#punk remus sanders
sunflowerpirateart · 2 months
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AUAugust 2024, Day 3: Punk/Goth
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headcanon: virgil and remus as the emo & scene duo in high school
Fuck Y E S R E A L!!! Those two definitely make Kandi together <3
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thecrowslullaby · 2 years
this was a spur of the moment doodle. but im really proud how it turned out
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naminethewriter · 11 months
Bullies and a Date
Day 5 of @intrulogicalweek and I have swapped out the prompt. I just don't vibe with drag guys, I don't know why. Just not my thing. So instead have some Nerd!Remus and Punk!Logan 💙💚
Masterpost | Intrulogical Week 23 Masterpost | Ao3
Summary: Remus gets bullied and gets unexpected help.
Content Warnings: Bullying, Flirting
“You should have known better than cross my way, nerd.”
Remus had heard this spiel a hundred times before. It was boring him to tears, but he couldn't show that. It might earn him a black eye and his mom would kill him if he wasn’t presentable for the charity event she was hosting this weekend. So, he did his best to look properly scared by the two football players crowding him against his locker.
“At a loss for words, loser? Huh?” A push to his shoulder and Remus winced. “Say something!”
“Leave him alone, Jägerman,” a new voice spoke up from close by. Remus’ eyes widen as they fall onto Logan Croft. The senior looked almost bored as he watched the scene in front of him, his icy blue eyes piercing into the bully’s back.
With another shove, Remus is released, and his attacker turns around to face the newcomer.
“Fuck off, Croft. This is none of your business.”
“Maybe not, but I’m also not going to stand by and just let you do whatever you want.”
“You should though. ‘Cause I always to whatever I want. This is my turf, asshole,” Jägerman spat and advanced on Logan, who didn’t even flinch. Remus nervously chewed on his lower lip as he watched the scene, but the other footballer was still too close to him to make a run for it.
Not that he really wanted to. After all, he wasn’t about to abandon his helper.
“You are so very eloquent with your words,” Logan scoffed. “Don’t you have to get to remedial algebra? Or do you plan to fail the year so you can stay at school for a little longer and continue your power trip?”
“You really have some nerve to talk to me like this, punk,” Jägerman bit out between gritted teeth. He stepped into Logan’s personal space, crowding him, but the other didn’t react with more than a raised brow.
With an angry growl, Jägerman pulled back his fist and tried to ram it into Logan’s stomach but the other grabbed his arm tightly before he could do so.
“I know how to defend myself, Jägerman. And if you don’t want me to break your arm, you better leave right now.”
The bell rung. From where he was standing, Remus couldn’t see the quarterback’s face, but he was pretty sure that Jägerman must be looking furious. His back was shaking with barely controlled rage at least.
“This isn’t over, Croft,” he growled before pulling his arm free and stalking down the hallway, his buddy close behind. Remus watched him until he rounded a corner.
“Are you alright?”
Remus’ neck hurt after his head swirled around fast to face Logan, staring at him intently from only a few steps away. The punk was wearing his signature denim jacket with a collage of pins, combat boots, a long, dark blue skirt, a chain belt, a dark shirt with a red print, and a blue-striped tie that hung loosely around his neck.
Damn, he was hot.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Remus yelped. He reached up to nervously right his glasses and he could feel the flush spreading across his cheeks.
“Good.” The smile that appeared on Logan’s face was utterly unfair, Remus decided. How was he supposed to keep calm when he smiled like that? “See ya.”
“Wait!” he called, a little too loud considering Logan hadn’t even taken more than one step away from him. The punk froze, turning back to him with a raised brow. “Would you… Uhm…” He swallowed nervously. “Can I… I’d like to buy you a drink if you don’t mind.”
Logan’s eyebrow wandered even higher.
“That’s alright, I don’t need thank you gifts.”
“No, that’s not what I… Well, kind of, but I meant more like… like a date?” Remus was blushing hard by the end of it, but Logan didn’t look convinced.
“Look, I’m flattered, but just because I saved you once doesn’t mean that I—”
“That’s not why!” Remus cut him off. “I’ve had a crush on you for months.”
“Is that so?” He sounded amused and Remus almost pouted. Almost.
“Yes. At first, I was just admiring your style. If my mom wasn’t such an order fanatic, I’d wear stuff like that, too, but she’d lose her shit if she found anything like that in our house.” Remus’ cheeks felt like they were set aflame, but he couldn’t stop his rambling. “But on top of your clothes, you’re hot, smart and don’t take shit from anyone. It’s honestly kinda unfair how attractive you are.”
By the end of his speech, he was slightly out of breath. He hadn’t even noticed that Logan had come closer, now only an armlength away from him.
“You’re quite honest,” he smirked, leaning a bit closer.
Remus felt like his head might explode. “So I’ve been told. Though usually that’s seen as a bad thing.”
