#probably the first sensitive and emotionally in tune man she's met
I get it. I'm quite the catch. I'm flattered, but I'm hopelessly in love with my wife who can't get enough of me. I'm a lost cause. You're gonna have to find your own fucked up White boy and fix him for yourself.
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infjparadox · 4 years
The types I know in real life - as an INFJ
The ISFJ father.  Growing up, he was a bit of a micro-manager, and both of us were so stubborn that our J clashed pretty hard, especially when he pushed me to complete scholarships and laborious things that would benefit my future.  He ALWAYS wanted to do some activity together (sports, outings, family gatherings, etc), and in my teen years, I just valued creative, independent pursuits (he didn’t understand the value in those hobbies at the time - now he’s my cheerleader).  Since graduating college, we’ve become good friends, although he still over-does and over-plans everything.  We share similar values regarding our interpersonal relationships and work, as well as a similar sense of humor, and I can get that intuitive conversation out of him by asking him to tell me stories about his childhood.   He’s a fantastic storyteller. 
The INFP mother.  My mother is a kind (but anxious) woman and a fantastic role model. She’s super creative, but also incredibly introverted.  I remember she’d often tell me to find a way to entertain myself growing up (probably driven mad by my intuitive inquisitions), and that led me to many of my independent hobbies, like drawing, music, and film. (And possibly resulted in a love language of quality time, lol I love attention).  As an adult, I can now claim her as my best friend.  We can talk for hours about the abstract, ideals, and emotions.  I tease her constantly, and we laugh ourselves to tears.  
The ENFJ sister.  Confident, idealistic, and a blogger type.  We don’t get along very well, but I blame it on her not being a very matured or healthy ENFJ (and she’s been diagnosed with OCD, so there’s that).  When she’s in a positive place, we joke that we have ESP because we always have similar thoughts / reactions to interactions (Ni) and we both enjoy a lot of the same hobbies and creative pursuits, but we value those experiences differently.  For example, she loves movies for the emotions and her ability to relate to the characters, while I love them for the storytelling, the script, the cinematography, the character arcs, etc.  She loves people and organizing parties / social events.  She’s also that person on Instagram sharing all the inspirational quotes.   
The ISFP boyfriend.  Charming, easygoing, and well-rounded. Appears as an extrovert to an outsider, but in reality, he just enjoys activities that engage the five senses and his close circle of friends. He’s the absolute best at living in the moment, and he knows how to pull me back to earth and to see the more rational, objective side of things.  Loves working with his hands, and has about 3 million hobbies, from skiing to biking to working on cars to making music to photography.  Sensitive to criticism, but loves playing the devil’s advocate.  Sometimes he can be incredibly impulsive, and other times, he’s hesitant to commit to future plans or big decisions (depends on what his Fi is telling him).  Values authenticity and independence above anything else.  Very capable of deep and stimulating conversation, but does better on lower rungs of the abstract ladder that are rooted in science, physics, conspiracy theories, politics, or something he can contribute facts and real world experience to.  Dislikes conflict and being put in a box.  Other than the INFP, the only other type who does not drain my energy tank.  I’m confident that we’ll be lifelong friends and soulmates, come what may.
The INFP friend.  We clicked instantly while studying abroad, and we were able to talk for hours about anything and everything, while respecting one another’s feelings.  Super easygoing.  He’s one of the best listeners I’ve ever met, and he always asks me questions that feed the conversation.  Musically inclined, authentic, and frustratingly neutral about some of the topics I care about so passionately.  He’s also one of the most aloof people I know -- and he absolutely sucks at communication.  But even though I haven’t talked to him in 7 months, I still consider him one of my platonic soulmates.  
The ENFP bff.  Another soulmate.  A total goofball, selfish at times, but also a martyr when it comes to those she loves.  She’s one of the few people who have truly attempted to understand everything about me and pry me open -- almost to the point that it’s uncomfortable.  Loves talking about emotions (extensively). Judges people based on their zodiac sign, but she’s also incredibly insightful, perceptive, and “street” wise (she learns a LOT from her experiences / mistakes).  She can be flighty though, and her goals change as swiftly as her attention span.  Gotta love her.
The ENTP bff.  A witty friend who will always offer me a stimulating conversation - whether it’s teaching me about historical fashion or exposing me to new concepts and ideas and political theories.  We can talk for three hours straight, but by then I’m incredibly brain-fried (and she could just keep going?!).  Up for a good natured debate whenever - less good natured when someone pisses her off.  I’m fairly certain I’m the only person she is completely honest with about her feelings (she struggles SO hard to open up).  She loves to travel and experience new things, as well as host parties and game nights.  She’s both a planner and a completely "in the spur of the moment” human being.  Hates willful ignorance and stupidity, and does not care about keeping the peace. I disliked her at first for her bluntness and arrogance, but now I love her to pieces.  Soulmate, for sure.
