#prompted by me being at a very uncomfortable social situation today (AND tomorrow...)
nerime · 1 year
I had breakfast at a "vintage cafe" and this is what I was served on
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fellas ...... we old
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redrosesartcabin · 5 years
7th of December prompt
Shadowsan x reader “Blind date”, authors perspective
(Hi people! Today I have “blind date” as a prompt. However: I don’t think that Shadowsan would do actual blind dates, especially considering he wouldn’t really want to have a date with someone who shouldn’t involved in his life at all and he wouldn’t be able to know if that person isn’t maybe after him, so I thought of something similar, yet very different that Team Red will come up with…) (reader is referred as they again this time. Also, you are an established team member of Carmens Team)
Carmen had to chuckle yet again, as Y/n, stumbled awkwardly through a jumble of words as they tried to calmly talk to Shadowsan about their last operation.
As for Shadowsan: If you didn’t know him, you couldn’t have been able to read if he was just as nervous talking to y/n as they were nervous to talk to him, but Carmen DID, in a way, know him very well (he had been there since almost the very beginning of her life after all!) so she could tell exactly, that he felt the same. It wasn’t one specific thing he did, it was more a series of various gestures that pinpointed to the outcome of Carmens observation.
He, for example, usually didn’t really have a hard time frowning or keeping a straight face, but with them, he had to pinch himself to refrain from smiling. Carmen hadn’t noticed that for a long time until she noticed, that he always had his hands behind his back taking to y/n. Looking at his hands she then noticed that whenever the corners of his mouth would even slightly move up, he would give himself a tiny pinch.
Another thing was that he was fidgeting and fixing his shirt more. So if he wasn’t pinching himself, he would, from time to time, make sure that his shirt was properly accentuating his posture right and so on and so forth.
If anybody would’ve asked, Carmen could’ve come up with a bunch of more things, but these two were sufficient enough to make Ivy and Zack curios as well and equally observe the situation.
The whole observing thing started around a month or two ago and after a while of watching in agony as both of them dismissed any of the signs of affection they were throwing at each other, Carmen, Zack and Ivy finally decided to help them out a little
“It’s obvious these two have a thing for each other, why won’t they act on it?!”, Ivy asked in silent rage. After a while it had rather frustrated her that both of them seemed so oblivious to their own little thing
“Because these two only have the absolute minimum amount of social skills, not to mention flirting skills”, Carmen answered flat out
“Do NOT remind me of their flirting!”, Zack exclaimed
“You mean the thing y/n dismisses him as being nice and he as her being polite? Christ, yeah that’s unbearable!”, Ivy agreed
“All the more reason to finally get to planning this whole thing!”, Carmen exclaimed
“Yes you’re right! But how do we convince any of them to act and ask the other one out on a date without forcing them to do it?”, Ivy asked and Zack nodded, agreeing on having the same question
“Well, I did actually have something in mind”, Carmen answered calmly, yet with a certain nervosity in her voice, after all: She had never meddled in anyone’s love life before,”It IS a little bit like a blind date, but only i the way that Shadowsan or y/n won’t know they are going on a date, not that they don’t know the person at the date”, she admitted
“So you’re suggesting we lead them separately to the same room with some kinda excuse and prepare a date there?”, Ivy asked, catching onto the idea. Having known Carmen for a while now, she was able to connect the dots pretty fast to what Carmen had thought up (Zack had kind of lost the dots long ago, but still enjoyed the conversation and overdramatic date planning)
“Exactly”, Carmen confirmed, “The first part won’t be to hard. I’ll just go up to Shadowsan and say that I need to show him something immediately and you, Zack, will go to y/n and say the same to them as I say to Shadowsan, I’m sure both will follow no problem, whilst Ivy prepares everything for the dinner. Does that sound good?”, Carmen asked, a little unsure, but the red haired siblings simply gave her a thumps up and said in unison “This will rule!”
“Oh god I hope so”, Carmen breathed out, still a little nervous to be doing this. It however felt good somewhere to be doing something like this after a long time of having had to take on responsibilities she hadn’t thought to handle at twenty when she was younger. They were all, in some way, getting a break from it all. And y/n and Shadowsan? Their life’s might just change that very night for worse or for better...Carmen hoped for the latter.
Then the moment came.
It was 7:30 p.m in the evening exactly when Carmen looked at the clock and around the HQ. Y/n was crafting something in their little corner of the head quarters and Shadowsan was researching something on Carmens red laptop.
It was the perfect moment, both of them in completely different places, not suspecting a thing.
The plan began:
7:31 p.m: Carmen and Zack make their ways to either Shadowsan or y/n and alert them to follow them right now to look at something. Both of them, of course, first ask what it is all about, but already having anticipated it, both Zack and Carmen simply answer “It’s… complicated. Just follow me!”.
Y/n and Shadowsan being the concerned people they are, of course immediately follow hastily either Zack or Carmen to where they are headed
7:35 p.m: Carmen arrives first with Shadowsan and immediately leads him behind the doors of a little extra room that once was the office of theses of the company that had inhabited their current HQ. Zack arrives only thirty seconds later, also leading y/n into the room immediately. Now both of them are inside.
7:36: A moment of very awkward, but also anticipated, silence emerges, as both Shadowsan and y/n face each other in the room with the romantically decorated room. There is a small table with a light blue cloth and a single white candle standing in the very middle of the room. It’s surrounded by flower paddles and in the background you could hear Jazz music playing. Zack and Carmen smile at each other almost wickedly before quickly exiting the room.
7:37: Ivy enters the scene, bringing in two plates of Sushi she had just bought at the nearest Sushi bar , suggesting both of them to sit down for now and ask questions later.
“Just trust me”, Ivy says, heading out to leave before turning around, adding “I’m sure you’ll enjoy the dinner”
And from there on of course, there was no more planning needed. It was now up to them both to make something out of this.
“Did...did these three just really plan a date for us behind our backs this whole day?”, Shadowsan asked completely perplexed by what just happened after a couple of more seconds where y/n and him had just kind of stared at each other, at the room, at the food and then back to each other.
“I think this is exactly what happened, yeah”, y/n confirmed, also still confused, sorta mumbling in deep thought. They then clapped loudly into their hands to get back to reality, “alright then. Let’s eat then”
“Ok.. I guess?”, Shadowsan agreed, a little unsure what to think as his long time crush was playing along with the date. ‘Or is it even playing?’, he asked himself.
‘God he doesn’t like this at all, does he?’, y/n asked themselves as they both were very silently eating their food, ‘what in the hell were these three thinking? He obviously doesn’t want this!’
‘...It’s clear they are uncomfortable though’, Shadowsan meanwhile continued his thought, trying to answer the question he had asked himself, ‘I just cannot tell if y/n enjoys this.
Finally Shadowsan decided to break the silence.
“Is everything alright?”, he asked. Y/n shot their head up at that, looking directly into his eyes as they answered
“I mean, the Sushi is excellent, but as for the date, I gotta be honest: I’m not sure. Do you…”, they hesitated, swallowing loudly and breathing in before asking, “do you even want to be here with me?”
“I did not plan for this date to happen, but I… I do want to spend time with you”,
Y/n almost choked on the California roll they were eating as Shadowsan was saying what they had never thought possible. After having a over dramatic coughing fit and drinking a glass of water they asked,
“What? Really? You...you like having a date with me?”
“Of course I do. I feel, I do have to say, that I have found a special liking in you for a while”, Shadowsan admitted, blushing a little in embarrassment. He hadn’t planned on saying that just yet
“For A WHILE?!”, Y/n exclaimed, “how...why...I..” they stuttered, trying to find the right words before they admitted, simply saying “...yeah me too”
Then both of them said nothing, just proceeding to stare at each other in shock and awe before starting to chuckle at this whole debacle until eventually they almost couldn’t breath. It had been a long time since both of them had laughed as hard as they did that evening.
“Damn”, y/n managed to spit out after a while, slowly catching their breath again, “how were we both this blind?”
“To think this whole time we were both interested in each other”, Shadowsan shook his head, wiping his laughing tears away “after fifty years of being alive and through more than most people in their lifetime one would think I would notice a hint…”, he added. Y/n simply smiled at that
“We really gotta thank Zack, Ivy and Carmen later. Without them we would’ve probably pined after each other for the rest of our life’s”
Right after they had said that, both Shadowsan and them heard as one of their favorite old songs came on: ‘I don’t want to set the world on fire
“Most definitely”, Shadowsan agreed
Right after they had said that, both Shadowsan and them heard as one of their favorite old songs came on: ‘I don’t want to set the world on fire’ by the Inkspots
“... Tomorrow we’ll thank them”, Shadowsan continued answering their previous comment, “For now let us just remain here and dance”
“Oh I’d love that”, they answered smiling.
Slowly, they began to sway to the words of the charmingly old sounding song.
