punkfortress · 7 months
Episode 1 - part 1
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Music blared throughout the cramped basement, Deafeningly loud, drowning out the chaotic voices of the crowd. The names of shitty, unknown bands and various people's nicknames cover the walls.
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Scotty watched the drummer intently, studying his face and his movements from the back of the venue. Everything about the drummer was familiar, right down to the way he smiled at the crowd. He wondered briefly if the man was proof his shot in the dark wasn't in vain.
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The frontman called for a brief intermission after breaking one of his guitar strings, and the drummer immediately jumped up from his seat, dashing towards Scotty.
He Fucking knew it.
“SCOTTY?” The drummer shouted, jumping off the stage and jogging towards the back corner of the cramped basement.
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“How the hell have you been, man?!” The drummer asked, leaning against the wall beside Scotty. “And what the hell are you doing in New York?!"
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“living the American dream!” Scotty joked, grinning before his face fell "Aye... I'm jus' chasin' work. Sendin' money back home to me mam.”
He hadn't seen this man since 1998... Even with the mohawk and the piercings, he was still the same man he had known for just a month back in Glasgow.
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“but… why here? It ain't the best place to be right now, y’know? ‘specially not for foreigners”
That was true. The flight over was hell, and Scotty knew there were better places to find work...
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Scotty paused, holding back a wry laugh at being referred to as a ‘foreigner’.
“Ye want the truth?” he held his breath. “this is where you told me ya’ lived back in Glasgow. I figured… no harm in hopin’ to run into an old friend, yeah?”
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The drummer grinned widely at Scotty's answer
“I missed you, you bastard! It's been too damn long! We've got so much catching up to do! And what the hell happened to your eye?!” The drummer was visibly excited, his words coming out in a rush as he tried fitting all his thoughts in one breath.
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“Sorry, was that insensitive? Roach tells me I ask too many questions…” he mumbles to himself, Looking away from Scotty. “I gotta stop doing that…”
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“Aye, lad,” Scotty chuckled, pulling the man close to him in a half-hug, “A lot happened after ya’ left,” he mused.
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“we’ve got all night to catch up, though, so don't you worry.”
Scotty missed him like hell, even if they only knew each other for a short time. A month between two strangers could feel like a lifetime.
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Scotty’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of yelling through the shitty basement speakers.
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“Sorry, Scotty, I gotta go! I’ll be back in an hour!”
The drummer, Rex, called, giggling dumbly as he pushed through the crowd and ran off towards the stage.
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punkfortress · 7 months
Episode 2 - Part 2
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The frontman shouted into the mic (aggressively), wishing everyone Goodnight. ‘SkullFuck DeathThreat’ was the name of the Band… edgy, Scotty thought, but not terrible.
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Rex trotted off the stage, and Scotty greeted him with a wide smile and a thumbs up.
“Yer a real star, lad! Never took ye’ for a drummer, but it fits ye’ like a glove!”
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“You really think so?”
“Oh, I know so! Ye’ looked like you were havin’ a blast up there.”
“I was!” Rex nodded, but then his face fell. “what about you? How was the crowd?”
“aye, I had fun, but there was this one belligerent bald fucker… I heard some… colorful language comin’ from em’.” Scotty grimaced. “wouldn't let up about yer’ vocalist- callin’ him a sissy n’ shite. I Told em’ to shut up but uh… I’d rather not repeat what he called me.”
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“well where the hell is he, huh? Let him say that shit to my face!”
“aye, lad… it's Nae bother. Ye’ can't knock any sense into guys like that…” Scotty instinctively pulled Rex closer to him; If Rex was still anything like he was years ago, there was no telling what he’d try and pull. “Besides, Rexxy… that bawbag was at least-”
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“twice yer size…”
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“listen up, fuckass… we don't want your kind disrupting our scene, got that? If you're gonna be here, you better show some damn respect.”
It was more… eloquent than Scotty had predicted, but he still pulled away. No sense in trying to interfere.
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The behemoth of a man stooped down to Rex's level and sneered.
“And What’re you gonna do about it, little man?”
Rex’s eyes bore into the giant, his jaw clenching.
“...this…” He mumbled-
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32 notes · View notes