#professor wagg
cleowho · 9 months
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“Happy New Year.“
Doctor Who: The Television Movie - 1996
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aboardthescheherazade · 7 months
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Cels from the production of Fruit d'Or animated commercials, late 1970s
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oklotea · 1 year
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Tintin Character Requests! Pt. 1
The series where I draw Tintin characters in funky little outfits cuz they truly are funky little characters
In the first picture, we've got toxic yaoi, well, no, the first request was these two on their own but because I love them so much and their interactions in the 2011 movie I drew them together, and wow I am actually quite proud of how it ended up looking like!!!!! (Probably one of my favorite out of this batch of sketches)
Ty @mis3rabl3m3lody and @libraryidealist for the request!!!
Aaand behind curtain number 2, we've got certified best boy, Chang!!!! Where is he running off to? Idk. I would be embarrassed to admit how much time I spent figuring out how running looks like cuz I just suddenly forgot wtf running looks like
Ty @myfunnyvalentine !!! For the request!! You seemed quite enthusiastic
Next up, we've got AHHHHH MY SILLY MY GOOFY MY FAVORITE MANIC PIXIE DREAM GIRL!!!! PROFESSOR CALCULUS!!!! I drew him in polite little vest and turtleneck combo and some patterned pants, politely waving at you! I was watching a few episodes recently and AGEHHDHDHH I FORGOT JUST HOW ENTERTAINING AND AMAZING AND ICONIC THIS MAN IS he's so silly he's a genius he has no idea what's going on most of the time <3333 we need him in the hypothetical 2011 sequel (it's coming guys trust me)
Ty @unlikelyintelligent and @akasanata for the request!!
TADAAA!!!! IT'S GENERAL ALCAZAR!!! ok. As you know I've only recently started coming back to Tintin, and I'm ngl I forgot who general alcazar was. Then I watched Tintin and the picaros and pretty quickly I remembered. THIS GUY WAS SO COOL. my dumb kid brain didn't entirely grasp what was going on in that episode, BUT NOW I DO KNOW. AND WOW THIS EPISODE WAS WILD. every Tintin episode is on a spectrum of insane but this one tips closer to the more unhinged end. GENERAL ALCAZAR IS SO BADASS, HES LEADING A REVOLUTION, HE'S A MALE WIFE, HE IS A PRESIDENT NOW??? I miss the guy. ALSO I LOVE HIS DESIGN.
(Also if your wondering if every Tintin post I make I'll include a tangent of just gushing about how much I love some aspect of Tintin you better get used to it cuz I love rambling about how much I love Tintin)
Ty @tintinology for the request!!! AARRRGHRHRHHH GENERAL ALCAZAR!!!!!!
here's a couple characters ik little about, ik they were the original antagonists of the secret of the unicorn but that's about it! It's the bird brothers!!!! They're in some fancy suits, judging everyone they pass, their probably grumbling about something. From their appearance they look like their never happy sjhfjdjf
Ty @jimmyandthegiraffes for the request! :D
And last but definitely not least, IT'S JOLYON WAGG!!!!! if only the editing was better so you could bask in his graceful and obnoxious glory. I really like his voice! I really like his wardrobe! And he is some sort of anomaly to me, hes just popping up in the most random times, and most of the time it's to be an annoying little bitch (endearing), he has a medal of honor btw! If I ever met him, I would at first be very charmed, but then realize this is an entirely one sided conversation that'll go on for hours and hours that I won't be leaving anytime soon, and when I eventually get home I'll be completely exhausted by how much social energy I was using up just trying to keep up and look like I was really really invested in whatever this man was rambling about
But anyway he's silly and whimsical so I still really like him
Aaannnddd that's it folks! I'll eventually work on the other requests I have!!!! Have a good evening!!!!!
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rose-of-pollux · 11 months
8, 11 and 17 for the Tintin asks, please? :o)
8. Least fave Tintin character and why? Jolyon Wagg (I believe you know him better as Séraphin Lampion). He's just so gatdang annoying, plus trying to squat in the Captain's home while they're out on a rescue mission? Just... ugh.
11. Top 3 side characters? Bianca Castafiore (I don't need to elaborate; she's just that awesome), Chang (we all love Chang), and, in a love-to-hate sense, Allan (he's a walking reminder of the Captain's darker days, and when he's teamed up with Rastapopoulos, he's the perfect dragon to the Captain's sidekick status for that reason).
17. A character you relate to? Calculus/Tournesol when it comes to his hyperfocusing to the point of obliviousness (also my ADHD gives me a bit of auditory processing issues, which while not exactly like the professor being HoH, is vaguely similar).
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sapphichymns · 4 years
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charthanry · 2 years
BBS: Deconstructing the Entire Series (Part 6 of 13)
Welcome to my deep dive into each episode where I break down character motives, P’Aof’s delivery, and general musings of all things BBS. Basically, a scene-by-scene recap with commentary from me, your friendly neighborhood commentator. If you missed the previous installments of this post series, you’re welcome to check them out:
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5
Recapping the recap: We left EP5 with Pat realizing and speed running through his feelings for Pran. He handles his jealously poorly by forcing Pran to acknowledge him in front of Wai resulting in violence. This leads to Pat confessing that he missed Pran when he went away and asking what they are to each other. After Pat confirms that it’s not friendship that he wants, our boys finally give into their feelings and kiss. The episode ends on the immediate effects of their kiss with Pat relieved and ecstatic and Pran pained and tormented. 
Episode Six: Games, Changes, and Fears. Where do we go from here? (or AKA “Whoever falls in love first loses. Deal.”)
I’m tagging this one as not-Wai friendly, but when are they ever? But really, Wai defenders should probably not enter. I can’t guarantee a good time.
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EP6 opens with Pran lying on his bed, hours after he ran away from Pat on the roof. Observant sleuths will catch that the clock in Pran’s room reads a few minutes after six a.m. and he obviously hasn’t slept, still reeling from their kiss as his fingers ghost over his lips. I bet he can still feel the lingering reminder of Pat’s mouth against his own. The sweet shape of Pat’s lips and the warmth of his breath are still at the forefront of Pran’s senses. We’re shown a flashback of Pran pulling Pat in for that second, deeper kiss and with this memory, Pran’s face screams what have I done? We hope it’s not regret that you’re feeling, Pran. That your overthinking mind isn’t commandeering your heart? We urge you, in the words of the incomparable Roxette to listen to your heart when he’s calling to you.
Outside his door, Pran’s heart is literally calling to him. I can’t make any of this up, y’all. Pat is calling out to Pran, trying valiantly to get Pran to open up literally and figuratively so that they can talk, but Pran is not ready to face him. Pat stands on the other side, a solid door between them, unable to reach Pran. But for all that we know of Pat, he’s not one to give up once he sets his sights and mind on something. And more than that, his heart is at stake here. Because for Pat, when you realize who you want to spend your days (and nights) with and you learn that the other person feels the same way, you want that first day to start immediately.
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Check out Pran’s version of ignoring Pat, by looking at him only when he thinks he won’t get caught. We’re onto you, bro.
We jump to a day later? Who knows how many days it’s been since their kiss; time is such a fluid concept on BBS. Both the engineers and architects are at the unveiling of the completed bus stop rebuild. Their professors are also present, shout out to both Pichai and not-Pichai. Ink is also there taking photos for the school paper. Pat is trying to catch Pran’s eyes, but Pran is still stubbornly avoiding him, making sure there’s always no less than two people standing between them. Sigh.
Not-Pichai gives Pran the floor to give a speech as the project’s leader. Pran thanks everyone for their part in making the rebuild a success and states that he hopes this project can end the conflict between the two faculties. Yes, but what about the conflict between you and Pat? What about that Pran?
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After posing for photos complete with cringy heart-fingers, Pat manages to find Pran alone and off to the side. He breaks the ice by asking Pran if he’s going to the sponsor, LogTech, any time soon because he wants to stop by the music shop on the way. Aww, look at Pat trying so hard to extend an olive branch to you. He wants to spend time with you. This is the puppy version of bringing you a ball and hopefully wagging his tail. Aww Pat.
Pran ignores Pat’s question and moves to leave but Pat pulls on his arm and asks him what’s wrong? You can just talk to me. I have no idea what to do here. This is new territory for him, too. Pran finally says what’s there to talk about? And Pat, never one to skirt the issue, goes you know exactly what, about the other night. And Pran responds with I don’t have anything to say about that night. To which Pat responds, well, I do and grabs Pran’s arm to stop him from walking away from this conversation and from him.
Before Pat can get Pran to admit to the circumstances of that night, they’re interrupted by Pat’s dad and Professor Pichai. Pran respectfully greets Pat’s dad while Ming explains that Pichai invited him to see the bus stop and to check out the solar panels they used for it. Pran excuses himself and Pat watches him walk away with concern. The distance to reach Pran suddenly feels much larger than a single door.
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To be clear, this isn’t about Pran trying to play hard to get, this is him ghosting Pat altogether. He’s acting like what happened between them didn’t happen. We get that avoidance and repression are Pran’s default coping mechanisms, but I can’t help but feel a little frustrated with him even though I understand what he’s going through. Just talk to the guy, Pran. This isn’t going away just because you’re ignoring him. Pat isn’t giving up on you or what you two have together. He’s here, he’s finally here looking right at you, and you won’t give him the time of day.
What gives me hope though is Pran glances back at Pat as he walks away. His heart truly is at war with his head, isn’t it? Again, Roxette holds all the wisdom, my friend, and you should really listen to what your heart is telling you.
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Cut to later, Pran is at Wai’s dropping off his guitar for safekeeping. He tells Wai that if he keeps the guitar close, he’ll inevitably pick it up and play it. Aww. Pran is speaking metaphorically here of his feelings for Pat where the guitar is a stand-in for Pat, he’s telling us that he has to keep his feelings at bay and distance himself from Pat. We’re not sure if you’re aware Pran, but absence only makes the heart grow that much fonder. Haven’t those three years away from Pat taught you anything?
Wai asks if it’s that serious with his mom, if she catches him playing the guitar will she transfer him again? And Pran says that if she finds out (about Pat) she might. Pran has a lot on the line here. He’s at risk of losing it all, his friends, his current life, and most of all Pat if his mom finds out he’s talking to him again, let alone has feelings for him. And the run-in with Pat’s dad is a cruel reminder of all that he has to lose. 
Rather than be separated from Pat completely, he’ll settle for seeing him from across campus because he CANNOT go back to a life without Pat even if all he gets now is Pat only in the peripheral. And here I want to grab him by the shoulders (where’s my ladder?) and shake him a little and tell him, look at all that you have to GAIN instead. But at the same time, Pran has been here before and knows the feeling of losing everything all too well and he just can’t go through that again. We get it, Pran.
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“Desiring another person is perhaps the most risky endeavor of all. As soon as you want somebody—really want him—it is as though you have taken a surgical needle and sutured your happiness to the skin of that person, so that any separation will now cause a lacerating injury.”