As the singer was holding his small monolog shortly before the end of the song, they both looked at each other, grinning like the biggest, but happiest fools on earth as they shared a tender kiss to seal the evening.
Carmen, Zack and Ivy grinned as they were spying on the whole scene.
“I’m glad that worked out”, Carmen whispered
“I never doubted that”, Zack and Ivy both said
“They were so obviously infatuated with each other, how could it have been any different?”, Ivy asked
“Hm”, Carmen simply sighed, “I can't argue with that”
The end x3
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shockpop · 5 years
         being  a  textbook  overthinker  is  a  strong  suit  denki  is  not  particularly  known  for .    a  head  regularly  presumed  empty  has  worked  to  incessantly  churn  the  argument  on  playback  over  the  course  of  three  days ,   violet  staining  crescents  beneath  his  eyes  at  some  point  between  the  late - night  mumbling  and  a  time  wherein  he  doesn’t  even  remember  falling  asleep .     his  oh - so - gracious  host  is  left  at  a  loss  when  she  is  forcibly  tasked  with  shoving  him  awake  each  morning .    
as  much  an  empath  as  mina  prides  herself  in  being ,   it  ain’t  exactly  a  cakewalk  to  get  into  a  neurotic’s  mindset  when  he’s  the  one  insisting  that  he’s  fine ,   that  everything  is  fine    ;    practiced  charisma  a  much - appreciated  plus  in  attempts  to  persuade  his  longtime  best  friend  that  he  just  needed  a  little  breathing  space  from  the  situation .     because  that’s  what  they  have  to  call  it ,   now .    ‘ the  situation ’ .
this  was  all  before  denki  proceeded  to  peel  himself  from  eyesore - chartreuse  cushions  an  hour  late  each  day ,   and  the  reason  why  mina  now  harbors  heavy  concern  beneath  the  initial  irritation  as  she  beats  him  awake  with  a  pillow  for  the  third  day  in  a  row .
astonishingly  enough ,   through  all  the  budding  bruises  and  little  cricks  of  his  bones ,   denki’s  still  not  used  to  it  ----  confused  as  to  why  in  place  of  a  fluffy  orange  butt  sat  directly  on  his  face  is  a  firm  pink  hand ,   squishing  freckled  cheeks  that’d  never  quite  lost  their  baby  fat .  
the  phone  promptly  shoved  in  his  face  (  raw - eyed ,   drool - sticky ,   red  where  strong  fingers  have  imprinted  themselves  into  his  skin  )  reads  7:12  am ,   a  good  hour  and  some  past  his  normal  wakeup  time .    he  shouldn’t  be  so  pikachu - meme  shocked  when  this  scenario  is  the  direct  result  of  a  profuse  refusal  to  take  the  device  off  silent  mode  these  past  few  days  ----  afraid  to  wake  up  to  any  late - night  texts  or  calls .    
and  yet  here  he  is ,   eyes  squeezing  shut  as  he  mutters  his  third ,   grumbly  shit  this  short  week .
       ❛   seriously ,   dude ?   ❜      mina  chides  as  she  flips  through  the  unsung  alarms ,   each  set  five  minutes  apart  from  one  another  beginning  at  5:30  in  the  morning .    
getting  himself  out  of  bed  always  had  been  something  of  a  chore ,   emphasized  by  recent  reasoning  that  he’d  not  been  catching  more  than  half  a  wink  prior  to  that  exact  time  each  day .      ❛   you  teach  people  for  a  living  and  yet  remain  willfully  oblivious  to  the  very  accessible ,   very  convenient  do  not  disturb  function .   ❜      
she  lets  the  phone  fall  unceremoniously  onto  denki’s  lap ,   cushions  creaking  beneath  their  weight .       ❛   get  off  my  couch ,   spud .   ❜
he’d  love  to ,   actually .    every  node  in  his  spine  pops  in  agreement .
the  minutes  between  then  and  hurriedly  collecting  stray  pieces  of  clothing  off  the  floor  pass  in  a  rheumy - eyed  blur ,   other  possessions  that’re  repeatedly  tripped  over  a  courtesy  of  the  emergency  overnight  bag  he’d  emptied  out  over  the  week .    kept  in  the  back  of  his  car  for  situations  that  call  for  it ,   this  doesn’t  really  qualify  as  one  of  those  times .
        ❛   hey .    what’s  the  status  of  you  reevaluating  your  life  choices  so  that  you’re  not  crawling  out  my  door  late  to  work  in  the  same  inside - out  v - neck  you’ve  been  wearing  all  week ?   ❜      mina  prompts  in  midst  of  tossing  on  a  jacket  as  gaudy  in  design  as  the  rest  of  her ,   somehow  completely  comprehending  what  vague  semblance  of  shut  up ,   shut  up ,   shut  up  denki  conveys  through  hand  gestures  in  between  hurriedly  scrubbing  his  teeth .
without  time  to  style  his  hair  this  morning ,   he’s  left  to  ruffle  through  the  unkempt  locks  in  his  reflection  through  the  elevator  doors ,   displeased  in  how  they  refuse  to  obey  any  law  of  gravity  but  deciding  that  he  might  as  well  just  go  ahead  and  look  as  shitty  as  he  feels .    hurts  less  to  acknowledge  it  himself  before  mina  eagerly  relays  just  how  divorced  he  looks  mere  moments  later .
         ❛   you’re  gonna  have  to  talk  to  him  eventually ,   ❜      she  reminds  him  just  before  they  part ,   chaste  kiss  pressed  to  either  cheek  and  equally  reciprocated .      ❛   before  it’s  too  late .    i  know  you’re  both  pretty  keen  on  letting  things  fester ,   but  how  ‘bout  you  just  nut  up  before  your  idiot  boy  pride  makes  things  completely  irreversible ?   ❜   
at  her  humble  suggestion ,   denki  mulls  on  the  air  of  an  amused  hum ,   shouldering  open  one  of  the  glass  doors  for  her  to  walk  through  first .      ❛   my  idiot  boy  pride ,   huh .    s'a  little  misandristic ,   don’tcha  think ?   ❜
she  replies  with  a  wag  of  her  middle  finger  in  the  air  behind  her ,   a  stark  gesture  that  bakugou  would  appreciate  and  that  denki  hates  thinking  that  bakugou  would  appreciate .    he  silently  curses  mina  once  for  the  reminder ,   then  again  for  her  uncanny  talent  of  always  being  right .
on  that  note ,   he  mentally  checks  ‘ idiot  boy  pride ’  as  a  contender  for  the  working  title  of  an  eventual  autobiography .  
           lunch  passes  by  a  lot  more  slowly  in  the  days  he’d  been  forcibly  weened  off  of  bakugou’s  cooking .    left  to  survive  off  what  loose  change  could  nab  from  the  vending  machines  outside  and  random  snacks  found  throughout  the  cabinets  of  the  teachers’  lounge ,   denki  finds  that  whey  milk  and  loose  granola  by  the  fistful  are  not  all  that  amazing  a  combo .   
mina  is  wise  beyond  her  years .    this  is  a  meal  of  a  divor - fuckin’ - cee .
actually ,   the  sudden  absence  of  a  balanced  diet  may  even  be  reaching  the  point  of  a  pressing  health  issue .    when  he  brushes  granola  grains  off  his  shirt  ----  now  worn  correctly ,   after  having  uncomfortably  fumbled  with  it  in  his  car  earlier  ----  he  notices  how  tight  his  chest  has  begun  to  feel  over  the  course  of  the  morning .    an  ache  like  a  scream  that  won’t  come  out .    he’s  bound ,   yes ,   and  dry  granola  has  probably  not  made  the  trip  down  his  esophagus  very  easy    ;    but  had  the  pain  always  been  so  prominent ?
❛   didja  check  twitter  yet ?   refresh  your  timeline  ----  look ,   see ,   it’s  trending !  ❜ 
denki’s  attention  piques ,   turning  towards  the  flood  of  students  rushing  by  the  lounge  door .    on  their  way  back  to  their  classrooms  to  ride  out  the  last  few  periods  of  the  day ,   he’s  not  surprised  to  see  so  many  of  their  eyes  glued  to  their  phones  as  they  walk ,   given  that  lunch  and  homeroom  make  up  the  only  two  slots  of  time  wherein  students  are  allowed  access  to  such  devices .
their  conversations  spill  in  a  slew  of  muddled  topics   :   is  the  villain  big ?    how’d  you  do  on  that  art  history  exam ?    shouldn’t  he  have  backup?    my  sister’s  taking  me  to  that  new  poke  bowl  restaurant  tonight .    is  he  breathing ?    cats  can  doggy  paddle ,   can’t  they ?    blasty’s  a  top - five !   indestructible !    i  hope  i  have  a  team  one  day .    but  so  was  jeanist ,   and  look  what  happened  to  him .
