he blocked that out or that it only gave him minimum details and he filled in the blanks to be the worst thing, both feel like very Adam responses). So I think that vagueness does leave some more ambiguity re: whether or not some of it actually happened in pieces besides obviously a version of it coming true in Ronan’s dream. Also this is just like a thought that I’ve considered not necessarily like a school of thought I’m married to or something with a lot of evidence, but one possible interpretation of that is because of Gansey and Ronan’s shifting roles in Adam’s life the vision came true with Ronan instead. BLLB is where aside from Persephone Ronan becomes the primary (obviously unconventional) emotional support in Adam’s life and Adam’s feelings for him develop + Adam starts being afraid of hurting Ronan, and in TRB Gansey is the first person Adam’s ever loved and who has supported Adam and he’s afraid of hurting him. So I think there’s a possible argument that the fear Adam has that’s at the root of the vision of becoming like his father and hurting those he loves stays true in both events
I take it they were both talking about Noah but Ronan’s could also have an element of grief over Niall mixed in, since it was probably triggered a bit by losing Noah and Niall died near a car.. there’s no Ronan pov then obviously so we don’t know for sure.
Again don’t think it’s ever specified but I take that as Niall dreamt what he imagines the devil looks like and Ronan saw it and thought of it as real, which does feel like it would fit with their whole relationship so I like that interpretation. Truthfully we do not know lol it could have really been the devil.
I don’t have a set in stone Henry sexuality hc although I can definitely see ace/aro readings based on that henrysexual line. I do go for the common reading of him being into both Gansey and Blue, so if I was going to define my take on his sexuality rn would say biromantic and on the ace spectrum, but I think I could read him as any sexuality other than straight in a fic and be fine with it. 
I generally think Noah’s ending is really good, fitting and bitter sweet .. it is really sad the gang don’t remember him but he sacrifices himself for people he loved and who loved him even if they don’t remember, rather than dying the first time. I don’t have a lot of thoughts on the specifics of how he passed through time though 
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sig-nifier · 4 months
twenty questions for writers
thanks sm @swifty-fox for the tag!! i love things like this.
tagging @magneticghouls and @onyxsboxes and literally anyone who fancies it
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
whatever tf the current fixation is. i've written for rooster teeth, our flag means death, buzzfeed unsolved, masters of the air, the eternals, and challengers! currently got a slow horses fic in the works :))
top five fics by kudos
i like the way your words taste - a fluffy druig/makkari oneshot with 860
wild things - a western gale cleven/john egan au with 849
the art of consumption - a smutty art/patrick fic with 780
make you feel alive - another gale cleven/john egan oneshot with 633
hitchhikers - a serial killer ryan begara/shane madej au with 485 (the first multichapter fic i wrote that got me an audience it was wild)
do you respond to comments?
ofc! i try and respond to every single one with at least a thank you
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a fic called stay with me, which ended in MCD.
what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i end most of my fics happily!
i think the happiest is probably wild things. everything works out for the better in that one
do you get hate on fics?
i dont! very grateful that everyones always so nice, makes me feel like the are you winning son meme
do you write smut?
i used to never write smut but something this year just had me writing so much of it and whilst it feels mostly awkward to write, people seem to like it!
craziest crossover?
i've never written any kind of crossover, and i don't like to read them either. i guess MOTA in the western genre is the closest i'll come.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
also nope!
all time favorite ship?
ive been in fandoms since i was like 12, there's no way i can pick an all time favourite. it literally just depends on what im into at the time.
i really like inej/kaz from six of crows. i think scully/mulder is great. hannibal/will. ellie/dina. willem/jude.
off the top of my head i would say i'm most fond of the tenth doctor/rose. that one gets me.
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i'm really starting to doubt my ability to finish seven miles out of freedom town. im gonna try my best but the hyperfixation has moved on and it feels more like a chore than something im enjoying rn. im really sorry to anyone that disappoints, it disappoints me too, cos wild things was genuinely some of the most fun i've ever had writing fic and interacting with a community. i'll try and get it finished, it might just take me a while.
what are your writing strengths?
i think im pretty good at dialogue, making it sound like something a real person would say.
i think im fairly decent at dramatic writing, at making things sound flowery and poetic and theatric. thats my favourite way to write.
dont think im too bad at characterisation most of the time.
what are your writing weaknesses?
i suck at worldbuilding. i think its boring and i dont care for it, i just want to write about the characters. planning bores me. i just write things and go back and fix inconsistencies later.
wild things is the most effort i've ever put into a world. i was googling locations like a mofo to make things accurate.