And we’re now all sobbing at both the noble idiocy of this boy but also just how much more of himself is he willing to sacrifice for the sake of others? Did that 28-second taste of living for yourself scare you? Let Pat in, let him help you navigate all of this. You don’t have to go at this alone anymore. But Pran’s final words to Wai says everything: we already know how it’s going to end, isn’t it better to not start at all? He leaves but not before giving the guitar a yearning look goodbye, telling us this was not an easy decision for him – letting go of Pat.
This is one of my favorite moments of Pran’s because it’s both sad and incredibly noble of him to walk away. He’s resolute in his decision of finally letting go of these long-held feelings, not because he wants to but because he knows he has to, and I find this entirely too relatable. How often have we warred with ourselves to walk away when everything in our body is telling us to stay?
Remember that Pran is working off the knowledge that Pat likes Ink. He heard this from Pat himself. So, even though they’ve kissed, he’s worried that Pat acted in the heat of the moment, out of jealously for Wai. And Pran pulling him in for that second, deeper kiss revealed Pran’s long-held secret that he’s wanted this, wanted Pat. And now Pat knows and Pran is adamantly trying to cover it up by acting like it didn’t mean anything to him when we know it meant EVERYTHING. But what Pran doesn’t know is it meant everything to Pat, too. Only he can’t tell Pran any of this because Pran isn’t willing to listen.
Having lived for so long with the belief that Pat could never return his feelings, Pran can’t fathom that Pat would suddenly reciprocate these feelings now – not when Ink, a better option without any family entanglements, is right there. So, based on what he knows, we really can’t blame Pran for this reasoning, but also just please talk to Pat. This can all be cleared up in about five minutes. 
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Sometime later, Pat is at home in his bedroom. He looks out his window and catches a glimpse of Pran across the way, he calls out to him only for Pran to continue to ignore him. Pat says you’re really not going to talk to me? Just watch what I’ll do, you’ll see. Pat, you just pushed an entire fandom right to the edge of our seats. What are you planning on doing?
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The next thing we know Pat is outside ringing Pran’s doorbell! OH SHIT! This kid has some cajones. We been knowing this fact, but this right here is proof that fear is not in Pat’s vocabulary. I mean, he wrestles tiny guns away from goons for kicks. You have to commend the guy though for walking right into the lion’s den, or in this case, the lioness’ domain. Pran’s mom comes out to see what Pat wants. Pat greets her and explains that he’s there to see Pran. Dissaya goes what for? Pran has nothing to say to you. And fearless Pat says but I do (have something to say to him). And Dissaya goes kid, do your parents not teach you about manners? 
Then in steps Pat’s dad answering her, we do. We also teach him to be nice to guests when they visit our house. Ooh burn. It’s heating up in here. We are all engulfed and caught in the flames shooting out of Dissaya’s eyes right now. She flings right back at Ming, and do you teach him that when he isn’t welcome, to just stay away? We’re then shown Pran watching all this going down from his bedroom window. 
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Dissaya plows on or maybe he came here because he can’t stand you anymore. This whole scene is deliciously taut and uncomfortable, yet we can’t look away. Ming asks Pat what he’s doing there. Pat explains he has a bus stop document for Pran that their professor asked him to deliver. Dissaya responds with tell your professor Pran will go get it later. Ming is frustrated and says he already brought it here, why can’t you just take it? Ming takes it a step further by asking what kind of person are you? And it’s definitely the wrong thing to say as it triggers Dissaya to respond with oh, and you think you’re so great? Do you want me to say it out loud? Oooh, yes spill all the tea, madam. Our cups are ready.
P’Chai’s spidey senses kick in and he rushes in to de-escalate the situation with can I take the document to Pran instead? Ming agrees and Pat hands the documents over to P’Chai. But Dissaya needs to have the last word and asks is your business here done? Ming mumbles that they never had any business there in the first place, then drags Pat away. We see that Pran has left the safety of his bedroom and is standing behind a column listening to the entire thing.
This heated and tense scene confirms for Pran that his decision to stay away from Pat is the right choice. Their parents can’t even exchange innocuous documents without sniping at each other. We’re frankly intrigued by the whole ordeal as this is the first confrontation we’ve seen between the adults, revealing that the issue is not with the two dads but specifically with Pran’s mom and Pat’s dad. Interesting. I love that the show is giving us bits of the puzzle, one tiny piece at a time. It leaves a lot of room for fan theories and burrowing down deep rabbit holes.
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Pat returns to his bedroom and sits at his drums banging out his frustration while looking over at Pran’s room. I’m with you Pat, I may need to buy me some drums too especially for what awaits me at the end of EP8. It needs to be said though that this is a lot healthier than avoiding the situation. It also foreshadows to later in the show when Pat vents his feelings on the xylophone. Perhaps music is as much an outlet for Pat as it is for Pran. 
Pa hears the loud banging and comes into his room to investigate. She asks if he’s fighting with Pran again. Huh, apparently this is what Pat does when he and Pran are on the outs. It’s happened enough times that Pa recognizes his routine. Interesting. Pa then incorrectly deduces that the two of them are fighting over Ink. Ha! Pa, not everyone is in love with Ink like you are, girl. You’re projecting. An irritated Pat shakes his head and walks away telling Pa to think whatever she wants. Again, these feelings are SERIOUS if he can’t even confide in Pa.
We cut to campus and see a charter bus with a banner reading Architecture Volunteer Camp on its side. On the bus, Wai sits down next to Pran and rudely yanks out one of his earbuds commenting that Pran is in his own sad music video and asks if he’s heartbroken. That’s a little too on the nose, Waisel. Louis says no one from any of the other faculties joined in the volunteer camp this year. He seems bummed and states the purpose of camp is to travel and make friends from different faculties. Be careful what you wish for, boy-o. And right on cue, Pat pops onto the bus asking, may an engineering student join you?
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Pat is out here showing off his huge cajones again. Pran looks on as if to say I can’t believe you’re doing this, but he’s got to be secretly loving that he is, right? I mean, c’mon, Pat is literally joining the enemy’s camp just for the chance to talk to Pran. That has to win him major points. And then we’re given a shot of Wai with his trademark nostril flaring. And I’m just like whyyy, Wai? This has nothing to do with you. Take your pasty, instigating weasel face elsewhere. Stating the obvious, but my commendation of Wai in the previous episode was short-lived. We’re in the Pride Lands now and to me Wai is the uptight Zazu who thinks he’s of greater importance than he is.
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On the bus, Pat patiently waits and pounces when Zazu Wai gets up for some water and plops himself in Wai’s vacated seat next to Pran. Ha! Atta boy Pat! You already know that Pran has a difficult time ignoring your proximity, play it to your advantage smart boy.
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After some prodding from Pat, Pran ignores him by using Pat’s own earbuds! Ha! I will bet all the money in my pocket that there isn’t any music playing through those earbuds right now. I will raise the ante that Pran is stretching all his ear muscles to hear what Pat is saying, he just doesn’t want to let on that he’s curious. Pat says fine don’t talk, but when I get you to talk that means you lose. The gauntlet has been thrown and sorry Pran, but my money is on Pat.
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Wai comes back and demands what Pat is doing in his seat and Pat innocently responds oh you mean this seat? I didn’t know it was taken. Hahaha. Wai flexes some more and Pat gets up with a faux apologetic look on his cheeky face. OHO! Just look at the way Pran is watching Pat return to his original seat. This is not the face of someone who is disinterested. I can almost hear the oh, leaving so soon? not being said.
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Pat is looking over at Pran saying this is a game that you’re not gonna win. I will out-stubborn you. I am tenacious P.
They arrive at the zero-waste village and meet P’Tong their de facto camp counselor. The student volunteers are then handed colored tags (red and green) and are randomly divided into two groups based on the color of their tags. We watch and learn much to our disappointment that Pat and Pran are separated into different groups. Pat is red and Pran is green. Note that both boys eye and catalog each other’s tags. Oh, they are both so aware of each other that I want to bust out my karaoke rendition of well, you’ve done, done me in and you can bet that I felt it. I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted. There’s no need to complicate. This is our fate, I’m yours to set the mood music.
Their first activity is learning how to build a biofertilizer by separating food waste into specific bins. Pat decides it’s time to annoy Pran and edges right into his personal space. He squeezes himself in between Pran and another student as if he’s fascinated by these bins and wants a closer look. Haha, look at this cheeky bastard’s face y’all. I can’t with him. And more than that, he and Pran both know exactly what he’s doing. Cue Wai’s nostril flare. Hey, we should turn this into a drinking game! Every time the bull-weasel flares his nose, take a drink. We’ll all be drunk before we even make it to part 4/4.
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Their next activity involves charades of some sort. Pat and Pran are paired up with Pran having to guess Pat’s gestures. Pran of course refuses to open his mouth and speak so automatically forfeits. They’re then tasked with picking up trash along the beach and Pat flings debris over at Pran to get a reaction from him, and oh he does react, by ignoring him and walking away. Nice try, Pat. You may have to up your game, bro.
The next activity is one of my favorite scenes of the episode and one that I come back to often. In teams of two, the students have to stand on a progressively shrinking newspaper. You’re out if you can’t get both team members on the paper at the same time. P’Tong explains that the newspapers represent our natural resources and each time we use them, we can see how much they decrease. He then instructs everyone to flip over their color tags to find the name of a vegetable on the back and to search for your match. Of course, our boys are matched with each other, there’s no escaping it. Now it makes sense why Pat and Pran are in opposing groups.
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I love how Pran shows some life here by childishly pushing Pat away every time Pat tries to sidle up next to him. Haha. He’s literally trying to keep Pat at arm’s length, but Pat isn’t cooperating. Good for you, Pat. Don’t make it easy for him.
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Pat tells Pran you’re good, but just give in if you can’t do it anymore. Talk to me. And we can see Pran at war with himself. He obviously doesn’t want to lose to Pat, the competitiveness in this one is strong, but he also can’t take being this close to him either. Finally, his drive to win pushes Pran to look directly at Pat. And really, Pat is in a win-win situation here. Either Pran gives in and talks to him, or Pran gives in and makes eye contact. And who can resist Mr. Fierce Eyes?
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Whoever said BBS is low heat? Please check that you have your bifocals on as I present to you evidence to the contrary.
We can see Pat narrowly closing the gap between them inch by inch. It’s completely intoxicating. I find myself watching this play out through the slits of my fingers because the intensity of them gazing at each other is making my heart do summersaults that my limbs definitely cannot replicate.
Pat only has one foot on their little square of paper and pushes his momentum forward to get the other foot on there as well, but in doing so he gets a little too close for Pran’s comfort. Pran then moves to back up, to put some space between them, and instead finds himself unintentionally falling backwards. Pat instinctively reaches out and cradles the back of Pran’s head to brace his fall – and this has to be the most chivalrous, romantic and most of all telling of how he feels about Pran – move in all of let me catch you if you should fall history. Pat’s priority and intent is to soften Pran’s landing, and I don’t know about you, but I’m over here fanning myself.
I have to ask you, Pran. Is this giving you flashbacks to your rooftop kiss when Pat cradled your head in both of his large hands? I’m gonna come out and just say it. Pran has a hand kink, and more specifically Pat’s very large and very capable hands do it for him. Oh yes, they do. See all the times Pat covers his mouth with his hand and now this. Oh, you’re telling me that it’s not Pran who has the hand kink but me? Oops, my bad. But just look at how Pat’s single hand covers nearly the entire back of Pran’s head and tell me you don’t think that’s hot.
