#proportional merfolk
trudemaethien · 1 year
Ocean Torrents
Merverse Part 1 | Part 2
rated M, gore, trauma, death, war, betrayal, language barrier. Echo/Fives(/Rex if you squint)
Fives is a pretty experienced dude, as these things go. He’s a sergeant and a raider and he is good enough to be on the team of The Marine, MSgt Ward. He loves what he does and he is skilled at it.
He’s never seen anything like this.
He’s in the weird zone now where his body is doing all the things it needs to do to survive, but his mind is feeding him a constant stream of bullshit like how the sea really does look like wine, Odysseus had it right. He was a warrior aboard a ship too, and damn.
The blood in the water is going to be attracting sharks. He scans frantically, trying to locate his troopers, Jester, or Hound and Grizzer. Slick’s boys are supposed to be holding the other side, but he can’t tell in this clusterfuck.
Too far away to easily get to, he thinks he sees Top’s distinctive dark beard …and the way the grunt with him moves, that’s Jester located. Bacara’s got him, he’ll be alright. Fives is probably going to get his ass chewed by his master sergeant for misplacing his shiny, but his kid isn’t alone and he has better than even odds of making it with that kind of buddy. That’s more important than Fives’ pride.
Lt Tano and Gunny Faie are still in play, he sees by the pop of smoke to his starboard, but they aren’t his concern. Where are the rest of his boys?
He puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles sharp and loud, then moves. It’ll get SGT G’s attention at least, and when his ears perk up, Hound will notice. He can’t stay where he whistled from though, too much of an enemy target there.
He’s not even sure who the enemy is, at this point. Everything is insane, storm thrashing, water roiling, thunder and lighting, shouts and screaming. There’s some kind of whirlpool happening, and his mind goes Greek Classics again—Charybdis. Now all they need is a six-headed monster to eat squads at a time and a bunch of sirens trying to drown them.
There’s a surprising amount of solid surface for a sea battle, though very little of it is level. Ships have toppled and collided, wreckage and flotsam making a half-submerged shifting maze.
He hears the scramble, splatter, wet patter, and jingle of Sergeant G coming out of the water. He acknowledges her and looks up for Corporal Hound, who should be right behind him. Empty space.
Grizzer runs up to him and noses his knees, turns twice for ‘follow me’, and runs back to the edge of the deck, leaning down. Fives goes to see, maybe Hound is still climbing. Maybe he sent Sergeant G to Search.
It is not Hound.
Well. It is. It’s just …not anymore. His body bobs in the water nearby, dead beyond a doubt. Ravaged, nearly in half. Grizzer is whining and pawing at the deck edge. She must have rescue-dragged the body of her handler the whole way here. Fives’ heart goes out to their K9. “Good girl, Grizzer; good job, girl,” he says with tears threatening in his throat, ruffling the dog’s ears.
Taking his blade between his teeth, he goes down the side of the platform and into the water with no splash. It’ll be gory, but he cannot leave a fallen brother behind. He secures Corporal Hound’s remains above deck as far above the waterline as he can, marking the location and hoping this wreckage doesn’t shift and sink before they can retrieve him.
“Leave it,” he commands the mastiff, knowing it’s not fair but necessary and might save Grizzer’s life.
“Sergeant Torres!!” That’s Lt Garcia’s voice! He’s never heard such a beautiful sound in his life, not even when they’d been sobbing out his name —and not his last name— just the other day. They haven’t defined anything yet, only been tipsy and giggling together, sharing a bunk a couple times, haven’t even gone on a date. Fives looks around to locate them and his brain chooses that moment to remind him of sirens’ mimicry again. Cautiously, he goes on the move.
“Grizzer, Heel,” he commands in a hoarse whisper, and Grizzer’s ears go alert. She comes in close, and then Fives sends her around the corner, “Grizzer, Search.” She really is a good marine. Fives hefts his long knife in a reverse grip, not even trying to mess with his sidearm in this kind of wet.
Grizzer barks once sharply for contact and then makes no more noise. “Grizzer, good girl. Did you find Fives? God, I hope so,” Echo says, sounding exhausted. He doesn’t indicate duress, even though he’s apparently forgotten all of the approved commands. Good enough, even though neither marine has given the all-clear.
He comes round the corner and stops dead. The corridor tilts downward and is half-submerged. It is Echo there, crumpled against a bulkhead, wan and somehow diminished, but at least it’s not their midsection missing. They’re wet and bloody and have an emergency blanket wrapped around them. Their legs must be tucked underneath, but they’re too low to be kneeling.
