#promotional staffing agency
waitingstafflondon · 3 months
Top Promotional Staffing Agency in London – waitingstafflondon
Discover the premier promotional staffing agency in London with waitingstafflondon. Specializing in providing exceptional promotional staff for events, marketing campaigns, and brand activations, we ensure your event stands out. Our dedicated team of professionals is trained to represent your brand with enthusiasm and excellence, making every interaction memorable. Partner with waitingstafflondon and elevate your promotional efforts to new heights.
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johnypage95 · 9 months
Promotion Companies Dubai:-
Discover top promotion agencies in Dubai. Elevate your brand with expert marketing services. Find your perfect agency today. Or Looking for promotion agencies in Dubai? Explore our curated list of top agencies. Drive your business to new heights now. https://www.promoters.ae/
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lizseyi · 1 year
3 Forms Of Event Marketing That Your Brand Might Consider - Brand Warrior
2020 and 2021 may have proved a rocky period for the events sector in the UK and around the world, but with the subsequent lifting of restrictions on travel and attendance of events, the sector has staged a strong comeback. Indeed, even in 2021, the value of the global events industry was £800 billion. 
What is also true, however, is that the coronavirus crisis upended many people’s perceptions and feelings on what events could, and should, be. 
An obvious consequence of that has been the rise of virtual and hybrid events. The latter type of event incorporates both in-person and virtual elements to help ensure even those who are not physically present in the event venue still have a means of attending and engaging with the activities taking place there. 
The story of change brought to the events industry after COVID-19 is, however, still very much an unfolding one. In the meantime, your own organisation might be anxious to ensure it is holding suitably captivating events right now. 
So, what are some of the examples of event marketing to which your brand might give serious thought in 2023? As one of the most renowned promotional event staffing agencies here at BrandWarriors, we decided to pick out just three that may especially interest you. 
Pop-up events 
It might seem at times as if pop-up stores are merely a very ‘hip’ form of event marketing, at a time when there is plentiful available retail space in many locations, resulting from closures of big-brand high-street stores amid ongoing economic uncertainty. 
However, pop-up shops and events have more than proved their worth for many a brand that might not have otherwise had an in-person or ‘high-street’ presence at all. 
Whether your own brand’s engagement with pop-up events does or doesn’t represent a ‘toe in the water’ ahead of a possibly expanded commitment to a brick-and-mortar presence at a later time, it’s difficult to deny that the pop-up experience offers something very different to the online marketing your brand might have depended on up to this point. 
And of course, for brands that already have a network of physical stores elsewhere, a pop-up event offers the opportunity of a limited-time-only presence in a location or setting where the business might not have previously been represented. 
‘Lunch and learn’ events 
Imagine what it would be like if you had the chance to get ‘up close and personal’ straight away with a brand that you were always curious about – not just the products offered by that brand, but also the people behind the business, who make the magic possible. Well, this is what a ‘lunch and learn’ event could represent for your own brand’s target audiences. 
As the term suggests, this type of event is about inviting prospective or current clients, customers, or even investors for a lunch – and of course, once they turn up to the event, you will have them as a captive audience. 
So, your brand’s ‘lunch and learn’ event will present you with an opportunity to go big on the ‘learn’ aspect, too. That could mean holding classes, workshops, and demonstrations related to what your business does, which will also help everyone in attendance to engage with your brand and its products in a deeper and more ‘hands-on’ way. 
Awards ceremonies 
Is the notion of organising an awards ceremony perhaps a little… grand for some businesses? Naturally, you will need to consider how the idea of such an event could work for your own brand, including what your organisation offers and stands for. 
If your business’s circumstances and goals fit in well with it, though, an awards ceremony could constitute a powerful form of event marketing for your company in 2023. For one thing, this type of event could lend itself very well to online streaming and hybrid elements – because ultimately, why wouldn’t you wish to make a big fuss about your brand’s awards ceremony? 
As for the categories in which awards could be given, you might consider awards for the most loyal customers, or those who have been your customers for longest. 
You could also hand gongs to the employees of yours who have made some of the most meaningful contributions to your organisation over the past year, albeit while still making your award ceremony an outward-facing show overall, instead of a merely internal concern (it is, after all, supposed to be a marketing effort). 
Have the above ideas got your mind racing about the possibilities for engaging your target audiences in ways that they might not have expected from a promotional event just a few years ago? 
If so, now could be a great moment to reach out to our “experience makers” at one of the premier promotional event staffing agencies. Contact us via phone or email to find out more about our formidable track record in experiential event staffing, and the benefits that our expertise could have for your brand. 
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Judd Legum at Popular Information:
Project 2025 is a radical blueprint for a potential second Trump administration, spearheaded by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. The plan calls for withdrawing approval for the abortion pill, banning pornography, slashing corporate taxes, abolishing the Department of Education, replacing thousands of experienced federal workers with political appointees, imposing a "biblically based… definition of marriage and families," and placing the Justice Department and other independent agencies under the direct control of the president.  These and other provisions of Project 2025 are quite unpopular. As Project 2025 has gained notoriety — thanks to actor Taraji P. Henson and others — Trump has sought to distance himself from the effort. On July 5, Trump posted on Truth Social that he knows "nothing about Project 2025," has "no idea who is behind it," and has "nothing to do with them." 