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They land in the sand with Pat on top of Pran and I’m visualizing Pran relishing the sturdy weight of Pat’s body above his. Not in a sexual way (for once, ahem, no need to be alarmed, it’s really me guys, I haven’t been mind-swapped) but in a solid, dependable feel me, I’m here, let me be your anchor kind of way. Let me be strong for you. You’re allowed to lean on someone. You just have to let me in. And note that neither boy is in any hurry to get back on his feet. Like I said, intoxicating.
Wai predictably rushes over and pushes at Pat demanding what the hell he’s doing and Pat responds playing a game, which is true on many fronts – in reference to the camp activity but also this push and pull between himself and Pran. Wai gets all worked up and Pran intervenes by saying it was his fault and that he fell on his own.
Wai, I get that you’re being protective of your friend but what exactly do you think Pat is going to do to Pran in front of all these witnesses? And do you not think Pran can handle himself? Stop with this gross display of ownership. If I was Pran, I’d be really ticked off by Wai’s supposed heroics here. Like dude, let me handle my business. I’m not some damsel in distress. I can think and act for myself. And notice that Wai doesn’t rush forward to check that Pran is physically okay, his first thought is to confront Pat. Stop using your friend as an excuse to act aggro, you weasel.
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Wai angrily walks off as though he’s the one that’s been wronged, ugh typical victim complex- make this all about you, and Pran gives Pat a look before presumably chasing after Wai to smooth things over. It must be exhausting being Wai’s friend. I love Pat’s smirk here because HE KNOWS, and we know that he’s getting to Pran.
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Cry some more, Waisel. Please continue to justify my Wai hatred by being exactly who you are. A sniveling weasel who thinks everything is about himself.
It’s lunchtime and the architects are eating at a table while Wai rants about Pat. Wai blathers on about being at the end of his rope (really?!! just by Pat existing? that’s a short rope you’ve got there) and what the hell does Pat want from them. Uh, absolutely nothing. He’s not here for you, pasty. Why would you automatically assume that he came here for you? Don’t make me laugh. Stop these theatrics and go get yourself some much needed vitamin D. Louis chimes in that the engineers never joined their camps before now and that Pat has crossed a line (how exactly has this imaginary line been crossed? Does your camp rules specifically say no engineering students allowed?)
Pran has heard enough and raises his voice to say Dammit can’t we just ignore him? Yes, Pran! Defend your man. It’s a case of no one else gets to slander Pat but him. And everyone looks at Pran in stunned silence. He then adds that someone like that will quit bothering them once he’s had enough and to just ignore him. Uh Pran, I think you underestimate Pat’s ability to annoy. Right as Pran says this, along comes Pat. Hahaha. He has his lunch plate and is pulling along a chair. He invites himself to join their table and plops himself in between Pran and Wai. OMG, I love the steel nerves on this kid. He takes it a step further by asking Wai if he’s gonna eat the meatball on his plate and helps himself to it. Pfft.
Wai gets up and knocks his chair over as if ready to throw down right then and there. Oh please, you’re just acting all pseudo-macho because your boys are here, and you’ve got backup whereas Pat is alone. Sit your ass on down, your daddy is eating a meatball. Pran finally speaks up and tells everyone, and Wai specifically, to cool down. This is their faculty project and he’ll talk to Pat. YESSS!! Victory is Pat’s!! But then Pran gives Pat THIS LOOK and if looks could kill, Pat would be incinerated on the spot. Pran must have inherited the eye glaring gene from his mom. Fortunately, Pat is too busy congratulating himself over this win to let it bother him.
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It’s nighttime and Pat is alone at the beach deep in thought. He’s looking more serious than when we last left him. Contemplative Pat is a sight to behold.
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I love this shot of Pat from behind. Something about it sings to me. Is it the lean? The hands in his pockets? The background/foreground of the water? The reflecting lights in the distance? I can’t say exactly what it is that grabs me, maybe it’s all of it. He seems both as sturdy as a pillar here and yet so very, very alone. 
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This is another beautiful shot of Pat. Look at those eyes. These are eyes that have a story behind them. One that he desperately wants to tell but only to one very specific person.
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Pran approaches and immediately drills into Pat you asshole! didn’t you get what I said? But instead of jawing back at Pran as Pran seems to have expected him to do, we see Pat softly say are we talking now? Aww. It catches Pran off guard and we can see him visibly deflate.
Pat urges Pran to talk to him, to tell him what’s running through his mind. He asks Pran what game he’s playing at and confesses that this tension between them is agony and makes him uncomfortable.
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Pran tells Pat that he’s not the only one uncomfortable here and tells him to stop making things more complicated than they already are. Pat seems confused by Pran’s request, especially when Pran ends it with a Please, just leave me alone and walks away, once again leaving behind a reeling Pat.
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The next morning, Pat runs into Junior and asks him if he’s seen Pran. Junior leads Pat to P’Tong who is standing by his truck and who should be in the back of the truck but Pran. Junior tells P’Tong that Pat needs a ride to the market and P’Tong readily agrees. Pran seems to be in a better mood today and even laughs at P’Tong’s adorable dad joke. I suspect it’s because he’s not surrounded by his architect friends and doesn’t have to put up as much of a front with Pat since their current audience (Junior) has no idea of their history. We feel you Pran, putting on a mask of indifference when puppy Pat is happily wagging his tail in your face is exhausting. It’s nice for our boys (and us!) to take a break from Wai and his tiresome dramatics.
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Seemingly making small talk, Pat asks Junior what grade he’s in and if he has lots of friends. Junior replies that he does. Pat then asks if Junior has a friend that won’t talk to him. And that whatever you say to him you’re met with silence. He ignores your questions, and you don’t know what’s happened with this friend. Junior gives it some thought and responds that he doesn’t have this kind of friend and innocently comments that no guy acts like this, right? Hahaha.
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Pran may major in architecture, but he minors in the perfect execution of the eyeroll. Bless him.
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Pat smirks and looks over at Pran. He then tells Junior that there is such a guy! And what does Junior think Pat should do about this friend? After some consideration Junior suggests, end your friendship with him? Pat says isn’t that too harsh? Pat tells Junior he feels sorry for this guy because he doesn’t have many friends. Falling right into Pat’s trap, Junior looks over at Pran and asks him if he has lots of friends. Pran replies that he does. And here, I want to affectionately smack the smugness right off Pat’s face. Don’t count all your chickens yet, my guy. Junior then asks Pran what he would do if his friend refused to talk to him. Pran pretends to give it some thought then says he doesn’t know what he’d do because he only has talkative friends. Annoyingly talkative. Super annoyingly talkative. HAHAHA touché, Pran. Well played.
Pat is saved from further demise at Pran’s awesome wit when P’Tong returns with the truck keys. P’Tong asks Pat since he’s going to the market would he mind picking up some printer ink for him. Pat agrees and off they go. Pat asks Junior if they’re really headed to the market and here interestingly, Pran says what, you’ve never been to a market before? UNPROMPTED. P’Tong begins driving and Pat loses his balance causing Pran to smirk and laugh and it’s the cutest thing.
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This is the exact moment when Pat loses balance and Pran smirks in response like he can’t help himself. Adorable. This is probably the first time he’s allowed himself to openly react to Pat in DAYS.
At the market we get a song montage of our boys shopping and really, it’s Pran shopping and Pat annoying him by making a simple trip to the market an entire adventure, which is such a Pat thing to do. He’s like a puppy out for a walk with his favorite human. Pat teases him at a vegetable stall and the shop owner comments that they’re cute together. Aww. The shop owner is US! They both BEAM and say thank you.
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Look at the boys’ faces as they respond to the shop owner’s compliment. I love that we get two different reactions befitting of their personalities, Pat is basking and Pran is smiling shyly.
On the way back to camp, their truck gets stuck in mud so Pat and Pran get out to push it. Their first attempt is a fail and Junior teasingly asks if that’s all they’ve got. Cuuute. Pat and Pran pretend to take offense and are determined to push the truck out on their next attempt. And they do, but following the momentum of the moving truck, Pran slips and falls into the mud himself. Pat laughs because really, who wouldn’t? Pran gets up and makes a point to wipe his muddy hand all over Pat’s neck as he walks away. Well, I guess that’s one way to feel him up. There’s a funny bit where Pat gestures in response as if to say what did I do? I’m just standing here. Then gestures at the mud as if to say this is who you should be mad at, not me. Hahaha. These two are killing me.
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Blink and you’ll miss it, but Pat’s soft smile as Pran walks away after wiping his muddy hand on him is everything. Pat should be annoyed but he’s instead ecstatic that Pran is showing signs of life. He’s so in love, your honor, even dirt is making him smile.
We’re gifted with another montage of Pran at the beach washing the mud off his clothes and Pat ‘helping’ him by splashing him with water. They end up goofing around, splashing each other and all the weight and stress of the last few days recedes with the tide. They’re now simply enjoying each other’s company.
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Drying up on the shore, Pat voices the question that’s been on his mind. Will you tell me now what’s been going on with you since that night? Pran responds with Can we not talk about that? Pat says fine and they both fall silent. After a couple of beats, Pran looks over at Pat and asks the question that has apparently been weighing on HIS mind. Do you hate me? Aww, Pran. Has this been bothering you all this time? How long have you sat with the misconception that Pat hated you? Do you go to bed each night believing the one you love hates you in return? Oh Pran, this makes me so sad.
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Pat seems surprised at his question but then says I used to ask myself if you ever did anything to make me hate you. When he doesn’t continue, Pran prods him with did I? Pat smiles at him and says ever since he’s known Pran, his life has been a lot harder, that he’s forced to compare himself to Pran in everything he does. And Pran looks out at the water and quietly says you must hate me a lot for that, don’t you? Pat says I should, but then I tried to think it through. You were put in the same situation as me. That’s why I couldn’t force myself to hate you. Pat is saying I had every reason to hate you, I even tried to, but found that I couldn’t.
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He turns it around on Pran and asks what about you? And there’s a long beat where they’re both just looking at each other, no pretenses, no masks, and no audience to dictate their response. Pran says when you were the reason I got transferred, I was so angry at you and my mom. Pat takes a long moment to consider Pran’s words and says I’m sorry. Pran tells him it’s fine, it was just anger, not hatred. The two smile softly at each other, the air between them finally cleared.
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Fingertips puttin’ on a show, you’ve got me now and I can’t say no ♫ ♬
Pat says without other people around, I can sit beside you just fine but when there are other people, just talking to you feels like a matter of life and death. Pran says what can we do? We were born into this. Pat looks at Pran and asks want to try it for a while? Just sit here and be carefree. Our boys lean back and bask in the warm sun and companionable silence. Pat shifts his weight, and his fingers end up touching Pran’s in the sand. Their eyes connect meaningfully. He asks him why are you so quiet now? And Pran confesses speaking nicely to you, I don’t know how. And this is probably the most honest Pran has ever been with him. Pat laughs and says it’s the same for him. And the unspoken look in Pat’s eyes says let’s navigate this together, how to be nice to each other.
