#pssst this project is super cool
bonchobrick · 1 year
Duke and Danny bestie fic im co-authoring with some cool people for Patrol Partners! :D
A fic where Duke knows a lot about Gotham’s new problem, ghosts. The Waynes think the worst and assume he’s had some terrible experience with ghosts in the past (in reality is just very happy to talk about his best friends culture and doesnt realize how odd it is that he knows all this stuff)
Duke is pretty much just vibing, the bats are having a meltdown, and Danny is having a blast!
Then Duke pops the question
“So, what are you guys researching?” He asks raising a brow to the papers littered all over the room
Collectively the entire room groans as Duke absentmindedly picks up a paper on the table with the failed, static over-run image.
“We don't know!” Steph bemoans frustrated
Tim starts, “There are new entities–”
“Creatures.” Bruce corrects
Tim casts a piercing glance at his father, “I am pretty sure those are entities. Eye witness reports state that they look fairly human-like–”
Bruce challenges him right back, “Eye witness reports were also very likely to be unfactual, they seemed partially intoxicated. It’s more likely they are some kind of mutated animal.”
His son’s teeth grit, “Even so we still can’t rule out–”
“Oh right, the ghosts are back in town,” Duke's comments, gaze absorbed in the static image
Silence drowns the room as their weary eyes blink at Duke, processing what he had just said.
Then it clicks
“R-repeat that?” Tim stares intensely at Duke
“Um, the ghosts are back? That's what these are.” Duke nervously replies confused, “It’s been a bit since they visited Gotham
Tim opens and closes his mouth, immensely struggling to find any words to say. It seems like the rest of his family is fairing no better, some of them letting out noises of surprise and shock with others trying to hear if they heard that sentence right.
“There used to be ghosts in Gotham?” Bruce says incredulously
“Yeah?” Duke tilts his head, “I mean they don’t like living here with the corrupt ectoplasm but I’m friends with a few ghosts?”
Jason springs on him with wide eyes, “What are ghosts like, personality-wise?”
Duke thinks and responds with the first thought that comes to mind, “Fickle, they can be super friendly or super destructive. They do whatever they’re in the mood to.”
“Are they aggressive?”
“Sure? Sometimes?” Duke blinks at them bewildered before a petty smile crosses his lips, “They can be, hmm, commanding.”
Dicks eyes turn cold and protective, “What–”
“Listen guys,” Duke backs away from the discussion going with his internal task list in mind, “I gotta go wrap up putting together all my documents for my topic on my science fair project so uh, see-ya!”
The second youngest bounces out of the cave and the rest of the family stare dumbstruck at him.
New entities (ghosts?) pop up in Gotham + Duke describes them as fickle and commanding =
Duke is being made to do things for Ghosts who can be kind and cruel which =
= Duke is being bullied by Ghosts?!
Not on their Bat-watch!
Damian is already sharpening his ‘not murder tools’, Tim has sprung into research on the bat computer and the rest of the family have already dipped into Gotham ready to search for these perps!
Paranoid Family #1 will help Duke’s ghost problem starting now!
( pssst heres the fic :)
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yeeshastone · 2 years
hey, pssst.
I have two cool things I want to share with you guys tomorrow, but I really should only show one of them as neither are finished fully and I'm just an impatient little crow who is excited to show off what I've been working on.
should I share something music related that has been in the works for quite some time now and is nearly done or something that I recently started that has to do with cards that I'm super excited for? I’ll leave it up to you guys to decide in the reply's. Both relate to the Animalia project I've been working on.
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nikatyler · 5 years
Tumblr media
Felt like doing some replies the ~ old fashioned ~ way. I should be packing, but I don’t wanna. One good thing about this semester is that I don’t have classes on Monday morning, which means I don’t have to go to Prague on Sunday. But I’ll be once again going home late on Friday -_- Oh well. Maybe I could skip the lecture every once in a while to go home on Thursday afternoon.
I’m scared. Not really of what I’ll have to learn because I know that even if it’s difficult, I’ll probably get it in my brain in the end. Somehow. I’m more scared that once again, I’ll be left alone. I haven’t really found a stable friend group. I mean, I talk to some people sometimes, but I wouldn’t call it a friendship. One friend that I thought I could rely on doesn’t even bother saying hello to me anymore. I don’t know what I did to him, he just stopped talking to me. But maybe it’s for the best. Even when we still talked, I couldn’t believe how judgemental he was, and I often wondered if he talks about me like that too when I can’t hear it. He probably did. Oh well, I’ll see what I can do. I hope I’ll run into someone who is kinda like my best friend from high school.
As for sims stuff, I know I still owe some things to some people and I feel bad about it. You’ll get it eventually. I’m actually looking forward to doing it too. Makeovers are fun. I’d also like to release some more sims, I have one more sim dump and then some old legacy characters I want to share, plus some BC contestants that didn’t make it. They like to get eliminated in the first rounds.
Also, thanks for the comments on my mental health update post. I’ll see how this turns out and if it doesn’t get any better (I’m kinda hoping that better weather brings better mood, it worked before), I’ll start looking for a therapist or something. No offense to my parents but talking to them about this didn’t help in a slightest. They just don’t get it. And I swear I’m not reverting back to the “I’m an edgy misunderstood teenager” phase. Even though “edgy misunderstood teenager” is an aesthetic I still live for. Whatever that means.
And thanks for the tips on the laptop post. I’ll keep them in mind and I’ll probably ask again when the time comes and I actually buy a new one.
Ahh...I guess that’s it? Replies under the cut. As per usual, they’ll probably be the shorter part of this post, but oh well.
abysims  replied to your photoset  “Let’s find Lilith Vatore some love! In my game, I’ve had Lilith in a...”
Honestly Cassandra and Lilith would be amazing (... In my Glimmerbrook Academy story Cass is actually gonna have a huge crush on Lilith so I'm voting for that, yas!)
Ooooh that sounds great! Also, I’ll have a post announcing the results of the post coming up later, either today or tomorrow, but...spoiler alert: Cassandra might have won ;)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Simmer - Get to Know”
Lol this thing with Mermaids made me remember that when my friend and I were like 12 years old, a 6-year-old made her a "proposal" and we answered him that she'll marry him when he buys her a house by the sea in Prague
Omg sea in Prague sounds kinda cool, my faculty would be so close to the beach *-* Haha but at the same time it’s kinda terrifying, where would the sea come from? From the north? From the south? Would that mean my home doesn’t exist? Or, actually, considering my town was built on a big hill, would that mean I live on an island? And which part of Prague would be under the sea and which one would stay?
Sorry, I got distracted thinking of this AU where my country actually has access to the sea :D But we used to have it, back in like I think 12th or 13th century. We’re wayyyy smaller now.
amuhav replied to your post “Me, looking up some specs of my current laptop: you're...you're...”