Behind them, half-immersed with elbows out of the water, is a stranger. A very, very large, sharp-toothed, shark-finned stranger.
Sing to me, oh muse, thinks Fives a little hysterically. Monsters of the deep are real.
read on AO3 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/35458459
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xitsensunmoon · 1 year
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He likes to eat glowy things
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royalreef · 2 years
(( May I offer you: my bastard animal.
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
A merfolk who shrinks the longer they stay out of water and grows the longer they stay in. They normally stay at about human size but if they're out of water for more than a few days they shrink to about 2cm. Conversely, if they stay underwater for longer than a couple days they end up reaching whale-like proportions.
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markrosewater · 3 months
I really love animals and how many different species there are. When you started talking about Bloomburrow's mechanics not being directly typal, I was hoping that there'd be a lot of one-off animals. But almost all of the cards revealed so far are one of the main 10 animals, with the main exceptions being the calamity beasts.
Was there ever a point in development where the focus was more on showcasing a lot of different animal species rather than selecting a smaller number that act as draft archetype groups?
I talked about this in my first Bloomburrow preview column. Here's a snippet:
"Once it was on the schedule, I did a little advance work on the genre to familiarize myself with it. I realized that there were two ways it's traditionally done.
Take #1 – Animals represent groups of people. These people are mice, those people are badgers, and these people are otters. Each animal type has qualities that are consistent among that group, usually things that feel resonant with the real-world animal. In this version, the setting is usually a biome, and all the animals in it are ones who would live in that biome. The animals are roughly proportional to what they would be in the real world.
Take #2 – Animals represent individual people. This person's jumpy, so she's a frog. That person's sneaky, so he's a fox. This other person rushes into things, so they're a rhino. Each animal is used to represent personality qualities. In this version, the setting is usually something more human in structure, often a city, and the variety of animals is much larger. The animal selection here is not limited by biome, so you can have animals living together that normally would never see each other in the real world. The animals are loosely related in size (a racoon is smaller than an elephant), but the scope of scale is compressed.
Take number one is easier for worldbuilding. There are less unique types of animals, and they're organized by creature type. Because animals are used to express groups of people, they tend to act more similarly to traditional species creature types, like Elves, Goblins, or Merfolk. This pushes us more toward a factioned typal theme.
Take number two is easier for design because the designers have access to a lot more animals and can make more individually cool designs. The twelfth Mouse card, for instance, is a lot harder to make different than the first Giraffe. This approach pushes us more toward mechanics that tie into a larger animal theme. It's more likely we'd create an environment that was about a lot of different animals working together, putting the focus more on individual top-down card design.
Aaron was more interested in doing take number one, while I was more interested in doing take number two. So, we did a bunch of market research. It came back exactly even. Half the people we polled preferred take one, and half preferred take two. In a tie, Aaron's original vision won out, so we did take one. (Also, I believe more people internally wanted to do take one.) I do want to stress that both takes would have allowed us to make a cool set. They just head down different paths and would have ended up in very different places, mechanically and creatively."
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 6 months
YO YO YO, I HAVE A QUESTION!! What if darling uhhh at specific days could turn into a sort of a big "mermaid" i mean, darling is a mermaid but like they turn into a more bigger and terrifing one and become aggresive? and hotter (sorry for my spelling mistakes, oh and also do ur oc request are open? or still closed) OR OR UHHH, a sort of perl make them turn into this?- What would be the reaction of Orion and Viper?
Yandere! Male! Deep sea creature x mermaid! Fem! Reader x Human! Male! Hunter
What if: Darling turns into a bigger version?
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VIper hummed in his own time, watching you pace back and forth in your trenches. It was amusing, glancing at you bite your nail as your eyes shuffle between dark and it's original color.
You were looking so nervous and in pain that it somehow concerned Viper.
But he knows what's happening, and he knows he can't interfere.
So he only watches as your clueless form writhe in pain.
Orion, on the other hand, who was hanging out around you with his scuba gear, was concerned. He never saw you like this. It was almost scary, but you reassured him that you weren't in pain.
He doesn't know what's up with merfolk physiology, so all he can do is wait.
Meanwhile, you were gasping for air.
You don't know what's happening inside of you. You just know that you want to keel over and vomit, but nothing is coming out of your mouth.
You want to gag, but also at the same time, consume so much that you'll burst at the seams.
