#pwease support my boy. i care him
bookshelf-dust · 1 year
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dad!eddie munson x gn!reader
word count: 2,717
warnings: swearing, single dad!eddie, mentions of money problems, fluff
a/n: so this is very new for me! i should preface this by saying that i do not have children, and my experience with them is limited. i’ve also never written super young kids or parent characters before, so i hope it turned out alright. i did my best, and tried something different. i’m being brave and stuff. maybe you’ll like it. maybe. hopefully. also you can thank @clovermunson for being my enabler. love you! :)
“How’s that one, huh?” Eddie asks. The little boy perched on the counter nods, curls bouncing every which way. Eddie tried to tie up the front portion in a little bun, but now he just looks like Pebbles Flintstone. “Better? Good.”
Eddie pats the boy on the knee—a knee currently covered in Garfield pajama bottoms—but continues to keep watch over the tooth-brushing that’s happening before him. James is getting much better at brushing his teeth on his own, but he still needs a little help from Eddie occasionally.
Tonight they’re trying strawberry flavored toothpaste because the bubblegum was not a winner. The boy pulls the little green toothbrush from his mouth, brandishing it upwards with both hands like it’s a sword. 
“Help. Please.” He’s got a mouth full of foam, so it comes out sounding a little more like “pwease.”
He does this when he can’t get his back teeth right or if he just wants dad to do it instead. Eddie will take what he can get.
“Open up, bud.” James yawns first; it’s the same kind of slow and lazy yawn he’s had since he was born. It pulls at Eddie’s heartstrings, but he powers through, doing his best to clean those little teeth. 
When he finishes, Eddie is careful to take James’ hair down and wipe his face clean, which the boy doesn’t enjoy. 
“So, what’s the verdict? Strawberry the best?”
He taps James on the nose with the tip of his pinky. It makes him grin, chubby cheeks going all rosy. “Good,” James says.
“Yeah? Would you say it’s berry good?” Eddie’s hands find his boy's sides, tickling away. The giggles follow immediately, and Eddie takes his chance to heave James up and over his shoulder, little fingers tangling in his mess of curls. 
“‘S berry good!” James squeals, clearly pleased with his dad’s joke. Eddie tries to soak up as many of these wins because he knows the jokes probably won’t be funny forever. 
He pats the boy on the back, hand big enough to cover the entire expanse of it. Eddie lowers him onto the bedroom floor, watching as James waddles towards his bed and flops down on it, scooting up towards the pillows and the mountain of stuffed animals he insists join him in his slumber.
It doesn't seem to be anything special, the bed. But Wayne built it for his grandson, so it means more to Eddie than any toddler bed he could’ve found at the store. And the mattress is currently made up in Scooby-Doo bed sheets, which James is very fond of. 
Eddie settles on the floor next to the bed, knowing damn well it could never support his weight. He tries to lift the covers up, but there’s a little grunt of irritation, signaling that James doesn't need his dad’s help.
Eddie tucks the blankets in faux-aggressively against his son’s sides, making him grin, but it’s a very tired one at that. 
“You know, I don’t even think you’ll make it through a story tonight, kiddo. Y’seem pretty sleepy to me. And if you wanna go to the art store in the morning, well then you gotta get some shut eye.”
James looks up at him, big brown eyes blinking ever so slowly. Eddie isn’t entirely sure he’s coherent enough to understand the words being spoken to him right now. 
Eddie brushes the curls back from the little boy’s face, all pale skin and freckles and these insane eyelashes. His hair is a little too long because Eddie still hasn’t taken him to get a haircut, but last Eddie asked, James was still content with his hair. It’s well past his shoulders at this point, maybe twice as wild as his dad’s. 
He’s asleep now. Totally knocked out. It amazes Eddie how he can just pass out the moment his tiny head hits the pillow. “Goodnight, Jamie.”
Eddie stands and stretches, yanking the chain on the bedside lamp, and he moves to creep out of the room—one lanky step at a time. 
Eddie Munson never pictured himself being a dad. 
Hell, he never really had the time to think about it. Eddie’s dad was a piece of shit, and so he busied himself trying to do enough to make Wayne comfortable–especially since Wayne hadn’t ever signed up for being a father.
But here he is: essentially working two jobs with a three-year-old boy tottering around after him like he hung the moon and stars himself. 
Wayne opened up an auto repair shop after the plant shut down, having saved enough to get a good handle on things. It’s where Eddie works pretty often now, but really he doesn’t have to. Corroded Coffin makes plenty of money now, money Eddie could live off of whenever he so desired, but that’s not how his brain works. He knows it won’t last forever, and he was raised to at least be somewhat careful with his money. 
And there’s Jamie.
Eddie loves that boy more than he ever thought possible. He such a cool fucking kid.
He’s pretty shy, yeah, and it takes a lot of encouragement from Eddie and Wayne, but he’s a tough kid. And he’s so creative. Jesus. 
That creativity is how Eddie finds himself getting his ass out of bed on a Saturday morning to take Jamie to the local art supply store. It’s like an indie, but for art, he’s decided.
Eddie is pretty well off at sketching. He took a few art classes in high school and had a thing for charcoal, and of course he’s drawn up maps and characters for Hellfire—he still does that—but art wasn’t something he actively did in his freetime like it was a passion.
Eddie is also not a morning person, so he isn’t sure where James got it from. But the boy does respect this, seemingly not wanting to wake dad up, some part of him understanding that dad isn’t ready to get out of bed. 
James is ready to get up though, so he waddles down the hall, little fists rubbing at his eyes. 
He pushes Eddie’s door open, which is usually left open just a crack for these instances (or if there’s an upset tummy in the night), and he pulls himself up into the bed. Eddie’s always been a heavy sleeper, but now it’s like he’s attuned to the little added weight to his mattress, to the shift of tiny knees. 
The funny part is that James won’t get upset that his dad isn’t up yet. He just wants to be near him, to hang out. And lucky for Eddie, James is quite the snuggle bug. 
The boy stops inches from his dad’s face, and somehow Eddie just knows. He stretches, arms going over his head, and James takes the opportunity to sneak under a limb and face plant into Eddie’s chest. 
“Mornin’ Jamie.”
The boy grasps at Eddie’s shirt in greeting. “Mornin’,” he sniffs. 
James is wide awake, puffy eyes staring up at Eddie, and while the latter feels like he could sleep for another twelve hours, he doesn’t have it in him to doze off with a kid on his chest. A kid who is much too cute for his own good. 
“How are you this morning, my child?” 
James sits up, clearly confused. He shrugs, little shoulders rising up towards his ears. 
Eddie snorts, proceeding to imitate the shrug. “You dunno?” The boy repeats the movement, a small smile making an appearance on his face, a face that remains to have pillowcase imprints on it. 
Eddie gets his hands under James’ arms, pulling him up and onto his stomach, though trying to be careful of fragile places. 
“Still wanna go to the store? Yes or no?”
James nods vigorously. “Yes, please.”
A large and calloused hand pats him on the back. “Solid. Let’s go then.”
By the time Eddie gets both himself and James ready, out of the house, and across town to the art store, the place has been open for a whole twenty minutes. Eddie figures the only people up at this point might be the elderly. He’s also quite grateful for the quiet of the store, knowing how crowds can make Jamie nervous. He supposes it tends to be one too many of the big people compared to his little body. Quite nerve-racking.
Eddie realizes suddenly that he has no idea how to navigate an art supply store. “Uh, Jamie, do you have something you wanna look at first?”
He looks up at his impossibly tall father. “Colors?”
“Okay. We can do that.” 
Paint. Eddie can find paint, right? Why didn’t he bring Wayne? Wayne’s the one that’s been supporting this hobby anyways. Fuck. 
He’s frantically looking around at the signs when a voice breaks him out of his stupor.
“Can I help you find anything?” You ask, just as nervous as they probably are. You’ve never been very good at having to ask the customers this, but it is your job to assist them.
You keep your hands behind your back, that way they can’t see your insistent fidgeting. 
James is quick to move behind Eddie’s leg, and he knows the “stranger danger” alarms are going off in his boy’s head. Eddie doesn’t think you’re scary, though. 
“Hi. Yeah, actually. We’ve never been here before, and I really have no idea what I’m doing.”
Your grin is the sweetest damn thing Eddie Munson has ever seen in his life. Aside from Jamie, of course. 
“That’s okay. I can show you around if you need, or if there’s something specific you’re looking for. We aren’t very busy right now, so I don’t mind.”
Eddie releases a breath he wasn’t even aware he’d been holding. “That would be greatly appreciated. All I’m working with right now is that he wants to look at colors, which means paint. Other than that, I’m at a loss.”
You chuckle. “I can do colors. They’re not far.” You start to walk away, and Eddie moves to follow, James holding tight to his hand. 
“It’s okay, kiddo. They’re helping, alright?” James’ eyes look more watery than usual, and if he doesn’t let up, Eddie will break. 
You’re quiet most of the way, but at one point, in a hushed tone, you ask, “Shy boy?”
“Yeah,” Eddie smiles. “Definitely.”
“I get it. I was the same way.”
“Oh, yeah?” 
Dammit. Why is this the day he proves to have a vocabulary consisting of “yeah” and “okay?” 
“Yeah,” you smirk. “Here we are. All the colors. Watercolors, acrylics, more big kid stuff. There’s also washable paint, if you feel that’s necessary.”
“Shit. Sorry. Wow, I meant to say. That’s a lot.”
“Anything he normally likes?” By this point, James has seen the pastels and let Eddie go. You watch him patter towards a set of watercolors that are placed at just his height.
“All he’s used so far are watercolors, my uncle bought them for him, and he’s said he likes them. I usually just ask him what he wants to try.”
You’re smiling at him again, and he catches the way your fingers fuss with the hemline on the little smock you’ve been forced to wear as a uniform. “That’s a good strategy. Seeing what he’s most drawn to, you know?”
Eddie’s hands are sweating. Someone hasn’t flustered him this much since freshman year of high school.
“Works most of the time,” he tells you. Eddie moves closer to James. The boy is holding a little paintbrush with a blue handle, and his eyes are glued on the same set of watercolors he’d seen when he walked down the aisle. 
“You like those ones, bud?”
“Yep. Pretty.”
Eddie looks up at you with a smile on his face, like he can’t believe this is his kid, and it makes your heart swell. Usually the families that come in here are much more rowdy, mothers holding expensive purses and telling their kids not to scream. There’s a difference between the people who want to make art versus those who use it to keep their kids busy because they don’t want to parent. You can tell Eddie cares about his boy, that he’s his whole world. 
Eddie pulls the set out: a silver tin with two rows of square pans, each filled with a different color. They aren’t the obnoxious ones you get for cheap, the ones only covering the bright rainbow shades—these are the ones that would let you paint a little more of a picture. He flips the tin over out of habit to check the price. It’s not as bad as he’d thought.
He holds it up to you. “What do you think about these?”
“I like those ones. I’ve used them before, and they’re very easy to work with. They’re pretty pigmented, so they’d allow him some room to sort of figure out how much water he needs and how he wants to use them. And there’s a good range of color, so he won’t get upset about missing too many.”
Eddie is in awe of you. He knows it’s your job and all, that you’re getting paid for this, but he thinks he could listen to you talk about paint for the rest of his life. 
He’s grinning at you and you’re suddenly worried you’ve said too much. “What?” you ask, your mouth ticking up just as his is. “Too much of the art nerd?”
He stands up. The full height of him is much too pretty. You think he might even be too pretty for his own good.
“No. Definitely not. That was very helpful.” James has migrated to stand between the both of you. He hands you a brush, which you take gratefully. He smiles, cheeks all pink and freckled. 
“What about brushes?” Eddie asks. “The ones he’s got now shed like crazy.” 
You run your thumb over the one you’re holding, thinking on it. 
James follows you when you crouch to look at some. You set down the one he’d given you, hoping he won’t be too upset. 
You find the beginner ones you’d been looking for, and hold them out to him. “Do you like these?” The handles aren’t blue, but a dark green color. 
“Mhm,” he hums. “Very cool.” 
You turn to face his dad. “Cool,” you mouth. It makes him laugh. 
James takes the brushes from you and holds them up to Eddie. “Can you buy? Please?”
“Yeah, Jamie.” 
“That’s a sweet name,” you remark, standing up. 
“Thanks. It’s James actually, but y’know. Oh, I’m Eddie, by the way. I realize I never actually said that.” You tell him your own name, assuring him that it’s okay. 
You spend a little more time with them, wandering down a few more aisles when James says he’d like a sketchbook. You find him a spiral bound one, that way it’ll be easier on him to turn or rip out pages. 
You ring them up, and almost start to feel sad about their departure. You move around the counter, and James walks up to you. “Thank you for helping,” he says. 
“You’re very welcome, sweetheart.”
Eddie watches your exchange, and he can’t help but feel like you’ve made a connection with James. Like you understand him.
“Wanna come paint?” he asks, big brown eyes looking at you hopefully. You realize he wants you to come home and paint with him. Your heart shatters a little at the wholesomeness in his request. 
Eddie puts his hand on James’ shoulder. “I think they’ve gotta work, squirt. Maybe another time though?” He looks up at you. They’re both looking at you now and you’re afraid you could never deny them anything. Not with those big doe eyes and wild lashes. 
“Yeah, sure. I can paint anytime. Given that’s okay with your dad.”
“That’s more than okay with me,” Eddie tells you. “But don’t feel pressured.” 
He doesn’t say that this has literally never happened before, that James usually avoids contact with others. He doesn’t tell you that this is groundbreaking shit. 
“I promise I don’t. We could set something up, yeah?”
“Yeah. Totally. Thanks for today.”
“Anytime, Eddie.” 
You exchange numbers, and suddenly they’re out the door, matching curls flying in the wind, hands interlocked as they work through the parking lot. 
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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smartzelda · 2 years
Ryuji for the ask blog,,, pwease???
Oh oh oh, and Near!!
Oooh I haven’t thought about him in forever but himmm
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Ryuji to me is just like
See in most cases I have my top fav, and then my second fav is the sunshine character
And from what I'd seen fandom wise and the brief time I started watching the anime I just
He deserves better.
Okay so Near ngl kinda interested to explain my thoughts
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Okay okay I'm gonna explain
So like first anime watch through
Didn't care much for him
Totally get why people get the feeling he was meant to be like L in a different font because it really do feel like that ngl
Only to an extent. I will explain.
So I read the 2020 death note oneshot, okay. Up to this point, I didn't really care much for him. I shipped him with people but I didn't have a particular attachment.
And then I learned that older Near with long ass hair is canon. CANON.
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And then and then it got better
Because this oneshot also made me realize that he was deeper than I thought. Like in this oneshot my man does decide to sit back while also working things out and technically loses even though he wasn't planning on catching Minoru in the first place but to see how he's trying to act like L and do what he would do but to ALSO see him genuinely interested in a person (referring to a-kira/tanaka) and this case and to have positive feelings and smile when you KNOW it's been 10 years since the end of the og story and many of the people he cared about most have been dead. And I also put emphasis on the case interest because it's not as if he wasn't interested in the og kira case, it was just clearly more about being L's successor and his relationship with Mello and succeeding in general for him. Like Light felt like a bystander on the side of his and Mello's story and history to me. Light was invested as far as not being caught and as far as he likened this to dealing with L again. Near was invested as far as solving the case and either competing with or trying to work together with Mello. But in the oneshot Near is interested in the A-Kira case for the sake of it! He cannot arrest Tanaka, he knows. Tanaka hasn't done anything illegal. So Near tells everyone he will not be investigating and taking down A-Kira, but he is invested on trying to see if he can figure out who A-Kira is or try to intercept the death note and he ends up failing and YET along the way he is just fascinated like this has more substance than what he had going with trying to catch Light and thus he just FELT more interesting because of this
And now that I've been rewatching post L's death more than once, I've gotten a better appreciation of his character
He twirls strands of his hair around a finger and fidgets with it and is always doing something with his hands like building something or putting something together or playing with something and my brain says "he just like me FR"
He's said to be able to solve cases better because he doesn't bring emotions into things, in opposition to Mello, who's got more of a temper on him and even agrees with this and yet
It's true to an extent, but what's also true is that Mello is part of the Mafia and can steal and murder and take ransom and do anything it takes to find his information and win, but Near lies about having Mello's picture and knowing stuff about him (before he even thinks Light is Kira I think??) and basically makes it clear he had his team trying to find him on the side and let him go even AFTER Mello killed most of his team and held he and his remaining team members ar gunpoint and wanted from the beginning to work together with Mello like sure, he's good at solving puzzles and removing his feelings out of the matter (at least seemingly) but clearly when faced with personal interest he is at least a little biased
Like GOD he actually is deeper than I thought and than he seemed at first glance
It brings it even more to Light that the Whammy kids care about the goal and don't actually have what we would say is a usual idea of ethics. Their "morals" are based upon what L would and would not do in conjuction with what it takes to solve a case and win
He cares about his childhood rival so much and never really wanted to be rivals in the first place but also when his rival actually stands on the same level as him and they agree to compete he loves it and he's just trying to live up to L’s legacy and title and be like him but also as he gets older he gets to be more of himself and he's nerodivergent and then he gets older and makes me wanna brush his hair and run my fingers through it and make me wanna kiss him and give him a bath and make him go to bed and tuck him in and buy him model kits while simultaneously having BAD gender envy (god what a personal character design win that caters to me) but now honestly in his first appearance with his button up and his sense of outer childishness but just the him he's also just so cute like
God he's not my fav but maybe
Maybe Near is a blorbo to me.