          ❛   bla ----   ❜      denki  starts ,   sparing  a  few  minutes  heading  back  himself  to  fish  his  phone  from  his  cardigan .    he’s  usually  never  without  it ,   idly  recalling  a  time  in  their  youth  where  bakugou  would  have  to  manually  pluck  it  from  his  grasp  so  that  he’d  settle  into  bed  for  the  night .    over  the  past  few  days ,   though ,   he's  been  more  than  content  to  break  character  and  distance  himself  from  the  buzz  of  social  media  under  some  years - too - late  guise  of  self - care  and  breaking  addiction .
waking  his  phone  now ,   the  top  notification  banner  reads  a  single  message  from  his  current  roommate .    
are  you  ok?
below  it ,   an  informal  update  from  twitter ,   alerting  him  of  exactly  what  his  curiosity  demands  to  be  sated  with  right  now .
 trending  in  heroics    :    #BLASTYEXPLODO .
he  doesn’t  need  a  little  shoulder  mina  angel  to  tell  him  that  reading  about  his  ex  is  technically  just  the  time - sensitive  equivalent  of  purposefully  sifting  through  bakugou’s  online  presence   ;    mostly  because  the  app  is  barely  flicked  open  when  the  tightness  across  his  chest  constricts  to  a  sudden ,   sharp  PANG .    
it  doesn’t  take  some  deep  search  to  unearth  the  context  of  his  students’  obsessive  chattering  nearby ,   considering  that  his  entire  timeline  is  being  consistently  updated  with  live  footage  from  the  scene .    a  bird’s - eye  view  of  the  site  below  captures  where  several  heroes  can  be  spotted  as  moving  dots  along  the  destruction  of  the  outskirts    ;    all  save  for  one ,   reported  to  have  been  caught  in  the  fray  after  a  building  collapsed .
fingers  press  deep  into  the  pain  of  his  chest .    his  shoulder  hits  the  wall  to  support  his  weight ,   face  paling  as  he  forces  himself  to  read  the  oncoming  slew  of  tweets  one  by  one .    a  lot  are  unhelpful  ----  mere  wishes  for  blasty  to  hang  in  there ,   some  questioning  where  he  is ,   false  memoriam  by  people  denki  knows  bakugou’s  never  met ,   lots  of  clickbait  for  merch  and  inappropriate  thirst  posts  layered  in  between .    
nothing  gives  him  a  solid  answer .    because  nobody  has  a  solid  answer .
lacking  the  word  association  necessary  to  properly  reply  to  mina’s  text  without  stirring  either  concern  or  cause  for  a  possible  lecture ,   he  shoots  something  quick  to  kirishima  instead .
hey  man ,   thanks  for  everything  lately .    i’ll  feed  the  cats  tonight .    can  you  do  me  a  solid  and  leave  a  key ?
           the  car  ride  home  is  as  long  as  ever  in  traffic  surrounding  the  incident .    every  instance  of  a  top  hero  barely  escaping  the  brink  of  death  is  all  but  a  grim  reminder  that  life  is  short ,   speaking  volumes  to  average  citizens  rushing  home  to  spoil  their  families  before  everything  settles  back  into  a  regular ,   non - life - threatening  routine  for  them  tomorrow .
shortly  after  lunch  (  and  trying  to  shake  off  what  he  was  certain  were  signs  of  a  small  heart  attack  ) ,   denki  decided  that  there  was  no  use  cutting  his  day  short  to  make  an  appearance  at  the  scene .    rapid  updates  from  twitter  and  associates  alike  informed  him  that  blasty  had  eventually  made  it  out  on  two  legs ,   triumphant  as  ever ,   before  being  escorted  to  an  unspecified  hospital  in  order  to  avoid  the  public  eye  in  his  recovery .
denki  takes  his  chances  in  calling  his  mom  between  catching  every  red  light ,   hope  breaking  in  a  small ,   audible  whimper  when  she  doesn’t  answer  his  one - or - nine  calls .    bakugou  wasn’t  the  only  victim  in  today’s  events    ;    he  rationalizes  that  nariko  is  probably  up  to  her  neck  in  new  admissions  regardless ,   but  the  thought  doesn’t  exactly  bring  him  any  peace  of  mind .
breathe .    an  impossible  demand  to  meet ,   but  one  necessary  to  keep  his  electricity  from  snapping  at  the  wheel .
he  doesn’t  exactly  know  why  he’d  even  bothered  showing  up ,   sluggish  steps  treading  the  long  lengths  of  tiled  hallway  leading  to  bakugou’s  residence .    not  really  any  use  hanging  around  an  empty  apartment  all  night    ;   even  despite  the  pressing  matter  of  the  question  mark  tacked  behind  his  current  living  situation .    he’s  not  really  looking  to  task  himself  with  packing  just  yet .
             ❛   it’s  just  something ,   ❜      denki  tiredly  tells  himself  aloud  at  the  foot  of  their  doorstep ,   head  tipped  to  the  ceiling  in  a  brief  moment  of  reprieve .    the  sentiment  resonates  as  somewhat  redundant .    it’s  always  something .    he’s  got  a  million  somethings  in  his  life  that  he’s  never  cared  to  name ,    piling  one  over  the  other  in  the  corner  of  his  mind  without  thought  to  the  mental  repercussions  dealt  to  everyone  involved .    
maybe  there’s  only  one  something  afterall .    maybe  the  common  denominator  was  just  him .
tip  of  his  shoe  peels  back  the  corner  of  the  mat  he’d  insisted  on  laying  there  some  short  while  ago ,    the  key  tucked  beneath  it  shining  in  the  hallway  lighting  once  its  cover  is  disturbed .    bless  his  heart ,   but  kirishima’s  not  very  creative  in  his  hiding  places .
this  copy  is  as  shiny  and  unbroken - in  as  the  one  bakugou  had  given  denki  when  he  first  moved  here ,   spare  a  few  spots  of  dirt  he  brushes  off  before  lodging  it  into  the  keyhole .    
without  a  set  of  miscellaneous  dangling  objects  attached  to  it ,   the  action  of  turning  a  bare  key  into  the  lock  takes  him  back  a  full  year  ago  ----  wherein  he’d  rigidly  haunted  this  exact  spot  on  a  matless  tile ,   uneager  to  begin  a  new  phase  in  his  life  eventually  titled  reversed  strength .
unlike  back  then ,   however ,   the  key  is  met  this  time  around  without  resistance  in  its  lock ,   nothing  to  combat  it  as  it  turns .    the  door  before  him  is  open .     presently .
his  stomach  drops .    
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hesitant  to  ease  himself  inside  when  so  actively  adorned  in  hair - raising  suspicion ,   denki  is  met  with  the  usual  stagnancy  of  an  empty  apartment  ----  no  wafts  of  food  cooking  on  the  stove ,   no  sound  of  the  television  on  for  background  noise ,   no  cats  tripping  over  each  other  to  greet  him  with  a  howling  demand  for  kibble  and  petty - pets  (  which  smarts  a  little ,   considering  his  absence  ) .    
there  is  dim  warmth  from  sunlight  pouring  through  the  windows  and  little  else .    not  even  a  speck  of  dust  found  to  sift  through  it .    he  wonders  if  kirishima  had  simply  forgotten  to  lock  the  door  behind  him .
and  yet ,   even  with  this  thought  in  mind  ----  this  silent  prayer  ----  denki  still  holds  a  name  on  his  tongue  as  he  steps  fully  into  the  apartment ,   pocketing  the  key  where  its  triplet  sits  unperturbed  a  few  feet  away .    it’s  a  momentary  struggle  to  find  his  voice ,   and  he  doesn’t  recognize  the  sound  that  comes  out .      
          ❛   k ------- ...   katsuki ?   ❜
@blstys​ .
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howmanyheartaches · 6 years
I haven’t written anything fictional for half a year, so when Sparkle Sparkle came back, I was very thrilled! My Sparklee is papillon82fluttersby – HAPPY SPARKLING!
 I went for the prompt “Harumichi at an event where one of them is out of her depth”
 Not to spoil my fic at this point, just know that papillon82fluttersby’s favourite senshi used to be my favourite Inner (now they’re all juggling, but I loved her in the new Myu a lot!!).
Thank you so much, Awashsquid and Docholligay, for organising this party!
 That’s what friends are for
 Haruka wasn’t one to fear the spotlight. Of course she had been nervous before her speech at their wedding and she couldn’t deny that her heart would pound whenever all eyes were on her while she was doing something she loved. However, when she excelled in a task, she was confident; she would smile freely at all her fangirls before she’d start in a sports competition.
And it was easy for Haruka to share the spotlight with Michiru. When she’d accompanied her wife on stage, everyone was watching musical genius Michiru Kaioh anyway, so she could relax whenever she hadn’t had the time to practice enough and focus on her piano play.
But this was different. Now every note counted. And Haruka felt like a fish out of water.
Obviously, she had tried to deny it. Her lies had enough potential for an Academy Award. It was easy for Michiru to see right through her and normally, she would have tried everything to get Haruka out of this situation.