Viper watches as Orion tried to comfort you. He chuckles to himself.
Then, with one gargle from your throat, seafoam started spewing from the pores of your body.
Terrified yet mesmerized, he watches you getting consumed by the seafoam.
The seafoam grows, and grows, and grows...
Flash, and it revealed you in a bigger form.
Tall, long... With your tail shimmering in the dark. Your skin a bit ghostly in translucency. Your hair was longer, flowing like water behind you. And your eyes looked like the night sky, sparkling with stars.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VIPER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Orion was scared, you were so big that he felt so dwarfed against you. So, his body unconsciously swam upwards and away.
Viper smirked underneath his breath. Now that pesky human is gone, he can start lecturing you on what happened to your body.
A flash, and blink.
His antenna started signaling for your attention.
Curious, and honestly scared, you followed the light. Hoping that the only other giant merfolk you know would teach you about this transformation.
It took way less time for you to get to his lair due to your new proportions, and there you can feel that his home was more intimate than the cold void before.
Your eyes, now adjusted to the dark, saw his visage much better.
"Upper dweller. You look ravishing." He whispered, swimming around you again. It felt so weird, seeing that Viper's body is just a few inches taller than you now. "You were so small before, just 3/4's of my length. Now, I can even..."
You gasped, feeling his body press against your back. This time, it didn't feel like he can consume your whole being.
He grabbed your fingers, kissing them gently.
"Do this. How delightful is that?" You shivered from his touch. "Do you want to know what happened to your body?"
"Yes." You quickly answered, wanting to know what's happening.
"Well, just like werewolves..." He said, twirling you around with his tail never separating from yours. "Normal mermaids will have their days in which they will transform into their... Deep sea counterparts. Especially those who are innately relatives to us Deep sea merfolks."
Your eyes momentarily twinkled from this information. "Is that so..."
"Yes, and now, you can transform depending on whenever you want. Isn't that swell?" Viper gave a rare smile. "The question is, will you stay like this, to match me?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ORION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Viper is a little bit disappointed. He wanted to see you panic and cry, not knowing what to do with your new form. He wanted to see you crush Orion from the newfound strength but nothing of that sort. Bored, he retreated back to his lair.
Orion swam to your face closely.
You looked amazing in his eyes. Beautiful, ethereal, something unreachable for his grubby mortal hands.
But he wants to, so he did.
You were only taller due to your tail back in your normal form. But now, you were immensely taller than him. Two Orions stacked together even.
"You look... Mesmerizing to look at, love." He whispered, his eyes softening a little bit as he caressed your cold cheeks. His scuba gear, unlike the normal one, had the helmet type in which he doesn't need to have the oxygen tube shoved in his mouth. Yet he wishes you can hear him through the thick resin glass. "Look at you. Like the goddess of the sea."
You flushed red at his compliment and chuckled. With a lift, you placed your hand under him, making him sit on your palm.
"Thank you Orion." You whispered, giggling at the change of perspective. He looked like a toy, sitting on your palm like that. It was a fit since you were only taller than him by half, but it worked out.
Orion felt safe in your hold.
And as he decided to not ask about this condition, he closes his eyes and wishes that you were actually back in his sanctuary, your beauty only for him to behold.
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mochinomnoms · 7 months
How tall is shrimp yuu because I read somewhere that the twins are double their height in their mer form (I'm not sure if it was a fic or not) so they would be about 12 ft or are they different heights in your head cannons? If so how tall are they and how tall is yuu I'm not sure if you have answer this question or something similar
I found the source! I can't say with 100% certainty it's correct since I can't read Japanese, but according to this post their merforms are very long, about twice the size of their human bodies.
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Since they're just at 6ft or over, then it's safe to assume that they would be about 12ft long! Part of this is probably attributed to moray eels (I believe they're loosely based on giant moray eels) being 9ft at least on average. A merman verison would obviously be bigger than their animal counterpart, so it matches!
For Shrimp Yuu? Shrimps are tiny tiny, and I don't think they'd shrink becoming a merperson. I think that they're probably the same size as their human form, legs just now replaced with a tail. I think max they'd be 6ft long, their upper body makes up about 1/3 of their body and the rest is tail to be proportionate. I think this is standard for most merfolk, or else a lot of their proportions are kinda fucked up.
It doesn't matter though, cause they're still tiny as shit compared to the twins.