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i think its great! one of my favourite fics has a character that speaks french and he uses it to tease other characters who don't know what he's saying. its done so beautifully.
first fandom you wrote in?
if we're talking actual first fandom it was probably one direction or creepy pasta when i was like 13.
the first fandom i ever wrote for seriously was buzzfeed unsolved in 2018.
favorite fic you've written?
im very proud of washed clean, an angsty oneshot about gale/john. i really like the writing in that one.
i dont think i can pick a favourite, i have like three. hitchhikers and the axeman of new orleans were my starting points and really showed me the joy of writing fic that other people were going to read. i had a lot of fun writing those and i love me some dark themes.
wild things consumed my every thought for like, the 11 days i was writing it. ive never been so obsessed with one of my own fics before, it still blows me away how well it was recieved and i met some great people through it so im eternally grateful for that.
yeehaw, y'all.
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thetisming · 5 months
since you asked me to answer all of thhe questions, you gotta answer all of the questions too!
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
probably zombie saga, although i also love 'i will vandalize your grave in your name', the 7+1 fic and some others that i think im forgetting. OH and 'we were staying in paris'
🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer.
well this requires imput from other people. so.
but i'll choose zombie saga!! and the trailer song is Mamma Mia by ABBA. naturally
📝 How many words do you have posted?
approximately 162609
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
that fucking ESSAY that Plankton wrote about iwvygiyn
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
ohh, this is an interesting one actually. definitely something in zombie saga but im not sure what!
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
THIS IS SO FUNNY AS A MUSICAL FAN. uh I Kissed A Girl. because that is what happens yeag
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
ANGST. it's so much easier than happy stuff lol it's like poetry for me
🙊Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
yeah i would tell them
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
"Go to sleep, Lance, and now that she’s gone you sleep with your mistakes" from my fic 'don't speak (i know just what you're saying)', but also many different things from (especially the second chapter of) iwvygiyn
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
@fen-the-magnificat !!!!!
👶Fankids: How you do you feel about them? Would your OTP have kids?
i dont have any fankids unless you count the Dubois brothers, but i think they're neat! i dont know if Frankie and May would have kids but they would be AMAZING parents, and i dont think Juliet and Romeo would have any. William and Anne already have kids, and Lance has kids too which make them Angelique's kids
🐗How do you handle trolls?
i havent had any trolls
🟥How long do you spend in edits?
like 5 minutes to skim over it when ive put it in ao3 idk
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
uh. i dont fucking know
💪What motivates you to write?
someone needs to write about my blorbos!!!
🚿Where do your best ideas seem to strike?
well zombie saga happened because i sent some dumb asks to Felix, anything about the wedding happening just comes randomly, and iwvygiyn came from a page of the sandman!
🌠What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
uhh okay i'll do top 3 for each ig??
ratings: general (39), teen & up (38), not rated (1)
warnings: no warnings (52), chose not to use warnings (14), major character death (12)
categories: other (61), multi (49), F/M (46)
fandoms: & Juliet (74), citc (27), community (16) (last two are crossovers with &j btw)
characters: Francois (59), May (54), Juliet (51)
relationships: Francois/May (61), Juliet/Romeo (41), Juliet & May (34)
additional: title from an ABBA song (19), zombie apocalypse (18), not beta read (9)
overall top 3 are & Juliet, maycois/other (lumping those together lol) and Francois
💻What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
laptop and phone!
🤔What are some words or phrases you find yourself overusing?
'Francois snuggled (etc etc)', probably, among other things lol
📕How do you feel about people printing your fics?
yeah fuck it just dont claim it as your own tbh
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
honestly. none. my readers are 3 friends and my brother and they all love everything basically
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
sinhalese isnt very gendered at all! it was refreshing cause normally i use italian and french which are very gendered
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
ohh... i think the new saga chapters lol
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
not sure what this means sorry
👀 Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
yeah!! i might not get to them but i will try (if it's a commission i definitely will though!)
😱What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
the actors reading my fics.
☕Coffee or tea while you write?
neither i am dehydrated
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
'they forever hold their peace', 'Flower Crowns & Royalty' and 'Glee!' all with three bookmarks
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
ZOMBIE SAGA FOR SURE. idk what network though
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
there was only one bed probably
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
i dont know, i dont watch enough disney
👩‍🎓 Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
already answered
💯 What rating do you write the most? Gen Audiences, Teen, Mature, or Explicit? How many fics at that rating do you have?
gen audiences with 39 fics!
😁What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
COMMENTS !!!!!!!! AND TUMBLR ASKS and BOOKMARKS with nice comments!!!!!