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THE RE-UP: Tu’er Shen, the Leveret Spirit 🐇
“While other gods may proclaim endlessly over the power they have over their domains, causing no end of trouble for their fellow pantheon members and their followers as a result, Tu’er Shen patiently and quietly tends to those who request his services with unmatched loyalty and dedication.”
Name: Tu’er Shen, the Leveret Spirit​
​Pantheon: Chinese, Minor Diety​
Class: Hunter/Healer Hybrid, Medium Difficulty​
Positives: Healer, High Movement​
Negatives: Hybrid Specialisations​
please click on the read more for everything else lol
appearance details 🐇
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old (above) vs new (below)
so perhaps i made him a bara rabbit after all lmao. blame the new outfit and how much better it’d look if tu’er shen has big ol bitties to work with :^) it’s still the same hair as the ears work really well with that colour but the basically the whole face has changed to be a lil more Dramatic(tm). the makeup skills have also improved with new tu’er shen rocking more subtle eyeliner alongside some very pretty and shiny pink liner. the eyes are also another major change, they’re a pretty grey as it goes nice with his hair. i still love the idea of his eyes changing colour according to his mood and grey is just a neutral mood :^) anyways, yes he looks beautiful, yes you can compliment him!
outfit details 🐇
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tu’er shen now has an in-game outfit!! yay 🥳 it’s been a while coming mostly bc i have no art or visual character design skills but i’m pretty proud of how this turned out lol. it’s super cute and p goddamn chinese if i say so myself but it’s still very hoe and feels modern enough to fit smite’s standards i feel lol. big thanks to @izahunny​ (who is dead on that blog but a clown on twitter) for helping me with designing the outfit, the back layers and lil extra dress fabric for the front bottom left corner of the dress were his idea and they make everything much more balanced 🥰 i didn’t add a weapon but he’s just using a bow, i might update this later if i care enough to add that lmao
abilities 🐇
(please note that i am terrible with stats and don’t care about how viable in-game he actually is, these are just general ideas and the stats can be changed lol)
PASSIVE - Protector​
Tu’er Shen passively grants a medium range aura of regenation around him to his allies, increasing their HPS, MPS and magical and physical protections by 5% of their totals for each statistic. Additionally, Tu’er Shen gains a 3% movement speed bonus every 4 levels.​
40 unit aura radius, 5% increase of total HPS, MPS and protections​
3% bonus movement speed every 4 levels, total bonus is 12% at level 20​
ABILITY 1​ - Passion Arrow​
Tu’er Shen charges his arrows with passion, amplifying his next basic attacks with a small AOE on hit or at max basic attack range and causing them to go through minions. If Tu’er Shen hits an ally while Passion Arrow is active, he heals them for a flat amount. If an enemy is hit the charges deal increased damage on impact and if they are hit 3 times they are charmed and walk harmlessly towards Tu’er Shen for 1.5 seconds.​
Cooldown: 10 seconds
3/3/4/5/5 charges, Heal: 50/75/95/125/150 + 30% scaling​
Extra damage: 10/30/60/90/120, Mana cost: 55/60/70/75/85​
ABILITY 2​ - Matchmaker​
Tu’er Shen calls upon his matchmaking skills to select and connect two allied gods or one ally and one enemy god with each other in a 55 unit targeter. If two allies are linked then their damage is increased by 10% and they receive a heal over time. If an ally and an enemy are connected then the enemy is revealed to Tu’er Shen’s team and the enemy deals 20% less damage to their partner. Additionally, the connected ally receives 50% of their enemy partner’s healing.​
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 secs​ 
Duration: 6 seconds, Heal over time: 20/25/30/35/40 + 20% scaling​
HOT ticks every 1 second, Mana cost: 50/55/60/65/70​
ABILITY 3​ - Bunny Hop​
Tu’er Shen hops in the direction he is currently travelling. If Tu’er Shen hits a wall, player-made deployable or god he bounces off the surface, doubling his movement. Additionally, enemy gods are stunned for 1 second upon impact. Tu’er Shen can store 1 charge of this ability.​
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 secs
2 charges maximum, range of 55 with an amplified range of 110 units​
Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 + 100% scaling, Mana cost: 70/80/90/100/110 mana​
ULTIMATE​ - Romantic Rush​
Tu’er Shen, after a short duration, channels the full extent of his love powers, amplifying all of his basic attacks with the effects of Passion Arrow for 10 seconds. If an ally is hit and they are at full health they receive a a health shield equal to half of Passion Arrow’s healing. On enemy hit, the charm duration is doubled but they cannot be charmed again while Romantic Rush is active. The effects of Matchmaker are doubled and Tu’er Shen receives a 20% damage buff if he is linked with another male god.​
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds​
Mana cost: 80/90/100/110/120 mana​
lore 🐇
While other gods may proclaim endlessly over the power they have over their domains, causing no end of trouble for their fellow pantheon members and their followers as a result, Tu’er Shen patiently and quietly tends to those who request his services with unmatched loyalty and dedication. For he is not a god who takes to the spotlight easily, but one who will see his responsibilities through to help and protect those who he serves, an opportunity he was once not afforded in his youth.​
​Such are the origins of Tu’er Shen, the Leveret God. ​
​Once a young man known as Hu Tianbao, he fell deeply in love with a handsome imperial inspector of Fujian Province. Such was the intensity of his love that he looked upon the inspector while he bathed, peering at him through a bathroom wall. Tianbao was caught in the act, confessing his sincere affections for the other man in hopes of reaching an understanding. The inspector was quick to retaliate in violence, sentencing him to death by beating.
Underworld officials, seeing his crime as one of love, sought to justify his death by appointing him the god and safe guarder of homosexual affections. A month after his death, he appeared in the dreams of a man from his hometown – not as Hu Tianbao but reborn as Tu’er Shen. From this came the erection of a humble shrine for his worship and Tu’er Shen has dutifully served those who seek him ever since.​
​The battlefield of the gods is a strange place to find Tu’er Shen, usually one so far removed from the world of ugly violence and mindless bloodshed. Even so, perhaps love can soothe and heal the wounds caused by the warring of pantheons, or maybe it can even help end the war in some way. Knowing firsthand the true cost of thoughtless hate and violence, Tu’er Shen picks up his bow in the hope that he can protect even one person of those who cannot protect themselves in the war of the gods.
voicelines 🐇
god selection
“Tu’er Shen!” (duh)
“Is anyone in need of my services?”
“Let’s see what I can do.”
“Wonder if there are any cute gods around? Wait, no! Work first, then play later!”
“In their own ways, everyone here is fighting for love.”
(this isn’t an official one but as a joke it was highly entertaining) “Come on Season 6 let’s get sickening!”
ability 1 - passion arrow
“Fallen for me yet?”
“I’ve got you!”
“Coming for your heart!”
ability 2 - matchmaker
self/ally match - male gods only
“Our connection is strong.”
“Let your heart speak to me.”
self/ally match - general
“Together we’re stronger.”
“I’ve got your back.”
ally/ally match
“You’d make a good pair.”
“Another successful match.”
“Swipe left next time!”
“This’ll end badly.”
ability 3 - bunny hop
“Excuse me!”
“Coming through!”
ability 4/ultimate - romantic rush
“Feel the love!”
low health
“I will not give in just yet.”
“I don’t mind playing rough, but this is a bit too much even for me…”
when placing wards
“Reveal their hearts to me little ward.”
“Any romantic confessions I should be aware of?”
when buying consumables
“Isn’t this interesting?”
“The colour is lovely.”
when buying offensive items
“I don’t want to harm others but if I must.”
“Love hurts indeed…”
when buying defensive items
“Will this protect my ears?”
“Hope this won’t slow me down.”
“Even the gods have to use a little protection.”
when in a killstreak
“I can heal them later on, right?”
“Love never misses its mark.”
when killing a jungle boss
“That creature was awfully big…”
“Thank you for your sacrifice.”
when destroying a tower
“Love conquers all, man and structure alike.”
“Ack, that’s so loud!”
“You’ll never kill my spirit…”
“Love is eternal…”
directed voicelines
Aphrodite - “It’s a great honour to finally meet the goddess of love, I have much to learn from you.”​
Cupid - “Speaking from... past experiences, it seems as though you should work on your aim.”​
Jing Wei & Xing Tian - “I admire your perseverance in the face of insurmountable odds, we are not too dissimilar in that way.”​
Loki - “If you haven’t already, I suggest you pay Chiron a visit at some point. He is single after all...”​
Bellona - “Any luck asking Amaterasu out yet? She’s still waiting for you to make a move you know..”​
Raijin - “I’m willing to bet you’re more satisfying in bed than you are an opponent on the battlefield.”​
Bacchus - “I’m not the drinking type... but perhaps you’d like to come in for tea?’​
Achilles - “How’s Patroclus doing? Maybe you should spar with him more often, you’ve gotten rusty.”​
Apollo - “Playing the lyre isn’t the only thing you make look easy.”​
Ravana - “When I see you, the term ‘rope bunny’ comes to mind...”​
“I hope Cupid doesn’t get jealous of all the time I’m spending with Aphrodite…”​
“Technically I’m not this closely associated with actual rabbits, but the aesthetic was too cute to pass up.”​
“Considering what I’ve been through, I think I’ve earnt the right to proud of who I am.”​
“It is technically homophobia if you hit me. Just saying.”​
“The Jade Rabbit? He’s certainly cute... but I think there’s another rabbit who’s cuter.”​
Animation: Tu’er Shen draws a neon heart in the air, shooting an arrow through it shortly after.
“[Yawns] I think I might have a nap, perhaps that’ll give you a chance to catch up.”​
“You have an awfully big weapon there, are you compensating for something?”​
“I’ll show you why they say love hurts.”​
“Fighting for your overblown ego isn’t a good reason to wage war.”​
“Take it from a matchmaker, I don’t think anyone’s standards are low enough for you.”​
skin concepts 🐇
new tu’er shen body
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floral fairy
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squeaky clean, night corps, bunny server
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country cowboy, casual, devilish
old tu’er shen body
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kitsune, spring revelry, leather bunny
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hello nurse, debonair devil 
old notes 🐇
this concept is super inspired by Kaios’ concept for Tu’er Shen (which you’ll find linked in the description of this post), i loved his ideas for rabbit lad and wanted to add more to the concept. my final kit concept is a lil bit similar but i think i’ve changed enough for it to not be a copy lmao. anyways, i’ve wanted a hunter support since i played tyrande a while ago in heroes of the storm. she was super fun and the mix of dealing strong consistent damage and still being able to support allies is something i’d kill to have in smite​
​tu’er shen is also a really cool god, and recently I’ve been prokoved by my mutuals making lots of god concepts when i haven’t made any in a very long time lol (if you remember my other smite oc you’re a real stan). obvs i don’t think hi-rez would do him justice and gamerbros would totally complain about the Gays™ shoving their unsatiable need for Representation™ down their throats and what not but it’s still a fun concept regardless!
new notes 🐇
he’s back and 10x beefier and sluttier looking than ever lmao. the self-insert squad may be missing plenty of people (y’all better come back like...) but it’d be a waste of time and effort to not do more with tu’er shen. also i love him so! i’m still kinda sad over twink tu’er shen being replaced by bara tu’er shen but it’s for the best, he’s v handsome now and big ol bitties in that dress? iconic. he does fit better into the male cast, the added beef makes him more attractive to basically everyone (he’s serving taric teas now lol) and he was a soldier so there’s plenty of reasons to make him a hunk. anyways... i don’t have much to say about the outfit than it’s flawless lol. it was interesting and p fun to make although i always feel awkward about posting drawn stuff in a serious context. it’s weird but i’m happy about the final product 🥰 i’ll try to write more stuff about him soon but don’t expect too much lol
links/resources 🐇
headcanons (they’re a lil outdated in reference to his body lol)
tu’er shen’s tag
original post
my smite oc tag
kaios’ super cool concept for tu’er shen you should check out as it’s cooler than mine lol. his art of tu’er shen goes full furry and it’s kinda cute ngl
other links you can read for more information about tu’er shen: 1, 2
a beautiful short film about tu’er shen helping a guy accept his sexuality, gore warning towards the end
thanks for reading if you got to the end! please send asks or whatever, i’m dying for any excuse to talk about him lmao 🐇
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goldentsum · 4 years
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━ pretty submissives pt. 2
CHARACTERS: tsukishima kei, kageyama tobio, oikawa tooru, kuroo tetsurou
WARNINGS: smut, 18+ content, sub! males, dom! reader, bdsm, sex toys, whiny subs, bratty subs, bondage, oral sex, handjobs, ass play (male), pet play, age play, mistress kink, mommy kink, guided masturbation, voyeurism
AUTHOR’S NOTE: lol tis filthyyy <3 i am hiding my pain away with smut stfu- dont @ me wanting to cry but wrote porn instead- unedited bleggh
part 1 - miya twins, sakusa, suna
— tsukishima ♡
• this brat likes testing your patience! tsukki may go subby but he won’t go down without a fight. that way it hurts his pride less-- 
• one time, he really tried to take back some dominance from you but you started degrading him and smacking his face.. he came in less than a minute.
• and that’s how you both knew tsukki was a masochist 
• put him back in his place and humiliate him! it may hurt his pride but the hard on between his legs says that he likes it--
• seeing the tall and prideful man on all fours with a tight leash on his neck and a mussel to stop that snarky mouth of his is feeding dangerously on your dom side
• tsukki would try and degrade you but when you snap back, he’ll get teary-- baby would try to serve some sadist type of shit on you but if you do the same to him, he’ll cry
• play and bite his lips until its all raw and red, he likes it. though, he’ll complain about it afterwards as if he wasn’t moaning like a whore just earlier. 
you smirked at the weak glare the man sent you. tsukishima was sitting on his legs, hands neatly on his lap. the strong act he tried to maintain before was going down hill and it was amusing. you snickered and you caressed his aching cock with your feet making him gasp and kneel over but you tugged on the leash, almost sending him on all fours. 
“didn’t i told you to keep your eyes on me, whore” you growled, a teasing smirk on your red lips. oh how tsukishima wants to wipe that arrogant smirk off your lips. he furrowed his brows and went back to his previous spot with small pants escaping him. 
you noticed the way he pursed his lips and tugged on the leash again, choking the man before you, “you have something to say to me, puppy?” 
tsukishima bit his tongue at that and shook his head, though he was beyond pissed at your prideful and arrogant play, he can’t really deny the arousal that was slowly beading on his cock. 
your smirk fell and you gripped his chin, “use your words. do you not want to talk? do i have to get your mussel, pup?” 
tsukishima’s breath hitched at the mention of the damn mussel, his cock twitching against his stomach. “n-no, mistress..” 
you hummed in satisfaction and leaned back a bit, admiring his nude body on display just for you. you licked your lips when his long cock caught your eye, the head was red and leaking with precum already even though you barely touched him. 
“you like this, tsukki?~ look at how hard you are” you teased, pulling the leash once again as the tall man was forced into your arms. tsukishima yelped and tried to steady himself by supporting himself on your arms. 
you sneaked a hand between his legs, caressing his cock. the blond closed his eyes tightly, gasping against your chest as you played with his body. 
stroking his cock with an amused smirk, you tipped his chin towards you. your darkened eyes stared into embarrassed and teary golden orbs. you squeezed his length, coating his dick with the precum that leaked out. tsukishima moaned and tried to close his eyes again but you weren’t having none of that. 
you halted your actions on his cock and slapped him lightly on his cheek, gentle enough to not hurt as much but strong enough to get him to pay attention to you. “none of that, pup. look at me. look at how your slutty body gets off with such dirty acts~” 
— kageyama ♡
• he’s a little :>>
• kageyama has an oral fixation, he likes using his mouth whether that’s on your fingers, nipples, or your clit-
• if you have a nipple piercing, baby boy would be in complete awe! he thinks it looks super good! or even if you wear rings! he likes the feeling of the metal on his tongue. 
• pretty boy looks good when he sucks on your fingers, that slick tongue swirling around your digits, coating them with thick spit. he gets super red and needy while he does it too! he looks at you with half lidded eyes, moaning around your fingers. 
• baby doesn’t even know his cock is getting hard while he plays with your fingers.
• please take care of him </3 he gets super anxious if you don’t say anything, kageyama feels like he did something wrong so reassure this baby!
• buy him toys and stuffies! it makes him really happy and shy~ <3 
• also not @ that one time where you caught him humping one of his teddy bears-- 
“now what do we have here?~” your voice cut through kageyama’s series of needy moans making him yelp and stop his constant humping. his ears turned red at the fact that you caught him doing such impure act. 
“m-mommy--” he sniffled, tears welling up on his pretty blue eyes. kageyama turned to you, a pout on his lips. he didn’t want you to think you weren’t taking good care of him cus you are! he was just feeling so needy today and you had to go to work. 
kageyama really tried to control his urges but the more he tried to ignore it, the more it intensifies as every shift of his hips made him more sensitive. 
you shook your head playfully at that and closed the bedroom behind you, stalking slowly towards the trembling man. he slumped on the stuffie and tried to reason but he was just babbling incoherent words. you hummed at his chattering and run a hand through his hair, wiping the sweat on his forehead. 
“is my baby feeling needy?” you cooed, you bit your lips at the beautiful sight. your boyfriend is so fucking beautiful. cheeks all red, eyes teary with tears of frustration of not getting to cum and sensitivity. your hand lowered down to his cheek, stroking the warm skin. 
your eyes darkened when your fingers trailed down to his lips and instinctively, kageyama opened his mouth, already licking the tip of your fingers. the dark-haired male whined around your digits when you started playing with his tongue, thrusting it in his mouth. 