If it's anything like me with my first 'gaming' laptop, the store clerk basically straight up lied to me about how good it was, and I was too young and naive to know better �� sims 3 almost burnt that thing to a crisp ������
Lmao I have a similar story with my first laptop, we were told that it has this super amazing graphic card...and it wasn’t amazing at all, as I later learned when my laptop broke.
amuhav replied to your photoset “Sims Moodboard Challenge I was tagged by @blurrypxls,...”
Oh no... don't make me want to go back to pinterest and do more of these �� They're ADDICTIVE
THEY ARE! I haven’t done much today, but I’ve spent a lot of time there all through this last week.
amuhav replied to your photo “I need to stop. This is more addictive than scrolling through memes....”
Pssst, not to enable or anything, but Picasa 3 has this nice feature where you can take a bunch of pics and it makes them into a nice collage. That's how I made mine, and then used them as my desktop backgrounds ��
I think I’ll use Photoshop, like I do for everything else, but thanks for giving me an idea for my new background! I used to have my sims or some other characters set as a background, but now that I take my laptop to school I feel a bit uncomfortable with that, so since October I’ve had this kinda boring background and I’ve been meaning to change it into something nicer, I just didn’t know what to put there. Now I do.
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “How dare you pretend you’re Father Winter?” Father Winter:...”
Holy crap, Sunset is a lot more buff than I ever realized. Those arms! ��
Yup. That’s because she has to get her Athletic skill higher for work. I think her muscle slider might be at max, actually!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Father Winter: “That’s it! You’re going on my Naughty List. Your...”
How could she not with with muscles like that?? Damn his Christmas magic!
Next time we should just call Caleb. I mean, he defeated Grim Reaper with no problem, surely Father Winter won’t be any more difficult for him!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Okay, cool. You won’t give us gifts but I have a special one...”
Lmaoooooo, get him, Sunset! ������
He deserves it
asplashofsims replied to your photo “~ daylight”
Cute picture! ♡ I hope you feel better soon and omgg winx club, it's my guilty pleasure for sure hahah all the childhood memories��
I love Winx Club so much. It’s a little ridiculous and the plot holes are terrible (and don’t let me talk about anything after season 4, those are not my Winx D:), but I can’t let it go.
blubrich replied to your post “I forgot how traumatizing Toy Story 3 was ��”
Especially the ending! ��
YES. I remember the whole cinema was crying.
Also, Toy Story always unpacks this weird guilt in me haha. Because as a child, naturally I was like “I would NEVER abandon my toys, I’ll keep them forever!”. And now...they’re in boxes...under my bed and in the basement...some of them I gave away or to my younger sister, who then also gave some away because she’s fifteen now. I still have my plushies and teddy bears in my bed though, it would be too empty without them :D
silverspringsimmer replied to your audio post “(via...”
I love Within Temptation and they got me into heavier music later, too!
I don’t even remember how I found them. I was just bored of the music I was listening to all the time back then, so I clicked through playlists and stuff on Spotify and somehow I landed on their page, I guess. And I immediately fell in love.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your audio post “(via...”
Oh this song was the first song of this bad which I heard! It was also 5-6 years ago.though I do not listen to them often these days.
I think the first song I heard was What Have You Done, which I liked and still like very much, but then I heard this one and went kinda crazy because it just sounded so epic and exactly what my poor slightly depressed fifteen years old soul needed. In one day, I completely switched from pop to metal and it took me a few years to appreciate my old favourite music again. (I know that I say all the time that I’m a Taylor Swift stan, but actually I only really started LOVING her music again last year.)
I’ve always thought that it’s kinda funny that in my Music class, for the first semester I prepared a project about Taylor Swift. In the second semester, that changed, the old pop loving Ronnie was dead, and my new project was about Within Temptation :D But I remember that I was actually upset that day, I chose to show my classmates the video of What About Us and they didn’t appreciate it. And then after me, my other classmate had a project about some singer who had this weird song about getting high. They wanted to replay it. I was so bitter, in my head I was like “this song that I showed you has an interesting meaningful message and you’d rather listen to a song about drugs, how dare you?! You’re absolutely terrible!”
Yeah. I mean, I get it today, but I was so, so bitter.
amuhav replied to your audio post “(via...”
I recently found out they had a new album out (and Nightwish had a new single out too ��) and early 2000s emo teenage me immediately surfaced and threw money at my screen!
Ahhhh I’ve basically had Noise on repeat since it came out, I love it so much! And the video is cool too. I can’t wait to hear the whole album. Nightwish never disappoints, I hope I’ll one day get to see them live. I’ve had a few chances but then it never worked out.
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Easter Baskets! 🐣
Caregivers!! Easter is a week away from today (April 1st)! If you and your little celebrate Easter, keep reading! Littles! If you don't have a CG, that's totally okay! Get a few little things or make yourself a whole basket! Here's a list of things for Easter!
❤️A basket! Start with this. This is what you can put everything in! They can be super cute. They can be wooden or they can be soft and shaped like bunnies or other animals! They come in all kinds of colors!
❤️Stuffies! There's bunnies, chicks, I've even seen dinosaurs! There's also a brand of stuffies I love called Squishmallows and they have easter themed stuffies like bunnies, pink cows, chicks, lambs, and more. They're super soft and come in many sizes!
❤️Coloring books! Princess ones are always good, but depending on what you/your little like, look for others. There's so many!
❤️Coloring supplies! Crayons, markers, colored pencils, gel pens, etc. Crayola is a great brand and not too expensive usually!
❤️Paints! Can be messy, but great pictures come out of finger painting!
❤️Stickers/Sticker Books! Sticker books can be similar to coloring books but sometimes have more fun activities!
💛Candy! There are lots of classic easter candies out such as jelly beans, Peeps (chicks and bunnies), Pez dispensers, and big chocolate bunnies!
💛Kinder Eggs! For us in the US, Kinder Eggs are new and exciting! Chocolate and a toy?! Can it get any better?!
💛Reese's! Reese's comes out with all kinds of stuff! They have Reese's Eggs (they are like the Reese's cups but they have even more yummy peanut butter), giant Reese's Eggs, chocolate and peanut butter bunnies, and more!
💛Full bags of candy! Brands like Kit Kats, Reese's, and Hershey's sell bags of their candy that's Easter themed and it's mini versions of their candies!
💛Snacks! If you/your little doesn't like candy or isn't allowed to much candy, snacks are great! There's fruit snacks and gummies, Gushers, Fruit Rollups, Goldfish, and lots more! Just find what you/your little like!
💚Sports Stuff! Are you or your little active? This is a great option! You can get regular sports stuff, or I even saw an easter themed bat and ball for baseball at Walmart. The bat was a carrot!
💚Pool/Beach toys! Spring is here and Summer is getting close. That means it's time to get outside! You can get pool floats, water guns, sand shovels and buckets, and lots more! These will come in handy if you're near a beach (ocean or lake) or even an indoor pool!