 In this case, she hadn’t much of a choice either, and the person Haruka had lied to was too caught up in her own head to acknowledge her best friend’s fake behaviour.
Michiru usually had no problem being in a recording studio. She had spent her childhood practicing the violin for three hours each and every day, competing as soon as her mother had been satisfied. The three grey walls, with a huge window completing the room, were familiar territory. Still she felt anxiety – it was like Haruka’s was mirrored back to her.
The violinist hadn’t felt Haruka this uncomfortable in a while. Back in their early days, it had almost been common. This stomach-wrenching feeling, the tremble. Even worse in battle of course. Haruka was so terribly afraid of failing – but still so brave. Why was it just so hard for Haruka to perform this song in this environment?
Was it because she didn’t want to disappoint Minako?
Michiru felt anger rising inside of her watching Minako through the window. The blonde had decided to place them both at the same time in the recording cabin, which was what Michiru preferred. She hoped her presence would soothe Haruka at some point, but so far it didn’t work any magic.
After the constant battles, time had become quiet. Michiru didn’t mind that her mirror didn’t show her any dark energy; that Rei’s dreams had slowed down. They had all been able to settle into their lives. Michiru couldn’t be happier – being married, choosing when and where to perform, spending time with her family at the beach.
Quiet however wasn’t something for Minako. It had never been, obviously, but with the reassurance that they lived in a time of peace, Minako had decided to reach her goal of becoming an idol. And not just any idol – “top top top of the world” as she liked to outline her dream.
“Could you please repeat the last part? Thank yaaa!”
Michiru sighed and shared a glance with Haruka. The butch nodded, but it seemed like a punishment to her to put the big headphones on again. They started to play the last part again. All for the sake of Minako’s new record. Unfortunately, self-produced.
From the corner of her eye, Michiru could see how beautiful Haruka looked playing the piano. The blonde was dressed in a black sweater and sleek, black pants, her hair on the loose because she was going through it so much with her fingers. She still looked nervous and had a hard time pouring her soul into her playing. The melody wasn’t even that difficult, if Minako could come up with it. Michiru raised an eyebrow, focusing on herself again, not being able to shake the uncomfortable feeling.
While they were playing away, Minako started to chat with the sound engineer. After they stopped, Michiru could hear Minako’s chattering, which didn’t really help against Michiru’s growing fume. “So I was like ‘Okay honey, we really need to put a stop to this. How about we’re continuing recording if this song is not about you being a heartbroken crybaby anymore?! Nothing about a little grief, you know, but this is certainly not about a strong woman.’ And I walked off in wide steps, clicking heels, I was a total boss babe, you know? I don’t need a collaboration like that, that’s just not my vision for this album!”
“Wow, I can’t believe that someone like you would write such a lovey-dovey ballad like this!” The sound guy waved towards Haruka and Michiru, still trapped in the cabin.
“What can I say, I’m layered”, Minako flipped her hair dramatically.
Michiru was still chewing on the lovely-dovey. On top of that, she didn’t like to be kept waiting by Minako for a response if they should continue playing.
“Minako”, she spoke into the microphone with a firm voice that could cut glass, as Minako kept ignoring them.
“Oh! Oh! You’re still there, like little marionettes! Lovely! Errr …” Minako stopped herself. “Whoa, that sounded like a pirate. Like the one Michiru made you into in her latest smut fic!”
Haruka looked at her best friend startled.
“You didn’t know that, buddy? Okay. She did not write herself into the governor’s daughter’s role. You definitely didn’t have sex in a dirty place. Forget about it, I never found this in Rei’s drawer.”
“Minako”, Michiru repeated, this time leaving no illusion that she wouldn’t be able to kill Minako with her violin’s bow.
Minako’s phone went off. The singer jumped to her feet: “Uuuuh, I was waiting for that call! I think we should continue tomorrow!”
Ami looked confused when she opened the door. She always looked confused when this happened, even though Michiru’s knock was always the same: determined.
“Michiru! Hi!” She blushed, painfully aware that she hadn’t changed after dinner and a spot of tomato sauce greeted from its place on her baby blue, long cardigan.
“Make some tea, would you?” Michiru smiled at the younger woman mildly and found her way into Ami’s apartment that the medical student shared with her girlfriend.
“Sure”, Ami wedged her hands nervously, “Mako is instructing her cooking class, but she has left me some scones from earlier today. They’re not much but …”
“That sounds wonderful”, Michiru had seated herself in the lounging area already, unpacking her shopper.
When Ami arrived in the living room, a tray with tea and scones in hand, Michiru already had unfolded her painting supplies.
Ami sat down next to her on the floor, trying to mimic the gracile way Michiru held her body.
“Let’s paint”, the older announced, beginning to draw a storm.
Ami, who joyfully had grasped the expensive brushes Michiru used, soon stopped in her movement, watching Michiru with worry.
It wasn’t their first painting session, but definitely Michiru’s angriest. Usually, Michiru preferred “Under the Sea”, “Into Space” or “Haruka” when she was drawing just for herself. Ami loved the harmony that then came upon Michiru, adapting to it herself. It was hard not to think about her father, but it was also hard to resent doing something she loved. Ami Mizuno was a woman of many talents. But asking about Michiru’s day wasn’t one.
Haruka hadn’t been in the mood for joining Rei to help her refurnish an old table, but then again, Michiru had insisted her to. Probably because Rei was Minako’s partner – and that was also the reason why Haruka had a hard time being around the social studies student.
“I can’t believe Minako still thinks this table is hideous! I mean, look at it, we’ve done some fine things with it!” Rei’s high ponytail swung around furiously.
“I still think that it would have been cheaper for you to buy a table at Ikea, considering the money you put into refurnishing supplies”, Haruka noted.
“Ikea”, Rei looked at Haruka in disgust. “You are definitely wrong, this was a good deal at the flea market and I’m in no position to decline it! Even though my girlfriend is going to rocket to super fame very soon. But I swear, I’ll do my best to not let capitalism win!”
Haruka cringed.
“Wait. I know that look on your face. How was your time in the recording studio anyway today?” Rei waved a brush around like she was a teacher pointing at a pupil to move in front of the whole class.
“It wasn’t good enough. We didn’t finish and will go back in again tomorrow”, Haruka let her shoulders sink. “I feel like this is all my fault.”
“And why’s that so? Did you forget how to play sheet music?”
“No. But Minako wasn’t happy. I have to admit, that was my worry from the second she asked me to do this with Michiru.”
“Tenoh, do you think it was a piece of cake for me working on the guitar parts with her? She’s a perfectionist. So are you and I. But we’re not doing this for us, we’re doing it for her, even though she’s a brat. But she deserves the world.”
“It’s just so that however good my performance is, it will be heard forever. Over and over again. I wonder how the Three Lights did it, but I guess it’s just that Seiya thinks so highly of herself she’d never have any doubts”, Haruka kicked against the refurnished table, making it almost collapse. Such a good deal.
“They were also searching for their princess, I’m just saying.”
“I know, right? Their songs were never that good?!”
“I frankly do not understand how Minako doesn’t feel any shame. Haruka is her best friend”, Michiru said like it was nothing.
“Oh”, Ami announced, remembering Minako’s request for the album support. She was glad Michiru had finally broken the silence, still working on a wild mix of greys and blacks that looked together like a hurricane on paper.
“It’s my fault. I should have insisted more on declining Minako’s offer. I could have said my manager …”
“Haruka still would have agreed to. Mina means a lot to her.”
“She doesn’t seem equally important to Minako”, if Michiru could snort, this would be her moment to.
“That’s not true”, Ami tilted her head. “Mina feels a lot of pressure.”
“Mina is under a lot of pressure”, Rei said softly. “She sees all of us settled into our lives. Makoto is so, so good at what she does and her life with Ami is like from one of these lesbian books, where the more tomboy one is a doctor! You and Michiru and Hotaru and Setsuna are so happy together and with what you get to do. Even though Hotaru would never admit to that, but she’s a teenager! And Usagi is Usagi. Mina doesn’t mean to be this tense these days, I just think she wants to make this work.”
“You forgot to mention yourself.” Haruka half-smiled, feeling a bit better about the whole situation.
“I’m clean and I smell like soap”, Haruka happily announced, joining her wife in the bedroom, wearing her favourite PJs.
“Love, you look like you feel so much better than you did this morning”, Michiru noted, looking up from her book, already tugged into her blanket.
“I do. Talking to Rei made me understand it’s good - not less, not more - when Mina finally says it’s good.” Haruka swiftly found herself underneath the blanket as well.
“It was always good, she just needs to focus”, Michiru replied with a soft smile.
“That’s what Ami made you realize, right?” Haruka grinned, leaning onto Michiru’s shoulder.
“She’s smart, our Ami”, Michiru giggled. “I’m glad you found your confidence again. Minako should be proud to have such a talented, good-looking pianist on her record.”
