#property management legal support
lawofficeofryansshipp · 6 months
Eviction Services In Martin County, Florida - Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC
Martin County Eviction Lawyers Are you a landlord facing tenant issues in Martin County, Florida? Do you require legal assistance with residential or commercial evictions? Look no further than Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC. Our experienced team concentrates our practice in navigating the complexities of landlord-tenant law and ensuring swift and effective resolution of your eviction…
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fundtecservicesllp · 1 year
In the realm of legal practice, the role of paralegals transcends mere assistance. They are the backbone of law firms, providing indispensable support that spans research, drafting, and client management. Fundtec, as a prominent paralegal service provider, recognizes and harnesses the diverse skills of these professionals to elevate legal practice worldwide. As the legal landscape evolves, paralegals remain steadfast in their commitment to efficiency, accuracy, and excellence.
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Basically. I got screwed.
I am very sorry for how relatively quiet this blog has been but I've been dealing with a very unpleasant situation the last few months, and now I need help.
Essentially, I tried to help someone out, and she took advantage of me, and I have no way to recoup my losses.
Earlier this year, I moved into a new house. Before we sold the old house, a Now-Former friend ran into some trouble and was about to become homeless with pets and a small child. Not wanting them to be on the street, we offered to hold off selling the old house so she could stay there for a little while, if she could pay the cost of the mortgage on that house (because I could afford one mortgage but not two) while we helped her find somewhere more permanent.
I was not making money from this- since I was still paying the utilities and property taxes, I was actually losing money, but willing to soak that in order to help her save up and get her on her feet.
Instead, she:
Never Paid a Dime towards covering the mortgage costs like she agreed ($12,000 for the nine months she was there)
Trashed the house ($500 dump fees for the trash alone)
Let her pets piss and shit all over the house ($1,500 bio hazard cleanup, $4000 to replace the carpet and other damaged flooring)
Caused an electrical issue in the garage ($900 to repair)
Broke the washer, dryer and refrigerator ($2500 to replace)
Broke the fence ($1000 to repair)
When I told her I could no longer financially support her and that I needed to sell the old house, she illegally squatted there for a solid three months and I had to hire a lawyer and actually take her to court to get her to leave ($2,500)
The resulting stress has been, as you can imagine, stressful.
So stressful, in fact, that it aggravated a the medical conditions my husband had and made him extremely sick. He had to go to the hospital and take time off work to recover. Now the health insurance is trying to weasel out of paying his short-term disability claim.
So net, this woman has managed to cost me around $25,000 and that's not taking into account the missed paychecks and medical expenses. I do not have $25,000, and until at least $13,000 of that is spent to repair the damage she did, I legally cannot sell the house to even begin to recoup my losses.
Theoretically, I could sue this woman, but she doesn't have any money and it would be me paying even more money I don't have to get... Nothing. So I'm asking for help to cover the costs of getting the old house ready to sell, my husband's medical expenses, and other expenses incurred by this debacle:
If you can help out in any way-share, donate spare change, anything- I'd be extremely grateful.
Thank you.
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Think Different, Love the Same
Requested by @keyera-jackson! I changed a few minor details but I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: David "Deacon" Kay x fem!activist!reader
Summary: When 20-Squad begins dealing with an activist group, Deacon falls for you, the group's leader.
Warnings: fictional activist group and charter school, mostly fluff, brief mention/depiction of making out
Word Count: 3.9k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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“I’m calling the police!” a man yells in your face.
“Okay,” you answer calmly.
“Who is in charge of this- this collective stupidity?” he demands.
“I am. And our group is called Need to Know; we’re advocating for-“
“You’re advocating for a trip to jail. Get away from my store or I will call the police.”
“All due respect, sir, but this sidewalk is public property, and your store is not endangered by our presence. Civil protests and freedom of speech are not illegal.”
“Yet,” your friend and fellow activist group leader, Luke, mumbles.
“Forget it,” the store manager exclaims as he tosses his arms up. “You morons can’t be reasoned with.”
He storms off, and Luke rolls his eyes. Your group has staged more than six protests this month, and you’ve come to expect threats from people who don’t understand what you’re doing.
“Should we move?” Luke asks. “He may actually call the police.”
You shake your head. “We’re not doing anything wrong, and this library has repeatedly refused people with physical disabilities and cut hours. They make it practically impossible for people to learn anything here.”
“I get it, I do. But if he calls the police and they actually come, what then?”
“You tell me, Luke. The kids who can’t go to a library or find teachers and classes who are willing to create specialized lessons and one-on-one assistance… how do they learn to respond civilly to police officers? If the cops show up, consider it a teaching moment.”
Luke shrugs before yelling to the small crowd of Need to Know protestors to explain that the police may come. You want to demonstrate the importance of common knowledge.
Your group Need to Know is making information available to all, regardless of age, disabilities, learning inefficiencies, or when they have time. Los Angeles is just a hub, a symbol of the growing problem: inaccessibility to information and bias against those who need it most.
“He actually did it,” Luke mumbles when a police car stops by the curb.
“Who’s in charge here?” the first officer asks.
“I am,” you answer. You hand your sign to Luke and approach the officers with a smile. “How can I help you, officers? Is there a problem?”
“We’ve received a complaint that you are trespassing.”
“Aren’t sidewalks public property? We aren’t blocking any foot traffic, only using our voices to advocate.”
“I understand that, ma’am, but… Several store owners have called and are worried that you will move onto their property.”
“I can assure you that we understand the legality and will not trespass onto private property. What can we do to fix this issue?”
“Wait,” the other officer interrupts. “Are your cars parked in that private lot? Because that could be an issue.”
Several Need to Know members nod, and the second cop smiles as he calls for backup.
“I made a purchase at one of the stores this morning, and we have been into the library several times,” you explain. “A library at which we are all members. Can you charge us with trespassing while supporting a city library and local businesses?”
“Pipe down, lady.”
“There’s no reason for that, officer,” Luke interjects, not threatening in any way but firmly defending you.
“What was that?” the officer demands as he steps toward Luke.
“I only ask that you show us the respect we’ve shown you.”
“Need to Know,” the officer reads. “You may want to read just how much we do for this city. Everyone needs to know how to respect police officers, and that it’s our right to defend.”
“Your right?” Luke asks incredulously.
You raise a hand toward Luke to ask him to stop. “Precisely, officer. We’re simply trying to make that access available. Citizens do need to know how to respond to police officers, we agree on that.”
“Thank you for your time,” the first officer interrupts. He gestures for his partner to get back in the cruiser. “Just make sure this protest remains civil. Have a good one.”
“You too, officer. Thank you for all you do.”
Luke rolls his eyes as the police officers drive away. You take your sign back, holding it up and getting comfortable for another few hours of answering questions and accepting donations from generous library-goers.
Less than a few hours later, however, someone sets out to send you home early.
“I thought I told you morons to beat it!” someone yells.