💚Socks/Slippers/Sandals! You can find Easter themed fuzzy socks or just some good slippers for around the house! And with the weather getting warmer, it's good to have sandals or flip flops!
💚A kite! Kites are so much fun when it's windy! They usually aren't too expensive, and come in lots of different designs. You can have a great day even if it's windy!
💚Sidewalk chalk! It gets you/your little outside, and they still get to color!
💙Bouncy Balls! Sometimes you can get really big ones, and they're super fun to bounce around and play catch with! If you do get the big ones, you might want to just set it by the basket!
💙Jump Rope! Gets you/your little active and is super fun! Try cool moves with your jump rope like crisscross if you're really good!
💙Cars/Trucks! These can be fun inside or outside, and super fun with friends too!
💙Dolls! You can get Barbie, Little People, Princess dolls, etc! There's lots!
💙Nerf Guns! There's designs for little boys and little girls, but get whatever you/your little likes best! Just be careful!
💜Legos! Again there are designs for little boys and little girls, but get whichever! They're super fun to build! (PSSST! Caregivers! These can keep your littles busy if you've got some adult stuff to do!)
💜Littlest Pet Shops! They're sooo cute! There's all kinds of little animals and they're super fun to play with!
💜My Little Pony! Again, super cute and super fun to play with!
💜Paw Patrol! I've seen little dolls/figures of all the pups, cars and race tracks, and stuffies!
💜Hatchimals! Since they come in eggs, I'm seeing them a lot in Easter stuff! Specifically, I've seen a 12 pack of mini hatchimal eggs!
💖 Board Games! I don't know about you/your little, but I loooove playing board games with my caregiver and my friends! Depending on the size, stick them in the back of the basket or to the side of the basket! Some of my favorites are Monopoly, Trouble, and Sorry!
💖Card Games! These could fit in the baskets better and are still super fun! I love UNO!
💖Playdough! So many colors! So many things to do with it!
💖Slime! It's so fun to play with! There's so many different kinds of Slime! You can even get kits to make your own Slime! Just be careful of messes!
💖Kinetic Sand! I think it's super relaxing! I love playing with it! Again, be careful of messes!
💗Comic Books! Do you/your little love superheroes? Find them a couple comic books!
💗Story books! Some littles love reading/being read to before bed. Get a few books for bedtime or things like long car rides!
💗Building Blocks! Building words or sentences can be really fun for some littles!
💗Bath toys! Rubber ducks! Bubble bath! Bath crayons! Bath bombs! So! Many! Fun! Bath! Toys!
💗Bottles! If you/your little likes bottles or sippy cups, get some new ones! There's lots of different colors and designs like cartoons and princesses!
💝Hair accessories! Bows, hair ties, clips, etc! Check out Claire's if there's one near you!
💝Pacis! If you/your little like Pacis, check out some other Tumblr blogs or Etsy shops! There are so many great people who make great adult pacis! Some can even custom make a paci for you! You can also try to find some in store if your short on time! Just make sure they're adult pacis so they don't hurt your/your littles teeth!
💝Onesies! Again, look on Etsy! There's so many designs!
💝Diapers! Depending on what age you/your little regress to, these can be wonderful!
💝Night Lights! There are lots of different ones you can get at lots of different stores! Toys R Us has a battery operated light that projects a rainbow across the room! These can help littles at bedtime that don't like the dark!
🐣🌸🌈These are all great ideas for Easter baskets, or just for presents and rewards! If you're a CG and you live with your little, you can also get plastic eggs and fill them with candy or small toys and hide them around the house when they're sleeping! Or leave that up to the Easter Bunny 😉 If you're a LDR Caregiver, hurry and grab some stuff and mail it to your little in the form of a care package! Or again, if you're a little without a CG, there's nothing wrong with treating yourself and getting yourself a basket! I hope this has helped! Have a Happy Easter! 🌈🌸🐣
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spiffysixxsense · 7 years
Pssst, do 1-65 of the questions you’re not used to 🖤
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?I doubt my own existence, not so much others. (I exist?)2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?Where am I? In my own room? 0. An abandoned asylum? Probably a good 4. Deep in an unknown forest with lots of noises? 53. The person you would never want to meet?Trump. I wouldn't be able to hold my tongue.4. What is your favorite word?I used the word Psychopharmacology alot today.5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?A weeping willow6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?I'm tired. Ugh I have to get ready. 7. What shirt are you wearing?A green v neck that has the X pattern thing across the chest.8. What do you label yourself as?Worthless9. Bright room or dark room?DARK ROOM get me the hell away from the light.10. What were you doing at midnight last night?Working on a project 11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?Anything from like 4-1012. Who told you they loved you last?Alex13. Your worst enemy?Nobody comes to mind of someone who actually truly hates me, @ me if you wanna be my enemy 14. What is your current desktop picture?A teal and black swirly pattern 15. Do you like someone?If my SO counts16. The last song you listened to?SHINEDOWN'S NEW SINGLE 'DEVIL' AND OOH MY GOD IT'S SO GOOD AND I CANT WAIT FOR THE REST OF THE ALBUM17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?The person I never wanna meet probably.18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?Oh my god these are all the same question TRUMP I HATE TRUMP I NEVER WANT TO MEET HIM I WANT TO BLOW HIM UP AND PUNCH HIM. 19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?I have no idea who it would be but I would definitely make them write some essays and annotated bibliographies for me20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)I don't really have one, but I don't hate my lips. They have a nice shape for lipstick21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?I'd probably look like my dad and I'm playing with my dick all day. 22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?I don't even have a known talent much less a secret one 23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?Driving terrifies me, and it somehow gets worse each time I do it. 24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.Waldorf chicken salad came to mind, with spinach and whole wheat bread. I'm boring 25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?Like, one grocery trip. 26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?Honestly. Nowhere. I hate sudden plans. But to play along, I'll say Greece. 27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?"Even if you don't drink booze there's something you can figure out" what am I figuring out? I don't want any alcoholic beverages.28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? No hate/ prejudice/ discrimination 29. What is your favorite expletive?I say fuck alot.30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?Probably my computer, but something more meaningful is my childhood stuffed dog, Kipper.31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?Oh baby I like this one. Does it have to be ONE memory? Like I want to erase the times I was in the car as a child with a drunk driver that made me terrified to drive, but it happened more than once, can I erase them all?32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!That wasn't really a question, but I get it. In actuality, probably Canada. It's not America but more similar than other places so I'm not culture shocked.33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?My Aunt Patricia 34. What was your last dream about?I can't remember, but I think school. Ugh35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?So I'm making the question? Am I a good anything? The answer is no regardless. 36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?Not since infancy 37. Have you ever built a snowman?Yes38. What is the color of your socks?Burgundy with little brown foxes39. What type of music do you like?Rock/alternative/metal40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?Sunsets. I only see sunrises because I'm sleep deprived 41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?Banana 42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)I can't name a single soccer team but I'm a Lions fan no matter what.43. Do you have any scars?Not really anymore, they have faded.44. What do you want to be when you graduate?Employed.45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?My anxiety 46. Are you reliable?Yes. Too much sometimes 47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?Am I ever okay? Am I ever happy? Am I ever a capable adult?48. Do you hold grudges?A little bit yeah. 49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?When I was in like 4th grade we had to do this and then draw it, and I made a Larkigator, a lion shark alligator 😂50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?Something with @x-i-a-t in a tent at 4 am, or just a way too personal conversation with @reddragon800051. Are you a good liar?Yes. Most of the time.52. How long could you go without talking?Weeks honestly. 53. What has been you worst haircut/style?I guess bangs, but I don't even think they looked that awful. I did however get chunky blonde highlights I did not like. 54. Have you ever baked your own cake?From scratch, no55. Can you do any accents other than your own?Well? No. 56. What do you like on your toast?Butter and apple jelly57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?I mean technically just little random doodles of shapes when I was bored in class.58. What would be you dream car?I joke about a model GT because that's my initials, but honestly one that will drive itself. 59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain?If no-one is home I will play music and dance, I don't usually sing just because I fear someone will come home and hear me lol. If there isn't music i talk to myself, either venting to nobody or just saying all the things I have to do when I get out 60. Do you believe in aliens?Yes 61. Do you often read your horoscope?Never 62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?The two most important people's names in my life begin with A. 63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?Shit. I want to say dragons but i think I'm gonna say dinosaurs just because they actually existed.64. What do you think about babies?Keep them away from me.65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.Am I procrastinating by answering these? Yes.
