#project wip: gabby
epicsforeaters · 3 months
Writeblr Info
Hellooo welcome to my blog! My name is Gabriella, although I also go by Gabby (she/they, aroace) I'm a 20-year-old art school student with a passion for writing, and I created this blog to connect with other writers and share my stories with people! If you're a writer, I'll follow you back :D
I mainly write thriller stories, and I gravitate toward American gothic settings, queer subtext, religious imagery/critique, morally gray characters, themes of friendship/found family, and gorey, bloody violence. If you can't tell, I'm VERY inspired by Ethel Cain's aesthetic, music, and lore. Also, my favorite author is Donna Tartt!
My current WIP is called Black Sheep (a working title) which features many of the aspects mentioned above. It also revolves around two of my other all-time favorite tropes: cults and cannibalism! I'm very excited about this project and can't wait to share it with ppl!
(I also have an additional short story in the works, although it's not very fleshed out yet!)
For now, I'll be using this blog to share some aesthetics that match my story, but I look forward to sharing lore and info about my OCs as well as snippets of my writing in the near future!
Pls don't hesitate to send asks or message me! I would love to meet some fellow writer friends :)
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @lordoftherazzles!! I've been stuck in a bit of a writing funk, so hopefully this will get me out of it!
Rules: Make a poll listing the tasks you need to work on for your project/WIP. Votes determine the order things get done!
Ok, and now the no-pressure tags for :
@atomheartz @fizzyxcustard @evenstaredits @sotwk @i-did-not-mean-to @glassgulls and anyone else who needs the nudge... ;)
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rosyjuly · 11 months
@kritischetheologie tagged me for the 20 questions for writers game, thank you c!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
76,628. it's kinda insane that i wrote 51k under just six months last year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only writing for f1, but i've published works for star wars, peaky blinders, the old guard and batman. on another account that has been liquidated many years ago i had footy rpf and teen wolf fics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
carry each other (hal jordan/bruce wayne), worked the blade (seb/mick), to the finnish line (seb/charles/kimi), spoils of war (seb/mick) and a favour returned (seb/lewis).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do, unless it only says "please write more of this", because i don't have anything polite to reply. but i love getting replies from authors too, so only fair to return the favor. there are definitely times when i just re-read a bunch of comments and they can really help to lift my mood or feel better about my writing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lmao that would be the prince au break up sex fic, someday to say out loud. making george ask alex to tell him he loves him even if it isn't true and ensuring that he can't and won't believe him... partly why it's hard for me to go back to writing prince au is because it was very easy for me to project my unmedicated depression onto george, and (thank god) i'm not in that place anymore.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mmhh my star wars fic maybe? i'm not overly fond of happy endings, the best i deal out is a hopeful but kinda open ending. out of my f1 fic it's a favour returned, i guess -- there's some talk about longer term commitment and trying and failing to say that they like like each other, or consolation prize, where mick admits twice that he's been thinking about seb.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not in the classical sense i guess or not that i've seen.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
boy do i. i mostly write smut and use it as a catalyst to nudge a relationship to another level. i don't really get the what kind? question. what kinds are there? wholegrain?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
haven't written one yet, but i've been toying with the idea of an f1 and the expendables crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
if i had a nickel for every time someone pulled entire lines from a fic of mine and barely paraphrased them, i would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
on my old ao3 account, yes! i haven't been approached on the new one and i don't think i'd give permission now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
prince au aka the myth of devotion with gabby @prettydangrotten. sorry to be sappy on main but galex truly one of the best things on the internet that's happened to me just for the friends i've made because of them :)))
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
all time? propably stiles/derek or eames/arthur from inception. also it was sterek that first got me to tumblr, back in like 2012 or something.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ugh right now it feels like i'll never finish anything again. but i have a long star wars wip that's like 75% done but i haven't touched for three years. there's a roc sebmick fic i started and i actually know how it should go from start to finish, but i've been struggling with writing this year, so, i don't know.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i've been told the internal struggle/tension that narrator is facing is pretty tight and i do agree :) i also think the porn i write is nicely physical and pretty hot.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
longfic. like. i wish i could do it -- i had a 54k wip on my old ao3 account -- but i don't have the energy or the commitment. this is also why i struggle with WTB and SOW -- i want to write more to both but i feel like they are snappy and valuable as they are and i'm worried i'll ruin that if i add more.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
english isn't my first langauge so all dialogue is in another language in fic for me. i'm not super fond of adding another language on top pf that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
teen wolf!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
spoils of war or prince au. prince au has probably the most of me and gabby is incredible and one of the best writers and kindest persons i know and i feel incredibly fortunate to have created something with her. spoils of war was a challenge on a lot of fronts but i'm proud of the storyline and it has some of the best lines i have ever written i think. and it got @antimonyandthyme and me very close :))
aaaand i'm gonna tag @prettydangrotten @des-iderate @grideon @antimonyandthyme and @husbono.
