#probably my favorite oneshot i've done so far
swga-ficrecs · 1 year
long fic recs
this is a list of fics that are, well, long regardless of the trope and plot. for voracious readers who aren't satisfied with short-length writing. all these fics are considered holy grails because i don't read long fics if they aren't well-written. all fics are finished unless noted otherwise.
✒️ unfinished
third wheeling by @untaemedqueen  i absolutely love everything about this. it's a lot of my favorite tropes in one giant fic. the characters are complex and fleshed out, the pacing is good, and i love the writing style. the smut is well-written and, though the catalyst for the plot, well-paced that it doesn't feel like a smut-centric fic.
suit & tie + drabbles by @jungshookz this is is a long fic but in bullet points, so i can only imagine how long this could've been if it was written in full sentences. another fic where yoongi does a 180°, but their dynamic is adorable from the beginning. not a lot of drama, a good fic to go back to if you want something lighthearted. you can probably tell by now that i love ceo fics.
desolate by @angelicyoongie this fic is long but has a very straightforward style of writing that's easy to follow and understand. it's one of the few hybrid fics i've read where they fight for a hybrid's right to freedom. i love how much yoongi opened up and changed throughout the fic. it's one of those fics where the idea of a hybrid isn't romanticized.
the deal by @untaemedqueen a great introduction to syndicate fics if you're looking for one. this is a chaptered fic that isn't too long and is easily digestible. it doesn't touch on mafia-esque activities so much. i have a thing for romance fics where the stone cold character evolves into a romantic, and this tickles that itch.
balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!reader by @jungshookz ✒️ this bullet point mini-series should be considered a full series already, considering the length of each drabble and how many of them exist. this is a forbidden romance between a teacher and a student with different personalities, so it's interesting and endearing how they developed their feelings over time.
i want to be with you by @oddinary4bts
a lengthy oneshot of strangers-turned-lovers and how love grows slowly between two people who are worlds apart. very well-written, i dreaded how quickly i finished reading it. i love how human jimin is in this fic. the oc is very relatable as well—very realistic and not overtly romanticized. i can easily identify myself in her if i were in her shoes.
maybe i do by @chateautae another fic that is a mix of my favorite tropes. this fic has fewer but longer chapters. another smut-filled fic that doesn't feel overworked and serves as a good break between dramatic scenes. i love how both characters developed throughout the story.
please love me by @ahundredtimesover i loved the complexity of the characters and how they navigated through their situation. they both had to do a lot of growing up in this fic, and it was done in a well-paced manner. the drabbles also give a lot of insight to this universe. i go back and read the drabbles a lot.
evolution of a lover's heart by @jeonstudios
a heartwrenching masterpiece. i waited a long time for this to be finished, and it did not disappoint at all. one of the most emotional and resonating fics i've read so far. my heart feels for both of them so much. the kind of love that people wish they would have.
the boy with galaxies in his eyes by @oddinary4bts
an emotionally captivating and heartwrenching oneshot that i never expected to read. both characters were well-written and well-fleshed out, it was easy to fall in love with them and understand their actions. the writing itself was really magical too—flowed so smoothly, it didn't feel as long as it actually was. an absolute hidden gem that everyone should read!
4-7-8 by @jiminrings
not the longest of fics, but a great read nonetheless. i read this a while back, and it was only after i reread it that i was able to truly appreciate the characters and their development. it has a very realistic plot that tugs at my heartstrings. everyone deserves this kind of partner and love.
our first and last by @thedefinitionofbts ✨️
if you love the concept of alternate universes and soulmates, this is a must read. the author utilized scientific concepts that i had a hard time grasping and, at the same time, supported the plot really well. i'm so glad i came across this fic.
sanguis duology + (ongoing) oneshots by @borathae absolute monster of a fic, probably one of the longest ones i've read. even though i was annoyed at mc's stubborness, i think it was a driving force throughout the fic. i also never imagined the pairings in this, but i enjoyed the ride. there were some parts where i felt the author could've woven details better to make the story smoother, but it's charming in the sense that i need to think and connect the dots from previous chapters.
a place called home by @agustdakasuga i keep re-reading this fic every few years. i loved how each hybrid came into her life and how they eventually stayed. i also appreciate how each hybrid's personality isn't necessarily stereotypical. great pacing in each chapter, good to read if you like chaptered fics that aren't very long.
the road to you by @bonvoyagenoona
a slow burn masterpiece. this fic is a rollercoaster of experiences that is complemented by terrific writing and pacing. it's very instrospective, which is something i personally like. it has a little bit of everything and a good amount of smut, but it all works wonderfully together, the words flew by quickly.
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chososwifey24-7 · 29 days
This is by far probably one of my favorite oneshots I've made so far! It'll be a mix between a oneshot and a smau. If you guys enjoy this kind of content, please let me know!
Boyfriend gojo x fem!reader
Cw: swearing, pre-relationship with gojo, gojo being a silly goose.
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Work had been kicking your ass recently. Paper on paper, presentation on top of presentation. You currently sat at your desk, finishing up yet another paper your boss told you to finish. Not only was it because your boss didn't want to do it, but your other colleagues didn't want to either. So you were the best option.
You finally had hit submit and sighed stretching a bit. Checking your phone you saw a text from Gojo.
You and Gojo had recently decided to finally start dating. You had been to dinner with each other on multiple occasions, and he always had such a fun personality. He was always there to cheer you up.
That was the opposite the night prior to today, though. You had informed him you were going on vacation for a week. He groaned and complained about how he was going to miss you, but you honestly needed the trip.
In the meantime, you had asked him to look after your sweetheart, your baby, your cat. You have had your cat for about 2 years now. She was everything to you.
Gojo agreed reluctantly, only because he was a little sour about you not being there with him. He wouldn't really complain though. He loved you too much.
That night, he had peppered your face with kisses as you sat, parked, in the passenger seat. His grip on your hand gentle, but unyeilding.
After reminiscing on the whiny Gojo of yesterday, you packed up all of your work supplies and left for your car. Home time it was. You had to make sure the place looked nice for Gojo. After all, this was his first time at your apartment.
Arriving home, you looked around at the fairly clean place. There were a few dishes in the sink, and the living room needed to be vacuumed. Nothing much really. So you got to work.
You had lied to yourself. There was plenty that needed to be done. Laundry, both from your clothes and the towels in the bathroom. You totally forgot about your bedroom. Knowing Gojo he'd atleast peak in and see what your room looked like.
So finally, after about an hour and a half later, the house looked fairly neat and nice.
That's when your cat strolled into your room without a care and jumped up onto your bed to get your attention. She had begun purring without even needing to be pet.
You reached out and pet her gently, smiling softly as you did so.unyielding.
6ou couldn't imagine a day without your cat. She was always around and always so gentle with you. She never seemed to be annoyed with your presence like some other cats you've seen. She was your angel.
Listening to her pur, you pulled her closer to you and scratched behind her ears, smiling happily.
That's when your phone pinged with a message. Messages from gojo.
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You snickered to yourself at how whiny Gojo was being already. You couldn't imagine how bad it was going to get through out the week.
You got up off the bed, leaving your baby there and went to grab a pen and some paper. You need to write down the feeding schedule for Gojo.
See, your cat was quite particular on when she got her food. If she got it too early in the day, she wouldn't eat it, and vice versa.