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counttotwenty · 8 years
Bullet Points: You Gotta Trust Me
Murder Most Foul-part 4 (parts 1-3 can be found here, here and here) Bullet points are encapsulated scene analysis from the top of each act to the bottom. (each act is bookended by a commercial break)
1. The Robin 2.0 storyline is a really well-drawn counterpoint to the current Captain Charming dynamic. David sees Killian as a “lying thieving pirate” because that what he needs him to be right now. Regina sees Robin 2.0 as a sweet soul who would regret killing Nottingham because that’s what she wants him to be.
The really interesting thing though is that each of them is projecting personality traits they feel they themselves lack onto the other person. David is choosing to see Killian as an immoral pirate capable of doing whatever is necessary to achieve a goal. He knows that he’s not that kind of person himself so he needs to find those traits externally. Whether or not Killian is still that person is irrelevant because the bottom line is David’s view isn’t about Killian. It’s about David.
Regina wants to see Robin 2.0 as a kind-hearted, well meaning person who would never kill in cold blood. She wants him to be above reproach and not willing to take shortcuts because those are the parts of her own personality that trouble her. Again, it isn’t about Robin. It’s about Regina.
So in addition to being about how we define ourselves this story is also about how we define others. And why. Which is in and of itself an even more fascinating question. And viewed through this lens the Dark Swan storyline takes on a whole new dimension.
2. “Trust me. Someday ... you would.”
I’m gonna give Regina the benefit of the doubt here (I know! It surprised me too) and say that she’s speaking from personal experience about regretting past actions.
However, regretting your past and changing is one thing (Killian) but regretting your past and continuing to make many of the same mistakes and follow many of the same patterns is a whole other thing.(Regina)
It’s why Killian’s redemption arc has been so much more complete than Regina’s. It’s the difference between truly wanting to let go of the past and wanting to hold on to giant chunks of it.
3. “I need you to promise that you’ll stop running away and trying to kill people.”
Seriously, Regina wants Robin 2.0 to be the original recipe so bad she’s starting to sound like one of those serial killer girlfriends who gets interviewed as the FBI is excavating her sweetie’s yard and claims he’s a gentle misunderstood soul and someone must have framed him by burying 18 bodies in his basement.
4. The moral of the story is that refusing to see people as who they really are, good or bad, is ultimately not productive for either party.
5. There are two things that are perfectly clear from the opening frames of the Captain Charming scene. First and foremost, Emma looms large over everything that happens in this scene whether she’s present of not. There’s no doubt that her house is big but the way they frame it, and the camera angles they use, make it absolutely dwarf both Killian and David. It gives Emma a gigantic presence in the scene even before she arrives. 
The second thing is that Killian and David are not even close to being in sync. Not only do we hear it in their words but it’s more than evident in the blocking. David is out in front, moving hurriedly. Not stopping to think. Killian is trying to pull him back, slow him down. To no avail.
6. “Look if you’re too afraid forget about it.”
OK for a minute there I flashed back to every cheesey After School Special I saw as a kid.
David is obviously lashing out here. Everyone knows that. But it’s interesting that he’s lashing out in opposition to the one thing he always believed about his father--that Robert was weak. And in this moment he desperately wants to believe he isn’t the same. So he adopts a take no prisoners/leave no stone unturned bravado and when he feels it being challenged he lashes out at Killian as the one who is weak and scared.
I’ma give you some leeway here because I know you’re in a spiral David but bullying and taunting isn’t a good look on anyone.
7. Killian makes an effort to get through to David by asking if he’d really be willing to steal from his daughter but David is having none of it. He pivots the conversation right back to Killian and to the Hook-like personality traits he needs right now. Not really from Killian--but from himself.
It’s much easier for David to be the ‘screw the rules’ guy his plan requires if he pictures Captain Hook standing beside him as opposed to Killian Jones.
8. “C’mon buddy, it’s just me here.”
This was perhaps the lowest blow David took all episode. It implies that Killian is faking being a changed man in front of other people but that he can be himself in front of David.
Not cool.
9. In the moment after David asks for the key to the shed Killian has a decision to make
Killian, who has time and again proven to be one of the most self-aware characters on the show, as well as the one most truly committed to making changes and becoming a better man. Killian, who above all things wants to protect Emma and do what’s best for her.
In that moment he puts his own needs and goals (getting David’s blessing) aside and goes all in for Emma. Because keeping David from doing something colossally stupid is what she would want.
So he hands over the key.
Not happily but he does.
It’s a really powerful moment that shows he will always strive to place Emma’s needs above his own.
10. “So, you finally grew a spine.”
The difference between Rumple and David/Regina is that in this moment he sees Robert for who he really is. He sees the changes. Whether or not they fit what he wants or needs to believe about the man doesn’t matter. 
11. It’s interesting that Robert, in both his conversation with Ruth and here with Rumple, talks about wanting to find James and apologize and set things right but not specifically about reuniting them as one big happy family.
Deep down he clearly understands that what he did isn’t something that can easily be reversed. It’s just something that needs to be faced.