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athenagc94 · 2 years
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she/her - demisexual
Communication Specialist by day - Writing Gremlin by night
ask game and tag game friendly!
Hello! I’m Gabbi. I have been writing ever since I could string together words. I started with fan fiction, but have since branched more seriously into the world of original novels. All of my WIPs, for now, take place in the same fantasy world during different time periods and with different characters. It allows me to make new stories without having to reinvent a world/lore each time. I focus mostly on the relationship between two people and how their story unfolds.
I’ve never been very good at sharing my work, but I really want to challenge myself to be part of a community of writers and I can’t quit tumblr so... *gestures vaguely* ...here I am.
Favorite Tropes/Content: Fake Dating, Found Family, Diverse Casts (LGBTQ+, POC, mental health and disability representation), male characters that aren’t afraid to show their emotions and just feel (let our boys be soft sometimes), I’m willing to read most things if they’re well-written.
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Of Yarrow and Daffodils (Current Nanowrimo 2022 Project):
Low fantasy in a contemporary time, Third person alternating POV between the two MC’s, romance (some smut) and exploration of how success is relative to the individual and you shouldn’t compare your success to that of others.
Eusadora knows her life is in shambles. That isn’t anything new. Her ex-fiancé called off their wedding a month before they tied the knot, she’s still stuck at home with her family, and, to top it all off, the elder crocus flowers have yet to bloom this season and she can’t figure out why.
Clearly, the god of good fortune has it out for her.
When Zebulon Yarrow shoves a bouquet of daffodils in her face and declares his crush on her, she wonders if the strings of fate are finally pulling in her favor?
Tags: #oyad #oyad wip
WIP Page
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Of Coast and Courtships:
Fantasy in a regency-esque time, third person alternating POV between the two MC’s, romance (some smut, lots of sexual tension), heavy political intrigue b-plot
Nemaia Nevarro, aptly referred to as the stone hearted heiress by her peers, has played the game of courtship for the last four months. Some would say she’s bad at the game, but she thinks she’s quite good. She doesn’t play it to find love. No. It’s so people stop talking about her father and the fact that he’s off chasing after ghost ships. 
But when people start speculating on his whereabouts, Nemaia is forced to face a harsh truth. Is she ready to take the mantle?
Mordan Rothenel may have made an error when he agreed to accompany his employer’s son, Theus Maistel, across the Jasper Sea to try to win the heart of the Nevarro Heiress. He thought it would be a quick trip, one that had him back home by the Eve of Frost, but his hopes are dashed when he’s forced to bear witness to the most painfully one-sides courtship in history.
His only silver lining is that he now resides in the largest port city on the continent. His experiments require rare goods and he can find them here – right at his fingertips.
Tags: #ocac #ocac wip
WIP Page
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judesstfrancis · 5 years
the real question is do I start my little league au or my fright night crossover next
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mcschnuggles · 4 years
i'm a-okay with you balancing your more draining wips with fun/less draining projects, burn out sucks and you don't have to defend trying to avoid it!
Thank you so much! This is very sweet! I guess the pattern I’m fearing is having this never ending cycle of creating wips, losing interest, and having the endings peter off like what happened with Gabby (yes, I still feel bad about that).