This is false.  The co-editors of Project 2025, Paul Dans and Steven Groves, both held high-ranking positions in the Trump administration. Under Trump, Dans served as Chief of Staff at the Office of Personnel Management, the agency responsible for staffing the federal government, and was a senior advisor at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Groves served Trump in the White House as Deputy Press Secretary and Assistant Special Counsel.  Project 2025's two associate directors, Spencer Chretien and Troup Hemenway, are also tightly connected with Trump. Chretien was Special Assistant to President Donald J. Trump and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel, "helping to identify, recruit, and place hundreds of political appointees at all levels of government." Previously, Trump appointed Chretien to a position at HUD. Hemenway also served as an Associate Director of Presidential Personnel and previously worked on Trump's 2016 campaign and Trump's 2016 transition team.  
Project 2025's 922-page policy agenda has 30 chapters and 34 authors. Twenty-five of Project 2025's authors served as members of the Trump administration. Another Project 2025 author, Stephen Moore, was nominated by Trump to the Federal Reserve but forced to withdraw "over his past inflammatory writings about women." Further, William Walton, the co-author of the chapter on the Department of the Treasury, was a key member of Trump's transition team.  All told, of the 38 people responsible for writing and editing Project 2025, 31 were appointed or nominated to positions in the Trump administration and transition. In other words, while Trump claims he has "nothing to do" with the people who created Project 2025, over 81% had formal roles in his first administration. 
Here is the complete list of the 31 authors and editors of Project 2025 that have formal connections to the Trump administration. 
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In addition to a detailed policy agenda, Project 2025 also involves the training and recruitment of political appointees for a potential second Trump administration. One key component of this effort is the "Presidential Administration Academy," which Heritage bills as "a one-of-a-kind educational and skill-building program designed to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on Day One of the next conservative Administration."  Among the program instructors is Karoline Leavitt, the national press secretary for the 2024 Trump campaign and an assistant press secretary during the Trump administration. Leavitt co-teaches a video course on "The Art of Professionalism." She also appears in a promotional video for the academy. 
Also appearing in the video is top Trump advisor Stephen Miller. Despite his role in the academy, Miller claims he has "never been involved with Project 2025." Miller's organization, America First Legal, is a member of the Project 2025 advisory board. 
Popular Information exposes Donald Trump's deranged lie that he has "nothing to do with them", as 31 of the 38 authors of Project 2025 were in the Trump Administration in some capacity, including Paul Dans, Peter Navarro, Stephen Moore, Ken Cuccinelli, and Russ Vought.
See Also:
Right Wing Watch: Trump Team Lies About Project 2025 Reveal its Potential to Cost Him the Election
MMFA: Donald Trump on Heritage’s Kevin Roberts, who oversees Project 2025: “He’s going to be so incredible”
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chibikinesis · 29 days
Things are really coming to a head at work and I think the dam is gonna break soon. Not just with me, either, but yesterday was almost the straw that broke the camel's back. Our regional auditor was on my ass about filling out production logs, and I was honest with her - I do what I can when we have time, but I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. If I'm not getting yelled at about the book and temps not being filled out, I'm getting yelled at for not doing enough production, and that we've been running ragged since goddamn covid. I know she didn't like that I wasn't receptive in the way she expected, but I'm not the first employee to tell her that. They've admitted, themselves, in an email that was printed and hung for us to read that not only do we have "staffing issues", but also that they've been putting on some "aggressive promotions", and they're not happy that our quality is starting to falter. What the fuck do you expect when you spread your staff so thin for literal years and refuse to hire adequate help??? Zero accountability.
But what really set me off is that after this exchange, my manager came back in and asked if I had a necklace on. I told her I did, and she told me that the auditor wrote her up for it. I was livid. "You mean my dead dad's fucking ashes?!" She didn't have the balls to say it to my face, she just got petty because she didn't like my tone and my honesty. I cried off and on for a couple of hours. I almost walked out, and honestly, I can't fathom why I haven't left that shit hole yet. I just hate big changes like that, even when I know something is toxic as hell, and not good for me.
That being said, one other local job that I've been considering off and on for a while popped up on my Facebook feed today - a cleaning agency, hiring for part time - afternoon and evening shifts. Weekends and major holidays off. And I'd start out making just ten fucking cents less per hour there as I do after more than a decade with my current employer. I just wish something would slap me in the face with a hint to go for it.
I want to start doing more art shows and cons and selling my art - and most of that happens on weekends. Weekends that are really hard to get off at my current place of employment. I feel like the job itself would be much less stressful, too. And there's a $500 sign on bonus (with stipulations of course lol).
I know I need to make a change soon, and I'm mostly just shouting into the void about all this, but just... I need to vent somewhere 😮‍💨
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mariacallous · 8 months
In April 2018, I was invited by the American ambassador to a meeting at the embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia. The ambassador had assembled a group of nongovernmental organization (NGO) leaders in the field of disinformation to meet with a senior Trump administration official from the State Department. He asked us to describe the main narratives of Kremlin disinformation. As the director of a large international democracy organization, I highlighted Russia’s manipulation of gender and LGBTQ issues to sway Georgians away from the perceived “cultural decadence” of the European Union. The official’s frustration was palpable. His response, tinged with irritation, was telling: “Is that all you people can talk about? The gays?”
