#pussy puncher
acesanddrams · 7 months
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Do it again. Do it again. I dare you.
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helluvaloverx3 · 5 months
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johnny who is utterly obsessed with power play…
seeing you be all shy around him as he kept you captive in his shack with a rope around your neck gave him so many perverted ideas…
he finds his hand rough against the back of your neck, pounding into your pussy with your face in the couch cushions. his hips snap against your ass, your hands being held behind your back with his other hand.
“you like tha’, baby— being a pussy sleeve for me? I told chu’ you’d learn to love being my play thing…” he huffed out. planting his foot on the floor full of charred cigarettes and empty beer bottles, his pace only got faster.
even if you’re the one on top, he finds a way for him to be in control. ropes are tied around your wrist behind your back and his hands grip your love handles with a rough touch. your mouth lets out a struggled whine, his lower body drills into your body.
“mmm,” he growls, “such a pretty worthless lil’ girl.”
his hand reaches up to slap your tit, your head falls back to moan but his other hand comes up and interrupts you, “chu’ look at me,” he holds your face and forces you to look at him in the eyes, “look at me.” his other hand continues to slap your tits, switching between slapping and pinching your nipples. tears fill your eyes at the stimulation, his cock relentless in pursuit of your orgasm…
by the time he’s done with you, you’re twitching as his cum leaked out of you. he shoves your underwear in your pussy to plug his cum in your hole.
“can’t have me slippin’ out of ya, can i?”
the amount of hand prints and bruises you have by the end of your sessions are such a turn on to him.
“you’re mine, ya know that? you belong to me.”
you’re lucky if he doesn’t end up punchering your skin with how hard he bites…
he loves his lil’ cum slave.
A/N: i just keep feeding y’all, don’t i?😭
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water-to-drink · 2 years
Ghost Puncher
(Characters): Scaramouche, Childe, & Xinyan
(Summary): After moving into a new apartment you realize there’s a ghost haunting it, but you don’t plan on making it easy for the ghost
(Warnings): Cursing, like a lot of cursing, reader almost dies, Scara is referred to as ghost until the last part, not proofread, (let me know if I miss anything)
(A/n): Heavily inspired by the 4chan greentext post of the same name, you can listen to a reading here, wrote this in one sitting, and don’t anything in this too seriously
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Finally having months of saving and looking for an apartment you found one! You were surprised when it was cheap and in a nice place which means everything is a lot more expensive
Everything seems to going your way until on your way back from food shopping, an air conditioner almost falls on your head; had you been a few steps closer it definitely would have landed on you
Despite being shaken up by this, you chalked it up to it being a near freak accident and continued with your day
After that incident you noticed a lot more unusual things happen around or to you. It all culminated when while watching tv you noticed the little silver charm you carry for protection was melted. It wasn’t hot, it was cold to the touch
Suddenly the lights went off, you know your electric bill had been paid so maybe a power outage? No. You can see the block still have there lights on. So what the fuck?
A loud scream turns your attention towards a corner of the room that’s drenched in darkness
You grabbed the bat you always kept near the tv and swung it at the noise
The bat hit something and the screaming stopped
The lights turn back on and you see that your bat connected to the wall, making a hole in it
Well shit, that’s something you’re gonna have to deal with later. You decided to call it a night and go to bed
The next day as you were about to make yourself dinner you see a shadowy figure run towards you. While trying to escape the figure you ran out of the apartment and the moment you got out, your front door slammed shut
“What the FUCK?!?!?!”
“Oh you’re the unlucky person who just moved into that haunted apartment?”
A tall man with messy orange hair asked while he rummage for his keys in his pocket
You stood there dumbfounded, your apartment is haunted by a fucking ghost. You should’ve noticed something was up with how cheap rent was. Usually a normal person’s response to this revelation is to move out, but that’s bitch behavior and you weren’t raised to pussy out when things get tough
“Hey are you okay…?” Your neighbor asked concerned about your silence
“Yeah, I’m good.” You muttered as you made sure you had your phone in your pocket, which you did. “I need to do some shopping.”
You walked down the hall, not giving your neighbor a chance to respond to you. If he said something then you didn’t hear it over you thanking your older relatives constantly nagging to wear shoes inside so you don’t get sick. You walked outside with your house shoes on, another reason to be pissed at the ghost
After a few hours out, you finally came back into your apartment
You put your bags down and continue to make yourself dinner. When you needed to chop some vegetables, you walked towards the bags and pull out the ouija board you bought. Taking it out and washing it you used it as a cutting board
“You know you ain’t shit, ghost?” You said as you chopped onions. “You’re doing all this poltergeist shit to make me scared of you. You can eat my ass with this bullshit!”