“words, baby boy” kageyama’s eyes rolled back at your tone, moaning loudly. he opened his eyes and looked straight at you, lips trembling around your fingers. 
“p-pwease helph meh, mwommy” he babbled, slurring his words as he still tried to lick your digits.
“atta boy~ don’t worry, mommy will help you cum~” you cooed, removing your fingers out of his mouth and trailed down his stomach, feeling the flexing muscles, then towards his aching cock. you coated his length with his spit, thumbing the swollen tip. 
kageyama gasped and his hips moved at the sudden contact. you smirked down at him slightly as he held your wrist, though not really stopping you just something to ground him. “let’s hear those pretty moans, baby boy~” 
— oikawa ♡
• a wholeass confident sub. he knows he’s a good sub and he takes pride on that
• you can’t even reprimand him cus he follows your rules to the t. so headpats and cuddles for tooru pls <3
• though he follows your rules, oikawa doesn’t really pay attention to his body and it’s limits. all he knows is that he wants to make you proud and feel good. 
• so please take the time to appreciate his body, praise him. yes, he gets compliments all the time but when it’s coming from you and in that moment? it just feels so intimate that he’ll cry.
• kiss his skin, caress his body. make him feel loved and he’s all yours. <3 
• when he gets too into the play, he really forgets everything else but you. so what better way to stop and slow down than make him show you how he pleasure himself <3
• tooru doesn’t really masturbate all that much so he’s a little clumsy so guide him through it <3 HE GETS REALLY SHY TOO
• when you stare at him like that, admiring his body, praising him, telling him how much of a good boy he is, how beautiful he is? oikawa’s offering you his heart pls take care of it :((
you smiled at oikawa, his breath ragged with every slow stroke he does as he massaged his cock. your eyes trailed up and down his body, admiring the way he arch his back and the way his thighs trembles. 
“slowly, baby~ you don’t wanna ruin your orgasm now do you?” you said, leaning back on your legs on the mattress, getting a good view of his cock and his stroking. 
oikawa whined, eyebrows furrowed. the slow build-up once again was making him impatient and it was getting to him. he wants to cum so bad, you denied him a couple of his orgasms already. he hic-ed, feeling his tears trail down his red cheeks. 
you cooed at the sight and leaned closer to him, hovering above him. oikawa gasped at the slight contact of your clothed body on his heated skin. he removed his hands away from his cock and wrapped his arms around you. 
letting a hand caress his cheek, wiping the tear away. you let out soft praises on his forehead, kissing it several times as you do so. oikawa sniffled, biting his lips as he savor your affection. he was always a sucker for it, always the soft boy with a big heart 
“p-please... i want to cum” oikawa whispered, lips quivering as he wet it with his tongue. he gasped when he felt your hands on his cock. you grinned at him then went back to your previous position between his legs. 
you blew air into his cock making the man whimper on the bed, writhing around trying to make you move. you snickered at the pout he sent your way. 
“such a pretty baby, you are tooru~” you complimented and before he can say anything, you took him in your mouth in one go. oikawa choked on air at the feeling of your warm and wet mouth around his sensitive cock. 
oikawa moaned when you swiped your tongue on the red tip, swallowing his length as you bob your head. 
he gripped the blankets beneath him, eyes rolling back. you removed your mouth off him, jerking his length. “wanna cum, baby?” 
he sobbed and nodded his head frantically, feeling the band on his lower stomach threatening to snap once again as he pray that you would let him cum this time. “p-please! i want to cum! need it! it hurts!” he cried
you grinned and took him into your mouth again, moving faster. the pretty male gasped and his hips started jerking making you gag on his length. his eyes rolled back to his skull at the feeling of your throat tightening around him, his mouth wide open as he released several loud moans. 
you sneaked a hand to his balls, massaging it. your tongue traced the prominent vein on his cock and oikawa keened at that and came with a loud broken moan. you hummed in satisfaction and continued to bob your head, your hand jerking the rest of his cock. 
you lapped at the thick cum he released, slurping it up as he shivered and sobbed at the sensitivity. “t-thank you.... thank y-you” 
— kuroo ♡
• okay some of you may think he’s all dom and won’t sub but you’re forgetting something... he’s a simp. he would do anything for you! also, kuroo thrives for your attention!
•  he loves hard shit! i know it! bdsm, toys, bondage? perfecttt!! <3 
• kuroo tried pegging once and now he’s addicted! fuck his ass while you degrade him is his go to to de-stress 
• make him cum several times until he can’t feel his cock anymore. he loves the pain it brings. the sting. the sensitivity. 
• also because of the fact he screams and cries.. so his voice goes all raspy and his throat is scratchy
• choke him. collar him. he will propose to you <3 KSKSKS
• but after all that bdsm shit, please take care of his tired body. aftercare is a must for this baby or he’ll be so detached after. kiss his bruises. kiss his swollen and red lips. mutter sweet nothings to him. tell him how much you love him and he’ll sleep with a tired but soft smile on his face
“yes... yes, moreee. m-moree” kuroo chanted against your pussy, eating you out like a starved man. he groaned against your wet cunt, tongue swiping at your slit as he tasted you. his hands were on your thighs, pushing them together so he can feel your thick thighs against his face. 
he gripped your thighs, moaning like a bitch in heat. he slurped at your essence, eyes rolling back at your taste. his hips moving unconsciously. you moaned, caressing his hair, as you looked down at his fucked out expression with a smirk. 
“such a dirty boy~” you snickered when kuroo moaned lewdly at your words, his eyes rolling back to his head as his mouth worked on your cunt faster. he wiggled his tongue inside you, licking your gummy walls. 
“ahh.. fuck, tetsu” you moaned softly which only urged him to work on your pussy harder. you chuckled breathlessly at his eagerness as you turned your head a bit. you looked at his twitching cock. 
you put the cock ring earlier but the man was still leaking precum everywhere. his cock was so beautiful. thick and long, the tip red and swollen. you grinned and moved away from tetsu’s mouth. 
you heard the man whined at the lost of contact. you faced toward his shaking thighs and sat on his stomach as you turned your head back to look at him. god, he looks so pretty~ 
kuroo was panting, chest heaving heavily. his lower face was covered with your wetness as he constantly licked his lips. his eyes blown wide with lust. 
you smirked at him and touched his cock, snickering when the touch made him whimpered as he arched on the bed. paying no mind to his senseless babbling, you lowered yourself to his cock, using his trembling thighs to support yourself.
kuroo’s eyes rolled back to his head at the way your wet and gummy wall clung to his sensitive length and it was enough to make him cum but the cock ring was preventing him from doing so. 
he looked at you with teary eyes, eyebrows furrowed. you smirked and then face forward to reached for the dildo beside you, slowly inserting it into his prepped ass which earned you a husky groan. “make me cum and i’ll think about it if you deserve to cum as well~” you cooed.
kuroo cried when you started moving, your pussy clenching tightly around his dick, while your hands thrust the thick dildo in his ass, prodding his prostate. his hands flew to your hips, his half-lidded eyes watching your ass bounce in front of him, “f-fuck!” 
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zachsreaderinserts · 4 years
sleepy boys inc x gn!teen! reader headcannons
trying something new! i like bbs and all, but i wanted to write for other youtubers! lemme know if yall wanna see more content like this lol.
this takes place in a minecraft au!!! also, mentions of bad parenting/abusive parents
wc: 2,319
okay the sleepy boys
chaos incarnated, all of them. you can’t deny it
so, when tommy invites a friend from a local village, at first, everyone else is skeptical. since when has tommy made a friend who didn’t hate him within 20 minutes from all the screaming and insults he spewed?
unlike his friends, phil is more excited than anything. though he isn’t tommy’s dad, he feels like it sometimes, so he really wants to meet this new person who has caught the youngest’s attention
techno is very much not on board. he has a hard time trusting people at first glance and having been friends with tommy for the longest, he knows that tommy readily jumps the gun and attempts to befriend literally anything just because he can
and wilbur? indifferent for the most part. yes, he feels the need to make sure tommy is protected and cared for, but he also recognizes that this situation is out of his hands. the best he can do is hope that their friend isn’t an absolute asshole
so, it’s saturday. all three men are sitting on the couch in phil’s cottage, talking amongst themselves as they wait for tommy to come back. techno makes a joke about murdering them, which leads to phil scolding him about his violent tendencies
“you haven’t even met them yet, techno, what the fuck.”
wilbur is simply adding fuel to the fire, making little remarks here and there and watching the whole thing escalate to phil lecturing the piglin hybrid.
because of this, not one of them had noticed that tommy returned, with his newest friend. they both stopped at the sight of phil in dad mode, tommy considering just turning around and taking his friend as far away as physically possible
too late, since techno’s sixth sense made him whip around and stare at the newcomer. this made phil stop lecturing and wilbur quit giggling long enough for tommy to introduce his friend
after saying their name, the friend lifted their hand shyly, face burning from slight embarrassment. their other hand was latched onto tommy’s, feeling intimidated.
can you blame them? the fucking blood god looks like they wanna skewer them and cook them over a campfire.
tommy took notice of their shyness and cleared his throat, “we were planning on going to the carnival in their village if you three assholes feel like tagging along.”
like there was any way they were gonna let tommy and his friend go out without chaperones.
tommy turned back to his friend, “give me a second, i’m gonna go grab my sword just in case.” and proceeded to run up the stairs and towards the guest bedroom in phil’s house that he claimed.
the millisecond he was out of earshot, techno grabbed his friend by the front of the shirt.
“what are your intentions with tommy?”
the friend blinked once, twice, then bit back a smile. “you’re asking that as if i’m about to date that motherfucker.”
this time, it was wilbur who bit back a grin of his own. who would’ve expected the originally shy kid to have replied like that????
techno’s brain short circuited and his grip on their shirt loosened slightly. did.... did this kid just brush off his question???
“can you put me down? you’re gonna stretch my shirt.”
techno’s brain blinked back into focus and he gripped the kid’s shirt harder, shoving them against the nearest wall. “i asked a question, kid.”
“you know, tommy told me something like this would happen. i’m glad i came prepared.” and then, tommy’s friend sucked in a deep breath. techno leaned back, expecting the worst...
oh god, this was far worse than anything he thought of.
he dropped the teen out of disgust more than anything, reeling backwards. if there was one thing that haunted his dreams, it was uwu-speak.
phil started howling of laughter, clutching his stomach and hunching over. originally he was going to stop techno from threatening a literal child but this outcome was so much better than anything he was anticipating
wilbur was no better, already tearing up from how hard he was snickering. he started choking on his own spit at one point, smacking his arm against the couch.
tommy was so fucking confused when he came back down the stairs, seeing the mayhem that was, for once, not caused by him. he glanced at his friend, who had the world’s biggest shiteating grin.
yeah, they were gonna fit in just fine.
and they did! phil took them under his wing (both physically and metaphorically) and allowed them to come visit his home whenever they wished. and whenever they did, phil was the first to ask how they’ve been and what they were up to
to phil’s surprise, the kid was overall calm in their choice of activities. things like playing soccer or drawing or figuring out how to learn instruments in their free time. it seemed like they were desperate to get their hands on anything and everything just to learn
he found it funny, though, when their chaotic side shone through. they easily were on tommy’s level when they got into that headspace and it was so hilarious to him.
his favorite memory of the kid was when they walked into the house and marched right up to where techno was reading idly in the corner. planting their hands on their hips, they spoke.
“if you were to fuck a clone of yourself, would it be masturbation or would you be considered gay?”
phil, who was washing the dishes six feet away from them, just about crumbled into a ball on the floor from how hard he was laughing and sobbing.
of all questions, that was the one that came out.
but he had no idea that the chaos was a coping mechanism. he just thought they were naturally like that in their free time.
he soon found out the truth when they came home with tommy, who was cursing up a fit, visibly angry. his friend was slumped over, as if trying to hide themselves from the world
when phil asked what had happened, tommy exploded.
“their fucking dad took all their money from their savings! said he needed it more than them and when they asked for it back, he called them a fucking disappointment! that fucking bitch--”
phil can count very few times when he felt true anger and he can confirm that when tommy had told him what had gone down, he saw red.
but he knew better than to outwardly show it. judging by how hunched over and defeated the kid was, what they needed was a stable support system
so he walked over and shut tommy up with a hand on his shoulder, “why don’t we take the rest of the night to build up that game room you wanted in the basement. i’m sure if we knock it out before techno and wil are supposed to be back, we can all play something like monopoly.”
seeing where phil was headed, tommy nodded and brushed away his anger. he knew that what his friend needed was a serious cheering up. tommy ran towards his guest bedroom, claiming that he was going to find his blocks.
phil crouched in front of the teen, tilting their head up to look him in the eyes. “you’re not a disappointment. you’re an amazing person with a chaotic joke machine going 120 kilos over the speed limit in your head and you are talented. your dad doesn’t know shit about what you’re capable of doing.”
oh boy, the kid’s crying. those are tears, full on tears.
that night was one of the best nights of their life, however. they enjoyed the entire three hour long game of monopoly where they watched the light leave everyone’s eyes. it was funny when wilbur lunged across the table when he landed on a railroad, out for phil’s blood.
speaking of wilbur, he enjoyed every minute in the kid’s presence. they often asked creative and random questions and went along with the abstract jokes he made, the two of them laughing heartily the entire time.
when the kid first mentioned wanting to learn how to play the guitar, he practically burst through the wall of the room next door, breathing heavily and exaggeratedly.
“did someone say guitar”
yeah, he’s feral. that’s canon.
they proceeded to spend the entire day in phil’s garden, each of them equipped with a guitar. despite their outwardly smooth brain and stupid demeanor, the teen was a fast learner and could play the most basic chords by the time the sun was setting.
wilbur’s favorite moment was the first night they met, when they went to the carnival. there was the game where you shoot the water and fill up the balloons and the kid was going head to head against techno and tommy.
it was when techno won that the teen turned to techno with murder in their eyes and spoke in a deadpan tone of voice,
“you’re lucky you won this time, you gentrified mayo monkey.”
wilbur’s jaw dropped, as did techno and phil’s. tommy was already in hysterics, smacking his hand against the counter that held the guns.
needless to say, wilbur found his favorite, not-quite sibling in a heartbeat.
techno was the last to come around with the child. can you blame him? every time he tried to threaten them or had beaten them at something, they would respond in a cryptic threat--
“i’m going to pee your pants if you don’t let me win”
or just brushed him off. without a second thought.
“anyways, i was murdering a chicken the other day, and the fucker had the audacity to ribbit at me.”
to say he was confused was an understatement. he was terrified of the fact that a literal child held so much power and disinterest in things like their own life. so for the first few months, he avoided them.
but he had seen past that when it was around midnight on a weekday. tommy was hanging out with tubbo and ranboo in their village miles away from the area. wilbur was out drinking with schlatt, niki, and fundy, and phil was already asleep.
techno wasn’t too far behind, sitting in front of the fireplace and staring out of the window that showed the front yard. it was only then when he saw the flash of a familiar face and looked closer as the teen walked up to the house quietly. their head was down and they carried a small bag with them.
techno opened the front door with a long creak as they reached the porch steps. it was only when they jumped and looked up in surprise that techno had noticed a deep bruise on their left cheek in the moonlight.
despite the fact that he kept away from them, techno was very protective and territorial of tommy, phil, and wilbur. and since they were attached to the teen, he became protective of them as well.
so all the voices in his head went quiet for a second. before exploding into a mixture of screams and threats, all leading back to protecting the child in front of him.
without thinking, he reached forward and cupped their face for a better view of the bruise. at the warm and soft touch, tears slipped down the kid’s cheeks and they sniffed pathetically.
the voices quickly took a 180, all screaming to take care of them. make them feel better. so, techno led the kid inside and let them spend the night in his room, with them falling asleep on the bed and him falling asleep on the rocking chair in his room.
phil did not hesitate to officially declare himself as the teen’s official father, saying that their biological father was a “little bitch”
now somewhat living with the teen, techno found an appreciation for their quieter moments, when they were reading or simply daydreaming. it was cute, in his eyes. but he also grew to enjoy when they were absolutely feral, especially toward tommy.
his favorite moment with them was when they had gifted tommy a music disc for his birthday. it was sweet and sentimental and tommy just about burst into tears when he saw it.
all of the sappiness quickly vanished when tommy put it into a jukebox.
tommy had let out the most terrified scream and it practically engrained itself into techno’s brain. it was the first time he ever laughed at something the teen had done and the teen felt proud of themselves.
and finally, tommy. he was already happy to call himself a friend of the teen’s. they were like peas in a pod, working together.
tommy came to them when his insecurity felt heavy and they came to him whenever their dad’s words got to them. they had a nice system of dependency on one another and neither of them would trade it for the world.
tommy’s favorite moment of being friends with them was during their first birthday living in phil’s house. it was a birthday befitting their personality, with brightly color streamers hung and confetti all over the floor. he knew that they enjoyed it severely and once the cake was cut, the kid turned to phil.
“phil, where’s the big tiddy strippers i requested?”
tommy was GONE
he all but choked on his slice of cake and walked away, shaking his head while trying to stifle his giggles. but when he heard phil’s scream of “WHAT”, he just lost it.
all in all, his friend had made a fine part of the sleepy boys. they were a happy face in an otherwise somewhat bleak and dangerous world. and all four men appreciated it.
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powerpuff-ali · 3 years
Maybe your out of ideas at this point but I'll just try, more brotherly love rrb hcs pwease 👉👈😃😌
Hiii!!! I'm sorry this was sitting in my drafts for a bit I love asks like these btw 😭 I spend way too much time thinking about the boys and their
Loving Brotherly HC pt 4
Ok, so the boys take father's day very seriously. Maybe even more so than the girls.