INTJ friend (long distance).  Very, very prickly to others, but warmed up to me instantly.  Arrogant, albeit extremely logical and intelligent.  Loves memes, biology, and good television.  Adores her girlfriend and gushes about her often (one of the rare instances where she’s a total fluff ball).  Kind of a dick, but also very funny and 100% there for companionable silence or intellectual conversation.  Enjoys being in a group of outcasts and detests most people.  We had a lot of weird things in common and joked about being long lost sisters, and I valued her promptness / dependability!  Her negativity kind of wore me out though (we were studying abroad, and she was homesick for most of it). 
The ENTJ boss.  I no longer work for her, but man, what a powerhouse.  Direct and blunt to a fault, but incredibly motivated and ambitious.  Will get things done, no matter what.  Big idea woman, not so great with the details and how her plans will actually (realistically) be implemented.  SO, so organized and anal, and yet somehow kind of a mess.  Surprises me when she’s emotionally vulnerable because she’s incredibly intimidating and intense.  Loves hosting parties and cooking for her coworkers / neighbors.  Those who are close to her know she has a good heart, but she can seem like a total b** to an outsider.
ISTP coworker.  She’s good at multitasking, and yet she runs late constantly.  Intelligent in the way she asks questions for clarity and a better understanding of a concept.  Calm, collected, and logical.  Creative and impressive in her projects (home remodel, upcycling crafts, etc).  Conversation is a bit surface-level at times and mostly centers around her day to day life experiences or family drama.  She’ll often ask me about my life and then tune me out because she quickly grows bored, as do many other sensors, rip T_T.  We’re a good team, though.
These are my personal experiences with / observations of particular individuals whose type I’m confident about, but they do not represent everyone of the same type.  If anything, I think this goes to show the range of personalities within a function stack.
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nasty-b · 4 years
No longer new at all
A Reader x Feitan Fanfic
Warnings: Non-con, Graphic, Abuse, Mindfuck
Heed the fucking tags folks
Requested by @bananaprincess0
Feitan wants to go ‘home’. Phinks has been riding his asshole this whole time about the last mission not going as planned when it wasn’t even his fault. It was probably everyone's fault but his. Did that matter? Apparently not, because he’s still sitting here and listening to the blonde chew his ass out for reasons he’s completely unaware of. He might as well just leave, it’s not like they’re going to solve whatever grudge is going around with this ‘conversation’. More like a one sided argument really.“Ey- Ey! Fucking pay attention when I’m speaking to you-“
Feitan continues to tune the other out and look to the side to watch the clouds roll past on the giant canvas that is the sky. Mhh.. he got more poetic. He supposes she rubbed off on him. It almost makes him giddy to think about them two rubbing off on each other.. The short man is faintly wondering what she was up to while he was standing here like an idiot and let Phinks yell at him. Maybe the h/c haired woman was making use of the toys he got her. Some gaming consoles and all for good behavior. He made sure to continue to use the ‘good behavior gets rewards’ tactics and it had worked wonders.
In almost any region at least. She was still repulsed by him touching her in any sort of manner, which was fairly understandable, but not an issue for him personally. Feitan did his remote best to not completely tear his woman apart but sometimes just watching her struggle made him tent his pants.. so maybe, he’s not admitting it but maybe.. he sometimes had a bit of a deathgrip on the woman on purpose to encourage a bit of wiggling. His mood sours at the faint realization that it’s his own fucking fault that she’d flinch every time he touches her. Maybe one day he’ll be able to remedy it, buy her with enough rewards. By now she’d know he’d never actually kill her but hurt her? Feitan’s still very open with that notion.
First week she tried to piss off and he broke both her legs in retaliation. That.. left an impression. After that y/n never tried to run away again but it also made any sort of interaction extremely unreal and fake. She smiled at him but it wasn’t real. She did it because he told her to and that made him only angrier. The man closed his eyes and frowned, his lip pulling tight as he tried to figure out why the woman was being so difficult. It’s as if she was retarded. Feitan could give her literally anything she’d want and here they were, playing cat and mouse because she’d rather cling to a life that didn’t appreciate her-
Then again. First time they met he did kick her in the stomach for no actual reason and more because he had the urge to.. Maybe that’s where he really missed it? The man sighed. Phinks wasn’t getting the program, he’s still talking and Feitan’s out of patience. Maybe leaving was going to be the best action here, if he had to sit through hours of this he’d rather do this later when his mood was better. Right now he’s really lacking the patience for this. Y/n was all alone too, he’d rather spend some time with her. Frankly, Feitan can stand letting off some stress. Heh.. His eyes open as he thought about the primal urge he felt going through his spine.. Oh yeah. He’s getting some ideas.
Whatever, Feitan tensed his legs and stood up finally, to his not extremely impressive height. Phinks gave him a sour look and they ended up staring at each other for a moment. Don’t antagonize him, he’ll only- “I wasn’t listening.” Great job. Phinks goes red like he was about to turn into a lobster but before he can blow up again, Feitan turned his body away and just left the situation all together. He’s ignoring the yelling behind him, the blonde knows well enough to not grab Feitan from the behind. That was like asking for an actual battle. He’s not in the mood for one right now, more into a mood of putting his cock into his girlfriend. Girlfriend. He makes a face at the word. That’s not what she is.
