#pumpkin reports au
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Adopted alien siblings my beloved,,,,,,,
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rozex21 · 2 months
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braveclementine · 2 months
The Fundraiser
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
You were scared to death as Tony zoomed along the streets of California. You were entirely certain he was going to crash the car and kill the both of you. Tony, on the other hand, seemed completely relaxed like he wasn't going eighty-five miles per hour.
You wished you could hold onto something, but the expensive leather probably wasn't something you wanted to dig your claws into.
He had cleaned up nicely in an expensive suit with a blue tie and he had given you a small orange bow that went around your neck. It wasn't tight and you actually liked it a lot. You thought it sort've made you look like a smart bunny.
Eventually, Tony had to slow down so that he could pull up to the stop, the valet immediately rushing around. Tony leaned over to unclip your seat belt- that really hadn't been doing anything for you- and picked you up in his arms. He gave the keys to the valet and headed up the red carpet stairs.
There was a lot of shouting which made your ears lie flat to get away from the loud noises. Fangirls seemed to ignore your presence, screaming and cheering when they saw him, attempting to talk to him, but he cut his way through the crowd. He kept a firm hold on you as he made his way towards Obadiah Stane who was speaking to one of the reporters outside the door.
"Hey Tony, remember me?" A gorgeous blond simpered as he made his way towards- and past- her.
"Sure don't." Tony replied, hand tightening around you just a little bit. "Look great, Hef." He said, patting an older man wearing what looked like a maroon bathrobe on the shoulder. He was surrounded by young women and you could smell that he was smoking something.
Tony propped you up so that your paws were on his shoulder and you were looking backwards from the way he walking. The man that was wearing the bathrobe turned and looked around until the girls corralled him back.
"What's the world coming to when a guy's got to crash his own party?" You heard Tony ask.
You heard Obadiah laugh, a sound that sent chills down your spine and you turned your head so that you could see the man. "Look at you. What a surprise!"
"I'll see you inside." Tony said shortly and you could tell that he was displeased with the father figure.
"Hey." Obadiah said and you went from looking at him straight on to seeing him from the side as Tony turned to face him slightly. "Listen, take it slow, all right? I think I got the board right where we want them."
He was talking right above you into Tony's ear quietly. Your own ears twitched.
"You got it. Just cabin fever. I'll just be a minute." Tony replied. And though he turned and walked away from the man, you could see Obadiah's expression. You decided that you really did not like Stane.
Tony made his way through the hall which was filled with lots of people wearing suits and dresses. They pointed at you, whispered- though you could hear because of your ears- and you knew they were wondering when Tony had found his soulmate.
"Give me a scotch. I'm starving." Tony said, handing a bill over to the man behind the counter. You saw the man standing next to him turn and ask, "Mr. Stark?"
"Agent Coulson."
"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The guy from the. . ."
"Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division." The man named Agent Coulson finished while Tony kept saying 'yeah' like he really remembered.
You'd never met him before. He did look like a person who would be an agent though. Nearly bald, a slightly boyish face, and the posture with his hands placed in front of his body.
"God, you got to get a new name for that." Tony replied.
"Yeah, I hear that a lot." Coulson replied. He was still facing Tony, though Tony had turned so that his back was to the bar. As you were on the shoulder farthest from Coulson, you had to prop yourself up higher on your front legs to look at the Agent.
What did an Agent want with Tony? Did they know he was building an Iron Man suit?
"Listen, I know this must be a trying time for you, but we need to debrief you." Coulson continued. "There's still a lot of unanswered questions, and time can be a factor with these things."
You could feel Tony's head moving and you knew that he was looking around the crowd. Probably for someone specific, you thought glumly. Not that you could blame him if he wanted to dance. It wasn't like you could.
"Let's just put something on the books. How about the 24th at 7:00 p.m. At Stark Industries?"
"Tell you what. You got it. You're absolutely right." Tony said and you knew he'd found whatever he'd wanted. "Well, I'm going to go to my assistant and we'll make a date."
He moved through the crowd and you saw Coulson looking after the two of you, an amused look on his face because he knew Stark had no idea what he'd said.
"You look fantastic, I almost didn't recognize you." Tony said.
"What are you doing here?" You heard Pepper's voice and you relaxed. He was just looking for someone familiar. You'd jumped to conclusions.
"Just avoiding government agents." Tony replied.
"Are you here by yourself?" Pepper asked.
"Besides Pumpkin, yes. Where'd you get that dress?" Tony asked conversationally.
"Oh, it was a birthday present from Happy." Pepper said.
"That's great. Good to see he's spending his paychecks like he's supposed to be." Tony joked.
Pepper laughed and Happy actually walked over. "Mr. Stark." He greeted him formally. "Hi pumpkin."
You twitched your nose at him in greeting.
"How about you hand Pumpkin over and we can dance just once." Pepper suggested, looking over at Happy who held his hands out for you. Tony carefully handed you over and Happy carried you over to where he was actually working. He had his laptop and some papers and you sat on the seat next to him and watched as Tony and Pepper danced.
You wondered what it would be like to dance with him. You were shorter than Pepper so you wouldn't be the same height as him. Maybe with heels though. You wondered what colour you would've worn and how gracefully you would have danced next to him.
You glanced around the room and saw that Coulson was scrutinizing their every move. Happy coughed, making you jump and he petted you, apologizing.
The next time that you looked, Tony and Pepper were gone.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Pepper had asked Tony for a vodka martini extra dry with at least three olives. So Tony had headed over to the bar to get it for her. He wondered if they would serve him a normal water just for Pumpkin. Probably.
So he ordered a water as well.
He saw a familiar looking blond approaching him and turned slightly, casually, so that his back was to her. He leaned against the bar and she came around him to face him from the front.
"Wow. Tony Stark."
"Oh, hey." He said, pretending that he actually remembered who she was. The last thing he remembered about her was that he'd slept with her. She was actually the last woman he'd slept with before Afghanistan, before Pumpkin had come into his life.
"Fancy seeing you here." The reporter whose name he was pretty sure started with a 'C' replied.
He desperately tried to remember her name and said, "Carrie."
"That's right." He nodded.
"You have a lot of nerve showing up here tonight." She said and he couldn't help but notice her curves. "Can I at least get a reaction out of you?"
"Panic. I would say panic is my reaction." He replied, desperately thinking of his soulmate. He wished now he hadn't left her with Happy. He'd just wanted a dance to show he was absolutely fine, Pepper knew that. And Pepper was harmless to dance with because she was taken and everyone knew it.
"'Cause I was referring to your company's involvement in this latest atrocity."
"Yeah, they just put my name on the invitation. I don't know what to tell you." He lied. Well, partially lied. He was bothered he hadn't gotten an invitation and wondered why Obadiah had withheld it. But he really had no idea what atrocity she was talking about.
"I actually almost bought it, hook, line, and sinker."
"I was out of town for a couple months, in case you didn't hear." He bit out.
"Is this what you call accountability?" She asked, thrusting photos at him. "It's a town called Gulmira. Heard of it?"
He hadn't and said nothing, looking at the four pictures she'd handed him. The first showed dead cattle, with terrorists in the background in their tank.
The second was of more terrorists, unloading precious cargo and his heart started to sink as he recognized the casing.
The third proved it, showing the green case up close with the name Stark Industries on it with the tracking numbers.
And the fourth showed one of the rockets that they were going to use. The one with three in the triangle shape and he felt his heart sink lower.
"When were these taken?" He asked, no longer angry. He was serious now, wondering if his Iron Man suit would be completely ready to get there and wipe them out.
"Yesterday." She replied.
"I didn't approve any shipment." He replied.
"Well your company did." She said.
"Well, I'm not my company." He snapped.
He headed over to where Happy was sitting, Pumpkin curled up beside him. Tony picked her up gently and she stirred, opening her eyes. Pumpkin looked down at the photos in his hand and back up at his face. She nudged his cheek with her nose.
"We've got a problem Pumpkin." He sighed and made his way out to where Obadiah was still talking to reporters.
"Have you seen these pictures?" Tony asked. "What's going on in Gulmira?"
"Tony, Tony. You can't afford to be this naïve."
"You know what? I was naïve before, when they said, 'Here's the line. We don't cross it. This is how we do business.' If we're double-dealing under the table. . . Are we?"
"Tony, your picture please!" One of the reporters called and he felt Pumpkin dig her nails slightly into his shoulder.
Obadiah finally smiled and made him turn to the reporters, "Let's take a picture. Come on. Picture time."
They put their arms around each other and he felt Pumpkin wriggle a little as she got to close to Obadiah. He knew she had an aversion to the older man and was starting to wonder if she had some sort of animal instinct that he should be listening to.
"Tony. Who do you think locked you out?" Obadiah asked softly as the reporters started to take pictures. "I was the one who filed the injunction against you. It was the only way I could protect you." Obadiah patted his arm and then moved away, down the stairs.
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ran-in-your-house · 4 months
I've came to this planet for invasion but I changed my mind lmao
The human name is Goliath but my real name is Ran (you can call me both)
I'm a Kemii (an alien species) (SURPRISE!!!!!!)
he/him and they/them
💛🤍💜🖤 // 💖💛💙
I love my pet, chicken nugget
I have a sister too but she's annoying sometimes
Uuuhhh,,, that's all I guess,,,,
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ellemarianne555 · 10 days
Something Wicca This Way Comes
Author’s Note: I wanted to write something different, so read at your peril whoooo.
Summary: Aegon thinks his girlfriend might be a witch. Very halloweeny, get your pumpkin spice candles out and grab a cup of tea. Medieval AU, no specific time period or place but beware of ye olde dirty talk.
Word Count: 3k ish
Content Warnings: mdni, sex dreams, fingering, ass play (male receiving), eating out, brief 69ing, face sitting, unprotected sex, sickly sweet smut.
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Aegon Targaryen, second of his name, wasn’t sure what led him to a gingerbread house in the middle of the night. He also wasn’t prone to listening to his subjects’ requests, but their complaining had somehow roused him from his normal nap during the afternoon appointments.
He opened his eyes blearingly, he had gotten rather well acquainted with a jug of wine and a rather attractive wench the night before. Sadly he had fallen asleep before their union had been consummated. And had woken up rather early in the morning with his face in a tankard of ale and the tavern closed. He had barely stumbled back to the Red Keep before Aemond had rudely roused him from his slumber and forced him to come listen to these peasants complain. But mentions of a witch had unfortunately rattled around in his head and forced him from his sleep.
“We believe there to be a witch in the woods, Sire.” The peasant who spoke trembled, his clothes filthy and looking as though they were beginning to mould.
Aegon harrumphed crossly, sliding his eyes to Aemond who was standing in his usual position, chest puffed out and chin high, beside the throne.
As if sensing his disbelief, Aemond opened his mouth and boomed pompously; “This wretch speaks the truth, my Lord. My knights have found mysterious things throughout the Black Forest that can not be explained.”
“Such as…” Aegon droned, he was already bored of this. Who was he to care if some witch had been turning pumpkins into mouses or what not.