How serious? They bust Mojo out of prison to spend the day with him. They usually have a cook out where Brick man's the grill, Butch buys the paper plates and sodas, and Boomer is on chip n dip duty
It's really the only time their well behaved during their childhood
As they get older, they really only celebrate it amongst themselves (mostly Brick)
It's a way to really celebrate and acknowledge the fact that he had to "grow up" a little faster than the other 2 to make sure they'd actually survive
What are loving siblings if you don't fight with them? Brick and Butch are usually at each other's throats while Boomer acts as the referee "No dudes, let's be smart and bring it off."
The SpongeBob reference immediately brings Butch and Brick together to roast him
What started as a fight ends as a roast and they're back to normal again- "I may watch baby cartoons but at least my hair doesn't feel like a helmet!" "Silence, child! I might use a lot of gel but at least I won't be bald before 30." "I'm not taking shxt from the guy who compensates for his height with his hair. Borrow a pair of heels from dad and then come talk to me."
Butch is very supportive of his brothers when they get jobs so much so that he helps himself to their employee discount and they let him
To add, Butch is the cheapest out of the 3. However for his brothers, he has no problem spending a bit extra... Even if it means he has to sell himself
"a new hat? Butch, this is like $3k! Damnit, did you at least make sure you didn't get caught?" "Um, I actually paid for this." "With what money?" "Princess paid me for my services and I don't want to talk about it."
(Princess pays Butch to be her assistant when she goes shopping. The derogatory work in question? Forcing him to pay her compliments and also, he's her arm candy. Nothing more than being seen with her because she couldn't care less about him. Also, "Hot people don't have to pay for things")
Brick is the nagging sibling but only because he cares a lot about their well being. "Boomer, why haven't you been taking your vitamins?!" "The little girl creeps me out! I only like the dinosaur!" *Brick aggressively trying to force the gummy in his mouth*
Brick is also the moodiest of the 3. So when he's locked away in his room, Butch and Boomer do everything and anything to cheer him up. One time it was a round of rock'em sock'em robots. Another time it was reenacting the "shark bait, ooh ha ha" scene from Finding Nemo complete with body paint, explosive science experiments, and loud screeching sounds
The first one to go through heart break was Boomer bc long story short, his favorite actress quit acting and now he'd never see her again
So what did Brick and Butch do for Boomer? They made him his favorite food and suffered through a 3 season marathon so Boomer could properly say goodbye to her
They throw house parties between the three of them just because... Actually I'm pretty sure this one's canon? In the episode Bubble Boy, there's a line "Why'd you take all your clothes off?" "Yeah, we're not here to have a party..."
They have a .... Chaotic kinda love for each other 😅
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Big Win- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
   Request:  Hi! I know you’ve been doing a lot of Draco x hufflepuff reader recently so in case you don’t want to do this one, no worries💘 but I wanted to request another Draco x Hufflepuff reader and she’s on the Hufflepuff quidditch team and they won a game against gryffindor (or any house) and he makes it super special for her in his dorm and they’re like cuddling and he’s so sweet to her and so proud of her and it’s super duper fluffy pwease 🥺🥺have a great day and no pressure to write this💕💕
   Kody- this is hella cut ngl. Lets just see if i can live up to this magnificent plot idea lmao.
   House: Hufflepuff
   Warning: possible cursing, Draco being the most supportive boyfriend ever, and fluff all around. Slightly mature themes.
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   “Gotta be faster than that, Potter!” you yell as you zip past the chosen one on your broom. You can vaguely hear his laughter from behind you. Yes, both you and Harry Potter were seekers on your individual Quidditch teams and both very competitive when i came to the both of you.
   you spotted the shiny little devil a couple of feet before you. A smirk graces your lips as you fly towards it. Just as you were about to reach it, out the corner of your eyes you saw Bludger coming straight for you. Eyes widened, you duck quickly and snapped your head towards the direction it came from.
   “What the hell guys!” you snap. Both George and Fred Weasley give you a devilish smile and shrug their shoulders “Sorry princess! It’s just the game. You know we worship the ground you walk on!” George yells. You roll your eyes and turn back to the action. Shit. Harry potter was chasing the snitch.
  “Bye!” you yell to the twins and begin to chase after the snitch as well. You and Harry were both next to each other  “Hey Harry” you say casually and he chuckles “You know we’re head to head right now right Y/n?” he asked, pushing ahead of you. “No, not really actually” you say, a smirk growing.
  Harry’s face twisted in confusion “and why’s that?” he said, questioning your cocky attitude. You start to shift on your broom “Because i’ve already won” you send him a wink before standing up on the broom. Was what you were about to do dangerous and stupid, yeah.
  “Y/n don’t!” Harry shouts. Ignoring him, you jump off your broom and grab the snitch in your hand. You looked up and saw your broom catching up to you. ‘Shit, shit. Fall faster!’ you thought and reach out for it. You grab it in your hands and mount it again.
  you instantly fly up and stop in the middle of the field. You hold up the snitch and the Hufflepuffs roar in cheers and screams. “Y/n has caught the golden snitch! 150 points to Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff wins!” Lee yells into the horn. You hear your teammates cheering as well as they all fly down.
  you land on the ground and Harry follows as well. “Good job Y/n. You deserve the win” he says and holds out his hand for you to shake. You smile and pull him into a hug “Thanks Harry! You were great too!” the Gryffindor boy laughs and hugs you back as well.
  a cough intruder your guys embrace and you let go of the boy. “Hands of my girlfriend, Potter” Draco scowls at him. Harry holds his hands up in defense before walking away. Draco’s expression softened when he sees you and he rushes to lift you up in his arms.
  “I’m so proud of you, love. You were amazing!” he shouts. You chuckle and push away from him “I’m sweaty Draco!” he shakes his head and grabs the back of your neck, pulling you into a sweet kiss “I could care less, plus you look kind of hot like this. except i imagined you sweaty from something else”
  you hit his shoulder with your broom “Perv!” you shout. Draco rolls his eyes and grabs your broom from you “Alright, go shower and meet me outside the Slytherin common room okay?” he says, grabbing your hand. You nod giving him a toothy grin.
  “Okay, i’ll see you later”
   your hair was still a bit damp from your shower, but you were standing outside the Slytherin common room nonetheless. You looked at your outfit and wondered if it was a bit to much, but it was Draco so it shouldn’t really matter. The portrait opened and you expected to see your boyfriend.
   but instead it was Blaise Zabini. He gave you a big smile “Good job out there Y/n, you were amazing!” he congratulates you and you both share a very manly fistbump. “Thanks!” he nods and looks towards the portrait “Waiting for Draco?” he asked and you nod. He turns back and whispers the password for you.
   “Well thank you” you say and he nods before taking his leave. You walk in and look around the common room. Draco was nowhere to be seen, but you did see another certain Slytherin “Theo!” you shout. The brown haired boy turns and makes his way over to you “Hey hey Y/n! The big winner!”
   smiling, you chuckle softly “I’m great thank you. Do you know where Draco is?” you ask. Theo looks like he’s thinking for a moment “His dorm. You know where it is right?” he asked and you give him a thumbs up. You wave to the Slytherin boy before leaving the common room and heading towards the boys dorms.
   you walk down the hall until you reach Draco’s room. Being the weirdo you were, you slowly turn the doorknob and kick the door open “Draco!” you shout, leaving the boy startled. He dropped the tape he was holding and jumped back “Damnit Y/n, you can’t do that!”
   you break out into laughter and hold your stomach. Soon it starts to die down as you notice that his room was decorated. A banner saying ‘Congratulations Y/n’ hung over his bed and there was a small basket laying on his desk, it looked to be full of sweets and cauldron cakes. 
   also on his bed was a two trays that had food on them. Your mouth gaped “Is this all for me?” you ask, your voice very small now. Draco rolls his eyes, picking up the tape from the ground “No it’s for my other Hufflepuff girlfriend named Y/n” he says sarcastically. You sigh deeply and stand up straight.
   “you didn’t have to do all this Draco” you gush, holding a hand over your heart. He shakes his head, sauntering over to you. “Everytime i win a match you go all out for me, so it’s only fair i do the same” he explains. You chuckle and shakes your head slowly.
   “everytime you win a match all you want me to do is to show up naked in your dorm” you narrow your eyes slightly. Draco smirks and raises a brow “Yeah, but it means alot to me so, let’s eat” you nod as you both walk over to the bed and sit down. You put the tray over your lap and smile.
   “Did you make this yourself?” you ask, picking up the fork and he smiles, nodding “anything for you, Y/n” he leans over and plants a firm kiss to your temple. You both begin to eat your food with occasional kisses here and there. He was surprisingly a really good cook.
   after eating you both ate some sweets and while you were licking a sugar quill. Draco decided to get handsy and began to kiss you all over. He gripped your waist as he licked your lips. Saying how sweet you tasted. What a perv, but he was your perv so it didn’t matter.
   his grey eyes flutter open and he’s met with your sleeping face, blanket up to your bust to cover your bare body. He smiles at you before leaning down to kiss your head. He watches you shuffle in your sleep and unconsciously cuddle into his chest. His arms snake around you “Congratulations Love”
   Kody- they said fluff and i did fluff and a bit of spice. Im terrible i know. Anyways, peace.
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First of all - CONGRATS! You definitely deserve this and so much more,,
So uh. My brain is still sauce. Shinobi fluff?🥺 Both of them getting home after a long day of helping Kakashi prank his old anbu colleagues? Sth like that? Pwease? You already spoil me so much with your writing but I can't get enough :')
Babe! It literally took me a minute to figure out what you meant with shinobi (I was like ... which shinobi???), because I'm an idiot! But I got there! Babies!
We talked about it, we are pranking Gai.
So here is for you (and for @foolishkali in a way) some domestic OMG THEY WERE ROOMMATES fluffy shit. A little self indulgent too.
Kiss for you.
100 Follower Celebration - send me a prompt!
When Sayuri moved out of home (without getting married first) her father screamed at her and she left the house with almost nothing except for her things and the little money she had saved up from missions. When Shinra moved out their parents provided them with support, care, and supplies. “We ought to have a party,” Sayuri said, her legs leaning against the wall and her head down the cheap couch they had purchased somewhere. “Celebrate our first apartment.”
Shinra considered pointing out that Sayuri really didn’t do and bring as much as them, but held their breath. It was not her fault. “We could invite Kaiya, Gai, Obito” Shinra felt a sting at the sound of his name. “And… I guess Kakashi could come too.” Shinra laughed: “Just because you name him last does not distract from the fact that you thought of him first, you know.” Shinra got a strong knock into the side from their friend. Ultimately they decided to invite people round.
There wasn’t much there to prepare, Sayuri’s room was almost empty except for an old futon style bed she had found somewhere for cheap and while Shinra’s parents had provided the necessary utilities for the two of them to live together (for the kitchens especially!), they had nothing in the living room except the couch. Well, with alcohol, Sayuri had said, it didn’t matter that it was empty. Shinra agreed and so they bought more sake than they could afford.
The boys arrived first. Gai was all over the apartment, complimenting his way through the old couch to the sparsely filled kitchen, to the view, Shinra's room and he even found something positive to say about the mess that was Sayuri’s room. Shinra watched his greens swirl excitedly through every corner and it was infectious as always. Kakashi stopped when he saw where Sayuri would live now, when he heard that her family had given her nothing. Shinra could see the icy blue’s move in worry, but as always he said nothing. Obito must have seen their face frowning as he sent a message through his orange red flares alone. Those two are exhausting.
Kaiya arrived after that, poised and beautiful as always. Shinra let herself get kissed on the cheek and watched as she proceeded to also give one to Obito. Kaiya’s chakra colour was a lovely light red, and Shinra blinked her eyes from one Uchiha to the next. Light red, orange red, burgundy red and then Kakashi with his little, almost unremarkable red streak too. Very different from Shinra’s usual Hyuuga dominated household of full whites.
Before any of them had even touched a sake cup, Obito suggested wisely that they should go out and eat something first. “We will invite the cheapskates of course, they need their money, plus they already spent so much on alcohol”, he added wisely, an elbow parked on Sayuri’s shoulder. They decided to go out for Ramen, since Ichraku was just around the block, and after a small “Did you get the key?” - “No, I left mine!” situation was worked out, they made their way. Kakashi  couldn’t help but comment “How will you guys ever work alone”, but Sayuri knocked herself into his shoulder.
They spend three hours at the Ramen place, which in Shinra’s eyes defeated the purpose of the party a bit. After all, it was supposed to be their apartment party. The others were already drinking, sake cups being filled and emptied, while Shinra held back as usual. Problems with seeing and problems with hand coordination through alcohol? Not a great mix. Obito clung to Shinra on their way back, talking about his students and the missions he’d been on. They just let him talk, enjoying his presence so unusually close.
Back at the apartment they continued drinking and talking, all of them stuck together on the small couch in the living room. Shinra began a heated discussion with Gai about turtles and how old one could become. They could be very competitive if they wanted to make their point clear, and Gai wasn’t backing down either. It was all in good fun obviously and Shinra loved arguing with Gai. He was passionate, but never insulted anyone personally. A good guy.
Time flew by and soon their friends were all over the top drunk. Gai had moved on to challenge Kakashi to a “walking-on-hands” duel, which Kakashi had first declined but then accepted. They were now walking head down around the living room and Shinra feared they’d throw up over their carpet floor. Kaiya was sitting close to Obito and listened to him telling her the same story about his missions he had told Shinra previously. Sayuri was leaning at their shoulder, her speech slurring a bit: “I’m glad I’m out of that house.” Shinra did not have to ask for clarification. They looked around the room at everybody’s chakras in disarray. How fun was it to have friends like that.
As midnight turned into 1 am and then 2 am most of the drunk people had fallen asleep somewhere, too knocked out by alcohol and tiredness to even go home. Kaiya was sleeping on Obitos shoulder and Gai was sleeping head on her lap. Sayuri had disappeared at some point, probably into her room and Kakashi was gone too, probably also in her room. Shinra was sitting shoulder to shoulder with Obito, their eyes closed and resting, when he suddenly spoke like a whisper in their ear: “Hey, blind worm.”
Hey deaf snake, Shinra replied without actually opening their mouth, avoiding to wake the others up. Obito’s chakra was flaring dangerously, an exciting swirl of orange, not unlike when he was in combat. Do you think it’s true that one pisses themselves when you put the hand in warm water? Shinra laughed quietly. I’ve never thought about it. Shinra, already fired up by his suggestive question answered to him before he could ask them: Yes, I would love to try it out.
Obito took good care that Kaiya did not wake when he rose and he followed Shinra into the little kitchenette. Taking Shinra by the hand he found a bucket somewhere, gave it to them to touch and approve of, and then filled it full with water. Shinra could hear the water run and threw a look over their shoulder to the living room, but no, the chakra levels stayed even and calm. Gai and Kaiya were deeply asleep. Alcohol coma.
They silently decided on Gai as a target. One of his hands was loosely hanging down, while he was laying belly down on the couch. This operation was actually not as easy as one would think, especially not with one deaf and one blind person. It needed good coordination and reassurance. Luckily Obito and Shinra knew each other in and out. Obito placed the bucket and took Gai’s hand to put it into the water, because he could see. Shinra stealthed her hearing and used her ability to follow Gai’s chakra flow, green and regular, to make sure he wasn’t woken up. It all went down without a hitch. Shinra was elated.
For a moment they just stood side by side, Obito without a doubt watching their masterpiece in front of him, but then Shinra signalled him to follow them into their room. After all, they could not really talk to Obito if they had to remain silent the entire time, plus this whole thing might take quite a while, who knew even. He followed dutifully. They both sat down on Shinra’s bed, an old wooden bedframe with a new mattress they had gotten from their parents as a moving gift. Nothing too fancy, but it did its job.
“Where do you think Kakashi has gone?” Obito asked out loud now, his body stretched out over the length of the bed. Shinra laid down next to him, their face turned to him. They could see his sharingan eye burn in a more intense red and knew he was looking at them. “I don’t know.” A half lie. Shinra did not know for sure, but they had a pretty good idea. “Thinking of it, Sayuri is gone too”, he said and then he added: “God, they are together aren’t they?” Shinra yawned a little. “Why don't you use your emotional link with him to figure it out?”
“No, damn, definitely not. I don’t want to get in his head when… you know.. I don’t want to know…” Shinra moved their head slightly to the direction of Sayuri’s room. They could see the burgundy reds and the light blues, but they were calmly circulating right next to each other. Clearly, they were only sleeping. Shinra decided to say nothing. Obito sighed and then reached out a hand to touch Shinra’s little braids. “I wonder…” he said, “Do you remember what I look like?”
Shinra moved their face together trying to concentrate deeply. They had lost their eyesight so long ago that they didn’t recall much anymore. Their parents' faces were clear in their mind, the favourite toy, the view out of the window of their childhood bedroom. When they tried to envision other peoples faces it was all just an explosion of colour and pain, a memory of when their byakugan took their eyesight away. It was painful to admit but: “No, I do not. Sorry.” Shinra added quickly: “I wish I knew, though.”
“I wish I knew how you sound like”, Obito replied earnestly. “Kaiya does that sometimes, right? Lets you touch her so you have an idea of what she looks like?” He was still spinning the braids around his finger. Yes, Shinra had a pretty good idea of the way Kaiya looked from the many little touches exchanged between them. They hummed in agreement. He took his fingers from their hair and took their hand, carefully and softly, and set it on his cheek. Shinra felt immediately that it was the scarred cheek. “You have so many of them”, Shinra noted, their fingers following the half circles across his face. He said nothing in return, with his free hand touching Shinra’s own facial scars.