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If anyone has read my crack analysis of Pran’s nightstand photo, this here is a replication of that come-hither look. It’s the chin propped on the shoulder that does me in.
After another beat, he says thanks and Pran looks at him as if to ask for what? And Pat goes for saving Pa. And again, what is left between the lines is Pat’s unspoken I know it’s taken me a long time to say this but thank you for what you did to help me and my sister all those years ago. Pa might not be here if it weren’t for you, and I never thanked you for that so I’m saying it now. I hope it’s not too late. And from the look Pran gives Pat in response, it’s right on time.
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Pat then asks Pran have you ever pictured what it’d be like if our parents didn’t fight? What would it be like if this rivalry between our families didn’t exist? And Pran starts saying if our families weren’t enemies… but then trails off and just looks at Pat and the two smile at each other, a tacit understanding between them.
Our boys, showered and clean from the beach, look for P’Tong when Junior finds them first. Pat decides to refill P’Tong’s printer with the ink he picked up from the market. He tests out the printer by printing a picture from his phone; it’s of a sleeping Pran. AWW you guys! I can’t handle the cuteness here. You’re telling me that Pat’s camera roll features candid shots of Pran that not even Pran knows about?!
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This has to be a photo from Ohm’s camera roll. The bus seats were black not tan. Ohm probably said I have the perfect picture for this scene! I love how BBS has OhmNanon’s footprints all over it.
Later that evening, the student volunteers are drawing lots for where they’ll be sleeping that night. And like the newspaper game, the two people with the same vegetable will be paired together. Pat raises his hand when his vegetable is called and looks expectantly at Pran, but it’s not Pran’s arm that goes up but dun dun dun… Wai’s who gives us a, you guessed it, nostril flare. Drink up!
Everyone queues up for dinner and Pat asks if he can skip the line and moves ahead of Louis who happens to be standing behind Pran. Out of nowhere, Wai comes into the frame and menacingly stares Pat down. And I’m just like, bro, why you be staring at your daddy unblinking like that? Pat stares back not knowing why he suddenly got challenged to the world’s most awkward staring contest. He then helps himself to a piece of squash on Wai’s plate. Oh no you didn’t!! Get a load of this guy. Pat is out here with zero shits to give. I read on twitter that the name of this squash vegetable is a Thai homonym for fuck you and I’m just like Pat, you are enjoying this a little too much, but also hell yeah Pat, don’t let pasty push you around with his foflex.
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Anyone catch that Pat looks over Waisel’s shoulder at Pran before walking away? He must have caught something in Pran’s expression that told him to just walk away. I love how they communicate without words and how subtle Ohm plays this small glance.
Chewing on the piece of squash, Pat walks away. Wai tells Louis that he’s had enough (again, I ask enough of what exactly? Of Pat existing?) Louis asks Wai what he’s going to do, and Wai comes back with tonight, Pat’s going to have the sweetest dream ever (read: he’s gonna be knocked out unconscious). Pran hears all this and has a worried look on his face.
Pat is at the next table and notices that Wai and the others keep glancing in his direction. They’re biding their time for Pat to finish eating and to walk off alone so they can follow and jump him. Pat’s not dumb and can read the atmosphere. And so can Pran. Wai and his minions get up on the pretense that they’re off to bed, but Pran questions where Louis is off to since he and Pran are paired together. He then turns and asks the others why they’re all going to Wai’s room (also Pat’s room) if it’s just to sleep. And then he outright asks if they’re going to beat up Pat.
Here's my take on all this: if Wai was going to confront Pat alone, that would be one thing and I’d be like turn up the volume and pass me the popcorn. But instead, Wai is bringing along back up and that’s just not cool. And Louis aside, what did Pat do to the other two other than breathe the same beach air?
If we’re comparing this to EP1 where Pat’s gang chased after a lone Wai, recall that once he had him cornered, Pat gave Wai the opportunity to call his friends for back up. Yet Wai can’t extend the same decency here? The whole bullying incident at Wai’s bar/workplace was immature and beyond idiotic. I still side-eye Pat for that to this day. Pat may not have actively participated but he sure as hell did not put a stop to it either. Wai is right to be pissed about that, only maybe not so much at Pat but more at Korn and the others – the actual perpetrators of Wai’s humiliation that night. I get that he’s grouping the entire engineering gang as one and sees Pat as their leader, but this is very shortsighted of him.
Pat just so happens to be here for reasons unrelated to Wai and is taking the brunt of Wai’s fixation of the engineers. And seeing how the numbers are to Wai’s advantage, this feels like a calculated move. One where Wai is using Pat’s presence at their camp to incite the others to join in his payback. Because nothing Pat has done these past two days justifies a beating unless you consider eating a meatball and a piece of squash as warranted, as those are the only two incidences where Pat did anything to Wai directly. Also, have the architects conveniently forgotten that the bus stop rebuild would not have been completed without Pat and his friends? Pat basically saved their asses on that project. How short are their memories?
GAH! I hate that I’ve spent so much of this recap talking about Waisel. I blame P’Aof for giving him so much damn screen time.
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Back to Pran asking Wai and co. if they’re off to beat up Pat. Wai tries to reason with Pran by saying look at what Pat’s done (he dared to eat my meatball and squash, I won’t let this stand! CRY MORE) and they should teach him a lesson. Pran tries to reason that they’re at a volunteer camp and Wai responds that they’ll do it quietly and no one needs to know (you fucking coward). Pran tries to buy more time by telling Wai to wait until they get back to campus and deal with Pat then. Louis chimes in by asking Pran what faculty he belongs to and why is he protecting Pat. Pran denies it and Louis pushes on saying everyone feels that Pran is taking Pat’s side.
The screen cuts to Pat in his room staring intensely at the door waiting for an ambush. He then pushes back his non-existent sleeves in preparation. Oh GOD, GUYS IT’S HERE. The inexplicable pushing of the sleeves.
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The music, intensity, and seriousness of Pat’s face in this scene only to be transcended by the pushing up of the non-existence sleeves, is the most bad buddy thing this show could ever do to us. What did we do to deserve this, guys?
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Back to Pran and the architects, Wai asks Pran point blank if there is anything going on between him and Pat that they don’t know. For those keeping count, this is the third time Wai has given Pran a chance to come clean about his relationship with Pat. Pran doesn’t answer and Wai seems to take this as a green light to go ahead with the beating. As the guys clear away their plates and leave, Pran blurts out that he has a confession to make. Whaaa??
Later, the architects are surrounded by cans of beer and drunk Wai slurs Really, Pran? Your first love is now in a new relationship? So that’s why you didn’t seem to enjoy this trip. Louis ever the chimer-inner, says You need to move on. Pran responds with we’re on a trip. I didn’t want to bring everyone down and spoil the fun, but now that I have poured my guts out to you, you all must stay with me ALL NIGHT and points at each of them. Pfft, we see what you’re doing Pran.
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The others are all well on their way to being four sheets in the wind. And we watch as Pran acts drunk and dumps his beer over his shoulder when the others aren’t looking. I LOVE THIS. Manipulator Pran is the best Pran. Louis continues to console Pran by telling him not to worry, that someone as perfect as Pran won’t stay available for long. He asks him what’s his type since he knows lots of people and can set him up. Unless you know a hot, chaotic goofball, who likes wearing muscle tees and insists on helping without being asked, who safeguards Pran’s beloved guitar as if it were his own, I highly doubt you can find Pran’s exact type. Pran quietly says more to himself than to his drunk friends that he should take a break, that it still hurts. And we can see that he isn’t lying.
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Later, Pran is alone walking on the beach. He has his ever-present-Pat’s-earbuds with him and sighs to himself. We watch Pat approach. Pran looks over at him only to find that Pat is already looking right at him. When is he ever not looking at you, Pran? Pran pockets the earbuds and proceeds to walk away and Pat walks forward as if to meet Pran halfway. Pran intends to walk right past Pat and ignore him when Pat stops him with a hand to his wrist. It’s Pat’s way of saying don’t go, please. And the two engage in their own staring contest, one that’s layered with so much want and meaning.
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They find shelter against the side of a boat and Pat picks up a stick and writes something in the sand. He says you won’t allow me to talk about it, so here I am not talking. He finishes his sand word with a question mark, and we see that he’s spelled out KISS? He’s asking Pran about their rooftop kiss and what it meant to him.
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Pran evades and says it’s nothing. But Pat pushes on and asks what does he mean? Pran says he’s not trying to mean anything, and Pat says if Pran doesn’t say it, how will Pat figure it out? How can he possibly understand him? Pran says Pat doesn’t need to understand him and that Pran doesn’t want Pat to understand him. Pran goes back to his old reliable and tells Pat to just mind his own business. Except now Pran is Pat’s business.
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Pat studies Pran for a beat then brings up Ink and tells Pran that he talked to her. He says he doesn’t think that he likes her in that way. This news catches Pran off guard and we see the sparks of renewed hope curling in his chest. Trying not to sound too eager, Pran asks how do you like her then? Aww, he needs to hear Pat say the words. But Pat throws Pran’s earlier words back at him instead and says you don’t need to understand because I don’t want you to understand me either. Touché. Pat is saying you want to tango? Let’s tango.
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This is Pran’s face right as Pat tells him that he doesn’t like Ink. We see that he’s trying (unsuccessfully) to school his face, but the spark of reignited hope is working its way through his veins. Hope springs eternal, indeed.
Pran smirks at Pat and tries a different approach. He says he knew it, that Pat is terrible at flirting that’s why no one likes him back. And Pat rebuts with like you’re so good at it. I’ve never seen you succeed at using your charms either. Uh Pat, you’re on precarious ground here, don’t make Pran show you his arsenal of moves, believe us when we say you couldn’t handle it. Pran goes maybe so, but there’s this one guy who followed me here all the way from Bangkok, wanting to make up with me. AWW he’s acknowledging the lengths Pat has gone to for him. I told you it would gain Pat major points! Pat responds with well there’s this guy who refused to talk to me all day. What do you think that means? Oh! I’ve got him confused about his feelings for me. They both smirk at each other not caring that this talking in circles is getting them nowhere.
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Pran finally turns towards him and asks why can’t you just admit it? Pat faces Pran and says admit that you like me already, just say it. Pran denies it and Pat says oh, but you do. And Pran shoots back that you’re the one that likes me. It’s so obvious. Pat laughs and says fine, let’s compete then. I’ll show you how I flirt. I’ll go after you so hard and sweep you off your feet. Pran replies with game on, I’ll make you get down on your knees declaring your love for me. OHO! Pat laughs and says someone like you will fall for me in no time. Pran tells him he’s all talk. Make it happen first then you can brag about it later. They both look at each other grinning and then both say: Whoever falls in love first, loses. Deal! And they seal it with a fist bump, which is the best callback to their fist bump, ever.