She’s more like.. his woman? Kind of, well not emotionally and not mentally either, they were way too off for that. More of a physical ownership. Not that it mattered, he’d get there eventually. Once he got back to her, he’d just beat it into her. Repeatedly.
She wasn’t bleeding anymore at least. Only the first few times, afterwards it was like her body just grew used to him. Frankly, she felt like a perfect mold around his cock. It’s probably not what she felt like though, seeing her sob and choke in despair as she just looked at him like she had learned the hard way how to do. If she didn’t he usually reprimated her. It was a steep learning slope, but they were slowly getting to a point where she didn’t cry as much. At first she usually would be in visible pain, now it ebbed off to just discomfort.
Feitan made sure she wasn’t in pain anymore. Y/N just loved to make a drama out of it because she was still unused to him. It hadn’t been that long that he’d expect her to realize how good she was going to have it yet. This was a long, wearing process of taming a wild rabbit. Sure, it thought freedom was the way of life but that’s because it didn’t know the comfort of a captivity in luxury and safety. She’s complaining that he’s hurting her, he knows he’s not. Take it from someone who hurt people a lot during his lifetime, he was pretty good at telling when someone was in pain and when someone was just exaggerating. Case in point, when he pulled back and then jerked his hip a bit upwards to slam as deep into her as he could he got a weak gasp instead.
His eyebrow twitches at the sound. It had been happening the past few times, once she had healed from their first time and he made sure to not tear her again. Feitan put a little effort into pleasing her sometimes and, while it was a normal biological reaction that she had little control over, it sometimes did manage to rile her up slightly. Not by much, the woman herself had never cummed while they were together. Mostly because Feitan didn’t care if she did. He tried to give her one at some point but she fought it so violently that he saw it reasonable to let her keep this for herself for now.
Eventually she’d give it to him willingly anyway. He tilts his head at her, slowly reaching up and grabbing her in a mock-gentle fashion by the side of her face and giving her horrified expression a warm and inviting smile as he slowed his pace and just began gently rocking into her. She was flushed and sweat, her h/c hair sticking to her half dressed body. She’s wearing a shirt, because he was not feeling touchy today. Maybe he’d feel it next time. “Even you should start getting bored of your temper tantrums.” They’re not tantrums. They’re realistic reactions to someone raping you but a good opportunity to scrutinize her and make it a huge lesser deal than it was.
It wasn’t that he was dumb enough to think her reactions were overdone, he knew they were valid in the face of what he was doing to her, but if he told her long enough that she was just being dramatic, eventually, whether she knew better or not, she’d feel like it too. The wonders of human mentality. Some people were stronger in that regard than others. Y/n? Not exactly a strong person altogether, the woman was so sensitive to pain just the threat of breaking a finger had her in almost hysterics. Considering she was a civilian that grew up in a normal environment, not that much of a surprise. The woman isn’t answering him. She knew better, unless she agreed with him being silent was her best option.
Feitan didn’t take protest well, in fact, he didn’t take it at all. The man felt his cock twitch when her walls clamped down on him in reflex and he closed his eyes for a bit, just relishing in the sensation. Work had been hard.. (No it hadn’t.) He deserved a break. Deserved some pampering, some indulging in his needs. It’s what he tells himself even though he knew that by moral standards he deserved nothing but a rope around the neck. Good for him that he didn’t care about morals. The need to listen to his had stopped long ago. Feitan pressed his slim body against her and exhaled, she’s shivering, trembling and just biting back wails. She won’t get used to this fast.
He’ll have to keep it up, otherwise this might take forever. Not that he didn’t have the time, or patience. He could muster it if he tried hard enough.
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
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*please note that the header for RR is giving me trouble this will be fixed tomorrow
Chapter Twelve:
The One Where The Baudelaires Meet Uncle Monty
The stretch of road that leads out of the city, past Hazy Harbor and into the town of Tedia, is perhaps the most unpleasant in the world. It is called Lousy Lane. Lousy Lane runs through fields that are a sickly gray color, in which a handful of scraggly trees produce apples so sour that one only has to look at them to feel ill. Lousy Lane also encircled a horseradish factory, so the entire area smells bitter and strong.
I tell you this because this is where the Baudelaire orphans’ story picks up. 
“I’m sorry if you’re uncomfortable,” Mr. Poe said after yet another fit of coughing. Klaus thought he was going to go insane if he had to hear this man cough any longer. “But this new car of mine doesn’t fit too many passengers. We couldn’t even fit your suitcase, Klaus. In a week or so, I’ll drive back here and bring them to you.”