You did your best to prepare everything for Gojo, and did your best to calm your anxious nerves.
Before you left, you had given Gojo her schedule for when she eats and all, but besides that your baby was easy to take care of.
He pouted for a little bit but eventually let you go, but not before littering your entire face and neck in sweet kisses.
It was almost hard for you to let him go after all of the sweet affection he had given you. It just made you fall more in love with him by the second.
You reminisced again. One of your favorite pastimes, it was always so refreshing to look back at all the good memories. All of the sweet times.
At the moment, you were sitting on the shore of a beach in the Bahamas. It was a really gorgeous place. It truly was the relaxer you needed. It was only the first day, too! You wondered how much better this could get.
It wasn't until the second day closer to your baby's dinner time that you texted Gojo to see how your cute cat was doing.
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You laughed a little at the look of your cat in Gojo's glasses. It truly was a cute sight. You never really took him as the type to like cats, but here you were.
Gojo was always so sweet and gentle with you, you wouldn't have wanted to trust any one else with your cat. She also seemed to enjoy having Gojo around.
At least you assumed as such, Gojo hadn't texted you yet about her being chaotic or scratching him, so they must be getting along, right?
You think you can rest easier now knowing that she was safe with Gojo. He really did seem like the best boyfriend ever.
No, he was the best boyfriend ever.
You and Gojo continued to text back and forth continuously about the cat and even Gojo himself. He sent messages after you'd ask about your cat every once in a while. They'd always say something like, "what about me? You should ask me how I'm doing."
They always made you giggle a bit, and you'd ask him how he was doing. He was so silly. He knew you loved him and worried about his well-being, too. Somehow, the Bahamas didn't even seem that interesting anymore. You wanted to be with your cute cat and your goofy boyfriend.
Thank goodness you were on your way to the airport now and on your way home. You couldn't wait to see your boyfriend. Couldn't wait to cuddle your cat. Well, Gojo would probably want cuddles, too.
Which you were more than willing to give. Always more than willing to give.
After all, what would you do without Gojo, and what would he do without you.
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obsessedtomone · 3 months
It's simple, because I'm tired and I wanna go sleep, LOL. (I said that and then I wrote a freaking novel.) I write exclusively for BNHA Shigaraki x Reader, but if that changes I'll let you know Unravel Yourself Before Me - tumblr , ao3 ✦ Unhinged college students end up doing really stupid shit. ✦College AU (insane) Dark(?) Romance. And smut, if you get through the plot and still have the stomach for that. ✦Originally tagged as a dead dove, but I removed that and now I'm tagging it as a rough read. ✦Read the tags and all that. It's the first fic I've ever written so be gentle. And yes, I'm aware I'm a freak thanks LOL. ✦ Everything after Chapter 15 will be on ao3 because I'm too shy to post here, I don't want everybody to hate me hahaha the fruits - tumblr , ao3 ✦Only pilot until Unravel is done ✦Highschool AU ✦Angst, Resentment, Mature Themes, No Smut ✦It's more realistic and more toned down than Unravel. No smut for this one, but they're all final years 18+ except for a few side characters maybe. It deals with mature themes and is aimed at YA Fanart (from yours truly): I was a fic reader before I was a writer, and I was an artist before I was either of those. That being said, sometimes a scene inspires me so hard, I'll hyperfixate on a piece until it's done. Most of them will be gifts / tributes / offerings to fics I really enjoyed. There's not a lot of them, because I barely have time to breathe and function, but if you see me post one, hallelujah (im not religious). Rough Night!Shigaraki - The reason my account exists in the first place. August(?) last year, I was so hyped about this oneshot fic I read, that I decided to make an account where I only post thirst art for Shigaraki and the fic writers. Then said fic writer became my friend and she pushed me to write my stupid fic, hyped me up and here we are. If you like Unravel, it's her fault. (PS. my twitter acc is kinda dead, but I posted his dick on that one lol. it's @obsessedtomone, same as here. Don't like how I drew his hair tho, it was the first time I drew Shigaraki so forgive meEE, I'm still learning.) Birthday Fanart Shigaraki - Just fanart to celebrate his bday. I like how his hands turned out. Very composition, art school paid off for something (I'm a dropout 😬)
Chokehold!Shigaraki - This is my favorite one so far. I should post all the stupid sketches I did of Shigaraki this year, because holy fuck his hair texture is so freaking hard to get right. I think it turned out very GOOD in this one. Go read Chokehold because it's really freaking good. Shigaraki is kind of a psychopath in that one, but if you liked Unravel, you'll probably like Chokehold. Anyways, there'll be more to come! I have a few gifts I wanna make eventually, so look forward to that (eventually...)
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rav-rabies-art-blog · 3 months
Wip Wednesdays returns
Hello everyone sorry I haven't been as active, but I come bearing lots of wips.
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I finished that singing Zanzo in my sketchbook and also started a summer Zanzo. I might do a full version of both (with Chai giving his opinion on Zanzo's singing) for fun.
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Here's some of the beat goes on that's in progress. This has been my main focus lately. Still I'm a little frustrated with the speed I'm going at but I hoping to catch my stride soon. I've never really done longer comics like this before so I'm learning as I go.
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I think this is my favorite Kale pic I've drawn. I also got a shorter (3 pages) sillier comic that this is a part of. This should be done (fingers crossed/knock on wood) by Monday.
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Like I did with Zanzo I'm doing a teen Kale (with bonus baby peppermint) I'm meh on Kale so far, mostly because I feel it's too close to how he looks as an adult, but I love baby pepper. Though she's sad because her big brother doesn't want to play with her anymore.
Writing side I got two oneshots, both Kale/Zanzo here my favorite bit from one.
Zanzo grumbled as he rode the elevator up. He was getting real tired of the pranks. Today, EVERY SINGLE PEN went missing in R&D.
Every single one... who has that much time to be that petty. He thought, Probably Roquf- no. He probably couldn't stomach taking that much time not making money.
He had spent a good chunk of the day looking for them. he didn't necessarily need them, but it was the idea of it. The 'why' of it just pissed him off. He had finally found them on a high ledge. All shoved up there, save the ones that had somehow been knocked over.
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Ok so updated list of my WIPS;
Actually in progress;
- Offal and All (Kakashi's relationship with food throughout the years, mostly told through the eyes of others) I'm activley focusing on this one rn and hoping to post it like, this week actually. It's a mash up of a lot of different tiny Kakashi hc's I've posted about and should be very fun (and depressing, but that's kind of my brand, so.)
