pufflezy · 2 years
Authors Note: Anything you recognize comes from the Harry Potter series.
Time for my random burst of wanting to write this again for a week before a disappear for a year :) lol Enjoy!
CHAPTER TWELVE: A Very Merry Christmas Break
Lily's POV:
This Christmas break has been everything I'd hoped for and I'm only one day in. We had a delicious breakfast with James' parents this morning, I got a tour of the house and now I get to sit on their fancy grey couch in their sitting room and listen to embarrassing stories about James while looking at pictures of him as a kid.
"Oh, Mum, not that one please!" James pleads as his mom grabs another picture from the red painted wooden box on her lap.
"Oh shush, its cute!" she responds as she hands me the picture, "This is when he decided he wasn't going to wear trousers again until the little girls at preschool stopped getting called names when they wore trousers instead of dresses."
I look down at the picture of a little boy with glasses too big for his head and hair just as messy as it is now, with nothing but a white button up shirt on as he runs away from the camera.
"Awe look at your little tushy." Sirius says, laughing behind me.
"Shove off." James responds while rolling his eyes, as I laugh as well.
"Here's one from his first day of Hogwarts at Kings Cross Station. Awe, how I miss when you were that tiny." Euphemia says while handing me the next picture.
He's standing in front of the train with his uniform already on and suitcase in hand, smiling so big that his eyes are barely open.
"Awe, you're so cute and small." I say with a laugh.
"Well, you didn't think I was cute then, you hexed me later that day, remember?" James responds.
"You deserved it." I say with a smile.
"What did I even do?" James laughs.
"I don't remember, but you definitely deserved it!" I laugh with him.
Euphemia laughs as well before telling us she was headed up to bed. James and Sirius got up to hug her goodnight and then as soon as she is out of ear shot, Sirius looks at me, "Wanna have some fun?"
"Fun?" I ask, looking at James for clarification but he only smirks at me.
"Follow us, Lily-Flower." Sirius says as he starts walking towards the kitchen.
I get up and follow James and Sirius into the kitchen where Teenie is sat on a barstool reading the Daily Prophet.
"Master James, why is this person being so horrible?" Teenie asks.
James walks over to the fridge and begins grabbing bottles of Firewhiskey and Butterbeer, "Who?" he responds.
"This evil man in the paper. You know who." Teenie says with a frown.
James looks up immediately, "What has he done now?"
Teenie looks back down at the paper and reads it allowed, "'You know who' strikes again. Early this morning, the dark mark was seen above the house of a muggleborn's family in London. Three muggles were found dead in the house and the deatheaters responsible have yet to be found."
I feel sick as I hear her read on. All I can think about is those poor muggles standing no chance against any wizard, let alone deatheaters, and the poor muggleborn student who had to hear about their parents death like I did.
"Why does he do it, Master James?" Teenie asks again.
"I honestly don't know, Teenie. He's just a horrible person who has horrible morals and will go to great extents to get what he wants." James responds.
"I don't like you know who." Teenie says, sitting up straighter.
"I don't either." James smiles at her as he sets the drinks on the counter and waves his wand in a circle to make them all float at once. He points his wand towards the stairs and they start floating that way, "Get some rest, Teens, we'll see you in the morning, ok?"
"Ok Master James, but don't get in any trouble tonight or I'll have to tell Master Fleamont and Master Euphemia that you stole their alcohol." She smiles.
"Sounds good." James laughs as he starts walking up the stairs behind the floating alcohol.
Sirius turns and wiggles his eyebrows at me before skipping after James. I laugh and follow them.
I walk into James' room where he has set the alcohol on a dark wooden desk by a big window. His walls were an orangy-beige colour to match the orange Chudley Cannons posters all over his walls, and his red bedsheets atop his wooden bedframe that perfectly matched his desk, bedside tables and dresser. There was a beige square rug in the middle of the room, a bookcase full of books with even more books in piles in front of it, Quidditch equipment on the floor by the desk, a box of what looked like old test and papers he had written and framed pictures of him and his parents and him and the guys on his walls and bedside table.
"Aren't your parents going to see that their alcohol is missing?" I ask James.
"No. They never drink. I don't even know why they have this stuff. Its kept way in the back of the fridge too so they won't even notice." James responds. "Here you go, Sirius." James said as he handed Sirius a shot of Firewhiskey.
"Thank you, Prongsy." Sirius says, "You actually gonna drink with us, Evans?" Sirius says with a smirk.
"Of course I am!" I respond.
"Oooo, Evans is a rebel now, is she?" Sirius says with a grin as James pours me a shot as well.