Klaus rolled his eyes. Mr. Poe could have in fact fit Klaus’ suitcase if he had listened to Klaus and Sunny’s suggestions of setting it in the passenger seat. But Klaus didn’t care, he stuffed as much as he could into Sunny’s diaper bag. He wasn’t able to fit any of the remaining books from the Baudelaire mansion in the diaper bag after putting some of his clothes in there so he hoped Dr. Montgomery had books that he and Sunny could read. 
“You children must be so tired from everything yesterday.” Mr. Poe commented when neither child spoke to him. 
“Yep,” Klaus replied angrily rolling his eyes. This was an understatement. Both children weren’t simply tired...they were exhausted. In more ways than one. They were physically exhausted, mentally exhausted, and emotionally exhausted. Not that Mr. Poe cared. Hell, not that anyone cared. The Baudelaire children had a horrible time yesterday. Not only did Count Olaf escape the authorities, but the authorities kept hounding both children, especially Klaus, about the abuse they received by Olaf. Klaus knew that it was their job to act concerned but they weren’t. None of the adults were. The only adult he thought might have cared was Justice Strauss but she had left before the authorities began to interview the children. So there was a part of Klaus that thought that she didn’t even care. Yesterday, the authorities kept wanting to split him and Sunny up so that they can look them over in private but Klaus refused. He didn’t want to be separated from his baby sister, but no one seemed to care. They kept hounding him to hand her over and each time he refused. They would ask him questions about what Olaf did to him and he didn’t say much. He didn’t want to say much. He wanted to be left alone. They weren’t there for him when he needed them what would knowing about it do now? Even Mr. Poe was getting on his nerves yesterday, more than usual. Trying to physically separate the kids by trying to take Sunny from his arms. It was only until his secretary, Jacquelyn, told him to leave them be. Klaus finally allowed the authorities to look Sunny over after they promised that he would be able to hold her. They found a few bruises on Sunny that Klaus hadn’t known about which made Klaus feel a sickening mixture of guilt and rage. He didn’t know whether Olaf had hurt his baby sister or one of his bastard troupe members. The police promised him that it didn’t seem too bad but what did they know? Sunny was an infant, a simple smack or a simple pinch could severely hurt her. When they said that to Klaus, he felt his trust in them decline even more. He didn’t even think that was possible. 
Klaus did explain to the police that Olaf had bruised his cheek and his jaw from different altercations. He mentioned the long list of extraneous chores that Olaf made him and Sunny do as if the two children were his slaves. He mentioned all the death threats and even Olaf’s last threat of returning. He mentioned Olaf’s insane plot of running them over by a train to obtain their fortune and explained why Olaf had decided to put Sunny in a cage. He detailed how long Sunny was in the cage. But he didn’t mention the laceration. Part of him knew that he should...to pile on more evidence against the vile man but another part of him was ashamed that it even happened. He didn’t want to feel weak. He didn’t want people to pity him. He didn’t need pity. He needed their help. Something everyone, even Justice Strauss, failed to give him. What made yesterday worse was that Mr. Poe kept complaining that he was due back at the bank, so he asked if the interviews could be finished at his house. So now his wife knew what happened and no doubt was writing more articles about the children, exploiting them for her horrid newspaper. 
Both Mr. and Mrs. Poe gave Klaus a long-winded lecture about respecting and trusting the authorities which Klaus barely paid attention to. He kept imagining himself killing Olaf while they kept ranting on and on about whatever the fuck they were talking about. It felt like an eternity, though. Since Poe kept stopping every two minutes to cough for what seemed like forever. 
Klaus was anxious about having a new guardian as he held Sunny as close to him as he could without putting pressure on his wounds, wishing so much that Poe would just shut the fuck up and drive.
“It’s a brand-new episode in your lives, Baudelaires! In just a few minutes you’ll be meeting your new guardian, Dr. Montgomery. He’s your closest living relative and apparently should’ve been your guardian all along, according to your deceased parents’ will.” Mr. Poe said as he began to cough. “I’m beginning to think it was a mistake to listen to that oddly-dressed consultant who walked into my office with no references and no identification, and who suggested that I place you two in Count Olaf’s care.”
“Sunny and I whole-heartedly agree,” Klaus said harshly. He was starting to realize that Poe was going to talk to them no matter if they answered him or not. So he decided to have some fun with his responses.
“Pathe!” Sunny yelled, which meant, “You’re a pathetic disgrace to your profession. And a waste of air.” 
The two Baudelaire children more than whole-heartedly agreed. Living with Count Olaf had been more than a mistake, it had been more than a disaster. It had been more than a catastrophe. It had been the children's worst nightmare and the worst of it was that the villainous Count Olaf was still at large, and I hate to inform you but my research shows that he will not be caught for a very long time. 
“By the way, my secretary, Jacquelyn is nervous about Count Olaf being at large, but the police tell me they feel very confident that Count Olaf will be caught in no time.”
Klaus laughed at this. “Yeah. And I’m the Duchess of Winnipeg.”
As Sunny said, “Jaclyn?!” which probably meant, “She seems smart and competent. Can she be in charge of our affairs instead of your dumb ass?”