You and Luke turn together, immediately recognizing the store manager who called the police. When he raises a sawed-off shotgun, you are forced to push your group back onto the private property behind you. Several of them run for their cars, but you remain in place as the man raises his phone to his ear.
“Yeah, I called earlier about trespassers. They’re back, and if you don’t deal with them this time, I will,” he says into the receiver.
“Sir,” you begin calmly.
“No! You said you wouldn’t disturb my shop, but nobody wants to come in when there’s a bunch of sickos out front with signs! Panhandle somewhere else!”
You can handle people targeting you personally but get defensive and angry when they bring your cause into their attacks. Luke widens his eyes in a silent warning not to start anything; you think finishing the argument sounds like a better idea anyway.
“20-David, we’ve got a trespassing call at a local library,” Hicks calls.
“How do you trespass at a library?” Hondo inquires.
“Apparently there’s a protest going on, and the strip mall on the next lot has some less-than-impressed owners. Manager of a family-owned organic store just called and said he’d deal with them if we don’t.”
“Not exactly a reason for S.W.A.T.”
“No, but the calls from protestors saying that he has a gun and is threatening to kill the people in charge is.”
“Protestors?” Deacon asks. “So, we need riot control and to disarm an outraged citizen?”
“The protest has apparently been civil thus far,” Hicks explains. “But be prepared for everything.”
“Can’t argue with that. Let’s roll!”
“How are we sickos for wanting to teach the next generation?” you demand.
“Yeah, well every group like yours thinks they’re doing good, but you’re just making life harder for tax-paying citizens like me!” he yells, waving the gun.
“Man, just put the gun down and we’ll go,” Luke offers.
You see a large police vehicle approaching and are surprised to read ‘L.A.P.D. S.W.A.T.’ on the side. Several uniformed men carrying riot shields exit the back door after it stops by the curb.
“L.A.P.D.! Put down the weapon!” Harrelson yells.
Patches displaying their last names are attached to their vests, and you try to read them all as you see them.
“Everybody put your hands where I can see them!” Luca requests.
You, Luke, and the remaining group members set your signs down and lift your hands. 
“This is a load of crap,” the manager complains as he sets his gun on the ground.
Harrelson pushes him onto the concrete and cuffs him while Luca and Kay move toward you with the weapons lowered.
“Need to Know,” Luca reads from a discarded sign. “Are you aware that you are on private property? It’s illegal to stage a protest without prior authorization.”
“We were on public property before this guy threatened us with a gun and pushed us back into his parking lot,” you argue.
Kay nods and asks, “Were you asked to leave while being on private property?”
“No. He told us to leave while we were still on the sidewalk, and he called the police, but once he got us back here, he just accused us of panhandling.”
“He’s not pressing charges,” Harrelson alerts. “Mostly because he can’t, but, you know.”
“Alright,” Kay says. You notice that his eyes are on you; yours are on his, too, so it’s not easy to miss. “You’re free to go.”
“Thank you.”
“What now?” you ask Luke. “The petitions for newer, safer libraries is going to legislative this week, we’re starting the first literacy course in a month… We have to keep going, but library protests aren’t cutting it anymore, Luke. We have to actually do something. Human rights issues, political issues, everything that people need to know seems to be blocked by the city. The bureaucracy wants to tell part of the truth and make sure the people who need knowledge most don’t learn.”
“That charter school that, what’s her name, Linda? The one that her kids just got pulled out of?” Luke asks.
“Yeah, Home of Hope or whatever. What about it?”
“She pulled her kids out because they refused to work with her son. He’s dyslexic and has some social issues, and they said he was difficult and simply couldn’t learn.”
“Get there, Luke.”
“Patience, grasshopper. That’s the epitome of what we’re fighting against, and the campus backs up to a public park.”
“You want to stage a protest beside a charter school?” you repeat. “I like that.”
“What are you reading, Deac?” Street asks.
“It’s the website for the activist group Need to Know,” Deacon answers.
“The protest that we got called out to today. What’s so special about them?”
Deacon shrugs. “Curiosity got the best of me, I wanted to see what they were about.”
“Let me guess! Uh, need to know that cops should be defunded, or, no, need to know that women should or shouldn’t have rights.”
“Both wrong.”
“Men shouldn’t have rights?”
“They’re advocating for accessibility of information. The motto is 'Information for All,' and their mission is teaching people, young, old, disabled, everyone, how to find information they need.”
“What kind of information?”
“Human rights and political issues, financial literacy, home buying… what they need to live successful lives.”
Before Deacon can agree, Hondo yells for 20-David to roll. He looks into the situation room and smiles when he sees what Deacon is reading.
“Deac, we gotta go. Your friend over at Need to Know staged another protest, but this one turned violent. Even better, it’s on private property at a charter school,” Hondo says.
“Maybe not so impressive,” Street mumbles as he rushes toward Black Betty.
“Hey!” one of the parents entering the school yells. “Just because you were homeschooled or bullied in private school, doesn’t mean you have to find an issue with every knew school your unpaid taxes help build.”
“Charter schools receive property taxes and state funds from district and state based on enrollment,” Luke explains. “Just like public schools. Those uniforms don’t set your kids apart, and the teachers are still just as lazy and unwilling to ‘deal with’ special needs students.”
“Oh, my bad, I didn’t know I was talking to a charter school expert. Whatever teacher you had a crush on, and she turned you down, just get over it man, there’s better ways to work through your feelings.”
“Luke, don’t,” you whisper.
Luke is just as passionate about your cause as you are, and when he drops his sign, you rush to grab his arm.
“Oh, you want to do this? Let’s go,” the parent says. “But I don’t think you have the knowledge to tell one end from another.”
“Actually, I’m advocating for idiots like you who don’t know what common decency is!” Luke replies.
When the parent runs toward Luke, he rips his arm away from you and throws the first punch.
You can feel your heartbeat in your eye when the S.W.A.T. vehicle rolls up. This time, you don't wait for a command to kneel with your hands up as the team rushes toward the growing, fighting crowd with riot shields raised.
“L.A.P.D. S.W.A.T.! Everybody on the ground now!” Harrelson yells.
“Luke!” you call. 
Luke’s knuckles are busted open, but he’s winning the fight. A fight that never should have started, but maybe it will at least put Need to Know on the map.
“Are you okay?” Kay asks as he approaches you and the small group of still civil protestors around you.
“I’m fine,” you answer shortly. “Pretty tired of seeing cops at what start as peaceful protests, though.”
He lowers his shield and smiles at your feistiness. When Deacon read your bio on the Need to Know website, he could tell you were a fighter and incredibly passionate; he didn't witness what the passion did to your attitude during the last call.
“Let me guess, you tried to break up the fight and one of them accidentally hit you,” he continues.
“Do I need a lawyer?” you ask.
“We’re taking everybody in until we get a handle on what happened here,” Kay answers.
