castiellesbian · 5 days
4 more hours until I can go home and read fanfiction 😭
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castformation · 5 months
Question for my Pokémon IRL/Rotomblr peers as I consider rebooting this blog in the wake of Pokémon Hyperfixation(tm)
Bonus points for elaborating as to whether another user's in-character location influences how you interact with them! Do you find it harder to interact with users from or based in non-canon regions, or do you find it fun?
Thanks for your input! Feel free to reblog for a larger sample size etc etc :D
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teacherstudiies · 1 month
Another glorious day to remember I’m not a teacher in the US who has to spend fortunes on a classroom while being forced to work 2 jobs aber school
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newtness532 · 17 days
you have my friends who have already started taking friends and family as clients and you have me who refuses before the person has even started asking it and constantly had to stop myself from saying things like "you should ask a dietitian" at my internship. where i was interning. as a dietitian.
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knifekris · 1 month
every day i struggle to make choices
#i should invest into some kind of education but cant make up my mind#mostly because options suck#i cant do trades unless my body sucks less which is sad because id love to be an electrician#cant even think about getting a pilots license cuz im not passing the med cert#i think id rather die than be a med assistant actually#working clinics at all makes me nervous tbh but probably where im headed in the short term#surgical tech would be cool but i cant do a Real program while working full-time#which is what limits most of my choices#i need to find more paid training programs i guess#if i had to pick a miserable but fulfilling job id go into education itself#but the teaching profession has always been in a downward spiral esp as of late#i dont want healthcare because i hate seeing dysfunctional glorified murder machines grinding around and around endlessly#acute care sucks id rather be in an icu for function but then im depressed because our patients are always dying#it was better as a phleb but this hospital doesnt have phleb and like i said im nervous about clinics#but i need to fucking commit to outpatient phlebotomy i think :/#the most fun ive had at a job ever#i wish i had more widely applicable skills but i cant be an emt/para even just for the training#because half of it is unpaid and the other half you pay for#and again#a job NOTORIOUS for being exhausting dangerous and traumatizing#if i was 17 again and wasnt escaping the tar pit of my mother id go for an english degree and i wouldnt even regret it#thinking about school in terms of a job i have to have forever vs for the sake of learning is so different#id like to know everything. i wanna read and write forever. and do research and have real technical skills that help people#im still riding off of the high of getting 5 ccs off of an oncology patient who desperately needed a port#they were able to run like seven tests off of it#i had to use a couple ped tubes#she only had to get poked Once and barely noticed it bc the doc team came in and im so happy i made her admission that muvh easier#labs are so miserable#checking back on the blood and seeing all of the results came through made me more pleased than anything else in the world
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jupiterjunebug · 4 months
The way everyone defaults to kill in the notes of these for wrestlers they dont know honestly surprises me. I mean i have chronically low libido so im imagining hornysona me on all of these but if i WERE horny and into sex with ppl other than committed partners a pro wrestler that my friend assures me isnt a creep irl (i assume my mutuals arent putting the freak in a bad way guys on the wheel)? pretty much gold standard for anonymous hookups
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nachosncheezies · 2 months
Something that I have observed, in life and in fandom spaces, is that vast cultural and linguistic differences are often unknown, and this has become especially apparent as social usage of the internet has grown worldwide. It's no one's fault. Nobody is "less than" or unintelligent or whatever else for not recognizing it. It's simply something that you can't really know, I think, without being directly exposed to it either by education or personal experience.
I've been lucky to have been something of a nomad, but that comes with its challenges which go way beyond the practical or homesickness. I can say that even within the English language there are VAST regional and cultural differences in modes of expression. Interestingly, the folks I've known who MOST seem to recognize it are linguists and especially professional translators - professions where a recognition of the importance of localized metaphor, unspoken nuance, idiomatic expressions, etc, are absolutely KEY to success. But I digress.
Based on my own experience, I believe that internationally common tongues sometimes fail us to a degree because of this. In some places, culture is more "individualized" - a sort of "what can I do" which often includes a sort of "me against the world" outlook. (I do not mean selfishness. Not at all. I mean it's a starting point, not a goal.) Presenting one's thoughts can best be accomplished by conveying strong, even absolute conviction in one's position, which - "me against the world" - can lead to generalized and sometimes forceful statements. At home, that would be a starting point for discussion and debate, and would be returned in kind. In other places, discussion takes more of an "improv comedy" style, wherein "yes, and..." is the mode of debate. In still others, the places and types of silence can convey just as much about someone's position and can be just as persuasive as words themselves. Sarcasm is especially regionalized, and conveyed differently from place to place. Body language is universally important in adding nuance or clarification to any statement in any place. Put these sorts of things in a blender, and you can easily find misunderstandings where some come off aggressive or as "talking down" to others, others unusually meek, still others appearing to agree when actually, they are not agreeing at all, etc.