He had gotten so close now, Obito’s breath was warm on Shinra’s face. It was exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. They had always been close with each other, but this was a new found form of intimacy that took Shinra’s breath away a little. They did this with Kaiya all the time, lying and touching, but they’d never done it with him. Nobody spoke for a good while, the hands the only thing moving. Obito’s reds were calmly circulating around his body. He was at ease.
Then a loud scream ripped through the quiet and both of them sat up straight immediately. A second, higher pitched scream followed and Shinra noticed the blood red circular shape in Obito’s eye. Then two more behind the door and too more in the living room. The Uchiha’s had brought their sharingan into play right away. Obito jumped up and ripped the door open. At the other end of the hallway the door was opened by Kakashi, hair hanging half messed up over his face, bags under the eyes, but both eyes out and sharp.
They followed Obito in the living room. Gai was sitting on his knees in front of Kaiya, holding her hand like she was a princess and he apologised furiously: “I’m so sorry Miss Kaiya, I didn't mean to startle you and wake you up. I want to apologise for scaring you as much as I did. I should not have-” Kaiya clapped his hand lightly with hers: “No, no, don’t worry. It’s fine.” She looked up to the others standing in the doorway. “What happened here?” Shinra asked, watching the light reds still in a little disarray.
“I woke up and noticed I had a little accident”, Gai explained eloquently. “It surprised me and in my surprise I must have startled lovely Kaiya over here, for which I am very sorry.” He got up to show it to the others. There was a gasp all around. Obito laughed so loud that he almost choked on his own cough when he tried to fill Shinra in: “He pissed himself apparently.” Shinra laughed too, their hand finding Obito’s to squeeze it quickly. Well there was the answer. You could actually piss yourself like that. “Too much alcohol, huh, Gai?” Sayuri said and walked over to sisterly touch his arm in sympathy. “Oh, yes, it happens when you are as youthful as I am! My body is always ready to disperse the toxin immediately.” Shinra shook their head. He wasn’t even embarrassed about it.
Obito walked over now too, patting with his hand on Gai’s shoulder: “Don’t worry, Turtle, I’ll take you home in no time.” That was not how he was supposed to use his Kamui, but he did it all the time anyway. “Kaiya, do you want me to take you home too?” he asked, but Shinra answered almost immediately for her: “No, she can sleep here.” They could feel Obito’s voice in their head for a second. In your bed? And Shinra replied with a stretch of their neck. Why not? He did not inquire further on this.
“Kakashi, you?” The addressed man yawned and answered very shortly: “No. I will sleep here.” Sayuri protested right away. “Who allowed you to stay over huh? I didn’t say you could-” But he just said “Bed.” and dragged her away by the collar. She complained until her door closed behind them upon which she quieted down suddenly. Shinra turned their head lightly and could see the blues and reds melted into each other. Well that was certainly one way to shut her up. Obito sighed again. “Time to go, big guy.” Gai turned to Kaiya one last time: “I want to again apologise to you for how I scared you. It was not my intention to make you worry and-” He couldn’t finish the sentence because Obito had taken him away.
Shinra helped Kaiya to get ready for bed. She was still pretty dizzy from sleep and alcohol and needed a little support. Luckily Shinra and her were almost exactly as good of a team as Obito and Shinra were, so they figured it out without issues. Kaiya climbed into the bed first, moving all the way to the wall and Shinra slipped under the cover after her. They let her move her head on their arm and settled in peacefully. A few moments passed until Kaiya whispered, her voice already heavy with tiredness: “You pranked Gai, didn’t you? Obito and you. Together.” Busted. “Yes.” Kaiya laughed a little: “Poor Gai.”
Shinra was still awake an hour later when the air swirled red again and Obito returned silently through Kamui. They had not expected him to come back, much less that he’d materialise right in their bedroom, but here he was. I’m back, he signalled and Shinra acknowledged him with a nod. It was surprisingly hard to get Gai to bed. It’s not easy to get him out of that jumpsuit. Gai had taken many, many hours out of his days to explain to Shinra how his jumpsuit worked and what he wore it for, so they were really familiar with it, even if they hadn’t seen it. I can imagine.
Obito stood there for a bit, his chakra full of nervosity. Shinra decided to be patient and wait for him to talk to them first about what was on his mind, but it took him a bit to decide. Finally, he breathed out deeply. Can I come too? Even in their head Shinra could hear his voice shake. Come where? Shinra blinked into his bright colours. You know, t-the bed. They let out a sharp breath. With Kaiya and me? He squirmed a little, clearly embarrassed by the question. Yes. They considered his question for a second. Was this bed even big enough for the three of them? But then they decided. Yes, you can. His chakra flared excited as he took off both sweater and pants before moving onto the bed, his body pressed against Shinra.
Before they fell asleep, Kaiya’s head on their left and Obito’s head on their right shoulder, Shinra thought about the future and the past. The days they had spent isolated, alone and excluded not only from others their age, but their family. Before they had changed their name and left the clan behind. The times they thought that no longer being able to look after Hinata and Hanabi meant that they had nothing to strive for in the future. How wrong they had been. The kid version of them would have never thought that someday they’d not only live with a friend, but also have many, many other good friends and - in Obito's case- maybe even more than that. 
Shinra smiled. If only there was a way to put perfect moments in a jar to keep them around forever.
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Bug,,, Bug give me Punz and Purpled headcanons. Pwease.
Why the fuck didnt i get this notif til now dammit, let me talk about my BOYS. Under a readmore cuz its kinda long
- They're brothers by blood. Nobody really knows this except for the Dream Team, since neither of them really mention it. Punz doesn't say anything bc he thinks it's obvious and that everyone else already knows, and Purpled doesn't say anything bc he's a gremlin child and wants to see how long he can convince people that he is in no way related to Punz
- Most of the money that Punz makes through his mercenary work goes to Purpled. Punz is a builder himself, but he's not nearly as dedicated to it as Purpled is and he can't do any redstone whatsoever, so he always makes sure that his little brother is financially secure and has all the materials he could ever need
- Related to the above, Purpled actually doesn't use most of the money he's given. Dream pays Punz well, that's why he's stayed so loyal, but that also means that Purpled gets way more diamonds and emeralds and even netherite than he knows what to do with. This hoodie-wearing child who lives in a skull dug into a cliff is one of the richest people on the server and nobody even has a clue
- I talked abt it a bit in one of my other posts, but basically, I hc that Punz was one of the worst hurt when Wilbur detonated Manberg, also getting hit by a stray wither skull. Someone (he doesn't know who) used a splash potion of healing on him, which kept him alive for long enough for Purpled to slay one of the Withers and get a regen potion in him.
- Punz was unconscious for a week and a half afterwards, and taking care of the older brother who'd always been a little cold and a little distant but always supportive and there when needed was one of the worst experiences in Purpled's life. He still has nightmares where Punz never woke up.
- In the end, Punz ended up losing an eye and Purpled got a nasty Wither scar on his chest. Both of them had to do serious physical therapy in order to figure out how to function properly again.
- Purpled fought a lot in Bedwars, a tournament in a nearby server called Hypixel. He's a multiple-time champion in the event, well-known and well-respected. After getting hit by the Wither, though, he can't fight in the actual tournaments anymore. His old sword is still hung on his wall, of course, but he can't swing it nearly like he used to.
- Punz is a massive simp for anyone with a crown. He's still waiting for Eret to hire him for something other than battle ifn you know what I mean
- This isn't really a headcanon as much as straight-up true, but Purpled has a one-sided rivalry with Tommy. Purpled has declared them nemeses and everything, and Tommy barely even remembers that there's a teenager other than him, Tubbo and Ranboo on the server at all
- There are more but this post is long enough already so I'll stop here
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amintyworld · 4 years
Dark Prince - Switcheroo AU Oneshot
A/N: Hello hello this is your author Minty here! Just wanted to give a quick thanks to @aimasup for letting me use her Switcheroo AU on the Creativtwins for this cheeky lil oneshot. The AU is about if the split occurs, but Roman and Remus were assigned opposite traits to represent - Roman being a dark side and Remus being a light side. This was really fun to write and took a lotta work, so I hope ya’ll enjoy! - Minty
Summary: Roman never wanted to be the villain. 
TW: Abandonment, Child abuse (Kinda, tagging just in case), sexual innuendos, Injury, exclusion, slight insanity, slight repressed homosexuality, cursing, putting life in someone else’s hands (As always, let me know if I need to tag anything else!) 
Roman’s first memory was of pain, of needles all over his body, and then… a kick. He remembered making a small whimper as he curled into himself, weak and tired, the kick hurting more than it should’ve.
“Get away, you disgusting pervert! Get away from Creativity!” Someone yelled sharply, and Roman slowly opened his eyes, wondering what he could’ve done and where he even was. He was in a room, a room filled with stuffed animals and children’s drawings and… a man. He was wearing a cardigan with a grey sweatshirt wrapped around his shoulders, kneeling to help up someone else… someone who looked like him. “Creativity, are you alright? Oh, you poor thing, don’t worry, we finally got rid of it…”
Creativity? Wasn’t… wasn’t he…?
The kid shook a bit, weak like him, looking to the man in wonder and curiosity. “Creativity.” He said, repeating the word as if to understand it. “I’m… I’m Creativity.” Creativity tried to stand, nearly falling before the man caught him. 
“Careful.” The man warned. “You might be a bit weak, that was a little intense. Here, let me help.” The man slowly picked up Creativity in his arms, then his gaze fell upon Roman, turning into one of disgust, making Roman’s heart begin to break. What… what did he do?
Creativity followed the man’s gaze. “Hey, who’s that?”
“Someone bad we don’t need anymore. Come on, Creativity.” They left, and Roman tried to move to get up, to follow them and maybe try to understand, he didn’t understand...
The next thing he remembered was gloved arms wrapped around him, lifting him up, and he looked up to see a man with half his face covered in green-tinted scales and a yellow snake eye that made his body tense. The man looked down at him warmly, sensing his fear. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.” Roman looked at the man, and his eyebrows furrowed. 
Roman liked Janus a lot, he was one of the few people who’ve ever really shown him kindness, plus he smelled like vanilla. Despite his off-putting scales when they first met, Roman had really warmed up to the other side. Janus was funny and a really good cook - leading to Roman’s obsession with Peanut Butter, even to the point the poor parental side had to hide it constantly or else all three jars would be gone by the end of the day. 
As their bond grew, so did Roman - he learned all about the others, ‘the light sides’ as Janus called them, and even the foretold Thomas. “Do you think I could meet him one day? Meet Thomas?”
“Uh…” Janus looked uncomfortable by the question, struggling to find the words to speak. 
“I’m sure if I explain everything to him, maybe he can clear things up with Patton, maybe we could all get along and be happy again!” Roman smiled, jumping a bit on the ripped up couch. 
“Roman…” Janus said, taking a breath. “It’s not that simple… Thomas… he…he doesn’t like us.”
“Why? You’re really nice, and… and-”
“He doesn’t like us because he doesn’t like what we represent.” Janus said, comfortingly rubbing circles on the back of the child’s hand. “Until he likes us, it’s no use trying to talk to him. That’s why I… well, why I’ve kept us hidden from him, why he doesn’t know about you… if he did, he could summon you and mock you and hurt you-”
“Will he ever like us again, Dee?” Roman looked up to Janus with sad eyes, the same sad eyes the deceitful side saw the day of the split. The eyes that made him help the kid so long ago, to endure the risk of insult and injury, to protect him. Janus met those eyes, and for once he didn’t have the heart to say the harsh truth. 
“Maybe, Ro.” Janus gave the kid a comforting smile. “Maybe someday.”
That’s how it was for a while - Janus and Roman against a world who hated them. Their own little family of acceptance and love. Janus would play with Roman, sing songs and teach him the right way to hiss. Roman would comfort Janus when he’d return after being summoned by the Light Sides, and bring him into the Imagination for adventures, and work on training with his new abilities as they presented themselves to him. 
It was one of those days in the Darkscape, Roman now fourteen, when the two were watching a movie that the most unusual thing happened. With a slow rise up in the living room stood Logan - tie messed up, bags under his eyes, holding a tiny seven year old in his arms. The child in question was wearing a large black hoodie, hood up and head buried into Logan’s chest, crying. 
The two on the couch stood up quickly. Looking over toward Logan, who was looking around the place blankly. Roman was about to give him a piece of his mind for entering unannounced, bothering them, but Dee held up his arm to block him. “Don’t. It’s not worth it.” He said harshly under his breath. He looked over toward the intruder. “What brings you to our neck of the woods, Logic? I thought your kind made it crystal clear we weren’t welcome.”
“I am… sorry to enter unannounced, Deceit. I do believe this is one of yours.” Logan said, adjusting his glasses with one hand and walking over, the other arm supporting the child. Moving his arm, the child looked over to the two others, his lip trembling and tears in his eyes. Janus’s heart broke at the sight as he moved closer. “What’s his-?”
“Anxiety. His name is Anxiety.” Logan said. He slowly began to hand the child over as he calmed to sniffles, only for the action to make the child in question burst out crying once more. Janus slowly moved and held Anxiety as he made grabby hands to Logan. 
“Pwease, I’ll be good! I’ll be good, don’t leave me!” Anxiety cried, and Janus held him close, shushing him and trying to soothe his tears, looking up to stare daggers at Logan. 
“Is that all? Or is there another helpless child that ‘moral compass’ of yours wants to abandon?” Janus spat.
“Deceit, you know as well as I do that this is the best thing in the end for Thomas.” Logan said, rubbing his forehead. “It’s dangerous for Thomas for all of you to be out, he’s not ready-”
“A seven-year-old child is dangerous for Thomas?!” Janus said, looking angrier and angrier by the second. “For Logic, you don’t seem to be making any sense.”
Janus jabbed his finger at Logan’s chest. “Now get out of my face and my home before things get so messy even your faulty ‘logic’ can’t fix them.” Janus’s voice was full of pure rage, and Logan’s blank face broke into more of… pity.
“I am sorry, Janus.” Logan simply said before sinking out, leaving the three of them alone. 
Janus’s anger dissapated quickly as he rubbed Anxiety’s back, heading to sit back on the couch. “Shh, shh, it’s okay…” Roman just stared at Janus in shock of the altercation between the two, he’d never ever seen Janus talk like that to anyone before. Janus looked up at him. “What?”
“Please… p-please don’t h-hurt me-!” Anxiety shook, looking up at Janus, then to Roman. Janus gave them a sad look, realizing what Patton probably told this poor kid-
Roman slowly reached out to him, smiling. Virgil’s reddened eyes met his as he looked up, moving toward Roman as Roman cupped his cheek softly. “I promise, no one’s gonna hurt you, okay?”
For a moment, silence fills the room as the child hesitates before his shaking small voice answered Roman. “P-promise?” Anxiety said, holding up his pinkie. Roman pinkie promised him, smiling warmly. 
“I promise.”
Roman yawned as he slowly made his way down to the kitchen, smiling as Virgil walked past him, eyes glued to his phone. “You know, you’d think with those dark circles under your eyes, you’d be the one yawning.”
Virgil gives a slight smirk at the playful remark. “Fuck off, playboy.”
“Well… I mean you’re not wrong there-” Roman shrugs, mischievously grinning. “I do like playing with a boy or two!” Roman finished with a wink at his brother.
Virgil nearly snorted at the retort, hiding his smile underneath his phone. “God, you’re disgusting-!”
“Right back at you, My Chemical Ro-Mess.”
The two sat down at the dusty dining room table as Janus walked out wearing a scaled apron with the words ‘Snake me’ written in flowy black cursive, carrying two plates of eggs and toast. He set them down in front of the two sides, turning to head back into the kitchen, ruffling Virgil’s hair as he went. “Cream and sugar for both of you, right?”
“Yep.” Virgil said, popping the ‘p’ slightly at the end. 
“Yeppers, Jan-Jan!” Roman answered before taking out his own phone to scroll through some… “tasteful'' photos. He liked thinking of their strong hands running down his chest or through his hair…
Janus came back out with the coffee as he sat down to eat, dealing out the drinks. The little family ate in a comfortable silence as they always did every morning, Janus only breaking it for a second to check their plans for the day as he spread a bit of Crofters on a piece of toast. Virgil answered first, putting down his phone for a minute. “Besides work and stuff, I was thinking about maybe putting up some new posters in my room, I’ve been getting into Evenasence.”
“Do you need any help, shadowling? I know the ladder’s not completely stable…” Janus asked.
“Shortie-” Remus smirked as Virgil just rolled his eyes at his older brother. 
“Nah, I’ll be fine, I usually give it extra support even when it wasn’t so loose.”
“If you’re sure… Roman?”
“Just gonna hang in the Imagination.”
“You hang out there a lot lately…” Janus remarked smoothly between bites. “Something you’re not telling me?”
“No, no! Dee, I’d never-” Roman sputtered, but Janus just raised his eyebrow.
“Roman, I’m the Lord of Lies. You can’t seriously think I won’t be able to spot one from a mile away?”
“It’s nothing serious, really. Just… uh… I made a friend?” Roman admitted with a sheepish grin.
“Friend…?” Janus asked.
“Uh… yeah! Katy, one of the townspeople in the kingdom, we hang out all the time-” Roman said, beginning to get up quickly. “Anyway, she’s probably waiting for me, I should go.” Roman chugged the rest of his coffee and quickly walked off. “See you guys at six!”