Mr. Poe looked at him crossly in the rearview mirror, ignoring that Sunny had even spoken. “What did we talk about last night, Klaus?”
“Honestly...I don’t know. I tuned you out.” Klaus said bitterly. While Sunny just laughed and clapped her tiny hands at this. She loved when her brother was sassy, especially towards people like Mr. Poe.
“Ah, here’s the turn.” Mr. Poe replied apparently deciding to ignore Klaus.
When Mr. Poe turned down the road labeled ‘Lousy Lane’ the distant stench got a whole lot stronger and both Baudelaires began to cough and clear their throats from the rush of the bitter, strong scent. “Uh, what’s that smell?” Klaus asked plugging up both his nose and Sunny’s with his hands.
Mr. Poe began to cough again, the Baudelaires weren’t sure if it was just his normal cough or because of the horrid, unpleasant smell that encircled the area. “It’s ginger, I believe.”
Sunny shook her head, “‘Sabi!” she shrieked, which probably meant, “No, this is definitely horseradish, you uncultured swine.” 
“We’re here.” 
“How exactly is Dr. Montgomery related to us?” Klaus asked before stepping out of the car.
“Ummm, well let’s see here. He’s your late father’s cousin’s wife’s brother. That probably explains why you never met him. Come along, children.”
“What do we call him? I mean, he’s not exactly our uncle.” 
“You can call him Dr. Montgomery unless he asks you to call him by his first name, in which case you’ll call him Montgomery.”
“Wha?” Sunny asked.
“Wait, his name is Montgomery Montgomery?” 
“Yes. Yes. And I’m sure he’s very sensitive about that, so please don’t ridicule him.” Mr. Poe says then turned to the children. “Ridicule means ‘tease’.”
Klaus shook slightly with rage. “We both know what ridicule means!”
“I can...I can still smell that ginger.”
“‘Worwoo!” Sunny shrieked, which meant, “It’s not fucking ginger, you dumb fuck! It’s horseradish!”
As the Baudelaires stepped out of the car, they saw an elegant walkway to a beautiful large house. As they peered around they saw that Dr. Montgomery had decorated his yards with hedges cut in the form of snakes. Each hedge was a different kind of serpent, some long, some short, some with their tongues out and some with their mouths open, showing green, fearsome teeth. Klaus and Sunny marveled at the pure wondrous beauty that was before them. The house was a square front door made of dark wood, with several columns marking the front porch. To each side of the door were lights in the shapes of torches, which were brightly lit even though it was morning. Above the front door, the house had rows and rows of square windows, most of which were open to let in the breeze. 
“Now, Klaus, don’t ask too many questions right away. Andplease make sure Sunny doesn’t bite Dr. Montgomery. That wouldn’t be a good first impression.” Mr. Poe said.
“She doesn’t bite people randomly, only people she doesn’t like,” Klaus replied annoyed.
“You,” Sunny said simply pointing at Poe. “Olaf.” 
Klaus shuddered at even the mere mention of that vile man. He quickly changed the subject.
“Do you know what kind of scientist he is?” Klaus asked. Sunny looked up at him with a look of pure puzzlement. 
“Snakes.” Sunny replied in a tone that made Klaus feel like a dumb ass.
“I...I don’t know. I didn’t have time to chit chat, I was busy making arrangements for you two.” Poe said ignoring the fact that Sunny had already answered Klaus’ idiotic question.
“I just hope Dr. Montgomery is a decent person,” Klaus muttered to Sunny holding her close and wincing. Sunny looked up at her brother with even more confusion but he didn’t pay attention to her.
As Mr. Poe rang the doorbell, Klaus’ heart was heavy in his chest. He prayed that their new guardian would be kind and loving like their parents had been...or at least provided them with two beds.
“Hello, Hello, Hello.” a voice answered. “You must be the Baudelaires!” 
The door began to open and there stood a man of average height. He had dark skin, with dark brown curly hair. The children noticed he had a clean face except for a thin, curly mustache that sort of looked like it was in the shape of a snake. Both Baudelaires wondered how he could curl his mustache like that. His overall appearance made him seem kind and friendly, but both children were still very nervous and rightfully so.
“Yes,” Klaus replied. 
“Oh my goodness!” Dr. Montgomery said giddily. “Look at you! You must be Klaus! Do you remember me? I don’t suppose so, you were just a little baby at the time.” Dr. Montgomery stared down at Klaus for a few seconds looking him over. “Weird...I thought you’d be a little older than you are. Hmmm...none the matter.” He took Klaus’ hand and shook it. “How do you---, my what a firm grip like a Burmese python. And Sunny, little Sunny, you look so much like your dear father.” 
Sunny smiled and held out her tiny hand to shake Dr. Montgomery’s hand. Montgomery made a surprised face. “You...you have a firm grip, yourself. You get that from your dear mother.” 
Klaus and Sunny smiled. So far, so good. Klaus thought to himself. 