"I'm not a rebel," I laugh, "but Marlene stayed with me for a couple of weeks in the summer and we drank almost every night. We would go out and wonder the streets or stalk hot muggle market boy."
"Hot muggle market boy?" James questions as he takes his shot and opens himself a Butterbeer.
"Yes. The hot muggle boy who works at the market by my house. That's what Marlene calls him." I laugh and open myself up a Butterbeer too.
"How hot are we talking here?" Sirius asks.
"Very hot." I respond with a serious face. "Dark wispy hair, tall, muscular, great jawline, pretty eyes." I smile.
"Wow, you're gonna have to introduce me to this guy, Lily-Flower." Sirius laughs.
James looks slightly annoyed for a brief moment before pouring each of us another shot. "Here you go, ma 'lady." He says as he hands me mine.
"Thank you, James." I laugh.
We clink our shots together and down another 5 each within the next 30 minutes, whilst still each sipping on our own Butterbeers. I can definitely feel myself getting tipsy when every time James talks, I stare at his lips. They just look so soft.
James catches me staring, "What?" He smiles as he runs his hand through his hair.
"Nothing." I smile back.
"I can't believe Marlene is so obsessed with that Kingsley guy. I mean, he's not even half as hot as me." Sirius responds to James' comment about how the new team is working out.
"Sirius, she thinks you're hot too." James laughs.
"Well, still. I don't need competition on my own team." Sirius says.
"My team." James says, strictly, but still with a smile.
"Whatever." Sirius laughs while taking a sip of his drink. "I still don't think he's very attractive."
"He is." I chime in.
"Really?" James questions. "I didn't think he'd be your type."
"What did you think was my type?" I laugh.
"I don't know. I guess muscular with dark wispy hair like market boy." He responds smiling.
"You're right, Kingsley isn't my type, but I can still appreciate the fact that he's hot." I say.
"Well then do you think I'm hot?" James smirks.
"No." I respond, blankly.
"Oh, come on! Just rate me from 1 to 10!" He pleads.
"Based on just looks or personality too?" I ask, smiling.
"Which one will get me a higher number?" He laughs.
"Just looks." I respond and Sirius laughs.
"Wow." He nods with a smile, "Ok what's my rating just based on looks then?"
"Hmmm," I look at him for a moment, contemplating my answer. "9." I answer.
"9!? Really?" He says, surprised.
"Just in the obvious way though." I say.
"What does that mean?" Sirius asks.
"Means that you're hot based on what majority of people consider hot. Like the messy hair and little smirk and abs. Just like conventionally attractive." I say before I can stop myself. Did I really just point out each thing I find attractive about James Potter to James Potter? I'm never drinking with him again.
He's smirking at me with slightly raised eyebrows. He's doing that cocky little, 'you like me and you know it' face he does when I slip up. Which isn't deserved because I don't like him. At all.
"Didn't know you thought about me like that, Evans." He continues to smirk.
I roll my eyes, "I don't. Again its conventionally. It's not a compliment or anything. Just a fact."
"A fact that I'm hot?" He asks, smiling.
"Yes." I respond. I need to stop talking. I can feel my face burning up so I get up and pour myself another shot.
"Slow down on those, Lily-Flower or you're just gonna reveal all your secrets." Sirius laughs.
I walk past him in the desk chair and over to the bed to sit next to James again. James watching me the whole time.
"You know I think you're hot too, right? Just not only in an obvious way and 100% as a compliment." James says, still staring at me.
I blush and I hate myself for it.
"I can leave you two alone if you want." Sirius says, with a wink.
"No!" I practically yell.
They both shush me and start laughing, "Do you wanna get caught?" James smiles.
"Sorry." I laugh with them.
James' POV:
I wake up with a pounding headache and roll over to check the time. 9:07, it reads. Mum and Dad have probably already been up for hours waiting for us to come down for breakfast, so despite wanting to stay horizontal, I roll out of bed in my pajamas pants and make my way to Sirius' room. I knock and hear a groan from the inside.
"I'm coming in so you better have pants on!" I say through the door before entering.
He's laying on his back staring at the ceiling, "I feel shitty." He groans.
"Me too. My head is pounding." I respond, "But you know Mum and Dad are probably waiting for us to come down, so lets go."
"Ugh, fine." He responds as he gets up and throws a t-shirt on.
We walk over to Lily's room and knock on the door. "Lils, are you up?" I say. A groan similar to the one I just received from Sirius comes from inside. I open the door and Lily is sat on the end of the bed with her head in her hands. She's wearing those little shorts I like but I'm trying not to focus on that. "You ok?"