“I can not explain exactly, but the trees no longer seem the same. It is almost like… they can speak.” The peasant hung his head shamefully as though he knew what he was saying was ridiculous. Aegon rolled his eyes and slumped back into his throne. How much longer did he have to sit through this? Surely being a King was less about sitting on his ass and more about doing something heroic. He remembered the stories his nursemaid had told him, of brave kings who had vanquished mortal enemies. All he seemed to be vanquishing so far were the brothels.
“Last night, my Lord…” Aemond drawled, his sharp tone cutting into his brother’s fantasies of donning a suit of armour and being embraced by a fair maiden. “The night patrol reported their horses had been mysteriously cut from their posts while at a stream, and ran faster than the wind through a river that appeared out of thin air. When my soldiers tried to cross, it was though their feet had turned to stone until they waded back to the shore.”
“Well, all this could be simply explained by the weather!” Aegon spluttered. “There hasn’t been a witch in the kingdom… since, well…” He finished, unsure of exactly when. All he knew from his childhood stories was that witches were fearsome creatures, with soft hair and sharp teeth who lay in wait for handsome men. What they did with these men was never known, but they never returned home.
“Well, brother.” Aegon spoke slyly, “Your people demand a solution.” The peasant looked up from his dirt-crusted nails and nodded frantically. “Please, sire. No one will travel through our woods and our town has already lost business with neighbouring villages who refuse to come barter.”
Aegon frowned, he hated when his brother put him on the spot like this. Aemond had been baiting him his entire childhood, and once they both matured, his resentment had turned into a bitter jealousy. But he was a competent Hand of the King, and the soldiers were fiercely loyal to him.
“Well… I shall ride out there and show this creature who truly rules these lands!” The king burst out. Fuck, he’d just said that out loud hadn’t he. He’d been trying to think what the knights from the stories would have said, and in reality he just sounded like a pompous twat. A pompous twat who had just promised to charge into the hinterlands and go hunt down some imaginary threat. Well he had to go now, Aemond would never let him live it down if not. Aemond smiled, as his eye slid across to where his brother sat, what a fool.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧��☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
The woods were dark that night, and every screech an owl made pricked Aegon’s skin with fear. Still his horse plodded on into the looming blackness, oblivious to his riders agitation. Aegon had crossed the river that Aemond had spoken of, and found that the water did not slow him or Sunfyre down. Instead it almost seemed to flow faster, the brook babbling as though to whisper encouragement in his ear and spur on their movements.
Aegon gripped the reins tighter as they crossed a broad clearing, and suddenly the trees started whispering to him, as the beggar had said. “Come closer…” They teased, their soft fronds stroking his hair softly as if in a lover’s embrace. Yet when he whipped around with his sword raised, they seemed to melt back into the darkness.
A little while later, Sunfyre suddenly stopped, halting his feet to the ground as though refusing to go any further. Aegon tied him to a tree stump and left him munching on a carrot, while he began to creep towards the house in the distance. The lights in the windows seemed to twinkle at him in invitation. The house was decorated in soft swirls of pastel icing, the door knocker a lacquered candy that looked as though it would freeze your tongue if you dared to lick it. Aegon had dared to lick many things in his lifetime, but wisely decided to draw the line here. He gulped, there really was a witch in his kingdom. He reached for the sword sheathed in his scabbard, but before he could; the door flew open.
The woman standing there in the doorway was possibly the most beautiful he had ever seen. And that was saying something, Aegon had bedded many a beautiful women in his time. But there seemed to be something unnatural about her beauty, her eyes glowed a little more vibrantly, her hair that flowed seemed to sway in the wind though no breeze blew. And shit, she smelled great. Aegon cursed himself mentally. Most women normally smelled good, but this one smelled like she had soaked in cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar. The warmth radiating from her seemed to soak through Aegon’s clothes. Genuinely, he was starting to sweat.
“I-I’m sorry to disturb you at such a late hour.” Aegon spluttered, unsure of what was coming out of his mouth. Was he really apologising to a witch? The same witch whose door he had come to in order to rid her from these lands?
You smiled wolfishly, and was it his imagination or did your teeth seem a little sharper than most? You leaned against the doorframe, almost seductively. Aegon gulped, this really wasn’t going well for him. “Yes?” You questioned, an eyebrow raised in amusement. It wasn’t so often that such handsome men came to your door, you were used to the solitude of the woods you travelled through. Never stopping for long before the pitchforks and angry mob loomed over your peaceful existence.
A black cat rubbed against your ankles, purring loudly. This seemed to shake the beautiful stranger out of his stupor.
“W-well, I came here to ask you a question.” He again stammered, seeming to have lost his ability to talk to women. An ability he had once prided himself on, his slick tongue had made many women cry out in ecstasy but not in laughter as this one seemed to be struggling to hold back.
“You better come in then.” You smiled, and before he knew it, Aegon had walked into your house as he heard the door creaking to a close firmly behind him.
The house was surprisingly cosy, snug compared to his own apartments, yet warm and inviting nonetheless. The cat moved from its position around your ankles, and lept onto a soft chair by the fire. It began to lick itself, utterly bored with whatever the stranger had come to say.
“Tea?” You smiled bewitchingly, with those same strange teeth of yours. Aegon wondered what if would feel like for them to sink into his neck amidst the throes of passion. He shook his head as though to clear his thoughts, but you viewed it as a rejection to your invitation and frowned. Shit, how did he make you stop doing that.
He opened his mouth as if to apologise, but you held out a pale, long finger as though to halt his speech. “Let me guess… you are the lord of these lands and have come to ask me to leave.” Aegon froze, it was almost as if, well you were a witch.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. You see, I only move when the moon is waxing or waning. And tonight, there is no moon.”
“My subjects are scared of your presence.”
“Not everyone is so brave as to come see for themselves. But I am a peaceful witch.”
Aegon frowned, he had never heard of a benevolent witch before. But then again, so many stories of your kind lay shrouded in fear and confusion. Many men could not comprehend the idea of an immortal beauty who lived alone and kept to herself. What is strange is often feared, and what is beautiful is not always understood.
“Why don’t you stay for the night?” You questioned and his eyes suddenly caught on how your body was illuminated by the firelight. The glow of the embers illuminated your silhouette under the previously unremarkable black dress. The material seemed to be otherworldly, shimmering in the warm glow and looking soft to the touch.
“Well… The way back to the castle is far and I am not quite sure where I left my horse.” You grinned again, delighted that he was so open to suggestion. You would have fun later, if the way he was eyeing you up was any hint.
“I insist you sleep down here by the fire.” You pointed to a soft rug that suddenly seemed to materialise out of nowhere. Yawning, he suddenly found himself very tired and before he knew it, he was sound asleep by the roaring flames.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Aegon woke up sweating fiercely, even though at some point during the night the fire had gone out. He’d never had a dream quite like that before. Long, sharp nails scratching and carving up his back. Pointed incisors breaking his soft skin and the sharp, dull ache they had left made his cock throb. He had had dreams like this before, normally in his teenage years as he worked out his frustrations with a slick palm behind a locked door. But never had he woken with his dick throbbing this violently, it was hard and sore to the touch and he whimpered pathetically.
You were in his lap, tits almost smacking his face as you moaned desperately. He caught hold of your nipples in his mouth and nipped them sharply. If the way you were carving up his back with your fingernails was any indication, you liked a little bit of pain. His leaking cock was rubbing pitifully against your slick folds as you rocked against his length softly. The pace was torturous, yet he was out of breath. He couldn’t even remember his own name, where he was. Until you started gasping his name as you hit your peak, “Aeg-Aegon! Please don’t, d-don’t stop!”
“Aegon?” A voice broke into his dreams, and he furiously rushed to cover his aching cock with a soft blanket.
“I don’t remember ever telling you my name.”
You smiled, in a way that seemed to again mimic a predator eyeing up their next meal. “It was quite obvious, I’m afraid. The royal steed outside my cottage, your crest of armour and the insufferable air that only men in power have. Not to mention the smell.”
“The smell?” Aegon asked indignantly. “I will have you know I bathe at least thrice a week!”
You laughed, a sound that sent shivers across his skin. “Not like that. It’s more of a scent, royalty always tastes a little bit sweeter.”
He froze, seeming as if only to remember you were a witch. Sex dreams aside, this was very bad business.
“Are you going to eat me?” He choked out, at the words his prick seemed to pulse weakly at the thought of him eating you, or your cunt that is. Stupid cock, he moaned internally, I can never keep it in my pants even when I’m in mortal danger!
You laughed, “Is that what you think we do?”
“Well, the men you take never seem to come home.”
“Did you ever think they didn’t want to? I’m not keeping you here, you are welcome to leave at any time.” An elegant finger pointed at the front door. As it flew open, Aegon shivered, but not because of the cold air. Was he scared? He didn’t think so. In fact he was rather aroused.
His gaze was drawn to your blood-red lips, the way your skin seemed to glow brighter than the early morning sun, your breasts high and firm inside your sheer gown. It had never occurred to him that all those heroes in his childhood stories had found something better than killing the witch.
You noticed his gaze, and smiled somewhat shyly. The door closed, jolting Aegon from his blatant ogling. “You’re welcome to stay, if you’d like. But I have a few things I need done around the house.”
That was how Aegon Targaryen, ruler of the seven realms, found himself sweating in an overgrown garden. The sun was beating down, hot and relentless, freckles bloomed across his shirtless, pale skin as he mopped his brow. He wasn’t used to hard labour, or really any labour. But it was strangely nice, doing something for someone else.
“Thirsty?” He turned, nearly jumping out of his skin at the sight of you. Your hair flowed down your back and again seemed to catch in an imaginary breeze. You were barefoot, and despite the midday sun, not a drop of sweat hung from your smooth skin. He took the glass you offered, and swallowed down the liquid greedily. In his effort to quench his thirst, he had not bothered to ask what it was. It was sweeter than water, but not as heady as wine. He drained the cup easily, drops falling from his mouth and landing on his heaving chest. Your eyes traced the droplet, and you found your fingers tracing its path down his sternum. Down his pale, white abdomen to the thatch of soft blond hair that trailed down below his breeches. He groaned, as though he couldn’t help himself, watching those wicked incisors poke into your plump lower lip as you smiled.
“M-my lady.” He choked out as your fingers halted their path. You grinned wickedly, “Haven’t you figured it out yet? I’m not anyone’s lady.”
The kiss was sudden and bracing, it wasn’t like any Aegon had felt before. It was like his lips were on fire and he couldn’t get enough of the way your tongue snaked into his mouth. He deepened the kiss, crushing the hand in between you as he pulled you against his body.
“Is this alright?” He questioned, unsure if he was reading the situation correctly. You laughed, “I wouldn’t have sent those dreams if I didn’t want you.” His eyes widened and before he knew it, your dress had vanished. His eyes clung to every inch of you, luminous in the sun, sparkling almost.
Before he knew it, he was on his knees. And he knew it wasn’t witchcraft that had done it, but this need to have you, the earth soft below both of your bodies. His soft hands bracketed your thighs, forcing them apart slowly as his fingers traced his way up your dripping cunt. You groaned, hands wrapping in his hair, pulling softly as though he were a puppet and you were the one pulling the strings. Aegon smiled mischievously, he wanted to be the one in control. And from the second his fingers breached your cunt, he knew that you were both equally done for. The high-pitched cry you let out made his cock throb, and he was hyper aware of the fabric preventing his length from finding release against you. He pulled you down to the ground softly, as you smiled down at him. Your head blocked out the sun, and Aegon knew in that moment that he no longer needed its light. Not when he felt the warmth of your magically slick hand wrapping around his length.