Once done cutting up the vegetables, you started stabbing the knife into the ouija board
“Bitch ass ghost! Trying to make me leave MY HOUSE!!!!” You said as you stabbed into the board
The board was unusable when you were done. You broke the ouija in half and threw it in the garbage can
After that whole ordeal you took your plate and had dinner
A few days have passed and you gotten to know your neighbors pretty well, the ginger who told you your apartment is haunted was a pretty cool guy. He introduced himself as Childe and introduced you to another neighbor just on a different floor, Xinyan. You’re at a cafe with your new friends, well you’re outside making a call while the two talk. You eventually got back to the table and apologize for leaving them
“Don’t be, must’a been important to make it outside.” Xinyan reassured
“Were you calling a priest? The noises in your apartment have been loud as of late, louder than when the last person lived there.” Childe said as he took a sip from his drink
“No I was leaving a voicemail to my house. I got one of those old house phones that tells you the message someone left.”
“Uhh… What was in the message?” Xinyan asked almost afraid of your answer
“I told the ghost if I find my shit all over the place, I’ma slap the shit out it.”
Xinyan and Childe looked at you like you were crazy (which has some truth to it to be doing what you’re doing)
“What…” Childe said in disbelief and horror
“The other night when it was screaming I took my bat and swung around, and I connected with something fleshy a few times so I knows I’m serious.”
Your two friends shared glances at each other, not sure if they should call a priest or a psychiatrist for you
The next day you were visited by Xinyan and Childe. You greeted them and saw how the smiles on their faces quickly turned into looks of pure horror
Your walls has messages written all over it such as: bitch ghost, suck my dick ghost fucker and a lot more they don’t want to repeat
“Please don’t mind the mess.” You lead them in with a smile
How can you still smile when in a situation like this?!
Xinyan puts the container full of cookies on your coffee table and noticed a book with multiple pages torn from it
“Ermm, what’s this book here and why are there pages missing?” The rocker asked hesitantly
“It’s a book about demons, I’ve been blowing my nose and wiping my ass with the pages.” You explained nonchalantly
Yeah, definitely a psychiatrist
Before the two can express their concerns high pitched screaming filled the apartment
Childe tries to shield Xinyan with his body while you went and grabbed your trusty bat
“Showing your ass, now that there’s people here?!?!” You yelled as you looked for a shadowy figure to hit
Not seeing one you opted to start hitting the wall, the screaming got more intense, you didn’t know if was Xinyan and Childe screaming at you, or the ghost, or both. You didn’t care so you kept making holes in the wall
“Oh my god! Stop! Stop!!!” A disembodied voice shrieked
A short man with indigo hair and blue eyes materialized in front of you
Xinyan started screaming uncontrollably and you smashed a hole in the wall, making a pre-existenting hole bigger
“Don’t scream! You’re giving this musty fucker more power!” You yelled as you try to undo what Xinyan did by making another hole
“Don’t make anymore holes in the wall! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” The ghost exclaimed
“You’re attached to this apartment?” You asked
“Yeah, jackass! Why would I be haunting you if I didn’t have an attachment to this place?! So stop destroying it!!”
“Why should I? You’re just going to keep being a dickhead!” You asked while readying your bat
“I promise I won’t haunt you anymore! The screaming, the flickering lights, all that, just stop!”
You lowered your bat and turned towards your neglected guests
“You guys hungry?”
The ghost stayed true to his word, he didn’t cause you any problems. In a sense you have a roommate who’s a ghost. He seems cool, a bit of an asshole, but he gets quiet real quick when you reach for the bat. Other than that he’s a good friend you learned his name, Scaramouche, but you just call him Scara for short
Xinyan and Childe still can’t believe you scared a ghost so much to the point the ghost had to tell you to stop. They’ve gotten used to him though, you four even come together to play games and watch moves. And that’s how you got the nickname “Ghost Puncher”
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multi-lewder · 9 months
Lucifer gets pounded over her desk by a more shota looking Helltaker.
"What do you think you're doing in here?" Lucifer tries to ask but instead of finishing the question she gets smacked by his STRONG hand since even as a shota that doesn't make him any less of an alpha stud. He's half her height but he bends her over immediately and the CEO of Hell is instantly getting railed like a dumb demon bimbo getting pounded by his huge human cock which is perfect for stretching out her pussy around his womb puncher dick. She's turning into a slut for this shota looking stud even harder than if he was the same as usual his dick is just too good and getting pounded makes her want to be his permanent bitch.