“I know, I’ve always known.” Haruka leaned forward to wink, but then led her pretending go. “It’s just that I feel so uncomfortable playing with the headphones on. I feel like everything will be constantly judged and I’m not used to this.”
“Minako didn’t really judge and that’s the problem. But no worries”, now it was Michiru’s turn to wink, “I have a plan …”
Then she closed the book because she needed her hands – to deeply kiss Haruka, the person she regarded as the love of her life, holding her tight.
“Obsession” was composed by a Dane, who he had been, well, obsessed with Bach. It was very loud, shrill even. While it put a smile on Michiru’s face to play such a jarring melody, it made Mina, who had just walked in, cringe. Haruka, not entirely sold on the piece, watched Michiru in awe.
As she finished, the violinist spoke right into the microphone: “Now that you remembered what I can do, I want you to see what we are both capable of doing with your song. Now that I have your attention, I suggest that we concentrate and wrap this song up smoothly. We are here to support your career, Minako, but for a first-timer in a studio it’s certainly not easy to know what’s wrong if you’re not giving us any hints. Do you agree?”
Mina had been frozen, but found to her old confident behaviour in a second: “I sure do. Because I’m certain you remember that.I.am.the.leader.”
She mimicked Michiru, ending with an emphasis on every word, who took this with no impression. “How could I forget a fact you sing to us like a hit song you’d like to have. So. May we start?”
“Let’s”, Mina sat down next to the sound guy, who had no clue what that whole leader deal was about. The blonde was ready to work – finally. She showed Michiru her thanks with the smallest smile, that Michiru took with a little nod. It was easy to get lost. But it was also easy to get out – with the help of your friends.
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Tried something a liiiittle different with this one. Prompt was vet!Shiro. (I think she was expecting something like Yukinayee’s AU, but got this instead. In which our collective children are presh.
Warnings: Basically my toeing the waters of writing ASD!Keith. Mentioned character death, therapy doggos, disjointed fic~ Rating: Teen Pairings: Sheith, historical Shadam
Keith was anxious. He knows he shouldn't be anxious. Rosie is a great girl. But Dr Shirogane was a new vet, and even though Matt assured him he was a really nice guy, and Keith was sure he was... But they'd been seeing Dr Allura since Rosie's very first puppy shots... Keith sighed in relief as he pushed the door open and saw Matt at the receptionist desk--err not Matt. Girl Matt? Matt came through the employee door behind it. "Oh hey Keith!! This is my baby sister Pidge. She's doing her summer internship here!" The girl pushed her glasses up her nose and gave him a smile. Her name tag said Katie. This was too many new people in one day... "H-hi" he stuttered "I'm Keith." A hard swallow. "And this is Rosie." He gestured at the compact pit sitting calmly at his feet. Katie-Pidge stood up and peeked over the counter. "Well aren't you a pretty girl?" She offered Rosie a treat and Matt disappeared into the back to let the doctor know they were in.
Matt waved them back into a room and took Rosie to get her weight. When he returned Keith helped him lift her onto the table. She wasn't very big, but she was solid, and Matt, he would joke, was a string bean. Keith looped her leash around the holder and pet her to distract her from being so high up. He heard a soft click and looked up to see a man, Dr Shirogane, coming in. He was a head taller than Keith and wider and the white coat was pulling across his shoulders over his black scrubs. "Hi, I'm Dr Takashi Shirogane. You can just call me Dr Shiro though. You must be Keith? And Rosie?" Keith curled his fingers more tightly around Rosie's collar. "That's us." "Allura has all sorts of wonderful notes about the two of you in her file. I'm glad you decided to stay with the practice.” His hand landed firmly on Keith's shoulder. "Just an annual today, right? Nothing you want me to look at extra close?" He held his hand out to Rosie, waiting for her to give him a sniff and an excited tail wagging before petting her head. "Just the usual. I have her ESA recert papers too, if you don't mind." "Of course. My Kuro's are up this year too, too bad I can't sign my own." He laughed and gently pulled Rosie's mouth open to look at her teeth. Keith squirmed a little and glanced at Dr Shiro's metal hand, holding one of Rosie's ears back so gently. "They're connected," he said softly. "What, I--" "My arm and having an ESA. It's okay. I don't mind." Shiro gave him a calm smile and went back to peering into Rosie's ear. Keith felt himself burning with embarrassment. He mentally talked himself through how he must have gotten weird looks and questions all the time and how its not that embarrassing to get caught looking at such a high tech prosthetic and... Talking himself through it was not working as well as he was telling himself it was.
Dr Shiro signed the ESA papers and handed them back to Keith once he'd finished checking Rosie over. "Um, Keith, this..." Shiro rubbed the back of his neck as Keith folded up the papers and shoved them into his back pocket. "This isn't standard, but uh... Would you like to get coffee? I'm new in town and... Well I'm sure you know how hard it is to find people who want to socialize when you always have a dog with you." He gave Keith a smile. Rosie nudged his hand, making him remember he needed to respond. "Yes! Yes please-- I--" he reached up and scrubbed his hand over his face. "Coffee would be good." Dr Shiro’s friendly smile was too bright and his hand was on his shoulder again. "Relax. No pressure." He held a card out to Keith. Keith took it, unsure of when a number had been scribbled on the back in dying black pen, and left with a quiet “thanks.” Matt checked them out and gave him a wink, mouthing 'call him!'
"Well," Dr Coran started during their session two days later, "I take it since we are talking about it now, that you haven't called him?" Keith sighed. "I suck at talking to people. I've been seeing you for three years now and it took the better part of that to get comfortable. I can't even keep a normal friendship, let alone date." "What about Lance?" Keith snorted. "The jerk whose ass I kick in WoW every other day? Hardly. He thinks we are sworn enemies." "Well then what about Hunk?" Keith hummed. Hunk lived next door and brought him cookies and Tupperware full of delicious food in exchange for watching his apartment when he flew out to Hawaii to spend the winters with his family. Hunk.... Hunk could be a friend. "Maybe." "Or Matt?" Keith shook his head. He'd never seen Matt outside of where he worked, even though they followed each others social media now. Matt's little sister had friended him the other day, but he hadn't decided what to do about that. She seemed nice, and she liked Rosie. Coran sighed. "Keith, if he needs a support companion, he's bound to have as many difficulties as you do. Especially with having lost a limb. It might do you well to find someone besides me to talk to about things?" Keith nodded. "Can I?" He held up his phone. "Please!" There was a twinkle in Corans eye as Keith tapped out a quick message. Hey, This is Keith. Rosie's owner. Would you like to go to the park sometime? He held the phone out for Corans approval. He handed it back with a nodd. Keith took a deep breath and hit send.
The response was almost instant. I'd like that a lot. Maybe Voltron Metro park? It's not too far from the office. I could pick you up if you wanted though? Keith made a noise that had Coran lifting an eyebrow and he waved the phone in front of the therapist. Coran only laughed good naturedly. "That, my boy, is called a gentleman!" Keith's phone pinged again. Or we could meet at the office, or if you'd prefer to drive that's okay too. Whatever you want. And again. Sorry to be so weird, I don't get out very much. :o) That had Keith smiling. Who used o noses on their smileys anymore? He shared the thought with Coran who insisted that was a perfectly normal thing to do. Keith had a small smile when he typed out... If we meet at the office it has to be a day Matt doesn't work. :) Good point! Would tomorrow work? Text me your address, I get off at 6. :o) Sounds good Keith felt like throwing up as soon as he hit send and dropped to the space between Corans armchair and the coffee table next to Rosie. He looped his arms around her neck. What on Earth had he just done. He felt Coran move around to sit on the couch, hand lightly touching his shoulder blade. "It'll be all right. And if not, then you will do better next time. Would you like to schedule for the day after tomorrow just in case? I'm sure I can fit you in." Keith nodded. "Just in case."
Shiro pulled up in front of his apartment building at 6:45. A hulking black Sheppard sat in the back seat. Shiro got the dog out of the car and let him and Rosie sniff each other out for moment before shoving them into the back seat together. But they made seemingly fast friends, easily starting to yip playfully and tug on ears as they tussled. "She thinks she's bigger than him, doesn't she?" Shiro laughed at the antics as he and Keith got back into the front. "Definitely." "So, Keith, what do you do?" "I'm a student.... Should I um... Dr Shiro still or?" "Oh just Shiro is fine!" Shiro laughed. "This is social. What do you study?" "Astronomy and aeronautics." "That's amazing. Do you want to be an astronaut?" "Oh I uh... I couldn't. ASD and needing Rosie and all that. Maybe design rocket ships or something though." Shiro smiled. "I was a pilot before I was a vet. Briefly anyways." He held up his arm as if to explain. "My boyfriend at the time was too and he was ASD. It’s definitely still an option, Keith.” This was too deep for first date? Social outing? He hummed noncommittally. "How did you go from being a pilot to a vet?" "Well after wallowing for a month, my brother dragged me to a therapy group.  They talked about service animals and stuff, but being a vet didn't click until I was offered a full ride at a school of my choice due to my injuries. Basically the Garrison didn't want to get sued." He snorts. "Nine years later and I'm a vet!"