Janus’s eyes narrowed. That boy is hiding something, something big. Virgil just looked at the hallway entrance, where he disappeared to. “That was… weird.”
“You said it.”
“Think he’s gonna do something stupid?” Virgil asked, concerned. 
“I dunno.” Janus answered. “Just… check on him when you get the chance for me, okay? I know he likes handling things by himself, but the Imagination’s not completely his domain. If the light sides find him… I’m afraid things could turn ugly.”
“You got it, Chief.” Virgil said, worries already building up in his mind about what his brother could possibly be doing.
Roman sighed. That was a close one. 
It’s not like he didn’t want to tell them, it’s just… he didn’t think they’d really understand. Roman let out a small sigh before grabbing his bag and sword, and heading through the door to the Imagination. He began the walk as he did every day along the path, smiling at the winged rabbits and the frogs who croaked glitter - some of his best ideas, he’d say. 
As the animals became quieter and quieter, he couldn’t help but feel guilt at the edges of his stomach for making Janus worry. He knew that lying as necessary, to make sure they’d never get found out, but if it doesn’t make his stomach churn sometimes. Maybe, when he got back, if he could convince him, he’d finally be able to tell Janius. Maybe it was silly to hide it from him, maybe he’d really, truly understand.
“Hey, Roman! Up here!” His twin looked down at him from the treehouse, smiling and waving in his green and white uniform. He waved, returning the smile as he sat on the ladder, pulling the rope as he ascended, entering their little hideout. As soon as he put the basket down, he was bulldozed to the ground with a giant hug, making him laugh. 
“Remus, come on! It hasn’t been that long-”
“Two weeks is like… forever in brother years.” Remus responded, tightening the hug for a moment as Roman returned it. 
“Yeah, I’ve missed you too, Rem.”
The two sat down on the picnic blanket, relaxing as the cool wind blew through their small shelter, snacking on Crofters and bread, as well as a few sodas and candies Remus smuggled from the Mindscape kitchen. Roman played a bit with the crisp autumn leaves that blew inside, practicing lifting them up and folding them into shapes.
“Ro, do you ever wonder what it was like… before?” Remus asked, drawing Roman’s attention away from the star he was folding. 
“Before? Before what?”
“Before. When we were together.” Remus said, chewing on the jam-stained bread thoughtfully. 
“Oh.” Roman said. “I’ve never really thought about it, I guess.”
“We had the whole Imagination just to us, no hiding or running away. No one telling us who we were.” Remus said. “I just think about it sometimes. Daydream, really - what they had looked like, what they did, how everyone used to be. I’d ask more about it, but Patton…” Remus' face fell. 
“Hey, we don’t need him.” Roman said, placing a comforting hand on Remus’s shoulder. “We’ll figure it out together.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks, Ro Bro.”
“Oh, I meant to ask,” Roman said. “I just barely got away to get here, Janus was onto me. I was… thinking, since he’s been so open and honest about everything to me-”
“No.” Remus said sternly. “Roman, we can’t. No one can know about this.” His face was a mixture of anger and fear. “Do you know what they’d do?! Roman, they don’t want us to be together, they don’t want us to get along or be happy!”
“But… but Janus isn’t- he’s not one of them!” Roman insisted, getting angry. “If I recall, your little Patton threw us out! Janus… Janus hasn’t done anything except be there for me and Virgil, he wants to protect us!”
“Roman, no.” Remus said. “That’s what he told you.” Roman’s fists clenched in anger, looking toward the ground. Janus wouldn’t lie to him, he wouldn’t-! “Don’t you ever think it’s weird how Dark and Light sides were already made up? How Janus and Patton were both ready to just... take us away?” Janus wouldn’t… he wouldn’t, he promised! “This whole thing was a setup to change who we once were, don’t you see? Patton, Janus, and Logan… they all made us split!”
“That’s not true!” Roman yelled. “Janus told me he’d never lie, he told me it was the truth!”
Remus’s face turned dark. “Roman, he’s the Lord of Lies, don’t you get it?! He was a liar from the very beginning-!”
Then, suddenly, Remus was on the ground, holding his jaw and looking up at his twin with shock. Roman looked down, his hand pumping with adrenaline from the punch. It was only a moment, but Roman could see the pain on his brother’s face, and his anger quickly disappeared. “Remus, I’m-”
“Remus…?” Roman’s heart dropped at the voice. Patton. Suddenly, a whip wrapped around Roman’s arms as he was pulled to the floor, volt shocking through his body, making his breaths slow and body cower. “Remus, are you okay?!” He could only hear footsteps behind him as he struggled to sit up, getting zapped every time he shifted. So his intended ‘he’s fine’ could barely be heard.
“I’m fine, Dad.” Remus said, looking down at Roman, worried. 
“Oh Remus I was so scared this morning when I woke up and you weren’t there and things had been stolen, I just knew you were kidnapped by Janus, but… it seems his little protege had other plans.” Patton rambled, looking over Remus for any bruises or injuries like a worried mother. “It’s okay now, you’re finally safe.”
“Dad, please let him go, I wasn’t kidnapped.” Remus said, pulling away from the cardigan wearing side. “He’s done nothing wrong, you’re hurting him!” Remus rushed past Patton to Roman, seeing drops of blood slowly coat his skin as his breathing began to slowly decline. He grabbed his pocket knife and cut the whip, releasing him as he simply slumped to the ground. “Roman, oh my god-!”
Patton simply watched with odd curiosity. Remus helped him sit up a bit, having his weak body lean on him. Roman let out a small coughing fit. “Remus, n-no…” They’d held the secret for so long, they coudln’t give in now!
Remus turned to Patton. “Dad come on, we have to help him!”
Patton slowly walked over, cupping Remus’s cheek. “Oh Remus, what did he do to you?”
“I knew they were bad, but I never throught they’d stoop so low.” Patton said. “Brainwashing a child…” Patton held Remus’s hands as they stood up, Roman on the floor. “Remus, they’re not good - Deception, Lust, Anxiety - they twist and manipulate your mind, that’s why I sent them away, to protect us.” Patton softly tucked Remus’s hair behind his ear. “I failed. I’m... sorry.”
Remus just looked toward the floor, taking a quick glance at his brother, his mind full of thoughts. “Dad, I…”
“I… I don’t know what they told you, and I don’t know if you’d believe me, but I promise you they’re nothing but a family of lying rats.”
“But… but Roman-”
“He doesn’t care about you, and it’s hard to say if he ever has.” Patton said. “Remus, there’s a reason the split occurred. You were being insane, lying and cheating, it wasn’t you. I had to save the real you from him.”
“Save me-?!”
Remus looked over at Roman and the two just looked at each other for a brief moment. “R-remus, I swear... I’d never-”
“Roman, what’s going on here?!” Virgil barked, his weapon Roman had created for him in his hands - a shimmering back bow and silver feathered arrows. Roman struggled to get up against the wall as Virgil entered, notching his arrow quickly and aiming at Patton. “What did you do-?!” He growled. “Where is he?!”
Patton slowly raised his arms. “Don’t shoot, though I’d think your kind wouldn’t hesitate to let a few fly against me, hm?”
“If you so much as hurt a hair on his head, I swear-”
“You’ll what? Kill me?” Patton slowly approached, the arrow pushed slightly against his forehead. “I wouldn’t be surprised, Anxiety. Or should I say Paranoia?”
“Stop avoiding the question and-!”
“V-virgil…” Roman managed weakly, falling to the floor as he took a step, making Virgil turn and rush toward him, taking off his dark sweatshirt and trying to help the bleeding from the electritcity, trying to find some way to help him. 
“S-shit-!” Virgil cursed under his breath. “Roman, hold on-”
Patton just looked over at them with anger. “They’ll never change, Remus. It’s in their blood - torturing the innocent with their thoughts and lies and fear. Twsiting reality for their own benefit. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, a part of me thought if I didn’t... I’d protect you.” Patton sighed, turning to Remus with a sad smile. “Let's just go home.” Patton walked past the two dark sides on the floor, and yet Remus stayed frozen. “Come on, Remus. Let’s go.”
Remus slowly approached Virgil and Roman as they slowly got up, Roman leaning on Virgil slightly for support, both just looking at Remus. “Remus, I-”
“Save it.” He growled. “So, this is really it, huh? I was dreaming of such a happy past to be found, for both of us.”
“But it seems I was nothing but an idiot to believe you, to believe that you were innocent.” His stared turned cold. “All this time, everything we’ve done, everything we’ve been through-”
“Remus, you can’t honestly believe-?!”
“You’re the reason we split, aren’t you?!” Remus snapped. “You’re the reason there’s light and dark sides-” Remus’s voice slowly began to rise with his growing anger, tears going down his face. “You’re the one who brainwashed me into thinking you actually cared!”
“Remus, please…” Roman begged, tears forming in his own eyes as he could feel his heart break into a million pieces at his brother’s words. It can’t be true, it just can’t, he couldn’t have-! Roman grabbed Remus’s wrist as he turned away, prompting Remus to push him to the ground. 
“Get away from me, Lust.” Remus practically spat, disgusted.
With that, they left, leaving Roman alone on the floor, crying. Remus actually left him. He believed Patton over him, he hated him, he abandoned him, he didn’t even... love him anymore. Virgil sat next to him, pulling him close and comforting his big brother as he cried, remembering his own day of abandonment and letting a few tears shed down his cheeks. “You don’t need him anymore, Roman. We don’t need any of those assholes, okay? They’re all the same - stuck up pricks.” Virgil spat with venom. “Fuck him.”
Soon enough, Thomas had grown into an adult, and Janus’s concealment of them was getting weaker by the day. Roman and Virgil were scared - they just wanted to do their jobs in peace, and not have to face the constant fear and harassment that loomed over them all their lives. Janus tried to comfort them, but even he was nervous.
One day, they couldn’t find Virgil. Janus and Roman tore through the entire Darkscape and Imagination looking for him, scared of what they might have done to him. Janus had ended his frantic search on the floor, bawling and shaking like a leaf as Roman tried his best to comfort him. “Don’t worry, Jan. Virgil will come back, okay? Virgil’s gonna be alright.”
Janus could do nothing but weep, sniffling. His mouth opened to say something and yet nothing ever came out. His heart felt hollow, and his mind was filled with worry for his family, his son.
Virgil eventually came back later that night, a little stand-offish at first than normal. When he saw Roman and Janus, however, he rushed to their side and apologized, hugging all of them tightly. Finally, Janus found the words as he hugged Virgil tightly, afraid if he let him go he’d lose him again. “Don’t ever leave me again, okay?!”
“O-okay…” Virgil said as he hugged him back, his eyes full of a few tears themselves. “I… I promise.”
They decided that they needed to be on guard, Thomas could summon any one of them now. Their new plan was to try to stand up against the light sides and Thomas, and to stand by each other through thick and thin. So it was - Virgil would get summoned when Thomas needed him and return, telling them all what occurred. 
It was around dinnertime on a crisp autumn night when Virgil didn’t return. Worried, they waited as long as they could, the night getting later and later, eventually eating without him, thinking maybe Thomas had a rough night. Virgil showed up not too long after Janus began doing the dishes, looking pensive. “Virgil, thank god you’re okay, we were worried-” Roman said, walking up to give him a hug. Virgil held up his hands to stop him. 
“No Roman, I… I need to think.” Virgil said, something in his voice Roman couldn’t place. 
“But… but you missed dinner, and-” Roman said, but his protests were in vain as Virgil awkwardly held his arm. 
“Yeah, I know. I’m… I’m not that hungry. I don’t mean to worry you both, sorry I’m late.”
“It’s fine, Vee.” Janus smiled. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
Virgil smiled back. “If...If you need me, I’ll be upstairs, okay?”
“O-okay.” Roman said, a small comforting smile on his face hiding his confusion. 
Roman was alone. 
He knew he was right about them, about the light sides, and yet… yet more and more his family believed them, and… and they left. Virgil changed and moved in with them in a heartbeat after they’d saved him - he wouldn’t even need to be saved if it wasn’t for them in the first place - Vee said they changed. They were more open, accepting, that they loved him. 
All Roman could see was fake lies. 
When he called it out, Virgil left with an angry rip of his old sweatshirt, leaving Roman wondering what he did, what they did to him. Janus followed suit soon after, claiming that Virgil was really right. Did everyone forget what they did?! Did everyone forgive them so damn quickly for YEARS of torment, of abandoment?! It wasn’t.. It wasn��t fair! 
Roman was alone. He was sad, upset, angry...crazy? But finally, after all this time, sane. 
He finally knew what they wanted - a villain. Someone to point at and laugh at and crtisize and hurt. Roman couldn’t help but laugh, oh how it all made so much sense! They wanted someone to blame for everything, and still they’re blaming him. Roman’s tears dried as his chuckle echoed throughout the Darkscape. 
Well, if they wanted a villain, they’d get one. 
Roman snatched up Janus and threw him in the cell, his back making a satisfying crack as it hit the iron bars at the other end, leaving the scaled side to fall into a heap on the floor, letting out a soft groan. Virgil rushed over to help him, shaking like a leaf. “Janus-”
Janus coughed as he sat up again, struggling to get the air that was knocked out of his lungs back. “Roman, let us go! This isn’t funny anymore, let us out right now!”
“The pathetic thing is that you still think it’s a joke, Deceit.” Roman laughed, walking over toward the mirror to put on his crown. His hair was tidy and a crisp black prince outfit stood in place of his normal clothes as he fiddled with the collar, admiring his reflection. “I’m afraid your presence here is, well, essential to my plan.”
“P-plan…?” Janus questioned. “Roman whatever you’re going through we can figure it out together, okay? We’re a family-”
“Don’t you DARE utter that word again, you lying snake-!” Roman snapped, looking toward him with a cold sharp stare. “You choose those...those bastards over your own family, you left me for them.” His fists clenched as he hit the bars hard, making Janus jump and Virgil to cling to his side closer. “You don’t GET to be my family anymore.”
“Roman…” Roman could hear the emotion forming in Janus’s voice as he turned away to look out the window for a second before grabbing his sword to sharpen. “Roman, why…?”
“Why?!” Roman pointed his sword at Janus accusingly. “You both abandoned me and left me alone for people who hurt us, who kicked us toi the curb when things got tough.” He steadied himself, slowly calming his demeanor. “But, I guess i really should thank you both. Without you two, I’d have never realized my true role in all of this.”
“Oh, haven’t you heard, Jan?” Roman smiled slyly. “It seems as if I’m cast as the villain right now, what a shame. Would’ve really rathered playing the hero, but I guess you take what you can get these days, hm?”
“Roman.” Someone growled. Roman heard a voice from behind him, and just from the tone he already knew who it was. He wasn’t scared. He was playing his part beautifully, as he was always meant to be. He turned just as Remus struck with his morning star, weapons clashing. Remus looked extremely angry, and Roman couldn’t help but smile. 
“Wondered when you’d show up.”
“Let them go, Roman.” Remus growled, looking ready to pounce. Roman just let out a soft chuckle, turning into a giggle, soon his crazed laughter filled the room, making Remus hesitate in shock and confusion. “R-ro…?”
“Oh, what a hero! Man, we should have been playing this way from the start, this is so much better!” Roman laughed. “Would’ve done without ripping out my heart and feeding it to me, though. Notes for next time, ey?”
“Yeah, maybe not draw it out too much. Really make my life hell near the beginning and save us all some trouble, yeah?” Roman smiled, clashing swords with his brother. 
“This isn’t some game, Roman!” Remus shouted. “Release them right now, or…”
“Or you’ll what? Finish me off? Would be a bit of a gruesome scene for the kiddies, no?” Roman asked casually. “A bit dark for the hero, isn’t it?”
“H-hero…? But.. but I-”
“Well, please Remus, there’s no need to insist here, if you really like that ending, who am I to stop the famous hero’s wishes?” Roman calmly smiled as he dropped to his knees, dropping his weapon and kneeling his head. “Uh, maybe make it a bit quick, if you will? It’s my first time with a beheading before.”
“Roman...I…” Remus looked down to his twin, head bowed, and then to his morning star. “Roman, stop it! This isn’t right-!”
“Right? Hm, where have I heard that one before?!” Roman yelled, snapping to his feet to grab Remus’s neck and slam it into a nearby wall. “Guess you were smarter than you knew back then, huh? The bad of what we used to be…” Roman gestured to himself with a snicker. “It’s all right here, baby.” With a bit of creative magic he’d chained Remus by the neck, laughing as he snatched Remus’s glistening silver and green crown as he slowly lowered it over his head, turning pitch black. “Finally, after all these years, I get to take something from you, brother.”
As he marched toward the balcony, his shadow crossing over the iron cage as the two former dark sides huddled together in comfort and protection. He walked out as the sun slowly began to rise over Remus’s… no, HIS kingdom. He smiled as he watched his subjects come out of their houses, as he sat on the railing, legs crossed.
“People of Creativia, there’s been a slight change in management as of late-” He began. “As of now, I, Roman, am your new ruler and crowned Prince, and I hereby demote the status of your former ruler Remus to outlaw.” He heard murmurs from below. “Now, with that out of the way, let a new era of fear and evil plague this once happy town.”
“Welcome, everyone, and meet your Dark Prince.”
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minniepetals · 4 years
Aah can i join drabble game too?? Ot7 pwease, where the reader is a very outgoing, extrovert person and she's literally always like she's high on sugar, bouncing around and the boys are the one that keep he grounded and calm her down bcs when she's excited she tends to hurt herself. (I wuv u uwuwww)
(sry, this came out as yoongi central but ot7 is definitely implied!)