The irony is that later in the ep no character would understand what Hook did and why he did it more so than Robert. But we’ll get to that when that scene arrives.
12. So Robert needs to go to the Land Built from Temptation to find James.
In other words--the man who is claiming to have changed needs to face a strong temptation to go back to his old ways--and resist it--in order to attempt to make amends for something he did in the past.
13. “Someday, may we all be reunited with our sons.”
I’d almost feel bad for Rumple in that moment if this scene didn’t do such a great job of highlighting the stark contrast between him and Robert.
Robert is willing to do anything and give up everything to reach his son. Rumple may want his son back just as badly but he’s not willing to relinquish his power to make it happen.
14. “Emma’s here. Hurry up.”
As code words go, that one was kinda weak. LOL
15. Fascinating that at no point do we get to see Emma framed against the entirety of the gigantic house in the way we saw David and Killian.
Pssst that’s because for the purposes of this scene the house represents Emma’s presence.
16. She came back for life jackets. The things that keep you afloat in an emergency situation.
Heh. I see you, show.
17. When Emma mentions her super power it does something VERY important. It guarantees that everything Killian says for the remainder of their scene together is the truth. Because it shows that she’s in the mood to call him on it if it isn’t.
18. “I’m a bit out of sorts.” “I thought you were gonna die.” He’s not shining her on or just trying to distract her. He’s confiding his deepest feelings to her. He’s showing her a part of his heart and soul. 
Really well done moment. 
When he sees David skulk out of the shed, pilfered loot in hand, he hangs his head and sighs audibly. He isn’t happy about what’s going on, he isn’t even willingly on board, but he’s going to go through with it for her. No matter where it leads.
19. “I didn’t want to let you in the shed without sharing them.”
Again, he’s telling the truth. And first and foremost, he’s proving that whatever he’s up to with David isn’t about David. It’s about his love for her.
This exchange is so subtly drawn it’s easy to overlook the powerful deeper meaning but in its own way this moment means more than the proposal ultimately will.
20. And then the moment is sealed by the swirling camera of love. It encapsulates just the two of them, framed against their home. 
As a couple they are solid. Tight as a drum. Whatever comes down the pike they’ll be able to handle it. They are a cohesive unit bound together by a deep and abiding love and respect for each other.
And BOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21. My only qualm with this scene--and it’s a teeny tiny nitpick--is how did Emma not notice David’s truck when she pulled up?
22. And just in case Killian’s moment of decision wasn’t clear enough, when he and David are headed back to the truck the blocking has completely changed. They’re walking side by side. Killian verbalizes that “it didn’t feel good” yet at the same time we see he’s made a decision to help David.
Well done!
Next up-Are You Sure We’re Doing This Right?
38 notes · View notes
You will learn to:
Choose a Platform
Choose a Domain Name
Set-up and Design your Website
STEP #1: Choose Your Website Platform
This is the first step of creating your own website.
At the end of this guide, you should have fully working website that should take no more than 1 -2 hours.
This guide is perfect for people who’re interested in creating a…
Business website
Personal website
Online Store
BUT, before you start worrying about color schemes, domain name and web hosting, you’ve got to decide what platform you’re going to build your website with.
What do I mean by “platform”?
Well, back in the early 2000’s most sites were built using HTML (code). This took a lot of time to learn and was tricky to master.
That’s why most people still think creating a website from scratch is difficult or requires a lot of coding and design skills — but that’s no longer true!
In 2016, content management systems (CMS) have made creating a website accessible to everyone.
To put simply, a content management system (or website building platform) is a user-friendly platform for building websites and managing your own online content, instead of using a bunch of loose HTML pages.
We Suggest the Following:
Why WordPress and not website builders?
Because at this point there are no better/easier ways to build a website… But more importantly:
#1. It’s totally FREE, with many layouts/themes to choose from.
WordPress doesn’t cost a dime to download or install, and there’s a huge community who have designed beautiful themes and templates, making it easy to get going fast. You’ll never run out of uniqueness…
#2. It’s VERY beginner-friendly.
If you know how to use Microsoft Word, you already know how add your own content. WordPress can be expanded with free plugins to handle just about any site you can imagine — from gorgeous business pages to social networking sites. With “plugins” you’ll be able to add contact forms, subscription forms, image galleries and so on for your website — pretty simple, huh?
#3. Small or large site? Great for both.
From basic blogs to beautiful business sites and online stores, WordPress can handle just about any kind of website. WordPress is used by eBay, Mozilla, Reuters, CNN, Google Ventures and even NASA.
#4. Your site will be ‘responsive’. Meaning it’ll work on mobiles & tablets, too.
The website you build will instantly be responsive, looking great on every mobile device, smartphone and tablet. No need to hire a web developer for that.
#5. HUGE support and developer community available to help.
With so many people using the platform (Webmasters, Bloggers, Theme developers and Plugin creators), it’s easy to find QUICK help when you need it. In addition, WordPress has lots of free resources both available on Youtube and their support forum.
For beginners, I suggest sticking to WordPress.
It’s the easiest platform I’ve ever worked with, but it’s flexible enough to suit everyone from small business owners, and freelancers to creative artists and bloggers.
I would look no further than WordPress.
In Step 2, I’ll walk you through the process of choosing a domain name and finding a space to host your site.
In Step 3, I’ll show you how to install and customize your WordPress website. Don’t worry — I’ll walk you through the process, with lots of images as a reference.
If you have any questions/suggestions for this guide don’t hesitate to contact me. Remember: I’m here to help!
P.S. Don’t download/install WordPress yet, you’ll need to do it in Step #3.
STEP #2: Find a Domain Name and Host
To get a new website online, you’re going to need two things:
A domain name (a web address like yoursitename.com)
Hosting (a service that connects your site to the internet)
The WordPress platform itself is FREE, but a domain name and hosting will cost you around $3 — $5 a month. However it costs less than a coffee, so it won’t break the bank.
Owning your own domain name looks far more professional than having your site on someone else’s domain (like yourbusiness.my-free-website.com), and it’s super affordable, too.
Plus, having your own hosting will also make sure your website loads quickly and won’t go down for hours at a time (pretty important for everyone who visits your pages.)
Where do I get a domain name and hosting?
I’ve mostly used www.Bluehost.com as a web hosting and domain registration for myself and for my web development projects.
Disclosure: Because I’ve used Bluehost and found their hosting great, all links to Bluehost are referral links. I’ll earn a commission if you make a purchase and you’ll get a discounted price. This is how I keep WebsiteSetup.org up and running.
Their basic website hosting costs less than a movie ticket ($2.75/mo) and they throw in a FREE domain name (a nice perk to have).
Of course you can try other web hosting providers and even try to host your site by yourself, but it’s a very complicated process and often wouldn’t be capable of serving your website visitors. So save yourself some money and get a proper host that meets WordPress requirements.