He froze, his fingers halting his attack on your clit. You didn’t like that. You took his hand off his cock and whispered into his ear, “Make me cum first and then we’ll see if you deserve what comes next.” He groaned, head falling into your shoulder as fingernails scraped his back teasingly. He ate you out like a man starved, his tingue licking and kissing your cunt as if it were your lips. He crooked a finger inside you, at an angle that made your eyes roll back into your head. He certainly was a talented king. He groaned, furious red length smacking against your thighs as he hissed in agony. You took pity on him and laid him down softly, his eyes looked up at you questioningly as you wrapped those red lips around his cock. Aegon was now incapable of thought. But he saw the way your ass shook as you sucked up and down his length and pulled you over to him. You squealed around his dick as he positioned you so that you were sitting on his face. You moaned around his length again, the vibrations driving him crazy as he doubled down on his efforts to suck on your clit. He was fiercely competitive, you’d be the one coming first or he just might die.
You took what couldn’t fit in your mouth in your wrist and pumped him slickly. He groaned into your cunt and you had a wicked idea. You were a witch after all. Coating your fingers in his copious pre-cum, you traced down his balls until you found his tight entrance. “Is this okay?”, Aegon moaned into your folds in confirmation as your finger breached the tight ring of muscle. The reaction was instant as Aegon pulsed, hot and heavy in your mouth. He pulled his mouth from your cunt, gasping out as he released into your mouth. You kept your lips positioned around his cock, sucking him dry as he squirmed against you. Sharp nails piercing his thighs and forcing him to remain still, as he babbled incoherently. He lay there, panting on the soft earth for a minute. Before reaching for you and pulling you down beside him.
His fingers found your cunt again, and his thumb brushed teasingly against his clit as he again began pumping his fingers inside you. You both panted into each other’s mouths, his eyes soft with lust and sated as he traced his finger down your face and sweetly kissed your forehead. You bit down fiercely into his pale shoulder as you started to feel your release growing. You rocked against his fingers as he continued to hold you gently, through your orgasm and the resulting tremors that your cunt experienced as his fingers stayed buried inside you.
You lay next to him softly, aware that he would probably pull on his clothes at any moment and start his journey back home. Your heart ached a little bit, you hadn’t let a man into your home for many decades. You liked this one. He was soft and sweet. But in a way that made you want to keep him, let colour fill those pale cheeks and gaunt eyes.
“Would it be alright with you,” the king started, stopping hesitantly. “If I were to stay here for a while longer?” You grinned, your heart filling with hope and the soft promise of something starting anew as you tackled him back to the ground and kissed him fiercely.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Author’s Note: Ah I hope you enjoyed! I quite like witchy reader, Aegon deserves to live his best cottage core life.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 2 months
Weekly Recap | July 1st-14th 2024
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Work has been kicking my ass. Can't wait for my vacation! Hope you're all doing well!!
what if he's written "mine" on my upper thigh? by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Fanart, PWP | <1K | Explicit): “I'm gonna ride you,” Eddie says, flicking his wrist. “Okay, baby?” When Eddie straddles Buck's lap and sinks down, his eyes closed, he doesn’t fuck himself down onto Buck like he normally would— he wants to drag it out, tease his boyfriend untill he's a whimpering mess underneath him.
Sparks Fly by Inell/ @inell (Reporter Buck AU | <1K | Teen): Eddie meets his match when reporter Buck shadows the 118
Seeing Stars by Inell (Astronauts AU | <1K | Teen): Buck and Eddie are best friends who have been pining for a while when Buck finally makes a move.
when it all melts down by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (Post-S7, Getting Together | 2K | Teen): Buck thinks a beach day is the perfect distraction from an empty house and a lack of summer plans. Eddie thinks if Buck walks out of the ocean like a Greek god one more time, he might just lose his mind. or: there’s only one cure for a frozen tongue after too much ice cream
The Moment is Here by Inell (Post-S7, Getting Together | 2K | Teen): Eddie has been in love with Buck for longer than he cares to remember but he’s been scared to jeopardize their friendship. Lucky for him, Buck is feeling brave this morning.
i'll never give you away ('cause i've already made that mistake) by Iover_of_mine (I_almost_do)/ @lover-of-mine (Post-S7, Love Confessions | 3K | General): Buck almost kissed Eddie at the bachelor party and forgot about it. Until he remembered.
this postcard tells you where we've been by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Post-S7 | 3K | General): Eddie finds a collection of postcards Buck sent to Chris over his summer in El Paso.
pauses, then says you're my best friend (you knew what it was) by instantcaramel/ @buddiekinard (Social Media Fic, Post-S7 | 4K | General): buck drags eddie to a taylor swift concert. wackiness ensues.
Cursebreaker by Inell/ @inell (Post-S7, First Date | 4K | Teen): Buck is nervous about his apparent dating curse ruining his first date with Eddie. Lucky for him, Eddie doesn’t believe in curses.
A Love As True As Mine by Inell (Post-7x10: All Fall Down, Getting Together | 4K | Teen): After Buck gets injured during a call, he overcomes some personal issues and ideas of love with Eddie’s help.
One Look at You by Inell (Post-S7, Getting Together | 4K | Teen): Eddie and Buck are enjoying a night out when lines get blurred and feelings are finally admitted.
And There You Were by Inell (Post-S7, Getting Together, Fluff | 4K | Teen): After admitting their feelings for each other and spending the night together, Eddie wakes up to find Buck in the kitchen and decides to distract him. 
I Can See Clearly Now by Inell (Post-S7, Getting Together | 5K | Teen): During a simple call, Buck finds himself locked in a lab after a possible exposure with Eddie and the rest of his team on the other side of the glass doors.
Pumpkin by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Canon Divergent, Dad Buck | 5K | General): “You were just telling us about your dog, Pumpkin. Three years old. You’re taking her to the park this weekend?” And, oh. Buck wanted to laugh. Hen thought Pumpkin was a dog. He did laugh; loud and wheezing. “Right, you’re right. Pumpkin. How could I forget?” Buck wiped a tear from his eye. He didn’t know why it was so funny, maybe he had bumped his head a little, but for some reason, Hen mistaking his three-year-old daughter for a dog was just about the funniest thing he’d ever heard.
🔥 bark like you want it by colonoscopys/ @colonoscopys (Soulmates AU, Crack | 7K | General): The first time Eddie Diaz hears his soulmate’s voice, he hears him say Damn, that’s a nice ass.
🔥 the book of love by colonoscopys (Time Loop, Getting Together | 8K | General): It was a pretty regular day. He had an eight hour shift the day before, slept in a little bit, ate dry toast and drank a black coffee before dropping Chris off at physical therapy for an hour. If he had known he was gonna die, he would have sprung for the hashbrowns in the freezer.
🔥 trying hard not to act a fool by arcanaphora (Didn't Know They Were Dating, Post-S7 | 10K | Teen): Or: 5 times Eddie jokes to Buck about marrying him + 1 time where Buck doesn't think it's very funny anymore
The heat of the moment by JamesPearce911/ @diazsdimples (PWP | 10K | Explicit): Tired and frustrated after a long shift, Buck and Eddie take an impromptu trip to the sauna. Only problem is, it's a nude sauna, which Buck didn't notice when he booked them in. Thankfully the boys handle the slip up gracefully, and possible break a few public sex laws in the process.
What if this storm ends? by JJK / @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Post-6x12: Recovery, Getting Together | 11K | Teen): After the lightning strike, Buck grapples with the fact that he's still alive, that he's hopelessly in love with Eddie, and that more than anything he wishes Eddie and Christopher could be his family. Too bad Eddie doesn't feel the same way, right? But then Buck chaperones Christopher's school trip and an injury shakes things up.
🔥 if i said you could never touch me by marviless/ @marviless (Established Buddie | 15K | Mature): “Buck. What’s wrong?” Buck closes his eyes, then blinks them open. “Nothing,” he says, because he doesn’t know how to tell the truth. He doesn’t know what the truth even is. “Everything’s, uh—everything’s fine. I just—” he chews on his lip. “I was just thinking that, uh, maybe we shouldn’t go any further tonight? You know, not with Christopher in the house.”
What is Love For $2000? by fayevian/ @fayevian (Canon Divergent, Jeopardy Contestant!Buck | 17K | Mature): One night when Eddie can't sleep, he discovers the hottest Jeopardy contestant of all time (objectively). With the "help" of his team and his fairly good working knowledge of Twitter, they devise a plan to get Evan (from Jeopardy) to slide into Eddie's DMs. It works surprisingly well.
🔥 keeping score by arcanaphora (Post-S7, Fake Relationship | 23K | Mature): After getting dumped, Buck is left with two tickets to a weeklong cruise. Eddie steps in to support a friend in need, but complications arise when his friend becomes his fake husband. All's fair in love, war, and trivia.
🔥 Steal My Sunshine by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Altered Memories | 30K | Mature): Memories hazy and unreliable, Eddie Diaz wakes up every morning in a house at the end of a cul de sac, goes to his office job at a petroleum engineering company, and comes home to his wife and son. But something is missing, and the more Eddie begins to put the pieces together, the stranger the predicament he finds himself in. 
🔥Anywhere I Want, Just Not Home series by Daisies_and_Briars
Pennsylvania Under Me (Future Fic, Buckley Family | 22K | Teen): When unexpected circumstances require Buck to travel back to Hershey for the first time in over a decade, Eddie and Chris are right by his side. A Lot Like You (Future Fic, Buck&Bobby | 14K | General): The dynamics between everyone change when Buck and Eddie have another child and Bobby moves on from the 118. I Hold It Like a Grudge (Buck&Maddie, Future Fic | 11K | Teen): Buck and Maddie come into unexpected and unwanted conflict when their parents meet Buck's son for the first time, by surprise, when he is under Maddie's care.
The Smutty Ones by Tizniz/ @tizniz (PWP | 56/? | 23K | Explicit): A collection of smutty Buddie drabbles.
E & E: A Buddie Drabble Collection by Tizniz (Prompt fic | 105/? | 22K | General): A collection of drabbles for Buck and Eddie.
It's Me That He's Always Choosing by I_still_dont_understand_13/ @dangerpronebuddie (Prompt fic | 20/? | 8K | Explicit): A collection of smut prompts originally posted on tumblr.
🔥 boys, when my baby found me by nondz (pinkjook) (Post-S7, Presumed Dead Eddie | 2/3 | 17K | Explicit): “It just feels… I don’t know. I feel like I’m back to being an old version of me. Like I’m— fucking— Buck 2.0 again. I can’t be good to him if I’m Buck 2.0. I know that.” Eddie frowns. “I first met you when you were Buck 2.0. And you were good to me.” Or: three months later, things are mostly back to normal. And then there's an accident.