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
i needed someone to comissermate with me the lack of fics with guys' dicks who make their girls' tummies bulge (size kink, who?) and the guys grt so turned on by it that they either (as i title it): #1, do the Natsuo Todoroki way of reaching a hand around to rub into the bulge, much like one does to a pregnant woman, because the deep-pressure rubbing feels so good and the parallel is hot; or #2, do the Dabi way of making the girl press into it to give him more stimulation or else he's gonna smack that bulge himself and get off to the way her pussy clenches and the way his dick is reminded of how deep it is inside her. bonus if its Big Brothers, but anybody who makes a bulge when they fuck should be turned on by interacting with said bulge in my opinion. anyway lol
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AbsO FUCKIN LUTELY this put into words I have never been able to sAY SO WEELLLLLL OMG I am shJDJDHHRJEJ yes! Yes! The two genders: breeding kink kidney puncher or self-serving belly bulge yOURE SO RIGHHHHTTTT!!! I love belly bulges I lOVE BELLY BULGES SO mUCh it’s so primal and just haunts mEEEE I agree so much oml (`Д´)ゞ♡♡♡ I wish I could write every man giving us a belly bulge and pushing on it or making you push on it and laughing when you just,,, lose control of your limbs and own soul forcing him so deep bYE
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shittheraidparadesays · 8 months
"Just rename it "Jimothy's Pussy Puncher"... Add a "9000" to that." -Buhnini, 1/27/2024
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REMINDER GO EVERYONE LGBT OR WHO SUPPORTS US!! (I've gone through every letter in lgbt at least once on my neverending journey, I'm allowed to say this)-
words like:
Transvestite/Transsexual/transgender (all ways to refer to those with different genders at birth to what they are and they are NOT outdated because they are STILL used, primarily by older queer folks and they deserve to be mentioned! Sick of the fucking discourse.)
Stone butch
Betty/a Betty Boop (very similar to femme and other related terms. Also seems to be colloquial to my general area?? Not sure if it or similar is used elsewhere, colloquial and local differences change a lot that you don't realize until you come across what it meansssss elsewhere. Used to refer to lesbians that are very traditionally femme and have big eyes and short hair. Also refers to specifically red lipstick wearers.
Bisexual (those who like men and women/the definition of bisexual most know widely and ALSO someone who is BOTH A MAN AND A WOMAN/ANOTHER COMBINATION. it has been and STILL IS used both ways. Respect that. The older generations coined many of your terms. Things change, but you don't get to tell someone how they identify.)
En femme/en homme
Friend of Dorothy
Batty/batty boy
Fruit loop
Boi (UK origin, akin to dyke, butch, and tomboy)
Rug muncher
Kitty/pussy puncher/muncher
Muff diver
Pack o' cigs/Pack o' fags (self explanatory, this seems to be a colloquial term in my hometown and surrounding counties. Pack o' cigs is a pack of, traditionally, butches/dykes. Pack o' fags is the gay male equivalent. I grew up hearing this one directed toward me a LOT lmao)
AC/DC (pan/bi, swings whatever way. US term.)
Lady boy/boy girl/girl boy (can be used in many ways, but typically refers to a boy who is also a girl, a femme boy, femboy, or similar concepts)
Traggot (a combining of tranny and faggot)
T girl/t guy/t boy
Trap (widely used even now as a slur or derogatory word, but I have met many who this is their identity to some degree. Respect that. They're queer too.)
Cuntboy/pussyboy/dick girl/girl dick
Fag stag
Silver fox
...And about a million other words through thousands of other anguages across the entire world-
Are NOT dirty, filthy, disgusting, nasty, used incorrectly, or "aren't to be used by anything other than XYZ individual in the LGBT community and nobody else."
They aren't dirty words. They aren't disgraceful or filthy unless the user of the term says "yeah, I'm fucking filthy! I'm disgraceful! Fuck yeah!"
If someone says they're a dyke? They're a fucking dyke. If someone says they're anything on this list or use any queer term? Fucking let them.
Here's why:
Use LGBT people have used any words thrown at us, handed to us, words we've been beaten with, words we've held onto with our lives and anger and love, words that have been used for us, against us, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, BY US for decades and in some cases even so long as a a century or more.
A masc straight woman is still called a dyke. A faggot. Thus, if she chooses, she's still a fucking dyke.
What we're always called or what we find fits us will always become our identity in some way or another somehow sometime.
That happens.
I've had every fucking word you've got and I guarantee ones you've never heard of thrown at me since I was a toddler, running around in mud-stained blue and red converse and a Barbie dress with a mohawk in my hair. I've heard them since I was in an AC/DC band tee, sparkly shorts, galaxy leggings, and glittery roller skates.