🐎 Would you ever do a medieval or pirate au?
ohh, that could be fun actually
👩‍🏫Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why.
requires a character to be picked. i choose Frankie though and his favourite is autumn cause it's cold but not too cold
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
only sometimes!
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
my fromeo besties fics :)
❓Insert your own question here!
(not counted)
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kaz3313 · 11 months
20 question writer meme!! Tagged by @jaggededges123
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
I have 122!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
239,332. :D a lot more then I thought!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So I’m a “i write what I fancy” BUT my top fandoms I’ve written for are MDZS,Nope, Good Omens, and Danganronpa (if combined all my fics of each series together). My current fandom I’m writing for is Team Fortress Two where I have too many wips 😂
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Kidnapped? Rescued? Lies or Truth? - Svsss, 500 on the dot, Shen Jiu/Tianlang-Jun, Not rated
Can Peacocks Swim? - MDZS, under 1k, Jin Zixuan/Wei Wuxian, Teen
Talk Dirty To Me (In that Unnatural Voice of Your’s)- Scream, under 1k, Billy/Stu, Mature
Crowley is a very bad demon who does terrible things. Like take care of a bunch of orphans. - Good Omens, 3k, Teen
A Mark Without Pain- TGCF, under 1k, Qi Rong/Lang Qianqiu, Mature
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Almost always! Unless a comment makes me uncomfortable I try to respond to everything! Ive recently got some “more” comments that I haven’t but even comments that are just emojis i respond to. I love comments and love reading them so I try to get across to people I really appreciate them ☺️
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I remember you… Do you remember me? ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/36298375 ) I had a whole 2022 Whumptober yet I think this one takes the cake on angst. So angsty I had to write an alternate less angsty ending 😂
7. What is a fic you wrote with the happiest of endings?
A New Beginning (https://archiveofourown.org/works/37391902 )
So I’m taking this as something that has angst but a happy conclusion - and I feel this fic is one of those.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Surprisingly no? I’ve gotten a few comments that are kinda iffy but most comments are very sweet!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Lots of smut- so much in fact most of its in my Works in Progress 😭 I’m so terrible at finishing smut but I usually go with darker themes ☺️
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh!! Their all in my wips 😭 I did start making a Mdzs/Nope crossover which would probably be my strangest if I ever finished it up
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, but one time one of my aus I made with a friend got stolen! But that’s s story for another time
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Unfortunately I don’t have the link of the translation but my fic Pocky got translated into Russian ! (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27507364)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Statistically speaking- if going by number of fics- Aziraphale/Crowley. However, I have to say an all time fav would be Jessie/James (Pokémon) a ship I’ve never read nor wrote for. Just one of those childhood nostalgia ones.
15. What’s a wip you want to finsih but probably never will?
All of them 😭 In all serious though I’m terrible with long fics and while I have grand ideas it’s hard for me to stick through them. My Danganronpa/TGCF AU will forever be in my heart (and full planned on a discord server) but will likely never see any light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’ve been told my dialogue flows well and that I have a good hold on how people would react.
17. Writing weaknesses?
… Smut? I feel I’m slow on making it because I overthink it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oh!! I’ve done this!! It’s fun and also terrible. I feel I’m getting translations wrong but I do my best. I did once try to write a whole fic in another language— unfortunately that fic is lost to time.
19. First Fandom I wrote For?
On ao3 Rick and Morty. On amino, though, I wrote for Undertale first. And my first fics were mini comics I made at home for Pokémon.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
The Inter(Viewers) ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/40985745/chapters/102715464)
It’s the longest finished fic of mine and I’m really proud of that fact! I put a lot into it and it has some of my favorite scenes.
Tags: I’m sorry I don’t know who to tag- please my fellow writers jump on this if you want to do this!
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chanbig · 7 months
1, 10, 13! 👀
for this fic author ask game!
thank u anna!!
1. What is your favorite trope to write?
i really wasnt sure about this 🤔 but i looked through my fics and wips and i realized its probably bringing characters back from the dead to reunite with their friends and heal, since ive done it like 3 times for reddie and i am working on an anderperry fic where neil survives and now LMAO okay well i got my work cut out for me with chanbig 🫡. my brain is just like: no one dies!!!!! get back here, youve got a life to live baby
10. Best/funniest comment you’ve ever gotten on a fic?
this made me look at my inbox on ao3 and i realized i havent responded to like half of the comments ive gotten. please know that i read them all!!! i am just terrible at replies. theyre all so sweet though, i love any comment at all. one that sticks out to me is the person that commented on a fic for a fandom tag i had to start on ao3. its just us in the tiniest fandom known to mankind. hand in tiny fandom hand 🤝 another that stuck out to me was someone who recently reread my block b fic from like 2015 🫣 they said they had read it when i originally posted it to lj and had been searching for it 🥹 i cant believe someone remembered my fic!!!!