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rexshadaoart · 5 months
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Haven't done fan art of The Thirteenth Year in a long while. Granted, I thought I did everything I could with the concept, but looking back at my old artworks (plus surfing for any new The Thirteenth Year posts on Tumblr), I feel I can do better. Body proportions needed work, and I need to veer away from realistic style (which I found to not really work in hindsight due to uncanny valley) to a more cartoonish style that still keeps true to the movie.
The Thirteenth Year's merfolk design is unique enough to be easily identified anywhere online. From the silverly tail to the webbed arms and scaly palms, it was one of the first times I saw a mermaid/merman design that was truly like a sea creature and not just a lego combination of a human's top half and a fishy bottom half.
Of course, it was not the easiest design to translate as a drawing. Cody's tail in the finale, upon closer inspection, was clearly two legs in a tail wetsuit. You can see where Cody's knees and heels are, which ruins the illusion of Cody actually becoming a merman. I prefer a more fish-like tail streamlining like H2O: Just Add Water, but I wanted to stay true to the original design as I streamline it. You can see where the knees bent, but the heels are gone. As for the face, I went with simple eye dots. There's something Disney-esque about those eye dots that make it work for me. Maybe it's because everything else leans towards realism due to capturing the likeness of the actor, but I don't know for sure.
The pose was a mermaid pose I selected from @adorkastock's reference pic collection. There's actually a reason for this pose, which I will post later this month because it's Mermay 2024.
Oh, and just because @andy-the-8th's Creatures That Defy Logic series is the only major The Thirteenth Year fan fiction/fan work out there right now (after the other fanfics have either been abandoned or finished with no hints of a follow up), I might as well give my thoughts on that series.
It's an impressive feat to build an entire society and world of the movie based on other DCOMs, small prop lists, calendars, and certain events that are different from the real world. But I find it to be very slow-paced for me and I struggle to keep up with all the details at times, especially when it focuses on the land stories. I heard that the fan fiction series exceeded the length of Tolkien's entire The Lord Of the Rings work which, while impressive, is quite daunting since I also find Tolkien's work to very slow-placed and hard for me to keep interest.
That's not to say it's bad. It's actually well-written from what I can read. It's just I'm more at heart with the world of fantasy and the world of the mermaids stimulates my imagination.
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twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
Hey there can I please request the lions mane jellyfish the biggest jellyfish there is there only enemy is the turtles. For the octavinelle trio and liona please .
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Thank you for the amazing visuals of these beautiful creatures! I’m also going to use some of my octonauts knowledge for these fellas too!
This jelly is fairly chill and very protective of those they deem under their care.
Your mer form was very long. Despite the length, your torso and bell were fairly average. It was your long tentacles and "mane" that made you so impressive. Your translucent body only accentuated the beautiful ribbonlike mane that was under your bell for a few feet. Usually, you can find a few small fish friends of your darting through the ribbons, giving a gentle tickling sensation to you. You protected these fish happily. They would usually bring you trinkets and some snacks in return for the protection too. From the top of your head to the bottom of your long tentacles, you were about 30ft long. 23 of those feet being your mane and stingers.
Your human form has weirdly long arms and legs. you stand at 7 feet tall and have an arm reach of 8 feet. You have a fairly light skin tone and a beautiful "mane" of reddish-orange hair that seems to float around you. Your touch gives off a strong, almost painful "static-like" feeling. so usually, you wear gloves. You kinda drift through life happily enjoying some people's company and avoiding the more troublesome students when you can. Once you and some of the first years connected, you were always nearby and able to give a good stinging slap to any who would try to fight them. Even if those first years wanted a fight, You lightly zap them as a warning to try and avoid trouble. kinda the "parent" friend of the group of troublemakers.
Azul: Finds you interesting. Like other merfolk on land, you seem to struggle a bit due to your height and abnormally long limbs. Care to make a deal to make those inconveniences go away? No? oh well. He somewhat envies how luxurious your hair is despite you saying you use nothing to tend to it other than a shower and a brush. Tries to get you to work at the lounge many times as a server since your long arms would be perfect for multiple trays and quickly cleaning tables. Somewhat envies how you become so protective of your friends and are willing to defend them at the drop of a hat. You became a bit of an issue during book three since you would usually just grab azuls shoulder and ask nicely for him to release your friends as you zap him through his clothing. after that whole incident, you were still fairly chill with him.