I and MILLIONS OF OTHERS LIKE ME, lgbt or otherwise, those who "I just dealt with what they called me. I was gonna be called that anyways so I don't care anymore. I have no gender/sexuality/preference/label/etc but I answer to it all/it's a part of me now but I'm not lgbt in my own mind" are FUCKING VALID FOR THIS.
Stop fighting your own fucking community. Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop. I have been called everything on this list except for a few (because I am obviously not a bear when you look at me not a silver fox or whatever) my entire fucking life.
I am agender. I am aro/ace. I am also a faggot. A dyke. A butch. Nonbinary. Transsexual. Tranny. Pup. Boyslut. Fagdyke.
And so many others are like me like this. So many others consider these words a part of themselves.
These are OUR slurs to reclaim. These are words we made a d for the ones we didn't? We took them and wore them like fucking crowns. We wore them like they were our favourite collars, our favourite leather, our favourite words. We fucking own these words like we own ourselves and it is nobody's choice but your FUCKING OWN whether or not they're used.
Yes, there's nuance with some. I understand that. "Stud" for example is for lesbian OR "LESBIAN-APPEARING" BLACK AFABS! But I've been called stud and I am the whitest, pastiest bitch you'll meet. I continue to have black drag queens and kings and royalties and other black folk who are queer come up to me and tell me "oh baby you're such a handsome stud!" While at pride events.
I am and also am not a woman. Not a man but also I am. But I gleefully use the word dyke and fag and femboy and roseboy and pup and cub (my moddy's nickname for years was cub/cubby. Friends of theirs HAVE CALLED THEM THAT IN FRONT OF ME SINCE I WAS A BABY. thus I am called cub or cub's cub or similar.) And I use these words with nothing but pride and spite and joy and hate and love and fucking glee. Because they're mine. They're ours.
People of all kinds, all genders, all sexualities, all paths and walks of life, have been subjected at least a hundred times to at least one of these words if they're even slightly "not right" or different or weird or wrong in the eyes of whatever stupid ass societal expectations there are.
And they all deserve to use these words if they make them comfortable. These people KNOW they're lgbt terms. Fucking trust me. They learn from experience or get taught it by someone and either drop the terms or don't. That's their choice. And that choice is okay.
Stop attacking your own community. Stop attacking the "outsiders" because oftentimes the "outsiders" are part of us but don't feel like they can claim to be lgbt. Especially older generations. Older generations (which includes millennials and even a lot of older gen z and literally everyone alive) don't think they can consider or call themselves a part of us for numerous reasons.
These reasons can be it isn't safe for any variety of reasons, these people grew up being called these things and always claimed cis and/or get because the terminology at the time wasn't like it is now in the same way, certain genders were more accepted than others (IE bisexuals and lesbians and gays and straights was most of what you had, alongside men, women, and transgender man/woman, which were and still are seen as often groups, for better or worse.) And there wasn't fuck all else. Fucking nada. Zilch. Not in most cultures, certainly not in fucking America. These people are often part of us even if they don't consider themselves as being part of us.
Definitions have changed. Contexts have changed. You'll find that we (and this is ESPECIALLY going out to any gen z out here)- we have called ourselves whatever the fuck we have wanted to forever. And we always will. And we always should. We will reclaim terms/slurs and make new terms and shit, I love being called a slur, by my own people or people who intend it to hurt me. It's fucking funny.
It has all changed and will continue to. That's the way it is. Don't discount other people's experiences or histories or whatever else just because you don't know the full story or "I just don't like it". News flash- isn't your fucking life babes.
Anyways, long-ass rant over. Needs to be said. I'm sayin it.
Any beautiful, handsome, fantastic motherfuckers out there who wanna comment your identity, favourite terms for yourself, etc? Wanna call me a slur, regardless of which way, good or bad, you intend it?
Light me the fuck up, yo. Hand me the lighter and pass the weed, I've always liked playing with fire.
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waywardcowboykid · 2 years
i wanna change my username to something cool like pussy puncher 3000, or titty twister 10, but iam too shy…
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brailsthesmolgurl · 5 months
Hey bozo pussy ass loser cunt having sex in front of children is csa whether you believe it or not it fucking is,fiction doesn’t excuse Pedophile get fucking help or get killed that nyc puncher needs to find you, yt fic “writers” stay promoting Pedophile or just being ignorant in general
Wow, coming in strong aren't we?
You need help for asking people to kill themselves and using vulgar words would not help you with your statement either. It only makes your response look stupid.