🔥 Held Up a Lightning Rod (Wonder Why I'm Struck) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Not A Firefighter Eddie, Sugar Baby Buck | 10/22 | 46K | Explicit): When Eddie Diaz stumbles his way into money, he finds himself one of the most eligible bachelors in Los Angeles - to his dismay. He needs a way to get people off his back without confessing his messy marital situation, and Shannon's still not answering his calls, so he caves to a friend's suggestion: hire someone to pretend to be his partner. Enter Evan "Buck" Buckley: sugar baby, fire fighter, and the man about to turn Eddie's world upside down.
🔥 If You Can Make the Music by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, | 3/5 | 7K | Mature): Spin-off Sequel to Evan Buckley & the Coma-Verse of Madness - Chapter 5 (Seaside): A year after a whirlwind two week love affair with bartender Buck in Galveston, Texas, Eddie Diaz finds himself coincidentally relocating to the area. But when he attempts to reconnect with Buck, he's in for an unfortunate surprise. (Part 3 of Coma-Verse)
🔥 you're almost home (i've been waiting for you to come in) by sibylsleaves/ @sibylsleaves (Post-S5, Canon Divergent - Roommates, Getting Together | 3/5 | 18K | Mature): Buck moves in. Eddie comes out. Things get a little messy.
🔥 Long Death by Daisies_and_Briars (Post-S7, Vampire AU | 5/10 | 17K | Explicit): In the summer of 2024, a never before seen form of vampirism breaks out in Los Angeles. Just as Eddie is about to get his son back. Six months later, Buck's life is permanently changed.
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 14/19 | 71K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar (Canon S1-S6, Divergent Post-S6 | 130/? | 408K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
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ihavethedreamies · 5 months
Oasis | S.Coups
Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups - Seventeen)
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.6k
Pairing: S.Coups x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Sci-Fi AU!, Reader-Insert, Smut, Some Plot, Hookup/One-Night-Stand/Strangers to Fucking
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Violence (mentions of weapons, but nothing else), Pet Names (Doll, Sweetheart, Princess, Pumpkin, etc.), Daddy Kink (as required by law), Swearing, Kissing, Thigh-Riding, Cockwarming, Couch Sex, Slight Breathplay, Soft Dom! S.Coups, Unprotected Sex (Use a condom!), He's got some ~fancy~ tattoos ;)
Author's Note: Okay this one was…normally I can stay calm writing, but not for a Scoops. He's just so fucking hot…
-> Series Hub <-
-> Hoshi's <-
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-> Wonwoo's <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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The only problem with being in a small village in the middle of the desert is there were very few places to hide. You turned a corner around a sandstone building into an alleyway. Luckily, there was a pile of crates with a small enough hole for you to hide. Crawling into the space, you tried to stay as quiet as possible while also catching your breath. You worried your panting would be too loud. You clutched your bag close to you, not wanting to lose the contents again. Having found what seems to be an extremely valuable artifact, you had tried desperately to get it back after it had been stolen. You had reported the chunk of crystal to the Assembly and they said it was possibly valuable enough to bring to headquarters. Though, while you were camping out, about a third of the way through a four-day journey, your camp was ransacked, and your crystal stolen. You followed the thieves that turned out to essentially be a gang, and you took it back. They had found you though and had been chasing you for a good hour. They obviously understood the crystal's value if they were pursuing you so intently. Peaking around the crates, you saw a few of the goons run down the street past the alley, but you weren't brave enough to get away yet.
"Fuck!" You shrieked, a hand having grabbed your braid at the base, hauling you out of your hiding hole. Your hands grappled at his, trying to get him to let you go, legs scrambling on the ground.
"You stupid bitch-" He grumbled, yanking your hair harder till you fell back against his legs.
"Where's the rock?" He snapped and you just glared up at him, not wanting him to realize if you looked at your bag. You grunted at the tug on your hair, but immediately stopped wiggling when you felt something metal press against your neck.
"If I get this back from you, the boss might just promote me-"
"Kind of hard to get a promotion with an extra hole in your head." A new voice spoke and you could feel the gangster freeze behind you, the knife pressed to your neck retreating slightly. You assumed this new man had pressed his own weapon, a blaster most likely, against the guy's head.
"Drop the knife." This new man's voice was steady, strong, and you felt safe already. You heard the blade clatter on the ground, and the hold on your braid released, so you scrambled away from the gangster. Instead of going forward, you basically crawled around and behind the aggressor, and stopped once you were safely behind your rescuer. Just from behind, you could tell he was strong, his bare arms showed his biceps were nearly as big as your thigh, maybe bigger. Smooth geometric tattoos painted his arms, looking similar to a circuit board. His hair was bright red, slicked back just enough to keep the longer strands out of his face, the ends resting just above his shoulders. He had a belt strapped around his torso over his vest, various things attached to it along with several ammo cartridges. Another strap around one of his thick thighs had the holster for his blaster and his pants were tucked into a pair of knee-high combat boots.
"Now screw off before you can't." The man pulled his blaster away, but literally kicked the guy's ass, sending him onto his face a few feet forward. The gangster scrambled to his feet and fled. Once he was gone, the man before you turned around finally and your breath left you right after you had caught it back. He was fucking gorgeous. You wondered if the slit in his eyebrow was from a scar, or just for looks, it was hard to tell in the dark light.
"Are you okay, doll?" He kneeled in front of you, even like that you felt tiny…Tinier than usual. You wondered if he could see your reddened face in the low light.
"Y-yes." You nodded, letting him wrap his hands around your arms to help you stand up. Your own hands went to his biceps, trying hard not to squeeze to test the muscle there, and your shaking legs finally got you up. You wished he didn't have the leather gloves on so you could feel more of his bare skin on yours. After you were both up, the top of your head only reached his chin, and he smelled good-
"Why were they after you?" he asked and you had to step back to look at him even with your head tipped up.
"Uh…" You weren’t sure if he was trustworthy, even if he saved you. Maybe he just wanted the crystal for himself…
"It's okay, doll. I'm a Ranger." He pulled the chain around his neck up and out of his shirt, an upside-down triangle-like designed pendant on the end. You recognized it, and the title, so you relaxed. They were basically freelance, vigilante, bounty-hunter guys. They would help people in need and take out or get criminals without having to worry about legal red tape. It was an elite group, and their identities were not widely known. Sighing in relief at the news, you opened your satchel and pulled the crystal out. It wasn't refined and it was pretty heavy. You handed the rock to him and he looked it over, holding it easily with one hand while he holstered his blaster. The thin but tight black shirt he had on under his utility vest struggled over his chest as he did so, when he spoke you finally brought your attention away.
"This is a diamond, doll." He smiled and your jaw dropped. No wonder it was so valuable. That would make sense why the Assembly Headquarters wanted it, they had the largest bank on the planet.
"Yep." He once again held the gem in one hand, pulling a device out of a pocket of his utility belt. The Ranger clicked the end against the gem and looked at the panel on the side as the device beeped.
"About 13 hundred carats." He smirked, arching one of his thick eyebrows.
"Where'd you find this?"
"I'm a Scavenger, so I look for scrap and crashed ships or satellites. This was in some wreckage out near Dekkos." you told him, a bit surprised he handed the gem back to you.
"Are you bringing it to the capital?"
"You will probably have more of those gangsters plus anyone else who finds out after you, why don't I escort you?"
"You would do that?"
"Of course, doll. I'm Seungcheol, but my team calls me S.Coups."
"S.Coups?" you questioned and he chuckled, a bit embarrassed.
"Uh, the S is for Seungcheol, and then coups like coup-d'état."
"You overthrow someone?"
"Well, kind of. Our first mission was to get a corrupt mayor out of power, so…" He smiled, somehow his extremely handsome face looked cute.
"Are you sure you don't mind escorting me?"
"I told you," he leaned forward so he was more eye level, "of course I don't mind."
"Can I call you Cheol?" you asked him, his name was kind of long and you weren't sure about his nick name…
"Of course, doll. What do I call you?" You told him your name in response and when he said it with a smile, your ovaries exploded.
"I know its late, but I was planning on getting to the next town over, it's about an hour, is that okay?" he asked you as you followed him to the main street and toward the edge of the village. You had wrapped the diamond up in a head scarf you had and tucked it back in your satchel. Cheol suggested you grab your stuff from your rover and leave it for the time being, since more goons might know it's yours. He wouldn't even let you carry your own bag.
"That diamond is enough for you to carry, (Y/N)." When you got to his own rover, you halted in shock. Not only was it new, but it was a really nice model too. Yours was nearly thirty years old and was not exactly top of the line, even new.
"Oh, this belongs to the whole group. I just have it most of the time since I'm the leader."
"You're the leader?" You hadn't known that.
"Well, kind of. I'm co-commander along with Woozi." He opened the passenger door for you and you climbed up onto the wheel and into the rover. The seats were nice, and actually seats versus what looked like a restaurant booth. The inside panels were just a flat holo-screen, and it even had heating. Your rover only had air-conditioning, so at night it could be kind of cold. You asked him a series of questions as you drove to the next town, and he answered each one humbly. Your eyes kept flitting to his hands on the steering wheel, then up his arms and traced every line of his tattoos, to his side profile-
"Your eyes might burn me, doll." He tried not to smirk, casting you a knowing side glance. You floundered for an excuse.
"Its fine, sweetheart." Seungcheol rested back in the seat and you shuffled in your own seat, your face not the only part of you heating up. By the time you reached the next town, all you wanted to do was get in bed, and maybe get him inside you…
"Do you mind sharing a hotel room, I can keep you safer that way." His suggestion was genuine, truly just wanting to protect you. And you were more than willing.
"That's fine!" Seungcheol smirked, walking past you into the hotel, one much nicer than the inns or motels you usually stayed at. You cringed at your own eagerness, following after him with your head bowed in embarrassment.
"Can we get a suite with two bedrooms?" He pulled his credit chit out, the hotelier tapped on her console telling you there was one available on the fifth floor. You watched her as she worked, and she kept looking up at Seungcheol and all over him. She wasn't blind, you didn’t blame her. He took the room and you balked at the price.
"Don't worry, doll." He cast you a gentle smile, so you didn't. Judging by his rover, even if he claimed it was the whole group's, he had money to spare. You followed after him, casting a glance back at the hotelier who was glaring at you. Wanting to stick your tongue out at her like a child, you restrained yourself and waited for the elevator with him. Right as the lift was reaching the ground floor, a group of about seven entered and headed toward the elevators as well. Because of this, the lift was full, and you pressed your small self into the corner, Seungcheol working as a barrier between you and the group of men that had entered as well. You doubted they even knew you were there. They had left the button pressed for the fifth floor, and you both waited for them to get out, then headed in the opposite direction. He tapped the clear card against the lock and it dinged, opening with a click. He carried both of your bags in and you looked around the suite in awe, never having stayed somewhere so nice.
"I'm going to shower quick." Seungcheol deposited your bag in one of the bedrooms and headed toward the other. There was a bathroom attached to each room and so you followed suit. Only taking a rinse off since you had showered the night before, you found yourself watching some show on the couch. You had changed into shorts and a tank instead of your leather leggings and vest. Your knees were pulled to your chest, feet resting on the cushion, and you were really trying to focus on the show. It was so hard though to not think of him in the shower. He was too freaking hot and there was only a door in between you and him. Naked.
