#prxenuntius; baji
Toman and Yotsuya Kaiden's rivalry was nothing new. It wasn't the first fight, but if it was going to be the last then that meant there would be casualties. At least if Kojiro had anything to do with it. Ryusei hated returning to Yotsuya but if it meant getting things to die down enough Baji and Chifuyu were allowed to go home, then so be it.
Although seeing the two at school didn't make it easier, and avoiding them was just as difficult. Though when he made up his mind, he attempted to walk past Baji pretending to ignore him before stopping shoulder to shoulder, attention not moving anywhere but in front of him as if they were simply just standing.
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"Listen. Don't talk. Chifuyu.. He's a good guy. Has a good heart. I see how excited he is to follow you and be part of this. If I had to have a say in my replacement, I think he'd be a good fit. He listens to you. He's on time, and he wants your approval. I know he'll have your back like a good vice captain should." Hands are slid into his pocket, sighing. "Make sure he doesn't do anything reckless in the fight. You either. Don't go getting hurt on my account or for anyone."
"Should anything happen.. Just do me a favor and check in on mom every now and again, yeah? And keep yourself and Chifuyu out of trouble."
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whorunthewcrld-a · 2 years
The virus was inescapable. Even for a country who consumes much less wheat then countries like America. Japan stood no chance. They were an island after all. Where could they run? 
The Sano’s ran to the Musashi Shrine. So did the other members of Toman. It was where they’d created the group after all, and the locations was optimal. Up on its hill it was easier to defend then a lot of other places. So they made it work. Set up barricades, scavenged supplies, created a little community on their hill. The six members of Toman and their families. They’d protect each other like they always had. 
Two years into living with the state of the world and somehow they’d survived. And while “thrive” would be a stretch to describe how they were living, they made things work. They’d even added a few more to their group. Baji and Kazutora had saved a kid and his mom from a Runner and they’d joined the community. Emma liked Chifuyu, he was fun to hang out with (though he spent most of his time shadowing Baji now). And a random boy named Takemichi showed up at the shrine one day. He was a little weird, and not the best fighter, but he was a nice guy. 
Emma shook her head, bringing her back to her task. She’d been sent out on a simple supplies mission. The community was running low on some essentials and Emma was one of the best at finding what they needed. She joked it was because she always loved shopping before. Normally she would have come out with Mikey or Draken but it was just supposed to be a quick run. And she had her bow and one of the communities guns for emergencies. 
And it had gone without a hitch. Her pack was loaded with supplies and she’d only run into two Runners, both of which she easily took out from a distance. So her mood was high as she rounded the corner back to the shrine. Maybe Draken would be on guard duty and would be there to greet her. She blushed at the thought. But the second her eyes landed on the torii gate she knew something was wrong. Their barricaded doors were open and no guards where to be seen on the look out they’d built.
Emma’s heart dropped at the same time she broke out into a sprint. 
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‘Nononononononononononononononononononononononononono,’ it was on loop in her head as she ran up to the doors, peeking through for any signs of infected before continuing up the steps at the same pace. But no one greeted her. There was no one tending to the garden or working on the west wall they’d started reinforcing last week. The shrine was empty. 
Completely empty.
Her family was gone. She was alone.
closed starter for @prxenuntius
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revengesworn · 1 year
Mikey had always thought that death would bring him one of two things: the peace he craved, or the punishment he deserved.
Of course, by peace, he means the end of his consciousness...After all, there’s no way that someone like him could ever feel happiness as long as he continued to be himself. In the same way, there’s no way that someone with such blood-stained hands would ever be allowed to become someone new... all he can hope for is an end to it all - this life of his which was nothing but suffering.
So when he realizes that Baji is before him, his stomach drops; a wave of emotions running though him that are too many to name - shock, disbelief, dread. He’d never end up in the same place as Baji, so is this some kind of illusion sent to haunt him? Did he end up in hell after all?