When they got to the park they walked around the outskirts of a field centered with a jungle gym. The dogs romped along beside them, pouncing each other and playfully chasing. Keith watched them fondly, playing nervously with the leash he had brought along in case. "Do you mind if I...?" He gestured towards Keith's hand. "I'm sorry about being so touch forward at your appointment. I know that can be... A problem." Keith glanced and offered his hand. This he could do. Coran would be so proud. A blush stained Shiro's face. "Is this a date?" The blush darkened. "I-if you want it to be?" Keith surveyed him. "I would like that." He was definitely doing that thing. That made most people freak out. Where he said things too plainly. Mmmm Shiro must have been uncomfortable if he was blushing. Maybe he should stop talking. Shiro gave him a fond smile. "You remind me so much of Adam..." Keith tilted his head in question. "Um my uh... Copilot. During the crash." He flexed his hand tellingly. "And my boyfriend."
Shiro bought them coffee's from a snack vendor and they settled together under a tree, the dogs  curled together nearby. Kuros much larger form curled completely around Rosie's wriggling one. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable earlier, Keith." It's okay was the right thing to say in this situation. He took Shiro's hand instead. Shiro gave it a gentle squeeze. "I have to get used to being uncomfortable to make things more comfortable..." "I suppose that’s true. But I wouldn't want to overwhelm you..." Keith swirled his coffee in it's paper cup and gave a crooked smile. "I think I wouldn’t mind that so much."
Keith positively gushed about Shiro and Kuro at his appointment the next day. Coran talked him through his feelings about the initial stages of relationships, friendships and romantic ones, and wished him luck. Keith found himself on park benches with Shiro into the evenings with more and more frequency through the next months. Shiro never pressed past holding his hand, and Keith had initiated  tucking himself close to Shiro's side with Shiro's arm wrapped tightly around his shoulder. "I want to kiss you." Keith said one day, when he climbed into Shiro's car. Shiro made a choking noise. "Keith?" "Can I?" There was a look of determination on his face. "Of course." Keith turned in his seat, and pushed himself into Shiro's space. Before fumbling with where to put his hands. Shiro gently helped guide them to his shoulders. Keith licked his lips nervously and leaned forward. It was a feather light brush and when Keith pulled back Shiro was twitching with his effort not to chase him. "Can I?" He asked before cupping Keith's chin. Keith nodded and Shiro leaned up, gently pulling him close again. He kissed Keith chastely, sweetly. Brushed his fingers across his cheek and into soft black hair. He let Keith pull back after a moment. Keith situated himself back into the passenger seat and Shiro pulled out of the parking lot without saying anything else. It could wait for the park bench under the stars, when Keith tucked himself against Shiro's side to hide from the cooling autumn and let Shiro run his fingers through his hair.
And they did... Shiro nuzzled into Keith's neck, planting soft kisses. Keith felt at ease and snuggled close to the older man. "I like this." "Me too, baby..." Shiro was enjoying each touch he didn't feel Keith flinch away from and had his fingers tangled in his hair. "Thank you for trusting me." Keith hummed. "I like when you play with my hair." "It's very soft." Shiro gently pulled Keith into his lap. "Special conditioner. Lance recommended it. I told him it sucked." Shiro laughed at that. "I like that too... When you laugh." "Stars are coming out, baby." Shiro glanced towards the sky. Keith looked up and took one of the hands circled around him. He used Shiro's hand to point out different stars and rattled off facts about them. When they finally made their way back to Shiro's car, sleepy puppies in tow, Keith looked at Shiro rather bashfully. "I want you to stay." "Stay?" "At my apartment." He noticed Shiro's heavy swallow. "Keith, we kissed for the first time today... I don't want to rush anything." Keith shook his head. "No pressure." He quipped back to that first day in the exam room. Shiro got it and leaned across the middle console to press a playful smooch to Keith's cheek. Keith grinned and scrambled to kiss Shiro in turn.   "You're sure?" Shiro surveryed him carefully when they pulled up to the apartment building. "Yes." Keith tugged Shiro's hand shyly as he unlocked his front door. "This is cosy." Shiro toed off his shoes and looked around the little studio apartment. Most of the walls were littered with star charts and posters of nebulas. Kuro began sniffing everything out and wagging his tail. Rosie planted herself as the foot of the bed, on a red throw that was very clearly Hers. Shiro let himself be pulled over to Keiths unmade bed, and let the smaller man cocoon them in blankets. "This is nice." Shiro rubbed his hands slowly but firmly over Keith's back. Keith made a quiet noise and pushed himself up, hovering over Shiro. "This is okay?" "Yeah, baby, this is perfect." Keith leaned down to kiss him with a smile that made Shiro's chest hurt.   "Can you stay?" He  whispered, tucking himself back around the older man. "If that's what you want... I should probably warn you that sometimes I have nightmares." "Oh... What do I do... If that happens?" "Talk to me, don't startle me... Sometimes I lash out. Kuro usually barks to wake me up." Keith nodded seriously. "Do you want...not jeans?" "I'm not sure I'll fit in your pants, baby..." Keith hummed and sat up. His hands were on Shiro's waistband, unbuttoning and unzipping and tugging before Shiro could process it. "Jeans aren't comfortable." Shiro chuckled. Keith always wore track pants. He supposed he wasn't wrong though. He helped Keith get them off and let the boy settle back against him. "Thank you, Keith." "You’re welcome...For what?" "Letting me into your space, baby." Kuro hopped up on the bed then, settling next to Rosie along their legs.
Keith slept easier than usual that night, and Shiro slept more soundly. They only woke up when the dogs started whining to go out, and Shiro pulled his jeans back on and sleepily nuzzled into the back of Keith's neck at the doorway while they watched the dogs pad out into the grass. "Next time, maybe you can stay at my house?" "Okay." Keith said simply, relaxing against Shiro. "It's Saturday... Do you want to do something together? Besides go to the park?" They ended up at an arcade. Keith was way too good at racing games, and Shiro handed Keith his ass on a platter at the fighting games. They had dropped Rosie and Kuro at Shiro's and Keith talked absently about how one day he'd have a yard like that for Rosie to run in. Shiro had to hold his tongue on saying he would for this to be Rosie's yard too. He was finding more and more that Keith made him act without thinking. And knew eventually it would probably be to Keith's detriment. So for now he kept the thought to himself.
Shiro knew his luck had run out when he sat up in a cold sweat at 3am. He'd been dreaming about Adam. The crash.
Kuro pushed into his lap and Keith sat close, but not touching, trembling just as hard as Shiro. His hands were gripped tightly around Rosie's collar.
"I'm sorry," Shiro said thickly.
Keith knew this was where he was supposed to say 'its okay.'
This time he said it, and touches Shiro's arm with the lightest fingertip graze.
"You loved him."
"I did... Do... In a way."
Keith made a small noise.
"I think I love you."
Maybe not all his luck had run out...
"I think I love you too, Keith."
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freedom-shamrock · 7 years
A Familiar Detail
Also on AO3 This is a direct sequel to Something Familiar, and probably does not stand on its own very well. It is also @miraculousfluffmonth‘s Aug 17 prompt, AU.
School was on spring break and Marinette was finally recovering from a rough bout of influenza.  Now that she was well enough to do some sewing, her first project was an outfit for Chat, who'd just had another growth spurt.  His new life and diet were agreeing with him pretty spectacularly, and he'd started picking up more mature modeling jobs at Gabriel's request.
He'd paged through her designs and picked a shirt and pants.  It took a little time to map out the pattern, size it for him, and take him to pick out a fabric.  She had the cut pieces spread out over her floor, her pincushion strapped to her left hand.  She knelt over the organized mayhem and chatted with her familiar.  He watched, in cat form, from the high platform of his tower.
"I may not be able to finish it today, but you should be able to wear it tomorrow," she explained as she lay one piece over another and ran a line of pins down the edge.  He was well accustomed to the process by now, having spent the last six months with her, but she had made a commitment to appreciate him, and letting him know what she was doing was part of that.  It had become routine at this point, and comfortable for both of them.
It's so nice of you to do this.  His voice in her head was soothing, though she could feel his excitement.   I love wearing things you made just for me .
She glanced over her shoulder at him, smiling happily.  "I've told you, I'll try to make you anything you want me to.  You choose your style now, Kitty."
He sprang to her desk, then hopped lightly down next to her, careful to avoid the fabric.  He strode up her bent legs to her thighs and pushed his head vigorously against her chin in gratitude.