Logan just watched him for a moment before chuckling quietly.
“You know what? You’re quite intriguing. I’ll take you up on your offer. You got time after school?”
“Y-yeah! I’ve got a free period now and after that A-level physics, but after that I’m free.”
“Good. I’ll meet you at the main gate then.”
“Okay,” Remus squeaked. Logan smirked and then turned and walked away with a little wave.
Remus’ legs got weak. He actually managed to get a date with Logan Croft.
His brother’s gonna flip his lid.
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ivnvnva · 3 months
Canon? Eh who cares. I want to see Remus and Janus mosh.
And other sides being On the metal show.
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
Aaaahhhhhh! Look at this! Look, look, look!!! It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!
@typically-untypical, you are amazing!!
And @starshard17 your art literally made me cry!! 💚💚💚
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virgil-my-emo-son · 6 months
Y'all I have the greatest idea for day 4... dukeceit band au...
@imnotgrimimjustagrumpyreaper I feel like you're going to LOVE IT (at least I really hope so!!)
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Song for Orange (Haha, Brainrot)
Take Me to War (Live) by The Crane Wives
It literally talks a lot about anger and gives me some major 'righteous anger' vibes. I like to think Orange is a punk. Punk-rock, even.
Punk! Orange, anyone?
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ashtonisvibing · 3 months
normalcy!remus has the freddy mercury mustache
nothing else to announce
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ineffablesnakegender · 8 months
I'm drawing Sanders Sides in fashion styles that don't fit them. Here's what I'm thinking
Patton: trad goth. Virgil: decora. Roman: punk. Logan: grunge. Remus: light academia. Janus: cutecore
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i haven't made a headcanon post in yeeeeaaaars but i'm too lazy to try and draw these so....... alternative styles i think the sides would be into
- emo. thats fucking obvious. and canon.
- wants 2000s hot topic back so fucking bad
- his entire wardrobe (outside of his like. one canon outfit) is nightmare before christmas & set it off merch
- wants to put his emo quartet phase in the past so badly but he still jumps every time he hears a g note
- EVERYTHING jfashion. to some extent at least
- especially loves yumekawa & lolita; dabbles in hime gyaru quite a bit
- i know that man wears platform boots. im not letting go of that. giant baby blue sparkly demonias with enough buckles for the entire cast of a kingdom hearts game
- so much cinnamoroll in the yumekawa fits. he is a pubpy he is blue he is silly what do you want
- i don't know ???? he gives off such heavy prep energy that i cannot imagine him in anything other than like a red & white vineyard vines shirt
- maybe like. something vaguely approaching eboy. (he put on one (1) chain and some eyeliner and called it an eboy outfit)
-maybe patton manages to get him in a tsuyome gyaru outfit once in a blue moon he'd look good as hell in that
- assigned terminal prep at sanders sides headcanon post
- suuuuper like. 2000s numetal punk. i need that man in a black untucked button-up and baggy jeans with wallet chains on the belt loops immediately.
- he heard "math rock" and took it as an instruction
- i don't know why but i can see him being super obsessive over system of a down and green day. he bonds with virgil over them
- he owns jncos and wears them regularly
- very very heavy trad goth. almost leaning into victorian/cabaret goth
- i know in my heart of hearts that man is blasting depeche mode 24/7
- i want you to just picture with me for a moment. black poet shirt with yellow ruffles, home-dyed black flared jeans, yellow platform mary janes, big overdramatic black parasol. yellow satin gloves
- can you tell these were drawing ideas before they were a headcanon post
- SCENE KID. no other option.
- the kind of scene kid who called people slurs in casual conversation on myspace in the 2000's. i'm sorry. he would
- ungodly amount of gir clothes. he just raided the entire gir section at hot topic. i'm imaging this takes place in a world where those are still a thing. i want them back. he's head to toe in that fucking furry robot
- listens to msi (sorry. jimothy piss is also the kind of scene kid who called people slurs on myspace) (i don't support msi. i also do not support remus)
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sasiaucompetition · 7 months
Preliminary AUs
These are all the AUs that had 1 to 2 votes! Any AUs on this list that are not here, already advance into the competition, with 3+ votes!
This is not the order that they will compete in! That will be completely randomized!
