#probably the biggest whiplash between first impression-impression now haha
specialagentartemis · 3 years
For the ask meme: Gerald Earthman Panda Bear Extinction Event Dipshit Freed Friend Poletti. (Yes I just wanted an excuse to type all his names.)
Pffffff I’d even forgotten about some of those.
First impression
Hilariously obnoxious, snotty, self-important Cantab. But like, much funnier than that Type is in real life.
Impression now
I cannot believe he’s a heroic character now, I’m cheering him on, I want him to be happy and safe from Legion, and his family is adorable and he’s cute with them. How did this happen.
Favorite moment
When he was sitting in prison and being threatened by Gemma threatening that if he didn’t talk she would eat a greasy four-meat monstrosity and make him watch… he was APPALLED, and Gemma was disgusted at even the thought, and that’s what caused him to break. Cruel? Maybe. Certainly unusual.
Idea for a story
The commune’s yearly pilgrimmage to the Boston Potato Shed Memorial to mourn the loss of all those poor, nutritious, vegan-ethical potatoes that burned and were lost in the potato warehouse fire in the 1960s.
(Or: Poletti gets a stern lecture from the ACTUAL ghost of Mary Wollstonecraft)
Unpopular opinion
Sometimes the jokes at Poletti’s expense, particularly about veganism and polyamory, can be a little mean-spirited.
Favorite relationship
He and Gemma have an AMAZING example of mlm/wlw hostility, that was excellent when they hated each other but developed shockingly endearingly into an actual, if still antagonistic, friendship. Deep, genuine, reluctant, antagonistic-for-old-times’-sake friendships are my JAM.
Favorite headcanon
I firmly believe he got accepted to Harvard for undergrad, attended for one semester, then dropped out, proclaiming loudly his disdain for the whole institution and also the concept of academia. (No one in his classes missed him.)
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