13. Latest fic written/latest WIP?
istg ive added like 5 wips to my list since watching kinnporsche LMAO (and yes theyre like all chanbig, one kimchay) but the one i was working on most recently was chanbig, where porsche has been assigned extra training to escape ropes underwater but maybe starts to drown a little bit. chan, who is supervising, has to dive in to save him and big, who was there to watch porsche struggle, helps, even though hes like well maybe he should drown if he cant do it right 🙄 and since its set at the beginning of kp when big is injured, big pulls on/rips his stitches while helping porsche and chan helps him rewrap the wounds etc etc. big being cared for, thats the fic 💕
thanks for asking!!!
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
this is beyond late but if you are willing to bite. for the character ask, maya & franziska?
my dear fellow it is NEVER too late to take me up on ask games.
Favourite Thing: i simply ADORE the burden of responsibility as a trope and maya pulls it off in SPECTACULAR fashion. you can feel the fear and uncertainty she feels about her role as the master of kurain through the screen when she finally opens up about it in bridge to the turnabout (and the little crumbs we get about it in reunion and turnabout) (and it's only augmented by the fact that it was suddenly thrust upon her by mia's departure)
Least Favourite Thing: a bit of a nitpick but there are some aspects of the mechanics of maya's channelling that give me a bit of an ick (channelling mia. go figure), but i do like the way the technique plays into the mystery during reunion and bridge
Favourite Line: either her little speech to nick before she leaves for kurain at the end of goodbyes or her so desperately trying to protect diego during the dying light of bridge, can't decide between the two
brOTP: PHOENIX!!!! they're such best friends. they mean so much to me. its like. everything that apollo and trucy did in aa4 (which i notoriously also love), only with way more time to develop and simmer, so it's like. perfect. i love maya and phoenix
OTP: i have two ships that completely consume my mind. one of them is not for this fandom. the other is franmaya. they're such unexplored narrative foils...
nOTP: i mean. phoenix. 'nough said
Random Headcanon: i think that, for all of her hyperactivity (at times), she embroiders in her free time, and got pearl into it as well during the seven-year gap. pearl quickly surpassed her.
Song: Soulgazing by Gregory and the Hawk (vibes alone, im bad at assigning songs to characters)
Favourite Picture: this redraw of her unused objection sprite by @/u3pxx, i love it so very much
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Favourite Thing: the sheer hurt and terror that sits at the corners of her character but never gets touched on outside of the airport scene because good GOD there's so much guilt and shame for her imperfection and terror about turning out like her father and CAN I TALK ABOUT THE BULLET. THAT DAMNED BULLET.
Least Favourite Thing: not enough screentime. i need more franziska content like i need air
Favourite Line: "You, you're running away from Von Karma… from me!?" "So… you're leaving me behind again!? I'll never… Never forgive you for this!" from The Forgotten Turnabout in aai2 because HELLO??? this is one of the most important pieces of franziska characterization we get EVER because a), she's still clearly still holding onto her father's memory, or at least the pedestal she had him on, b), it showcases how quickly she turns to wrath as soon as the chips are down, and c), MOST IMPORTANTLY. LISTEN TO HOW SCARED SHE IS. or dont listen i guess but like. still. she sounds TERRIFIED of losing her brother all over again.
brOTP: torn between either edgeworth because i love the vk sibs or kay because their friendship is adorably sweet and pretty underrated part of aai
OTP: once again franmaya cuz. god. theres so many emotions.
nOTP: cant think of any that i genuinely dislike besides the Nigh-Universally Hated One (her and edgeworth) so im gonna say that
Random Headcanon: she doesn't give phoenix the calling card during the hazakura temple investigation. she wants to. she has it on her and everything, but she couldn't work up the courage to do it. way down the line, deep into the 7yg, she shows up to the wright residence, has a long chat with phoenix, and finally gives it to him
Unpopular Opinion: i know its been said a lot that she probably does have some normal teenager aspects to her (the example ive seen the most is "owns a hello kitty tshirt and reads yuri fics"), but i think she's a little too repressed to have that until at least after aa3. maybe she gets a little more normal during the 7yg but im not sure yet
Song: Top of My School by Katherine Lynn-Rose because come ON. you've seen the animatic with the clip of that song over franziska stuff. if you haven't then you will soon cuz its linked here (full song first, then the animatic)
Favourite Picture: this wonderful number by the incredible and talented @/ind1c0lite because uh. i like fran angst.
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