#pumpkin pecan praline
fullcravings · 11 months
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Homemade From-Scratch Praline Pumpkin Pie Recipe
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meteortrails · 2 years
sometimes I think that my sister just like needs more time to settle into being an adult and the responsibility that comes with that, and then there’s moments where I realize I’m taking care of All The Desserts for turkey day and she’s still on ‘please just make one fucking dish’ duty with my brothers. like this is kind of a silly example but why am I constantly picking up twice the weight when shes fully 3 years older than me and ACTUALLY LIVES IN CINCINNATI. hello.
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Writing Reference: Food History
10,000 - almonds, cherries, bread, flour, soup
8,000 - wheat ⚜ 7,000 - wine, beer, pistachios, pig, goat, sheep, lard
6,500 - cattle domestication, apples ⚜ 6,000 - tortilla, dates, maize
5,000 - honey, ginger, quinoa, avocados, potatoes, milk, yogurt
4,000 - focaccia, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates
3,200 - chicken domestication ⚜ 3,000 - butter, onion, garlic, apricots
2,737 - tea ⚜ 2,500 - olive oil, seaweed, duck ⚜ 2,300 - saffron
2,000 - peaches, liquorice, marshmallow, pasta, ham, sesame seeds
1,500 - chocolate, vanilla ⚜ 1,200 - sugar ⚜ 1,000 - mangoes, oats, pickles
900 - pears, tomatoes ⚜ 700 - cinnamon ⚜ 600 - bananas, poppy seeds
500 - artichokes ⚜ 400 - pastries, appetizers, vinegar
300 - parsley ⚜ 200 - turkeys, asparagus, rhubarb ⚜ 65 - quince
1st—13th Century
1st Century - chestnuts, lobster, crab, shrimp, truffles, blueberries, raspberries, capers, kale, blood (as food), fried chicken, foie gras, French toast, omelettes, rice pudding, flan, cheesecake, pears in syrup
3rd Century - lemons ⚜ 5th - pretzels ⚜ 6th - eggplant
7th Century - spinach, kimchi ⚜ 9th - coffee, nutmeg
10th Century - flower waters, Peking duck, shark's fin soup
11th Century - baklava, corned beef, cider, lychees, seitan
12th Century - breadfruit, artichokes, gooseberries
13th Century - ravioli, lasagne, mozzarella, pancakes, waffles, couscous
14th—19th Century
14th Century - kebabs, moon cakes, guacamole, pie, apple pie, crumpets, gingerbread
15th Century - coconuts, Japanese sushi and sashimi, pineapples, marmalade, risotto, marzipan, doughnuts, hot dogs
16th Century - pecans, cashews (in India), Japanese tempura, vanilla (in Europe), fruit leather, skim milk, sweetbreads, salsa, quiche, teriyaki chicken, English trifle, potato salad
17th Century - treacle, pralines, coffee cake, modern ice cream, maple sugar, rum, French onion soup, cream puffs, bagels, pumpkin pie, lemonade, croissants, lemon meringue pie
18th Century - root beer, tapioca, French fries, ketchup, casseroles, mayonnaise, eggnog, soda water, lollipops, sangria, muffins, crackers, chowder, croquettes, cupcakes, sandwiches, apple butter, souffle, deviled eggs
19th Century - toffee, butterscotch, cocoa, Turkish delight, iodized salt, vanilla extract, modern marshmallows, potato chips, fish and chips, breakfast cereal, Tabasco sauce, Kobe beef, margarine, unsalted butter, Graham crackers, fondant, passionfruit, saltwater taffy, milkshakes, pizza, peanut butter, tea bags, cotton candy, jelly beans, candy corn, elbow macaroni, fondue, wedding cake, canapes, gumbo, ginger ale, carrot cake, bouillabaisse, cobbler, peanut brittle, pesto, baked Alaska, iced tea, fruit salad, fudge, eggs Benedict, Waldorf salad