The Other Side of the Mirror - @/Frejennix and @/Lalijinx (ao3)
Chessboxing AU - @/arealsword (ao3)
What you need - @/Anxiousgaypanicking (18+) (tumblr)
Logan, Janus, Roman, Remus - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Never Met You - @/Nad98 (ao3)
Archduke of Demonic Cultivation - @/ThreeCrowsInATrenchcoat (ao3)
One Coffee, Morally Gray - @/Duckduck_Scribblerswan (Caellie_E_and_Vaye_R) (ao3)
A Dragon's Treasure - @/TypicallyUntipical (ao3)
Fairies in the Forest - @/Ended_Flames (ao3)
Ghost Janus AU - @/SoDoRoses (FairyChess) (ao3)
Logan Accidentally Steals Two (2) Children - @/the-panmixxia (ao3)
The Stowaway's Heart - @/thesympatheticvillain (ao3)
They Share A Kitchen - @/BuddyBuddyPalBuddy (ao3)
100 Seconds to Midnight - @/never_the_rose (ao3)
Touch Transcends Language - @/IfFoundPleaseReturnToJanus (18+) (ao3)
Flores Facets - @/Whiskey_With_Patron (ao3)
Life's A Drag - @/infawrit10 (ao3)
Crown Princes And Butterfly Wings - @/Ended_Flames (ao3)
Where the Lovestruck Bleeds - @/Fangirltothefullest (ao3)
Banding With You - @/glacierruler (tumblr)
Through Hades and Back - @/glacierruler (tumblr)
Eucatastrophe - @/arealsword (ao3)
Side by Side in the Mindscape - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Beside Me - Dee - Thrall - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Stray Hearts Are Subject To change - @/Queen_Whovian (ao3)
How the Angels got their Wings - @/SunRey1116 (ao3)
don't paint wonderful lies on me (that wash away) - @/codevassie (ao3)
How to Fuck with Humanity 101 - @/Jungle321jungle (ao3)
What You Can Stand - @/ManyFandomsOneLog (ao3)
All of These Stars (Will Guide Us Home) - @/lucernis (ao3)
Virgil’s Guide to Avoid Accidentally Falling In Love With Your Boss’ Boss - @/Jungle321jungle (ao3)
Hidden In Shadows - @/Kaysigns (ao3)
Labeled - @/AdrianaintheSnow (ao3)
Dreaming While I Wake - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Painful Death - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Lost & Found AU - @/rollthewhatever (tumblr)
Monsterous Roomates - @/Willowanderer (ao3)
Between Light and Darkness - ORPHANED (ao3)
Pumpkin Spice - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Pick A Side (i love you and everything is beautiful) - @/arealsword (ao3)
Is there anything left of Patton - @/AdrianaintheSnow (ao3)
if you're going my way, i'll go with you - @/iclaimedtobethebetterbard (ao3)
one chance to change your fate - @/iclaimedtobethebetterbard (ao3)
A Moment with Potential - @/Midniteblue (ao3)
45. KNEE DEEP - @/plumcat (ao3)
46. House of Tarot Cards - @/FlowerMeat (ao3)
47. The Long Road Home - @/warcatscat (ao3)
48. Punks, Poets, Parents - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
49. Flightless Bird - @/AvoSunflowerTea (ao3)
50. A lesson in practicality - @/ResidentAnchor (ao3)
51. Endless Sides (Sandman AU) - @/sometimes-love-is-enough (tumblr)
52. The Ghost and the Reaper - @/thatonelesbianfander (tumblr)
53. A Bug in the System - @/AwLawdItComin (ao3)
54. lavender for luck - @/lovelylogans (ao3)
55. The Starlight Universe - @/iclaimedtobethebetterbard (ao3)
56. Pieces Verse - @/SoDoRoses (FairyChess) (ao3)
57 (Un)Wanted - @/TheAsexualofSpades (ao3)
58. Black Hole Sun - @/coconutcluster (ao3)
59. Vanished - @/red_imeanblue (ao3)
60. Space and Everything In It - @/Greenninjagal (ao3)
61. You Can't Go Back - @/delimeful (ao3)
62. Ghost AU - @/tsghostau (tumblr)
63. Live Without You - @/stormsofstarlight (ao3)
64. Janus Sanders and the Cassandra Fallacy - @/arealsword (ao3)
65. Short Sides AU - @/nachosforfree (tumblr)
66. Plant Parents Dukeceit - @/ThreeCrowsInATrenchcoat (ao3)
67. For the Record/The Sanders Archive - @/VillainVogue (ao3)
68. The Other Side(s) - @/VillainVogue (ao3)
69. genius loci - @/oldkamelle (tumblr)
70. unsympathetic patton au - @/aidensm8 (tumblr)
71. cat virgil - @/its-the-cat-queen (tumblr)
72. murder mystery - @/thecrowslullaby (tumblr)
73. guilty tears - @/not-exactly-laborious (tumblr)
74. ride the cyclone - @/purplecrayonismine (tumblr)
75. Pingverse - @/SoDoRoses (ao3)
76. Spirit Complex AU - @/casart (tumblr)
77. A Series of Silly Questions - @/SoDoRoses (ao3)
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I stick by what I said earlier. Stronk farm emo break cityboy punk over he knee.