Somehow, a part of him can’t accept that explanation. Everything is too familiar, and he feels too alive.. and it fills him with a yearning kind of pain that’s difficult to express. He doesn’t feel much of anything, nowadays - but while in his moments of emptiness, he wishes he could feel anything at all; when the pain comes - he always longs for that same emptiness again.
From Baji’s perspective, Mikey must look stunned. His face is unnaturally pale, his body frozen like that of a scared animal, and disbelief is written all over his expression. But even so, Mikey somehow manages to find the strength to speak first.
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“Baji... I’m sorry.”
@prxenuntius​ ( manila mikey time travel starter! )
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ashrifts · 10 months
@prxenuntius asked:ㅤ"hold still..."
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ㅤㅤㅤ‘ㅤthis seems a little counterproductive, don't you think?ㅤ’ㅤㅤthe playfulness of his voice is strained despite his efforts at nonchalance; there's nothing light about the bleeding of his gaping wound, flowing freely between the tightly-pressed fingers above his collarbone and staining baji's hands. his grin is as sharp as the unsuspecting switchblade that had gotten the better of him as he addresses his savior, breaths coming and going slowly. ㅤ‘ㅤwouldn't your little toman friends think you a traitor for helping me? it'd be so easy to leave me here to bleed and claim victory.ㅤ’
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captivemuses · 1 year
¥ (Mikey)
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Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on:
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Would they date them: yes | no | maybe Favorite thing about them: That Mikey is so comfortable around Baji after being friends with him for 10+ years he knows Baji knows him better than anyone else. Least favorite thing about them: That they're almost too similar in some ways and it makes Mikey unsure that it would make for a good pair.
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deathfavor · 1 year
@prxenuntius​​ said: 001.   a tattoo parlour, buzzing with machinery and walls lined with artwork . (for Hanma. I picture original timeline Baji if you'd like to make that a thread instead of a drabble of your own ~)
scenery rp meme   001.   a tattoo parlour, buzzing with machinery and walls lined with artwork .
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   It wasn’t abnormal to find Hanma pretty much anywhere where things might be on the rough side. The Reaper was always seeking entertainment. Sometimes there was some funny shit that happened here at the parlor. It’s where he’d come a few years back to get Sin and Punishment tattooed on his own hands. If nothing else, it was a nice spot to smoke and talk shit with some of the people despite the age difference. No one tended to question Hanma with his towering figure and eyes glowing like a beast on the prowl.
   His head turns when the door chimes to announce a new person. Hanma exhales a lungful of smoke in contemplation. Maybe he’d start something, maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe the person would run at the sight of his tattoos. Eh. Anything was better than the boredom gnawing at his brain like hyenas at a fallen zebra. Hanma finally moves like a great beast awoken, one hand sliding into his pocket as he approached the counter.
   “  Yo.  “  He greets with a slow grin as he eyes up the other for a moment. He looked like the kind who would enjoy a good fight. Not like those other assholes. That was the difference; the people who could REALLY handle their shit didn’t need to show off like a show pony and say dumb shit. He leans against the counter.  “  You here for ink? Or lookin for trouble?  “  He asks with an ember of interest.  “  Or someone?  “  He adds, a casual afterthought.  He forgot some people did that - Hanma couldn’t care less.
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ghoulsmuses · 2 years
continued from this | @prxenuntius
Hina's brow furrows in worry as Baji hisses in pain but tries to brush it off, her own hand dropping away from the bruise as to not hurt it again. "I am, yeah. I was looking for him, actually." She says, taking a small step back from first division captain. "I figured if he wasn't at home, maybe he was around here."
She pauses for a moment, frowning. "Are you sure you'll be okay? It's a nasty bruise..."
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txnichtgut-archive · 1 year
continued from here @prxenuntius
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"maybe. i'd like these off of you." chifuyu sighed, no longer afraid to voice his desires, but he also respected whatever baji was going to do and the events he was invited to. this didn't happen to often and when he loosened his tie the blond sighed. "that is not as formal anymore, i suppose."
he looked up at the other male, tongue swiping over his bottom lip. "don't make me wait too long..." a hand brushed across baji's crotch before he turned on his heels.
