#prophetic direction
igate777 · 11 months
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ailithnight · 2 months
DPxDC Prompt #10
Danny; baby Ancient of Space, Ward of Time, Infinite Prince, Dream Coda; as if he wasn't OP enough, has begun having prophetic dreams.
Sometimes they're about imminent deaths, sometimes it's deep secrets never intended to see the light of day, sometimes it's spoilers to various popular media, and a lot of times just random crap like 'it's gonna start raining at 2:23pm' or 'there will be a friendly cat on the way to school.'
Fortunately for Danny, he doesn't really remember most of his dreams. He just carries on with his life as usual and possibly doesn't even know these dreams are happening. He doesn't have to deal with the normal trauma or anxiety most prophets live with.
Unfortunately for the people around him, he's prone to sleep walking and sleep talking.
It's more than a little unnerving when you wake up in the middle of the night and your newest brother is just there. You didn't hear him come in. Which should be impossible, and yet he did it literally in his sleep. He says "He doesn't have enough eggs for pancakes." Then faceplants into your bed to return to deep slumber.
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tiarnanabhfainni · 11 months
i loved the part of the book where piranesi resolves to take better care of himself while he's rediscovering his own history. he just has so much compassion for himself! the journal upsets him so he takes a week off and does things he enjoys and then he settles into a safe place when he wants to tackle the subject again. and he doesn't believe The Other when he's told about his amnesia! he values his own insights and his own knowledge of the House even when fucking ketterley is actively trying to undermine his sense of self. piranesi's gentle treatment of himself and the person he used to be is genuinely so moving.
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thedeafprophet · 15 days
Holding the calendar council close and ignoring the fact they were originally written in bad faith
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petalsfordany · 1 year
Adult Nat and Lottie immediately had this comfort around each other that we haven’t seen either of them (mainly Nat) have with the other survivors. Before Lottie had her big break from reality (which escalated real fast might I add) it appeared she WAS actually helping Nat. Which leads to what their teen wilderness relationship was like…
Nat has been declared the leader by Lottie. Nat now has a monumental shitstorm in front of her with the loss of their shelter, and we’ve seen her begin to lean into the idea of It as a way to cope with the horrible things they have done out there.
What if in season 3 we see Nat lean on Lottie for emotional support? Misty will be her right hand woman when it comes to the actual grisly tasks that are going to come up, but what if she forms a deep emotional connection with Lottie as a way to keep her sane, to keep her strong, to keep her able to lead. Lottie helps her then just like she was helping her in the present day.
What if us lottienat truthers aren’t completely delusional and there was something MORE between them in the past? What if it wasn’t all just Simone and Juliette being like “let’s kill the gays” before the director yelled action? What if they survived for each other? Thanks to each other?
Once they’re back to civilisation Lottie is ripped away back home, she stops speaking, she ends up in Switzerland. Nat ends up alone, without her support, so she turns to drugs and alcohol, she turns back to her relationship with Travis now so toxic with the ghost of Javi.
Just… what if we aren’t delusional?
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not-so-superheroine · 6 months
April 6th is coming up soon :)
i have been asked to film a short video of my testimony of the book of mormon.
i want to know how it has impacted your life. the scripture within. what parts speak to you. why you consider it to be sacred scripture.
i don't know what i will do yet but i think i may speak on how it convinced me of continuing revelation, contains messages of liberation and is anti-wealth inequality, it gives solid spiritual advice in growing your faith in God (and has grown my faith and my relationship with my Creator), a focus on the Living Christ, and is spiritually empowering.
i'm going on too long because i started planning. but does anyone else want to join in and post theirs (not necessarily as a video but a text post. but use any medium you'd like.) on April 6th?
not sure of a good tag, but lmk if you have a better one than
lmk and i'll update.
and yes, nuanced views are totally okay. mine certainly is. i'd love to see them.
if you want it up anonymously, you can anon DM me on anon. i will, of course, screen those.
i also ask that we keep it to the Book of Mormon and the Restoration as a whole rather than a specific church to be inclusive of those in other mormon sects.
and be careful to not insult other non mormon religions.
i haven't seen any religious insults on #tumblrstake , i think y'all are respectful and chill. i just like to cover my bases bc i have seen it elsewhere. but the vibes are much different on tumblr than on reddit. thank you all.