“Then I’d prefer to answer questions after I’ve received my Miranda rights,” you explain. “Officer…”
“Sergeant Kay.”
“If that’s okay with you, Sergeant Kay.”
He licks his lips, as you suspect, to hide his smile before returning to his team to create a plan for getting everyone to the station.
“You signed a Miranda waiver,” Sergeant Kay muses as he enters the interview room. “I didn’t expect that.”
“Lots of unexpected things happen,” you reply. “And most people can’t learn about them, if you can imagine.”
He sighs as he sets a folder on the table. Another officer steps inside, and you recognize him as Luca from the first time you saw them.
“Your written statement matches the story everyone else is telling,” Luca says. “So, either you all stopped fighting to talk and got your story straight before we got there, or you are the unluckiest activist group in the world.”
You lightly tap your bruised cheek and flinch before saying, “I think it is the second one. Two peaceful protests resulting in S.W.A.T. visits feels pretty unlucky.”
“Peaceful protests for what?” Deacon asks.
“Read the website.”
“Told you she was feistier today,” Deacon tells Luca.
“She wasn’t like this the first time,” Luca replies.
“She wasn’t in pain and desperate to see a semblance of change before,” you interject. “Look, if you really want to know what we’re fighting for, I am happy to tell you, but it seems to me that you’re just killing time to do something else. Run background checks on everyone involved, if I had to guess. But unless Luke or the guy who started the fight are pressing charges, you have no reason to hold me as anything other than a witness.”
“I would like to know what is worth all of this,” Luca says, offering a kind smile.
You nod. “I’m sorry for snapping, then. Our mission is basically to make sure that people are informed on basic knowledge. That there’s no bias or endless hoops to jump through just to find an answer or help.”
“How do you plan to do that?” Deacon asks.
Something in Sergeant Kay’s demeanor today makes you think he already knows about your mission… and you. More than that, he seems to agree with or support your cause. Maybe that’s why he smiled earlier.
“Open newer, safer libraries, improve hours for more accessibility, remove enrollment caps from schools, create unique and specialized education for people with disabilities or learning disadvantages. Everyone deserves to learn, especially the people who want to but don’t have the accessibility or opportunity to do so.”
“Then I can see why you’d choose a charter school with nothing to lose by turning people away,” Deacon says.
You lean toward him over the desk and bat your eyelashes as you reply, “I’m glad you see my point. Surely a guy like you can see the good that more education can do.”
Deacon’s eyes widen slightly at your brazen flirtatiousness; he suspects you would be hard to get, even if he wanted to do something. Which he thinks he may.
“Maybe you could tell me more then,” Deacon answers, failing to hide his smile.
“I’ll just, uh, give you two some room then,” Luca interjects.
“Actually, if I’m not being charged, I would like to go home now,” you request. Deacon nods and offers a hand; he helps you stand, and you look into his eyes to add, “Alone.”
Deacon watches you leave, and Luca claps his shoulder.
“Falling for an activist group leader is quite literally the last thing I expected from you,” Luca teases.
“Who says I’m falling?” Deacon replies before leaving and ignoring Luca’s laughter.
You are having the first peaceful protest in weeks, and when someone threatens to call the police, you can’t refrain from sarcastically responding, “Ask for S.W.A.T. - 20-David.”
When Black Betty pulls up a few minutes later, you smile as Deacon exits the passenger side. He looks around before raising his eyebrows toward you.
“And you thought you weren’t making an impact. Sixteen calls in a week seem like progress,” Deacon commends. “Maybe not the publicity you want, but who better to change the narrative than an activist group?”
“Sixteen calls,” you exaggerate. “Maybe you should just follow us around then, Sarge.”
“While I wouldn’t be completely opposed to that,” Deacon replies, clearly reciprocating your flirting. “I’m sure you know just how much L.A.P.D. S.W.A.T. does in a day.”
“You’re saying all of that is more important than me?” you ask with a pout.
Deacon smiles as he steps back toward the vehicle. You wave as they leave, and Luke laughs at you.
“You’re welcome,” he says.
“For what?”
“Getting in that fight. You and Sergeant Kay owe your connection to me.”
Deacon rolls the window down and looks at you when he gets called to one of your next meetings. He knows you haven't broken any laws, and you'll comply, so he doesn't even bother to exit his car.
“Can I help you, officer?”
“Depends,” Deacon replies. “Are you free tonight?”
“CUBO,” you reply.
“CUBO? For what?” he asks with a laugh.
“I’m pretty sure asking someone who you see almost daily to accompany you on a date would be considered conduct unbecoming an officer.”
“You’re not a criminal, though. No criminal record, no CUBO.”
“No dinner.”
“If it’s not because of the CUBO, then why not?”
“It’s not you, it’s me, Sarge. Ask me again after we actually make some progress with making education accessible.”
Deacon smiles and shakes his head before pulling away.
“Why are you making him work so hard?” Luke asks.
“I’m not. He doesn’t actually like me, Luke. Just the idea of someone doing some good; he’s a cop and a good person, so he likes that.”
“You think he’s a good person, yet you won’t get dinner with him,” Luke muses. “That should be illegal.”
“Hey, there’s someone here to see you, Deacon,” Hicks says. “Activist group leader or something. You need anything?”
“No thanks,” Deacon answers as he wonders if it’s you and what you are doing visiting him.
If you are here to see Deacon, he thinks maybe you are finally realizing his feelings are genuine. He likes you, and, as Luca puts it, he’s falling for you, but you seem unconvinced every time he tries to ask you out.
“You asked for me?” Deacon asks as he steps into an interview room.
“I did. I wanted to let you know that Need to Know and the L.A.P.D., after many hours of mediation, have found a solution that benefits us both,” you explain.
“I am taking a step back from Need to Know because it is moving completely online. No more Los Angeles protests from us.”
“You’re backing down?”
“No, we’re just trying a new approach.”
“So, what now?”
“What 'what now,' Sarge? This is the end of me and Need to Know; they have my support but no more black eyes for me.”
“I mean, are you staying in LA?”
“For now, at least. Who knows where I’ll go next, there’s lots of activist groups in the world and surely one of them will need a leader at some point.”
“If you’re so insistent on standing up for the little guy, being a voice for the voiceless, why not become a cop or a special ed teacher? Something a bit more…”
“I was going to say hands-on, yeah.”
“Some people just aren’t cut out for that, I guess. Maybe I’ll see you around, Sarge.”
“Wait,” Deacon calls. “Moving the cause to a bigger platform has to count as progress. You said I could ask you to dinner after you made progress.”
“You don’t want me, Sergeant Kay. I’ll leave the do-gooding up to you.”
Deacon, once again, watches you leave. He knows that ‘maybe I’ll see you around’ means you will never see him again, so he has to accept that you are going your separate ways. He met you, though, and that was good.
“Drinks are on me, who’s coming?” Hondo yells.
“I’m in!” Luca answers.