“Well, this is perfect timing because I have just finished frosting this delicious coconut cream cake.” He gestured for Mr. Poe and the children to follow him inside. He walked over to Klaus to help him with the diaper bag and as he gently removed it from around the boys, he noticed Klaus flinch a little. But didn’t think much of it. Dr. Montgomery then walked over to where he had set a few plates with big slices of cake on them. “Take a fork. Take a fork.” 
“Thank you, Dr. Montgomery,” Klaus said as he politely put the place intended for Sunny down.
“Please call me, Monty. I don’t like fancy titles unless they get me a discount at the movies. Do you like going to the movies, children.”
“Very much. But...our parents didn’t take us very often.”
“Well we will change that, now won’t we. We will go out to see some very important and very special films.”
Klaus looked at Sunny confused but shrugged it off. 
“What’s your favorite movie, my dear boy.”
“Um, Dawn Patrol, the 1938 version.” 
“It was your father’s favorite, too.”
“Now, if I remember correctly, you are the reader. Your mother was so proud of your voracious intellectual appetite.” 
Klaus smiled at this. “Thank you that means a lot.” 
Monty looked at Sunny and wondered why she hadn’t even tried a bite of cake. “Sunny, would you like some cake?”
“My sister prefers very hard food.”
“Ah. Well, that’s quite unusual for a baby, but not so unusual for many snakes. Perhaps Sunny would prefer a raw carrot.” Monty said smiling as he pulled a raw carrot from his pocket and handed it to Sunny. 
“Tanks!” Sunny said smiling back at her new guardian.
“Well, that leaves one extra slice of cake,” Monty said looking at Poe. “Wait, I know I will eat it myself.” the giddy man began to laugh. “Oh, I’m kidding Mr. Poe. You are welcome to a slice of cake.”
“No.  I should be getting back to the bank soon. Besides coconut leaves a funny feeling in my mouth.” Mr. Poe said rather rudely. He began to cough. “If you need anything, remember, you can always…”
“They won’t be needing anything from you, Mr. Poe. They’re finally in my care, and I will dedicate myself to their safety, comfort, and happiness as enthusiastically as I have dedicated myself to my life’s work.” 
“Our parents’ fortune can’t be used until I come of age.” Klaus blurted out without thinking just how rude it sounded.
“Klaus! Don’t be rude. Though, legally, he is correct.”
“I don’t give a fuck about the Baudelaire fortune, Mr. Poe, what with my salary from the Herpetological Society. But, as a scientist, I do admire your skepticism Klaus, it’s understandable after what you two have been through.” Monty said crossly in Poe’s direction.
“Ah, yes. The unpleasantness with Count Olaf. No need to bring him up, Klaus.”
Just then an iguana clock began to screech which made Poe scream like a little bitch. Klaus and Sunny both laughed at this. 
“I think I’ll see myself out.” 
“Capital idea,” Monty replied in the same crossly, unamused tone as before.
“Goodbye children.” 
As Mr. Poe began to walk out, Monty followed him. Mr. Poe was in the middle of saying something but Klaus and Sunny weren’t able to hear it as Monty slammed the door shut. Sunny honestly enjoyed seeing that Montgomery had a dislike to Mr. Poe as she did. But Klaus was suspicious. He thought that Dr. Montgomery shoeing Mr. Poe out so quickly was similar to what Count Olaf had done when the children were dropped off with him. Klaus couldn’t shake the feeling that the children were not as safe as they should be. There was this nagging little voice in his head telling him to not trust Dr. Montgomery. Klaus didn’t want to mistrust his new guardian, he believed Dr. Montgomery deserved a fair chance seeing that his personality seemed to be far away from Olaf’s as possible. For starters, he took care of his home and he didn’t smell awful. Sure he was obsessed with snakes the same way Olaf was obsessed with wine, but Klaus couldn’t fault the man on that. Klaus was obsessed with books and his sister was obsessed with biting things. Another difference was when they had first met Count Olaf, Klaus could tell something was unhinged about the man. He didn’t get the exact same vibe with Dr. Montgomery. But by rushing Mr. Poe out, Klaus did start to have his doubts. First impressions are usually wrong. What if Dr. Montgomery is worse than Olaf? Klaus shook his head at that notion. There was no way he was worse than Olaf...but just as bad...that was still a possibility.
“I’m sorry if I was rude to him, children. But, frankly, that man ruffles my scales. ‘Unpleasantness with Count Olaf’ he says when that man is the very reason you were put with Count Olaf in the first place.” He walked over to Klaus and Sunny smiling. “But, not to worry. You’re finally safe now. Just as your parents wanted.”
“Actually, Dr. Montgomery…” 
“ Uncle Monty, I hope, once you get used to me.”
“Monty, our parents never mentioned you.”
“Really? They never mentioned Montgomery Montgomery?”
Klaus and Sunny shook their heads and watched as a frown appeared upon Monty’s face. “That’s a shame. Your parents and I were great friends. Are you sure they never mentioned me?” 