What I’m trying to do right now is have a low daily word goal (like ~200) for those wips and just making it a battle of inches until I can get them done, because focusing entirely on them is just... exhausting lol. On the bright side, I only have 4 wips left, and wouldn’t mind talking about them if you’re curious!
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ev--writes · 4 years
Wip song tag game
So I was tagged by @gotchaocha a billion years ago but I was on my unaccouned hiatus so I’m going to do it now. 
I was actually planning on releasing playlists of some of my longer-form pieces for a follower milestone coming up, but I can take this oppurtinty to talk about my poetry collection Hypocrite. 
All of my projects are inspired by music to at least some degree, but none as much as my poetry. I often listen to the same song on loop while drafting a piece, particualry when the energy of the song is a similar one I want to encorporate into my piece.
I think I’ll list the song and then include the titles of any poem’s they speficially inspired: 
Daisy by Ashnikko (The Flower King and the re-write of With Apologies)
Leave me Alone by NF
Bored by Billie Eilish (Mama)
No Name by NF
Non-stop by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Bad Karma by Gabbie Hanna (Skeleton, Liar, and Thank God)
Bellyache by Billia Eilish
Special by Gabbie Hanna (Bandaid Fingers)
Somebody Else by Flora Cash (I’m Sorry, Red and Thick, Hypocrite pt ii)
That’s only scratching the surface honestly. This is one of the only projects that i haven’t created an offical playlist for, but I’m guessing the full playlist would be two or three hours long. 
I’ll tag whoever feels like doing it lol. 
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cactiem · 6 years
Get to Know Me & My WIPs
I was tagged by @cantankerousintrovertedpumpkin thank you!
Reading other people’s work and watching tv
I do kinda relate to Cassie. We both struggle with social situations and are trying to slowly overcome that.
“You can take the boy out of New York but you can’t take New York out of the boy.” Jax (my Riverdale OC) didn’t say this but rather Veronica. I feel like it fits the theme of my series the Other Lodge really well.
You know what? I’m going to do two. I love Austin and Gabby. I feel like they’re perfect for each other and perfectly compliment each other. Austin, guy who still holds hope, helps people even if it puts him in danger, protects those he loves at all costs. Gabby, lost all hope when she thought she lost her brother, surrounded by devastation, reckless with her life because she thinks she has no one.
When I first start my the Gifted series, I was excited. Now I’m like idk 😅 I just wanna skip to season 2 and write about and introduce Gabby.
I occasionally do. I tend to listen to my music library or a playlist. Right now it’s one called bops that I created
TV shows? Idk does that count?
I write late at night which is why A) I post really late (UK time) or B) I don’t post at all because I’m at work
Jordon probably. We both love comic books and movies (I would say we have a similar style too)
I’m working on the sequel to the Mystery of Y/N. I’ve got an idea for the first two chapters but after that nothing. I really wanna post it now but I need to plan it first 🙈 I’m also hoping to start writing some drabbles with my OCs (thanks to @cantankerousintrovertedpumpkin for inspiring me to start writing for them again 😊)
Tagging whoever wants to do this!
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wingsyouburn · 4 years
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Working on a magic cake shawl from scrap yarn from other projects. With a big hook and varying yarn weights, I’m really liking how it’s coming out so far. Color scheme/pattern chosen by Q and Gabby. #crochet #shawl #workinprogress #wip #tinyninjacreates #tinyninjacrafts https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VbuE1AVBnZO4AdlNVC2tcbLIXahlPH7dXsVU0/?igshid=1lwmty4y7tmo4
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stebers · 7 years
wip meme
i was tagged by gabby @marcandresfleurys​ like a week ago!! thank you!!
run home to me
the title might change but there’s a blog for this one at @benandteddy​ with some excerpts and such. and i’m hopefully going to be putting up character descriptions for the main and secondary characters soon!
basically i wanted to write happy queer historical fiction and i’m writing my first full draft this summer with the help of a grant! this is my interdepartmental honors thesis in the creative writing and gender/sexuality studies departments at my school!!