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We’re treated to an end credit scene where it’s the next day and Pat is standing alone munching on crispy seaweed. Pran approaches him and points out that people are preparing to get on the bus. Pat says there are too many people over there, but don’t worry when the bus comes my boyfriend will come and get me. Pran smirks and says who’s your boyfriend? Pat looks at Pran meaningfully and guys I am squeeing so hard at these two. Pran says there’s the bus now, we leave in 15 minutes. Pat smirks and says well, that gives me 15 minutes to put some moves on you right here.
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He then offers to feed Pran some of his seaweed snack, Pran declines and says he’s not hungry. Pat proceeds to nom delightfully and makes it look so good that eventually Pran gestures for him to share. Pat holds out a piece and moves as if he’s going to feed it to Pran, who opens his mouth to take a bite, only for Pat to finally get the chance to pull the ol’ Charlie Brown football away at the last second and say I know you want it. Be my boyfriend first. Pran gives him a look and says so that’s your move? But it’s more of a is that all you’ve got?
Pat polishes off the piece of seaweed he offered to Pran and puts his hand in the bag for another only to be halted by Pran’s own hand. He pulls out Pat’s fingers which are now covered with the snack seasoning, stares Pat dead ass in the eyes and proceeds to LICK HIS FINGER. PRAN!!! In public?? Think of the children. He then uses his tongue to taste the seasoning residue on his lip and says you’re right, it does taste good. And the look on Pat’s face can be summed by two words: HUBBA HUBBA. Pran, the almighty and powerful, has rendered him speechless. Pran picks up his bag and says see you later, FRIEND and flashes his dimple like the boss that he is. And Pat can only watch him leave, shellshocked. And we can see all the possibilities swirling in Pat’s head. Pran has just upped their flirting game to a level that has Pat gleefully smiling at what’s to come.
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An entire series of screenshots that have no need for captions except to say that Pat, it was nice knowing you, my dude. You brought this on yourself when you challenged Pran to tango, er, tangle.
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Look at this face. This is the face of a guy who just got annihilated and is still smiling like the lovesick fool that he is. I will never look at cripsy seaweed the same way again. Y’all ruined me.
This concludes our sixth hour with our boys and oh what a fun hour it was! All the Wai shenanigans aside, for me this was the most enjoyable episode of the show so far. I am a sucker for the chase trope, but here instead of a cat and mouse game it’s an eager puppy and his sourpuss kitty, where at the end the kitty has turned the tables and is biting licking back. I’ve always been weak for the push and pull between characters where they’re both moving towards the same eventuality but one of them doesn’t realize it yet.
I love how smart and patient Pat’s approach is at getting Pran to talk to him. It shows how well Pat understands Pran’s needs and psyche. He recognizes that Pran is at his most comfortable when they’re competing against each other so plays that up for him. He tells Pran to give in if he can’t take it anymore but assures him that even if he’s not yet ready to throw in the towel, Pat isn’t going anywhere. He’s here to stay and showing Pran through his actions that no matter how hard Pran pushes him away or ignores his efforts, Pat isn’t giving up on him. And for someone who is unsure of Pat’s feelings, Pran needs this affirmation that Pat can’t easily be driven way. That on Pran’s worst days, Pat won’t abandon him. He’s in this as much as Pran.
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Pat is telling Pran – and again, it’s important that he does so through his actions and not just words – that hey I get it, these feelings are overwhelming and scary, and I know you don’t do well with change, so let’s not change anything. This is just you and me as we’ve always been. But for the record, I like spending time with you, I like sharing your space and breathing the same air as you, so if it’s okay with you, I’d like to continue doing that. To be near you in whatever capacity you want, no expectations, no assumptions. And when you’re ready for more, I’m game for that too. This is entirely your call. But I’m here right where I want to be and nothing you do or say could make me run away. I’m not leaving you. I’m all in.
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The confrontation between Ming and Dissaya was both revealing yet at the same time didn’t give away too much. P’Aof and his team are so adept at dangling that carrot stick, giving us just enough that we’re intrigued but not so much that we’ve figured out their endgame. At this point in the show, Pran’s mom is depicted as the villain while Ming, though an ass in his own right, is shown as being more reasonable. We’re pointing our fingers at Dissaya and saying the hostility stems from her, and Pat’s dad is just reacting to the negative energy she’s putting out there – not knowing that the entire script is going to be flipped on us later. And I really must commend P’Aof and his scriptwriters for pulling the wool over us. It makes the story that much more compelling when you’re set in your beliefs of it going one way but are shown that things aren’t always what you see on the surface. Ahem, EP11.
And it goes without saying, but I feel should still be highlighted, that the veteran actors brought their A-game to the series. We spend much of the show singing Ohm and Nanon’s praises (as we should), but the actors tasked with bringing the intensity of Ming and Dissaya on screen are equally phenomenal especially considering that their screen time is so limited. With the precious minutes allotted them, the parents delivered their portrayal so deftly that we feel how high the stakes are for our boys. They aren’t evil caricatures representing insurmountable obstacles but are written as three-dimensional people with their own reasons and justifications for their choices and behavior. So, kudos once again to the BBS casting director and to P’Aof for challenging his actors to translate all this on screen.
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Speaking of direction, this episode was a masterclass in gorgeous cinematography. I’ve always favored taking the characters outside of their usual environments and plopping them in unfamiliar territory. This allows not only for a change of scenery but also a possible change in mindset as well. But having said that, there’s a fine line between taking the characters out of their norm just because you can or because it serves the story. And as we’ve learned with P’Aof, everything in BBS is driven by this very specific love story that he wants to tell.
A good question to raise is would Pran have acquiesced to Pat’s efforts and risen to the challenge of their bet if all this took place back on campus? How much easier then would it have been for Pran to ignore him and how many more walls would Pat have had to scale to reach Pran? So, in addition to being a nice change of pace, taking the show on the road made sense narratively in that it forced Pran to confront his fears and face Pat.
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I’ve already touched on my personal affinity for Pat standing by the water in the moonlight but wanted to add that the entire truck scene was a feast for the eyes. The coloring was soft and warm in contrast to the starkness of Pat and Pran when surrounded by the architects. And I think this was intentional. Their time with P’Tong and Junior and after on the beach, felt ethereal and almost dreamlike in the sense that by letting go they’ve finally arrived at their personal paradise, however fragile and fleeting it may be. It’s only when they’ve set aside their obstacles, if only temporary, does life seem to take on a far rosier outlook, and Pran especially, needed to see that this was and has always been a possibility if only he lowered his walls for Pat to climb and reached his hand out to him.
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Their talk on the beach was long overdue and necessary to move their relationship forward. They needed to both be on the same page, just like in the newspaper game. I thought it interesting that Pran has been worried this entire time that Pat might hate him. It tells us that while Pat may be insecure when it comes to Pran, Pran is just as insecure, needing to know that what Pat feels for him now isn’t some poor substitute for the possible hatred that he may have felt for him then.
Pran needs to know that Pat’s feelings come from a place not born from hate. And I get that. Because when you replace a strong emotion, such as hate with love, you doubt the sincerity and longevity of these feelings and worry that old feelings of hate may one day take over. So, it’s comforting for Pran to hear that no matter how reasonable it would have been for Pat to hate Pran, he was never able to and the same can be said for Pran. And I love that Pat doesn’t sugarcoat his response, he admits that it would make sense for him to hate Pran but couldn’t find it in himself to do so. And Pran needed to hear this.
I’m happy that Pran admitted he was angry with Pat for being the reason he transferred, and that Pat apologized for his part in it. They’re both acknowledging their past to pave the way for their future. Pran, by letting go of his hurt and anger and Pat, by releasing the weight of his guilt. I love this so much for our boys.
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Pran protecting Pat from being beaten up by his friends showed us that no matter how upset or annoyed he is with Pat; he could never see him potentially get hurt and not step in to prevent it from happening. It makes me wonder how many times Pran has intercepted on Pat’s behalf during their long history together, because while Pat’s eager puppy personality is sunshine to most, there may be instances where he’s rubbed people the wrong way with his penchant for teasing. In this sense, has Pran been Pat’s protector this entire time? And Pat never knowing? There’s something so endearing about this possibility that squeezes at my heart and refuses to let go.
We’re gifted with a new closing song this episode with Our Secret and it’s the show’s way of telling us that we’re entering the next phase of Pat and Pran’s relationship. Only this time they’re both in on it and the feelings are no longer one-sided. They’ve made amends for their past and look towards the bright future ahead. EP6 was great in that it served as a bridge from the first five episodes (foreplay) to the final stretch of the show (climax).
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Pat asking Pran what if, in a perfect world, our parents weren’t an obstacle standing in our way. What then? And Pran answers with it wouldn’t be difficult to imagine how different our lives would be. I love that Pat was brave enough to ask this question and Pran equally as brave to answer it. They’re both acknowledging their feelings for each other here, only words aren’t necessary because they can feel it. We see this in the knowing look and secret smile they share. Being here with you, with the ocean waves lapping at our toes, where the shared silence is equally as welcome as the conversation, there’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be and no one else I’d want next to me. So, when you ask me how I’d picture our lives if we weren’t born as rivals? I’d picture this. You, me, and an entire ocean of possibilities.
And that wraps up my deconstruction of EP6, thank you for reading and reliving the episode with me. I can’t believe we’ve reached the midway point of the show. All said, I’ve written nearly 45k for this DTES post series and it’s mind blowing to me that 1) I have that much to say about two boys falling in love and 2) you all want me to say more. Thank you so much for coming along with me on this journey and encouraging me to keep going. Up next, there’s more fun and hijinks to be had as Pat and Pran try to out-flirt each other. See you then!
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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July 19, 1922 Krazy Kat by George Herriman
[ID: Krazy has an enlightening conversation out in the middle of a field with Professor Wagg. He listens intently, hands on his hips, while Wagg gestures behind his back. Ignatz stands there, looking on, intrigued. /end] Krazy: So you removed "Offissa Pupp's" astral body from his real body, heh, Professa Wagg? Wagg: I sure have, "Krazy," and his astral body is now walking around on his beat. Ignatz: Oh ho.
[ID: Krazy and Prof. Wagg walk off-panel together. Ignatz stays put. /end] Wagg: Every body will think it is really "Officer Pupp," but as a matter of fact, it is only his aura, his astral body. His ectoplasm. Just a mere jelly. Ignatz: Quince jelly, I'll bet.
[ID: Ignatz sprints away. /end] Ignatz: Here's where I get myself busy.
[ID: Ignatz ZIPs a brick at the back of Officer Pupp's head. It lands with a WAM, knocking him forward. /end] Ignatz: That for you, you jelly "kop." Pupp: ?
[ID: Pupp pins Ignatz to the ground and savagely beats him with his baton. /end]
[ID: Ignatz angrily ZIPs another brick at the back of Prof. Wagg's head - he's still walking with Krazy. /end] Wagg: Some day, I'm going to remove "Mr. Ignatz Mouse's" astral body. Krazy: Oh, wun't that be nize. Ignatz: Faker.
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spiralcompendium · 4 years
Marleybonean Dog Breeds
Inspired by this post by @buccaneers-babey​
back to your regularly scheduled lore posting
Certain dog breeds seem to be associated with specific occupations/genders in Marleybone. I looked through many of the Dog NPCs in Marleybone (both W101 and P101) and Celestia, and I was definitely able to make some connections. Also, I had no idea that KI had models for twenty-four different breeds (at least). I would have guessed, like, five.