She slipped her pin-free hand around his lithe body and cuddled him a moment.  "We take care of each other now."  At her mother's suggestion, she'd done some reading, and was trying to make sure their relationship stayed balanced and equal.  She may have rescued him from a terrible situation, but she wasn't in charge of them.  He'd been seeing a counselor since before he started school, and occasionally sat in on those so they could address ways to be healthy with each other.  They would have to decide together where they were going to university and where to live, but so far all the smaller decisions had been pretty easy.  It was probably too much to hope that they'd never have a serious disagreement.  
When he stopped rubbing against her, he met her eyes and leaned in toward her face.  His nose was cool against her cheek and his long black whiskers tickled her skin.  He stretched a little to reach her nose.  Kitten kisses.  That's what her mother called these.  It was a cat's way of showing affection, and Chat was extremely affectionate.  She giggled at the touch of his nose against hers.  He did it sometimes when he was a boy, too, especially when he needed cuddles but didn't know how to ask other than in cat.  Those probably didn't count as kitten kisses, maybe they were boy kisses.  She froze as his nose touched her lips.
No.  Definitely not boy kisses.  Boy kisses were something else entirely.  He was a boy as much as he was a cat.  They were kitten kisses in boy form.  It was normal… for them.  It didn't mean anything that a crazy handsome, super sweet boy spent quality time nuzzling her.  
That didn't help.
It also didn't help when she only just realized that while they'd rearranged her room, putting a twin bed for him under her loft, he slept with her most nights, and he was a cat only half of those times.  He was her familiar; this shouldn't even be an issue.  He was recovering from years of abuse.  He was still figuring out who he was.  There was no way he was ready to be confronted with this mess.
She wasn't aware of the passage of time, or how long she'd sat there, frozen.  She didn't notice the flash of green.  But she couldn't help but notice the two warm hands cupping her face.  "My Marinette," he said gently.  "You're freaking out."
She closed her eyes, not sure she could handle his human form so close just now.
"Open your eyes," he coaxed.  "Open your eyes and breathe, nice and slow with me."  It was like when he soothed her after a nightmare, his thumbs lightly brushing her cheeks.
She focused on the green of his eyes.  In an effort to pull her brain off that other topic that was not appropriate to think about at this time.  Green.  Green.  Green.
His smile was sweet.  "Yes, my eyes are green."
She blinked several times and he leaned back, out of her space.
"Are you okay?"
She nodded.
Now he looked confused.  "Should we talk about it?  Because anything that does that to you… I should probably know about it."
She groaned and moved away from her pattern to flop on the floor.  "You're right," she admitted.  "But I don't want to."
"Oh," he said quietly.  "Is it me?  Did I do something…"
She sat up and grabbed his hand.  "Ugh, no.  It's not you.  Or… well, it is , but not in the way you're thinking."  She let go of him and returned to her spot on the rug.  "Ooooh.  This is so embarrassing," she whined.
He laughed.  "Well if you're worried about embarrassing things, I have a whole list of things I can share to make it even."
"Really?"  She turned and looked at him, surprised to see pink in his cheeks.
"Oh my god yes," he said, lying down next to her.  "Uhm.  Sometimes I switch to cat form because it's socially acceptable for me to crawl into your lap for cuddles that way."  He hesitated a moment.  "Especially at school.  Oh, and I go cat when I'm happy so I can rub against you and knead on you."
Neither of these were a surprise, but they also hadn't been things she'd consciously considered.  Giggles erupted out of her before she could stop them. 
He covered his face with both hands.  "Noooo.  You can't laugh.  I'll die of shame."  He peeked at her from between his fingers when that only made her giggle more.  "Or not.  See.  You can share.  It's only awkward for a minute."  Without looking, he reached over and hooked her pinkie finger with his.  "Nino says the whole point of being a teenager is that we all have the opportunity to be awkward and we learn how to survive embarrassment."
"Ugh.  No fair, Kitty."  Was she freaking out over nothing?  Would this damage their relationship?  Sudden clarity forced her to see this could hurt what they had if she tried to keep it to herself.  She'd just gone into a full panic less than thirty seconds after recognizing what she'd noticed and felt.
"You don't have to tell me."  He squeezed her fingers.  "And if you need time, I can wait."
She shook her head, though he was still focused on her ceiling.  "No.  I think… I need to tell you, because then you'll know why I'm being weird… if I get weird about it."  She sighed.  "I don't want you to feel pressured to feel or act in a certain way about this."  She closed her eyes tightly, as if that would ward off unpleasantness.  "I've always thought you were kind and sweet, and beautiful.  Even when I thought you were just a cat.  And I just… very suddenly realized I want to kiss you."  Was that clear enough?  She needed to be sure, and she'd kissed him in cat form often enough that it might not be.  "Boy you, that is.  And, ah, the way Alya kisses Nino."
You want to kiss me ?  His telepathic voice was quiet and surprised.
I'm so sorry for making you uncomfortable .  She tried to roll to her side, away from him, but his grip on her hand pinned her down.   You're my familiar.  I'm not supposed to feel like this about you.
"I'm not just a cat, though," he pointed out.  "Which would be weird, wrong."  She heard him move, but didn't register that he'd come closer until his nose nuzzled the side of her face.  "Is there a rule or witch law about this?"
She let out a slow breath, relaxing against him.  "There's no law, because traditionally familiars are animals, and we are morally and magically obligated to do right by them.  A regular cat, even one elevated by a familiar contract, is still a cat, and can't consent to anything like this."
"True.  And as someone who spends time as an actual cat, it'd be pretty twisted."  He pushed himself up on one elbow so he could rub his jaw against hers.  It was rare for him to scent mark her in human form.  Coming on the heels of her confession, it felt reassuring.  Sighing softly, he settled beside her again.
"We're bound together forever," she said quietly, though she wanted to just forget this whole thing.
"Yeah."  He shared his happiness through their link.
"I don't want us to hate each other, or get uncomfortable around each other," she explained, desperate for him to understand fully.  "Our familiar relationship is more important than exploring some fickle infatuation."
"True," he agreed easily.  "But this isn't just infatuation."
She turned to him in confusion.  "What do you mean."
"Love at first sight isn't real," he said.  Something in his tone suggested this was going to be one of his long-winded existential expositions.  He had surprised her with his focus and depth in the past.  Clearly his philosophical and critical thinking education had not been slighted.  "Like and interest can be piqued.  Even fascination," he said.  "But you can't love someone you don't know.  You can just love the idea of who you think they are."  
He let go of her fingers to slide his hand under hers.  "I liked you the first time I saw you, even though I stayed hidden.  Your kindness drew me to you until I'd seen enough to know that being with you would be infinitely better than being on my own."
Six months had done little to improve her dismay over the way he'd grown up, his isolation, and his time on the streets of Paris.  She rolled just enough to be able to reach over and rest her hand on his shoulder.
"Even when you thought I was just a cat, you showed me more respect than anyone I'd ever met."  His face retreated from her neck so he could meet her eyes.  "You made me feel loved."
"You are loved," she insisted.  "Mama, Papa, Nino, Alya, and I all love you."
He nodded.  "But there are at least three different kinds of love right there.  Mama and Papa love me like they love you, as a son.  Nino and Alya also love me like they love you, as a friend.  And I return all those feelings in kind."  He took a slow breath.  "What I feel for you is very different.  You're not my sister or even a very close friend.  And it's not just the familiar binding that makes me feel like I belong with you, that I've found my home with you."
That was enough to make heat rush into her cheeks.
"I know people would say I'm too young to feel this, and I know I don't have a lot of experience in this, but, I love you."  His face was serious and his eyes flicked around nervously.  "And like you said, I don't need you to react in a specific way.  But I feel like you should know."
She rolled closer toward him, moving her hand from his shoulder to his back as she hugged him. Her face pressed to his chest.  "Have you talked to your counselor about any of this?"
She felt him move his head.  "Yeah.  She thought I should talk to you about it.  See what you were comfortable with."  His fingers gently tugged out her ponytail  so they could run into her hair, caressing her scalp as they went.  "She's doing some research on ancient arcane history, because she's heard stories that suggest what we have isn't new.  That it used to be common for witches and shapeshifters to partner up like this.  It's apparently part of why black cats have some form of magic."
"Oh."  It made a lot of sense, actually.  But that would have been hundreds of years ago, before even witches bought into the irrational fear of shapeshifters.  "Maybe we should see her together next session," she suggested.  "We can both just kind of… process this.  Try to understand what we feel.  And see if she has some suggestions to help us not mess this up."
"Yeah," he agreed.  "But for right now, I just want to hold you."
She nodded, then shifted to nuzzle his neck the way he always did hers.  "That'd be perfect."
"I think you mean, purrrfect," he corrected, giggling a little.
"Yeah."  She rested her ear where she could hear his heart.  That."
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gretamaya · 7 years
Title: And We All Fall Down, Chapter 2
(Chapter 1 here)
Summary: Cassian and Jyn are forced to share hotel rooms as they travel the world on the promotional tour of their movie.