- One Step Three Steps chapter 10, it's going well so far actually I just keep writing it at work then being forced to stop bc like. Work. Might go up this week, hopefully
- Chasing Shadows chapter 4, it's like 20% done? Ish? I just need to find the head space to get back to writing it, will go up within the next 2 weeks for sure but idk when exactly. It'll be great tho ur gonna get Hikaku, Fugaku, Shisui, Mikoto, just all the cool Uchiha. Lots of politics, lots of drama, the works
- Itama and the secret senju weed empire fic,,,, it will be long and it will be beautiful which means it'll take me forever to do, sorry
- Magical Girl Izuna AU (my beloved) I got distracted by other projects midway through writing chapter 1 but I'll get there eventually
- Little lab mystery where kid edo-tensei reincarnations of Madara and Tobirama wake up with no memories and immediately stage a jail break
- Nin burger!!!!! Yes this is a real thing yes I meant to post it like the same week I started making it but then I got distracted and didn't. But I swear to fucking GOD I will see it complete. Nin Burger is my favorite real naruto restaurant that is real
- That one oneshot where Madara and Tobirama spend a festival night in the capital together as children, and Madara develops his very first crush on the fox masked boy, but seems to be doomed never to meet him again— till Konoha's first festival is held and he sees a man wearing the very same mask, waiting for him in the crowds. Might not actually finish this one tbh but also maybe I'll save it for tbmd week?? Idk
Considering / Planning;
- Hikaku as the Uchiha clan head after Madara's betrayal comic,,, not an actual fic but I wanna make this so bad. I've written notes for it I just need to get along to drawing it
- Izuna in Wonderland comic, honestly I'll probably end up doing the entire thing in one go one night when I get hit in the face w a brick w motivation. So it'll be a surprise for both u guys and me when I post that! I always do my comics in one go bc I physically can't bring myself to return to art projects if interrupted, which means I tend to do longer ones on my days off where I have literally nothing else to do or distract me, but I haven't had one of those in like. 2 months now. So. But I will soon!! Umm. Maybe.
- Here Before and After Me chapter 2, I'll probably make one eventually but who tf knows when. I have a very specific vision of Kakashi following Tobirama onto the battlefield and scaring the shit out of a very alarmed and confused Izuna
- Tobirama and Izuna's field trip through time and space, I don't think I want to commit to a full fic bc it'd be seriously long and I'm already commiting to Chasing Shadows and One Step Three Steps as my regular update long fics, then the MG Izuna au and Itama fic as my "write it all behind the scenes then post" long fics. One shots only for me, sorry. But I do wanna write a silly one shot of the boys crash landing face first into a konoha council meeting during their field trip
Dropped / Abandoned;
- That one mdtb space mermaid au, rip. Maybe I'll come back to u one day but for now I have a lot to focus on, sorry
- mdtb fish in a pond fic where Tobirama is half spirit and turns into a koifish that Tajima then brings home and tosses into the families koi pond
I think that's everything? I have a shit memory and do everything on my notes app then forget to categorize the notes half the time so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I'd lost smthn else in my like billion different notes.
Those are the important ones tho, so, good enough!
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love. ❤️
🥺 Thank you ❤️ Let's see if I can give myself a bit of a pick me up this morning! Good excuse to scroll through my fics and be reminded of any I've forgotten 🙈
In order of oldest to newest:
Gem in a Black Leather Jacket
this stemmed out of listening to Pansy Division with a friend and once I read/listened to the lyrics, I couldn't not. it's always fun to see what crises we can inflict on the Reggie doll.
Underneath the Undertow
my therapy baby. writing this was so healing. it's far from perfect and the flow is an absolute mess but it did what it was meant to do. and apparently some people like it which makes it that much cooler
what about love?
from my Bex verse where a teenaged Bex has a conversation about love and her experience (or lack thereof) of it with her grandads. an anti-valentine's day fic that means so much to me cuz *she* means so much to me
pretty pretty princess (Rated E)
i told myself i'd only put one of my smut fics on this list and this one is probably my favourite. i'm still really, really proud of it. it's another prompt fill that went completely sideways (i miss when i could fill those in <500 words and confidently keep them G and T rated) but hasn't been as well-received as screams. i understand why though 😅 bobby/willie/reggie isn't a particularly popular ship
bursting into life
this is my baby. the au that has completely taken over my brain and i love with all my heart. it keeps growing and growing and growing to hold more and more projection and processing while still being (i've been told) true to character. parenting and grief and self-discovery and healing and found family and ugh. everything is home here. i hope to never be done with it. and i can't believe the love it gets. honestly i could have easily answered this ask with five fics from this au alone but i limited it to the main fic and one oneshot 😅
my poor prompt fills and one shots! they get missed in these kinds of lists cuz my big fics are just... so much to me 🥺 but i really appreciated the journey through my writing, even if so many of them didn't make the cut! (i expected to struggle to find five at all so this was good for my brain. thank you <3)
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jolapeno · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers!
thank you so much for the tag, @janaispunk @burntheedges @kedsandtubesocks @sawymredfox @toomanystoriessolittletime @djarinmuse (and anyone else, i've not been online as much)
for this, i'm going to answer using my undercoverpena account (as i recently moved all my other non-ppcu fandom stuff to a different ao3 account)
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
30 🌝
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
ppcu (narcos, triple frontier, tlou, the mandalorian)
4. top five fics by kudos 
late night texts
nowhere to run
do me yourself
i like the way you
i've learnt from this my series do well on AO3, but my oneshots do far better here. which is intriguing. also probably cause i forget to cross-post them like a knobhead.
5. do you respond to comments?
i do. i am slow, but i do reply. due to some spam, anon comments are turned off which is sad.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't think i have one, but maybe take me to yours is the angstiest as we have a lot of angsty build-up.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think all of them? although the happiest will likely be DMY when it finishes as we've spent a lot of time with them happy and in love.
8. do you get hate on fics?
not on my actual fics, no.
9. do you write smut?
i do indeed.
10. craziest crossover?
a pink shirt man appeared in ILTWY, which did tickle me. but no crossovers just yet.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not in this fandom, but previously yes.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i dont believe so, not with my knowledge.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have in another fandom, but not in this one. it boggles my brain a bit too much as i don't write chronologically. 
14. all time favorite ship?
kaz and inej, i was rooting for them for so long. and then lots of ships in tv shows, like new girl (jess and nick) superstore (amy and jonah) i could go on and on.
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i do plan to finish them all. just some patience would be nice as i like to think I've showed that i do finish.
16. what are your writing strengths?
dialogue, maybe? i think balancing that rom-com vibe i do well. (i despise this question, but the next one i find easier)
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i cannot for the life of me write action, i cannot write large scenery like fantasy (my brain just focuses in on characters like close-ups) and i struggle with the long game of things, because my brain likes to think of the big moments and it takes me a while to knit them together.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
love ittttt.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
a long time ago, hp.
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
the one that has brought me the most joy to write might be do me yourself, but i love them all so much and for varying reasons so favourite is so hardddd. but recency bias says dmy.
tagging: @swiftispunk @thetriumphantpanda @psychedelic-ink @morallyinept and anyone else who hasn't done this as i'm so late to the party.
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bonecarversbestie · 1 month
I'm doing this tag bc i've never done one before. thx @zenkindoflove for always tagging me in these even tho i never do them pls don't stop.
Doing this tag feels a little funny since i'm so new to writing and i only have 2 fics, but here we go
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 23,375
3. What fandoms do you write for? ACOTAR
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  whelp this is awkward bc i only have two 😅
The Scenic Route(Elucien multichapter WIP)
Reverie(Elucien week oneshot)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I literally sit by my computer after i post waiting for them to come in bc i love attention.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? N/A. All my angst is in the beginning/middle. my endings are all happy so far.