A sign of a coward imo and afraid not, your words are just as disgusting as your mindset so I think you need to get help baby. I have a strong suspicion that you might just be the same anon with such a narrow mindset.
Loser mindset as well, your account is not even here anymore when I click into it, so you just insult and disappear? Get a life would you? 😀
You can’t hide from me I got ur username in 4k right here heh☺️ deactivated eh?
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doodlepede · 6 months
the goochie gobbler. the pussy puncher. the cock crumpler.
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bitch-mistress · 4 years
pussy puncher
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lesbian-deadpool · 4 years
Serial Killer Fun Fact (Day 1): Richard Chase: The Vampire of Sacramento. Chase was a cannibalistic serial killer. His motives were: Necrophilia and Schizophrenia. The first victim was found on January 2, 1979. In the first month of Chase's killing spree, he killed 6 people. The spree lasted 5 months. Chase entered homes that had a door or window unlocked. If they were locked, he thought it meant he was unwelcome, but if they weren't he saw it as an invitation to enter. Lock your doors!
This is why so many ppl died in the 70s. Lock your fucking doors.
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slowly-writing · 5 years
Could I request Natasha x reader where reader gets a large cut one their side and Nat offer to patch them up, at first reader says no, bit gives in eventually, as Natasha's patching up the reader she sees all of readers scars from past missions. You're a really good writer!
Thank you so much! It’s up!
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fxllfaiiry · 2 years
꒰ 🍂 ꒱ ─ 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝟏𝐤 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 !
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Ok wow, this is overwhelming in the best way possible. When I started this blog I had no idea I would get to 1k, that's so freaking huge!! I've made so many incredible mutuals along the way, shoutout to them :)) And thank you to y'all for helping me get to 1k!! It means the world to me <333
Anyone can send in stuff, you can send in as many asks as you like!! Till this event is going on my main requests are closed, I'll be opening them again after this is over.
Status: closed!!
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🥧 - Send me a character alongside a small concept and I'll write a blurb for them.
🍂 - Send me a character and I'll make icons for them.
📚 - I'll tell you a song and season that go with your blog theme :)) - You must be non-anon for this.
☕ - Send me a character and I'll make a mini rec list for them.
🧦 - I'll make any sort of moodboard for you <3
🍁- Send me an nsfw concept alongside a character and I'll write a blurb for them.
🧣- Moots only; I'll tell you what my first impression of you was <3
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Tagging some people !
@iblendedmybaby @forourmoons​ @mgcllovdrms @taylorsmylover @blackthunder137 @misrye @lovesandotherwords @lovetaints @moonlight-imagines @spideymatcha​ @enchantedlandcoffee @shysneeze @eddiesfairy @pussy-puncher @munsonsmuse @familyvideostevie @garfieldsladybird @alrightieaphroditie @royalmaybank @darthkenobii​ @enaraux @magicchai @merlieve @paqerings @songs4themoon @1nternetcatg1rl @wysleria @natashxromanovf @urlmeeks @o-rion-sta-r @chaossmoonlights @edsloveydove @honeymunson @pixiemunsons
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luxeavenger · 3 years
She Lost Control Again
Paring: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x reader
Words: 2.8k
Warnings: Spanking as punishment, panties as gag, bratty reader, rude reader, quiet/silent sex, teasing, dom/sub undertones (Dom Bucky and Steve/sub reader), piv sex, pussy/clit slapping, derogatory language (slut - affectionate), pet names, poly relationship, BREAKFAST (not a warning, just delicious)
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-fi
If you enjoy this, please reblog it to help others find it!
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You wake up to someone shaking you.
“Why the fuck are you shaking me?” you growl.
“Let’s go get breakfaaaaast.” It’s Steve. “We’re all going for breakfast. Come oooooon. Let’s gooooo.”
“First of all, who the hell eats breakfast at-” you squint at your phone, “eight o’clock in the fucking morning?”
“Uhm, most people do, doll.”
“SECOND OF ALL, go away or I’ll stab you.”
“Nope.” A cold hand wraps around your ankle and you’re unceremoniously dragged out of bed by Bucky. He rearranges you into a vaguely upright position, “Stevie said ‘let’s go’ so, let’s fuckin’ go. I want pancakes. So shake that bacon into some clothes.” He slaps your bare ass to get you moving.
“Fine. I am getting dressed, but I hate it. I’m doing it under duress, and with protest.”
“Too bad, cranky ass,” Steve chuckles.
You grab the first things you see and throw them on: a striped micro-mini skirt, and Bucky’s faded Joy Division t-shirt, tied in a knot at your waist so it flatters your figure. You pull on some panties too, because your skirt ends just below your ass cheeks, so a deep breath could have you flashing anyone who happened to be looking.
