#professional astrologer in london
littlechaoticwitch · 1 month
Dead Boy Detectives Swap-AU but a little towards the left
-Edwin and Charles both attended St. Hilarion's at the same time, where they were paired up as roommates. During their second year, Charles saved Edwin from being kidnapped by a group of bullies trying to play a cruel prank, and a few months later, Edwin saved Charles by recusing him from the lake after the same group of bullies threw him in there. When both were sixteen years old, they escaped their horrible home lives and found a cheap flat in London right above an old antique store. They started up their detective agency soon afterwards, using their combined gifts to help solve supernatural cases. They still run away from Death whenever she appears, but more of the fear of what she might do for "taking over her job".
-Edwin grew up in a religious cult where he was targeted by the other members (including his own parents) for being gay and being interested in magical studies, which would eventually lead him into becoming a sorcerer. The cult was led by a maniac named Sal, who was obsessed with dolls and spiders, and he took a particular "liking" to Edwin. According to Edwin, the village where he once lived is "the closest thing to Hell on Earth".
-Charles grew up in an abusive household, as his father had grown up in the "poor" area of the same village as the religious cult but moved out when he went to university. After getting an Indian girl pregnant during a one-night stand, they were quick to get married and he forced her to give up her gifts. But she still taught their son how to wield his magic in secrecy, and over the years, she gave him with enchanted items disguised as normal gifts.
-Both are currently 25 years old, with Edwin working at a bookshop in Soho and Charles works as a professional tattoo artist.
-Crystal is a 18-year-old psychic from the 1980s, whose body had been in possession of a demon she had been in a relationship with. Once the boys exorcise the demon, they manage to free her soul from the prison within her own mind, but the demon took her memories, causing her to be unable to pass on. Ultimately, the boys come to the conclusion that due to her being "involved" with a demon, if Death was ever to come to collect her one day, Crystal would be in real danger of being sent to Hell for her actions, regardless if she was in control or not. Her relationship with Charles is more one-sided on her part; while she has a major crush on him and mistakes him comforting her as him being flirtatious, he is quick to set up boundaries when she tries to kiss him after the lighthouse case.
-Niko is another spirit haunting Port Townsend, though her story goes back to the late 1910s. A grieving 18-year-old girl whose father passed away, she learned that the yōsei could resurrect the dead and decided to go find the bewitching spirits. Unfortunately, this would lead to her being captured, tortured, and killed by the spirits before being trapped in a snow globe; this snow globe would eventually find its way to Port Townsend in the mid-2000s, where she was accidentally freed and decided to act as a benevolent spirit to the young children, almost becoming a guardian angel. Much like in canon, she loves playing matchmaker to the town locals (as her mother was the local nakōdo in their village), but she has a better success rate in bringing together soulmates.
-Monty Finch is another tenant staying in the same apartment complex as Edwin and Charles. A quiet 21-year-old astrology student, he took a break from school after the death of his mother; during this time, he is possessed by a tree spirit to lure new victims to the woods but his unwillingness to leave his room had left it to starve. After the detectives save him (and his hair turns white from the shock), he unofficially joins the group as their fifth member.
-Florence Knight (aka the Night Nurse) is the property manager of the apartment the boys rent out while stuck in Port Townsend. While she is quite strict and practical about everything she does (including her job), she does have a soft spot for children. Niko and Monty work together to set her up on a date with her secret admirer; while the local librarian uses this as a chance to stalk her next victim, it is revealed that Asha was the one sending the letters.
-The Night Butcher (aka Jenny Green) is an executioner for the Lost & Found Department. Desperate for a promotion, she sees the capture of Crystal (who should have already been sent to Hell) and Niko (whose soul could not be detected due to being trapped) as the opportunity of a lifetime. As well, she can also "arrest" Edwin and Charles for basically taking over her job.
-The Crow Queen (aka Esther Finch) is portrayed as a younger woman, but she is practically the same personality-wise. As the queen of Port Townsend's crow population, she takes delight in toying with others and playing both sides, though she has a deep hatred for the local warlock. She tries to court Charles upon their first meeting but after being refused, the Crow Queen forces him to gather 100 feathers from different crows as punishment, forcing him to wear a necklace that keeps him trapped in town. In the end, she does develop some level of affection for Charles, giving him buttercup flowers during their last meeting. She also might have some connection to Dream of the Endless.
-Thomas King (aka the Cat King) is a cat-sìth who uses his powers to silently rule over Port Townsend, as he hunts and devours lost souls to keep himself alive. The son of an accused witch, he took it upon himself to learn everything he could about magic, but over time, his goals became twisted and self-centered; once he learned he could live forever by eating the souls of the dead, he performed a ritual to turn himself into a cat-sìth. He is currently turned himself into a cat six times, and he uses magic on his familiar to help in his plans to destroy the detectives. He takes a particular interest to Niko's soul due to her trauma of being tortured and killed for almost a hundred years.
-Maxine is the familiar of Thomas King, where she was once a mouse kept under his control. As a human, she comes off a cottagecore bookworm with a deep love for history and flower language; all of this is used to help her get closer to Crystal, though she does end up gaining real feelings for the ghost girl (and also helps Crystal overcome the internalized issues with her bisexuality). Her relationship with Thomas is similar to an abusive father, with her being ultimately killed when she refuses to help him anymore.