(Although, I do have a bullet point in my fic ideas file that is a Haunting of Hill House rewrite but Autumn Court/Forest house, and if you've ever read the book, you know that calling the ending "angsty" would be an understatement)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? So Reverie is very short and is sorta set after Elucien have already had their happy ending(in more ways than one ;) The ending of the Scenic Route is also happy and it took way more work to get there, so I'd say that one.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I'm like the writing equivalent of a toddler right now--I'm still learning to write regular stuff haha. I want to write smut one day, but need to take my baby steps to get there. Even when i do, though i think it will not be as explicitly descriptive of the acts themselves, but more emotionally driven (I really like the style of the sex scenes in Song of Achilles if that gives you the vibe)
9. Do you write crossovers? I don't think i'm creative enough for that tbh
10. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. maybe one day.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not. I don't even know how that would work esp bc i am a control freak, but i'll never say never.
12. What is your all-time favorite ship? I have a handful of OTPs the primary one right now is obviously Elucien, but I have a special place in my heart for The Doctor and River Song(Doctor Who) and Dramione(who i never really shipped when reading the books, but this was the ship that got me into fanfiction and now i'm addicted)
13. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? So my Current WIP is already completely drafted, i just have to edit and post it, so i'm not worried. I do have an outline of a really long High King Lucien fic started that i worry i won't finish before their book comes out (and that once their book comes out i won't be motivated to write it any more, but we'll see)
14. What are your writing strengths? This is hard because i'm so new to writing, i feel like i don't have any strengths yet, but I'm gonna say dialogue, because it's what i enjoy writing the most. most of my first drafts are very dialogue driven and i fill in the story around the conversations
15. What are your writing weaknesses?  Internal monologues/explaining characters emotions. I tend to leave out details/explanations of a character's feelings because I know what they're feeling and i just expect the reader to inherently know everything that I know even though it's impossible.
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I love when people do this, but my spanish and french are both so rusty i don't feel confident enough to try. Maybe some latin in future works for spells and stuff, but in terms of dialogue, probably not.
17. First fandom you wrote for? Acotar! I only just started writing in June of this year, so i haven't had the chance to write for other fandoms yet, but i'd like to eventually.
18. Favorite fic you’ve written? The Scenic Route! i mean i only have two to choose from--and i have a soft spot for Reverie since it was the first fic i ever posted--but I've put a lot of time and love into The Scenic Route, and I'm excited to finish sharing it. ❤️
I'm not tagging anyone bc i don't know anyone(who wasn't already tagged). 😬
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VegasPete Fic Rec List (Part 2)
Favorites marked with a (*)
A Close Shave by @fleet-off | 4k | M *
The bathroom walls feel claustrophobically tight, and Vegas’s stomach is a ball of leaden frustration poised to turn molten. He wants to shatter the mirror with his fist, to yell at Pete to stand up straight, to curse his uselessness--just another one of Vegas’s failures. The razor sits on the edge of the sink. This was a bad idea.
Vegas gives Pete a shave.
another one of my all-time favorites! the tension! the pete saengtham messy bitch agenda! i've been spending a lot of time lately screaming in fleet's comment boxes, and you should too!
somewhere between the heart and the vein by @veliseraptor | 20k | T
In the aftermath of the failed coup, Pete has: an unconscious and possibly dying Vegas Theerapanyakul, a whole lot of feelings to work through, and no job.
He goes from there.
another recovery fic, another lise fic, you literally cannot go wrong.
begging to bleed by @veliseraptor | 10k | E *
Vegas is trying to be good. Pete's getting a little fed up with it.
His staged intervention produces positive results.
yet another lise fic! PWP of the highest order. PWT, if you will. porn with themes. big fan of pete knowing what he wants <3
Finders Keepers by @veliseraptor | 3k | T
Vegas was supposed to kill Pete. Vegas has not killed Pete, and it turns out that is working out pretty well for him.
Up until Kan discovers the safehouse's extra inhabitant.
pure angst. don't look at me. i left this thing with shell shock and new sources of anger
Brand Recognition by @iffervescent | 6k | E *
Vegas wants his top billing back. Pete likes being on the bottom.
porn star AU PWP. feminization. electrotoy. need i say more?
won't give up these ghosts by @fleet-off | 7k | E *
Vegas lays him on a patch of firm ground. From his cocoon, Pete hears the rhythmic thud of a shovel sinking into loose earth. Vegas is digging him a grave.
In which Pete finds playing dead relaxing, and Vegas decidedly does not.
this may genuinely be my favorite vegaspete fic of all time. it's literally perfect and there is nothing else like it on earth. read it. read it right now. let it awaken something in you.
swinging from the willow tree by incendir | 2k | T
Every single ingredient is here. Vegas rolls up his sleeves and gets to work.
[Or, the first step in starting over]
vegas cooking fics are my weakness
Bite the Hand by @ghost--houses | 1k | E
The second Vegas uncuffs Pete from the headboard, Pete grabs for Vegas' left hand and pulls it into his mouth. He says nothing, he doesn't look at Vegas, just puts his teeth to Vegas' skin and keeps them there, gnawing.
subdrop fics are. also my weakness
Fidelity by @veliseraptor | 2k | T
Vegas visits his father's grave.
father-son angst my beloved. again, kinda character-study oneshot
Five Year Itch by puckbaes | 78k | NR
Pete has everything he could’ve dreamed of, a husband that loves him and a family to call his own. It’s perfect, until the day it isn’t. What do you do when you find out the love of your life is one of the most prominent mob bosses in Bangkok? Turns out, clean breaks are notoriously difficult when you have a son together.
A getting back together fic featuring mafia!Vegas, shared custody of Venice, and Pete’s inability to stay away from danger.
i usually don't stray from canon universe with vegaspete to be honest, or at least not too far from it. this one's fluffy it's angsty she's got it all. i really thought normie!Pete was gonna be a deal breaker for me, but i actually really enjoyed this and i think it's really well done.
And that's a wrap! My collection's always growing, so part 3 at some point probably lol. Once again, if anyone knows more of these authors on tumblr, please tag them! Enjoy and scream in my asks about them (and don't forget to leave kudos and comments for the lovely authors!)
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 4 months
1. Is there a favorite character or title you enjoy writing for the most?
7. What would you say your weakest genre to write for is?
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
1. Is there a favorite character or title you enjoy writing for the most?
Well. It's often whatever I am writing at the moment. And I think the more I write a character, the better I get to know them, and the more fun it is. For example, my new project is dragging horribly, but returning to an old character for a little oneshot gave me 4k words in 3 days.
I think it's hard to take #1 from Damien (from Undeserved/Glass Shards). I've probably written the most for him and I love him very much. It also feels wrong to answer with him, because I haven't written him in over a year and no plans to change that anytime soon. Editing notwithstanding, his story is done for now.
My favorite project is probably Till Death, because it's the only novel-sized story that's standalone and actually finished (as in edited, formatted, and done) so far.
Which again means that there's no writing happening for it and probably never will. That's the problem with finishing things. Then they're finished.
7. What would you say your weakest genre to write for is?
Anything that isn't fantasy romance or whump? 😅 Of course, I could pick any random genre — don't think I'd be great at writing stuff I don't even read! How about travel guides or historical fiction?
Of the stuff I read, I'd probably be worst at murder mysteries. If — if — I could figure out a murder, I still wouldn't know how to make anyone solve it 😆
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hammieslice · 10 months
20 Questions For Fanfic Writers!
I got tagged in this by the lovely @onewhoturns, and I'll tag some others at the end!