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percabeth4life · 11 months
And yes I do think that publicly shaming people for having fun on their fanfics and including, in a fandom where the author of the actual series is nowhere near accurate, "inaccuracy", is not only idiotic but incredibly rude.
Fanfics are for fun, people write them to enjoy their writing, they twist facts and pick myths to fit what fits their world. Let them have fun.
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calamitys-child · 2 years
Flint is Highwayman by the Highwaymen and Madi is Highwomen by the Highwomen but unfortunately Silver is The Pilgrim by Kris Kristofferson
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reallove-truelove · 7 months
Dream- Boat Analogue
"Last night I had this dream, in my dream Jesus was explaining to me this boat analogue.
God woke me up out of my sleep to give this prophetic word.
When a boat is without its captain and steering off course, someone has to come and take control of the ship.
Now taking control of an out-of-control ship is not pretty from the inside view.
This person not only has the weight of the ship when turning the wheel but the massive ropes to pull to keep the sails up and everything running smoothly.
In this analogue, this was being done by one man.
In life we can get in a bad situation, where we let people lead us off course or we get us distracted, and our ship goes off course.
We may even lose sight of the horizon but when we start walking back in the direction of the course Jesus Christ has given us and instructed us with, the weight of our mistake may feel heavy and hard, the storm around us may feel too big, it can even leave us feeling burdened and weary. But when all of this is going on; this is when we need Jesus Christ the most, because when we rely on Jesus Christ, his strength, and not our own, no matter how far we have staid or gone off course,
Jesus Christ comes in like that man and he takes control of our,
out of control ship.
The weight and the mess we have made may take him a while to sort out and it isn't always pretty the process of getting back on track but when it is back on track to were God needs it to be, what a beautiful sight a ship that is sailing with ease and softness in the water.
While the storms are raging, and God is holding the ship together and stable it may not look pretty to an outsider's view or even stable to the person who is watching cynically but God is looking after his ship.
Even sometimes when the ship looks perfectly held together; you don't always see the hard process of what Jesus Christ is doing.
And it may seem like the ship is not being tended to, but God is always working, and he never sleeps.
No matter what it looks like Jesus Christ is good and when we give him our lives and surrender our ship to him, he helps us in ways we couldn't, he leads us, heals us and guilds us even fixing our mistakes.
Jesus Christ is the best captain! Jesus Christ is our Saviour! No matter the storm; God has it. All we need to do is listen to Jesus Christ and find rest in him."
Faith Ferguson
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kissingwookiees · 3 months
‘so did we all headcanon our inquisitors to not believe in andraste’ no sometimes i have more fun actually playing the part… especially bc when you find out it wasn’t even andraste that saved you at all it’s even juicier than if you played a skeptic from the jump.
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reitziluz · 11 months
went to a munch yesterday and ended up talking about fear & hunger to a friend (who Cannot do horror but enjoys hearing about horror stuff second hand).
their reaction was delight over how hard i got sniped. i am Target Audience. also immediately drew a connection to my forever writing project with its fucked up very bad ascensions to godhood. i have been Seen.
conclusion and consensus is that i need to remove my limiters and go batshit on the forever project. opening the damn and letting the guro in babyyyyyy
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pasta5284 · 1 year
on beautiful days like these i am reminded of the time we were all hanging out at the park during pride last year and my ex said "i could never be friends with people whose idea of a good time is sitting at the park for a few hours"
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thedeafprophet · 10 months
Saw a post on twitter knocking digital art as "stunting your art growth" and I'm quite irriated lmao. Being able to use line tools and layers and rulers are actually a whole other seperate skill, actually. Being able to use those tools properly, to use art programs properly, is a whole seperate skill set to traditional drawing.
That's like saying "you're stunting your artistic growth if you're using charcols instead of painting" mate those are two seperate skills
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
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kdmiller55 · 6 months
Not What He Was Looking For
1 There was a man of Benjamin whose name was Kish, the son of Abiel, son of Zeror, son of Becorath, son of Aphiah, a Benjaminite, a man of wealth. 2 And he had a son whose name was Saul, a handsome young man. There was not a man among the people of Israel more handsome than he. From his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the people. 3 Now the donkeys of Kish, Saul’s father, were lost. So…
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cloudbattrolls · 6 months
I hope you're ready for a complete tonal shift to Mx Cloud's Wild Ride after the end of Legal Adventures, because Maledict is all about Ullane going fucking nuts as Epsilo suffers.
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