#ps I'm not ugly crying I'm just.......on the verge of shedding a lone tear....
drstrangejuice · 5 years
fat post about toy story 4 and MAH FEELS
OK, I came home today after seeing Toy Story 4 feeling all warm and fuzzy inside (it was kind of bittersweet, but still overall happy...) and came to tumblr seeking cute fanart, but damn y’all had to go and make me feel sad all over again... Woody leaving Buzz and the rest of his pals behind - yeah, O U C H, that did hurt a lot....but I for one was really happy to see him reunited with Bo. I think we can all agree he’s going to have a better life out of Bonnie’s closet for YEARS where she eventually would have put him and forgotten about him and - like Andy - probably have discovered him even more long years later only to go on to donate him to someone else. Alternatively, even worse, she could end up just throwing him away. Anyway, it’s pretty likely that a sad fate would have awaited him if he returned home in the RV. Yes, he would have been among his friends, but he would never have been able to play with them and Bonnie at the same time. Of course, this assumes that Bonnie would have continued to forget him and leave him behind in the closet. You never know, perhaps her interest in the cowboy could have returned, and things wouldn't have been so doom and gloom. Yet I think it’s safe to assume her interest in him was waning, and the sadder fate would have lain in wait for Woody. Instead, however, Woody decided to stay with Bo. Let’s ignore the emotional stuff for a sec about saying goodbye to Buzz and co. and just focus on how much of a nicer life this is for Woody, even if this means parting with his friends. He is free, he is going to live a life satisfying new children and enriching their lives! Also, he’s gonna live...in the wild...and just? gatecrash various playgrounds??? Yo, idk about you but I have never been to a playground with so many cool toys in it at once. If I was one of those kids who jumped off the bus and into that playground and discovered TOYS in it as well???? My mind would have been blown and I would have been having the time of my life. Anyway, so instead of wasting away in the closet, or in a box, or on a shelf, Playground Party City is Woody’s new life. Hell yeah??? Compare that to living your life IGNORED for YEARS and just having to be shut away in a closet or a box or somewhere similar miserable and lonely. Honestly, in a way Toy Story is a terrible franchise because as a kid it gave me horrible anxiety/sadness/grief/GUILT to imagine (or, maybe even partially believe...lol...) that my toys were actually alive and in reality I was sentencing them to a life of misery when I put them away in a box. L m a o. HOWEVER, Bonnie doesn’t live in a world where there’s a movie franchise that might give her the idea that her toys are FUCKING SENTIENT AND PERHAPS THEY HAVE FEELINGS TOO???!!!!?? In Bonnie’s world, that is an actual reality. Except she doesn’t know it, and never will. Toys ARE actually alive, but no one knows, and the toys do an incredible job of never being discovered........ok except for the emotional trauma they inflicted on the villain kid in the first movie but he’s probably gonna grow up banning that memory from his brain and if it ever surfaces he has to tell himself that it was a delusion or a nightmare so he can continue to function without being paranoid that inanimate objects actually are watching him AT ALL TIMES. Err, anyway, where was I going with this...OK so Woody’s new life. Yes, having to say goodbye to his friends was tough, but like Buzz said...Bonnie will be OK. Woody did his best to make sure Bonnie was alright, but he knows the rest of his pals are gonna continue to love her and be there for her, and it’s OK if he’s not a part of it. I mean, yes, it’s also gotta hurt on some level for him that - ouch - Bonnie doesn’t love me anymore, and that’s sad, but at the end of the day I did my job and I gave her plenty of happy memories and also she is happy without me. I know it hurts to be forgotten, but Bonnie doesn’t share that hurt or sadness, because she is just a little girl, and it is completely normal for her to change her mind about which toys are her favourite, which ones she wants to play with, which ones she’s most emotionally attached to. Woody was looking out for her emotional needs while also taking care of his own. It doesn’t matter if Bonnie loses me because she isn’t going to care (cough cough blunt but true). However, if Bonnie loses Forky she is going to be upset!!!! It’s kind of funny, but Woody was also the one that ultimately brought Forky to life. Woody recognised that she needed a friend at kindergarten -- he was looking out for her!!!!! He did a better fucking job of it than her goddamn teacher, mind you! Can we talk about what a crap teacher that was, by the way? ? “Aw hi sweaty, it’s ok come inside and put your backpack