I have also observed that in real life situations, differences in regional accents afford a certain amount of grace toward these differences, even when we're not actively conscious of any of the above. (This, I can say with absolute certainty, because I have also lived in a few places long enough to have taken on a floating accent, and when I'm visiting any of these places for more than a day or so, that grace if I stumble back into other modes of expression disappears with whichever accent I got off the plane with 😂)
Unfortunately, online, we don't have this constant audible reminder that a person is something of an "other" coming from some other place where modes of communication may be different. Even people who deal with language as their professional bread and butter can easily forget in online spaces. We tend to hear whatever we read in our local accent, and things such as metaphor and sarcasm may be misconstrued, "individualized conviction" modes may come across as shocking and rude, or the many and varied uses of silence may go completely unnoticed, etc.
Anyway. If you have read this whole novella, thank you. 💕 I have debated posting something like this for a looong time, because I wonder sometimes if conflict I see within fandoms (and educational groups, and professional groups, and and and) might arise, fundamentally, from these sorts of misunderstandings. I do not intend it as a callout to any person or group of people. Perhaps, hopefully, simply food for thought.
#actually not all of this is even regional. it can happen across professions etc too#have a scientist talk to non-scientists and watch how often the scientist's professional ethical obligation#to qualify and be transparent about even miniscule and completely insignificant margins of error#is misconstrued as 'the science isn't settled!' and thus all too often as 'that's just your opinion!'#i can not stress enough how much this has nothing to do with intelligence and how much this is not intended as anything but observation#i don't claim to be an expert but#I firmly believe it is not something that can be fully understood/appreciated without experiencing it and that is never a failure#Hell I was living with it for ages until a group of very kind translators started educating and helping me with it *across* languages#which eventually led to an incredibly italicized *oh* moment about how MONUMENTAL even within-language differences can be#so yeah. idk maybe someone might have their own italicized oh. or maybe not#all i can say is it was a biiiiiiiig deal for me when it happened#bc suddenly i was a lot more aware of how not just my voice and word choice but things like degree of assertiveness or my use of silence#or when and whether to offer someone a drink or even simply how i gesture with my hands FUNDAMENTALLY alters how polite or relatable i am#made real life a whole lot smoother#this shit is actually EASIER across languages because your whole brain just switches#still always harder online bc i have no idea where anyone's from so even regions i have some idea how to talk to like#where you from babe what dialect am i speaking to not sound like a jackass to you???? 😂#the struggle is real#also tangentially related side note#god bless gillian anderson for fully embracing her multiple accents & being frank about it. so incredibly validating for a mutt tbh#long post#linguistics stuff
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 4 months
important thing 2 know abt being mutuals w me is that i will type in the tags SO much plz do not worry abt it i am just genuinely typing out my entire train of thought and it is not always coherent or relevant i am just a chronic yapper
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skyfulloflilac · 29 days
im thinking of quitting college for the second time and switching to trade school again... my mental health and concentration is still pretty shit, so i just dont have the energy for college (even if ur perfectly healthy its just ridiculously demanding these days, i know so many who got a burn our from it). im not sure what id study yet, but im seriously considering electrician or something energy industry related. theyre not exactly smth im passionate about, but due to allergies and join issues most jobs id love are not possible for me so those would be the best choices i think
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awek-s · 2 months
one of my regulars came in and asked me what I wanted to do w my life and said he hopes it’s not this djsdnns and i said I wanna lecture in literature and we talked a little bit about it but he said he hopes i consider doing it elsewhere bc this country doesn’t deserve people like me 😩😣😭🫣🥰
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chronurgy · 3 months
Hey siri how do I get so good at hockey in the next six months that Canada will adopt me?
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wittgensteining · 1 year
I genuinely love uni and going to my classes, I am excited every time during the registration period when I get to pick my electives for the next semester. I love going up to ask professor more questions after a lecture and reading my assigned readings. I study with the intention of remembering everything after the exam. It’s normal to struggle with your studies but studying at university should be equally challenging and enjoyable. I sincerely hope that everyone gets a similar experience to mine during their time at uni. It’s only natural that there are going to be parts of your degree that you dislike or simply don’t care for but if you hate everything about your lectures, your seminars, your readings, maybe you should consider switching majors.
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jamesscarstairs · 3 months
anyone that’s doing a masters in the uk, particularly those funded by student finance wales, what was your loan process like?? and if you’ve started repaying it, is there a huge disparity between your undergrad and postgrad loan repayment scheme??
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moth-guts-everywhere · 4 months
My entire view of the world is being changed slowly and not foe the better. I don't remember being this cynical or mean.
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innielove · 4 months
im gonna lose it over how 95% of marketing jobs i find want to employ people with 1-5 years experience, a drivers license, graphics design and video editing knowledge, probably with some programming knowledge, also you should have been born into an agency sucks to be you✌🏻
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tachyon-omlette · 2 years
I'd love to see Maelstrom and Hexyl!!
drew the first situation I thought of
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