When he first saw your mer form he was rather impressed at your great size yet gentleness when it came to smaller fish that like to swim between your tentacles and through your mane. understood when you curled away from him to avoid hurting him, he appreciated it. You both bonded over some bullying issues of the past due to your many arms and "monstrous" looks compared to other mers. He asked a lot about your mane and what it was, if you could feel through it like with your tentacles, etc.
Overall he envies you a bit and tried many times to get you to work for him. He appreciates your rather calming presence compared to the twin's chaotic and dubious presence. Also, he gets a bit flattered when you start to protect him by hovering nearby and defending him.
Jade: Knew what you were pretty quickly. Just from observing and hearing rumors of your "static" touch and somewhat squishy and crazy flexible limbs. Also, your height is very unbalanced, to say the least. He's met other mers similar to you since he did go to the human training camp with Floyd and Azul. understands some of the struggles of being on land and will offer tips here and there, but many are misleading. Chuckles to himself when you hit your head or knock something over due to your odd proportions. Happily offers assistance in exchange for a favor or two. Usually uses these favors to test your stinging capabilities. Not as strong as other Jellyfish mers but still quite strong in your human form. tests your sweat and skin oils to see if they contain your stinging venom. Also loves to subtly threaten you and your friends, you always step in front of your friends to protect them. how cute~
The first time he saw your mer form he was impressed at the length of your arms and mane. when he joined you in the water he chuckled at how you tried your best to keep your stingers away from him. He assures you that the slime covering his body will protect him. Watches as you find some fish and allow them to swim safely through your mane. your translucent form and your carefree attitude were fun to mess with subtle threats. if he made any remarks toward the fish around you you would glare at him and purposefully move a tentacle his way.
Overall, he finds you interesting and fun to mess with here and there due to how protective you get over your friends. Uses your clumsiness to have you do favors for him.
Floyd: Why are you so tall?! You're so squishy! yet you stung him when he tried to squeeze you! it's like when his clothes shock him! when you did zap him he just laughed. Also noticed your very pretty hair and said it looked soft enough to bite into. Too bad he couldn't reach it... He called you lions mane jelly. Or lion jelly for short. knew you were a mer cause you were flexible like he and jade were! Laughs when you defend your friends from his scary gase and threats. disappointed when you don't squirm like the others do when he squeezes them. laughs and relates to you when you hit your head or knock something over. Will climb you sometimes when he's bored. He loves to play with your hair.
The first time he saw you in your mer form, he got so excited that he was right about you! happily swam between your tentacles and mane despite your trying to stay away from him to avoid stinging him. He just explains it takes a lot to get through his slime. Loves to chase after the little fishies that swim through your mane. Has gotten tangled with your long tentacles before. needed Jade's help to get you both unstuck. sometimes he tries to hide in your long mane, but he's just a bit too long for it. He cant really play or mess with you much other than with your tentacles, you're too slow to chase or push around.
Overall he likes your hair and how chill you are, which helps him be calm and happy too. likes to climb you and swim through your long limbs. Also finds your static-like stinging funny.
With A special guest!
Leona: Tch. He couldn't care less about you and your stupid friends. As long as you don't bother him he won't bother you. You both got along swimmingly though! (heh) Your chill personality and want to defend those around you helps with his naps, you keep others quiet around you to not disturb the lion-man and you're happy to just be around someone cool like him. He also laughs when you zap people around you with just your touch. Gives you a few tips here and there for classes you're struggling with if you study near him. calls you seafood. Eventually warms up to you and comments on your "mane" one day when you're trying to brush through it. corrects you and gives advice on proper mane care.
When he tolerates your presence you are basically friends now. Does order you around a bit but also gives you tips to bring out your potential. He can see how fierce and active you can get when it comes to your friends, and he appreciates that spark. Also defends you if others try to talk behind your back about your zapping ability. Other than that he still doesn't really care or give you any other special treatments. Might wave to you if you cross paths. Likes to nap near you due to how you keep things rather peaceful, also your chill vibe lulls him right to sleep.
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verefex · 5 months
So just wondering. If Sky regular is around 130ft tall, how long would Sky fish be?
Ooh, I love measuring giant merfolk.
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Using the previous sketch, I draw over it to rough out the proportions in a neutral pose.
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now we line up the side view titans, Sky fish is about 2 Skys and 1 Sky head long, nice.
130ft x2 = 260ft, + head height of about 16ft= 276ft long
I find the height of Sky titan initially with height measurement tools, with a neutral pose of the character in the exact dimensions of the image (so no image padding to inflate the height of the image).
Technically I could do that with Sky fish as well but somehow doing it this way was the lazier way today.