"Fucking fuck…" You huffed at yourself, trying to snap out of your pervy thoughts, but it was futile. Especially since he had just come out in nothing but his pants. At least he wasn't just in a towel, but his muscular and toned body was perfectly on display. He had more of the circuit-like tattoos curling up over his shoulders and down his chest and sides of his stomach. You had noticed earlier not only were his arms and thighs thick, but he had a butt too. Fuck. He saw you gaping at him, it was kind of hard not to. It was like you had zoned out…or in rather, on him and he huffed a laugh, a bit embarrassed. However, he felt more smug than anything and his own eyes flicked over your mostly bare legs and the low cut of your tank. He would be lying if he said he wasn't just as attracted to you as you seemed to be to him. It was up to you make a move though… When you snapped out of it and your eyes met his, he was smirking and hummed with an inquisitive tone.
"Yes?" He teased and you choked on your saliva some, eyes flitting back over his bare chest.
"You curious?" You nodded dumbly.
"Come here, then." Seungcheol smiled and he nearly guffawed at how fast you leaped off the couch, but you approached much slower. You stopped right before him, hand coming up and hovering over his skin. You flitted your gaze up to his face and he nodded, taking a sip out of the bottle he was holding. As soon as your fingertips met his warm skin, the other hand flew up and you brought them down to rest on his abs.
"Fucking hell." You whispered and he really tried not to laugh, but you could feel his chest rumble a bit. Tracing each curve and angle of the tattoos snaking over him, you noticed they seemed to let out a slight reddish glow, lagging behind your tracing fingers over the black lines. Your mouth was hung open as you touched him like he was the best thing you had ever had the pleasure of touching, and he smirked harder. Getting annoyed with his smugness, even though it was warranted and caused by you, you dug your dull nails in a bit and scratched down. Seungcheol sighed, a low groan rumbling out after and your cunt clenched around nothing.
"What-?!" You squeaked as he crouched a bit, wrapping one around your upper thighs under your butt, and easily lifted you up against his shoulder. He carried you over to the couch, his bottle still in his hand and you wondered if he could hear your heart pounding. He could probably also feel your wet leaking through your panties and shorts.  You glanced down and saw that the tattoos were on his back too. The man sat on the couch, adjusting you on his lap so you were straddling one of his thighs. You nearly whined, having to spread your legs pretty wide to accommodate, and you could feel the hard muscle through his pants. While they weren't super tight, with how he was sitting, the stretched over his thigh just right. He smirked again as he took another drink, your shorts so thin he could feel your pussy clench as you settled.
"Whatcha thinkin' about, doll?" Your fingers were lazily and lightly rubbing over his skin, it tickled a bit. Those tattoos definitely shimmered when you touched them…
"Can I ride your thigh?" Your voice was so soft that despite how close you were, he almost didn't hear you.
"You want that, sweetheart?"
"Yes, -dy." He barely heard the last part, your face blossoming red when you let the word slip, eyes widening in panic. Seungcheol groaned when he heard it, adjusting his footing and bounced his leg under you a bit, forcing it up and against your needy cunt.
"You wanna ride daddy's thigh, pumpkin?"
"Fuck, yes please~" You gasped, but held back from moving, nodding.
"Go ahead, then." He took a casual sip from the bottle, glancing over your shoulder at the TV like he was actually focusing on it. He licked his lips, swallowing a chuckle when you began to grind down onto his leg, so hard he felt your pulse from your core. Your little mewls grew louder when you leaned forward, losing strength in the rest of your body, resting your forehead on his collarbone. Your fingers dug into the waist of his pants on either side of you, getting closer and closer. While Cheol had his number of sexcapades, he had never had a girl be this eager to fuck herself on his leg. Most of the time he was worried if they would find out he didn't, by any means, mind getting called daddy. You were the first one though to jump on it immediately, and with no hint or prompting from him. He was thanking fate that he was the one that rescued you.
"I'm-" You gasped, your hips stuttering.
"Close, pumpkin?" He finally put the bottle down, his arm curling around your waist, helping you keep your rhythm. His face got close to yours, so much so your lips were barely touching and he swallowed your moan, invading your mouth with his tongue. You fell apart then, whining as he helped you ride out your high, catching every little noise you made with his lips. Your head was swimming, you nearly gasped for air when he left the kiss. Your panties were sticking to your even wetter folds, and he could feel that your slick had soaked through his pants too.
"Did a good job, sweetheart."
"Thanks, daddy." It seemed you were a bit shy with the daddy-kink play, but you had started it.
"What now, doll?" Your eyes met his, unsure with what answer he wanted.
"What do you want me to do to you now?" He arched a brow and your mind ran rampant with all the possibilities.
"W-what do you want to do?" You threw the question back and he tilted his head in thought, humming. You could feel that his cock had gotten hard against your knee, your mouth watered when you glanced down at the tent pitched, wondering just how big he really was.
"What if…" As he spoke, his hand drifted from your hip, over your ass, and into the back of your shorts. You moaned when his fingers hit your soaking cunt, lightly circling the pad over your entrance.
"…you sit on my cock and we watch a movie?" His suggestion took you a second to piece together. Cockwarming? Fuck, yes PLEASE.
"O-okay." You nodded and his hand withdrew. He easily moved you to turn around and assisted with getting your shorts and panties off. Cheol adjusted his position and you rested against his chest, reaching down to release his cock from his pants. Your eyes widened, breath hitching when your hand met the flesh, finally getting him out to see what you had to work with. You were going to get split in half, and you couldn't be more excited.
"Daddy~" You whined, head falling back onto his shoulder, your nose brushing over the side of his throat.
"Can you take it, pumpkin?" He stroked the soft skin under your belly button, the sensation made you shiver, already sensitive.
"Yes, daddy."
"Good girl." You sat up a bit more, propping your hips up as he guided the tip of his fat cock to your glistening folds. A bit concerned when you let out a small choking noise, it soon faded into a moan, which rose into a whine as he sank deeper and deeper. You thought he would be in your throat by the time he was all the way in. Your tight core fluttered around his cock, the delicious burn of the stretch bringing you dangerously close to another orgasm already. When he had about another inch to go, you lost your strength. You slumped back into him, gravity pulling you the rest of the way done so his cock buried in completely. Your cunt twitched along with the rest of you, trying to adjust to the stretch and the intense pleasure it caused. If you were already so sensitive, he wondered how bad you would get after sitting on his cock for a good hour.
"Hm, so good, sweetheart. Taking daddy's cock like a pro." His groan rumbled through him and over you, his strong arms wrapping over you to hold you up and to him. After about five minutes, your brain started to function a bit more, and you tried to get more comfortable on his lap as he started something you really cared not for. It wasn't what the movie was, but you could only think of him splitting you open and his bare chest pressed to your back. You had your legs spread wide over his lap, knees over his so he could easily hold them open for you. Every few minutes, your whole body twitched from the pleasure, your breath shuddering, trying not to move. You really were a princess, more like a queen, taking his huge cock so good and sitting still so obediently. He had to push away the thought of immediately taking you as his wife, but man did he want to. Have you whenever he wanted…
"D-daddy…!" You gasped, cunt clenching hard suddenly and he huffed as you came, not having moved for the last half hour. He wondered how that was possible, and so did you. Seungcheol had to be a drug itself, because you were already addicted. You needed him so bad-
"Fuck, hold on…" He grunted, shutting the TV off and wrapping his arms around you tighter, hand on your opposite hip and the other across your chest so his hand could rest under your jaw. He splayed his legs better, sliding down the couch a bit to get better leverage, and your nails quickly dug into the back of the couch to prepare. He gave a shallow but hard thrust and you squealed, releasing babbles as he fucked up into you. Each thrust shattered pleasure through your body, his skin getting hotter against yours. Moreso than was natural, and you realized you could feel the pattern of the marks covering his torso with the heat. They must have been some kind of cybernetics…
"Want more, princess?" He rumbled and you whined an affirmation, his thrusts still hard but too shallow. You didn’t want to be able to walk the next three days… The hand he had on your hip shifted so he splayed his fingers over your lower stomach, index and middle fingers resting in a V right around where he had his cock inside of you. His other hand your jaw moved down to your collarbone, lying over the top of your chest, his pinky slightly under the hem of your tank. The heat of his tattoos increased, and suddenly it was like every one of your nerves was set on fire. He froze his pace, grunting as your cunt clenched harder as you came again already, soaking down his balls and over his pants. He chuckled as your core pulsed over and over, seeming to never end. You nearly blacked out, gasping for breath and wondering what the hell that was.
"I can use these to affect the nerves of people. I use it to knock out targets, or to ease the pain of someone I’m helping. Can make you real sensitive…" He hummed by your ear, his teeth nibbling on the ridge.
"Where do you want daddy to fuck you next, doll?" You nearly didn't register his question, still trying to find your place in reality.
"Bed…" You knew it was cliché, but…
"Of course, sweetheart." He sat all the way up, the position change shifting him inside you and you gasped, whining in disappointment as he pulled you off his cock. Just as easily as he lifted you before, you carried you to his room, grabbing the end of the duvet and easily pulling the whole thing off, letting it float to the floor. Resting you down like you were as delicate as a flower, you sighed at the cool fabric hitting your back. Seungcheol kissed the corner of your mouth, and you tried to follow his lips, but they left yours, moving down your jaw and to your neck. Letting him move you, he brought on of your thighs to his hip, slinging your other knee over his elbow. Your cunt eagerly sucked his cock back inside and you whimpered as he slowly bottomed out. Giving you just a second to adjust, he leaned down and kissed you again. You mewled, your knee resting over his shoulder more than his elbow, the other leg wrapping over his hip as tight as you could manage. A trail of saliva connected your lips when he finally pulled his tongue out of your mouth.
"Ready, pumpkin?"
"Yes, daddy!" You squeaked in delight as he started to move, immediately barreling his fat cock into you, the head battering your cervix. His pace was so intense, your wet dripped over his groin and down your butt to land on the sheets. It must have been an extremely secure bed frame, because it only shifted a bit despite his powerful thrusts. You couldn't even make little noises, your mouth hung open in a silent moan, drool spilling out of the corner of your mouth. You were so fucked out and he wanted to keep you like that from then on. Always drunk on him…
"So fucking good…" He chuckled, hand gripping your leg at his hip, easily slinging your other leg over his shoulder, folding you in half. You saw stars, the first thrust at the new angle fucked another climax out of you, your cunt squirting and creaming his cock even more and he grunted at the tightness. His tattoos started to heat up again, you could feel the change on the back of your thighs where he pressed down into you. Not sure what sensation he was going to surge you into, you couldn't get ready. The same intense arousal sensitivity started to rise again, but something else hit you. A slight tightening at your neck, but his hands were nowhere near. It was very slight and it didn't restrict your oxygen at all, just giving you a dull squeeze in the best way. Your gasps were from the intensity of your pleasure rather than the press of your throat. Then, your senses shifted, your vision blurred and it seemed like you could only hear the woosh of your pulse and his grunts. You felt his skin on yours hotter than before, his cock seemed hotter too, and the scent of sex intensified. When his mouth went back to yours, it was like you could taste his tongue, taste him even more and his groan vibrated your tongue wrapped around his. Without warning, the heat spiked, and your eyes rolled back in your head. His hot cum pumped into you, your own final orgasm hitting you, rolling over and over, dulling before reigniting into another full climax. The heat of his cum spilling out from where he was inside you seemed to sear over your skin and when he had stopped, your senses returned to normal and it was like someone threw cold water on you. Your hearing returned to normal, and you could hear the noise of the street again. You finally registered that he had pulled away from the kiss, hovering over you with a smile. Not a smirk. You could barely get anything out but a whine.