20th Century
1901 - peanut butter and jelly ⚜ 1904 - banana splits ⚜ 1905 - NY pizza
1906 - brownies, onion rings ⚜ 1907 - aioli
1908 - Steak Diane, buttercream frosting ⚜ 1909 - shrimp cocktail
1910 - Jell-O (America's most famous dessert)
1910s - orange juice ⚜ 1912 - Oreos, maraschino cherries, fortune cookies
1912 - Chicken a la King, Thousand Island dressing
1914 - Fettuccine Alfredo ⚜ 1915 - hush puppies
1917 - marshmallow fluff ⚜ 1921 - Wonder Bread, zucchini
1919 - chocolate truffles ⚜ 1922 - Vegemite, Girl Scout cookies
1923 - popsicles ⚜ 1924 - frozen foods, pineapple upside-down cake, Caesar salad, chocolate-covered potato chips
1927 - Kool-Aid, s'mores, mayonnaise cake ⚜ 1929 - Twizzlers
1930s - Pavlova cakes, Philly cheese steak, Pigs in blankets, margaritas, banana bread, Cajun fried turkey ⚜ 1931 - souffle, refrigerator pie
1933 - chocolate covered pretzels ⚜ 1936 - no-bake cookies
1937 - Reubens, chicken Kiev, SPAM, Krispy Kreme
1938 - chicken and waffles ⚜ 1939 - seedless watermelon
1941 - Rice Krispies treats, Monte Cristo sandwiches ⚜ 1943 - nachos
1946 - chicken burgers, tuna melts, Nutella ⚜ 1947- chiffon cake
1950s - chicken parm, Irish coffee, cappuccino, smoothies, frozen pizza, diet soda, TV Dinners, ranch dressing ⚜ 1951 - bananas foster
1953 - coronation chicken ⚜ 1956 - German chocolate cake, panini
1957 - Quebec Poutine ⚜ 1958 - Instant ramen noodles, crab rangoon, lemon bars ⚜ 1960s - beef Wellington, green eggs and ham, red velvet cake
1963 - black forest cake ⚜ 1964 - Belgian waffles, Pop Tarts, Buffalo wings, ants on a log, pita bread ⚜ 1965 - Gatorade, Slurpees
1966 - chocolate fondue ⚜ 1967 - high fructose corn syrup
1970s - California rolls, pasta primavera, tiramisu ⚜ 1971 - fajitas
1975 - hicken tikka masala ⚜ 1980 - turducken
1980s - Panko, portobello mushrooms, bubble tea, chicken nuggets, Sriracha, Red Bull energy drink, everything bagels
1990s - artisan breads, Jamaican jerk ⚜ 1991 - turkey bacon, chocolate molten lava cake, earthquake cake ⚜ 1993 - broccolini
1995 - Tofurkey ⚜ 1997 - grape tomatoes
21st Century
2002 - flat iron steak, tear-free onions ⚜ 2007 - Kool-Aid pickles, cake pops
2008 - Mexican funnel cake ⚜ 2013 - cronuts, test tube burgers
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jtl-fics · 5 days
Foxhole Bake, if it’s available 💝
WIP Wednesday 9/11/24 (Closed) | Foxhole Bake AU
The judging goes about how one would expect when one had looked at the bakes. Libby’s coconut was a bit over toasted but was all around good. Liana’s blueberry lemon ricotta cheesecake bar got a Paul Hollywood handshake and she actually accepted it making it the first one of the season. Rupert’s raspberry jam was better than Kimura’s due to a truly criminal lack of salt in Kimura’s bake. Boris’ bars were delightfully boozy. Sabrina and Edith weren’t one hundred percent sure that they hadn’t switched curd at some point but both were kind of runny. Tiffany’s pecan praline blondie was a hit with Noel asking for a goodie bag of them for after the show. They remembered to judge Smith’s pumpkin cheesecake oatmeal cookie bars.
Then it was down to the final two judgments.