Once you pull your shoes on, you slouch and glower at both men.
“Someone is fuckin’ salty this morning,” Bucky smirks. “Go ahead and keep being a brat, kitten.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Mmm, no,” he grabs your waist and yanks you close, “it’s a promise,” he purrs and squeezes your ass cheek.
“Oo scary,” you grumble. “Fine. Let’s go.”
You let them drag you to the little diner where the band is already sitting around a table scattered with menus. It’s an adorable mom and pop place, where the specials are still written on a chalkboard, and the dishes don’t have cutesy, trademarked names.
‘G’morning, sunshine,'' Scott sing-songs at you with a grin. His mohawk is styled into six sharp, grape-colored peaks today, and he’s wearing a ratty old tee that says ‘punch your local nazi,’ over a green skirt covered in cheerful yellow flowers. You’d never figure out how someone could pop pills all day, barely sleep at night, and still be as chipper as Scott Lang.
Nat is busy trying to get the phone number of a waitress from another section, and Clint is unwrapping all the toothpicks in the holder and using them to build a tiny toothpick fort. They both give you a distracted wave.
“Hi,” you snap, “Scott, Clint, Nat.”
Steve sits next to Bucky, and pulls you down onto his lap. He leans close so his lips are brushing the shell of your ear. “You’re being very rude this morning.” You roll your eyes.
Now Bucky is in your ear too, “Go ahead, kitten. Sass one of us again. Just one. more. time.”
Steve, murmurs, “I dare ya.”
You sag, and squeeze your lips together.
“Aww. What a shame,” Steve tuts and hands you a menu.
You’re scanning over the menu to see the diner’s offerings, and Steve starts fidgeting, bouncing his legs, and tapping his hands on the table. “Damnit Steve, I can’t read like this,” you gripe.
“And there it is,” Bucky grins, plucking the menu from your hands and setting it on the table. He smiles at the rest of the band, “You’ll excuse us for a minute.” To you and Steve he says, “You two. Come.”
He takes your hand and pulls you across the diner into the men’s bathroom.
“Hey!” you squawk as the door shuts behind the three of you.
You’re cut off by Bucky’s CUNT PUNCHER hand around your throat. He pins you between his palm and Steve’s unyielding chest. “No. You hush. All you had to do was wake up and get breakfast with us this morning. That’s the lowest bar ever. But you’ve been surly and rude to everyone.”
You open your mouth to defend yourself, and Bucky squeezes your neck tighter.
“What part of hush did you not get, doll?” Steve’s voice rumbles against the back of your head. “Sounds like we need to fuck the brat out of you.”
Bucky’s hand disappears but he takes a half step forward to press his chest against you. There’s a quiet click, then the point of a knife drags up your thigh. Bucky twists a fist into the front of your panties, and yanks the blade through them. Then he pushes you face first against one of the stall doors.
“Lift your skirt up,” Bucky orders. You aren’t moving fast enough for him, and his forearm falls heavily against your shoulders and he leans in to snarl, “Get it. fucking. up.”
Your shaky hands flip the skirt up to uncover your bottom. From this angle they can both see the moisture shining between your thighs. Bucky’s metal digits dip down to your slit and slide through the wetness that’s been collecting there ever since you asked Bucky if he was threatening you.
Steve groans behind you, “God, what a slut.”
Bucky chuckles, then his metal hand slaps down on your ass. You whimper and he shushes you. His hand collides with the meat of your ass again, and you mewl.
His breath ghosts over your ear when he leans in to growl, “What part of hush are you not fucking getting? Shh. Be quiet. Silence. No talking. No noise. Shut up.” He pops the p and the puff of air makes you jump.
“I'm trying,” you whisper.
“I’m so glad you wore panties today,” Steve chuckles. His thick fingers dig into your cheeks and he squeezes your jaw until your mouth opens. He stuffs your panties inside, and pushes it closed with his palm.
Bucky speaks again, punctuating each word with a firm smack to your ass. “Now,” smack, “can,” smack, “you,” smack, “fucking,” smack, “hush?” smack. You nod vigorously, huffing in breaths through your nose, the bathroom is rank with the smell of piss and it stings your eyes.
Bucky’s fingers slide through your folds again. “We’re going to fuck you now kitten,” he holds his fingers up to show you the wetness coating them, “and from the looks of it, we’re gonna be able to slide right in. If you can stay quiet for both of us, we’ll take these out,” he taps your lips, “and you can eat breakfast with the rest of us.”