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Associated with the Navy. Examples:
Lt. Springer (companion--P101)
Admiral Nelson (Barkeley Square--P101)
Seem to range anywhere from wealthy businessmen to poor orphans. 
Oliver Twist (Barkeley Square--P101)
Professor Challenger (Barkeley Square--P101)
Cratchit (Isle of Dogs--P101)
Gerry Ramsden (Isle of Dogs--P101)
Pretty variable, but many seem to be in the military.
Bulldog Sergeant Major (Barkingham Palace)
Watson (Scotland Yard Roof) [Of note is the fact that Watson from the original stories worked as a doctor for the British Army.]
Ms. Conrail (Hyde Park)
Reed Treever (Regent’s Square)
Sally Newflower (Royal Museum)
Deirdre Parker (Celestia Base Camp)
Admiral Doggett (Barkeley Square--P101)
Colonel Smeagle (Barkeley Square--P101)
Judge Burble (The Glass House--P101)
We only have one example, but this breed could easily be associated with detective work. 
Sherlock Bones (Digmoore Station)
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Cocker Spaniel
Commoner women. 
Tracy Castleton (Digmoore Station)
Amy Brooks (Knight’s Court)
This breed seems to be associated with the royal family... and with poor maids in gross taverns?? Maybe members of the Marleybonean royal family--never mind.
Queen (Barkingham Palace)
Nancy (Isle of Dogs’ Sewers--P101)
This seems to be the breed of (generally) high-society men. 
Arthur Wethersfield (Ravenwood)
The Maestro (Telegraph Box)
Mayor Pimsbury (Digmoore Station)
Mr. Rowley (Hyde Park)
Bill Tanner (Knight’s Court)
Mr. Brownlow (Barkeley Square--P101)
Corporal Iams (The Glass House--P101)
Redcoats (The Wreck of the Victory--P101)
Constable Talbot (Isle of Dogs--P101)
English Mastiff
Royal guards. 
Captain Dartmouth (Barkingham Palace)
Henry Wellingbrook (Regent’s Square)
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German Shepherd
High-society men.
William Pugsby (Chelsea Court)
Private Kinchley (Wolfminster Abbey)
Corbett (Isle of Dogs’ Sewers--P101)
Dr. Glendon (Isle of Dogs--P101)
Golden Retriever
He sure did retrieve that message from Azteca.
Edward Halley (Halle’s Observatory)
Irish Setter
Aristocratic/high-society men. 
Lord Barker (Chelsea Court)
Clancy Pembroke (Royal Museum)
Mr. Smiley (Barkeley Square--P101)
Mycroft Bones (Barkeley Square--P101)
David Balfour (Isle of Dogs--P101)
Ernest Haldings (Chelsea Court)
Emily Chesterfield (Hyde Park)
H. G. Waggs (Kensington Park)
David Beeman (Knight’s Court)
Abigail Doolittle (Regent’s Square)
Andrew Coleman (Regent’s Square)
Officer McRuff (Scotland Yard)--desk sergeant
And many, many more.
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Commoner women. 
Ms. Marphely (Chelsea Court)
Felicia Worthington (Regent’s Square)
Rose Piper (Telegraph Box)
Aristocratic/high-society women.
Lady Desane (Hyde Park)
Catherine Dalton (Knight’s Court)
Linda Milltop (Knight’s Court)
Sarah Tanner (Knight’s Court)
Commoner men.
Chief Whip (Barkingham Palace)
Terrence Heath (Chelsea Court)
Reed Treever (Regent’s Square)
Travis Pawman (Big Ben)
Male scientists and engineers. 
Dr. Schnippi (Isle of Dogs’ Sewers--P101)
Abner Wickersham (Isle of Dogs--P101)
Dr. Nation (Isle of Dogs--P101)
Ebeneezer Scrooge (Isle of Dogs--P101)
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Scottish Terrier
Officer Darby (Hyde Park)
Officer Terry (Kensington Park)
Walter Chaplin (Royal Museum)--doesn’t fit trend (Spiral Geographic Society member)
Admiral Kearns (Barkeley Square--P101)
Captain Harkness (Airedale Pier--P101)
White Terrier
Low-class men, scurvy dogs.
Dockmaster Nathan (Isle of Dogs--P101)
Crokagator Dundee (Isle of Dogs’ Sewers--P101)
Jack Russell Terrier
A beautiful good boy.
Lucky Jack Russell (Companion--P101)
Boston Terrier
Female scientists/engineers. 
Edith Benchley (Celestia Base Camp)
Emily Wills (Isle of Dogs--P101)
Gracie Conrad (Companion--P101)
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There’s only one, and he’s a constable.
Angus Crankenhop (Regent’s Square)
St. Bernard
Male constables.
Officer Barkly (Digmoore Station)
Sergeant Steeg (Knight’s Court)
There’s only one: another constable. 
Officer Stone (Newgate Prison)
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babypoof08 · 7 years
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It so cute. I love how Tintin and Snowy are in middle dancing. ^_^
This is a poster from The Musical World Of Tintin. an Tintin exhibition that was held May 7 to 14 in 1993.
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incomingalbatross · 5 years
@why-bless-your-heart replied to your post: Stan Pines and Captain Haddock would get along SO...
The real question is how does Stan behave in Marlinspike Hall?
...Oh dear.
Possibly overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of valuables left in the open... But these are his Friends and I don’t think Stan would want to steal from friends, which makes it worse for him. (Maybe compromise and just steal little things, here and there? To be fair, it’s not as if Captain Haddock cares about a lot of his own possessions anyway.)
Otherwise? Terrible, terrible manners, but he can’t be much worse than his host and he’s definitely a better guest than Abdullah & Co. Nestor Does Not Approve, but he’ll cope.
...Oh. Speaking of past bad guests--Stan vs. Jolyon Wagg. Imagine.
(But of course, the TRULY terrifying thing about this question is the extrapolation that, if Stan’s at Marlinspike, Ford and Professor Calculus are probably in the same place as well.)
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cleowho · 4 years
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“Happy New Year.”
Doctor Who: The Television Movie - 1996
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aboardthescheherazade · 7 months
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New Years cards from Studios Hergé, 1974 thru 1982
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esonetwork · 6 years
Timestamp #160: Doctor Who (The Movie)
New Post has been published on https://esopodcast.com/timestamp-160-doctor-who-the-movie/
Timestamp #160: Doctor Who (The Movie)
Doctor Who: The Movie (1996)
  It’s a major turning point: The gateway between the classic era and the modern. But first, the Doctor must face Y2K.
The Master finally came to trial for his litany of crimes on the planet Skaro as part of a treaty between the Daleks and the Time Lords. Over cat eyes, we learn that the Master’s final request was for the Doctor to carry his remains back to Gallifrey for final disposition. The Doctor places the Master’s urn in a lockbox and secures it with a new sonic screwdriver before settling in with “In a Dream” on the gramaphone, The Time Machine in his hands, and a bowl of jelly babies. The control room is massive and gorgeous, and reflects the Seventh Doctor’s twilight years to a tee.
The Master breaks out of the urn and the lockbox, moving as a shadowy snake form to the TARDIS console and shorting it out, forcing the Doctor to make an emergency landing on Earth, San Francisco, New Years Eve, 1999. The TARDIS materializes in the middle of a gang fight, saving a young survivor in the process. Unfortunately, the Doctor (who didn’t use the scanners, I guess) steps into the fight and is shot. As Chang Lee calls for an ambulance, the Master escapes through the TARDIS lock.
The Doctor (on the record as John Smith) is rushed to the hospital, but modern medicine fails him. The x-ray accurately reflects his two hearts, and the bullet wounds are not particularly life-threatening (one in the shoulder, two in the leg), but the heart readings require a cardiac specialist. Enter: Grace Holloway.
The Doctor wakes up on the operating table to the sound of Madame Butterfly, pleading with Grace to stop the surgery and get him a beryllium atomic clock. The surgical team ups the anesthetic and proceeds, but human surgery on Time Lord physiology proves fatal. The Seventh Doctor dies on the operating table. Grace reviews the x-rays before informing Lee of the bad news, and Lee runs off with the Doctor’s personal effects.
We are treated to a double Time Lord resurrection: On the other side of the city, the Master has hitched a ride home with an ambulance driver named Bruce. As he snores away, preventing his wife from sleeping, Bruce is taken over and killed by the Master. Bruce’s wife is happy for the silence. At the hospital, the Doctor’s body is loaded into the morgue and regenerates in parallel with the 1931 version of Frankenstein. The Doctor bangs at the door and breaks out of the freezer, scaring the on-duty attendant. The Eighth Doctor finds a mirror (or thirteen… see what they did there?) in a broken room (seriously, what?) while humming Madame Butterfly. In shock, he screams and questions who he is.
As morning dawns, we find Grace Holloway in her office, the Doctor rifling through lockers for clothing (and discarding a replica of the Fourth Doctor’s scarf), and Lee trying to figure out what a sonic screwdriver does (as well as examining a yo-yo, the Doctor’s pocketwatch, and the TARDIS key). The Doctor finds a Wild Bill Hickok costume (intended for the New Years Eve costume party), discarding the gun belt and hat in the process. Meanwhile, the Master awakens (with glowing green eyes) and kills Bruce’s wife.
Pete, the morgue attendant, shows Grace what happened the night before. She walks right by the Doctor, who is still suffering from the effects of his regeneration, before meeting with the hospital administrator. The administrator tries to cover up the events of the botched surgery, and she quits her job as a result. As she’s leaving, the Doctor joins her in the elevator and follows her to her car. He begs her for help, pulling the abandoned cardiac probe from his chest as Grace drives him away.
The Master arrives at the hospital and demands to see the Doctor’s body, but finds out that the corpse is missing and that Lee has the Doctor’s possessions. Meanwhile, Grace and the Doctor arrive at her home to find that her boyfriend has left her (and taken her furniture). She examines the Doctor and his heartbeats as his memory fades back in. Grace is upset and confused by the whole affair, but the Doctor comforts her in his awkward way.
Lee finds his way to the TARDIS and steps inside, having one of the most amazing “bigger on the inside” moments. Unfortunately, he also finds the Master, who somehow entered before without the TARDIS key. The Master enthralls Lee and takes the Doctor’s things before demanding that Lee help him find the Time Lord. The Master tells Lee a false tale of how the Doctor stole his regenerations, offering the human gold dust and a tour of the TARDIS, including the Cloister Room. In the depths of the Cloister Room is the Eye of Harmony, the heart of the TARDIS, and Lee is able to open it with a little coercion. The Eye shows the Master and Lee the Doctor’s Seventh and Eighth incarnations, and the image of a human retina leads the Master to believe that the new Doctor is half-human.
That’s an important note to make: The Master makes the assumption that the Doctor is somehow half-human. While the Master – who has known the Doctor for a really, really long time – should presumably know better, the Doctor’s lineage is not a statement of fact. It is a wild assumption.