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arthurjclarke · 6 months
Arthur Jacob Clarke (Introduction)
(still a work-in-progress)
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full name: Arthur Jacob Clarke
age: 34 years old 
date of birth: May 13, 1990
place of birth: New York, New York
zodiac: Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, Gemini Sun
residential area: Downtown, Kismet Harbor
gender: Cis-Male 
pronouns: He/Him
sexuality: Bisexual
martial status: Single
occupation: Kismet High School English Teacher
faceclaim: Josh O'Connor
personality type: ENFJ | the protagonist 
moral alignment:  chaotic good 
three positive traits: charming, quick-witted, kind
three negative traits: fickle, moody, neurotic
tw: cheating, injury
It was a brilliantly sunny day when Arthur was born. Maybe it was a sign of things to come. The Lower East Side was his playground, and Arthur grew up living a happy life. His parents had been college sweethearts meeting at Columbia, his mother from New York, and his father born and raised in London. They instilled in Arthur, at a very young age, that love was indeed all you needed. His mother was a museum curator and his father was a college professor, which is why he grew up with an insatiable need for knowledge. When he was three, they gave Arthur a baby sister, Celia, his best friend in the world. It was many years of bliss—years filled with dirt-cheap movies, Hanukkah celebrations, record stores, and homemade matzoh ball soup. Years of discovering Shakespeare and pop music and discovering that maybe Arthur liked boys as much as he liked girls. Years of music, laughter, and joy filled the Clarke household. Arthur wanted for nothing back then. He thinks back on this time in his life with bittersweet fondness, knowing he was lucky to grow up in a place that felt so warm. 
He also developed a dear love for the game of tennis, which felt like it was his calling. He started it off in middle school, and from there, it felt like his racket was an extension of his arm. He threw himself into the sport, training and practicing whenever he could. When he was 18, he moved up north to Rhode Island to attend Brown University, particularly to play for their team. And while he did well academically, his attention was often reserved for tennis. In his sophomore year, however, things took a turn. Arthur suffered an extreme ligament injury in his knee, and that took him out of consideration for playing professional tennis. He was devastated, but it was time to figure out something new. It just so happened that this something new was a deep love for English Literature. Coupled with throwing himself into hobbies, including photography and gardening, Arthur figured out a new way to live and thrive. He finished school with promise and passion, and though he missed the sport he had once adored, he moved on. 
For a few years after graduating, Arthur worked as a substitute teacher in schools around Providence, but then he decided his next step would be graduate school. He applied to a variety of schools but felt particularly tethered to the idea of going to school abroad, connecting with his heritage by way of his father. He was lucky enough to be accepted into Oxford’s Master’s program in Literature, and so he picked up and moved. After two rigorous years, he applied and got into their PhD program, staying for at least another four years. It was during this time that he met James Randolph, a professor in Economics. Though not explicitly forbidden, his relationship with Dr. Randolph was frowned upon. Randolph was ten years his senior, and though their paths didn't cross academically or professionally, the power imbalance from the standpoint of both age and professor/student relationship was evident. While their relationship started passionate and thrilling for Arthur, he soon found himself shrinking himself to appease the older man. Over the years before James, Aaron had his fair share of flings; men and women were constant but fleeting, and he didn’t place too much stock into forming long-lasting relationships. He was married to his work, and though he was taught that love was so important, he found love in other things: his friends, his books, and his drive to teach about literature that mattered. But he met James and everything seemed to change.
He fell, and he fell hard. Arthur was besotted. This was what he had been waiting for, at least he thought. It was perfect: every time he looked at James, he could swear he heard choirs singing like angels were in his ears. This was the love his parents had gone on and on about… it had to be. He felt infatuated and believed that he was adored in return. This was the dream. But soon, that dream was five years long. Arthur was officially Dr. Clarke and had graduated easily, but something felt like it was missing. He thought he felt the proposal coming on… it had been years, and he had been so patient and attentive, even when James had his moods. Even when James took a sabbatical, and started to travel much more. Even when things felt lonely. Arthur was supposed to be at a friend’s birthday celebration, but he decided to head out early for the evening, not feeling particularly well. When he got home, he discovered a waking nightmare: James and an undergrad student. He methodically packed up, absolutely crushed by James’ cold and cruel nonchalance at what had transpired. 
Arthur needed to leave Oxford… he needed to get out. He had just turned 32 and felt deeply lost. Sure, he had achieved so much in ten years, but what did he have to show for it? He decided to return home, receiving the love and care of his parents. He turned back to teaching, at a high school level this go around, and while he still felt deeply hurt, he began to stitch up the wounds. After about a year and a half, it felt like it was time for a new start. He had never spent any time on the West Coast, so he started looking for teaching gigs and stumbled upon Kismet Harbor. The name alone felt like a sign. He packed up, leaving his family and home behind, and found a coastal city welcoming and waiting for him. He couldn’t wait to see what was in store.
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blinditcms · 1 year
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RONAN KELLY on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 29 YEAR OLD looks like DARYL MCCORMACK, but i don’t really see it. while the ACTOR is known for being GENEROUS my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be OBSESSIVE. i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song DIET COKE –– LEANNA FIRESTONE
name: ronan seán kelly. nicknames: ronnie. pronouns: he/him. gender: cis man. age: twenty-nine. date of birth: december 3rd, ‘93. place of birth: cork, ireland. astrological sign: saggitarius. orientation: pansexual.
height: six foot. build: quite broad, but lean, with lightly defined muscles. hair colour: black. eye colour: green. wardrobe style: in his free time, he will wear the comfiest clothes he can find, but he doesn’t shy away from colour or fashionability. he wears loads of bright colours and patterns, but will often combine those with sweatpants and other loose-fitting clothing. in social or professional settings, his outfits tend to be somewhat more reserved, though he tries to incorporate some of the bright colours into suits etc. tattoos: a small outline of a cat on his inner bicep, from his first pet, olga. piercings: none. defining features: his eyes are incredibly bright and can be considered both off-putting and captivating, depending on the audience.
physical ailments: none. mental ailments: recovering from an eating disorder, anxiety. alcohol use: drinks regularly, but always feels quite in control - he is quick to sober up and rarely drinks alone. drug use: will occasionally smoke weed and used to occasionally do coke at parties, but has now stopped that. he does use psychedelics (mushrooms), every three months or so, in a therapeutic sense. addictions: none.
positive traits: generous, empathetic, encouraging. negative traits: obsessive, impatient, slow. mbti: ENFP-T.
skills: long-distance running, acting. weaknesses: self-doubt, paranoia. languages spoken: english, some french.