please talk to me about this book. i love this book.
the synopsis i put on my grant proposal: “RUN HOME TO ME is a novel about the queer experience in 1930s and 1940s America. The story will follow Teddy Reid, a Jewish-Italian son of immigrants, from age eight to age twenty-six. Over the course of the novel, he will dream of pitching for the Brooklyn Dodgers, attend college, survive World War II, and fall in love with his best friend. At its heart, this book will be a love story between Teddy and Ben MacNeil, the aforementioned best friend; it will, however, also focus on their families, both blood and found.”
thelma & jo
thelma & jo are two ghost-hunting lesbians in a 1950s-esque setting, but minus the homophobia and the racism and the sexism. it’s a lighthearted story, full of ghosts and smooching and queerness.
i’m not sure if this is a novel or a collection of stories at this point? it started as a novel, which i wrote for national novel writing month.
i’m currently writing a short story version for @callithumpzine!
untitled webcomic that i’m working on with sarah
the two main characters are mia and eleanor!
the plot is really up in the air at the moment, but we’re really excited about this. they’re college students living in the lgbtq+ theme housing! eleanor plays softball. mia likes to rollerskate. spoiler alert: they hold hands.
those are my three main projects at the moment! i haven’t really been writing fic in this past year, but i’m really enjoying working on these stories!! i’ve also been editing for and setting up the kickstarter for callithump, which is taking up most of my time at the moment.
i don’t actually talk to many writers regularly on here, so if you’re a writer and you follow me, please do this and tag me!! i’d love to hear about your stories.
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caskunart · 7 years
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Something not quite familial, 6/5/17.
Back to Panamindorah art. I did these to take a break from both the commission and my Prophet project (for which more wips will be forthcoming). I wanted to draw a mixture of characters from Prophet, Cowry Catchers, and the Refugees books so, well, I did.
Please click on the images for a better look at them. Spoilers also I guess.
This is casual stuff. These aren't to scale I should say - the weird size differences are not how I interpret the character's sizes or anything. There's a bit of awkwardness, hopefully forgivable for something that was just for fun.
The characters are, from the top, left to right:
Lady Azure, Lazaran.
Silveo, Belvedere, Glossy.
Gerard, Mishael, Jaleel.
Istra, Chance, Shadock.
Morchella, Dakar, Avenyar.
Archemais, Corry, The Unibus (Corry's Mother). +1 Gabbie
This is fanart for Abigail Hilton’s Prophet of Panamindorah, Cowry Catchers, and Refugees series.
I take commissions and have a tip jar.
I’ll post this to the FB page when my anxiety leaves me alone for a bit.
Aside from the topmost image, the rest follow the theme of dysfunctional, biological families. These aren't the whole families, just some of the key members. This is not found families. The pictures would likely be bigger and happier... though biological members of these families would certainly feature. Some reconciliations were made. Others were not. Some might yet be made (mostly looking at Chance and Istra there).
Minor spoilers from Jager, but both Mishael and Glossy's stories were so good. So much of Jager was good but I loved those parts.
I could ramble on but I'm trying to avoid doing that. These are just my current interpretations of the characters' appearances, save for those who've already been illustrated by Sarah Cloutier (I try and keep them reasonably in line with her versions... though it helps that her illustrations influence the imagine whilst reading, rather than after doing so.
I have a lot of emotions for most of these families. But as said, no rambling. Better go back to my project.
I was considering doing a, uh, special themed picture for May the 17th but I probably won't get it done or have the time. It's my birthday and the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia, etc (I can believe I was born then. Luck was on my side). So you guys almost got stuck with a rainbows + a handful of Panamindorah's LGBT characters. Maybe it could be belated? Very belated.
There you go though. A glimpse into the silly self-indulgent things I consider doing.  And I did ramble about something even less related.