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What do various urban fantasy races do for vacation (destinations, activities, etc)?
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Let's get one thing straight. This ^^ is the wizard fit for the summer. Get your sandals and Bermuda shorts!
☀️The Return of Orc BBQ’s. YES. Summer is the time to break out the grill and meats of all kinds because it’s a bbq of legendary proportions. Imagine a whole outdoor block party and two Orcs are competing not in hand and hand combat but, for who has the best dry rub or best sauce recipe. 
☀️I already talked about this in my other blog @the-wizard-writes but, for an interesting vacation spot, imagine touring magical places like a regular tourist. Wanna travel to the fae wilds safely? Take a guide that will show the strange and wonderful creatures that inhabit the environment! But, also be mindful of the fae rules unless you want to be trapped in the fae realm forever. But, in a post that I made a while back I sort of pondered on the concept of touring the nine circles of Hell, each realm having their own climate and environment such as the Gluttony circle being traditionally known as having rain and ice….Who’s to say that some very over enthusiastic (and greedy) demon and or human won’t open a ski lodge there? ☀️Witches and Wizards going out onto the water using their broomsticks to surf rather than using a surfboard. Some of them might even use special potions as sunscreen to make them tan better. ☀️Werewolves hanging out by bonfires roasting meat having fun with their pack mates bringing in the season by hanging with those who are close to them. Imagine the dilemma of said werewolves wondering if they can make smores like Werewolf 1: “...Can..Can we even eat smores?” Werewolf 2: “I’m not sure…I mean, there’s chocolate in it?” Werewolf 3: “Just make it without the chocolate then.” Werewolf 1: “But, the chocolate is the best part!” :( 
They found a better substitute to be safe…That substitute being peanut butter and they are absolutely having a ball with it. 
☀️Vampires who despise the heat and stay in their house all day sulking blasting the AC. They hate that they can’t make popsicles out of blood since it “Just doesn’t taste the same.” So basically they become more pissy and complain about how they wish it was cold again so they can go outside. When they do have to go outside they are detected out in all black wearing shades and have umbrellas. 
☀️Dryads and Nymphs absolutely go to music festivals during the summer. They’re vibe fits exactly with the people that would go to something like Co*hella or Woodstock. You’ll see them post pictures of them traveling to said music festival for some old indie artist wearing their music festival garb sitting on the grass posing with friends.
☀️Merfolk being extremely protective of their territory during the summer months due to people littering in their ocean or lakes. Sometimes bigger merfolk might play pranks on humans thinking that there is a shark or some sea monster and scare them out of the water. 
☀️Summer festivals that happen around town that get the whole community together. Imagine a whole festival during the summer that’s just to celebrate bringing the community out and just to celebrate different cultures. A different multicultural species celebration for everyone. ☀️Witches create different infusions of iced tea with certain potions i.e experimenting with different concoctions to make the tea have magical properties such as making you more alert or maybe makes you faster. 
☀️Pool parties! POOL PARTIES!   >Werewolves that shake themselves off like dogs no matter which form   >Water Nymphs who sometimes spook people by blending into the water.   >Larger species (Orcs, Ogres, Dragons, Giants) being used as diving boards with smaller species jumping off of them. >Witches doing fancy tricks jumping into the pool. 
☀️Imagine catching fireflies in the summer night and accidentally catching a fairy then catching fireflies with said fairy after you profusely apologized. They take you to a hidden grove where there were not only fireflies but, other cute fae creatures that glowed in the sunset of the summer sun. 
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Octopus merfolk are very small during childhood. They grow to gigantic proportions over the course of their life... and looking back on it, well... it wasn't a good idea for you to bully one in your youth...
Includes: soft/safe vore, cruel-ish pred Azul
★✦Sign The Scroll, Please✦★
"Hello again."
You were being held high above the water by your tailfin.
"How long ago was it now... the last time we saw each other?" Azul smiled, but not in a genuine way. "I distinctly remember you making fun of me the last time we saw each other. What for again? I'm sure you remember."
"Because... you were... slow... back in the day..." You nervously admitted.
"What was it you called me back then?" Azul asked. "Oh, I remember... you called me an idiotic octopus, 'idioctopus' I remember you saying... not good wordplay, but it got your point across."
"Yeah... hehe, I'm, uh... I'm sorry." You nervously said.
"Not enough."
"So... w-what are you going to do...?"