When you get a domain name (and hosting), you’ll also get a personal email account(s): [email protected] — way more professional than a generic Gmail or Yahoo address.
Already have a domain name and hosting? Go ahead and skip to step 3, where I’ll explain how you can set up your website.
What kind of domain name should I pick?
As an easy starting point:
If you’re making a website for your business, your domain name should match your company name. For example: YourCompanyName.com
If you’re planning to set up a website for yourself, then YourName.com can be a great option.
For this site (WebsiteSetup), I chose WebsiteSetup.org
Domain names usually end with .com, .org or .net, but in recent months, a huge amount of domain extensions (the end part of the web address, like .com) have come out, ranging from .agency to .pizza.
My best advice? Avoid the weird extensions and go with .com, .net or .org unless they perfectly describe what you have to offer — and even then, see if you can find a more common name.
While .com, .org and .net are commonly used and easily remembered, the domain extension craze hasn’t really gone mainstream yet — so people may not find you if you use a really different domain extension.
Any additional tips for choosing my domain name?
There are a few things that can help you choose your domain name:
#1 Is it brandable? For example, if you make a site about poetry then best-poetry-website.net is not a good choice: poetryacademy.com or poetryfall.com is much better.
#2 Is it memorable? Short, punchy and clear domain names are much easier to remember. If your domain name is too fuzzy, too long or spelled in a strange way, visitors may forget it.
#3 Is it catchy? You want a domain name that rolls off the tongue, describes what you (or your business) does and sticks in the head. Coming up with a cool name can be a bit tough since there are approximately 150 million active domain names in the world right now — but don’t give up.
There’s one rule that always applies to domain names: If you like it, go for it.
Do some brainstorming to come up with a unique domain name that reflects your future website, business or blog.
Secure your FREE domain name and web hosting. For this I recommend Bluehost.com, but you can pick any other web host as long as it’s reliable and simple.
Do some brainstorming to come up with a unique domain name that reflects your future website, business or blog.
Secure your FREE domain name and web hosting. For this I recommend Bluehost.com, but you can pick any other web host as long as it’s reliable and simple.
UPDATE: I made a simple guide for Bluehost users (which hosting package to choose & how to install WordPress).
STEP #3: Let’s Set Up and Tweak Your Website
Once you’ve bought your domain name and set up your hosting, you’re well on your way!
Now it’s time to get your website up and running. The first thing you’ll need to do is install WordPress to your domain.
Installing WordPress
There are two possible ways to install WordPress, one MUCH easier than the other.
Almost every reliable and well-established hosting company has integrated 1-click-installation for WordPress, which makes getting going a snap.
If you signed up with Bluehost or any other similar hosting company, you should find your “1-click-installation” in your account control panel.
Here are the steps you should follow (should be similar/same on all the major web hosting companies):
Log in to your hosting account.
Go to your control panel.
Look for the “WordPress” or “Website” icon.
Choose the domain where you want to install your website.
Click the “Install Now” button and you will get access to your new WordPress website.
If you’re unable to locate it, look here: How to Install WordPress on Bluehost.
2. … OR MANUAL INSTALL (if needed)
If for some odd reason (some hosting companies don’t provide one-click-install for WordPress) you don’t have the option to install WordPress automatically, look this manual guide below:
Installing WordPress Manually (Click to expand)
Pssst — if they don’t have 1-click-installation, maybe you’re dealing with a bad host!
Choosing a Theme/Template for your site
Once you have successfully installed WordPress to your domain, you’ll see a very basic yet clean site:
But you don’t want to look like everyone else, do you? That’s why you need a theme — a design template that tells WordPress how your website should look. See a sample version below:
Here’s where it gets fun: There are thousands of awesome, professionally designed themes you can choose from and customize for a site that’s all your own.
Here’s how to find a theme you like:1. Log into your WordPress dashboard
If you’re not sure how, type in: http://yoursite.com/wp-admin (replace “yoursite” with your domain).
This is what the WordPress dashboard looks like:
Everything is easily labelled. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, don’t sweat it — I’m going to show you where to go next.
2. Access FREE themes
Once you’re in the dashboard, you’ve got access to over 1500 free themes! Just look along the side bar for “Appearance”, then click “Themes”.
I’ve even compiled a list of 15 most popular free WordPress themes.
If you want something more professional or elegant than what you find here, you can head over to ThemeForest.net where there’s a HUGE library of themes to pick from at varying costs.
But before you do that, I really suggest you at least try spending some time browsing the free themes. Many of them are actually really professional and well made; so don’t write them off.
As you can see above, installing a new theme for your website is very easy.
You can search for specific keywords and/or use filters to find themes that suit your style. Finding the perfect theme can take a while, but it’s worth it.
You should also look for themes that are “responsive”, as this means they will look good on any mobile device.
Just punch it in as one of your keywords, and you’ll be all set!
3. Install your new theme
Once you have found a theme you like, installing it is as simple as clicking “Install” followed by “Activate”.
IMPORTANT: Changing themes won’t delete your previous posts, pages and content. You can change themes as often as you want without having to worry about lose what you’ve created.
How do I add content and create new pages?
With your theme installed, you’re ready to start creating content. Let’s quickly run through some of the basics:
Adding and editing pages
Want a “Services” page, or an “About Me” page (like I have on my menu at the top of the site)?
1. Look along the sidebar in the WordPress Dashboard for “Pages” -> “Add New”.
2. Once you’ve clicked, you’ll find a screen that looks a lot like what you’ve maybe seen in Microsoft Word. Add text, images and more to build the page you want, then save it when you’re done.
Adding pages to the menu
If you want your new page to be linked to in your navigation bar,
1. Save any changes you’ve made to the page by clicking “Update”
2. Click “Appearance” -> “Menus” in the sidebar of the WordPress Dashboard
3. Find the page you created and add it to the list by clicking the checkbox next to it and then “Add to Menu”.
Adding and editing posts
If you have a blog on your website, “Posts” will be where you turn to next. You can use different categories to group similar posts.
If you want to add a blog to your website, you can use different categories and posts. Let’s say you want to create a category named “Blog”. To do so, simply add it to your menu and start making posts.
Here’s what you need to do:
a. Create a new category by going to “Posts -> Categories”
b. Create a blog post by going to “Posts -> Add New”. Once you’ve finished writing your blog post, you need to add the right category for it.
Once you’ve created your category, simply add it to the menu, and you’re in business!
Customization & Endless Tweaks…
In this section I’ll cover some of the basic things I’m asked about all the time that will help you to tweak your website.
Changing Your Title and Tagline
Page titles explain to searchers what your website is about, and they’re also a big part of how search engines determine your rankings, so you want to be sure they’ve got the keywords you want to target in them (but in a natural way, written for real people).
You should use a unique title on every page of your site. For example, my site’s title is “How to Make a Website”.