"No." She says, sadly. "I feel sick."
"Drink a little too much there, Lily-Flower?" Sirius asks with a laugh.
"Shove off, Sirius or I'll hex you." She threatens with a glare.
"Now, now. Calm down, Evans." I laugh. "Lets go get some breakfast."
She stands up and I catch her glance at my bare chest before walking past us out the door. I turn and can't help but let my eyes roam down her body as well before Sirius smacks my arm and raises his eyebrows at me with a knowing smile. I smile back and we follow Lily down the stairs.
We enter the dining room where Dad is sat on one side reading the Daily Prophet and Mum is sat on the other writing something in a notebook, "Good morning, kids." She says cheeryfully.
"Morning, Mum." I respond. We sit down at the table and Mum calls for Teenie.
"Oh and Teenie, dear, don't forget those drinks for the kids." She says.
"Of course, Master Euphemia." Teenie says as she places plates of bacon and eggs in front of us before running back to the kitchen to grab the drinks.
"Drinks?" Sirius asks. As Teenie places 3 glasses of a green potion in front of each of us.
"Pollin-Up potion." Mum responds, with a smile that could either mean she thinks it's amusing that we need the hangover curing potion or that she's gonna kill us because we need the hangover curing potion. Either way, she knows we're hungover.
I look at her with an apologetic smile and turn to give the same smile to Lily and Sirius for getting caught. "Sorry, mum." I say.
"Ya, sorry, Mum." Sirius adds.
"It's quite all right. But next time, please ask before you steal our Firewhiskey and get drunk." She responds with a smile.
"Or at least invite your old man!" Dad adds, earning a glare from Mum.
"Yes Mum." I laugh. I turn and look at Teenie, "I thought you said you wouldn't tell as long as we didn't get into any trouble."
"Yes, Master James, and I'm sorry. But then I remembered that you're not supposed to be drinking alcohol in your bedroom with your girlfriend. So I told Master, Euphemia." Teenie responds, smiling.
"Girlfriend?" Lily says with raised eyebrows.
"I swear I didn't say you were my girlfriend." I panic, "Teenie, Lily is just my friend."
"Master James, I may be a house elf, but I'm not stupid." She says before walking out of the room. I turn and look at Lily who is still raising her eyebrows at me.
I go to defend myself again but she stops me, "It's too early for this, James, it's fine." She laughs as she sips her potion and starts eating her eggs.
Dad looks at me with a puzzled look as if he thought Lily and I were dating too. I guess I didn't really say otherwise. I just asked to bring home the girl I've been talking about for 6 years. Probably should have clarified that we're just friends.
"So are you three coming out to the garden this afternoon for the annual Potter Christmas Eve Quidditch game?" Dad asks us, "Your cousins will be here at 2."
"Hell ya!" Sirius says, excitedly.
"Of course we are!" I add.
Dad looks at Lily, "What position do you prefer, my dear? You get first pick since you're our guest."
"Umm," Lily hesitates, "I don't know."
"Just pick whatever one comes easiest to you, hun. We're all ok with playing any position." Mum says with a smile.
"I've never actually played Quidditch." Lily says, embarrased.
"What?" I say, shocked.
Lily laughs, "Well when would I have played? The closest thing we have to Quidditch in the muggle world is football or rugby and I haven't played those since primary school."
"I guess I just figured you would have played with Marlene or something." I respond.
"Nope. Never played. Plus the only times I've ever been on a broom, I've nearly broken my face from falling off." She laughs again.
"Well then I guess we've got some work to do, Lily-Flower." Sirius says as he downs the rest of his potion and stands up.
Lily's POV:
The boys gave me a set of their Mums old Quidditch uniform's to wear, as well as forcing me to put on every piece of padding they could find from James' uniform as a kid. We walk through the back garden, all the way to the back where there's a big open area and a small wooden shed.
James opens the shed and grabs out the Quidditch chest that has the Quaffle's, Bludger's, and Snitch and brings it to the middle of the open area before walking back and passing Sirius and me each a broom and then grabbing his broom.
"So you obviously know how the game works, right?" James asked. "Like the positions and what you're trying to do."
"Ya, I've gotten that much from watching the games at Hogwarts and hearing you two and Marlene talk about it constantly." I laugh.
"Perfect, so we just need to get you comfortable on the broom and play a couple short games so you can see which position you like best." Sirius says with a smile.
"I think you're over estimating my abilities on a broom. When I say I'm bad. I truly mean it." I smile honestly.