“And if you can’t,” Steve continues, “you can sit there with your panties in your mouth while everyone else eats, and you can eat your breakfast all by yourself on the bus.”
“Think you can do that?” Bucky asks. You nod, and he scoffs, “We’ll see.”
Steve raps a knuckle over some writing on the stall door. For a good time call Candy Robinson, and what is (presumably) Candy’s phone number. He smirks at you, “Let's see if you can show us a good time, or if we have to give Candy here a call.”
You hear the sound of a zipper raking down, then Bucky kicks your feet apart and pushes into your cunt. He bottoms out so forcefully your feet leave the floor and your cheek slides up the stall door with a dull squeak that echoes off the tiles.
He doesn’t bother setting you down, just uses his hands to adjust the angle of your hips, and starts fucking you hard and fast. You curl your fingers over the top of the stall door and hold on for dear life.
Bucky’s cock knocks the breath out of you every couple of strokes, and you grunt with the force of it. Steve leans against the stall door next to the one Bucky has you pinned against. He smirks at you and taps the graffiti again as a reminder. “That’s not very quiet,” he tsks, then gasps, “I think I hear someone coming. Some old man’s gonna walk in here and see you getting railed in the men’s bathroom like a little slut.” He pauses as if listening, then claps a hand over his heart in an exaggerated show of relief, “Oh they went into the women’s bathroom. Lucky you.”
The panties are soaked with drool now, but you keep your teeth clamped shut around the wet, uncomfortable weight. You huff breaths in through your nose, but you can feel the telltale heaviness of an orgasm building in your core. You try to prepare for it, to somehow turn off your vocal cords. The pressure crests and you come with a quiet sob, your back arching, and your fingers digging into the stall door hard enough that you’d find paint under your nails later.
Bucky’s cock twitches inside you. He grabs one of your hands from where it is clutching the top of the door, and twists it behind you. Fastening his teeth in the meat of that shoulder, he comes with a few more sloppy thrusts. A thin moan squeaks out of you even though you try so hard to be quiet.
When he pulls out of you a warm cascade of come spills out of you and dribbles down your thigh. Bucky chases it with an index finger. He makes a move to pop the finger into your mouth, and chuckles sarcastically, “Oops. Guess this one’s for me then.” He sucks on his finger and hands you over to Steve.
The room spins like a ride at a cheap carnival, and you’re snatched to an abrupt halt against Steve’s chest. You’re facing the mirror now, instead of the stalls. Steve’s eyes shine with mischief, and a thrill climbs up your spine at the sight of his smirk.
He hoists one of your legs up to rest on the counter, and gets his fingers on your clit. He slaps the sensitive bundle of nerves a few times, and your knee buckles. He pins you against his chest with a hand around your throat. Your hips buck against him, and Steve grins at you in the mirror.
“Come on,” he purrs, “give it to me. Come for me. Then I’m gonna get my cock in you, and you will scream for me, you bratty little slut.”
And you whimper because you know it’s true. You can feel heat pooling in your belly, and you’re already keening low in your throat, despite your best efforts to stop.
But you don’t want to stop it. The panties in your mouth are a soggy reminder of how you got yourself into this. As you fall apart for Steve, you regret, with every fiber of your being, your shitty attitude, because it’s preventing you from making the noises Steve and Bucky love to hear. You want to moan for them, wail for them, cry their names aloud so they know how good they make you feel.
Suddenly Steve bends you over the counter top, and starts working his dick into you. He pushes in hard, and your body slips forward over the damp surface. You throw your hands up to stop yourself before you hit the mirror.
He’s got the back of your skirt twisted in his fist, and he’s using it as leverage to fuck you hard, knocking cries out of you with every jarring slap of his hips against your ass. You’re not even trying to stay quiet anymore. That ship has sailed, and you’d take your licks for it. You start making all the noises you’ve been wanting to make since Bucky cut your panties off of you. Even with the wet fabric as a baffle you’re loud, but you don’t give a shit anymore.
You go placid and pliant in Steve’s hands, letting him use you to get himself off. He immediately catches the change, and hauls you up and against his chest. “C’mere, sweetheart,” he murmurs. A strong arm goes around your waist, and his other hand dives under your shirt, his calloused fingertips grazing over your nipples. The new little barbells make them so sensitive and you push your chest into his hand with a mewl. The puff of air from his laugh tickles your damp neck.
You regret treating your family like shit, and feel ashamed of yourself. You drop your eyes so you’re looking at the soap dispenser next to the basin. The shimmery pink liquid spilling out of the nozzle onto the bleach-white counter. Your eyes sting with tears, and the streak of candy-colored soap blurs.
