#ptolemaios pryce
shishmish662 · 1 year
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earlofbats · 2 years
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My Idea for a Disco Elysium “mechanic”. Post game, during a new case, If the player completed the “heraldic parrot” quest and chose either the Bang Bang, Funeral or Major Majestic parrot, They will meet one of the three Parrots. (I dont have anything for the Fuckupatoo) You can convince Jean Vicquemare and Ptolemy Pryce to Allow you to keep the parrot and have it join you during your field work If you claim it as your “emotional support Heraldic soulmate“, much to the displeasure and bafflement of Kim. (Despite his objections he does find your love for the parrot very sweet and isn’t actually that upset about it and, with some convincing, willing to even introduce and refer to the parrot as “detective {parrots name}”) Each parrot has it’s own personality and assist abilities that help with checks, unlock unique dialogue options and provide information and insight. Each parrot also allows you to read back any previous conversation you’ve had. Bang Bang Cockatoo (Gang-Gang Cockatoo) at the far back Is named Raphael Ambrosius Costeau. He speaks with a pleasant, posh British accent and has a polite, inquisitive "Watson"-esque personality. He casually refers to the player as "Sir," but uses "Mr. Du Bois" when being stern and "Harrier" when concerned. His main encouragement to the player is to engage in detective work, solve the case, and act responsibly. He offers interesting perspectives on clues and directs the player towards possible new leads. Funeral Cockatoo (Zanda funerea or Yellow Tailed-black Cockatoo) Second to back is named Tequila Sunset. He has a dour and melancholy demeanor and speaks with a soft, monotone "emo or goth" style that sounds generally bored and disinterested. He casually refers to the player as "Mister," but uses "Bro" when being stern or upset, and "Dude" when concerned. His main encouragements are centered around accepting oblivion, informing or speculating on the inevitability of death, and sharing secrets about the pale. He warns the player against taking unnecessary risks and offers insight into the potential outcome of certain actions, informing them if something might lead to harm. Major Majestic Cockatoo (Major Mitchell Cockatoo) In front is named Joopson. He has a flashy and schmoozy personality and speaks like a classic, sleazy "movie star manager." He casually refers to the player as "Harry Baby," but uses "Du Bois Baby" when being stern or manipulative, and "Harry darling" when concerned or upset. His main encouragement is to network, make social connections, boost the player's ego, act flashy, and really take on their role as a superstar. He offers interesting insights into characters' thoughts and actions and gives fashion tips, directing the player to take time and do silly things for the sake of "boosting the ratings."
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circumstellart · 2 years
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[ID: A digital oil painting of Captain Ptolemy done in the style of the Disco Elysium portraits. He is a bald white man looking sideways, and he stands out against a blue background.]
I needed a portrait for Captain Pryce for...reasons...and there wasn’t one, so...
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Marianne "The Pigs" LePlante is a local woman of Martinaise who, after her children moved away and left her alone with no one but the radio police procedurals, is obsessed with and believes herself to be a member of the RCM.
Captain Ptolemaios "Ptolemy" Pryce is the head of Precinct 41. His father was a founding member of the RCM and he is both well-known and highly-respected, even as he secretly plots an uprising against the Coalition.
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parabellvvm · 8 months
what would you trade the pain for? — TIMELINE
what would you trade the pain for? is supposed to mainly take place about 6 years before the events of Disco Elysium, when Dora packs her things and leaves Revachol and Harry behind, before he and Jean became partners in the RCM, and when he and Vincent officially meet.
the canon is extensive and might be chopped up into multiple fics rather than just under the what would you trade the pain for? (WYTPF ????) umbrella. im not really sure yet!
subject to change etc etc canon events = italicized fics written = purple
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YEAR '40 - The economic boom of the thirties comes to an end following a financial collapse.
YEAR '41 - 10 years ago > Vincent Travart's mother Maria Travart is killed in an unspecified accident. He is begrudgingly adopted by his uncle, Kenrick Faure, as a favor to his deceased mother. > The ficlet "Mother's Name" takes place about here.
YEAR '42 - 9 years ago > Joakim Virtaenen officially joins the RCM at 18 years old despite already serving a few years off and on as a civilian informant on local trafficking.
YEAR '43 - 8 years ago > Vincent joins the RCM at 18 years old at his uncle's insistence to prove himself man enough. Kenrick pays for his training. > Joakim is assigned to be Vincent's partner in the RCM.
YEAR '45 - 6 years ago > Joakim & Vincent find themselves in the right place and time to rescue a politician by the name of Antonin Arcelis, nearly abducted by who appear to be paid thugs. Antonin convinces Vincent to fudge his report, promising him a powerful favor. > Antonin, Vincent, & Joakim enter a dubious relationship. > Joakim breaks up with Antonin and reports his doubts in Vincent directly to Ptolemaios Pryce in an effort to gain his superiors' favor. The pair are barred from promotion and watched with a more careful eye. > Mikael Wyrzyk joins the RCM at 15 years old. > Dora Ingerlund breaks off her engagement with Harry du Bois. > The fic "what would you trade the pain for?" starts here. > Vincent encounters Harry for the first time, who is desperately looking for a way to distract himself. > Vincent breaks up with Antonin and gets into a situationship with Harry soon after.
YEAR '46 - '47 (estimate) - 5-4 years ago > Antonin disappears under mysterious circumstances, rumored to have been abducted. > Joakim is shot and killed during an investigation. Vincent believes his death to be related to Antonin's disappearance, but there is no hard evidence. > Despite the RCM's efforts, Antonin's case (and by extension, Joakim's case) goes cold.