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daftzine · 8 years
△Daft Zine Artist List△
The Daft Punk Charity Zine is proud to announce our 74 participating artists! We encourage you to visit the links next to their names and check out their work. Moving forward with the project, we will be sure to share WIP/In-Progess images with all of you. Please track the #daftzine tag to follow our progress and for previews of artwork. Again, thank you to everyone who has shown enthusiasm and support. We continue to be overwhelmed by the response to this zine!
And now, here is the complete list of artists in alphabetical order:
4mi_T △tumblr / twitter△
Agroshka △tumblr / twitter△
Ale Carrasco △portfolio / tumblr / twitter△
Alex P Perkins △tumblr / twitter△
Alexia Khodanian △tumblr / twitter△
Alisa △tumblr / twitter△
Alma Ohrin  △tumblr△
Alyssa △tumblr / twitter△
Alyssa Leandra Dalangin △tumblr / twitter△
Annabelle △tumblr / twitter△
Aro △tumblr / twitter△
Astronbot  △tumblr / twitter△
Audrey Mok △tumblr / twitter△
Aya Kneitner △portfolio / tumblr / twitter△
Babel △tumblr / twitter△
Baru △tumblr / twitter△
Bioatomic △tumblr / twitter△
Bri △tumblr / twitter△
Bridget Gibson △tumblr△
Colleen Durant △portfolio / tumblr / twitter△
Comaco △tumblr / twitter△
Crazy Cray △tumblr / twitter△
Crow △tumblr / twitter△
Dell Linney △tumblr△
Dogmotif △instagram / tumblr / twitter△
Dot Lee △tumblr△
Dredsina △tumblr△
Dunesand △tumblr / twitter△
Elena “Leo” Redmond △tumblr / twitter△
Ellie Rumsey △tumblr / twitter△
Emmie △tumblr / twitter△
Eunice Ng △tumblr△
Gabby Gabriel △tumblr / twitter△
Gaulll △tumblr / twitter△
Greyson △tumblr / twitter△
Haley/Ivan Kasof △tumblr / twitter△
Hobermen △tumblr / twitter△
Ixchel Whitley △tumblr / twitter△
Jamie Loughran △tumblr△
Jannelle △tumblr / twitter△
Jena △tumblr△
Jotman △tumblr / twitter△
Julshii △tumblr / twitter△
K R Mayer △tumblr / twitter△
Lauren Franklin △portfolio / tumblr / twitter△
Lizbeth Rojas △instagram / tumblr / twitter△
Luc △tumblr / twitter△
Lucas Peverill △tumblr△
Machaila Gray △instagram / tumblr△
Marty △tumblr / twitter△
Mary Rooney △tumblr / twitter△
Matthew McGuigan △tumblr / twitter△
Mel Tow △tumblr / twitter△
Moru △tumblr / twitter△
Olivia F △tumblr / twitter△
Omurizer △tumblr / twitter△
Oski △portfolio / tumblr / twitter△
Pelcron △tumblr / twitter△
Persée △tumblr△
Pillowsrain  △tumblr / twitter△
Pompadere △tumblr / twitter△
Puffoon △tumblr / twitter△
Sakura △tumblr / twitter△
Sam △tumblr / twitter△
Silver C △tumblr△
Slumberfish  △tumblr / twitter△
T Mei △tumblr / twitter△
Tanami Manaeva △portfolio / tumblr / twitter△
Tora  △tumblr / twitter△
Vincy G △instagram / tumblr △
Virginia Drummond △instagram / tumblr△
Yugo Limbo △tumblr / twitter△
Zi Xu △tumblr / twitter△
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caskunart · 7 years
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Prophet Project (wip), 31/3/17.
So the thing I'm currently working on is going to take me quite a while. I thought I'd take a moment to snatch a bunch of wips and post them up on here.
Characters featured, in order: Chance, Istra, Shadock, Jubal. Not the only characters that will be present, of course, though these are just the ones in shareable state.
Also, the Firebird and Gabbie* duking it out.
Please click on the images to view them better.
This is fanart for Abigail Hilton's Prophet of Panamindorah series.
I take commissions and have a tip jar.
*I got into a bad habit of refering to Gabalon as Gabbie. Whoops.
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