1998: stars in his first advertisement for the bbc and does some catalogue modeling. 1999: books his first big role for a BBC film, which immediately skyrocket’s the 5-year-olds career. for the next few years, he is in every holiday film and makes cameos in nearly every project produced in the uk. 2002: moves to new york city with his mother, father and siblings and has a few small roles in sitcoms, books a few small roles. 2008: moves back home to ireland as work has dried up. he is now 14 and no longer the cutesy kid, in the midst of awkward puberty –– leaving him without roles. 2012: finishes his A-levels and goes to school to study drama in london. he stars in a few plays, eventually even doing a play with the royal shakespeare company. continues to work in theatre and british productions, but longs to make it back to the us and be successful there. 2016: stops stage acting temporarily to focus on his health, but stars in a few indie movies. 2020: gets cast in the second season of a major limited tv series for amazon, where he has a small but recurring role that ends up becoming a surprise fan favourite. 2022: moves back to the us, l.a. this time, and tries to use his momentum from home to propel his career forward here. it’s going... okay. savings are running out.
siblings: ronan has two siblings, one older and one younger, with whom he feels he has always had a pretty good relationship - but that isn’t felt by all three. there is definitely some tension. the kelly’s always focused on ronan’s career and needs more, though they also heavily relied on it for income. old nyc friends: ronan did some theatre work and small tv work back in new york city around 2002-2008, and made some great friends there, though they have grown apart over the years. colleagues: ronan is quite new in l.a., which means that the few people he knows are from work - any connections welcome! housemates: ronan does not make enough money to live alone in l.a., and will therefore live with at least 2 other housemates, most likely other actors or singers trying to break into the industry in the us.
from an early age, ronan’s mum (jenny) worked on getting her son into the modeling industry. the only thing he had inherited from her were her bright green eyes, but they stood out so much that it did not take very long for him to be scouted - and his first commercial photoshoots were scheduled at age 4.
once his name started growing in the modeling industry, his agent suggested that they try to get him into the acting world as well. he enjoyed playing make believe and worked well with others. she got him his first few auditions and he booked his first major role soon after. from then, you couldn’t look one way or another without seeing his face on the screen or in a magazine. he became the family business and soon after, his parents both stopped working to support him.
when he was eight, the family moved to nyc for him to star into some sitcoms and do a few small roles. he continues to audition, but with his strong irish accent, he is not booking nearly as many roles as he was back home. he starts working with an accent coach on a regular basis to both try and master a generic american accent and a more generic british accent. he also goes back to modeling and turns to being homeschooled to fit around his schedule, despite his siblings both going to public schools.
tw: eating disorder !! he soon begins working out every day and his diet is closely monitored, which instills an eating disorder in him. he often hears his family arguing about money, and he is no longer booking modeling work nor acting work. they move back to ireland and his eating disorder still goes unchecked.
he goes back to school with his siblings and his parents invest his money, hoping to double it, though the investments are not very successful. he continues to try and audition and get modeling roles, but he is a rather awkward-looking teen, very pimple-y, and his voice drop takes a lot longer to stabilise than normal. his obsession with working out and eating healthy changes, and he begins to skip meals closer to his final exams.
he makes his way through drama school and surely but slowly begins to get cast again. his obsession with his health still lingers in the background, and continues to fester until he finally accepts that what he does is not healthy and takes a break from acting in 2016 to focus on his mental health and his relationship with food. he also asks for a break in contact with his parents to focus on his mental health, which they hate and do not respect.
the first audition he takes when returning to the acting world lands him a role in the second season of a high-fantasy show for amazon. though his role was only small, he becomes a surprise fan-favourite, and his fame skyrockets. his parents try to get back into his good books but he refuses to reconnect for the time being. he decides to move back to the us, to l.a. this time, and continue his search for fame once again.
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spctlights · 2 years
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(—) ★ spotted!! RONAN KELLY on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 28 year old looks like DARYL MCCORMACK, but i don’t really see it. while the ACTOR is known for being GENEROUS my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be OBSESSIVE i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song DIET COKE –– LEANNA FIRESTONE
name: ronan seán kelly.
nicknames: ronnie.
pronouns: he/him.
gender: cis man.
age: twenty-nine.
date of birth: december 3rd, ‘93.
place of birth: cork, ireland.
astrological sign: saggitarius.
orientation: pansexual.
height: six foot.
build: quite broad, but lean, with lightly defined muscles.
hair colour: black.
eye colour: green.
wardrobe style: in his free time, he will wear the comfiest clothes he can find, but he doesn’t shy away from colour or fashionability. he wears loads of bright colours and patterns, but will often combine those with sweatpants and other loose-fitting clothing. in social or professional settings, his outfits tend to be somewhat more reserved, though he tries to incorporate some of the bright colours into suits etc.
tattoos: a small outline of a cat on his inner bicep, from his first pet, olga.
piercings: none.
defining features: his eyes are incredibly bright and can be considered both off-putting and captivating, depending on the audience.
physical ailments: none.
mental ailments: recovering from an eating disorder, anxiety.
alcohol use: drinks regularly, but always feels quite in control - he is quick to sober up and rarely drinks alone.
drug use: will occasionally smoke weed and used to occasionally do coke at parties, but has now stopped that. he does use psychedelics (mushrooms), every three months or so, in a therapeutic sense.
addictions: trying to stop smoking (failing).
positive traits: generous, empathetic, encouraging.
negative traits: obsessive, impatient, slow.
skills: long-distance running, acting.
weaknesses: self-doubt, paranoia.
languages spoken: english, some french.
1998: stars in his first advertisement for the bbc and does some catalogue modeling.
1999: books his first big role for a BBC film, which immediately skyrocket’s the 5-year-olds career. for the next few years, he is in every holiday film and makes cameos in nearly every project produced in the uk.
2002: moves to new york city with his mother, father and siblings and has a few small roles in sitcoms, books a few small roles.