A year before, several international organizations partnered with Georgian parliamentarians on a gender equality assessment, supported by several government donors. This collaboration led to an internal conflict. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) wanted to scrub the original report, as it covered abortion, notably legal in Georgia, while the Swedish government and other stakeholders wanted the complete assessment. As a result, at the time of its release, two distinct reports had to be printed, one with references to abortion and one without.
Former U.S. President Donald Trump emerged victorious from last week’s New Hampshire primary and is likely to be the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. His closing statement in New Hampshire praised Hungarian leader Viktor Orban, who embraces the oxymoronic term “illiberal democracy” while suppressing independent media, civil society, and courts. He has repeatedly emphasized the glory of strongmen like Orban. His foreign policy has been clear: stopping support for Ukraine, NATO, and our European allies.
But while there has been plenty of analysis of Trump’s America First impact on foreign policy and security, less covered is how it will also completely redefine foreign aid as well as the liberal democracy agenda. My experience with the first Trump administration as a senior leader in democracy organizations receiving funding from USAID provides some insight into the foreign-aid agenda of a second, but likely only scratches the surface of what is to come.
The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, established in 2022, offers a detailed roadmap for revamping USAID under Trump—one that will undermine, eliminate, and censor the critical work of thousands of people and organizations committed to building more just societies. The Heritage Foundation has been staffing and providing a pipeline of ideas to Republican administrations since President Ronald Reagan. Project 2025 is a plan to shape the next Republican administration, and its funders have close ties to Trump. The project’s objective is to replace “deep state” employees with conservative thought leaders to carry out an executive-driven agenda.
In the overview, the project articulates its goal to end what it calls USAID’s “divisive political and cultural agenda that promotes abortion, climate extremism, gender radicalism, and interventions against perceived systemic racism.” A key component of the illiberal playbook is to attack gender and marginalized communities, an early warning sign of democratic backsliding. Illiberal strongmen, such as Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, exploit traditional hierarchies to divide society and create pecking orders of power. Russia refused to sign, and Turkey withdrew from, the Istanbul Convention, a commitment to protect women from domestic violence. The Narendra Modi administration in India filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court against criminalizing marital rape, arguing it would destabilize marriage. Hungary and Poland lobbied to ban the term “gender equality” in international agreements and implemented anti-LGBTQ policies, including local municipalities adopting “LGBT-free” zones as part of a government-supported “Family Charter” in Poland.
As a first step, Trump’s USAID will “dismantle” all diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, which Project 2025 calls “discriminatory.” This mandate includes firing the chief diversity officer and all advisors and committees. In 2016, the Obama administration issued a DEI presidential memorandum to ensure USAID, among other agencies, had a diverse and representative workforce. Trump scaled back these efforts. On Jan. 20, 2021, Biden’s first day in office, he signed an executive order that demanded that government agencies devise strategies to tackle DEI issues. Pursuant to this, USAID Administrator Samantha Power signed USAID’s DEI strategy on her first day in May 2021. Project 2025 would reverse this strategy, requiring USAID to “cease promotion of the DEI agenda, including the bullying LGBTQ+ agenda,” which entails support for organizations overseas that work on these issues.
According to Project 2025, Trump’s new USAID will also eliminate the word “gender” full stop, arguing that “Democrat Administrations have nearly erased what females are.” This is bizarre, as I have decades of experience receiving USAID funding for numerous programs to advance women in political life and support women’s organizations. Working for democracy organizations across Asia and the former Soviet Union, I saw USAID provide critical support to expand women’s wings of political parties; recruit women election officials, observers, and administrators; train women’s advocacy and rights organizations; and build women’s committees in parliaments.
The Heritage Foundation report also accuses USAID of “outright bias against men,” an equally strange claim; in fact, gender realignment was needed and implemented. A Trump USAID will fire more than 180 gender advisors and points of contact, who work alongside USAID colleagues “to integrate gender and advance gender equality objectives in USAID’s work worldwide,” and scrub the words “gender,” “gender equality,” and “gender equity” from all documents. This would require a massive purge of decades of USAID materials and websites.
USAID has spent years incorporating gender into all aspects of its programming to ensure the agency addresses the needs of women, including unique development obstacles they face. Removing a gender lens would take us back in time to programming that often harmed women, inadvertently, by failing to analyze the varying effects of programming based on gender and power dynamics in different environments. To erase all of USAID’s tools, learning, and research on how to ensure best practice would have dangerous consequences. For example, when I worked for USAID in Cambodia in the 1990s, the agency supported micro-lending for small community projects, in which most of the loans went to women. This resulted in increased domestic violence, as men were angry about the financial imbalance in the home. Today, USAID has gender analysis and research on risk factors to mitigate against such outcomes.
Relatedly, a Trump USAID will make anti-choice “core” to its mission, removing all “references to ‘abortion,’ ‘reproductive health,’ and ‘sexual and reproductive rights.’” Project 2025’s blueprint singles out specific organizations and U.N. agencies to target and defund. Further, the president himself would have the ability to oversee programming directly: “Current law in the Foreign Assistance Act gives the President broad authority to set ‘such terms and conditions as he may determine’ on foreign assistance, which legally empowers the next conservative President to expand this pro-life policy.” Previous administrations have restricted funding to organizations that provide abortions (the “Mexico City Policy”), which resulted in an increase in maternal and child mortality and unsafe abortions—exactly what the policy claimed to want to prevent. In sub-Saharan Africa, data shows the policy increased abortions by defunding clinics that provided family-planning services. The first Trump administration expanded restrictions further, impacting speech and service delivery around the world.