"I'm sure you'll be fine! Here, just hop on and I'll stand right here holding it so you can just hover above the ground for a minute." James says.
I sit on the broom and immediately tumble and almost fall over before James grabs my knee with one hand and the back of the broom with the other. "I told you." I say.
"It's ok, just relax and try to hover there." James says with a smile, still holding onto the broom.
I lose my balance slightly and I think James can see by my face that I'm terrified of the fact that I'm not touching the ground.
"You're alright. I promise I won't let go." James smiles reassuringly.
I look forward and try to focus on balancing, allowing me to stay on for a minute. "Are you sure this thing is safe?" I ask.
"Yes Lily, that's a childs training broom, it won't even go 10 feet above the ground." James laughs. "I'm gonna let go. Try to lean forward slightly to allow yourself to move a little bit."
James lets go and I swear I only move an inch, yet somehow I've flipped the broom completely over and am now lying on my back in the snow with the sun in my eyes.
"Shit, are you ok, Lily-Flower?" Sirius says, flying over from where he was.
"Ya, I'm good." I respond as I take James' extended hand so he can help me up.
"Wow, you really do suck, huh?" James smiles sympathetically.
"I told you." I laugh.
Just as I was about to hop up again, Teenie comes walking down the garden path calling for James.
"What's wrong, Teenie?" James asks.
"Master Fleamont and Master Euphemia wanted me to tell you that they had to leave and may not be back until late tonight. They apologize for leaving so suddenly and for having to cancel the game, but it was an emergency from the Ministry, sir."
"What?" James drops his broom and walks over to Teenie, "What kind of emergency?"
"I'm not sure Master James, but I can suspect that it has something to do with you know who. Master Fleamont and Master Euphemia help to protect people from them." Teenie replies.
"Yes I know, Teenie. They're aurors, it's their job. But they didn't say how serious the emergency is?" James says, looking concerned.
"No, sir. But they'll be back tonight." She smiles before turning to walk back into the warm house.
"Well I guess it doesn't matter that I suck at this then." I smile, trying to lighten the mood.
James faces me and smiles sadly, "For now, but if we're gonna be friends you can't be embarrassing me like that."
I laugh and hit his arm, "Shove off."
"Lets head back in the house. It's freezing out here." Sirius says.
James' POV:
It was really late by the time I finally heard the front door open, but I couldn't sleep not knowing that they got home safely. I get out of bed and slowly make my way down the stairs where I can hear my parents talking in the sitting room.
"He deserves to know, Love. If he's going to be even slightly prepared for what's coming, he needs to be aware of it as soon as possible." Dad says.
"We can't, Fleamont. Not yet." Mum replies while pacing the room.
"Euphemia, I know you want to protect him but not telling him may cause more damage."
"I said no."
"We don't have to give him all of the details but if we at least mention how bad it's truly getting-"
"No, Fleamont." Mum says, sternly. "He's just a boy. I need him to get through his last year at Hogwarts with the least worry about the outside world as possible, otherwise, he will set himself up for failure and only put himself into more danger. He's just a boy."
"Ok, Love. I'm sorry." Dad says before hugging her. "You ready to put the gifts under the tree for the last time before our boy is a man?"
"Oh, shove off, you're gonna make me cry." Mum laughs.
I go back upstairs as quietly as possible. Of course I want to know what happened, but if Mum doesn't think I should, then I won't. I know better then to push her for answers. She's just as stubborn as Lily is.
I walk back into my room and look at the pile of gifts I wrapped while I was waiting for Mum and Dad to get back. I put Peter and Remus' gifts in my suitcase after wrapping them so that I could give them to them when we get back and put Mums, Dads, Sirius' and Lily's gifts on my desk until morning. I really hope Lily likes hers. After this mornings awkward 'girlfriend' thing, I feel as though I might have gone a bit extreme for a gift for 'just a friend'. Even though she's definitely not 'just a friend' to me.
I wrote Remus while I was waiting as well to wish him a Merry Christmas and tell him I hope he's doing ok. Hopefully I hear back from him tomorrow, but I doubt it.
I wake up about 5 hours after falling asleep to Sirius yelling in the hallway.
"It's Christmas! Get your asses up, I wanna open gifts!" He yells again.
"Sirius, shut up!" I yell back.
Mum opens my door, "Come on, hun, he's not gonna stop until we open gifts." She laughs.
I get up and wave my wand to pick up the gifts from my desk. I make my way over to Lily's room and knock on the door. She opens it and smiles, "Merry Christmas, James."