YEAR '48 - 3 years ago > Vincent transfers to C Wing's "Major Crimes Unit" to work alongside Harry. Mikael, inspired, chooses to follow. > Mikael is assigned to be Vincent's partner in the RCM.
YEAR '49 - 2 years ago > Jean Vicquemare is assigned to be Harry's partner in the RCM (estimate). > A fire breaks out, damaging multiple old wooden houses on the edge of the Valley of Dogs. Kenrick is killed in the blaze, destroying the home and forcing Vincent to move into an apartment with very few belongings.
YEAR '51 - current > Harry, Jean, & Judit Minot begin an investigation in Martinaise after the death of a mercenary. Harry is left to complete the investigation and meet up with the Precicnt 57 contact, Kim Kitsuragi, alone. > Harry loses his memory. The game takes place within about a week. > Harry returns to working at Precinct 41. Kim requests his transfer from Precinct 57 to work alongside Harry. > Le Retour is predicted to happen in May by Shivers.
??? (at some point after Martinaise. unknown territory) > Vincent & Mikael are promoted to Sergeants, with Mack Torson & Chester McLaine transferring to another wing. > The case of Antonin's disappearance is reopened when new evidence is stumbled upon. Vincent & Mikael investigate, with the help of Harry & Kim. > Vincent is shot and nearly killed by a hired mercenary, losing an eye in the process. He is dismissed from the RCM due to the apparent disability and long recovery time. Harry & Kim resign from the RCM in turn. > Harry, Kim, & Vincent found their own investigative business.
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Harry du Bois - Year '07 // 38 years old as of '45 Kim Kitsuragi - Year '08 // 37 years old as of '45 Antonin Arcelis - Year '17, February // 28 years old as of '45 Ward - Year '21, January // 24 years old as of '45 // (estimate) Joakim Virtaenen - Year '24, June // 21 years old as of '45 Vincent Travart - Year '25, March // 20 years old as of '45 Mikael Wyrzyk - Year '30, September // 15 years old as of '45
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ask-the-furies · 11 months
i love hearing whats happening in the city with shivers every so often but EDC deserves a time to shine. care to share a glimpse of precinct 41 right now?
ESPRIT DE CORPS- The ladybird-shaped building is alive with movement. A small holding cell is not enough to hold the copse of people taken in for petty misdemeanours. They sit on chipped benches and tap their shoe on linoleum tile.
ESPRIT DE CORPS- A new addition to the B Wing is still adjusting to his station. Officer Andorjean checks to make sure his cuffs are closed. Working in animal control means he is more used to implements for beasts- not people. The last time he handled a gun was when he was a junior officer. It sits on his hip. He hopes, lamely, that it will sit there forever.
ESPRIT DE CORPS- In a sterile nurses' office surrounded by cots, Gottlieb puts down a pair of tweezers holding a cotton swab before smacking Chester McClaine on the back of the head. "If I see you in here one more time this week, I'm never treating you again."
ESPRIT DE CORPS- Captain Ptolemaios Pryce takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. The papers on his desk are nearly ritualistically studied, removed from a hiding place and stowed away with care often. It is anyone's guess to what the names on the sheets mean.
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2. "I've spoken to him. For now the soul is fastened inside his corpse."
JOYCE MESSIER - She remains unfazed. "That is precisely what the sailors feared when they drew these maps. A fear of drowning -- within one's own corpse."
2. "What travels did the dead man make?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Quite a few. Vredefort -- the Oranjese capital -- traditionally stands on the right shoulder." She points to it on the photo. "He started somewhere near here, I think."
KIM KITSURAGI - "What next?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Then he made his way to the Preto Grande, through what I think must be Staadskanaal -- an artificial channel through the Occident. From the Preto he sailed to the Insulindic ocean. First the Semenese islands, then this..." She points to his heart.
"What is that?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Revachol," she says. "Those are the two constants: Vredefort on the shoulder and Revachol in the heart. They started the tradition of these maps right after the discovery of Insulinde, at the dawn of the Interisolary Age."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - The Old Old World passing by and the New New World already here.
KIM KITSURAGI - "You said you can't read it."
JOYCE MESSIER - "I can't. This man was no sailor -- and these are no ports. I can understand geographic fragments, but not their meaning."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] - Somewhere in an office lit by a single green desk lamp captain Ptolemaios Pryce -- 58, bald and bespectacled -- is writing in a ledger on his desk. Rows and rows of days and weeks, laconic remarks in a single column: *patrol*, *case*, *vacation*, *injured*...
*IN MARTINAISE, LOOKING INTO KRENEL*, he writes in one. Then the man puts down his pen and rubs his temples with both hands. Outside there is a siren, distant gunshots on the streets of the Jamrock Quarter.
"This man is no brother of mine, but this is his service history."
Leave it be.
JOYCE MESSIER - "That makes sense to me. We have no more use for a Map of the Waterways. Just like we don't need sailors the way we used to. This is what the custom would morph into on the Occident -- mercenary tattoos."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - For all the boys looking for adventure -- a blood spatter on the seas.
3. "Who could tell me more?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "His platoon members? The other contractors -- though I do *not* suggest you go and show them that picture. This man was their friend and comrade."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - It could go this or the other way. Maybe if you're tactful, it could be beneficial?
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