Klaus shook his head again. “No offense, but I’d remember a name like Montgomery Montgomery.”
Monty frowned but continued with the tour. He began to walk up one of the curved staircases that led to the second floor. He stopped at a wall that he had decorated with pictures. “I loved them very much. Look, here’s a picture of us.”
“Monty, there’s no one in that picture...just a piano.”
“We’re locked inside the piano. Ah, we were so young.” Monty replied giddily.
Klaus just shared a look of confusion with Sunny. “Why...why were you…”
“Well, it seems some proper introductions are in order. Do you know what ‘herpetology’ means?”
Sunny looked to Klaus. “Well, ‘ology’ always means ‘the study of’...” Klaus began.
“Snakes! Snakes! Snakes! Snakes!” Monty interrupted him smiling like a child in a candy store. “That’s what I study! I circle the globe in search of a creature that can encircle a globe.” 
The two children smiled at their Uncle Monty. They both understood his excitement when it came to his hobby, his career, his special interest. Klaus with his reading and Sunny with her biting. Both Baudelaires knew that feeling all too well, although it had been a while since either child had experienced such a feeling. 
Monty continued walking and noticed that Klaus had eaten the slice of cake that was on his plate. “Oh, don’t worry about the dishes. Just leave them anywhere. Gustav will wash them up. Gustav!” Monty called out from the top of the staircase. “Oh, drat.”
“Wha?” Sunny asked.
“I forgot all about Gustav. He was my assistant for many years, then he left me a quite unexpected letter of resignation just this morning. Quite surprising.”
Klaus looked down at the ground. Not only was that surprising, but it was also very coincidental. These things don’t just happen. He reminded himself. But he shrugged the notion off entirely. He was just working himself up. The horrible, traumatic experiences that he and Sunny suffered has him on edge. Monty seemed to be a far better guardian than Olaf, by far. There was no competition on that front. But even still Klaus couldn’t shake the fact that something just seemed...wrong.
Monty sighed. “Well, no matter. Who needs an assistant when I have two charming Baudelaire Bambini to help me with my research and expeditions.”
“Bam?” Sunny asked, which meant, “Bambini?”
“Bambini is Italian for ‘children’. Why I am so giddy having you two hear that I might as well be talking gibberish.” Monty replied smiling down at Sunny.
“Monty, you mentioned expeditions? Who would watch us while you are gone?”
Monty simply laughed. “Now, Klaus. Do you really think that I wouldn’t take you and your sister with me? I would love for you to see the world with me and help me discover new reptiles. We can go anywhere. India. South Asia. Peru. They’ve got snakes in Peru.”
Klaus just nodded still following Monty around. 
“Now children, don’t be shy. I have plenty of rooms in my house. You may choose whichever room you’d like for yourselves.”
Klaus’ eyes got wide. “Ummm...Monty do we have to have separate rooms.”
“I mean if you two preferred to have separate rooms. By all means, that is fine by me.”
“Honestly...we would rather have a shared room at least for the time being,” Klaus said holding Sunny tight to his chest and wincing again in the process. “We prefer not to be separated.” Sunny nodded at this and put her head on her brother’s shoulder which made him jerk her away rather quickly. 
“Kay?” she asked him looking up. He quickly nodded. “Yeah. Yes. I am fine. Sorry, you...startled me, Sunny.”
Monty just kept eyeing the young boy for a moment and then went back to showing the children around. “Well, I had a feeling you would want to share a room. So I took the liberty of providing you two with the biggest vacant room in the house. If you ever change your mind, all you need to do is tell me.” He led them to a room that had a decent-sized bed for Klaus and to both Baudelaire's surprise, he also had a decent-sized crib in the room obviously for Sunny. Klaus noticed a large lamp was in the corner of the room on top of a small table that had a nice comfy reading chair placed right next to it.  Both children gave a small smile as they imagined sitting in that chair together and reading the day away.  Monty had also placed a toy box in front of the crib and a bookshelf full of books alongside one of the walls. Both children noticed that there was a large closet with a huge dresser inside. Both children were slowly beginning to believe that maybe their lives can be safe, comfortable, and enjoyable again even without their parents.
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empaths-hsp · 4 years
13 Signs You’re a Highly Sensitive Man
If you’ve ever been told you’re “too sensitive,” it may be because you’re an HSP — in other words, a highly sensitive person. And, if so, you’re not alone: HSPs make up 15-20 percent of the population. Being an HSP doesn’t mean you have a disorder — it’s a biological difference some people are born with, both men and women alike in about equal numbers.
Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D., author of The Highly Sensitive Person, is considered the pioneer of identifying HSPs; she began researching high sensitivity decades ago, in 1991. She found that certain traits are more common among HSPs, from being easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input to being more sensitive to pain.
According to Jason Fierstein, MA, LPC, and founder of Phoenix Men’s Counseling — who not only works with many HSPs, but is also one himself — HSP traits among men don’t vary much from HSP traits among women. However, the way the characteristics are perceived and accepted by others do. He says society has certain cultural beliefs and expectations of both genders, and some traits around sensitivity are viewed as more stereotypically female — and are rejected more when they come from men.