2008: moves back home to ireland as work has dried up. he is now 14 and no longer the cutesy kid, in the midst of awkward puberty –– leaving him without roles.
2012: finishes his A-levels and goes to school to study drama in london. he stars in a few plays, eventually even doing a play with the royal shakespeare company. continues to work in theatre and british productions, but longs to make it back to the us and be successful there.
2016: stops stage acting temporarily to focus on his health, but stars in a few indie movies.
2020: gets cast in the second season of a major limited tv series for amazon, where he has a small but recurring role that ends up becoming a surprise fan favourite.
2022: moves back to the us, l.a. this time, and tries to use his momentum from home to propel his career forward here. it’s going... okay. savings are running out.
siblings: ronan has two siblings, one older and one younger, with whom he feels he has always had a pretty good relationship - but that isn’t felt by all three. there is definitely some tension. the kelly’s always focused on ronan’s career and needs more, though they also heavily relied on it for income.
old nyc friends: ronan did some theatre work and small tv work back in new york city around 2002-2008, and made some great friends there, though they have grown apart over the years.
colleagues: ronan is quite new in l.a., which means that the few people he knows are from work - any connections welcome!
housemates: ronan does not make enough money to live alone in l.a., and will therefore live with at least 2 other housemates, most likely other actors or singers trying to break into the industry in the us.
from an early age, ronan’s mum (jenny) worked on getting her son into the modeling industry. the only thing he had inherited from her were her bright green eyes, but they stood out so much that it did not take very long for him to be scouted - and his first commercial photoshoots were scheduled at age 4.
once his name started growing in the modeling industry, his agent suggested that they try to get him into the acting world as well. he enjoyed playing make believe and worked well with others. she got him his first few auditions and he booked his first major role soon after. from then, you couldn’t look one way or another without seeing his face on the screen or in a magazine. he became the family business and soon after, his parents both stopped working to support him.
when he was eight, the family moved to nyc for him to star into some sitcoms and do a few small roles. he continues to audition, but with his strong irish accent, he is not booking nearly as many roles as he was back home. he starts working with an accent coach on a regular basis to both try and master a generic american accent and a more generic british accent. he also goes back to modeling and turns to being homeschooled to fit around his schedule, despite his siblings both going to public schools.
tw: eating disorder !! he soon begins working out every day and his diet is closely monitored, which instills an eating disorder in him. he often hears his family arguing about money, and he is no longer booking modeling work nor acting work. they move back to ireland and his eating disorder still goes unchecked.
he goes back to school with his siblings and his parents invest his money, hoping to double it, though the investments are not very successful. he continues to try and audition and get modeling roles, but he is a rather awkward-looking teen, very pimple-y, and his voice drop takes a lot longer to stabilise than normal. his obsession with working out and eating healthy changes, and he begins to skip meals closer to his final exams.
he makes his way through drama school and surely but slowly begins to get cast again. his obsession with his health still lingers in the background, and continues to fester until he finally accepts that what he does is not healthy and takes a break from acting in 2016 to focus on his mental health and his relationship with food. he also asks for a break in contact with his parents to focus on his mental health, which they hate and do not respect.
the first audition he takes when returning to the acting world lands him a role in the second season of a high-fantasy show for amazon. though his role was only small, he becomes a surprise fan-favourite, and his fame skyrockets. his parents try to get back into his good books but he refuses to reconnect for the time being. he decides to move back to the us, to l.a. this time, and continue his search for fame once again.
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roycompro · 8 days
How to Find the Most Trusted Astrologer in London for Accurate Predictions
Astrology has long been a tool for those seeking guidance in life. Whether you’re looking for insights into your career, relationships, finances, or personal growth, consulting a skilled astrologer can provide you with the clarity and direction you need. However, in a city as vast and diverse as London, finding the most trusted astrologer can feel overwhelming. To help you navigate this journey, here are some essential tips to identify the best astrologer in London who can offer accurate predictions tailored to your unique life circumstances.
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 1. Research the Astrologer’s Background and Credentials
The first step in finding a trusted astrologer is to research their background and qualifications. Many reputable astrologers in London have formal training in astrology, often from well-known institutes or organizations. Look for astrologers who have a strong educational foundation in the field of astrology, as well as years of experience in providing consultations.
Check their credentials and affiliations with recognized astrological bodies such as the Astrological Association of Great Britain. Being part of such organizations can indicate a higher level of expertise and professionalism. Additionally, look into their specialized areas—whether they focus on Vedic astrology, Western astrology, or specific types of readings like career, love, or health-related predictions.
 2. Look for Reviews and Testimonials
One of the best ways to find a trusted astrologer is by reading reviews and testimonials from past clients. These can offer valuable insights into the astrologer’s accuracy, professionalism, and approach to consultations. Look for detailed reviews that mention the specific services provided, the quality of the advice, and the long-term impact of the consultation.
Platforms like Google Reviews, Trustpilot, and personal blogs are great resources for finding genuine feedback. Many astrologers also feature client testimonials on their websites, which can provide further confirmation of their reliability. However, be cautious of overly positive reviews that seem too good to be true, as they may be fabricated.
 3. Understand the Astrologer’s Approach to Readings
Astrology can be interpreted in many ways, and each astrologer may have their own style or approach to readings. Some astrologers focus purely on predictive astrology, while others might combine astrology with spiritual practices such as meditation, numerology, or tarot. It's important to choose an astrologer whose approach resonates with you.
Before committing to a consultation, ask the astrologer about their method. Do they rely solely on birth charts, or do they incorporate other tools for analysis? Do they offer detailed explanations of their predictions, or is their focus more on quick, general insights? Understanding their approach will help ensure that the consultation meets your needs and expectations.
 4. Assess the Personal Connection
The relationship between you and your astrologer is an important aspect of any consultation. A good astrologer should not only be knowledgeable but also empathetic and approachable. During an initial inquiry, pay attention to how the astrologer communicates. Are they patient, respectful, and willing to answer your questions? Do they make you feel comfortable discussing personal issues?