"Merry Christmas, Lily." I smile back.
We walk downstairs where Sirius is already sitting next to the tree with his pile in front of him and a big smile on his face like a kid. "Can I start?" He asks.
"Yes, go ahead." Mum smiles.
I sit on the couch next to Lily and push her pile over to her. Her eyes are wide when she sees how many gifts she has.
"You guys really didn't have to buy me anything." She smiles, gratefully.
"Oh, of course we did, Lily, dear. Anyone who James and Sirius see in good company is family, and we will treat you as such." Mum smiles back.
"Thank you." Lily says.
Once we've finished opening our gifts from Mum and Dad, we hand out our gifts to each other. Sirius gave me some little things from Zonko's and a signed Chudley Cannons Jersey he got from the Quidditch shop in Diagon Alley.
He seemed to like the watch and pack of cigs I got him as well.
Lily handed me a little brown bag with red tissue coming out the top, "It's not much, I sent most of my money to Petunia to help pay for my Mum and Dads funeral, but I wanted to get you something. As a thank you."
"Lily, you didn't have to do that." I smile.
"I wanted to." She smiles back.
I take the tissue paper out of the bag and pull out a small charm of a witch riding a broom.
"I got it from a muggle shop in London. I think it was supposed to be for a Halloween costume." She laughs. "I thought you could clip it to your Quidditch uniform or school bag or something."
"That's so cool. Muggles make witch things?" I ask.
"Well yes, but only because they think we're mythical creatures." She laughs again. I walk across the room to grab her gift box and hand it to her.
She smiles at me as she begins to unwrap it and she carefully lifts the lid of the jewelry box. I stare at her, waiting for some kind of reaction and begin to worry. Maybe I should have gotten something less expensive like some chocolates or something at least a little less extreme. But then she smiles. The sweetest smile I have ever seen.
"I love it, James." She looks up at me, "Its beautiful, thank you."
I smile, "I saw it and thought of you cause its the same colour as your eyes."
"Can you help me put it on?" She asks, still smiling that beautiful smile that makes my world stop.
"Of course." I respond. I stand up and take the necklace out of the box. It has a thin gold chain and an emerald green rectangular pendent with gold gems lining the emerald.
I move her beautifully messy bed head hair away from her neck so I can clasp the chain together. She turns and looks at me, "How does it look?" she asks.
"Beautiful." I smile.
"There's a mirror in the hallway if you want to go look at it on, dear." Mum tells her. She gets up and I watch, smiling, as she walks into the hallway.
"You're so damn smitten." Sirius teases.
"Shove off." I respond with a smile.
"How much of your allowance did you spend on that girl, James?" Dad asks.
I look at him for a moment before responding, "Like.. all of it." I smile awkwardly.
"Good. She's worth it. You hold onto her." He responds smiling.
"I can't hold onto her if she's not mine, Dad." I laugh.
"That'll change soon. I can tell." He responds and I smile back.
"I hope so." I say. She comes back into the room and hugs me, which is by far the best gift I received this Christmas.
"Thank you, James." She smiles.
After dinner, Sirius, Lily and I hang out in my room again, this time without alcohol though. I show Sirius the letter Remus sent me back and we all talk for a little while.
"I'm quite tired, I think I'm gonna go to bed." Lily says with a yawn.
"Ok, goodnight Lily-Flower." Sirius smiles.
"Goodnight," She responds. She walks over to me, leans down and kisses me on the cheek. "Goodnight, James."
I swear my body went into shock. She leaves the room and I look at Sirius who is looking at me with wide eyes.
"Did Lily Evans just kiss me on the cheek?" I ask.
"Ya, I think so." He smiles.
Chapter Thirteen up now!
0 notes
pufflezy · 5 years
When Pregnancy Hits: A Jily Oneshot
Authors Note: I do not own anything, all belongs to JKR!
Also, this is my first fanfiction (YAY) so please review and let me know if you like it and if I should write more!
I was getting in the shower after a long day of house hunting with James. We had been staying in Sirius, Remus, and Peters flat for about a month, and we were pretty sure they were getting tired of us. I guess we probably should've figured out where we were going to live after our honeymoon, before we told my parents we were moving out. Either way the boys always made us feel welcome. 