“Men may be seen as ‘weak’ in this sense, because boys are raised to embody more masculine traits, which includes stuffing feelings and emotions and learning to ‘be tough,’” he adds. But this limits men, Fierstein explains, and may stigmatize highly sensitive men into suppressing themselves when they’re perceived as “too sensitive.” So one of the biggest challenges some men may face is coming to terms with the fact that they may be a highly sensitive person — and then accepting and embracing it.
“There is nothing weak about men being sensitive, and until that stigma really gets challenged, men need to trust that their sensitivity can only help them, especially in their various relationships,” says Fierstein.
Curious if you are one? Here are some key signs you’re a highly sensitive male — or know one. Keep in mind these traits are common to highly sensitive females (both kids and adults) as well.
Signs You’re a Highly Sensitive Man 
1. You’re easily overwhelmed by sensory input, everything from bright lights to exterior sounds, like a police siren. 
Many people may notice bright lights and police sirens, but highly sensitive men are more affected by them than non-HSP men; instead of the stimulus being in the background of their mind, it’s in the forefront.
2. You process information more quickly.
Highly sensitive men take in and process more information faster than their less sensitive peers, says Katy Dimple Manning, LMSW at Houston Therapy. “While some may call sensitivity a weakness, I see it as a superpower,” she says.
3. You’re sensitive to other people’s moods.
Manning says that highly sensitive men are not just sensitive to other people’s moods, but are also the person their friends prefer to confide in. “Your friends may describe you as understanding and empathetic,” she says.
However, this can sometimes be a detriment since it can be emotionally exhausting for you to constantly take in others’ moods and feelings.
4. You’re more aware of your needs.
“Highly sensitive men may recognize their highly sensitive nature as the strength it is and learn how to leverage it like a useful tool,” explains Manning. As a result, she says, you tend to feel more comfortable than non-HSPs in making specific requests in order to get your needs met, whether it’s asking for more detailed instructions on a work project or making sure your partner knows how you prefer to receive affection.  
5. You’re more emotional.
The highly sensitive male may be more emotional than non-HSP males. “You are sensitive to other people and their remarks, and can have your feelings easily hurt,” says Fierstein. “You are also more in tune with your feminine aspects — like love, beauty, compassion, empathy, and nurturing — yet can also be tearful. This can be a positive thing in that highly sensitive men can be in touch with sensitive situations that call for emotional responsiveness.”
6. You’re conscientious and detail-oriented.
Highly sensitive men tend to be conscientious and detail-oriented, which can prove to be very useful at work, as you avoid making mistakes. However, you can also become frazzled if you have too much to do at once.
“At work, men who are HSPs may be valued for their ability to be understanding in a workforce with a growing percentage of women,” says Manning. “In addition, their ability to pay attention to details and ensure a workplace is not physically overstimulating are beneficial to any team.”
7. You’re an ideal leader.
Related to the above, highly sensitive men’s traits — such as their perceptiveness and attention to detail — lend themselves to such men excelling in a leadership position. For example, you’re likely to be empathetic and receptive to your colleagues’ thoughts and opinions, as well as know how to best delegate tasks. “You are also creative and have a big and active imagination, which can be beneficial, too,” says Manning.
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8. You don’t like change.
In general, HSPs don’t like change, as it brings about too many new stimuli. Instead, they like their current routines. If these routines are changed, it may throw you off and take you more time to adjust than it would a non-HSP.
9. You don’t have a high threshold for pain.
Contrary to the typical male stereotype — the guy who can grit his teeth and muscle through anything — HSP men are more sensitive and prone to pain than non-HSPs, whether it’s emotional or physical, such as criticism from someone or a headache or injury.
10. You easily get hangry.
Since HSPs are more sensitive to things such as pain and stimulants, like caffeine, they’re also more sensitive when it comes to getting hangry — hungry + angry — which can quickly disrupt their mood.
11. You need alone time.
Overstimulation often makes highly sensitive men crave alone time — anywhere they can find privacy away from external stimuli. “You need time to recharge,” says Manning, even if you consider yourself an extrovert. You’ve probably heard of the “man cave,” and this concept is similar. 
12. You avoid entertainment with violence, such as movies, music, or TV shows.
Although there are plenty of exceptions, highly sensitive men tend to not like movies, music, or TV shows with strong violence, as they’re too much for them, emotionally, and may cause anxiety — when the movie, song, or TV show is over, it lingers in the HSP’s mind. If this describes you, you may fall into the HSP category.
13. You appreciate the little things that awaken the senses.
Highly sensitive men may be more receptive to little things that awaken the senses, whether it’s a relaxing piece of music, a painting, or the taste of whatever it is they’re eating. While others may not think twice about such things, highly sensitive men like you are more than aware of them and even relish them.
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Dear Men: ‘Sensitive’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means
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