"Did daddy fuck you good, doll?" You nodded lazily and he laughed, kissing you again.
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Master-Master List
Seventeen Master List
Taglist: @gaslysainz
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queensharotto · 10 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 2: The Jellywalkers AU)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Due to the lack of genres, the Indents will be the primary focus and are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Also, this list illustrates exclusively include the term “Jelly Walker Horde”
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August - September 2023 🌅🍂
• “Heart of the Horde”
Featuring: Dr. Wasabi Cookie and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Protectors of the Horde’s Heart”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie, Tiger Lily Cookie and Peach Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie being the Cure”
Featuring: Y/N Cookie
• “Affectionate Jellywalkers”
Featuring: Pink Choco Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Cotton Candy Cookie, Knight Cookie, and Cherry Blossom Cookie
• “Death of the Heart”
Featuring: The Jelly Walker Horde, Princess Cookie, Rougefort Cookie, and Rambutan Cookie
• “The Show Off Jellywalkers”
Featuring: Fire Spirit Cookie, Cinnamon Cookie, Skating Queen Cookie and Cotton Candy Cookie
• “Recollection #1”
Featuring: White Ghost Cookie, Cream Unicorn Cookie and Vagabond Cookie
• “Terrified Cured Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Y/N Cookie and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Jellywalker Knight Cookie”
Featuring: Knight Cookie
• “The Dragons and the Jellywalker”
Featuring: The Five Dragons
• “If Jellywalker Y/N Cookie was Captured”
Featuring: Dr. Wasabi Cookie and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Jellywalker Fire Spirit: The First Infected”
Featuring: Fire Spirit Cookie
• “Jellywalker Report #23: Discourse Among the Legendary Mob”
Featuring: The 4 Elemental Legendaries
October 2022 🎃
• “Jellywalker Report #13: Injury Assistance”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie, Moonlight Cookie, Crowberry Cookie, Fig Cookie and Pumpkin Pie Cookie
• “Recollection #2”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Vampire Cookie, and Dark Choco Cookie
• “Bosses and You!”
Featuring: Bosses
• “Wandering”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, Dr. Wasabi Cookie and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “The Starved Heart”
Featuring: The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Heart Amongst Legends”
Featuring: The 4 Elemental Legendaries
• “Thinking About The Brave Gang”
Featuring: Y/N Cookie, Gingerbrave and Friends, Cotton Candy Cookie and Fire Spirit Cookie
• “Finally Remembering the Brave Gang”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Various Cookies as Jellywalkers”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Rye Cookie, The Cookies of Darkness, Raspberry Cookie and Wildberry Cookie
• “Various Cookies as Jellywalkers #2”
Featuring: Crunchy Chip Cookie, Eclair Cookie, The Council of Elders, The Ancient Cookies, Black Pearl Cookie and Frost Queen Cookie
• “Recollection #3 (Infected TBD)”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
November 2022 - January 2023 🌾❄️
• “The News Gets to Them”
Featuring: Sorbet Shark Cookie, Lilac Cookie, and Black Garlic Cookie
• “The News Gets to Them #2”
Featuring: Lilybell Cookie, Poison Mushroom Cookie, Choco Ball Cookie
• “Wandering #2”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Jellywalker Mandragora”
Featuring: Jellied Mandragora?
• “Gift Mode | Keeping Quiet | Little Ones | Wandering Part 3 (Jellywalker AU)”
Featuring: The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Physically Affectionate Jellywalkers”
Featuring: Tiger Lily Cookie, Peach Cookie, Cherry Blossom Cookie and Macaron Cookie
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Hiii,, it's me @rozex21 and decided to create this blog so I could post Invader Zim and Pumpkin Reports content because my main blog has a lot of weird stuff so yeah. It would have content warnings so watch out
Anyways, have a good day/night !!!
Updated version: wormie don't make tag guide inspired by your friend impossible challenge... Ka-sigh here we go:
• the Kemii draws
• the ghost speaks
• the Irken doodles
• the pumpkin reblogs
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rozex21 · 8 months
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Wormie don't make the baby suffer impossible challenge
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Seeing Stars AU
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Pump was worried for his friend, Skid wasn't picking up his calls or answering his texts. It was unlike him to ignore calls or texts, so Pump set out to find him. Pump ran ran into Roy, Ross and Robert on his way to the Candy Club, Roy was going to make fun of him but didn't when he noticed how worried the little pumpkin costumed boy looked, he didn't. Pump asked them if they had seen Skid today, the Hatz answered that they hadn't and wished him luck in finding his friend. Pump then went to the Candy Club next, he scanned for his skeleton costumed friend but didn't dee him so he went up to Kevin to ask if he'd seen him. Kevin heard the door open and assumed that both boys were here to get candy but was surprised that it was just Pump today, he then started to worry when he noticed that Pump wasn't his usual happy and annoying self. When Pump asked Kevin if he'd seen Skid he was met with the same answer as before, Kevin said he was sorry and that he hadn't seen the little skeleton since he was here yesterday. Pump thanked him and left for Skid's house, perhaps he was sick? Lila greeted Pump at the door but quickly noticed the distress of her son's friend and asked him what was wrong. When Pump answered that he'd been looking for Skid but couldn't find him and was hoping he was just at home sick in bed, Lila said that Skid left earlier that morning and she thought he wad with him. They were both deeply troubled by this and Lila called 911 to report her son missing, Skid wouldn't be found until the very next day and he was. . . Different. Jack and John found him on the outskirts of town, out cold and unresponsive. Skid's skeleton costume was in tatters, and he had tentacles instead of limbs, heck even his hair had become tentacles. His new appendages were peppered with cyan eyes, Jack and John took him to the hospital to make sure that he was okay despite the new appearance. Skid woke up in the hospital, he was slower to respond, it was almost like he was conversing with. . . Something before he talked or even moved. Skid had no memory of anything after he left his home to go see Pump, though he used weird phrasing. He said "We don't remember" instead of "I don't remember", the doctor looking him over gave Skid the clear to go home with his mother. He was to be closely monitored for any changes in his behavior, Skid was just happy to be home after waking up in a place he doesn't remember going to in a body that wasn't quite his anymore. He told Pump and his mother of how the Eyes was sharing a body with him, and that they had to agree with each other to do anything. It is an adjustment for all of them, but they manage. Kevin was relieved that Skid was alright but felt sad for the boy due to his current unfortunate circumstance rendering him a bit less lively and way slower than he was used to, but both Skid and Pump seemed happy again. Roy was a little relieved when he heard Skid was found as he may not like him but he wouldn't wish for either Skid or Pump to disappear, they were just kids. Roy doesn't like seeing Skid in his current state, it unsettles him to see Skid reacting so slowly to the world around him so he doesn't mess with him or Pump as badly
Hope you like this AU, I might do more with it soon and I'll be incorporating OCs next time
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felmonth · 10 days
Has tom or any of his friends killed someone in cold blood 😈
[sorry I just really like cold murder cases.....and love your art style]
Haha, thank you!! it makes me laugh when you guys ask random questions like this xD
But no, Tom is designed to be a pumpkin pie, a character that despite the bad things in his life is someone good, although that would be so if I knew how to write character stories , I have yet to fix Tom's problem with his brother hshdjks XD
Although there are alternate universes in which it probably is and I suspect they are:
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Information that nobody asked for but I want to tell because it occurred to me recently:
I was thinking Mob Tom was an undercover reporter who went in to investigate where he shouldn't and meets Wally, becoming punishment part of Wally's family although it still doesn't stop him from wanting to get away from there, he gets information out of Howdy as they become friends and....I have for the moment from Mob.
And Reboot Tom I want to put into practice the platonic relationships more in depth, Tom and Wally in this Au are friends but I have in mind that Wally being in love with Y/N leaves aside his friends so I want to try to make a comic where I can make people understand that a friend is also important and that you don't have to abandon him just like that just for having a partner (where I work is something recurrent in people so I find it interesting to write it).
And well Tom is 'bad' in collaborating with Monday as they both throw comments towards Y/N but with things happening, in the end Tom becomes friends with Y/N apologizing to everything and Wally obviously because I don't want Tom to be bad because of "jealousy".
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skelly-words · 27 days
revisiting this bc I'm approaching the age of the MC. i wrote two chapters on ao3 then forgot abt it, so i'm trying to finish a third to get it to a stopping point.
October Birds: Chapter 1
tags- fem!reader, roommate!shoko, yuuji and choso are brothers, college au, fluff, eventual smut, idk it's pretty chill
wc- 2k
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Rain splatters on the cafe window, dripping lazily down the glass. Your breath fogs up the pane, losing yourself in the misty morning as you ignore your homework and the busyness of the morning rush. The lab report leers at you from your open laptop, not that you care, too enraptured in the pretty cinnamon and swirl of steamed milk in your pumpkin spice latte. The foam traces an arc over your upper lip as you sip the drink, headphones in your ears, staring out the window of the warm cafe.
The line of people and buzz of lazy college students on a Sunday morning smear across your peripheral vision. You’d usually sit in a corner booth- as withdrawn as possible- but the cafe is packed. The only empty tables are in the middle of the lobby, mingling in the throng of people, a community table for half-empty cups. You grabbed the only empty booth, but it’s right next to the door. A chime rings every time a patron enters, making any hope for productivity completely futile.
There it is again, that irritating ring of yet another stressed our bio major on their way to get an americano with enough caffeine in it to fuel the next mission to space. You aren’t like them. You got a latte. As much as you hate the awful announcement of every idle individual, it snaps you out of your fogginess, lacing resentment into your blank document as your homework regains your attention. 
At least you start typing. Even if the lines of text are C work at best, anything above 60% on an assignment is a blessing. Your TA for organic chemistry is particularly critical of any assignments done for lab. Needless to say, this requires your best effort. You turn down your music, just a little, letting it blend enough with the outside world to create white noise, nothing but a dull hum. You sip your latte and chip away at this week’s workload. The crowd of people in the cafe never thins, even as morning rush teases at noon, if anything, all the late risers roll in to join the rest of the procrastinators in the cafe to do homework. 
“Excuse me?”
Your steady workflow is interrupted. When you sigh you hope it’s audible.
“Yeah?” You pull your right earbud out of your ear, not bothering to look up as you scroll through your work to look busy.
“Do you mind if I sit here? Sorry, it’s just the other tables…”
You pass a glance around the cafe. Every table and booth is occupied by at least two people. You nod in understanding, but he takes it as a cue to sit down on the bench across from you.