This personal connection is essential for building trust and ensuring that the astrologer fully understands your concerns and goals. An astrologer who takes the time to listen carefully and provide thoughtful responses is more likely to offer accurate, meaningful insights.
 5. Inquire About Their Specialization and Services
Different astrologers may specialize in different areas, such as career guidance, relationship compatibility, or financial success. Before choosing an astrologer, consider what you’re looking for in a consultation. If you’re interested in career advice, you’ll want to find someone with a track record of helping clients navigate professional challenges. If you’re seeking guidance in your love life, look for an astrologer who specializes in relationships.
Additionally, some astrologers offer in-person consultations, while others may provide online or phone readings. Depending on your preferences, ensure the astrologer offers a format that suits your needs.
 6. Verify Transparency in Pricing
When searching for the most trusted astrologer in London, transparency in pricing is crucial. An ethical astrologer will have clear, upfront pricing for their services, without hidden fees or unnecessary upselling. Before booking a consultation, ask about the cost, what’s included, and any additional services that may come with an extra charge.
Trusted astrologers often list their pricing on their website or provide detailed information during the initial inquiry. Beware of astrologers who pressure you into expensive packages or promise unrealistic results for an exorbitant fee. A good astrologer will offer reasonable, competitive pricing and ensure you understand the value of the service you’re receiving.
 7. Seek Astrologers with a Proven Track Record of Accuracy
One of the most important factors in choosing the right astrologer is their track record of accuracy. While astrology is not an exact science, experienced astrologers have the ability to offer remarkably accurate predictions based on their knowledge of celestial movements and your birth chart. Look for evidence of accurate past predictions from clients who have experienced real-life results based on the astrologer's guidance.
Ask the astrologer about the types of predictions they specialize in and whether they have helped clients achieve positive outcomes in the past. This will give you confidence in their ability to provide valuable insights and life-changing advice.
 8. Consult Multiple Astrologers Before Making a Decision
Finally, don't hesitate to consult multiple astrologers before making a final decision. Each astrologer has a unique style and approach, so it's essential to find one whose guidance aligns with your needs and expectations. By comparing different astrologers, you’ll be able to assess who resonates most with you, based on their expertise, communication, and consultation experience.
Finding the most trusted astrologer in London for accurate predictions requires careful research, a personal connection, and a clear understanding of the astrologer’s approach. By following these steps, you’ll be able to find an astrologer who not only offers reliable guidance but also helps you navigate the challenges and opportunities life presents. Remember, the best astrologer in London will be someone who listens to your concerns, provides insightful predictions, and offers advice that can positively impact your future. With the right astrologer by your side, you can make more informed decisions and gain clarity in every aspect of your life.
For more info visit - https://www.kptripathi.net/
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gurujiraj · 15 days
World Famous Astrologer in London: Unlocking Life's Secrets with Vedic Astrology
Astrology has long been a source of guidance, clarity, and insight for people all around the world. From understanding personal challenges to seeking success in love, career, and health, astrology serves as a map that can help navigate life’s uncertainties. In a bustling city like London, where people from all walks of life face various challenges, having access to a reliable astrologer is invaluable. Guru Ji Dr. Raj, a world-famous astrologer in London, is renowned for his accurate predictions and profound knowledge of Vedic astrology. His expertise has helped countless individuals discover their life’s purpose and overcome obstacles.
Who is Guru Ji Dr. Raj?
Guru Ji Dr. Raj is one of the most sought-after astrologers, not just in London but globally. His deep understanding of Vedic astrology—an ancient Indian practice that examines planetary positions and their influence on human life—has earned him a stellar reputation. As a famous Vedic astrologer in London, Guru Ji Dr. Raj provides more than just predictions. He offers comprehensive insights and practical solutions that align with an individual's birth chart, giving them the tools to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.
The Importance of Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology differs from Western astrology in its approach and precision. Rooted in the Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures, Vedic astrology offers a detailed analysis of one's life based on the positions of the planets at the time of birth. Unlike Western astrology, which primarily focuses on the sun sign, Vedic astrology provides a more nuanced understanding of planetary influences and their effects on various aspects of life such as health, relationships, career, and finances.
Guru Ji Dr. Raj, the world-famous astrologer in London, utilizes the principles of Vedic astrology to offer in-depth consultations and guidance. Whether you're struggling with personal issues or seeking clarity about your future, Guru Ji Dr. Raj can help you navigate through life with confidence.
Why Choose Guru Ji Dr. Raj?
Accurate Predictions: One of the key reasons why Guru Ji Dr. Raj is regarded as a famous Vedic astrologer in London is his ability to make highly accurate predictions. His deep knowledge of Vedic astrology allows him to analyze your birth chart in detail, providing predictions that resonate with your life experiences.
Holistic Solutions: Guru Ji Dr. Raj doesn't just predict the future; he provides practical solutions to problems. From suggesting remedies like gemstones, prayers, and rituals to offering advice on lifestyle changes, he helps clients overcome their challenges and achieve positive outcomes.
Personalized Guidance: Every individual is unique, and so is their birth chart. Guru Ji Dr. Raj takes a personalized approach to astrology, ensuring that his advice is tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of each client. This personalized guidance has made him a trusted figure for many people seeking spiritual and practical advice.
Confidentiality and Trust: Guru Ji Dr. Raj is known for maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality when it comes to his clients' personal information and concerns. Whether you're seeking advice on love, career, or health, you can trust that your consultations with him will remain private.
Services Offered by Guru Ji Dr. Raj
Guru Ji Dr. Raj offers a wide range of astrological services to address various aspects of life. His expertise includes:
Relationship and Love Problems: If you're struggling with relationship issues, whether it’s compatibility, finding the right partner, or resolving conflicts, Guru Ji Dr. Raj can provide astrological insights to guide you through these challenges.