“Can’t turn down free anything,” Street adds.
“Deac? We need to get your mind off her, so you’re coming too,” Hondo says.
“Fine. But I’m not doing karaoke with Street again,” Deacon agrees.
“Just because I out-sang you,” Street taunts. “Admit defeat and move on, Deac.”
“Trust me, kid, I’m trying.”
Street shrugs at Luca, both aware that Deacon is no longer talking about karaoke.
“Luke, please don’t,” you request as he stands.
“I’ll be right back,” he promises before walking to the hostess stand.
“Deacon Kay!” someone yells across the room.
Your eyes raise immediately, and you accidentally lock eyes with the one man you can’t stop thinking about. Seeing him is a surprise, though not unwelcome. You smile, and he mutters something to Luca before setting his glass down and walking toward you.
“You did say I’d see you around,” Deacon tells you.
“I did. And here you are.”
“You, uh, you want to…”
“Go somewhere a little quieter?” you suggest.
Deacon nods, and you take his hand to lead him outside. You lean against the outside wall and wait for Deacon to speak.
“This is awkward,” Deacon mumbles.
“It could be worse,” you point out.
You smile as you lean toward him. Deacon meets you halfway and grabs your waist as he kisses you. In all the moments you have spent thinking of him, you convinced yourself that he was the best man you’ve ever met, and now you are sure of it. More importantly, you believe his advances were genuine, his feelings as real as yours.
The door beside you opens, and you pull away from Deacon when someone gasps. Luke is staring at you with his mouth open, and Deacon’s team appears behind him with similar surprised expressions.
“Do you really like me?” you whisper.
Deacon gestures for Luke to close the door before looking at you.
“I really do,” he replies.
“Good.” You run your finger over his tie as you admit, “Because I really like you, too.”
“So, you’ve made progress, without sacrificing your feistiness, I may add,” Deacon responds. “Now what?”
“I think we try this. Surely there can be more to our relationship than protests and S.W.A.T. calls.”
“I agree.”
You smile, but Deacon kisses you again before you say anything more. Deacon moves you backward and presses you against the wall with his hand between your head and the bricks. Making out with Deacon in an alley was not how you expected this to go but Sergeant Kay is the best thing that has ever happened to you, perhaps even better than Need to Know making the national news.
“Wait,” you pant. Deacon pulls back enough to look into your eyes, and you ask, “Is Deacon really your first name?”
“Is that relevant to trying this?” Deacon jokes as he slips his hand into yours.
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sparreaux · 7 months
Stop the Eviction!
As most of my followers know, my spouse and I (both disabled and living on a single income) have been fighting to stay in our rental home for months now. This started when our landlord decided to start using a local property management company who decided all back rent needed to be paid or we needed to leave. (Honestly, that part is fair as we owed quite a bit.)
This was, quite unfortunately, a few days after I had had a harrowing accident where I fell very hard and received a concussion, which has only added to our stress as it affected both my health physically and mentally as well as costing my short term memory. (I still cannot remember that night or the next week clearly) I have been struggling with managing my symptoms since.
We have striven to get the company their money at a detriment to our utilities and food bills, but we have been fortunate to receive so much help and support.
For the past several months, it's only gotten worse. The company had a court date we were never notified of (which had us judged as no shows so the company was free to break any repayment contract we had signed), added fees such as a pet deposit we paid when we moved into this house almost six years ago, legal fees for said court date, late fees that were never discussed before, extra fees from who knows where and basically have just been monthly harassing us with ten day eviction notices and even threatened us with the sheriff. Also they're claiming we didn't pay them on a certain month. Every time we thought we were on track, they'd pull something else. They've been rude and quite frankly, I would love to move to a different house if that was at all an option, but it's honestly not.
I had set up a gofundme, but since we've been paying everything we've got to back rent, our phones have been shut off for the time being and I am completely unable to log in to update or anything.
The management's company's ledger for us currently sits at $2,275.00. They are asking for at least $1000 before the end of the month, after we've already paid our monthly rent plus some. We have people that we can talk to on Monday, but unfortunately, nothing else until then.
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I am also very, very behind on commissions. There are several that are almost finished, but my fibromyalgia has been badly flaring, making it extremely difficult to put out the results I want. That being said, if you do not mind waiting a few months, I will happily add you to my art commission list for whatever you'd like to donate to help us.
Tl;dR: Two disabled people with pets are trying not to be evicted. Will draw for donations.
Thank you so much for current and past support. I promise I am trying to get back to everyone who has helped, it is just taking time, more time than I expected. I am sorry and again, thank you.
C*shapp, P*ypal, V*nmo: duessa
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ayaahh00 · 4 months
Men have tried to turn the word "feminist" into an insult because it threatens the patriarchal structures from which they benefit. It hurts them that women are fighting for their rights and seeking liberation from a system designed to keep them subservient. Women were denied basic rights for centuries—unable to open bank accounts, vote, receive education, read, write, or own property. Feminists have tirelessly fought to dismantle these oppressive lies and secure equal opportunities. It was due to feminists efforts, women can now pursue careers in any field, access education at all levels, vote, participate in government, own property, manage their finances, and legal protections against discrimination and violence. Feminism has been the driving force behind these monumental changes, proving that women are capable, intelligent, and invaluable members of society. It’s crucial to continue recognizing and challenging patriarchal lies, supporting each other, and fighting for a world where patriarchy is dismantled.
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doumadono · 9 months
I don’t know if this counts as an emergency request, feel free if to ignore/delete this if it isn’t or if you don’t want to write it
but I’m just so angry right now that I feel like crying.
my mom passed away last march and her best friend is managing her trust. My or my siblings can’t since we’re all underage. She’s been selling and giving away things that belonged to my mom without even consulting us first. She first sold the house she’d been living in for the past 8 yrs (my parents are divorced so we’ve been living with my dad) that we were wanting to buy. She tried selling my mom’s antique Barbie collection that is INCREDIBLY sentimental to us. And she might be trying to sell her freaking wedding dress and ring. (I’m sorry if this is ranting, I’m trying not to)
could I request a Kirishima or Giyuu x reader who would be going through similar things? Just basically a bunch of angry tears
(Again, please ignore this if you do not want to do this.)
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A/N: I'm so angry to hear about the difficult situation you're facing. Losing a loved one is challenging, and dealing with the management of their belongings adds another layer of complexity. It's completely understandable that you're upset and frustrated. In such cases, it might be helpful to seek legal advice. Given your age, you might want to consult with a guardian or someone you trust to explore options for managing your mom's trust more responsibly. Documenting your sentimental attachment to specific items could also be beneficial. If you need a listening ear, don't hesitate to message me. I trust that these small headcanons will manage to elicit the slightest hint of a smile on your face
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Kirishima would be the epitome of emotional support. He might not fully understand the intricacies of your situation, but his empathy shines through.