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
I only have 8 actually published there, but for reference, I went into my WIP folder and found over 100 more... So I do write things! I'm just really really bad at actually publishing them.
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
Assuming I've done my math right, my current total word count sits at 262,909. Most of that is probably the longfics I've done with Turner, but there are almost certainly some hidden gems in there as well.
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Well, I haven't actually written and published something for a specific fandom for a while now, but my more common interests these days are Genshin Impact, Fire Emblem, Metal Gear Solid, Ace Attorney, Shadow & Bone (Netflix TV show specifically) and a few sporadic others! But my past works were for Oxenfree, Destiny, Ava's Demon, Homestuck, Overwatch, Critical Role, The Magnus Archives and Half Life.
4: Top five fics by kudos?
That would beeee So It Goes, Blue Hair, Red Jacket, A Different Angle, One Foot, and finally Holy Spirits!
5: Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
As much as I love getting comments on fics, I don't often respond to them. I don't really have enough published to get engagement super often, and even then, I'm just not the kind of person to reach out at random simply because I've heard too many Internet Horror Stories(tm). But, maybe if I do publish more in the future, I'll make a habit of answering then!
6: What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I... Don't really know? Most of my fics are either one-shots or unfinished multi-chapter works. There's probably something really angsty in my WIPs, but since it's never seen the light of day, we'll never really knows.
7: What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Hmm. Hm hm hm. That would probably be a toss up between A Different Angle, which is just meant to be a nice, feel-good oneshot, or Pyrite-50: Quiet Moments, which is a kind of character study of one of my Destiny PC's.
8: Do you get hate on fics?
Since I only have 8 published, and I'm not like a super-duper popular author, I don't really think I get hate. All of the comments I've seen have been really sweet and lovely, which I'm thankful for.
9: Do you write smut?
I've been known to partake... On occasion....... <- Currently hiding most of it away in that damned WIP folder
10: Do you write crossovers?
Aside from the every-so-often "AU fic inspired by another piece of media", no, not really. But maybe that will change sometime! I wouldn't be truly opposed.
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware!
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. My reach, like I said, is pretty minimal. But if anybody were to ask, I'd say go for it, as long as I got credit as the author.
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Most of my published fics are co-written! My co-author was actually the one who tagged me in this, Turner. You can go check out all our Oxenfree stuff on Ao3 right now.
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oooooh, this one is hard. The one I've undoubtedly written the most for is jonalex, but I'm a huge multishipper, so I've never really preferred one pairing over another before. It's always so dependent on my mood! Can I just say all of them?
15: What's the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
The forgotten Kaz Brekker/Darkling smut. It sits in its little google document, taunting me. I know that you're there. I KNOW.
16: What are your writing strengths?
I'd like to think I'm good at metaphors? Generally, getting into a character's psyche is what I strive for, and when I get it right it feels like a real achievement. I've also been told that I'm very good at making dialogue that feels real, or that flows in a way that makes sense, which is something else I'm really proud of.
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things. Fight scenes (of the physical variety). The two big F's.
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Seeing as I am a person who only knows one language (and guess which one that is), I don't often write in other languages for my fics, because I'm a liiiiittle too scared of fucking up. On the rare chances I have, I usually use someone I know as a translator, but that limits me on how many languages I can conceivably use. As far as foreign languages in other fics go, I'm all for it!
19: First fandom you wrote for?
It's either Harry Potter, and that fic has now been orphaned to the wind, or maybe Homestuck?
20: Favorite fic you've ever written?
Of my published fics, it has to be So It Goes. That one has a special place in my heart for a multitude of reasons, and not just because Turner and I got to write it together. Of my WIPs, there's an unnamed freemance fic that I've been dying to finish that I just recently found again, and it made me fall in love with my writing for a second time; in a strange way.
@artemis-crimson @reddgiant @starchemist @starlit-bawka @cranehusbands @duvirii and basically whoever else wants to do it.
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rosietrace · 7 months
❅ I lied I will send you another cause I miss AzureCarol a little
Snowed in
(Central) Characters Featured: Azure Ekoms, Carol Ann
↳ { Carol belongs to @/fumikoyasaki }
Others mentioned/featured: Sumeragi Yuuta
Pairing: Azure Ekoms & Carol Ann
Event: Valentine's Day 2024 💌
↳ Type: Requested Oneshot! 「 ❅ — Muse cuddling up to my muse on the couch 」
Synopsis: With RSA being completely snowed in, Carol had little choice but to stay a little while longer.
Warning(s): Potentially ooc, Yuuta mentions, YuuRen is implied but Miren isn't properly mentioned by name, this plotline probably doesn't make much sense but shhh enjoy the fluff, written before Azure's profile revamp
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
[ Reblogs > Likes ]
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Carol huffed in silent frustration, sitting down on the couch situated in Azure’s dorm room.
“You’re in a rather sour mood,” Azure sat beside her, not looking up from his book. “Then again, I can't exactly blame you.”
“Being snowed in isn't an ideal situation.”
Carol sighed. “Yes… I can only hope Yuuta doesn't cause too much of a ruckus back at Ramshackle.”
Azure hummed, his arm wrapping around her shoulder to bring her closer to his side.
“I'm sure Yuuta won't make too much of a fuss.”
“You're too kind when it comes to saying things like that.”
“I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt,” Azure cracked a small smile, the edges of his lips quirking upwards. “He's nice.”
“When he wants to be,” Carol clarified. “Yuuta's nice when he wants to be.”
Azure couldn't deny that fact. Plus, Carol knew Yuuta for longer than he had. It wasn't like he knew the Machiavellian man that well, though.
Carol looked over to the contents of the page Azure was currently reading, tilting her head in intrigue. “New book?”
“Mhm,” Azure nodded, pushing his glasses up. “It's an Author paperback copy, since… Well, I wrote it. I'm just reading it to spot any mistakes.”
Carol smiled slightly. “Could I read with you?”
He could only chuckle, pressing a kiss to the center of her forehead. “Of course,” Azure agreed, going back to the very beginning of the book to reread it.
Carol's eyebrows raised in both surprise and slight guilt. “Oh-” she cleared her throat. “You… Didn't need to do that.”
“Well, too bad, Miss Ann,” Azure was filled with amusement, using the top of his pointer finger to push up Carol's glasses, this time around.
Soon after, he looked down at her with a soft, reassuring look. “Besides, I don't quite mind.”
“You don't?”
“Of course not. Why would I?”
“Well,” Carol paused, drawing in a breath. “You were quite far into the book before I asked to read with you. At most, you were ⅓ of it.”
“And?” Azure arched a brow at her, not really seeing what point she was trying to make.
Not wanting to argue over something so petty, Carol drew out her breath, leaning against him.
She smiled to herself as Azure pulled her somewhat closer, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Forget what I said.”
“You're quite the observant one, My Dear.”
Carol stifled a laugh, feeling teasingly skeptical whilst looking up at him. It wasn't like she did much, only pointing out several writing errors and plot holes in the book one after the other.
Well- It wasn't much to her, but to him? It meant a lot.
Frankly, Azure felt himself falling in love with her all over again. Knowing her, she'd ask why, but Azure was always much softer, much gentler than Carol; Someone who was both things, but knew when to be stern when need be.
“I don't think I've accomplished much,” Carol mumbled in reply. “As much as I hate to admit it, I believe Yuuta's more observant than me.”