(Can’t find it? Just hold your mouse over the tab at the top of your web browser).
Taglines are added at the end of titles across every page. My site’s tagline is “Step by Step Guide”
In order to change the title and tagline on your website, go to “Settings -> General” and fill in the form below:
Disabling Comments for Posts & Pages
Some websites (business/organisation sites mostly) don’t want their visitors to be able to comment on their pages.
Here’s how to shut comments off on WordPress pages:
1. While you are writing a new page, click “Screen Options” in the top right corner.
2. Click the “Discussion” box. The “Allow Comments” box will appear at the bottom.
3. Untick “Allow Comments”.
Want to disable comments on every new page by default?
1. Go to “Settings -> Discussion” and untick “Allow people to post comments on new articles”
Setting Up a Static Front Page
Some people contact me saying they’re frustrated that their home page looks like a blog post. You can fix that by making your home page “static”.
A static page is a page that doesn’t change. Unlike a blog, where the first new article will show up at the top every time, a “static” page will show the same content every time someone comes to the site — like a home page you’ve designed.
To set up a static front page:
1. Go to “Settings -> Reading”
2. Choose a static page that you have created. “Front Page” denotes your home page, “Posts page” is the front page of your blog (if your entire site isn’t a blog).
If you don’t choose a static page on your own, WordPress will take your latest posts and start showing them on your homepage.
Editing sidebar
Most WordPress themes have a sidebar on the right side (in some cases it’s on the left).
If you want to get rid of the sidebar or edit out items you do not need like “Categories”, “Meta” and “Archives”, which are usually pointless, here’s how:
1. Go to “Appearance -> Widgets” in the WordPress Dashboard.
2. From here, you can use drag and drop to add different “boxes” to your sidebar, or remove the items you don’t want.
There’s also a “HTML box” — a text box where you can use HTML code. For beginners, don’t worry about this bit — just drag and drop the elements you’d like in your sidebar.
Installing Plugins to Get More out of WordPressWhat is a plugin?
“Plugins” are extensions that are built to expand WordPress’ capabilities, adding features and functions to your site that don’t come built-in.
They’re shortcuts to getting your site to do what you want to, without having to build the feature from scratch.
You can use plugins to do everything from adding photo galleries and submission forms to optimizing your website and creating an online store.
How do I install a new Plugin?
To start installing plugins, go to “Plugins -> Add New” and simply start searching.
Keep in mind that there are over 25,000 different FREE plugins, so you’ve got a LOT to choose from!
Installation is easy — once you find a plugin you like, just click “Install”.
BUT — before you go and install every single one, I suggest you read this article: Things you need to know about using WP plugins.
To save you some time, I’ve put together a list of the most popular plugins that webmasters find useful:
#1 Contact form 7: My website has a contact form on my About Me page. It’s an awesome feature to have, as people (like you!) can fill in the form and send me an email without logging into their own email provider. If you want to do something similar, definitely get this plugin. P.S. Here’s a step-by-step guide for setting it up.
#2 Yoast SEO for WordPress: If you want to make your WordPress site even more SEO-friendly, this plugin is a must-have. It’s free, and it’s awesome. You’ll be able to edit your title tags, meta descriptions and more, all from within the page itself — no more fussing with WordPress settings.
#3 Google Analytics: Interested in tracking your visitors/traffic and their behaviour? Just install the plugin, connect it with your Google account and you’re ready to go.
Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg! Here’s a list of recommended plugins by me.
Congratulations — you’re ready to launch!
If you’ve followed the steps in this guide, you should now have a fully-functional WordPress website! That wasn’t so bad, was it?
Last but not least, keep improving your website.
0 notes
susantregre · 7 years
60 Super Fun Family Time Activities
All this #familytime fun is sponsored by Juicy Juice
There’s no time like family time and these 60 Super Fun Family Time Activities will keep your family busy all summer long!
With summer right around the corner, my family has been brainstorming ideas we can do together. From outdoor family time to family crafts and games we’ve covered it all.  We were inspired by Juicy Juice’s 100% Family Time Campaign which is a yearlong celebration of family moments.
Pssst…Look below for a chance to win an all-expenses-paid family vacation to Beaches Resort!
Fun Family Time Activities
Use these ideas to make a family time list of must-do things!  Juicy Juice has partnered with Meredith Sinclair (one of our favorite people in the world!) who is the author of Well Played: The Ultimate Guide to Awakening Your Family’s Playful Spirit (affiliate link).  This book has a ton of ideas, inspiration and techniques to get your family playing together including…
Appoint a Chief Family Time Captain
A Chief Family Time Captain (CFTC) can make sure that family time HAPPENS.  This massive list, the Well Played book plus your family’s own ideas can make the CFTC’s job a cinch.  Check out the printable 100% Family Time Playlist for easy playtime organization.
Win a Family Vacation…and More
Juicy Juice has launched a Nationwide search for moms, dads and other grown-ups who help find the fun amid busy schedules.  To enter, adults can share a photo with a caption describing a favorite family time moment or tip (easy!).  Nine finalists will receive a month’s supply of Juicy Juice and a copy of Well Played.  One grand prize “Chief Family Time Officer” winner (determined by fan vote) will receive a month’s supply of Juicy Juice and the ultimate family time getaway — an all-expenses-paid vacation together to Beaches Resort!
Fantastic Outside Family Games for Spring and Summer
One of the best things about spring and summer is that going outside together is fun!  Let these ideas start your family enjoying the great outdoors.
Plan a park or playground crawl!  Take a few hours of an afternoon to park hop. -via Juicy Juice Family Time Tips
Kids like to mix things up sometimes, who wouldn’t love a Summer Day Camp! -via Kids Activities Blog
Throw Paint Filled Eggs at a canvas for a fun activity! -via Growing A Jeweled Rose
Keep the kids busy with this cool Fourth of July Printable Scavenger Hunt! -via Kids Activities Blog
Don’t Get Caught with the Cookie is a great outdoors game kids and adults alike will love!