Kirishima's anger isn't just about the items; it's about protecting your feelings and memories. He firmly believes in standing up for what's right, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. "Your mom's stuff means a lot to you, right? I can't stand the thought of someone messing with that."
He suggests a proactive approach, perhaps talking to the trust manager, explaining your emotions, and trying to find a compromise.
Kirishima would spend time with you, engaging in activities that could help ease your mind – maybe a training session or a casual outing.
Kirishima would certainly surprise you with a small gift – a custom-made keychain representing your mom's hobbies or a necklace with a pendant with her picture inside. "I thought this could be a little reminder of the good times. Whenever you look at it, you'll remember her smile."
The setting sun cast a warm glow over the city as you sat with Kirishima on a quiet rooftop. The distant sound of traffic filled the air, but for now, it was just the two of you. Kirishima, sensing your distress, suggested spending some time away from the chaos.
The gentle breeze rustled Kirishima's spiky hair as he spoke, "I get it, you know? Losing something important... it sucks. When my aunt got laid off, we had to sell a lot of stuff. I remember feeling so powerless. But your situation, it's awful. It's so fucking unfair."
He glanced at you, his red eyes softened with empathy. "But we're not powerless now. We can do whatever it takes. We ca meet her and tell her how much these things mean to you. We can contact the authorities to accuse her of adverse management of property. There must be something we can do. Whatever you decide, I'm with you."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Kirishima handed you a small, carefully wrapped package. "I thought this might help. A little something to keep your spirits up."
Opening it, you found a silver necklece with a pendant with a tiny picture of your mom inside. Kirishima smiled sadly, "Whenever you look at it, please remember the good times. We'll face this head-on, together."
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Giyuu is more reserved, but his empathy is strong. He might not express his anger openly, but his actions speak volumes.
He listens patiently as you vent your frustration, understanding the depth of your emotions.
Giyuu doesn't express his anger openly but conveys deep empathy through his calm demeanor. "I can't fathom your pain, but I'm here for you. We'll find a way together."
Giyuu suggests a more subtle approach, like writing a heartfelt letter to the trust manager, explaining the importance of these items. "Words have power. Sometimes, they can be more impactful than actions."
He may take you to a serene location, like a quiet lake or a peaceful garden, providing a calm environment to discuss your feelings.
Giyuu, with his calm demeanor, took you to a serene lakeside retreat. The peaceful setting was a balm for your troubled soul, and together, you reflected on your mother's memories.
Underneath the canopy of cherry blossoms, you and Giyuu sat in silence, the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hum of the lake providing a soothing backdrop. Giyuu listened attentively as you shared stories about your mother, each memory a delicate thread binding you to her.
"You have a beautiful way of expressing your love for her," Giyuu spoke softly, his gaze reflecting a mixture of understanding and empathy. "Let the water carries your sorrows away. Feel free to let it all out, darling."
As the sun dipped low, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Giyuu suggested writing your thoughts on paper, symbolically letting them float away on the lake. The letter, carefully crafted, held the essence of your emotions, a silent plea for understanding.
"You've been strong through this. Your words will find their way to her heart," Giyuu assured, stroking your nape slowly.
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lgbtpopcult · 1 year
Lithuania and Estonia move towards expanding rights of same-sex couples - Baltic News Network
Lithuanian parliament’s Committee on Justice and Order supported last September the legislative draft on civil unions. However, until now there was not enough votes to approve it.
Once the law has been passed, partners who enter into a civil union will have joint ownership, but will have the option to establish a different property regime in a separate agreement, inherit under the law and not pay inheritance taxes. They will also have the opportunity to act in each other’s name and interests, to represent each other in the field of health care, to receive health-related information and similar rights and obligations.
Estonian Minister of Social Protection Signe Riisalo explained that since 2014, when the parliament passed the Registered Partnerships Law, but no other legislative acts received amendments, there have been many residents who live in a state of legal uncertainty, which needs to end.
“Now is the time to provide all people in Estonia equal rights. Social changes do not happen overnight. But with these legal changes, which are technical and very symbolic, will definitely reduce the number of people with hateful voices,” said the minister.
She added that laws provide foundation and influence public opinions. This is why legalisation of equal rights for marriage for all couples is a step towards creating a sense of safety and equal rights for everyone.
The amendments passed in the first reading in the Estonian parliament provides the right for marriage for two adult persons regardless of gender. Alongside marriage, the possibility to enter into a registered partnership will be maintained, which provides for the right of the partners to participate in decisions affecting the partner and to receive compensation and benefits if necessary. Amendments provides a simplified approach to transition from registered partnership to marriage.
Both marriage and registered partnerships provide rights and obligations for couples that are not shared by persons in informal relationships. The rights and obligations relate mainly to the receipt of benefits, the management of property, housing and inheritance.
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freehawaii · 1 year
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Hawaii News Now - April 5, 2023
Tensions surrounding the planned expansion of a luxury hotel on Maui are rising. The Grand Wailea, a Waldorf Astoria Resort, has been wanting to expand for years. But protectors of ancestral bones, or iwi kupuna, say enough already. “I feel I was really called to do this. Like I was tapped on the shoulder and said, ‘come and help,’” said Clare Apana, head of Malama Kakanilua. Apana, along with Hooponopono o Makena president Ashford Kaleolani DeLima, are committed to protecting iwi kupuna on Maui. DeLima’s ancestors are from South Maui, where the Grand Wailea is located. “You feel this wind? This wind is gentle. That’s because my kupuna knows that I’m here speaking about them and trying to tell the truth,” DeLima said. DeLima, Apana and others say the Grand Wailea was built on sacred burial grounds. They are against the resort’s plan for expansion and renovations. “This is one of the areas where you find concentrations of burials. You don’t find this on any other property. You may find burials … but you don’t find burials in the concentrations that are on this property,” Apana said. The Grand Wailea wants to add 137 guest rooms, enhance its landscaping, pool amenities and restaurant facilities and improve its infrastructure. Maui Planning Department recommended approving the project with conditions in 2019. But last month, a Maui Planning Commission’s appointed hearing officer recommended that the Grand Wailea’s permits be denied until they can make “adjustments in the areas of traditional and customary native Hawaiian practices, traffic and water.” The permits are needed to complete the expansion. The resort says the project scope was reduced by nearly 40% to reflect community feedback and avoid ground disturbance in areas of archaeological or cultural sensitivity. “The hearing officer’s report was a welcome confirmation of Grand Wailea’s enhancement plans and commitment to being a good steward,” said William Meheula, counsel for the resort. “We agree with almost all of the recommendations, including that the project’s archaeological inventory surveys and monitoring plans that were approved by the state met the legal requirements, and have submitted a response largely supporting the report and demonstrating the project has satisfied the necessary conditions to proceed if approved by the Maui Planning Commission.” The hotel says its commitment to giving back is reflected in the more than $5 million donated to nonprofits over the last seven years. The resort’s managing director added that the hotel employs more than 1,200 people, and that the expansion will create hundreds more jobs. Apana and DeLima said all they want is respect. “The right thing to do is malama the iwi,” DeLima said. “Show respect and not only make money....”