The Doctor finishes getting dressed (and finally removing his toe tag) as Grace examines his blood. They take a walk to clear their minds, jogging the Doctor’s memories of his own childhood. The joy of this incarnation is amazing. As the Eye of Harmony is opened, he remembers that he is the Doctor and kisses Grace, making this the first romantic moment for the Doctor in the franchise.
I’m okay with that. New face, new body, new Doctor.
With the Eye of Harmony open, the Doctor and the Master can share vision through the Eye. The Doctor closes his eyes and gives Grace the download on who he is. Lee also hears this, chipping away at the Master’s thrall. Grace runs away in shock and locks the Doctor out of her house. Despite the Doctor’s protests, Grace calls for an ambulance, but the Doctor shows her that the Eye of Harmony is tearing the planet apart by walking through a window without breaking it. The Master and Lee oblige her request by hijacking an ambulance and taking it to meet the doctor (and the Doctor).
The Doctor watches the news while they wait for the ambulance, learning that a local institute is unveiling a beryllium atomic clock, which is exactly what he needs to close the Eye. The doorbell rings, and it’s the Master calling. Grace has no idea, but the Doctor obviously recognizes the Master, and nevertheless, they all pile into the ambulance and hit the road. Eventually, the Doctor unmasks the Master and runs with Grace. They hijack a police motorcycle with jelly babies and race for the institute with the Master in pursuit.
Notably, the Doctor does use a gun once again, but it’s a distraction instead of a threat.
Lee knows a shortcut – of course he does – so they beat the Doctor and the doctor to the clock. They proceed inside and look for a way to the clock, passing the Doctor off as “Dr. Bowman” and meeting Professor Wagg, the inventor of the device. In the meantime, the Doctor explains more about himself, and distracts the professor with a joke about being half-human while swiping his badge. They take a piece of the clock, distract a guard with a jelly baby, and spot the Master before running. They race to the roof (understandably, the Doctor is afraid of heights) and use a fire hose to drop to the street before heading to the TARDIS.
They use a spare key to open the TARDIS, have a humorous moment with a police officer driving in and out of the time capsule, and go inside to install the clock component in the console. Unfortunately, the Eye has been open too long and the cosmos are in danger. The TARDIS also has no power. They attempt to jump-start the TARDIS, but Grace is enthralled by the Master as he arrives. She knocks the Doctor out and together, she and Lee take him to the Eye. The Master supervises as Grace places a device on the Doctor’s head to prop his eyes open. The Doctor pleads with Lee, and Lee refuses to open the Eye when the Doctor points out the Master’s lies. The Master kills Lee by snapping his neck, then enthralls Grace into opening the Eye.
Apparently, only a human’s eyes can open the Eye. Which is weird, but kind of plays into a theory of mine… more on that later.
The Eye’s light is focused on two points, designed in this case to channel the Doctor’s regenerative energy into the Master and extend the villain’s lifespan. The light of the Eye breaks Grace’s trance, and she runs to the console to reroute the power. At the very last second, Grace jump-starts the TARDIS and they travel into a temporal orbit. She releases the Doctor, but the Master throws her off the balcony and kills her. The two Time Lords fight over the eye, but the Doctor is triumphant and the Master falls into the Eye. The Doctor tries to rescue him, but the Master refuses and is (apparently) killed.
The Doctor places Lee and Grace on a balcony in the Cloister Room, and the energy of the Eye infuses with them, bringing them back to life courtesy of the TARDIS and its sentimentality. The Doctor shows them Gallifrey from a distance before returning midnight on January 1, 2000. Lee departs with the gold dust and a little advice after returning the Doctor’s stuff, and the Doctor offers Grace the opportunity to travel with him. Grace declines, and the Doctor departs for a new adventure.
  This presentation is deeply flawed, but it does have a lot of things working for it. I love the theme music (even if they don’t credit Ron Grainer or Delia Derbyshire) and I do love the humor and Doctor/Grace banter. On the other hand, it is swimming in the cheesiness that defined televised American science fiction in the 1990s, and a lot of those elements fall flat in the spirit of Doctor Who. I mean, can we get that hospital a little more funding for the entire floor full of broken junk?
The story also has a fixation on people stealing people’s stuff. Was there a major trend of kleptomania in the mid-90s?
Paul McGann is simply a joy to watch, and his energy and joy shines in this story. It’s also interesting to watch the “half-human” controversy play out: The Master takes it seriously based on scant evidence, but the Doctor plays it as a joke. I have often wondered if Gallifreyans are some sort of evolved human being – it’s definitely possible given that the default appearance is always human, most medical exams show only the two hearts as a physical difference, and that whole Eye of Harmony key thing – but I don’t think that the Doctor is any more human than that. The evidence just doesn’t support it.
All in all, this story would fall into the average range, which is a shame since Paul McGann deserved so much better. Of course, this was also a regeneration story, so it gets a little boost per the rules of the Timestamps Project.
    Rating: 4/5 – “Would you care for a jelly baby?”
    UP NEXT – Seventh Doctor Summary
  The Timestamps Project is an adventure through the televised universe of Doctor Who, story by story, from the beginning of the franchise. For more reviews like this one, please visit the project’s page at Creative Criticality.
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rassilon-imprimatur · 7 years
The Doctor’s Mother...
Suddenly he was back on Gallifrey, with his family, safe at last. 
“That’s right,” said his mother and she smiled down at him, her long hair brushing his forehead. “Stay here, my little Doctor. Stay here with me and you can tell tales of the worlds you have visited. I so want to hear your stories.”
She is so pretty, he thought. Just as I remember her.
- A Big Hand for the Doctor, Eoin Colfer
Memories flooded into the Doctor's mind. Memories of his childhood, of his mother smiling, of his father holding him up to see the stars.
- The Eight Doctors, Terrance Dicks 
The Doctor took Professor Wagg by the shoulder, as if to emphasise the conspiratorial nature of their conversation. He leaned forward and whispered into Wagg’s ear. “I am half-human. On my mother’s side.”
The Movie, Gary Russell 
The Doctor leaned towards her, conspiratorially. ‘I’m half-stupid,’ he said. ‘On my mother’s side.
- Alien Bodies, Lawrence Miles
“So you wouldn't want your memories, then, Doctor?”
“You won't catch me with that old temptation.”
“There is a 'you' who stands where you stand who has walked the same paths but who recovers his memory in the next hour in every detail. There is one who stands where you stand who recovered it an hour ago. Or a day ago, or before you even came here. There is one who has faced every trauma arising and is healed and knows his father's face, and his mother's voice. You need not choose the future Doctor I can also offer you the past.”
- Grimm Reality, Simon Bucher-Jones and Kelly Hale
Memories of years long gone, thoughts of family and childhood. He remembered his father and mother. He remembered a trek in the mountains, and what he found while sheltering from a storm in an ancient cave.
The Doctor opened the menu in the middle. The pages were thin almost tissue paper, like the pages of his mother’s old Bible. 
The Doctor knew exactly who he was, who he’d always been. He was a Time Lord, from the Noble House of Lungbarrow on the planet Gallifrey. He had been born of the Loom, son of the greatest explorer of his age and a human woman, Annalise… no… his mother’s name had been Penelope. 
The first time he had left Gallifrey, it had been for a short hop across the Constellation, to his parents’ summer house. He’d stared up into the dark night’s sky, seen all the moving points of light. “Not stars,” his mother had told him. “Ships. Those ships don’t travel on the sea, those are ships that travel in space and time.” 
- The Infinity Doctors, Lance Parkin
The Doctor hadn’t been able to sleep the night he’d first heard his name. He’d been a very small child. He couldn’t remember how old he was, but he remembered his mother’s long red hair and her cut-glass voice. She was sitting at the side of his bed, reading from a storybook.
- The Gallifrey Chronicles, Lance Parkin
DOCTOR: If you think about things like that and travel through time, Charley, you'll turn your brain into a spiral staircase. And I've heard of people who've vanished up staircases like that. 'Zagreus sits inside your head/Zagreus lives among the dead/Zagreus sees you in your bed/And eats you when you're sleeping', as mother used to say.
- Seasons of Fear, Paul Cornell 
Yes Time Tots, exactly! The first thing any of us would have done would have been to get out of there quickly before we compromised the causal nexus. Staying for tea and imbibing too much ethanol, which you’ll recall the Doctor had a particular weakness for on his mother’s side, doesn’t strike any of us as sensible! 
- Apocrypha Bipedium, Ian Potter 
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bluemagic-girl · 5 years
🔥How people over 65 can do more to protect themselves from COVID-19🔥
People over 65 have an increased risk of severe disease if they contract COVID-19, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada. And, while the global mortality rate is just under four per cent, for those over 80, it’s 20.9 per cent, according to a February report from the World Health Organization. People with compromised immune systems and underlying medical conditions, including many elderly people, also have an increased risk of hospitalization. The prognosis can be so dire that, if the situation gets worse in Italy, a planning document from Turin suggests hospitals might deny medical treatment to those over the age of 80, reported The Telegraph. “This is a very concerning situation for everyone,” said Roger Wong, a clinical professor in geriatric medicine at the University of British Columbia. “I do think it is reasonable for seniors to take extra care in protecting themselves.” While much of the advice for the elderly is similar to that offered to younger people — don’t travel, stay away from large gatherings, wash your hands often, avoid touching your face — here are a few more precautions that can be taken to decrease the likelihood of contracting COVID-19.
What if you need medications?
The Canadian Pharmacists Association is recommending that all people going to pharmacies to pick up medications be screened over the phone before arriving; the association also recommends against hoarding medications, as it could trigger drug shortages. It’s best to go at off-peak hours, Wong said, when seniors are running other essential errands. Some grocery stores and pharmacies are even offering seniors-only hours. If possible, get a healthy family member to pick up medication, or order from a pharmacy that offers delivery.
Should you cancel medical appointments?
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta is saying that doctors should consider digital and tele-health if possible, instead of in-person treatments. Those with a travel history, cough or fever, or difficulty breathing, are asked to not go to clinics. “Those visits, those activities, should continue,” Wong said, but “keeping a distance of at least two metres … would be important.”
What about groceries?
Nick Etches, a medical officer of health with Alberta Health Services, said people should be “thinking about the seniors in your life and how can you best support them?” and that could mean helping out with errands. If seniors have someone who can get groceries for them, that would be good, said Ameeta Singh, a clinical professor in the division of infectious diseases at the University of Alberta. If not, they should take all other precautions: washing hands after the visit and ensuring they’re staying as far away from other people in the store as possible. “I think, unfortunately, it looks like we are at that point right now,” Singh said. “At least for the next couple of weeks.”
What is actually safe?
Given how difficult it is to actually sit at home for the foreseeable future, there are some things that are still safe. “Becoming suddenly sedentary is probably worse for your health than anything else,” said Adrian Wagg, the chair in health ageing in the division of geriatric medicine at the University of Alberta. “They should remain as physically active as they possibly can be.” He suggested that walks out of doors — so long as you’re staying an appropriate distance away from others — can be a good way for healthy seniors to remain active. Singh agrees, provided you wear the right shoes: “I’m no longer going to the gym, for example, but I’m still going to exercise outside, doing stairs or walking.”