Career and Financial Guidance: Whether you're facing professional difficulties, looking for the right career path, or seeking financial stability, Guru Ji Dr. Raj can offer advice based on the alignment of the planets in your birth chart.
Health Concerns: Astrology can offer valuable insights into health-related issues. Guru Ji Dr. Raj provides guidance on how to prevent or overcome health challenges based on astrological readings.
Family and Marriage Solutions: For those experiencing family disputes or challenges in marriage, Guru Ji Dr. Raj’s expertise can help bring harmony and resolution.
Spiritual Guidance: Beyond the material aspects of life, Guru Ji Dr. Raj also offers spiritual advice, helping individuals connect with their inner selves and find peace.
Famous Vedic Astrologer in London: Why Reputation Matters
Guru Ji Dr. Raj’s reputation as a world-famous astrologer in London has been built on years of providing accurate, insightful, and compassionate advice to people from all walks of life. His clients, both local and international, vouch for his expertise in solving complex life problems. He has helped numerous individuals gain clarity about their past, present, and future, enabling them to take control of their lives.
The ability to predict future events is only one part of the equation. What sets Guru Ji Dr. Raj apart is his holistic approach—he not only predicts but also equips his clients with the knowledge and tools to turn their challenges into opportunities.
In today’s fast-paced world, having a reliable guide to help navigate through life’s challenges is crucial. Guru Ji Dr. Raj, the world-famous astrologer in London, provides accurate predictions and practical solutions that can help you find clarity, success, and peace in life. His deep understanding of Vedic astrology makes him the go-to astrologer for individuals seeking personalized guidance.
If you are looking for the best Vedic astrologer in London, trust Guru Ji Dr. Raj to guide you with compassion, accuracy, and expertise. Visit his website to book a consultation and start your journey towards a more fulfilled and successful life.
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panditshivashankarr · 27 days
Do you think that someone has applied black magic upon you? Do you feel really helpless to find yourself amid problems? The only solution to all these is to consult with a genuine astrology professional. The right astrology solutions wll enable you to get rid of black magic effects and secure a promising life. By choosing spiritual guidance for black magic removal in London, you can get rid of any evil power. At the  same time, it is possible for you to uplift your life and connect yourself with spirituality. Spiritual connection will allow you to flourish your positive life forces and eliminate negativity from you. 
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ridhibahl · 29 days
Bridging the Gap Between Heaven and Earth: Ridhi Bahl, Your Astro-Vastu Consultant Across the Globe
Feeling stuck in a rut? Your business might not be reaching its full potential, or your home may lack a sense of peace. The answer might lie in a unique blend of ancient wisdom: Astro-Vastu. Ridhi Bahl, a renowned Astro-Vastu consultant, bridges the gap between the cosmic influences of Vedic astrology and the harmonizing principles of Vastu, offering guidance to clients across India and the world.
Best Astrologer in India
Expertise Reaching Beyond Borders: Whether you're seeking solutions in bustling Mumbai, serene Pune, or dynamic Ahmedabad, Ridhi's services extend far beyond Indian borders. Clients in major cities like Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Noida, and NCR can all benefit from her virtual consultations. Her expertise even reaches international clients in the USA, Australia, and London (UK).
A Holistic Approach to Your Space and Destiny: Ridhi's approach is a powerful combination:
Vedic Astrology Insights: She delves into your Janam Kundali, your birth chart, to unlock the unique planetary influences impacting your life. This knowledge informs the Vastu recommendations, creating a personalized strategy for success.
Optimizing Your Space: Using Vastu principles, Ridhi analyzes your property layout and suggests adjustments to improve energy flow. From room placement to directional alignment, her recommendations create a harmonious environment that supports your astrological blueprint.
Empowering You for the Future: Ridhi goes beyond mere suggestions. She empowers you with the knowledge behind both astrology and Vastu, allowing you to make informed decisions for your future. Her consultations are interactive, providing the opportunity to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of how these ancient practices can work together for your benefit.
Beyond Physical Space: Ridhi's expertise isn't limited to bricks and mortar. She considers the placement of furniture, color schemes, and even landscaping to ensure your environment resonates with positive, astrologically-aligned energy.
Unlocking Harmony and Prosperity: By combining the wisdom of Vedic astrology with the practical guidance of Vastu, Ridhi can help you attract positive energy, achieve personal and professional goals, and foster well-being in your living and working spaces.
Ready to Align Your Life and Space with the Stars?
Visit ridhibahl.com today to schedule a consultation with Ridhi Bahl. No matter your location, she can be your trusted Astro-Vastu consultant, guiding you towards a life filled with harmony, prosperity, and success. Embrace the power of both the heavens and earth to create a future that aligns with your astrological destiny.
See more
Best Astrologer in India
Top Astrologer in India, Vedic Astrology Consultation
Career Astrologer in India, Finance Consultations
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panditpremkumarji · 2 months
Get Your Lost Love Back, & Evil Spirit Removal, Psychic Reading, Spiritual Healing, Vashikaran Specialist, Family Problem Solutions, Negative Energy Removal, Job & Business Problems, Health Problems, Astrology &
Horoscope Reading are some of the services provided by the Famous Astrologer in London - Prem Kumar Sharma Ji which have benefited many people globally.
Pandit Prem Kumar Sharma Ji with his years of hard work & determination has been able to achieve 25+ years of experience in the field of astrology & its related services like psychic reading, spiritual healing and many more which have benefited many people worldwide. He also provides 365 days of availability for the ease of customers.
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akastrologyzone · 4 months
Best Astrologer In London-akastrologyzone.com
You are looking here best astrologer in London People always look for professionals with good experience and skills in astrology for more details contact us today.