“I promise to not bother you.”
You force a smile over the screen of your laptop, fully looking at your guest for the first time. A bold black line traces its way over his nose. The color matches his hair, which hangs loose, spilling down his shoulders and curling around his neck. His eyes are a warm brown, crinkling at the corners as he smiles back at you.
“I get it. This place isn’t usually so busy.”
He hums in agreement, bending to pull his laptop from his bag. “Thank you, though. If you want another latte, I’m buying.”
“You really don’t have to.”
“I know.” He shrugs, opening his laptop and tapping on the keyboard. “But I want to.”
He doesn't say anything else, too engrossed in his own studies, and probably just as stressed by them as you. You sip your latte and put your earbud back in. The familiar rhythm of work, music, and coffee forms back into focus. 
The lab report becomes easy, the words flow onto the paper as you reference your notes and translate them into the mechanical syntax of academic jargon.
Music, coffee, and work. Your playlist is just random enough to not become boring. A few transitions shock you, something somber and melancholy followed by upbeat hip-hop, but for the most part, Spotify treats you well. It’s when you hear a song repeat that you realize it’s time to go home. You’re tired and the sun is threatening to point west, tipping past what could be called morning.
You shut your laptop quietly, not wanting to disturb the person across from you. He’s still quietly working. How he’s maintained focus for this long is a complete mystery. A work ethic you can only dream of. The laptop, lab notes, and other various clutter are shoved into your bag, hoping to slink back to your apartment for a caffeine-addled nap.
You pause. You could just ignore him, playing it off as his sparse question being drowned out in the general noise of the cafe, but now you’ve paused too long. 
“Yeah. I’ve been at it for a while. It’s time for a break.” You wouldn’t have said goodbye if he hadn’t stopped you.
“I still owe you coffee.” He tilts his head as he looks at you, frowning at your empty mug.
“No, really. It’s fine. If anything I should thank you for the company.” You don’t know why you’re declining. Another pumpkin spice latte would be nice for the drizzly walk home. “I haven’t eaten yet. My roommate will kill me if I don’t get some breakfast.”
He hums noncommittally. The screen of his laptop closes as he slides from the booth. “What do you want from the cafe?” 
He’s committed to repaying his favor, and you’re really in no rush to leave. Though, you don’t lack apprehension. The motley blend of people is dizzying, overwhelming you whenever you chance a glance at your surroundings.
“A blueberry muffin?”
“Sure. Anything else.” He places his forearms on the tabletop, leaning in to hear you better in the cacophony. 
“No thanks.”
He smells nice, like citrus and cigarette smoke. The scent is soft, almost nonexistent in the overwhelming smell of coffee that smothers the store. There’s something nostalgic about it that you can’t put your finger on, but whatever the burnt orange reminds you of is pleasant. You miss it as he stands fully and walks away. 
“I’ll be back in a minute,” he tosses over his shoulder, so sure and relaxed. 
You watch him until his tall frame gets lost in the line to the register. You use the time to text your roommate, letting her know that you’ll be out longer than planned.
Your roommate, Shoko, keeps in touch with you about your plans. Since she’s a few years older than you, and a senior, Shoko likes to play the protective older sister: checking in on you when you leave the house, making sure you eat, and asking about your personal life or lack thereof. 
You and Shoko met the year prior in some stupid general ed class that neither of you had any interest in. Shoko had put off taking the class until junior year, and you decided to get it over with as a freshman. After bonding over a shared major, the friendship had stuck. And while you aren’t an unlikeable person, finding people you like enough to have long-term relationships with can be rare.
Shoko replies to your text almost immediately. She congratulates you on staying out past the few hours she suggested you study for, and requests that you grab her some food on the way home. You put your phone away after that, not wanting to appear rude as your companion returns.
He sets the muffin on the table in front of you. It’s in a clear, plastic to-go container. You can see the sweet, blue bruises that mottle the appearance of the pastry. Blueberry muffins have to be the ugliest dessert, but that doesn’t stop your mouth from watering at the sight of it.
“I wasn't sure if you wanted to stay and eat with me or not, so I figured I’d leave it up to you.” He sets a sleeved, paper coffee cup next to the muffin. “And here’s a latte for you too.”
“Thank you,” you say. You bring the cup up to your lips, smelling that it’s pumpkin spice before the coffee hits your tongue. “I’ll stay and eat here if you don’t have more homework.”
“Eh- I need to take a break and eat too, so homework can wait.” That’s when you notice that he’s purchased himself a pastry as well, something French and buttery. “So, stay?”
You pop open the lid of your plastic container. “Yeah.”
The first bite of your muffin is amazing, and the second is heavenly. You get lost in the easy silence. You hadn’t realized how hungry you were. Coffee and the stress of homework had kept your appetite away all morning. It returned tenfold when you took your first bite of food, reminding you of the morning essential you had been missing. The closest thing you’ve had for breakfast is the bite of oatmeal Shoko had made for herself before waving you out the door.
“I just realized, I never asked for your name.”
You glance across the table, taken aback by the break in silence. Caught off guard, you mumble the syllables disjointedly. You’re not sure if he hears you until he repeats them back, humming in satisfaction at the sounds.
“Pretty name,” he says, “it suits you.”
You flush, feeling your face heat. “And I never asked for yours.”
“Choso Kamo. English major.” And he extends his hand across the table.
“Genetics major.” 
Choso smiles when you shake his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” When his hand recedes, he tucks it beneath his chin. “I figured you were into stem. I noticed the intelligently stressed look on your face when I sat down.”
“Are you sure you’re not a psych major?”
His lips quirk upwards. A soft puff of air escaped his lips at your dry humor. “Almost, but I decided that I wanted the mind to remain a mystery to me.”
“So, why English instead?”
“I want to teach it, eventually. English is where I can impact kids the most.” 
“Teaching? That’s admirable.” You take the last few bites of your muffin, washing it down with coffee. “Why?”
“I want to be a better teacher than the ones I had growing up.” Choso tenses, voice shifting into something pensive. “I want to make a difference where it matters.”
“That’s sweet,” you say.
“Sweet?” Pink dusts his nose and cheeks, trying to obscure itself behind his tattoo.
“Yeah.” Something about Choso makes you feel at ease, enough so to be- at the very least- honest.
“Thanks. I like hearing that from you.” 
“You ask that a lot,” but he’s not accusatory, pointing it out to show you he noticed. “I get that a lot, not many actually mean it though.”
“What makes you think I mean it?”
Choso shrugs. “Would I still feel this nice if you didn’t?”
“I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out whenever I lie to you.”
“Hopefully we never find out then.”
Your lips press together. Lost for what to say, you glance out the window. “The rain’s finally let up, I should walk home while it’s clear.”
Choso nods, nibbling at his bottom lip. “Well, it was nice sitting with you. See you around?”
“I hope so.” A small smile creeps across your face. “Maybe we do this again sometime?”
“Yeah. Let me give you my number.” His hand extends across the table.
You feel your face warm in embarrassment as you fumble with the apps on your phone, searching for the seldom-used contacts. “Here,” when you finally manage to find it.
The exchange is quick enough not to make your exit awkward. You could take the time to think about what you’ll say when you first text him, but you’re too caught up in the idea of a next time.
Choso hands your phone back to you and waves lazily at you as you stand. You pick up your backpack and trash, checking that you didn’t forget anything before you leave. 
“Thanks, again, and good luck with the rest of your homework.” You feel like you’re repeating yourself too often, but it can’t be helped.
“Enjoy the rest of your rainy Sunday.” 
You wave your goodbyes as you open the door. The bell is just as annoying when it announces your departure, and the rain is still pooling on the sidewalk as you walk home, but the day feels lighter than before.
a/n- i'll post chapter 2 when i'm closer to having chapter 3 done
hope you had a really nice day: drank all your water, ate something delicious, had something funny happen, etc. luv y'all <3<3<3
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evanbuckleyrecs · 4 months
Buddie AUs under 20k words
And as promised a few months ago, here is also a list of AU recommendations under 20k words.
Just like my post earlier about 20k+ fics, this list was made in March when I was originally supposed to post it, but life got in the way
Anyway, show these fics some love :)
Pumpkin patch kinda love by browney3dgirl5
12,1K words, rated G
“How much longer dad?”
“I’m sure they’re almost ready. Why don’t you hang out with your friends until it’s time?”
Christopher frowned. “Can you go ask dad, please?”
Eddie would rather do anything else, thanks. But, when your kid was your world, and his big puppy dog eyes were looking up to you, well—he was only human.
Eddie gave Chris’ shoulder a squeeze before looking around, spotting what looked to be a teacher. Well, they had a clipboard in their hands at least.
Walking toward the teacher like person, Eddie stopped as he got closer, clearing his throat.
“Um, excuse me, are you one of the teachers?”
The teacher turned around to face him, Eddie suddenly a little short on words.
“Oh yea, hi. I uh, I’m Mr. Buck.”
Of course he was.
During the halloween season, Eddie is introduced to Christophers teacher, the one with pretty blue eyes that he just can’t seem to stop running into
Yellow is your color by tizniz
4,8K words, rated G
The 118 responds to a call about a man stuck in a slide.
But I'm out of my head by markofalover
2,7K, rated G
“Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?” Eddie asks, because maybe the nitrous is wearing off, or—
“Marry me,” Buck answers, quick and serious, face completely void of a smile. Just—right to the point.
...or, Buck has a dislocated shoulder and Eddie’s going to quit his job, or something.
Write me into your happy ending... by ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie
16,7K, rated T
Four years ago when Eddie and Christopher started reading the book series about Daniel's Adventures together before bedtime, Eddie never would have guessed that he would run into the author of said book series in the middle of a Barnes & Noble in LA. He also wouldn't have guessed that said encounter would begin with him sternly lecturing the stranger and making a slight fool of himself. Nor would he have predicted that this terrible first impression would somehow make the published author want to give his phone number to Eddie.
Or, Eddie the firefighter and Buck the writer have a meet-cute, and things progress from there.
Stupid for you (you take my breath away) by prettyboybuckley
8,2K, rated E
"Officer, I need to report a crime," Buck says when he stops by one time, wearing a blue shirt that is quite literally fighting for its life. Eddie is surprised that none of the buttons have popped off yet.
He looks up with the most unimpressed look he can muster, raising an eyebrow as he waits for Buck to continue.
"Someone has stolen my heart."
OR: Eddie may or may not have a crush on the insanely hot firefighter who visits Athena at the precinct multiple times a week
Paw prints on your heart by elless
5,9K, Rated G
Buck runs a cat shelter, where he gets to save animals and make sure they go to loving homes. One day, an adorable little boy joins his volunteer team and changes Buck's life.
A touch of someone else (to save me from myself) by allyasavedtheday
19,3K, rated T
Of course, all of that comes to a grinding halt when he stops outside the locker room to find arguably one of the hottest guys he’s ever seen getting changed right by his locker.
He stands there, gaping and trying desperately to get his mind out of the gutter – but Jesus, those abs – when someone bumps his shoulder and he turns to find Hen sidling up to him.
“Enjoying the view?” she asks with a knowing smirk.