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lawofficeofryansshipp · 5 months
Martin County Eviction Attorneys | 561.699.0399
Martin County Eviction Lawyers If you’re a property owner in Martin County, Florida, grappling with tenant problems, consider Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC for reliable legal support. Our seasoned team specializes in both residential and commercial evictions, adept at handling the nuances of landlord-tenant law and delivering prompt, effective solutions. Why Opt For Shipp Law For Eviction…
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aronarchy · 8 months
Anthropologists and philosophers have asked whether agriculture could have been the tipping point in the power balance between men and women. Agriculture needs a lot of physical strength. The dawn of farming was also when humans started to keep property such as cattle. As this theory goes, social elites emerged as some people built up more property than others, driving men to want to make sure their wealth would pass onto their legitimate children. So, they began to restrict women’s sexual freedom.
The problem with this is that women have always done agricultural work. In ancient Greek and Roman literature, for example, there are depictions of women reaping corn and stories of young women working as shepherds. United Nations data shows that, even today, women comprise almost half the world’s agricultural workforce and are nearly half of the world’s small-scale livestock managers in low-income countries. Working-class women and enslaved women across the world have always done heavy manual labour.
More importantly for the story of patriarchy, there was plant and animal domestication for a long time before the historical record shows obvious evidence of oppression based on gender. “The old idea that as soon as you get farming, you get property, and therefore you get control of women as property,” explains Hodder, “is wrong, clearly wrong.” The timelines don’t match up.
The first clear signs of women being treated categorically differently from men appear much later, in the first states in ancient Mesopotamia, the historical region around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Around 5,000 years ago, administrative tablets from the Sumerian city of Uruk in southern Mesopotamia show those in charge taking great pains to draw up detailed lists of population and resources.
“Person power is the key to power in general,” explains political scientist and anthropologist James Scott at Yale University, whose research has focused on early agrarian states. The elites in these early societies needed people to be available to produce a surplus of resources for them, and to be available to defend the state—even to give up their lives, if needed, in times of war. Maintaining population levels put an inevitable pressure on families. Over time, young women were expected to focus on having more and more babies, especially sons who would grow up to fight.
The most important thing for the state was that everybody played their part according to how they had been categorised: male or female. Individual talents, needs, or desires didn’t matter. A young man who didn’t want to go to war might be mocked as a failure; a young woman who didn’t want to have children or wasn’t motherly could be condemned as unnatural.
As documented by the American historian Gerda Lerner, written records from that time show women gradually disappearing from the public world of work and leadership, and being pushed into the domestic shadows to focus on motherhood and domestic labour. This combined with the practice of patrilocal marriage, in which daughters are expected to leave their childhood homes to live with their husbands’ families, marginalised women and made them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse in their own homes. Over time, marriage turned into a rigid legal institution that treated women as property of their husbands, as were children and slaves.
Rather than beginning in the family, then, history points instead to patriarchy beginning with those in power in the first states. Demands from the top filtered down into the family, forcing ruptures in the most basic human relationships, even those between parents and their children. It sowed distrust between those whom people might otherwise turn to for love and support. No longer were people living for themselves and those closest to them. Now, they were living in the interests of the patriarchal state.
This is interesting.
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coochiequeens · 7 months
An 11 year old girl is dead because her family allowed a man with a history of crimes involving minors on their property.
CNN — 
The man suspected in the death of 11-year-old Audrii Cunningham is a family friend who was entrusted with taking her to the school bus on the morning she vanished – and later participated in the massive search for the girl before her body was found in an east Texas river, authorities said.
Audrii’s family thought the suspect, Don Steven McDougal, was just taking the girl down the street when the pair left her home Thursday morning, Polk County officials said. But she never made it onto the school bus or into her classroom, and a bag resembling her bright red Hello Kitty backpack was later found near a local dam.
Prosecutors are preparing an arrest warrant for McDougal, 42, and believe the evidence supports a capital murder charge, Polk County District Attorney Shelly Sitton said Tuesday.
Audrii’s body was found Tuesday in the Trinity River, downstream from the reservoir near where the backpack was found. It was one of several locations McDougal told investigators he had gone around the time of her disappearance, Sheriff Byron Lyons said.
Investigators located Audrii’s remains using cell phone records, video analysis and information from McDougal, Lyons said.
The condition of Audrii’s remains is not being released, the sheriff said, and the Harris County Medical Examiner’s Office will determine her cause of death.
To help uncover the body, Lyons said, water management authorities slowed the flow of water from the Lake Livingston reservoir – one of the largest reservoirs in the state, with 83,000 surface acres – allowing the river level to recede enough to reveal the remains.
“I express my deepest sympathies and condolences to everyone who knew, who cared for and loved Audrii,” the sheriff said. “We will continue to process the evidence that has been gathered to ensure justice for Audrii.”
The suspect is already in custody after being arrested Friday night on an unrelated aggravated assault charge, the sheriff’s office said.
CNN has been unable to determine if McDougal has obtained legal representation and has reached out to his family for comment on the accusations against him.
McDougal, a friend of Audrii’s father, lived in a trailer on the family’s property and sometimes took the girl to catch her school bus in the neighborhood, the sheriff said. He has been the main person of interest in her disappearance as authorities frantically scoured the rural east Texas town of Livingston – about 70 miles northeast of Houston, he said.
McDougal joined the search efforts and was seen knocking on neighborhood doors and asking if anyone had seen Audrii, the sheriff told CNN. But Lyons doesn’t believe his efforts were genuine.
“To me, it simply tells me is that he’s trying to give the appearances that he has no play or he’s not at fault in her disappearance and that (he’s) part of the concerned parties who were trying to locate her,” Lyons said Tuesday.
In the days after Audrii vanished, McDougal claimed in several social media comments that he was not guilty in her disappearance and has “done nothing wrong,” according to activity on a Facebook account appearing to belong to the suspect.
“I’m not guilty,” reads a comment from the account under a post on the Facebook page “True Crime Society” the day after Audrii was reported missing.
“I was there and was questioned. I am not running or hiding,” McDougal wrote before commenting again and saying, “I have done everything I can to help find her. I have done nothing wrong.”
CNN has sought comment from investigators about the Facebook comments.
Suspect has decadeslong criminal history
McDougal has a lengthy criminal history dating back to at least 2003, with convictions for violent crimes and one for enticing a child, according to court records in several Texas counties.
In 2007, he was convicted of enticing a child in Brazoria County, Texas. Court records show he pleaded no contest and was sentenced to two years in prison but was given credit for 527 days.
Online records do not detail the specific allegations in the child enticement case. But the offense is defined by the state as “the intent to interfere with the lawful custody of a child younger than 18 years” when a person “entices, persuades, or takes the child from the custody of the parent or guardian.”