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spctlights · 2 years
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(—) ★ spotted!! NICK WATTS on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 33 year old looks like HENRY GOLDING, but i don’t really see it. while  the DJ / MEDIA PERSONA is known for being PERSONABLE my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be SNOBBY i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song APOLLO –– FAITH ZAPATA
name: nicholas adam watts.
nicknames: nick.
pronouns: he/him.
gender: cismale.
age: thirty-three.
date of birth: january 4th, ‘90.
place of birth: london, england.
astrological sign: capricorn.
orientation: bisexual.
music claim: martin garrix & calvin harris.
height: six foot one.
hair colour: black.
eye colour: dark brown.
wardrobe style: comfortable but understated fashionable pieces.
tattoos: same as faceclaim.
piercings: none.
physical ailments: none.
mental ailments: dyslexia & dyscalculia.
alcohol use: drinks regularly.
drug use: a variety of party drugs.
addictions: none.
positive traits: personable, creative, caring.
negative traits: snobby, holier-than-thou attitude, demanding.
skills: music production, composing, crossfit.
weaknesses: can’t read/spell very well.
languages spoken: english.
father: jonathan watts ( alive, sixty - nine )
mother: nazra watts nee lo ( alive, sixty - five )
silver spoon and silver screen , nick watts was born to jonathan and nazra watts after a lengthy ivf process. nazra , a successful businesswoman working with her father’s software company , jonathan a successful composer for film. both adored their son like no other , but work always came first. he was carted from piano lesson to football practice to after-school tutors by nanny’s and was lucky if his parents could make time to see him play his football games. he was alone. constantly – leaning on the shoulders of nannies and chauffeurs to help him grow up.
despite all of that , he wasn’t necessarily a lonely kid. he had plenty of friends , many from school and others from his music ventures , and he soon found himself trying to evade the constant vigilence of his nannies to sneak some of his parents’ liquor and head to a nearby park to drink with his friends after school. he wasn’t good at school , never had been , and his grades dropped massively. the only subjects he did well in were his music classes. by the time he was 13 ,  he played the guitar , drums , violin , cello , bass and piano , and he played them all well.
the time he did spend with his dad was at his work , watching him conduct or write and occasionally stealing into the studio to try and write and mix his own music. from 14 , he started dj-ing his friends parties and from 16 , he was doing it semi - professionally.
his father helped him finance his first single , which was a relative success but nothing to write home about. he kept working his craft and eventually finished an album. but he didn’t stop. he kept churning out song after song , mostly singles , quickly stepping away from the party scene and going onto the club scene , where he was introduced to various party drugs before he even turned 18.
nick’s set up his own label now , watts the fuss , where he champions other djs of colour and helps them break into the scene.
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amils-posts · 5 months
Amil:No1 Best vashikaran specialist in UK USA UAE London Dubai Canada America Black Magic Specialist Expert Amil baba in Karachi Sindh Multan Balochistan Bahawalpur Hyderabad Sukkur Sahiwal +92343-2933659
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bestastrologerinuk · 6 months
Seeking Guidance: Exploring Vedic Astrology and Psychic Readings in London
London, a vibrant and diverse city, offers numerous avenues to explore one's inner self and seek guidance on life's journey. Among these avenues are Vedic astrology and psychic readings, both offering unique perspectives and insights.
Vedic Astrology in UK: Unveiling Your Karmic Blueprint
Vedic astrology, an ancient system with roots in India, delves into the position of planets and celestial bodies at the time of your birth to understand your personality, life path, and potential challenges and opportunities. Unlike Western astrology, Vedic astrology considers not just the sun sign but also the moon sign and the positions of other planets in the birth chart.
Benefits of Consulting a Vedic Astrologer in UK:
Gaining self-awareness: Through a Vedic astrology reading, you can gain a deeper understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and karmic influences.
Making informed life choices: Vedic insights can help you navigate personal and professional decisions by shedding light on potential challenges and favorable periods.
Understanding life's purpose: By exploring your birth chart, you might gain valuable insights into your life's purpose and potential career paths.
Finding solutions to challenges: Vedic astrologers can offer guidance on finding solutions to recurring problems or overcoming obstacles in different aspects of life.
Finding a Reputable Vedic Astrologer in UK:
Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or online communities that align with your spiritual beliefs.
Research and qualifications: Research the astrologer's background, qualifications, and experience. Look for certifications from recognized institutions and positive client testimonials.
Consultation style: Choose an astrologer whose communication style resonates with you. Ensure you feel comfortable and understood during your consultation.
Psychic Readings in London: Tapping into Intuition
Psychic readings involve a practitioner using their intuition and various tools to offer insights into your past, present, and potential future. These readings can be diverse, utilizing various methods, from tarot cards and numerology to clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Benefits of Receiving a Psychic Reading in London:
Gaining clarity: Psychic readings can offer fresh perspectives on situations you're facing, leading to a sense of clarity and confidence.
Uncovering hidden potential: A reading may help you discover hidden talents or unexplored avenues you can pursue in life.
Gaining closure: A reading can help you gain closure on past events or relationships, allowing you to move forward with greater peace of mind.
Receiving emotional support: A compassionate and professional psychic can offer a safe space to express your concerns and receive non-judgmental support.
Finding a Reputable Psychic in London:
Research and reviews: Similar to finding a Vedic astrologer, research the psychic's background, experience, and client reviews. Look for positive testimonials and a strong online presence.
Specialization: Choose a psychic specializing in the type of reading you're seeking, such as love and relationships, career guidance, or mediumship.
Trust and comfort: Ultimately, choose a psychic whose energy and approach resonate with you. You should feel comfortable, safe, and respected during your reading.
Important Considerations:
It's crucial to approach both Vedic astrology and psychic readings with a sense of discernment and manage expectations. These services should not be seen as substitutes for professional advice, such as therapy or medical consultation. They are intended to offer complementary insights and guidance on your personal journey.
Finding the Right Path:
Ultimately, the choice between Vedic astrology and psychic readings depends on your individual preferences and what you seek to gain. Both practices offer valuable opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth when approached with an open mind and a healthy dose of scepticism.