Steve taps a finger on your chin until you look up at him with wet eyes. “There she is,” he says softly, thumbing away the tear that skitters down your cheek. “Eyes on me princess,” he orders, holding your gaze in the mirror with his vivid blue stare. “Come for me one more time, and you’re done, I promise.” You sniffle and nod. He presses a kiss to your cheek and whispers, “There’s my good girl,” in your ear.
His hand falls to your clit, he slaps it a few times until you groan. Then he circles the little bud with his rough fingertips until your back bows, and your throat sings with unrestrained moans when you gush on his cock.
He rumbles out some praise that you don’t hear because of the blood rushing in your ears, and slams into you one last time. The heat of his climax fills your pussy and dribbles down your thighs when he pulls out.
While Steve helps you get your legs under you and makes sure they’re going to stay there, you notice Bucky smiling smugly in front of one of the stall doors. He slides to the side with a flourish and a grin. “Tada!” he declares, gesturing at the door.
With his knife, he’d scratched out For a good time call Candy Robinson, totally obscuring the blurb written in black sharpie. Next to it he neatly carved, For a good time call Y/F/N Y/L/N, and surrounded it with a heart. You trace it with your fingertips. There’s no phone number, like Candy had, but that’s not the point of his little art project. You hug him tightly.
“Open,” Bucky says, tapping your lips. Your mouth falls open and he removes the wad of ruined fabric. He chuckles, “I think you did it Stevie. Fucked the brat right out of her.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, contrition written all over your face.
Steve hooks a thumb under your chin and kisses you gently. “It’s okay, sweet girl. You don’t have to put those back in your mouth. We’re not gonna make you wait to eat.”
“No Stevie. I’ll keep them there.”
“Are you sure, princess?” Bucky asks gently. You nod. They both take the opportunity to tangle their tongues with yours before Bucky pushes the sodden cloth back into your mouth. He looks at you with eyes full of love. “God, you’re such a good girl for us. I love you so much.”
“Come on,” Steve steers you toward the door with a steadying hand on your back. “You want us to order for you, princess?” You nod at him gratefully.
When you return to the table Nat’s got three napkins in front of her with scrawled phone numbers and lipstick kisses on them. Clint has finished his toothpick fort and fashioned little soldiers out of the straw papers. And Scott is animatedly discussing music theory with a teenager at the next table who has lavender hair, and a safety pin in his cheek.
“Hey guys,” Bucky grins at everyone.
“Sorry about that,” Steve chuckles, raking a hand through his golden fauxhawk.
You smile at everyone, and lift the edges of your skirt in a prim little curtsy.
Steve pulls you down onto his lap and asks you to point out what he and Bucky should order for themselves.
You give the waitress a bright smile when she comes to take everyone’s order. She looks at you oddly when they skip over you when it’s time to order, but Steve distracts her with his stunning smile. Then he tells her what you want, and instructs her to package it to go.
You smile, and nod or shake your head whenever anyone speaks to you. The band looks at you oddly until Bucky gets Clint talking about his fragile paper army and distracts everyone.
Scott studies you for awhile, then leans over to loudly ask Bucky, “Is this a sex thing?” then laughs when Bucky throws a piece of toast at him.
When the food comes, Bucky and Steve wolf down their breakfast and toss a handful of bills onto the table, grabbing your food from the startled waitress and dragging you out of the restaurant behind them.
When you get back to the bus they pull you into your bunk and make you eat your breakfast off of them.
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king-star · 3 years
Soft Nat Hedcannons
A/N: this was a request from Pussy-Puncher-Its-an-Inside-Joke from forever ago because reposts ~ Nat likes to act SUPER tough in front of everyone
~ She always tries to hide her smiles whenever you do something cute
~ She never wants to let everyone see you snuggle
~ One day Tony walked into you two snuggling and teased her about it endlessly
~ So she finally decided to let loose
~ Nat knows what exactly what you like in your coffee down to the brand of beans
~ Nat always is willing to let you steal her sweatshirt when your cold and knows when your cold even when you won’t admit it
~ She is for sure the big spoon because she LOVES to make you feel loved and protected
~ Every Sunday night is movie night. She takes it off so that she can watch a new pick with you while snuggling
~ You have a huge selection of clothes that she wears while she’s home so that when she’s gone you can wear them and they have her scent on them
~ Wanda found out about this and teased her mercilessly for it, but she sometimes steals the sweatshirts too
~ there is nothing nat would rather do than just sit around with you in her arms
~ she isn’t very emotional but everytime you write her a handwritten note( which you do often) she cries
( this was reposted from my old account)
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