McDougal was also convicted in 2010 and 2019 for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
The victim in the first aggravated assault case said McDougal, his former coworker, attacked him after being thrown out of his house.
“He showed up with some other friends that I had,” Elic Bryan told CNN on Tuesday.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
A riot broke out in a historic Brooklyn synagogue when a group of rebellious Orthodox men tried to stop police and construction crews from filling in a secret tunnel they illegally dug to reach a closed-down women’s bath.
The enraged men, thought to be mostly in their teens and early 20s, were filmed tearing down wood panels and wooden support beams Monday at the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights.
Other footage from the temple on Eastern Parkway showed cops trying to hold back dozens of Hasidic Jewish men as they pushed their way into the 20-foot-wide enclosure underneath the women’s section, toppling over wooden pews in their anger.
Synagogue leader Rabbi Yosef Braun condemned those involved, saying they arrived “ready to destroy and deface the Holy Walls” — calling it “mind-boggling.”
Members of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement have reportedly been digging a tunnel under the Crown Heights synagogue for nearly a year.
It was apparently designed to reach an abandoned women’s mikvah — or ritual bath — around the corner and “expand” the synagogue, according to the Jewish outlet Forward, but it is unclear what motivated the members of the Chabad-Lubavitch community to start digging the passage.
The tunnel was finally discovered last month when neighbors reported suspicious noises coming from underneath their homes, Israel National News reports.
A video posted on CrownHeights.Info’s Instagram in December showed a dark, dirt-walled space in the recesses of the shuttered women’s mikvah nearby.
Following the discovery, the synagogue leadership called in structural engineers to assess the damage, and on Monday cement mixers arrived to fill it in — sparking the riot.
The Hasidic men appeared to use a hammer to break through the synagogue’s brick walls.
A few even managed to make their way into the makeshift tunnel, with video showing at least one man brazenly drinking out of a can inside the tunnel as cops tried to hold off the others who were trying to get inside.
Some of the rioters were also seen jeering at the cops and filming their efforts to get inside the tunnel, according to Forward.
Officers were also seen holding back men outside the 100-year-old synagogue, the headquarters of one of the largest groups of Hasidic Jews in the world.
After several hours, footage showed officers taking the men out of the tunnel in handcuffs.
At least a dozen men were taken into custody, sources told The Post. Ten received criminal misdemeanor charges, another was charged with obstructing governmental administration and one other received a summons for disorderly conduct, sources said.
No injuries were reported in the brawl.
Rabbi Braun urged other members of the Jewish community “to call them out in all possible ways and strong terms.”
Braun was horrified that they defaced the “shul,” or synagogue, saying to that “demolish and destroy a shul — never mind the dangerous aspect, never mind the religious aspect — it’s mind-boggling.
“They need to be put in their place, put in their place in so many meanings of the word,” he said.
The riot came amid ongoing disputes over who legally owns the property.
In a statement following the altercation, Chabad-Lubavitcher Rabbi Motti Seligson noted that the movement has “attempted to gain proper control of the premises through the New York State court system.”
“Unfortunately, despite consistently prevailing in court, the process has dragged on for years.”
Still, he too condemned the actions of the young men who brawled with the police, branding them “extremists” and saying their actions have forced the city to temporarily close the building pending a structural safety review.
“This is, obviously, deeply distressing to the Lubavitch movement and the Jewish community worldwide,” he wrote on X.
“We hope and pray to be able to expeditiously restore the sanctity and decorum of this holy place.”
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, the Chabad-Lubavitch chairman, also issued a statement thanking the NYPD for its assistance.
“The Chabad-Lubavitch community is pained by the vandalism of a group of young agitators who damaged the synagogue below Chabad Headquarters,” he said.
“These odious actions will be investigated and the sanctity of the synagogue will be restored.
“Our thanks to the NYPD for their professionalism and sensitivity,” he continued. “We are grateful for the outpouring of concern, and for our Chabad Lubavitch institutions around the world.”
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storyofmychoices · 3 months
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Veil of Secrets: The Next Chapter
I wish my brain would cooperate so I could write this as a fic, but my writer's block is still being persistent so I'll just share what comes next as bullet points for now!
Callista Rossi
stays in Birchport with Flynn
writes the story of what happened in Birchport
continues as a journalist, writing for the local paper
keeps connections at her old paper in New York and submits high interest pieces to them still
opens a detective / private investigation agency in Birchport (she gets tips from her cousin Lilah Rose and her boss, Mafalda Ginovesi)
kept Agent Kim's contact information, but has yet to take the Bureau up on their offer
Flynn O'Malley
does NOT join the force
takes over as lighthouse keeper after Nikolai leaves
takes over managing the port and helps revitalize the area
helps those working the docks to get the wages and credit they deserve (working with Grant to support the people and causes of the docks)
Birchport Light Investigations
Calli's detective agency
She teased about naming it Mystery Incorporated or the Scooby Doo gang, but Grant reminded her that she might run into some copyright issues. She shrugs and tells him at least she knows a good lawyer!
Flynn helps on cases when he can, especially at night when Calli is running through ideas and theories. He listens and offers his thoughts. He loves seeing how invested she is in the community and that she doesn't see any cause as "too little".
Kate wants to be a detective, but she hasn't quite mastered the art of subtlety yet plus with the baby Calli feels it's not the right time. However, Kate insisted she make the agency's official cupcake flavor: lemon (for light) - blueberry (for the sea) cupcake with vanilla frosting with gold dust and a white chocolate lighthouse
Naomi helps quite a bit when she is off duty and sometimes when she is on duty (🤫 ). She and Calli grow very close through the cases.
Grant doesn't have a lot of time to help, but he offers legal services to Calli for anything she needs to help
Kate O'Malley
opens her bakery
asks Flynn and Calli to be Rachel's godparents
is insanely excited to have Calli as a sister (in law) but teases Calli about that time they made out in college and says they can't do that anymore
turns Sterling Manor into the Birchport Community Retreat, which includes a community garden, a library/reading room, a museum of Birchport wing with the full history of the town on display, a art wing with all the Sterling's pieces on display for the public.
When Miss Harlenay comes back, Kate offers a part of the manor as a bed and breakfast for anyone holding events on the property.
The government seizes a lot of the Sterling's finances, but with what's left over she keeps a modest amount for her daughter and donates the rest to the workers at the docks who's back the town was built on.
Naomi Silverhawk
becomes Chief of Police and cleans up the department
she creates community outreach programs
works closely with Calli at her investigation agency
works closely with DCFS (department children and family services) to make sure the welfare of all children is being monitored and addressed
Grant Emerson
makes Birchport a fair, safe, and enjoyable place to live
helps ensure the true history of Birchport is told + works with Kate to organize the museum piece of the Community Retreat
takes on any cases related to the fall out of the Sterlings and made sure anyone who was mistreated or held back by the Sterlings, got what they deserved
wins the State Senator seat
Flynn teases him that the White House is next but Grant isn't quite ready for that
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peeetlovers · 4 months
What should you do if your dog dies of natural causes?