Andrew Minyard’s Banana Bars with Cream Cheese Icing and Neil Josten’s Rice Krispie bowl & spoon.
“Which should we judge first, Prue?” Paul asks.
“Oh I’ve always been the type to try and get the bad news out of the way.” she smiles.
“Fair enough, Neil.” Paul gestures for him to come up.
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bookishcatcafe · 2 months
Lavender Dreams (Stolitz Fic) Pt. 2
Sometime later, he eyed from outside at the butterscotch covered pecan pralines and the various chocolates set up in small brown paper ribboned cups. Stolas sniffed without thinking, as if he could smell the delicacies from outside, alas to no avail except for the faintness of his own lavender and tobacco that left a nearby sinner’s exhale. He wiped away at the air ahead of his face, scrunching his face at the stench, and then entered the store. It was rather quiet for the moment, outside of the suddenly loud horn of a train which ran on tracks above him across the store. There were rows of wooden barrels full of various candies like taffy or jawbreakers. Nearby on some of the sides were various shelves with glass jars filled with candy. It smelt of wood and sugar and as a gentle heat radiated nearby, he could soon smell chocolate. Chocolate?
An older woman, dark green with grey hair tied in a bun, wearing a white apron with black polka dots on it, held in her wrinkly yet surprisingly strong hands multiple small mugs of hot chocolate covered with whipped cream, a maraschino cherry, and what seemed to be a sprinkling of either cinnamon or cloves.
“Hot chocolate dearie? It has just a touch of love! That being pumpkin pie spice of course!” She motioned her tray closer to Stolas, who with slight hesitancy, took a mug and sipped slowly. His eyes flashed for a moment at the scorching heat, until it seeped through him, and made him sigh, letting his slender belly push out in relaxation. He hooted happily and wiggled his legs a bit, a reaction that never left him since it began as a child. Stolas felt reminded of Christmas time, when his butler would make hot cocoas and warm spice teas during the chilly winter nights in the palace. He would run around the tree, his father somewhere else in the palace. Who knows what he was up to, especially in his high-and-mighty role.
He wandered around the store some more, standing soon by the piles of licorice, and sipping his cocoa quietly. The older lady, presumably the owner, was putting more chocolates on the display when she greeted the next person to come inside.
“Hello there! Hot chocolate?” She asked politely, moving over to the counter of the register where she had placed the tray. The imp coming in sternly replied as he walked aside her.
“Nope. Don’t want that.” She was quiet but bowed her head in reply, the imp’s voice was familiar. It was only when Stolas looked back to see it was Blitz-without-the-o did he notice what matched with who. He chirped under his breath, both in surprise but his expression was one of frustration. Blitz saw Stolas and cursed aloud.
“Oh it’s the fuckin bird-brain faggot. You following me? Oh you must have a fuckin crush on me or some-“ Stolas interrupted and hesitantly went over to the imp, in trying to not show any weakness, he stood straight and glared down at the man who now was various feet below his waist due to their height difference.
“I am NOT following anyone. In fact, I was merely here to do some shopping.” He sips at his cocoa, which left the feathers above his beak gently wetted. Stolas continued, “I was doing my errands when I came across this delightful candy shop, and if you could so mind, keeping this place as pleasant as it was before you came here. I have had enough of your troublemaking.” He huffed and turned away. “Don’t you think I haven’t forgotten. That was a sharp tongue you had back there. What you said really hurt me.”
Blitz frowned at Stolas, the heat brewing beneath his chest, until he saw the owl turn around, making such heat stir into his gut and make him feel ill. He had not known what to say after he had said it that day at the café. He had not shown up in some time after that. Yet, despite that moment of anger, he could not stop and apologize that moment following it—let alone the days afterward. He paused, a hand outstretched as he bit his lip, grunting and mustering up some force from within him which came through like crawling through quicksand.
“I—did not know you would be hurt. I…I just joke around. It’s just how I am.”