As I stepped into the steam filled shower and let the hot water hit my face I started to feel a bit dizzy. The last couple of days I hadn't been feeling too well. I had been getting bad cramps, even though I wasn't on my period, and I felt quite nauseas, although I hadn't been sick. It was strange, I didn't usually get sick. I assumed it was something I ate, or maybe there was a bug going around. I reached down to pick up my bottle of shampoo that was on a lower shelf, (the boys claimed they needed the higher ones since they were taller) when the dizziness hit me again. I gripped the side of the shelf and tried to steady myself before letting go and standing up again. I finished washing my wavy red hair and then got out of the shower, I grabbed my purple towel off the back of the door and wrapped it around my body. I was still feeling quite dizzy as I walked down the hall and entered the guest room James and I had been staying in. He was sitting at the desk staring at a long piece of parchment, I assumed it was the Auror training application he had been reading over and over again for a week now. As I opened one of the dresser drawers and grabbed out one of James’ green t-shirts and a pair of my grey sweatpants he looked up at me and smiled,
“Have a nice shower, love?” he asked, as he stood up and walked towards me,
“Yep, just fine.” I replied smiling. He bent down and placed a small kiss on my lips before walking past me to the other side of the room. He sat on the end of the bed and looked me up and down,
“Stop staring,” I said, as I gripped the top of the towel and pulled it up more,
“Sorry, I cant help it. You’re just so beautiful” He smirked as he continued to look me up and down. I rolled my eyes and turned back around, a little too fast I think, because now I felt really dizzy. I shut my eyes and grabbed the side of the dresser.
“Are you ok, Lils?” James said, concerned. I heard him stand up and walk over to me. I opened my eyes and smiled up at him nodding,
“Just fine, James”
“Are you sure? You don't look so well. Do you want me to get you a glass of water?” 
“Yes, please” 
He walked out of the room. I heard the floor creek as he walked into the kitchen, he said something to the boys that I couldn't quite make out before everything started to go dark. I sat down on the bed quickly and I heard a ringing in my ear, right before I passed out. 
“She doesn't look so well, I think she’s caught a bug or something.” I said to Remus as I poured Lily a glass of water. 
“I’m sure she’ll be fine, mate” Sirius said, not looking up from the muggle magazine he was reading that had a half naked lady riding a motorcycle on the front of it.
“She probably just needs some rest. You guys have been really busy lately, running around looking for a flat, she’s probably just over-tired” Remus said, smiling reassuringly at me.
“She’s not just tired from the house hunting, have you heard them at night?” Sirius interjected, as Peter snorted from across the table.
“Oh, sod off, Pads” I said annoyed, but also trying to hide a smirk.
I rolled my eyes as I started walking down the hall again, listening to the boys sniggering in the kitchen. I walked into the guest room and saw Lily laying on the bed, nearly falling off. I quickly set the glass of water on the dresser and rushed over to Lily's side.
“Shit. GUYS! GET IN HERE QUICK!” I yelled as I placed my hand on Lily’s cheek, she felt really warm. Remus, Sirius, and Peter all came in at the same time and gasped when they saw Lily. Remus came over and leaned his head down to her chest,
“She’s still breathing,” He said as he stood up again, “Elevate her legs a bit” he said looking at me. I grabbed Lily’s ankles with one hand and lifted them slightly, and used my other hand to hold the end of her towel to make sure it didn't slip off of her as Remus flattened her on her back a bit more. 
“I’ll go grab some ice” Peter said before walking out of the room, returning a minute later with a bag of ice, which he handed to Sirius. Sirius walked over and lightly placed the bag of ice on Lily’s head. She started to blink again and looked up at me.
“Baby, are you ok?” I asked, as Remus slowly helped her sit up.
I nodded, but my head hurt and I felt like I was going to be sick. 
“Water.” I said quietly when my breathing slowed down again, Peter grabbed the glass of water off the dresser and handed it to me. I was shaking, James wrapped his hand around mine to steady it. 
“C’mon, hun. You need to lay down.” James said,
“You... uh, might wanna... put some clothes on... first.” Sirius said, trying to keep his eyes from falling to my chest, Remus smacked him on the arm and James quickly grabbed the top of the towel and held it in place.
“Thanks.” I smiled at James. He helped me stand up and walked me back over to the dresser where my clothes I picked out earlier were sat.
“Could you guys maybe leave whilst my wife gets dressed, cause I really don't want you watching, its a little weird.” James said, looking at the three nineteen year old boys.
“Oh, right, sorry” Peter said, before the boys walked out of the room, closing the door behind them.
I grabbed the side of the dresser again, I didn't feel dizzy anymore, I just felt sick and wanted to lay down. James grabbed a pair of my underwear out the top drawer and bent down slightly, motioning me to lift my leg so he could help me put them on. He pulled them up and then grabbed my sweatpants off the dresser to help me put those on too. He then grabbed his shirt and pulled it over my head, walking me over to my side of the bed and laying me down. I grabbed the covers and pulled them up, over me as I cuddled against my pillow. 
