anastpaul · 7 months
One Minute Reflection – 19 February – 'Do you suppose that charity is not an obligation but voluntary?'
One Minute Reflection – 19 February – Monday of the First Week in Lent – Ferial Day –Ezechiel 34:11-16; Matthew 25:31-46 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “Amen I say to you, as long as you did not do it for one of these least ones, you did not do it for Me.” – Matthew 25:45 REFLECTION – “Do you suppose that charity is not an obligation but voluntary? That it is not a law but…
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revkidd · 6 years
Day 1: Settling In
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“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.” Psalm122:1-2
I arrived in Jerusalem yesterday, though it still felt like Saturday to me. :>). The plane flight was long but uneventful.  We arrived safely in Tel-Aviv and the (She-rut) shared taxi/shuttle bus to Jerusalem was right where the College had told me it would be.  I managed to get checked in and then find a nice dinner at a hotel nearby, so I turned in early. I don't know if the beds are that comfortable or I was just exhausted but I was truly Thankful!
I woke up at 5am this morning without an alarm (because I don't normally go to bed at 9.). I decided to read for a while, and as the sky started to lighten I  remembered the rooftop patio I had heard about so I decided to go up for the sunrise.  The above photo is the sun rising over the Temple Mount.  It was a fantastic way to greet the day. I will post more sunrise pictures in another post.
After morning prayer in the Cathedral and a delicious though confusing breakfast (think English Breakfast but with an Arab flair) I decided to explore the neighborhood around the Cathedral (and find a cash machine.) Ran into a couple of Americans as I was crossing the road and struck up a conversation. One is an Assembly of God pastor and the other runs a homeless shelter in the Bay Area.  They were on their way to a place called “the Garden Tomb.”
“The Garden Tomb” is an interesting place, mostly a nice garden built over a first century wine press and preserved tomb from the 1st Century.  It is owned and operated by a British Evangelical Charity.  It was cool to get a sense of the scale and size of a Tomb like the one Jesus was laid. While there my new friends and I got accidentally lumped in with a large Indian tour group. When they inquired and learned I was a priest they introduced me to their priest and bishop who were in the group! 
I eventually found my way back to the college for a nap before the opening Eucharist and reception for my course.  The real thing begins tomorrow! I am so thankful for the opportunity to rest and explore a little on my own. I feel like a have my bearings now, and am excited to get to know my new classmates.  Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes as I make this journey.  Stay tuned to this space for more dispatches from Jerusalem! :>)
(P.S. It wasn't until after dinner that I heard about the protests and violence in Gaza.  We prayed for those injured and killed at Eucharist tonight. Please pray for Peace in the Holy Land, and not just while I am here.) +S
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