A Trump USAID would not only stop funding local partner organizations that support gender, LGBTQ, and rights agendas but redirect that money to religious organizations. In fact, it would mandate training and indoctrination for all USAID staff on the link between religion and development. USAID would also ensure conservative oversight of all grantmaking to ensure against “progressive policies” and a “radical agenda.” USAID already engages with faith-based partnerships, alongside secular NGOs, but Project 2025 would like to shift the balance, creating a “New Partnership Initiative” that would help prioritize religious groups.
A stated “key outcome of the transformation of USAID” under Trump will be a complete revamp of the Bureau for Democracy, Development, and Innovation, shifting its focus to trade, the private sector, and religious communities, and purging staff. Importantly, all directors of each center—not just the assistant administrator—will have political leadership, not career experts. In addition, Trump’s USAID will rewrite all policy “as soon as possible” to ensure a conservative agenda.
During the first Trump administration, I felt the impact in my work overseas. I worked closely with the LGBTQ community in Georgia, which faced horrific obstacles—ostracization, violence, homelessness—and which was targeted relentlessly by Kremlin information operations. USAID has long been a defender of human rights and funded projects on these issues. There was a shift under Trump, though I applaud individual USAID employees for creatively trying to find workarounds and continue support—like slight renaming of initiatives or cleverly filing them under more favorable, broader categories like “human rights.” They no doubt prevented damaging cuts to our important work.
I am far more worried about the impact of a second administration. Back then, there was no concrete, detailed roadmap like Project 2025 and no massive replacement of foreign aid professionals with conservative political operatives. Under a second administration, under Schedule F, Trump has planned a sweeping political takeover of our civil service, stripping civil servants of protection, forcing them to implement his political policy agenda, and giving the president unilateral power to fire employees at will.
The organization I now work for, the German Marshall Fund, supports hundreds of civil society organizations across the Balkans, Black Sea region, Ukraine, and Central Europe—thanks to more than a decade of USAID support. USAID has encouraged our goals of promoting democracy; bolstering the rights of women, LGBTQ, and other marginalized communities; and deterring illiberalism through independent media, watchdog organizations, and information integrity efforts. We do this through grantmaking, capacity-building and technical assistance, leadership programs, and policy dialogues.
With democracy in global decline and illiberal strongmen on the rise, we need these efforts more than ever. Backsliding elsewhere affects democracy everywhere. America benefits from strong, free, liberal societies—it is in our national interest and key to our global security and order. While few voters go to the polls with foreign aid on their minds, the consequences for millions of people worldwide are on the ballot this November.
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arizonaconservativegal · 11 months
As you work in government, and think the government should be dramatically reduced, I was wondering where you think such cuts ought to start and how would you get enough people to agree with you? From where I stand, as someone who gained political consciousness in 2018(?) and has been leaning right libertarian ever since, it seems no one can agree even though we all see the same issue.
Well if I were dictator for a day, I'd eliminate the federal Department of Education because they pretty much do nothing of value.
But the real answer is that I wouldn't start by cutting any programs at all.
Sure I'm a libertarian who has a philosophical problem with pretty much every government program, and if I were building the system from the ground up, I wouldn't ever include most of what we ended up with, but since it's already there, that's not an option.
Besides, even as bloated as they are, most government offices/agencies/departments do have a handful of very necessary positions and good employees in them. They just also have an awful lot of jobs that no one would ever miss and a lot of employees who do nothing but take up space. You need to go through all of them with a fine tooth comb to figure out which ones should be kept, what can be consolidated, and what can be eliminated with no impact on services. And then you'd need to hang around long enough to figure out which individual people to keep (either in their existing roles or reassign them to more useful positions) and which ones are just dedicated to being useless.
The problem is that doing that properly takes a tremendous amount of time and you really can't leave it up to the bureaucrats within the departments. If you tell them to just cut staffing levels by a certain percentage, half of them will just go by last hired, first fired and the other half will deliberately cut critical and public facing positions to create political demand for their funding to be restored.
If I were really going to go through all that, I'd start by identifying the positions to cut and then let attrition do its thing. Useless positions do not need to be replaced when vacated. Not actually firing anyone gets you around civil service protections and if you do your targeting well, the only people who will really squawk will be union bosses upset about dwindling membership numbers. The two tricks here are a) you still have to replace the positions that are necessary and start consolidating responsibilities so you can't skip that first step of figuring out what those are and b) you cannot let politics determine which positions are cut. All services levels must be maintained, even in programs that we disagree with politically.
The next thing I would do - which would be much harder - is reform those civil service and union protections. We need to be able to fire people who do not do their jobs adequately or who are no longer needed. Right now that's pretty much impossible so instead of firing them, we shuffle them off to another position - and usually that comes with a promotion and raise so they can't claim they're being treated unfairly. Or we just hire a second person to do the job the first one won't or can't do but instead of replacing the first person with the second person, we just pay two people to do one job at the same time.