“How you are?” His feathers ruffled and his glare sharpened when he turned back to the imp, his eyes glowing, yet behind them no power reigned. “So being an asshole is what your personage is?”
“Fucking stop it with your long words! Your accent and feathers just reek with royalty! I am saying that I am sorry! Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?” Blitz was out of breath now, his face flustered, and thoughts raced around him. Stolas was the only goetian there. Such of his breed were destined for royalty. It just was how it was in Hell. Yet, despite such separation between the word and the power itself: He was no more a Goetia in feathers than he was in crown or magic.
Stolas stood there silent, placing the mug down on a nearby counter, and felt his shoulders slouch as his stature loosened. “Why do you have to be such a rude man about things, Blitz? Why didn’t you apologize when you had the chance?” He patted down his shirt and bowed to the lady before leaving, who stood in the corner now staring at the two, afraid, as if violence was destined to go down. Yet it merely was a tussle of verbal abuse and half-apologies. And it was now Blitz, standing slouched over glaring distantly at his hands, who felt the sharpened knife of words themselves.  
Blitz felt such a sting in his chest, likened to heartburn, albeit socially attributed and not of some devilishly spicy meal. He followed without haste, not by some deliberate choice, but of unconscious action. His feet thought for themselves it seemed and were in line with his heart, which ached not out of some pity or adoration, but of apology.
He saw through the crowd-less street the tallest of them all walking south, his eyes glowing red, and following it a subtle scent of lavender. Blitz ran over, catching up with him, and in doing so bumping into him and causing the Goetia to drop his things. Fruit fell out of the knitted bag and onto the street, a bag of coffee beans flopped over onto the sidewalk, and amongst the other groceries the candies he had just purchased were stepped on after falling below the imp’s black boots.
Stolas’s feathers ruffled in frustration, stopping midway and not flattening back to normal. He lashed at him with a stern tone, his tongue whipping fury at the imp.
“Look at what you’ve done!” He started to try and gather his things into the bag, Blitz following suit hesitantly before he was pushed gently away by Stolas. Stolas continued,
“Stop! Just Stop! I get that it’s a small town, but you keep coming up and just ruining my day! First at work, now on my groceries, what’s next?” He huffed and sat half-hunched holding the bag as his feathers flattened back to their usual softness. Blitz was quiet, he just took what was thrown at him full force, and felt every bruise form and dissipate as one waves a hand over a cloud of smoke.
“I just came over to fucking say I was sorry. I—” the imp paused, feeling himself grow angry at Stolas’s own frustration, and yet in the back of his mind knew he was justified. He grabs out his wallet and hands Stolas a couple of dollars. He continued,
“Here. For the chocolates.” Stolas looked up at him with puffy eyes, rubbing a hand on his own cheek slowly dragging his lengthened hand down it, as if to grasp at not only what he saw before him but what he himself said prior. He took the money and sighed, standing back up, now towering over the imp before giving it back to Blitz.
“Why should I take this?”
“It’s for your chocolates—it’s the last I could fucking do to make up for this!” Blitz took a breath and handed out the money again.
“Take it. Please.” Stolas looked at Blitz. His eyes downcast at Stolas’s stomach while his tail and shoulders fell limp. He felt regretful of what he did, but also felt his nerves being toyed with. Looking at Stolas’s upper set of eyes, he felt brought back to when he lashed all fury at the man, who just was doing his job. Blitz looked down at his feet, wiggling his black spiked boot in an awkward cadence. Suddenly, it felt as if all surrounding ambience was quiet, outside of his boot and the flutter of Stolas’s feathers. Stolas was looking down at him, but why? Was he mocking him? In what power does he have over him?
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Autumn Signature Bakery Box
- French Onion Brioche Think French onion soup in equally comforting form. Fried shallots and caramelized onions feature in this soft, fluffy brioche, which is then glazed with smoked beef fat and veal stock reduction for a savoury, umami finish.