“Can we come in now?” Sirius whined from the other side of the door.
“Yeah, whatever.” James said setting my water on the side table. The boys walked in and Sirius grabbed the chair from the desk and flopped down in it,
“You ok now, Lily-Flower?” Sirius asked.
“Yeah, I still feel a little sick, but I don't think I'm going to pass out again.” I said.
“What even happened? I mean you have seen a little off lately, do you think you should see a doctor?” Peter asked, looking concerned.
“No, I'm alright. I just started to feel dizzy, and I’ve been feeling a bit nauseas, I'll be fine though.” I smiled at Peter.
Remus suddenly started smirking and I looked up at him confused,
“You've been feeling nauseas, and dizzy?” Remus asked, still smirking,
“Yes?” I asked, puzzled.
“You’ve been having cramps too right?” He asked,
“Yeah, I did the other nigh-” My eyes widened as I realized what Remus was getting at, “You think?” I asked him, eyes still wide.
“Maybe.” He said, his smile growing.
“Oh my merlin!” I exclaimed.
“What?” James asked, looking confused,
“What are you two on about?” Sirius asked,
“Oh my merlin!” Remus said, not breaking eye contact with me,
“OH MY MERLIN!” I practically yelled.
“WHAT?” James said, now looking concerned.
“James..?.” I said, biting my lip,
“I think I'm pregnant.” 
“Oh my merlin!” James said, right before he fainted.
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pufflezy · 5 years
Marauders Era: The Final Years
Description: This story covers the life of the Marauders and their friends from the start of 7th year to Halloween 1981. DNF
Authors Note: I do not own any of this. All belongs to JKR!
Let me know if you enjoy this and if I should write more. (Even though I probably will whether you want me to or not)
CHAPTER ONE: The Night Before
James’ POV:
“7th year, the final year, the last year to make a legacy at Hogwarts, the last year to pull the best bloody pranks Hogwarts will ever see!” I yelled as Sirius, Remus, Peter, and I raised our glasses of fire whiskey. Tomorrow we were going back to Hogwarts for our final year and we couldn't be more excited. My parents had agreed to let Remus and Peter stay the night so we could all travel to Kings Cross together. Of course Sirius was living with us, so he would have been here anyways.
“This is going to be our year boys! This is going to be the year of the Marauders!” Sirius yelled as he took another drink.
“You say that every year, Padfoot.” Peter said.
“Oh shove off, Wormtail! I really mean it this time.” Sirius replied, taking another sip from his glass.
“He says that every year too.” Peter said, looking at Remus now. Remus smiled and looked up at Sirius, who had an annoyed look on his face.
“Oh, that's it!” Sirius said as he started to stand up and set his drink on my side table, next to my bed.
“Oh not again!” Remus said rolling his eyes as Peter darted up and started running across the room. But he didn't get very far before Sirius tackled him to the ground. We were all laughing now.
“Really, THIS is what we do every year!” I said laughing, right before Sirius tackled me.
Lily's POV:
I was just finishing the last of my packing when I heard a taping on my bedroom window. I turned around and saw my owl Katie sitting there, waiting for me to let her in. I walked over and opened it and she flew in with a letter tied to her leg.
“Thanks Katie.” I said as I removed the letter and opened it, it was from Marlene, who I had written to the day before.
‘Hey Lils,
I cant wait to see you tomorrow! I am so excited to get back to Hogwarts, although I am going to miss ‘cute muggle boy from the market’ that we like to stalk. 
I’m still upset we don't get to share a dorm together anymore (although I am happy for you on being Head girl) and it is true, I still get to dorm with Hestia, and Alice. And no, still no news on who Head boy is for me either. Although last I wrote Sirius he said he knew, so I'm assuming its Remus. I haven't heard from James in a while, I assumed he was too busy writing to you or daydreaming about kissing and marrying you (Because no matter how much you deny it, he definitely does that!). 
Sorry I had Katie for so long, she looked tired when she got here, so I let her sleep here with Franklin.
 Super excited to see you tomorrow, DONT FORGET YOUR MUGGLE MUSIC PLAYER THING YOU SHOWED ME!! It will be great for parties, and I'm sure we can find some way to make it work at Hogwarts! Anyways I have to finish packing so ill talk to you at the train station tomorrow!