“Oh?” Azure felt a story coming along. One he'd happily listen to from the lips of his girlfriend.
Settling herself in for a moment, Carol began. “Well… He's quite attentive. He notices when I'm feeling particularly stressed, has my favorite food memorized so that he could make it for me while I was sick, and…”
Azure waited patiently, but couldn't resist chiming in with: “And?”
Carol chuckled. “And, he somehow always knows when someone's in the botanical garden. Quite odd, that man is.”
“Perhaps. Is he still seeing that other guy?”
“Oh, very much so. Yuuta likes teasing him, but they're quick to forgive once they're given some concoction involving a lot of spices.”
“Huh,” Azure tried to imagine Yuuta in a scenario like that, but couldn't find himself to properly grasp that idea. “How… Interesting.”
“He gets more interesting the more I learn about him.”
A light scoff fell from Carol's lips. “If by interesting, it's likely you mean discomforting…”
“... But yes,” she allowed some semblance of herself to properly admit it. “I suppose he is, in your words, ‘interesting’.”
“He did bring us together, after all, My Dear.”
“In his own way, at least,” Azure placed his bookmark on the page they were currently on, setting the book down on his lap.
Carol wondered what he was up to, her gaze flickering between his eyes and the book he just put down. What was he up to, she must've thought.
Fortunately, Carol got her answer rather quickly; As Azure cradled her face in his hand, pressing a quick, yet gentle kiss against her forehead again.
Then her nose.
Then, inevitably, her lips. Carol was almost impressed that Azure had enough confidence built into his system to do such a thing.
But she didn't fight it. Hell, she embraced it, letting herself be brought into his arms and smiling softly once her head was on the crook of his neck.
Azure’s soft smile widened a little. He picked up his book and continued where he left off.
Only this time, not long before he reached the book's climax — Carol had rested her eyes, snuggling against the crook of his neck.
Azure looked down at her, carefully taking off her glasses. “You deserve a nap, my dear,” he whispered to her. She wasn't going to hear him, naturally, but some part of him hoped she somehow did.
He gave her one last kiss on the forehead right as he was about to continue — and eventually conclude — reading.
Written for
@starry-night-rose || @jasdiary || @authoruio || @nem0-nee || @sakuramidnight15
「 Etteilla ♢」
@geminiiviolets || @hallowed-delights / @terrovaniadorm || @twsted-princess || @absolutelyobsessedkiya / @twistedsongstressofstarz || @mystery-skulls-ghost || @abyss-wonderer
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benchspkmnirlhub · 9 days
//Favorite bit of writing you've done so far?
In general? My fic Day of Heroes, a oneshot about all the PMD protags and partners celebrating a holiday together.
For my blogs? Probably the final videopost of the first Unova arc. I'm realy proud of what I've written for the Johto arc too, but this post is my favorite that I've made to date.
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joeys-piano · 11 months
20 Questions About A Fic Writer
Tagged by @voxofthevoid who is pretty much a writing god as far as I'm concerned. The breadth of his works are wide, and he be doing things for the hell of it.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
230 since 2016.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
841,020. I mostly write oneshots and short stories.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Whatever scratches my writing itch. I used to settle in fandoms when I was younger, but now I wander around and write for whatever catches my interest during that season of my life. It keeps me fresh. I found my insecurities were a lot louder the longer I settle somewhere because it's easier to make comparisons. So I just stroll around. It's a lot simpler life. It keeps me from chasing AO3 stats and lets me write things I wouldn't have the courage to do in other fandoms. So that's nice.
Currently I'm writing for Link Click.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
From Yuri on Ice.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Often, I leave long replies that are ficlet length at least.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My mind tells me those fics are from the Harry Potter fandom.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe you can tell me because I've written a lot and I don't remember.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Rarely. I've written for ships people have issue with and have not yet received hate for it. It unfortunately happens to my friends and writers I respect, so that sucks. The only hate I've really received was when someone argued with me in the Harry Potter fandom that English Breakfast tea does not exist. And I was so weirded out by the comment that I just deleted the fic for my own mental peace.
Other than that, I don't recall any other hate. I have recieved passive aggressive comments, but those were from years ago. Overall, it's either positive or neutral.
9. Do you write smut?
Maybe once or twice a year. It's not that fun, really.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I used to.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge. I had a request once, but I don't think anything came out of it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. Two of them for one fandom. My writing style and process is better suited for solo writing. I've tried co-writing with what I do currently, but it doesn't mesh well.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Odazai. I don't write for it currently, but I still enjoy seeing it. Which is something I cannot say for other ships I've done in the past, so that means a lot to me. I might pick up writing for it again if I feel that's my season to do it.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but probably won’t?
Whatever is in my "Not Currently" folder. I'm of the mind that if a story or idea ends up there, it's a doomed attempt trying to resurrect it. So I let it die. Yeah I'm haunted on a constant basis if I think about it, but that's just life I think. Nowadays I write stories I do carve time for, not ones that I want to carve time for. There's a difference.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Introspection. Rhyme. Character voice. Vibes. My willingness to experiment with my writing and challenging myself to strengthen my weak areas. Nowadays, I write the stories that I write to challenge my technical skills as a writer. It keeps me from feeling stagnant and I often start writing things I don't normally write, but this gives me the mental library of how to do certain things because I've done it before.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Heavy plots. Physical affection in a romantic or sexual sense. Fluff because I get violently ill every time I write it (like covid, the flu, it aggraviates my flares up and that's not fun). Angst because it drains a lot of me and I get tired. So, I realize that limits what I can write, so I try to be really good at what I do write.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Personally, I don't do it. If I have a character speaking in another language, I summarize it through narration. If some words are borrowed, like a good example is names of food or certain phrases, I'm fine with putting that in dialogue. When I was younger, I used to italicize that stuff. I don't anymore unless emphasis is directly on those words.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
At the moment, nothing comes to mind. While writing them, I'm sure there was a lot of love because I willingly pulled the stories together. But other than that, I don't have a real favorite.
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logicgunn · 1 month
🛒, ✨, 💋, 🎶, 🛠, 🍦, 💖, ❌, 🎃, 🎨, 🦅, 🤗, 🎉, 🤯, 💥, 🤭, and 🥰, please?
Thanks for the ask! Phew! *stretches fingers*
💋&🎶answered here!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Coldness. Domesticity. Whump. Challenging gender roles (according to Bun).
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
I've gotten skilled at characterisation and turning "s/he would not fucking say/do that" into something plausible.
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Online: Microsoft Word
Offline: Libre Office.
I am open to suggestions if anyone uses anything other than these and GDocs, which I tried and hated.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Cinnamon Bun (The Language of Love) for sure!
💖 What made you start writing?
Time, boredom, depression and watching Stargate Atlantis for the first time and catching feels for McShep.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I can't imagine ever writing an omegaverse fic. I would have said high school/collage AUs, but I did write a Laura & Rodney teen fic that had a high school setting. Probably a one off though.
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I have written a halloween fic, a christmas fic, and another christmas fic. Holidays are good inspo. I think I have a couple of unfinished valentine's wips in a folder somewhere I should look at.
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
There's some very cool podfic covers of some of my fics that rock my socks!