- Cinnamon Kouign Amann Using Vietnamese cinnamon for its robust aroma and flavour, this pastry has a crunchy outer shell from the caramelization of cinnamon sugar that contrasts the soft and buttery layers within.
- Autumn Pumpkin Danish Inspired by the flavors of Morocco, this Danish sees the popular autumn fruit in three textures: puree with cream cheese and cumin, pumpkin roasted over apple wood embers, and pumpkin seed praline.
- Egg Custard Crown Chef Elena's take on one of her favourite treats: the Portugese egg tart. The laminated mille-feuille shell encases a fragrant egg custard infused with Madagascan vanilla.
- Pecan "Pie" Cookie Another fall favorite, reimagined. Made with toasted pecans and Valhrona Caramelia 36% milk chocolate for the rich, burnish taste profile of autumn that we love.
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So, what are your top 5 pies?
my top 5 pies?
this is hard because I'm really not a pie person though as I think about it, I think the rest of my family might be? I'm always making pie- I have pie ingredients IN my kitchen as we speak and a framed apple pie recipe right next to the stove. Am I lying to myself?
Okay my favorite pies:
5. Pumpkin Praline Pie
4. Keylime Pie
3. Mixed Berry Pie (its fine, but I make the top crust look like Jack Skellington every year for Thanksgiving and that makes it taste better)
2. Bourbon Pecan Pie
Boston Cream Pie
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mirrordread · 1 year
questions from october: baking pies & picking pumpkins
Questions from October || Accepting!
baking pie: what is one of your favorite fall treats? picking pumpkins: what is one thing you like to do during autumn?
"It's a simple one, but you can't go wrong with a classic: fresh apple cider, hot or cold. In the age-old apple vs pumpkin debate, I'm on the apple side of the fence. Ever had apple pie with praline pecans as topping?" (No, she can't pick just one.)
"Walk around, enjoy the weather, see what Halloween decorations people are putting up."
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tomatoluvr69 · 2 years
The soup: roasted carrot, green apple, and pumpkin
The sandwich: egg, hot honey, and pesto
The ice cream: sweet potato casserole w/ maple meringue ribbon & praline pecans
it’s fall bitch…….
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Pumpkin French Toast with Praline Sauce
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chaosinmywardrobe · 11 months
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Cantaloupe Bread with Praline Glaze Recipe This excellent cantaloupe bread is very moist and has the texture of pumpkin or zucchini bread. You can pure and freeze extra cantaloupe to make bread in the off-season. 3 cups all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup chopped pecans, 1 cup vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 2/3 cups brown sugar, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 2 cups white sugar, 3 large eggs, 1/2 cup butter, 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, 3/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 cups cantaloupe - peeled seeded and pureed
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kansamuse · 11 months
Fall and Pumpkin Delights
Pumpkin-Pecan Braid Pumpkin Praline Pie Amish Pumpkin Pancakes breakfast 1 c. flour pinch baking soda 2 tbsp. sugar 1/4 tsp. cinnamon 1/8 tsp. ginger 1/8 tsp. nutmeg 1 egg well-beaten 1 1/4 c. milk 2 tbsp. melted shortening 1/2 c. canned pumpkin or mashed sweet potato, cooked Combine flour, soda, sugar and spices. Combine egg, shortening, pumpkin and milk; add to flour mixture, beating until…
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Deliciously Healthy Thanksgiving Desserts: Easy Keto and Low Carb Options
As the holiday season approaches, the thought of indulging in delectable Thanksgiving desserts dances through our minds. If you're on a ketogenic or low-carb diet, though, you might be wondering if you can still take advantage of the sweetness of the season without jeopardizing your nutritional objectives. Fear not! In this article, we'll provide you with some scrumptious options for Easy Keto Thanksgiving Desserts and Low Carb Thanksgiving Desserts that will satisfy your cravings without straying from your healthy lifestyle.