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revengesworn · 1 year
Mikey can feel himself shaking.
He hates it. This weakness - this fear and the heart-pounding terror that, at times like these,  always emerges from so deep in his core that it feels like it defines him. He’s supposed to be strong. How can he be a leader when he can’t carry the people he loves through their pain and beyond? He can barely even manage to stand on his own two feet, let alone protect the people he cares about.
He’s always been weak, and he’s always hated the weak. The weak can’t do a thing. If they just tried a little harder, fought a little more, then they’d be able to protect themselves and the people they love... but they don’t even try. The weak make excuses, and bring nothing but misery to those around them, and there’s no-one out there weaker than Mikey.
He can lie, and deny it to himself, but... at times like these, he knows the truth.
But that doesn’t mean he’ll accept it. No matter how much it hurts, he’ll stop his body from shaking and put a smile on his face as if nothing is wrong... because Baji deserves it, after all - he’s the one who really suffered here.
As he enters the hospital room, Mikey feels his heart come to a stop. It’s just for a moment, as he sets eyes on Baji - who’s alive, he’s not dead; oh god he could’ve died too - but a barely-strained smile forms on his face regardless. He’s scared, because he doesn’t know if Baji will be happy to see him. But..
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“Baji. ...You really scared everyone, you know.”
@prxenuntius​ ( starter for baji! )
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revengesworn · 1 year
Mikey can't forget what he's seen. The sight of Takemitchy's body, bloodied and broken, is burned into his mind as if it had really happened right before his eyes. Honestly, the memories - are they memories? Visions of the future? - he's received are vague and inconsistent, but it's not hard to put the pieces together - Mikey killed all his friends in the future. He tried to push them away, to protect them, but even that failed, too...
...Just what the hell is he supposed to do? Even with that despairing thought, all Mikey feels is a horrible, lonely emptiness. He lies there, looking lifeless, and stares up at the sky as if the stars might hold the answers. It's almost comforting, just letting everything pass him by...
Of course, there is one way. One way to protect everyone. Even thinking of it makes Mikey's gut twist with what he doesn't want to admit is fear. Is he selfish for wanting to live?
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"Maybe I should just die..." He tests the words aloud. While they're frightening, it doesn't feel as bad as he thought it would to say them. If he just ignores the nausea in his stomach, and the thoughts that slip into his mind - I don't want to die, isn't there another way? They almost feel normal. ...Maybe he'd always known this day was coming...
But then, hearing a sound behind him, Mikey suddenly sits up, turning to come face-to-face with a very familiar figure.
@prxenuntius ( plotted starter for baji! )
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F*ck me
Ryusei snickered as he turned to look over at his divison captain. "What? Fail a test again? Forget about the Toman meeting tonight? What's got you all down and out?" He asked, tilting his head a hand moved to hold his backpack strap slung across his shoulder. "I mean, surely if you meant that in a sexual way, that isn't just how you'd request it. Surely your manners would be far more poilte~" He added as a joke, shaking his head. "But seriously. Bad day so far, I'm assuming?"
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captivemuses · 2 years
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"Good, you're here." Mikey knew his best friend would be in to help as soon as Mikey told him about it, if anyone could help him with messing with Shinichiro it was Baji. So he was scooting over to make room for Baji on his bed when the noir came in and closed the bedroom door.
"I need your help getting some revenge on big bro for taping me to the wall, you in?"
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revengesworn · 2 years
Senju can’t help but wonder how Baji thinks of her.
Sure, they knew each other as kids - but it’s not like they were super close. Baji always spent more time with her brother and Mikey, and while Senju always wanted to join in with them, she suspects now that they saw her more as “Haruchiyo’s little sister” than an actual member of their group.