"Hmm... what should I do~?" Azul asked in a playful voice. "Perhaps I should throw you as far as I can, separating you from your friends and loved ones for years to come~?" He laughed to himself. "Or maybe... maybe I can throw you towards a mass of land, letting you dry out and suffocate and die~! That would be fun, wouldn't it?"
Azul licked his lips in anticipation.
"Or maybe... maybe I could..." Azul chuckled under his breath. "You wouldn't be against that, would you?"
"Against what...?"
"Why, being swallowed alive, of course!" He told you with a smile on his face. "Well, I'm going to do it regardless of what you say... are you ready, (Y/N)~?"
"NO! AZUL, DON'T YOU DARE! I'LL TELL EVERYONE! DON'T DO THIS! DON'T EAT ME!" You screamed as loud as you could.
"How silly, thinking that will do anything..." Azul blushed. "Now, in you go."
He popped you into his mouth like you were nothing but candy.
Azul savoured your taste in his mouth, oh, you tasted soooo good... he's wondering why he didn't decide to find you and eat you sooner! Oh, it's such a wonderful taste...
He could already imagine the feeling of you wiggling about in his throat... flopping your little tailfin back and forth, struggling in whatever way you can... that would be just thrilling.
What an amazing feeling, and it's only moments away...!
You were panicking. There's no way Azul actually wants to eat you, right?!
You didn't want to plead with him, but...
"Azul, please don't, I'm... I-I'm scared..."
Azul enjoyed hearing your desperate, useless begging. He was the one in control.
"Azul, I... I'm sorry! I don't want to... die."
You couldn't exactly move around in his mouth, since you were above the surface when he put you in there, there wasn't any water. You could only look towards the back of his throat, where you'll be going if you don't find a way to convince him to let you go.
"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry for you to forgive me?" You asked. "I'll do double that amount!!"
Azul seemed to be considering it. He opened his mouth, you could tell by the daylight suddenly lighting up the dark area, giving you hope that maybe he'll let you go...
And then he swallowed you, head first.
And down you went, struggling every step of the way, Azul felt downright euphoric. It felt exactly as he'd envisioned it and it was delightful.
"Oh, (Y/N)..... I wish I'd eaten you sooner...." Azul sighed, falling backwards into the water once more. "It's such a shame we'll never get to do this again..." He lamented as he felt your little hands punching at the walls of his gut.
"LET ME OUT, STUPID OCTOPUS!!" You desperately yelled.
"Don't you realize that's the exactly what got you into this situation?" Azul asked. "Apologize."
You're completely at his mercy.
"Good. Seems you're already starting to understand your place in this world, beneath me." Azul stroked his stomach. "If you're good for me, and you do exactly as I tell you... I might let you go."
"...really...?" You asked, cautiously.
"Of course! I'm so merciful, aren't I~?"
"I don't think there's another person as merciful as you...!" You responded immediately, attempting to prove to Azul that you're 'good'.
"Oh! Why thank you, (Y/N)~" Azul said. "It'd be nice to hear you praise me more."
"Right! Um... you'll be a very powerful mage someday! Probably the most powerful in the world!"
"I will, won't I? Especially when I can do this." He laughed to himself, shaking your entire world. "More, (Y/N)."
"Yes, whatever you say! I'll do whatever you say, Azul! Whatever you want me to! You deserve it after everything you've gone through! Have I mentioned how nice you look? Or how smart you are?"
"You aren't very good at praising me, but... at least you tried." Azul said. "And you've proven you can follow my orders..."
"So... y-you'll let me go?!"
"(Y/N), you should come to Night Raven College with me. I have a good deal for you, legal and binding of course, and one you can't escape unless I willingly let you go..."
"Night Raven College...? But... I'm already enrolled in a different school... not to mention NRC is-"
"I have a... let's say close relationship with the Headmage. I'll convince him to let you attend." He told you. "I will allow you to live so long as you do whatever I say until I decide I have been adequately compensated for all those years of bullying."
"...what happens if I don't agree to the deal?" You cautiously asked.
"I think you know."
You were let out.
Azul snapped his fingers, and a magical golden contract appeared in front of you.
Are you really going to do this...?
Well, if you don't, he'll just eat you again, so...
You signed your name on the dotted line.
"Oh, how wonderful." Azul said to himself. "Alright, back inside me you go." He pointed to his open mouth.
"What? What are you talking about?"