“I have to tell you what happened at professor Shin’s lecture hall today, you will not believe it,” you immediately said as you slammed your bag down onto the table that stood outside, a foot stomped over against the seat where Yoongi sat, textbook, notebook, and a pen with him.
Yuna and Minyoung sat on the seat across from him where you asked them to meet you in order to return the books you borrowed from them.
“What happened with the old man this time?” Yuna asked, the two of them already expecting some story since you always had something to say about the professor, while Yoongi remained silent as he always was, continuing on with his studies.
“I’ve always thought he was some grumpy old professor with no life whatsoever but!” You snapped your fingers. “I walked in today and guess what I saw?! He, professor Shin, boring old man that makes me sleep until enternity, showed up dressed up as Papa Smuf!”
“What?!” The two of them had their mouths gaped open while your head tilted back as you laughed aloud.
“I recorded it! I swear!! And honestly I never thought I’d ever say this but he was actually so adorable he makes a pretty good Papa Smuf.”
“Okay ew, gag,” Minyoung made a comical disgusted expression. “One of your boyfriends is right here, Y/N.”
But of course Yoongi remained silent, saying nothing.
“I’m serious! But no one else appreciated the joke, like what the heck? He was actually trying to get outta the boring old professor phase and make something fun in his life for once! And no one cared to even give him a clap. So being the very supportive person I am, I stood up and applauded him for doing what he did but those idiots only told me to sit down and stop embarrassing myself. Can you believe that? Me? Embarrassing? I know I’m embarrassing, I embarrass my own self sometimes and yeah, I’m not the greatest person on Earth and they probably think I’m from another planet especially since I date these incredibly handsome fellas-”
“Y/N, calm down—”
“And yeah, I don’t deserve them, I know I don’t! But I have personality and I’m not boring and at least I applaud someone for trying something out of their comfort zones! And yes, professor Shin is boring but he’s human too and-”
“Y/N, calm down—“
“He tried his best, you know? Why criticize someone just because you’re so stuck up and boring and-”
That was all Yoongi needed to say to have you shut up and sitting down beside him.
“Sorry,” you giggled with a quieter voice, “got a little heated there, didn’t I?”
“You’re sticking up for what you believe in, it’s alright,” he said with a small smile and a pat on your head that made your heart flutter and you felt like exploading.
In front of you, Yuna and Minyoung sighed as they rolled their eyes.
“All Yoongi has to say is ‘Y/N’ and you go quiet.”
It was right, what they said, but you didn’t mind. After all, even though your personality could be quite loud and too bright for the world to appreciate, your boyfriends never judged you on that.
Okay maybe yeah on the first few meetings and through becoming friends but eventually they got so used to it it didn’t matter to them so much. In fact, it was now one of the many things they loved about you.
You once went so quiet for a whole week without being so loud and bouncy all the time and it broke them. You didn’t know it then because you thought, just like everyone else, that you were annoying and that if you kept it up, they’d get bored and annoyed with you, but when you weren’t yourself and fell into a silent hole and didn’t let yourself go, that was what had hurt them the most.
They loved it when you were yourself, bouncy and outgoing, so you didn’t care about others opinions anymore.
“Oh! I forgot to tell you!” You quickly gasped at Yoongi once the two of you separated with Yuna and Minyoung, walking towards the house they resided in off campus to retire for the day.
Yoongi hummed, indicating for you to go on while his eyes remain glued to his physics book, as studious as ever.
“Hawon from my Calculus class invited me to this party in honor of him getting accepted as an intern for this Robotics thing and it’s today in like,” you checked your watch and your eyes widened, “holy crap, two minutes, and if I’m late, he’s not going to let me ever cheat off his homework ever again so I have to—!”
Yet before you could go running off like a mad woman, Yoongi had put his palm right on top of your head, keeping you from trying to leave and it worked. Of course it did, it always did.
“Why go to a party when your own boyfriends want you to spend time with them?” He said, expression straight but you could tell he was upset you actually thought of leaving. Him and the others may not show much of their emotions (unlike you) but you’ve came to understand them. “It’s the weekend, Y/N, and I’m not letting you go off with other dudes.”
“But homework—”
“Your own boyfriends are smart, why have someone else help you?”
“Cause you’re always so busy and I’d rather annoy someone else than any of you.”
He sighed and placed his book away to stop walking and look your way. “First of all, I don’t care if I’m busy and neither do the guys, and second,” he took your hand with a soft hold, “no matter what you do, especially when asking for help, you are never going to annoy us.”
And then as if to seal his promise, he gave you a soft peck on your lips, something that made your face go flush red.
“Gosh,” you playfully rolled your eyes to brush off your shyness while you held onto his hand and began walking again, “are all smart guys always this sappy?”
Yoongi smirked. “You know you love it.”
“Maybe I do.”
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opalmaplehibiscus · 4 years
Rubies, Diamonds, and Self Reflection
HC of Kalim and Leona’s Senpai-Kouhai relationship + Kalim and Jamil in Kalim’s POV after Chapter 4
·       It would be a lie to say Kalim wasn’t crushed from what Jamil said
·       The last thing he wanted was to be hated by the person he treasures the most
·       It was understandable why Jamil resented him. He was the reason why Jamil wasn’t free anymore and made him feel burdened
·       If only he had known, if only he had known, Kalim would’ve done everything he could to free Jamil and the rest of his family
·       Yet he didn’t and it was because he wasn’t able to catch the hints
·       For once, he didn’t know what to do. He tried to extend his hand to Jamil, in hopes that it would help them move on and start a new relationship
·       It took everything in him to not flinch when Jamil slapped his hand away and said “No way”
·       No one ever found out about him crying during every night as he was successfully able to weep quietly to the point Jamil wasn’t able to find out
·       Betrayal, hurt, sadness, pain – he couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t know what to do to mend their relationship or even know how to feel at this point
·       But when Kalim remembered  a certain line, a certain wish Jamil had yelled at him, he started thinking. Then, staring at his head scarf that was hanging on a chair, Kalim started to take actions with his own hands
·       When Jamil comes to wake up Kalim out of habit, he finds Kalim’s bed well-made, pajamas folded in his drawer perfectly
·       Panic and worry were the only two things Jamil felt before he finds Kalim sitting in the lounge with the rest of the Scarabia dorm members
·       Kalim had his eyes closed while one of the freshmen was applying the finishing touches to his make-up as another was tying the headscarf
·       When he had initially gone up and asked the dorm members’ if they could help him, he remembered how they looked worried after seeing the sunken, dark circles beneath his eyes
·       He was thankful they were willing to look it over, accepting the excuse that he wasn’t able to sleep because of the heat
·       When Jamil calls out Kalim’s name, Kalim jumps a bit, causing the freshman to apologize and worriedly ask him if they had accidentally injured his eyes
·       Reassuring him the student that he was fine, Kalim opens the eye that was done and greets Jamil normally…or at least tried to
·       He didn’t understand why Jamil seemed to be worried about his whereabouts, giving Jamil a confused look
·       When Kalim replies “Wasn’t this what you wanted though?”, he got more confused when he sees a flash of shock and hurt cross Jamil’s face before he sees his former best-friend agree and stomp past the doors
·       The want to grab Jamil’s hand and ask for an explanation nearly won him over, but Kalim was able to hold it in
·       It would be a lie to say he felt lonely. He wasn’t used to walking the hallways alone or eating by himself
·       He missed the times he and Jamil would talk to each other, whether it was Jamil scolding him for forgetting his homework or eating messy
·       But in the same time, in the corner of his heart, he was hoping Jamil felt hurt as well. And the fact he felt that way made Kalim ever more guilty and led him to stay away from Jamil even more
·       It was for this reason that during the Fairy Gala operation, he said that he would support Leona
·       He was aware that Leona got the hint that it was an act of desperation – an excuse to hopefully make Jamil stay away from him
·       Kalim didn’t want to hurt anyone anymore. He didn’t want to see his most precious people feel burdened because of him
·       He was sick and tired bringing only pain to others
·       So when him, Leona, and Jamil ended up being paired together as the main “attraction”, Kalim breathed out a relieved sigh
·       He was hoping he would get paired with Ruggie or Yuu/MC, but as long as he wasn’t alone with Jamil, he was fine
·       But when Jamil kept on trying to help Kalim despite our sunshine boy pointedly asking for other’s help, frustration was building up inside of him
·       He thought Jamil wanted to stay away from him? Feel free and not be under the Al-Asim influence?
·       Was Jamil worried that his dad might hear that he wasn’t looking after Kalim? Well…Jamil didn’t need to do that since he already written a fabricated report for the headmaster to submit to his dad. Sounding exactly like how Jamil would’ve written the report to a T
·       Kalim doesn’t expect for Leona to actually help him out, acting as if Leona was frustrated with Kalim on how “slow” he was despite being the one to help fix his hair ornaments and the finishing touches of his looks
·       And this small interference made by Leona continued until their mission ended in success
·       He knew Leona was going to confront him about him and Jamil, but he wasn’t expecting it to happen on the very next day
·       Kalim’s hands were in fists as Leona was jeering at Kalim for “not noticing” what Jamil was doing to him as frustration bubbled along with the salt rubbing on his wound. Like bro, come on. He’s not even over it yet and you’re seriously going to do that? Really?
·       When Kalim questions Leona back on his reasoning to help him out, he huffed when he sees Leona’s eyes widen from the unexpected question
·       What he didn’t expect was for the 3rd-year lion to bark out laughter before commenting how it seemed like he had seen everything wrong
·       He didn’t enjoy being on the receiving end of Leona’s predatory look, but continued to hold his stance, giving a sneering look of his own
·       He could only sigh internally as the cat was out of the bag when Leona realizes that Kalim knew about everything this whole entire time and only had Jamil continued to do his “little dance” because of consideration of Jamil being his friend and safety of everyone else
·       But confusion covered his face as Leona started to criticize him of his judgement and told him what he would’ve done in Kalim’s stead
·       It doesn’t take long to realize Leona was giving him advice. For free. Without asking him back for anything
·       Seeing the suspicion on his face, he’s given a ruffle on his head before Leona tells Kalim that he wants to see what more Kalim could potentially do in the future though Kalim knew Leona was more interest in him and…Jamil’s confrontation
·       Kalim knew this was his only chance to ask for help, to help him getter stronger. Pivoting on his heals, Kalim grabs Leona, who had now walked past him, by the wrist before asking Leona to help him get stronger
·       Cause Kalim knew that if he doesn’t get stronger one way or another, he’ll continue dragging people down. And he knew that he wouldn’t be able to make himself stronger if he trains by himself
·       When Jamil trained him, Kalim was able to get criticism of what he needed to get stronger on but now that he was trying not to rely on Jamil, Kalim had no choice but to seek for help by someone who’s smarter and stronger than him
·       When he sees Leona about to reject him with his usual “Hah, hell no. That’s too much of a pain”, Kalim ends up making a deal with Leona that he would help his senpai avoid Ruggie’s nagging if he helps him just an hour per day
·       It took him literally everything to get Leona to agree on those terms, going as far as being dragged across the ground while clinging onto Leona’s arm
·       Leona: Let go of my f-king arm before I use my Unique Magic on you Kalim: *clings tighter* Never! You can’t make me! Leona: Hoh? And why? Kalim: *sparkles and holy light radiates from him* Pwease? uwu
·       On their first session….things were bad. Leona kept on napping ever 5 minutes as Kalim was doing some of the exercises Leona had him do
·       …Listen. He doesn’t like hurting people, okay? However, even he has a limit to how much crap he can deal with, his patience starting to wear thin because of his stress
·       So, when Kalim “accidentally” makes it rain over Leona, the feeling of satisfaction and smugness only lasted a second before he was running away from an angry lion while screaming sorry
·       When  3 days passed though, Kalim started to realize that not only has he become stronger – Leona seemed to start doting on him
·       At first, Kalim thought nothing of it when Leona chucked a water bottle at him, telling Kalim how he needed to stay hydrated if he was going to continue training under Leona
·       Yet, slowly, the training between Kalim and Leona starts to get longer and when Kalim points it out, Leona would end up just nonchalantly say how they seemed to have been carried away
·       The last evidence that Leona actually cares for him was when Kalim accidentally had fallen asleep during their break. He wouldn’t imagine coming to see the day that he would end up waking up in none other than Leona’s room with a freaking blanket covering him
·       Soon, Kalim finds himself hanging around Leona more with Leona showing annoyance as his tail would flick or ears would twitch whenever Kalim comes over to hang out. Kalim knows though that Leona didn’t mind being around him seeing how Leona never attempts to push him away
·       He should’ve seen it coming that not everyone was going to accept his new found friendship as one second, he’s next to Leona, the next Jamil was dragging him down the hallways
·       Others were fooled into thinking that the relationship between him and Jamil must’ve gotten better for something that had always happened in the past is occurring again now
·       Kalim, though, knows that that wasn’t the case. Jamil’s grip is too tight and the way Jamil was walking wasn’t out of annoyance but from anger and….jealousy?
·       He keeps on asking Jamil what was wrong and that his wrist hurt throughout the whole journey until the two enters an empty classroom
·       Jamil was already questioning Kalim, telling him did he know how dangerous it was for him to hang around Leona of all people, reminding him that he needed to be more conscious like Jamil had always mentioned before
·       In the past, when Kalim had trusted Jamil with his whole heart and thought they were friends, he would’ve accepted this
·       Now, Kalim is feeling more cornered and stressed. It seems as if no matter what he did, Jamil wasn’t ever going to forgive him or realize how much Kalim was trying to mend their relationship
·       When Jamil mentions how he wasn’t going to be there for Kalim and asks if Kalim still intended to burden him when he thought Kalim was willing to free him, Kalim was reminded of the words Jamil had said in chapter 4 and tries to hold the tears that were threatening to pour out while making fists with his hands
·       By the time Jamil finished, Kalim used all of his will power to muster his usual sheepish grin before he replies that he understands before, not helping himself, shooting a shot back at Jamil
·       When Kalim asks Jamil why he decided to drag him and lecture him like this when it’s only going to waste Jamil’s time, he sees Jamil’s face flash a sign of confusion before turning into frustration and anger, not at Kalim, but at himself
·       Jamil replies that he still holds the responsibility of having to keep Kalim safe somewhat for the sake of his own family before he shoves Kalim to the side and leaves
·       Numbly, Kalim leaves the classroom as well, feeling hollow and broken. He doesn’t think where his feet take him until he found himself in front of Ramshackle’s dorm
·       Surprise from where he was and panicking that he was going to be late with his training session with Leona, Kalim starts to turn around again only to meet with Yuu/MC and Grim
·       When Yuu/MC asks Kalim if he came again to offer fixing part of the dorm, Kalim could only sheepishly laugh and rub the back of his head cause to be fair, Kalim did came over a few times to help Yuu/MC fix their dorm after helping him out with Scarabia’s scandal
·       He isn’t sure what could’ve possibly hinted that he’s feeling down since he was sure his acting was still on point as he makes an excuse on spot that he was only passing by this
·       He doesn’t expect Yuu/MC to drag him into Ramshackle Dorm’s lounge with a complaining Grim following right behind them nor be seated and drinking tea, like a normal person. By that, as in, not excessively pouring sugar cubes like the time when he wanted to pull on Jade’s leg
·       The two start off having a small talk with each other, Kalim sounding like his normal bright self and Yuu/MC ever being considerate before they asked Kalim what was making him stressed out
·       Kalim blinks owlishly, not expecting for that question to be asked out of the blue before trying to assure them that he wasn’t
·       No matter what he did, Yuu/MC didn’t buy any of his excuses, pointing out every little sign that Kalim isn’t okay
·       He tries telling them to drop it as gently as possibly, purposely making the conversation go in circles
·       When Yuu/MC reveals that Kalim wasn’t the type to get lost aimlessly - that made Kalim become alert
·       He asks them what they meant before they state how they knew Kalim was smarter than he leads others to believe, evening calling him out for lying about the fact he couldn’t memorize things when they brought up the time when Kalim held a banquet for the headmaster
·       Kalim felt offended for being called out and having his hidden side be revealed before he narrows his eyes and asks what did they know about him
·       Starting from there, everything pent up poured out as Kalim raised his voice and continue asking what in the world Yuu/MC knew about him
·       Did they know how much he suffered from not being able to eat whatever and wherever he wanted? To not be able to trust anyone or anything? To have to believe that whatever was around him could possibly kill him because of his fate and position?
·       Did they know how much he work he did to become powerful and smart enough just so he could stop becoming a weight that sinks people down and instead, do the reverse and help them? To have to pull an act of seeming carefree so he wouldn’t worry anyone from his own emotional burden?
·       How much pain he had to swallow in and do his best to act normal after Jamil’s betrayal and confession? How broken hearted he was to have been seen that way by the person he had trusted his whole life while feeling guilty to be the one to make said person feel like that?