It’s a fun family adventure where you follow clues to Find A Letterbox. -via Kids Activities Blog
DIY Sidewalk Foam Paint is super fun DIY your kids are going to love, and it’s easy clean up! -via The TipToe Fairy
Make the easiest popsicles in the world with Juicy Juice for the best backyard treat.  -via Kids Activities Blog
Fruit and Smores Cones– One of my favorite things about camping is the food. -via Kids Activities Blog
This fun and cool Bubble Science Experament would be a great summer or spring activity! -via Babble Dabble Do
In honor of Earth Day, I encourage you and your little one(s) to get outside and explore, the best way is to play I-Spy! -via Kids Activities Blog
This Color Spray Science/Art Experiment was so simple that my preschoolers were able to replicate it at home easily. -via Kids Activities Blog
Beach in the Backyard is a great idea for hot day! -via Wray Sist3rs
There’s nothing quite like Painting in the Great Outdoors to get those creative juices flowing! -via Kids Activities Blog
This Bubble Recipe is so super easy to make and so frugal! -via La-La’s Home Daycare
Dirt Soup Photos: Wordless Wednesday. via Kids Activities Blog
Pool Noodles are great for outdoor summer fun games and activities, like this Pool Noodle Sprinkler! -via Ziggity Zoom
One of the fun activities that the kids wanted to try was making Bubble Snakes! -via Housing A Forest
A Tinker Toy Catapult is pretty simple construction and soon marbles were zinging across the house. -via Kids Activities Blog
Turn the backyard into your very own bowling alley with our Recycled Bottle Bowling Craft! -via Moonfrye
Great spring & summer weather takes us all outdoors, especially with this fun Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt! -via Kids Activities Blog
Getting there can be fun!  Check out these ideas for making car rides a fun family experience.  -Juicy Juice Family Time Tips
It’s time for summer fun & games your kids will love this DIY Ring Toss Game! -via Mom Endeavors
Worm Homes can be fun to make and create. -via Kids Activities Blog
Pack a lunch together as a family and head to a favorite picnic spot…even if that is your living room floor!  Check out these easy kid lunch ideas with Juicy Juice. -via Kids Activities Blog
Shadow Art outdoor science is a hands-on STEAM activity for kids. -via Rhymes of Play
This Slime Recipe is super simple and not to mention kids love slime!-via Kids Activities Blog
I’m sharing an easy DIY Yard Yahtzee game today for my summer fun idea.-via Life Sew Savory
This creative game uses simple Drawing Prompts to spark imaginations -via Kids Activities Blog
This summer a Water Blaster Sprinkler seemed like it would be great for some fun water play! -via Mom Endeavors
Make a Splash with Family Water Activities
If you want family fun…just add water!  These are some of our favorite water-based activities that don’t need a backyard pool.
Sponge Water Bombs are a favorite summer must have. -via House of the Hepworths
Can I just say this Mud Painting activity for kids was absolutely fun–even for me! -via Kids Activities Blog
DIY PVC Backyard Water Park is so fun and inexpensive! -via Classy Clutter
All you need to re-make Pool Noodles into Light Sabers is silver duct tape and black tape. -via Kids Activities Blog
Have fun with this Recycled Water Wall all summer! -via Things to Share and Remember
Always looking for something new & fun to do outdoors, we decided to try to come up with some fun water games that involved Riding Our Bikes. -via Kids Activities Blog
Water Blobs is a great way for cool summer fun! -via hello, Wonderful
This Water Cup Race is a fun game to play outside with water guns! -via All For The Boys
Learn How to Create a Fun NERF Battlefield for hours of family fun! -via Kids Activities Blog
Kids Activities for Family Time
Making and playing together is the best combination of family time ideas. Sometimes making it is more than half the fun!
Create a “Creativity Cupboard” filled with open-ended supplies to help with spontaneous family crafting moments. -via Juicy Juice Family Time Tips
Simple Machines: Pulley– Six different type of machines that we can “build” at home to lessen our “work” load! -via Kids Activities Blog
Balloon Target Practice is a great way to have summer fun with out a swimsuit! -via Tip Junkie
Solar Ovens are so cool and s much cooler when your kid can make their own! -via Kids Activities Blog
Make a “100% Family Time” Capsule!  Decorate an empty Juicy Juice bottle transforming it into this cool idea.  -Juicy Juice Family Time Tips
I’m sure I’m not the only mom who hears “I’m bored” on breaks from school so here is a cool Spray Chalk Recipe you and your kids will love! -via Clever Pink Pirate
This Fizzing Sidewalk Paint is by far one of our kids’ most favorite play recipes. -via Kids Activities Blog
Make a refreshing drink together using Juicy Juice Splashers. -via Kids Activities Blog
I want to show you how to make the DIY Color Powder that could cause a world of fun for you and your family! -via dukes & duchesses
This simple Animal Hunt Outdoor Adventure is sure to have your little ones happily running around and searching through your garden. -via Kids Activities Blog
This Balloon Dart Board is so fast, easy, and has a big pay off! -via This is Do-Able
Our Magnetic Mud was fun and terrific outdoor science project! -via Kids Activities Blog
Make meal prep time a family time.  I love, love, love these ideas.  -Juicy Juice Family Time Tips
Memorial Day Games: some serious outside family fun! -via Journey with Johnsons
Grab a couple of ropes and string up a Backyard Tight-rope! -via Kids Activities Blog
Here are some of my Favorite Yard Games to play outside before club starts, especially during spring-time weather. -via Young Life Leaders
With this super fun activity you kids will be Enjoying Art Outdoors! -via Kids Activities Blog
The Wink Game is a fun and calm game to play in circle. -via Jouzy
Part art project, part gross motor activity Ping Pong Ball Painting is so much fun! -via Kids Activities Blog
I know we said that making it is more than half the fun, but in this case…maybe not!  This is the easiest popsicle in the world and eating it is kinda magnificent! -via Kids Activities Blog
It is time for more Paint and Play, we took our playtime to nighttime and made some fun Glowing Bubble Art. -via Growing A Jeweled Rose
It is a Tetrahedral Kite that is surprisingly easy to make. -via Kids Activities Blog
Glow sticks are the secret behind this Glow in the Dark Bowling that the kids will love! -via Kix Cereal
We had a blast — literally — with this Exploding Paint Bombs activity! -via Kids Activities Blog
Popped Bubble Art is a fun summer activity that your kids will love and find fascinating! -via Broogly
When your kids aren’t quite ready for bed yet, and you want to let them have some super fun, try these Flashlight Games! -via Kids Activities Blog
The activity that will last all summer- Summer Twister. -via Eucharisteo
Spell It Out– This game puts a super-size spin on an old classic and boosts basic literacy skills. -via Parents
Spot it! It’s a fun family game that is simple but unbelievably addictive that ages 4 to adult will love! -via Kids Activities Blog
This Balloon Dart Board is so fast, easy, and has a big pay off! -via This is Do-Able
Family game night is a staple in our house, and one game we are obsessed with lately is Wobbly Worm! -via Kids Activities Blog
Let’s Talk About Family Time
Wheel of Topics tackled Family Time in a recent episode over at Quirky Momma.  Tune in below for all the family time chatter…
Don’t forget to save time for spontaneity!  Everything doesn’t have to be planned out…just letting family time happen can be the best moments of all.  -via Juicy Juice Family Time Tips
For even more family time activities and ideas check out our 50 Activities for Autumn.
Remember!  Don’t forget to enter to win the title of “Chief Family Time Officer” which includes an amazing family vacation!  This opportunity ends soon, so go enter here!
  The post 60 Super Fun Family Time Activities appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.
from Kids Activities Blog http://ift.tt/2oazXqH
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