Story based on this moodboard by the lovely @operaticspacetrash
AO3/1895 words
Jyn thought she could put up with Cassian, until she found out the studio would not be paying for separate rooms for the two of them on the press tour.
“This is a terrible idea,” she said to Bodhi over the phone, when he broke the news to her. He would not want to give her such news in person.
“It’s much too late for that thought now.”
“I’m positive I had that thought before I agreed to this,” said Jyn, throwing stuff in her suitcase. Her assistant was going to come along and tell her she hadn’t packed correctly, but Jyn didn’t care.
“You agreed to it anyway.”
“I don’t think I should forgive him yet. You know, Beyonce had her sister beat up Jay-Z in an elevator.”
“You don’t have a sister.”
“I have you.”
“I am not beating up Cassian in an elevator.”
“I’m finding a new agent.”
A few days later, Jyn stood in the lobby of her hotel, waiting for Cassian to appear. She fidgeted with some ribbons on the dress her stylist had picked out for her. Her outfit highlighted her necklace, while her hair was pulled back to reveal the matching earrings Cassian had gotten her. She had made sure to drop a few casual comments here and there about the earrings to various people, and sure enough, the fact that they were a gift from Cassian had ended up in the tabloids. It would be the first time she had seen him since filming had wrapped. Now they were about to travel the world together.
She had thought, after they had parted, well, if he calls me, I’ll know where I stand. He had never called, or messaged, or done anything besides like carefully arranged social media posts and she had told herself to not be surprised or upset. Cassian’s reputation wasn’t from nothing - he was incredibly attractive and definitely knew how to treat someone to get what he wanted, if he was in the right mood.
She straightened and stopped fidgeting when she saw him enter the lobby. He headed straight for her. This had all been prearranged by the studio beforehand. As he approached, Jyn found herself wishing they had pre-arranged something themselves, so this wouldn’t be so uncomfortable. But she had never felt like contacting him was her best option, and he had never contacted her…
In a minute, he was before her, reaching for her, though instead of leaning in to kiss her like planned, he held back, his eyes asking a question. Jyn answered it by lifting her chin, inviting his kiss. He was asking for permission, and she was giving it, but Jyn found herself annoyed that any of this was necessary at all-
And then his mouth was on hers, and all those sensations she had spent the last several months trying to forget came flooding back. She pulled him closer, one of his hands cupping her face, then moving back to run through her carefully arranged hair. She had tried so desperately not to think about this, not to think about him, that she found herself unprepared and overwhelmed when everything came flooding back.
Cassian finally pulled away from her, breathing harder than he had been when he had first approached her. They had made quite a spectacle of themselves, Jyn hoped the paparazzi watching through the windows from across the street had appreciated it. She didn’t particularly want to admit that she had also appreciated it.
“Good?” Cassian asked softly, intently studying her face. Jyn could only nod as she sucked on her lower lip, returning his intense gaze, too aware of where his hands still touched her. She didn’t know how she was going to do this.
They were quickly whisked away for their first appearance, Cassian, throwing kisses and waving to the camera, never straying far from her side. She smiled and presented herself as instructed, leaning into Cassian whenever he had an arm around her. Cassian, at least, made this easy (or hard) on her, often seeming to mold his body against hers for the camera, his arm a solid weight around her waist, holding her close.
Much later that evening, they both retired to their room, exhausted, knowing they not only had to travel tomorrow but also had another appearance scheduled after their arrival. Traveling around the world wasn’t overly glamorous on such a packed schedule. Jyn would visit many places that she never really got to see.
Their room had only a king sized bed, not even a couch - someone at the studio was really messing with them.
“You can have the bed,” Cassian said to her, studying their situation.
“It’s big enough for both of us.”
“You told me if I touched any of your shit you’d deck me.”
Jyn had thought they were passed this. Granted, they had never shared a bed unless they had been in front of a camera, but surely they could handle this. “It’s not my bed.”
He shrugged, already undressing, his back to her. “It is tonight.”
Jyn watched him take his shirt off, annoyed with him for being stubborn for no reason she could see. She shook herself, turning away, slowly getting ready for bed - she didn’t need to stand there staring like a fool. By the time she was done, Cassian had taken a blanket and pillow from the bed and was feigning sleep. Jyn fought the urge to walk over and kick him. She was tired, he wasn’t worth it.
Too flustered and annoyed despite her exhaustion to fall asleep immediately, she laid there blaming Cassian for her current state. She alternated between silently cursing him out and wishing she could go over to him and curl up against him until she eventually fell asleep.
Their next appearance was going the same as the first, when Cassian suddenly tensed at Jyn’s side. Jyn didn’t move away or let him go, she just looked around for what was causing him stress, and soon spotted Orson Krennic approaching. Her dad had known Krennic in college - “He has interesting ideas, Jyn,” was what he said. Jyn hadn’t paid attention. She didn’t know what their relationship was now. She didn’t know if Krennic had been bitter, when, through her father, he had offered to help get her foot in the door in Hollywood. Jyn had refused. She hadn’t been on great terms with her father, and she didn’t want to be indebted to him for any aspect of her career. She wanted to do it on her own.
“It’s good to see you, Cassian,” Krennic said with any easy smile.
“Orson.” Cassian’s smile was tight, not easy or real.
Krennic turned his eyes and smile on her. “Jyn! It’s good to see you. A shame, we didn’t get to do the last movie together. You would’ve been so much better than the terrible actress I was forced to work with.”
The poor actress, you mean, Jyn thought. Why Krennic would think him putting down another woman would please her, Jyn didn’t know. But then she really wasn’t interested in trying to get at what Krennic was thinking. “I had an opportunity I felt I couldn’t say no to,” Jyn told Krennic with her brightest smile. She could at least keep his attention off Cassian, who had not calmed down besides her.
“Orson,” said a cold voice from Cassian’s other side. Draven had appeared out of nowhere. Jyn hadn’t even realized he had arrived. She had never been so happy to see his sour face.
Krennic quickly made his excuses and moved away, leaving the three of them to continue. Jyn appreciated that Draven said nearby for awhile. Cassian, an excellent actor, hid his tension well, but it was still there.
Later that evening, he stood on the balcony of the room they shared, leaning against the railing, looking out over the city. It was a lovely view, but Jyn felt he was a million miles from here.
She went to the minibar and got him a bottle - the studio was paying, after all - poured it in a glass and took it out to him.
When she offered it to him with a gentle nudge, he stared down at the glass, frowning, as though it were an alien substance.
“Alcohol,” Jyn prompted gently, still holding the glass out to him.
He sighed. “I can’t. Leia told me not to drink.”
“I think you could use it, after today.”
“Leia’s scary.”
Jyn smiled ruefully at that, pulling the glass away, moving closer, stepping next to him, looking out over the city.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
A flick of his head, as though displacing a fly buzzing at his ear. “There’s nothing to tell.” Jyn raised an eyebrow - that was a whole lot of reaction for nothing. As though sensing her unspoken question, Cassian, who had gone back to staring out over the city, sighed and said, “I was very young, when I was working with Krennic on my first Hollywood picture. I’d done plenty of films in Mexico, but this was a whole different world, in a language I wasn’t entirely comfortable with. Krennic befriended me, brought me gifts, made time for me after a long day. Draven always came to get me, though, before I was alone with Krennic for too long. Eventually, Krennic stopped interacting with me altogether, and it wasn’t until later that I found out it was because Draven threatened to ruin him.”
“Ruin him? Draven was a new director at the time, threatening someone like Krennic took balls.”
Cassian nodded. “Draven told him he had images of Krennic with young boys.”
“He didn’t go to the police?” Jyn asked, appalled.
Cassian shook his head. “Draven was lying. He didn’t have proof, all he had were rumors. And what he saw Krennic doing with me. If Draven hadn’t heard the rumors, I’m not sure he would’ve been suspicious. I didn’t realize then how vulnerable child actors are. If Draven hadn’t been there, I don’t know what would’ve happened.”
Jyn, who had long since set aside the glass she had originally carried out to him, slipped her arm through his, locking their elbows together. “He was there, though.”
“I know. I just wish… well, there’s no proof, you know? Either there’s someone like Draven around, who protects kids and believes what they say, or there’s not. There’s no inbetween.”
Jyn was silent, gently moving her fingers along his arm. “My father went to school with him.” To Cassian’s questioning glance: “Krennic.”
“I didn’t know that. Did you know him?”
Jyn shook her head. “I knew of him, I might have met him when I was very young, but I have no memories of him. My father said he offered to help me out in Hollywood if I needed it, but I wasn’t really on good terms with my father, so I didn’t take him up on it.”
“That’s good,” said Cassian softly, reaching out to play gently with her fingers on his arm. Jyn watched his profile, as the breeze played with the hair falling over his eyes. Whatever else he might feel for her, Jyn at least knew that he trusted her.
“Please don’t sleep on the floor tonight.”
He turned with a hint of a laugh and smiled at her. “Okay.”
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