Buck raises an eyebrow, feeling the corners of his mouth turn up in a smirk of his own. “He from B shift or something?”
Hen’s about to answer him when Bobby appears on his other side. “That’s Eddie Diaz, our new recruit.”
Buck’s brain does some approximation of a record scratch and he whirls around to face Bobby. “New recruit? Why?”
In which Eddie joins the 118 during season 1 instead of season 2 and Buck has a lot to say about it. AKA Eddie meets Buck 1.0.
Frequent flyer by whileyouresleeping
13,4K, rated M
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer.
(Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
"How many fingers am I holding up" by Pansys_goth_gf
2,3K, rated M
Apollo speaks, and to Eddie’s utter delight his voice is low and smooth. “Hey, welcome back, Diaz. Eyes on me, okay? Tell me, how many fingers am I holding up?”
Eddie doesn’t even look for the fingers, or tries to count them. He manages to gently press one gloved hand to the God’s cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”
Or; Eddie is a professional boxer, gets hit, and falls (in more ways than one)
Break my heart (or bring it back to life) by MonsterRae1
11,2K, rated E
“Have you seen this?” Sophia asked him, handing him over her phone with a tik tok playing on repeat.
He was confused for a second, until the video started over and he saw Evan Buckley, the NFL player, talking about having gone to one of his last concerts, a smile spread across his face. He might or might have a little bit of a celebrity crush on the quarterback.
“I recently went to an Eddie Diaz concert!” The blond man was saying on the video, a smile on his face “I got a lot of friendship bracelets which was pretty cool!” He leaned back and showed the camera his wrist, wearing a handful of bracelets “I wanted to give one away to Eddie but, with uh, my number”
“Your player number or your phone number?” The interviewer asked, which made Buck wiggle his eyebrows and smirk.
“You know which one” Buck replied, his deep voice melting into a soft chuckle.
Or, Eddie Diaz is an international star, Buck is an NFL player with a crush on him, and after having one of his interviews go viral, they connect, opening a lot of new experiences for both of them, and leaving Eddie wishing that his life didn't make everyone's life so complicated.
Part 2 of this list will be posted soon!
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× the infection has already started.... ×
A crossover infection au, created by @rozex21
In this au, the robots from Sonic the hedgehog universe got infected by a dangerous virus, known as maverick virus...
The problem is getting bigger when someone accidentally opens black holes, making the virus spread like a wildfire to every robot and more people dying...
The crossover has:
Sonic the hedgehog
Billie bust up
Plants Vs Zombies
Hilda with Pumpkin reports
Unfortunately, all robots are infected and there is no cure for this virus yet... But luckily, the only robot who survived is Grounder...
The little robot was alone in the Eggman Empire, wandering around until a badnik tried to kill him. But before it does anything, a strange floating hand hits it in the face... Grounder didn't know who that was, but he knew one thing... The new person was limbless...
The stages:
Stage 1: the robot will understand that something is wrong with them but can't find out because when they try, they are getting errors.
Stage 2: the robot is starting to be incapable of movement and their system fails more and more.
Stage 3: the robot is slowly losing coincidences and... Deactivate...
Stage 4: but in this stage... In this final stage... The robot returns back to active... But it's not the same robot anymore...
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paperbackribs · 11 months
In the Darkest Corner
A halloween side-story for the Witch Steve AU series. POV outsider.
Andy joined his teammate, Jason Carver, to terrorise the young members of the party while they 'hunted the freak' over Spring Break. Steve Harrington ensures that Andy will receive the justice he deserves for hurting one of his kids. A spooky story set over Halloween as Steve uses his Witch powers to make Andy regret his actions.
Andy can’t help the strange shiver that comes over him as he passes the Hellfire Club members in the school’s empty hallway. The echo of his footsteps gives way to the exuberant noise of the no-name freshmen and Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson as the latter trails behind Sinclair.
Apparently, Coleman is allowing Munson to visit in the new school year as part of an apology and so that the club can do a proper handover. Andy mentally sneers at the Hawkin High principal; what a pansy reaction just because Jason had got them all a little riled up after Chrissy's death.
Munson’s talking to the younger girl, she’s in a pink jacket thrown over some turquoise outfit — Girl Sinclair? Erica, he abruptly recalls, remembering Chief Hoppers’ glower as he’d dressed down Andy in front of his folks at his role in capturing Sinclar's sister along with the rest of the satanist freaks.
Or, at least, Andy had thought they were satanists. Jason had seemed so right and true over Spring Break, pointing to the obvious wrongness of Munson and how weird the little freaks around him were.
But these days... well, Lynda and the rest of the girls in the Cheer Squad were saying a few things about how poor Chrissy had been afraid of Jason before she died and...
And Patrick... he was law-abiding and respectful, a decent power forward and loyal to the Hawkin’s basketball team. But what had happened to him, the horror of what Andy had heard had been done to his body, and Jason had been right there...
It’s not his business, Andy thinks firmly, moving to walk past the young teens boisterously jostling opposite him in the hallway.
The orange and black of the recently decorated Halloween ornaments on the walls create a fitting background to the black leather-clad leader of the nerd brigade.
The grimacing smile of the sickly orange pumpkin faces mocking him as surely as the group’s laughter as they chatter amongst themselves, ignoring Andy.
He scowls at their indifference, striding past with his fists firmly planted in the pockets of his green and white varsity jacket. But none of it is his business, not really.
Not anything about Jason and Chrissy anyway, he assures himself, ignoring the uneasy memory of how much he had made it his business when Chrissy was reported murdered and they’d decided to hunt down the trailer park trash and freak.
What happened to her and Patrick though — really, that was up to the cops. Nevertheless, he doesn’t feel right about hanging out with Jason anymore. The cheerleaders definitely don’t, and no one is going to have a half-decent party if the cheer squad decline to turn up just because Jason was invited.
Munson easily smiles at something the girl, Erica, says and Andy averts his eyes from the freak. It’s far more fun to taunt the psycho nerd when Andy has his friends around. Watching Munson carefully choose his words, so he doesn’t get pinged by the authorities is incredibly satisfying whenever the team baits him around town.
So far, the former leader of Hellfire has restrained himself, but Andy isn’t sure that he wants to push it yet since Hopper had taken him for a ‘ride along’ a few days ago.
He swallows hard at the memory of Hopper outlining exactly what he would do to Andy if he tried to stir up the same trouble that Jason had done over Spring Break. As he does, he catches the gaze of little Sinclair. Her deep brown eyes flash up and meet his before dismissing him to look back and respond to Munson’s question.
Andy bristles at the disrespect in Erica’s attitude. She should remember how easily he had shown her who was in control of the situation when he’d chased her down and grabbed her in front of the old Creel house. Little shit had been scared enough when it was just him and her in the dead of the night.
He’s tempted to reach a big hand out to her shoulder and give her small shoulders a little shake so she can appreciate her current freedom, but she glances behind her again and Andy inexplicably feels his body freeze. Munson follows her gaze to look at Andy with a cool and unwelcoming expression.
The hairs at the nape of Andy’s neck rise and cold lock his joints from moving  from his spot in the hallway. It’s not until the group of the dweebs round the corner, the faint sound of their laughter hanging in the air, that Andy feels his bones give way.
He unclenches his stiff jaw, shaking it off and determinedly striding away. He has dribbles to practise if he wants to make point guard.
“It’s called a Spirit Week for a reason, Ron,” Lynda sulkily frowns down at her banana milkshake, angry at her boyfriend for failing to get into the Halloween festivities. The bustle of folks at the Soda Fountain almost drown out her words.
Andy rolls his eyes over Lynda’s head to Ron sitting next to her, but he’s not even listening to them. His teammate has an arm thrown over the back of the booth by Lynda’s shoulders while disinterestedly looking out of the large windows to the autumn afternoon. The fading sun casts golden fingers of light onto the red and green Formica tables.
Ever since Chrissy had died the girls on the Cheer Squad had been high maintenance, prone to being overly emotional and, honestly, complete downers. So what if Ron doesn’t have a preference for their couple’s costumes on Wednesday’s Wacky Tacky Day?
Andy ignores the flickering of the fluorescents above him as he continues to scold the girls in his head. The fragmented light is barely noticeable in the busy post-school rush. Laurie, his  sister, works here some afternoons, but she’s not behind the counter today.
The lit-up jukebox behind him faintly plays the eerie pulsating synth of Rockwell; the lead calls out that it’s close to midnight, evil is lurking, and somebody is watching him from across the darkness.
Andy rolls his eyes again, but this time at whoever’s getting into the Halloween mood with their music choices.
Ron is just going to dress up in whatever costume Lynda decides anyway, Andy knows. She’ll figure it out and doesn’t need to be so over the top just because Ron hadn’t magically come up with some incredible, romantic idea by himself. Andy looks over at her frozen expression, scoffing again.
His chips are halfway between the red basket and towards his open mouth when Andy realises that Lynda’s frozen expression is literal. She’s not moved, her soft, shining lips parted, light brown eyes averted, and elbows locked.
Andy flicks his gaze beyond her and sees that Ron is frozen too as if by an invisible hand, just like Jesse and Grady in the booth behind them. The sea of green and white outfits of the basketball team is eerily stopped in place.
Ron’s long column of his neck is bare and defenceless as his head stays tilted up towards the high ceilings in a stretch. Jesse’s jacket gapes open, laying bare the thin shirt over his chest, with his hand reaching behind as if to scratch his back. None of the boys, or the girls at the end table, move. All motion is arrested. Silent and uncanny like a film paused mid-action.
His heart beating irregularly in his chest, Andy dares to turn his eyes to the rest of the parlour.
The open space is unnaturally soundless. The servers in their white and blue dresses paused in the act of serving drinks or bussing tables, their arms outstretched, leaving the naked skin of their arms and legs exposed.
Andy is the only one awake for this strange and impossible moment. As he looks further, he notes a scarlet tinge that inexplicably seeps further into his world.
The checkered walls subtly bend and warp, crimson bleeding below his sneakers to coat the white plastic in a nasty, faded pink. The corners of the room become shapeless and dark, twisting amongst the frozen figures of his peers to sinisterly embrace them.
Andy is helpless, able to move himself but terrified to in case the horror of the room turns its focus on him. The hunted feeling intensifies as though he has become vulnerable like fleeing prey.
The jukebox’s synth bassline is completely forgotten as a whisper starts, forming into the sweet sound of a young girl’s softly lilting voice as she sings:
In the darkest corners, he'll win the race,
Through the moonlight's glow and the shadows' embrace,
He hunts you down, you can’t find a safe place.
Run away, run away—
The enchantment of the child’s voice abruptly breaks away as Andy is jostled by none other than Munson the Freak as he walks past, accidentally bumping into him. The howling of a wolf shatters the silence, and Andy startles until he realises that it’s the beginning of Thriller over the jukebox.
“Sorry,” Munson sneers over his retracting elbow, walking past with a greasy paper bag and absent of all respect for his betters, but the rest of the room is suddenly and blessedly full of loud movement and sound. A glass nosily smashes to the floor and a boy hoots across the space at his friends; the extraordinary hush is broken.
Continued and complete over at Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50672572
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