— 👑
R E A L and said cityboy Punk isn't even mad about it either
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I was paired with the unparalleled @rosepetalgold for the @sandersidesbigbang! The stunning story I got to draw for is The Art of Saying Goodbye! Go read it!
some closeups under the cut
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Logan's judgmental face gave me so much life, and the ouija board came out awesome. It was fun designing tattoos for a punk, DIY, house-restoring Remus. And I worked closely with the author for Logan's outfit, so figuring out how to make him transparent without obscuring the details on his clothes (or ruining his judgey face) was fun! This scene gives me so much life.
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thatweirdomidas · 3 months
About Me
Shiva Akuma Midas (pick which you want, but most people call me Midas because of the url)
I'm over 21 and prefer minors do not interact with me
My pronouns are it/its
I'm about as straight as the infinity symbol: nonbinary, panromantic, aegosexual (on the ace-spectrum)
I'm big on leaving nice comments and sending people luvs (even anonymously because we need more nice anons)
I speak English and German fluently and am very slowly trying to learn more languages
My lovs:
Redacted Audio (fav: Milo)
Sanders Sides (favs: Janus, Virgil, Remus)
Obey Me!
Detective Conan (fav: Gin, Shuichi Akai, Kaito Kid)
Games (Pokémon, Lego Batman etc.)
Alternative Fashion (Gothic, punk, vkei, clown, etc. - if it's weird I probably like it at least a little)
Pokémon (my absolute favorite ever Houndoom🖤🖤🖤)
💚 I love tag games, asks and picrews - feel free to tag me or send asks my way 🖤
Speaking about picrew:
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My profile picture in a picrew by reelrollsweat
My tags:
I'm unfortunately really inconsistent with tagging, but I'm trying 🥲
#midas' weird ramblies - my general talking Tag and you guessed it - weird rambles
#Midas' frens - for my mutuals 🖤🖤🖤
#Midas Music Monday - a weekly song poll I do 🖤🖤🖤
#Midas is complaining again - what it says on the tin, posts where I'm complaining about something
#Midas is playing games - for game screenshots, clips and rambles
#Midas watches Buffy - my commentary for first time watching Buffy the vampire slayer (irregularly/on hiatus)
#midas' soup days - for when I'm feeling bad
#Midas answers - I try to tag answered asks but I generally don't remember
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monkeythefander · 8 months
Patton and Remus Fluff, Pretty please with a cherry on top? 🍒🥺
Patton & Remus Fluff Headcannons
Here are some Patton & Remus Fluff headcannons as requested by @jumbo-bo on Tumblr. These headcannons are platonic Patton and Remus, but if you want to interpret them as romantic that’s fine too. The headcannons are a little more hurt/comfort towards the end, but they’re mostly fluff.
Content Warnings: mention of allergies (cat allergy), mention of a zombie cat (which has stitches on it), food and drink mention (in relation to the zombie cat not needing to eat and drink), mention of playing horror games, mention of having nightmares (Patton has nightmares, so I guess a bit of Patton hurt/comfort is here).
Click below the cut to read the headcannons.
- Since Patton is allergic to cats but really wants a cat, Remus decides to make a zombie cat for Patton. The cat isn’t a stereotypical zombie that eats body parts or anything. It’s basically a cat that doesn’t need to eat or drink to live. Patton is a bit scared at first by the cat, since it feels very cold and has some stitches on it, but the cat meows happily up at Patton and the moral side is immediately in love with the cat. Patton thanks Remus and decides to show his gratitude by letting Remus name the cat. Remus names the cat Frankie, like the character from monster high, since that series is one of the few not so scary monster related shows he and Patton can bond over.
- To bond with Remus, Patton tries to play some horror games with him. They are typically mascot horror games, because the mascot designs can be somewhat nice to look at, which makes playing the games a bit less intimidating for Patton.
- Patton gets Remus a onesie to wear to family movie nights in the mind palace. The onesie looks like a rat. It has little ears on the hood and a tail on the back. Remus likes it enough that he actually wears it to bed sometimes.
- When Patton has nightmares and just wants someone to listen to him vent about them afterwards, he goes to Remus. The creative side isn’t freaked out by the negative or dark thoughts Patton’s mind creates in the nightmares, so Remus is great at calmly listening to Patton’s retellings of them. Remus is also great at hugging Patton after he finishes venting. The moral side didn’t expect Remus to be a good hugger considering he lived with Janus and Virgil, who aren’t too openly affectionate. So Patton was pleasantly surprised by how comforting Remus’s hugs were.
- One day Patton asks Remus if he can give him a makeover. The moral side wants to try out a new style, and likes some of the casual punk outfits Remus wears when they aren’t filming Sanders Sides videos. The creative side excitedly agrees to the moral side’s request and gives Patton an outfit that can be considered pastel punk.
End Notes: Thanks for reading! As always, if you like any of these headcannons and want to make a fanfic or fanart based on it, you can do so. You just need to ask me first, and then credit and tag me in the post so I can see it.
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