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Losing a beloved dog is one of the most heartbreaking experiences for any pet owner. As you navigate through this difficult time, choosing to bury your dog at home can provide a sense of closeness and allow for a personal and heartfelt farewell. However, there are several important factors to consider to ensure that the burial is conducted safely, legally, and respectfully. Here are the key points to pay attention to when burying your dog.
1. Check Local Laws and Regulations
Before proceeding with a home burial, it's crucial to verify local laws and regulations. Some municipalities have specific rules regarding pet burials, such as restrictions on home burials, required burial depths, or mandates for certain types of containers. Contact your local health department or municipal office to obtain the necessary information and ensure you comply with local ordinances.
2. Choose an Appropriate Location
Selecting the right location for your dog's final resting place is essential. Choose a peaceful and secluded spot on your property that is unlikely to be disturbed in the future. Avoid areas near water sources, gardens, or places with high foot traffic. Ensure the chosen location is not prone to flooding, which could expose the grave and cause distress.
3. Digging the Grave
The grave should be deep enough to prevent other animals from disturbing the remains. A depth of at least 3 to 4 feet is recommended. The grave should also be wide and long enough to accommodate your dog comfortably. Use a sturdy shovel, and take your time to dig the grave properly, ensuring it is secure and respectful.
4. Consider a Burial Container
Using a burial container such as a biodegradable coffin or a shroud can provide added protection and dignity. Biodegradable options are environmentally friendly and will decompose naturally over time. Make sure the container is appropriately sized for your dog and that it aligns with any local regulations.
5. Handle Your Dog with Care
Gently place your dog in the chosen burial container or directly into the grave. Handle their body with respect and love, allowing yourself time for a final goodbye. This moment can be very emotional, and it's important to approach it with care and tenderness.
6. Mark the Grave
Marking the grave is a personal choice that can help you remember the burial site. Options include a simple wooden marker, a stone, or a personalized plaque. Some pet owners choose to plant a tree or flowers at the site as a living memorial. Ensure that the marker is durable and weather-resistant if you plan to visit the site regularly.
7. Consider the Surrounding Environment
Be mindful of the surrounding environment when choosing the burial site. Avoid areas that may be developed or altered in the future. Ensure that the site is not close to any underground utilities or pipes. This foresight will help prevent future disturbances to your pet's resting place.
8. Prepare Emotionally and Practically
The process of burying your dog can be emotionally taxing. Consider enlisting the help of family members or friends for both emotional support and practical assistance. Taking the time to prepare mentally for this process can help you manage your emotions and ensure that the burial is conducted with the dignity your pet deserves.
9. Think About Future Considerations
Consider how you might want to memorialize your dog in the future. Some pet owners create a small garden around the burial site or add a bench for quiet reflection. Planning for these additions can provide ongoing comfort and a special place to remember your beloved pet.
10. Seek Professional Help if Needed
If you find the process too overwhelming or if local regulations are complex, consider seeking professional help. Pet burial services can handle the logistics and legalities, ensuring that your pet's burial is conducted appropriately. These services often provide options for memorials and can guide you through the entire process with compassion.
Burying your dog at home can be a deeply personal and meaningful way to say goodbye. By paying attention to local laws, choosing an appropriate location, handling the burial with care, and considering future memorials, you can create a respectful and lasting tribute to your beloved pet. This process, though challenging, can provide comfort and a sense of closure during a difficult time. Always remember to seek support and take care of your emotional well-being as you navigate through this profound loss.
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kp777 · 4 months
By Julia Conley
Common Dreams
May 29, 2024
"It's hard to read this comically bad letter as anything other than a challenge to Congress to either assert its constitutional authority or admit fecklessness," said one group.
Despite his family's display of two flags associated with the "Stop the Steal" movement that baselessly claims the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said Wednesday that he will not recuse himself from two cases that pertain to the election and Trump supporters' effort to stop the results from being certified.
The justice wrote to the House of Representatives and the Senate to tell lawmakers that his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, was solely responsible for flying the two flags on the family's properties in Virginia in 2021 and New Jersey last year.
Justice advocates and Democrats in Congress have called on Alito to recuse from a case regarding Trump's claim that he has immunity from federal election interference charges and one in which the court is deliberating whether defendants who participated in the January 6, 2021 attempted insurrection should be charged with obstructing an official proceeding.
The demands for recusal—not the first to target Alito—came in recent weeks after The New York Times reported that an upside down flag had flown at his family home in Virginia just after January 6, and that a flag reading, "Appeal to Heaven" had been displayed last year at his New Jersey beach house, right around the time that one of the cases arrived at the Supreme Court.
Both flags were carried by some rioters on January 6 and have been embraced by the Stop the Steal movement.
The display of the flags, said Alito, "do not meet the conditions for recusal set out" by the court's ethics code, which was introduced last year and does not include an enforcement mechanism.
In his letters, Alito suggested that the push for accountability for the flag displays represents a violation of his wife's rights, noting that "she has the legal right to use the property as she sees fit."
"She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so," wrote Alito, leading one progressive strategist to point out that the justice wrote the majority opinion in the Supreme Court ruling that revoked the constitutional right to obtain abortion care.
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Brett Edkins, managing director of policy and political affairs for Stand Up America, called on the Senate to take "immediate action" to stop Alito's "bald-faced display of judicial misconduct."
"Justice Alito's refusal to recuse himself from cases related to January 6th is unacceptable," said Edkins. "By dismissing concerns about potential bias and conflicts of interest and placing the blame on his wife, he is making a mockery of the fundamental principles of impartiality and fairness upon which the Supreme Court was founded."
Edkins called on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to "schedule a floor vote on a binding code of conduct for justices" and urged Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) to "fulfill his duty as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee by launching a thorough investigation into Justice Alito's actions and corruption on the court."
Durbin sent a letter last week to Chief Justice John Roberts asking him to support the call for Alito's recusal and requesting a meeting with him, but progressives have said the senator should go further to ensure accountability for Alito's actions.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said last week that the Senate Judiciary Committee should subpoena Alito and open a formal investigation into his family's display of the flags.
Sarah Lipton-Lubet, president of Take Back the Court Action Fund, said Wednesday that it was tempting to "make fun of Alito for scribbling off the judicial equivalent of a 'my wife ate my homework' note."
"But the joke will be on all of us if Congress lets this be the last word on his recusal from election-related cases," said Lipton-Lubet. "It's hard to read this comically bad letter as anything other than a challenge to Congress to either assert its constitutional authority or admit fecklessness."
The court is expected to rule on the two Trump-related cases in late June.
Advocates have previously called on Alito to recuse from certain cases after it was revealed that he benefited from luxury travel paid for by a billionaire who had had business before the court.
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