down, everything is gonna be just fine I promise (: (: (: “ *proceeds to completely ignore child that she just left alone and is now sitting at a massive table all by herself scared and anxious on her first day of school* I mean, god, pay attention and at least get her to come sit at the bigger table with more kids - make sure she has a buddy. MAKE SURE SHE EVEN HAS SOME GODDAMN CRAFT SUPPLIES.....YOU JUST INSTRUCTED THE CLASS TO START DOING CRAFT AND THEN DID NOTHING WHEN ONE OF THE CHILDREN WAS SITTING ALONE AT A TABLE AND SOME BLONDE FUCKO WITH AN APPLE WALTZES UP AND STEALS HER COLOURED PENCILS. OH AND ALSO SHE STARTED CRYING. WHAT THE HELL, PLEASE SOMEONE IN THE ROOM WHO ISN’T A TOY PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THIS POOR LITTLE GIRL OH MY GOD  .......ok this post is going nowhere now, basically I just wanted to share a few thoughts and got kind of sidetracked without saying anything particularly meaningful. Basically, tl;dr I came into the tag expecting everyone to have enjoyed the movie but was surprised when it seems some of you didn’t. I agree, yes, it wasn’t as good as the third movie and probably didn’t need to be made, as the third movie had a happy, complete ending. I will also agree it was disappointing that the original gang got basically no screen-time. This was especially sad for Jessie, I thought. Even Buzz, too, despite the fact he did get decent-ish screen-time compared to the rest of the gang. At the end of the day, the movie made me happy because even as a kid I shipped Bo and Woody. They established in the very first movie that those two had a crush on each other, and I think they are very sweet and cute together. The other movies also established that Buzz had a crush on Jessie. At the moment I can’t quite recall if that was ever shown to be reciprocated because honestly I’m not sure Jessie ever even thinks about romance; ADVENTURE is definitely more of a priority and thing she would think about. Also, if Buzz ever flirted with her I’m pretty sure she would likely be oblivious, lol. Anyways, I also got a surprise when I came into the tag and found y’all shipping Woody and Buzz. Surprised, but also not surprised? I mean, I totally get it. However, I personally am just not gonna jump on that bandwagon because if you asked me what was going inside their plastic little heads I doubt either one would ever want to smooch the other. Yes, they are bros for life and their friendship is a beautiful wonderful thing that is a joy to watch in the other movies....however I can’t imagine that they wanna smooch. Anyway, I’m not sure how even Bo Peep is gonna be able to smooch Woody with that massive pointy nose of his, lmao! At the end of the movie when they were both staring lovingly into each others eyes I had to wonder “are the gonna kiss”. They didn’t, and that’s probably a good thing because it most likely would have looked awkward with Woody’s big nose in the way and also the fact that his head is like a billion times larger than Bo’s, lmao. ...that’s a weird sentence to end this post on, but I think I’m (almost) done now, lol. So, in conclusion, Toy Story 4 was an odd “conclusion” to the franchise. The third movie felt a lot more satisfying as a conclusion, and I guess I am kind of sad that #4 ended the way it did, separating Woody from his lifelong pals. However, if you consider how long certain pals have been in his life and how recent they were; Bo and Woody were a lot closer in their beginnings as toys for Andy and Molly, compared to Buzz and Jessie’s arrivals. Woody went on to have many years together with his new friends in these two - however somewhere along the way Bo was put in a box and taken away from him and everyone else she loved. The fact he got to see an old friend (and crush, heh) again and know that she had been getting by OK in the big bad world for the many years since they’d last seen each other......ugh!! MY HEART!!!!! Also, while staying with Bo meant betraying his loyalty to his owner, ultimately he knew that that was going to be OK because sometimes people simply just naturally grow apart (Bonnie and Woody), and that’s OK. And then sometimes even if it’s not a natural progression, sometimes you have to say goodbye and farewell to old friends if it means you’re making that decision to better your own life (Woody choosing life as a free toy rather than a toy banished to a closet). Ugh idk I guess I’m trying to find some meaning in the separation part, but at the end of the day I think all of the toys will be sad at Woody leaving, but they’ll know he’s happy and that even though he was leaving them he still loved them all and treasured his memories with them. It was both a sad and happy goodbye and..........and I’m crying again now, great. OK this post is officially over as I’m off to bed to go cry myself to sleep I guess lmfao 
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