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Shorter ones just happen, but if they start to expand or I already know they're multichap or a series then I definitely make a plan. Plans change a lot though because sometimes when I write it goes off in an unexpected direction.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Just write. A crap draft can be edited, a blank page can't. Start with the idea that's burning in your mind. Expand on it later, in both directions if you want.
There's a tumblr post going around that says if you are stuck in a scene, go back a few lines, the problem is there, I've found that to be true more often than not.
Sometimes a story is just a single scene, and that's enough. I wrote an OFMD fic that I intended to be a 5+1, but ended up posting as a oneshot instead and it was better for that choice than it ever could have been if I'd struggled on.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Hard to say. I get immmense satisfaction in finishing a fic. Sharing it is nervewracking, but if a few people kudos I'm thrilled. We all want validation on some level. 10 kudos and I stop worrying!
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Genres aren't so much a problem for me, I'm up for most things. Some are easier than others, like angst and whump and fluff, but there's nothing I think of as a struggle. The things I struggle with a more grammatical than thematic.
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
I get asked that a lot so I wrote a thing on my AO3 page.
If it can be fixed in five minutes, let me know in the comments. If I'm skirting the edge of something without the delicate touch it requires, please DM me, I only bite bigots. If you hate everything I've written from present tense to an au setting to queer themes, I might not be the writer for you..."
Most of the "concrit" I've had has been bigotry, and I'm sure everyone already knows my tolerence for that. If something's posted, I'm pretty much done with it, except when I go back and reread it after posting and find a dozen typos that did not exist in my final draft!
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
My most used additional tags are fluff, post-apocalypse and survival, so make of that what you will!
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
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gendervapor14 · 1 year
gen's ship one piece fanfiction masterlist!
um so my original masterlist became impossible to edit because it was too long so i decided to split it in half! so, now the old masterlist is purely my gen content (romance is not the main focus) and this masterlist will focus on romance and ships.
updated 08-12-23
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doflamingo x viola/violet
i hate this ship as much as i love it. i suffer every time i write them. anyway. here are the fruits of my labor.
a gift and a curse
rating: T warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings status: complete! oneshot, 2,916 words genres/cw: soulmate AU, enemies to lovers, angst, attempted murder, sexual tension, power imbalance, suicidal thoughts, canon-compliant characters: doflamingo, viola summary: They were equals now. His wild, reckless motives threatened her vitality as much as her desire to restore her kingdom threatened his. He could have the build of a cockroach, but Viola was just a delicate little princess. A knife to the chest would easily kill her, if he didn't want to play by her rules. Judging by that expression when he looked her way, that disgusted scowl, he was dawning upon the same conclusion. additional notes: this was written for a rarepair event in feburary. a friend challenged me to write a soulmate AU (not a huge fan of them). it turned out pretty dark, so be mindful of that.
cut it (out)
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! two chapters, 1,755 words genres/cw: angst, canon compliant, power imbalance, blood and injury, implied alcoholism, insomnia, unhealthy relationships characters: doflamingo, viola, dellinger summary: gerascophobia ~ the fear of aging additional notes: two separate stories that focus on doflamingo's relationship with viola, and aging.
rating: T warnings: no archive warnings (check tags) status: complete! oneshot, 1,897 words genres/cw: canon compliant, unhealthy relationships, identity issues, pre-dressrosa, manhandling, hurt no comfort, threats of violence, death threats characters: viola, doflamingo summary: “What happened to the princess I used to know…?” The bridge of her nose crinkled as she maintained her balance. “She stands before you.” “This,” Another harsh jostle. “Is a façade.” additional notes: written for the "manhandling" prompt i got for the bad things happen bingo. yeah. i hate it too.
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corazón/rosinante x bell-mère
corabelle my beloved. these two are hysterical, a great fluffy/humorous escape from my angstier works. (except for when they BECOME the angstier works. then we have a problem. a good one. but a brain-eating one.
how to bed your captain
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 3,111 words genres/cw: humor, pining, sprinkle of angst, only one bed, canon-compliant characters: rosinante, bell-mère summary: Staring ahead blankly, Rosinante decided at some point between negotiating a room with the innkeeper, and getting into this bed, he’d died and gone to heaven. additional notes: probably my favorite corabelle story i've done so far. great pairing for this trope.
king of christmas
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 5,136 words genres/cw: modern AU, christmas fluff, humor, slice of life, domestic fluff, drunken shenanigans characters: rosinante, bell-mère, law, nami, nojiko summary: nojiko ruins santa for nami. bell-mère finds the perfect jolly, blond replacement. additional notes: wrote this one for christmas! thought about rosinante in a santa suit and this was born.
king of karaoke
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 1,778 words genres/cw: modern AU, humor, fluff, slice of life, dates characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law summary: bell-mère takes rosinante (and a begrudging law) to a karaoke bar. rosinante feels the need to prove a point. shenanigans ensue. additional notes: i wrote this in like an hour when i started depressing myself writing angst
happy belated
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! 3 chapters, 13,530 words genres/cw: modern AU, humor, fluff, awkward romance, rural setting, friends to lovers, domestic fluff, awkward date, suggestive themes, birthday party, dinner, snowed in, deep talks characters: rosinante, bell-mère, law, nami, nojiko summary: bell-mère helps rosinante catch a break. additional notes: SHE'S FINALLY FINISHED WOOOO
rise & shine
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 1,212 words genres/cw: modern AU, mother's day, fluff & humor, romance, suggestive themes, domestic bliss characters: rosinante, bell-mere, nojiko summary: bell-mère gets a few surprises on mother's day additional notes: i think this is the fluffiest thing i've written so far. it's very sappy and a bit suggestive, verging quite close to M territory.
from the heart, for the heart
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 2,340 words genres/cw: modern au, father's day, domestic fluff, slice of life, holiday blues, found family, hurt/comfort, law is a little shit characters: bell-mere, rosinante, law, nami, nojiko summary: rosinante gets a bit glum every father's day. bell-mère and law give him a reason to smile. additional notes: another piece of the corabelle family holidays series which was totally created intentionally
set in stone
rating: T warnings: major character death status: complete! oneshot, 2,836 words genres/cw: canon compliant, angst, financial struggles, slice of life, tragic romance, suicidal thoughts characters: bell-mere, genzo summary: “He, he was a nice guy. Terrible at charades, but I guess we were both pretty banged up.” “Did you become good friends?” “We held hands.” additional notes: a follow-up to Matching Set by @crowbarsolo because he thought he could just, write a story like that without breaking my heart and making me write a copium fic
high tide
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! 2 chapters, 9,643 words genres/cw: modern au, birthday fluff, beach vacation, light angst, drama & romance, domestic fluff, slice of life, suggestive themes, recreational drug use, referenced drug addiction characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law, nami, nojiko summary: rosinante uses his birthday as an excuse for a family vacation. things do not go as planned, but he sure does have a great time additional notes: yes the title is a pun. this fic is probably not great i don't even remember writing it
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smoker x corazón/rosinante
i truly adore this pairing! not a whole lot out there for them to my knowledge. i'd like to write more, but for now, here's some tooth-rotting fluff.