It doesn’t bother her, really. But it’s funny that they’d both end up as members of Toman, now that Senju has joined the gang.
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“You know, Baji.” she speaks without honorifics, and a familiar, casual tone. “We’ve never really gone one-on-one before, have we? I’m a lot stronger than I bet you remember.”
@prxenuntius​ ( starter for baji! )
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Mains (Priority but not exclusive)
Atsushi Sendo (@valorheroics)
Chifuyu Matsuno (@ofsavior)
Chifuyu Matsuno (@ghoulsmuses)
Emma Sano (@ghoulsmuses)
Hajime Kokonoi (@kyukicho)
Haruchiyo Sanzu (@mcwscollective)
Haruchiyo Sanzu (@mouja)
Kakucho (@kyukicho)
Karen Kurokawa (@recquiem)
Kazutora Hanemiya (@deathfavor)
Kazutora Hanemiya (@ghoulsmuses)
Keisuke Baji (@captivemuses)
Keisuke Baji (@prxenuntius)
Ken Ryuguji (@captivemuses)
Manjiro Sano (@ghoulsmuses)
Manjiro Sano (@kyukicho)
Manjiro Sano (@sanoism)
Niragi Suguru (@mcwscollective)
Ran Haitani (@ashrifts)
Seishu Inui (@mcwscollective)
Seishu Inui (@indebte)
Senju Kawaragi (@kyukicho)
Shinichiro Sano (@recquiem)
Shuji Hanma (@captivemuses)
Shuji Hanma (@deathfavor)
Takashi Mitsuya (@ofsavior)
Takeomi Akashi (@kyukicho)
Tetta Kisaki (@mcwscollective)
Yoimiya Naganohara (@ofhope)
Yuzuha Shiba (@captivemuses)
Ship Exclusives (Will only write this ship with this person)
Ryufuyu (@ofsavior)
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revengesworn · 1 year
More and more, Baji's words are making it sound like he really doesn't know what's going on. It makes Mikey think for a moment that it's as if he's traveled back to the past, and is seeing Baji exactly as he was 12 years ago.
But that's ridiculous, right? Things like that don't happen. Miracles aren't real. Maybe he really has lost his mind, and this is a hallucination on the verge of death.
"Baji..." As Baji holds him, Mikey finds himself choking up, on the verge of tears. He stops them falling through instinct alone, but it's the first time in a very long time that he can ever remember feeling so much. He embraces Baji back, with arms that are ever so slightly shaking, and stays silent for quite a while.
But just before Baji can speak again, Mikey pulls back and smiles at him, hands on his shoulders. If this really is a second chance, then....
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"It's nothing." The words are an obvious lie, but Mikey can't think of any way to explain away his strange behaviour. And even then, he can't help but add- "...I'm just happy to see you."
@prxenuntius ( continued from here! )
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revengesworn · 1 year
Mikey feels himself coming undone at Baji's response. He wants to cry, himself, and for a terrifying moment he feels as if he actually might - but he manages to stop the tears before they fall, and walks over to Baji instead.
And Baji is smiling at him - smiling as if nothing is wrong. He even apologized, as if any of this is his fault. It makes Mikey feel like a child again, not knowing if he should feel happy or sad or ready to scream, unable to comprehend how his friend can be so good, all the while the terror of rejection eats away at him mercilessly.
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"Takemitchy told me... that you didn't betray Toman. You had another goal." The smile Mikey gives as he speaks is bittersweet, but strangely gentle. He doesn't apologize - unable to quite bring the words to leave his lips, but... he hopes Baji understands him anyway.
Takemitchy hadn't really told him anything else, honestly. He'd clammed up and stubbornly insisted that Mikey had to hear it from Baji himself. But demanding that Baji tell him what he'd been thinking now, as he lies in a hospital bed... Mikey can't bring himself to do it.
"You never abandoned us. Baji... thank you."
@prxenuntius ( continued from here! )
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