Easy Keto Thanksgiving Desserts
Keto Pumpkin Pie: The Perfect Pumpkin Pleasure
Embrace the essence of autumn with a keto-friendly pumpkin pie. Replace the traditional sugary filling with a mixture of pumpkin puree, almond flour, and stevia. Top it off with a dollop of whipped cream made from heavy cream and a touch of vanilla extract. This guilt-free dessert will make you forget all about the carb-loaded version.
Keto Pecan Pie Bars:Nuts for Keto
Pecan pie lovers, rejoice! These keto pecan pie bars are a delightful twist on the classic dessert. The crust is made from almond flour and butter, while the filling uses a low-carb sweetener like erythritol or monk fruit. These bars are packed with the rich, nutty flavor you crave without the carb overload.
Keto Chocolate Avocado Mousse:Chocoholic's Dream
If you're a chocolate lover, this keto dessert is a game-changer. Blend ripe avocados with unsweetened cocoa powder and a keto-friendly sweetener. The result is a silky, velvety chocolate mousse that's both satisfying and healthy. Top it with a sprinkle of chopped nuts or a few berries for extra flair.
Low Carb Thanksgiving Desserts
Low Carb Cranberry Cheesecake:Tart and Creamy Delight
Replace sugary cranberry sauce with this low carb cranberry cheesecake as your Low Carb Thanksgiving Desserts. The crust is made from crushed nuts or almond flour, and the filling combines cream cheese, sour cream, and fresh cranberries sweetened with a keto-friendly sweetener. It's a tangy, creamy, and slightly tart treat that captures the essence of the season.
Low Carb Apple Crisp:Apple Perfection
Recreate the taste of apple pie with a low-carb twist. Slice crisp apples and toss them in a mixture of almond flour, cinnamon, and a keto sweetener. Serve hot with a dollop of sugar-free whipped cream after baking till golden brown. It's a comforting dessert that won't derail your low-carb journey.
Low Carb Pecan Pralines:Nutty Goodness
Pecan pralines are a Southern classic, and this low carb version lets you savor their sweetness guilt-free. Whip up a mixture of pecans, butter, and a keto-friendly sweetener, then let them cool into delightful pralines. They're crunchy, nutty, and utterly delicious.
This Thanksgiving, you don't have to compromise on taste or your dietary goals. Whether you're following a keto lifestyle or simply looking for low-carb options, these Easy Keto Thanksgiving Desserts and Low Carb Thanksgiving Desserts are sure to satisfy your palate and keep you on course. For more healthy lifestyle tips and recipes, visit our website, waystohealthylifestyle.com. Remember, making mindful choices during the holiday season can lead to both a healthy body and a healthy mind, making your life stress-free and full of joy. Enjoy your Thanksgiving feast with these scrumptious desserts, and stay on the path to health and happiness.
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cwbullet · 2 years
Recipe: Chocolate Pecan Smoothie
A loaded pecan smoothie. I am from Georgia and have many pecan trees on my farm. Pecans are high in fiber and antioxidants.  The addition of pumpkin and banana make this an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.   In my home town, you can smell the pralines as they cook year-round. It is intoxicating. I love pecans. Although this smoothie is not a replacement for pralines, you will love it.…
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eepyjay · 2 years
december 19!! sorry i’m late i’ve been sick :/ but anyways it’s christmas this week i still have so much to do!!!
ooh i’ve never had pecan pralines those sound good! i’d say my favourites are pumpkin pie, shortbread, any chocolates, and sticky toffee pudding! sorry this is so short i hope you’re doing well!!
-holiday anon🤍
Hey! That’s alright, no worries at all! I’m so sorry for taking awhile to get back to you! Hope you’re doing well! I hope you’re feeling better! It sucks being sick close to the holidays but the weather change will do that to ya!
They’re super good! I havent had them in awhile cause it’s been awhile since my mom has made them for the holidays. I’ve never had sticky toffee pudding before! Maybe I’ll have to try it soon! Again, I hope you’re doing well and better!
Here’s a question for you, what was your favorite tv show as a kid? Like the one you watched everyday or whenever you could?
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