from one home to the next
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 2,030 words genres/cw: modern au, college au, fluff/humor, established relationship, romance characters: rosinante, doflamingo, donquixote parents, smoker summary: maybe returning to campus this semester wouldn't be so bad. additional notes: a cute little corasmo gift for the lovely @gali-la based on the little universe they have for them! ♥
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crocodile x corazón/rosinante
one of my favorite all-time pairings!! not nearly enough content about these two out there. (they are kind of random i guess) but hey i don't care i love them anyway. the two stories i have here so far are... extremely different, so be mindful of that 😅
all bark and no bite
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! four chapters, 14,207 words genres/cw: modern AU, fluff, humor, slice of life, fake dating, undercover missions, drunken shenanigans characters: rosinante, crocodile, bell-mère summary: rosinante gets an odd new client who is definitely a crime lord. bell-mere helps him get to the bottom of it. additional notes: somehow this story became one of my all-time favorites. rosi the boarding kennel owner and croc the... totally innocent client.
broken fingers hold tightest, broken hearts bleed brightest
rating: M warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings status: complete! oneshot, 3,588 words genres/cw: canon-compliant, angst, unhealthy relationships, brief smut, power imbalance, arguing, mildly dubious consent characters: rosinante, crocodile summary: “Grow up.” Crocodile’s tone was flat, hand furled casually in his pocket. “I’m not here to kiss your ego. This mission was your choice—” “And this relationship was your choice.” Rosinante pushed, “If we can even call it a relationship. Starting to feel like I’m just your…goddamn plaything.” A dry chuckle. “Perceptive, aren’t we?” additional notes: somehow i am capable of writing both of these crocorosi stories. i don't know either
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corazón/rosinante x katakuri
this pairing may seem like it comes out of nowhere because it does. but i am always happy to fill in another spot on my rarepair bingo sheet.
donut miss your chance!
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 5300 words, (may add more chapters later) genres/cw: modern AU, fluff, humor, slice of life, blind date, awkward date, anxiety, reference to selective mutism characters: rosinante, bell-mère, katakuri summary: bell-mère sets rosinante up with "a cute baker." a 7'2" punk-goth behemoth is not exactly what rosinante had in mind. additional notes: a gift for @gali-la! we've both succumbed to some major katacora brainrot from the wonderful fanart by M.BD on twitter and this was born in the span of like, 10 hours. might add another chapter once i actually watch WCI and feel more comfortable characterizing katakuri and the charlotte fam
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corazón/rosinante x sora (oc)
sora is an oc from 01746! she's rosinante's superior, and helps track his coordinates for tsuru while he's undercover. this story can be read without reading 01746, but some inside jokes might not make their mark.
secrets secrets (can be fun)
rating: E warnings: none! status: complete! two chapters, 6669 words genres/cw: canon-compliant, secret relationship, humor, dark humor, angst, banter, smut characters: rosinante, sora (oc), sengoku, tsuru summary: “One of these days…” Sora raised her head reluctantly, as if she’d rather keep staring into his heart. “One of these days…?” “One of these days…” His palm settled at her nape, fingers weaving through dark hair. “We’ll actually do some work in this office.” With a light laugh, Sora urged herself up onto her toes, tugging him down for a quick peck. “Not today.” “No, not today.” additional notes: my first rated E fic! yeah it's uh. rated that way for a reason. ya'll asked for this, okay. once upon a time it was one chapter and it was rated T, lmao
fill your cuts, spill your guts
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 5,835 words genres/cw: canon divergent, blood and injury, whump, cora lives au, bullet extraction, mild gore, referenced suicidal thoughts, mental health concerns, confessions, romance characters: rosinante, sora, law summary: She took the canteen for him and put it aside, helping him remove the tattered, soaked shirt. Corazón’s flashy pink shirt. Such an iconic garment. Looked so much prettier in those wanted posters, but now that it was here in her grasp, it was nothing but a threadbare, rusty, well-worn scrap of cotton. Might have been Corazón’s choice of attire, but there was still a man beneath that garish, streaky makeup. Her man. additional notes: this was festering in my drive so i posted it and doctors hate me for it
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sora (oc) x bell-mère
another spicy little blurb involving sora. did my best to make this compliant with the 01746 universe, too!
temptation, torment, and tangerines
rating: E warnings: none! status: compelete!, 4 chapters, 23,522 words genres/cw: canon compliant for the most part, enemies to lovers to friends, sexual tension, angst and hurt/comfort, feminist themes, misandry, smut, some humor, conflict of interests, moral dilemmas, arguing, size difference, implied/referenced human trafficking characters: sora (oc), bell-mere, rosinante, tsuru summary: “I’m not, we’re not doing anything. I’ll let you go, for now, but you need to get serious. If I hear of any other misdemeanors after this conversation, I will report you.” Bell-mère sauntered towards the door with her hands out in an exaggerated shrug. “You owe me a tangerine, by the way.” Sora scoffed and folded her arms. “You’re supposed to salute your superiors upon entry and exiting.” “I’ll salute ya as soon as I respect ya, toots.” ~ takes place in the 01746 universe, but can be read standalone ~ additional notes: i wanted to address the fact that i have no f/f fics in the OP fandom so i wrote this. there are undertones of f/m at the end! but yeah the main pairing is bell-mere and sora 👍
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corazón/rosinante x sora (oc) x bell-mère
uhhh i have. very little explanation for this. some friends told me a threesome with these three would be funny. did my best to deliver.
trouble, trouble, toilsome trouble
rating: E warnings: none! status: complete! 4 chapters, 21,265 words genres/cw: modern AU, polyamory, demisexuality, aromantic, bisexuality, fluff and humor, drama & romance, online dating, some smoking and drinking, insecurity, slice of life, okay. bring forth the porn tags, smut, first time, hand jobs, S&M, exhibitionism, rough sex, inappropriate use of kitchen utensils, vaginal fingering, voyeurism, threesome - F/F/M, anal fingering, pegging characters: rosinante, sora (oc), bell-mère, smoker's there for 5 seconds summary: How many times could he doom himself? Giving Smoker his phone. Dating Sora. Sleeping with Sora. Encouraging her to seek a new partner. Encouraging her to bring that partner into their home. Encouraging her to fuck that partner in front of him. The words, “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind giving it a try.” His seven deadly sins. And he tripped, stumbled, and faceplanted into all of them. additional notes: yeah this story is odd idk why it happened either
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law x monet
yeah this is a random pairing idk
paper meets coffee
rating: T warnings: none! status: incomplete, one chapter, 4224 words genres/cw: bookstore AU, coffeeshop AU, canon universe? it's weird i know, humor, sexual tension, enemies to lovers characters: law, monet summary: A coffee bar. Installed in her bookstore. It was an outrage. additional notes: do not remember writing this. i don't know when this happened. i do know a friend gave me this random prompt generator and this is what i got.
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gladius x monet
a true rarepair. have to enter them into ao3 manually every time i write about them. they're sweet though!! i think they'd have a lot in common.
until hell freezes (us) over
rating: gen warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 1,190 words genres/cw: canon compliant, goodbyes, character study, self-consciousness, angst characters: gladius, monet summary: His sleeves, not ideal for absorbing fluids, smeared the vapor around to create a smudged, translucent portal of reality. Although, as those talons clattered to the glossed wooden surface, claws carving into grain, Gladius wasn’t entirely sure reality was what stood before him. additional notes: my take on a light, pretty piece to highlight the tragedy of this ship. kind of tried to write the story to frame it like a blizzard, if that makes sense.
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