Lots of love, Marlene’
I folded the letter back up after I had read it and put it on my desk. Marlene was my best friend. We had been really close since first year and she became one of my bestfriends. Later upgrading to #1 bestfriend after the incident with Severus in fifth year.
Her, and my other best friends, Hestia and Alice seem to think that all James Potter did was fantasize about marrying me. It was true, I did catch him staring at me a lot, and yes he used to ask me out everyday, but he hadn't asked me out since we became friends at the end of sixth year. That ship had sailed. There's absolutely no way James Potter still liked me! Me Lily Evans! Why would an attractive, fit, guy like James Potter like me? Did I just think of James Potter to be ‘attractive and fit”? What is wrong with me? I must be tired. Yeah, that's it, I'm just tired. I mean of course you cant deny that he is attractive and fit. Its true, he is. Me thinking that doesn't mean anything, its just a fact. A fact that James Potter is attractive and fit, so of course he doesn't like me! Why would he?
Remus’ POV:
“So Prongsy? Do you think you'll get Ol’ Lily-Flower to go out with you this year?” Sirius said, as he flopped down on the side of James’ bed.
“Probably not. I mean I've been asking her out for 6 years, Pads, and she's said no every time, even hexed me a couple of times.” James said, frowning.
“But you cant give up now James! She’s just started liking you!” Peter said.
“Exactly!” James said, waving his hand around, “She’s just started actually paying attention to me. I cant ruin what we have now by trying to get her to go out with me, when she's obviously going to say no!” James said.
“I don't know, mate. I don't think its so obvious her answers going to be no anymore” Sirius said, smirking like he always does.
“What do you mean?” James asked him.
“I mean, that I don't think she just likes you as a friend!” Sirius said, still smirking.
“Now, now.” I butted in, “Don't get your hopes up. Yes, it is possible that she likes you more then a friend. But I'd wait to see how being her friend goes first. I mean, you guys only started being friends about a month before school ended, and since then you’ve only talked in letters. Just don't get too excited until you actually see that she wants to spend time with you.” I said.
“I guess. But I don't think she's going to change her mind.” James said, still frowning.
“Well, you still like her don't you?” Peter asked, looking up at James from the rug he was still lay on from being tackled earlier.
“Of course I do! She’s- She’s perfect. She’s pretty, and smart, and kind, and funny. She’s amazing. She’s... Lily...” James said, looking at the rug and smiling slightly to himself as he said her name.
“Alright, alright. That's enough sappy for one night!” Sirius said, I rolled my eyes, but couldn't hide a smirk from playing across my lips.
James threw a pillow at Sirius, and so the next round of wresting was about to begin. 
“Oh, now you're going to get it!” Sirius yelled, as he jumped off the bed and started running towards James. Just as Sirius was about to tackle James, Mrs. Potter walked in, 
“BOYS!” She yelled from the doorway, Sirius stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at Mrs. Potter with an innocent smile on his face.
“Yessss?” He said, dragging out the ‘s’.
“What are you boys doing? You were told to be in bed by now!” She said, looking at James.
“But, Mum! Its only 12:30!” James whined to his mother.
“Actually, its 2:30! And you lot are going to wake the whole bloody neighbourhood!” She said strictly.
“Its already 2:30?” I asked shocked, “Holy Merlin!”
“Yes, it is. Now, Sirius, you go back to your room and Remus, Peter I set up the guest rooms that you usually stay in. Off to bed all of you!” She said.
“But, cant we please all sleep in here! Only for tonight! We promise we’ll go right to sleep!” Sirius begged.
“Oh, fine! But only for tonight! And if I hear one more peep out of you four, you will all be going to separate rooms!” Mrs. Potter said, looking at them all individually.
“Thank you, Mum!” Sirius and James said together, before getting up to give her a hug, that Peter and I joined in on.
“Of course, anything for my boys.” She said, smiling. She then gave James a kiss on the head and said goodnight before leaving the room to go back to bed.
“Well I guess we better go to sleep then.” James said.
“Yep, I guess we better!” Sirius replied, looking down and shaking his head. When he looked up and locked eyes with James they both burst out laughing.
“Like we would actually go to bed now!” Sirius said, still laughing.
“BOYS!” Mrs. Potter yelled from down the hall.
“On second thought, I am getting pretty tired” James said,
“Yeah, me too!” Sirius said as he started to lay down in James’ bed. Now me and Peter were the ones laughing. Eventually we had all laid down and got comfortable,
“Goodnight.” Peter said,
“Night.” I replied,
“Goodnight, guys.” James said,
“Nighty night, boys” Sirius said, and then we all drifted off to sleep.
Chapter two up now!!!
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