·       Kalim doesn’t realize he was being hugged or, in fact, crying as he let everything go
·       When he calms down, he quickly apologizes to Yuu/MC while Grim comes over and places a box of tissue on the coffee table
·       Yuu/MC assures him that it was fine and asks if he now felt better, especially when he was able to stop holding everything in
·       He could only nod as he hides his blush of embarrassment behind the tissue he blew his nose into
·       Sometimes Kalim wonders if Yuu/MC intentionally tries to frustrates people when Yuu/MC points out how it was because of his weakness – that he cares too much about the people he holds close to and his naivety- that led to Jamil to treat him as a pushover
·       Yet he realizes that Yuu/MC was trying to comfort him as they tell him that it was okay for him to be selfish and exert some authority, that it was okay to show he was actually smart beneath his mask as they point out that had Kalim had shown that side of him, he would’ve been able to get Jamil to at least not pull off the stunt seen in Chapter 4 or at least realize by now that Jamil was in the wrong, not him
·       Kalim wants to defend Jamil but Yuu/MC didn’t give him the opportunity to as they started to talk about how Jamil had every opportunity to become free without using the whole “use my Unique Magic to the point I overblot” method and finally convinced Kalim that the relationship between him and Jamil wasn’t completely his fault
·       Kalim, realizing all of this, felt satisfied and peacefully come in terms with everything as his heart didn’t weigh so heavy anymore. For the first time in a while, Kalim smiles from the bottom of his heart and thanks Yuu/MC before quickly rushing out and head to Leona as he saw on his phone that he was about to be late
·       When he meets Leona, Leona doesn’t ask why his eyes seemed swollen up or slightly red as he has Kalim start on his warm ups like usual
·       It was during break Leona gruffly asks him if he was alright
·       Seeing how Kalim was giving him a questioning look, Leona huffs before he tells Kalim that he heard about “him and Jamil were starting to become friends again” and huffs about how the herbivores in their school aren’t able to notice the tension between the two when the whole hallway thing happened
·       Kalim starts grinning, feeling warm and happy that Leona was showing that he cares about Kalim’s wellbeing, before he laughs and tells Leona he’s okay
·       He could see Leona holding back his worries and frustration seeing how Leona’s eyebrow was twitching and raising his hand-raising his hand? No, that wasn’t supposed to happen. Leona please put your hand down, I’m sorry, I said I was-!
·       Starting from that day, Kalim went back to his normal self. Yet instead of focusing on Jamil, for once, Kalim starts to care for himself as he now hung out with Yuu/MC more, visiting their dorm and hang out with them every so often and continuing his training under Leona
·       It was at this point Kalim also became buddies with the Octavinelle trio and having Vil become his “sensei” again, but this time on clothes and make-up
·       So, when Yuu/MC suddenly tells him that there was going to be a party held in one of the second year’s classroom, Kalim knew it was lie but still goes there anyways
·       He knew Yuu/MC wasn’t the type to lie without a reason
·       He never would’ve expected to get locked in a classroom with Jamil, of all people
·       The only way to describe the atmosphere between the two of them is awkward
·       Sweat rolls down the side of his face as he tries to lighten the pressure between the two of them, starting up small talk and asking the basic pleasantries
·       Kalim gets surprised when Jamil, out of nowhere, asks him if he was having fun with his new friends
·       Thinking that it was an opportunity, Kalim answers with a yes and went on and on about the things that happened with the people he now hangs out with
·       When Kalim started to talk about how he seemed to become closer to Yuu/MC and Leona and unconsciously show his endearment for the two, he stops abruptly after hearing Jamil snort
·       He calls out Jamil’s name only to have Jamil suddenly sneer at him for still being “naïve and not learned anything”
·       Anger, hurt, and disappointment fills Kalim as Jamil continues to insult him, going on about how he felt bad that his new friends were stuck taking care of a person who didn’t even know how to cook for himself except with magic
·       To say he felt satisfied when he surprises Jamil was an understatement. Yeah, Kalim felt mean when he shot back at Jamil mentioning how Jamil would’ve been freed if only he told Kalim
·       Making a sneering expression of his own, Kalim points out how, because he’s probably one of the few to know him to the point of reading his mind, Jamil has been trying to get Kalim to accept his offer for help
·       Kalim scoffs how Jamil only ended up making enemies despite being able to increase his social status in the school and that he can’t help but think that all of his troubles could’ve been prevented easily
·       The two continues to insult each other until they  yelling at each other, holding the other one’s collar until they start to emotionally confess everything they had felt during the time they stayed away
·       The hands that were holding the other one’s collar slowly and gradually wrap around each other’s shoulders as both Kalim and Jamil sinks onto their knees and hug
·       They continue to sob in each other’s embrace, for comfort and forgiveness until they calmed down and let  go
·       Kalim ends up being the one to break the atmosphere as he couldn’t help but find Jamil’s crying face hilarious. It’s his first-time seeing Jamil look like that and to be honest, it made Jamil look like a kid that cried from a tantrum
·       When Jamil shouts at him to shut up, Kalim continues to tease Jamil before he got up and extends his hand to Jamil
·       When Jamil looks at the hand then to his eyes, Kalim gives Jamil his famous cheerful grin
·       He still counts it his victory when Jamil sighs and took Kalim’s hand
·       Feeling as if things were alright, the two started to discuss how to open the locked classroom without damaging it before they hear the classroom’s door bang open
·       The two were surprised when they see Leona growling how long they intended to stay in the classroom before they realized that the door wasn’t locked from the start and the whole thing was set up
·       Kalim starts complaining to Yuu/MC who comes in behind Leona while turning a blind eye to Leona and how he was threatening Jamil to not think about hurting him anymore
·       The two were found walking back to Scarabia Dorm with each other, fooling around just like back then as everyone headed back home
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radioromantic-moved · 3 years
💫 !! tell me abt stellar firma !! i remember listening to like 20 episodes of it when i was zonked out from wisdom teeth removal and all i remember was that one survival reality tv show island with the dirty humour latched to it asdfjkl;s
you know what i can think of no better way to listen to it honestly. i already talked about it a bit (a lot.) here but i've always got more to say about my dumbest special interest let's go
-i didn't really mention the supporting characters before but i should have because they're also very good.‏‏‎ ‎hartro is the main boys' line manager as you probably know. she starts off scary girlboss with a weird foot thing which is a trope very much up my alley (minus the foot thing) but she eventually devolves into just a giant dork who likes space d&d and drawing things on whiteboards. she's kind of adorable, honestly. she and my sf s/i are somewhat-amicable exes.
-imogen is the station ai and my favorite brand of character, aka a morally questionable female ai who hides behind a cheery front to hide how much she hates her life. she cares (tentatively) about exactly one person, and that's david. who deserves it, because he deserves the world.
-there's also enola, who appears in like 3 episodes and is a metaphor for liberal politics that everyone fell hopelessly in love with. i mean i love them too. they live in the vents and write a lot of pamphlets about the state of things.
-bathin‏‏‎ ‎of‏‏‎ ‎galactonium‏‏‎ ‎is david's true love. they wrote a song about him. he appears in one episode for a single minute so most people make up characterization from him mostly from scratch. we know he is a surfer dude and a himbo, which are his two most important traits.
-one last very important thing!! there's an album of songs by the main cast!! it's VERY good and VERY fun and has a lot of little hints to future events if you listen carefully and overanalyze everything like i do. it was released during season 3 but based on the stuff they sing about most of the songs feel like they'd be sung in early season 2. that's just my weird theory though. i still put more thought into this show than like. anyone but 3 other fans maybe.
-if you ever feel like listening through the rest of the show you SHOULD because i love it so dearly and i love to talk about it with people. it's very dumb like 90% of the time but that's just one of the reasons i like it so much. just don't make fun of me too bad for my taste in characters pwease i clown on myself enough
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agnesandhilda · 4 years
thinking about that boy at my elementary school who had a white people last name that only got mispronounced a few times but he got SO mad whenever you did it that people started mispronouncing it on purpose because they thought the angry rants he'd go on about it were hilarious. once in third(?) grade I was at the same lunch table as him and even though Nobody Asked he told us all that he made himself a ""second pee hole"" by puncturing his urethra with the pointy bit of a paperclip. I didn't hear of him again until high school. we never talked and he seemed pretty normal BUT during final exams last year I left my spanish class to go to the bathroom and got stuck with these two girls sharing a stall(!) talking so loudly everybody and their MOTHER could hear them about how girl A was taking a pregnancy test because her shithead jock boyfriend who pwetty pwease asked to have sex with her with no condom might have knocked her up and girl B was there for moral support. girl B told her to be quiet because this wasn't the kind of thing you want to spread and girl A said that she didn't care because her stupid irresponsible boyfriend could've gotten her pregnant and she didn't have the means to get an abortion so if her reputation was gonna be ruined as a teenage mother she didn't give a damn if he was known as the teenage father and said his name VERY LOUDLY (he has a unique name too! I doubt it was someone else) while I was dead fucking silent two stalls over just absorbing all this because I didn't leave when they arrived and if I made my presence known now it would be Awkward™ like
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I haven't heard anything about him since I wonder how he's doing
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Time Travel
Sander Sides au time! BTW, I think imma make Roman French? Cause like, I want to.
A forbidden couple from the past, a couple from the future, and a whole lotta magic. What could possibly go wrong?!
"Your Highness-"
"Virgil, darling, just Roman, ok?"
"Uh, y-yes of course! My apologies."
The young prince chuckled to himself as he watched his boyfriend turn into a flustered mess. He took a look at his surroundings. Ah, the beautiful palace garden. Flowers grew from the neatly trimmed grass, grazing the bushes, as blossoms falling from the trees. Yes, it was quite a sight...
'Not as beautiful as Virgil...'
The brunette turned to look to the side at his boyfriend, "Oui?"
"Um... We should probably get going... Be-before your father gets upset."
Roman sighed, standing up and dusting himself off. "If you insist Mon Amour. Though promise me, we shall see each other again!" He said, rather dramatically.
"Of course Princey."
Virgil smiled, heading off to the servants quarters.
"Au Revoir, Mon Amour! Je t'aime!"
"Je t'aime!"
The prince giggled happily, skipping through the garden and into the lovely palace.
Though, little did they notice the figure that lurked in the forest, displeasure clear on his face.
Virgil smiled up at the stars, eyes twinkling. He seemed to be glowing in the moonlight. If Roman had anything to say to the sight in front of him, he would've called it... Magnificent, beautiful, stunning... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious even. Was that even a word? Whatever, it didn't matter, Virgil was worth bending laws of nature.
"Bonjour, amour."
The small servant boy jumped, startled by the sudden greeting of his lover. "Oh, Your high-" Roman gave him a pointed look, "Roman, I didn't see you there..."
"Honestly Virgil, we have been together for a while now, feel free to do anything normal around me! Just because I am the Prince, doesn't make me any less yours."
Virgil blushed, hiding his face in his hands. "I know, it's just, I do not wish for us to make the mistake of showing our love and have someone catch us. That wouldn't possibly be good."
"I suppose... Though Mon Amour, you have nothing to worry about, no one could possibly be watching now? Non?"
Oh, but how wrong the Prince was, a silent rustle of bushes and a shadow coming from the tree could easily tell that. If only they looked a little closer, they would have noticed the man sneaking up on them, ready to strike.
"Well... Isn't this lovely?"
Roman gasped, protectively pushing Virgil behind him, sword in hand. "Who are you?!" He demanded. The stranger tsked, stepping closer. The prince walked back a few steps. "Stay back!" Steady whimpers could be heard from behind him. "Virgil, amour, tout va bien se passer." He whispered to his lover.
The stranger walked closer, narrowly dodging a swing from Roman's sword, pushing him to the side. He gently lifted Virgil's chin. The servant boy could feel his fight it flight instincts kicking in as he punched the man in the gut, running back to Roman and making sure he was ok.
"Now, now Virgil... Is that really any way to treat an old friend?"
"I- I don't even know you..." He replied shakily, his grip on Roman getting tighter.
"Leave. Now." Roman demanded, clutching Virgil to his chest.
"Well then... I suppose you leave me with no choice..." The man looked up, his left eye glowing a bright yellow. "Hamc caritatum diffundere meum et in illa mittebam Soulmates!"
A bright yellow surrounded the couple. It seemed as if the world was moving forward, going faster and faster.
Then it stopped.
"Come on Lolo!"
The teen exclaimed, grabbing his boyfriends hand and running towards the small cafe.
"Patton, I really do believe that all this running is unnecessary."
"Hehe, ok, I'll slow down." The shorter man giggled.
They walked in comfortable silence, the cafe soon coming into view. The silence was broken by a cry of, "Please, monsieur, can you tell us where we are?" Patton watched as a man dressed like a prince was pushed passed.
Oh no! That poor man was going to get help! He didn't care if anyone else wasn't going to help him, cause he sure was! Smiling wide, he made his way over to the strange prince guy. Coming closer, he could see a smaller male cowering behind the prince. Could... Could this small guy be... Be even smaller than himself?!
"Excuse me, do you need help?"
The prince gasped, turning towards Patton, holding the other man close.
"Oui, nous sembloms être perdus. Si ce n'est pas un problème, pensez-vous que vous pourriez nois aider?" The man spoke in rapid French, and Patton could only blink as he tried to figure out what he was saying.
"Quel semble ètre le problème?" Logan soon joined the group, answering the man's question. Patton smiled, wondering how his boyfriend could be so amazing.
"Why it's quit the tale!" The prince exclaimed dramatically, his French accent thick.
"Roman..." The smaller male said from behind him, holding 'Roman' closer.
Roman turned towards him, bending his head slightly to whisper, "Ne t'inquiète pas mon amour, tout ira bien."
"Uh... Well, why don't you tell us what happened?"
"Right. We were at the palace garden, when suddenly the magician came and cast a spell upon us, and now we're here! And people are dressing all funny, using these- these crazy objects! C'est tellement ètrange..."
Logan looked baffled. Spell, magician? They had to be joking. They were most likely cosplayers. That would explain the outfits... "Excuse us. Uh, Patton, may I speak to you for a bit?"
The two went around the corner, stopping when they believed the other two wouldn't be able to hear them. "So, Lolo, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Patton giggled, bouncing on the heels of his feet.
"Depends... What exactly are you thinking?"
"They're from the past!"
"No, Patton, that's ridiculous. Time travel does not exist."
"Well, technically anything's possible."
"Come on Logan! Please believe me! Can we at least try to help them? Pwetty pwease wif a chewwy on top?"
That was when the smarter male caved in. "God, you're lucky I love you..." Patton squealed, only stopping when Logan started speaking again. "But, this does not mean I believe your time travel theory."
Patton smiled, grabbing his boyfriends hand. "Ok, Lo..."
I don't think this is a taglist... Just people I wanna tag... I can like, make one though... The only on who asked to be tagged was Puffs... I tagged my other friends so they could give me MORE love and support:
@jellopuffs @lunashadow-bun @lilspeedy2 @child-to-the-moon
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impala-dreamer · 6 years
Sam & Dean turn into toddlers & reader have to take care of them while some other hunter take care of case!? Fluffy!
~ A Tiny Curse ~ 
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“Pie! Pie! Pie!” Big green eyes were begging you; the dusty haired toddler jumping around your feet, pulling at the hem of your shirt. “Pie!”
Looking over at Castiel, your jaw dropped in panic. “What do we do?”
“Want. Pie!”
Castiel shrugged and came towards you, stepping over the other tiny child who had tripped over his own feet and hit the floor. “We give him pie, I think.”
The toddler on the floor sat up and started to cry, staring down at his feet. “No!”
Your heart broke for the hazel eyed child and you knelt down beside him. “What’s wrong?”
Between crocodile tears, a small voice choked out, “I wost ma shoe!”
Sure enough, toddler Sam had tripped out of his own shoe, leaving the tiny sneaker across the room. You laughed and retrieved it, picking up his little foot to replace the shoe. “It’s OK, Sam. You’re gonna be ok.”
Dean was at it again, this time tugging hard at Castiel’s trenchcoat. The Angel looked to you with frustration.
“I’m going to go kill the witch,” he said in a deep voice. “This is ridiculous.”
You shot up quickly, leaving Sam alone at your feet. “What! You can’t leave me here with them! I don’t- they’re- babies. I don’t know what to do with babies.”
Dean took a deep breath, his chubby cheeks puffing up fully. He clenched his fists and tipped his head back, screaming to the ceiling. “Give. Me. Pie!”
Castiel rolled his eyes and headed for the door. “Give him pie, I’ll be back.”
He was gone before you could reach the door, little Dean blocking your path. He crossed his arms in annoyance and pouted up at you. “Pwease gimmie pie. I hungry.”
There was a diner down the street, and it was quite a struggle to wrangle the two toddlers, but eventually you made it. They sat across from you, Dean devouring a slice of berry pie, and Sam tucking into a plate of chicken fingers. They ate until their little bellies were full, mouths covered in crumbs, fingers filthy and sticky. It was a mess, but an adorable mess.
When the pie was gone, little Dean sat back in the seat and let out a burp that was fit for a grown man, and laughed. “Sorry, Y/N/N.”
Sam gave him a disgusted look, and little hazel eyes rolled in annoyance. “You so gwoss, Dee.”
“Shuh up, Sammy.” Dean giggled and burped again, sending Sam to the other end of the booth to get away from the smell.
By seven o’clock, Castiel still wasn’t back, and the toddlers were growing tired. They refused to settle down except with you in the bed with them, and you all fell asleep snuggled down in the big bed, watching The Disney Channel. The were curled into your sides, tiny little hands on your stomach, cuddling close until their eyes began to flutter shut.
Dean passed out first, a little snore floating up from your right side.
Sam let out a deep sigh and reached for your hand, wrapping his little fingers around your thumb and squeezing.
“Tank you, Y/N,” he whispered, half asleep.
Carefully leaning down, you kissed the top of his head and smiled. “Night, Sam.”
Castiel returned an hour later to find you tucked between Sam and Dean, back to normal, three hunters, asleep on a bed that, like the boys, was no longer tiny. He drapped a blanket across your legs, but it didn’t much matter, you were already warm and safe, out cold between your Winchesters.
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Snow Day Drabbles Masterlist ~ My Masterlist ~ Support My Blog
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