The trade I would make is to eliminate or drastically increase pay caps for high performing employees and for positions that we have trouble hiring/retaining qualified employees. Too often we lose highly effective employees because the only thing we can do to reward them is to promote them out of their area of skill. And we simply cannot hire a talented lawyer or tech worker for $75k when they could be making two or three or ten times that in the private sector. Sorry, I know no one wants to pay government employees more but when we have a team of ten shitty employees getting paid $50k each, that's a lot more expensive than getting one good one who will actually do the job for $200k.
(If I could, I'd also put new employees on a 401k style retirement plan - I'd even offer a very generous match - and never put them in the pension system. It would save us a ton of money and frankly, those employees would be better off in the long run for having control of their retirement funds. But that's a separate issue and possibly a bigger hurdle than cutting jobs.)
Only when all that was done, and after several years had gone by so the public would see that the reductions in workforce really didn't hamper the service they received, that's when I'd think about starting to cut actual programs.
And then I would start with the Department of Education.
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Embracing a Holistic Approach: The Multifaceted Activities of Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala
In the heart of India, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala stands as a beacon of compassion and sustainability, embodying a deep commitment to the well-being of cows, community, and the environment. Through a series of dedicated initiatives, the gaushala has transformed into a multifaceted hub where spiritual, agricultural, and humanitarian efforts converge to create a positive impact on society. Here’s a closer look at the diverse activities undertaken by this remarkable institution.
Cow Protection: A Sanctuary of Hope
Home to over 21,000 stray and destitute Desi Indian cows and bulls, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala provides a sanctuary where these revered creatures receive a second chance at life. Rescued through various channels, including police, government agencies, NGOs, and farmers, these gauvansh are sheltered, nourished, and cared for with utmost dedication. The gaushala’s in-house medical facility, staffed by experienced veterinarians, ensures that each cow receives timely and comprehensive healthcare, fostering their well-being and longevity.
Shelter and Nourishment: Building a Safe Haven
The gaushala boasts expansive shelters, meticulously designed to accommodate the growing number of protected cows. These shelters provide a comfortable and dignified living environment, reflecting the institution’s commitment to creating a holy and safe space for gauvansh. Nourishment is another cornerstone of care at the gaushala, where a balanced diet of dry fodder, green fodder, grains, mustard cake, and jaggery is carefully prepared and served twice daily. This holistic approach to feeding ensures that the cows remain healthy, strong, and vibrant.
Medical Care: Ensuring Health and Well-Being
Around-the-clock medical care is a priority at Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala. With a fully equipped medical facility on-site, the gaushala is prepared to handle any health concerns that may arise. From routine check-ups to emergency care, the dedicated team of veterinarians and support staff work tirelessly to maintain the health and well-being of the gauvansh. Ample stocks of medicines and vaccinations are maintained to prevent and treat illnesses, ensuring that each cow receives the best possible care.
Breeding and Training: Promoting Indigenous Cows
The gaushala is actively involved in research and breeding programs aimed at enhancing the genetic traits of indigenous cows. By focusing on disease resistance, adaptability, and milk production, the institution seeks to create a sustainable ecosystem where farmers are encouraged to keep Desi cows. Additionally, vocational training programs are offered to farmers, educating them on the importance of organic farming and the benefits of desi cows and bulls. These initiatives aim to preserve cultural heritage and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
Renewable Energy and Organic Farming: Pioneering Sustainability
Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala is a model of sustainability, harnessing renewable energy through biogas plants and solar power systems. The gaushala’s BIO CNG plant, powered by ONGC, converts 25,000 kg of cow dung daily into CNG gas and manure, contributing to a cleaner environment and the production of organic fertilizers. The institution also promotes organic farming, encouraging pesticide-free crops and eco-friendly practices, with a mission to convert surrounding villages into organic lands.
Humanitarian Efforts: Serving Communities in Need
Beyond its work with cows, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala extends its compassion to human communities, especially during times of calamity. From providing relief during floods in Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand to distributing food during the COVID-19 pandemic, the gaushala’s humanitarian efforts have touched countless lives. The institution regularly sends truckloads of supplies to remote regions and runs food camps, ensuring that those in need receive essential nourishment and support.
Spiritual and Cultural Initiatives: Nurturing the Soul
The gaushala is also a center for spiritual and cultural enrichment. The magnificent yagya mandap, situated on the serene banks of the Ganga, hosts various sacred rituals, including Yagyas, Pujas, and Japas. These spiritual endeavors are conducted by accomplished Vedic Brahmins, creating an atmosphere of divine grace and positive energy. The institution’s yoga center, in collaboration with Jhanvi Yoga Dhyan Sevashram Trust, offers yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic treatments, promoting holistic well-being and spiritual growth.
Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala is more than just a shelter for cows; it is a sanctuary where compassion, sustainability, and spirituality intersect. Through its diverse activities, the gaushala not only protects and nurtures Desi cows but also uplifts communities, promotes environmental stewardship, and fosters spiritual growth. It is a shining example of how dedicated efforts can create a ripple effect of positive change, benefiting both the present and future generations.