It would be good if seniors have someone who can get groceries for them.
Getty Images
What about babysitting grandkids?
Not a great idea. Children are believed to be more likely to be asymptomatic than adults, and could still spread the disease, Singh said, so they probably shouldn’t be around the elderly. “I know that people are going to have a tough time with this one,” Singh said. Etches recommended that “seniors consider limiting their babysitting duties to reduce their risk of exposure.”
What about those who aren’t well?
“People who go visit seniors … they may actually be carrying and spreading the virus,” Wong said. This means it’s important for everyone to have good hygiene and stay away from vulnerable seniors if they have symptoms or a recent travel history. Those who have seniors in their lives should consider using other ways of contacting them. For seniors who have special needs, such as those with Alzheimer’s and dementia, “it is a very difficult situation because they may not understand what is going on … they may not fully appreciate the impact or the extent of COVID-19,” Wong said. It’s important to keep the message simple. He suggested saying: “Look, there’s something going on right now, there’s an infection, we want to protect you.” Explain that grandkids will contact them another way and reassure them that they are safe and loved. “It is important to remember that while we are doing things to protect the seniors, it does not mean we are cutting them out,” Wong said. “Social distancing is important, but it does not mean social isolation,” Wong said. This could include using the phone, Skype, FaceTime and social media to stay in touch.
• Email: [email protected] | Twitter: tylerrdawson
from Moose Gazette https://ift.tt/3aZYkPZ via moosegazette.net
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dukech · 5 years
Spring 2018
1/19 - Lord RAJA // DJ Bitchcraft
1/27 - Tashi Dorji + Crowmeat Bob / Jil C. / Ginger Wagg / Reptile Room
2/16 - Alright // Naked Naps // TBA
2/22 - Wailin Storms / Vincas / Night Battles
2/24 - Drag Sounds, Sunny Slopes, North by North (CHI), Poor Pie
3/6 - Combo Chimbita // Chócala
3/19 - Yamantaka // Sonic Titan | Tundrastomper
3/28 - Susan Alcorn // Sandy Ewen
3/24 - Daniel Bachman // Will Csorba & Cameron Knowler
3/31 - Loamlands // Nana Grizol
+ ++ +
Fall 2016
SEPTEMBER 16: Darkmatter Poetry Night
+ ++ +
Spring 2016
Friday, Jan. 22 LONNIE HOLLEY
Feb. 17: LOONE and PAPER BEE
Feb. 18: Sendolo Diaminah “Abolition, Strategy and the Practice of Freedom”
March 4: Eric and Erica ::: Del Sur ::: Cottontail
March 9: Duke Coffeehouse presents: WARM WOMEN
March 21: Duke Coffeehouse presents THIN LIPS
March 25:Hanz, housefire, Matt Stevenson, GNØER : presented by Moogfest and WXDU
APRIL 2: Maple Stave / The Powder Room / City of Medicine 
+ ++ +
Fall 2015
Mon 10/05 BIKE COPS with LOOK A GHOST https://www.facebook.com/events/495504043958287/
Thurs 10/08 WILLIS EARL BEAL and CRATER https://www.facebook.com/events/452790994905523/
Thurs 10/15 Global Brazil Lab Presents: Caique Vidal & Batuque
Fri 10/16: Duke Coffeehouse presents: THE STORYTELLERS BAND
Sun 10/25 talk on THE MUSIC & WORK PROJECT
Wed 10/28 EXPLORING CLASS AND CLASSISM WORKSHOP (MOVED TO WHITE LECTURE HALL) https://www.facebook.com/events/1598418537087321/
Frid 10/30 Duke Coffeehouse Presents… LIVE! ON STAGE: JONATHAN RICHMAN featuring TOMMY LARKINS
Sun 11/1 FREE PIZZA (the band) with BAND & THE BEAT
+ ++ +
Spring 2015
January 25: ET AL. with STRAY OWLS 
January 29: Almost People EP Release Show W/ WolvesX4, Invaluable, A Bottle Volcanic, Sunnydale 
Fall 2014 
October 6: QUILLA with ENGLAND IN 1819 
October 30: SAUNA HEAT with WAHYA’S 
+ ++ +
Spring 2014 
March 28: WXDU Local Music Series: HEADS ON STICKS and DRAG SOUNDS  
March 29: DOLFISH + MAX STERN (of Signals Midwest, Meridian) at DUKE COFFEEHOUSE 
+ ++ +
Fall 2013
September 23: Duke Coffeehouse & WXDU Present: CALVIN JOHNSON + BANANA LAZULI at DUKE COFFEEHOUSE 
October 20: Duke Coffeehouse & WXDU Present: WILLIAM TYLER + WOWOLFOL at DUKE COFFEEHOUSE 
December 5: MARIA MINERVA + SEE GULLS + FRUIT + ++ + Spring 2013 January Friday 1.18: Bleeding Rainbow + Jenny Besetz 
Saturday 1.19: The Growlers + The Coathangers 
Tuesday 1.29: The Music Tapes Present: The Traveling Imaginary February 
Friday 2.15: Psychic Ills 
Friday 2.22: Beloved Binge + Ponchos + Ellertronic 
Friday 2.25: Lobo Marino
March Sunday 3.3: Waxahatchee + Museum Mouth 
Wednesday 3.19: Londi, free! 
Monday 3.25: Austin Vaughn, Christopher Pierce, William Darity 
Wednesday 3.27: Auburn Kettle, Blanko Basnet, Prypyat, Lowland Hum + ++ + Fall 2012 August Thursday 8.30: The Bronzed Chorus, The Winter Sounds, Crystal Bright and the Silver Hands 
September Saturday 9.1: O’Death, Joy In Red, $5Wednesday 9.12: Cheap Time, Last Year’s Men, Johnny Staxx and the Durty Boyz 
Wednesday 9.12: Cheap Time, Last Year’s Men, Johnny Staxx and the Durty Boyz 
Friday 9.14: Blues Control, Judson Claiborne, My Empty Phantom 
Wednesday 9.19: Mount Eerie, Ghost to Falco, Hungry Cloud Darkening 
Friday 9.28: Shy Hunters, Twilighter 
Saturday 9.29: Paleface, Luego
October Friday 10.5:   The Yawpers, Sinners & Saints, Sam Lee 
Friday 10.19: Dastardly, Jared Bartman
Sunday 10.21: Turbo Fruits, Dignan Porch
Wednesday 10.24: King Tuff, The Intelligence, Whatever Brains 
Friday 10.26: Margot & the Nuclear So and So’s, Gentleman Caller
Sunday 10.28: Jeffrey Lewis & the Junkyard, Dolfish, Cottontail
Tuesday 10.30: Hop Along, Celebrity Jeopardy
Fall 2012 November Friday 11.30: Wooden Wand
December Saturday 12.1: Party: HYSTERIA 
Monday 12.3: Razia Said + ++ + Spring 2012 
February Wednesday 2.1: Liturgy, Kolyma 
Saturday 2.11: Dex Romweber Duo, Spider Bags 
Saturday 2.18: Ted Leo, Mac McCaughan 
Friday and Saturday 2.24-25: Local Music Festival March Saturday 3.17: Mipso Trio 
Friday 3.23: The Golden Boys, John Wesley Coleman, Spider Bags 
Saturday 3.24: Brickside Music Festival ft. Kurt Vile, Mark Kozelek, Horse Feathers, the Postelles, etc. 
April Friday 4.6: Alex Kotch 
Thursday 4.19: Blabbermouth (a poetic sing-song-type bonanza) 
Saturday 4.21: Free Energy w/ Deleted Scenes & Cigarette + ++ + Fall 2011 September Friday 9.16: Two Gallants, The Mumlers, Bloodroots Barter 
Saturday 9.24: WXDU presents Ty Segall, Mikal Cronin 
October Saturday 10.1: WXDU’s Annual Record Fair, 11AM-4PM 
Saturday 10.1: Soft Company with Jews and Catholics 
Friday 10.14: Ground Up, Toon 
Saturday 10.15: Holiday Shores 
Thursday 10.27: Duke Islamic Studies Center & the Duke University Middle Eastern Studies Center presents Omar Offendum 
November Friday 11:4: Small Town Records Release Party 
Saturday 11.5: The Beets, Christmas 
Sunday 11.6: BDU Presents… F to eMbody- Athens Boys Choir and Katastrophe 
Friday 11.11:  Fanghole, Bronzed Chorus, Man Ray 
Thursday 11.17 Duke University Improv 
Friday 11.19: Jeffrey Lewis & The Junkyard, Matt Northrup December 
Thursday 12.1 DJ /rupture, Lemonade 
Friday 12:2: Cotton Jones, Some Army
++ + Spring 2011 
January Tuesday 1.25: Duke Performances presents “Listening with The Bad Plus,” 
Friday 1.28: Turbo Fruits, The Mercators, Tea & Tempests 
February Thursday 2.10: Baths, BRAIDS, Blackbird Blackbird 
Saturday 2.19: Michael & His Garden, Tea & Tempests, Fanghole 
Friday 2.25: PILE, Screaming Crayons 
Saturday 2.26: WXDU presents: Bomb the Music Industry!, Ascetic Parade March 
Friday 3.18: Duke Performances presents “Listening with The Kronos Quartet” 
Saturday 3.19: The Huguenots, Bright Young Things 
Thursday 3.24: The Joy Formidable, The Lonely Forest, Mona 
April Friday 4.1: WXDU presents: Jeffrey Lewis & The Junkyard, The Wigg Report, Billy Sugarfix 
Friday 4.15: WXDU presents: An Evening with Southern Culture on the Skids  
Saturday 4.16: Ghost to Falco, Aan, Prisms 
Monday 4.18: Hunx and his Punx, Shannon and the Clams, Last Year’s Men 
Saturday 4.23: Oh No! Oh My!, LAKE, AgesandAges + ++ + Fall 2010 
September Friday 9.17: Embarrassing Fruits CD Release ft. sets from Midtown Dickens and Lonnie Walker 
Monday 9.20: Andrew Jackson Jihad, Blunt Mechanic 
Tuesday 9.21: Titus Andronicus, Free Energy 
Friday 9.25: Tera Melos, Trash Crusade 
October Friday 10.1: A Place to Bury Strangers, Carol Cleveland Sings, ROAR, $10 
Friday 10.8: Wovenhand, Serena Maneesh 
Saturday 10.16: Veelee Future Sight Bash! with Cassis Orange and Old Bricks 
Saturday 10.23: Spider Bags and Last Year’s Men Double Release Party! with Americans in France 
Wednesday 10.27: Cheap Girls, Carpenter, Laura Stevenson and the Cans 
Thursday 10.28: Bars of Gold, IMPORTANT CHANGE: THIS SHOW WILL INSTEAD BE COFFEEHOUSE SPONSORED AT THE PINHOOK, with Come Hell or High Water, and Pinche Gringo 
Friday 10.29: Asimina Chremos, Khristian Weeks, Andrew Weathers, Secret Boyfriend  
Saturday 10.30: WXDU Who’s Got the Cuckoo??! 5-year Garage Rock celebration!
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