Exploring Further:
If you're intrigued by the potential of Vedic astrology and psychic readings, London offers a diverse selection of practitioners. Take your time researching, asking questions, and choosing the approach that resonates most with your unique needs. Remember, the journey of self-discovery is a personal one, and these avenues can be valuable tools to guide you on your path.
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astrologersalimali · 11 months
Best Love Astrologer in London
Muslim Astrologer Salim Ali Ji offers very effective and trustworthy services to people facing problems in life and provides authentic love astrology solutions that bring major changes in the lives of people in very little time. He is the best Indian astrologer in London UK and is respected by all. Salim Ali Ji has been a savior for people dealing with problems in their personal or professional life and provided them with the most beneficial solution. The famous Indian Muslim astrologer in London Salim Ali Ji has been working for more than 20 years and has an ancestral knowledge of astrology. His astrological aayat and remedies remove all the negativities from the lives of people and lead them toward a happier and more positive one.
Best Love Astrologer in London
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icarusthelunarguard · 11 months
 This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Somebody made a suggestion for a theme this week! Well, far be it for us to say “No”. So this week you’re ALL getting famous creepy monsters randomly assigned to guide you this week. Let’s see if you can survive the experience.
=Next Week: =
Not gunna lie, Aries - you’re starting us off weak. You get a classic monster that literally everyone knows about and its depiction never makes sense. You get a  “Skeleton”. How many times have you seen them moving around, stalking people, drinking wine, or even whistling? “Too Many Times” by our count. So this week… watch the Schoolhouse Rock song, “Them Not-So-Dry Bones” and learn the difference between a Tibia and a Femur.
Ok, now THIS is how you start off a list like this correctly. Some would say this is the ultimate Modern Halloween monster, but others would say, “Who Hurt You?” This week you get to deal with “Creepy Clowns”, but we can give you a way to help with your Clown-a-phobia. This week… find and watch “Killer Klowns from Outer Space” and we’re sure you’ll get over your fears. Either that or you’ll never eat pink cotton candy again.
We’re going to flip the script just a little bit for you and give you “Dr. Frankenstein”. Not his creation, known as “The Monster” but on the Doctor himself. You know there’s just a little bit of that drive in every medical professional out there. That desire to beat back Death itself. To stave off the reaping of a soul. But it’s too late. Dr. Viktor von Frankenstein is long dead, his secrets, ironically, taken with him to the grave, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. This week… avoid using jumper cables.
Cancer Moon-Child 
The scariest part about your monster is how incredibly inconsistent they are. Maybe they’re smart, maybe dumb, maybe fast, maybe shambling and otherwise unstoppable. In any event you’re getting, “Zombies”. The only way to be sure you’ve killed them… well, they’re already ‘dead’, kinda. Anyway… –to be sure they’re dead is to pop their head like a Gushers Candy. This week… Play “7 Days to Die” on “All Blood Moon” setting. 
You can’t reason with yours. You can’t talk to it. You can’t shoot it or stab it or contain it for long. In your case “Mummies” are the cursed remains of a long-dead person, usually Egyptian. That means they’re like 5,000 years old, can only read hieroglyphics, and can’t talk with a damn anyway. But you have an advantage over them - You can produce enough fire to turn them into ash. This week… invest in a Bic Lighter and hairspray.
We’re gunna do some chemistry here. Take an old dude, say, just about 2 Metres tall. Make him speak six languages, be a world champion fencer, participate in more on-screen sword fights than any actor in history, serve for five years as a British Commando blowing the shit out of Nazi asses in World War II, and have him, at 88 years old, became the oldest person to ever record lead vocals on a progressive symphonic heavy metal track about the life of Charlemagne (because why the fuck not?). You have the best “Vampire” in history: SIR Christopher Frank Carandini Lee. This week… we don’t care that we’re not giving you an actual monster - DUDE! Christopher Lee was the MAN!
“Where… Wolves? …THERE wolves. There… Castle.” And if you don’t get that reference we can’t be friends anymore. This week, watch “An American Werewolf in London” and “Young Frankenstein”... AGAIN. 
The worst part about your monster is how very un-real they are. Because if it was a matter of people having unfinished business with The Living, why the hell aren’t there any Ghost dinosaurs out there? And why are they always shown wearing the same clothes all the time. Like.. My Dude, you can wear anything you want! Imagine what a Borat Ghost would be like. (*PAUSE*) Second thought, never-you-mind!
AH, yes! The women who gave society the proverbial finger and got turned into well-well-well done kabobs. You get “Witches”, and we’re going to put some existential fear into you from them. First… Can we all just agree that Winifred Sanderson’s lipstick and buck-teeth are just The Worst? Now riddle me this, Sagittarius; why were we taught to fear the witches and NOT the people lighting them on fire? This week… No cook-outs. 
We already mentioned your Not-A-Monster monster, and we can make them very humanized. “The Grim Reaper” isn’t a monster per-say, but a person fulfilling a necessary function for Life! Imagine, you accidentally shoot Death in the forehead, killing them, and now YOU have to take on the “Office of Death”, reaping souls, with no training at all. Do you ever wonder how he’s doing in his newly promoted position? Have you pondered what happens if he’s allergic to horses? This week… find a copy of “On a Pale Horse” by Piers Anthony and Read It! (He’s still alive, BTW!)
This is a SUPER speciesist fear-monster for no good reason. You get “Bats”. And really this is silly! They’re GREAT little flying mosquito-devourers and stunt fliers and you know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?! They’re smol! Well.. except for the Flying Fox. Imagine a bat with a CUTE FACE, weighing in at 1Kg with a 1 and-a-half Meter wingspan… and you know what they eat? Flowers and fruit! That’s it! And they’re just the most adorable sky puppies! This week… Re-exam your personal biases.
You are NOT Captain Kirk or Commander Riker. You are NOT going to be flirting with this “monster”, if we can even call it that. You get “Aliens” - and before you say anything, just remember… Humanity’s just as much a threat to other life as they are to us… So this week… learn how to nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord and BLUESKY.
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