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celestial-clownz · 1 month
hi- if you (or your followers) want a way to help people in gaza that doesn't involve picking between individual families (an impossible choice, especially for people with very limited resources to give) or risking scams, i really recommend plugging doctors without borders, a united nations relief agency, or another gaza-specific relief agency with the systems in place to take that money as far as possible and help as many people as possible. most of the good being done to help in gaza is being done through agencies like these, many of which are run and staffed by palestinian refugees themselves (UNRWA in particular). the stream of individual campaigns is neverending and not all of them can be vetted, so this is a good way to promote ways to help/signal boost more effectively
if you don't have a lot of money, can't reblog every single individual campaign, or just otherwise want to ensure that your money is guaranteed to help as many people as possible survive through a crisis without one cent going to waste, doctors without borders and UNRWA would be my first recommendations
Hello!! I’ve heard of both UNRWA and Doctors Without Borders and I do try to reblog posts talking about them when I can, I do not have lots of money to give due to my own situation however I tend to boost individual family’s to spread the news around after I check if they are vetted or not! However I will plug both these organizations more into my posts ^__^👍
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techhy-simpson · 3 months
Smart Growth: Cost-Saving Expansion Tactics for Startups
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For any growing startup, scaling up in a cost-effective way is a dream and a dilemma. These young businesses aim to boost their reach and operations. The big question is: Can they increase their team size without burning through their budget? This is where staff augmentation comes in. It's a practical, flexible method that lets startups grow without breaking the bank.
A Look at Startup Expansion Pitfalls
Take a fictional startup, ByteWave, as a case in point. Three university pals had a fantastic idea for a cloud-based service and ByteWave was born. After a year, their user base ballooned to 50,000. This explosive growth brought a heap of operational headaches. ByteWave's tiny 12-member team was swamped, battling to stay afloat amidst demands for customer support, software updates, and fresh feature rollouts.
Traditional hiring seemed the logical move. However, it's a costly option. The Society for Human Resource Management estimates the average cost of recruiting a new U.S. worker is $4,129, taking an average of 42 days. For a startup like ByteWave, this approach was simply out of reach in terms of time and budget.
The Benefits of Staff Augmentation
Staff augmentation is a far more efficient solution. It gives startups the flexibility to temporarily hire skilled personnel for key roles. ByteWave could quickly bring in specialist developers and customer service agents for specific projects. This gave the founders the ability to dynamically scale their team, tackling particular problems without the delays and costs of full-time recruitment.
A Smart Financial Move
Staff augmentation brings significant savings. Deloitte's research shows businesses can save as much as 30% in labor costs by adopting flexible staffing models. These cost cuts result from reduced essential overheads like benefits, office space, and training costs. Plus, it speeds up time-to-market. Deloitte's study also discovered projects are completed 20-25% quicker with staff augmentation, giving startups a crucial competitive edge.
Success Stories
Numerous real-world examples demonstrate how startups have used staff augmentation effectively:
Airbnb: To boost user appeal, Airbnb brought in freelance photographers to produce quality property listings, enhancing the platform's appeal without having to recruit full-time photographers.
Slack: During a critical period of rapid growth, Slack used remote contractors to provide 24/7 customer support, avoiding the costs of a large, permanent team.
Uber: Expanding into new locations, Uber used local contractors for tasks such as driver onboarding and market research, allowing fast growth without the long-term overheads of permanent local staffing.
Steps to Implement Staff Augmentation
If you're a startup considering staff augmentation, follow these practical steps:
Be Transparent: Define the needed skills and roles. This helps you find the right talent.
Choose Wisely: Partner with reliable staffing agencies or platforms that are familiar with your industry. They can quickly hook you up with vetted professionals.
Foster a Team Spirit: Treat augmented staff as integral team members. Make sure they attend meetings, have the necessary tools and keep communication lines open.
Be Clear: Set out the scope, deadlines, and deliverables for each project. This ensures all parties are on the same page and promotes effective collaboration.
Share Knowledge: Ensure the knowledge and experience that the temporary staff bring is shared with your permanent team.
Challenge Navigation
Staff augmentation, while beneficial, is not without its obstacles. Here's how to address them:
Building the Team: Temporary staff might not naturally fit into your company culture. To bridge this gap, include them in team activities and clearly communicate your values and aims.
Maintaining Standards: Keep high-quality work by setting clear quality benchmarks, and conducting regular work reviews.
Data Protection: Safeguard critical information with strict NDAs and limit access to crucial systems.
Employee Relations: Permanent team members might feel uneasy about temporary staff. Be clear about the roles of augmented staff and stress that they are an additional resource, not a threat to the core team.
The Way Forward
The move towards flexible work arrangements is increasing. An Upwork study predicts that by 2028, 73% of all teams will include remote workers. This factors make staff augmentation an appealing option for startups. Tools for remote project management and communication like Trello, Asana, and Slack are helping facilitate this shift, allowing efficient collaboration regardless of location.
Staff augmentation can be a lifesaver for startups trying to expand while preserving their budgets. It permits them to bring in specialized skills as needed, accelerate growth, and compete effectively without long-term financial commitments.
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Elevate Your Brand with Professional Brand Ambassador Services
In the dynamic landscape of marketing, connecting with consumers in meaningful ways is essential for brand success. This is where brand ambassador services play a pivotal role. Whether you’re launching a new product, organizing an event, or seeking to enhance brand visibility, leveraging the expertise of a brand ambassador agency can make all the difference.