"Oh... oh, you didn't read the fine print, did you~?" He laughed under his breath. "According to that contract you just signed, I can eat you whenever I want! And you have to agree, or it will count as you breaking contract... and let's face it, you don't want to do that."
"Why didn't you tell me about that part of the deal?!"
"Be quiet and get in. You'll be safe, as I specified in the contract that I cannot hurt you in any way... or can you not read~?"
Well, according to the contract you just signed, you have to do whatever he says, so...
Not much you can do about this now.
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red-ink-squiggles · 3 months
Some o the species made for my fantasy setting. Left to right and top to bottom: Humans for scale, Mountainborn, Eivu, Pacraial's Sirens, Burrowers.
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[ID: A sketch on paper comparing the traits and proportions of the listed species. Mountainborn are slightly shorter than humans, with thick body hair and a sturdy build. Eivu are very short, reaching humans' waists, with feathery hair, oversized wings, and a slim build. Sirens are scaley, hairless giant merfolk with long tails and wings the same size as Eivu. They have spines that branch off into feathery appendages. Burrowers are large and animal-like, with tusks, a long thick tail, clawed hands as large as their heads, bat-like noses, large ears, and a trail of longer hair down their spine like hyenas. End ID.]
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royalreef · 2 years
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staghunting · 3 months
sirius and james stand at the same height, and would swap clothes so frequently despite their proportions (sirius is all leg while james had a lengthy torso- james looked taller when they were sat, but would still see eye to eye when they stand) that he always forgets that james has a sleeper build.
thus, it always makes for a pleasant surprise when he is reminded of his best mate's muscles- when james would effortlessly lift the edge of their four poster bed or trunk to look for spare gobstones rolling underneath, too lazy to reach for his wand, or when he would come back to their dorm from a run during warmer mornings, and he'd strut in, glistening with sweat and sans-snork mimimimi sleeping shirt.
james potter, like any quidditch player worth their salt, has well-toned arms and calves. it takes an incredible amount of muscles on those body parts to keep their forms as close as possible to the broom handles when on the air, and to hold on or pull for sudden turns despite whatever bad weather is a-howling at the time of the game.
but that's official quidditch players playing ministry-approved quidditch, with rules and safety features installed by the magical sports and games committee. street quidditch, like the only-slightly-illegal games james plays in the summer with the rest of the hogwarts players who came from wizarding families, operates on different rules and requires different muscles.
there's the quidswitch, which is played like normal quidditch except players can exchange positions midway through the game via tagging each other until each member's played all the positions.
there's racing with grounded sports brooms played by the richer set, who buy top of the line racers for a single night's use, erasing the broommaker's mark and loading it with as much enchantments as they can to see who can fly the furthest and fastest on several checkpoints across the isles before their rides' disintegrate or combust from the amount of magic.
and then there's thief- where a bunch of people try their best to kick each other off their brooms, stealing and pulling rides from each other until there's one left remaining. this usually attracted beaters, as the game can get violent pretty quickly, but chaser james has been the reigning champion in godric's hollow for four years straight
and sirius knows the reason for that is because james does pull ups, handstands, and all other kinds of energy-draining activities early in the morning in their dorm, and even during the summers, having a dedicated room at the potter manor full of things to occupy his restless person every day.
while sirius might join him on some days, building strength in his arms so he'd be able to lift his liter bike up by hand when he crashes it in muggle areas, he always puts down whatever he's doing when james starts training for thief, going to the one equipment he uses for the sport.
it was a long pole hanging from a chain, attached to the ceiling, and strengthened with some charms sirius had been admiring for quite some time, but has never looked into in detail because whenever he'd get to see the pole it would only be mere moments later that james would jump up and start spinning and bending on the contraption, and he'd be too busy admiring the view.
though the pole was in an upright position, james claimed it was a better test of strength than a static pole, or a bar set to levitate horizontally, since it allowed him to perform dives and maneuvers around the length of it
many hot summer days did sirius spend watch his best mate glide through the training room on that spinning pole, performing acrobatic tricks, as smooth as the merfolk diving in the hogwarts lake. then james would do insane things in thief, like jumping off his broom onto another's and driving it away, hanging off the broom handle and using his strong calves to kick any would-be broom stealers away.
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muppenthings · 2 years
Are they technically apex predators?
Myeah, Tide is a natural apex predator in his world. Keiki shouldn’t be one in his but due to a magical event he became one. Merfolk in Keiki’s world are hunted by a number of sea creatures of enormous proportions. Now there’s nothing that can hunt him so automatic top position. xD
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