What is a Brand Ambassador Agency?
A brand ambassador agency serves as a bridge between brands and their target audience. These agencies specialize in providing professional ambassadors who embody the values and identity of the brand they represent. Their primary objective is to create authentic connections with consumers, driving brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty.
The Importance of Brand Ambassador Services
Authenticity: In an era where consumers value authenticity more than ever, brand ambassador services offer genuine interactions that resonate with audiences. Unlike traditional advertising, which can often feel impersonal, brand ambassadors create real, human connections that leave a lasting impression.
Brand Advocacy: Brand ambassadors are passionate advocates for the products or services they represent. By sharing their personal experiences and stories, they inspire trust and credibility among consumers, leading to increased brand affinity and loyalty.
Enhanced Visibility: Brand ambassadors act as walking advertisements, bringing your brand directly to the places where your target audience congregates. Whether it’s at events, trade shows, or high-traffic locations, they help amplify your brand presence and attract attention in a crowded marketplace.
The Role of a Brand Ambassador
A brand ambassador serves as the face of the brand, embodying its values, personality, and messaging. Their responsibilities may include:
Engaging with consumers in-person or online
Demonstrating products or services
Distributing promotional materials
Educating consumers about the brand
Collecting feedback and insights
Why Choose a Promotional Staffing Agency?
Partnering with a promotional staffing agency offers numerous benefits:
Expertise: Promotional staffing agencies have extensive experience in selecting and training the right ambassadors for your brand. They understand the nuances of effective communication and can tailor their approach to suit your specific goals and objectives.
Scalability: Whether you need a single ambassador for a local event or a team of ambassadors for a nationwide campaign, promotional staffing agencies can scale their services to meet your needs. This flexibility ensures that you always have the right resources in place, no matter the size or scope of your project.
Cost-Effectiveness: Outsourcing your staffing needs to a promotional agency can be more cost-effective than hiring and managing in-house personnel. From recruitment and training to scheduling and logistics, they handle all aspects of the staffing process, saving you time, resources, and headaches.
How Brand Ambassador Services Drive Results
Increased Brand Awareness: By putting a human face to your brand, brand ambassadors create memorable experiences that capture the attention of consumers. Whether they’re engaging in one-on-one conversations or hosting interactive demonstrations, they help raise awareness and generate buzz around your brand.
Improved Customer Engagement: Brand ambassadors excel at creating meaningful interactions that foster genuine connections with consumers. Whether it’s through storytelling, product demonstrations, or experiential marketing activations, they keep audiences engaged and interested, driving deeper levels of brand engagement.
Positive Brand Perception: Brand ambassadors play a crucial role in shaping how consumers perceive your brand. By embodying your brand values and delivering exceptional customer experiences, they leave a positive impression that can influence purchasing decisions and foster long-term brand loyalty.
In today’s competitive marketplace, brands need more than just flashy advertisements to stand out. They need authentic connections that resonate with consumers on a personal level. That’s where brand ambassador services come in. By partnering with a reputable brand ambassador agency, you can elevate your brand, drive meaningful engagement, and create lasting connections that drive results. So why wait? Invest in brand ambassador services today and unlock the full potential of your brand.
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johnypage95 · 1 year
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Promoters is a leading marketing agency in Dubai that specializes in brand activation, staffing and talent, creative design, and digital marketing. They have a strong team of experienced professionals who are passionate about helping brands connect with their target audience. To know more information, visit: https://www.promoters.ae/staffing-talent.html
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climatecalling · 11 months
“Millions of viewers week after week will be able to watch Julia Child as she stirs food simmering over a gas flame,” read an October 1978 article from the The American Gas Association’s monthly trade magazine. This was a continuation of a larger campaign called “Operation Attack.” Launched by the AGA in the late 1960s, it employed at the time some of the same experts and public relations firms as the tobacco industry to fend off growing threats to gas. The nation was becoming more environmentally conscious; the fossil-fuel industry feared heightened scrutiny from the newly formed Environmental Protection Agency, and energy price shocks had begun to make alternative fuels more appealing. To make matters worse, new research raised questions about gas stove emissions and impacts on public health. Gas was losing ground to electric competition, but the industry had plans to fight back. ... As part of a larger campaign, the American Gas Association established a “Hollywood Bureau” staffed with agents whose job was “obtaining publicity favorable to the natural gas industry within the national media of television and motion pictures,” according to AGA Monthly, the trade publication. ... Decades after Child’s glowing endorsement, gas appliances have come under scrutiny in light of new evidence that they produce pollution linked to asthma and cancer, especially when not vented properly. Climate activists have also put pressure on lawmakers to pass local and state-wide bans on expanding gas infrastructure, to curb harmful emissions driving climate change. ... Since at least 2018, gas interests including the AGA, which represents the vast share of the industry, and the American Public Gas Association have hired influencers — though not quite of Julia Child’s caliber — to promote gas stoves on social media like YouTube and Instagram. ... AGA and gas utilities also seem to perpetuate disinformation. When the Department of Energy proposed new efficiency regulations for stoves, a process required by law, AGA suggested this spring it amounted to a de facto ban. In reality, a limited number of older, less efficient models would be phased out after 2027, with no effect on existing gas appliances. Even so, this June, House Republicans passed a bill prohibiting the federal government from issuing any kind of regulations around gas stoves, which would interfere with the Department of Energy’s ability to set new efficiency standards.
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samfonde · 1 year
How to Start Lead Generation Agency In 2023?
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Starting a lead generation agency in 2023 can be an exciting journey.
With the ever-increasing demand for quality leads in today's competitive businesses or startups, having a well-established agency specializing in generating high-quality leads can provide significant value to clients. In this blog post, we will discuss some most Important steps to successfully launch and grow your lead generation agency in 2023.
What is Lead Generation?
 Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting potential customers into leads, who have shown an interest in our product or service. 
It involves various marketing strategies for capturing the contact information of potential customers, such as their name, email address, or phone number. 
Lead generation is an essential aspect of business growth, as it helps companies build a pipeline of potential customers to fuel their sales efforts.
What is the Benefits of Lead Generation?
Effective lead-generation strategies have numerous benefits for any businesses:
Lead generation helps generate potential leads, which can be nurtured and converted into sales opportunities for any business.
Lead generation allows businesses to focus their marketing efforts on specific target audiences, resulting in more effective and personalized marketing strategies or campaigns.
Generating leads can be a cost-effective approach as compared to traditional marketing methods, as it allows businesses to reach a specific audience, to reducing wasted resources.
Lead generation provides valuable data and insights about potential customers, their preferences, and behaviors, enabling to any businesses to make informed decisions and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.
Effective lead generation strategies contribute to the overall growth and success of a business, as it helps expand the customer base, increase brand visibility, and increase revenue also.
Types of Lead Generation
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There are some types of lead generation strategies that businesses can employ to attract potential customers and generate leads. Here are some common types:
Content Marketing: Create and share valuable content to attract and engage the target audience, establish credibility, and capture leads.
Email Marketing: You can Nurture leads and build relationships through targeted email campaigns.
Social Media Marketing: Utilize platforms to reach and engage potential customers, generating leads through Relevant content and targeted ads.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize the website to improve visibility and attract organic traffic, and generate leads by targeting relevant keywords.
PPC (Pay-Per-Click)  Advertising: You can run paid campaigns to drive traffic and generate leads through targeted ads.
6 steps to start lead generation agency in 2023
Select the right niche which is comfortable for you and also you have experienced and expertise in that selected niche.
Once you've identified your niche, define your target audience and develop a plan to engage with them. Building strong client relationships is most important for gaining trust, understanding clients' needs, and effectively generating leads.
Then you want to determine the costs involved in running your lead generation business, including expenses such as advertising, technology, and staffing. Also, establish pricing and fee structures for your services.
Then Develop compelling marketing assets such as a professional website, landing pages, and promotional materials. These assets should effectively communicate your unique value proposition (UVP) and capture leads' attention.
Now you will be Implementing lead nurturing strategies to engage and build relationships with potential clients. This includes regular communication, personalized content, and targeted campaigns to keep leads interested and move them closer to conversion.
Then Utilize analytics tools to track and measure the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts. Analyzing conversions helps you understand which strategies are working and allows you to make data-driven optimizations for more better results.
        Conclusion : 
        starting a lead generation agency in 2023 requires research, strong client relationships, effective marketing assets, lead nurturing strategies, and continuous optimization. Watch our YouTube video on "Building a Successful Lead Generation Agency in 2023" to take the next step towards launching your own lead generation agency in 2023. 
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Makhaira Espionage
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Senior Director of Smuggler Relations at DAMGR
Age: 45
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Sapphic
Species: Erkuss
Home Planet: Kor’Sel’Koo
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Amy Adams
True Appearance: Makhaira has particularly vibrant violet eyes. She prefers to use a DayPowerZurp sformer to make her eyes blue rather than relying on color contacts.
DAMGR is the abbreviation for Danger Adjunct Mercenary Group Residency, which is owned and operated by the Espionage family. Makhaira is a first cousin once removed of Marked Danger “Mark” Espionage IV. Mark and Makhaira are both descendants of DAMGR’s founder, Marked Espionage I.
Unusually for an apparently competent member of the Espionage family, Makhaira has never married. She has also not received a promotion to Vice President like her younger sibling, and most of her similar-aged cousins.
While she isn’t an expert markswoman like Mark (a marks...man), she is competent with firearms and deadly in hand-to-hand combat.
Makhaira’s job within DAMGR is to meet with pirate crews directly to try sell them contract mercenary services, direct hire crew placement services, and brokered connections to other vendors. While the contract mercenary services are the most lucrative, and the brokered services have given her the most sales, Makhaira has had the most success with crew placement services. For instance, a significant portion of Tyrannosaurus Pecs hires came from DAMGR. Think of her department as like the staffing agency for hitmen and assassins.
Makhaira knows many of the captains, first mates, and quartermasters of smuggler crews relatively well by this point, and she is moderately well-received by the smuggler world because she isn’t too pushy. They also respect that she can hold her own in combat.
She is Daphne Rux’s ex-girlfriend, but this is not information that is known to anyone on the Prosperity... except (oddly) Stella Sarasvati, who found out by accident when Daphne was ranting to a gerbil. It has become recently apparent to Daphne that Makhaira never received a promotion to VP because a marriage to Daphne would mean the Espionage family would have some claim to Rux Enterprises’ fortune and connections.
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